Seminar for Citizenship 2023

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Prepared this seminar with intention of helping students to

pass their exams with the highest average.
It has all questions from senior one to senior four therefore;
any student that will focus on these questions will never fail all
types of citizenship exam
If there is a need for a copy contact me on
1. Define the following terms ...................................................................................................... 1
1) Active Citizenship ............................................................................................................ 1
2) Argument .......................................................................................................................... 1
3) Bill of rights ..................................................................................................................... 1
4) Citizen .............................................................................................................................. 1
5) Citizenship........................................................................................................................ 1
6) Civil rights ........................................................................................................................ 1
7) Conflict ............................................................................................................................. 1
8) Conflict resolution ............................................................................................................ 1
9) Congressional elections .................................................................................................... 1
10) Constitution ...................................................................................................................... 1
11) Consumer ......................................................................................................................... 1
12) Consumerism.................................................................................................................... 1
13) Culture .............................................................................................................................. 1
14) Debate............................................................................................................................... 1
15) Democratic processes ....................................................................................................... 1
16) Demography ..................................................................................................................... 1
17) Dictatorial government ..................................................................................................... 1
18) dual Citizenship ................................................................................................................ 1
19) Economy........................................................................................................................... 1
20) Environment ..................................................................................................................... 1
21) Global interdependence: ................................................................................................... 1
22) Good ................................................................................................................................. 1
23) Government ...................................................................................................................... 1
24) Hard Decision:.................................................................................................................. 1
25) Human rights .................................................................................................................... 1
26) Justice ............................................................................................................................... 1
27) Local Government ............................................................................................................ 1
28) Mass communication........................................................................................................ 1
29) Mass media....................................................................................................................... 2
30) Media................................................................................................................................ 2
31) Monarchical Government ................................................................................................. 2
32) National economy ............................................................................................................ 2
33) National Elections Commission ....................................................................................... 2
34) Nationalism ...................................................................................................................... 2
35) Natural disaster management ........................................................................................... 2
36) Natural disaster ................................................................................................................. 2
37) Non-violence .................................................................................................................... 2
38) Peace-making ................................................................................................................... 2
39) Presidential elections ........................................................................................................ 2
40) Project management ......................................................................................................... 2
41) public expenditure ............................................................................................................ 2

42) Responsible consumerism ................................................................................................ 2
43) Service .............................................................................................................................. 2
44) Social change.................................................................................................................... 2
45) State Elections .................................................................................................................. 2
46) Sustainable development .................................................................................................. 2
47) System of government ...................................................................................................... 2
48) Values ............................................................................................................................... 2
2. Outline the duties and responsibilities of South Sudanese citizens ......................................... 3
3. State the various rights and freedom of citizen of South Sudan .............................................. 3
4. Mention the rights that children are entitle to.......................................................................... 3
5. Mention the rights that women have ....................................................................................... 4
6. Outline the levels of conflict that you know............................................................................ 4
7. State the main causes of conflicts at individual level include: ................................................ 4
8. What are the causes of conflicts at country level .................................................................... 4
9. Name the methods of conflict resolution ................................................................................. 4
10. What system (type) of government do we have in South Sudan? ....................................... 4
11. Clearly state the level of Government that we have in South Sudan ................................... 4
12. What are the organs of the national government ................................................................. 4
13. Outline the three main functions of the parliament ............................................................. 5
14. List down the characteristics of South Sudan Parliament .................................................... 5
15. Mention the functions of the South Sudan Parliament (National Legislative Assembly) ... 5
16. Local government is divided into two, mention them: ........................................................ 5
17. What are the objectives of the local government? ............................................................... 5
18. Briefly explain the types of monarchical government ......................................................... 6
19. Name the factor to considered when establishing local government ................................... 6
20. What are the primary functions of the national (central) government? ............................... 6
21. Outline the functions of the local government ..................................................................... 6
22. Mention the source of revenue from the national government. ........................................... 6
23. State the source of revenue for the state government .......................................................... 7
24. What are the regulations that govern government’s public recvenue .................................. 7
25. Outline two main ways on which money raised by national and state government is spent.
26. Mention the National Government Expenditure .................................................................. 7
27. What are the State Government Expenditure? ..................................................................... 8
28. Which measures are put in place to ensure protection of public finance? ........................... 8
29. List down the finance offices that are establish to ensure efficient and effective
management of public revenue. ...................................................................................................... 8
30. Mention the Functions of the National Audit Chambers ..................................................... 8
31. State the Functions of the Fiscal and Financial Allocation and Monitoring Commission... 8
32. Why should human being take care of the environment...................................................... 9
33. Explain environmental issues that can cause conflict .......................................................... 9
34. State some of the sensitive issues that may affect us. .......................................................... 9
35. Outline the effective and essential ways of environmental conservation. ......................... 10

36. Mention goals that are to be achieved by Sustainable development ................................. 10
37. State universal democratic principles on which elections are based: ................................ 10
38. What are the Stages of the electoral system in South Sudan ............................................. 10
39. Mention qualifications for presidential candidate in South Sudan .....................................11
40. What are qualifications for parliamentary candidate in South Sudan? ...............................11
41. What are the qualifications of a person who wants to be a member of state legislatures ...11
42. Outline circumstances for conducting by-election .............................................................11
43. State the situations that let office of president be left vacancy ...........................................11
44. Talk about the Functions of the National Elections Commission .......................................11
45. What do you think are the Importance of elections and voting? ....................................... 12
46. List the Importance of participating in democratic activities ............................................ 12
47. How does decentralisation effects improve the lives of the local citizens? ....................... 12
48. What are Functions of the national legislature? ................................................................. 12
49. List all the Functions of the vice president ........................................................................ 12
50. Outline Functions of the council of ministers .................................................................... 13
51. What are the available community projects to students? ................................................... 13
52. Identify the basic project phases in order .......................................................................... 13
53. List eight-step process of project management in order .................................................... 13
54. What should be put into consideration for a successful implementation of a project ....... 14
55. Mention the Impact of a project on a community .............................................................. 14
56. What do you think are Impacts of community projects on development of skills? ........... 14
57. List down the various methods of gathering evidence for assessing the impacts of a
community project ........................................................................................................................ 14
58. What does SMART objective stand for?............................................................................ 15
59. What are the reasons for formulation of objectives and aims for a community project? .. 15
60. Mention the activities that can be used to promote the implementation of various
community projects ....................................................................................................................... 15
61. State General guidelines for effective communication during project implementation?... 15
62. State the democratic processes that you know ................................................................... 16
63. Outline the process of electoral system in South Sudan .................................................... 16
64. Briefly talk about the importance of community activities across South Sudan? ............. 16
65. State the features that contributes to sustainable development. ......................................... 16
66. Outline the parties that may involve in conflict ................................................................. 17
67. What are the results when the people do not agree? .......................................................... 17
68. What are the levels of conflict and their courses? ............................................................. 17
69. Mention the causes of local conflict. ................................................................................. 17
70. Explain the causes of conflict at international level .......................................................... 17
71. What are the key areas of conflict? .................................................................................... 17
72. At what situation shall people take hard decisions? .......................................................... 18
73. What are (process of resolving conflict) steps that have to be followed when resolving
conflicts. ........................................................................................................................................ 18
74. What are the ways of promoting peace in the society? ...................................................... 18
75. Mention the key advocate for non-violence....................................................................... 18

76. Outline institutions and organisations that have advocated for non-violence ................... 18
77. Give examples of African leaders who used non-violence methods to resolve their
disputes ......................................................................................................................................... 18
78. Mention the theory of non-violence ................................................................................... 19
79. Name three elements of non-violence approach according to Mahatma Gandhi .............. 19
80. Name the roles of NGOs in civil society ........................................................................... 19
81. How do NGOs identify areas of need in the society? ........................................................ 19
82. Outline the strategies of developing an argument .............................................................. 19
83. Compare the qualities of a good debater with the less skilled debater .............................. 20
84. Where and when was SPLM convention conducted? ........................................................ 20
85. What are resolutions of SPLM convention of 1994? ......................................................... 20
86. Name five regions of South Sudan according to SPLM convention ................................. 20
87. Outline the court system of South Sudan ........................................................................... 21
88. Mention the functions of human right commission Act 2009............................................ 21
89. What does local government act states? ............................................................................ 21
90. State the principles that enable good leadership in government and other departments ... 21
91. Compare the state and the national government ................................................................ 22
92. State the challenges facing farmers in South Sudan .......................................................... 22
93. What are the plans of South Sudan government on agriculture......................................... 22
94. Mention three main components of sustainable development according to Brundtland
report in 1987 ................................................................................................................................ 22
95. List down some sustainable development goals of United Nation that are adopted by many
countries. ....................................................................................................................................... 22
96. What are the advantages of planting tree in the community as a community project ....... 22
97. Mention the benefit of active citizenship ........................................................................... 23
98. Give the impacts of the project .......................................................................................... 23
99. List the development skills of the project .......................................................................... 23
100. What are the evidences of project impacts ........................................................................ 23
101. Outline significance of developing aims and objectives during a project ......................... 23
102. Explain characteristics of social change ............................................................................ 24
103. List social indicators in identifying the need of social change .......................................... 24
104. What are the roles plays by individuals on social change? ................................................ 24
105. Outline the major contributions of Non-Governmental Organisations .............................. 24
106. Explain the activities and strategies that promote unity in society .................................... 25
107. State some opportunities that can bring about social change ............................................ 25
108. Give examples of political parties in South Sudan ............................................................ 25
109. Roles of political parties in Parliament and constituencies ............................................... 26
110. How long is the term for national legislatures in South Sudan? ........................................ 26
111. Under which Circumstances shall a member of the National Legislature may lose his or
her seat? ........................................................................................................................................ 26
112. What is the parliament made up of? .................................................................................. 26
113. Write down the roles of the National Legislature in South Sudan..................................... 26
114. Mention the compositions of the national executive ......................................................... 26

115. What are the functions of the President in South Sudan? .................................................. 27
116. What are the compositions of National Council of Ministers? .......................................... 27
117. Which one is the highest executive authority in South Sudan? ......................................... 27
118. Outline the functions of the Council of Ministers ............................................................. 27
119. Mention the functions of a national minister ..................................................................... 27
120. Under which condition shall the office of national minister or dupety fall vacant ............ 28
121. What are the roles of police services in South Sudan? ...................................................... 28
122. What are the roles of police in the courts? ......................................................................... 28
123. State the rights of the accused person. ............................................................................... 28
124. Outline the roles of citizens in the government ................................................................. 28
125. What are importance of voting to citizens? ....................................................................... 28
126. Write examples of civil rights according to Transitional Constitution of South Sudan
under Bill of Right ........................................................................................................................ 29
127. Explain the characteristics of Human rights? .................................................................... 29
128. What are the importance of Human Rights in our daily life? ............................................ 29
129. Outline civic leadership in promoting peace ..................................................................... 29
130. Mention the ways on how civic leadership can support conflict resolution ...................... 29
131. Mention two categories of mass media .............................................................................. 30
132. What are the examples of social media platforms? ........................................................... 30
133. What are the three major roles of media? .......................................................................... 30
134. List the positive effects of media in society ....................................................................... 30
135. State the negative influences of media in society .............................................................. 30
136. What are the primary responsibilities on which media protect citizens? ........................... 30
137. Write the characteristics of change .................................................................................... 31
138. What are factors that influence social change? .................................................................. 31
139. Mention the aspects of teamwork that can bring about social change ............................... 31
140. Outline the four main ways through which HIV spread .................................................... 31
141. What does AIDs stand for? ................................................................................................ 31
142. Outline the roles of media in prevention of HIV ............................................................... 31
143. Outline misconceptions about HIV and AIDs ................................................................... 32
144. Mention the problems that arise out of misconceptions about HIV and AIDS. ................ 32
145. How do media sensitise people about HIV and AIDs? ...................................................... 32
146. What are the strategies that are required to ensure sustainability of the environment? ..... 32
147. Mention the natural sources of energy that green energy come from ................................ 33
148. What are the roles of environment in the society? ............................................................. 33
149. List down the known values in our society ........................................................................ 33
150. Explain the roles our values play in shaping our behaviour towards the environment ..... 33
151. What are our responsibilities towards environment? ......................................................... 33
152. State the causes of environmental conflicts ....................................................................... 34
153. State lifestyle changes can be applied to have a clean and safer environment. ................. 34
154. How can peace be achieved through environmental conservation .................................... 34
155. What are the factors of viable and sustainable community project? ................................. 34
156. State and explain the important elements of sustainability ................................................ 35

157. Outline the four main steps of project design. ................................................................... 35
158. Mention the things that should be considered for a successful completion of your project
159. Outline general challenges that can affect project implementation. .................................. 35
160. What are Objectives of the United Nations ....................................................................... 37
161. List down the Organs of United Nations? .......................................................................... 37
162. What are the roles of the General Assembly? .................................................................... 37
163. Which are the permanent members of Security Council? ................................................. 37
164. What are international disputes that Court deals with? ..................................................... 37
165. How many are the members of economic and social councils and how long do they serve?
166. Which issues does economic and social council deal with? .............................................. 38
167. What are specialised agencies that deal with issues?......................................................... 38
168. Mention achievements of the United Nations .................................................................... 38
169. What are the Peaceful Methods of dealing with conflict? ................................................. 38
170. Mention the main roles of UNESCO in South Sudan........................................................ 38
171. Outline the objectives of African Union ............................................................................ 38
172. What are achievements of OAU? ...................................................................................... 38
173. State the objectives the Union as outlined by the African Union Charter ......................... 39
174. Outline the organs of African Union .................................................................................. 39
175. State the financial institutions of African Union................................................................ 39
176. What are the achievements of the African Union .............................................................. 40
177. Mention objectives of the Peace and Security Council of African Union ......................... 40
178. What are guidelines that direct its operations of African Union? ...................................... 40
179. State the role of the Peace and Security Council of AU .................................................... 40
180. Outline the activities through which African Union build peace through Peace and
Security Council............................................................................................................................ 40
181. What are Similarities in the role of United Nations (UN) and the African Union (AU) in
peace and conflict resolution ........................................................................................................ 41
182. When are elections in Kenya conducted? .......................................................................... 41
183. Outline the principles that guided elections. ...................................................................... 41
184. What are the ways of conducting a free and fair election in Kenya? ................................ 41
185. Outline the stages of electoral process in Kenya ............................................................... 41
186. Which conditions must be met for one to be registered as a voter in Kenya? ................... 42
187. What are the qualifications of presidential candidate in Kenya? ....................................... 42
188. Outline qualifications of parliamentary candidates in Kenya ............................................ 42
189. How parliamentary candidate can be disqualified for the position in Kenya? .................. 42
190. What are qualifications of the county assembly candidate? .............................................. 42
191. How many counties are there is Kenya? ............................................................................ 42
192. What are the organs of the national government in Kenya? .............................................. 42
193. What are the two houses of the legislatures? ..................................................................... 42
194. Which one are the members of Britain Government? ....................................................... 43
195. Where is the residential palace of monarchy in Britain? ................................................... 43

196. What are the roles of the Electoral Commission of Britain? ............................................. 43
197. What are procedures of electoral process in Britain? ........................................................ 43
198. Mention the four arms of Britain Government .................................................................. 43
199. State the roles of the Monarch in Britain ........................................................................... 43
200. What are the functions of Prime Minister in Britain? ........................................................ 44
201. Mention two divisions of court system in Britain .............................................................. 44
202. What are the functions of Judiciary in Britain ................................................................... 44
203. When was United Nation form? ........................................................................................ 44
204. What are the two main bodies that conduct elections in USA? ......................................... 44
205. Mention the stages of the USA electoral process............................................................... 44
206. What are the three levels of elections in the USA; ............................................................ 44
207. State qualifications for election to the Senate and House Representatives ....................... 44
208. Mention the three arms of US government ........................................................................ 44
209. Outline the roles of the Congress in USA .......................................................................... 45
210. Outline the functions of the House of Representatives in USA......................................... 45
211. What are the functions of president in USA? .................................................................... 45
212. List down the courts of USA in Order ............................................................................... 45
213. Outline the differences in systems of government between South Sudan and those of the
selected countries .......................................................................................................................... 45
214. What are similarities in the South Sudan system of government with that of Kenya,
Britain and the USA? .................................................................................................................... 46
215. Mention aspects of global interdependence ....................................................................... 46
216. outline government factors that may have an impact on global interdependence. ............ 46
217. State challenges facing global interdependence ................................................................ 46
218. State various methods that are developed to measure the economic activities of countries.
219. What are the roles of government in the economy? .......................................................... 47
220. Mention the roles of individuals and businesses in the economy of the country .............. 47
221. Mention two types of taxes ................................................................................................ 47
222. State the importance of taxes in balancing the economy of South Sudan. ........................ 47
223. What are the strategies that shall be put in place to properly manage and improve the
economy? ...................................................................................................................................... 48
224. Outline the rights of a customer ......................................................................................... 48
225. What are the responsibilities of consumers? ...................................................................... 48
226. State the main responsibilities of the employees ............................................................... 49
227. Outlie the main rights of employees .................................................................................. 49
228. What are the main responsibilities of employers? ............................................................. 49
229. Mention the rights of employers ........................................................................................ 49
230. State the impact of local and national economy on consumers, employees and employers
231. Explain the consumer rights according to the 2011 Consumer Protection Act of South
Sudan 49
232. State the impact of national economy on consumers ......................................................... 50

233. Mention various activities that show a responsible consumer ........................................... 50
234. List the Positive effects of consumerism ........................................................................... 50
235. Negative effects of consumerism ...................................................................................... 50
236. Explain the rights of workers in South Sudan as indicated in law. .................................... 51
237. Outline the impact of South Sudanese economy to the local business .............................. 51
238. Mention aspects that can define peace of a given society. ................................................. 51
239. Explain the terms associated with peace ............................................................................ 51
240. Outline Organisations that participate for peace-making in South Sudan. ........................ 52
241. State some international and intergovernmental organisations help in peace making in
South Sudan .................................................................................................................................. 52
242. List the current activities of peace-making in South Sudan .............................................. 52
243. Write examples of such cases for sustainable development goals ..................................... 52
244. Mention the disaster management measures...................................................................... 52
245. What are some available community project opportunities. .............................................. 53
246. Outline stages of carrying out a community project .......................................................... 53
247. What are reasons that can justify project sustainability? ................................................... 53
248. What are strategies to make community project sustainable? ........................................... 53

1. Define the following terms
1) Active Citizenship refers to the involvement of the people on matters of a
community both locally and nationally.
2) Argument is a reasoned attempt to convince an audience or those people you are
addressing to accept a particular point of view about a debatable topic.
3) Bill of rights refers to a statement of human or civil rights in a constitution
4) Citizen is a person who is legally recognised as a member of a given country.
5) Citizenship is the legal right of a person to belong to a given country.
6) Civil rights are the rights that one acquires by virtue of being a citizen of a given
country or living in a given society
7) Conflict is a form of friction or discord that arises within a group or society
8) Conflict resolution refers to processes and methods involved in facilitating a
peaceful ending of a conflict.
9) Congressional elections are conducted to elect members of the Congress.
10) Constitution is a set of fundamental principles, rules and laws written or unwritten
that regulate the state
11) Consumer is a person or an organisation that uses a good or a service.
12) Consumerism is the continual expansion of one’s wants and needs for goods and
13) Culture can be defined as behaviour acquired and transmitted from one generation to
another within a community.
14) Debate is the process by which opinions are advanced, supported, disputed and
15) Democratic processes are practices that make democracy to exist.
16) Demography is the study of human population.
17) Dictatorial government This is a system of government where the ruler has absolute
power on the people he rules
18) dual Citizenship: is having two citizenships of two different countries
19) Economy refers to a process or a system of production, distribution and consumption
of goods and services by different agents
20) Environment refers to external conditions or elements which surround a living
organism in its habitat (home).
21) Global interdependence: This is where countries depend on each other for various
22) Good is a tangible item that you can touch and feel.
23) Government is a group of people with legal authority to govern and control the
affairs of people in a given society.
24) Hard Decision: These are decisions that are not generally acceptable by many
25) Human rights are basic privileges and liberties that every human being is entitled to.
Or they are rights which someone is entitled to by virtue of existing
26) Justice is the righteousness, equitableness or the moral rightness.
27) Local Government refers to a lower tier of administration within a given state.
28) Mass communication is the sharing information by many people at the same time.

29) Mass media are channels through which many people can collectively receive
information at the same time.
30) Media is the means or channels through which we receive information and other
forms of communication.
31) Monarchical Government This is a type of government where a king or queen heads
the government
32) National economy is a broad combination of individual, business and government
spending or investment.
33) National Elections Commission This is the Body that runs the elections in South
34) Nationalism refers to the political, social and economic system that aim at promoting
the interests of a given nation
35) Natural disaster management refers to organisation of resources and responsibilities
to deal with the effects of disasters.
36) Natural disaster refers to a harmful event resulting from a natural process and which
can lead to destruction of property and loss of lives.
37) Non-violence is the use of peaceful means without any physical force to resolve
disputes among two or more conflicting parties.
38) Peace-making is a process of settling a conflict between the disputing or conflicting
39) Presidential elections are meant to elect a federal government
40) Project management can be defined as the application of knowledge, skills, tools
and techniques to project activities to meet project requirements.
41) public expenditure is the use of these funds raised by the government
42) Responsible consumerism is the role that a consumer plays in helping the society to
be more sustainable
43) Service is an intangible activity provided to people either through physical energy or
mental abilities.
44) Social change refers to the changes in a society especially in social behaviour and
45) State Elections are elections conducted to elect state governors and members of state
46) Sustainable development is a term used to explain growth and development that
meets the needs and requirements of the present.
47) System of government refers to how administrative units in a given country are
organised to properly function.
48) Values refer to things that are important and useful

2. Outline the duties and responsibilities of South Sudanese citizens
i. Defend the country and respond to the call for national service in accordance with the
provisions of the Constitution and the law.
ii. Promote democracy, good governance and the rule of law.
iii. Avoid violence and promote harmony, unity, fraternity (brotherliness) and tolerance
among all people of South Sudan in order to end ethnic, religious, geographical and
political divisions.
iv. Preserve and protect public funds and assets and respect legal and financial obligations.
v. Prevent and combat corruption and sabotage.
vi. Participate in the development of South Sudan.
vii. Take part in general elections and referenda as stipulated in the constitution and the law.
viii. Abide by the law and co-operate with the appropriate agencies in the maintenance of law
and order.

3. State the various rights and freedom of citizen of South Sudan

i. Equality before the law
ii. Right to life and Human dignity
iii. Personal liberty
iv. Freedom from slavery, servitude and forced labour
v. Right to family
vi. Right to fair trial
vii. Freedom from torture
viii. Freedom of assembly and association

4. Mention the rights that children are entitle to

➢ Right to life, survival and development.
➢ Right to name and nationality.
➢ Right to know and be cared for by his or her parents, or legal guardian.
➢ Right not to be subjected to any form of abusive practice. Not to be engaged in anything
that will interfere with his or her education, health and well-being.
➢ Right to be free from any form of discrimination.
➢ Right to be free from any form of corporal (physical) punishment or any form of harsh
➢ Right to be protected from abduction (kidnap) and trafficking (trading).
➢ Right to be protected from harmful practices that can affect his or her health, dignity and
well being.
➢ Right to education.

5. Mention the rights that women have
➢ Women are given full and equal dignity with men.
➢ Women have the right to equal pay for equal work and other related benefits with men.
➢ Women have the right to participate equally with men in public life.
➢ Women have the right to own property and share in the estates of their deceased husbands
together with any surviving legal heir of the deceased.

6. Outline the levels of conflict that you know

✓ Individual versus individual
✓ Individual versus society
✓ Society versus society
✓ Individual versus state
✓ State versus state

7. State the main causes of conflicts at individual level include:

➢ Differences in opinion.
➢ Failure to fulfil expectations of the other person.
➢ Failure to appreciate the rights and freedoms of other people.
➢ Hatred or failure to interact with others due to hatred.
➢ Status threat. This is where an individual feels that his or her status is being threatened by
another person.

8. What are the causes of conflicts at country level

➢ Political differences.
➢ Unequal distribution of national resources.
➢ Cultural and religious differences.
➢ Land ownership.

9. Name the methods of conflict resolution

✓ Reconciliation
✓ Negotiation
✓ Diplomacy
✓ Litigation
✓ Traditional Method
10. What system (type) of government do we have in South Sudan?
South Sudan has decentralized system of government
11. Clearly state the level of Government that we have in South Sudan
a. The National Government.
b. The State Government
c. The Local Government

12. What are the organs of the national government

a. Judiciary

b. Executive
c. National Assembly

13. Outline the three main functions of the parliament

✓ Representing the people.
✓ Making laws.
✓ Overseeing the government through hearings and inquiries.

14. List down the characteristics of South Sudan Parliament

a. It is the law-making body in South Sudan.
b. It is composed of the National Legislative Assembly and the Council of states.
c. It is chaired by the speaker of the National Assembly.
d. The deputy chair is the speaker of the Council of states.
e. Each house sits separately to conduct its business.
f. It is bicameral. This means that it is made up of two chambers.

15. Mention the functions of the South Sudan Parliament (National Legislative
a. Overseeing the performance of the National Government institutions.
b. Approving plans, programmes and policies of the National Government.
c. Approving the national budgets.
d. Ratifying (approve) international treaties, conventions and agreements.
e. Adopting resolutions on matters of public concern.
f. Summoning ministers to answer questions of members of the Assembly on matters
related to their ministries.
g. Questioning ministers about the performance of their ministries.
h. Approving appointments as required by the Transitional Constitution or the law.
i. Casting a vote of no confidence against the Vice President and any minister.
j. Enacting legislation to regulate the conditions and terms of service of the Judiciary and
its oversight mechanisms.
k. Performing any other function as determined by the Transitional Constitution or the law.

16. Local government is divided into two, mention them:

i. Rural Local Government which is comprises of county, payam and boma government
ii. Urban Local Government which is comprises of city, town and municipal councils

17. What are the objectives of the local government?

a) Promote self-governance and enhance the participation of people and communities in
maintaining law and order.
b) Promoting democracy, transparency and accountability within the local government.
c) Make the local government institutions to be closer to the people.
d) Involve communities in matters of local government.
e) Promote and facilitate civic education.

f) Enhance social and economic development.
g) Promote self-reliance amongst the people through mobilisation of local resources.
h) Promote peace, reconciliation and peaceful coexistence among the various communities
of South Sudan.

18. Briefly explain the types of monarchical government

✓ Constitutional Monarchy is a type of monarchy where the monarchical power is
restricted to what is written in the constitution.
✓ Absolute Monarchy is the type of Monarchy where the powers of the head of state are
not controlled.

19. Name the factor to considered when establishing local government

✓ Size of territory
✓ Population
✓ Common interest of the communities
✓ Administrative convenience and effectiveness
✓ Economic viability

20. What are the primary functions of the national (central) government?
i. Maintenance of peace and security.
ii. Reconstruction and development of the country.
iii. Promotion of good governance and welfare of the people.
iv. Exercising authority with respect to South Sudan and the states.
v. Ensuring the protection of the rights and interests of the people.

21. Outline the functions of the local government

i. Promote self-governance through public participation.
ii. To establish the local government institutions as close as possible to the people.
iii. Encourage the involvement of communities and community-based organisations in the
matters of local government.
iv. Promotes and facilitates civic education.
v. Promotes social and economic development.
vi. Mobilises local resources to the communities in a sustainable manner.
vii. Acknowledges the role of traditional law in the local government system.
viii. Promotes safe and healthy environment by involving the people in decision making.

22. Mention the source of revenue from the national government.

i. Oil and mineral revenue.
ii. National personal income tax
iii. Corporate and business profit tax
iv. Custom duties and import taxes
v. Airports and river transport revenue
vi. Service charges, fees and fines

vii. National government enterprises and project revenue
viii. Value added tax and services
ix. Excise duties
x. Loans and borrowing from the banks of South Sudan
xi. Fees from nationality, passports, immigration and visas
xii. Any other tax or revenue approved by the law
xiii. Royalties

23. State the source of revenue for the state government

i. Licences
ii. State Personal tax
iii. Service charge for state services
iv. Land and Projects tax
v. Revenues
vi. Agricultural Production taxes
vii. Stamp duties
viii. Exercise duties

24. What are the regulations that govern government’s public recvenue
i. All revenue collected by the national government is deposited into national revenue fund
administered by the ministry of Finance and Economic Planning.
ii. All revenue at each level of government shall be on budget operations and made public to
the citizens.
iii. All levels of government hold all the income and revenue received in public accounts and
subject to public accountability.
iv. Accounting procedures, standards and fiscal responsibility shall be regulated by law.
v. The criteria and conditions for allocation of revenue to the states are determined by law.
vi. The national and state governments may borrow money with the approval of their
respective legislatures.
vii. All the foreign borrowing transactions of national and state governments must conform to
the specifications of the bank of South Sudan.

25. Outline two main ways on which money raised by national and state
government is spent.
i. To finance development projects. This is called capital or development expenditure.
ii. To maintain the existing facilities. This is called recurrent expenditure.

26. Mention the National Government Expenditure

i. Development of government projects such as roads, educational institutions, government
offices and hospitals.
ii. Payment of salaries to civil workers.
iii. Maintenance of government facilities like roads and hospitals.
iv. Repayment of loans borrowed by the government.

v. Funding of emergencies such as natural calamities (example is famine and floods)
vi. Payment of subscription fees and other obligations to the international and regional
organisations, such as the African Union (AU).
vii. Giving grants to state and local governments.
viii. Assistance to other countries.

27. What are the State Government Expenditure?

i. Payment of salaries and wages to state employees.
ii. Development of state government projects such as schools and roads.
iii. Repairing and maintaining state government facilities such as state hospitals, roads and
iv. Repayment of loans borrowed by state government.
v. Contribution of funds to state organisations such as cultural clubs.

28. Which measures are put in place to ensure protection of public finance?
i. Funds raised by both national and state governments are managed openly to ensure
transparency and accountability.
ii. Auditing of the public funds is done by the national audit chamber consisting of
competent and professional personnel.
iii. Establishment of the fiscal and Financial Allocation and Monitoring Commission. This
commission ensures fairness in allocation of funds both at national and state levels.
iv. National budget and state government budgets are in place to ensure proper and adequate
allocation of funds to carry out the projects intended.
v. The Anti-corruption Commission monitors and investigates cases about theft and misuse
of public funds.

29. List down the finance offices that are establish to ensure efficient and
effective management of public revenue.
 The National Audit Chambers
 The Fiscal and Financial Allocations and Monitoring Commission

30. Mention the Functions of the National Audit Chambers

 Setting audit standards for the whole country.
 Supervising financial performance of all government levels.
 Auditing the accounts of the national government levels, state and local government
levels and public institutions and corporations.
 Presenting the annual reports to the president and the national legislature.

31. State the Functions of the Fiscal and Financial Allocation and Monitoring
 Recommend criteria for allocation of National Revenue to the state and local government

 Ensures and monitors grants from the national revenue funds to respective levels of
 Guarantees appropriate sharing and utilisation of financial resources at the state and local
government levels.
 Safeguards transparency and fairness in the allocation of funds to the state and local
government levels.
 Monitors allocation and utilisation of funds by the state and local governments.
 Performs any other function as prescribed by the law.

32. Why should human being take care of the environment

A. Clean environment is essential for good health.
B. The temperature of earth’s atmosphere has rapidly increased.
C. The earth is a home to humans.

33. Explain environmental issues that can cause conflict

✓ Soil degradation - This has been caused by deforestation and overstocking in various
parts of the country.
✓ Pollution of rivers - This is when oil spills pollute the waters from the river sources.
✓ Over-exploitation of fisheries - Due to the increase in population, the demand for fish
has increased leading to conflict over fishing grounds.
✓ Diminishing resources - Due to the increase in population of the livestock and humans,
grazing lands and water sources for livestock have drastically diminished.
✓ Poor sanitation - Water contamination by urban run has led to increase of diseases such
as malaria due to stagnant water ponds which act as breeding grounds for mosquitoes,
typhoid and other water bone diseases.
✓ Presentation through media - Media is a means of broadcasting and publishing
✓ Team work - It involves working together in a group to compete a rival group in class for
the purposes of involving every member in the group.
✓ Student presentation- this is where the students are assigned individual topics to go and
prepare through their own research and later present the information they gathered in

34. State some of the sensitive issues that may affect us.
✓ Domestic violence
✓ Gender identity
✓ Sexuality
✓ Drugs and alcohol
✓ Mental health
✓ Sensitive Issues
✓ Rape
✓ Religion
✓ Politics HIV and AIDS

35. Outline the effective and essential ways of environmental conservation.
i. Creating a compost heap in our garden and using it as compost bin.
ii. Using eco-bags when going for shopping and avoiding use of plastic bags.
iii. Participating in tree planting in our school and at our home.
iv. Reducing carbon dioxide emissions from industries by using alternative sources of
energy such as solar system.
v. Sending water bottles, used oil, used tires for recycling and safe disposal to avoid
vi. Chemicals and oil should not be poured on to the ground or water bodies.

36. Mention goals that are to be achieved by Sustainable development

i. End poverty in all its forms everywhere.
ii. End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable
iii. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all the ages.
iv. Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning
opportunities for all.
v. Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.
vi. Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all.
vii. Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all.
viii. Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive
employment and decent work for all.
ix. Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialisation and
x. Reduce inequality within and among countries.
xi. Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.
xii. Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns.
xiii. Take urgent actions to combat climate change and impacts.
xiv. Conserve and sustainably use oceans and lakes.
xv. Protect, restore and manage forests, combat desertification and halt biodiversity
xvi. Strengthen the means of implantation and revitalize the global partnership for

37. State universal democratic principles on which elections are based:

a. All citizens have a right to vote.
b. The principle of universal suffrage (vote) and equality of the vote will be applied.
c. The elections will be free and fair.

38. What are the Stages of the electoral system in South Sudan
1. Dissolution of parliament.
2. Registration of voters.
3. Nomination.
4. Election.

39. Mention qualifications for presidential candidate in South Sudan
✓ Must be a South Sudanese citizen by birth
✓ Must be at least 40 years old
✓ Must be literate
✓ Must not have been convicted of criminal offence
✓ Must be of sound mind

40. What are qualifications for parliamentary candidate in South Sudan?

i. Be a South Sudanese citizen.
ii. Be at least 21 years of age.
iii. Be of sound mind.
iv. Be literate.
v. Must not have been convicted of any criminal offence during the last seven years.

41. What are the qualifications of a person who wants to be a member of state
i. Be a citizen of South Sudan.
ii. Be at least 21 years of age.
iii. Be of sound mind.
iv. Be literate.
v. Not have been convicted of an offence involving honesty or moral turpitude.

42. Outline circumstances for conducting by-election

i. Death of the sitting member of the state or national legislature.
ii. Resignation of the sitting member in writing to the appropriate house.
iii. Mental infirmity or physical incapacity.
iv. Assumption of any other constitutional office or local government office.
v. Change of political affiliation on whose ticket he or she was elected.
vi. Conviction for the offence involving honesty or moral turpitude.

43. State the situations that let office of president be left vacancy
i. Expiration of the term of office.
ii. Resignation in public address to the people through the national legislature.
iii. Impeachment in accordance with the provisions of the constitution.
iv. Mental infirmity or physical incapacity based on an official medical report.
v. Death of the president.

44. Talk about the Functions of the National Elections Commission

a) Preparing the general electoral roll or register and pursue its annual revision.
b) Organise and conduct general elections, by-elections and local elections in accordance
with the constitution and law.
c) Organise and conduct any referendum in accordance with the law and constitution.
d) Perform any other function as may be prescribed by the law.

45. What do you think are the Importance of elections and voting?
i. It is a constitutional requirement that the citizens of South Sudan should exercise their
democratic right.
ii. They enable the South Sudanese to have a chance to practice their democratic right of
choosing their representatives.
iii. It enables the people of South Sudan to control their elected representatives.
iv. It enables South Sudanese to choose between representatives and parties that express
policies on their behalf.
v. It enables South Sudanese to be able to participate in the activities of their

46. List the Importance of participating in democratic activities

i. It promotes peaceful co-existence and cohesion in the country.
ii. It ensures that the rule of law is exercised and adhered to.
iii. It promotes good governance, accountability and participation of the citizens.
iv. It helps in safeguarding the constitution and other state laws.
v. It promotes good understanding between the people and the government.
47. How does decentralisation effects improve the lives of the local citizens?
i. It has enhanced and promoted the welfare of the people.
ii. It has led to the protection of the human rights and freedoms.
iii. It has increased involvement and precipitation of the people in the administration.
iv. It has promoted equitable sharing of resources.
v. It has promoted good governance through democracy, separation of power, transparency,
accountability and respect for the rule of law.
vi. It has promoted peaceful co-existence and political stability.
48. What are Functions of the national legislature?
i. Considers and passes amendments to the constitution.
ii. Enacts legislation on different matters.
iii. Discuss statements by the president and takes necessary decisions.
iv. Authorises annual allocation of resources and revenue.
v. Reconsiders a bill that has been rejected by the president.
vi. Impeaches the president when there is need.
vii. Approves declaration of war.
viii. Confirms declaration of the state of emergency.
ix. Performs any other function assigned by the constitution.

49. List all the Functions of the vice president

i. Act as the president when the president is absent from the country.
ii. Is a member of the council of ministers.
iii. Is a member of the Security Council.
iv. Perform any other function assigned to him by law.

50. Outline Functions of the council of ministers
i. General planning and administration of South Sudan.
ii. Approval of the general policies initiated by the respective ministries.
iii. Overseeing, receiving and discussing report about the executive.
iv. Initiating, negotiating and concluding judgments of courts.
v. Receiving reports from governors about executive performance of the state.
vi. Receiving reports on matters that are current.
vii. Acting as a link between the national government and the states.
viii. Providing reports upon request of the national legislative assembly.
ix. Formulating and implementing government policies.
x. Initiating national legislature.

51. What are the available community projects to students?

i. Planting of trees around the school.
ii. Volunteer to clean up the local market.
iii. Volunteer to sensitise the community on the importance of peaceful co-existence.
iv. Donate used textbooks to students from a poor background.
v. Visit and donate basic needs such as, clothes and food to the children’s homes.
vi. Providing remedial classes to lower grade students.

52. Identify the basic project phases in order

1. The Initiation Phase, is the first phase where the need is identified. An appropriate
response to the need is determined and described.
2. The Planning Phase, is the second phase where the project solution is further developed
in as much detail as possible.
3. The Execution Phase, is the third phase in which prescribed work is performed under the
watchful eye of the project manager. Progress is continuously monitored. Appropriate
adjustments are made and recorded as variances (modification) from the original plan.
4. The monitoring Phase. At this phase, the project is put under continuous checks and
observation. This is to ensure that the progress of the project is good.
5. During the final phase, or the Closing Phase, the emphasis is on verifying that the project
has satisfied or will satisfy the original need.

53. List eight-step process of project management in order

Step 1. Identify and frame the problem or opportunity
Step 2. Identify and define the best project solution
Step 3. Identify task and resource requirements
Step 4. Prepare the control schedule and resource allocation plan
Step 5. Estimate project costs and prepare a project budget
Step 6. Analyse risk and establish stakeholder relationships
Step 7. Maintain control and communicate as needed during execution
Step 8. Manage to an orderly close-out

54. What should be put into consideration for a successful implementation of a
i. Gathering of information to identify the immediate and future needs of the society.
ii. Resource mobilisation that includes financing of the project and other resources.
iii. Consultation with the local authority and other stakeholders.
iv. Analysis of the anticipated challenges and how the challenges can be minimised for
success of the project.
v. The time and scope of the implementation of the project.
vi. Skilled human resource and team spirit among the members implementing the project.
vii. Ensuring that the project is in line with the broader development plans and goals of the
country and the community, like fostering sustainable development.
viii. Ensuring that the project is gender-sensitive due to differences between the roles and
responsibilities of women and men, their access to and control over resources, and their
participation in decision-making.

55. Mention the Impact of a project on a community

➢ Social Impacts
➢ Economic Impacts
➢ Political Impacts

56. What do you think are Impacts of community projects on development of

✓ Community projects that involve vocational and technical training like crafts have
enhanced entrepreneurial skills.
✓ Formation of groups to get funds to start business has also enhanced financial literacy
✓ Improvement of literacy among children due to enhanced critical and creative thinking
✓ Improved human relations have enhanced social skills.
✓ Community projects that integrate ICT technologies have enhanced digital literacy skills.
✓ Community projects emphasising on local capacity building have enhanced development
of leadership and management skills, team work skills, communication skills and
persuasion skills.

57. List down the various methods of gathering evidence for assessing the
impacts of a community project
a. Interview
b. Observation
c. Surveys
d. Analysis of records and data
e. Documentation and case studies

58. What does SMART objective stand for?
✓ Specific
✓ Measurable
✓ Achievable
✓ Relevant
✓ Time-bound

59. What are the reasons for formulation of objectives and aims for a
community project?
 To have a set number of goals to be achieved during the project implementation.
 Provides a time frame on which the goals are realised and attained during project
 Enables one to understand the actual realities on the ground before implementing the
 To identify target group and other stakeholders involved.
 Helps in the budgeting process for the project.
 Makes one accountable to his or her duties during the project implementation process.
 Determines the relevance of a project to a given community.
60. Mention the activities that can be used to promote the implementation of
various community projects
✓ Sport Activities
✓ Cultural festival
✓ Educational fairs such as Prize giving day
✓ Joint Community initiative
61. State General guidelines for effective communication during project
✓ Choosing the right approach and the best medium are critical decisions.
✓ Consider the function of the communication.
✓ Pay attention to spelling, grammar, sentence structure and composition when
communicating, particularly in written communication.
✓ Avoid distractions.
✓ Choose the right timing and physical setting.
✓ Consider long-term effects of the communication.

62. State the democratic processes that you know
 Voting process
 Vying for leadership position
 Paying taxes
 Upholding the rule of law
 Reporting the law

63. Outline the process of electoral system in South Sudan

1. Dissolution of the parliament
2. Registration of voters
3. Nomination
4. Election

64. Briefly talk about the importance of community activities across South
➢ Community activities create awareness and promote civic education on active citizenship.
➢ They economically empower people by giving them opportunities to improve their
➢ Some community-based activities strive to prevent sexual gender based violence and
equality on education and health services.

65. State the features that contributes to sustainable development.

1) Some community activities create awareness on environmental conservation, which is a
key component on sustainable development.
2) Some community activities emphasise on eco-friendly construction materials that do not
harm the eco-system.
3) Community activities may also enlighten the people on the effects of industrial waste if
not properly disposed.
4) Community activities also create awareness of need for protection of natural habitats for
wildlife so as to achieve development without affecting the environment.
5) Community activities campaign for compensation or replacement of any resource used
for development purposes.
6) Renewable energy like solar and wind can lead to sustainable development. Some
community activities create awareness on their use.
7) Recycling waste water can lead to sustainable development and some community
activities are used to conduct these processes.
8) Use of biodegradable materials in the place of polythene materials ensures sustainable

66. Outline the parties that may involve in conflict
➢ Members of the family
➢ Individuals from different families
➢ Neighbours
➢ People from different religions
➢ People from different tribes or clans
➢ One nation with the other
➢ Members of different political parties

67. What are the results when the people do not agree?
✓ Quarrels
✓ Arguments
✓ War
✓ Anger
✓ Hatred

68. What are the levels of conflict and their courses?

 Local level
 National level
 International level

69. Mention the causes of local conflict.

❖ Lifestyle
❖ Differences in opinion
❖ Social differences
❖ Economic differences

70. Explain the causes of conflict at international level

❖ Economic Factors. This is where one country disagrees with the other over natural
resources on the border.
❖ Religion for example the conflicts between people of different faith.
❖ Geographical boundaries between one country and her neighbours.
❖ Political factors where one country may intrude into political affairs of another country.

71. What are the key areas of conflict?

a. Power
b. Religion
c. Natural resources
d. Historical injustice
e. Ideological difference
f. Inheritance

72. At what situation shall people take hard decisions?
1. When dealing with highly emotional individuals
2. When the conflict is infringing the basic human rights
3. Stiff stands or demands
4. Continuous violations of the law

73. What are (process of resolving conflict) steps that have to be followed when
resolving conflicts.
i. Involved parties should state what the conflict is about.
ii. Summarise the story from both sides and suggest possible solutions.
iii. Invite each party to give their views according to the solutions suggested.
iv. Depending on the reactions from the conflicting parties, look for the possible
solutions and settle on one.
v. Write down the agreement and let each party sign.

74. What are the ways of promoting peace in the society?

➢ Make a personal commitment towards non-violence.
➢ Create awareness against prejudice and discrimination among individuals of different
religions and tribes.
➢ Creation of non-governmental organisations that work towards peaceful communities.

75. Mention the key advocate for non-violence

❖ Institutions and organisation
❖ Leaders

76. Outline institutions and organisations that have advocated for non-violence
1. United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO)
2. United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS)
3. Organisation for Non-violence and Development (ONAD)
4. Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD)

77. Give examples of African leaders who used non-violence methods to resolve
their disputes
1) Kwame Nkrumah from Ghana
2) Nelson Mandela from South Africa
3) Martin Luther King Jr. African American
4) Desmond Tutu from South Africa
5) Kofi Annan former UN SG
6) Ellen Johnson Sirleaf from Liberia
7) Mama Rebecca Nandeng De Mabior from South Sudan

78. Mention the theory of non-violence
❖ Principled theory of non-violence by Mahatma Gandhi
❖ Pragmatic theory of non-violence by Gene Sharp

79. Name three elements of non-violence approach according to Mahatma

i. Self-improvement – efforts to make one a better person.
ii. Constructive programmes- work to create the new social order.
iii. Campaigns to resistance against evil.

80. Name the roles of NGOs in civil society

 They have promoted diversity and tolerance in the society by protecting and
strengthening cultural, religious and linguistic identity.
 They have advanced science and technology by developing culture and art, protecting the
environment and supporting various activities in civil society.
 They motivate local citizens to work for themselves than depending on the government.
 They have created an independent and flexible way of providing service to the civil
 They have developed way for making the government and marketing agencies
transparent to the public.
 NGO’s have also promoted peace and reconciliation among communities especially in
South Sudan.
 NGO’S have helped many Africans to manage disasters like hunger, health problems,
floods, famine among others.

81. How do NGOs identify areas of need in the society?

✓ Gathering of information about exact problems facing different communities and their
✓ Use of the media to get information about areas of need.
✓ Visiting areas experiencing war and other disasters.
✓ Employing of agents in areas prone to war and calamities.

82. Outline the strategies of developing an argument

✓ Knowing about the topic
✓ Knowing what seems to be important about the topic
✓ How does the topic relate to other issues that you know?
✓ What don’t you know about the topic

83. Compare the qualities of a good debater with the less skilled debater
Qualities of a good debater Less skilled debater
Is a gracious winner and a respectful loser. Becomes frustrated when debate success is
not easy and loses hope or determination to
Makes others understand more about his or Feels that everything is against him or her
her arguments.
Argues with evidence but focuses mainly on Fails to respect all the participants.
his or her arguments not evidence.
Sees the bigger picture of how his or her ideas Speaks from a position of privilege, demands
influence others. that you accept their ideas over those of the
Understands the need for organisation in Fails to make connections between various
order to identify the critical points in issues and arguments in a debate.
the debate.
Portrays an image of an intelligent person Fails to have fun in the debate because of an
who is seeking to understand and discover the overly competitive nature.
Fails to pay attention to the judge’s critique,
learning neither from failure nor success.
Fails to focus during the debate at hand,
allowing their minds to be distracted by
outside events.
84. Where and when was SPLM convention conducted?
It was conducted at Chukudum-Eastern Equatoria in 2nd April 1994
85. What are resolutions of SPLM convention of 1994?
i. A system of local government was formalised with five levels; Boma, Payam, County,
Region and Central Government.
ii. Five regional administrations of the New South Sudan were created.
iii. Various laws, such as the new Sudan Penal code and new Sudan Traffic Act were drafted.
iv. There was election of new national liberation council/National executive committee of
v. The composition of the National executive was established.
vi. SPLM regional structure was established.
vii. vii Military affairs, the SPLA was established.
viii. Establishment of an independent Judiciary.
86. Name five regions of South Sudan according to SPLM convention
➢ Bahr el-Ghaza
➢ Equatoria
➢ South Blue Nile
➢ Southern Kordufan
➢ Upper Nile

87. Outline the court system of South Sudan
 Supreme court
 Court of Appeal
 High Court
 County court
 Other courts and tribunals

88. Mention the functions of human right commission Act 2009

✓ Monitors the application of human rights and freedoms of citizens as written in the
✓ Investigate about complains from persons or group of persons against violation of human
✓ Visit jails, prisons or places of detention, asses the conditions of the inmates and make
recommendations to relevant authorities.
✓ Establish continuous educational and research programs to enhance respect for human
✓ Creates awareness to the society about the human rights and freedoms of the people of
South Sudan.

89. What does local government act states?

a) Nature and establishment of local government and local councils.
b) Territory of local government councils.
c) Local government authority which is derived from the people.
d) Sources of local government laws which include the constitution and customs and
tradition of people.
e) The act of rights and citizenship which should be upheld by the local government.
f) Principle of governance which is decentralised and democratic.

90. State the principles that enable good leadership in government and other
 Transparency and accountability
 Effectiveness and efficiency
 Participatory
 Rule of Law
 Responsive
 Equitable

91. Compare the state and the national government
State Government National Government
Headed by the governor Headed by the president
Has only two organs; legislative and Has three organs; legislatures, executive and
executive judiciary
Has no control over security matters Control all the security matters and organs in
the whole country
Collect taxes at local level Collect taxes at the national level including
the customs duties
Each state government has its headquarters Has one capital city which is Juba

92. State the challenges facing farmers in South Sudan

i. High transport costs.
ii. Unavailability of agricultural inputs.
iii. Underdeveloped agricultural extension.

93. What are the plans of South Sudan government on agriculture

a) Opening up foreign investment so that foreigners can come up with new farming
b) Reviewing land lease laws to allow the locals to own land for agricultural activities.
c) Organising the youth to engage more in agriculture.

94. Mention three main components of sustainable development according to

Brundtland report in 1987
i. Environmental protection.
ii. Economic growth.
iii. Social equity.

95. List down some sustainable development goals of United Nation that are
adopted by many countries.
i. Reduction of poverty.
ii. Creating a society with zero hunger.
iii. Good health and well-being.
iv. Quality education to all.
v. Gender equality

96. What are the advantages of planting tree in the community as a community
❖ Planting of trees helps in environmental conservation.
❖ Planting of trees show the responsibility that humans have in rewarding back the
❖ Tree planting brings the members of the community together, hence fostering unity.
❖ Trees give us fresh and clean air to breathe. This reduces respiratory diseases.

❖ A project such as tee planting can generate income through harvest of horticultural
❖ The trees make the environment beautiful and attractive.

97. Mention the benefit of active citizenship

➢ Active citizenship promotes peace and harmony.
➢ Active citizenship promotes transparency and accountability of the authorities to the
➢ It promotes cohesion which fosters unity.
➢ Ensures the security and the rule of law are advocated for.
➢ It creates awareness among the citizens on environmental matters.
➢ Active citizenship promotes rights of the citizens through the enlightenment of the people
about their rights.

98. Give the impacts of the project

➢ Social impact
➢ The economic impact
➢ Political impact
➢ Environmental impacts

99. List the development skills of the project

▪ Training crafts and entrepreneurial skills.
▪ Formation of small business groups to generate income.
▪ Workshops and seminars for given projects.
▪ Formation of foundations where community members volunteer in doing projects.

100. What are the evidences of project impacts

❖ Improved soil conservation practices.
❖ Improved sanitation.
❖ Improved food supply.
❖ Improved cohesion on communal affairs.
❖ Reduction of disease outbreak.
❖ Improved infrastructure which has been caused by availability of horticultural produce.
❖ Improved health services.
❖ Availability of social amenities.

101. Outline significance of developing aims and objectives during a project

i. Objectives explain why the project is being conducted.
ii. Saves time because the action plan has already been laid.
iii. There is clear definition of the chain of communication during the project.
iv. Aims and objectives give room for flexibility in case there may be alterations during the
v. Lays strategies from the beginning to the end of the project.

102. Explain characteristics of social change
i. Universal - Social change exists in all societies, in our country and also other parts of the
ii. Social – It involves social interactions and organisations. It is not adhered to by an
individual but through coming together as a group.
iii. Continuous and progressive - Social change is a process that goes on and on until
something new is achieved.
iv. Social change may last forever or be temporary. This means that some social changes
will have an impact while some disappear without succeeding.
v. Inevitable- These social changes form part of human life and therefore they are
vi. Social change should have impact on the society and community.

103. List social indicators in identifying the need of social change

✓ The rate of poverty in a community.
✓ The rate at which people give birth.
✓ Opportunities for education within a society.
✓ The life expectancy of people in a society.
✓ The rate of employment or unemployment.
✓ The rate and level of youth education, access to job opportunities and other life
✓ Rate at which people commit suicide.
✓ Inequality and equality rates in the society.
✓ The amount of money spent on the health and medical services.
✓ The growth rate in terms of quality diet and problems related to obesity and lifestyle
✓ Effects of natural calamities on population and economic growth.
✓ Impacts of population changes on the natural environment.

104. What are the roles plays by individuals on social change?

a) Funding projects which will change the lives of the community members socially. This
can be through contributing in education, health and religion.
b) Creating employment opportunities through community projects to reduce poverty levels.

105. Outline the major contributions of Non-Governmental Organisations

✓ Providing humanitarian assistance during calamities.
✓ Empowering the communities financially to promote small businesses that help to end
✓ Engaging in development activities that touch on social aspects.

✓ Financing education and paying school fees for orphans and the poor.
✓ They champion for equality by preaching against discrimination.
✓ They uplift the health standards of communities through medical service provision,
especially in areas where there are no such services.
✓ They educate the public on various social issues. For example, matters on healthy living.

106. Explain the activities and strategies that promote unity in society
a) Having a positive media - Television, newspapers and radio should focus on reporting
positive news such as cultural diversity to promote unity and tolerance.
b) Activities such as sports - Games like football and athletics unite people.
c) Equitable sharing of resources in all aspects will ensure that people co-exist peacefully.
d) Having public holidays as ways of bringing people together.
e) Having cultural competitions - This will play a big role in showcasing the various
cultures in the country both locally and internationally.
f) Communities should be left to maintain their identity without any forced influence. Every
culture and religious belief should be respected.
g) The introduction of activities such as tree planting act as unifying factors, this brings
people together.
h) The civil societies, religious leaders and political leaders should act as role models in
advocating for unity.

107. State some opportunities that can bring about social change
✓ Creation of employment opportunities to reduce poverty.
✓ Provision of educational opportunities.
✓ Provision of health services at every level of the society.
✓ Promotion of cultural tolerance.
✓ Involvement in community service such as environmental cleaning.
✓ Civic education.
✓ Religious tolerance.
✓ Economic empowerment through various development projects such as road construction
and exploitation of resources.
✓ Construction of feeder roads into rural areas and markets to enhance trading activities.

108. Give examples of political parties in South Sudan

➢ Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM).
➢ Sudan People’s Liberation Movement in Opposition (SPLM IO).
➢ United Democratic Front.
➢ Labour Party of South Sudan.
➢ South Sudan Liberal Party.
➢ South Sudan Democratic Forum.

109. Roles of political parties in Parliament and constituencies
i. Political parties represent the interests of their followers in the national legislature on
issues affecting them.
ii. They provide avenues for political positions.
iii. Parties provide opportunities for citizens to participate in democratic processes.
iv. Political parties help in keeping the government on its toes.
v. Parties provide employment opportunities for various people who will get jobs for
various party positions.
vi. Through political parties, civic education is achieved on issues to do with elections and

110. How long is the term for national legislatures in South Sudan?
It is four years

111. Under which Circumstances shall a member of the National Legislature may
lose his or her seat?
i. Mental infirmity or physical incapacity.
ii. Conviction of an offence involving honesty.
iii. Declared bankrupt by a competent court.
iv. Absence from a number of sittings in the parliament without permission or acceptable
v. Resignation in writing to the appropriate house.
vi. Change in affiliation of party that sponsored him or her to the National Legislative
vii. Death.
viii. Assumption of any constitutional office.

112. What is the parliament made up of?

It is made up of
a. The National Legislative Assembly
b. The Council of States

113. Write down the roles of the National Legislature in South Sudan
➢ Pass amendments to the constitution.
➢ Make laws(legislation) in line with the constitution.
➢ Authorise yearly allocation of resources and revenue.
➢ Approve declaration of war.
➢ Perform any other function as per the law.
➢ Can pass a vote of no confidence and impeach the president.
➢ Discuss statements by the president and take decisions as may be necessary.

114. Mention the compositions of the national executive

✓ The president

✓ Vice president
✓ Ministers
✓ Deputy ministers

115. What are the functions of the President in South Sudan?

1) Preserve the security and integrity of South Sudan.
2) Supervise constitutional and executive institutions through exemplary leadership.
3) Appoint constitutional and judicial post holders in accordance with the law.
4) Preside over the National Council of Ministers.
5) Declare and terminate a state of emergency.
6) Convene, summon, adjourn or prorogue the National Legislature in consultation with the
7) Appoint presidential advisors.
8) Represent the government and the people of South Sudan in international meetings.

116. What are the compositions of National Council of Ministers?

➢ The President,
➢ The Vice Presidents
➢ The Ministers.

117. Which one is the highest executive authority in South Sudan?

The national council of ministers is the highest authority executive

118. Outline the functions of the Council of Ministers

❖ General planning and administration of South Sudan.
❖ Approval of general policies initiated by respective ministers.
❖ Overseeing, receiving and discussing reports about the executive and ministries.
❖ Initiating, negotiating and discussing reports about the executive and the ministries.
❖ Initiating, negotiating and concluding bilateral and multilateral agreements.
❖ Receiving reports from governors about executive performance of states.
❖ Act as a link between National government and states.
❖ Mobilising the public to achieve the objectives of government policy and promote public
❖ Implementing the resolutions of the National Legislature.
❖ Formulating and implementing national policies

119. Mention the functions of a national minister

 Implement policies and objectives of the National Government.
 Collaborate and establish good working relations with ministers at state level.
 Perform any other duty by law and delegation.

120. Under which condition shall the office of national minister or dupety fall
 Acceptance of a written resignation by the president.
 Removal from office by the president.
 Death.
 Mental or physical incapacitation.

121. What are the roles of police services in South Sudan?

1) Prevent, combat and investigate crime.
2) Maintain law and public order.
3) Protect people and other properties.
4) Uphold and enforce the constitution and the law.

122. What are the roles of police in the courts?

i. They arrest suspects who have committed crime.
ii. They carry out investigations on the crimes committed.
iii. They detain suspects as they conduct investigations.
iv. They present suspects before the courts for trial.

123. State the rights of the accused person.

 Right to an attorney.
 Right to legal representation.

124. Outline the roles of citizens in the government

i. Defend the country and respond to any call for national service in accordance with
provisions of the constitution.
ii. Promote harmony, unity and tolerance among the people of South Sudan
iii. in order to end ethnic, religious, geographical and political divisions.
iv. Preserve and protect public funds and assets and respect legal and financial obligations.
v. Prevent and combat political sabotage.
vi. Participate in and promote the development of South Sudan.
vii. Take part in general elections and referenda as stated in the constitution.
viii. Obey the laws and co-operate with other agencies in maintenance of law and order.
ix. Protect the environment and conserve natural resources.
x. Respect the rights and freedoms of others.
xi. Promote democracy, good governance and rule of law.

125. What are importance of voting to citizens?

 Voting gives them a chance to exercise their democratic right.
 Allows the citizens to oblige with the provision of the constitution.
 People can choose leaders of their choice to lead them.
 Keep leaders on their toes hence achieving the goals of development.
 Give the citizens a chance to present themselves for public office.

126. Write examples of civil rights according to Transitional Constitution of
South Sudan under Bill of Right
a. Right to freedom of religion, thought and conscience.
b. Right to opinion without being coerced.
c. Right to have the freedom of expression.
d. Right to nationality.
e. Right to have a name after birth.
f. Right to culture, language and religion for the minority communities.
g. Right to vote.
h. Right to marry.
i. Right to access of information.

127. Explain the characteristics of Human rights?

 They are universal, which means that they apply all over the world.
 They are dependent. This means that they depend on each other. One cannot ignore one
right for the sake of another.
 They are fundamental. This means that they are very important.
 They are inalienable it means that they cannot be taken away from a person.

128. What are the importance of Human Rights in our daily life?
A. Human Rights through the freedom of worship have enhanced peaceful coexistence
among the people despite differences in religion.
B. Right to healthcare enables a country to have a healthy population which is crucial to
national development.
C. Right to association and assembly enables us to interact freely through various activities
such as games and festivals among others.
D. Right to media enables students to access crucial information about education, health and
social responsibilities which makes people more knowledgeable.
E. Human rights ensure that the rule of law is upheld.
F. Human rights promote democracy which leads to peace and cohesion.

129. Outline civic leadership in promoting peace

a) Through proper legislation, equal distribution of national resources can be attained.
b) Upholding the rule of law.
c) Respect for human rights.
d) Civic leaders should hold meetings with the people they represent so as to understand
their challenges.
e) The civic leadership should be role models.

130. Mention the ways on how civic leadership can support conflict resolution
 The civic leaders should be at the forefront in talks of resolving conflicts within their

 Civic leaders should finance workshops and seminars aimed at preaching against
 They should train local leaders such as chiefs and village heads about conflict avoidance.
 Civic leaders should promote education of the citizens.
 Through legislation where civic leaders can come up with laws that encourage peace.

131. Mention two categories of mass media

❖ Print media (published media)
❖ Electronic media

132. What are the examples of social media platforms?

Instagram etc

133. What are the three major roles of media?

✓ Informing,
✓ Educating
✓ Entertaining

134. List the positive effects of media in society

 Entertainment by the media helps us to rest and relax.
 Information and education provided by the media helps citizens to understand political,
social and economic issues in South Sudan.
 The media helps to influence public opinion.
 Advertisements on radio, TV, newspapers and the internet inform buyers of available
goods and services.
 The media also supports our economy. It provides employment opportunities.

135. State the negative influences of media in society

a) Radio, TV, newspaper and internet adverts and other materials sometimes persuade or
influence us to like, buy and consume some products which are not necessary for us.
b) Some TV and radio programs that contain violence, obscene language or pornography are
not suitable for children.
c) Sometimes what we see, read and hear in the media influences us to admire foreign
d) The media sometimes presents inaccurate information and unfounded rumours.

136. What are the primary responsibilities on which media protect citizens?
i. It must report responsibly.
ii. It should first cross check its information to confirm its correctness.
iii. It should employ professional well-trained people to collect and report information.

iv. It should be impartial.
v. Where news or information that is not correct is presented, the media should immediately
apologise and provide the true picture.

137. Write the characteristics of change

✓ Change is social in nature.
✓ Change is universal.
✓ Change is continuous.
✓ Change is inevitable. It cannot be avoided.
✓ Social change is multi causal, can be caused by many things.
✓ Social change creates a chain of reactions.
✓ Prediction of changes is uncertain.

138. What are factors that influence social change?

1) Demographic Factors
2) Biological factors
3) Cultural factors
4) Technological factors

139. Mention the aspects of teamwork that can bring about social change
 Communication
 Delegation
 Efficiency
 Ideas
 Support

140. Outline the four main ways through which HIV spread
1) Sexual intercourse with an infected person.
2) Mother to baby transmission (an infected mother may infect the baby at birth)
3) Blood transfusion where contaminated blood is used.
4) Sharing sharp objects such as syringes, safety pins and other sharp objects used by an
infected person.

141. What does AIDs stand for?

It stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome

142. Outline the roles of media in prevention of HIV

 The media, especially the broadcast media helps in creating awareness to many people
about HIV and AIDS.
 Various media platforms are actively used to spread information that helps reduce the
levels of misconceptions about HIV and AIDS.

 The government and other concerned bodies use the media, such as the print media and
broadcast media in advancing their messages of fighting HIV and AIDS, the prevention
measures and the treatment as well.

143. Outline misconceptions about HIV and AIDs

 AIDS is a result of witchcraft or a curse.
 HIV positive people must have been promiscuous.
 All HIV positive people have AIDS.
 Some herbalists can cure HIV and AIDS.
 You cannot be infected on your first sexual encounter.
 Young girls and married women are free from AIDS.
 You can tell an infected person from symptoms like being too thin.
 Close contact with an HIV positive person leads to infection.
 Circumcised men can’t get HIV through sex.
 HIV is a death sentence.
 HIV positive people cannot safely have children.
 If you test negative for HIV, you can have unprotected sex.
 If both partners have HIV, there is no need of using a condom.

144. Mention the problems that arise out of misconceptions about HIV and AIDS.
❖ Stigma and discrimination
❖ Increased spread of HIV and AIDS
❖ Poor management and treatment of HIV and AIDS

145. How do media sensitise people about HIV and AIDs?

 Providing facts and information about HIV and AIDS.
 Carrying adverts that advise on protection measures such as abstinence and use of condoms.
 Counseling sessions.
 Messages that inspire behaviour change.
 Carrying serialised stories and documentaries on HIV and AIDS.
 Interviews of experts and people with reliable information such as health workers.
 Testimonies from people living with HIV and AID

146. What are the strategies that are required to ensure sustainability of the
i. Enactment of environmental laws which will regulate how people use land and
consequences of environmental degradation.
ii. Exploration on how to tap and use green energy.
iii. Coming up with modern ways of tapping minerals such as oil during drilling
iv. Pollution from non-biodegradable materials can be avoided by embracing efficient ways
of recycling waste materials
v. Coming up with modern materials of disposal of waste which will not cause pollution.

147. Mention the natural sources of energy that green energy come from
❖ Solar power- generated from the sun.
❖ Wind power- generated from fast moving wind.
❖ Geothermal energy- power from hot springs.
❖ Hydro power- from the moving water.

148. What are the roles of environment in the society?

i. Providing a home for human beings
ii. Problems in our environment will affect human life
iii. Pollution of air, water and land affects human health and the country’s economy.
iv. The environment supports population size of living things
v. Balancing the ecosystem
vi. The environment provides air and temperature regulation

149. List down the known values in our society

✓ Responsibility
✓ Positivity
✓ Innovation
✓ Patriotism
✓ Education
✓ Honesty

150. Explain the roles our values play in shaping our behaviour towards the
❖ Responsibility – As a value, it teaches us to be responsible caretakers of the earth and
everything in it.
❖ Values -Values such as religious beliefs play a role in conservation of the environment.
Some trees are seen as sacred hence reduce deforestation.
❖ Through patriotism, citizens can volunteer to participate in community projects that affect
environmental conservation.
❖ Teamwork among community members -Community members can come together for
activities to control the destruction of the environment.
❖ Respect - Respect for life makes it wrong for a person to interfere with nature which is
believed to have life.
❖ Environmental education - This value increases knowledge on the environment issues
such as soil conservation and tree planting.
❖ Hard work as a value where people engage in fruitful activities related to environmental

151. What are our responsibilities towards environment?

1) Ensuring that our environment is clean and free from garbage.
2) Planting trees as a means of creating forests.
3) Proper disposal of waste and controlled waste management.

4) Keeping our water bodies intact to save marine life. This is done through conservation of
water bodies.
5) Reducing human activities that may degrade the environment.
6) Controlling harmful emissions into the environment.
7) Ensuring that technological developments are environmentally friendly.
8) Incorporating environmental skills in school curriculum.

152. State the causes of environmental conflicts

a) Population growth
b) Uneven distribution of natural resources can lead to conflict.
c) Scarcity of land for grazing especially in pastoralist communities.
d) Human wildlife conflict can also exist in areas where wild animals are close to human
e) Human activities such as waste disposal and pollution might cause diseases.

153. State lifestyle changes can be applied to have a clean and safer environment.
▪ Using recyclable materials for packing of goods.
▪ Using green energy such as solar and hydroelectricity.
▪ Advocating through awareness and sensitisation campaigns on the need to change the
lifestyle to protect the environment.

154. How can peace be achieved through environmental conservation

i. Having a tree planting programme countrywide to promote unity and emphasise the need
for forest coverage.
ii. Creation of public parks in disputed lands. The disputing communities can have access to
these areas at the same time they can generate revenue.
iii. Having a national clean-up day to save the environment from pollution. This will bring
various communities together.
iv. Environmentalists and organisations to carry out peace initiatives linked to the
environment conservation such as advocating the use of clean energy.
v. Encouraging resource mobilisation and local participation of leaders from various
vi. Educating communities on the need to share the scarce resources like water, pasture and
minerals without engaging in conflict.

155. What are the factors of viable and sustainable community project?
➢ The starting point of a project is the existence of a problem affecting a certain group;
especially the community.
➢ A sustainable community project is integrated and in line with development or business
➢ A project is a participation exercise from the beginning to the end.
➢ Sustainable projects are gender sensitive.

➢ A well-defined project is result-based. Result-based Management is about setting
objectives and targets and what you do to achieve them.
➢ Project implementation is organised with a fixed budget, limited resources and specific
➢ Each project has a specific management structure.
➢ Each project includes a monitoring and evaluation (M&E) system.
➢ A project has to be sustainable

156. State and explain the important elements of sustainability

a. Social sustainability - Impact on working conditions, compliance with international labour
standards, social protection, among others.
b. Financial sustainability- Financing of follow-up activities, sources of revenue for all future
operating and maintaining costs.
c. Institutional sustainability- Structures that allow results of the action to continue.
d. Environmental sustainability- Impact on the environment. Avoid negative effects on natural
resources on the broader environment.

157. Outline the four main steps of project design.

a) Project identification.
b) Project formulation.
c) Project implementation planning.
d) Project monitoring and evaluation.

158. Mention the things that should be considered for a successful completion of
your project
Ensure that the project will deliver what was promised.
Actively lead the project team through difficult times.
Ensure timely completion of client sign-off documentation.
Prepare for the transition into the next phase in the overall project life cycle.
Secure consensus that the project has met the completion criteria.
Obtain customer acceptance and verify customer satisfaction.
Ensure that the project records reflect accurate data.
Transfer what you have learned to others.
Acknowledge the contribution by the contributors.
Bring the project to efficient administrative closure.

159. Outline general challenges that can affect project implementation.

a) Lack of sustainable funding for projects in the community.
b) Fear of no future work can lead to foot-dragging during implementation.
c) Incomplete human resources may pose a big challenge to implementation.
d) Loss of team functionality as some members complete their tasks during project
e) Change of responsible personnel at critical transition stages.

f) Resistance to the project from local people and other shareholders.
g) Lack of skills and knowledge among the local people may limit their participation in the
h) Difficulties in securing data on project implementation, like historic data.
i) General sustainability of data may lead to incomplete project implementation.
j) Weak monitoring and evaluation of the project may lead to unintended outcome.
k) Lack of support from local leaders and authorities may lead to implementation delays.

160. What are Objectives of the United Nations
✓ To promote and maintain international peace and security.
✓ To develop friendly relationships and ties among members of the world.
✓ To promote co-operation in handling international social, cultural and humanitarian
✓ To continue the diplomatic meetings that had begun during the wars.
✓ To prevent the occurrence of another war similar to World War I and World War II.

161. List down the Organs of United Nations?

❖ The General Assembly
❖ The security council
❖ The international court of justice
❖ The secretariats
❖ The trusteeship
❖ The economic and social council

162. What are the roles of the General Assembly?

✓ To discuss issues that relate to UN objectives except matters touching on the Security
✓ To approve the UN budget.
✓ To admit new members and expel those who do not adhere to the rules.
✓ To appoint individuals to work in the different UN agencies.

163. Which are the permanent members of Security Council?

i. The Rusia Federation
ii. The United Kingdom
iii. The United State of America
iv. France
v. China

164. What are international disputes that Court deals with?

❖ Border conflicts.
❖ Treatment of diplomatic staff.
❖ Territorial waters.

165. How many are the members of economic and social councils and how long
do they serve?
✓ The members are 27 elected by general assembly and it serve for three years terms

166. Which issues does economic and social council deal with?
✓ Economic development
✓ Health issues
✓ Education

167. What are specialised agencies that deal with issues?

✓ The United Nations Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF)
✓ The World Health Organisation (WHO)
✓ The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
✓ Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO)

168. Mention achievements of the United Nations

✓ The United Nations has encouraged the member countries to settle their disputes
✓ The UN has imposed sanctions on countries that threaten peace in the world.
✓ Peace-making missions have been sent to areas with civil conflicts such as Somalia.
✓ Through the International Court of Justice, it has settled disputes between countries
✓ It has promoted social and economic development through its specialized agencies.

169. What are the Peaceful Methods of dealing with conflict?

i. Negotiation
ii. Mediation
iii. Reconciliation
iv. Enquiry
v. Arbitration
vi. Judicial settlement

170. Mention the main roles of UNESCO in South Sudan

➢ Advocating for peace and non-violence through education and media.
➢ Empowering and engaging young people, women and children through education.
➢ Promoting scientific and cultural co-operation to manage the various resources in the country.

171. Outline the objectives of African Union

i. To provide a platform through which African problems would be discussed and the
strategies of solving these problems.
ii. To create African identity and counter the European belief of being superior.
iii. To fasten the decolonisation of African countries under colonisers.

172. What are achievements of OAU?

i. It contributed in uniting countries in Africa despite the differences in economic, social and
political setup.

ii. African countries such as Angola, Zimbabwe and Namibia attained independence through
its liberation committee.
iii. It made it possible for Africans to speak as one in the international front such as the United
iv. It provided a platform for discussing challenges facing Africa such as refugee problem,
foreign interference and dependence.
v. The OAU played a huge role in the refugee problem by providing material assistance.
vi. It helped in establishing economic organisations such as the African Development Bank.
This has promoted infrastructural and economic development.
vii. The OAU played a key role in the establishment of regional organisations such as
Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) and Common Market for
Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA).

173. State the objectives the Union as outlined by the African Union Charter
✓ To defend the independence and territorial integrity of member states.
✓ To promote unity and solidarity among countries and one people of Africa.
✓ To ensure peace, stability and security in the continent.
✓ To speed up socio-economic and political integration in the continent.
✓ To encourage international co-operation by recognising the charter of the United Nations
and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
✓ To promote good governance, popular participation and democracy.
✓ Promote human rights in accordance with African Charter on human rights.
✓ To work closely with international partners to deal with diseases that can be prevented and
to provide good health in Africa.
✓ To promote science and technology through research in all fields.
✓ To promote co-operation in all human activities.

174. Outline the organs of African Union

i. The Assembly of the Union
ii. Executive council
iii. The Pan-Africa Parliament
iv. The court of justice
v. The financial institution
vi. Economic, social and cultural council
vii. The specialized Technical Committee
viii. Permanent Representative Committee
ix. The Commission

175. State the financial institutions of African Union

✓ The African Central Bank
✓ African Investment Bank
✓ The African Monetary Fund

176. What are the achievements of the African Union
i. The African Union has managed to reduce and settle conflicts within the region. For
example, the post-election violence in Kenya in 2007.
ii. It has helped in promoting peace through advocating for democracy.
iii. The AU has sent observers to countries that have elections to encourage democracy and
good governance.
iv. Through its financial institutions, it has played a huge role in developing growth across
nations through offering loans.
v. The AU has played a huge role in humanitarian activities, especially in countries affected
by conflict through offering aid, For example, the millitary troops in Somalia for peace

177. Mention objectives of the Peace and Security Council of African Union
✓ Promotion of peace, security and stability in Africa so as to assure protection of lives and
✓ To promote peace and sustainable development.
✓ To anticipate and take measures of preventing conflicts.
✓ In areas where conflicts have occurred, the Peace and Security Council is to ensure that the
peace making and building initiatives to solve the conflicts are in place.
✓ Promote democratic processes based on the rule of law, proper governance and respect for
human life as mediums of controlling occurrence of conflicts.
✓ Come up with a defence policy for the Union.

178. What are guidelines that direct its operations of African Union?
✓ Peaceful settlement of disputes and conflicts.
✓ Respect for member states and integrity of their territories.
✓ A relationship of dependence between security and socio-economic development.
✓ Quick and early response to emergency situations to prevent conflict from blowing out of
✓ Respect of boundaries after inheriting them when a country achieves independence.
✓ Respect for member state internal affairs.

179. State the role of the Peace and Security Council of AU

❖ To promote peace, security and stability in the African Continent.
❖ Provide early information on possibilities of conflict so as to have preventive diplomacy.
❖ Using relevant peace making initiatives and conflict resolution mechanisms.
❖ Providing disaster management and humanitarian action.
❖ Peace intervention and support operation.

180. Outline the activities through which African Union build peace through
Peace and Security Council
❖ Bringing together the negotiated peace agreements.
❖ Establishing foundations of social, political and economic reconstruction of societies.

❖ Carrying out demobilisation and disarmament.
❖ Assisting vulnerable people such as the elderly, women and children.
❖ Resettling refugees and internally displaced people.
❖ Facilitating activities of humanitarian groups.

181. What are Similarities in the role of United Nations (UN) and the African
Union (AU) in peace and conflict resolution
i. Both recognise the need for peaceful co-existence of member states. They advocate for the
right to a peaceful and secure continent.
ii. Both condemn impunity through the respect for human life and fight against terrorism.
iii. They provide a defence policy for the African continent as a way of maintaining peace.
iv. Both advocate for respect of neighbour countries’ borders as a way of evading conflict.
v. They advocate for peaceful resolution of conflict among member states.
vi. Both provide avenues for development of friendly, social and economic relations among
vii. They uphold the need to follow the rule of law and good governance as avenues of
promoting peace.
viii. They help in conflict resolution through sending personnel to help in humanitarian and
military activities.

182. When are elections in Kenya conducted?

 Elections in Kenya are conducted after every five years in second Tuesday of August

183. Outline the principles that guided elections.

❖ Rights of all citizens to vote.
❖ Gender equity, that is, the balance between males and females.
❖ Free and fair elections.
❖ Universal suffrage, that is, one man one vote.

184. What are the ways of conducting a free and fair election in Kenya?
❖ Elections are done through secret ballot.
❖ Elections should be free from intimidation, violence and corruption.
❖ Transparency must be upheld.
❖ Elections to be run by an independent body.

185. Outline the stages of electoral process in Kenya

a. Dissolution of the parliament
b. Registration of voters
c. Nomination
d. Presentation of nomination papers
e. Campaigns
f. Polling or voting
g. Announcing a declaration of winners

186. Which conditions must be met for one to be registered as a voter in Kenya?
 Be a Kenyan Citizen.
 Be of sound mind.
 Be 18 years and above.
 Possess a Kenyan passport or the national identification card.

187. What are the qualifications of presidential candidate in Kenya?

 A Kenyan citizen by birth.
 Nominated by a political party or run as an independent candidate.
 Nominated by at least 2000 voters from each of a majority of the counties.

188. Outline qualifications of parliamentary candidates in Kenya

 Be a Kenyan citizen.
 Have attained the age of 21 years.
 Be a registered voter in the parliamentary constituency he wishes to represent.
 Be nominated by a political party or run as an independent candidate.

189. How parliamentary candidate can be disqualified for the position in Kenya?
 Is holding a public office.
 Is a member of county assembly.
 Has not been a citizen of Kenya for at least 10 years before the election.
 Is declared bankrupt by the court of law.
 Is found to be of unsound mind.

190. What are qualifications of the county assembly candidate?

 Be a citizen of Kenya.
 Attain the age of 21 years.
 Be nominated by a political party or run as independent candidate.
 Be a registered voter in the ward he or she wants to represent.

191. How many counties are there is Kenya?

✓ There are 47 counties in Kenya

192. What are the organs of the national government in Kenya?

g. The legislatures
h. The executive
i. The Judiciary

193. What are the two houses of the legislatures?

✓ Senate
✓ National Assembly

194. Which one are the members of Britain Government?
✓ England
✓ Scotland
✓ Wales
✓ Northern Ireland.

195. Where is the residential palace of monarchy in Britain?

✓ The residential place of the monarch is in Buckingham Palace.

196. What are the roles of the Electoral Commission of Britain?

➢ Registration of political parties,
➢ Conducting of civic education on electoral issues and
➢ Conducting of the elections through distribution of election materials.
➢ They also help in counting of votes and announcing results.
➢ On the other hand, they have a responsibility of controlling how political parties use their
campaign money.

197. What are procedures of electoral process in Britain?

i. Dissolution of the parliament
ii. Issuance of a legal notice for holding elections.
iii. Voter Registration
iv. Setting of election dates
v. Nomination of parliamentary candidates
vi. Campaigns
vii. Polling or voting
viii. Vote collection

198. Mention the four arms of Britain Government

a) Monarchy
b) the Executive
c) the Legislature
d) the Judiciary.

199. State the roles of the Monarch in Britain

✓ To advice the government or Prime Minister on administrative matters.
✓ To invite the leader of the party with many seats after elections to form a government.
✓ To give royal assent to parliamentary bills for them to become laws.
✓ To address both houses at the beginning of a new session.
✓ He or she serves as the head of the Commonwealth.

200. What are the functions of Prime Minister in Britain?
❖ He or she is the head of government.
❖ He or she chairs cabinet.
❖ He or she implements government policies.
❖ He or she is the chief spokesperson of the government in the House of Commons.
❖ He or she acts as a chief legal adviser of the Monarch.
❖ He or she represents the government in international events.

201. Mention two divisions of court system in Britain

✓ The civil courts
✓ The criminal courts

202. What are the functions of Judiciary in Britain

➢ Settling disputes between individuals and government.
➢ Interpreting the constitution.
➢ Protecting citizen rights and freedoms.
➢ Punishing offenders through administration of justice.

203. When was United Nation form?

✓ It was form in 1776 by 13 independence states

204. What are the two main bodies that conduct elections in USA?
✓ the National Party Convention and
✓ the Electoral College.

205. Mention the stages of the USA electoral process.

❖ Voters registration
❖ Campaigns

206. What are the three levels of elections in the USA;

➢ the presidential,
➢ congressional elections and
➢ state elections.

207. State qualifications for election to the Senate and House Representatives
❖ He or she must be 35 years and above.
❖ He or she must be a citizen of USA and should be residing in the US for nine years before
the nomination.
❖ He or she must be a resident in the state in which he or she intends to be elected

208. Mention the three arms of US government

❖ the Legislature
❖ the Executive
❖ the Judiciary.

209. Outline the roles of the Congress in USA

✓ To make and amend laws of the country.
✓ To control foreign and domestic trade.
✓ To act as a link between states and the federal government.
✓ To control government revenue and expenditure.
✓ To discuss and find solution to common problems in the federation.
✓ To confirm senior government appointments made by the Head of State.

210. Outline the functions of the House of Representatives in USA

✓ Impose impeachment charges against government officials including the president.
✓ Determine taxation and other financial policies.
✓ Explore legal ways to remove president from power.

211. What are the functions of president in USA?

 Protect American citizens and people from other nations within USA.
 He represents the voice of Americans at home and abroad.
 Guides and controls foreign policies as approved by congress.
 He is the commander-in-chief of the armed forces.
 Appoints government officials and civil servants which are approved by the senate.
 Can offer pardon to any person convicted of breaking the law.
 Issues rules, regulations and instructions to the US public.

212. List down the courts of USA in Order

➢ Supreme court
➢ Court of appeal
➢ District court
➢ State courts
➢ Special federal courts
➢ Courts of customs

213. Outline the differences in systems of government between South Sudan and
those of the selected countries
❖ South Sudan, Kenya and the USA are headed by the president while Britain is headed by
the Prime Minister with the Monarch as a head of state.
❖ South Sudan, Kenya and the USA have two levels of government while Britain has one
level of government.
❖ In South Sudan, Kenya and Britain the citizens vote directly to elect their leaders while in
USA the Electoral College has a final say on the presidential results.

❖ Britain is run by the constitutional monarchy while the rest have a presidential democratic
❖ All have the Supreme courts as the highest court of the land except Britain.

214. What are similarities in the South Sudan system of government with that of
Kenya, Britain and the USA?
❖ All of them have a bi-cameral legislative system.
❖ They all have multi-party provisions for democracy, which is the existence of many political
❖ They all have the three arms of government, that is, the Executive, the Legislature and the
❖ They all have an electoral body that takes charge of elections.
❖ They all share the same principle of the public service.
❖ In all cases the Executive implements government policies. The meaning of global

215. Mention aspects of global interdependence

❖ Economic
❖ Social
❖ environmental

216. outline government factors that may have an impact on global

❖ Establishment of foreign investment policies to regulate operation of foreign businesses in
a particular country.
❖ Establishment of market tariffs which involve the deductions of custom duties on goods
imported from specific countries.
❖ To promote global interdependence, institutions of governance have taken the following
steps to attract foreign investors

217. State challenges facing global interdependence

❖ Global inter-dependence is facing numerous challenges as the world moves forward in
becoming a global village.
❖ Regional integration and differences in trade agreements.
❖ Proportion of population with access to proper sanitation is another great challenge to
❖ Demographic trends of different regions also affect global interdependence.
❖ Demand for sustainable development and climatic conservation threatens global
❖ Lack of enough infrastructural facilities such as roads and housing due to increasing
urbanization has negatively impacted on global interdependence.

218. State various methods that are developed to measure the economic activities
of countries.
✓ Consumer spending
✓ Exchange rate
✓ Gross Domestic Product
✓ Stock market
✓ Interest rates
✓ Government debt
✓ Rate of inflation
✓ Rate of unemployment
✓ Balance of trade

219. What are the roles of government in the economy?

❖ Regulation
❖ Competition
❖ Correcting externalities
❖ Provision of national security
❖ Formulating fiscal and monetary policies

220. Mention the roles of individuals and businesses in the economy of the
❖ They both provide goods and services that people need or want.
❖ Businesses provide employment opportunities to people.
❖ Individuals pay taxes that fund government operations.
❖ Individuals and businesses can influence government fiscal and trade policies.
❖ Individuals are consumers of products produced by both government and private

221. Mention two types of taxes

❖ Direct taxes
❖ Indirect taxes

222. State the importance of taxes in balancing the economy of South Sudan.
i. Taxes are important in supporting and developing government infrastructure such as road
ii. Taxes can be used to cater for health services such as buying of drugs for patients hence
improving the living standards of citizens.
iii. Taxes are used to fund general government operations such as payment of salaries to public
iv. Taxes are useful for funding education projects of a nation such as, construction of schools
and buying of learning materials for learners.
v. Through taxation, the government is able to repay borrowed loans.

vi. The government of South Sudan uses taxes to cater for emergency needs such as outbreak
of hunger and floods.

223. What are the strategies that shall be put in place to properly manage and
improve the economy?
i. Promoting income equality between people and gender.
ii. Introduction of new communication technologies for efficient management of tax
collection and government expenditure.
iii. Increased standardization of accounting practices and introduction of new financial
markets to manage capital movement from South Sudan to other countries.
iv. Introduction of political support for privatization, competition and agreements to lower
trade barriers and to open up borders for trade interdependence.
v. Increasing trading activities between people and businesses creating more competition
hence production of higher quality goods and lower prices for consumers.
vi. Encouraging domestic borrowing to finance government operations.
vii. Exempting poor people from paying taxes. Such exemption is defined by law.
viii. Creating employment for the citizens to increase their purchasing power.
ix. Implementing government and state budgets by looking at priority areas like health,
infrastructure and education.
x. Enhancing public-private partnerships in investing in various sectors of the economy.
xi. Passing legislations to tackle corruption and other economic crimes and fraud.

224. Outline the rights of a customer

i. Right to claim for a refund, repair or replacement when the product bought is not of
satisfactory quality or it does not fit its purpose or use.
ii. Right to information regarding the goods, for example, the date of manufacture and expiry
and chemical composition of the products.
iii. Right to provisions that protect vulnerable consumers such as children.
iv. Right to compensation for loss or injury arising from defects in goods and services.

225. What are the responsibilities of consumers?

i. Be honest with the information by giving accurate information when you are filling
consumer documents.
ii. Carefully read all information provided on goods and services.
iii. Ask questions about anything that is unclear on commodities.
iv. Know how to make a complaint and use the right procedure to make them.
v. Use the product or service in line with the terms and conditions.
vi. Review all your documents after buying commodities.
vii. Apply or request for products and services that meet your needs.
viii. Be environmentally conscious when using products, that is, do the right disposal.
Use your own mail address or mobile number when giving contact details.

226. State the main responsibilities of the employees
i. To personally do the work they are hired for.
ii. To do their work carefully and seriously.
iii. To avoid putting themselves or others in danger.
iv. To follow their employer’s instructions.
v. To be loyal to their employees.

227. Outlie the main rights of employees

i. Fair pay for work that has been done.
ii. Reasonable working conditions.
iii. Right to join, form or participate in trade unions.
iv. Right to go on strike.

228. What are the main responsibilities of employers?

 Employers must give their employees a place to work and make sure they have access to it.
 They must give employees proper tools and equipment needed to do their work.
 They must make sure their employees working conditions are safe.
 They must give their employees written notice that their contracts are ending or they are being
laid off.
 They must treat their employees with respect.

229. Mention the rights of employers

i. Right to attend hearings related to a claim filed by the employees.
ii. Right to seek administrative review of employment laws.
iii. Right to form and join an employers’ organization.
iv. Right to participate in the activities of an employer’s organization.

230. State the impact of local and national economy on consumers, employees
and employers
i. Consumerism through consumers purchasing goods.
ii. Increased purchasing of goods increases the output level of the employers.
iii. Economic decline can lower the consumers’ purchasing power.
iv. Economic stagnation affects real wages for the employees.
v. Local and national economy affects the consumer’s confidence.

231. Explain the consumer rights according to the 2011 Consumer Protection Act
of South Sudan
i. Right against unfair or unjust transaction – Consumer is protected against any unfair
transaction of goods and services from the supplier such as excessive buying price of a
ii. Rights against false or misleading presentation – The consumer should be shown the
right information about the material facts on the product he or she wishes to buy.

iii. Rights to safe state and good quality – A consumer has a right to receive goods that are
of good quality and free of defects.
iv. Right to implied warranty of quality – A consumer has the right to receive the implied
warranty of quality of goods as stipulated by the producer or retailer.
v. Right to demand for quality services – A consumer has a right to performance and
completion of service in an acceptable manner, time and quality. Any delays should be
communicated to the consumer in time.
vi. Right for compensation for damages and loss – The supplier should compensate the
consumer for goods that are damaged when being transported by the supplier.
vii. Right to be heard – A consumer has a right to have assurance that the government will
take full responsibility of all the concerns expressed and act on them according to
administrative procedures.
viii. Right to complain and redress – Consumers have a right to receive fair settlement of just
claims of service failure or interruption.
ix. Right to end a contract – Consumers have a right to cancel a contract within reasonable
period not exceeding three days from date of signing contract. Cancelling provisions and
procedures must be indicated in all contracts.

232. State the impact of national economy on consumers

i. Consumer spending
ii. Demand for products
iii. Dominance of foreign commodities
iv. High taxation

233. Mention various activities that show a responsible consumer

i. He or she should stop or reduce excessive consumption of some products.
ii. He or she should support responsible companies which produces quality products and
in accordance with the law.
iii. Carrying out demonstration or picketing.
iv. Consumer activism.
v. Fair trade certification.
vi. Sustainable resources.

234. List the Positive effects of consumerism

i. Creation of employment
ii. Production of better products
iii. Better living standards

235. Negative effects of consumerism

i. The decline of small industries
ii. Over-reliance on imports
iii. Ecological destruction

236. Explain the rights of workers in South Sudan as indicated in law.
a) Women employment – This bill protects women against employment in dangerous areas
for example where a lot of physical efforts are required.
b) Child labour – The law protects children against heavy work, exposure to poisonous or
injuries and any other working conditions unfit for a child. The bill also prohibits
employment of a child under the age of twelve.
c) Work contract – The law provides how the contract between employers and employees
should be written, terms of contract and how the contract can be terminated.
d) Wages and salaries – The law states that workers’ wages and salaries should be paid in
cash and this can be done daily, weekly or monthly depending on the agreement between
the employer and employees.
e) Loans – The law allows the employer to lend their employees loans at a very low interest
which should not exceed 15% of their basic interest.
f) Transport – An employer is supposed to transport the workers or pay transport expenses
where they have been sent to work.
g) Statements of entitlement (right) – The employer should at the termination of the contract
provide the worker with detailed statement of entailment (deduction).

237. Outline the impact of South Sudanese economy to the local business
a. High dependency on imports
b. High levels of competition
c. Poor infrastructure
d. Low levels of personal income
e. Lack of government subsidies (lower) and incentives (motivation)
f. High taxes

238. Mention aspects that can define peace of a given society.

➢ Sincere attempts of reconciliation between or among conflicting parties.
➢ Existence of healthy or newly healed interpersonal or international relationship.
➢ Existence of prosperity in matters of social and economic welfare.
➢ Establishment and existence of equality and equity (fairness).
➢ Existence of a working political order that serves the true interest of all.

239. Explain the terms associated with peace

a) Restorative justice – Is the process of bringing those harmed by a crime and those responsible
for the crime into communication and mutual agreement rather than punishing the offender.
b) Retributive justice – It is a theory which holds that the best response to a crime is punishment
proportional to an offense committed because the offender deserves it.
c) Armistice – This is a formal agreement between or among the conflicting parties to stop
d) Reconciliation – Is a situation in which two people or groups of people become friendly again
after they have argued.

240. Outline Organisations that participate for peace-making in South Sudan.
a. Organisation for Peace Relief and Development (OPRD)
b. Grassroots Relief and Development Agency (GREDA)
c. South Sudan Centre for Conflict Resolution (SSCCR)
d. Organisation for Non-violence and Development (ONAD)

241. State some international and intergovernmental organisations help in peace

making in South Sudan
a) Inter-Governmental Authority and Regional Integration (IGAD)
b) United Nations education, scientific and cultural organization (UNESCO)
c) United Nation Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS)
d) The African Union (AU)
e) UN Charter of 1945

242. List the current activities of peace-making in South Sudan

 Peace dialogue
 Strengthening of peace networks across borders
 Peace, sports and theatre
 Promoting education

243. Write examples of such cases for sustainable development goals

✓ Scaling up nutrition among the children and people through educating parents on appropriate
✓ Ensuring healthy lives and well-being for all by preventing diseases at early stages through
✓ Ensuring inclusive and equitable quality education and promoting life-long learning
opportunities for all.
✓ Promoting gender equality and women empowerment through creation of jobs for women
and controlling early marriages.
✓ Promoting availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all.
✓ Promotion of a sustained and all-inclusive economic growth, full and productive employment
and descent work for all people.
✓ Building of good infrastructure and ensuring inclusive and sustainable industrialisation and
fostering innovation.
✓ Promoting environmental protection through sustainable use of natural resources, combating
desertification and controlling land degradation.
✓ Promoting equality within different states and between South Sudan and other countries.
✓ Making South Sudan cities and urban areas habitable through ending urban crime and social
✓ Promoting peaceful, just and inclusive society in South Sudan.

244. Mention the disaster management measures.

 Training of disaster management personnel responsible for decision making during disasters.

 Use of drilling exercises in preparation and public awareness for predictable hazards.
 Establishment of a communication policy during disasters.
 Setting up good evacuation plans during disasters.
 Use of effective equipment like fire extinguishers during fire outbreaks.
 Setting up sustainable funding plans and mechanisms for disasters.

245. What are some available community project opportunities.

➢ Environmental conservation such as tree planting, sewage and waste management.
➢ Health and public hygiene management such as upgrading hygiene in slums.
➢ Volunteer work in local and international organisations around the community.
➢ Doing social work such as linking children in children’s homes and care centres to their
➢ Community awareness on peaceful existence, voting, political rights and other social
➢ Offering counselling services to children and people in the rehabilitation centres and

246. Outline stages of carrying out a community project

1. Gathering of information
2. Planning for a project
3. Project development
4. Project monitoring and evaluation

247. What are reasons that can justify project sustainability?

 To ensure that beneficiaries will continue to be served.
 To reassure donor agencies that their investment will not be lost.
 To convince the donor that you have planned wisely for the project.
 To ensure that the organisation’s investment is not lost.

248. What are strategies to make community project sustainable?

➢ Integrating the project into the organisation’s overall budget and covering the costs through
normal fundraising means.
➢ Seeking support from local, national or international donors.
➢ Signing agreements with other institutions for a long-term project.
➢ Involving the community or beneficiaries in planning for the sustainability of the project.
➢ Improving efficiency and reducing costs.
➢ Offering expertise acquired from the project to other organisations.
➢ Integrating advocacy and awareness to already funded life skills for sustainability.


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