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Sustainable Cities and Society 46 (2019) 101424

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A multi-stage optimization of pedestrian level wind environment and T

thermal comfort with lift-up design in ideal urban canyons
Yaxing Dua, Cheuk Ming Maka, , Yantong Lib

Department of Building Services Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering, City University of Hong Kong, Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon, Hong Kong


Keywords: Improvements for the pedestrian level wind environment and outdoor thermal comfort have become increas-
Lift-up design ingly important in urban planning in light of concerns about global warming and urban heat island effects.
Ideal urban canyon Therefore, the goal of this study is to determine the optimum wind environment and outdoor thermal comfort for
Pedestrian level wind environment an ideal urban canyon in which the buildings have lift-up designs. A multi-stage optimization method is pro-
Outdoor thermal comfort
posed consisting of three stages for the optimization process, e.g., surrogate model development, multi-objective
Multi-stage optimization method
optimization, and decision-making. An area weighted wind velocity parameter (MVR ¯ ) and an outdoor thermal
comfort parameter (PET ¯ ) are chosen as the design objectives, and four design variables are selected. The re-
sponse surface methodology combining computational fluid dynamics simulation results are used to fit surrogate
models. The non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm is employed to find Pareto optimal solutions, and three
decision-making strategies are adopted to determine the final optimum design solution in parallel. The opti-
mization process of the ideal urban canyon confirms that the proposed method is highly effective to determine
optimum building design in urban areas. The findings in this study are valuable for city-planners and policy-
makers to build a sustainable urban living environment.

1. Introduction 2011). Therefore, strategies to improve the pedestrian level wind en-
vironment and outdoor thermal comfort are of great significance.
Rapid urban development has contributed to closely-spaced build- To mitigate these problems, some strategies regarding to the layout
ings in city districts, which inevitably modifies the outdoor micro- of urban canyons have been applied in recent decades (Chatzidimitriou
climate at pedestrian level (Du & Mak, 2018; Ng, 2009). The most & Yannas, 2017; Mirzaei & Haghighat, 2010, 2011). Hang, Sandberg,
significant impact is the obstruction of air movement within urban and Li (2009) investigated different urban morphologies via computa-
districts which affects the pedestrian level wind environment and out- tional fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations, and determined that an ob-
door thermal comfort subsequently (Blocken & Carmeliet, 2004; Niu lique incident approaching wind results in a better wind environment in
et al., 2015). A good wind environment in city districts can improve round-shaped cities than in other city shapes. Meanwhile, low building
wind comfort and help remove pollutants from urban canyons (Ai & packing and low street aspect ratios were also found to be effective for
Mak, 2015; Cui et al., 2017; Hang & Li, 2010). A good wind environ- enhancing the wind velocity in urban canyons (Du & Mak, 2018; Ho,
ment can also reduce the negative influence of urban heat island effect Liu, & Wong, 2015; Kubota, Miura, Tominaga, & Mochida, 2008; Liu,
(Du, Mak, Huang, & Niu, 2017; Ignatius, Wong, & Jusuf, 2015; Leung, & Barth, 2005; Ramponi, Blocken, Laura, & Janssen, 2015).
O’Malley, Piroozfar, Farr, & Pomponi, 2015). This issue is most severe Thus, the wind environment at pedestrian level can be improved by
in high-density urban cities with climates that are hot and humid altering building configurations and urban layout.
(Chatzidimitriou & Yannas, 2016; Elnabawi, Hamza, & Dudek, 2016). The implementation of lift-up design into building configurations is
Studies show that the average temperature in Hong Kong is rising, and a promising solution for improving pedestrian level wind environment
the number of days with hot and humid weather has increased sig- and outdoor thermal comfort without sacrificing any valuable ground
nificantly compared to the past decades (Chan, Kok, & Lee, 2012). area (Du, Mak, Liu et al., 2017). Lift-up designs, in which the building is
Moreover, future projections forecast that extreme high temperature elevated by pillars, have been extensively investigated (Du, Mak, Huang
incidents will increase markedly in the future (Lee, Chan, & Ginn, et al., 2017; Du, Mak, & Li, 2018; Du, Mak, Liu et al., 2017; Liu, Niu,

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: cheuk-ming.mak@polyu.edu.hk (C.M. Mak).

Received 10 October 2018; Received in revised form 2 January 2019; Accepted 7 January 2019
Available online 11 January 2019
2210-6707/ © 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Y. Du et al. Sustainable Cities and Society 46 (2019) 101424

Fig. 1. Proposed multi-stage optimization design framework.

Mak, & Xia, 2017; Niu et al., 2015). Niu et al. (2015) conducted field designs in the urban canyon should be conducted to deliver the final
measurements on a university campus, and observed that the lift-up optimum building design.
design can markedly enhance the wind velocity at pedestrian level, Recently, response surface methodology (RSM) has been widely
while also providing enjoyable local spaces for outdoor activities during applied in computer experiments, particularly in the combination with
hot and humid summer. Du, Mak, Huang et al. (2017) studied the in- CFD simulations (Simpson, Poplinski, Koch, & Allen, 2001). Shen,
fluence of lift-up design on pedestrian level wind environment and Zhang, and Bjerg (2012) and Shen, Zhang, and Bjerg (2013) optimized
outdoor thermal comfort on a complex university campus was studied the ventilation rate of a livestock facility by coupling RSM approach
by combining wind tunnel test results and on-site measurement results. with CFD simulations, and the statistical model developed using RSM
The results clearly showed that the lift-up design could provide a approach was shown to represent the ventilation rate obtained from the
pleasant microclimate in the hot and humid summer while not causing CFD simulations very well. Sofotasiou, Calautit, Hughes, and O’Connor
any cold stress in the winter. However, these studies applied only (2016) combined RSM with CFD simulations to determine the optimum
qualitative analysis methods. Subsequently, Du et al. (2018) established window opening design to yield the best ventilation rate. The degree of
a quantitative mathematical model for the relationship between lift-up influence of each design variables was identified, and the optimum
design variables and wind comfort using a multi-variable optimization ventilation rate was achieved. Therefore, combination of RSM with CFD
method. However, only the pedestrian level wind environment is con- simulation can be applied to find the optimal design for buildings.
sidered during the optimization process. As the pedestrian level wind To determine the geometric dimensions of an ideal urban canyon for
environment and outdoor thermal comfort are both important for urban the optimum wind environment and outdoor thermal comfort, a multi-
planning, a multi-objective optimization for buildings with lift-up stage optimization method is proposed in this study. The height of

Y. Du et al. Sustainable Cities and Society 46 (2019) 101424

the previous study (Du et al., 2018), BBD is also utilized as the DOE
scheme in this study. After establishment of the DOE, a design dataset
should be generated. Another important step in Stage 1 is the estab-
lishment of a reliable CFD simulation, which is a prerequisite for con-
fident implementation of the optimization framework. This can be
guaranteed by vigorously following the established best practice
guidelines (BPGs) (Franke, 2007; Tominaga et al., 2008) and validating
against a quality experimental dataset. After these steps, a first-order
and second-order fitted regression model (surrogate model) can be
developed from the dataset generated by the DOE and the corre-
sponding values obtained from the CFD simulation by using the least
square method and backward elimination method (George, 1978). In
particular, the analysis of variance (ANOVA) should be employed to
exam the quality and goodness of fit of the RSM model.
In Stage 2, the NSGA-II (Deb, Pratap, Agarwal, & Meyarivan, 2002)
is utilized to conduct a multi-objective optimization of the statistical
models established in Stage 1. NSGA-II is a multi-objective evolutionary
algorithm based on the concept of Pareto dominance and optimality
(Deb et al., 2002). The procedure for this algorithm can be summarised
as follows: (i) create random new population, and evaluate and rank
this population based on non-domination. (ii) Apply binary tournament
Fig. 2. Pareto front for two objectives. selection, recombination, and mutation operators to generate the next
offspring generation. (iii) From the first generation onwards, the new
upper buildings, the spacing between buildings, the width of the lift-up generations are created by combining the parent and offspring popu-
cores, and the height of the lift-up cores are chosen as design variables. lation to maintain elitism, identifying the non-dominated fronts, cal-
The dimensionless wind velocity parameter (area weighted mean wind culating crowding distance of the sorted solutions, and generating the
velocity ratio, MVR¯ ) and outdoor thermal comfort parameter (area next parent population. (iv) Repeat the above step until the maximum
weighted Physiologically Equivalent Temperature, PET ¯ ) are adopted as number of iteration is reached. A flowchart of the NSGA-II is presented
the two design objectives. The sampling process for the design points is in Fig. 1, and detailed information regarding NSGA-II can be found in
based on the Design of Experiment (DOE) analysis. In particular, the reference (Deb et al., 2002). In solving a multi-objective optimization
Box-Behnken Design (BBD) is utilized for the RSM approach. Both a problem, it is difficult to obtain the optimal values for all functions
linear (first-order) model and a quadric (second-order) model are em- concurrently. Thus, special attention should be paid to the Pareto op-
ployed to fit the surrogate models. Moreover, the quality and goodness timal solutions, which is a cluster of non-dominated solutions. Fig. 2
of the fitted surrogate models developed using RSM approach are shows the Pareto front for the concurrent minimization of two objec-
evaluated through analysis of variance (ANOVA). The surrogate models tives. The solid red points are non-dominated solutions, and the open
are further coupled with the non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm black points represent other possible solutions. More detailed in-
(NSGA-II) to determine the Pareto optimal design points. The final formation on the Pareto optimal front can be found in reference
optimum design is determined using three decision-making strategies in (Knowles & Corne, 1999).
parallel. In Stage 3, specific decision-making techniques (Shahhosseini, Farsi,
The reminder of this paper is organized as follows: after the in- & Eini, 2016), such as the Linear Programming Technique for Multi-
troduction, the methodology and framework for the proposed multi- dimensional Analysis of Preference (LINMAP), the Technique for Order
stage optimization method is presented in Section 2, along with the of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS), and the Shan-
design variables and objective parameters. Section 3 establishes the non’s Entropy techniques should be applied to determine the final op-
verification of CFD simulation models used in this study. Section 4 timum result from the Pareto optimal solutions obtained in Stage 2. In
presents results and discussion is shown in Section 5. Concluding re- this study, the well-recognized LINMAP, TOPSIS, and Shannon’s En-
marks are given in the final section. tropy techniques are employed in parallel to obtain the final optimum

2. Research design and methodology • LINMAP technique

2.1. Optimization framework For each Pareto optimal solution, the Euclidian distance to the ideal
solution can be described as follows:
This study aims to develop a multi-stage optimization method to k
determine the optimum wind environment and thermal comfort around Lj + = (Pji Piideal ) 2
j=1 (1)
buildings with lift-up design in an ideal urban canyon. Fig. 1 shows the
design framework for the multi-stage optimization method. There are where, k stands for the total number of Pareto front solution; j is exact
three stages in this design framework: surrogate model development, number of Pareto front solution, where j = 1,2, …, k ; i is the number of
multi-objective optimization, and decision-making. objective, i = 1, …, n ; Pji is the value for ith objective and jth Pareto
In the first stage, the statistical models (RSM models) are estab- front solution; and Piideal is the ideal value for ith objective. In the
lished, as specified in a previous work (Du et al., 2018). This includes LINMAP decision-making technique, the result with the minimum
establishment of the design of experiment (DOE), a reliable CFD si- Euclidian distance to the ideal solution is considered the final optimum
mulation, and the RSM model. Specifically, for the establishment of the result.
DOE: (a) the design variables, variable boundaries and design objec- jfinal = j min(Lj +) (2)
tives should be determined first; and (b) an appropriate DOE scheme
should be chosen, i.e., Central Composite Design (CCD), Box-Behnken
Design (BBD), etc. Based on the generally good performance of BBD in
• TOPSIS technique
Y. Du et al. Sustainable Cities and Society 46 (2019) 101424

Fig. 3. (a) Schematic diagram of the ideal urban canyon; (b) 3-D view of an isolated building with lift-up design; (c) plan view of an isolated building with lift-up

In contrast to Eq. (1), the Euclidian distance to the non-ideal solu- follows:
tion is used in this method:
DEi =1 ENi (8)
Lj = (Pji Pinon ideal )2 The weight coefficient for ith objective can be given as follows:
j=1 (3)
The symbols in Eq. (3) have the same meanings as in Eq. (1). WEi = n
An intermediate parameter is defined as follows: i=1
DEi (9)

Lj Thus, the new assessment factor (Fji ) is used instead of Pji during
ELj =
Lj + Lj + (4) further process, which is defined as follows:

In the TOPSIS decision-making technique, the result with the max-

Fji = Pji × WEi (10)
imum ELj is designated as the final optimum result. Then, the TOPSIS is used to obtain the final optimum result from the
jfinal = j max(ELj ) Pareto frontier solution by rank the new weighted assessment factor
(Fji ).

• Shannon’s entropy technique 2.2. Response surface methodology (RSM)

Prior to the calculation of Shannon’s entropy, an intermediate
A fully-developed d-order RSM approach for four design variables
parameter (qji ) is defined as follows:
based on a Taylor series approximation can be expressed as follows
Pji (Gunst, 1996):
qji = k
= j = 1,2, …, k, i = 1, …, n
Pji (6) n n n
f (X ) = ˆ 0 + i=1
ˆ i xi + i=1
ˆ ii x i 2 + i=1
ˆ ij xj x i
The definition for the symbols in Eq. (6) are the same as Eq. (1).
j >i
n n
Shannon’s entropy (ENi ) for ith objective is defined as follows: + i=1
ˆ ijk xk x j xi + i=1
ˆ ijkl xl xk xj x i
j>i k>j j>i k>j l> k
1 k n
ENi = qji ln(qji ) + …+ ˆ xd
ln(k ) j=1 (7) i = 1 i, … , i i (11)

The deviation degree (DEi ) for ith objective can be written as where, X = (xi , xj , xk , xl ) , in which x i , x j , xk , xl are the design variables;

Y. Du et al. Sustainable Cities and Society 46 (2019) 101424

f (X ) is the estimated response value; and ˆ is an estimated coefficient 2.4. Description of objective parameters
of the RSM model. In this study, Eq. (11) is used to fit the RSM model.
The above RSM model can also be expressed as the following form: To evaluate the wind environment at pedestrian level (2 m in this
study), the mean wind velocity ratio (MVR ) is utilized in this study. It is
fˆ = K ˆ (12) a dimensionless velocity magnitude, which is defined as the pedestrian
here, fˆ is a n× 1 vector; K is a n× m matrix; and ˆ is an m× 1 vector. level wind velocity normalized to a reference wind velocity (Du, Mak,
The estimated coefficient ˆ based on the least square method can be Kwok et al., 2017). This dimensionless parameter can be expressed as
written as follows: follows:
MVR = Vp/ Vr (15)
ˆ = (K K ) 1K f (13)
where, Vp stands for the velocity magnitude at pedestrian level; and Vr is
The variance of estimated response value ( fˆ (X ) ) can be given by Eq. the velocity magnitude at a reference height (200 m in this study).
(14) as follows: The bio-meteorological index, PET, is used in this study to represent
the thermal comfort owning to its direct translation of thermal stress
Var fˆ (X ) = 2x (K K ) 1x i (14)
(Höppe, 1999; Matzarakis, Mayer, & Iziomon, 1999). The calculation of
where, fˆ (X ) is the corresponding response value of x i ; and 2
is the PET is based on the energy balance of human body, and the free soft-
estimated error. ware RayMan (Matzarakis, Rutz, & Mayer, 2007; Matzarakis, Rutz, &
Mayer, 2010) is used to calculate the PET values in this study. En-
vironmental parameters including air temperature (Ta , ℃), relative
2.3. Description of the urban canyon
humidity (RH , %), mean radiant temperature (Tmrt , ℃), and wind ve-
locity (Va , m/s) are required as input parameters for calculating PET
In this study, an ideal urban canyon with lift-up design underneath
values. In addition, thermal-physiological parameters are also required,
buildings is developed based on a study conducted by the University of
including physiological information (sex, age, height, etc.), clothing
Hamburg (CEDVAL B1-1), which examined airflows within regular ar-
insulation level (Iclo , ℃), and activity type (metabolic rate, W). The
rays of obstacles in the BLASIUS wind tunnel (Leitl & Schatzmann,
wind velocity predicted in the CFD simulation is used as the input wind
1998). The physical model of the ideal urban canyon is illustrated in
velocity for calculating PET (Liu, Niu, & Xia, 2016), and the values of
Fig. 3, in which the buildings are constructed at a scale ratio of 1:200. A
MVR should be converted to in-situ values. The average wind velocity is
total of 21 uniform buildings with lift-up design are aligned in an ar-
5 m/s at 200 reference height in Hong Kong (Du, Mak, Liu et al., 2017).
rangement with three buildings in the crosswind direction and seven
Based on the work of Willemsen and Wisse (2007), the following re-
buildings along the wind direction, evenly spaced (equal face-to-face
lationship can be established for a quality CFD simulation:
gaps, D) in both the stream-wise and span-wise directions. A schematic
description of each building is shown in Fig. 3(b) and (c). The lift-up MVRCFD = MVRin situ (16)
design used in this study has three cores, in keeping with previous Because the hot and humid summer is more concerned by the city
studies (Du et al., 2018). residents than the temperate winter in subtropical cities, especially in
The design variables in this study are the height of the upper sunny summer days (Cheng, Ng, Chan, & Givoni, 2012). Thus, only hot
building (HB ), the street spacing between buildings (face-to-face gaps, and sunny summer conditions are considered in this study, and mean
D), the height of the lift-up core (), and the width of the lift-up core values of the parameters measured on a sunny summer day (22 August
(WC ). For the upper part of each building, the width (WB ) is kept con- 2016) in Hong Kong from our previous study (Du, Mak, Huang et al.,
stant, while the height (HB ) is changed during the optimization process. 2017) are used here. These parameters were measured at two sites: the
For the lift-up core, both the geometric dimensions of width (WC ) and ground area and the lift-up area underneath the upper building. The
height () vary. The design variables, are listed in Table 1 along with the mean measured results for the environmental parameters and the
design constants. Note that the values in Table 1 are for the full scale. thermal-physiological parameters used in this study are summarized in
The key factor that determines the airflow pattern around the buildings Table 2. The environmental parameters measured at the ground area
is the aspect ratio, which is defined as the ratio of the building height to are used for the building surrounding areas, while the environmental
the street spacing. It can be seen that the ratio of the building height/ parameters measured in the lift-up area are utilized for the area un-
street spacing (H/D, where H= HB + Hc ) is in the range of 0.1 to 3. This derneath the elevated upper buildings in this study (Du, Mak, Huang
covers the three flow regions (Oke, 1988): the isolated roughness flow et al., 2017; Liu et al., 2016). More detailed information regarding the
region, the wake interference flow region and the skimming flow re- on-site measurements can be found in reference (Du, Mak, Huang et al.,
gion. Moreover, the ranges of lift-up core heights and widths are 2017).
adopted from a previous study (Du et al., 2018). The lower bound of the The area within the ideal urban canyons is the target region, as
lift-up height is selected based on the actual lift-up height (4 m in shown in Fig. 4. To quantitatively represent the pedestrian level wind
prototype) (Du, Mak, Huang et al., 2017), and the upper bound of environment and outdoor thermal comfort, the area-weighted MVR
height is chosen as the height of two stories (8 m in prototype) since the (MVR
¯ ) and PET (PET ¯ ) are utilized as the objective parameters. The
land use efficiency is very vital to the scarce urban resources (Ng,
2009). Table 2
Summary of the parameters used for calculating PET values.
Table 1
Summary of building design parameters. Environmental Parameters Ground Lift-up

Design Variables Lower Limit Upper Limit Description Air temperature (Ta, ) 32.8 31.1
Relative humidity (RH, % ) 86.7 83
D (m) 50 150 Face-to-face gaps between Mean radiant temperature (Tmrt , ) 58.1 31.6
buildings Thermal-physiological Parameters
HB (m) 15 150 Height of upper building Age 35
HC (m) 4 8 Height of lift-up core Height (m) 1.75
WC (m) 1 4 Width of lift-up core Weight (kg) 75
Design Constant Value Metabolic rate (W) 69.8
WB (m) 20 Width of upper building Clothing level (clo) 0.3

Y. Du et al. Sustainable Cities and Society 46 (2019) 101424

model scale) were used for validation purpose in this study. The six
validation lines are specifically illustrated in Fig. 5.

3.3. Boundary conditions and numerical details

The inflow boundary profiles of the wind velocity (U ), turbulent

kinetic energy (k ), and turbulent dissipation rate ( ) can be specified by
fitting Eqs. (20)–(22) to the experimental data given in reference (Leitl
& Schatzmann, 1998). Thus, z 0 = 0.0007 m, u* = 0.37772 m/s,
C1 = 0.025, and C2 = 0.41.
Fig. 4. Schematic show of the target region.
U = u * / × {ln (z + z 0 )/ z 0} (20)
definitions of MVR
¯ and PET
¯ can be described as follows:

¯ = ˜ k= C1 ln(z + z 0 ) + C2 (21)
MVR MVRdA /A (17)

¯ =
PETdA /A = {u* Cµ / (z + z 0)} C1 ln(z + z 0 ) + C2 (22)
where, MVR ˜ and PET ˜ are the values of MVR and PET , respectively, at where z 0 is the aerodynamic roughness height (m); u* is the friction
any location at pedestrian level; and A is the area of the target region. velocity (m/s); is the von Karman constant, which is equal to 0.4187;
The annual wind velocity at 200 m (reference height) is 5 m/s (Du, Cµ is a constant equal to 0.09; and C1 and C2 are constants which are
Mak, Liu et al., 2017), and wind becomes annoyance when the wind equal to 0.025 and 0.41, respectively.
velocity is higher than 5 m/s (Willemsen & Wisse, 2007). Thus, the The computational domain is constructed to numerically simulate
value of MVR¯ should be smaller than 1. However, higher wind velocity the airflow around the buildings, and is shown in Fig. 6 along with its
is much appreciated in Hong Kong as explained in the introduction part. boundary conditions. This computational domain conforms to the re-
It is therefore the goal of this optimization is to obtain high MVR
¯ (less quirements of BPGs for a steady RANS simulation. Structural hexahe-
than 1) and low PET ¯ values. dral cells were utilized to discretize the computational domain. The
pressure and momentum equations were coupled using the SIMPLEC
3. CFD validation algorithm, and second-order upwind schemes were utilized for the
convective and diffusion terms. The calculations were considered con-
3.1. Turbulence model verged when all residuals were below 10 5 and the monitored points in
the computational domain were stable for more than 100 iterations.
In this study, the widely-used steady Reynolds-averaged Navier-
Stokes (RANS) turbulence model is used to predict the airflows around 3.4. Mesh sensitivity test
buildings. This model was chosen for its generally good performance in
simulating airflows and its economic computational cost (Blocken, A systematic mesh sensitivity test was carried out with minimum
Stathopoulos, & Van Beeck, 2016; Du, Mak, Liu et al., 2017; Tominaga grid sizes of 0.0003 m, 0.0005 m, and 0.001 m, corresponding to total
& Stathopoulos, 2009). Specifically, the two-equation RANS model, i.e., cell numbers of 3.2 million, 5.6 million, and 8.2 million cells, respec-
the re-normalization group (RNG) k turbulence model, is used tively. The details of the three mesh systems are shown in Fig. 7, and
owning to its adaptiveness in solving rapid strain and streamline cur- prediction results for the three mesh systems are shown in Fig. 8. In
vatures (Fluent, 2010). This adaptiveness is realized by inclusion of an Fig. 8, the horizontal axis is presented in dimensionless form, and Uref is
additional strain-dependent term (R ), which can be described as fol- the wind velocity at reference height. The results show that the dif-
lows: ference between 0.0005 m and 0.0003 m mesh system is subtle, while
Cµ 3 (1 / 0) 2 the differences between the 0.001 m mesh system and other two mesh
R = systems are obvious. Thus, a minimum grid size of 0.0005 m is suffi-
(1 + 3) k
ciently fine for the CFD simulation.
where, model constants Cµ , 0 , and are 0.085, 4.38, and 0.012, re-
spectively; is the fluid density; and Sk/ where S is the strain rate
3.5. Validation results

Fig. 9 presents a comparison of the results for the dimensionless

3.2. Description of the validation model
velocity on the horizontal plane at Z= 0.0625 m (model scale). It can be
seen that the predicted results from CFD simulation are in good
Experimental data from wind tunnel test of CEDVAL B1-1 conducted
agreement with the wind tunnel test data, except for few points. Most of
by the University of Hamburg is used here for validation (Leitl &
the discrepancies between the CFD results and the experimental results
Schatzmann, 1998). The airflow of a neutrally stratified atmospheric
are within 10%, which can be considered as reliable and confident CFD
boundary layer over an array of 3D buildings was simulated during
simulation results (Franke, 2007; Tominaga et al., 2008). Therefore, the
these wind tunnel tests. A total of 21 buildings were arranged in a
CFD simulation is capable of accurately predicting the airflow around
configuration with three buildings aligned in the crosswind direction
buildings for this type of urban canyon.
and seven buildings aligned along the wind direction. The geometries
and dimensions of the buildings and their layout are shown in Fig. 5.
The buildings are uniform with dimensions of 4. Results
H× W× L= 0.125 × 0.15 × 0.1 m (in model scale), where H, W , and L
are the height, width, and length, respectively. The building spacing This section presents the results obtained from the developed multi-
was 0.1 m in model scale. All buildings were constructed at a scale ratio stage optimization method. The computational settings and the inflow
of 1:200, which is also used for the CFD simulations in this study. The wind profiles are the same as validation case in order to ensure the CFD
measurements conducted on the horizontal plane (Z = 0.0625 m in simulation reliability.

Y. Du et al. Sustainable Cities and Society 46 (2019) 101424

Fig. 5. Building layout during windtunnel tests: top view.

Fig. 6. Schematic view of the computational domain: (a) top view; and (b) side

4.1. Surrogate model development

Fig. 8. Mesh sensitivity test results.
As a commonly used computational experimental designs, the Box-
Behnken design (BBD) performs well for establishing the relationship in this process.
between response results and relevant variables. Some studies have also After performing the CFD simulation for the required design points
verified that the BBD design is reliable for model development de- in Table 3, the data in Table 3 is utilized to develop the surrogate model
manding moderate design points (Du et al., 2018; Shen et al., 2012, for MVR
¯ and PET ¯ . A linear (first-order) model and quadratic (second-
2013). To develop a confident RSM model with economical computa- order) model are used to fit the data, and backward regression is em-
tional cost, BBD design is adopted in this study and Design Experts ployed to remove insignificant terms. Table 4 and Table 5 present de-
software is utilized. Table 3 summarizes the dataset created by the BBD veloped surrogate models for MVR ¯ and PET ¯ , respectively. In addition,
design along with the corresponding results obtained from the CFD si- the goodness of the surrogate models to the predicted CFD values are
mulation. Note that the centre design point was repeated several times

Fig. 7. Mesh details for the three mesh systems: (a) minimum grid size of 0.001 m; (b) minimum grid size of 0.0005 m; (c) minimum grid size of 0.0003 m.

Y. Du et al. Sustainable Cities and Society 46 (2019) 101424

Fig. 9. Comparison results of dimensionless velocity on horizontal plane.

Table 3 linear surrogate models are unsuitable. However, the surrogate models
BBD-based design dataset and corresponding CFD results. formulated with the quadratic model are in good agreement with the
Design Points (full scale) CFD Results
results of the CFD simulation. Thus, the surrogate models developed
with the quadratic model are used in this study.
HB(m) D (m) HC(m) WC(m) ¯
MVR ¯ (℃)
PET The adequacy of the developed surrogate models can be evaluated
using the analysis of variance (ANOVA), which is checked at a 95%
150 150 6 2.5 0.30 46.2
level of confidence. Table 6 presents the ANOVA results for the devel-
82.5 50 6 1 0.31 42.1
82.5 50 6 4 0.19 43.3 oped surrogate models. It can be seen that the p-values for regressions
82.5 150 4 2.5 0.41 47.2 are less than 0.0001 (with F-ratio values of greater than 50), which
82.5 50 4 2.5 0.20 42.5 suggests that the developed surrogate models are significant and good
15 100 6 4 0.39 45.1 to fit. In addition, the p-values for the lack-of-fit tests are greater than
82.5 50 8 2.5 0.26 42.8
0.2 (> 0.05), further indicating that the developed surrogate models
150 100 8 2.5 0.25 43.9
82.5 150 6 1 0.49 46.0 are adequate.
82.5 100 4 1 0.37 44.5
82.5 100 8 4 0.25 45.2
4.2. Verification of surrogate models
15 100 6 1 0.49 44.1
150 100 4 2.5 0.22 44.0
150 100 6 4 0.17 44.9 To verify the reliability of the developed surrogate models, seven
82.5 100 6 2.5 0.37 44.7 datasets within the design space are chosen randomly, as listed in
82.5 150 6 4 0.40 46.8 Table 7. The values of deviation between the values predicted by the
82.5 100 4 4 0.31 45.1
surrogate model and CFD method are also listed in Table 7. As Table 7
150 100 6 1 0.32 44.5
15 100 8 2.5 0.41 44.6 indicates, the values predicted by the surrogate models and the results
82.5 150 8 2.5 0.43 46.8 obtained from the CFD simulations are in good agreement, which
82.5 100 8 1 0.44 43.5 ¯ and
confirms the reliability of the developed surrogate models for MVR
15 100 4 2.5 0.40 44.5 ¯ .
150 50 6 2.5 0.20 42.3
15 50 6 2.5 0.30 43.0
15 150 6 2.5 0.51 45.8 4.3. Correlation of design parameters

The Parameters Correlation analysis (Agresti, 2003) is used here to

evaluated by the Predicted R2 and Adjusted R2, which are parameters obtain the effect of each design variable on design objectives, e.g. MVR
adopted from regression analysis (Lovric, 2011). The closer the R2 va- and PET
¯ . The Latin Hypercube Sampling method is utilized to generate
lues are to 1, the better the predictive ability of the surrogate model will 100 unique and random data sets with 5% deviation of correlation
be. As indicated in Tables 4 and 5, the surrogate models formulated (Agresti, 2003). This data set is then used by the Spearman's rank
with the linear model have low values of R2, which means that the correlation method to determine the influence extent of the design

Y. Du et al.

Table 4
Developed surrogate models for MVR
¯ .

Surrogate model Model vs. simulation results

Linear (first-order) model

¯ = 0.338 5.7 × 10 4HB + 1.05 × 10 3D + 4.58 × 10 3Hc 0.037Wc

Quadratic (second-order) model
¯ = 5.9 × 10 3 + 9.98 × 10 6HB + 3.05 × 10 3D + 0.074Hc 0.014Wc
7.4 × 10 6HB D 1.7 × 10 4HB Wc + 2.67 × 10 4DWc 5.83 × 10 3Hc Wc
8 × 10 7HB2 6.5 × 10 6D 2 4.56 × 10 3Hc2
Sustainable Cities and Society 46 (2019) 101424
Table 5
Developed surrogate models for PET
¯ .
Y. Du et al.

Surrogate model Model vs. simulation results

Linear (first-order) model

¯ = 40.24 1.23 × 10 3HB + 0.051D 0.108Hc + 0.2Wc

Quadratic (second-order) model

¯ = 40.99 5.43 × 10 3HB + 0.037D + 0.128Hc 0.346Wc + 8.15 × 10 5HB D
3 × 10 3DHc + 0.067Hc Wc

4 × 10 5HB2 + 5 × 10 5D 2 8.54 × 10 3Hc
+ 0.0719Wc2
Sustainable Cities and Society 46 (2019) 101424
Y. Du et al. Sustainable Cities and Society 46 (2019) 101424

Table 6 here, the definition for each symbol is the same as Eq. (1).
Analysis of variance (ANOVA) for the developed surrogate models. After the normalisation, the LINMAP, TOPSIS and Shannon’s en-
Variation F-ratio P-value Significance tropy decision-making techniques are used to obtain the final optimum
source solution. The optimal values within the design space are then calculated
based on the three decision-making techniques, as indicated in Fig. 11
Surrogate model for Regression 60.84 < 0.0001 Significant
along with the ideal and non-ideal solution points.
MVR Lack-of-fit 1.93 0.2712 Not significant
In order to select the final optimum solution, the deviation from the
Surrogate model for Regression 53.14 < 0.0001 Significant
PET Lack-of-fit 2.32 0.2295 Not significant results obtained from three decision-making techniques to the ideal
solution is used here:

variables on the corresponding design objectives. The obtained corre- 2

(Pi PiIdeal ) 2
lation values for the design parameters are listed in Table 8. The ne- s=
2 2
gative values in Table 8 means that the design objective will decrease i=1
(Pi PiIdeal ) 2 + i=1
(Pi PiNon ideal 2
) (24)
when the design variable increase. It can be seen that the absolute
values of design variable D is the biggest both for MVR ¯ and PET ¯ among where, Pi is optimal solution obtained from three decision-making
the four design variables. This means that the face-to-face gaps between techniques; P jIdeal and P jNon ideal are the ideal and non-ideal solutions
buildings has the most influence for pedestrian level wind environment indicated in Fig. 11.
and outdoor thermal comfort. Besides, the height of upper building is The deviation values for the LINMAP, TOPSIS and Shannon’s en-
the second most influential factor for evaluating MVR ¯ while the width tropy decision-making techniques are 0.957, 0.957 and 0.517, respec-
of lift-up core becomes the second most influential factor for evaluating tively. Thus, the results obtained from the Shannon’s entropy decision-
¯ . Further, the height of lift-up core is the least influential factor for
PET making technique is the final optimum solution. Accordingly, the op-
evaluating MVR ¯ while the height of upper building is the least influ- timum design set is HB is 70 m, D is 108 m, Hc is 8 m and Wc is 1 m,
ential factor for evaluating PET¯ . In addition, the correlations between which yields the optimum MVR ¯ and PET ¯ values is 0.45 and 43.4. It can
each design variables are evaluated. The absolutes value between these be seen that the optimum height of lift-up core and the width of the lift-
variables are around zero, which confirms the independence of the up core has reached its upper and lower boundary, which further
design variables. confirms the results obtained from our previous study (Du et al., 2018).

4.4. Multi-objective optimization 5. Discussion

To reach the goal of double-objective optimization, the value of Throughout the application of the optimization method, only
¯ should be minimized and the value of PET
MVR ¯ should be optimized. summer sunny day is considered since this is the most concerned for
This is achieved using a multi-objective genetic algorithm (NSGA-II). subtropical city under the background of global warming and urban
The parameters adopted for the NSGA-II algorithm are summarised in heat island effect. Because the multi-stage optimization method is clo-
Table 9. sely coupled with outdoor wind environment and thermal comfort, its
The Pareto front for the double-objective optimization of MVR ¯ and further application is restricted by local wind climate and weather
¯ is shown in Fig. 10. The trade-off between the MVR
PET ¯ and PET ¯ values condition. Basically, this method can also be applied to different cli-
can be identified from the Pareto optimal front. The variation ranges of mate and the influence of different weather condition on optimal
¯ and PET
MVR ¯ values in the Pareto optimal solution are 0.32 to 0.56 and building designs should be taken into consideration.
41.4 to 44.9, respectively. The ideal urban canyon is used as a case study to illustrate the
proposed multi-stage optimization method. The buildings are given as
4.5. Optimum result uniform in this paper, and only the aerodynamic characteristics be-
tween the buildings and wind flow are considered. However, this multi-
Prior to any decision-making for the final optimum solution, di- stage optimization method can also be applied to other conditions with
mensions of the two objectives should be unified. Thus, the Euclidian different design variables and different design objectives. For instance,
technique (Li, Liao, & Liu, 2015) is utilized for normalising the di- the shapes and numbers of lift-up core should be considered in our
mensions and scales here. The Pareto frontier values obtained in Sec- future works. Moreover, the other objectives can also be included in the
tion 4.3 are denoted as Pji , where j is the index for each Pareto frontier optimization method, like building life-cycle payback or structural
value and i is the index for each objective (i = 1,2 ). Thus, the di- feasibility. In addition, this case study only focuses on improving pe-
mensionless objective Pji can be defined as follows: destrian level low wind environment and hot outdoor thermal comfort.
However, pedestrian safety should also be considered in urban plan-
Pji = Pji/
P ji2 ning, such as the strong gust event. Further studies are still needed for
j=1 (23) considering pedestrian safety as a design objective.

Table 7
Verification datasets for the developed surrogate models.
Design Points (full scale) ¯

HB (m) D (m) HC (m) WC (m) CFD Model Deviation CFD Model Deviation

120 120 7 3 0.30 0.31 3.3% 45.0 45.1 0.2%

70 80 5 3 0.31 0.31 0.0% 43.7 44.0 0.7%
110 130 5 2 0.39 0.37 5.1% 45.9 45.5 0.9%
60 110 8 4 0.35 0.33 5.7% 45.7 45.5 0.4%
50 70 6 2 0.33 0.35 6.1% 43.6 43.3 0.7%
80 70 4 1 0.31 0.32 3.2% 43.2 43.1 0.2%
20 140 7 2 0.55 0.53 3.6% 45.6 45.3 0.7%

Y. Du et al. Sustainable Cities and Society 46 (2019) 101424

Table 9
Correlation value Parameters used in the NSGA-II algorithm.
−0.58 Parameter Value




Population size 200
Maximum generation 500
Tournament size 10
Crossover probability 0.9
Mutation probability 0.1
Pareto fraction 0.6
Design variable





Design objective



Fig. 10. Pareto optimal front for MVR

¯ and PET
¯ .
Correlation values between the design parameters.

Fig. 11. Application of three decision-making techniques for Pareto optimal


6. Conclusion

This study aims to determine the building configuration for the

optimum pedestrian level wind environment and outdoor thermal
comfort in an ideal urban canyon in which each building has a lift-up
design. A multi-stage optimization framework is proposed, consisting of
three stages for the optimization process, e.g., surrogate model devel-
Table 8

opment, multi-objective optimization, and decision-making. Four

Y. Du et al. Sustainable Cities and Society 46 (2019) 101424

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