MarketLytics-Data Intern 2023

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1. How did you source the dataset for your project?

"During my data analytics bootcamp, I sourced the dataset provided by the instructors of the course. The
dataset is an open source and tailored for the purpose of the bootcamp, ensuring it contained relevant
customer information necessary for conducting the analysis.

The dataset was made available to all participants of the bootcamp, and it was shared in the form of an
Excel file. The instructor ensured that the dataset was anonymized and complied with privacy regulations
to protect the confidentiality of the customers' personal information.

The instructors provided clear instructions and guidelines on how to access and utilize the dataset for
our individual projects. We were encouraged to explore various aspects of customer behavior, such as
demographics, purchasing patterns, and any other variables relevant to our analysis goals.

Throughout the project, I made sure to follow best practices in data handling, including data cleaning,
preprocessing, and feature engineering, to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the analysis results.

By using the provided dataset, I was able to focus on applying the knowledge and techniques I gained
during the bootcamp to extract meaningful insights and draw valuable conclusions about customer

Overall, the dataset for my customer analysis portfolio project was sourced directly from the organizers
of the data analytics bootcamp, ensuring its relevance and alignment with the course objectives."

2. How did you go about choosing the algorithm to solve the problem in your project?

When selecting an algorithm to solve the problem in my customer analytics project, I used my
background knowledge of google data analytics course and my apprenticeship experience. Here are
some steps that I have taken to choose the appropriate algorithm:

1. Problem Understanding: Begin by thoroughly understanding the problem I aim to solve. Clearly
define the project objectives, requirements, and the specific questions I want to answer through my
analysis. This understanding will help guide my algorithm selection process.

2. Data Exploration: Conduct exploratory data analysis to gain insights into the characteristics,
structure, and patterns present in the dataset. Identify the types of variables (categorical, numerical,
etc.) and the relationships among them. This exploration will help me understand the nature of the
problem and suggest suitable algorithms.

3.Tools and Techniques: The primary focus of my project was RFM analysis, which involved analyzing
customer behavior based on three key metrics: recency (the last purchase date), frequency (the number of
purchases made), and monetary value (the total amount spent). By segmenting customers into different RFM
groups, I gained insights into their engagement, loyalty, and potential value to the business.

Additionally, I created individual customer personas like his total spending, number of times purchased,
profitable or not, total number of items purchased, his favorite category and subcategory, average order
value, number of days passed since his last visit, average days between transactions, discounted items
purchased etc. This helped in understanding the diverse needs and motivations of different customer
segments and tailoring marketing strategies accordingly.

Furthermore, I conducted an aggregated analysis of store data, which involved analyzing broader trends and
patterns across the entire customer base. This analysis provided insights into overall customer preferences,
popular products, most category, and subcategory purchased, year and month wise number of orders,
preferred ship mode, revenue generated by customer segments, geographic analysis and other valuable
information that could guide strategic decision-making for the store.

Throughout the project, I utilized the R programming language to perform data cleaning, preprocessing, and
exploratory data analysis. I likely employed various R packages and techniques for data manipulation,
visualization, and statistical modeling to uncover meaningful insights.

In summary, my customer analytics project in R involved RFM analysis, individual customer persona creation,
and aggregated store data analysis. These analyses provided valuable insights into customer behavior,
segmentation, and overall trends, enabling data-driven decision-making and strategy formulation for the

What steps did you take to evaluate the effectiveness of your solution?

I presented my project findings to my instructors, bootcamp fellows, and an industry data analyst. The
presentation covered an overview of the project, methodologies used, and the dataset employed. I
showcased the results of RFM analysis, individual customer personas, and aggregated store data
analysis. Insights and recommendations were provided based on the findings. The presentation
concluded with a Q&A session and appreciation for the feedback received.

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