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Before the colonial era, early settlements, called barangays, ranged from 20 to 100 families

on the coast, and around 150–200 people in the interior. Coastal settlements are connected
by water, with less contact occurring between highland and lowland areas. In the 1300s, a
number of large settlements appeared on the coast and became centers of trade, and
became focal points for changes in society due to the influx of foreign cultures on the coast.
Several countries carry out exchanges with other countries in Asia.

Governments established in the Philippines between the 10th and 16th centuries included
Tondo, Maynila , Namayan , Pangasinan , Cebu , Butuan , Maguindanao , Buayan , Lanao ,
Sulu , and Ma-i . Among the nobility there were leaders called datus , who were responsible
for governing autonomous groups called barangays or dulohan . When these barangays
united, either to form larger settlements or geographically looser alliance groups, the more
distinguished among them would be recognized as the "paramount datu", rajah , or sultan
leading the community state. There is little evidence of large-scale violence in the islands
before the 2nd millennium AD, and during this period population density is thought to have
been low.

©The narrative is taken from various sources

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