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Oxytocin, Vasopressin, and Social Behavior: From Neural Circuits to Clinical


Article in Endocrinology · July 2022

DOI: 10.1210/endocr/bqac111


54 784

4 authors, including:

Nicole Rigney Geert J. De Vries

Emory University Georgia State University


Aras Petrulis
Georgia State University


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Endocrinology, 2022, 163, 1–13
Advance access publication 21 July 2022

Oxytocin, Vasopressin, and Social Behavior: From Neural

Circuits to Clinical Opportunities

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Nicole Rigney,1 Geert J. de Vries,1,2 Aras Petrulis,1 and Larry J. Young3,4,5,
Neuroscience Institute and Center for Behavioral Neuroscience, Georgia State University, Atlanta, Georgia 30303, USA
Department of Biology, Georgia State University, Atlanta, Georgia 30303, USA
Center for Translational Social Neuroscience, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia 30329, USA
Silvio O. Conte Center for Oxytocin and Social Cognition, Emory National Primate Research Center, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia 30329,
USA; and
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, Georgia 30322, USA.
Correspondence: Larry J. Young, PhD, Emory National Primate Center, Emory University, 954 Gatewood Rd, Atlanta, GA 30329, USA. Email: lyoun03@emory.edu.

Oxytocin and vasopressin are peptide hormones secreted from the pituitary that are well known for their peripheral endocrine effects on child-
birth/nursing and blood pressure/urine concentration, respectively. However, both peptides are also released in the brain, where they modulate
several aspects of social behaviors. Oxytocin promotes maternal nurturing and bonding, enhances social reward, and increases the salience of
social stimuli. Vasopressin modulates social communication, social investigation, territorial behavior, and aggression, predominantly in males.
Both peptides facilitate social memory and pair bonding behaviors in monogamous species. Here we review the latest research delineating the
neural circuitry of the brain oxytocin and vasopressin systems and summarize recent investigations into the circuit-based mechanisms modu-
lating social behaviors. We highlight research using modern molecular genetic technologies to map, monitor activity of, or manipulate neuro-
peptide circuits. Species diversity in oxytocin and vasopressin effects on social behaviors are also discussed. We conclude with a discussion of
the translational implications of oxytocin and vasopressin for improving social functioning in disorders with social impairments, such as autism
spectrum disorder.
Key Words: autism, neuropeptides, social communication, social behavior, oxytocin, vasopressin
Abbreviations: AON, accessory olfactory nucleus; AMY, amygdala; AVP, arginine vasopressin; ASD, autism spectrum disorder; BNST, bed nucleus of the stria
terminalis; DR, dorsal raphe; HYP, hypothalamus; KO, knockout; LHb, lateral habenula; LS, lateral septum; LC, locus coeruleus; MeA, medial amygdala; MPOA,
medial preoptic area; NAcc, nucleus accumbens; OB, olfactory bulb; OXT, oxytocin; OXTR, oxytocin receptor; PAG, periaqueductal gray; PVN, paraventricular nu-
cleus of the hypothalamus; PMd, premammillary nucleus (dorsal); SON, supraoptic nucleus of the hypothalamus; VP, ventral pallidum; VTA, ventral tegmental area.

Social distancing and isolation during the COVID-19 pan- and empathy-like consoling (8-14), whereas central AVP has
demic have caused major disruptions to our social relation- been shown to regulate social communication, territorial ag-
ships, likely affecting our well-being, as social interactions are gression, pair bonding, and mate guarding, especially in males
fundamental for physical and mental health (1). Dysfunction (9, 15, 16). Some of the behavioral effects of OXT and AVP
in social communication and behavior is also a prominent are functionally linked to their peripheral function, as OXT
aspect of many psychopathologies including autism, schizo- promotes birth and nursing but also parental nurturing, while
phrenia, and social anxiety (2). Considerable insights into the AVP modulates urine production and also territorial behavior,
biological framework regulating functional social behavior, which often involves urine and scent marking (17, 18). Since
and therefore its dysfunction, have been gained through exam- these peptides modulate social cognition and motivation, ma-
ination of oxytocin (OXT) and arginine vasopressin (AVP) nipulations of the OXT and AVP systems offer promising fu-
neuropeptide systems and their nonmammalian homologues. ture therapeutics for individuals with social deficits, such as in
OXT and AVP were first identified as regulators of periph- autism spectrum disorder (ASD) (19-21).
eral physiology, being secreted into the bloodstream through Although the neural mechanisms underlying social behavior
hypothalamic terminals in posterior pituitary and median are highly complex, recent anatomical, genetic, and molecular
eminence to influence parturition and lactation (OXT) and technologies have considerably advanced our understanding
water retention, blood pressure, body temperature, and the of how OXT and AVP act within the brain to regulate so-
hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (AVP) (3-6). In the 1960s, cial behavior. Most of this recent work has been conducted in
work by de Wied substantially advanced the field of endocrin- laboratory mice because of the availability of powerful gen-
ology by demonstrating that AVP can act in the brain to alter etic tools in this species, such as recombinase-expressing and
behavior, thereby introducing the concept of “neuropeptide” conditional knockout (KO) strains that, when combined with
(7). Since then, OXT acting centrally has been shown to be es- site-specific targeting with viral vectors, allow unprecedented
sential for maternal behavior, mother-infant bonding, sexual access to chemically and spatially defined neural systems.
behavior, and other affiliative behaviors such as pair bonding These advancements have allowed researchers to manipulate
Received: 1 April 2022. Editorial Decision: 11 July 2022. Corrected and Typeset: 27 July 2022
© The Author(s) 2022. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Endocrine Society. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail:
2 Endocrinology, 2022, Vol. 163, No. 9

neurons expressing OXT and AVP and their cognate recep- Oxytocin
tors within the “social behavior neural network” (SBNN), as PVN OXT-expressing cells send fibers to the SON forming
well as in other areas, such as the hippocampus, and thereby the neurohypophyseal tract (44), and classical retro-
determine how these discrete, interlinked systems alter social grade tracing and modern viral tracing strategies in rats
behavior (6, 16, 22). Since laboratory mice have limited be- and mice have shown that the PVN OXT-expressing cells
havioral diversity, and species differences in the distribution also send projections to the thalamus, cortex, amygdala,
of OXT/AVP receptors are well documented (10), it is im- striatum, and hippocampus (Fig. 1A (53-55). The SON
portant to expand these intersectional tools to other species OXT-expressing cells have more restricted projections,
(23). For example, oxytocin and vasotocin modulate social mainly to the posterior pituitary, but also project to the
interactions in many species including teleost fish, lizards,

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medial and central amygdala (44). In rats and mice, sev-
and birds (24-26) and genome editing approaches are now eral regions provide input to PVN OXT-expressing cells,
being used to examine OXT and AVP circuitry and social be- including the brainstem, thalamic, hypothalamic, and cor-
havioral functions in prairie voles and medaka fish (27-30). tical cell populations (56-58) (see Fig. 1A). Recently, Son
Importantly, the disproportionate focus on OXT compared to et al (59) found no correlation between OXT neuronal
AVP systems suggests there is a need to rebalance research so projections and OXTR expression, consistent with para-
that the role of different AVP circuits in social behavior can crine signaling.
be refined and expanded.
Consequently, this mini-review will highlight recent work Vasopressin
on the behaviorally relevant sources of OXT and AVP, the PVN AVP-expressing cells send projections to the thalamus,
inputs and outputs of these sources, and the receptor systems cortex, amygdala, striatum, and hippocampus (Fig. 1B).
they act on to generate complex social behaviors; see (6, 16, Although the number of PVN AVP neurons do not appear
31-38) for reviews of foundational work that guided recent to differ by sex, central projections from these neurons are
discoveries of OXT/AVP’s role in social behavior. generally denser in female than in male mice (60). PVN/SON
AVP cells receive monosynaptic inputs locally and from lat-
eral septum (LS), bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST),
Neuronal Sources of Oxytocin and Vasopressin MPOA, ventromedial hypothalamus, and suprachiasmatic
Hypothalamus nucleus (Fig. 1B). Some differences between inputs to PVN
The paraventricular (PVN) and supraoptic nuclei (SON) of and SON cells are apparent. For example, PVN AVP cells re-
the hypothalamus release OXT and AVP, both centrally and ceive stronger input from the BNST than does the SON. Few
peripherally. Within these regions, each peptide is stored in of the inputs to PVN AVP cells are AVP immunoreactive,
large, dense core vesicles, which can be released through and may, in fact, be OXT-ergic (61, 62), suggesting func-
somatodendritic, en passant axonal release, as well as tional crosstalk between OXT and AVP PVN cells. Whether
through synaptic terminals (39-41). AVP is also produced release of hypothalamic OXT and AVP is synchronized
in other hypothalamic nuclei such as the suprachiasmatic across all OXT/AVP sources under various social conditions
nucleus, well known for regulating circadian rhythms or has region-specific projections for distinct social behav-
(42), and the accessory nuclei/nucleus circularis region, a iors is still unclear.
likely source of AVP regulating aggression and competitive
communication (43). OXT is also produced in the medial Extended Amygdala
preoptic area (MPOA), where it regulates maternal and Oxytocin
sexual behavior (44). OXT neurons have been reported in the extended medial
Both the PVN and SON contain magnocellular OXT and amygdala (eg, the BNST and medial amygdala proper [MeA])
AVP neurosecretory cells that project to the posterior pi- in rats (63), California mice (64), and marmosets (65). Very
tuitary, releasing each peptide peripherally as a hormone little is known about the neuroanatomical connectivity
(45), and the PVN contains an additional population of of these neurons. However, OXT neurons in the BNST of
nonneurosecretory, parvocellular cells that modulate anterior California mice make local connections within the BNST,
pituitary release of adrenocorticotropin (46), as well as pro- project to the hypothalamus, and are involved in social vigi-
ject to other brain and spinal cord areas (47, 48); for a com- lance (66).
prehensive review see (6, 40, 49). Some reports have shown
that AVP messenger RNA (mRNA) density measurements in Vasopressin
the SON of rats are greater in males (50), while, in mice, OXT The extended medial amygdala contains neurons that ex-
production is greater in females (51); however, other studies press AVP in a steroid-dependent and sexually dimorphic
have shown a similar amount of OXT and AVP in both sexes manner (33). Indeed, the BNST and MeA contribute to the
in the PVN/SON of various rodent species, nonhuman pri- most pronounced sex difference in AVP innervation in the
mates, and humans (49, 52). brain (33, 60). For example, male rodents have 2 to 3 times
To better understand how OXT and AVP modulate neural as many AVP cells as females in the BNST/MeA and pro-
circuits controlling social behavior, it is important to delin- nounced sex-different projections to areas involved in so-
eate the central nervous system projections of these neurons cial behavior such as the ventral pallidum, lateral septum
as well as their inputs. The development of mice with Cre (LS), lateral habenula, dorsal raphe (DR), periaqueductal
recombinase driven by OXT or AVP neurons as well as vir- gray, as well as other forebrain areas (33, 60) (Fig. 1C).
uses with transgenes driven by neuropeptide promoters have The sex difference in AVP expression is driven primarily
considerably enhanced our understanding of OXT and AVP by organizational effects of steroid hormones, although
circuit architecture. hormone-independent influences of sex chromosomes play
Endocrinology, 2022, Vol. 163, No. 9 3

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Figure 1. Neural circuits (inputs and outputs) of oxytocin (OXT) and arginine vasopressin (AVP). Blue arrows indicate OXT and AVP neuronal inputs,
while red arrows indicate OXT and AVP neuronal outputs. Combined blue and red arrows indicate regions that share both inputs and outputs. HYP
refers to hypothalamic regions outside the paraventricular nucleus (PVN) and supraoptic nuclei (SON) of the hypothalamus. A, PVN and SON OXT
neurons. B, PVN and SON AVP neurons. C, Sexually dimorphic AVP neurons within the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST) and medial amygdala

a role (67). It is currently unknown which regions and Collectively, OXT and AVP cells in PVN receive and
neuronal cell types send monosynaptic inputs to BNST or send projections to similar regions, including thalamus,
MeA AVP. hypothalamus, midbrain, and extended amygdala. More
4 Endocrinology, 2022, Vol. 163, No. 9

neuroanatomical experiments are needed to map the con- for long-term neural plasticity after social interactions
nectivity of OXT/AVP cells in the extended amygdala. (10).
Although constitutive KO of OXT does not alter social ap-
proach in mice (79), specific OXT systems do influence so-
Oxytocin and Vasopressin Receptors cial reward, approach, and investigation. For example, Dölen
OXT has one canonical receptor type (ie, OXTR), whereas et al (80), using elegant circuit manipulations, demonstrated
AVP has 3: V1aR, V1bR, and V2. The behavioral effects of that PVN OXT and DR serotonin projections to the nucleus
AVP are mediated primarily by V1aR (or Avpr1a) and V1bR accumbens (NAcc) are required for social reward in mice.
(16, 37, 38, 49, 68), while AVP acts on V2 to regulate fluid Further, PVN OXT cells are responsible for the facilitatory
homeostasis in the kidney (69). Most research investigating effects of 3,4-methylendioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) on

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OXT and AVP functions do so by manipulating the recep- mouse prosocial behavior and social reward memory (81).
tors, or receptor-expressing neurons, without regard to the PVN OXT can also facilitate social reward through its ac-
source of the peptide. One of the most interesting features tions on brain dopamine systems (82), originating, for ex-
of the OXT/AVP system is the diversity in receptor func- ample, in the ventral tegmental area (VTA), and through
tion in relation to behavior. While there is remarkable con- endocannabinoid-dependent mechanisms (83). In male
sistency in the distribution of OXT and AVP neurons and and female Syrian hamsters, social interaction increases the
their projections across vertebrates (33), there are striking amount of c-Fos expression (a marker for neural activity) in
species differences in the distributions in the distribution OXT-immunoreactive neurons in the PVN and SON, while
of OXT and AVP receptors in the brain, even between OXTRs in the VTA mediate the rewarding properties of these
closely related species (10). Humans, chimpanzees, and social interactions (84).
other nonhuman primate species all show unique distribu- Similarly, in mice, social touch during early life increases
tions of OXTR and V1aR in the brain, which may relate both PVN OXT neuronal firing and social approach later
to species differences in primate social behaviors (70). The in adulthood through interaction with substance P systems
behavioral significance of diversity in receptor distribution, within the periaqueductal gray (58). PVN OXT cells in adults
both within and between species, has been highlighted by are also active during interactions with juveniles (85), and
studies of the neural basis of monogamy in prairie voles stimulation of PVN OXT terminals in the VTA increased
(discussed later). In addition, the distribution of OXTR social investigation through actions on OXTR specifically.
messenger RNA in prairie vole brain is surprisingly wide- Moreover, deletion of OXTR from dopaminergic neurons in
spread, suggesting that OXT may modulate essentially the VTA eliminated preferences for interacting with juveniles
brain-wide circuit activity (71). In California mice, OXTR (82). Monogamous mandarin voles raised without a father
is expressed in different cell types depending on the brain socialize less and have fewer PVN OXT cells, a behavioral
region (72). difference that can be reversed by optogenetic stimulation of
PVN OXT terminals within the prelimbic cortex (86). Taken
together, OXT from the PVN influences social behavior via its
Modulation of Social Behavior
actions on defined DR serotonin– and dopamine system–ex-
Sensory Processing of Social Cues pressing populations as well as others, perhaps serving as a
Olfactory processing is critical for appropriate social be- “gating” mechanism for the flow of information to reward
havior driven by chemosignals produced by a conspecific systems (83, 87).
(73). While there are no known OXT cells in the olfac- Historically OXT is known for having prosocial effects on
tory bulb (OB), PVN OXT can act early in the olfactory behavior, whereas AVP is thought to play more of a role in
processing stream, via OXT receptors in the anterior ol- aggression, stress, and anxiety. However, in California mice,
factory nucleus. This system facilitates social recognition in knockdown of OXT or administration of OXTR antagonist
rats by indirectly inhibiting the primary projection cells in in the anterior BNST increased social approach and decreased
the OB (74, 75), thereby reducing background “noise” and social vigilance, an anxiety-like behavior, which suggests that
increasing signal salience. A similar process may also occur OXT may also drive social anxiety-like behavior depending
via AVP release, from inhibitory OB interneurons, in con- on its source or context (66, 88).
junction with cholinergic mechanisms (76, 77). This modu- AVP can have prosocial effects as well. With site-specific
lation of signal to noise may be a common neural circuit targeting using viral vectors, we have begun to identify which
mechanism to enhance the salience of multimodal social AVP sources are responsible for specific social behaviors in
stimuli (10, 78). mice. AVP cell groups appear to play opposite roles in so-
cial investigation in males and females depending on the
Social Motivation and Investigation source. BNST AVP cell ablation and AVP knockdown both
To respond adaptively to their social environment, ani- reduced male-male social investigation. These are similar to
mals must be motivated to respond to social signals. effects of BNST AVP knockdown in avian species (reviewed
After processing social information (eg, on familiarity, in [89]). PVN AVP cell ablation increased female social in-
sex, age, health), animals must decide how to interact: vestigation, but does not alter investigation in males (52, 90,
communicate, fight/compete, flee, cooperate, reproduce, 91). However, PVN AVP cell stimulation in male mice caused
and, in some species, form pair bonds and raise offspring self-grooming instead of social interactions with female mice
together. OXT and AVP sources in the hypothalamus and (92). Nevertheless, there may be differential involvement of
extended amygdala play pivotal and distinct roles in so- PVN and BNST AVP cells in the control of social/emotional
cial investigation, motivation, and social reward (dis- behavior in each sex (52). There is also a sex-specific role of
cussed later). Further, OXT (and likely AVP) is important AVP in the regulation of social play behavior in juvenile rats,
Endocrinology, 2022, Vol. 163, No. 9 5

as blocking V1aR in the LS increases social play behavior in Social Communication, Territoriality, and
males and decreases it in females (49). The extreme sexually Aggression
dimorphic nature of BNST AVP cells may explain stronger AVP was first shown to influence social communication by
effects in males than in females. The female bias in the effects its ability to induce flank marking in Syrian hamsters in the
of similar manipulations of PVN AVP cells may be related anterior hypothalamus and MPOA (16, 111-113). AVP in
to females having denser PVN AVP projections compared to these areas is also critical for the establishment of domin-
males (60). ance relationships; for a comprehensive review on AVP effects
on aggression and communication, see (114). Mice deposit
Social Recognition urine marks to communicate social status and dominance

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Although social behavior is diverse across species, one (115). Removal of BNST AVP cells in mice increases male
common feature is that the animal must differentiate urine marking toward females. However, AVP knockdown in
between conspecifics, which is critical for the establish- this region did not affect urine marking but did reduce other
ment of relationships between animals (ie, affiliative, ter- aspects of male communication (eg, vocalizations and tail rat-
ritorial). OXT and AVP systems have long been known tles), suggesting that BNST AVP is involved in some aspects of
to play a major role in the formation of social memory male offensive/territorial signaling (91). In contrast, blockade
(93). For example, mice with impairments in either system of V1a receptors in the lateral habenula and DR (downstream
show deficits in distinguishing between familiar and novel BNST structures) reduced, instead of increased, male urine
conspecifics (74, 94, 95). OXTRs in the MeA receive OXT marking toward potential competitor males. More work is
input from the PVN that help discriminate between sex- clearly needed to dissect which AVP sources and output re-
and individual cues (53, 74, 96). Ablating OXTR expres- gions are responsible for urine marking and other forms of
sion in aromatase-positive neurons in the MeA abolishes social communication in mice.
male mouse preferences for females (96). Social memory AVP also plays a role in aggression in prairie voles and
processing also requires the hippocampus. OXT and AVP- Syrian hamsters, sometimes in a sex-specific manner. For ex-
expressing cells in PVN and SON send projections to ample, pharmacological studies revealed that AVP in the an-
the hippocampus, with the highest fiber density seen in terior hypothalamus facilitates intermale aggression both in
the CA2 region for AVP and CA2/CA3 regions for OXT prairie voles and hamsters (16, 43, 116), while the opposite
projections (97-100). OXTRs in the anterior DG-CA2/ effect was found in female hamsters (117). In hamsters, social
CA3 circuit facilitate social, but not object discrimin- isolation increases aggression both in male and females, but
ation (101), and AVP projections from PVN to hippo- V1aR density is higher in males than females (114). Recently,
campus influence recognition of conspecifics as well as constitutive KO of Avpr1a in Syrian hamsters paradoxic-
spatial features in mice (102). For example, Smith et al ally increased flank marking and aggression in both sexes,
(99) demonstrated that optogenetic activation of the PVN highlighting the complex role of Avpr1a in territorial behav-
AVP cell inputs to hippocampal CA2 area enhances social iors and potentially highlighting the role of compensatory
memory, via a V1bR mechanism, in mice. Further, when mechanisms and/or effects on Avpr1a KO in multiple brain
the PVN to CA2 pathway is activated chemogenetically, regions (118). Collectively, these data suggest more work is
nonmonogamous C57Bl6 mice form partner preferences needed using comparative and gene-editing approaches to
in a species-atypical way (103). Projections from PVN to elucidate AVP’s role in social communication and aggression.
other brain regions can also alter aspects of social rec-
ognition. For example, PVN OXT input to the central Sexual Behavior
amygdala mediates the ability of mice to discriminate be- OXT is strongly involved both in male and female sexual be-
tween negative and positive emotional states of conspe- havior through central and peripheral action (38). OXT con-
cifics (104). tributes to sexual arousal and sexual reward in males, while
Taken together, these studies suggest that AVP and OXT OXT influences lordosis and orgasm in females (38). In rats,
cells in the PVN help generate social preferences and influ- PVN OXT neurons are active during sexual behavior in males
ence social recognition by direct hippocampal, amygdala, and females and blocking OXT action in ventromedial hypo-
and cortical synaptic release. One explanation for OXT and thalamus and MPOA reduces female receptivity (38).
AVP effects on social recognition may be that these peptides In mice, BNST and MeA AVP cells are active during male
act as attentional modulators, increasing the salience of so- sexual behavior (101, 119) and knockdown of AVP within
cial information through different circuits (10). Indeed, acti- the BNST reduced the number of intromissions and ejacula-
vated PVN OXT neurons increased not only affiliative, but tions in males, but did not alter sexual behavior in females
also agonistic behaviors (105). For a comprehensive review (91). Hormonal action on this cell population may help drive
on OXT and AVP’s role in social memory via the hippo- aspects of steroid-sensitive sexual behavior since gonadal hor-
campus, see (106). However, it is unlikely that just PVN mones affect both male sexual behavior (120, 121) and AVP
projections contribute to AVP effects on social recognition expression within the extended amygdala (33).
as ablation of AVP cells in PVN and SON did not affect
social recognition (52, 107). Extrahypothalamic AVP pro- Parental Behavior
jections may therefore be an important regulator of social OXT is well known for its influence on social bonding and
recognition. For example, BNST AVP cell ablation impairs maternal behavior (9, 18), and its role in parental behavior
social recognition in males, likely through its projection to highlights the putative function of OXT as an attentional
the LS (94, 108, 109), and restoration of BNST—LS AVP modulator (122). For example, OXT from PVN increases the
signaling in Magel2-KO mice ameliorated social discrimin- salience of mouse pup vocalizations, while a dam’s experience
ation deficits (110). with pups adjusts the balance of excitatory and inhibitory
6 Endocrinology, 2022, Vol. 163, No. 9

tuning in the auditory cortex (54, 123, 124). Further, PVN bonding. Viral-mediated small interfering RNA knockdown
OXT neurons are activated when virgin mice observe pup of OXTR in NAcc of prairie voles inhibits partner preference
retrievals by another mother and optogenetic stimulation of (138), while overexpressing NAcc OXTR enhances partner
PVN OXT efferents to auditory cortex enhances pup retrieval preference formation (139). The OXT fibers in the NAcc ori-
learning in virgin mice (124, 125). This increase in OXT re- ginate from the PVN (140), and OXT is released in females
lease by the PVN may be driven by the posterior intralaminar during mating (141).
complex of the thalamus inputs to the PVN (56). Other loci Robust individual differences in NAcc relate to individual
of PVN OXT action include the VTA and NAcc as PVN OXT variation in alloparental nurturing behavior, and resilience
projections to these areas promote paternal behaviors in man- to early-life adversity with respect to later-life pair bonding
darin voles (126). An animal’s transition to parenthood is (142, 143). This variation in OXTR density in the NAcc is de-

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known to affect sensory perception of infant cues. How PVN termined by genetic variation in the Oxtr gene (144), which in
OXT modulates this change through various OXT circuits turn predicts how early-life nurturing experience affects later-
remains to be further explored. Additionally, parental/sensory life bonding ability (143).
deprivation or cesarean delivery can lead to disruptions of Recent ex vivo electrophysiological studies provide clues
hypothalamic OXT and maternal behavior (127-130), while, about how one’s social experience can alter OXTR signaling
in rats, enriched environments increase hypothalamic OXT in effect on NAcc activity to influence pair-bond formation and
dams and their male offspring (131). Therefore, OXT, social expression. In virgin female prairie voles, OXTR signaling,
experience, and environment heavily influence functional par- mimicking the first mating, decreases spontaneous activity of
ental behavior. NAcc neurons, effectively reducing the noise in the circuit,
There are far fewer studies examining the role of central perhaps to facilitate synaptic plasticity to make partner cues
AVP on parental behavior. This is not surprising given that rewarding. After pair bonding, OXTR signaling increases
AVP is traditionally associated with territorial behavior and evoked NAcc cell activity from neural inputs, perhaps amp-
anxiety. However, the seminal paper demonstrating the effect lifying the signal of the neural representation of the partner,
of OXT on maternal behavior also showed that AVP stimu- making the partner reinforcing and motivating affiliation
lates maternal behavior, but with a longer latency of action (140). This experience-dependent change in OXTR signaling
(132). Recent work has demonstrated that chemogenetic on physiology is mediated by OXTR-endocannabinoid inter-
inhibition of PVN AVP cell activity increases nest building actions, and blocking CB1 receptor elicits defensive rejection
in male mice (while excitation decreases nest building in fe- by the female of the partner. Interestingly, OXT stimulates the
males), without altering other aspects of parental behavior activation of NAcc activity in men in monogamous relation-
(133). Knockdown of V1aR in the MPOA impairs maternal ships when viewing images of their partner (145).
behavior in rats (134). Although the precise sources of AVP Once the pair bond is formed, withdrawal of PVN OXT
regulating parental behavior is undefined, AVP projections signaling in NAcc mediates “grieving”-like passive coping
from the extended amygdala may also influence maternal be- behavior following the loss of the partner, which is mim-
havior, as AVP in the LS facilitates paternal behavior in prairie icked in the presence of the partner by small interfering RNA
voles (135, 136). While hypothalamic OXT plays a substan- knockdown of NAc OXTR (140, 146). The negative affect
tial role in rodent maternal behavior compared to AVP, the stimulated by the loss of OXT signaling when separated by
sources of AVP responsible for V1aR-mediated changes in the partner may serve to motivate partners to stay together in
parental behavior require further examination. enduring relationships.
Prairie voles also display empathy-based consoling behavior
Pair Bonding and Mate Choice toward their distress partner, sibling, or familiar cage mate,
Studies in monogamous prairie voles have revealed the critical which is mediated by OXTR in the anterior cingulate cortex,
roles of OXT and AVP and their receptors in pair bonding, a region involved in empathetic responses in humans (8). Oxtr
biparental care, and mate guarding. For a detailed review of KO prairie voles display altered social preferences and reduced
this topic, see (9). Bonding with a partner is the culmination helping behavior toward a familiar cagemate (27, 147).
of many of the interdependent processes discussed earlier. To
pair bond, mates need to sense their partner’s social cues, be Vasopressin and monogamy
motivated to interact with them, and remember their partner’s AVP stimulates partner preferences as well as selective ag-
identity. Mate guarding is a form of territoriality, while the gression, or mate guarding, in male prairie voles (15, 148).
pair bond has similarities to the maternal bond. Thus, it is not V1aR signaling in the ventral pallidum and LS promote
surprising that OXT and AVP are integrally involved in pair partner preferences (149), while pair bond-induced aggres-
bonding in monogamous species, and mate choices more gen- sion is mediated by V1aR in the lateral hypothalamus (43,
erally. Here we provide a brief overview of OXT’s and AVP’s 150). Viral-mediated Avpr1a receptor overexpression studies
role in pair bonding and mate choice, highlighting recent ad- show that species differences in Avpr1a expression mediate
vances in the context of more classic studies. species differences in social behavior, and variation in Avpr1a
expression in the brain is related to microsatellite diversity in
Oxytocin and monogamy the gene’s 5′ flanking region (151-154). Voles display remark-
Mating and cohabitation stimulates a partner preference in able individual variation in V1aR density in the retrosplenial
both male and female prairie voles. Blocking brain OXT recep- cortex (155), a region involved in spatial memory, and this
tors in either sex prevents pair bonding, potentially disrupting receptor density is related to Avpr1a polymorphisms, space
coordinated activity across a social salience network (137). use in relation to nesting, and sexual fidelity in males (156).
Pharmacological studies revealed that OXT signaling in the The sources of AVP regulating any of these behaviors have
prefrontal cortex and NAcc facilitate mating-induced pair not been explored.
Endocrinology, 2022, Vol. 163, No. 9 7

Mate choice compromised. OXT has been more intensively investigated in

Medaka fish are promiscuous breeders of which females this regard, and its therapeutic potential is related to its modu-
prefer to mate with familiar males that manage to maintain lation of social motivation and the salience of social stimuli
proximity to the female despite efforts of competing males, (19-21). Single-cell transcriptomics studies show that PVN
while males mate indiscriminately. Females with targeted Oxt OXT neurons projecting within the brain that mediate social
or Oxtr mutations lose preference for familiar males and reward behaviors are disrupted in a mouse model of ASD,
mate indiscriminately, while Oxt or Oxtr mutant males pref- and those neurons are enriched for ASD-risk genes (159).
erentially mate with familiar females. Thus, OXTR signaling Further transcriptomic work exploring the function of sub-
promotes the adaptive mate preference of particular species, types of OXT and AVP-expressing cells (160) would be useful
in delineating relevant subcircuits driving social reward. In

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which in promiscuous species may be sexually dimorphic
(28). In zebrafish, OXT and OXTR drive social behavior in a another ASD mouse model, OXTR signaling in VTA dopa-
context-dependent manner, suggesting a broad role of OXT/ mine neurons, which mediate social reward, is disrupted, and
OXTR in social grouping (157, 158). Like voles, both AVP a kinase inhibitor that restores OXTR signaling also restores
and V1aR homologues in medaka fish mediate mate guarding disrupted ASD-relevant social behaviors (161). Prairie vole
behavior, which is related to territorial behaviors. Thus, both studies suggest that pharmacologically evoking OXT using
OXT and AVP mediate adaptive sociosexual behaviors across melanocortin agonists may be another strategy for enhancing
vertebrate taxa, although the behavior that is adaptive may social functioning (162). Clinically, the efficacy of intranasally
differ across species. delivered OXT has been mixed, and there is a critical need for
clinical trials to be designed based on our understanding of
Translational Opportunities OXT’s function in the brain, such as enhancing the salience of
Because of the effects of OXT and AVP on social behaviors, social stimuli (20).
both peptide systems are potential therapeutic targets for Both AVP and V1aR antagonists have been explored as
treating disorders such as ASD, in which social functioning is potential ASD, schizophrenia, and drug-abuse therapies

Figure 2. Oxytocin (OXT) and arginine vasopressin (AVP) circuits that regulate social behavior. The paraventricular nucleus (PVN) and bed nucleus of the
stria terminalis (BNST) contain OXT and AVP cell bodies that directly influence specific social behaviors: social recognition, social approach and reward,
social communication, sexual behavior, parental behavior, and pair bonding and mate choice. A, PVN and BNST OXT circuits. B, PVN and BNST AVP
circuits. Some contributions of AVP sources and sites of action are unknown, indicated by a short black arrow and “?”. All systems are not depicted for
8 Endocrinology, 2022, Vol. 163, No. 9

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