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SUBJECT: COMPUTER STD 4 _____ R. NO: ______
NAME: ______________________________________ DATE: __________

Q 1. Match the following.



a. 1. Skype

b. 2. Calendar

c. 3. Xbox

d. 4. Mail
Q 2. Tick the right answer.
1. ________________ protects the internal electronic components from damage.
a. RAM b. ALU c. System Unit
2. ________________ controls each part of computer.
a. Motherboard b. CPU c. CD-ROM
3. Speed of a CPU is measured in ________________.
a. MHz b. GHz c. Both a & b
4. ________________ is a volatile memory.
a. Hard disk b. RAM c. ROM
5. Fan fitted inside the ________________ keeps the power supply cool.
a. CD-ROM b. SMPS c. Ports
6. ________________ drives are used for holding data and instructions for future use.
a. ROM b. CPU c. Disk
7. The operating system developed by Microsoft Corporation is ______________.
a. Windows b. Ubuntu c. Mac OS
8. The final screen of windows is known as ______________.
a. taskbar b. pointer c. desktop
9. Windows 10 resizes the tiles in ______________ sizes.
a. four b. five c. six
10. ______________ option can add an app permanently on the start menu.
a. Pin to Start b. Pin to Taskbar c. Pin to desktop
5. ______________ screen prevents others from accessing your computer.
a. Desktop b. Lock c. Dark
Q 3. True or false
1. Motherboard is also known as system board. _____
2. Memory of the computer is measured in MHz. _____
3. RAM stores the data permanently. _____
4. Hard disk drive reads information stored on CDs/DVDs. _____
5. An adapter card is fitted in socket on the motherboard. _____
6. Booting is the process of starting and restarting a computer. _____
7. Tiles are organized into groups with titles at the top. _____
8. We can pin the app to the start menu, which we use frequently. _____
9. We cannot switch between the running apps. _____
10. We cannot change the background of the desktop. _____
11. We can adjust the volume of audio in the computer. _____
Q 4. Fill in the blanks.
1. A _______________ is a large circuit-board inside the system.
2. CPU is also called _______________or _______________.
3. _______________ is also called the primary memory.
4. An _______________ enhances the functionality of components of the computer.
5. _______________ port is used to connect the Internet and Network cable.
6. Windows _______________ screen appears after entering the password.
7. We can customize the _______________ menu according to the way we want.
8. _______________ or the Task view is used to switch between the running apps.
9. We can lock our computer to ensure its _______________.
10. _______________ option displays multiple copies of the same image in tiles format.
Q 5. Application based question.
1. At home, your younger sister asks you as to where the computer stores information and
other stuff. What should be your reply?
Ans. __________________________________________________________
2. While making a project in Word, Rahul needs to open an app frequently. He always uses
some steps to open the app, which is time consuming. Tell him the easy way to open the app.
Ans. __________________________________________________________
Q 6. Answer the following
1. What do you mean by system unit?
2. Write any two uses of motherboard in a computer.
3. What is the significance of ‘speed of CPU’?
4. What are the uses of ports? Write down the names of some ports.
5. What are the features of Windows 10?
6. How do we open an app that is not displayed as a tile?
7. Name the ways to switch between different running apps.
8. Name the different ways to set positioning of wallpaper on desktop.
9. What is the advantage of using or changing a theme?

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