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PA State Lic.

# 315 Rebuilding with Confidence October 2009

With Winter Season Concrete Defects: Causes, Prevention, and Repair
Comes change…. Or Does

As I am
this in bility, maximizing the coarse aggregate, avoid-
mid Octo-
Concrete is used in just about every type of
construction and when installed properly, it ing calcium chloride admixtures and prevent-
ber the
can provide a solid foundation to build on, or ing a rapid loss of surface moisture will all
leaves are changing, temperatures are pre-
dicted to be climbing toward the 70’s and the a finished product designed for an aesthetic help prevent shrinkage cracks. The use of
Steelers just pounded Cleveland into submis- appearance. We know how to determine the handmade joints will help control cracks that
sion once again. As much as things change, properties required for its intended purpose, develop from shrinkage or settlement and
it’s nice to know some things never do. That but careful attention is required to ensure the applied loads should be avoided from finished
is why I am wondering how many of us are finished product actually has those desired concrete until it has had enough time to gain
gearing up for another stout Western Pennsyl- most of its strength.
properties. When flaws appear in concrete
vania winter season - 70 mile per hour winds
slabs due to errors in the process of its place- CRAZING Crazing is a “chicken wire” pat-
(torn siding and downed trees) Temperatures
in the single digits (broken water lines) heavy ment, it will likely show up as one of the fol- tern of fine cracks on the concrete surface, but
snow storms (collapsed roofs and awnings) ice lowing: blisters, cracking, crazing, curling, not considered to be structurally serious or an
storms (Ahhh yes, the dreaded Ice Dam) and delamination, dusting, efflorescence, pop outs, indication of future deterioration. Causes of
of course roasting chestnuts on an open fire scaling, or spalling. These imperfections can crazing are related to rapid changes in tem-
(smoke damage from closed dampers) it will be minimized or prevented by using proper perature and loss of moisture during the cur-
be another busy season for claims personnel concrete placement practices. ing process. Prevention of crazing includes
to shovel through their paper work. Yes here protecting the surface from any rapid changes
we go Pittsburgh and I don’t mean the BLISTERS are bumps of varying sizes that
appear on the surface when entrapped air in temperature and moisture if possible.
Steelers. It’s almost time to run out and get
stocked up on toilet paper. As is that great rises through the plastic concrete and gets CURLING is the rising of a slab’s corners or
Pittsburgh tradition. trapped under an already sealed surface. edges when there are differences in moisture
Three principal causes are attributed to blis- content or temperature between the top and
tering and include an excess amount of en- bottom of the slab. It is usually caused when
G.S Jones is busy thinking ahead to try to trapped air in the mix, insufficient or overuse the top dries out or cools and begins to shrink
alleviate some of the burden for you:
of vibration and finishing still spongy con- before a wetter and warmer bottom. Preven-
crete. Avoiding blisters can be done by using tion of curling is achieved using low-shrink
the correct ratios of cement, fines and air in mixes, proper control joints, large amounts of
the mixes, not overworking the concrete dur- reinforcement steel or thickened edges.
ing placement, using proper finishing tech-
DELAMINATION is similar to blistering
niques and reducing evaporation over the slab
where areas of surface mortar crack and sepa-
with the use of a cover or a fog spray.
rate from the underlying concrete. The cause
CRACKING can be blamed on one or a com- of delamination is also similar to blistering in
bination of reasons such as shrinkage, settle- that bleed air and bleed water become
ment and applied loads. Most cracking can be trapped under a prematurely sealed surface.
reduced when preventative steps are taken Prevention includes using proper finishing
prior to placement. Proper sub grade prepa- techniques to get as much of the bleed water
ration and sub base materials are essential to and air out before the surface becomes too
a well supported slab and prevention of settle- dense and seals them under the surface.
ment cracks. Proper concrete mixes using the
DUSTING is the formation of a fine, powdery
lowest amount of water required for worka-
material easily rubbed off the concrete sur-
placed concrete slab.
Concrete Con’t. REPAIRS There are many proprietary
Winter Con’t. face. The cause of dusting is related to
products available for repairing these
types of defects. Generally, they are port-
working excess water on the surface dur-
We have recently added desiccant de- land-cement based, non shrink and often
ing the finishing stage allowing the finest
humidification to our on site arsenal self-leveling. Primarily they are used to
particles to rise to the top and subsequent
including a truck mount unit. As every- repair the slab surface up to 1/3 of the
one knows desiccants are the dehumidi- wear results in dust forming on the sur-
slab’s thickness as long as the underlying
fication work horse choice for low tem- face. In this case, similar to blistering and
slab is sound. Other methods include com-
perature and low humidity. As always delamination, proper finishing and protec-
binations of surface grinding, filling voids
we have access to hundreds of units of tion of the surface are required to prevent
with cement grout and the use of addi-
drying equipment within 24 hours. dusting.
tional control joints. All these methods
We have increased the readiness of our EFFLORESCENCE is a salt deposit that produce varied results often depending on
work force for those long nights that lay occasionally develops on concrete surfaces. the extent and cause of the defect.
ahead sucking up water from the burst It is caused by a combination of factors
pipes or removing downed trees off of This is just a brief overview of the prob-
involving soluble salts in the material that
structures and boarding up holes in the lems associated with installing concrete
dissolves in the water added to the mix,
roof. slabs and one can see that most of the
then migrates to the surface through hy-
If Mr. Griswold accidentally forgets problems associated with concrete slab
drostatic pressure, and after evaporation,
about that fireplace damper our crews surfaces are related to one or a combina-
leaves a deposit behind. Prevention can be
will be ready to clean his house and have tion of the mixes used, the placement tech-
difficult but the use of properly graded
it ready for the holiday guests. niques applied and the curing process.
aggregates, adequate cement content and
Our Consultants and Estimators are Whether the concrete slab is for indoor or
low water-cement ratio combined with a
always available to help you shovel outdoor use it is important to pay special
thorough curing process is the best assur-
through the annoying paper work. attention through the entire placement
ance against efflorescence.
Whether you need a second opinion on process to ensure the finished product has
repair costs or just a telephone opinion POP OUTS, SCALING AND SPALLING- minimal or no defects at all.
to help you decide if you should use all Surface defects such as pop outs, scaling
white lights to decorate your house or and spalling have similar causes but vary
stick with the more traditional green in size and depth. Typically they are
and red lights for this Christmas sea- caused by the penetration of water under
the surface and the resultant pressure
As far as running out and keeping you exerted on the surrounding concrete from
stocked with toilet paper you’re on your expansion due to freezing or chemical re-
own actions damages the concrete surface.
Yes here we go Pittsburgh and I mean Prevention includes proper design of
both Steelers and winter. mixes for intended use, proper sloping to
shed water away from the slab and proper
finishing and curing techniques. Topical
and penetrating sealers will also help pre-
Maybe vent these defects from ruining a perfectly
GS Jones
can help

8347 Ohio River Boulevard * Pittsburgh, PA 15202

412-766-6886 * Fax 412-766-7878

Venus is the only planet

that rotates clockwise If we have inadvertently left someone from your office off of our Quarterly newslet-
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The largest pumpkin
weighed 377 pounds
The highest point in Penn- If you would like to review a past copy of one of our newsletters please visit our
sylvania is lower than the website at

lowest point in Colorado

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