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Chapter One

Chapter Tow
Chapter Three
Chapter tow

Improving EFL Leanerss Readings Kills through Short

Secondary School


Stories in

10 Back ground

very week

This study focuses on improving EFL Learner_reading compac


Skills thxght teaching short stories on the other hand it

Js Important for the learners Progmarus to Sucessful reading

EFL classes al secondary Schochea meading skills is considered

a5_Significant Languge skill and important activity - It should

be improve at an early stage of learning foreign Language

1. Statment of problems:-

mesearchers noted that heading Skill is

also the students make passively carted of wading skill

A Additionally there is aproblem in the wsing pronu ciation

of letters.
1 2 objective of the Study

This study aims to…

Chapter tow

Improving EFL Leanerss Readings Kills through Short

Secondary School


Stories in

10 Back ground

very week

This study focuses on improving EFL Learner_reading compac


Skills thxght teaching short stories on the other hand it

Js Important for the learners Progmarus to Sucessful reading

EFL classes al secondary Schochea meading skills is considered

a5_Significant Languge skill and important activity - It should

be improve at an early stage of learning foreign Language

1. Statment of problems:-

mesearchers noted that heading Skill is

also the students make passively carted of wading skill

A Additionally there is aproblem in the wsing pronu ciation

of letters.

1 2 objective of the Study

This study aims tos-

| Investigat using short stories in leas reading skills.

2 Enhanc reading skills through short


3. Suggest activities through Short Stories whick ateacher

can belp cleaners to improve their weading skills.

4. Examin influences of aural authentic materials (shert

Stories) on weading ability in Students of English as

Second toate Language

-5. find Solution to improve reading skillsa

-1.3 Questions of the Study:-

Is Why do Students have problemin reading skills?

- What are the final objectives of teaching wending


Nead more and more

3. to what extent the Qural authentic materials

Csbert StoryIn flugce on reading ability in students of


as a second language?

1-4 Hy potheses of the Study

2) Teacher's attiude and methods en cougarge Student to

(b) Teacher might be. majar elemet in teaching reading skills

se story is one of the important activities which dteacher can

help ale

parner to improve their


1.5 significance of the study

This study is Inteded to help all who are con cered with

reading ability. So, this study will focus on

Studying the

meading in order to improve meading skills

1.6. The method of the Study

The study will be used the decriptive method, also

aquestennene as means to collect data for the Study.

17 Delimitation of the Study

This is as a wide toimprove_meading skills as Secondary schools

1.8 The terminology

Beading skills.



Chapter two ar

Literature review

2.0 Introduction

Excellent Short Story collections are how ln abundance

them are in paperbacks they are economically availlable to the

Clasroom teacher. These short story collections can be used in

a variety of says and cen inject hew life in fired unit can be use

your classroom and can provide opportunities for student te

Connect literature to life and to other literature.

TeachersSometime draw ablank when they see Short


mious teaching Guides Thus the intent of his collection can be


into your curriculum and how you can use.

21 Teaching methods
In the nineteenth century, the grammer franslation method

EELLESL teaching in that eran trans

ans Lating literacy texts from the

second fareigin language to the studered a native language was

ene of

- the main Lerning activitel, But Wing n this method was replaced
by the

Structuralism approach during the 1960 the end of 19 psza

literature was no longer used structuralism

approach was concerned

With the Writen werd'or style in other words Leasaingaforeign


was regarded as amatter of linguistics then when the direct


the audio-lingual meshed Comwentionsa

The road examples of grammatical structures and wacabulary

the literay texts raise. Learners awareness of the range of the

Language ardadvance their competences celle Language skills



in Language teaching has the advantage of providing

culturel information about the turget Language literary texts

Increase foreign

Language Learners insight into the country and the

people whose Language is being Learnt which fosters Learners

abilire to intex discourse in cellerent social and cultural target

Languege contexts" (collie and slater, 1990).

finally since literature enables, students to understand and


Other cultures Sociteties and Ideologies different from their own

te encourages personal growth Community Language learning


the silent way total physicd response and the natural approach
de fines short story as:

ALS. Short Story

Which include

22 Definition

The Short Story is defined from many me femences - Edgar Allan


Ashed is fictional work of prose that shorterit

Length than anovel', it should be read in one sitting any where

from ahalf how to two hours."

de fined, ashort writen Story usually

dealing with few characterse ashert werk of fiction,

define Short Story in this res

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