Carbo Tte 1965

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Positron Annihilation in an Interacting Electron Gas*

Physics Department, McGill University, Montreal, Canada
(Received 3 February 1965)

The effects of self-energy, as well as hole-particle interaction processes, on the angular correlation of
gamma rays from positrons annihilating in an electron gas are studied. The two regions corresponding to
emission of momentum smaller and greater than the Fermi momentum pF are discussed separately. In the
first instance, it is found that self-energy effects, at least in the high-density limit, can be accounted for ade-
quately simply by using the static approximation to the dynamic potential in the first-order ladder graph
and ignoring altogether first-order self-energy corrections, provided, of course, a plasmon correction is made.
In the second case it is shown that owing to dynamic polarization effects the tails occurring beyond pF are
not at all comparable to those expected on a simple model where the positron force is ignored but correlations
within the electron gas are treated properly. Hole-particle interaction graphs are not important since they
occur in pairs which cancel each other.

I. INTRODUCTION order of 13. This demonstrates well that the positron

N a recent paper1 one of the present authors discussed Coulomb field is very important in the present context.
I a theory of positron annihilation in an electron gas
which led to rates in good agreement with experiment.
In view of this, one may well wonder whether the
success of the theory given in K-II is not to some extent
The approach to the many-particle system used in fortuitous since many diagrams in the expansion of
K-II was a zero-temperature Green's-function tech- the electron-positron correlation function involving
nique.2,3 In this formalism the annihilation rate is given positron-electron interaction lines were somewhat ar-
as a simple quadrature of an appropriate contraction of bitrarily ignored. Further the work in K-II is concerned
the electron-positron Green's function. By summing the only with annihilation resulting in the emission of two
set of all ladder graphs in the perturbation series for quanta of momentum p with p<pF> It needs to be
this correlation function, it can be shown that the extended to the region p>pF-
contribution to the total annihilation rate from an The principal aim of this paper is twofold. First, we
electron in a state of momentum p (with p smaller would like to estimate, at least in the lower orders of
than the Fermi momentum pp) is not simply propor- the perturbation series, all graphs involving an electron-
tional to 1, as expected on a Sommerfeld model, but positron interaction line. Only then can we be reason-
must be multiplied by an enhancement factor e(p). To ably certain that the theory of K-II gives an adequate
get reasonable enhancement factors one must, of course, description of the disturbance of the electronic con-
include carefully in the calculation the polarization of figuration introduced by the positron probe. Secondly,
the background electron gas by the annihilating pair. we would like to understand how the self-energy
The physical meaning of e(p) is simple. It is given by processes are to be fitted into the general calculation.
the square of a Bethe-Goldstone-type amplitude In Sec. II the high-density limit of the theory given
\f/p(xe; xp) evaluated at xe= xpwhere xe(xp)is the electron in K-II is re-examined and corrected. For momentum
(positron) coordinate. This amplitude can be interpreted p<pF an enhancement factor e hd, (p) is defined and
as the wave function of an electron-positron pair inter- its variation as a function of p is studied. How electron
acting through a suitable screened Coulomb force and and positron first-order self-energy corrections affect
immersed in a quiescent Fermi sea. The uncorrelated this enhancement factor is the subject of Sec. III. An
part of \//p(xe; x^) describes a free electron of momentum attempt at extending the discussion to include self-
p and a positron at rest, while the coherent part accounts energy processes in higher order ladder graphs would
for the electron-positron coupling. immediately involve us in relatively complicated
The enhancement factors arrived at in this way are second-order diagrams having a self-energy part with
quite large. For instance, in sodium they are of the a further electron-positron ladder step. It is convenient
to leave such considerations to Sec. VI and to turn
* Based on part of a Ph. D. thesis submitted by J. P. Carbotte instead to a study of the simpler second-order processes,
to the Graduate Faculty of McGill University. This author
would like to express his gratitude to the National Research namely, the two hole-particle interaction diagrams.
Council of Canada for support during 1962 and 1963 in the form These are discussed in Sec. IV.
of a Studentship. Financial aid for publication from the National
Research Council is also gratefully acknowledged. The task of Sec. V is to investigate the contribution
t Present address: Laboratory of Atomic and Solid State to the partial annihilation rate, with emission of
Physics, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. momentum p>pF, from each of the five processes
S. Kahana, Phys. Rev. 129,1622 (1963). Referred to from here
on as K-II. previously studied in the case p<pF. In this section
A. Klein and R. E. Prange, Phvs. Rev. 112, 904 and 1008 some speculations on the effect of higher order pure
A. Klein, Lectures on the Many-Body Problem, edited by self-energy diagrams are also included. In Sec. VI we
E. R. Caianiello (Academic Press Inc., London, 1962), p. 279. generalize the work of V to include enhancement
A 214 J. P. C A R B O T T E A N D S . KAHANA

factors. This problem is of course intimately connected

with that of extending the theory of Sees. I I and I I I g=3.79
(P<PF) to higher order ladder graphs. The analogy -2.6
between the two situations is very suggestive. However,
we have made no detailed calculation in this latter case.
Finally, in Sec. VII the more important results obtained
are summarized and a number of remarks are made
about the applicability of our theory to the valence
electrons in sodium.


The partial annihilation rate R(p), i.e., the transition dynamic + self energy
probability per unit time for annihilation with emission
of a photon pair of momentum p, is given by 4
Momentum in units of p
A(-;)2 f FIG. 1. The variation with momentum of the enhancement
factor e(p) for various cases. The fast-rising solid curve gives
e - (p) coming from the first-order ladder graph with full dynamic
XGep(xt,xt;yt+,yt+), (2.1) effective potential included. The lower solid curve is € h d ( p )
corrected for both electron and positron self-energies. The dashed
where the notation is as given in K-II, except for the curve is € s L (p) corrected for the plasmon, where es-L (p) stands for
constant X = Ao(l/wo). The quantities 4Xo and no are, eh.d. (p) w i t n j - n e dynamic effective potential replaced by its static
limit. These curves are all for a = 0.2. The parameters is related
respectively, the total annihilation rate and the t o f s b y a = fs/(1.9197r2).
electron density at the positron in singlet positronium.
Denote by u(k; <o) the Fourier transform of the effective given by a fourfold integral, which can be reduced to
potential which is defined as the sum of all the simplest a double integral by standard techniques. This integral
polarization diagrams, i.e., the repeated bubbles. If this must then be evaluated on a computer. We need not
effective force is introduced into the first-order ladder reproduce the details here. 5 The numerical results for
graph, its contribution to R(p) is r s = 3.79 are shown in Fig. 1. The variation with
iX r dudede momentum of the enhancement factor e h d -(p) defined
Rh-d-(p) = —2 E Ge°(k+q;cH-e)Ge0(q;e) by Rh-d-(p)= (X/F)e h - d -(p) is quite large. Its value at
F kq
W p = 0.9pF is 22% larger than at p = 0ApF. I t is relevant
to compare this enhancement factor with that obtained
X « ( k ; c o ) G p ° ( p - q - k ; €'-o>)G p °(p-q; O - (2.2) from (2.3) when the dynamic effective potential is
replaced by its static limit u(k; co = 0). Note that in this
By a series of algebraic steps almost identical to those
case the contribution for p>pF vanishes. Denote the
described in Sec. I l l of K-II, expression (2.2) can be
reduced to contribution for p<pF by i? s - L (p)= (X/F)e s - L (p). If
a plasmon correction is introduced, 6 e s L (p) agrees well
2i\ ' doo u(k;o)) with €h-d-(p) around p = 0 but as p approaches pF,
£h.d.(p)==__E eh-d-(p) increases much more rapidly. Thus, replacing
V2 k 2Trk -u-iO+
the dynamic potential by its static limit in the first-
re(\v-k\-pF-p F)e(pF-p)
)e(i order ladder graph tends to underestimate the variation
X across the electron sea of the corresponding enhance-
L p2-(p-k)2-co+iO+ ment factor. At first sight this may be disturbing, since
the largest concentration of electrons is around the
(2.3) Fermi surface and since it is the static potential which
p2-(p-k)2-co-;0+ is used in K-II to extend the theory to include higher
order ladder graphs. However, it is only after self-
where 6(k—pF) is the usual theta function equal to 1 energy effects are introduced into the analysis that the
for k>pF and zero otherwise. From (2.3), it is clear true value of such an approximation can be appreciated.
that RhA-(p) is nonzero for both p>pF and p<pF.
This fact was overlooked in K-II where the entire III. SELF-ENERGY EFFECTS FOR p <pF
contribution was assigned to the range p<pF. Besides the ladder graph, there are two pure self-
In the remainder of this section we will be concerned energy diagrams occurring in first-order perturbation
only with the case p<pF, i.e., the first term of (2.3).
As written in the limit of an infinite crystal, RhA-(p) is 5
The detailed manipulations involved, as well as a discussion
of the numerical work, can be found in J. P. Carbotte, Ph.D.
This formula is given by R. A. Ferrell, Rev. Mod. Phys. 28, Thesis, McGill University, 1964 (unpublished).
308 (1956). Also iiR(p) is summed over all momenta p we recover For a discussion of the meaning of this plasmon correction
Eq. (3) of Ref. 1, to within a proportionality constant. see Ref. 1, Sec. IV.

theory. They are shown in Fig. 2 and are the first-order

terms in the expansion of the self-energy product
Ge(%i\ xi)Gp(x2;x2)'7 The contribution to R(yi) from
such a product can be written as FIG. 2. The solid wavy line
in diagram (a) represents the
free propagation of a positron x^1 'x^
from %2 to %2 and stands for
R(p) = -ZPe(V-k)Pp(k), (3.1) Gp°[_X2', X2~\- Similarly the solid
V k straight line in (b) describes i increasing
the free propagation of an {time
where P e (k) and Pp(k) are, respectively, the electron electron from xi to xi and
stands for Ge°[xi; xi'2- The
and positron probability of occupation of a state of electron part of (a) is the first-
momentum k. That is, order electron self-energy cor-
rection to the free-electron
Green's function while the posi-
r da> tron part of (b) is a similar
P e (k) = i / —G e (k;co)e- 0 + =(|a k ta k |) (3.2a) positron self-energy correction.
./ 2TT

PP(k) = i —Gp{k>o>)e^+={\b^\), (3.2b)

to plot PeV(v) = e(pF-p)+PeV(p) rather than
where a^(b^) is an operator which creates an electron ^V 1} (p)- The main features of this curve are the discon-
(positron) in a state of momentum k. The expectation tinuity at p = pF and the tails beyond p = pF extending
values in (3.2) are to be taken in the fully interacting roughly to p=1.5pF. For the moment let us ignore
ground state for the system of electrons and positron. questions of convergence of the total perturbation
For the noninteracting system the positron function series for Pe(v) a n d assume that Fig. 3 is a reasonable
Pp(k), for example, is 0(—k); i.e., it is equal to zero approximation to the true momentum distribution.
unless k = 0 in which case it is 1. This is simply a state- Since P e ( 1 ) (p) is small at p = 0 but increases significantly
ment that the positron is thermalized on annihilation. 8 as p tends towards pF, making this correction to the
Denote the contribution to the annihilation rate from "dynamic enhancement factor" e h,d -(p) (for P<PF)
the electron self-energy diagram 2(a) by i£ e - s - e -(p). will tend to smooth out its variation across the electron
Using the dynamic potential u(q; co) instead of the bare sea. The positron self-energy diagram 2(b) has much
Coulomb force v(q), P e - s - e -(p) can be written as the same effect. Using an obvious notation, we have
jKe.S.e.(p)=X/Fpe(l)(p)j (3.3)
ith ^s-e-(p) = - - E ^ ( ^ - | p - k ( ) P p a ) ( k ) , (3.5)
f dw i f de V k

J 2TT V i J •'2x where P^, (1) (k) is the first-order correction to the
positron occupation probability and is given by (3.4)
X(G.°(p;u))»G.o(p-q;co-e). (3.4) with all three-electron free propagators appearing to
I t is a trivial matter to do the co integration in (3.4) by be replaced by positron Green's functions. Doing the
contour integration in the complex co plane. This leads
to two distinct terms. The first term contributes only
for p<pF. I t is negative and represents the first-order
decrease in the probability of finding an electron in a
state below the Fermi surface due to its interaction with
the surrounding medium. On the other hand, the second
term is nonvanishing only for p>pF. I t is positive and
gives the first-order probability of finding an electron
in a momentum state above the Fermi sea. The function i<±?

^e ( 1 ) (p) given by (3.4) is actually known, and it has

been evaluated numerically by Daniel and Vosko.9 We
have redone the calculation and our results are presented
in Fig. 3 for rs=3.79. Note that in this figure we chose

The positron self-energy graph 2(b) is zero as it stands. It is
nevertheless convenient to consider such a diagram since it does
contribute when the bare Coulomb line in it is replaced by some Momentum in units of D
more appropriate effective potential.
G. E. Lee-Whiting, Phys. Rev. 97, 1557 (1955). FIG. 3. The electron occupation probability to first order in
E. Daniel and S. H. Vosko, Phys. Rev. 120, 2041 (1960). perturbation theory for rs = 3.79.
A 216 J. P. C A R B O T T E A N D S. KAHANA

co integration gives FIG. 4. The two second-order

particle-hole interaction graphs.
Diagram (a) represents a process
P,o>(k) in which there is a positron-
i6 f de -0(|k-q|) electron hole interaction, while
(b) describes an electron-electron
V q J 2T [-(k-q)2-6+i0+]: hole interaction.

—»(—|k—Q|) and group them. First there are the second-order terms
+ d(k)~ / *(q;«)—
— . (3.6)
2 in the expansion of the product Ge(xi; xi)Gp(x2; x2')-
V q J 2TT [k -e-*0+]
These are pure self-energy diagrams and are discon-
The first term in (3.6) contributes only for k = 0 , while nected. Next there are graphs describing one self-energy
the second term is nonzero only for k ^ O . Thus process, with a further electron-positron interaction line
which connects the electron to the positron part.
A These graphs are obviously relevant to a discussion of
^ P . S . e . ( p ) = _ _ 0 ( ^ _ ^ ) P p ( l ) ( k = O) how self-energy effects are to be included in the general
scheme of summing ladder graphs to all orders. Finally,
+ - Z ^ ( ^ - | p - k | ) ^ ( 1 ) ( k ^ 0 ) . (3.7) there are the two particle-hole interaction diagrams
V k^O shown in Fig. 4. Graphs containing a polarization part
have not been mentioned explicitly. They can be
The physical interpretation of (3.7) is straightforward. ignored if the Coulomb potential function »(q) is
The first term is just the Sommerfeld partial annihila- replaced everywhere by the dynamic effective potential
tion rate multiplied by the first-order decrease in the u(q; co) or at least by its static limit.
positron occupation probability of a state of momentum The two particle-hole interaction graphs will be the
k = 0 . This is a negative contribution and is nonzero topic of this section. Begin by considering diagram 4(a).
only for p<pF- The second term contributes for For definiteness, assume some specific time ordering
arbitrary p. I t represents the free sampling of an for the various external lines as shown in Fig. 5. This
unperturbed Fermi sea by a nonthermalized positron in represents a process in which there is a positron-electron
a state of momentum k ^ O weighted by the probability hole interaction. More specifically, in the second
of finding the positron in the state | k^O) and summed scattering process the excited positron interacts with
over all such momenta k ^ O . For details see Ref. 5. the electron hole in the Fermi sea. This is to be con-
The net effect of this correction on € h d ( p ) for p<pF is trasted with the second-order ladder diagram, in which
again to reduce its variation with momentum. The case the positron simply scatters a second time off
enhancement factor eh-d-(p) corrected for both electron the excited electron. Since the phase space available as
and positron self-energies is plotted in Fig. 1. Clearly final states to the doubly scattered electron is much
es-L(p) is a much better approximation to eh-d-(p) larger than the corresponding phase space available
corrected for self-energies than to e h d ( p ) alone. More to the scattered electron hole, it can be expected that the
precisely, averaging €s.i.(p)-j_€Piasmon o v e r t n e e i e c tron contribution to R(p) from electron hole-positron inter-
sea gives 2.25R0 as its contribution to the total annihila- actions will be smaller than that from the ladder graph.
tion rate (where R° is the Sommerfeld annihilation rate), Further, these contributions carry opposite signs. An
while a similar average of eh-d-(p) and eh-d-(p) plus electron-positron interaction is attractive and so
self-energy corrections contribute respectively 2A6R0 increases the electron density at the positron, while an
and 2.19R0. Thus, the enhancement factors given in electron hole-positron correlation is repulsive, thus
K-II, which were computed using the static limit of decreasing the annihilation rate.
the effective potential, can be thought of as already Denote the contribution to the annihilation rate
including to a large extent self-energy effects. from diagram 4(a) by 7£p-~e-h-(p). I t can be written as
At this point we could proceed with a discussion of
self-energy processes, investigating how they can be
incorporated in a general calculation when the ladder X r dv
graphs are considered to all orders and extending the = — Z / -<q;0Mq^0)J(k+q';p-k+q;*)
theory to the case p>pF> At the risk of making the
discussion appear disjoint we prefer to leave these
questions to later sections. For the moment it is X / ( k ; p - k + q - q ' ; , ) / ( k - q ; p - k - q ' ; . ) , (4.1)
convenient to turn to a discussion of some of the where by definition,
simpler second-order graphs.

IV. PARTICLE-HOLE INTERACTIONS /(1;1';»)=/ -Gy>(I;«)G.°(l';e+»)

Before proceeding with the study of the second-order
• e(i)e(pF-i') e(-i)d(i'-pFy
corrections to the ladder approximation for the electron- • (4.2)
positron Green's function, it is perhaps useful to list .(i'Y-i -v+io+ (iy-v-io+ .

Note that in (4.1) the Coulomb potential »(q) has been replaced by w(q; 0). Performing the v integration and the
k summation in (4.1) and ignoring terms of order 1/7, J? p - _eh (p) can be rewritten as

£ P .-e.h. (p) = I>(q;0)W(q' .';0)[:
73<n' ' If- (q+ q') 2 ~ ( P - q - q') 2 ][(p- q') 2 ~ q 2 - ( p - q - q')2]

C(p+q) 2 -(?') 2 -(p+q-q') 2 ]C(p-q') 2 -? 2 -(p+q-q')')2 ]]J -1 2


The first term in (4.3) contributes only for p<pF, while If the momentum dependence of i£ p ~ eh -(p) is neg-
the second is nonzero for arbitrary momentum p. Such lected, i.e., if it is approximated by 6(pF—p)Rp'~eh'
contributions are exactly of the type that would occur (p=0), its contribution i?p-~e-L to the total annihila-
in a "time-independent perturbation theory" formalism. tion rate is given by 22° (/H--/^). For the numerical
It is easy to construct individual diagrams for such evaluation of Ii and 72, see Ref. 5. The results are
terms which can then be interpreted directly in terms of plotted in Fig. 6. For a=0.1, &•-**• reduces the
initial and final states for the electron system. The annihilation rate by approximately 6% of i?°, while for
simplest quantitative estimate of (4.3) that can be a=0.2 the reduction is 10% of R°, which is quite
made is in the limit p=0. In this case we have
substantial. However, as we shall see next, the electron
hole-electron interaction diagram has approximately
i?P-e.h. ( p ) = 2>(q;0)«(q';0) the opposite effect.
73qq' Our task now is to evaluate the contribution to R(p)
from diagram 4(b) which involves an electron-electron
t 2$(pF-q')e(\q+q'\-pF)
2[q+q'] 2 ]C(g') 2 -g 2 +(q+q') 2 ]
hole interaction process. We expect J?e~e,h-(p) to be
positive and, from phase-space considerations, to be
slightly smaller than |J£p--e-h-(p)|. Proceeding in the
(4.4) same fashion as outlined for the positron-electron hole
Lq2- (<?')2+ (q+q')2X(<z')2-<Z2- (q+q'i') ]J '
In (4.4) change all summations to integrations, measure
all momenta in units of the Fermi momentum pF and
introduce the parameter a= rs/(1.919TT2). The resulting FlG 5 A specific t i m e order i n g
ing of graph 4 (a). \J /
expression can be written as
*P.-.*.( P ) = - ( / ! + / , ) ,

?f d*qd*q'U(q)U(qf) .08 h
J | q +q'<l
e l e c t r o n - e l e c t r o n hole
and if)
Z 0
2 f
I*= -a [ d*qd*q U(q)U(q')
<Z<1, q'<l cr
X- . (4.6) p o s i t r o n - e l e c t r o n hole
C(q+q02+ (<7')2-<72][(q+q')2- (q')2+q2l \
-.0 8
In integrals (4.5) and (4.6) the potential function U(q)
stands for

k-{-2/ J /
FIG. 6. Contribution to the total annihilation rate, in units of
i?°, from positron- and electron-electron hole interaction processes.
The sum of these two contributions amounts to a reduction of
(4.7) the total annihilation rate of about 2 % of R° (for any a).

correlation term we obtain

£e.-e.h. ( p ) = £ w(q . 0 ) M ( q / . 0 ) . 26(q) 0(|p+q|-^0(^-i>)0(|p-qM-q|-j»F)0(/>F-|p-<l'l)

B>2- (p+q) 2 -5 2 J(p-q') 2 - (p+q-q') 2 -? 2 ]
fl([p+q[-frQfl(fo-l)fl(fr-|p+q-q'l)fl( I p- q' I -pr)
C-g 2 +^-(q+p) 2 X(p-q') 2 -(p+q-q') 2 -^+(p+q) 2 ]

The first two terms are nonzero only if p<pF, while the in Fig. 7, for the case of a positron-electron hole correla-
third vanishes unless p>pF> To get an idea of the tion. From the work in K-II, it can be expected that
magnitude of (4.8), again take the case p = 0 . In this these enhancement effects are very important. But in
limit jRe*~e,h-(p) can be written as view of the cancellation found between electron hole-
electron and -positron interactions, it is not worthwhile
to pursue the calculation further since this cancellation
must remain to all orders. A similar cancellation will be
discussed in detail in the next two sections.
71 = 0?'/ d*qdWU(q)U(q')
, |q + q ' | < l
q>l, q'<l
x- (4.9)
<72D?2-(<2')2+(q+q')2] As a first step in generalizing the theory of the
and previous sections to include events with release of
momentum p>pF, it is natural to begin by determining
= a2[ d?qd*q'U(q)U(q')
y Q>1,
la+q'Ki the tails expected in the two-photon counting rate when
1 the positron force is ignored. In this instance the
X- . (4.10) electron-positron Green's function reduces to Ge(%i; %i)
fzwy+f-b+m XGp°(x2;%2f) and from (3.1) we have

In Fig. 6 we have plotted Re-~e-h-~J2v e

(pF~p) X X
e e h
XR -~ - -(v=0); e h
it cancels against Rv-~ - \ As ex- R(v)-~ZRe(p-1k)d(-k)=~Pe(p). (5.1)
pected, the sum of these two effects still amounts to a V k V
reduction of the annihilation rate, but only by approx- The partial annihilation rate is directly proportional
imately 2 % of R°, there being very little variation with to the electron momentum distribution P e (p). The
valence electron density. quantity that is measured in the usual angular correla-
At this point we would like to emphasize that in our tion experiment, however, is not R(p) but rather
investigation of particle-hole correlations no enhance- ^PxPy R(v)> where the z direction is determined by the
ment effects have been accounted for. Once the electron- geometry of the experimental setup. The two-photon
positron pair is excited, we have considered the possibil- counting rate R(pFyz)j in units of fi?°, is given by
ity of either a positron or an electron correlation with Jy3°ydyP(pFy), where 73 is momentum along the
the electron hole left behind in the passive electron sea. z direction measured in units of pF.
But then the excited pair annihilates without any direct
The counting rate corresponding to the momentum
interaction between them. To account for such a direct
distribution of Fig. 3 is plotted in Fig. 8(a). Note the
interaction, higher order diagrams consisting of a
short but rather broad tails in this curve and the
particle-hole interaction part and a further series of
discontinuity in slope at 73= 1. Since it is now possible
ladder processes would have to be included. Two
to differentiate the experimental data, it is usually
examples of the diagrams we have in mind are shown
the derivative rather than the counting rate itself which
is plotted. For the convenience of the reader this
quantity is shown in Fig. 8(b). I t is observed that the
discontinuity in this last curve at 73= 1 is just the
FIG. 7. Two diagrams de-
scribing a positron-electron discontinuity at the Fermi surface in the electron
hole interaction and a further momentum distribution. Also, should this simple model
direct correlation between the be valid, present day experiments are more than
annihilating pair.
adequate to discriminate between a simple Sommerfeld
momentum distribution and that of Fig. 3.

^Sommerfeld inverted

FIG. 8. (a) The two-photon counting

rate corresponding to the electron
momentum distribution given in Fig. 3
and determined under the assumption
that the positron Coulomb field can
be neglected, (b) The derivative of
the two-photon counting rate plotted
in (a).
.0 .5 1. 1.5
Momentum in units of p

5 1.0 . 1.5
Momentum in units of p1
(a) (b)

The results so far are based on a first-order calculation distribution is at best an asymptotic series and should
for the electron momentum distribution. The question not be carried too far. In any case, we are not so much
arises of how good a representation this is of the real interested here in the pure electron gas part of the
momentum distribution. Two papers are particularly perturbation series as in the modifications introduced
relevant to this point. The first is some work by into the problem by the existence of the positron force.
Luttinger 10 in which he shows that the discontinuity at Thus we simply assume that Fig. 3 is a reasonable
p = pF remains to all orders in the electron-electron approximation to Pe(v) and neglect all further pure
repulsion, even in the case when the crystal periodic electron self-energy diagrams. At worst, our calculation
field is included. Second, the very recent work by can be thought of as a model calculation.
Geldart, Houghton, and Vosko11 is even more pertinent. In the remainder of this section we will be concerned
They show that, in general, approximating directly to only with the modifications in the two-photon counting
the electron Green's function Ge(x;x') to get the rate introduced by the positron Coulomb field. The
probability of occupation function P e (p) leads to a simplest such correction comes from the positron self-
poorly convergent series. They find that it is much energy diagram 2(b). An expression for this quantity
better to introduce from the beginning the irreducible has been given in Sec. III. Its numerical evaluation
self-energy operator M(x;xf).12 In such a formulation shows that positron self-energies roughly double the
the Green's function is thought of as a functional of tails in the angular correlation curve coming from
M and it is the irreducible self-energy operator which electron self-energies.
is ultimately approximated to, in order to get concrete Self-energy effects are however only part of the
results. Only in this way can one hope to get reasonable complete picture. We have emphasized in Sec. I I that
values for P e (p). It is very difficult to carry through the first-order ladder graph with full dynamic effective
such a program; indeed, Geldart et at. restrict them- potential includes contributions to R(p) for p>pF, as
selves to a calculation of the discontinuity in P e (p) at well as for p<pF. I t was also pointed out that this
p=pF. The point we wish to make here is that this result depends on the dynamic nature of the effective
more careful treatment leads to results which agree potential. A screened two body static force would give
quite well with the discontinuity arrived at from our zero for RhA-(p) with p>pF- Consider Fig. 9 in which
rather naive approach. Further, Pe(p) must satisfy the first-order ladder graph is shown, with the effective
the rigid sum rule that ]T P Pe (p) should be equal to potential expanded in its various polarization bubble
the valence electron density. Because of these rather
stringent conditions it is hard to see how the true
momentum distribution could be very different from
that of Fig. 3 which must be qualitatively, if not
quantitatively, correct. This is particularly sensible in
view of the fact that the entire series for the momentum j" .J
J. M. Luttinger, in The Fermi Surface, edited by W. A.
Harrison and M. B. Webb (John Wilev & Sons, Inc., New York, FIG. 9. The first-order ladder graph with full dynamic effective
1960), p. 2. potential expanded in its constituent polarization bubbles. Since,
D. J. W. Geldart, A. Houghton, S. H. Vosko, Can. J. Phys. 42, for p>pF, the first bare Coulomb step does not contribute to
1938 (1964). i?(p), the interaction process in this case is of a screened dipole
For a definition of the irreducible self-energy operator M see character. For p<pF it is a screened monopole interaction
for instance Ref. 2. occurring between the annihilating pair.

TABLE I. a For momentum greater than the Fermi momentum, treatment of these effects cannot change the fact that
the sum Rsnm[pFy2 of the contributions to the partial annihilation
rate from the first-order ladder, electron- and positron-self-energy a large cancellation must occur and that we cannot
graphs with full dynamic effective potential included. The param- expect tails in the final photon counting rate at all
eter a; =0.2.
comparable with those predicted on a naive model
where the positron force field is ignored.
Momentum For completeness we now mention the effect on
7 in units
of pF RG-s-°-[pFy~] i?P-s.e.[^ T ] R™-\jFyl Rzum[pFy2 R(p) for p>pF of the two particle-hole interaction
1.1 0.1021 0.1107 -0.2037 0.0075 graphs studied in Sec. IV. Both positron and electron-
1.3 0.0359 0.0456 -0.0776 0.0030 electron hole interaction graphs contribute. For p>pF,
1.5 0.0156 0.0199 -0.0344 0.0014 i?>p-~"e-h-(p) and i?> e -- e - h -(p) are given, respectively,
1.7 0.0067 0.0091 -0.0156 0.0007
1.9 0.0031 0.0041 -0.0073 0.0003 by the second term of (4.3) and the third term of (4.8).
These two integrals were evaluated by using a Monte
Note that in this table as well as in Table II we have suppressed, for Carlo integration method. The results for various
clarity, a factor \/V which should multiply each of the entries. The first
three columns in this table are given for the convenience of the reader so values of momentum and electron gas densities are
that he can see the extent of the cancellation mentioned in the text. It given in Table II. They are an order of magnitude
should be noted however, that each entry in the fourth column is not
simply the sum of the first three numbers in that row. Because of the large smaller than the self-energy and polarization contribu-
cancellation, it was necessary to write a more accurate program evaluating
the sum directly rather than each of the three individual terms independ- tions. They also carry opposite signs, making such
ently. While in RsumZpFy3 all figures are significant figures only the first
three are reliable in the other numbers quoted. effects even less important.

contributions. For p>pF the first bare Coulomb step VI. EXTENSION TO INCLUDE ENHANCEMENT
contributes nothing to RhA-(p). Thus, in this case,
diagram 9 describes a screened dipole interaction We have not as yet considered enhancement effects.
process with no direct coupling between the annihilating For instance, take the case of electron self-energies.
pair. This is to be contrasted with the situation for Because of its interaction with the surrounding medium,
p<pF- In this instance the process described is a there is a probability for an electron to be above the
screened monopole interaction between the electron- Fermi sea and then be annihilated with the zero
positron pair. Since the screening charge around an momentum positron. But in this simple process the
electron is of a repulsive character as far as the positron attractive force between the annihilating pair is not
is concerned, RhA-(p) for p>pF must be negative. included. This attraction could increase considerably
From (2.3) we have that i?> h - d -(p) is the electron density at the positron. To take account of
this enhancement effect it is clear that we must sum, at
X(-2i) fi' do) least in some approximation, the entire set of ladder
,d.(p)= E _ _1Aw ( k ; c o )
V2 k J :~
2T diagrams with self-energy effects included in the
electron lines. The type of thing we would like is to
d(pF-\p-k\) write the contribution to R(p) from all these ladder
X- (5.2) graphs in the form
(k2-a>-i0+)(p2- (p-k)2-a>-*0+)
R(p)=(\/V)Pe(p)e(p), (6.1)
If this integral is reduced and evaluated numerically,
one finds that it is of the same order of magnitude as where e (p) is an enhancement factor given by the square
the sum of i?>e-s-e-(p) and jR>p-s-e-(p) and thus cancels of some Bethe-Goldstone amplitude. This amplitude
almost completely the tails expected from electron is to describe adequately the modification in the wave
and positron self-energies combined. The detailed function of the annihilating pair due to their interaction
numerical results for the sum R>hA-(p)+R>e-s-e-(p) once the electron is so to speak above the sea. I t is not
+jR>p-B-e-(p) are given in Table I. The extent of the obvious a priori that the program just outlined can be
cancellation is remarkable. I t is true that this result carried out in detail. Physically, it seems reasonable,
depends on our perhaps poor treatment of electron and and should serve as a guide to the correct picture.
positron self-energy processes. However, a more careful We shall not present the complete analysis but simply

TABLE II. The contributions to the partial annihilation rate, for momentum greater than the Fermi momentum, coming from the
second order positron-electron hole and electron-electron hole interaction graphs.

Momentum y in
united of pF 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 2.0
^p.-e.h.rj,^]^ 0.0038 -0.0031 -0.0017 -0.0010 -0.0006 -0.0003 . = 0.1
0.0130 0.0096 0.0045 0.0022 0.0011 0.0005
Rp.-e.h.[pFy2 = 0.0065 -0.0041 -0.0022 -0.0019 -0.0010 -0.0006
Rj>.-**-\jFy2 = . = 0.2
0.0226 0.0113 0.0058 0.0038 0.0020 0.0012

state the results. Normally, we would like to treat the

ladder diagrams containing self-energy insertions into

H- 'A.
all electron and positron lines as well as including the V"
+ + + +
fully dynamic potential in each ladder step. In practice,
we have limited ourselves to a linearized approximation,
1 y
including any ladder diagram in which only one electron
or positron line has been corrected for self-energies or
alternatively a ladder step corrected for the dynamic
nature of the polarization.
When a single-electron self-energy correction is made,
the contribution to R(p) is obtained as

*(P) = - / ~Ge(p; E)[Z 12V ) P _ m ; p , 0 (£)] 2 , (6.2)
VJ L—I + I — i+ + I +

] I ) L J 1 V—~i
where the Bethe-Goldstone amplitude 12° satisfies the
equation 13
d(m—pF)6(n) 1
QP. ; \-EJ)m',n' Om,m'On,n'
m2+n2-E-iO+ V
X E « ( q ; 0)ft m_q,n+q;m
• >< , n ' ( £ ) . (6.3)
+ — J + 1 + + 1 + /
Clearly (6.2) can be written in the form

R(v)=: —Ge(p;£)e(p;E), (6.4)
FIG. 10. The sum (a) of all ladder graphs with dynamic potential
included in one and only one step in each order of perturbation
where we have introduced a frequency-dependent theory. The sum (b) of all ladder graphs with electron self-energies
enhancement factor included in one and only one of the electron lines in each order
(all positron propagators are free propagators). The sum (c) is a
similar sum including positron self-energies in one and only one
e(p;£)=Ea°m,P-m;p,o(£)]2. (6.5) line in each order.

Direct evaluation of the amplitude Q°(E) by solving plied by roughly the same enhancement factor as is
numerically Eq. (6.3) shows that for E in the relevant the central part of the distribution. But these tails are
range, i.e., near pF2, e(p; E) is a slowly varying function still quite negligible in relation to the central parabola
of energy. Thus we fix E at some convenient value tl because of the previously mentioned cancellation, and
and obtain from (6.4) are not at all comparable to those coming from electron
self-energies alone.
^(p)=(^>e's-e-(p))e(p;^), (6.6)
which is an obvious generalization of (6.1). VII. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS
Indeed, one obtains by including the positron self-
By a careful, if somewhat tedious analysis we have
energy ladder diagrams and the polarization ladder
managed to show that the enhancement factors given
diagrams, all for p>pF, a composite result
in K - I I can be interpreted as already including the
R(P)=(R> <-°-(v)+R>p-s-e-(p) major part of the self-energy corrections to the ladder
approximation. This comes about because of the
+R>™-(v)h(vJ). (6.7)
fortunate circumstance that replacing the dynamic
To be clearer the graphs on which (6.7) is based are potential in the first-order ladder graph by its static
shown in Fig. 10. limit has much the same effect on the corresponding
The enhancement factor e(p; if?) is of the same order of enhancement factor as correcting it for self-energy
magnitude as that quoted in K - I I for p<pF- Thus, when processes. I t is true that this result was obtained only
the direct Coulomb coupling between the annihilating for the case when the Born approximation is adequate
electron-positron pair is taken into account the tails to describe the electron-positron scattering process.
coming from the sum of electron and positron self- However, by analogy with the work of Sees. V and VI
energies, as well as polarization effects, are to be multi- it appears plausible that this result is more generally
Except for the energy dependence E this equation is the same
valid and applies even when higher order ladder graphs
as that given in K-II. are considered.

parabola bulging out slightly in the center as shown in

Fig. 11, with no significant tails beyond pF coming
from electron-electron repulsions.
The theory developed in this paper applies to a
particular metal only inasmuch as the detailed solid-
state surroundings of the valence electrons can be
ignored. For metallic sodium it is well known that in
many instances the periodic crystal field can be
neglected. It was shown by Carbotte 14 that this is
indeed also the case for the positron-annihilation
problem. By using an approach similar to that described
in a paper by Berko and Plaskett, 15 it can be demon-
strated that the lattice in sodium has little effect other
than introducing core annihilation. It is true that there
is a large number of high-momentum components
present in the electron and positron Block states, but
these enter with very small coefficients.
FIG. 11. The solid curve is the final result for the counting rate From a knowledge of the positron self-consistent
arrived at in this paper while the dashed curve is given for
reference and is the Sommerfeld inverted parabola. The units on Bloch state, core annihilation can be computed on a
the vertical scale are vastly different for the two curves. For the rigid-ion model. It is found to introduce broad and long
Sommerfeld parabola the counting rate is in units of %R°, so that tails in the angular correlation curve, and to contribute
the area under this curve simply gives a total rate of R°, as it
should. For the solid curve the units have been adjusted so as an amount of 1.02R0 to the total annihilation rate.
to normalize the counting rate at zero momentum to the Sommer- These results were of course arrived at neglecting any
feld value: the appropriate units are fi?°X 13.46. direct electron-positron coupling. Since the core
electrons are under the influence of a strong nuclear
Next we showed that although the two hole-particle (or screened nuclear) field around which they can be
interaction graphs can individually contribute roughly considered to move, it is to be expected that enhance-
10% to the total annihilation rate, they carry opposite ment factors for these electrons will be substantially
signs and their sum amounts to no more than a 2 % smaller than those for the valence electrons. This is,
reduction. To this accuracy they can be ignored. in fact, consistent with both the experimental counting
The question of tails entering the two-photon counting rate and the total annihilation rate. The prediction for
rate due to electron-electron repulsions was then the total annihilation rate made in K-II is 2.6X10 9
investigated. Electron self-energies introduce a sufficient sec while the experimental value given by Bell and
number of events with momentum p>pF to be exper- Jo'rgensen is 3.33XlO 9 sec -1 . Assigning the difference
imentally detectable. This is also true of positron self- entirely to core annihilation leads to a core enhancement
energies. However these two processes alone overlook factor of about 3.5. This is not inconsistent 17
with the
an essential feature of the problem. The first-order angular correlation curve given by Stewart.
ladder graph with full dynamic potential also contrib- In the future we hope to return to the problem of
utes to R(yi) for p>pF> This contribution is negative core enhancement factors in sodium and thus be able
and quite large. I t reduces the tails coming from to make a more careful comparison with experiment.
electron and positron self-energies to the extent that
they would be well below possible detection. Finally,
this result was shown to hold even when the calculation One of the authors (J. P. C.) would like to acknowl-
is extended to include enhancement factors. edge the hospitality of the Laboratory of Atomic and
As a general conclusion we state that the positron Solid State Physics at Cornell University where the
force not only has a strong influence on the total manuscript was prepared and where he was supported
rates as demonstrated in K-II, but also leads to subtle by the U. S. Office of Naval Research.
effects in the two-photon counting rate. That is, the 14
See Ref. 5.
counting rate of Fig. 8(a) which was computed under 15
S. Berko and J. S. Plaskett, Phys. Rev. 112, 1877 (1958).
the assumption that the positron Coulomb field can R. E. Bell and M. H. Jjrfrgensen, Can. J. Phys. 38, 652 (1960).
Perhaps the most convenient presentation of the data for our
be ignored bears little resemblance in detail to the purpose is to be found in A. T. Stewart, J. B. Shand; J. J. Donaghy,
curve predicted in this paper—essentially an inverted and J. H. Kusmiss, Phys. Rev. 128, 1.18 (1962).

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