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Name of Session Studied:

Reflecting on the Session:

1. How did you find studying the session – did you encounter any challenges?

I found the session fascinating, yet it was difficult. Critical thinking and analysis were

difficult due to the content's depth and intricacy. It made me understand that students

need more organized and scaffolded instruction, particularly given the variety of

classroom learners. It may often be difficult to reconcile critical thinking with curricular


2. Were there any new concepts or ideas and what did you think of these?

I learned about critical thinking, analysis, and reflective practice in the seminar. One

notion that jumped out was organized reflection to improve learning. This idea

intrigued me since it stresses students actively engaged with their learning

experiences and linking them to course material. Promote innovation and encourage

students to express fresh ideas or interpretations based on their comprehension of the

content was another proposal I liked.

3. Were there any issues raised that might impact your teaching?

The workshop addressed challenges that might affect my teaching. One major

concern was the need to go beyond surface-level learning, which frequently

emphasizes rote memory, to promote deeper knowledge and critical thinking. This

transition necessitates reevaluating educational techniques and evaluations to meet

these goals. The seminar also stressed the necessity of fostering an open, varied

learning environment, which I will try to include into my teaching.

4. Has the session challenged any preconceptions that you have as a teacher?

The workshop challenged my teaching beliefs, notably on assessment. It made me

rethink evaluations' function in critical thinking and analysis. Instead than only using

examinations or quizzes, I now appreciate using more diversified assessment

approaches that enable students to apply critical thinking to real-world situations.

Reflect on your practice in light of the session:

5. Do you already use approaches or concepts from the session in your teaching? If so, can you
talk about a specific example of when you used this?

I've incorporated some of the session's information into my teaching, but I can

improve. I now include organized reflection assignments in my classes to assist

students relate their experiences to the subject. This method may improve

comprehension and critical thinking. However, reminders and encouragement for

pupils to develop reflection should be improved.

6. What do you plan to take forward in your teaching practice teaching practice?

I intend to emphasize critical thinking and analysis in my teaching. To meet these

goals, course materials, assignments, and evaluations must be revised. I also want to

foster open dialogue, various viewpoints, and creative thinking in the classroom.
Think about possible targets for development to take forward:
7. What three steps are you going to do to implement what you have highlighted in
question 6

The following three steps will help me deploy these changes:

a) Curriculum Revision: I will scrutinize my course materials and assessments

to ensure they promote critical thinking and analysis. This will need

assignment redesign, learning outcome revision, and important skill rubrics.

b) Active Integration of Reflective Practice: I will include organized reflection

tasks in my classes with clear prompts and assistance. I will schedule

reflection time to make it a habit in learning.

c) Continuous Professional Development: I will actively seek professional

development opportunities to improve my teaching and student critical

thinking and analysis. This may involve attending seminars, webinars, or

conferences on educational methods that develop these abilities.

8. Is there an area from the session you would like to know more about or study in more detail?

I want to learn more about using technology and new tools to assist critical thinking

and analysis in the classroom. I want to learn about digital tools and platforms that

can help me teach these skills. I also want to study how technology affects student

critical thinking to create better teaching choices.

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