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Mind-Body Connection


Live Well to A person’s body and mind are dynamically
Learn Well interrelated, so it follows that distress felt in
one area of your well-being can have effects on
Web: another area. For example:
• An athlete who is injured and unable to
Phone (24/7): participate in their sport may experience
607-255-5155 significant emotional distress as a result of
Fax: the physical injury and a long recovery.
607-255-0269 • Someone who is going through a difficult
time emotionally may experience physical
symptoms such as stomach aches.
• An individual who is struggling with academic
Check web for hours, or professional work may have trouble
services, providers, sleeping, feel depleted, and suffer both
and appointment emotionally and physically.
information The good news is that supporting your well-being Did you know that the simple act of smiling may have
110 Ho Plaza, in one dimension can have benefits in other areas emotional benefits and can elevate your mood as well
Ithaca, NY as well. Research shows that: as the mood of those around you?

14853-3101 • Taking a walk outside can improve mental

clarity and emotional well-being. Try these ideas
• Engaging regularly in meditation can improve Spending even 5-10 minutes on the following
your physical health. (FREE) activities can have a positive impact on
Below are some tips and resources to help you your mind and body:
take care of your overall health and well-being. • Deep breathing can reduce anxiety and disrupt
repetitive or negative thoughts by focusing
Online resources awareness on the present moment. By
... on Cornell Health’s website consciously taking several slow, deep breaths
you can shift your mood and perspective and
• Stress management tips are offered at turn off the flight-or-fight response.
• Laughter jolts us out of our habitual state of
• More in-depth information about meditation
mind and can eliminate negative feelings. As
is also offered as a means to increase overall
a result, humor can be a powerful antidote
health and well-being: health.cornell.edu/
to lethargy. Hearty belly-laughs exercise
muscles, stimulate circulation, decrease stress
... other resources hormones, and boost your immunity, making
• The effects of stress on the body: healthline. laughter one of the most beneficial stress
com/health/stress/effects-on-body reduction techniques you can practice.
• Berkeley Wellness: The mind-body connection • Listening to music can energize or relax you.
berkeleywellness.com/healthy-mind/mind- Studies show it can lower blood pressure
body/article/body-mind-connection and respiration, creating a calming effect.
• American Psychological Association: How Be conscious of how music makes you feel.
stress affects your health Choose what you need at the moment (to
apa.org/helpcenter/stress.aspx lighten a heavy mood; to help you relax and
fall asleep). Have fun discovering new music;
• Centers for Disease Control and Prevention:
attend performances; make your own (sing,
Are you feeling frazzled? cdc.gov/bam/life/
drum, etc.). Enjoy sharing it with your friends.
• Medline: Mind/Body relationships • Meditation
Meditation is the process of paying attention
is the process of paying attention to the present moment by
focusing on one thing at a time… your breath, a word, phrase, or action.
medlineplus.gov/ency/ to the present moment by focusing on one
Observe without judgment the thoughts that arise as you “tune in;” release the
patientinstructions/000417 thing at a time… your breath, a word, phrase,
thoughts as you exhale and return your attention to the object of your focus.
With action. Observe
this skill without
will help you return to a judgment theyou begin
sense of calm when
to feel that arise as you “tune in;” release
the thoughts as you exhale and return We’re here for you
your attention to the object of your
focus. With practice, this skill will help Our medical and mental health
you return to a sense of calm when providers view patients and
you begin to feel out-of-balance. clients as “whole people,” with
complex lives and a variety of
• Progressive muscle relaxation relieves competing stressors. We work as
body tension and helps you feel more a team and collaborate with one
relaxed within minutes. Starting with another as needed in order to
your toes and working your way up support your overall health and
to your head: slowly tighten…hold… well-being.
and then relax your muscle groups
(e.g., feet, legs, abdomen, buttocks, ... weekly drop-in
shoulders, arms, hands, face). As • Let’s Talk: students may
you release, think to yourself, “these consult with a professional
muscles are now relaxed.” counselor from Cornell Health.
• Play! Enjoy a pleasurable, no-pressure Drop-in hours offered M-F at
activity just for fun. Being “child-like” sites across campus. Get the
(different from childish) allows you schedule: health.cornell.edu/
to experience feelings in the moment LetsTalk
(joy, sadness, satisfaction, etc.), and to • Let’s Meditate: practice
rebound from disappointments with mindfulness meditation with
greater ease. other students, staff, and
• Visualization is the process of faculty members. Sessions
mentally rehearsing a task you want offered M-F at sites across
to master. Doing this will help you campus. Get the full schedule:
achieve many of the same benefits health.cornell.edu/meditate
you would from actual physical
... services & appointments
practice. Close your eyes and take a ... after-hours support
few deep breaths. Imagine yourself Many visits can be scheduled online
For urgent concerns that take place after
acing the task (e.g., taking an exam, (myCornellHealth) using your CU web
business hours, you may consult with
having an important conversation). login. You may also call us during one of our providers by phone (24/7)
Now, focus on how your success feels business hours to make an appointment: at 607-255-5155. When you call, please
(excited, relieved, satisfied, smart). ask to be connected with the on-call
• Medical services
• Power naps. A 20-30 minute nap (primary medical care for students): provider.
in the afternoon can increase your 607-255-5155
alertness, reduce stress, and boost health.cornell.edu/services/
your cognitive functioning without medical-care
leaving you feeling groggy or
interfering with night-time sleep. • Counseling & psychiatry
(for students): 607-255-5155
• Alternative or complementary health.cornell.edu/CAPS
techniques. This may include yoga,
massage, acupuncture, Tai Chi, or • Faculty & Staff Assistance Program
Reiki. Many forms of complementary (FSAP): 607-255-2673
health care and self-care practices can fsap.cornell.edu
boost energy and stamina, stimulate • Physical therapy (for students, staff,
circulation, reduce tension, and help and faculty): 607-255-7217
restore emotional balance. health.cornell.edu/PT
• Pharmacy (for everyone):


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