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Letter to the Young Women of Malolos Guide Questions (Individual Activity)

1. How did Rizal describe the Filipino women during the Spanish period? Compare
the status of women during the pre-colonial period and during the Spanish

Rizal describes how the women in Malolos are like flowers without perfume and
fruits without sap. This means that they are women who lack freedom to do what they
want in their lives, the intellect to know their rights as individuals, and the strength of will
to fight if they are being abused. When the Spanish colonists arrived in our lovely nation,
they brought patriarchy with them. They made women flawless and delicate, and they
even took away their right to education and leadership. Throughout the Spanish period,
women were viewed as slaves rather than friends. While their husbands worked and
provided for the family, women were obliged to stay at home to care for their children
and homes. During the Spanish period, Filipino women's rights were taken away from
them. Women had the freedom to be who they wanted to be during the pre-colonial
period. Women in pre-colonial times were leaders, providers, and had the right to
maintain their names after marriage. Apart from that, their husbands may be the ones to
take their names, especially if they are well-known.

2. How did the status of Filipino women change during the Spanish period? What
can be attributed to those changes?

For the Spaniards, the perfect lady is overly pious, meek, and obedient. Yes, it's
the classic "Maria Clara." The Spaniards introduced us to the "Mahinhing dalaga"
stereotype. As children, women could no longer loiter, run across meadows, swim in
rivers, or climb trees. The real Filipina was replaced by the ideal woman dictated by the
Spaniards. Several occupations, particularly in the industrial industry, became heavily
dependent on the presence of female employees at the turn of the nineteenth century.
Women's admittance into the factory system demonstrated their industriousness by
emphasizing skills such as adaptability, patience, and a lack of willingness to perpetrate
fraud, all of which were seen as useful.

3. Do you agree that there should be equality with men and women?


4. Why women should be empowered in our society? How to empower women?

Empowering women is essential to the health and social development of families,

communities, and countries. When women are living safe, fulfilled, and productive lives,
they can reach their full potential. They are also able to help fuel sustainable economies
and benefit societies and humanity at large. Empowering women starts with you. Show

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your support for the women around you by showing them they matter and reminding
them of their strength. Changing the narrative for women and seeing real change is a
team effort and encourages them to take action. To empower a woman, you need to
encourage the women around you and make them feel special and strong. Encourage
your friends to speak up and make sure they know the value of their opinions so that
they’re never scared to use their voice. Lift women up by taking a stance against
negative comments online, at the office, in school, and wherever you go. Promoting
body positivity, intelligence, and authenticity to combat negativity is key. Empower
women with kindness and strength, and encourage women to make their aspirations a
reality. Know your worth and make sure the women in your workplace know theirs. Be
brave and ask for what you deserve.

5. How can education be an instrument to empower women? Do you think that the
present educational system functions to lessen gender inequality? Why?

Education is an essential means of empowering women with the knowledge,

skills and self-confidence necessary to fully participate in the development process.
Studying history can be used to empower women through education. Knowing history
and being educated about what has happened in the past might help us avoid the
unpleasant and unequal things that have occurred in the past, particularly for women.
People used to believe that girls don’t require education as their main goals in life is to
become a housewife and take care of the family rather than working. There are hardly
any areas where women have not proved themselves and that’s why to make women
more empowered there are many schools like girls boarding school that’s built with an
aim to empower young women by providing them with the best education so that they
can become the next thought leaders of the world. I believe that the current educational
system helps to reduce gender disparity by allowing women to attend school. Gender
equality is being taught to the kids, and they are urged to advocate it. And the education
has empowered the women and due to education women all over the world are starting
to become more active in all areas like political, administrative, judiciary etc. Women
have taken up big responsibilities and delivered great results.

6. Discuss the role of different social institutions like religion, education, media, etc.
in either lessening or perpetuating gender inequality.

Women, half the human race, have been invisible within churches and religions
dominated by men. Women’s modes of practice and organization may be, as with other
minorities, invisible and largely ignored. A common understanding is that religion
depresses women's rights in general and reproductive and abortion rights in particular.
Also, the media plays an important role in how people form their identities, social norms,
and values in relation to gender. Unfortunately, the media has had a mixed response.
Some people still see us as objects, not just us women, but also the people of the
LGBTQ+. Negative stereotypes of women in the media, such as submissive, timid, and
ultra-modern women, influence how women are perceived by society. It limits women's
abilities by limiting their choices and opportunities, which directly and indirectly causes
an increase in gender and sexual violence. Aside from that, the media can give us

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access to information on how to empower women, claim their rights, and make better

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