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Information Technology for Managers


Module -6 Emerging Exponential Technologies in Business Decision Making

Evolution of technologies; Introduction to Emerging Technologies and its types. Introduction to AI
and its Applications in Agriculture, Health, Business, Education. Introduction to IOT and its
Applications at Smart home; Smart grid; Smart city; Wearable devices; Smart farming. Introduction
to AR, VR and MR, Application of AR systems (education, medical, entertainment).

Introduction to Emerging Technologies:

Emerging technologies refer to innovations that are in the early stages of development or are expected to
become mainstream in the near future. These technologies have the potential to significantly impact various
aspects of society, ranging from healthcare and transportation to communication and entertainment. They
often represent breakthroughs in scientific research, engineering, and design, and have the capacity to
transform industries, create new markets, and revolutionize the way we live and work.

Types of Emerging Technologies:

• Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning: AI involves the development of computer
systems capable of performing tasks that typically require human intelligence, such as visual
perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and language translation. Machine learning, a
subset of AI, focuses on algorithms that enable computers to learn from data and improve over time
without explicit programming.

• Internet of Things (IoT): IoT refers to the network of interconnected devices embedded with
sensors, software, and other technologies that enable them to collect and exchange data. This
interconnectedness allows for the automation of various processes and the creation of smart
environments in homes, cities, industries, and more.

• Blockchain: Blockchain is a decentralized, distributed ledger technology that securely records

transactions across multiple computers in a way that is transparent, tamper-resistant, and immutable.
It is most commonly associated with cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, but its applications extend to
areas such as supply chain management, voting systems, identity verification, and more.

• Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR): AR overlays digital information onto the
physical world, enhancing our perception of reality, while VR immerses users in a completely virtual
environment. Both technologies have applications in gaming, entertainment, education, training,
healthcare, and more.

• Biotechnology and Bioengineering: Biotechnology involves the use of biological systems,

organisms, or living organisms to develop products or processes for specific applications. This
includes areas such as genetic engineering, pharmaceuticals, biomanufacturing, and agricultural

• Renewable Energy and Sustainable Technologies: As concerns about climate change and
environmental sustainability grow, emerging technologies in renewable energy, energy storage, and


energy efficiency are becoming increasingly important. These technologies include solar power,
wind power, battery storage, smart grids, and more.

• Quantum Computing: Quantum computing harnesses the principles of quantum mechanics to

perform computations that would be infeasible or impossible for classical computers. It has the
potential to revolutionize fields such as cryptography, materials science, optimization, and drug

• 3D Printing/Additive Manufacturing: 3D printing enables the fabrication of three-dimensional

objects by depositing material layer by layer based on digital designs. This technology has
applications in prototyping, manufacturing, healthcare (e.g., prosthetics, implants), construction,
aerospace, and more.

• Edge Computing: Edge computing involves processing data near the source of data generation
rather than relying solely on centralized data centers or the cloud. This approach reduces latency,
bandwidth usage, and dependency on network connectivity, making it ideal for applications requiring
real-time processing, such as IoT devices, autonomous vehicles, and augmented reality.

• Robotics and Automation: Robotics and automation technologies encompass the design,
development, and deployment of robotic systems capable of performing tasks autonomously or semi-
autonomously. These technologies find applications in manufacturing, logistics, healthcare,
agriculture, and various other industries to improve efficiency, safety, and productivity.

• Advanced Materials: Advanced materials include substances engineered at the nanoscale or with
novel properties to achieve specific performance characteristics. Examples include graphene, carbon
nanotubes, metamaterials, and shape-memory alloys. These materials have applications in
electronics, aerospace, construction, healthcare, and energy storage.

• Biometrics and Identity Management: Biometric technologies use unique biological

characteristics such as fingerprints, iris patterns, facial features, or behavioral traits for identification
and authentication purposes. These technologies are increasingly being used in access control, border
security, financial transactions, and personal device authentication.

• Space Exploration and Colonization Technologies: With the growing interest in space exploration
and the potential for human colonization of other planets, various technologies are emerging to
support these endeavors. These include advanced propulsion systems, space habitats, life support
systems, resource utilization techniques, and in-situ manufacturing technologies.

• Cognitive Computing: Cognitive computing systems simulate human thought processes by

leveraging techniques from artificial intelligence, machine learning, natural language processing, and
other disciplines. These systems can analyze large volumes of unstructured data, understand context,
and provide insights to support decision-making across various domains, including healthcare,
finance, and customer service.

• Autonomous Vehicles: Autonomous vehicles, including self-driving cars, trucks, drones, and
unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), rely on sensors, cameras, radar, lidar, and artificial intelligence
algorithms to navigate and operate without human intervention. These technologies have the
potential to revolutionize transportation, logistics, and urban mobility, while also raising questions
about safety, regulation, and societal impact.


1. Introduction to AI (Artificial Intelligence):
You can hardly avoid hearing about AI today. You see AI in the movies, in books, in the news, and online.
AI is part of robots, self-driving (SD) cars, drones, medical systems, online shopping sites, and all sorts of
other technologies that affect your daily life in so many ways. Some people have come to trust AIs so much,
that they fall asleep while their SD cars take them to their destination — illegally, of course.

Artificial Intelligence is composed of two words Artificial and Intelligence, where Artificial defines
"man-made," and intelligence defines "thinking power", hence AI means "a man-made thinking

Artificial defines "man-made," People define intelligence in many different ways. However, you can say that
intelligence involves certain mental activities composed of the different activities.

What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)?

• We can define Artificial Intelligence (AI) as the branch of computer science by which we can create
intelligent machines which can behave like a human, think like humans, and able to make decisions.

• Artificial intelligence (AI) designates “the science and engineering of making machines intelligent,
especially intelligent computer programs,” with intelligence defined by the AI100 Panel at Stanford
University as “that quality that enables an entity to function appropriately and with foresight in its

• Other experts define AI as a computerized system that can think and act like humans. More
comprehensive definitions consider AI to mean all computer systems that can continuously scan their
environment, learn from it, and take action in response to what they sense, as well as to human-
defined objectives.

• Artificial Intelligence exists when a machine can have human-based skills such as learning,
reasoning, and solving problems, you can create a machine with programmed algorithms which can
work with own intelligence.

• Artificial Intelligence is the creation of machines to mimic human capabilities, such as teaching a
machine to see (recognize objects in an image) and listen (interpret and analyze sounds).


Types of Artificial Intelligence:
Artificial Intelligence can be divided in various types, there are mainly two types of main categorization
which are based on capabilities and based on functionally of AI. Following is flow diagram which explain
the types of AI.

Artificial Intelligence has various applications in today's society. It is becoming essential for today's time
because it can solve complex problems with an efficient way in multiple industries, such as Healthcare,
entertainment, finance, education, etc. AI is making our daily life more comfortable and faster.
Following are some sectors which have the application of Artificial Intelligence:



Agriculture plays a crucial role in the economic sector for each country. Population around the world is
increasing day by day, and so is the demand for food. The traditional methods that are used by the farmers are
not sufficient to fulfil the need at the current stage. Hence, some new automation methods are introduced to
satisfy these requirements and to provide great job opportunities to many people in this sector. Artificial
Intelligence has become one of the most important technologies in every sector, including education, banking,
robotics, agriculture, etc. In the agriculture sector, it is playing a very crucial role, and it is transforming the
agriculture industry. AI saves the agriculture sector from different factors such as climate change, population
growth, employment issues in this field, and food safety. Today's agriculture system has reached at a different
level due to AI. Artificial Intelligence has improved crop production and real-time monitoring, harvesting,
processing and marketing. Different hi-tech computer-based systems are designed to determine various
important parameters such as weed detection, yield detection, crop quality, and many more.


Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming industries around the world, and currently, its application is
rapidly increasing in the healthcare sector. AI in healthcare describes the use of AI or machine-learning
algorithms to mimic human cognition for gathering and understanding complex medical and health care
data.AI does this by various Machine Learning algorithms, Computer Vision, Natural Language
Processing, Robotics, and Deep Learning. These algorithms recognize a pattern in behaviour and then
create their own logic to give well-defined output to end-users. Machine Learning helps to gain important
insights and predictions using extensive amounts of input data. Further, they also instruct experts on how to
build companions for expensive clinical preliminaries.

Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare is used to analyze the treatment techniques of various diseases and to
prevent them. AI is used in various areas of healthcare such as diagnosis processes, drug research sector,
medicine, patient monitoring care centre, etc. In the healthcare industry, AI helps to gather past data
through electronic health records for disease prevention and diagnosis. There are various medical institutes
that have developed their own AI algorithms for their department, such as Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer
Center and The Mayo clinic, etc. Further, IBM and Google have also developed AI algorithms for the
healthcare industry that help to support operational initiatives that increase cost-saving, improve patient
satisfaction, and satisfy their staffing and workforce needs.
AI technologies used in healthcare
Artificial Intelligence uses various technologies or algorithms in healthcare industries, and these are as
o Machine Learningc(Neural Network and Deep Learning): In healthcare, the main use of machine
learning technology is precision medicine, which means to predict the best treatment protocols that are likely
to be successful on a patient based on different patient characteristics and treatment context.
o Natural Language Processing: The main use of NLP(Natural language processing) includes creating,
understanding, and classifying clinical documents and published research. It also helps in analysing
unstructured clinical notes on patients and preparing reports.
o Robotics: Various physical robots are enabled with AI to perform different tasks in the healthcare sector.
Nowadays, surgical robots are being used to provide help to surgeons for improving their ability to see,
stitch wounds, and so on. Some surgical procedures that use robotic surgery are gynaecologic surgery,
prostate surgery and head and neck surgery.
o Rule-based expert System: Rule-based expert system is based on a collection of it-then rules and is most
widely used in the commercial sector. It is also used in Electronic Health Care (EHR) with some set of rules
in their system. First, a set of rules is created by human experts and knowledge engineers, and then they
implement an easy-to-understand rule-based expert system. This rule is directly proportional to the
knowledge domain means if the knowledge is changing, then the rule can be complex and time taking.
Hence, Artificial Intelligence is being used to overcome this drawback of a rule-based expert system in the
healthcare sector.


o RPA: In the healthcare sector, Robotic process automation is used to perform repetitive tasks such as
updating patient records or billing. It can also be used to extracting data when combined with other

• Radiology: The use of Artificial Intelligence in the radiology department is continuously increasing
in recent years. AI is being used in various radiology fields to detect and diagnose diseases through
technology such as Computerized Tomography (CT) and Magnetic Resonance (MR) imaging. Through
AI algorithm in radiology, we can detect pneumonia in patients with better accuracy and recall in
comparison to radiologists involved in the trial. Similarly, AI is also being used in Oncology to detect two
key factors in oncology health, i.e., abnormalities and monitoring change over time. Hence, AI in radiology
will cut down on the interaction time and allow doctors to see more patients at the same time.
• Screening: AI is also most widely used in the screening field for the healthcare department. Some of
the resources say that skin cancer could be detected more accurately by an artificial intelligence system in
comparison to a dermatologist or human specialist. For example, normally, a dermatologist can detect 86%
accurately, while through CNN machine, it can be increased up to 96%. Similarly, an AI algorithm named
Google DeepMind is also used to detect breast cancer at a very early stage than human experts, so it can be
prevented from reaching a severe stage. Further, AI algorithm also helps to detect prostate cancer with more
accuracy than human experts.
• Psychiatry: AI applications are used to study anxiety and depression and are still in a phase of
proof-of-concept. A big company Facebook implemented the screening for suicidal ideation. These types of
applications raised various professional, ethical and regulatory questions for the professionals of the
healthcare industry.
• Primary Care: Primary care is one of the key development areas for AI technologies such as
predictive modelling, business analytics, supportive decision making, etc.

• Decease Diagnosis: AI technologies like support vector machines, neural networks, and decision
trees are rapidly growing to diagnose various diseases in the healthcare industry. Artificial Intelligence (AI)
uses Medical Learning Classifiers (MLC's) to substantially aid doctors in patient diagnosis with the help
of mass Electronic Health Records.
o Dermatology: Dermatology is an ample imaging technique that is also more enhanced with the use of
Deep Learning in Image Processing. Hence, Dermatology and Deep Learning makes a strong bonding in the
healthcare sector. However, Dermatology is a technique of image processing, and deep learning is an
Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithm that makes it more efficient and easier as compare to other traditional


ways. Image Processing in Dermatology: There are mainly three types of image processing in Dermatology
as follows:
o Contextual Image
o Macro Image
o Micro Image

Through the use of AI in image processing, keratinocytes skin cancer has been possible to be detected by
face photography. Further, Dermatology levels classification of skin cancer can be demonstrated by
festering images. Similarly, through a neural network, we can identify the skin cells from a microscope as
• Drug Interaction: In the healthcare sector, AI algorithm to identify the drug-drug interaction can be
improved with the use of Natural Language Processing (NLP). Drug interaction increases the number of
medications being taken by a human who takes multiple medicines for their disease. Through Machine
Learning, medical science has developed some techniques to extract the drug-drug interaction and their
possible effects and causes. Further, Drug-drug interaction can also be identifying through the use of Deep
• Manufacturing of Drugs: Manufacturing new drugs also become easy and less time consuming
through AI. With the help of Artificial Intelligence (AI), a molecule of a drug for OCD (obsessive-
compulsive disorder), treatment becomes easier, which is not feasible in approx. Five years through
traditional approaches.
• Electronic Health Records (EHR): Electronic Health records are the main key factor to develop
and digitalize the healthcare sector. Artificial Intelligence helps to interpret the records and provide updated
information about the diseases. Also, it helps to differentiate same deceases that mostly medical specialist
treats similar like heart attack and myocardial infarction. Natural Language Processing has consolidated
the difference between these diseases and also helps to prepare relevant prescription notes for other patients
in future. Further, it also helps to analyze the information entered by different physicians to remember all
relevant details in the same decease. Further through some algorithms of Artificial Intelligence, EHR can be
modified to predict the risk of a decease based on prior data of a patient and their family. There is also an
algorithm that is a bit similar to the traditional approach that human uses generally. In this rule-based
system, the machine also predicts and takes decisions according to a flow chart. The machine collects a large
number of data and creates a new rule set based on observations, then concludes the diagnosis. This
approach helps to collect patient data and find outstanding issues and saves time as compared to other
traditional alternatives. Some studies said, predictive modelling of EHR can achieve up to 75% accurate
data, and this results in the number of online health records double every five years.
Artificial Intelligence in Education


Education is an important part of life for everyone, and a good education plays a vital role to have a
successful life. In order to improve the education system for the students, there are always a lot of changes
happening around the world, ranging from the way of teaching to the type of curriculum. Artificial
Intelligence is a thriving technology that is being used in almost every field and is changing the world. One
place where artificial intelligence is poised to make big changes is (and in some cases already is) in
Artificial Intelligence in Education is developing new solutions for teaching and learning for different
situations. Nowadays, AI is being used by different schools and colleges across different countries. AI in
education has given a completely new perspective of looking at education to teachers, students, parents, and
of course, the educational institutions as well. AI in education is not about humanoid robots as a teacher to
replace human teachers, but it is about using computer intelligence to help teachers and students and
making the education system much better and effective. In future, the education system will have lots of AI
tools that will shape the educational experience of the future.

Applications/roles of Artificial Intelligence in Education


1. Automate basic activities in education with AI In the education system, there are various activities
which take lots of time of teachers such as grading tests and home-works. These tasks require lots of time
and effort, while this time could be used in interacting with students, letting them know their errors, teaching
new things, and
many more. To save this time, Artificial Intelligence can be used. With AI tools, it is possible to automate
the grading system for nearly all types of MCQ(Multiple choice questions) and fill-in-the-blank, and they
are very close to being able to grade written responses. However, AI is still not possible to truly replace
human grading, but it's getting improving day by day. By using AI, teachers will get more time to fill the
gap in their classroom rather than investing their time in these tedious tasks.
2. Additional Support for students with AI tutor As it is obvious that teachers can't be present with
students all the time while they study, as teachers in colleges have fixed timings. But each student is not
smart enough to grasp all the things at once, and they need additional supports from someone to help them in
the understanding study material. This additional support can be provided by the AI tutors. Currently, there
are various AI-driven tutoring programs that can help students in learning the basics of mathematics,
writing, and other subjects. With these AI programs, students can learn fundamentals, but still, they are not
suitable to learn high-level concepts of any subject. In order to learn such complex concepts, students still
require a professor. However, in future, it is possible that AI might be able to help students with complex
problems also that require analytical thinking and reasoning.
3. Helpful feedback to students and teachers with AI-driven programs AI is not only helping the
students to learn the customized course as per their requirements, but it can also give feedback to both the
teachers and students about the success level of the course. Some online course providers are currently using
such feedback-based AI systems to analyse the progress of the student and also alert the professors for the
critical performance issue of the student. These type of AI-driven systems enables the student to get the
proper support, and professors can determine the areas of teaching where it requires improvement. Instant
feedback to students helps them understand where they are going wrong and how they can do it better.
4. Finding improvement required in course with AI In the education system, it is very hard to find out the
gaps in learning. Teachers have limited time to teach in the classroom, and they may not always know where
the students are lacking and what concepts have confused the student. To solve this problem, AI-driven
programs can help the education system. Coursera and some other learning platforms are already using AI-
driven programs in practice. For example, when a large number of students are found to submit the wrong
answer to a homework assignment, the system alerts the teacher and gives future students a customized
message that offers hints to the correct answer. Such type of programs helps in filling the gaps while
learning that can occur in courses, and also ensures that each student understands the concepts successfully.
With AI, instead of waiting for feedback from the professor, students get an immediate system generated
response, which helps them to understand a concept and remember their mistakes, and also how to do it
correctly the next time around.
5. AI could change the role of the teacher. Teachers always have a critical role in the education system,
but this role and its requirement may change with the new technologies. As in the above points, we have
already discussed that Artificial Intelligence can automate different tasks such as grading, reports, help
students while learning, and may also be an option of real-world tutor in some cases. AI can be included in
different aspects of teaching. AI systems can be programmed for providing expertise to students, a place
where students can ask their doubts and could take the place of teacher for teaching basis course materials.
In such cases, AI could change the role of the teacher as a facilitator.
6. Personalize education with AI The main aim of Artificial Intelligence in education is not to completely
replace teachers. Instead, it aims to act as helping hands for teachers as well as students. AI systems can be
programmed to provide personalized learning to students. With personalized learning, each student can have
their own way of learning as per their level of understanding and need. By understanding the needs of every
student, teachers can come up with a tailor-made study plan for every student. As AI is developing day-by-


day, it is possible that machines can identify the facial expressions of students while learning the concepts
can understand if they are finding any difficulty in learning, and according to that make changes in the way
of teaching. However, currently, such things are not possible, but they might be possible in the near future
with AI-Powered machines and software.
7. Generating Smart content with AI With AI, it is possible to generate smart content in three ways:
a. Digital Lessons: Nowadays, everything is becoming digital, and so the education. Digital learning
is being preferred in colleges with customization options, e-books, study guides, bite-sized lessons,
and many other things with the help of AI.
b. Information Visualization: Visualizing things rather than listening is much more efficient to
understand in a better way and keep in mind for a long time. With Artificial Intelligence, the study
information can be perceived in new ways of visualization, simulation, web-based study
c. Learning content Updates: Moreover, AI also helps in preparing the content of lessons, keeping
information up to date, and make it adaptable as per different learning curves.

8. Ensure Access to Education for Students with Special Needs Life is full of challenges for those
students who have some learning disabilities such as deaf or hard of hearing, visually impaired, etc. Such
students may face various difficulties while learning and studying. Moreover, they also need extra care &
time. With the adoption of innovative AI technology, there will be new ways of interacting with such
students. AI-enabled tools can be successfully trained to help a group of students with special needs.

9. Universal Access One of the great uses of Artificial Intelligence of digital learning in education is
universal access to study material. Each student has his own grasping capability, and with the use of
universal access, they can learn anywhere and anytime. Students can explore things whenever they want to
learn without waiting for the tutor. Moreover, students get the facility of high-quality courses and material
from all over the world at their place only without travelling away from their home

AI Applications in Business
Going beyond the introductory points, here's a deeper look into how AI is being applied in various business

1. Marketing and Sales:

• Targeted advertising: AI analyses customer data and online behaviour to deliver personalized ads
across various platforms, increasing campaign effectiveness and conversion rates.
• Dynamic pricing: AI algorithms can adjust pricing strategies in real-time based on factors like
demand, competition, and customer behaviour, optimizing revenue and profit margins.
• Lead generation and qualification: AI can identify potential customers through lead scoring based
on their online activity and demographics, prioritizing high-quality leads for sales teams.

2. Operations and Supply Chain Management:

• Demand forecasting: AI predicts future customer demand based on historical data and market
trends, enabling businesses to optimize inventory levels and avoid stockouts or overstocking.
• Predictive maintenance: AI analyses sensor data from machinery to predict potential equipment
failures, allowing for preventive maintenance and minimizing downtime and repair costs.


• Route optimization: AI algorithms can optimize delivery routes for logistics companies,
considering factors like traffic patterns, weather conditions, and driver availability, leading to
reduced delivery times and fuel costs.

3. Human Resources and Recruitment:

• Candidate screening and selection: AI can analyse resumes and cover letters to identify the most
qualified candidates based on specific criteria, streamlining the recruitment process.
• Employee performance management: AI can track employee performance metrics and identify
areas for improvement, providing personalized feedback and training opportunities.
• Chatbots for onboarding and training: AI-powered chatbots can answer new employees' questions
and guide them through the onboarding process, reducing the workload on HR teams.

4. Finance and Risk Management:

• Fraud detection and prevention: AI can analyse financial transactions in real-time to identify
fraudulent activities, such as money laundering or credit card fraud, protecting businesses from
financial losses.
• Algorithmic trading: AI algorithms can be used to analyse market trends and execute trades based
on predefined strategies, potentially improving trading performance and efficiency.
• Credit risk assessment: AI can assist in assessing the creditworthiness of loan applicants, enabling
lenders to make informed decisions and mitigate potential risks.

5. Cybersecurity

• The Internet has made storage and management very convenient in any business. But with it comes
risk of breaching and leakage of data. Every business requires security online since all the important
databases of their company including financial data, strategies, private information etc are stored
online. Cybersecurity is a necessity for all companies and hence, is one of the most important
applications of AI.

• With the help of Artificial Intelligence, the cyber experts can understand and remove unwanted noise
or data that they might detect. It helps them to be aware of any abnormal activities or malware and be
prepared for any attack. It also analyses big amounts of data and develops the system accordingly, in
order to reduce cyber threats.

6. Market prediction

• Stock markets are one of the most popular and unpredictable markets due to its dynamic nature.
Many people invest in Stock markets as they have also proved to be very profitable.

• But Artificial Intelligence has made it easier as well. With technologies like Support Vector
Machines (SVM) and Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) which are types of Machine learning, the
patterns are learned and predicted. This technical analysis is very important in predicting financial
markets and providing successful outcomes.

• Three algorithms are used in this prediction, namely evenberg-Marquardt, Scaled Conjugate
Gradient and Bayesian Regularization. Together they provide around 99% accuracy using tick data.


7. Customer Analysis

• Businesses run for their customers and customers can make or break any brand. So it is extremely
important for companies to analyse their customer base and strategize for more engagement and
improvement in any other field . Earlier, it was very hard for companies to get insights of their
performance as most of the exchanges occurred in person and the feedback was predicted manually
through sales or emotional aspects.

• Today, Artificial Intelligence enables the company to perform surveys that could provide customer
feedback that run deeper than just historical data analysis. It provides accurate data and helps to
perform strategies for better engagement and for facilitating sales by providing better customer
experience. Hence AI helps in making the business more customer-centric, ultimately benefiting the

8. Billing and Invoice

• With all the businesses come financial responsibilities. It can be imagined that companies might
often have bills, payment checks and invoices exchanged with others. These accounting and financial
processes could turn out to be very burdensome, if handled manually.

• Also, there might be calculation mistakes that could lead to terrible losses. Artificial Intelligence has
made financial management very easy and accurate by automating the process.

• There are many software available in the market for accounting and invoices. For manual paper-
based invoices, these software provide features like invoice data extraction and segregation which
can extract data from paper invoices once scanned and uploaded, and store them.

• Electronic invoices are easier to handle as they are analysed and stored automatically. AI powered
accounting tools are very accurate and organised and it makes financial management a very easy

9. Proposal review

• Artificial Intelligence has proved itself quite beneficial when it comes to proposal review. Proposals
are often exchanged in the world of business and if not checked and analysed properly, it might lead
the company towards wrong clients.

• Now, AI can easily analyze any proposal given to the company with the help of machine learning.
The company can automatically get a hold of the scope, pricing and track any history of the source of

• AI proposal management software is very efficient in qualifying opportunities. It goes through the
proposal and determines the best outcome. This is both time saving and often provides correct
predictions. Proposal Management software also offer strategic planning to the company with which
they can grow.

10. Virtual Assistants and Conversational Interfaces


• Every business has their own set of services that need to be explained to the masses in order to
expand their customer base and facilitate their sales. It is not possible for the owners to personally
explain and clear the doubts of every individual.

• With the help of Artificial Intelligence, businesses are inculcating virtual assistants and chatbots in
their websites and applications, that can answer any queries that the user might have about the
company and provide 24/7 customer service.
• Usually chatbots have pre-programmed answering systems and they follow specific patterns while
answering questions. These are advancing more and more with the improvement of neural networks
and deep learning.

11. Targeted Marketing

• All the businesses nowadays are taking advantage of the internet to gain more and more popularity.
Targeted marketing or Targeted Advertising is a method of online advertising done with the help of
NLP and AI that shows ads to only specific audiences.

• The audience is determined by their online activities and if they have recently searched for any
similar product/service online, they start seeing the advertisements.

• This is a very efficient and beneficial way of marketing as it saves a lot of money for the business.
This is done through keyword matching.

12. Predicting Vulnerability Exploitation

• The number of vulnerabilities disclosed in the past few years has been very high. The amount of
cooperation shown with machines has been very low, as compared to cooperation that is shown with
humans. That exposes AI to be exploited by humans and runs the risk of ruining any business.

• This problem is solved by Artificial Intelligence itself. Through AI, companies can predict any sort
of malpractices that might risk the system to be exploited and hence saving the business. AI can also
help in identifying credit fraud and insurance claim fraud in real time. This saves the company from
scams and big losses.

13. Social Media Insights

• Social media has become one of the strongest platforms for brands to promote their business. It gives
them a variance of users to showcase their services. If any company can use their social media
platform accurately, they can easily gain a massive amount of customers.

• Since there are many users, it is not possible for any business to attain their customer feedback
manually. With the help of Artificial Intelligence, brands can know their position in the market and
get insights of their customer base.

• This will help the brand to strategies and improve and build their social media game!


Internet of Things (IoT)
Overview of IoT
The term IoT was coined by Kevin Ashton in 1999. At that time, most of the data fed to computers was
generated by humans; he proposed that the best way would be for computers to take data directly, without
any intervention from humans. And so he proposed things such as RFID and sensors, which gather data,
should be connected to the network, and feed directly to the computer.
Today IoT (also called the internet of everything and sometimes, the fog network) refers to a wide range of
things such as sensors, actuators, and smartphones connected to the internet. These things can be anything: a
person with a wearable device (or even mobile phone), an RFID-tagged animal, or even our day-to-day
devices such as a refrigerator, washing machine, or even a coffee machine. These things can be physical
things—that is, things that exist in the physical world and can be sensed, actuated, and connected—or of the
information world (a virtual thing)—that is, things that aren't tangibly present but exist as information (data)
and can be stored, processed, and accessed. These things necessarily have the ability to communicate
directly with the internet; optionally, they might have the potentiality of sensing, actuation, data capture,
data storage, and data processing.
The International Telecommunication Unit (ITU), a United Nations agency, defines IoT as:
"a global infrastructure for the information society, enabling advanced services by interconnecting (physical
and virtual) things based on existing and evolving interoperable information and communication
The wide expanse of ICT already provided us with communication at any time or any place; the IoT added
the new dimension of ANY THING communication:

• According to the Internet Architecture Board’s (IAB) definition, IoT is the networking of smart objects,
meaning a huge number of devices intelligently communicating in the presence of internet protocol that
cannot be directly operated by human beings but exist as components in buildings, vehicles or the


• According to the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) organization’s definition, IoT is the networking
of smart objects in which smart objects have some constraints such as limited bandwidth, power, and
processing accessibility for achieving interoperability among smart objects.
• According to the IEEE Communications category magazine’s definition, IoT is a framework of all things
that have a representation in the presence of the internet in such a way that new applications and services
enable the interaction in the physical and virtual world in the form of Machine-to-Machine (M2M)
communication in the cloud.
• The term Internet of Things (IoT) according to the 2020 conceptual framework is expressed through a
simple formula such as:

IoT= Services+ Data+ Networks + Sensors

• IoT stands for Internet of Things, a system of interrelated devices, vehicles, home appliances, and other
physical objects that are embedded with sensors, software, and network connectivity, enabling them to
collect and exchange data.

The internet of things (IoT) has found its application in several areas such as connected industry, smart-city,
smart-home, smart-energy, connected car, smart agriculture, connected building and campus, health care,
logistics, among other domains. IoT systems allow users to achieve deeper automation, analysis, and
integration within a system. They improve the reach of these areas and their accuracy.

A. Smart Home
B. Smart Grid
C. Smart City
D. Wearables
E. Smart Farming


Smart Grid: IoT Energy Management Systems
What Is the Smart Grid?
According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), the smart grid is critical to building a secure, clean
future. The smart grid must be considered as a mission-critical asset that is part of an IoT framework. It can
be used to remotely monitor and manage:
• Street lighting


• Transmission lines

• Substations

• Cogeneration

• Outage sensors

• Early detection (e.g., power disturbances due to earthquakes and extreme weather)

How Smart Cities Are Adopting Smart Grid Technology

The smart grid does this through private, dedicated networks connecting devices that are distributed to
businesses and homes citywide, including:
• Smart meters

• Data concentrators

• Transformers

Smart grid IoT technologies contribute to robust and efficient energy management solutions lacking in the
existing framework. The IoT smart grid enables two-way communication between connected devices and
hardware that sense and respond to user demands. A smart grid is more resilient and less costly than the
current power infrastructure.
Smart Grid, Smart Energy: Top Benefits of IoT Monitoring and Regulation
Current power grids aren’t made to withstand the immense draw on resources and the need to transmit data
for billions of consumers worldwide.

The smart grid can:

• Detect energy spikes and equipment failure

• Prevent power outages

• Route power to those in need more quickly

Once fully integrated, smart grid technologies can change the way we work and interact with the world.
Here are some benefits of transitioning to IoT-enabled smart grid technology:

1. Smarter Energy Use Smart grid technologies will help to reduce energy consumption and costs through
usage and data maintenance. Intelligent lighting through smart city technology will be able to:
Monitor usage across various areas
Immediately adapt to settings like rain or fog
Adjust output to meet the time of day or traffic conditions
Detect and address lighting outages instantly
For consumer applications, users can adjust the temperature of their home thermostats through apps while at
work or on vacation.

2. Cleaner Energy Use Smart grid technologies are less demanding on batteries and more carbon efficient.
They are designed to reduce the peak load on distribution feeders. The U.S. Department of Energy is
integrating green technology into their IoT smart management for more sustainable solutions. These
solutions have the potential to benefit all distribution chains and include:
o Optimized wind turbines


o Solar cells
o Microgrid technologies
o Feeder automation systems

3. Lower Costs
According to the Department of Energy, today’s electrical system power outages and interruptions cost
Americans at least $150 billion each year. This estimate puts the price tag at about $500 per person. As the
world’s population continues to grow, the older grids won’t keep up with the increasing demands. Smart
grids are designed to lower long-term costs through smart energy IoT monitoring and source rerouting for
fast recovery when a power failure is detected.

4. Improved Transportation and Parking

As more electric vehicles enter operation, IoT smart sensors can collect real-time data to relay information
to drivers and authorities. Accessing this data from smart sensors will enable cities to:
o Reduce traffic congestion
o Provide better parking solutions
o Alert drivers to traffic incidents and structural damage to city landscapes
o Allow for automatic payments at road tolls and parking meters
o IoT technology is also at the core of expanding electric charging stations that heavily tax the power grid.

5. Help with Waste and Water Management

Water treatment and distribution and wastewater processing are significant drains on the energy grid. Smart
cities improve efficiency and reduce costs in their waste and water management solutions. IoT applications
can provide real-time data to track inventory and reduce theft and loss. Smart energy analytics can gather
data on water flow, pressure and temperature to help consumers track usage habits. Timers and
infrastructure modules can regulate usage and reduce waste.

6. Energy Enablement in Developing Countries

The IEA report discusses how smart grids can provide rural areas with electricity by transitioning to
community grids that connect to regional and national grids. These grids will be critical for deploying new
power infrastructures in developing countries experiencing population overflow impacts. Starting with new
technology ensures the best path to economic growth.

7. Greater Insight into Regional Issues

Optimized smart city solutions mean greater insight into regional issues. Imagine a smart grid set up to
respond to a regional drought or wildfires in a dry area. Adaptive city fog lighting would be great for a city
in the northeast U.S. but ineffective elsewhere. Customized technology and better data collection can
improve the daily lives of countless regional populations.


In cities, the development of smart grids, data analytics, and autonomous vehicles will provide an intelligent
platform to deliver innovations in energy management, traffic management, and security, sharing the
benefits of this technology throughout society.

Smart cities use IoT devices such as connected sensors, lights, and meters to collect and analyze data. The
cities then use this data to improve infrastructure, public utilities and services.
• Internet of Things is a broad term that can be used to describe any object connected to the internet and
these objects that can “talk” to each other.
• These benefits include integrated transport system, tourism, health, educational facilities, smart healthcare,
smart energy, smart homes, crime prevention, smart infrastructure, safety and security, disaster management,
and waste management.
Connected public transport:
• Transportation in big cities creates many problems such as traffic congestion, pollution, and energy

To track, monitor public transportation by using various enabling technologies. This resulted in more
efficient public transport, cutting waiting times, and boosting reliability.
Traffic monitoring and management:
• Managing traffic flow is one of the biggest challenges for smart cities. The multiple types of sensors
transmit real-time traffic updates to a traffic management platform, which adjusts the timing of traffic
signals to optimize traffic flow.
• Pavement integrated sensors send real-time updates of traffic flow to a central traffic management platform
which analyses the data and automatically adjusts traffic lights to the traffic situation within seconds


Water level / Flood monitoring:
• The city’s flood monitoring program is one that directly affects citizens. In recent years, flooding has
become a problem in areas of the city. Deploying sensor products that can detect water levels and report
flooding incidents using technologies.

Video surveillance and analytics:

• Smart surveillance cameras have been around for a long time, and they’re commonly used to police the
world’s roads and highways. IOT cameras used to identify stolen cars, for traffic control purposes, to collect
tolls, and to deter crime in general.

Smart streetlights:
• The key benefits of smart lighting include a reduction of energy and maintenance costs, increased public
safety, safer traffic, and a measurable environmental impact. Smart streetlights can also be used to double up
as EV chargers, emissions monitors, and wireless broadband connection points.

Weather monitoring:
• Smart cities use intelligent technologies to achieve an energy-efficient and environmentally friendly
• Air quality / Pollution monitoring: Siemens has developed a complete, cloud-based software-suite “The
City Air Management Tool”: Captures pollution data in real time and forecasts emissions
• Fire / Smoke detection

Smart Parking:
• Intelligent parking solutions identify when a vehicle has left the parking area
• The sensors in the ground report via smartphone the driver, where they can find a free parking space
• Others use vehicle feedback to tell precisely where the openings are and nudge waiting cars towards the
path of least resistance
• Smart Parking is reality today and does not require complicated infrastructure and high investment making
them ideal for a mid-size Smart City

Smart Waste Management:

• Waste management solutions help to optimize the efficiency of waste collection and to reduce operational
costs and better address the environmental issues associated with an inefficient waste collection.
• Waste container receives a level sensor; when a certain threshold is reached, the management platform of a
truck driver receives a notification on the smartphone. The message appears to empty a full container, which
avoids half empty drains.


IoT Application Wearable Devices
Nearly a decade ago, no one has ever thought of having a palm-sized wearable computer that can track
fitness and can monitor other activities of the human body, such as heart rate and stress level etc. However,
with the connectivity options offered by IoT and the ability of advanced technology to shrink electronics, the
wearable device has no longer remained a futuristic concept. Nowadays, people are becoming aware of a
wide range of wearable IoT devices, such as fitness bands, smart watches and smart glasses etc. Wearable
technology has now become highly advanced and has penetrated new markets as well which can help
humans to upgrade their daily lifestyle. The market of wearable IoT devices is less likely to become obsolete
in the future because, as per PR Newswire, the market of wearable devices will reach $62.82 billion by
2025 with a CAGR growth rate of 11.3%.


Wearables Fall into Seven Broad Categories

Wearable devices are the most popular IoT systems that have been adopted for personal use because these
devices are not only easy to use but affordable as well.

1. Smart Ring

The majority of the people face trouble in handling their car keys, house keys, metro cards and credit cards
together, and fear of losing any of them is real. Smart Ring, which is powered by Near Field Communication
technology (NFC) has the potential to solve the aforementioned problem. By appearance, a smart ring looks
like a normal ring but there is a whole tech on the finger. The ring has network connectivity and it is


embedded with sensors that are linked to the software through which the data can be shared or exchanged.
The ring also incorporates intelligent technologies, for instance, door lick, net file share, soft voice, link
share, business card share and program lock. With just a simple finger approach people can now pay their
bills, use metro ticketing, unlock the car and home’s door if they are NFC enabled.

2. Smart Belt

Wearable IoT devices have also penetrated into the apparel and fashion accessories industries, for instance,
the introduction of the smart belt is a perfect example of smart clothing. The smart belt does not only
complements the look but also save the user from fall risks. By using algorithms and embedded sensors, the
smart belt can easily predict the risk of fall from abnormal gait patterns. The smart belt measures the gait
patterns, for instance, symmetry and speed and immediately alert the user if any potential fall risk is
identified. The mobile phone application is also linked to the smart belt which can visualize the potential
weight gain and can monitor the user’s activity, for instance, sitting habits, calories and step count.

3. Gaming Armbands

Many gaming devices enable the user to make their gaming adventure more engrossing, exciting and
physical. The technology of gaming simulation is not new as the VR/ AR headsets have already given the
ability to the gamer to be a part of the game. However, more innovative wearable IoT devices are coming
into the market. For instance, the smart armband enables the gamer to control the gaming aspects just by
their hand gesture. This armband has built-in sensors which detect the movement of the arm, muscle and
fingers and replicate those movements in the virtual character in the game. This IoT enabled technology is
ahead of gaming peripherals and vibrating controllers. The wearable IoT devices for gaming are focused on
enhancing the user’s gaming experience.

4. Smart Shoes

IoT in combination with other advanced technology is transforming reality and everything that seems
futuristic or unreal is now in use by human beings. One of the latest trends of the future is smart shoes.
False-seated shoes for the players or individuals can cause an unsteady state and a balance problem which
can cause immense pain. Smart shoes are embedded with IoT sensors and can easily overcome the
aforementioned problem. The sensors keep the track of the blood pressure and adjust the shoe accordingly.
Therefore, even if the feet are swollen by physical activity, the player still feels well. The smart shoe also
tracks calories, steps, posture, fatigue and other health parameters to prevent injuries. Smart shoe is
connected with the mobile phone application via Bluetooth to provide real-time and personalized coaching.

5. Fitness Tracker

The life of the people is getting busier day by day and in this hustle, people overlook their fitness and health.
However, with the help of the latest wearable IoT fitness bands, people can now keep track of their daily
fitness activities. The fitness tracker can track the calories burned, weight gained, distance travelled, blood
pressure and heart rate. Some fitness trackers can even monitor sleep and indicate whether the user has an
adequate level of sleep every day. The device also suggests healthy remedial. With wearable IoT devices,
people do not need to worry about their fitness.

6. Smart Clothing


There is hardly any industry left where IoT does not have its traces. It is surprising to know that IoT has
enabled clothing as well to embrace smart technology. Smart clothing is a wearable technology that provides
all body or health-related information to the user. Smart clothing is the fusion of fashion and technology.
Smart clothes have many sensors attached to them which track the physical condition of the wearer with
accuracy. It can detect temperature, respiration rate, heart rate and other health-related information. These
can be used widely for military purposes.

7. Smart Glasses

The advent of wearable computer glasses or smart glasses is extremely surprising and still seems like the
thing of the future. But now smart glasses with smart functionalities are achieving reality. Smart glass is
highly advanced wearable technology that can add useful information alongside an object or a view the
wearer is seeing. These are widely being used for security and healthcare purposes. For instance, police can
use smart glasses to identify the crime suspect by using facial recognition function. In healthcare, these
glasses are being used for telemedicine, automatic patient data entry, hands-free video or photo
documentation and rapid diagnostic. AR smart glasses have also been introduced to improve the eCommerce
or retailing experience of the customer. The glasses can track promotions in-store and conduct a price or
quality comparison for purchase. These glasses can also be used for navigation, indoor or outdoor sports
activities and hand-free cooking assistance.

8. GPS tracking Band

Parents are worried about the safety of their children when they are roaming in the park or going to school as
they cannot keep an eye on them every time. This is where GPS bands of trackers become handy. This
wearable IoT device has a GPS receiver, it is flexible, waterproof, lightweight and harmless to health. A
child can wear this GPS tracking band on the wrist. This helps the parents to keep the track of their children
and immediately get alert on a mobile phone application whenever their child is in trouble. This device is
also useful for individuals suffering from amnesia as they often forget their addresses. GPS tracking band
can also be attached to the pet, especially a pet dog or a cat so that owners can track their pet’s location
when it is lost.

9. Smart Gloves

During the last 40 years, smart gloves have remained under development to support human-computer
interaction based on the movements of the finger or hand. Smart gloves incorporate a wide range of IoT
sensors and these gloves can be used for different purposes, depending on the work they are designed for.
Majorly, smart gloves have been designed to enable users to manipulate virtual objects by touching them
more directly and intuitively. For instance, controlling objects in games, managing home appliances with a
snap of a finger or most importantly, it can be used to bridge the gap between the normal masses and the
people belonging to a deaf or dumb community. By converting sign language into text or speech with the
help of smart gloves, deaf and dumb people can easily communicate with others. This wearable IoT device
has not become a norm yet, but it will be soon.

10. Smart Jewellery

With the help of IoT and other advanced technology, jewellery can do much more than just be an ornament.
Apart from fitness trackers and smart watches, jewellery can also monitor users’ activity with the power of
IoT. Currently, in the market, there is IoT-enabled jewellery available that can be worn in different ways,
such as bracelets, clips or necklaces. For instance, a beautiful pendant powered by IoT can work as a sleep


monitoring device or an activity tracker. Smart jewellery can also help in detecting stress levels and
generates recommendations on the mobile phone to relax the mind.

Internet of Things in Agriculture:

We are witnessing unprecedented levels of adoption of technology in Agriculture. There are many emerging
technologies in agriculture that seem very promising for the future of farming. IoT was once an emerging
agri technology and now it has taken a mainstream position by wider adoption. IoT in agriculture by the
simplest of definitions is just that - Internet controlling things.
IoT smart agriculture products are designed to help monitor crop fields using sensors and by automating
irrigation systems. As a result, farmers and associated brands can easily monitor the field conditions from
anywhere without any hassle.

Take a look at the different uses of IoT in agriculture by means of various IoT solutions:

Since the industrial revolution in the 1800s, automation got more advanced to efficiently handle
sophisticated tasks and increase production. With increasing demands and shortage of labor across the globe,
agriculture robots or commonly known as Agribots are starting to gain attention among farmers. Crop
production decreased by an estimated 213 crores approx ($3.1 billion) a year due to labor shortages in the
USA alone. Recent advancements in sensors and AI technology that lets machines train on their
surroundings have made agrobots more notable. We are still in the early stages of an ag-robotics revolution,
harnessing the full potential of the Internet of Things in agriculture, with most of the products still in early
trial phases and R&D mode.

Weeding Robots

These smart Agri robots use digital image processing to look through the images of weeds in their database
to detect similarities with crops and weed out or spray them directly with their robotic arms. With an
increasing number of plants becoming resistant to pesticides they are a boon to the environment and also to
farmers who used to spread the pesticides throughout the farm. An estimated 13,000 kilograms (3 billion
pounds) of herbicides are applied at a cost of 1,725 crores ($25B) each year, thus reducing their overall cost.
Machine Navigation

As remote-controlled toy cars are enabled with a controller, tractors and heavy plowing equipment can be
run automatically from the comfort of home through GPS. These integrated automatic machines are highly
accurate and self-adjust when they detect differences in terrains, simplifying labor-intensive tasks. Their
movements as well as work progress can be easily checked on smartphones. With advancements in IoT in
Agricultural and machine learning, these tech-driven motors are enabling Advanced farming using IoT
independently with features such as automatic obstacle detection.


Harvesting Robotics

Utilizing agribots to pick crops is solving the problem of labor shortages. Working the delicate process of
picking fruits and vegetables these innovative machines can operate 24/7. A combination of image
processing and robotic arms is used by these machines to determine the fruits to pick hence controlling the
quality. Due to high operational costs, crops that have an early focus on agribot harvesting are orchard fruits
like apples. Greenhouse harvesting also finds applications with these bots for high-value crops like tomatoes
and strawberries. These bots can work in greenhouses to aptly determine the stage of crops and harvest them
at the right time.
Material Handling

Robots can perform dreaded manual labor tasks working alongside the labors. They can lift heavy materials
and perform tasks like plant spacing with high accuracy, therefore optimizing the space and plant quality
and reducing production costs.


Drones in agriculture are used to enhance and optimize various farming activities such as crop monitoring,
crop spraying, soil analysis, and mapping. In fact, agriculture is one of the major sectors to incorporate
drones. Drones equipped with sensors and cameras are used for imaging, mapping, and surveying farms.
There are ground-based drones and aerial drones. Ground drones are bots that survey the fields on wheels.
Aerial drones, formally known as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) or unmanned aircraft systems (UAS),
are flying robots. Drones can be controlled remotely or they can fly automatically through software-
controlled flight plans in their embedded systems, working in coordination with sensors and GPS. From the
drone data, insights can be drawn regarding crop health, irrigation, spraying, planting, soil and field, plant
counting, yield prediction, and much more. Drones can either be scheduled for farm surveys (drone as a
service) or can be bought and stored near farms where they can be recharged and maintained. After the
surveys, the drones need to be taken to nearby labs to analyze the data that has been collected, thereby
helping leverage IoT in agriculture better.


Remote sensing in agriculture is revolutionizing the way data is acquired from different nodes in a
farm' IoT-based remote sensing utilizes sensors placed along with the farms like weather stations for
gathering data, which is transmitted to analytical tools for analysis. Sensors are devices sensitive to
anomalies. Farmers can monitor the crops from the analytical dashboard and take action based on insights.


• Crop Monitoring
Sensors placed along the farms monitor the crops for changes in light, humidity, temperature, shape,
and size. Any anomaly detected by the sensors is analyzed and the farmer is notified. Thus remote
sensing can help prevent the spread of diseases and keep an eye on the growth of crops.
• Weather conditions
The data collected by sensors in terms of humidity, temperature, moisture precipitation, and dew
detection helps in determining the weather pattern in farms so that cultivation is done for suitable
• Soil quality
Soil health analysis helps in determining the nutrient value and drier areas of farms, soil drainage
capacity, or acidity, which allows for adjustment of the amount of water needed for irrigation and
opting for the most beneficial type of cultivation. The soil health data can also help
leverage regenerative agriculture by providing insights into how and when to increase organic matter
and therefore achieve a better soil structure and eventually pave a path for climate-smart agriculture.
Computer imaging involves the use of sensor cameras installed at different corners of the farm or drones
equipped with cameras to produce images that undergo digital image processing. Digital image processing is
the basic concept of processing an input image using computer algorithms. Image processing views the
images in different spectral intensities such as infrared, compares the images obtained over a period of time,
and detects anomalies, thus analyzing limiting factors and helping a better management of farms.


Virtual reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR) vs Mixed reality (MR)

Introduction to AR, VR, and MR:

a) Augmented Reality (AR): AR is a technology that overlays digital information or virtual objects onto the real
world, enhancing the user's perception of their environment. Key points include:

• Integration of virtual elements with real-world surroundings.

• Interaction with virtual objects in real-time.
• Examples include mobile AR apps like Pokémon GO, AR glasses like Microsoft HoloLens, and AR-
enhanced navigation systems.

b) Virtual Reality (VR): VR immerses users in a completely synthetic environment, typically experienced through
specialized headsets or goggles. Key points include:

• Full immersion in a virtual world, often with 360-degree views.

• Presence and interaction within a simulated environment.
• Examples include VR gaming platforms like Oculus Rift, VR training simulations for industries such as
aviation and healthcare, and VR experiences for education and entertainment purposes.

c) Mixed Reality (MR): MR combines elements of both AR and VR, blending virtual objects with the real world while
allowing interaction between the two. Key points include:

• Integration of virtual and real-world environments with spatial awareness.

• Seamless interaction between digital and physical objects.
• Examples include Microsoft's HoloLens, which enables users to interact with holographic objects
overlaid onto their real-world surroundings, and MR applications in design, architecture, and remote

These immersive technologies offer unique experiences and have applications across various industries, from
entertainment and gaming to education, healthcare, and enterprise solutions. As they continue to evolve and
become more accessible, AR, VR, and MR are poised to revolutionize how we interact with digital content and
perceive reality.


Applications of AR Systems
Technology is ever-changing and ever-growing. One of the newest developing technologies is
augmented reality (AR), which can be applied to many different disciplines such as education,
medicine, entertainment, military, etc. Let us see some of its applications.

AR In education

Augmented reality allows flexibility in use that is attractive to education. AR technology can be
utilized through a variety of mediums including desktops, mobile devices, and smartphones. The
technology is portable and adaptable to a variety of scenarios. AR can be used to enhance content
and instruction within the traditional classroom, supplement instruction in the special education
classroom, extend content into the world outside the classroom, and be combined with other
technologies to enrich their individual applications. More importantly, the following reasons for
using augmented reality in education:

• Affordable learning materials - posters, digital illustrations, physical models, prototypes

are expensive and it is impossible for schools to find enough money to purchase all
the supplementary materials they would like to. Using AR technology allows for avoiding
investments in physical materials. Besides, students can get access to learning materials
and interact with them anytime.

• Interactive lessons - when AR technology is used in classrooms, students can view models
on their own smartphones and get a better idea of the concepts they are studying. That
increases engagements and reinforces the learning.

• Higher engagement - when teachers integrate augmented reality into their lectures, they
attract the attention of their students and make lessons more effective. When students are
interested, it is much easier to make them work more productively.

• Higher retention - using the AR app, students can get access to augmented models that
represent any real objects from a famous monument or work of art to a molecule. Besides,
students can get access to a website with specific information. When learning with AR
technology, students use different senses and retain more knowledge for a long time.

• Boost intellectual curiosity - augmented reality makes students more excited about learning
certain subjects. Modern students were born in a digital era so they will always be excited
with innovative technologies that can help them learn new ideas and develop their critical
thinking skills.

When using AR technology in the classroom, teachers can create an authentic learning
environment for students with different learning styles.


AR In Medicine
Augmented reality is one of the current technologies changing all industries, including healthcare
and medical education.
The purpose of any invention and technology is to simplify our life. Augmented reality has the
potential to play a big role in improving the healthcare industry. Only a few years since the first
implementations of augmented reality in medicine, it has already filled an important place in doctors
and nurses routine as well as patients lives
This new technology is enhancing medicine and healthcare towards more safety and
efficiency. For now, augmented reality has already made significant changes in the following
medical areas:
• Surgery (Minimally Invasive Surgery)
• Education Of Future Doctors
• Diagnostics
AR tools may also aid to detect the signs of depression and other mental illnesses by reading
from facial expressions, voice tones, and physical gestures.

In medicine, AR has the following applications:

1) Describing symptoms - Have you ever been in a situation when it was hard to describe to the
doctor what was bothering you? It is a common problem for all us, the roots of which extend to overreacting
and lack of knowledge. And what is most important, it impacts on finding out the accurate diagnosis. The
first steps to find the solutions are already made. To increase patients education, medical app AyeDecide is
using augmented reality to show the simulation of the vision, harmed by the different diseases. It helps
patients to understand their conditions and describe correctly their symptoms.

2) Nursing care - About 40% of the first intravenous injections fail, and this ratio is even higher in
the case of children and elderly patients. The AccuVein uses augmented reality to cope with this negative
statistic. A handheld scanner projects on the skin and shows the patients veins. It increases the successful
finding of the vein from the first try in 3,5 times. That is why this invention got the greatest recognition
among the general public and medical staff.

3) Surgery - In no sphere augmented reality does not have such practical application as in the
medicine, especially in surgery, where it literally helps to save lives. Three dimensional reconstructions of
organs or tumors will help surgeons become more efficient at surgery operations. For example, spinal
surgery, as usually, is a long and difficult process. But with the use of AR, it can reduce the time, cut the
risks and improve the results. The Israeli startup Augmedics had created an augmented reality headset for
spine surgeons. This technology overlays a 3D model of the CT-scan on the spine, so, the surgeon gets some
kind of “X-ray” Vision.

4) Ultrasounds - Some time ago ultrasound made a small revolution in medicine. Today, it has
another one chance to make the same with using augmented reality. Already a few AR software companies
developed handy ultrasound scanner, which with the help of smart glasses works as a traditional one. It is
hard to overestimate the usefulness of this technology. Especially when we talk about using it in the
developing countries, in military medicine (on the battlefields) and even in the ambulance.

5) Diabetes management - In 2017, the number of people struggle with diabetes reached up to 425
million adults worldwide. And the amount of diagnosed people is increasing every year. In 2014, Google
revealed the plans for creating a smart contact lens (Google Contact Lens), in which the main function will
be to measure the glucose levels in the tears. It will help people with this disease to live the life they used to,
without permanent worries about sugar level in the blood.

6) Navigation -


By pointing your phone to the city landscape, you get the information about nearby objects of your
interest (museums, hotels, shops, metro stations, etc.). The same way AR can be useful to provide
information about the nearest hospitals. For example, the EHBO app helps to find the nearest to you AEDs
(automated external defibrillators).

AR In Entertainment
Augmented reality can be used in various “entertainment” industries as entertainment covers quite a number
of different industries like music, movies, live shows, games and all of them can benefit from using augmented
AR in games - the AR games were praised for increasing physical activity in people you actually have to move
around to find your target, for example, Pokémon. At the same time, there are complaints that players could
cause various incidents and accidents being too engrossed in the game. In any case, Pokémon GO has rightfully
earned its popularity and opened the world of AR games to us.

• AR in games – the AR games were praised for increasing physical activity in people you
actually have to move around to find your target, for example, Pokémon. At the same time,
there are complaints that players could cause various incidents and accidents being too
engrossed in the game. In any case, Pokémon GO has rightfully earned its popularity and
opened the world of AR games to us.

• AR in music - music is not only about listening to favorite tracks and putting together
playlists. When we like a piece, we often want to find out more about its background: the performers bio,
the lyrics of the songs, making of the recording or the music video. Augmented reality can do all that and
much more providing complete information on the track or its performer. Augmented reality can enhance
live performances by illustrating the story told by a track or displaying the way it was created by the band.

• AR on TV - this may seem a bit far-fetched, as television already shows a virtual world,
thus adding augmented reality will raise it to the second power. However, some
experiments of fusing augmented reality on TV are already being made with the promise
of future enhancements. One way of integrating augmented reality in television is adding
supplementary information to what is going on the TV screen such as match scores,
betting options, and the like.

• AR in eSports - recently, the industry of eSports has been gaining popularity in all parts of
the globe. Competitive online gaming has become as fascinating as real sports, and the
technology is following it closely with new solutions and unusual implementations.
Augmented reality turns eSports shows into interactive experiences allowing the watchers
to become participants.

• AR in the theatre - in this sector, augmented reality can serve not only for entertainment
purposes but also for the purposes of accessibility. The possibility to overlay virtual objects
over the real environment can be used, for example, for subtitling in various theater shows.
Now, many theaters use LED displays either to provide subtitles for translation or to assist
hearing-impaired visitors. However, LED equipment is not available in each theater and
even when it is, it can distract the viewers from the show.


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