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Hello, thank you so much for accepting my friend request,

Thank you very much ,i hope that we can be good friends and know more about our
self? i hope your answer soon.

My name is Kim Jisook

from USA, I am 32 years old, I am currently single, I am soldier currently in
International duty in Saudi Arabia

Where are you now?

in what city are you?
Are you in Korea


Well its nice to meet you, actually my mother is from Korea and my father is
from California USA, but my parents died when i was only 8 years old, they died
in car accident and i was the only survival,

I am happy to meet someone from my mother’s home country. Its been so long I
visited Korea since my parents died. I will love to come to Korea again

i have no siblings or relatives and that is why i grow up to be strong and

became a soldier. I have been working as a soldier for almost 14 years of my
life and i find it difficult to be a soldier, i really hope that you will be a
help to me because i want to resign from my work and live a civilian life.

My intention is to resign from my work and return back to korea to establish

myself as a cilivilian and live a civilian life, also to enable me find my
cousins and my grandparents and families.

i am planning to resign from my work, i hope you will be a help to me in order

to achieve my dream?

Ok, i really wish to have you as my good friend and also wish to entrust some
precious item into your care, please i need your attention for five minutes to
discuss something important and see where the future takes us. there is
something i want to discuss with you now.


I don’t know if I should be telling you this but I am desperate to meet someone
from my mother’s country. I know I am a total stranger to you but when I saw
your post I was convinced you are the kind of man that I can trust.
Well, this request might meet you in utmost surprise but i ask for your
understanding and i respectfully insist for your kind cooperation and attention,
i am telling you this because i have no relative trusted enough to discuss this

I really wish to have you as my good and trusted friend and also wish to entrust
some item into your care. it is big amount
of money that i got separately from a mission we went few months ago.

i was working Saudi Arabia where the Taliban’s organizes their self’s and we saw
a huge amount of money on their posession, the money is too much and we shared
some between our self’s and take the rest into statement, we were 4 people that
made the deal, and i got my own share of five million dollars.

It’s not a stolen Money!, it’s not an illegal money too, but because were on
duty to bring! Peace in Saudi Arabia many soldiers lost their life and no Amount
of Compensation that may bring back the life of dead soldier then consider how
the family will feel, that is the reasons my unit decided to share the Money
among us….

The good news is that we are successful with that mission and i made a cash of
Five million dollars out of it ($ 5,000,000 USD) Because of my work and my
position over here, i cannot put this money into my bank account, because that
is not part of my salary and United Nation will question me for it.

I am in an urgent need to move this box out from here because they are planning
to move some troop out of Saudi Arabia and I am among, Now I am left with no
option than to move this box to a safe place, that is why I contacted you and I
believe in you

It was a great opportunity for me and you grab it, then i lodged the money in a
consignment box and deposited in a security company as family treasure, this
security company is waiting for me to present my relative who will receive the
box on my behalf, the money is in a box and i deposited the box in Security
company here in

i am asking for your attention and cooperation to stand as my receiver, let me

send the box to you in your country it will arrive successful in your country
and diplomat will bring the box to your house successful,
i need your help and assistance just to stand as my trusted friend, let me send
the box to you and you will keep it safe for me until i come to your country.

I know that it will meet you by surprise that is why i approach you with a good
manner, and i really want your accurate cooperation because i wouldn't want any
disappointment, i only want 60 percent of this money, i urge you to understand me to keep this box safe.

I am Just as i told you, i want to trust you for this money, it is total amount
of five million dollars ($ 5,000,000.00 USD) which i have in a box, a
consignment box that is locked with a code, this box is deposited in a security
company as family treasure, the contents of the box is unknown to the company.

I am a serving soldier in Saudi Arabia so you should know that I am under the
U.S army which does watches over me here and there is no way I can send you any
money. That’s why I deposited it in a consignment box to be delivered to you
through diplomatic process

Am seeking for your cooperation to receive this box to your house address
through diplomat delivering which is easy and safe, as i have revealed to you
the content of the box, i want you to keep it secret until you receive the box
in your house address, and i will give you a code to open it and confirm. This
box will be delivered to you 100% safety through diplomatic currier service.

To register your name as a receiver of the box, i will need your complete
information such as:Your full name:
Your address:
Phone number:
Mail address:
Please send me these complete information as listed above,

when i receive the information from you, i will go to the security company and
pay for the shipment charges, the box will be deliver in the address you provide
here, please make sure that you send me your correct and full address, the
diplomat will contact you as soon as he arrive in your country, please send me
all information complete.

All i need is your sincere heart towards this transaction that is why i offer
you 40 percent of the entire money, but you must keep a secret, do not let
anyone to know the content of the box, in case the company ask you, simply tell
them that is family belongings and family documents,

i also have some documents inside the box which must be safe until my arrival
in your country, as for the safety of the box, i can guarantee you 100% that you
will get this box in your door step as soon as you cooperate with me, on the
conclusion of this transaction, we will share the money 60/40.
I will make the shipment as soon as i hear from you.


Hello my dear
After making inquiry i realize that this will cost me and you some money, are
you willing to cooperate with me?

the diplomat will arrive there in Korea and there will be a clearance charges to
be paid before the diplomat can bring the box at your home, If you agree, i will
proceed and make the shipment,

i can only pay for the shipment charges over here and you will take care of
clearance charges of 4000 Dollars there in Korea

Right now I don't have that much money I just get salary over here of 4500
dollors monthly. Right now I have only 500 dollars. For me it will take some
month to save that much please I really need your help.


Hello my dear.
How are you?

I am happy to inform you that I have done the shipment today; i am able to do
the shipment today after all the stress, i paid shipment charges of 15,000
dollars for fast delivery and the diplomat will be in your country.

The diplomat will arrive in country, the diplomat will contact you as soon as he
arrive in your country, i want you to stand expectant, because this box is very
much important than everything other thing. One thing you should know is that
the diplomat does not know the content of the box,

i told them it is family treasure and this will make the shipment to be done
successful because they cannot find the content of the box, the content of only
known between me and you only,

please keep the secret. I also want to remind you about the secrecy of this
transaction, even when you get the box in your house, please do not tell anybody
about it because friends cannot be trusted with money, let’s keep it secret
until you receive the box as I told you,
please do not tell anybody about your expectation, keep it secret to protect
our interest.

Please read my message carefully and reply me,

the fact is that I have done the shipment and it will arrive in your country,
Please give me the opportunity to complete this and I will be happy, here is the
attached file,


This the shipment airway bill

. Thank you so much and hopefully to meet you soon. this will be my reason to
visit you and i will be in your country after one week you received the box
successful. i wait for your kind and positive respond, see the attached file,
its the shipment document, diplomat will contact you on as soon as he arrive in
your country.

(When the box arrives in Korea fmt)

Hello my dear

Honey the diplomat contacted me and explained to me that he still waiting for
your response to enable him clear out the box from the airport authority,

My dear the diplomat need to clear the box from the airport authority before
bringing it to your home, this money will enable the diplomat to clear the box
and bring it to your home,

my dear the diplomat has been in your country since, waiting to receive the
money. My dear he said that he will instruct you on how he will receive the
money, so my love help me out and send this money to the diplomat so that he

please my dear you know very well my present condition here at the war zone, i
cannot send money to any party due to i am on uniform, and i don't have access
to my bank account due to my political status at the war zone for peace keeping
mission, again my love there is a very big crisis here in Saudi Arabia today, so
there are big war here,

my dear also the diplomat told me that he has already informed you, so please my
dear i will like you to send the money to the diplomat, so that he will clear
out the consignment and continue the journey to your place.

Darling please don't waste time to send him the money because any delay may lead
the Customs in scanning the consignment box, and if they try to scan the box,
they will find out that the content of the box is money, and not family treasure
as it is written, they may cease it or start asking many questions, so please to
avoid them scanning the box, be fast and send the money to the diplomat, as he
has contacted you, so please darling contact the diplomat and send him the money
OK. As i told you the diplomat did not know the content of the box, so if the
custom find out that the box is full of money, honey it will lead to
destruction, so please try and understand my message and just arrange the money
and send it to the diplomat who is now in your country. Now that the diplomat
has entered your country, only waiting to receive the money, so that he will
settle the custom and continue the journey to your place, i am happy that the
diplomat is now in your country and i hope if he receive the money, it will not
take him full day to arrive and meet you in your place, because he is now in
your country, so my dear please be fast to send him the money, I want you to
know that the money which the diplomat is bringing to you is a total amount of
$5.000000 USD (five MILLION US DOLLARS) so we cannot take because of the little
fee and loose the entire fund, that is why i am asking you please for the sake
of God help me out and send this money to the diplomat, so that before tomorrow
runs out he will be in your place and hand over the box to you. God bless you
for me. I wait to hear from you soonest with good news.

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