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Ifat the
betwyeenthe and
acts magnitude
F force
distance. forcein
charges are kept at a certain thenit experiences
towards +Qcharge.
+Q and kept,
QI-Two similar spheres havingsimilar sphere having+Qcharge is (d) 4F
middle of two spheres, another towarde -0charge. separated
charge. (c)8F when theyare
direction as towards +Q them
(a) zero having no
direction. (b)8F repulsion between
Ifthe coulomb
divided into two parts of qand Q- q.
Q2- A charge ) is
Q/q should be d) 1/4 and
is to be maximum, the ratio of charges are halved
c) 4 the
(a) 2 b) 1/2 each other. If
distance r exert a force Fon
magnitudes kept at a
Q3- Two charges of equaldoubled. then the new force acting on cach charge is
distance between them is d) F/16
a) F/8 b) F/4 c) 4F
of free space is d) 9 x 10°
Q4- The value of electric permittivity10-12 Nm'/c? c)8.85 x 101? c²/Nm
a) 9 x 10 NC'/m² b) 8.85 x

Q5- Coulomb's law is true for

a) atomic distances (= 10"m)
b) nuclear distances (= 10-m)
c) charged as wellas uncharged particles
d) all the distances

Q6- What happens when some charge is placed on a soap bubble?

b) Its radius increases
a) Its radius decreases
d) None of these
c) The bubble collapses
Q7- When a glass rod is rubbed with silk, it d) gives protons to silk.
c) gains protons from silk.
a)gains electrons from silk. b) gives electrons to silk.
materials. The reason is
suspended on the carriers taking inflammable
Q8- Ingeneral, metallic ropes are
a) to control the speed of the carrier.
b) to keep the centre of gravity of the carrier nearer to the earth.
c) to keep the body of the carrier in contact with the earth.
d) none of these
If the rod is then suddenly withdrawn, the charge
Q9-A positively charged rod is brought near an uncharged conductor.
left on the conductor will be
a) positive b) negative c) zero d) cannot say
respectively . Their masses
Ql0-Two spheres Aand B of exactlysame mass are given equal positive and negative charges
after charging
a) remains unaffected b)mass of A > mass of B
c) mass of A< mass ofB d) Nothing can be said
Qll- Charge is the property associated with matter due to which it produces and experiences
a) electric effects only b) magneticeffects only c) both electric and magnetic effects d) None of these
Q2- Abody is having acharge of 10 C. When it comes in contact with an charged body then it loses-1.6C of charge.
Find the number of electrons lost.
a)1.6x 10 19 b) 1.6x1o!9 c) 10 d) -109

QI3-Two point charges Aand B, having charges +Q and -Q respectively, are placed at certain distance apart and force
acting between them is F. If25% charge of Ais transferred to B, then force between the charges becomes
a) F b) 9F/16 c) 16F/9 d) 4F/3

Q14-Two charges 3 x 10°C and 5x 10Care placed at a distance of 10 cm from each other. Find the value of
electrostatic force acting between them.
a) 13.5 X 10" N b)40 X 10"N c) 180 X 10 N d) 13.5 X 10° N

QI5-How does the force between two point charges change, if thedielectric constant of medium in which they are kent

Ql6- What does q1 tq2 -0 signify in electrostatics?

Q17-Can two like charpes attract each
other? If yes, how?
Q18- A comb run
rainy day? through one' 's dry hair attracts small bits of paper. Why? What happens if the hair is wet or if it is a
Q19- Give one
Q20 When a
example conservation of charge. Does charge affect mass of a body? 1
glass rod is brushed with asilk
numerous different cloth, charges devclop on both objects. Asimilar phenomenon is seen with
pairs of entities. Explain how
this occurs with the law of conservation of charge.
Directions: These
questions, questions consist of two
(a) Both you are required to choose any onestatements,
of the
cach printed as Assertion and Reason. While
answering uies
(b) Both Assertion and Reason are correct and the following four responses.
(c) Assertion
Assertion and Reason is a correct explanation ofthe Assertion.
is correct, Reason are correct but Reason is not a
(d) Assertion is Reason is incorrect correct explanation ofthe Assertion.
incorrect and Reason is correct or both
are incorrect
Q21-Assertion: If there
exists coulombic attracation betwecn two bodies both of them
Reason: In coulombic attraction may not be charged.
two bodies are
Q22- oppositely charged
Assertion : When bodies are
but no creation or charged through friction, there is atransfer of electric charge from one body to another,
Reason :This follows from destruction of charge.
conservation of electric charges.
Q23-Assertion : The tyres of
Reason :Ifa aircraft are slightlyconducting.
conductor is connected to ground, the extra charge
induced on conductor willflow to ground.
Q24-a) Explain the meaning of the
(b) Why can one ignore statement 'electric charge of a body is
quantisation of electric charge when dealing with quantised'. i.e.,
Q23- Three point charges q, -4q and 2q macroscopic large scale charges? 2
figure. Obtain the expression for the are placed at the vertices of an equilateral
magnitude of theresultant triangle ABC of
electric force acting on the chargeq.side 'l' as shown in the

B 2q
Q26 -A polythene piece rubbed
with wool is
a) Estimate the
number of electrons transferredfound(from
b) Is there transfer
to have a negative charge of 3x
which to which)? 10 C.
of mass from wool to
polythene ? 2
Q27- Plot a graph showing the variation of
charges of each pair of charges: (1 C, 2 coulomb
force (F) versus l/r, where r is the
distance between the two
(2uC,-3 uC). Interpret the graphs obtained. 2
Q28-The sum of twopoint charges is 7 u C. They repel each
space. Calculate the value of each charge. other a with force of 1 N when kept 30 cm apart in
Q29-Five point charges each of tq coulomb are placed on
magnitude of force on a charge -q placed at the centre offive vertices of a regular hexagon of side L metres. Find the
Q30-Four point charges gA =2 uC, qB =-5 C, qC =2uC, and
ABCD of side 10 cm. What is the force on a charge of 1 qD=-5uC are located at the corners of asquare
C placed at the centre of the square? 3
Q31-Three point charges of +2 uC, -3uC, -3uC are kept at vertices A,B,C
20 cm as shown in fig. what should be sign and respectively of an equilateral triangle of side
charge at A remains in equilibrium. magnitude of charge to be placed at mid point Mof side BC so that

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