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Elevator Pitch Script: Ford's Electric Vehicle Expansion




Elevator Pitch Script: Ford's Electric Vehicle Expansion


Greetings, esteemed high-level leaders! I appreciate the chance to offer a progressive

undertaking that lines up well with Ford Motor Company's long-term aims. I'd want to make the

most of this opportunity to discuss our completely new electric driven vehicle (EV) venture and

shed light on its strategic importance, monetary feasibility, and potential for adding to the

progression of our company's overarching mission. The mix of innovation and the vitality needs

of the 21st century has had a huge effect on the transportation area (Martnez, 2021).

How it fits:

While being eco-friendly, our electric vehicle initiative represents a wise economic

choice to propel Ford ahead in the worldwide auto sector. The popularity of emission-free cars

has raised the word "electric" to the level of "cool," "modern," and "future-oriented" (Martnez,

2021). It aligns with our goal to become an industry pioneer in electric mobility. Since

progressing towards a greener future is crucial, electric automobiles (EVs) are at the forefront of

the shift occurring as our field develops. After thorough analysis, we decided Ford's

manufacturing and technical skills are well suited to this transition. We've got all that is needed

to enter and dominate the electric car marketplace, like the required infrastructure and

experienced workforce. Our commitment to innovation and versatility has positioned us well to

succeed in the contemporary era.


The facts favoring the electrical automobile idea are not merely hopeful, but also

compelling. Findings from our look into suggest that the worldwide market for battery-powered

cars will expand at an unforeseen pace, with an expected yearly growth of 29% over the next half

decade. If we take the initiative to break into this market, we foresee noteworthy development in

our bottom line. We anticipate a 15 percent boost in near-term income, largely owing to demand

for our recently introduced electrical automobile models. Our numbers point to a positive Return

on Investment (ROI), as understood in the business world. Our prudent quote for the return on

investment (ROI) during the first three years is twelve percent. Our examination into the EV

sector's competitors and the good reception our EV prototypes have gotten in a number of

markets lend trustworthiness to this theory. After considering many scenarios, we've decided that

senior management and investors should expect a positive return on investment (ROI) regardless

of how the project turns out.

Enhancing the mission:

Our core aim is supported in numerous significant ways by our labor on vehicles with no

fuel. Firstly, it shows we are at the frontline of the vehicle industry regarding eco-friendly

practices and strengthens our commitment to decreasing our total impact on the planet. This

aligns with our goal to improve lives all over through influencing worldwide patterns of

movement. Additionally, we accept that the sales of our automobiles with no pollution will at

some point give a profit. As battery expertise advances, we foresee our electric vehicles

becoming more competitive in cost with traditional vehicles which burn fuel. Electric machines

are more efficient than internal combustion engines, which lose over 50% of energy to exhaust

gases and heat (Martnez, 2021). This guarantees the long-term achievement of enterprises while
also making lifestyles that care for the environment more widely available. We have gathered a

huge amount of information from records our company has made available to the public, from

research into the market, and from websites that give data to financial specialists. Our

examinations demonstrate that in a not too distant time coming, the part of our firm devoted to

vehicles with no fuel will contribute notably to how much money the whole company makes,

showing once more that our goal of providing greener ways of travel is succeeding.

Our drive to craft electric vehicles stems not solely from following current patterns, but

from a thoughtful strategic choice securing our place in the ever-changing automobile industry

closely aligned with core principles. Forecasts of income growth, high returns on investments,

and prospects of profit long-term indicate this project should succeed. By embracing electric

mobility, we work toward an environmentally-kinder future retaining Ford as a major player

shaping global transportation. I profoundly value consideration and time. Together we can

redirect Ford's path to be more socially and ecologically accountable. The promise in

Automotive lies less in technology but more in outcomes and revolutionary impacts on iconic

cars which can address people's problems in various ways from transport to solutions (Martnez,


Martínez, I. (2021). The Future of the Automotive Industry. Apress.

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