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DISEC Draft Resolution 1.

General Assembly First Committee: Disarmament and International Security

Sponsors: United Sates of America, Republic of India, The Commonwealth of Australia

Signatories: Republic of Colombia, Dominion of Canada, Kingdom of Spain, Republic Of Ireland,

Kingdom of Sweden, Slovak Republic, The Republic of Kenya, Syrian Arab Republic, Republic of
Poland, Kingdom of Morocco, Kingdom of Belgium, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern
Ireland, Republic of South Africa, The Italian Republic, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Swiss
Confederation, United Mexican States, Republic of Peru, Republic of Kazakhstan, Republic of
Ecuador, Democratic Republic of Congo, Republic of Chile, Republic of the Union of Myanmar,
Ukraine, Republic of Romania, Japan, Republic Of Belarus,

Topic: Discussing the threat of a potential global nuclear conflict arising from the Hamas-Israel
conflict with special emphasis on the Syrian Golan Region and East Jerusalem,

The General Assembly,

Alarmed by the violence and the ongoing conflict in the territories of Israel and Palestine,

Deeply Disturbed by the death toll and ongoing collateral damage of innocent civilians in Israel and
Palestine alike,

Taking into consideration of the capturing of Israeli civilian hostages after the attack of October 7
have not been returned by the Harakat al-Muqawama al-Islamiya(HAMAS),

Deeply Distressed by the ongoing bloodshed and suffering resulting from the Israel-Palestine
conflict, which casts a dark shadow over the hopes and dreams of millions,

Profoundly Moved by the deep spiritual and historical significance of East Jerusalem, a city sacred to
many, and the urgent need to safeguard its heritage for future generations,

Alarmed by the potential threat of a nuclear attack in the war zone,

Recognizing the moral duty and humanitarian obligation to protect innocent lives, restore dignity, and
prevent further misery,

Emphasizing the need for all states in the region to live in peace within secure and recognized borders
and reaffirming the two-state solution,

1. Requests for the establishment of a Two-state solution to create a viable state of Palestine
with a secure Israel by consensus of both parties involved in the conflict;
2. Calls upon all countries of the region that have not yet done so, pending the establishment of
the zone, to agree to place all their nuclear activities under International Atomic Energy
Agency safeguards;
3. Fervently Calls for the demilitarization of the Syrian Golan Region and the withdrawal of all
unauthorized military forces, to reduce tensions and avert the outbreak of a wider and more
devastating conflict;
4. Passionately Stresses the paramount importance of preserving the sanctity of holy sites in
Jerusalem, urging all parties to honour and protect the city's rich and diverse religious and
cultural heritage;
5. Insists that the United Nations Security Council maintain vigilant and compassionate
oversight of the situation, ready to enact measures to prevent the proliferation of nuclear
weapons and ensure global safety;
6. Emphasizes the crucial role of civil society, including women and youth, in peace-building
and conflict resolution efforts, urging their full and meaningful participation in the peace
7. Reaffirms the applicability of Security Council resolutions 242 (1967) and 338 (1973), which
call for the withdrawal of Israeli forces from territories occupied since 1967, including the
Syrian Golan Heights, and emphasizes that any changes to the 4 June 1967 lines, including
with regard to Jerusalem, must be agreed upon by both parties through negotiations.

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