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| DSE Physics - Section D : Question PD -EM2-Q/14 EM2 : Electric Circuits Part B : HKAL examination questions 12, ‘The above circuit is employed to measure the #.m.f, ¢, and the intemal resistance, r, ofa dry cll. Assume that the voltmeter end the ammeter used are ideal. 12] 0] ° ‘The voltmeter readings, F, and the ammeter readings, /, obtained for different rheosta setings are used to plot the above graph. © Express Vin terns of 6, Faad 7. (mark) ©) Hence deduce from the graph the ¢.x.£ and the internal resistance of the cel. (2 marks) DSE Physics - Section D : Question PD -EM2-Q/15 EM2 : Electric Circuits Part C ; HKDSE examination questions 13, © Inthe cioait stown in the below Figure, a 12 V battery of negligible intemal resistance is connected with e thermistor R and aresistor of resistance 120 2. The graph shows the variation of the thermistor’s resistance with temperature. ‘Thermistor’s resistance le i wv 4 3 1202 s i reps (i) Find the resistance of the thermistor R at 25°C. Q mark) (ii) What is the potential difference Vay across A and 2 at 25°C? (@ marks) ®) i se . Kelly warts to confirm the above calealation by measuring Yas using a voltmeter of about 1 kQ resistance, She fins that the reading registered is slightly different from the value found in (@) despite making careful mesaursments, Explain why this is 00. Suggest how the seeurncy of the measurement could be improved. @ marks) DSE Physics - Section D : Question EM? : Electric Circuits PD-EM2-Q/16 3 © @ The potential difference Vay is used to drive an electronic switch connected across AB to tum on a fin if temperature rises above a certain value such that Vax is 6.0 V or above, Using the information provided in the araph, find the minimum temperature needed to keep the fan on, Show you working. (2 marks) nv Te slectrenis ‘witch ‘Without using additional components, complete the new circuit diagram below to illustrate how the circuit can be ‘modified to tum on a heating device when temperature falls below a certain value. Explain the action ofthe cireuit No calculation is required, @ marks) DSE Physics - Section D : Question PD-EM2-Q/17 EM2 : Electric Circuits “ (@) The cirouits in the above Figure each centains two resistors connected in series with a6 Y battery of negligible internal ‘esisiaee, The resistors in cirelt Tare 10 k2 each while those in circuit I are 100 © each i“ ey \i\t i|-—_ creat reat oka rons y= toKa Rem 10s A voltmeter of intemal resistance Ry = 10 kO is used to measure the potential difference across one of the resistors 2s shown, (What would be the respective voltmeter readings ? (@ marks) (ii) In fact, the potential difference across each resistor before connecting the voltmeter is 3 V in both circuits. Explain why this voltmeter gives 2 relative inaceurate value for circuit I. Hence state the general principle of selecting & suitable vollmeter for such measurement Greats) @) Cirouit IT shows a possible method for racasuring resistance using a voltmeter and an ammeter. The internal resistance for the volumeter and the ammeter are Ry aad Ry respectively and their readings Vy and Jm give the measured resistance Ra Va. The true resistance value ofthe resistor is R Ay irenit IT HG /) R (™ @ State which reading(s), a In or bot, do(es) NOT give the rrue voltage across the resistor and/or the true current passing through the resistor. Hence write down an equation relating Ra, Ru and R. (marks) (Gi) Find the percentage error associated with Re when measuring the resistance ofthis resistor. Given : Ry =10 KO, Ry= 10 and R= 100. (2 marks) DSE Physics - Section D : Question. PD-EM2-Q/18 EM2 : Electric Circuits 15, | ‘A student uses the following apparatus to measure the resistance of tungsten filament ight bulb a battery, a switch, a variable resistor, an ammeter, a voltmeter, a light bulb Figure 1 shows an incomplete circuit for the experiment. “The “+” symbol represents the positive terminal of the ammeter, table circuit symbols to complet the circuit, and mark the positive texminal ofthe volimeter with “+”, (3 marks) se L Figure AN ‘The table below and Figure 2 show the results obtained. Voltage aorossithe igntbulb V/V [0 | 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | Os | 10 | 20 | 30 Current 17 mA 076 [na 196133139 170 [26 [27a igure? j reer LELEEEAEE 0 0S 10 15 20 25 30 35 ‘Voltage across the light bulb 7/V- ©) Driofy explin the variation of the resistance of he Fight bulb with the voltage across the igh bulb, (@ mars) see DSE Physics - Section D : Question PD-EM2-Q/19 EM2 : Electric Circuits 1S. (©) The student claims that since the resistance ofthe light bulb is not « constant, the equation R— ¥/Z cannot be used to calculate the resistance ofthe light bul. Briefly explain why his claim is wrong, (0 marie) (@) Detemnine the resistance of the light bulb at V=0.1 V and 2.5 V. G maria) (©) itis given that the cross-sectional area of the tungsten filament in the light bulb is 1.66. 10°? mi, and the resistivity of fungsien at roc temperature is shout 5.6 x 10°F m. Estimate the length of the tungsten filement in the light bulb using the appropriate resistance found in ()_ (@ marks) 16, ‘You are provided with a battery (of fixed em.£ £and internal resistance r}, a variable resistor (with several Jnnown resistance values K to be selected), a switch, a voltmeter (assumed ideal) and a few connecting wires. ile oo me -O- (e) With the aid of a circuit diagram, describe the procedure of un experiment to study how the terminal voltage V delivered by the battery depends on the resistance R councctcd to it. State ONE precaution of the experiment. (S murks) ©) Describe the variation of ¥ with Rund express ¥ interras of & r and R. (2 marks) DSE Physics - Section D : Question PD-EMS -Q/13 EMS : Electromagnetic Induction Part B: HKAL examination questions 1s, ne & & ir 2g ; 2 = Ly W008 ‘bar magnet Figured Figure? ‘A contre-zero galvanometer A is connected in series witha resistor, R, nda 1.5 V cell as showm in Figne 1. ‘The pointer of A deflects to the left. The galvanometer is now connected to a col as shown in Figure 2. When a bar magnet is moved with tmiform speed by a student towards the call the pointer of A deflects tothe right (©) OnFigure2, indicate the direction ofthe induced current inthe coil and also the poles ofthe bar magnet. (2 marks) () Where docs the electrical energy in the circuit come from ? (1 mark) (©) Suggest THREB ways to increase the deflection of @ marks) Acoiland a retort stand made of iron are arranged as shown, The coil is connected to a dc. supply viaa switch S, When the ‘switch is pressed on, the aluminium ring placed on top of the coil jumps up momentarily and then falls back to the top of the coil (@) Briefly explain this observation. G marks) DSE Physics - Section D : Question PD-EMS -Q/14 EMS : Electromagnetic Induction 16, (6) Ifnow the dc. supply is replaced by an ac, sapply. (What would be observed if the switch is closed ? (1 mati) (i) Suggest a practical use of this experimental result. (mak ii) The heat capacity ofthe ring is 7.8K and its temperature is found to rise from 25°C to 40°C during the first 50 s when the a, supply is on. Find the average rate of increase in internal energy ofthe ring, (masks) 17, (@ Inthe figure below, there are two parallel wires casrying currents in opposite direotions. The current ia the left wire is ‘perpendicularly out of paper while the current in the right wire is perpendicularly into paper. Sketch in the space below the magnetic field patter around the two wires (marks) () In the figure below, ifthe current flowing through both wires is 5 A and the separation between them is 0.05 m, find the magnitude of the resultant magnetic field due to these two wires at point K, which is 0.02.m from wire Q. (2 marks) sal tsa PD-EMS-Q/15 rm 18, (©) Two tong paraitel current-carrying wires are now connected to a signal generator giving out a.c.carrent. A search coil connected to a CRO is used to investigate the magnetic field around the two wires. With the time base of the CRO viol [O : | Jong parallel wires ® search coil fas, ameter Tyee (O Explain what is represented by the length of the trace observed on the CRO, (nari) i) Explain whether the measurement ofthe magnetic field by the search coil would be affected by the Harth's magaetic field. (2 narks) In the figure below, « space shuttle carries « satellite attached to it by 220 kam long conducting cable. The two move together sround the Earth above the equator in orbital motion. In the orbital motion, the cable swoeps through the magnetic field of the Barth, x x x x x Given : Magnetic field strength in the orbital region = 30x 10-*T Orbital position ofthe shuttle = 6:8 > 10° m from the centre of the Barth Dean radius ofthe Earth = 6.4 x 10m (@) Caloulate the orbital speed of the shutle at position, G mats) @) Find the emf, induced across the cable. State one assumption that you have made inthe calculation. G mais) DSE Physics - Section D : Question PD - EMS-Q/16 EMS : Electromagnetic Induction 19, 20, The figure below shows # soleaoid of diameter 5.0 em and length 50 cm. The solenoid has 1000 turns and it camies a steady current of 60. mA. enlenoid (@) Caloulate the magnetic field strength at the centre 0 of the solencid, (2 marie) (®) Calculate the magnetic flux linkage through the solenoid. (@ marks) The figure below shows a circular coil of 100 tums and radius 5 cm pivoted by two smooth vertical supprts. It's placed ina region with a uniform magnetic feld of 0.1 T iowards tie right. The ends ofthe coll are joined together and the resistance of the col is 102. ‘uniform magnetic field ‘The coil is tumed through 90°by an exteraal force until its plane is pespendiculer to the magnetic field. (@ Would the coil resist boing tumed ? Explain briefly, @ mars) () If the coil is released from rest at the new position described above, would it move back to its exiginal postion ? Explain briefly. @ marke) (© The col is now fixed with its plane perpendicular to the magnetic field. The ux density of the fed is increased at a uniform rte of0.3 Ts. Find the magnitude ofthe curent induced inthe col masks) DSE Physics - Section D : Question PD -EMS-Q/17 EMS : Electromagnetic Induction Part: IKDSE examination questions 21, ‘Amy uses the motor of a toy fanas a simple generator. She connects a bul to the two terminals of the motor, This is shown in the Figure below. _ Viade bulb > lectic ‘The bulb lights up when the blades ars turned rapidly. Explain why end state the energy conversion taking place ia this process marks) 22, ‘You are given 2 long conductig wire, a pair of slab-shaped magnets on steel yoke and a light-beam galvanometer for detecting small currents. With the aid ofa diagram, describe an experiment to investigate TWO factors affecting the ¢.m.f induced in a conductor when it moves in a magnetic field, marks) : Tight-beam ‘galvanometer conducting wire sleb shaped magness ‘on stzel yoke B. PD -EMS-Q/18 ‘ (@ Yoware given a low voltage ds. supply, an slurainium ring, « switch, a coil of 1100 turns and a retort stand arranged ay shown, Use three connecting leads to complete the connections among the apparatus in the figure and describe how to demonstrate Len2’s law in electromagnetic induction. State and explain the observation. (6 mats) sina low voltage de, supply eo 98 Connecting terminals (b)._Deseribe what would be cbserved if the experiment in pat (a) is repeated with @ alow voltages. supply (mark) (alow votagenc,saply ao an sium ing with it cat theagh tas shown C1 mari DSE Physics - Section D : Question PD - EMS - Q/19 EMS : Electromagnetic Induction | m Read the following passage about lightning end answer the question that follow. undersloud 4 lightning current induced charges Lightning occars when charget accumulate in the clouds to such an extent that the eletsi field in the atmosphere is strong enough to cause the air to lose its insulating properties. The threshold elect field for ‘breakdown! to occur is about 3 x 10° Vm above which electrons or ions in the attposphere can pass through the sir between clouds and the ‘ground or between clouds and clouds. The peak current ofa typical lighting bolt cas reach about 30 000 A. How the charges are separated and accumulated in the clouds isnot fully understood yet, Tn most cases, negative charges are at ‘he base of the cloud and positive charges are induced on the ground, ©) (What ia the meaning of breakdown in the passage 7 mari () The thundercloud's base aud the ground can be modeled as two parallel plates with opposite charges. If the negative charges distributed at the clouis base are about d = 2 ken from the ground, find the potential difference: between the cloud and the ground wien the electric field in the atmosphere just reaches the threshold of ‘breakdown! (@ marks) A lightning detector having a small square coil inside is placed at point O which is 1.5 km ftom the lightaing bolt. The coil snd the lighming's direction are in the same vertical plane as shown, Assume that the lightning current lows vertically ‘upwards to the thundercloud from the ground. Diagram NOT drawn to scale PD -EMS-Q/20 24. () (@_ State the direction of the magnetic field (to the left/ to the right / into paper / out of paper ) produced at point O by the lightning curent, Estimate the magnetic field strengths pesk value at 0. (marks) @ Explain why within the very short duration of lightning, an induced current first flows in the coil in a certain direction and then reverses, Your answer should include the directions of the induced current in the coil. (3 marks) i) Among the physical quantities releted to lightning, electric field in the atmosphere, lightning current end ‘magnetic field due to lightaing, suggest which one can be monitored so as to give foreswaring of lightning Explain your choice. (marks) 25, © wit | magnetic fielaB ‘The Figure above shows a metal rod PO of leagth L moving with constant velocity v across a uniform magnetic field B pointing oxt ofthe paper. An emf. Fi induced across rod PQ tit cuts the field lines, When the rod is connected to a resistor outside the field, a current / flows in the circuit | (Indicate the direction of Fn the above Figure. (mark) (i) Explain why ax external force /is required to maintain the uniform motion of rod PQ. Find Fin terms of the physical quantities given, (Garis) showthat € = BLy. (marks) | | (i) This setup works a8 a generator, By considering the mechanical power input by external force F to the setup, { | PD -EMS-Q/21 25, (b) Ata certain place the Earth's magnetic field nuns along the S-N direction such that the field lines make an angle 0 with the horizontal as shown in Figure (a). Barth's magnetic fel | NoRTH <= Torzental Figore 0) Figaro (6) A ship with a vertical aluminium mast sails at sea along a stright course to the west as showa in Figure (0). Asa result, ‘an t.m. is induced across the mast XY. | | (Explain why itis omly the horizontal component of the Earth's magnet field that is out by the mast which gives rise to this induced e.m.£. (mark) Gi) Given: length of mast XY = 20m speed ofthe ship = 6 ms Barth's magnetic fiekd = 50 pT 0 = 30° Referring to (aii), caleulate the e.m.f induced across XY and state whether the distribution of free electrons along, the mast is more at end X, more at end Yor uniform along XY. ‘G marks) Explain whether there will be a current passing through it (Qrearks) (ii) Suppose x and ¥ are connected by a cable running side-by-side with the mast so that they form a complete circuit, | | There is question in next page DSE Physics - Section D : Question Solution PD-EMS - QS/01 EMS : Electromagnetic Induction ‘HIKEAA’s Marking Scheme is prepared for the markers! reference, It should not be regarded as a set of model answers. ‘Students and teachers who are not involved in the marking process are advised to interpret the Marking Scheme with caze, Question Solution tr @ Induced volage ‘ i iy | (Change the sip sings iat | toa commutator. 0 | < 2. © In figue 1, induced current flows in dvetion of GFE. a | oR | | Th Sigur 1, indoced current flows in anticlockwise direction. 0 Ta figure, no induced curtent flows, wy | In igure 3, induced current flows in te direction of HEF. w oR In figure 3 induced cure flows in clockwise diestion. a (©) In-hgare 1, an applied force along the direction of motion is required to maintain the motion ofthe loop m ‘since there is an epposite magnetic forco acs onthe wire GF when current flows in magnetic Feld 0m In igure 2 no force is required a since there is no curent flowing in th loop a Ia figace 3 an epplicd foros elso along the direction of motion is requted to maintain the motion of he loop (1) since there is an opposite magnetic force acs on the wire HE when current flows in magnetic field. a DSE Physics - Section D : Question PD -EM1-Q/¢ EM1 : Electrostatics 2. ‘The below figure shows two aluminium foils held by plast cchaiging the aluminium foils by induction, and a negatively charged plastic block, ‘They are used plastic block (@) Describe the steps taken in charging the aluminium foils (@ mari (b)-Whot type of charge is induced on the aluminium foils? (0 marig (c) Explain briefly why the clips should be an insulator but not a conductor in this experiment. (2 marks Part B: HKAL examination questions 3. Ja a vacuum, 2 beam of electrons with an intial horizontal velocity enters midway into a region of electric field betwe ‘wo horizontal square metal plates as shown in the figure below. A pd. of 320 V is applied across the plates and ¢ separation between them is 16 em. 320°V “SS elsctron +> [sn (©) Find the clectris field strength botween the plates @ marks) (©) The electron beam reaches one of the plates, Sketch in the above figure the path of the electron beam between the tw plates. (Neglect the wight ofthe electron.) @ marke) 2 DSE Physics - Section D : Question PD - EMI - Q/03 EM1 : Electrostatics 4, for Assmall conducting ball is placed midway between two parallel metal plates comnected to an E.H.T. via an ammeter as shown inthe Figure EHT. 7 (@ Stats how to make the ball acquire postive charges. (1 mark) (®) After the ball acquires positive charges, explain why it can shuttle continuously between thetwo plates, (2. marks) re (©) State and expiain how the average current registered by the arameter is affected if the separation of the two metal plates is decreased, G marks) DSE Physics - Section D : Question PD -EM1 - Q/04 EM1 : Electrostatics Part C: HKDSE examination questions 5. As shown in the Figure, two large vertical parallel metal plate, each in a slotied base, are placed on a polystyrene tile, The plates are connected to the positive and negative terminals of an EMT supply respectively, The plates’ seperaifon d= 10 ez, tile A amall charged ball is suspended by a nylon thread and is placed midway betweee the plates, The thread makes an angle 0 to the vertical when the ball is in equilibrium. (@) By using a free-body diagram, draw and name all the forces acing onthe charged ball Alko indicate in your diagram the direction of the elect field between the plates. @rmarks) ©) @ Express tan 9 in terms of the electric force F acting on the ball and the weight FV ofthe bal (mare) G@_ Given that the mats of the ball is 0.07 g, When the voliage between the plots ie 4000 V, 9~ 2°. Estimate {he magnitude of the charge carried by the ball. Assume that the elect field between the pltes is uniform. (marks) (©. Using the setup in the Figure, suggest a simple method to test whether the eleotic field between the plates is uniform. (3 marks) DSE Physics - Section D : Question PD -EM1-Q/05 EM1 : Electrostatics ‘igure (a) shows two identical small metal spheres aud Y suspended by insulating treads ofthe same Jengih. Each sphere fae a mazt of 1.0 + 10-*kg and exch caries « positive charge of 3.1 n€ (1 C= 10° ©) The seperation d ofthe spheres is 10 em, The size of spss nglgle compared wih ir oparto, therefore they canbe teak ss point charges take 1 ~ 9x 10°N mC ane, Figure (a) Disgram NOT drawn to scale (8) Find the angle between the threads, marks) (b) Point P is vertically below the fixed point O and it is 10 cm from each sphere as shown in Figure (b). (@ Indicate the direction of the resultant electric field at P due to these two charged spheres. (@ mark) Np 0) Diagram NOT dravya to seale (A nnouiral metal sphere of finite size is now placed at P. State whether the separation ¢ would increase, decrease or remain unchenged due to the presence of this sphere, (mark) Separation d .. DSE Physics - Section D : Question PD-EM4-Q/11 EM4 : Magnetic Field M1, | ‘The mageti field betveen two sib-saged mages with unlike ples lcing each ters uniform. Desde how to we he apparatus in the Figure below to illustrate this 4 marks) slab shaped magnets | ona steel yoke, with n unlike poles facing, ach other eee DSE Physics - Section D : Question PD - EM4-Q/12 EM4 : Magnetic Field Part B : HKAL examination questions 12, In 2 vacuum, # beam of electrons with a horizontal velocity 3.7 x 10"m s" caters midway into a region of electric field ‘between two horizontal square metal plates as shown in the Figure below. The length of the side of the plates is 10 cm. A voltage of 320 Vis applied acros tho plates andthe separation between them is 1.6 om. a electron, Diagram NOT MOVE 7 nittna’ drawn to scale (@) Find the electri field strength between the plates, @ marks) (®) A uniform magnetic field normal to the paper is applied between the two plates so as to make the electron beam travel horizontally. Find the magnitude of the magnetic field applied. (Neglect the weight ofthe electron.) (@ marks) ‘The Figure below shows a current balance which consists of a copper wire loop PORS balanced on two razor blades. ‘Two ‘dential solenoids, each of 1500 turns, are placed cosxially such that one arm 2S of the cuent balance is in the narrow gap between the two solenoids. Each solenoid is 30 cmlong and has a square cross-section of 3 cm x 3 cm. razor rider blade solenoid torheostat and smooth de. supply ‘When a current of 2.0 A flows in the arm RS of the current balance, and the sume curreat flows ia the two solenoids in the same direction (ao! shown in the figure), placing a rider of mass 72 mag on the arm RS can restore the balance. (@)_ Indicate in the above Figure the direction of the magnetic force acting on the arm RS and the direction of the current in the solencids. (2 marks) cme DSE Physics - Section D : Question PD -EM4-Q/14 EM4 : Magnetic Field 1 1a &) @ By considering the equilibrium of the current balance, find the average magnetic fieki 2 in the gap between the two solenoids (@ masks) Gi) By considering the curtent flowing inthe two solenoids, calculate the magnitude B’ ofthe magnetic feld at the gap produced by the two solenoids, (@ mats) Gil) State TWO possitie reasons to account forthe discrepancy between the two Values of B and Bi, (2 marks) 18, (@) Particles with the speed v of 1.63 x 107 m 5 are dizected info an evacuated region with a uniform magnetic field B of 05 T perpendicular to the initial velocity of the particles as shown in the Figure below. Given thatthe charge to ‘mass ratio of« peticle is 4.82 x 10° C kg", find the radius ofthe path descaibed by the particles inthe field region. (Q marks) | particles xx x per { OK x 1 x X & % xX xX — field B pointing xX KK KX Sekt (©) Explain whether the particles would emerge with # greater speed ftom the region of magnetic field, (2 marks) DSE Physics - Section D : Question PD-EM4-Q/15 EM4 : Magnetic Field Part C : HKDSE examination questions 16. . ‘An electron moving with speed 1.2 x 107 ms! eaters a square region ABCD with a uniform magnetic feld of 0.01 T pointing into the paper as shown in the figure below. The electron describes a quarter cicle from A to C and it emerges from C with ‘the same speed, Neglect the effects of gravity. 4 K xx K xx Kx > uniform magnetic field HX XXX XXX pointing int the paper kxx KX kx x pee 6 (©) © Find te magoiue of the magootic force ating on the election at potat Pon its path, @ marks) (Indicate in the shove Figure the diretion ofthe electon’s acceleration athe point P. i mark) ©) Although the electron accelerates due to the magnetic force, explain why it emerges from the magnetic field with the ‘sume speed, @ marks) © _Deduce the speed of the electron when entering the magnetic fiekd suck that it would describe a sem instead, @ marks) Figure (2) shows a setup for demonstrating one of Faraday’s discoveries. A light metal rod is fee to rotate about point P While its lower end just touches some conducting liquid in a metallic container. s _—P Diagram NOT drewn to scale Figure @) LHI battery DSE Physics - Section D ; Question PD -EM4-Q/16 EM4 : Magnetic Field a ‘A uniform magnetic field pointing into the paper is applied over the region ABCD contaising part of the rod When switch $ is closed, the rod "kicks ont and leaves the liquid surface, (@) State the direction (10 the left / to the right / out ofthe paper ) that the rod ‘kicks’ and describe the subsequent motion of the 10d. G mara) (©) When switch § is closed, the initia! moment about point P that makes the rod kick’ out is 72x 10m. Assume th tho magnotic force acts atthe midpoint of the part of the rod within the magnet fild. i) Calculate the magnetic force acting on the rod at thet instant, @ matic) Gi) Hence, find the strength B of the magnetic field if the current lowing through the rod is 32. A when the circsit is closed (2 marke) (©) Now the wniforen magnetic field is removed and 2 bar magnet is placed underneath the container as shown in Figure (6), ‘The od is held ited at an angle to the yertical but wit its lower end still inthe conducting liquid. _ goers ee > Figure (b) Diagram NOT drawn to sale =i " @ Sketch on Figure (b) the fled lines around the rod due tothe bar magnet. mark) Gi) After closing switch S and the rod is released fiom rest, describe its subsequent motion viewed from above. (0 matk) DSE Physics - Section D : Question PD-EM4-Q/17 EM¢4 : Magnetic Field 18, (@) Two long staight curent carrying wites, P and Q, ere parallel to each other and lie on the plane of the paper as shown in Figure 1. ‘The currents in the wires, Je and Ia, flow in the same direction. wite P wire 9 Figure ket b h ae (@ State the direction (o the left /1o the right / into the paper / out of the paper) ofthe magnetic field at Odue to P. een (Gi ii wa ica ising gold GG (mace (iwc aac Fu fella ar wow bite permet of es yes ent ert bern two wi, (ama Gv) For the mognetic force acting on @ due to P and the magnetic force acting on P due to Q, if lp # Ja , btiefly explain ‘whether the two forees are equal in magnitude. (marks) (Figure 2 shows a metal slinky spring Figure? @ Ita dicect current passes through the spring, briefly expisin whether the spring will be compressed or stretched due ‘to magnetic force, (@ marks) Gi) _A student sugges's thet the spring will be compressed and streched alternately due to magnets force when at alternating current passes through. Briefly explain why he is wrong. (mark) ‘There is question in mex: page DSE Physics - Section D : Question Solution © PD-EM4-QS/01 EM4 : Magnetic Field HKRAA's Marking Scheme is prepared for the markerr' reference. It should not be regarded as a set of model answers, ‘Students end teachers who are not involved in the marking process are advised to interprot tho Marking Scheme with care. Question Solution 1 @ @ Spole im _ Npole a ©) © clockwise a Gi) anticlockwise tt) Gil) clockwise ia (©) Nosotition R] @ @ GQ) clockwise mm @ clockwise 0 @) clockwise 1 (The coil would rotate continuously. eB (e) Any THREE of the following. 8) % Increase the voltage supply % Increase the mumber of tums in PORS Increase the number of tums inthe solenoids Insect iron rods into the two solenoids 2) PisSpole i) QisNpole io) (). When Ss pressed, current flows through the col andthe softiron core is magnetized a Itattracts the iron spring towards the left 0 ‘The hammer strikes the left metal pats to produce the frst note, fu When Sis released, the iron core is demagnetized, ‘The hammer then springs back to strike the right metal plate to produce the second note 0 (© Soft iron isa magnetic material in It can increase the strength of the magnetic field, 0 (@) Any ONE of he following : Py * Replace one metal plate with another made ofa different metal * Change the length of one of the metal plates * Change of the thickness of one of the metal plates * Stick a hump of plasticine to one plate 1. DSE Physics - Section D : Question PD - EM6 - Q/13 EM6 : Alternating Current (8) A magnet is dropped through a copper coil C; as shown in Figure (a). Cy is connected to a resistor. aI igure (a) a FUE T plastic tube (© Whats the magnetic pole induced atend U of Cas the magnet approaches it? (1 atk) (ifthe resistor is disconnected and the circuit becomes open, itis found that the magnet passes through Cy in shorter ‘time, Explain this phenomenon, (2 matks) (©) Now, Ci and another copper esl of smaller numberof turns, Care wound on 8 sof ion care as shown ia Figure (6) to rake a transformes. Ci is connected to ana.s, supply. se voply fi sof ion core ‘Figure @) @ Whats the use ofthe transformer? (1 mate) (8) Suggest two ways oimprove the effisiency of the transformer. (@ maria) Gi) Another power supply is connected to PQ to replace the ac. supply. The variation of the current through Ce with time is shown in Figure (). A curen: flowing from P to Q through Cs is taken as positive. UA Figars (0) o us ‘Tom claims that no induced current will be produced in C; as the current in Cz has no change in direction, ‘Comment on whether Toms claim is correct or not. @ marks) | DSE Physics - Section D : Question PD -EM6-Q/14 EM6 : Alternating Current Part B : HKDSE examination questions 16, Josephine conducts an investigation on transformers. Primary and secondary coils are wound on two soft-iron C-cares to form a transformer. She set up circa as shown in Figure 1. Figure 1 ‘Lc. power supply (©) Josephine varies the input vollage Yo the tmasformer and records the corresponding output voltage V3, The results are shown in Tabie 1. Figure 2 shows the graph of 7; against Yj, Drawa conclusion for this investigation, (| mark) "YY 10 nv WY i is 28 30 sa 45 16 60 100 Tablet (©). Dedince the value of ¥ that will be produced whea Vj equals 8.0 V. (mark) . (© Josephine wants to study the relationship between the ouput voltage and the number of tums in the secondary coil of the ‘transformer. Describe how she can conduct the experiment. (2 marks) DSE Physics - Section D : Question PD - EM6 -Q/15 EM6 : Alternating Current 16 (@ Figure 3 Josephine adds a bulb to the citcuit as shown in Figur 3 above. Suggest how Joserhine can estimate the efficiency of the tranaformer. State the measurement(s)she must ake. Additional appratus may be usedif necessary. (3marks) 17, Read the following passage about ignition cols and answer the questions that follow. Ignition coil ‘An ignition coil is used to produce sparks from the battery of a car to ignite the fuel in the engine. It is used to produce high-voltage pulses from a low-voltage dc. supply {An ignition coil consists of two colls of insulated copper wire that are wound around a common iron core. One coil, called the primary coil, is made from relatively few (tens or hundreds) turns of thick copper wire. The other coil, called the secondary coil, typically consists of many (thousands) turns of thin copper wire. When an electric current is passes through the primary coil, a magnetic field is created. ‘The iron core guides most of the primary coil’s magnotc field to the socondary coil. When the current in the primary cofl 's suddenly interrupted, a high voltage pulse of many thousand volts is developed across the secondary coil, This voltage is then sufficient to cause an electrical discharge to produce a spark. “Explain why a voltage is developed cross the secondary coil when the current in primary col is suddenly interrupted, @ marks) (©). Suggest ome reason way the voltage developed across the secondary col is very large. (mark) (©) Assume input power to the primary coil equals to the output power of the secondary coil, explain why thick wire should be used to construct the primary coil. (@ matks) DSE Physics - Section D : Question PD - EM6 - Q/16 EM6 : Alternating Current 18, ee co qe] L238 oa os jaime Spore now te heer i connec 16a sme a,power soppy. The peak vale of te volge ofthe ac, power supply is 15 V. How would the output power of the heater change ? (Q marks) 19. ‘Read the following description about the “shaver supply unit” in bathrooms and answer the questions that fallow. ‘The danger of electric shock is particularly high in bathrooms. Normal electris socket cutiets should not bp installed in bathrooms. As electric shavers and toothbrushes are becoming popular these days, a special unit, called ‘shaver supply unit’ is now ecmmon in bathrooms to provide electricity just for these low power coneumption electric sppliices (tee the Figure). The shaver supply unit conssis of a transformer in which the secondary is not exrthed and is completely isclated fromthe 220 V a.c, mains supply connecting tothe primary. It can be used with 220 V or 110 V shavers. Shaver supply unit Live 20Vac, ‘Neutral Panel of shaver_ = wnat Se (@) Explain why the chance of electric shock ishigh in bathrooms. (2matis) (©) Explain what would happen ifthe human body touches (the live wire of the mains supply in the primary circuit; (2 marks) D. DSE Physics - Section D : Question PD - EM6-Q/17 EM6 : Alternating Current (©) (i) one of the conducting wites inthe shaver circuit outlet. (@ marks) (© What isthe tums ratio ofthe primary col to the secondary coil of the transformer so as to provide 110. V7 (1 matie) ‘ Electricity generated from power plants are transmitted at 2 high voltage through overhead cables in suburban areas. (Each overhead cable consists of 40 strands of identical transmission lines bundled together. asnndof fraeistn ine of sa overhead able One single stand of transmission line has a cross-sectional aree of 1.3 x 10-4 mi und resistivity 2.6 » 10" mi, Find the resistance pet km of a single strand of transmission line, (marks) @ Explain way the resistance per km of an overhead cable is much smaller than that of a single sttand of transmission line, Estimate the resistance pec km of an overhend cable. (2 marks) (Gi) Hence, explain why a bird can stand with both feet on a high-voltage cable without getting sn electric shoske es (2 marhs) (®) Electricel power of 180 MW is transmitted ata vollage of 400 KV through an overhead cable, (Calculate the current cariod by the overbead cable, (@ marks) @ Show that less than 0.1% of the electrical power is lost afler transmitted durough a total of 10 km of overhead cable, @ mack) Gi) As the voltage drop across this overhead cable is negligible, a voltage of 400 kV at the cable's end is stepped down bby an ideal transformer with turns ratio 12:1 Find the sccondary yoltage from the transfosne. @ mark) (H}) State ONE factor ieading to cnergy loss in a practical transformer and suggest the corresponding measure for ‘improvement, (@ marks) DSE Physics - Section D : Question. PD - EM3-Q/13 EM3 : Domestic Electricity |. ‘A hair dryer with a plastic case has three seitings of power output : high, medium and low. The settings are selected by the use of a switch device, ‘The Figure below shows the circuits of these three setings in random order. All the resistors in the beating element have the tame resistance of S02. The hair dryer is connected to 220 V a.c. mains evpply. iret 10220 Vas. ‘mains supply heating elemeat switch device circuit Y 0220 Vac, mains supply eireuit2 10220 Vac, mains supply beating element ‘switch device (@) Find the power delivered by circuit ¥ (@ marks) = (®) Fillin X, Yand 2 in the appropriate spaces inthe below Table. (1 mark * Power output settings Circuit - Low Medium High (©) Explain why the hairdryer does not need an earth wire. (0 mark DSE Physics - Section D : Question PD - EM3-Q/14 EMS : Domestic Electricity Part B : HKDSE examination questions ‘ Rv = ‘supply nT qo] [Lae 1 ote joulemeter ‘A-12.V heater is operated uncer a steady dc. voltage of 12 V. The energy consumed by the heater in 2 minutes is measured by a joulemeter as shown in the Figure, The intial and final readings ofthe joulereter are 126 J and 2525 J respectively. (0) Estinnte the electrical power of the heater, (2 marks) (®) Hence, find the current through the heater. (2mmaris) (© ASA fuse is installed in the power supply. Explain whether the fuse will blow if another identical heater is connected in parallel with the original heater. (marks) DSE Physics - Section D : Question PD - EM3-Q/15 EM3 : Domestic Electricity 1S, Jo the circuit shown in the Figure, resistors A, and Re represent the heating elemeats in a heater using mains supply. Both resistors are immersed in water. ‘The heater can be operated in two modes, namely, beating and keeping warm, and itis controlled by the switch S. The power consumed by the heater in the heating mode is 550 W and in the mode of keeping warm is 88 W. The mains voliage is220 Vac, (© Tnwhich mode is the bestor operating when switsh Sis open ? (Q mark) @) Find the resistance of Rs (Qrmarts) (© When switch Sis closed, calculate the current passing through resistor Rs, marks) | 16, | ‘The Figure shows the schematic diagram of an electric heater cousisting of four ideatical heating eleruents, exch having & nated value of *500 W 220 V". A user can use the rotary switch to select one of the three modes of operstion X, ¥. 2. Wites 4,B, C from the beater are connected to the 220 V a.e. maint vias 3-pin plug (@) Find the resistance & of a heating element, (1 mark) DSE Physics - Section D : Question PD - EM3-Q/16 EM3 : Domestic Electricity 16, @) What is the total power dissipated when mode X is selected ? Assume that the resistance of each heating element remains unchanged, (@ marks) (© Without the need of calculations, explain which mode of operation has the largest total power dissipation. (2 marks) @ (@ Whases3 A, A and 13 A are avsilable, determine which will be the most suitable to limit an excess current. Show ‘your work, (macs) G@_A student claims that since ac. is used for the heater, the swiich $ can be installed in either wire or wite B. ‘Comment on this claim, (2 mars) (Gi) Af ¢ faut resulted in the live wire having contact with the metal case of the heater, which wire, A, B or C, could ‘Prevent an electric shock ofa person totched the cage ofthe heater? Explain. (Qrmarks) 17. @) Figure 1 shows the schematic diagram of an electric heater which can operate in two modes, namely, ‘heating’ and ‘keeping warm’. The heating elements of resistances 4R and R are coanccted to the mains supply via 2 3-wuy switch ‘with its two poles tied together. That is, both poles can be connested to one of he three pairs of terminals X, Y or Z. Figare 1 mains supely (@ Towhich pairs of terminals, ¥ or Z, should the switch connect to when the heater isin ‘heating? mode ? (mark DSE Physics - Section D : Question PD - EM3-Q/17 EMS : Domestic Electricity 17. (@)_ The power consumed by the heater in ‘heating’ mode is 800 W. Gi) Caleulate the current drawn ftom the 220'V mains supply when the heater is in heating’ mods, (marks) Find the power consumed by the heater in the mode of ‘keeping warm’. @ marks) () Figure 2 stows a simplified domestic circuit connected to clecirical appliance vin a fuse, a meter M, a residual exrrent circuit breaker (RCCB) and a switch metal case fue sites topline 4 £ Figure - Nie r (0 What physical quantity does the meter Mesord ? (1 mari) (An RCCB is a kind of safety device that cuts off the supply automatically whenever there is @ small difference Dbotween the currenis in the live (L) and neutral (N) wires. State, in each of the following situations, which device(s) will respond (ic. the fase blows and/or the RCCB culs off the supply) (1) A short icuit eure between points X and ¥. (mak) (2) A short circuit occurs between point ¥ and the metal case of the appliance, (i mark) = | | “There is question in next page DSE Physics - Section D : Question Solution PD -EM3 - QS/01 EMS : Domestic Electricity HKEAA's Marking Scheme is prepared for the markers’ reference, It should not be regarded as a set of model answers. ‘Snudemts and teachers who are not involved in the marking process are advised to interpret the Markiag Scheme with care. Question Solution L @@4——¥ a b— 7% a oar a Gi) To prevent electric shock if there is any leakage of electricity to the metal case. a OR ‘To prevent electric shock by conducting the current to the Earth through the earth wire. a © @ Live a G Rated current ofeach kettle = 2 ir = M0 2750 m1 zo Maximum number oF ketile = 24 7s =2 a) ©) (i) Actual power given to the water = 1650 80% = 1320 W a Energy required to heat 1 kg of water = (1) x (4200) x (100-20) = 3360001 mH) | Time taken = 326000 ny 1320 = 2558 a WB 16sewx 255 i) 3600 = O.117kWh m1 oR E in = OT Wh a Coot = 0.117080 = $0.0936 a 2 @ Tolsl power = 11004220 = 1320 W 0 pa? 2 BOL Gy in) ¥" 320

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