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**Title: Choices of the Heart**

**Scene 1: Small Beginnings**

*Narrator: This journey begins outside the hustle and bustle of the big city, in a tiny home in
the rural outskirts of Jozi, where a family resides, though they couldn’t be further apart.*

Thulisile: (Sobbing and speaking to herself) What am I going to do? My parents are relying
on me to bring them to a better future, I can’t even enjoy being a child.

N: The pressure is mounting on Thulisile, her family has little and are all relying on her to
pull through, while she’s falling into a state of depression because of the stress.

**Angry mother bursts into the room with Amanda trailing behind her**

Mrs. Mazibuko: Why are you crying? Why aren’t you studying? Why isn’t the house clean?
ANSWER ME! And look at you, you could at least try to look presentable. Maybe if you wore
some makeup and changed your appearance, you’d be worth something.

Amanda: Leave the child alone, she’s obviously unwell, we have to be helpi—

Mrs. Mazibuko: (Angrily) Do not interrupt me when I’m speaking to my child. You don’t even
have a job, the only reason you’re fed, you’re dressed, you’re here is because we have the
same mother. And you, if I see this house this dirty again… (points and mimics throat
**Mrs. Mazibuko leaves**

Amanda: I’m sorry sweetheart, you know how she gets when she’s angry, I think we shoul—

Thulisile: LEAVE ME ALONE, you’re worthless here, all you are is a burden.

**Amanda leaves**

Thulisile: (Sobbing) I’ll run away from here and never come back, that will show them.

**Scene 2: Decision 1**

**Angel & Devil Entering the scene and everything/everyone freezes except Thulisile and the
Angel & Devil**

Devil: Can’t you see? They don’t care about you. No matter what you do, they’ll always want
more. They’ll always want to control you.

Angel: They are your parents; they are only human, just like you. Though they are
misguided, they love you and only want the best for you.

Devil: LIES! Where is the love? They don’t even love each other, how could they love you?
You should leave them behind, they don’t deserve you.

Thulisile: As soon as I get some money, I’m leaving and never coming back.

**Sound of Thunder**
**Angel and Devil leave the scene and everything resumes**

**Scene 3: Get Rich Quick**

*Narrator: The next day, Thulisile encounters an opportunity at school that could provide
the money she needs to leave home.*

**Devil walks in and whispers to Mr. Mguni before leaving.**

Bell rings.

Mr. Mguni: Alright you all are dismissed, but Thulisile, please stay behind.

**Students leaving**

Mr. Mguni: How are you, sweetie? You look out of it, and your grades are dropping. You
might not pass matric.

Thulisile: There are problems at home.

Mr. Mguni: What kind of problems? Money problems?

Thulisile: Yes.

Mr. Mguni: How about this? After school tomorrow, come to the park, and we’ll try to sort
out your grades and maybe even try to fix the money problem too.
**Mr. Mguni runs hand down Thulisile’s arm**

**Scene 4: Decision 2**

**Angel & Devil Entering the scene and everything/everyone freezes except Thulisile and the
Angel & Devil**

Devil: You know he’s rich right? This is literally what you asked for yesterday. Don’t let this
opportunity pass.

Angel: This is wrong, and you know it. This man is preying on you and your insecurities. Do
not trust him.

Devil: Oh come on, you think a married man would prey on a child? Of course he wants to
help you. And besides, what’s the worst that could happen?

**Sound of Thunder**

**Angel and Devil leave the scene and everything resumes**

Thulisile: I’ll be there.

**Scene 5: Desperate Times**

*Narrator: Thulisile’s friends share their own struggles, leading to a plan that could have
dire consequences.*
**Devil enters Scene and whispers to Nokwanda and then leaves**

Ntabiseng: What did he want to speak to you about?

Thulisile: Oh just my grades and how I can improve them.

Felicia: I wish he spoke to me, cause my grades are awful right now.

Nokwanda: *Laughing* Cause vele you guys are dumb.

Felicia: Don’t act like your grades are any better.

Nokwanda: Oh I’m not worried, I have a plan.

Thulisile: What plan?

Nokwanda: I’m going to change my grades on the school computer.

Ntabiseng: How? It’s not like you’re going to break into the office.

Nokwanda: *Smirks*

Everyone else: Noooooooooo.

Nokwanda: Trust me, they don’t have cameras, there’s no alarms, they don’t even lock the
door, this will be easy but I need all of your help.

**Scene 6: Decision 3**

**Angel & Devil Entering the scene and everything/everyone freezes except Thulisile and the
Angel & Devil**

Devil: I don’t even need to tell you that this is the easiest way to better your grades.

Angel: This is wrong, you’re going to get caught.

Devil: Even if you are caught, which you won’t be, you can blame your friends. It was their
idea anyway, you’re going to get away free.

Angel: Your parents won’t be happy about this when they find out.

Devil: The same parents that don’t care about you? Imagine if you came home with all A’s,
then they’d definitely care about you.

**Sound of Thunder**

**Angel and Devil leave the scene and everything resumes**

**Scene 7: Desperate Measures**

*Narrator: Unbeknownst to them, both Mr. Mguni and Nokwanda were influenced by the
devil, leading themselves towards destruction. And in the cover of darkness, the kids plan

Thulisile: Be quiet, I think there are security guards.

Nokwanda: Just be quick, we can outrun them.

**Alarm blares as they break into the school office.**

Thulisile: (Panicking) The alarm! We need to get out of here!

Felicia: I can’t find the computer! Where is it?

**Security guards rush in, catching them red-handed.**

Guard 1: Freeze! Hands where I can see them!

Guard 2: What do we have here? Little delinquents trying to break into the office?

Thulisile: We didn’t mean to… it was a mistake.

Ntabiseng: Please, we were just trying to…

**Security guards escort them out of the office, their fate uncertain.**

Guard 1: You’ll have to come with us. The principal needs to have a word with you.
Guard 2: Kids these days, thinking they can get away with anything.

*Narrator: Caught in their desperate attempt, Thulisile and her friends find themselves
facing the consequences of their actions.*

**Scene 8: Consequences**

*Narrator: As the night unfolds, the principal is roused from his slumber by an unexpected
disturbance, leading to a confrontation with the mischievous students and their
unsuspecting parents.*

*Principal’s office, late at night. The principal rubs his eyes, visibly annoyed, as he
confronts them.*

Mr. Mabena: (Irritated) What in heaven’s name is going on here? Do you know what time it
is? I was fast asleep!

Thulisile: (Embarrassed) Sorry, sir. It’s just…

Nokwanda: (Nervous) We didn’t mean for any of this to happen, Mr. Mabena.

Mr. Mabena: (Sternly) Save it for later. I’ve called your parents. They should be here any

*Thulisile’s mother and Amanda burst into the office, Mrs. Mazibuko staggering slightly,
clearly intoxicated.*
Mrs. Mazibuko: (Slurring) What’s all this about? Why did you drag me out of bed at this
ungodly hour?

Amanda: (Concerned) What’s happened? Is Thulisile okay?

Mr. Mabena: (Disapproving) Your daughter, along with her friends, was caught breaking into
the school office tonight.

Mrs. Mazibuko: (Defensive) Breaking in? That can’t be right. Thulisile wouldn’t do such a

Amanda: (Worried) What were you thinking, Thulisile? Do you have any idea how serious
this is?

Mr. Mabena: (Firmly) We’ll discuss the matter further, but I suggest you take your daughter
home now. We’ll reconvene tomorrow to address this properly.

*Thulisile’s mother and Amanda lead her out of the office, their expressions a mix of
disappointment and concern, while Nokwanda’s parents exchange worried glances,
uncertain of what the future holds.*

*Narrator: Caught in the web of their own decisions, Thulisile and her friends face the
consequences of their actions, with their futures hanging in the balance.*

**Scene 9: Reflection and Realization**

*Narrator: After the tumultuous night, Thulisile is left to reflect on her actions and their
consequences, while the angel seeks to guide her back to the right path.*
**Thulisile’s bedroom. She sits on her bed, lost in thought.**

Thulisile: (Sobbing) What have I done

? How did everything get so messed up?

**Angel enters, everything else freezes.**

Angel: (Gently) Do not be afraid, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I
will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. (Isaiah

Thulisile: I just wanted things to get better. I didn’t know it would turn out like this.

Angel: Sometimes, the path to righteousness is not the easiest one. Remember, “The LORD
is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.” (Psalm 34:18) You
can still make things right.

**Devil enters, and everything freezes again except for Thulisile and the angel.**

Devil: (Mocking) You think quoting scripture will change anything? You’re a failure. Your
parents don’t love you, your friends can’t help you, and you’ll never escape this misery.

Thulisile: No, that’s not true. I can change things. I can make them better.

Devil: They’ll never forgive you. You’ll always be worthless. You’ll never be good enough.
Angel: “Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” (James 4:7) Stand firm, and he will have
no power over you.

Thulisile: (Gaining strength) The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me lie
down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul. (Psalm 23:1-

Devil: (Faltering) No! You can’t…

Thulisile: The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. (John 1:5)
Get behind me, Satan!

**The devil screams and dissipates as light overpowers him.**

Angel: Well done. Remember, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”
(Philippians 4:13)

**Scene 10: Seeking Forgiveness**

*Narrator: Determined to make things right, Thulisile seeks forgiveness from those she has

**Thulisile’s home. She approaches her parents.**

Thulisile: Mom, Dad, I’m so sorry for everything. I shouldn’t have done what I did.
Mrs. Mazibuko: (Sober and remorseful) I’m sorry too, for the way I’ve treated you. I need to

Amanda: We all have our faults. Let’s try to be better together.

**Angel watches from a distance, nodding approvingly.**

**Scene 11: Undoing the Devil’s Work**

*Narrator: With a new sense of purpose, Thulisile works to undo the harm caused by the
devil’s influence.*

**At school, Thulisile speaks to her friends.**

Thulisile: We need to come clean about everything. It’s the only way to make things right.

Ntabiseng: You’re right. We’ll face the consequences together.

Nokwanda: I’m sorry for dragging you all into this.

**Angel appears briefly to encourage them.**

Angel: “Therefore, confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may
be healed.” (James 5:16)
Felicia: (Shocked) Did you see that? Did she just appear out of nowhere?

Nokwanda: Are we going crazy, or did we just see an angel?

Thulisile: Believe it or not, she’s here to help us.

**Scene 12: Reconciliation and Healing**

*Narrator: Through repentance and reconciliation, Thulisile and those around her begin to
heal and move forward.*

**Principal’s office. Thulisile and her friends confess to their actions.**

Mr. Mabena: While I’m disappointed in your choices, I’m proud of you for taking
responsibility. There will be consequences, but you’ve taken the first step towards

**At home, Thulisile and her family start rebuilding their relationship.**

Thulisile: Mom, Aunty, let’s try to be a real family from now on.

Mrs. Mazibuko: Agreed. We need to support each other.

Amanda: We’ll get through this together.

**Scene 13: A New Beginning**

*Narrator: Having faced their trials, Thulisile and her family start afresh, with hope and faith
guiding their way.*

**Thulisile’s home. The family sits together, enjoying a peaceful moment.**

Thulisile: (Smiling) I feel like things are finally getting better.

Angel: “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and
not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” (Jeremiah 29:11)

**Scene 14: A Mother’s Transformation**

*Narrator: Inspired by her daughter’s newfound faith, Mrs. Mazibuko decides to change her
life and embrace faith herself.*

**Church, Sunday morning. Thulisile and Mrs. Mazibuko are sitting in a pew, listening to the

Pastor: Let us remember, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The
old has gone, the new is here!” (2 Corinthians 5:17)
Mrs. Mazibuko: (Tearfully) I want to give my life to Christ. I want to be a better person, for
you, for all of us.

Thulisile: (Hugging her mother) I’m so proud of you, Mom.

**Angel smiles from the back of the church.**

*Narrator: Sometimes, the hardest choices lead to the most profound transformations.
When we choose the path of love, forgiveness, and faith, we find the strength to overcome
any obstacle. This is the true power of the heart.*

**End of Play**

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