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1 Find the equation of a line EXERCISE 20C

(i)4 units above it parallel to the x-axis at a

distance of
(ii) units below i.
2 Find the equation of a
(i) 6 units to its right (ii) 3parallel to the y-axis at a distance of
units to its left.
3. Find the equation of a line
the y-axis. parallel to the x-axis and having intercept -3 on
4. Find the equation of a horizontal line
passing through the point (4, -2).
5. Find the equation of a vertical line passing
through the point (-5,6).
6. Find the equation of a line which is equidistant from the lines x =-2
7. Find the equation of a line which is equidistant from the lines y =Sand
8. Find the equation ofa line
() whose slope is 4and which passes through the point (5, -7);
(ü) whose slope is -3 and which passes through the point(-2, 3);
() which makes an angle of with the positive direction of the *-axis
and passes through the point (0,2).
9. Find the equation of a line whose inclination with
with the -axis is 30° and
10. Find
h passes through the point (0,5). 1-axis is 150° and
inclination with the
the equation of aline whose
11 Find the
passes through the point (3, -5). and making an angle
equaion of aline passing through the origin
of 120 passing
with the positive direction of the x-axis.
Senior Secondary School
668 Mathematics for Clas 1
Find the equation of a line which cuts off
makesan angle of 60°
with the positive direction
13. Findtheequation ofthe line passing through the of
tothe linejoining the points A(3, 7) and B(-2, 4).
of the line
interceptth5ex-5 the,

14. Find the equation passing through

perendicular to theline passing through the rint A
15. Find the slope and the equation
(0(3, -2) and (-5, -7)
(iiü) (5,3) and (-5,- 3)
of the
16. Find the angle which the line joiningthe
(iv) (a,
vugh the y
b) and (-a, h)
points (1,
with the -axis.
17. Prove that the points A(1, 4), B(3, -2) and C(4, -5)
the equation of the line on which these points lie. are
18. If A(0, 0), B(2, 4) and C(6, 4) are the vertices of a
of its sides. ABC, find te
19. If A(-1, 6), B(-3, -9) and C(5, -8) are
the vertices of a LABC
equations of its medians.
20. Find the equation of the
perpendicular bisector of the line sea
end points are A(10, 4) and B(-4,9).
21. Find the equations of the altitudes of a AABC,
A(2, -2), B(1,1) and whose ves
2 tA(4, 3), B(0, 0) and C(2, 3) are the verticestiof a AABC, find
of the bisector ofA.
23. The midpoints of the sides BC, CA and AB of a AABC.areD20
and F(-5,-5) 1respectively. Find the equations ofthesidesofl4N
24. If A(1,9), B(2, -3) and C(-1, -2) are the vertices of aL48
equation of
() the median through
A (ü) thealtitude
(m) the perpendicular bisector of BC.
1. (i)y (ü)z
-4=0 (ii) y+5 2. (i) x -6=0
3. y + 3 =0 =0t
4. y+ 2=0 5. X+5 =0 3=0i),
7. y=3 3z+y+
8. (i) 4x -y-27 =0 ) +(-3+53)=
9. x-3y
11. 3x+y=0 12. =0 10. x+V3y
15. ()5x-8y -31 =0 3x-v-5V3
=0 3y+2
5x+ 13. =0Gii),3r-5 Jy-02r-y

16. 60° (1)

1. Find the
)slopeequation of
=3 a the line EXERCISE 20D
and whose
(i) slope =- -l and
(ii) slope =. 2
2 Find the equation of
positive of thethe line which
negative direction of the -axis makes
V-axis.and cuts off an
an angle of 30°
with the
3. Find | the equation of the line whose of 4 intercept
units with the
interceptof6 units onthe
negative inclination
is 5R and which
6 makes an
4Find the equation of the line
cutting direction
off an
of the y-axis.
equally inclined to the axes. intercept -2 from the y-axis and
Find the equation of the bisectors of the
axes. angles between the
Gndthe equatiorn of the ine
intercept of-2 on the y-axis. through the point (-1,5) and making an
- Fndthe equation of the line
which is parallel to the ine 2x - 3y =8 and
whose y-intercept is 5 units.
AFind the equatiorn of the line passing through the point (0,3) and
perpendicular to the line x - 2y +5 =0
s. Find the equation of the line passing through the point (2,3) and
perpendicular to the line 4x + 3y = 10.
LFnd the equation of the line passing through the point (2,4) and
perpendicular to the I-axis.
Fnd the equation of the line that has x-intercept -3 and which is
Perpendicular to the line 3x + 5y =4
12 Find the equation of the line whichniis perpendicular to theline 3x +2y =8
and passes through the midpoint of the line joining the points (6, 4) and
3. Find the equation of the line whose y-intercept is -3 and which is
and (4, -5).
perpendícular to the line joining
MA. Find the equation of the line the points (-2, 3)
passing through(-3,5) and perpendicular to
he ine
1B. A throughthe topoints
line Perpendicular the(2,
line5) segment
and (-3, joining
6). the points(1, 0) and(2, 3)
divides itin the ratio1:2, Find the equation oftheline. ANSWERS(EXERCISE200)

1-3N3y-2%=0-y+45/=30 o=0r x+ y+2=0

(ii) x+ y-4=0 (iii) 2r +5y +15 =
6/3 =0
3. x+ /3y + x+y=0
5. I-y=0
2. Findthe 1.
and Findy-axisand
the ie., Hence,
equationequation 4
of of -12 =1
the the
line line 0=equation
which which or 43
cuts cuts + =1 of
3y the
off off -12 line
=0. is

and-6on and
the thex
Straight Lines 685

BFind cequation of the line that cuts

off equalintercepts on the
axessandpasses through the point (4, 7). coordinate
Findthe equation the on
line which passes through the
the axes point (3, -5)
and cutsoff intercepts the which are equal in magnitude but
oppositein sign.
5. Find theequation of the line passingthroughthe point(2, 2) and cutting off
intercepts onthe axes, whose sum is 9.
Eodthe equation of the line which passes through the point (22, -6) and
whose intercept on the x-axis exceeds the intercept on the y-axis by 5.
Find the equation of the line whose portion intercepted between the axes is
bisected at the point (3, -2).
RFind the equation of the line whose portion intercepted between the
Coordinate axes is divided at the point (5,6) in the ratio 3:1.
Astraight line passes through the point (-5, 2) and the portion of the line
intercepted between the axes is divided at this point in the ratio 2:3. Find
the equation of the line.
LIthe straight line + =1passes through the points (8, -9) and (12, -15),
find the values of a and b.
4. x-y-8= 0
=0 2. 3x-2y -12 =0 3. x+y-11-66= =0
151-3y+15 6x+11ly 0 or x+ 2y -10 =0
5I+2y-6=0 or 2x +y -6=0 6.
3r-5y + 25 =0 10. a = 2, b=3
22x-3y -12=0 8. 2r + 5y- 40 =0 9.
therequired equation be- +=1
a+5 a

Snceit passes through (22, -6),, we have 2261

This gives =0 a=6 or a=5.
So, a-114+equations are-
30 =0 (a-- 6)(a-5)

therequired l
1,Let the dequation be+11
Y=1 or
10 5

Then, itrequired

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