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EWOC Presents

Soul: The Bible Retold

**Act 2: The Crucifixion and Resurrection**

Narrator: Previously on “The Miracle of Jozi,” Mary and Joseph found refuge in Soweto, where
the community rallied to protect them from the sinister plans of King Herod. As the city prepares
to celebrate Easter, a new chapter unfolds, filled with sorrow, suspense, and ultimately, hope.

**Scene 1: The Preparation**

*The stage depicts Jesus and his disciples gathering supplies and making arrangements for the
Passover meal in downtown Jozi.*

Narrator: In the days leading up to the Passover, Jesus and his disciples make preparations for the
important feast in the heart of downtown Jozi.

Jesus: Go into the city and prepare for us to eat the Passover.

*The disciples set out to secure a place for the meal and gather the necessary provisions amidst
the bustling streets of Jozi.*

Peter: We need a room for our Teacher and his followers to celebrate the Passover.

*As they gather together, Jesus shares his final instructions and teachings with his closest
followers, setting the stage for the Last Supper.*

**Scene 2: The Last Supper**

*Soft, somber music fills the air as the scene opens in a modest apartment in downtown Jozi,
transformed into an intimate gathering space.*

Narrator: In the final hours before his betrayal, Jesus shares a final meal with his disciples in a
humble apartment in downtown Jozi, knowing that his time on earth is drawing to a close.

Jesus: Take, eat; this is my body, which is given for you. Do this in remembrance of me.

**Andrew, the Disciple:** Lord, the weight of these words is heavy upon us.

*The disciples share bread and wine, their faces etched with both reverence and sorrow amidst
the urban backdrop of Jozi.*

Peter: Lord, where are you going?

Jesus: Where I am going, you cannot follow me now, but you will follow afterward.

*Judas sits apart from the others, his demeanor tense and conflicted.*

Judas: What have I done?

**Thomas, the Disciple:** Master, how will we know the way?

**Scene 3: The Garden of Gethsemane**

*Haunting music sets the tone as the stage transforms into the Garden of Gethsemane, an oasis of
tranquility amidst the urban landscape of Jozi.*
Narrator: In the quiet solitude of the garden, Jesus wrestles with the weight of his destiny, his
heart heavy with sorrow, just a stone’s throw away from the bustling streets of Jozi.

Jesus: Father, if you are willing, remove this cup from me. Nevertheless, not my will, but yours,
be done.

*Jesus’ anguish echoes through the garden as he pours out his soul to the Father amidst the
sounds of the city in the distance.*

Disciples: (sleepy and confused) Master, why are you troubled? What shall we do?

*The sound of approaching footsteps shatters the stillness, signaling the arrival of Judas and the

**Scene 4: The Betrayal and Arrest**

*Dramatic music intensifies as Judas leads the soldiers into the garden, a stark contrast to the
peacefulness of the surrounding urban environment of Jozi.*

Narrator: Betrayed by one of his own, Jesus faces the ultimate act of treachery as Judas leads the
soldiers to arrest him amidst the sounds of Jozi’s bustling streets.

Judas: Here is the one I kiss; arrest him.

*Judas approaches Jesus, his heart heavy with guilt, and betrays him with a kiss.*

Jesus: Judas, would you betray the Son of Man with a kiss?
Soldiers: You are under arrest!

*Amidst the chaos, Peter, overcome with fear and desperation, lashes out with his sword, cutting
off the ear of a servant of the high priest.*

Peter: (frantic) No, they cannot take you!

*The sound of the blade slicing through the air fills the scene as the servant cries out in pain
amidst the urban sounds of Jozi.*

Malchus: (in agony) My ear! What have you done?

*Jesus, calm amidst the turmoil, reaches out and heals the servant’s ear, a gesture of compassion
amidst the violence.*

Jesus: Put your sword away. Those who live by the sword will die by the sword.

*As Peter stands stunned by his own actions, the reality of the situation sinks in, leaving him
shaken and remorseful.*

**Scene 5: Peter’s Denial**

*The stage shifts to Peter standing by a fire, as the sound of a rooster crowing fills the air, near a
bustling market in downtown Jozi.*

Narrator: In the courtyard of a bustling market in downtown Jozi, Peter, filled with fear and
uncertainty, denies knowing Jesus three times, just as Jesus predicted.
Peter: I do not know the man!

*As the rooster crows, Peter’s heart sinks with the realization of his betrayal amidst the vibrant
sounds of Jozi’s streets.*

**Scene 6: The Trial Before Pilate**

*The stage shifts to a grand hall in downtown Jozi, with Pontius Pilate presiding over the trial
amidst the bustling city.*

Narrator: Jesus stands trial before Pontius Pilate in the grand hall of downtown Jozi, accused of
crimes he did not commit amidst the bustling activity of the city.

Pilate: Are you the King of the Jews?

Jesus: My kingdom is not of this world. But for this purpose, I was born, and for this purpose, I
have come into the world—to bear witness to the truth.

*The crowd grows restless, clamoring for Jesus’s crucifixion amidst the vibrant energy of Jozi’s

Crowd: Crucify him! Crucify him!

*Pilate, torn between justice and appeasing the crowd, washes his hands of the matter and
condemns Jesus to death amidst the hustle and bustle of Jozi’s urban life.*

**Scene 7: The Crucifixion**

*The stage transforms into Golgotha, with a large cross at the center, situated on a hill
overlooking downtown Jozi.*

Narrator: Jesus is led to Golgotha, where he is crucified alongside criminals, bearing the weight
of humanity’s sins upon his shoulders, with the bustling city of Jozi visible below.

Jesus: Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.

*As darkness falls over the land, Jesus breathes his last, crying out, “It is finished,” with the
distant sounds of Jozi’s urban life echoing in the background.*

**Scene 8: The Burial**

*Soft, mournful music fills the air as the stage depicts the burial of Jesus in a cemetery on the
outskirts of Jozi.*

Narrator: Jesus is laid to rest in a nearby tomb, as his disciples and loved ones mourn his passing
amidst the peaceful solitude of a cemetery on the outskirts of Jozi.

Nicodemus: (solemn) Indeed. Let us honor him with a proper burial.

*The men carefully wrap Jesus’s body in linen and lay him in a nearby tomb amidst the serene
surroundings of Jozi’s outskirts.*

**Scene 9: Mary Magdalene at the Tomb**

*The stage depicts Mary Magdalene visiting the tomb alone, early in the morning, amidst the
quiet beauty of Jozi’s outskirts.*

Narrator: Mary Magdalene, overcome with grief, visits the tomb of Jesus alone amidst the quiet
beauty of Jozi’s outskirts, seeking solace in her sorrow.

Mary Magdalene: (tearfully) Where have they taken him? My Lord, my Savior…

*As Mary weeps beside the empty tomb, she encounters the risen Jesus, who reveals himself to
her amidst the peaceful tranquility of Jozi’s outskirts.*

Jesus: (gentle) Woman, why are you weeping? Whom are you seeking?

Mary Magdalene: (startled) Teacher! Is it really you?

*Mary’s sorrow turns to joy as she realizes that Jesus is alive amidst the serene surroundings of
Jozi’s outskirts.*

**Scene 10: The Road to Damascus**

*The stage depicts Saul of Tarsus journeying on the road to Damascus amidst the rugged terrain
outside of Jozi.*

Narrator: Saul of Tarsus, a persecutor of the early Christians, encounters the risen Jesus on the
road to Damascus amidst the rugged terrain outside of Jozi, leading to his conversion and
transformation into the apostle Paul.

Saul: (zealous) I will eradicate this heresy from our midst!

*As Saul is struck down by a blinding light, he hears the voice of Jesus speaking to him amidst
the rugged terrain outside of Jozi.*

Jesus: Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?

*Saul’s life is forever changed as he becomes a devoted follower of Christ amidst the rugged
beauty of Jozi’s outskirts.*

**Scene 11: The Ascension**

*The stage depicts Jesus ascending into heaven, witnessed by his disciples, with the sprawling
cityscape of Jozi visible below.*

Narrator: Forty days after his resurrection, Jesus ascends into heaven, promising to send the Holy
Spirit to empower his disciples for the work ahead, with the sprawling cityscape of Jozi visible

Jesus: Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father
and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

*As Jesus ascends into the clouds, the disciples gaze upward in awe and wonder, their hearts
filled with hope and expectation amidst the bustling energy of Jozi’s streets.*

**Scene 12: The Appearance to the Disciples**

*The stage depicts a room where the disciples are gathered in fear and confusion, amidst the
vibrant city life of Jozi.*
Narrator: Jesus appears to his disciples amidst the vibrant city life of Jozi, bringing them peace
and reassurance in the midst of their doubts and fears.

Jesus: Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, even so I am sending you.

*The disciples rejoice as they witness the risen Lord in their midst amidst the bustling energy of
Jozi’s streets, their faith renewed and strengthened.*

**Scene 13: The Great Commission**

*The stage depicts Jesus delivering his final instructions to his disciples before his ascension,
with the dynamic cityscape of Jozi as the backdrop.*

Narrator: Jesus commissions his disciples to go forth and proclaim the good news to all nations
amidst the dynamic cityscape of Jozi, baptizing and teaching them to obey everything he has

Jesus: All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make
disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy

*With these words, Jesus blesses his disciples amidst the vibrant energy of Jozi’s streets and
ascends into heaven, leaving them with the promise of his return.*

**Epilogue: The Promise Fulfilled**

*Soft, uplifting music fills the air as the narrator speaks, with the sprawling cityscape of Jozi as
the backdrop.*

Narrator: The story of “The Miracle of Jozi” comes to a close, but its message of hope,
redemption, and the power of love continues to resonate through the ages amidst the dynamic
cityscape of Jozi.

*The stage fills with scenes of the disciples spreading the gospel amidst the vibrant energy of
Jozi’s streets, the early church flourishing, and believers enduring persecution with unwavering

Narrator: Despite trials and tribulations, the message of Jesus Christ spreads far and wide amidst
the dynamic city life of Jozi, transforming hearts and lives wherever it goes.

*The stage fades to black, leaving the audience with a sense of wonder and awe at the enduring
legacy of the greatest miracle of all amidst the bustling energy of Jozi’s streets.*

Narrator: And so, the miracle of Jozi lives on, inspiring generations to come with the promise of
redemption and eternal life amidst the vibrant city life of Jozi.

*The music swells to a triumphant crescendo as the curtain falls, marking the end of this timeless
tale of faith, love, and the miraculous amidst the dynamic cityscape of Jozi.*

People with speaking roles

1. Jesus
2. Judas Iscariot
3. Peter
4. Pontius Pilate
5. Soldier Malchus
6. Mary Magdalene
7. Nicodemus
8. Saul of Tarsus (later known as the apostle Paul)
9. Andrew, the Apostle
10. Thomas, the Disciple
11. Simon of Cyrene

4 or 5 soldiers that will accompany Pilate and Malchus to arrest Jesus

6 or 7 people that will be the crowd that witness the trial and crucifixion
For the crowd we could use the kids that danced

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