Chapter one

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Improving EFL Leaner’s Readings Kills through Short story in

Secondary School:


1.0 Back ground:

This study focuses on improving EFL Learner reading

comprehension Skills through teaching short stories on the other
hand it is Important for the learners Programs to Sucessful
reading EFL classes al secondary Schools. reading skills is
considered As Significant Language skill and important activity. It
should be improving at an early stage of learning foreign

1.1 Statement of problems: -

researchers noted that heading Skill is very weak

also the students make passively carted of reading skill

Additionally, there is a problem in the using pronunciation

of letters.

1.2 objective of the Study

This study aims to…

| Investigate using short stories in leas reading skills.

2 Enhance reading skills through short stories

3. Suggest activities through Short Stories which a teacher

can help leaners to improve their reading skills.

4. Examine influences of aural authentic materials (short

Stories) on reading ability in Students of English as

Second Language.

5. find Solution to improve reading skills

1.3 Questions of the Study: -

Why do Students have problem reading skills?

What are the final objectives of teaching reading Skills?

3. to what extent the oral authentic materials

(short Story) Influence on reading ability in students of English

as a second language?

1-4 Hypotheses of the Study

(a) Teacher's attitude and methods encourage Student to

(b) Teacher might be major element in teaching reading skills

(c) story is one of the important activities which a teacher can

help a learner to improve their reading

1.5 significance of the study

This study is Intended to help all who are concerned with

reading ability. So, this study will focus on Studying the

reading in order to improve reading skills

1.6. The method of the Study

The study will be used the descriptive method, also

A questionnaire as means to collect data for the Study.

1.7 Delimitation of the Study

This is as a wide to improve reading skills as Secondary schools

1.8 The terminology

reading skills.

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