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1. What is the primary reason of the author in writing the document? How was it produced?
 The primary reason of Antonio Pigafetta in writing the travelogue 'The First Voyage
Around the World’ is that he wanted to detail the events and experience of the first
circumnavigation in the world. Magellan wanted to command a voyage to the Spice
Island and Pigafetta heard about Magellan's expedition, and being wishful to learn about
the world, he asked for and obtained the permission to join the voyage. The author
wanted to document his journey across the globe. Pigafetta narrated well Magellan’s
expedition that started in the year 1519 and ended in 1522. This serves as more than
evidence and historical account of the world’s amazing exploration.

2. What is the main theme in the document? Explain briefly

 The travelogue 'The First Voyage Around the World’ centers in its theme on exposing
marvels, causing astonishment and creating a feeling of wonder with regards to the first
expedition around world. It is evident in Pegafetta journal notes on how he provided a
detailed information about their extraordinary journey.

3. What specific information of importance is proved in the text? Explain the importance to
the understanding of Philippine History.
 The part which I really admired the most in Pigafettas writing is where they touched
down Philippine specifically the scenario of exchanging gifts with our ancestors. This
scene led me to conclude that we Filipinos are really hospitable and accommodating even
before. Today, we, Filipinos are widely known for having pleasing personality in
maintaining a harmonious relationship with our peers. This really provides the continuum
of our past. For history in its true essence is a never ending story to tell. In addition, our
natives had really a great contribution on the survival of Magellan’ s troupe. This act of
our ancients had really prove a lot of our concern and compassion towards our fellow.
Our Filipino ancestors gave them provisions, they also offered gold bars but Magellan
and his company refuse to it because they need goods rather than wealth. This also
remarked that we are truly abundant before. This part in Pigafettas writing led me to
deeper understanding and more appreciation of history.

4. What light does it shed on people, their politics and economy, religious and cultural
practices? Analyze the text.
 Economy
 The ways and means of trading system, mostly the things that carried out of the country.
 Discovery of the different kinds of products in the Philippines such as fabrics, herbs,
perfume, porcelain, carpets and other products.

 Religion
 The document narrated how Catholic religion started in the Philippines and how
Catholic Faith and beliefs was embraced by Filipino people.

 Youth
 The information in the document gave inspiration to the youth that indeed we
have our sovereignty and identity as a Filipino.

 Socio-culture
 The good traits and physical appearance of Filipinos were identified and recognized.

 Politics
 Introduces the personalities, crucial bravery and guaranteed defense of the Philippines.

5. What is your personal evaluation on the impact of the document in the understanding of
the 16th century and their culture in the islands?
 Pigafettas “The First Voyage Around The World” revealed the custom, traits and
traditions that 16th century people hold on to. Specifically, we came to understand our
ancestors ideals. Through that document we came to conclusion that our world is full of
different cultures that is anchored upon geographical and topographical sites of a certain
country. Pigafetta noted the uniqueness of different cultures around the world. We are
able to figure out what our ancestors look like before, how they lived and what values
they are practicing. The information teaches us the importance of respecting every
culture. Through the absence of cultural ethnocentrisms, we can together create a better
community. So for me, Pigafetta did really his best to describe their encounters with
regard to the knowledge to human race, culture, traditions and even belief systems.

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