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Choices of the Heart

**Scene 1: Small Beginnings**

*Narrator: This journey begins outside the hustle and bustle of the big city, in a tiny home in
the rural outskirts of Jozi, where a family resides together, though, they couldn’t be further

C1: (Sobbing and speaking to herself) What am I going to do? My parents are relying on me
to bring them to a better future, I can’t even enjoy on being a child.

N: The pressure is mounting on C1, her family has little and are all relying on her to pull
through, while she’s falling into a state of depression because of the stress

**Druken mother bursting into the room with father trailing behind her**

C2 Mother: Why are you crying? Why aren’t you studying? Why isn’t the house clean?

C3 Father: Leave the child alone, she’s obviously unwell, we have to be helpi-

**Mother Slaps Father**

Mother: Do not interupt me when I’m speaking. You don’t even have a job, I’m the
breadwinner here, what I say goes. And you, if I see you with that boy again. (points and
mimics throat cutting)

**Mother leaves**
Father: I’m sorry sweetheart, you know how she gets when she’s drunk, I think we shoul-

C1: LEAVE ME ALONE, you’re worthless here, all you are is a burden.

**Father Leaves**

C1: (Sobbing) I’ll run away from here and never come back, that will show them.

**Scene 2: Decision 1**

**Angel & Devil Entering the scene and everything/everyone freezes except C1 and the
Angel & Devil**

Devil: Can’t you see? They don’t care about you. No matter what you do, they’ll always want
more. They’ll always want to control you.

Angel: They are your parents; they are only human, just like you. Though they are
misguided, they love you and only want the best for you.

Devil: LIES! Where is the love? They don’t even love each other, how could they love you?
You should leave them behind, they don’t deserve you.

C1: As soon as I get some money, I’m leaving and never coming back.

**Sound of Thunder**
**Angel and Devil leave the scene and everything resumes**

**Scene 3: Get Rich Quick**

*Narrator: The next day, Character 1 encounters an opportunity at school that could
provide the money she needs to leave home.*

**Devil walks in and whispers to the teacher before leaving.**

Bell rings.

Teacher C6: Alright you all are dismissed, but C1, please stay behind.

**students leaving**

Teacher: How are you, sweetie? You look out of it, and your grades are dropping. You might
not pass matric.

Character 1: There are problems at home.

Teacher: What kind of problems? Money problems?

Character 1: Yes.

Teacher: How about this? After school tomorrow, come to the park, and we’ll try to sort out
your grades and maybe even try to fix the money problem too.
**Teacher runs hand down C1’s arm**

**Scene 4: Decision 2**

**Angel & Devil Entering the scene and everything/everyone freezes except C1 and the
Angel & Devil**

Devil: You know his rich right? This is literally what you asked for yesterday. Don’t let this
opportunity pass.

Angel: This is wrong, and you know it. This man is preying on you and your insecurities. Do
not trust him.

Devil: Oh Come on, you think a married man would pray on a child, of course he wants to
help you. And besides what’s the worst that could happen?

**Sound of Thunder**

**Angel and Devil leave the scene and everything resumes**

C1: I’ll be there

**Scene 5: Desperate Times**

*Narrator: Character 1’s friends share their own struggles, leading to a plan that could have
dire consequences.*
**Devil enters Scene and whispers to Friend 3 and then leaves**

Friend 1 C7: What did he want to speak to you about?

C1: Oh just my grades and how I can improve them

Friend 2 C8: I wish he spoke to me, cause my grades are awful right now

Friend 3 C9: *Laughing* Cause vele you guys are dumb

Friend 2: Don’t act like your grades are any better

Friend 3: Oh I’m not worried, I have a plan.

C1: What plan?

Friend 3: I’m going to change my grades on the school computer.

Friend 1: How? It’s not like you’re going to break into the office

Friend 3: *Smirks*

Everyone else: Noooooooooo

Friend 3: trust me, they don’t have cameras, there’s no alarms, they don’t even lock the
door, this will be easy but I need all of your help.
**Scene 6: Decision 3**

**Angel & Devil Entering the scene and everything/everyone freezes except C1 and the
Angel & Devil**

Devil: I don’t even need to tell you that this is the easiest way to better your grades.

Angel: This is wrong, your going to get caught.

Devil: Even if you are caught, which you won’t, you can blame your friends, it was their idea
anyway, you’re going to get away free.

Angel: Your parents won’t be happy about this when they find out.

Devil: The same parents that don’t care about you? Imagine if you came home with all A’s,
then they’d definitely care about you.

**Sound of Thunder**

**Angel and Devil leave the scene and everything resumes**

**Scene 7: Desperate Measures**

*Narrator: Unbeknownst to them, both the teacher and Friend 3 were influenced by the
devil, leading themselves towards destruction. And in the cover of darkness, the kids plan
C1: Be quiet, I think there are security guards

Friend 3: Just be quick, we can out run them

**Alarm blares as they break into the school office.**

Character 1: (Panicking) The alarm! We need to get out of here!

Friend 2: I can’t find the computer! Where is it?

**Security guards rush in, catching them red-handed.**

Guard 1 C10: Freeze! Hands where I can see them!

Guard 2 C11: What do we have here? Little delinquents trying to break into the office?

C1: We didn’t mean to… it was a mistake.

Friend 1: Please, we were just trying to…

**Security guards escort them out of the office, their fate uncertain.**

Guard 1: You’ll have to come with us. The principal needs to have a word with you.

Guard 2: Kids these days, thinking they can get away with anything.
*Narrator: Caught in their desperate attempt, Character 1 and her friends find themselves
facing the consequences of their actions.*

**Scene 8: Consequences**

*Narrator: As the night unfolds, the principal is roused from his slumber by an unexpected
disturbance, leading to a confrontation with the mischievous students and their
unsuspecting parents.*

*Principal’s office, late at night. The principal rubs his eyes, visibly annoyed, as he
confronts them*

Principal C12: (Irritated) What in heaven’s name is going on here? Do you know what time it
is? I was fast asleep!

Character 1: (Embarrassed) Sorry, sir. It’s just…

Friend 3: (Nervous) We didn’t mean for any of this to happen, Mr. Johnson.

Principal: (Sternly) Save it for later. I’ve called your parents. They should be here any

*Character 1’s parents burst into the office, the mother staggering slightly, clearly

Mother: (Slurring) What’s all this about? Why did you drag me out of bed at this ungodly
Father: (Concerned) What’s happened? Is Character 1 okay?

Principal: (Disapproving) Your daughter, along with her friends, was caught breaking into
the school office tonight.

Mother: (Defensive) Breaking in? That can’t be right. Character 1 wouldn’t do such a thing.

Father: (Worried) What were you thinking, Character 1? Do you have any idea how serious
this is?

Principal: (Firmly) We’ll discuss the matter further, but I suggest you take your daughter
home now. We’ll reconvene tomorrow to address this properly.

*Character 1’s parents lead her out of the office, their expressions a mix of disappointment
and concern, while Friend 3’s parents exchange worried glances, uncertain of what the
future holds.*

*Narrator: Caught in the web of their own decisions, Character 1 and her friends face the
consequences of their actions, with their futures hanging in the balance.*

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