Arga dhget Elders Tor

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Promoting knowledge system and Bio-cultural Education of

the Indigenous people project

Terms of Reference (TOR) to

Support ''arga dhaget'' elders that are organized to promote cultural values .

A cultural landscape is defined as a geographic area, including both cultural and
natural resources and the wildlife or domestic animals therein, associated with a
historic event, activity, or person or exhibiting other cultural or aesthetic values.
The Borena Cultural Landscape encompasses the Borena administrative districts of
the Borena Zone of Oromia Regional State and also extends to northern Kenya
where important sacred sites are also located. It is a system of cultural territory
consisting of the Liban part, referring to the land located to the east of the Dawa
River; the Dirre section which is a generic designation of large swathes of land
located to the west of Dawa river under which the sacred lands in northern Kenya
fall according to indigenous classification of ritual grounds.

Inhabitant communities of the cultural region share a common destiny, beliefs,

norms, values, wisdom and a longstanding tradition of sharing key pastoral
resources in good and difficult times. And the economic interdependence is
bolstered by shared culture in the shared eco-region. For example, the Borana and
the Gabra in northern Kenya have maintained deep-seated cultural mutualism since
the indefinite past, and the need for revitalizing the interdependence conspicuously
stands out in the present context of natural environmental threats. The present
moment also avails rare opportunities as each community yearns to promote its
culture within the overarching framework of the UNESCO-recognized gada
system. With revitalized community ties, past wisdom and shared bio-cultural
knowledge will become accessible] to the young generation in particular.

The communities also share complex historical and contemporary challenges that
underlie their economic and cultural marginalization, vulnerability, environmental
degradation; recurrent drought, lack of social services and persistent state of
insecurity - putting their well-being at stake. The sustainability of indigenous
knowledge which governs shared values and socio-biological diversity is declining
from time to time and the livelihood of the pastoralist communities has become
distressed. Also, the government and other practitioners' focus on working
throughout the area to conserve socio-cultural and biological diversities is limited.
As a result, different ecologically and spiritually potent sacred sites such as cultural
heritage places, ritual places and events, water sources, forests, formation of rocks
and historical places have shattered. Social solidarity and interconnectedness of the
local community are being weakened from time to time.

The proposed project will strengthen the capacities of local communities to solve
their problems, and to sustain bio-cultural diversities as well as conserve natural
landscapes through fully participating in the change process. The purpose of the
project is to enhance the participation of the local community through awareness
creation, capacity building and creating opportunities to solve their problems in the
management of their bio-cultural diversities. The main goal of the project is to
enhance integrated societal well-being through the promotion of knowledge
systems and bio-cultural education in Borena Landscape as stated above.

Its importance lies in solving local communities' challenges in conserving cultural

and bio-diversity as well as empowering the marginalized community to engage in
their decision-making process. The significance of the project rests in building the
capacities of local communities to enable their participation in development
programs by scaling up the best practices they have as custodians of rich
indigenous knowledge. This project will be implemented in collaboration with the
Culture and Tourism Office of Borana Zone, customary leadership such as the
gada council, Laduu and raaba which is a cohort of future leaders in waiting.
The main goal of the project is to enhance integrated societal well-being through
the promotion of knowledge systems and bio-cultural education in the Borena
Cultural Landscape.
Expected result
 To promote the exchange of indigenous knowledge through
supporting arga dhagetti elders.
 To identify document

1. Budget Breakdown

Budget break down

Budget Description of Activities Unit Quantity Unit cost Total Cost

1.3: Support ''arga dhaget'' elders Person 700,000

that are organized to promote
cultural values and
Total cost 700,000

Date: - 02/07/2024
TO: GPDI Borana Impact Area Office

Subject: Request for Budget Approval for

Support ''arga dhaget'' elders that are organized to promote cultural values
The Arga-Dhagetti elders are those who have organised to promote indigenous
culture as well as educate youth on indigenous culture and values. These elders are
licenced and live in the common area on the outskirts of Yabello town. GPDI will
support these elderly through financial support to strengthen their unity in the
promotion of indigenous culture and continuous education to new generations,
particularly youth. Education of the youth will focus on cultural norms, values,
beliefs and marriage lineage.
Therefore, this project will support the elderly who are organized on the promotion
of the indigenous culture through the provision and direct transfer of a small
grant/fund to their Bank account to build their capacities and unity
This Term of Reference is prepared that Support ''arga dhaget'' elders that are

organized to promote cultural values , thus, I request the approval of 700,000 ETB only
(seven hundred thousand ETB only) which will be charged according to the 1:3 budget line.


Galgalo Bika
Project officer

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