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VOCABULARIES All Previous Year & Expe Questions few KD LIVE SS x CIS | Best Online eee Pitenmaa Eas wading on Cogle Fay Sore App yur fe ido ation [xDCingus Rook pps Amid Mayne — pbk 80 Ae oak ch eM Sar ne ne (eee tna ee ee eentenkkaacenan «Use your Pho Number to mabe an secon aE TOESEIA + Sch the stp 0 the Coupon code Coupon Cade 9 + Gota"Add Bok option nse Ag sles“ + Open the KD Cunpur Eook Appia our Phone rivtisceetine span” eater are fF oe ++ Clickom the “Add Book’, ++ Enter the Coupon code on this page in the box. A RE RO “Add Book using Coupon Code “Select $41 «Saat "Add Hook sing Coupon code 050% Ca es ond Rade New Btn “Ad Bok sing Cpa Cole Slect t i ook wing «+ Now youcan wach the videos in this ARE «Toad your Bok sate thestrp ent Conpon . cee RepageandenerthCooponcode rm Chapters Vik Solon fu te Inibe bor ce Redeem Now on pre wi AGA # fe Coupon Code hig ov abe Coupon Cade a 8 2 + Please do nit give this Coupon code syne doe yousril nt Dablet watch elle ves of the book ‘pre e1Coupon Cade fe 81 & ae 9 f Sito serra 3 te i + ToFwollyoursel or onlnecomtentsof ti book, mle Coupon ode and ek Redeem Now’ coon nA 4 Coupon Codes Rolcon et ay rst Edition ~ February, 2023 Price: € 575 /- ‘CTyPING & DESIGNING CHANDAN PANDIT * Al des reserved No part ofthis publication may be reproduced stored in aero => 2 tanumite, many form or by any meanseleerong mechani, potecopng ROE otherwise, without the rar pension f the author andthe publstore * The poblihers have taken utmost precaution in publishing the book, yt ay rite Inaderteriy cept nthe pubshars shal not be responsible forte same Pa rr tect) Neetu Singh Indispensable for- All Competitive Exams By Neetu Singh Peer) Ae ae r PREFACE To the First Edition sors YOUN Us hi teh Parry hain eis Sonat wena caked poet Tora corner oe Teosiren ance sean Inte eerily nto eae ned Rrahgcat ee cee “nip ea te a Wem fr tap a oto tay oy sa oe Neetu Singh February, 2023 DEDICATED To YD M TIA Y DIO ULIa MR. RABINDRA KR SINGH ou were wid happy and free A had almost nothing to worry Suddenly one day, el robe ose An iefor you, grew eu ke amore When ou father lf you at eighteen, “Any had alist nothing fan. ‘Then lik rock, ou stood frm and strong “efi your dreams, led forus lone. Life tang you harder, books taht you es. Your beloved guitar, became forever species. Life was tough but you laughed away your pain. And taught wt be tog however hard sorrow ans Today when think, ofthat agonizing time, ‘The pin tha you bore, sends shivers down my spine. Brother like you deserves a ilon salutes, Today Fam what Lam, just because of ou (CHAPTER-O1 (CHAPTER-02 (CHAPTR-03 (CHAPTER-04 (CHAPTER-05 (CHAPTER-06 (CHAPTER-O7 (CHAPTER-08 (CHAPTER-09 (CHAPTER-10 CHAPTER-11 CHAPTER-12 (CHAPTER-13 CHAPTER-14 (CHAPTER-18 CHAPTER-16 (CHAPTER-I7 CHAPTER-18. (CHAPTER-19. & Contents 4 Visual Voeab Vocabularies From Root Words from Root ‘Loey’ ‘Words from Root ‘Graphy’ ‘Wore from Root ‘Phili ‘Words from Root 'Phobiat ‘Words from Root ‘Mania’ Words from Root ‘Cracy & Archy’ Words from Root 'Cide! ‘Words from Root ‘Culture! ‘Words from Root ‘Latry’ ‘Words from Root Theo! (One Word Substitution Idioms on Human Being laioms on Body Parts, Idioms on Animals and Birds Idioms on Objects & Weapons Idioms on Colours Idioms on Food Items Idioms on Love Idioms on Man & Related Terms 9. Pair Idioms 10. Common Idioms Vocabularies and Idioms in Articles simile Commonly Used Foreign Words Words Related to Worship Food Habit 1-16 17-45 46-52 53-54 55-57 58-60 61-64 65-67 68-69 10-70 an 13-73 74-141 14-143 144-156 157-162 163 - 164 165 - 170 an 172 173-176 177-183 184-185 186 - 240 241 - 268 269 - 269 270-273 274-276 art -207 eT ee Sch A Ve Siar Sarena rare ran carrera CMPTERSS HS Baty. Ate, & Groupe CHAPTER-41 One Word Substitution (Previous Years 2020 - 2022) Words Relat Words Related to Life & Death Words Related to Geography Words Related to History Words Related to Biology Words Related to Physics Words Related to Chemistry CHAPTER-4: 423. FER-42 Idioms Pevions Years 2020 - 2022) a" = 20 4a CHAPTER-4$ Antonyms toe or Antonyms revi ious Years: 2020 - 200 penTER-S5 Spel (revios Yea» , a Fears :- 2020 - 2022) "6 Sou arene re Naina ner Ua SPW ot ars Feeen Cees ets Cerentett / Visual Vocab res sghty sad, A picture is worth « thousand words, Lt ws (Tocnbularies through pictures but what if these pictures turn [QR Code and allow me to teach you this chapter through funny OF Seamples. Learning vocabularies is fun if innovatively done <= eco 1m this section of, interesting FLAMBOYANT ,,, RTA wet Showy, Noticeable im auch osrewtanious,, Sway that tracts at fig + He s famous for his Namboyant iste 1 Hehos turned ostentatious and wants show off his newly acquired wealth OBLIGED a, “Thank oraTEFUL,, {p> + Lam obliged to you fr your Kindness. + She is grateful or whai you have done BOOZE (N/M) Tere mow ia iquor, to drink, one who BRUNKARD ‘Sins too much ‘age + He is boosing with his lends. 1 hey dine and boaze on Saturday night COLLABORATION 8) wut, =-7 COLLUSION (ti) -Colaboraton for dishonest purpose [Boo + This calaboration wl sel help yo expanding your business 1 Bom officers worked in collusion with the terrorist, MOROSE (Ad) piven end, dejected, gum (GLOOMY (Adj) 100M), y+ She ram ore when she ktm shatare i inmeaning: Saw the result. + After his death, gloom fel over the fi Inthe dadrame fn the Blues to pull along face BESTATIC we dopa cS EUPHORIC gy) Jubant eneeaberany smceasy a AME mE weirdo strange pros 7NCRASY 10) Behaviour, eccente tng the plow looks wor, er” a eh oo et ergy | ATMOMEme) NA com, te » VE rouerones nae Bow se 2 have ne olan at yur ile dom no, SLOTHFUL (A) aay, indolent ethan ome that are similar in meaning WAH, Langu, domes ‘oie ie grass grow under one's feet inactive ‘ik one hel BNERVATED te with Ute or ne energy Bp + IE ip breakfast + Hes iborous and won let the grass grow under hs et AMIABLE (4), ton ‘iendly, amicable, con, AFFABLE (4 genial, cordial AMITY ous) eA Siendship ‘gs She hasan amiable personaly + She lake fate bu i geen 2d, * West ve in amity mith our neighbours, RP CUDDLE (VIN) et Bore ® to hold someone someting on closely in your am, ha embrace, snuggle " » The i cuddled her favourite dt * He give ber daughter euddle and kissed her podaight DBBONAIR (Adj) anim fee having sophia wr charm, suse, urbane cleared Bi 5 clots devon ini syns FURIOUS (A nope veryanery WRATHEUL (A) p+ What hapa? yu look fio wane, 2a eemsiae eee INDIGNANT (Ad ASK) feitom walls ceait in place fon atom Mere ou can eno he ps + The gis bead in the sanaine DROWSY ya, ea sleepy SOMNOLENT py Forty inks, Cat nap, nap, sata DOZE OFF pumaseny FRAT Take short seep F [ge Ceol ep lat ght. Lam Secing rowsy N08. Amno0 0) abe op ak i, lau 7m “peer ee ecto nanan Se ee esac seonoustit on mete Les ovarion ag Or pte eee ban wed eaten ecaitanspang tperous a sie ei age + done is tlie tansrams {When yn jump and clap, ou ok herons FASTIDIOUS (Adj) akex ‘nar to pleat, Snabbiah fg + My pets are quite fasts. sted 6 ‘racine ‘GOURMAND (9) [ccm Gan or work He 8 real wera eg es SG] ralzo van OY te ay, fo a aE ts cin ‘oe fo «tnt iin ae ae ky Se H mceo a) ET Aten rp \ | IPFED vc) piqued bison rm! anise owed thee Permsono som DUMBFOUNDED (Ad) {290 © Las aghast when [une detected Covi posite 1 Shewasdumblounded when she sw be jewellery mit TTeTER, extremely fanny, come rte Eg + His jokes are ablutl ilerous. * What a hilarious performance! HILARIOUS (Ady SUPERB (A saver, are very impressive and seactve ‘OUTSTANDING (cl) s+ Ha prtormance wa sup evan armgniscat numa MAGNIFICENT (44j) STUPENDOUS (ad) SPLENDID (ae SPECTACULAR (ad [BID ADIEU (Phrase) omfra-Fr_— sy Rood bE uFFAW eH sem mt tough loudly Laxauin aa) vet ow, ary, indent * He turned towards me at a slow and languid pace ASTONISHED (dj) owratstos extremely surprised SEED ay, See Hm em nee ‘STUNNED (44) ASTOUNDED (Ad) EARN () fet fq todesire eagerly along with testes or palnfal feng serene fr, rave, desire “Bye + The sldies yonrnt9 meet their fy, REBUT (V) ‘ect wi to state that something = REFUTE) ete elie, degree ‘Bye + The cfd he algations 1 TRE Gop nte he charges 2 thet APOLOGETIC (ad) et, seme fc or showing that "CREO mryoet an “age + He le regret fo hs misconduct, csehigh apogee ory mistake ‘TRYST I ‘nd srs ya A secret meeting between 7 Tove. igs © Tr yt non eae to the eight nfm set To you shoe surve em Sis cit tea above a Ty cee devel korea re you are not intern se poet at een te pte, ate samt Confised, Bewiereg PERPLEXED Ind) Ep * Hewat addled ty droge ADDLED (ap 1 He fet dod ster Be aa MUBBLED (Ad) Shae ome BEFUDDLED Wty PUZZLED (ad val eat it To open your mouth, Sw 0 breathe in dep DROWSY ap a Sleepy . “2 SOMNOLENT (4) go + Nam feng te drowsy an Lam ed yay a) ‘Syren Having the fing that Dizzy ia) cverthng i going oud nd that you are gong p, fa + Testo htt standin the en, aen eling yom. oD 0 ‘ec feart To move your heed wpasd down as away of set yes. RABIES 2 * When asked him itt tooked good, he jst nde PAIARDERER(N) — feevée yee Aman whois invohed it casual love als CASANOVA in) qs + Most ofthe bint =? coguerre Ae ten hoe are cna cr WITCHCRAFT (NN amen the use of mane SORCERY (¥) fp + Wehr sa min, NECROMANCY (§) SORTILEGE (X) BACCHANAL() me W wild and drunken saTURNALA TERT SA_celebraton DEBAUCH (N) ips + on ike becana om oi SPREE (H) «Sime tay lok upon fests as an RUN OVER peony FET Tohtsomeone with « Vetele and dive over him p= + To og wns ran oer by abs rooousnty desert Aypuc wot “ai, ces os cence. Tones vont Ee mena ore oe aan a Up fe tery before ging othe examination cent AcroBAT I Tort person who pet ‘Aftcat moves bay % FUNAMBULIST (N) cal One whe does (read Walking = eM pe p+ Wa wore rpc at te prtones of hc metas ll DESPOT wen Dictator, autora, Zep + Kim Jongn ea despot FROWN (9) rit ter tomake aac in isapproral + He aed when he aw my azelgoment AURA DH oo ‘The distinct quay senso rund something igs» He has pontine ura tht pleases everyone ArT 9) wet Apiece of food on a Gena tap in onder : Struct and eaten ter simala {ip + Wend some bale before we gp fr Sabing BAL (A) wii ormers warm, calm and pes confortable y+ tet eembere bamy sony ay fiir we eal BLINDFOLDED (Aaj) fot pt re ith the eyes covered bya lee of coh PETRIFIED (ad) sun Very ataldo rightened [TERRIFIED (Aa) [BAPFLED (ad seers ry conte or {Ego + hie punde tele _BRAWNY (Ad) ‘req tm Having arg and strong Bg Sh ke hie bry oe BARBARIC (AS) Very eruel SAVAGE (aa) > + The babar kidnappers le hi -ROTUND (Ae) aa Fat and round ps » Hea zotund ite ran em St Wat gusty and uetly wren Sl with one's heels raised 7 foto Erle ggg 5 anre 97 OME Pane of mea, tothe boy CLANDESTINE (hdl) HRA Fe THT done serety 20° hence of dandentine esting was esd by seg ss) DELUGE (¥) Se An veovingot et yy ter + The patie recived dle of complaint, 7 peed taecemn ral eg Se dee ya to run after someone ce ‘CHASE (M/ (9) tower something ‘The pie caught him after high-speed chase, EMBELLISH (¥) ven to make fometing ADORN (¥) sppealng or tea igs + He emblisned the Christmas tee. * Heembelshed the article with colour ustrtions srewm eee person wh behaves in 8 Nee. avenay seo wa ths LIBERTINE (| LoTHaRIo NIGHTMARE (9) eR. HA dea thats 0+ Our maney rnd toa nim event seni at ayia, the codon " Soe" Gig pean ona ‘hone ass OUT I aire tohaint HEARTLESS (Ay safle —_—Lacking feting, enue UNSYMPATHETIC (Ad [gs + He was so heartless that he made fun of he poor {hc Goverment tured unsynpthetc to publi pion. who amuses people by ontng aly and tling jones JESTER (8) on Ben. = rhe ster made us nog hearty, sannortt 9) / (Ad) frm, set Behemoth, ae uge, Baar 4, Elephantine, oy hentine, Cganie QUANT (Ad pie STH Heinesen ag PALATABLE (ag) icy tame | lags + The ly paneer i piquant. {pcan anes are pata | HATS OFF ter eA gesture a whic og remove your hat an YoUr head to thane ‘Show respect somone, | igs + Hat off t your courage, my dene, 5 Hats off to Beth Police forentching such «notorious ei eiminl STANDING OVATION,, wi whet worn, A peried of prolong, 1st tie etre applause during witch te rhe et crowd or audience nett their feet 2g + Hl performance rceveda standing ovation + Tne Ruclence rose to thelr eet and Eaves slaning vain, capsize (y) ‘Em To tum over upside dona TURN TURTLE () ar + A big wave capes the boat + Three lagers were on Board when the boat capsted et om meee sting nd sent, SESW inet oma Sow hieete 1: + Thi mounted head of ton i acre product of axe * Taxiermy was in demand when hunting Was oe LAPIDARIST py) =r ‘cuter, polisher or Std usualy one han igs + Hove the deg made by thi np ‘TODBLE eyen me Towallewith shor, Weta'wer insted steps ke & wert young BUSS @) oor A festing of great + ECSTASY (8) Seapine ed etre BUPHORIA (0) fy Te rot nic months of mariage were ber is or sk Thain te ofeuporia hea T won the math SUMPTUOUS (Ady Seer, hn Very expensive, ch, oF limpresae gs + Thad # mamptuous dinner, BELUGERENT (Ad) oe Engaged in a war or ight BELLICOSE (Ad) (QUARRELSOME (Ad) BS ie ebm trned hi fend ito oe SUTHER (Y) fet ‘To move by sliding your ntie bod F sxip SuDE) age + She alihered and fl down. 1 HMbae tees ear to sds ease pom the Brakes. {La tide othe sipery ground ccatusaansty beaut aneing aa" a EXULTANT (Aa) Se ABUSIVE (Ad) i x Characterized by ergy ‘e SermIORNS pal Tyre improper sear aco Very unpleasant sey By + Good manners ban abusive language 7S The noropeper laundhed a vtioic attack on the minister, OBSTINATE (Ady fee Refusing to chang your bbehavionr or eas ‘Stubborn, adamant, cadstrong, obduraie B+ The baby is obstinate, TURWA BLIND EYE (V) sry wit, Ta refuse to show that 0 ToNORE (y skater’ hear or ee something ZB See gu in Our YouTube Channel KD Live & Je Ltn a NSSCU Verb ates STRESSED (43) JEALOUS (Ad) en feeling or showing ery [ENVIOUS [4 GREEN-EYED f+ rem ye oper siren man iti the te ren they when GREEN EYED (Ad) ALLEARS (aon) = et vigilant ATTENTIVE (a Fa® —avrious ag) Bes + famallear when Yous Gj] CAREFUL) 2 we GINGERLY it) VIGILANT i PACIFY fo) cineer To make(emeone) ess MOLLIFY sve ASSUAGE ye * et pci im ot he wa Se ALLEVIATR (7) + Hermite motes me. VANISH INTO THIN AIR whee To stop being visible, (idiom) nat lasting lon VANISH (¥) DISAPPEAR (¥) [Bp + We chose the thief Wut he vanished [EPHEMERAL (Aa) + Don't compromise fr epesnerat EVANESCENT (Ad ae TRANSIENT (Ad OFFLINE COACHING Rt iN 4 SSO HEA Att AEE Tae aad range yoooe noe ate ng Es PE ay tnaaton ee ae ll (CLOSE CR mm (CLOSE SHAVE pony [SPLENDID (Aa) SUPERB (a | oursTANDING (Aa MAGNIFICENT (Ad) PERFECT (Ad) IMMACULATE (A) IMPECCABLE (Ad) Bo FLAWLESS (Ad) FAULTLESS (Ad) SSPIC AND SPAN ell MUCKY (Aa) ¥ SOILED (V) Be GRUBBY (Adi) GRIMY Ae) 3 GIVEUP (Phrasal Verb) we SURRENDER (ad) YIELD (\) Be TO SHOW THE WHITE FLAG (Idiom) ‘CAPETULATE (¥) RELINQUISH (Y) Give UP (y) coy puns re, fre OFFLINE & LIVE COACHING ENGLISH SPECIAI TT CTE erect clean, having no fer enor + She hasan inpeceabe chant, 5 Your performance was mee Diny, messy {Taste grin look of he ag Surrender + our enemies showed the white (then our army saerounded hen + Ton) eld unless Tn Vocabularies from eit Yoerien fpstee [resin aie oe saree a, a oe Bee. ines orn needa, ei a, on fesomania[Rvanismoma fowenr vanes ae It, self (#) Jobsession’ (re) — [atcrere [ter means tft wane ones lother' oe ted wr femanivars ics foro a egos _ pea e a Sistas [amnion [= = |garrutows talkative ied [seuogsy Sot means [tne an otaing [oa ow 57 Seu cine [aca a es lore [oomnitogaee [aera neana foovin ia inaaee ae Tan ae 0 sees ow) feieeesee fa foeation [= hrotnic wane few SA feenciogse—[hinover Oe) [atmesmees owe | Fie nena aan SESE In on fthuesapostie, Tie mee eee Reo eS orem fms eer am ae esas er oo eos ons a nlm [ar eat app — [ane ga "aoe ears Yo ett eats bate plants adi core a “Totenat eane [One who Wall poe expect (7) resent means |Oewbos pemioey wid cove) [sere [Sania means lone who knows al fe enowtedge In public vehi aired fae we teenage umber a |ewy ty oq people [al eins wt ease —— fe co | Roar — fotos —— [nace runt Co) \scotonopi| i oans Tw fone wo mes hana EET fae antes [a gees (Cxcospecta: means Yo |ihe obsession of 3 ea ea faa cee (aeoreaeg ene’ [eee eae [Cseoeraphy graphy’ means bad speling or bad fern «Hi wiring’ (aie) hand -writi era bay means sty as che wars. fue Te tT demon means en eae = pie emo nna’ nema [inieeiaiven [wee [esccderma [Derma meone [oad a ad age co (enconym [yn means [Ancona man fo name) soa. [iydro' moans |fearofeontaminaca iw aw 8 water (ert) year (= [eacoderous [Odour means [Bad smal, maaan fe sat) [excep | gen'meane [Anna poss [i == peice (Fa) bar IMatpractice econo iene ew laoacwos) leas hiaiteanance [ene gna frm (ie IuaieBicence (de ac fearing [rea ares IMalande —_[pasrncPrera) —_[inbod ts mt imaiaay [isnt aiceoe tet IMatadroit [Aca moans Lacking na skid (7) fmatcontent |Contentmeone [Hoteatnied. co aise (9 hiaiformed labmermaly end wae Tndonutely sourshed fad wel a ee at cans (alo wet rey = fi opr a [onreioullsinakep Fie ea] on Co) or joo laurel oF a epee ame [A siticuty th aling [9 ay sep, oft remaining ecessve seepiness._ [ate ay Tmadequate seep | oeia The condition of being | 4 & aa junableto sleep | ay fan Any ofthe oneal (fed OH Sleep disorders aa 1K donk sinc of Tow Pag = wa “chmuson cated | ry Foote ortaaey: [SST a we grt fat Walking in sleep Someone who walks m sleep Of or pertaining to Heep dreams. Talking in sleep ‘Someone who talks while asleep esate aftng ee er leserony Paretsrsshend r= Smee sour” [re [stipeaio | ries noms [anise eon ae el [estanonr [row mao re ‘sound. (eat) = open [income fanart, oe ete obsession (rs) [gree nlebote jdreis (T) \Sipeophobia | Phobia’ means [eer of alcholic dni fora @ = | ore [ Tay noarny ne nea’ [ema Tine fe ee Storie re peepee asmy [arama tos icone ofa Re i keseasoe Picamit—[ew new owe van mwa Figs |Pu nean enews ara as AE Fo re lndenny—indsnome — Waggaewatina [a 0 csr retSpoepeesaiy |ney sa sen (60 Wipareepcciome. [TTA fsweamy | arncans ras oo pee eR ferro) |fsebepesereint [ee we wr [iromamy — [Fier nae acae sa nahee [a to aT eee feotoitete fea [avpecnmy [tps mana To fseage im aiowercas oh 800 aw con [nti getr ewe oe [Speany Opel name ae” arageiieine eva we ce Demoria | Pit one aw [A adhe Brae Pe Demophebia[Fosia'meons [tiainatrpeie te a fa Denssone |omainenm te parwioan Ae teat hes wa [ane py te | aha Ee - \reet aren Donoptiia [ila naans ow [Nimonem rane rea ws | ase moans fo estes) Pron = [ponte a veans to |A leader whe rH [Pennie [Demagogue | Ag090* can | lear eee beatae fev” mrctrena eet a Prost Vapeiecicdrisiac aren Be Sreatal [rans Core bith fo Preempe Ko prevenrscncthng ep wo frcmipecingty™ ating acon op i |A written introduction to [year Intooe Frsudies [Uudice means |arong unreasonable [ord av © tg fesingor noticing lay wet ae Jcmenoe or something aaa [rrencieat | ssenta-means paving mremowinae o [ eam ensued (een woe fe [Antecedent Eads’ moana po an wna pes Wt [sk weno ah = (iter eeswee [Renan ier sons fee manos ‘few lanteante {ep cone tron tere a SE fast [Bplogse —|ieguc'means —Jaapesh at be endote [Fea ze vl fore ter iSoowcarmy —fooaese say [torte see, ewe lene’ means book apaietommee [are rm ee) [eptemet Jorn mamas —[Aspnpioearor [nai jurtna (foam) ereniratucton wa [ease ese ce et [ee Taieroas ena ore ns [ge wa foym [Spmbloie |e" cons Beng [Things tare gets frit eth (=) ting 8) iu ities) \rstom, emancipaioa [ara [reece aaperate foarte far we liberal fst tet aan arora iinerine sexta poet howto moral ie Ianthrope Anthropology [Zagy means ihe waenceothanan [WO (Auman ‘due (ror) [soe [Sina "=? aeanthrope | sion’ means [One wiohate mankind [are ate’ (Fa) [anthsopald | Podia'means Tog [One ofthe ghee [RGR ROR, io primate ha neve fee fie tena bog Tatts [ot wn Teco worsens a ea CY ficicerecrante (See Ses sr er TA form of governanent |e St war] wate Sere ee le ew tat ‘Taeceatmaton a a wa [onaral mentat [ey ed rp cans ae Ew ee — ew a wo aE + ina 9s Re orening eed ER nso toes Irande and nt wor rapa means |i proven of nase EAT tenting (fern) |i _4# io change faformaton) [are | rom one fom to ste [oe lene dee [Spptoogy ay means Sy he sey af codes ox te [RT fart of wring and si, then | [Gaptenym — |nynt means Wame|a seer name fe is ar | i Mews igs ts ‘Dore [Derabaey, [cunt of sine strong ane | rare a ose Raiaamrons ‘oom rears oo on banive Barren bate So eng pred of tne faders pt oo fa ba —— leone [estiooangan [orn a Lesensyzrina aaa Faaretaxpenaiel ee PD entiante coceese fers ra ferns aoe = eg seins ecko [Fidetem ete th tor [reer ese eset Fenny roman et [Confident fai eeoniaion ah [ee Bites etcetera lene a inna essa 9 fSerinsernraoe| Sates Lowa race sacaamine fe RT RE rene Sats Sexe cena a EGR > ee = Se aa eA jason wh Benet Jorae freane who eb [SA jaavaet te, By PINE MONEY =H inftances cen) [t= mente ba [Ta fsrsrese'se. Jet. by giving money mea srs wh imme eat oat omg fm ss ia enorme, of a a cca Bet Ca ga Pe Vice’ i more than ome way, Lia jaar ‘Univocal Vosat related [having only one meaning ee, ase soo nao jAmbie—_Ambulant Jai to walle about, not [wer-fee # pa [confined to bed la ee oy oe win wa ov ie oa ncaa [Aso al, nigh a). pane [Amiabie [etenay [eer = =< fare Isaue |e ig asa ant fasion mato a wo [amis caver means — dee fre Sor Cees = an rae fa [Reems pee aa po Fe fate Feet en {native lie as of paccine t= fp Relea S a eacreee™ Grate fsx a Fis rsa [orem fetes [lena [Seton bsoats [dbs ont moe = feo baa nae ee ee ioe Sees [ese Jnomething veparate from ™ Pree aay re a os fine noenne foes Sze [Sree [oxen stra LGmammain [at aoags orto o_o Hires” lipcting song ctxt En Jie ost i a [near opin wit fnsking ok ie sanae fea sae a Soa ke — ep oa [Bewiteh figttnact, mesmerie, [ee rsa ia : |_—a= coe ea Es =e stone aR fer bes eng fa ine stcpntociceeraaa cars be. omyaee Hs sy [ay moans —ismmisionees Po oe Cid lpnens nw Ohne —— eae nicer — Wom [— = ihn [es menns ‘new’ Newly married pest es, Isang to event bears fart es) em ae a ee a fnew ord ea we ph means Fora socre thet tne Weophyie |p meane epee s [Sone eh” fieceerango ine fore: one cao [eoeaint [amcor Arron eet ma SE frat Jrilandsrer | aner meanz rae [Armn whois bead o ize (eo [cad nemasing [aadiophtia | hue moana [ime row snd. — fo SE Sean 2) rast lpsotaphiia — Pha means TT los eh wag fcticsne CEs [ate 4 ie laa Gr ee fe ge Iaeaphiic | ave Gock pad) person whines rH lfc (or 8 even [prania—Aevophabla|Aow! cane |Feorol baht aa lear righ (Fe) [androphebia [Ander means fear olmem man" (3) (Gpmaecophabla| Ounce meona [ear atwonen omen Coe (acousticepho} Accom’ means [Per ofvound ia una (8) lasthrophebia [Anter ta par of [Pero iowes ewer (HE rte’ has come fear amatimmatn or [oa S i pom tte |ramber (ore langlophabia |angiomeans [Rear Binh ong | A =e ois Coa) [et to Bah Peni td sas fence means vai [ear wancm sew tour ‘Domo’ means [Fear pear pape Co) ‘Gay’ means [Fear at mara mariage (re) sca) Hees’ hide Fear oases Inset) Tito’ means [Rear at wai water (98) Kineso comes |Poarofapeck [rom inst eneny peed) (fs) are means very | Pear of micracapc lamait ee) {thins pn Ct) or [tn ME ‘oomeglobi tein |Fearof Baas ——t Mon’ means bre esr of ang one Cem) : Neo means ha [Pero eames cr - fecro Dead (50) Opis means seeing (rm) 'maney’ means lenin (fer ap [with the dead lone wo communicates a ROE tine ea le 3 a acy means nde [A grerment adara fee ew ec ences Ker ‘Se be om [sn [Soe ascot nies, (se iPecy [intake Ke make someonewey fiw gen Naeger Ce ey se ange of xcienen ag = Sa race sana Weapon waa bemeen fy 39 oA van [3Fand 9 yom ie ne lee mot (Gener |Qundragenar- [adi mans —japom wh been ew A T| (Seneronon [em ur Ca _(idaad year a one IF? Feiqnage- | Ouir means Faw” Ja perp wie & bavealio see) ATW stan |) [abana sseurca bw ae [sexagenarian | Sex means GH [x person who i taewealen 3 wT ay [ana aro (ayy ISeptaagenar- [Sota mans |p peraon oto beoeenjo 9 af lar sen tom), [fant yeaa” [ey wy xem [octogenarian [Oca meons BGR a pron who a bata at a9 38 S33 er anatsyene a fe ae [Wonagenarian | Wana" mcana Hins[a person wt beeen at v9 AE re IsSand 99a Lar ae (Genteaavian [Conta nears |x person who beteealco ot 109 ecg Ce) —_|1GOand LOS yemrse Sey we me lencone —ehronctoey [ony means sty [irerierFtashaserae feraat = Wan me ere) \tereteteppened [ere ‘Chronicle writen recorded [aris waa fist srent che [Serpent lordrineich they Inapened [sto lSyachronous [or neana tone foftiesunetime [ower Tele ans firmer eat frre ot trae’ ct) _ [ensure ne perenne tone | ee lie, [oo aang — cr cs ra red ay _ co) x lx — jroo [rma ne riveemis[pmnte'cern) [ons and ame ae a a esate sagt — sro a 7S) ges nats rece Senge poco ae laze Ii; —atey Tepes — | me Seeing om) [ste hmatagy — fs means oma aa ty ee) lero aechy lan maken oan an PR ‘ener pee fseete ne preteen [Route Care) * 2 pepo ars ules and awe sete tha aw any een ron tinea Weirchy [ha moana descendants (ra) tne he frat means [esa apie Wi mrtter Comer an ea el — {hc aa ofthe moter social sate in which aa Pater Ct) |oogetangnn eh Trainee felts tthe ae fig (wa) Soreign (ee [near [Tsou fe pre [ndhecracy | aiac masne —[esroem ican) lous ena ermal Srl rants ey were \Seirate) [mangement in pace [trata [awaresreay | andro cans —]n voce str indy new’ gen) ren [aynaccocteey | Ginae' means |uvooial aoiem red women cen) [meme eae ae [asistoereey | Aratcrar means led by anew nove je aa ion cise person [Sass lcs a Janine [hanes bower IBarbarocraey | Barbarc moana |r by rue pale vt emt CaO [Patocracy [Pinto the Graok ral bch poe 7 loot went) [Barenaerasy [bureaucrat means [led bybareueraa? [etal vemment ceeanemerntet serene facet seo IDemocraey —|Dena'means [rad y poe a ete oP) [Gerantooracy [Grn means od [rai apes xxl a ww pl (8 0) fre fcpeoomey | epto means —raledty toes fed @ aw ner ce fnsalacracy — tata spose” omvemment by te meta Bw cert btobecracy of [Nob meana angry ruled by anaconda JOcniocracy lero an fe) FPotperacy —] Pots means inary |pprerament by many pod BO fe Ries peaiacney aeimcas ages RY ia Jetoction’ (rm) [candidates [am eT casey —[ abba news DOT nae tet EE SS Lo ted by prostitutes fectyor emeoner Oe fate Tracts, [ae RT ‘oe a or Re [rotate [am Sars fe fase — ava fa onto ses o> foaby - ae wa fe roar meas ra) a nar’ (APY cs cm) jxme fines fie eat sy Wecae it nvm ing oe om mother’ (3) peter fase a nae iting Tne oo father (Fm) po ae — [Parnas fig afc brother (i) [brother a a ‘marriage’ (are) _ [husband Reider nen ein ee ren eee eee ring oa pe vane fev na site [reno sponse ca es ers nan ete Ste | a ong a a ie este See neon yg san ma pero ad [Parricide | Parr has come jrom|kiling of one's own rons or oes eet Yes reins et afones one Bephe )_ fame FSM haneome fom|iing of ne wm Stet En ET singe nt are fe ee len freatctzs [er hes cone om ae anal te) lapaaecide — ye'reens —filingtawonan pn omen [omnice —JOnntmevns lf fiinestaiic oral fet aw rE erty jams = fropaiciaa | rep haz ane [ingot pap [ora Vm reponse come Hzszaciae —[xero"meons [egress [NB Sw pore ce) Watiiae Vas meons ing a opie or [OTe 8 proper rere [ekronecds Cron rans oosune of te aw eee [iticaa |r hs cone Fm eines he or SE raw non oe) flee ssn the ty | Fee laviaide [ak means ting ot Bd fee cea) Inpciae |r means Bees” ing ofa = ae erie) [Ganehds Ean ens fling aoe eae Wectde [fine maans ating ofa cat let we iy cet) famaicias | Her means pan|a emial _wbeanes aed Wa ae eran eww ft mee we Elan Ieapiiae | bp carwano wt pa ee stew Wapicie | Vane mane Yo ingot ox one lo [Pe Iateae oft ow nl Ror le (and base Pyrotecmaen | Tocinin pears tea ekg trwor eee aa a mein Cee) OE oe frets, [stare = ee aie ae" (Pyrocraphy oe id technique SIN" (rooneens [ST ee rnin” eg 7 eee a rl ar aT ar (sy i lo Ce) [the paat based on toots, [>Re [ingress | thi’ rae) (7) [races ey [Raley [Betas came fom [ne sad at anal fee ce Gavin [imine ith copes sa" ) ee lsintsnortnlpeecen eee, fiat cca mana "Sgt ieee | [aetey | en a ay a ae =| fe conn Hessler fran measly aaa aera RS | ute, tye akationr oa means ay ot smc PS pee a) [ieee fate rier Yeo nd uy oars ST Ra earthquakes (Se) [Psoheloey —[Papheo means [aati say ofcaainal ge Re section’ (FR) lan wend aang | Peptrotogy lHconis the wnt [ie branch of meticne ld ROOT lePdney A) |aae deta wath te Dysiogy aid dienses ho is the Scone sy of apce fT RO foe _—_ rer fay ethology rate disease ee en dy of dieasee fo a ee Teme ine me ein i [OR aw woof rere an PE rai or [aereastay | cernio meine oars donanl re ego [mono 2) fete ene” [eer toe [beame faery Rie faa ret h ee frost citing’, [ee eve ses [ae hen ant [eR se AE Micra sine fees we fseiow —oseaetics | Fc fein ia fae Far peso orogens | Deno naans—reunen a [ree oe roan a Tegcrsctimewts [lm oat [rin [sdoser ote oro He Featropoait apes no vena [RO re Inchsopete—[nnrnans Jone ofc ater (PAR ret [an Benge lytic (cae teen tor fear tenes bare real [aarwat icone fare [shor orate ibe mambo dente ry So lacey Cc pee nein laaraary [edo er a ep frstmertom sition aden few eT se seepe _| iorican Inpro one [Re we eran rte [oo wo Iner _—owat ew a i aoe A TY ew com) fisricisnston [reen Hiosesy [equally tcnnew fo oes [ew and inner [AE Sa fo nn — rans Safe nsf Se ecosann [rnensen fea ism [ind theta tine [Eo — a = mer beseeece tn = oat [eho fas died id inde} Ste Fae eaiy sme fo () Buphooy [pleasing to the ear = [Farkemiem fpavsctcadare [= ay Tenet en [ow [word = feo a | fase [ee nome eee ume ar = ieee eine * lec amine Femtiec aT aN bse Soran |e ncaa) Pg fete? hate ns lee ee — mew moream [aaa Ee pawns [Pawel Pein rem ee eae cating ine Ye mau lass eae aa [ewe a leew Is | _ fe give credit to some one | fre Peal Scans Fier Serer a View [Sedna Fie rains eal are |rsaoiene someting [7 aa [rt ay — [ex ise rete Fenaic some eer Inowete nce Gains far Seem | [eae Ex omplacene Fete saa aoe oe w We ‘placate Ietespeiectbane fa a a Ponce a acabe Viciaamane ere ee [sein [eas sero Viet en 8 p= re leer a aces apa Jew RD tem an lieagasiagand em Sr) exiooaioas lings ant eg Feacerte [ween aise et rn COT tia bres) lace ae, oma ee eg Fina Tectarn Seo Stee cy epee Recent tun. aaa A Fei insert aot fae {enn [neato feces [nome escalate Fe ce om ae eg wr (er eaipi [anny lea [esrae espns or wcmig re Fe [sis tapped [contraction feomanaher ce eaten eras Wow [tment at Re Po fre asa [ave [reer sarcoma fs =? ita lxpreses thas beleneal "2 fetcene or Wag sent [iertianei Re ies seer lon (59 agains lmparane oS | © re fete ae ganar imc tetaaae [OS Pigs rt imprmse fo i scam ead [A apne eye = sno a Prrentonnent [embecte angne aa lo fron Ponce eee onc fess aE rs ronan fewakesient frag l= istons and eee le st au Fordfestion igen ar eh aang cat | owe So tox ibe pigsia or ea free teh ese fect fpectacie Jonething tare eh waa ten |inpreae nat om) lopectacen [aces [re Spectesta jen impressive toace nk ares _ lec inspect fein someting ren we erty order fetieriormaton | ___ sive ones own ew [ean erm? Serco Perapective is ty tase (pe [Retronpect ro means pau? an act of secingor [we wea ort fing the pas les [Prospect Iametlpauretanace bre ‘Spectate Woes apecator fie Be essa sori [pet __[Patrimony [niony'meons [propery inherited rom [iw aH Father (Fen? ‘anus’ (ean) liner [Patrcide Jee maont ling’ [loo her i co JPetsiarchy Jory? meansride faoely where aor ag cera ries [mate |Matricide —|rtdo mearstaiting aing of mother pre sather c=) kr ferchy mamaria [Rocey where mother — Page (a) rues iByaro Komake something aie [ge wen Water wy a Ide means oppose io make something ons feeds Wo hab’ mona far [lea of water faa hit’ moans ous [lendency to abeors Suid [am ohat S wafa [arbor jisingin woos leg wh we Tee (¥6) auto yom means [the right ofa person wo fe Searcy lermngement’ govern his cum allaes for deciding his own ‘acyl rule [sted by one person wt | cere) [nas coplote power [nlbout external contol Jf relating tothe dy nee [sciend body baer ed ry he la ao fartenar ana fat /owna obese Jo make some dun Fa fartorbedy of hi fo ut up a bead bay Pa ant rderto stay | low apart Jone of the part ae on) Beston cs ana” maans Boosefeut eros aa renee lene t 28 lwo ralimeans by [9 BOOK oe AoC Tre [serge —|otenuneript "Mars means bu Pee writen Up hand fowrte pander #) = ra message that ol \frer)—|Pesineint [Past means fer |e read fe eae 8 (a) een of et iret ye = eieus wings leet io organize diterent Jamey a = things or people so that | en ty may woe together = eft la [corsiation sexual intercourse fre [ecexist [ioe means tbe’ fio ive together Pane cin) (Coincident |inciden? means looourng together Tn re happening’ (xe) hia (Cokabit habitat means Tole ogetiar fae Fe | home’ cre) eat [Sensation Fs fectng tha is caused en Toft me hy something necting we four nody part [Seneaal eonnected with sexual fag pleasure fo-auree to someting fart [he abiityto think or act, ns reasonable way jeer essing a eeing of great Fae iatevotent |Wotition pores. feta ee [Patioeen ts leet [pathology —— [Peyehopath lait oe oe [pata —(Srmpaeay | Sum means \reeings ogether Pee iempatty [em means fama [antipathy fe Pathetic got eB fey ba I Wait aoe a TE a ea 10 un 12 13 1s 16 7 18 19 20 2 peers ‘Selene of sound Study of alrborne organisms Science ar study of gliding Dynamies of gases; science of movement ina flow of air or gas Study of the atmosphere Study of navigation through air or space Science of air pressure; art of ballooning “The comparative study of primitive peoples Study of plant nutrition and soil yields Study of agricultural soils Study of productivity of land Study of scientific farming ‘Study of grasses ‘Study ofthe struct boy Science of teaching adults Study of winds ‘Study of blood flow and lymphatic system Study of hurnan, Study of human biology Study of development of man Study of bees we ofthe ce: 22 26 2s 29 2 2 a6 a7 2 0 a oa 43 “4 4s 46 a “8 coped Chronelogy chrysology cumstology ‘Excavation and study of arty SOW Fae Science ofthe origin of| saeen rhe ft Study of Mars ie me TE Study of joints Stn seer Study of diseases of weakening, = wat sem wen BA and aging Bae ‘The study of effects of stars on eH If, people and events The scientie study of stare eT, and heavenly objects Stay often se set Study of hearing seo feat Studi of rantation se Pet Study of books or Bible ‘Bea EES SET Study o ite a fer Studs of plants ere Fe Scien atayothunder Sues ter ToT Sy ofc degeneration ew Se Seat ofthe bart fener Shui fa ae Treen making maps =o wok Sipe Se ecmesorroeced fa ete fo 4 Study of properties of ed Sp er substances Study of handwriting or Forder Sr penmanship Study ofands rin sm A specialist in care for and umf Fret find feet, Ol ter for podiatrist Medical science of nba 14 $i feet fet ‘The order in which a series of | wenal fen UA 515 rent happened . Seudy ofprecious metals Wa el Toe Study of climate ey a se gaazess a 7” 73 TEE Sr pants oi me ia Sect et Secon tet Fetes eye nose Sey ara oneal Soup echo beer Sof wes Seu on setter f dcp ance! trang se res erclnaip cen ng thing onthe ue Stacy of ne fet a Stodyothunan setlement ee SY Say ofetyen wel Stuy of and Bel sere Stuy ofbomenes Seale The dy nsec sefan Sty of partis tat oe ae ate ht Ina laer onanism rape ey mee study feces {a st Study of ect of work on Se oe pasty pone ~ Sip ofpeale at wesk see at Stuy ocean fad set reg oh Judgement after that ae werent rt 1 feta Sia, eri of meen ita ap St aaa = Set Paha pattern ht oocure ERC re 8, ‘naturally Sera at ae a ad 7S 6 6 n Bes eagaee 2 98 98 100 102 108 ‘Bony Biymoloey loa athenies Caetroentero- toy ‘ntronomy ‘Genealony Genesiclony eneticn ‘Geogony Gees eopontcs ‘cerocomy Gerontology raminology Hagiology Helioogy Helminthology Hematology Hepatology Herpetology Hlerology Hippology Histology Horticulture Hydrogeology Hyetology Hypnology Tehthyetogy Teonology Meening in English Shidy of causes of dieses Shucly of words fom dei oot Aspeech oF wring to praise femeone especially who has aed Sclence concerned with Irsproving living conditions Study of stomach and Study of fine dining Study of escent of faies Study of reproduction and heredity Study of heredity ‘Sty of formation of the easth Study of history ofthe earth Study of egpioleare Shuey of old age ‘Study of disease related to Study of grasses Study of saints Science of the sun Study of worms Study of blood Study oftiver ‘Study of reptiles and amphibians Science of sacred matters ‘The study of horses ‘The study of tissues Study of gardening Study of ground water Science of rainfall ‘Study of sleep end of| Ihypnesis Study of fates Aa ern ea er a aC Fe arm een # foe Hh fen set er fe ae sore reel en he arp safes Ft ors bein sore on oan Foren el cal oe ein His fen Se ae Fee et Tage ak se se et Pea win ae a fa are FT sa se wu kan Ramis aoe ee for ‘Study of icons, cultural history sets aor orhietry of viaual arts 112 Metalargy 113. Meteoitios 114 Meteorlony 115: Minerdogy 116 Myeology 117 Nealogy 118 Neonatology 19 Nephrology 120 Neueiogy 121 Hesology 122 mumeroogy 123 Mumiematice 124 Odontology 125 Oenology 126 otetotogy 127 Oncology 128 Ophiotogy 129 Ophthalmology 190 Optician 131 Opti 132 Omithalogy 133 Orley 134 Onthodentis 135 Onthoeny| pera aeray of forces producing OF dims mation Stady of throat Arto compiling dictionary Study of words and their reanings Study of languages Study of rocks | Study of bees Snudy of alloying and treating stale ‘The study of meteors ‘Study of weather Study of minerals Study offanguees Coining ofa new word oF phase Study of newborn babies Study of kidney Study of nervous system Study of classification of Study of numbers Study of coins Stady of stricture snd iseaes of teth Study of wines Study of the sense of smell ‘Study of eancerous eels of Sef nes Sty ee an ee dices Gn e cota Se sg ‘Study of light ® Sey rcs Si ters Aone often eth St fet promo COPE ‘ie at 1 aor nia swe rele ae oh art ody = swa-Fror seni a ser eter swag foo 3 38 2am frst ew eR are ear iS wie Hews a sr fee fee im en Sh oe seca aay 1 aoe Rw ans ae sted at Se ac at ve Pos eel ww aad mr ae Wet sour STAT 8 140 145 ur 138 19 150 151 153 1s 158 oxphresiology ‘steclogy Otology ‘Otorhinolary- nsoey Paedintiet Predology Paidonosology/ pediatrics Prlacontology Pathology Pedagoay Pedology Petrology Pharmacology Pharyngology Pasiately Pilosophy Phonology Podiatrist ‘Quack Radiology Seismology Study of speings (One who specialises in diseases related to bones Study ofthe sense of well he Se SHR Study of hones aya mee Study of the ear er Study fear, nose snd throat yy, it EFT ‘One wi species in avin fi ‘Sneasen related to eildren Study of children's behaviour = eww eet far Study of children's diseases tn SOC Study of ost stand 1 sore Study of diteases an ‘Study of teaching oa Study of see ye fon ‘Study of rocks, their structure PEW SETH find comperition Study of drugs ein awn Stacy of the Usroat wa ser Study of postage stamps SE EAH SO Science af knowledge ot ara ae wileen Study ofspecch sounds a RT ST ‘The ranch of medicine ‘eee Concerned with the feet Stacy and treatment of tc femal one Gisorders of the foot copody ye Statistical study of elections =a Fares fand trends in voting Study of mind waiter One who pretends tohave eran set Salle ofa doctor Study of Xraye and theie yet tare fae redical applications el se Study of note diseases safer tn Feet Study of earthquakes sei i 174 speci” ‘Spermologr stoiloey Syntax Tesiderny ‘Teoloey ‘Taermology ‘Topology 2175: Toxicology 176 Topkoly 177 Typorsanhy 178 Urlory 179. Virology 180 Zoology 18) Zootary 182 Spmology 19 opmuagy 186 Antoropotogy 185. Phresetogy I perenne ryote 07 sendy of meaning of word rudy of society stay rseaion of Study and exploration study of seeds Study of fk tales . ‘Sua ofthe stuctureofsenten [tof curing and stufing ‘animals ofeaves Study of elion Study of heat Study of places and their tural features Study of toxic substances or Prisons Study of mation Ato printing or sping Study of urine: urinary tract Study of wirusee Study of animale Science of lating animals Study of enzymes Branch of chemistry dealing vith brewing and dstiling ‘The science of human beings The detailed study of the Shape and sie ofthe eraniam 888 supposed indication of sharacter and mental abies, The branch of medicine concerned withthe study and, ‘Wentment of diseases ofthe ‘srogenital tract PSI ert Mt 3H ohm e-Fear To 97 oh ay stato se es we) som sree # wt atopy sa vol Pear sa sn seer tt et ates fens oT Fer safe fry som ora ed a eee eH fo teres Fear a] Words from Root 'Graphy' fa OE Graphy’ raphy! meant ‘something written co Autobiography wn (Graphy atk tory, Fame fart) TET TE Biography ofaperson writen by oneself oem A ist of books and tices that atin ‘writer uses when he writes a Particular book or article The branch of biology that deals st fa owe mt ‘wilh the geographical dstbuton af py "ead Ser plants and ania, _ ‘are i 4 Biography An account of persons fe at ‘cacography Bail handwriting or spelling sam Prom as = 6 Calligraphy) Beautiful nandsing ge, es fren Ft cchiropraphy fez ‘cartography Art of making mapa arch, ao Choreography Art of making dances coal Cchorography The systematic description and fate af w= mapping of particular regions Sey ft wT 10 Chromatography A technique forthe separation of a fram <1 ae weal mixture into its components poanieeleiiertl 11 Cinematography Art of motion pictures ares af a Ccosmogrphy Branch of science that deals with agis w Fira w xfs * pay The peneral features ofthe Unterse. fem Inching the earth 1a. Cryptogeaphy/ Art of writing hidden messages 281 Steganography 14 Demography Sotistical ud ofhuman population raifors} 15 Epleraphy “The study of inscriptions yt OT » 28, Payigrphy 25 egohy 26 Toporsy 28 Oregraphy 29 Pitogrphy rai PEE pied thet FAR ere ay < Hepa a pe) me represent eas se making ofa dictionary corsec Spellings ‘The study of ancient writing systems, ind the deciphering and dating of Ristrical manuscripts ‘Te study of physical features of the TRS Ye ch’ surface ‘The scene measuring and SB Er BY recording of erthqualee, fates ae ‘The medial diagnostic imaging aiefts oti 3h BAS technique used toe intemal fa feet Pt organs ‘The physical charactritics ‘of an -ReETgfE ate tad epeilly the positions The art of decorating wood or leather af at wargt 8 by buming a design on the surface vith hated met swim a 6 The ranch deaing wi TEARESS, lag th omacon tar oeasons fd communica ‘eins of pietures and avis by fares aa Words from Root 'Philia’ ‘hila/Phile means an affinity for or a strong attraction to (Phila ort # ) Ablatephilla Lave or waahingor bathing ss an si te 2 Acgusticophila Love fer nose shaon 3 Aerophilia Love for eights or high places ead tort 4 Agemphiia Love for open or public places 9p urtafen wel # =e 5 Aichmophilla Love for sharp or pointed objects wage sil @ ort 6 Aldurophia Love for cats ted ao 7 sgophiia (One who loves pain, masochist et oe 8 Atophia| Lae for eights or high places, wat ore 9 Amanophilia Love for riingin a caror wagon, ata wait = a wae 10 Ambulophilia Love for walling weit 11 Androphilia Love for men iter 12 Anglophia Love for English things rd eH So 13 Anthophtia Love for lowers Bia aK 14 Anthropophiia Lave for people or society ia oa a 15 Arachnophilia Love for spiders, arachnephiia sees ar 16. Atrophiia Love for stars or celestial space fe-x sein aie a 17 Andiophitia Love for loud sound. as oS fe = 18 Aurophilia Love for gold Ge wp dow 19 Autophilia Love fr solitude, being alone eter 8 =e 20, Racteriophia Love for bacteria trata tex 2 mloephila Lee fo sre point eet, et wa te aichmoplilia “6 0 Le CChirophitia CChromatophilia Cchronophitia ‘cynephiia Demephitia Dendrophilia Dipsophitia Entomophilia Bpistemophiia Ergophiia Gamophilia Gerontophilla Gnotiophilla ynephitia Hagiophilia Hematophiia Hippophila Homophilla Tehthyopita eptophita Lorena Melanophilla PT Lave for books | Love for nature Love for plants Love for ugliness ove for meat Love for empty spaces Love for hands Love for colours Lave foe tne Love for dogs Lave for people Love for trees Love for drinking Love for insects Love for lnowledge Love for wore Love for marriage Love for old people Love for knowledge Love for women Love for saints or holy things Love for blo Lover of horses Preference forthe company ofthe seme se, «Homose Love fo a Love for stealing Love for back we tom tam ido ia aon aH 8 oe we tome maar 90 8 eats aon wa om wires ao ‘sol ofr a tor ae sea or wets rae ee ste wit on al a ow ad st Pa s sa 3s 60 e o 6s 6 zgee n ‘Metrophilia ‘Monophil Necrophiia ‘Neophilia yctophiia ophidiophitia ‘ophthalmophilia ‘ornthophitia. Pathophilia Pedophitia, Phagephilin Photophitia Plutophilia Pyrophilis Retrophilia Stigmatophilia ‘Technophilia ‘Thermophilia Zoophilia Hetiophitow Homophite Sinophite Lave for postey vers oe Love for aoitude or being alone een 8 = ‘Love for death or dead things Fete wm = Love for anything new waar aon Tove for night or darkness a a om Love for snakes wea o Love for being stared or looked at yi, ta = ome Love for birds ie aoe Love for disease sit ao Senualatrction towards children 3 si Lote for eating or of beingeaten ari i re Lave So ight, eh tot Love for money. aon Love for tre an ao Love for artifacts and aesthatles rangi ae caren ‘om the past Obsession for tattoosand a wR Wak A Oe wT piercings ate Aperaonwhoisfondoftechnology my ca =m vise Love for god wren a Love for heat nf aoe Lave for animals wre ar attractedby oradaptedto sunlight iq ‘someone whois senuslly attracted Ete: te persona ofthe same Sex ‘2 person who adeites or has sia M0 weal & mt 4 Strong liking’ for China, the Chinese oftheir culture OC 16 " 18 19 2 Fear of darkness Feat of heh Fear of wind ait. Fear of open places oF public places oe Fear af needles or pointed bf Balenophobia, Trypanophobia ear of ats Fear of pain Fear of driving a car Fear of men. Fear of fowers Fear of people Feat of spiders Fear of mathematics oF umber Fear of thunder and lightning Fear of sara and celestial object Fear of disorder or untidines Fear of imperfection Fear failure or negative ‘evaluation = Fear of being lone Fea ofbacteria Feat of gravity Fear osteo fata or steep slopes ear of bons ert am Fear of pants fan Pen of nen, ae Fearofveingeidiuled em 17 Fear of cote wen Pear of eocks Sonne Fear of food wen Je Glnurtophobia. ——Fenrocloed or confined place. ea = Si courephotia ——Fearofclowna aeean 32 Gyberpobin Pear of computers ran 3 cmontonta ear of dows wan SA pendrophobla Peart rec, man 35 Dentophobia| Fearof dentists Sartor tt 3s Domalopichia Fear houses wan 3 Dyin Fear accidents wits 38 Bphebiphobla Fear teenagers fart at 39 Blooptobla —Fearothorees waa {0 Gomophobia oar of marrage meas {1 Gloesopobia Fear f speaking in public lee nA at&t 22 Oynophobia Pear of women cea 33) Haliophobla Fear of sun ie 34 Hemophobia Fear of blood wan 35 Herpetephobla Fear of eples wore G6 Hypochondrla. Fear oflness aman 87 tophobia Fear of doctors zeta 435 Koimoniphobla Fear of rooms fallofpeople ort € mt wat A xt 29 Leakophobla Fear of white colour wnan $0 Locklophobia Fear ofeildirth wewin Sl Logophobin Fear of studies wan 52 Magervcophobia Fear ofcooking, oa x 52 Mogalophabia Pear oflarge things maaan St Melanophobia ——_=Fearofolou Back mama x 55 Metrophobia ear of poetry. we te 5 Wlerophetia Fear of microscopic things, en gel = 57 Monophebia Fear of tnelines saan ae 58 Myeophobia Fear of dirt wt

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