A Comparative Analysis of LGBTQI+ and AAPI Communities on the Path to Equity in America

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A Comparative Analysis of LGBTQI+ and AAPI Communities on the Path to Equity in





A Comparative Analysis of LGBTQI+ and AAPI Communities on the Path to Equity in


By analyzing and juxtaposing the journeys of two distinct factions within American

culture who have met with differing levels of achievement in pursuit of equitable likelihood, I

shall endeavor to accomplish the task at hand. While immense strides have fortunately been

achieved of late to advance equitable treatment and access for that community comprising

lesbians, gay individuals, bisexuals, transgender people, as well as those identifying elsewhere

on the queer spectrum or as intersex whom shall serve as my initial focus of discussion, certain

challenges persist nevertheless in fully realizing inclusion and nondiscrimination for all. I will

talk about how this community will be the first group I address. The second demographic I shall

investigate consists of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPIs), who have been subjected

to persistent difficulties and inequalities in many different facets of American culture.

LGBTQI+ Community:

Throughout history, those belonging to the LGBTQI+ community have unfortunately

endured mistreatment, bigotry, and intolerance due to their sexuality and personal concept of

gender. Prior to 1950, homosexuality was seen as a mental illness (EEOC, 2022). While much

work remains, there have thankfully been substantial gains over recent years in the ongoing

struggle to ensure equal dignity, respect, and chance for all people across the diverse spectrum of

gender identities and orientations. The U.S. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission's

crucial role in advocating for fair and equal treatment of LGBTQI+ individuals in the workplace

cannot be overstated. That year, the highest court's decision determined that bias in the

workplace owing to how one identifies intimately or with respect to sex was banned by the

section of the landmark statute dealing with civil liberties from over half a century prior that
prohibits prejudices in employment. This landmark decision marked a significant step towards

equal employment opportunities for LGBTQI+ individuals. LGBTQI+ individuals are now

actively involved in the military, media, and government, with rights expanded through the

Bostock v. Clayton County Supreme Court decision, Executive directives by President Biden and

provisions against job discrimination in 22 states (EEOC, 2022). The rights and protections of

LGBTQI+ people in American society cannot be taken for granted (EEOC, 2022).

Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPIs):

Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders have faced a myriad of hurdles and hardships

resulting from racism and discrimination endured throughout history. Nearly 3,800 acts of hatred

were reported to the Stop Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Hate Reporting Center

between March 2020 and February 2021 (Uclahealth, 2021). Unfortunately in recent times, the

unfortunate upsurge in intolerant acts of racism and brutality against those of Asian descent has

painfully highlighted the ongoing hardships faced all too often by this marginalized community.

Disparities vary by geography, and no two states adhere to reporting procedures that are

identical, for instance.In publicly accessible databases, people of Asian descent are categorized

as "other" when they are located in the states of South Carolina and Florida (Uclahealth, 2021).

AAPIs have also been subjected to health inequities, with racism being a significant factor to

uneven access to healthcare services. This problem was made much worse by the COVID-19

epidemic that occurred.

A comparison of the relative situations of these two groups clearly demonstrates that

while the LGBTQI+ community has attained substantial gains towards equality and equitable

access, those identifying as AAPIs still confront impeding hurdles hindering like progress. The

visibility and advocacy efforts of the LGBTQI+ community, coupled with the legal protections
they have secured and a shifting societal landscape, have contributed to these outcomes differing

in complexity owing to an intermingling of diverse influences. Affirmative action permits that in

determining the apportionment of societal privileges, contemplation may be given not solely to

merit but in addition to attributes such as one's race or ancestry, their gender presentation or

other marginalized affiliations within a community. These decisions might include the granting

of government contracts, admittance to public schools, and job opportunities within the

government (AmericanBarAssociation, 2009). Obtaining equal rights for others as individuals

demands that we advocate for egalitarian policies and legislation, lend support to groups striving

to enact such aims, and confront prejudice and discrimination within our localities. While

promoting understanding of marginalized communities and striving towards establishing a just

world embracing of all remains of utmost importance, earnest self-education paired with tangible

actions advancing inclusion and fairness for every person must be embraced if lasting change is

to be achieved.

AmericanBarAssociation. (2009, October 1). Affirmative Action and the Black Experience in

America. Americanbar.org.




Uclahealth. (2021, March 29). How racism against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders

reinforces health disparities. Www.uclahealth.org.


EEOC. (2022, June 23). Moving Towards Equality in the Workplace for LGBTQI+ Employees.

US EEOC. https://www.eeoc.gov/moving-towards-equality-workplace-lgbtqi-employees

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