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'':frTik qfll, )lfql,"ffiFi qd]Tttr

qlE <liqr([.f nvm El<te fiF q!4llr"

Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh
Ministry ofExpatriate's Welfare and Overseas Employment
Employment-2 Section
ProbashiKallyanBhaban. Eskaton Gruden, Ronrna, Dhaka.
u \!rl.probashi. gov.bfl

Memo No-49.00.0000.{),14. I 8. I 97.2023-4,19 Date: 04 July. 202'i

Subjecti Recruitment Approval to Japan

Ref: Application ofJapan Ilangla Bridge Recruiting Agency (RL-1587).

With relerence to the above subject and application of recruitment agent Japan Bangla
Bridge Recruiting Agency (RL-1587) the undersigned is directed to convey the approval ofinitial
recruitment perrission in f'avour of the said recruiting agent to process for the employment of
following 04 (!-our) rlangladeshi Workers as Technical Intern Trainee at NAKANO Co., Ltd.
(Supervising Orginizations: Okayama Prefectural Export Garment Industry Cooperative) in
compliance with the following terms and conditions:

st. Supcrvising Implcmenting .,oh

Organizrtions oi,'I l

lnler" (TI)
I okayama NAKANO I, AKIII KIIAI'I]N 0a (r-our) Age requircmenrr 2545 Years Oldr
Co.. Iri'jNo:41588677'l Bdic Salary len: 1.61.600 Per
Export 1176. Ozali Month: Overlime: As pei Jap:lresc
Garment Mabicho. :.1ANCI-A clothing la{s; l'jeriod oi ConLac: N4axinum
I"\RVLN SN,IRITY 0l )eaNi working Days: \4ondar-
Industry Kurashiki.
okayanra. Tl9-
l'PNo:A15891862 To Friday: Ac.onling
'ftanspoftationi Prcvkled ht,
9-3-l I Kijima ll0,l ].SAMSI]NNAHAR Nakano Co..Ltd.r Eood: Ernployces
Shimonocho. Japan. TIN osr An'a gcmenr N_ledi&l benellL
and dedL'clion: Accordiig io
,1,SAIlMIN Japanese Lahour la!v: Air llck.t:
soL lnN,\ Trvo \!ay frce (aflcr coNpletc of
l']P NorAl59l6196 cofLract) and Others 'Ierlns &
Conditlons According 1l] Japanese

'l ol^l
'l'enns and Condifions:
1. 'lhe Scnding organization shall not employ an] sub-agent in the entire rclevant process of
sending fechnical hrlefi s.
2. l'he amount ol'nrone) to be taken by the concerned Sending Organization as prc-selection
training and post-selcction manageoent cost l'nust not be gr-ea1er than the amount of BDT
1.,18.500 ahcadl,dctermin.d by the Ministry.
3. Ihe Acocptirlg Organization shall bear all the necessary expenses for the finally selected
Tcchoical llrlcrns and proviclc all facililics tlescribed in Employment contract and demand
4. Iloth thc Scnding Oruanizaiion al]d the finull) selectecl Technjcal Intens must complete and
submit a ndnatiou iu the forrl of rvritten allirmatioll that the 1'cchnical Irtems mtlst retun [o
Bangladcsh tipon comploliur (r1'rraining of03( ycars or in prescribed time in Japar.
5- lhe necessary $,riLtcu cgleel1tent nrust l'lave to be signed in bet\\,een the Sending Orgauizatior)
and the Acceptin€1 OJganizetion according to the \ 'itten model treatise approved by
Organization of'l'cchnical lnler-n 'Iraining (OIIT) & Ministry of llxpatriates' Welfale atd
Or,erseas l,rlplol nenl (I4O[]WOE).
6. This appro\al is \lljd orlly lbr the cie1nand tbr tl're Iechnical ln1e 1s desciibed in this letter.

All the terms and conditions prcscribed in Guidelines must have to be followed for sending
Technical Intems to Japan under the supen/ision of bolh OTIT and the MOEWOE. Moreover.
other related laus of Bangladesh and lntemational lar.vs will have to be lbllowed st ctly.
Necessary instructions of Ol'lT shall also be lbllowed.
8. llLtmallity and ethics musl be maintained usually all the tirne and everywhere under the sphere
ofcxistjng la\\,s.
9. The clearancc shall be teminated or cancelled and necessary legal action shall be taken, if
violatioo ofany tcrm and condition depicted above is proved.
10. In case of violation of any of the Conditions described in the Guidelines and Employment
Contract the concerned Sending Organizatiorl (SO) will bear the responsibility given by the
11. BMET $il] lerify the authertjcity of academic certificate. Japanese language training
cenificate and other related documents of the candidales prior to issuance of Emigration
Ciearance (lard or Smad Carcl as per the guideline related to Techlical lntem (TI).

(Md Mizanur Rahman)
Deputy Secretary
Tel: +8802 41030252
e-mail : sasenplo] me*12.!i)pLrllrrs[gs].bd
Director Gcneral
Bueau o1-Manpoeer Enrployment and Training
89/2. kakrail. Dhaka

Memo No-49.00.0000.0 41. 1 8. I 9'7.2023 -4 49 Dale: 04.hrl),. 2024

Copy for kind inforrnation and ncccssary action: (Not according to seniority):
0l H. E. Ambassador. Ilnrbassl ofJapan in Bangladesh.
02 H.ll Ambtrssador. Embassy ofthe People's Republic ofBangladesh, Tokyo, Japan.
03 -
Additional Secretary (Employnent), Ministry ofExpatriate's Welfare alld Overseas Employment.
04 PS to Honorable Slate N,linister" MiDistry ofExpatriate's Welfare and Overseas Employment.
05 PS to SeclelaD,. Ministn ofExpatriatc's Welfare and Overseas Employment.
06 Counsellor (l abor). llnlbassy oflhe People's Republic ofBangladesh, Iokyo, Japan.
07 System Analysl (lCf). Ministry ofExpatriate's Well'are and Overseas Employment.
08 Managing Dircctor,.lapan Bangla tlridge Recruiting Agency (RL-l5g7). B-111. Civil House,
MohalJuli DOHS- Dhaka.
09 Of fice C'opy.

- o4-'-'
(Md Mizanur llahman)
Deputy Secrctaq,

,a ,ai RArrE" &qb &nF r!.-i q,!-q nd 6r a,tdc,

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