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University English Entry Course 10


Name: Jingting KANG (Sigrid) Date: 06/Mar/2024

Write an introduction and a problem-analysis paragraph in answer to this question:

Analyse the issue of ocean plastic pollution and evaluate viable alleviation strategies.
 Use the plan that you wrote in Unit 3 and incorporate changes based on feedback from your peer.
 Incorporate paraphrases from the sources to support your response.
 Use reporting structures and in-text citations with Harvard Referencing style (see
 Use linking words to connect your ideas.
 Use cause-effect language and hedging where appropriate.
 Begin your problem-analysis paragraph with a suitable topic sentence and finish with a suitable
concluding sentence.
 Use the Appendix: Problem Solution Expressions to help you.

Stage 1: Writing
Response: (Write your introduction and problem analysis paragraph here. When you are finished
writing, save this file and upload it in the upload space in the Writing Practice lesson.)

As humans generate a rising number of plastics, a substantial amount of discarded plastic waste is being
channelled into the oceans. Ocean plastic pollution is considered to be an increasingly severe problem
and has been considered a major threat to biodiversity in recent years. The issue would also harm the
health of humans. This article will analyse the problem of ocean plastic pollution and evaluate viable
alleviation strategies. These include the development of biodegradable plastic technologies and
legislation to limit single-use items.

There are numerous factors that are known to contribute to the issue of ocean plastic pollution. The
major reason comes from the fact that in 2010, 192 coastal countries produced around 275 million
metric tons of plastic waste and 8 million MT subsequently found its way into the marine environment
(Jambeck et al. 2015). This plastic waste persists in the ocean, posing threats to wildlife inflicting physical
injuries, and some are reduced to microplastics by the waters through abrasive action, increasing the
problem of ocean pollution. Certain marine organisms confuse micro- and nano-plastics as food, once

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microplastics enter their body, these particles can cause physical injury and gut blockage which impede
growth and health( White 2016). In addition to having serious implications, these are also risks to human
health. The results of a study provided by White (2015) claim that microplastic particles have been
detected in seafood destined for human consumption, it has been estimated that the average European
consumer of shellfish could potentially ingest nearly 11,000 particulates each year. Therefore, measures
must be taken to reduce the plastic waste in the ocean to improve the world’s marine health.

Stage 2: Feedback (after writing)

Feedback  Your teacher will provide in-line comments and corrections on the writing
task itself and will give you feedback using the assessment criteria in the
 Your teacher will reply to your post in the Writing Practice lesson and
attach this feedback there.

Stage 3: Action

Reflection: What are the main messages 

from your teacher/peers? What should you
focus on to improve this writing task?

Goals: Based on the feedback, what key 

writing skill/s do you need to develop? What
resources (websites, books) could you use to
help you develop that skill?

Rewrite: Based on the feedback, you can choose to rewrite specific sections, or all of your response
here. When you are finished, click ‘Reply’ to your original post in the Writing Practice lesson and ‘Attach
a file’ to upload this resubmission.

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