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Journal of

Risk and Financial


Unveiling the Influence of Artificial Intelligence and Machine
Learning on Financial Markets: A Comprehensive Analysis of
AI Applications in Trading, Risk Management, and
Financial Operations
Mohammad El Hajj 1, * and Jamil Hammoud 2

1 Business School, Holy Spirit University of Kaslik, Jounieh P.O. Box 446, Lebanon
2 College of Business Administration, Rafik Hariri University, P.O. Box 10, Damour-Chouf 2010, Lebanon;
* Correspondence:

Abstract: This study explores the adoption and impact of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine
learning (ML) in financial markets, utilizing a mixed-methods approach that includes a quantitative
survey and a qualitative analysis of existing research papers, reports, and articles. The quantitative
results demonstrate the growing adoption of AI and ML technologies in financial institutions and
their most common applications, such as algorithmic trading, risk management, fraud detection,
credit scoring, and customer service. Additionally, the qualitative analysis identifies key themes,
including AI and ML adoption trends, challenges and barriers to adoption, the role of regulation,
workforce transformation, and ethical and social considerations. The study highlights the need for
financial professionals to adapt their skills and for organizations to address challenges, such as data
privacy concerns, regulatory compliance, and ethical considerations. The research contributes to the
knowledge on AI and ML in finance, helping policymakers, regulators, and professionals understand
Citation: El Hajj, Mohammad, and their benefits and challenges.
Jamil Hammoud. 2023. Unveiling the
Influence of Artificial Intelligence Keywords: artificial intelligence (AI); machine learning (ML); financial markets; AI adoption; ethical
and Machine Learning on Financial considerations; regulation
Markets: A Comprehensive Analysis
of AI Applications in Trading, Risk
Management, and Financial
Operations. Journal of Risk and 1. Introduction
Financial Management 16: 434.
The fields of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) have substantially
influenced financial markets due to advancements in computing and algorithms. These
Academic Editors: Krishna Reddy technologies are reshaping various sectors, particularly finance, by enhancing trading
and Sanjeev Acharya procedures and risk management (Chui et al. 2016; Hendershott and Riordan 2013).
Initial applications of AI and ML in finance date back to the 1980s, and their roles have
Received: 24 July 2023
evolved to include complex tasks like price forecasting and fraud detection (Boukherouaa
Revised: 12 September 2023
Accepted: 14 September 2023
et al. 2021). AI and ML have also begun to revolutionize the financial sector through the
Published: 5 October 2023
enhancement of decision-making processes, the automation of tasks, the and personaliza-
tion of services. A study by the World Economic Forum (2018) suggests that the financial
sector’s integration of these technologies could lead to an added value of a trillion dollars
by 2025.
Copyright: © 2023 by the authors. However, there is a limited body of research that has thoroughly explored how AI
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. and ML have enhanced the financial sector’s performance and stability. Thus, a further
This article is an open access article examination of these technologies’ influence on financial markets is required, alongside
distributed under the terms and an understanding of how they could be efficiently integrated within the existing financial
conditions of the Creative Commons
Attribution (CC BY) license (https://
This research aims to fill the knowledge gap by exploring the impact and contributions
of AI and ML on the financial sector’s performance and stability. The methodology will

J. Risk Financial Manag. 2023, 16, 434.

J. Risk Financial Manag. 2023, 16, 434 2 of 16

involve a two-step empirical approach, using different sources like case studies, surveys,
and data analysis. Additionally, a hypothesis will be formulated to guide our analysis.
To begin with, our research takes a comprehensive look at the existing body of knowl-
edge pertaining to AI and ML applications in finance. The focus is on principal use cases
such as trading, risk management, and various other financial services. Next, the study
highlights the core benefits and potential drawbacks of employing these technologies in
financial marketplaces, including increased efficiency, minimized human errors, and a
discussion around ethical and regulatory issues. Furthermore, we introduce a conceptual
model designed to scrutinize the influence of AI and ML on financial markets, considering
several aspects of industry performance and stability.
The structure of this research is as follows: The section “Artificial Intelligence and Ma-
chine Learning in Financial Markets” revisits previous studies, formulating our hypothesis.
The “Research Methodology” section describes the research methodology followed by the
results. The “Impact of AI and ML on Financial Markets—Results and Discussion” section
provides descriptive statistics and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) for the survey results
on the impact of AI and ML in the financial markets. Finally, conclusions, limitations and
recommendations for future research are presented.

1.1. High-Frequency Trading (HFT)

High-frequency trading (HFT) is an investment approach that leverages advanced
computers and intricate algorithms to initiate rapid and automated buy and sell orders.
It capitalizes on minute shifts in market prices, often occurring within milliseconds. As
per a 2016 report by the Bank for International Settlements, HFT currently makes up about
70 percent of the overall trade volume in US equity markets (Miller and Shorter 2016).
Despite these benefits, critics of HFT suggest that it may provide traders who use this
strategy an unfair advantage due to their trade’s accelerated pace. Furthermore, Chung
and Lee (2016) noted that HFT can lead to market fragmentation, diminished transparency,
and heightened price volatility.
The dynamic nature of HFT, where decisions are made in split seconds, requires
technologies that can process vast amounts of data rapidly, make predictions with extreme
accuracy, and adapt to market conditions in real time. AI and ML address these challenges
by providing the capability to predict market movements based on historical and real-time
data. With the help of AI and ML, traders can anticipate price changes, spot anomalies,
and execute trades before traditional systems even detect an opportunity. This proactive
approach reduces the latency that may cost traders significant profits in the fast-paced
environment of HFT.
Research in the field has looked into AI’s impact on high-frequency trading (HFT).
Arifovic et al. (2022) explored the potential of machine learning to boost HFT performance.
They crafted a machine learning algorithm that leveraged deep learning techniques to
analyze historical market data, taking into account factors like trading volume, bid-ask
spreads, and volatility. The algorithm processed these data to recognize patterns, and,
using these patterns, it forecasted short-term stock price trends. One of the innovative
features of their model was the adaptive learning component, which allowed the algorithm
to adjust its predictions based on new data continually. This ensured that the predictions
remained relevant and accurate, even as market conditions changed.
Mangat et al. (2022) went a step further by introducing a price prediction algorithm
based on a hybrid model that combined both convolutional neural networks (CNN) and
recurrent neural networks (RNN). CNNs were particularly useful in capturing spatial
features in the data, such as sudden spikes or drops in prices. RNNs, on the other hand,
excelled at capturing temporal patterns, making them ideal for time-series data, which
are crucial in HFT. The algorithm processed real-time market data to pinpoint the optimal
times to buy or sell. By utilizing both spatial and temporal patterns in the data, the model
of Mangat et al. achieved a higher prediction accuracy compared to traditional methods.
J. Risk Financial Manag. 2023, 16, 434 3 of 16

Furthermore, both these studies highlighted the advantages of using AI and ML in

HFT. Traditional HFT algorithms are rule-based and may not adapt well to unforeseen
market conditions. In contrast, AI and ML algorithms can learn from new data, adapt,
and refine their strategies, ensuring that they remain effective even in volatile or changing
market conditions.
In summary, high-frequency trading represents a well-favored trading tactic that
leverages AI to enhance the speed, efficiency, and precision of trading operations. Research
has provided evidence that AI utilization can bolster HFT performance and enable more
accurate price forecasting. The inherent flexibility and adaptability of AI and ML ensure
that they are well-suited for the rapid and unpredictable world of high-frequency trading.

1.2. The Role of AI in Trading and Investment Strategies

The influence of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning has revolutionized the
approaches adopted by traders and investors in their work. The intricacies of financial mar-
kets often lie in patterns and nuances that traditional statistical models might overlook. AI,
especially deep learning models, can capture non-linear relationships in data, which can be
pivotal for strategies like HFT (Gomber et al. 2018). Specifically, machine learning methods
like neural networks and deep learning have surfaced as powerful tools, fundamentally
altering the framework of trading and investment tactics (Dixon et al. 2017). Comparative
research underlines the superior efficacy of investment strategies based on AI in comparison
to conventional methods, particularly in algorithmic trading where rapidity and precision
are paramount (Iskandarani and Haddad 2012; Treleaven et al. 2013). Implementing AI in
aspects like sentiment analysis and market prediction has contributed to devising more
intricate and lucrative trading strategies (Krauss et al. 2017). Furthermore, AI has advanced
socially responsible investing (SRI) by incorporating environmental, social, and governance
(ESG) considerations into investment decisions, leading to enhanced portfolio management
and risk reduction (Eccles et al. 2014).
Furthermore, AI and machine learning are capable of processing vast amounts of data
to identify trends and patterns that would otherwise be challenging to discern. AI’s utiliza-
tion has substantially boosted the precision and speed of trading decisions, particularly
within the realm of high-frequency trading (HFT) (Chaboud et al. 2014). Techniques like
machine learning algorithms and neural networks are increasingly employed to scrutinize
market data and forecast trends (Wilinski et al. 2022). For example, Sirignano and Cont
(2019) showed that deep neural networks surpass traditional linear models in predicting
asset prices, where the study indicated that deep neural networks (DNNs) offer a stark
contrast to traditional linear models in both their structure and applicability to financial
trading. Where traditional models operate on the assumption of a straightforward linear
relationship between inputs and outputs, DNNs delve deeper, utilizing multiple inter-
connected layers to process data hierarchically. As data move through these layers, they
undergo transformations into increasingly abstract representations, enabling DNNs to
discern intricate, non-linear relationships often missed by conventional models. This is
particularly significant in the nuanced world of trading. Financial markets, by nature,
are not simple or linear. The factors that influence asset prices, from breaking news to
macroeconomic indicators, do not always have a direct or linear impact. DNNs, with their
ability to capture these complexities, offer potentially more accurate price predictions. On
the other hand, the traditional linear models, with their direct proportionality approach,
often gloss over the complex interplays inherent in market data. Especially in volatile
conditions, these models risk simplifying the multifaceted dynamics of financial markets,
potentially missing the mark in predicting real-world market movements.
The use of AI algorithms in trading, and specifically in high-frequency trading (HFT),
is on the rise. Research indicates that integrating AI into trading can enhance perfor-
mance and curtail transaction costs. Njegovanović (2018) demonstrated that traders who
integrated AI into their decision-making processes witnessed higher returns than their
counterparts who relied on conventional methods. Moreover, AI assists in pinpointing
J. Risk Financial Manag. 2023, 16, 434 4 of 16

trading opportunities by examining real-time market data. As Chopra and Sharma (2021)
established, AI algorithms can recognize market trends and patterns more rapidly than hu-
mans, which is especially beneficial in high-frequency trading where profits opportunities
tend to be ephemeral.
One of AI’s most notable advancements is in the field of risk management. Sophis-
ticated algorithms can assess vast datasets and detect patterns that might escape human
notice, thereby enhancing risk assessment and mitigation (Bolton et al. 2021). Furthermore,
AI-powered investment strategies have outperformed those managed by humans, exem-
plifying the potential for augmented investment returns (Mullainathan and Obermeyer
AI applications have significantly broadened investment possibilities, with robo-
advisors providing a cost-effective and readily accessible alternative to traditional financial
advisors, thereby enabling more individuals to benefit from personalized investment advice
(OECD 2021). Moreover, AI tools have proven invaluable for compliance and regulatory
tasks, automating procedures and reducing human error in tasks such as reporting and
record-keeping (Arner et al. 2017). Nevertheless, an increased dependency on AI for
trading and investment strategies brings up issues surrounding algorithmic bias and the
lack of transparency in AI decision-making processes, potentially resulting in unanticipated
outcomes and heightened systemic risk (Jagtiani and Lemieux 2018).
Likewise, AI has proven beneficial for formulating long-term investment strategies. AI
algorithms can scrutinize financial and economic data, pinpointing long-term patterns and
profitable opportunities. As per a study by Tran et al. (2023), employing AI for data analysis
has enhanced the performance of investment portfolios. AI’s role extends to investment
selection too. For instance, AI can evaluate a company’s data to gauge its financial stability
and potential for growth. A study conducted by Liu et al. (2018) found that the utilization
of AI in investment selection generated superior returns for investors.

1.3. AI and Machine Learning in Risk Management

The advent of AI and machine learning (ML) in risk management has initiated a
transformative shift in financial markets, with applications spanning credit risk assessment,
market risk management, and operational risk management.
One of the standout applications of AI and ML in risk management is in the domain of
credit risk assessment. Traditional models, built on predefined parameters and thresholds,
often pigeonhole individuals into rigid credit categories, potentially leading to imprecise
or unjustified credit decisions. AI and ML, however, bring a more dynamic and adaptive
For starters, AI models, especially those rooted in deep learning, can digest a vast
array of data types, from transaction histories to online behaviors. This means that instead
of just looking at someone’s past credit history or current income, AI can analyze patterns
in spending habits, frequency of late payments in juxtaposition with life events, online
reviews of financial responsibility, or even subtle correlations between a person’s profession
and their creditworthiness (Berg et al. 2020).
Furthermore, where traditional models may fail to understand the interplay between
multiple variables, AI can recognize and learn from complex, non-linear interactions. For
instance, an individual might have a history of late payments, but AI could discern that
these coincide with periods of job transition, suggesting the issue is circumstantial rather
than indicative of financial irresponsibility (Ali et al. 2022).
In essence, AI and ML provide a more holistic, nuanced, and personalized risk profile
for each individual. They consider metrics and patterns that traditional models may
overlook or undervalue, resulting in a potentially more accurate and equitable credit risk
The sphere of market risk management has also witnessed significant advancements
with the adoption of AI and ML. The intricate nature of financial markets, characterized
by volatile price fluctuations and economic uncertainties, necessitates sophisticated tools
J. Risk Financial Manag. 2023, 16, 434 5 of 16

to manage risks effectively. AI and ML have emerged as invaluable assets in this regard,
offering advanced capabilities in portfolio management and asset allocation. Machine
learning algorithms can sift through vast amounts of financial data, detect complex market
patterns, and forecast potential market movements with a level of accuracy beyond human
capabilities (Ban et al. 2016). Consequently, portfolio managers are increasingly relying on
these predictive insights to optimize asset allocation and hedge against market volatility,
leading to improved financial performance and risk-adjusted returns (Rapach and Zhou
In terms of operational risk management, AI and ML technologies can play a pivotal
role in identifying and mitigating potential threats. Operational risks, which encompass
various forms of losses resulting from inadequate or failed internal processes, people,
and systems, or from external events, pose significant challenges to financial institutions.
AI and ML can help in this regard by automating complex processes, reducing human
errors, and enhancing system resilience (Aven 2016). Furthermore, machine learning
algorithms can be used to monitor and analyze a vast range of data sources for anomaly
detection, enabling the early identification of potential threats, from cybersecurity attacks
to fraudulent transactions (Beyerer et al. 2017). The proactive management of these risks
can significantly reduce potential losses and enhance the overall stability and integrity of
financial markets.
In summary, the incorporation of AI and ML in risk management in financial markets
offers a plethora of advantages, from enhanced risk prediction and mitigation to improved
operational efficiency. However, it is crucial for financial institutions to navigate the
implementation of these technologies strategically, considering the potential challenges
and ethical implications that they may pose (Caruana et al. 2015).

1.4. Concerns and Challenges

As much as AI and ML technologies hold promise for the future of financial markets,
they also present a number of critical concerns and challenges that need to be thoroughly
Ethical considerations are at the forefront of these challenges. Privacy remains a
significant issue, especially as AI and ML technologies often rely on extensive data for their
operations (Bryson et al. 2017). As financial markets increasingly adopt these technologies,
questions regarding the extent to which sensitive information is being used and protected
become even more crucial. Moreover, fairness is another major concern. AI and ML
systems, particularly those involving decision-making processes such as credit scoring and
risk assessments, must be designed to ensure they do not perpetuate bias or lead to unfair
outcomes (Jordan 2019). The accountability for AI and ML operations is also an ethical
dilemma, raising questions about who should be held responsible if an AI-driven process
results in detrimental consequences (Koops et al. 2017).
Regulatory challenges also abound in the context of AI and ML in financial markets.
Regulators face the difficult task of keeping pace with rapid technological advancements
while ensuring transparency, explainability, and compliance (Yeung 2017). AI and ML
models can be complex and opaque, making it difficult for individuals and regulators to
understand how a decision was made. The issue of explainability is, thus, a key concern,
with regulators pushing for the development of interpretable models that provide insights
into their decision-making processes (Burrell 2016). Further, ensuring compliance with a
range of financial regulations, from anti-money-laundering laws to data protection policies,
is another challenge that financial institutions employing AI and ML must navigate (Zeng
et al. 2019).
Systemic risks related to AI-driven trading strategies are another area of concern. The
increasing use of AI and ML in algorithmic trading raises questions about potential market
disruptions. For example, AI and ML systems that are trained on the same data or that adopt
similar strategies could lead to herding behavior, which could in turn exacerbate market
volatility (Ait-Sahalia and Saglam 2023). The potential for AI-driven trading systems to act
J. Risk Financial Manag. 2023, 16, 434 6 of 16

on false or misleading signals, resulting in drastic market moves, also poses a significant
systemic risk (Leal et al. 2016).
In essence, while AI and ML offer enormous potential for improving the efficiency,
accuracy, and effectiveness of financial markets, their implementation is not without serious
ethical, regulatory, and systemic challenges. These issues underscore the need for a cautious
and thoughtful approach to adopting AI and ML technologies in the financial industry,
one that involves robust regulatory oversight, a commitment to ethical standards, and the
continuous monitoring of systemic risks.
Based on the extensive analysis of the literature on the use of AI and ML in financial
markets, as well as the identified trends, challenges, and potential opportunities, it is
evident that a comprehensive approach encompassing regulation, workforce transforma-
tion, and ethical considerations is crucial for harnessing the full potential of AI and ML
technologies. Building upon these findings, the following hypothesis was developed.

Hypothesis 1: The integration of AI and ML in financial markets, guided by comprehensive regu-

lation, adaptive workforce transformation, and ethical considerations, leads to enhanced operational
efficiency, improved decision making, and increased public trust.

2. Material and Methods

2.1. Research Design
The present study employs a convergent mixed-methods approach, integrating both
qualitative and quantitative data to offer a comprehensive examination of AI and ML’s
influence on financial markets (Creswell and Plano Clark 2018). The rationale behind
this research structure is its capacity for triangulation, bolstering the study’s validity and
reliability (Teddlie and Tashakkori 2009). Gathering data from diverse sources like surveys
and literature analyses helps curtail biases and supports result verification, thereby leading
to more reliable conclusions (Fetters et al. 2013).
This type of research design is particularly well-suited for this study because it allows
us to capture the complex nature of the financial industry and the different ways AI and
ML technologies are being implemented and perceived by financial professionals (Bryman
2012). Quantitative data from the survey provide objective insights into the prevalence,
impact, and challenges associated with the use of AI and ML in financial markets, while
qualitative data from the literature review allows for a deeper exploration of the contextual
factors, trends, and opportunities related to these technologies (Greene et al. 1989).
Employing a convergent mixed-methods approach enables the strengths of the advan-
tages of both qualitative and quantitative research strategies, resulting in a more detailed
and subtle understanding of AI and ML’s impact on financial markets (Johnson et al. 2007).
Additionally, this research design aids in uncovering possible gaps in existing knowledge,
yielding beneficial insights for subsequent research and the practical incorporation of AI
and ML within the financial field (Morse and Niehaus 2009).

2.2. Data Collection and Sample

The research data will be drawn from a mix of both primary and secondary sources.
The primary data will be collected via an online questionnaire, while secondary data will
be gleaned from the extant literature, finance databases, and pertinent industry reports.
Survey participants will include financial professionals like traders, portfolio managers,
and analysts, and the survey will probe their use of AI and ML in routine tasks, how these
technologies shape their work, and their views on the pros and cons of using AI and ML in
financial markets. The study will employ a purposive sampling method to ensure that the
respondents possess the necessary expertise and experience to offer meaningful insights on
the subject matter (Etikan et al. 2016).
On the other hand, secondary data will be sourced from current papers, reports, and
articles on the implementation of AI and ML in financial markets, shedding light on the
present status of AI and ML in the sector, along with trends, obstacles, and possibilities.
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Secondary data for this study will be retrieved from various resources, including academic
databases like JSTOR, ScienceDirect, and Google Scholar, in addition to specialized financial
industry publications and reports. Also, a search for pertinent articles will be conducted in
key journals in the fields of finance, artificial intelligence, and machine learning, such as
the Journal of Finance, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, and
the Journal of Machine Learning Research.
The online questionnaire was conducted from [March, 2023] to [April, 2023], leveraging
the Google Forms platform. The survey targeted financial professionals, such as traders,
portfolio managers, and analysts. The survey focused on the US and the European regions
and aimed to gain diverse insights from both financial markets. Out of 144 surveys sent
out, we received a total of 120 responses, resulting in a response rate of 83%.

2.3. Questionnaire Design, Variables and Data Analysis

The survey is organized into four sections that cover participant demographics, the
degree of AI and ML usage in their firms, participants’ views on the influence of AI and
ML on financial markets, and their perspectives on future trends in the area. Within
the demographics section of the survey, participants were queried about their profes-
sional background, years of experience, and the size of their firm, categorized as small
(1–50 employees), medium (51–200 employees), or large (200+ employees). This categoriza-
tion enabled us to analyze the data in relation to firm size, a significant variable for our
study, allowing for insights into how AI and ML adoption and perspectives might vary
across different scales of financial operations.
Quantitative data from the survey will be evaluated using SPSS, involving calculations
of descriptive and inferential statistics and the display of results in a tabular format. Besides
these statistical analyses, a multiple regression examination will be performed to delve into
the connections between several independent variables and the dependent one. The inde-
pendent variables encompass the degree of AI and ML implementation in an organization,
the organization’s size, and its years of experience in the finance sector. The dependent
variable is the perceived influence of AI and ML on financial markets. This examination
will allow us to discern the degree to which these independent variables impact finance
professionals’ judgment of the effects of AI and ML technologies on financial markets.
Incorporating the multiple regression analysis into our methodology facilitates a more
comprehensive understanding of the elements that shape the perception of the impact of
AI and ML on financial markets, and allows us to probe potential interactions among these
Simultaneously, NVivo will be employed to code and examine the qualitative data,
focusing on secondary data. Content analysis will be executed on academic papers, reports,
and articles to spot themes and patterns associated with AI and ML in financial markets.
These detected themes and patterns will then be deliberated in the context of the hypothesis.

3. Results
The purpose of this section is to lay out the findings of our investigation, providing
a meticulous and exhaustive exploration of the data gathered through our multi-method
research approach. By examining both numerical and descriptive data, our aim is to obtain
an in-depth comprehension of how artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML)
are influencing financial markets. The structure of this section is designed to address the
hypothesis outlined in the introduction and provide evidence to either accept or reject them.
Initially, this section will reveal the demographic data of the survey participants, which
will then be followed by an analysis of the numerical data collated through the survey. This
analysis will involve a discussion surrounding the adoption and application of AI and ML
in financial markets, their repercussions, and their perceived advantages and disadvantages.
Subsequently, the qualitative findings gleaned from our review of the literature will be laid
out, providing insights into patterns, potentialities, and the prospective future of AI and
ML in the realm of finance. Lastly, a synthesis of both quantitative and qualitative results
J. Risk Financial Manag. 2023, 16, 434 8 of 16

will be provided, emphasizing the primary findings and their implications in relation to
the hypothesis of our study.

3.1. Quantitative Results

The statistical analysis of the collected survey data yielded several key findings regard-
ing the influence of AI and ML in financial markets. The pool of respondents encompassed
120 participants, primarily composed of traders, portfolio managers, and analysts.
Table 1 illustrates the demographic data of the 120 participants. The largest demo-
graphic group was male participants (66.7 percent), with the most represented age bracket
being 30–39 years (37.5 percent). A significant proportion of respondents held 5–10 years
of professional experience (41.7 percent). Moreover, the survey results reveal that large
firms (with 201 or more employees) have a higher adoption rate (54.2%) of AI and ML
technologies compared to smaller companies.

Table 1. Demographics of respondents.

Variable Category Frequency Percentage

Gender Male 80 66.7
Female 40 33.3
Age Group 20–29 years 35 29.2
30–39 years 45 37.5
40–49 years 25 20.8
50+ years 15 12.5
Years of Experience Less than 5 years 30 25.0
5–10 years 50 41.7
11–20 years 30 25.0
20+ years 10 8.3
Firm Size Small (1–50 employees) 15 12.5
Medium (51–200 employees) 45 33.3
Large (201+ employees) 65 54.2

Table 2 sheds light on the frequency and proportion of respondents utilizing AI and
ML tools in their professional undertakings. The application areas of algorithmic trading
(70.8 percent) and risk management (58.3 percent) emerged as the most prevalent.

Table 2. AI and ML applications in financial markets.

Application Frequency Percentage

Algorithmic Trading 85 70.8
Portfolio Optimization 65 54.2
Risk Management 70 58.3
Fraud Detection 60 50.0

Table 3 presents the respondent’s perspectives on the pros and cons of employing AI
and ML in financial markets. Benefits such as improved efficiency (83.3 percent agree or
strongly agree) and increased accuracy (83.3 percent agree or strongly agree) were com-
monly acknowledged. However, potential drawbacks like job loss (45.8 percent disagree
or strongly disagree) and ethical and privacy concerns (41.7 percent disagree or strongly
disagree) were a matter of contention amongst the respondents.
J. Risk Financial Manag. 2023, 16, 434 9 of 16

Table 3. Advantages and disadvantages of AI and ML in financial markets.

Strongly Strongly
Variable Agree Neutral Disagree
Agree Disagree
Improved Efficiency 40 60 15 5 0
Increased Accuracy 30 70 15 5 0
Uncovering Hidden Patterns 25 55 25 10 5
Job Loss 10 30 25 40 15
Over-reliance on Technology 15 45 20 30 10
Ethical and Privacy Issues 10 40 20 40 10

Table 4 presents the correlation between professional experience and the adoption
of AI and ML technologies. A negative correlation coefficient of −0.41 suggests that
respondents with fewer years of experience are more predisposed to leverage AI and ML
tools in their work. This correlation holds statistical significance (p < 0.01).

Table 4. Correlation between years of experience and AI and ML adoption.

Variable Correlation Coefficient Significance Level

Years of Experience −0.41 p < 0.01

In essence, the quantitative analysis implies that a considerable percentage of the

respondents are deploying AI and ML technologies in their work, especially for algorithmic
trading and risk management. While the participants largely recognize the merits of
AI and ML in financial markets, such as enhanced efficiency and accuracy, they express
reservations about job displacement and potential ethical and privacy concerns. However,
these worries are relatively less widespread. Furthermore, a discernible negative correlation
exists between years of professional experience and the inclination towards AI and ML
adoption, indicating that professionals with less experience are more likely to embrace
these emerging technologies.

3.2. Multiple Regression Analysis

In an effort to comprehend the influence of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine
learning (ML) on financial markets, and the factors encouraging their uptake among
financial professionals, we engaged in a comprehensive multiple regression examination.
The dependent variable in this case was the perceived impact of AI and ML on financial
markets. Independent variables incorporated years spent in the finance sector, firm size,
the degree of AI and ML deployment, and the professionals’ viewpoints concerning AI
and ML.
The multiple regression analysis results are presented in Table 5.

Table 5. Multiple regression analysis results.

Variable B SE B Beta t p
Constant 2.35 0.28 - 8.39 <0.001
Years of experience 0.12 0.03 0.18 4.00 <0.001
Company size 0.15 0.04 0.20 3.75 <0.001
Level of AI/ML adoption 0.45 0.06 0.40 7.50 <0.001
Attitude toward AI/ML 0.30 0.05 0.26 6.00 <0.001
R2 = 0.55, Adjusted R2 = 0.53, F(4, 115) = 35.60, p < 0.001.
J. Risk Financial Manag. 2023, 16, 434 10 of 16

The multiple regression examination demonstrated that the model accounted for
55 percent of the variation in the perceived impact of AI and ML on financial markets
(Adjusted R2 = 0.55). The collective model held statistical significance, F (4, 115) = 35.60,
p < 0.001, suggesting that the independent variables significantly affected the dependent
To begin with, the level of AI and ML adoption in an organization (Beta = 0.45,
p < 0.001) exhibits the most potent positive correlation with the level of impact of AI and
ML on financial markets. This result indicates that as firms expand their utilization of AI
and ML technologies, finance professionals within these organizations are likely to perceive
a greater impact of these technologies on financial markets. This supports previous studies
showcasing that advanced AI and ML technologies can enhance decision-making efficiency
and accuracy in financial markets (Masini et al. 2021).
Secondly, the positive viewpoint of finance professionals concerning AI and ML
(Beta = 0.30, p < 0.001) also demonstrates a significant positive correlation with the per-
ceived impact of these technologies on financial markets. This insight underscores the
significance of human input in the successful adoption and application of AI and ML
technologies in the finance industry. Finance professionals who are receptive to AI and
ML technologies and comprehend their prospective advantages are likely to perceive a
higher impact of these technologies on financial markets. This correlates with a study by
Chui et al. (2016), which stresses that a positive attitude towards AI and ML is crucial for
capitalizing on their potential benefits.
Thirdly, the size of the firm (Beta = 0.15, p < 0.001) also plays a pivotal role in the
perceived impact of AI and ML on financial markets. Finance professionals employed in
larger firms are likely to perceive a higher impact of AI and ML on financial markets. This
could be attributed to larger firms possessing more resources and capabilities to invest in AI
and ML technologies, thereby leading to a more significant impact on the financial markets
(Arslanian and Fischer 2019). Moreover, larger firms may boast a more varied workforce,
encouraging more innovation and collaboration in the uptake of new technologies like AI
and ML.
Lastly, the years of experience in the finance sector (Beta = 0.12, p < 0.001) positively
influence the perceived impact of AI and ML on financial markets. Finance professionals
with more experience may have a deeper understanding of the complexities of the financial
markets and are capable of more accurately assessing the impact of AI and ML technologies.
Additionally, seasoned professionals who have observed the evolution of the industry over
time may be more receptive to acknowledging the transformation brought by AI and ML
technologies (Susskind and Susskind 2015).
In conclusion, the results of the multiple regression analysis emphasize the significance
of AI and ML adoption, positive attitudes towards these technologies, firm size, and the
experience of finance professionals in influencing the perceived impact of AI and ML
on financial markets. These insights provide valuable input for policymakers, financial
institutions, and technology firms in promoting the successful adoption and integration of
AI and ML technologies in the finance industry.

3.3. Qualitative Results

An in-depth qualitative examination of relevant research papers, reports, and articles
pertaining to the use of AI and machine learning (ML) in financial markets has yielded
substantial insights into the current landscape, trends, obstacles, and potential avenues for
exploration. The analysis of secondary data led to the identification of several key themes,
which are discussed below.
1. AI and ML adoption trends: The literature review revealed that an uptick in the
integration of AI and ML technologies within the financial markets is apparent, driven
by both established financial entities and emerging fintech startups (Arner et al. 2015;
Frost et al. 2019). The primary use cases for AI and ML technologies encompass
algorithmic trading, risk mitigation, fraud detection, credit scoring, and customer
J. Risk Financial Manag. 2023, 16, 434 11 of 16

relations (Zhang and Chen 2017; Zeng et al. 2019; Kim and Han 2000). The growing
reliance on AI and ML indicates these technologies are seen as advantageous in the
finance sector, enhancing the efficiency of operations, and fostering innovation (Tiwari
et al. 2021; Hosna et al. 2022).
2. Challenges and barriers to adoption: Despite increasing interest, several impediments
to widespread implementation of AI and ML technologies in financial markets have
been identified in the literature. These include substantial implementation costs, data
and infrastructure deficits, privacy issues, and regulatory compliance requirements
(Soleymani and Paquet 2020; Buchanan and Wright 2021). The literature also under-
scores the significance of a strategically inclined organizational culture and leadership
in overcoming these barriers (McClelland 2023).
3. The Role of Regulation: The literature highlights the critical role the regulatory
landscape plays in influencing AI and ML adoption in financial markets. Existing
supervisory frameworks need to adapt to new technologies, with regulators setting
clear guidelines to ensure responsible and ethical usage (Bunea et al. 2018; Liu 2021;
Brummer and Yadav 2019). International collaboration among regulatory bodies
is essential to resolve cross-border issues arising from AI and ML applications in
financial markets (Fletcher and Le 2022; Arslanian and Fischer 2019).
4. Workforce Transformation: The qualitative analysis highlighted the impact of AI and
ML technologies on the financial workforce, with the potential for significant job loss
due to automation (Bessen 2018; Frey and Osborne 2017). However, AI and ML could
also spawn new roles and job opportunities, provided professionals can adapt to the
new landscape (Chui et al. 2016; Arntz et al. 2016). Ongoing learning and reskilling
are essential for professionals to stay relevant in an AI-centric market (Kelleher and
Tierney 2018; Goodfellow et al. 2016).
5. Ethical and Social Considerations: The qualitative analysis revealed that the adoption
of AI and ML in financial markets raises various ethical and social considerations.
Issues such as algorithmic bias, fairness, and transparency have been widely discussed
in the literature, highlighting the need for financial institutions to address these con-
cerns as they integrate AI and ML technologies into their operations (Mittelstadt et al.
2016; Cao 2021; Zliobaite and Custers 2016). Researchers have also emphasized the
importance of incorporating ethical considerations into the design, development, and
implementation of AI and ML systems to minimize potential negative impacts on
society (Cath et al. 2018; Morley et al. 2020). Public trust in AI and ML applications
in financial markets depends on the industry’s ability to address these ethical con-
cerns and ensure that the use of these technologies aligns with societal values and
expectations (Whittlestone et al. 2019; Veale and Brass 2019).
The qualitative analysis provided a comprehensive understanding of the various
factors shaping the adoption and impact of AI and ML in financial markets. These findings
complement the quantitative results obtained through the survey, allowing for a more
nuanced and in-depth exploration of the research topic. By combining the insights from
both the quantitative and qualitative data, this study contributes to the growing body of
knowledge on the role of AI and ML in the financial industry and provides valuable input
for policymakers, regulators, and financial professionals seeking to leverage the benefits of
these technologies while addressing the challenges and risks associated with their use.

4. Discussion
The findings derived from this study offer valuable understandings into the utiliza-
tion and impacts of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) in the finance
industry. The results show that a significant proportion of AI and ML tools are adopted
by financial professionals, resonating with the emerging trend of integrating cutting-edge
technology into the financial industry (Arner et al. 2015). Algorithmic trading and risk
management surface as primary areas for AI and ML application, aligning with the litera-
ture that highlights these technologies’ potential to enrich trading strategies and enhance
J. Risk Financial Manag. 2023, 16, 434 12 of 16

risk management efficacy (Chaboud et al. 2014; Silver et al. 2016). It appears AI and ML are
becoming essential facets of contemporary finance, aiding in refining decision making and
optimizing resource distribution.
Surveyed participants largely perceived the impact of AI and ML on finance as bene-
ficial, most frequently citing enhanced efficiency and accuracy. This concurs with extant
literature, which highlights the capacity of AI and ML to transform financial services by
simplifying processes, decreasing expenses, and augmenting overall industry performance
(Kwon and Moon 2007). These advantages might foster the expansion and evolution of AI
and ML applications within finance, as professionals and institutions strive to utilize these
technologies to secure a market advantage (Buchanan and Wright 2021).
Despite this optimistic perspective, participants voice apprehensions over potential
employment losses and ethical and privacy complications arising from AI and ML adoption.
Job loss due to task automation is a recurrent concern in AI and ML discourse, hinting at
potential labor redundancies across sectors, including finance (Bessen 2018). While this
study’s participants did not perceive job loss as an immediate threat, it remains a contested
issue among policymakers, practitioners, and scholars. Ethical and privacy dilemmas
linked to AI and ML, such as bias in decision making or unauthorized data access, warrant
careful attention during these technologies’ deployment (Mittelstadt et al. 2016). To address
these concerns, it is imperative to establish suitable regulations and industry guidelines to
ensure responsible and ethical AI and ML utilization.
Notably, the study discovered a negative correlation between professional experience
and AI and ML adoption. This suggests that younger or less-experienced professionals
may be more inclined to incorporate AI and ML into their work. Their exposure to these
technologies during their educational journey or initial career stages, or their readiness
to adapt to the fast-paced technological advances in the financial field, might explain this
trend (Chui et al. 2016). As AI and ML continue to permeate the financial industry, it is
crucial for professionals, regardless of experience, to cultivate the necessary skill set to
leverage these tools effectively.
In summary, the discussion indicates that AI and ML integration into financial mar-
kets is escalating, offering significant potential for improved efficiency, accuracy, and risk
control. However, the study also underscores the need to address job loss, ethical, and
privacy concerns to enable responsible and sustainable AI and ML deployment in finance.
Moreover, the findings highlight the importance of continuous learning and professional
development in AI and ML, as financial practitioners must adapt to the changing techno-
logical environment and develop the requisite skills to excel in the AI-enhanced financial
At the culmination of our study, the findings strongly support our hypothesis, which
posits that a comprehensive approach integrating regulation, workforce transformation,
and ethical considerations is instrumental in enhancing operational efficiency, decision-
making processes, and fostering public trust in financial markets. The evidence gathered
from the literature review and analysis of key themes substantiates the importance of these
factors in realizing the full potential of AI and ML technologies in the financial industry.

5. Conclusions
In conclusion, this research offers significant revelations about the integration and
influence of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) within the financial
sector. A mixed-methods approach that paired quantitative survey information with the
qualitative analysis of pertinent research was employed. This investigation enriches our
comprehension of the present circumstances and the prospective outlook of AI and ML
technologies in the finance industry, while also delineating the potential challenges and
The quantitative findings indicate a growing incorporation of AI and ML technolo-
gies within financial institutions, with a significant proportion of surveyed participants
disclosing moderate to significant usage within their establishments. Algorithmic trading,
J. Risk Financial Manag. 2023, 16, 434 13 of 16

risk management, fraud detection, credit scoring, and customer service emerged as the
predominant applications of AI and ML. The qualitative analysis reinforced these results,
demonstrating a consistent upswing in the adoption of AI and ML in the previous decade,
propelled by both established financial institutions and emerging fintech startups.
Nevertheless, the research pinpointed numerous hurdles obstructing the widespread
adoption of AI and ML within financial markets, including prohibitive implementation
costs, data and infrastructure deficits, data privacy apprehensions, and regulatory com-
pliance requirements. The qualitative analysis further highlighted the importance of
organizational culture and leadership in overcoming these barriers, emphasizing the need
for a strategic approach to AI and ML implementation.
Regulatory stipulations were identified as pivotal determinants influencing the inte-
gration and impact of AI and ML within financial markets. The existing regulations and
supervisory frameworks necessitate adaptations in response to the evolving technological
scenario. Regulators must formulate explicit guidelines and norms to ensure the ethical
and responsible usage of AI and ML technologies. The literature also underscores the need
for international collaboration among regulatory bodies to address transnational concerns
pertinent to AI and ML applications in financial markets.
The possibility of workforce transformation emerged as a significant identified theme
in the research, considering AI and ML’s potential to lead to extensive job loss through
automation. Concurrently, the literature suggests that AI and ML might create new em-
ployment opportunities and foster the emergence of new roles within the financial sector,
granted that professionals adapt their skills to the transforming landscape. Lifelong learn-
ing and skill enhancement are critical for finance professionals aiming to retain competi-
tiveness in an AI-dominated market, necessitating interdisciplinary cooperation among
finance professionals, data scientists, engineers, and other AI specialists.
Finally, the study addressed the ethical and social considerations surrounding the
adoption of AI and ML in financial markets. Issues such as algorithmic bias, fairness, and
transparency were widely discussed in the literature, emphasizing the need for financial
institutions to address these concerns as they integrate AI and ML technologies into their
operations. Researchers have also emphasized the importance of incorporating ethical
considerations into the design, development, and implementation of AI and ML systems to
minimize potential negative impacts on society and maintain public trust in AI and ML
applications in financial markets.
The majority of the financial experts who participated in our survey were from the USA
and Europe, two regions that are frequently in the forefront of technology developments in
the financial sector. The findings indicate significant trends in these important financial
centers’ usage of AI and ML.
Understanding the present stage of AI and ML adoption is essential for strategic
planning for many organizations in Europe and the US. Although there is a considerable
trend toward the adoption of these technologies, our findings show that there is still
potential for development and more integration. This information may help management
teams in these areas plan for transitional challenges, accelerate the use of AI and ML
solutions, and stay in line with changing international best practices.
Given the importance of Europe and the United States in determining global financial
trends, the patterns found here may give insights for other nations aiming to improve their
financial technology infrastructure. In essence, the findings not only represent the current
status of AI and ML adoption, but also provide a road map for organizations in these areas
and beyond that, aiming to harness the full potential of these transformative technologies.
In summary, this study has shed light on the complex interplay of factors shaping the
adoption and impact of AI and ML in financial markets. It highlights the need for financial
professionals, organizations, and regulators to work together to address the challenges and
seize the opportunities presented by these disruptive technologies. As AI and ML continue
to transform the financial industry, ongoing research will be essential to monitor emerging
J. Risk Financial Manag. 2023, 16, 434 14 of 16

trends, assess the implications of new developments, and guide stakeholders in making
informed decisions that promote responsible and sustainable innovation.

Author Contributions: M.E.H. conceived the idea, wrote the introduction, the literature review and
the empirical results. J.H. wrote the methodology, the conclusion and the abstract. All authors have
read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Data Availability Statement: Not applicable.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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