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Govemrnent of the People's Republic of Bangladesh tr

N4inistry of Expatriates' Weltare and Overseas Employment
Employment-1 Section
Probashi Kallyan Bhaban, Eskaton Garden, Dhaka.
rv rvg,. proi-ra sh i. a{

Menio No-4e.00.00t)0.0.1i .1 t .t)40.24- [)ate:04 July.202J

Subject: ltecruitnrcnt Approval to Japan.

Ref: Application of Amin Touls and Travels (RL.-981)

With ref-erence to the above subject and application of recruitment agent Amin Tours and Travels (RL-
981). the undersigned is directed to convey the Recritment Approval in favour of the said recruiting agent
tc') process fbr the emplovment of following 02 (Two) Bangladeshi Workers in compliance with the
follorving terms and conditions:

5* perviri*it Implementing Name and l\umber of ,Jl[r Salarr' .t 0ther l;enel'its

Gr''qanir:ri llr;r 0rganizations Passport l'I 5 per,'itic:rtion (.\ccortling to Dern:rrrd l.cltcr'i
$ i!h ltilili itli-\l with address number of
Intern (TI)
0I ('( )l\iNt:(' l I.()t)l'Co.. l-td. l. Md l(amrul 02 ('t rvo) Plasterers Salary:Yen. I I I 2/Hour
KY( )t)( )li' t r \,ii,\ 2--i2- I 7 l-oop [{asan Persons Work Workir-rg Ilours: 7 Ilours anrl 6
l" 2-6-,5 I Io;luli. Osaka 6F, Passport No: Male days/Week. 280 days/year
Io1'onaka-Sh i. Iigashiikuni.
I AI4 t05607 Period of Contact: Mar. 3Years.
Osal<a..la1ran Yodogalla-ku" Dot]: l9-08- Accornmodation and
Osaka- shi. 2002 Transportation-Arrangc h1
Osalia. JRpart cmploy,'er' (Rcn1 is deduclecl 1l'onr
53 2- 2. N4d .lahangir salary arrd transportation is
(x)02 Alam provided by employet')
Passport No: Agc: l9-29 years olcl.
4,1347 4"7 I 5 Medical Benefll :rnd dccluction:
DoL]:12-l t- According To .Tapanese l-abot' larr.
1994 Food: Emplolees On It
Air ticket: Come & Return ticket
betrveen Dhaka and Japan r'vill tre
provided by the
employer/Accepting orpanizll ion.

Total 02 (Two) Persons

Terms and Conditions:
I. I1re Sending Organization shall not ernploy any sub-agent in the entirc relevant process of sending Technical Intems.
2. llre anount of money to be taken by the concenred Sending Organization as pre-selection haining and post-selection
nlanagemelrt (:clst ntust not be greater than the anrount (BDT 1.48.500) already determined by the Ministry.
3. 1}e Aceeipting Organization shall bear all the necessary expenses for the finally selected Technical Intems and provide all
farilities describerl in l.'irployment contmct and demand letter.
4. Both the Scnding Organization and tlre {inally selected Technical Intems rnust complete and submit a nanation in the fbrm of
rvriften allirmarion that the Technical Intems rnust retum to Bangladesh upon completion of tentre (training for 03 ( three)
-vears) or as fixed by employer in accordance with country's laws.
5. necessary written ag'eernent nlust have to be signed in between the Sending Organization and the Accepting
Organiz,ation according to the rvritten nrodel treatise approved by Organization of Technical Intem Training (OTIT) &
' Ministry of E,xlratriates' Wellare and.Overseas Ernploynent (MoEWOE).
6. This appi oval is va lid only for the demand of employer for the Persons of Technical Intems described in this letter.
7. A!1 tlre rernrs arrd ctxdiiiorrs prescribed in Guidelines must have to be fbllowed by Sending Organization for Technical Intems
to Japan Linclel the super,*ision ol' both OTll' and the MoEWOE. Moreover. other related laws of Bangladesh and
Intentational laws r,vill have to be followed strictly. Necessary' instructions of OTIT shall also be followed.
8. Hr"imanit-r- aml ethics txust be maintained usually all the time and everywhere under the sphere of existing laws.
9. Tfiecleamnceshall beterminatedorcencellecl andnecessarylegal actionshall betakeri, il viulatiortofarrytermandcondiii,rrt
depicted above is pncved.
10 In case of violation of any of the Conditions described in the Guidelines and Er:rpicyment {lontract the concemed Sending
Organization (SO) will bearthe responsibility given by the Minishlv.
I 1 BMET will veriS, the authenticiry of academic cefiificate, Japanese language trairring r:ertillcafe at:d t-rthcr relate,J tlocunents
ofthe candidates prior to issuance of Emigration Clearance Cani or Smart ( l:rrd i$ per llie guideline related to l'echnical Irrtem

(h{d. trt*cl ;*,.3o '1

lleputy Secretary
EnrpL-r1'nre nt- l
'Tel: -tl8Oll 4 i0-10252
E- m ai I : ti:e I t, I.t i t'"' itt r: i r-r !,''i. pt r-r ir a'l lt i.g.r'li. l-1d

Director General
Bureau of Manpower Ertiploy'ment and Training
8912. kakrail. Dhaka

Memo No-49.00.0000.043. I 1.040.24- Q re I)lte: 04 July, 2024

Copy for kind information and neceslarljrctignj {tlrit 4!'.Qq!lEIlM tE.qqq$rritrr-il

01 . H. E. Ambassador. Firr:bass.v c[-.laparr to Bangiaclesh.
02 . l{.E Ambassador, Embassy oIthe People's
l{eprui:!ic o1'}}ang.iaeiesh.'l-ol<t'c..i;,o;.ir.
03 Additional Secretary (Employ,nrent), h4inistry of F.xpafriate's Weltai-e arici Ur,'eiseirs Ii.::'r1:ioyn':i:ni.
"04 PS to Honorable Minisler. fulinistry oilixpatriate's Wellare ailcl f')vtrse,,:s i:.i.n1:ir.r.r,incnl.
05 PS to Secretary, Ministry ol E,xpatriate's Wellare .rrrd Ove r:;eas Einplo.,'nrc::1.
06 First Secretary (Labor), Embassv o1'the Pcople's Rcpui:lic iij'liarrgl:.irl,;:llr. i'r,l,to .lrrpan.
07 System Analyst (lCT), Ministry ol Erpatliate's \\i t-llarr- rind ( )verseas !',itipi(i', r,ri:ri.
08 Proprietor/Recruittnent agent, Amin Tours and Travels (Rt.,gtil).Pir.rr."g.s" f,io:id-ri7_ Sectcii-l).1" L]t-ra;-a"
Dhaka- I 230.
09 Olfice Copv

{ ii.i. {}' li, l;,

qA -,H3 ftaP-4
l].pirty Se:cletar1,
E,lriplo,'r,,ient- I

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