Chapter Tow

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Chapter two

Literature review
Chapter two
Literature review
2.0 Introduction
Excellent Short Story collections are how ln abundance
them are in paperbacks they are economically available to the
Classroom teacher. These short story collections can be used in
a variety of ways and an inject new life in tired unit can be use
your classroom and can provide opportunities for student to
Connect literature to life and to other literature.
Teachers Sometime draw a blank when they see Short
Story, collection
minus teaching Guides Thus the intent of his collection can be
Integrated into your curriculum and how you can use.
2.1 Teaching methods
In the nineteenth century, the grammar translation method
EEL\ESL teaching in that era, translating literary texts from the
second foreign language to the student a native language was one
of the main Learning activates, But Wing n this method was
replaced by the Structuralism approach during the 1960 the end
of 1970 s literature was no longer used structuralism approach
was concerned with the Written words or style in other words
teaching a foreign language was regarded as a matter of
linguistics then when the direct method
the audio-lingual meshed Conventions
The real examples of grammatical structures and vocabulary items
the literary texts raise. Learners awareness of the range of the
target Language advance their competences in all Language skills,
second using literature in Language teaching has the advantage of
providing cultural information about the target Language literary
texts Increase Foreign Language Learners insight into the country
and the people whose Language is being Learnt which fosters
Learners ability to inter discourse in deferent social and cultural
target Language contexts" (collie and slater, 1991).
finally, since literature enables, students to understand and
appreciate Other Cultures Societies and Ideologies different from
their own to encourages personal growth Community Language
learning Suggestopedia the silent way total physical response and
the natural approach

2.2 Definition
The Short Story is defined from many references - Edgar Allan Poe
defines short stories:
"A short is fictional work of prose that shorter in
Length than a novel, it should be read in one sitting any where
from a half hour to two hours."
Also short story defined: a short written Story usually
dealing with few characters a short work of fiction, researcher
define Short Story in this research as:

choice off

Courses to

short stories

Practical as they length

is long enough

to cover entirely ige_two class

sessions,_they are not complicated for students_to_work

with on their own; they have a variety of

different terests

tastes; and they can be used

with levels ( begímere

te advanced 2. l_ages Run

leamers to adults

2 and all class es (summer

every classes."

According, what Hirvela and Boyle 1986) report



forminte student's chaudes towards Four

genres of literary text shart story Novel Poetry and and state. that their adult Hong Kong chinese

students indicated Sheyt stories as the

genre that is

less feared and the second most enjoyed (43%; the noval

is the most enjoyed with 442% since short stories are

easy to finish and definite ta imdensted Speack (1985)

highights Importance


end States


chooses Stoyſes that would interest

studants that she most likes to read and teach

and that have been mode into film to Pronice

Nisual el lation

Gajdusek. (1984,652


that the

experience with the literary texts should enable students to

discover what the text

contains. Thus, the suggests a fary-

stepte clinique of_exploring Hemingway's

U pare reading activities jim odle oyder_tes present back round

information and new. Nosallayy

127 factual in class work after reading the text

home to elamin Point of new charaeters setting and



3) Analysis of structure, theme and style to study

the language.

her the author



(4) Extending in-class activities such as information Journal

or formal critical essay writing or dramatizing a crucial sine

that has been told but not seen in the text in groups.

Oster (1989-22) suggests analyzing short stories from

different perspectives in multi-cultural ESL /EFL classroom

She maintains that student should be encouraged to

Question and short

single Pónt of Niew. Following that they

can tell the

Story from,

different Character's in my die worte_it_laura

then W News This activity

not only integ notes reading

with the Productive skills bout

alle ancéles students

realize how their

experiences, culture and natures

affect their Niews.

3-2 asks Based m a single short story:

Having the

benefits of literary text in teaching aferring

Language in mind, we decided to Use three Shore Stories

extensively in an EAL

class. We wwwe teaching gown - OvY 2

Wring and speaking Colyses the first

Students at

the Department of Foreign Langage Education - Mrdle East

Technical_lmiversity Ankara, Turkey and there was a lot

in the classes due the eficiency level

needs of the students.

As we did not have enough time to create a meaning full

context to teach everthing in syllabus, we had to find a Proctial

way using short stories might save time, anot the studant

Atse assigned to send theree

the beginning of

the semester. After famsherzing the students with the detains

of the stories in the

class, we used them for different esbjective

without having to go over again. To save Time We also adopted

a combination of home and class world, and saw

el possibilities ofened up for several language skust

these Short Stories Elizabeth Bowen’s “The Demon lover”

The Wealth of different activities for grammar, writing
and speaking classes Saving us a lot of time, it helper:
us to create a meaning full context to each different
Language focuses and to improve the students interpretive
Strategies. The above tasks only hint at the riche reservoir
Of activities offered by the same story: the same
Story may also serve for some other Language focuses
Or skills such as vocabulary development or Listening
2-7 The importance of short stories
Despite its benefits for Students, some objections are always
raised against the use of literature in public schools due to
over crowed classes overloaded Syllabus and limited time, some
problems commonly met in elementary to high public schools
in almost all developing countries.
first - the length of novel will make it difficult for such classes
to finish. finally, drama can be bed within limited
Course hours. Considering these objections, it is obvious that
among literary forms, short story which is defined by
Poe in Abrams (1970 _158)
“As a narrative that can be read at one sitting of from
Lone-half hour to two hours, and that is limited to a certain”
seem to be the most suitable one to use in public schools
Since it is shorts and sims at giving a single effect
there is usually one plot, a few characters, there is no
detailed description of setting so. It is easy for the
Students to follow the Story line of the work.
This reason that short Stories are the most suitable
literary genre to use in English teaching due to its
Shortness is supported by Collie and Slater (1994 2.1961)
when they list four advantages of using Short Stories for
enough to cover entirely in one or the class sessions e second
Short Stories are not complicated for students to work
With on their own. Third, Short Stories have a variety of
choice for different Interests and testis. finally

short stories can be used all levels (beginner to advance).
all ages C Young Learners to adults. I and II classes
2-8choosing the text
the use of short stories in English teaching should be aimed to-
encourage the students to use what they have previously learnt.
By doing this, the learning process will be students
However, the teacher plays a great role. She/he must choose
a suitable text to use in class and should help her this student
understanding the Story with various activities.
in using Short Stories to teach English, Story selection is indeed
one of the most important roles of teacher. Since the length of
Short. Stories quite vary, cheese story Short enough
To handle within course hours. The shortness of the text is
for the Students because they will see that they can read,
understand and finish Something in English, and it will give
the student a feeling of achievement and self-confidence.
Beside the length of the text, Hill (1994.15) points out
There are three other basic criteria
the texts (1) the needs and abilities of the students. The
linguistic and stylistic level of the text. (3) The amount
Let background information required for a true appreciation
of the material.
The importance of considering these criteria could be
perceived by realizing that the vocabulary and sentence
Structure of the short story to be studied must be
Foreign words and allusion having sentences imitating the
Speech of a particular locality or ignorant people or
foreigners should be avoided if the text is intended for
below intermediate level. Similarly, very Long
sentences are difficult for Students and words, they
will get bored and not read the work. Therefore, before
giving the Short Story the teacher Should decide the
readability of the text

In order to meet readability Criterion using graded
or simplified Stories is possibly the most practical ways
According to (1996. 150):
the use of authentic text with less proficient learners
is often frustrating and counter-productive. Therefore, the
use of simplified text with less proficient readers is highly
Suggested for the sake suiting the texts with the level of students
In addition to the previous criteria. Spak (19852 suggest than
aspect of interest to be considered according to Him:
it is important for the teacher to cheese Stories that
would interest students that he/she must like to read
and teach and that have been made in to film to provide visual
McKay (2001.322) and Rivers (1962_230) point out that-
Students read and enjoy a text if the subject _matter of the
text is relevant to their life experience and interests.
2.9 short Stories and language skills development
short stories allow teachers to teach the four skills to all
Levels of Language proficiency Murdoch (2002:9) indicates that.
Short Stories can if selected
Vocabulary. these activates are related to from, meaning, and use
1.a complete the word from chart below, the first word has Jaren
done for you. remember that some words do not have all forms
verb adverb participle noun Adjective
speak Speaking speaker speak able
think …………… ………… ………….
there can be as many words as the teacher thinks necessary
there soul not too many words included in a short Story so as not
make Student lese interest in the activity, this activity halps
to learn more vocabulary, and it also teaches them hoven to use a
2. Write the letter of the definition synonym in column B that
most closely matches each word phrase in Colum A_A B
a. Lonely 1. A tiresome person
b. gets well 2. Provide an apology
c. makes an excuse 3. recover, healed
d. a tired person 4. Without friend
In this activity the wards \ phrases in Column A come from the
Students are reading the definitions and for Synonyms provided
in column B must match the meaning of the words phrases in the
context of the story to help students to understand how
word \phrase can be used in the same context.
3. Choose the word phrase from column A in the previous activity
that best fits each of the following Sentences you may need
to adds to a plural word or to a third person singular of verb _ing
Present tense, _ed participle to the past tense of regular verbs ,
For present participle etc.
Short Story can be powerful and motivating Source for writing
TL ESLLEFL, both as a model and as Subject Matter Short
Story as a model occurs when students Writing becomes

closely similar to the original work or clearly imitates its
content, theme, Organization and \or style. However, when
Writing exhibits organization, and \or des Style Inter-
analysis or when he emerges from, or is creatively stimulated bye
the reading literature Serves as subject matters in accordance
With this Oster (1989:85) affirms that literature helps Students
to write more Creatively.
Teachers can create a variety of writing activities to help students
dialogues or more complex writing activates if students have
a high level of language proficiency for example, if teachers
bring to class "Bill" they can assign the following writing
1. write a dialogue between Bill and mina at evening when he says
that he must never Kiss her binning from that nights-
2. in advanced class, the students are grouped in to
two groups.
using "Bill" the fast group is assigned to prepare arguments that
Bill’s decision to find adaptive parents fem mina is correct.
Another group should prepare arguments that the decision is not
An extending activity useful to develop Students speaking skill
and to make students were involved in the story is role-play.
this can be caused out by asking Students to play the role
of Several characters (i.e) by instructing them the following-
Imagine you are the doctor who diagnoses that Bill publish
his advertisement. El Bill what you think of the content of the
advertisement. To develop Listening skill using a short story
teacher can do the following:
1.Read the story belt loud so students have the opportunity
to listen to a native speaker English the story if recording is available
questions can be based
on literary structure Such as
 who is the main character of "Bill"?
 Where / When does the story take place?
 What is the problem (conflict) in the story?
 How is the conflict resolved?

2.0 Module description:
Corbett (2009\7\14) designed a module to explores the role of
Short Stories in teaching Language this module explores the use of
short storing in EFL, bilingual Classroom at all et is levels Cheese in
fond Education to adults). Les main goal is to provide teachers
with information on how to use short stories to enhance student’s
communicative competence in Le and critical thinking, the
syllabus Covers a description of the short Story (both
As a literary genre and a didactic resource) and the effective
design and delivery of activities on UNITS of wok including Short
2. 11 Aims
2.11.1 Generic competences Explore the potential of short
Stories as materials for the development of both communicative
Competence in L2 and. critical thinking Explore teaching
Strategies to take full advantage of the use of short stories
in the classroom Reflect on ways in which the teaching Learning
Process can be built around short Stories. Become acquainted
with Stories Which can prove helpful in the teaching in English at
different levels. Know ICT resources to work on with short
stories in the classroom. Be able to least their students,
motivation and confidence when reading short story
class time table
 session unite activity \ assignment
 Introduction to short Story
 Discussion exploring miss conception in the use of the short
 final reflections and feedback.
2.12previous Study
Developing Second Language, Reading comprehension through
Short Story, the interface and joint association of literature
and Language education has been the focus of attention to
numerous EFL (English as foreign Language) investigators
Particularly in the twentieth Century with literature as a medium
of instruction for foreign has proved exceedingly handy.
predominantly the unique attributes of 'Short Story It’s Pithiness
modernism and diversity render it alluring as well as fascinating to
foreign Language Students along with a worthy intended for the
enhancement of second Language medias comprehension, the
short story con proffer learns ample lingual rational and motive
engagement and enhance their understanding.

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