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DShare your undnstanding on ohat media

in theCwrent Souety
Comment on hoo nicia ingenes ttue
Cxper:ritnu of peopu in the Contemprary
Soucty SK" LOK ESH F

mg prpective, mucia
n my s a plat tom
Lohetten instagram, toitter, ny
ohatsapp or wen nus or
through ohch intormation u Conveyed
it u
and that inoymain ohether
true oY dase is Consumed by ttu
tals,it plattorm to Commwni ate
Views t u a
intormatien glòbally
Accov dinq to te dowmuntay , the
Social Cilemma ingluunes th
experi ene , untal hea lth anol t e
way peope tunk
Jhe So cial mdia plattorms are deigno
to be adictiu and manipultati'ue and
they manipula into Spencing
more time on tu platyors
Jhe alqori thms wnd by Soual mdia
tsoms prior,ritie engag ment and
ayousth over
growth wl bung an d truth
Soual media any mudia ighy
inwolUes ttu Spuad oy muuingormation
and oisinformation and ingeuLne tte
popu tunie and it nhlen tes
thu eision maring ailig thirs.
Jh cloument auy also highights
impat Oh Soial media On nuntad
hialtth cspually anong young peopla
and i has beone
t (re olinoc?a Cy and
clrc tien by guineng ta
olisi en C voting aong peopa
The cbe ctiue c4 meoli a s npt to
tuth to t e publ'e but to
Cr eate more P°k and to Ceat
podels. Jhe Soial midia Contas
minds cz peope and tluemdcu
tncm teel inseuwe abo

Jhe Soial cia platborms

Psychologi cal maniputa ti on to IKeep
ergagc, incloding innit
Scrolling, notif cation and by Ory
Conveyi ng psonatsed tormas9n
teu etes view are
in o ich
intereted in

Jhu i p a t o Soi cl mda

menta healtb, inlwding increasd
aniey p r i n and Conelins
ng Sou al
media nieo to
take Contio ttir own l a t a and
to Shau thir Iso mation
wsing t

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