Spearheading the Journey Towards Zero Preventable Harm in Healthcare

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Spearheading the Journey Towards Zero Preventable Harm in Healthcare




Spearheading the Journey Towards Zero Preventable Harm in Healthcare

Nursing leads patient care and helps achieve the lofty goal of zero avoidable harm in

healthcare. In the video "Chasing Zero: Winning the War on Healthcare Harm," I explain how

nursing may help achieve this crucial objective. Healthcare patient safety depends on nurses.

They constantly monitor patients' health, and their meticulousness may prevent medical mistakes

and unpleasant outcomes. Nurses improve the healthcare system's safety by following evidence-

based procedures, including drug delivery and infection control. The Pyxis drug distribution

equipment ensures patient safety, the speaker said. Pharmacists use a barcode to check medicine

dose and appropriateness after nurses input patient identity and name (QSEN.ORG, 2023).

Nurses have a distinct perspective on patient care, cooperation, and communication.

Patient advocates communicate with patients, families, and the healthcare staff. Nurses may lead

by promoting safety in healthcare organizations. They may empower everyone to raise safety

issues, discuss near-misses, and improve systems. Nurses can unite the healthcare team behind

zero harm. Healthcare executives are also shaped through nursing education. Nursing programs

may prioritize patient safety, quality improvement, and evidence-based practice. Nursing schools

teach these ideas early on to educate graduates to promote safety in their jobs. Simulated

decision-making training gives students the skills and confidence to offer safe care on the job.

Nurses are also well-positioned to use technology to improve patient safety. The use of

EHRs and sophisticated clinical decision support systems may minimize mistakes. Nurses may

promote user-friendly interfaces and help develop these instruments for safety and usability.

Research by nurse scientists and researchers may help achieve zero harm. They may research

innovative harm-prevention methods, technologies, and solutions. Nurses can advance patient

safety and innovation by conducting rigorous research and sharing their results.
Finally, nursing groups and professional organizations may promote safety. They may

help nurses avoid injury using tools, guidelines, and toolkits. These groups may also campaign

for patient safety policy changes to acquire funding and support for safety improvement efforts.

Nursing leads in patient care, advocacy, education, technology adoption, research, and

cooperation, making it a key driver of zero avoidable harm in healthcare. As nurses, we can lead

the change of our healthcare system into one that prioritizes patient safety, saving lives, and

decreasing damage.

QSEN.ORG. (2023, April 23). Chasing Zero: Winning the War on Healthcare Harm. QSEN.


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