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Bio Process Lab

2023 Division B Test

Station 1: What a small world!

1. Identify the parts of the microscope in the first labeled picture (0.5 points each, 3 points total)
2. Which part of the microscope should you adjust to go
from the image on the right to the image on the left?
You can refer to it by name or by letter. (1 point)
3. What is the current magnification of the microscope set
to? (2 points)
4. What is the current diameter of the field of view? (4
5. What type of microscope was most likely used to generate
the image on the right? (1 point) (+1 bonus point if you know
what this is)
a. Simple light microscope
b. Scanning electron microscope
c. Transmission electron microscope
d. Mass spectroscopy
6. What is the advantage of a wet mount slide compared to dry
mount? (2 points)
7. True or False: Microscopes use a convex lens to magnify. (1
8. What is the difference between precision and accuracy? (2 points)
9. Express 0.0000576 using scientific notation. (1 point)
10. Find 5.03 x 10^-5 divided by 3.898 x 10^-4. (2 points)
11. How many significant figures are in the following numbers?
a. 2.0008 (1 point)
b. 0.0019 (1 point)
c. 25.0 (1 point)
Station 2: Experimental Design (but not the event)

1. You want to plant sunflower seeds in soils of varying pH and see how tall the plants are after 1
month of growth.
a. What is the independent variable? (1 point)
b. What is the dependent variable? (1 point)
c. Give 2 controlled variables you could use. (2 points)
d. Give a hypothesis for the experiment. (2 points)

2. What is the limiting factor of this population of phytoplankton? (1 point)

a. Phosphate
b. Nitrogen
c. Potassium
d. Aluminum
e. There are no limiting factors
3. An experiment was carried out where scientists took seeds from maple trees at various
locations and planted them in Rhode Island or Florida to see if differences in maple leaf teeth
were due to temperature differences. What conclusion would you draw based on the data
below? (2 points)
a. The average area of a single tooth is independent of the temperature of the soil its
grown in
b. The average area of a single tooth varies based on soil temperature for some
c. The teeth density of each leaf is independent of where the tree is from
d. The teeth density of each leaf depends solely on the subpopulation the tree is from
You want to measure how length of exercise affects heart rate and collect the data below.
Heart Rate of Subjects (in beats per minute)

Length of Jumping Subject 1 Subject 2 Subject 3


1 minute 77 64 105

5 minutes 90 88 100

10 minutes 155 138 147

4. Fill in the data table on your answer sheet. (4.5 points)
5. Is the underlined data point an outlier? Why/why not? Prove your answer with calculations. (2
6. Give a possible experimental error that could have accounted for the underlined data point. (2
For the following questions, choose what kind of graph best represents your data.
7. Measuring how length of exercise affects heart rate over time. (1 point)
a. Bar graph
b. Histogram
c. Line graph
d. Pie chart
e. Double y-axis
8. Measuring the ethnicity distribution in a population. (1 point)
a. Bar graph
b. Histogram
c. Line graph
d. Pie chart
e. Double y-axis
9. Measuring the population size of a given species on several islands. (1 point)
a. Bar graph
b. Histogram
c. Line graph
d. Pie chart
e. Double y-axis
10. Find the volume of the ball. (provide graduated cylinder, water, triple beam balance) (2 points)
11. Using the correct number of significant figures, find the length of this stick. (2 points)
Station 3: Jeans

You perform a dihybrid cross with two parents. Parent 1 is heterozygous for red jeans (R ) which is
dominant to yellow jeans (r) and heterozygous for hemmed jeans (H) which is dominant to long jeans
(h). Parent 2 is homozygous recessive for both.

Chi square is a test you can perform to test if deviations from expected experimental data is due to a
variable or by chance. The formula to calculate the chi square value is given below. When the chi
square value is greater than the critical value, we can say the variation in data is due to a variable and
when it is less, the variation is due to chance. Here the critical value is 7.815. Below are the results of
the cross above:

Phenotype Result Expected Value

Red, hemmed jeans 35

Red, long jeans 15

Yellow, hemmed jeans 15

Yellow, long jeans 35

Total: 100 100

1. Fill in the table for expected values. (4 points)

2. Calculate the chi square value. What can we conclude? (3 points)
3. Which of the following is the most likely reason for variation from the expected distribution of
phenotypes? (2 points)
a. Point mutation
b. Polyploidy
c. Crossing over
d. X-chromosome inactivation
e. Natural variation from sampling
4. You find a lost baby and 4 pairs of parents claim it as their own. The baby’s blood type is B.
Select all of the following pairs of parents that could be the baby’s biological parents: (3 points)
a. Blood type A, blood type AB
b. Blood type O, blood type AB
c. Blood type A, blood type O
d. Blood type B, blood type O
What type of inheritance does the graph above follow? (2 points)
6. What phenotype does the ?? most likely represent? (2 points)
a. Unaffected female
b. Unaffected male
c. Affected female
d. Affected male
7. SPEED ROUND: Write the syndrome associated with each karyotype (4 points)!



Station 4: Long Live the Ants

1. Give the scientific name of the ant below using the dichotomous key given. (3 points)
2. The ant above is native to South America but found commonly outside its natural range. This
makes it a: (1 point)
a. Keystone species
b. Gateway species
c. Invasive species
d. Ecosystem engineer
3. The same ant likes to plant bugs like mealybugs, scales, and aphids near their colonies. These
bugs will release sweet honeydew secretions that the ants eat and in exchange the ants protect
them from predators. This is an example of what type of relationship? (1 point)
a. Parasitism
b. Commensalism
c. Mutualism
d. Competition

4. Using the food web above, select all of the following that can be a secondary consumer (2
a. Phytoplankton
b. Smaller toothed whale
c. Carnivorous zooplankton
d. Krill
5. What is the maximum and minimum amount of energy the Leopard seal could get if the
phytoplankton has 10,000 J of energy (4 points)
6. Energy in a food web is lost as: (1 point)
a. Light
b. Fecal matter
c. biomass
d. Heat
e. Sound
f. Friction
7. A parasite infects the squid population, drastically reducing the number of squid in the
ecosystem. Which animal would most likely be the most affected and why? How would this
animal be affected? (2 points)
8. What is the primary producer in the food web above? (1 point)

9. Estimate when the lynx population will peak next (2 points).

10. Why does the hare population go through more extreme fluctuations compared to the lynx
population? (2 points)
11. Estimate the carrying capacity of the lynx population (1 point).
12. Give 3 factors determine the carrying capacity of the lynx population (3 points)
Station 5: Nom Nom Food

1. How many calories are in 100g of this food? (2 points)

2. What is the caloric density of this food (in calories/kilogram)? (2 points)
3. This food has 0g saturated fat and 0g of trans fat. On your answer sheet is one end of a fatty
acid found in this pretzel. Draw in what the rest of the fatty acid may look like. (4 points)
4. How many pretzels will you need to eat to reach at least your minimum intake of sodium for the
day? (2 points)
5. Select all of the following methods sodium might be transported across the cell membrane. (2
a. Simple diffusion
b. Facilitated diffusion
c. Active transport
d. Endocytosis
6. How many grams of dietary fiber is recommended per day? (2 points)
7. How many pretzels will you need to eat to consume 20 mg of iron? (2 points)
8. There are 3g of protein in pretzels. Which of the following is a protein: (1 point)



9. You conduct several tests to see what compounds are present in this substance. Select all of the
following tests that give you a positive result (2).
a. Benedict’s Solution
b. Lugol's Iodine
c. Biuret Solution
d. Sudan IV
10. Nick eats only pretzels (this is not very healthy), but pretzels have no Vitamin D. What disease may
Nick get from Vitamin D deficiency? (1 point)
a. Rickets
b. Scurvy
c. Leukemia
d. Beriberi
Station 6: Acid-Base

1. How many times more H+ ions does a substance with pH 3.0 have compared to a substance
with pH 6.0? (2 points)
2. If the pH of an unknown substance is 4, what is its pOH? Assume conditions of 25 degrees
Celsius and 1 atm. (2 points)
3. Stomach acid (HCl) is very acidic at pH of around 2. Your small intestine neutralizes it using
bicarbonate (HCO3 -). To determine the concentration of bicarbonate your small intestine
secretes, you collect samples of stomach acid and bicarbonate. You have 1 L of 0.5 M stomach
acid and drip bicarbonate into it until the hydrogen ions are neutralized per the reaction shown
below. You find that it takes 800 mL of bicarbonate. What is the concentration of bicarbonate?
Assume that “neutralization” is at the point in which carbonic acid is formed and that no further
dissociation of carbonic acid occurs, thus not contributing to additional fluctuation in pH. (4

HCl + HCO3– → H2CO3

4. Neutralizing 20 mL of 0.343 M of perchloric acid needs 49 mL of NaOH. Hint: chloric acid is

HClO3. Use this information to make an educated guess about the chemical formula of
perchloric acid.
a. Write the balanced chemical equation for this process. (2 points)
b. Write the net ionic equation for this process. (3 points)
c. Calculate the concentration of the sodium hydroxide solution. (4 points)
5. Consider a 20.07 g mixture of Rubidium (Rb) and Cesium (Cs). Water is added to the mixture,
creating RbOH (aq) and CsOH (aq). This solution is titrated with 45.0 mL of 4.00 M HCl,
completely neutralizing the strong bases. What percent of the original mixture, by mass, is Rb,
and what percent is Cs? (4 points)
Station 7: Cell Bio (but not the event)

1. Label the cell! (0.5 points each, 3 points total)

2. Where would you most likely find the cell above? (1 point)
a. Bronchi of lungs
b. Heart
c. Inside bones
d. Surface of leaf
3. You come across a cell that has a cell wall, a very large vacuole, but no chloroplasts. Hypothesize
what type of cell/what the function of the cell is and why. (3 points)
4. You compare the liver cells of a 50-year old human who regularly drinks alcohol and one that
doesn’t. What organelle do you expect to be more abundant in the alcohol-drinking human? (1 point)
a. Rough endoplasmic reticulum
b. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum
c. Lysosome
d. Mitochondria
5. In a mysterious planet Z, you find plants of an unknown
color because you’re colorblind. You analyze its pigments
and find an absorption spectrum below. What color is the
plant (to your non-colorblind human friend)? (2 points)
a. Purple
b. Blue
c. Green
d. orange
e. red
6. What is the surface area and volume of a cube with side
length 1 cm? What is the surface area and volume of a cube with side length 10 cm? What does this tell
us about why cells are always small? (3 points)
7. Why might the convoluted folding of the mitochondria be advantageous? (consider the
mitochondria’s function) (2 points)
8. Give 2 places in the cell outside the nucleus where you could find genetic material. Evolutionarily,
how did it end up there? (4 points)
9. Select all of the following that could get through the cell membrane via passive diffusion (2 points)
a. Water
b. K+ ions
c. CO2
d. Starch
e. Glucose
10. The varying concentrations of what protein triggers entrance into mitosis? (1 point)
a. Protein kinase E
b. ATP synthase
c. MPF
d. Cyclin dependent kinases
e. Actin-myosin complexes
11. Turgor pressure in the cell is a result of what organelle: (1 point)
a. Large central vacuole
b. Peroxisome
c. Golgi body
d. Centrioles
e. lysosomes

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