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Intermediate 1


Intermediate 1
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Dear Student,

Welcome to the English Discoveries Student Book for Intermediate 1. Using this Student
Book will help you practice your English.

Each unit of the Student Book corresponds directly to a unit in the English Discoveries
Intermediate 1 course. After completing a unit within the course, you should complete
the corresponding activities in the Student Book.

The units in this Student Book integrate all four language skills: Listening, Reading,
Speaking, and Writing. The Student Book units also provide a wide range of grammar
and vocabulary activities.

If you want to refer to the computer lesson texts while you are away from your computer,
you can find them in the Student Book Appendix.

Special emphasis has been given throughout the Student Book to speaking and writing
activities. You will see that you have many opportunities to express yourself in both
spoken and written English.

We hope you enjoy using this program,

The English Discoveries Team

Unit 1

Unit 2
Away From Home

Unit 3

Unit 4
Bad Weather

Unit 5
Arts And Entertainment

Unit 6
At Work

Unit 7
Sending A Package

Unit 8

Unit 9
Banking 61

Unit 10
Gadgets 69

Lesson Texts 77
Intermediate 1 Unit 1

Unit 1

a. Do you remember who said what in the radio interview between the presenter, Duke, and
the football hero, Joe Norse? Complete the table below.


1. Welcome to “Local Athletes.”

2. How does it feel to be playing on the same field as

those great players?
3. Our school has always had a great history of producing
famous athletes.
4. Coach Washington says that a team that is motivated is a
team that wins.
5. I’m thinking mostly about passing my exams and getting my

6. You’ve made an intelligent decision.

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Intermediate 1 Unit 1

b. Joe Norse’s football coach wrote a letter of recommendation to help Joe get into college.
Complete his letter, using the words below.

attends • championship • coach • college • intelligent • mastered • motivated

The College Acceptance Committee,

I am happy to recommend Joe Norse as a student at your (1) ________________. At present he
(2) ________________ Jefferson High, where he has helped his school football team win the city
(3) ________________ for the last three years.
I have been Joe’s (4) ________________ for several years and in my opinion he has really
(5) ________________ the game of football. He is a very (6) ________________ player and an
(7) ________________ student.
Yours truly,
Fraser Washington, Football Coach

c. A few weeks later, Duke interviewed Joe Norse’s coach.

Which of the questions below do you think he asked him?
1. How does it feel to be coaching Joe Norse? ______
2. What is your opinion of Jefferson High? ______
3. How are your studies going? ______
4. Did you coach Hank Perry and Dick Verall? ______
5. Do you think it’s important for a football team to be motivated? ______
6. Have you accepted any college offers? ______

d. Write the dialogue for a radio interview between Duke and Coach Washington. Use the
words and phrases from activities a. and b. to help you.
Duke: Welcome to “Local Athletes.” Today’s guest is Coach Fraser Washington.
Coach Washington: _______________________________________________________
Duke: _______________________________________________________
Coach Washington: _______________________________________________________
Duke: _______________________________________________________
Coach Washington: _______________________________________________________

e. Practice your dialogue with a partner.

8 Copyright © 1990-2023 Edusoft Ltd. All rights reserved.

Intermediate 1 Unit 1

College for Kids?

a. Do you remember the article, “College for Kids?” Mark whether the following statements
are true or false, according to what you read in the article.

True False

1. Once, children learned to read and write in elementary school.

2. Nowadays, parents teach their children 1-2-3 and A-B-C before they
start school.

3. Today, many children must take entrance exams for kindergarten.

4. Today, some pre-school children are given homework


5. Once, children just played in kindergarten.

6. Nowadays, children know much more than they did in the past.

b. “College for Kids?” discusses formal education for pre-school children. Mark whether the
statements below are for or against formal education for pre-school children.

For Against

1. Children today know more than children did years ago.

2. Children need to be children.
3. Children learn as they play.
4. Small children should be given homework assignments.
5. There should be entrance examinations for kindergarten.
6. Childhood programs should offer subjects that children do
well in naturally, like art and music.

7. Kindergartens should teach children the alphabet and

basic mathematics.

c. Do you agree with the statements above. Discuss with a partner.

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Intermediate 1 Unit 1

d. Harriet Nelson, the author of the article, “College for Kids?” received many letters from the
parents of pre-school children. Below are two of the letters she received. Which letter do
you agree with? Complete the following sentence:

I agree with letter ________________ because:__________________________________


A Dear Ms Nelson, study

ne d a lo t at pr e- school. He doesn’t
has lear However,
I believe my child do ho m ework assigments.
y and he do es n’t
history or geograph p an d ho w to talk to others
. He is
to play in a gr ou
he has learned how
skills for life.
learning important

Gordon Smith

B Dear Ms Nelson, ory and

ar n m or e. I th in k he will enjoy hist
ready to le ppy to
I believe my son is in te re st in g. I would also be ha
teacher mak es it ol,
geography, if the m en ts . M y ch ild plays after scho
homework as si gn
help my child with ol hours.
le ar n fo rm al su bjects during scho
so I want him to

Yours truly,
Lucy Cavendish

e. Write your own letter to Harriet Nelson. Use the words and phrases from activities a, b, and
c. to help you.

f. Read and discuss your letter with a partner. Do you agree or disagree with your partner’s

10 Copyright © 1990-2023 Edusoft Ltd. All rights reserved.

Intermediate 1 Unit 1

Math Test
a. Do you remember the dialogue, “Math Test”? Rewrite the dialogue by putting the words
below in the correct order.

yesterday? / do / did / test / on / math / How / you / that

ever / the / test / was / I’ve / That / hardest / taken.
yet. / has / I / Mr. Pascal / if / them / wonder / graded / Yeah.
sure / has. / he / I’m
so / can / How / sure? / you / be
morning / I / this / him / saw / and / all. / wasn’t / at / happy / he

b. Mark whether a teacher, or a student, or both might ask the following questions.

Teacher Student Both

1. What did you think of the math test?

2. Was the material very hard?

3. Can you explain the material again?.

4. Did you spend enough time preparing for the test?.

5. Does this mark count towards our final grade?

6. Would you like to take the test again?

c. Write a dialogue between Mr. Pascal and one of his students. Use the sentences and
phrases in activities a. and b. to help you.

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Intermediate 1 Unit 1

Present Prefect: Statements Q And A

a. Complete the dialogue between two parents with the adverbs: since, yet, already, for, and
just. For some of the answers there is more than one correct choice.

Sue: Hi, Tim. I haven’t seen you (1) ____________ such a long time, not (2) _____________

María’s birthday party. How are María and the kids?

Tim: They’re fine. Clara has (3) _____________ started high school. What about your twins?

Sue: Oh they’re great – they’ve (4) ______________ started kindergarten.

Tim: That’s nice, are they enjoying themselves?

Sue: Well, they only started last week. But they have (5) ______________ made lots of
friends. What does Clara think of high school?

Tim: Actually she hasn’t made many friends (6) ______________ and she’s finding the
homework assignments really difficult.

Sue: Oh dear, I’m sure it will get better and anyway, grades and diplomas aren’t everything.

Tim: That’s true.

b. Practice the dialogue from activity a. with a partner.

c. Here are some more questions that Duke asked, Joe Norse in his radio interview. Write the
answers that Joe might have given.

1. How long have you been a student at Jefferson High?

2. Have you visited any colleges yet?
3. Have you ever met Hank “The Tank”?

4. How long have you known Coach Washington?


5. Have you ever been interviewed on the radio before?

d. In class, read your answers to activity c. to a partner and then practice the dialogue.

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