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The Maze Of Legends- Padmavyuham


"The Maze of Legends - Padmavyuham" is an immersive and captivating project

designed to transport players into the heart of ancient Indian mythology. This project
invites adventurers to explore the legendary Padmavyuham, a spiral maze of divine
creation, where each twist and turn is steeped in myth and legend.Each level of the maze
is meticulously themed around significant moments in Indian mythology, bringing to life
stories and characters from a bygone era. Players will encounter a diverse array of
mythical creatures, celestial guardians, and ancient traps, each presenting unique
challenges that test their wit, courage, and strategic thinking. These encounters are not
merely obstacles but opportunities for players to engage deeply with the rich tapestry of
Indian mythology, learning and growing with each step they take.At the core of
Padmavyuham lies the promise of great power and profound secrets, waiting to be
uncovered by those brave enough to reach it. Players will have the chance to outsmart
demons, meet deities, and uncover forgotten truths that have been lost to the sands of
time.It offers players the chance to emerge as heroes, having navigated the complexities
of the maze and the depths of ancient Indian lore.

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The Maze Of Legends- Padmavyuham


S.No. Fig No. Fig Name Page No.

1. 1 Assets 9
[1.1,1,2,1.3,1.4] -Our Customized Assets(Blender)
-Downloaded Assets
2. 2 Animations & Animator 10
3. 3 AI Navigation 11
4. 4 UI & UX 13
[4.1,4.2] Canvas
5. 5 Terrain & Environments 14
6. 6 Characters 15
7. 7 Enemy & Player attack 15

8. 8 Score & Maze Core 16

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