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De David y Ejemplos de examenes
Choose ten of the following words or expressions and write sentences illustrating their

Dire, draught, peel, downpour, twig, saddle, purr, stalk, tusk, shoal, aggrieved, to have your
nose to the grindstone, to be overlooked, haggle, venture, thrifty, challenge the figures,
squander, hard up, installments.

Re-write the following sentences in order to convey the same meaning, beginning as
shown or using the words in brackets without them being altered.

1-It is feasible to acquire a practical knowledge of the language without anyone teaching you
1-(it being)
2-People agree that the president has misjudged the situation.
2-The president……………………………………………………………..
3-We need to water the plants twice a week.
4-It is essential that we handle the situation carefully.
5-Although he has a faulty pronunciation, he manages to convey his ideas in English.
6-He was such a boring lecturer that hardly anybody half listened to him.
7-JAMES “I will never do such a thing! I do hope you will make that point clear.”
8-You should leave the premises as soon as you are told to do so.
8- The suggestion ………………………………………………………………………..
9-”Lock him below deck and refrain from addressing him in any way.
9-The captain commanded……………………………………………………………..
10-“All right, it was me who had killed the bird with the sling; I won’t do it any more”.
10-The child confessed to……………………………………………………………..
11-They got married in 1975.
12-I am glad I will see you tomorrow.
13-Were you able to get the job you had applied for?
15-As Sam had taken his umbrella, he did not get soaked to the bone.
15- Having……………………………………..

Use the word in BOLD print at the end of the line to form a new sentence that has the same meaning.
You must use TWO to FIVE are words and are not allowed to change the key word in any way.

1. I can’t wait to go on holiday (FORWARD)

I’m really _____________________________________ on holiday.
2. Prices may go up next year, so you should buy now. (CASE)
You should buy now _____________________________________ next year.
3. People believe she lives in New York (BELIEVED)
She _____________________________________ in New York
4. Helen hasn’t tried Japanese food before. (TIME)
It’s the _____________________________________ Japanese food.
5. Can’t he do any better than this? (THE)
Is _____________________________________ he can do ?
6. I don’t know all the facts. (AWARE)
I _____________________________________ all the facts.
7. Whose fault was the fire at the factory? (BLAME)
Who _____________________________________ the fire at the factory?
8. His father doesn’t want him to drink alcohol. (DISAPPROVES)
His father _____________________________________ alcohol.
9. Most people think that broken homes cause a lot of social problems (THOUGHT)
It _____________________________________ cause a lot of social problems.
10. Why did you insist that I buy this horrible chees? (MAKE)
Why _____________________________________ this horrible cheese.
11. She pays someone to clean the windows every month. (CLEANED)
She _____________________________________ every month.
12. You have to wear safety helmets at all times. (WORN)
Safety helmets _____________________________________ at all times.
13. I’m sure they have worked hard on the project (HAVE)
They _____________________________________ on the project.
14. She locked the gate so that the dog wouldn’t escape (PREVENT)
To _____________________________________ , she locked the gate.
15. I do not run as fast as I did when I was younger (USED)
I _____________________________________ I do now.
16. She will probably get the job (LIKELY)
She _____________________________________ the job.
17. She is proud of her beautiful house (PRIDE)
She _____________________________________ beautiful house.
18. She won’t tolerate his rudeness any longer (PUT)
She won’t _____________________________________ any longer.
19. She is scared to be alone in the house at night (AFRAID)
She _____________________________________ in the house at night.
20. Tim will be able to operate the machine but someone must show him (ONLY)
Tim will be able to operate the machine _____________________________________ how.
1. I’m sure you’re wondering why I haven’t phoned you. MUST

You ___________________________ I haven’t phoned you.

2. As it was raining heavily we couldn’t have the picnic we had planned.


The __________________________________________ the picnic we had


3. Recently, the number of people who study a degree has gone up. RISE

Recently, _________________________________________ the number of

people who study a degree.

4. The police came within minutes. MATTER

It _____________________________________ before the police came.

5. Can anyone solve this problem? COME

Can anyone ____________________________ to this problem?


6. Are you saying that I’m lying about what happened? TRUTH

Are you accusing ________________________________ about what happened?

7. I’ve been too busy to phone you, but I’ll do it soon. ROUND

I _________________________________________________ you, but I’ll do

it soon.

8. Economists say that the situation is bound to improve. DOUBT

Economists say that there is _______________________________________


9. My mother was the person who started my interest in reading. GOT

It ____________________________________________ in reading.

10. What’s confusing you so much? LOT

What is that’s _________________________________ confusion?

11. She made a very quick decision and she didn’t think about the matter enough.


She made a very quick decision ____________________________________ to

the matter.

12. It took them some time to understand fully what I was explaining. WHILE
It was ____________________________________ what I was explaining.

13. There is no point in arguing about that matter. WORTH

That matter ____________________________________________.

14. If your parcel is delayed, contact us. DELAY

Should __________________________________ to your parcel, contact us.

15. I have no intention of studying another degree. DREAM

I ___________________________________________ another degree.

16. Those two books are completely different. COMMON

Those two books don’t ______________________________________ each

other. 2/5

17. I was surprised because we didn’t have any problems when we travelled to

Canada. WENT

To ______________________________________________ wrong when we

travelled to Canada.

18. It doesn’t matter how well you drive, you shouldn’t have sped. HOWEVER

You shouldn’t have sped _________________________________ drive.

19. I didn’t know universities were so expensive in Spain. IDEA

I ____________________________________________ so much in Spain.

20. Don’t get depressed because of that small detail. LET

It’s such a small detail that you shouldn’t

____________________________________ down.

21. It is reported that the Prime Minister is now recovering in hospital. RECOVERY

The Prime Minister is reported ______________________________________

in hospital now.

22. My teacher said that I didn’t have a serious enough attitude to English.


I don’t ______________________________________________ to my


23. The car has almost run out of petrol. HARDLY

__________________________________________________ left in the car.

24. I really wanted to impress the new boss. DESPERATEI _the new boss a good impression.
Topic 6

Entrance Exams' Paraphrasing

 New Headway Advance Theory- David

 Paths to From 2015 to- David

Proficiency 2017
(DAI394) Student’s Name: Nº de Orden:

6. According to Vyacheslav Polonski, our twenty-first century world would be better had
the political system developed faster than social media.
7. Political parties have been losing terrain to more concrete and ever-changing agendas.

B) For each question below circle one or more right answers

8. The Arab Spring revolutions are an example of:

a) the potential of the Internet for political disruption

b) the inability of the Internet to contribute to overthrowing a government
c) the ability of the Internet to foster sustained change
d) the inability of the Internet to foster sustained change
e) all of the above
f) none of the above

9. To say that political parties are beholden to themselves means that they:

a) are concerned about people's needs

b) are indifferent to people's needs
c) are unable to serve their communities
d) only care about their own interests
e) all of the above
f) none of the above

10. An "entrenched" political party is one that:

a) is flexible towards change

b) cheats and defrauds
c) challenges old values
d) none of the above


Use the words in brackets somewhere in the sentence or the given beginnings.
DO NOT change the meaning.

a. Nationalists believe that any true nation must have clearly delineated and protected
What …………………………………………………………………………………....
b. Today republicans wish to focus on American citizens. Globalization has eroded their
lives in many instances. (whose)
(DAI394) Student’s Name: Nº de Orden:

Today republicans wish …………………………………………………………………

c. Possibly, globalists were too focused on global trade and commerce, thus overlooking
the horrendous plight of America’s old industry. (account)
The horrendous plight of America’s old industry may ………………………………….
d. The most optimistic voters believe that politicians have now adopted more powerful
discourses. (to)
More powerful discourses ………………………………………………………………
e. Some will say that Trump won the electoral vote thanks to his victory in Texas. (for)
Had ……………………………………………………………………………………...
f. Little to no attention is given to policy questions concerning the Internet, but the role
of digital and social media in election campaigns is often discussed. (discussion)
Whilst policy questions ………………………………………………………………..
g. Given the instability in the country, the elections have been postponed several times
until the recent elections in 2016.
……………………………………………….. resulted ………………………………
h. “The wall will have to be built within the next two years so new migration laws can be
passed”. (unless)
The President claimed ………………………………………………………………….
i. Although politicians have lost what little credibility they enjoyed, people still find
they are able to fulfill their promises.
In spite ………………………………………………………………., people still find
j. The moment Trump took power, he started making unhappy statements involving
Mexican migrants. (sooner)
(DAI394) Student’s Name: Nº de Orden:

5. Polonski envisions a decline of political parties.

6. Unlike the Baby Boom generation, today people are not willing to engage in collective
7. The creation of ad hoc coalitions is key to establishing modern institutions.

B) For each question below circle one or more right answers:

8. In general, if politics "remains stifled by bureaucracy", it means that:

a) politics is hindered by bureaucracy

b) bureaucracy stops politics from evolving
c) neither of the above

9. An "entrenched" political party will be one that:

a) is flexible towards change

b) cheats and defrauds
c) challenges old values
d) none of the above

10. Regarding the Arab Spring revolutions, the Internet has proved that:

a) It cannot alter the current state of things.

b) It can be used as a weapon to overthrow governments.
c) It can bring about change but not sustainable models.
d) While influential, it won't have an impact on governments.
e) all of the above
f) none of the above


Use the words in brackets somewhere in the sentence or the given beginnings.
DO NOT change the meaning

a. The moment Trump took power, he started making unhappy statements involving
Mexican migrants. (sooner)
b. Although politicians have lost what little credibility they enjoyed, people still find they
are able to fulfill their promises.
Despite ………………………………………………………………., people still find
(DAI394) Student’s Name: Nº de Orden:


c. “The wall will have to be built within the next two years so new migration laws can be
passed”. (unless)
The President claimed ………………………………………………………………….
d. Given the instability in the country, the elections have been postponed several times
until the recent elections in 2016.
……………………………………………….. resulted ………………………………
e. Little to no attention is given to policy questions concerning the Internet, but the role
of digital and social media in election campaigns is often discussed. (discussion)
Whilst policy questions ………………………………………………………………...
f. Some will say that Trump won the electoral vote thanks to his victory in Texas. (for)
Had ……………………………………………………………………………………...
g. The most optimistic voters believe that politicians have now adopted more powerful
discourses. (to)
More powerful discourses ………………………………………………………………
h. Possibly, globalists were too focused on global trade and commerce, thus overlooking
the horrendous plight of America’s old industry. (account)
The horrendous plight of America’s old industry may ………………………………….
i. Today republicans wish to focus on American citizens. Globalization has eroded their
lives in many instances. (whom)
Today republicans wish …………………………………………………………………
j. Nationalists believe that any true nation must have clearly delineated and protected
It is ……………………………………………………………………………………....
(CCK2015) Student’s Name: Nº de Orden:

This type of hoarder finds it almost impossible to discard anything. C

6. This type of hoarder keeps possessions because he/she finds them interesting. /2
7. This type of hoarder buys things because he/she is excited by them. /2
8. This type of hoarder includes more men than women. /2
9. This type of hoarder has a greater tendency to classify objects. /2

Choose the correct letter (only one option)

10. The writer of the article views people with compulsive hoarding disorder as /2

A difficult to get along with

B lazy and disorganized

C mentally disturbed

D abnormal because they cannot lead a normal life

E having a different perception of physical objects from the majority of people

Total /20

2. USE OF ENGLISH: PARAPHRASING (3 points each correct answer)

Use the words in brackets somewhere in the sentence or the given beginnings.
DO NOT change the meaning.

a. While people with hoarding problems often save things others would consider trash,
collectors save useful or valuable things.
Unlike ..................................................................................................................................
b. One misconception about the difference between collecting and hoarding is the idea that
collectors save things of value and that hoarders save things with no value. (differs)
The idea ..............................................................................................................................
c. It wasn’t until they saw the number of objects accumulated in his cellar that they realized he
was a serial collector.
Only ………………………………………………………………………………………..
d. Hoarding is not an entirely genetic disorder. Even so, there is some genetic predisposition in
(CCK2015) Student’s Name: Nº de Orden:


Despite .................................................................................................................................
e. A patient with hoarding disorders is always advised to store items of the same type together
and donate unused objects. (recommended)
It …………………………………………………………………………………………….
f. Psychologists believe that up to three million Britons suffer from hoarding disorder. Some
of the former dismiss it as mere laziness or untidiness. (with)
Up to three …………………………………………………………………………………..,
g. It is very likely that Andy Warhol consented to participating in the clinical trial led by the
medical foundation. (must)
Andy Warhol ………………………………………………………………………………...
h. Experts recommend that hoarders start psychological treatment immediately after the
condition is diagnosed. (better)
According to experts, …………………………………………………………………………
i. Thanks to the counseling provided by Mayo Clinic, the patient is now aware of his hoarding
Had …………………………………………………………………………………………...
j. The minute the physician came across this syndrome, he started researching the condition
thoroughly. (sooner)

Total /30
(CCK2015) Student’s Name: Nº de Orden:

5. People have died as a result of extreme hoarding behavior. /2

6. Compulsive hoarding disorder is a type of obsessive compulsive disorder. /2
7. People with compulsive hoarding disorder usually have parents with the same /2
8. People who take collecting to extremes eventually cannot live in their homes. /2
9. Hoarders show more activity in parts of the brain associated with the emotions. /2

Choose the correct letter (one option only)

10. The writer of the article views people with compulsive hoarding disorder as /2
A having a different perception of physical objects from the majority of people

B abnormal because they cannot lead a normal life

C lazy and disorganized

D a lost cause

E mentally deranged Total /20

2. USE OF ENGLISH: PARAPHRASING (3 points each correct answer)

Use the words in brackets somewhere in the sentence or the given beginnings.
DO NOT change the meaning

a. The minute the physician came across this syndrome, he started researching the condition
thoroughly. (sooner)
b. Thanks to the counseling provided by Mayo Clinic, the patient is now aware of his
hoarding condition.
But for …..………………………………………………………………………………...
c. Experts recommend that hoarders start psychological treatment immediately after the
condition is diagnosed. (better)
According to experts, ………………………………………………………………………
d. It is very likely that Andy Warhol consented to participating in the clinical trial led by the
medical foundation. (must)
(CCK2015) Student’s Name: Nº de Orden:

Andy Warhol ……………………………………………………………………………….

e. Psychologists believe that up to three million Britons suffer from hoarding disorder.
Some of the former dismiss it as mere laziness or untidiness. (with)
Up to three ………………………………………………………………………………….
f. A patient with hoarding disorders is always advised to store items of the same type
together and donate unused objects. (recommended)
It ……………………………………………………………………………………………
g. Hoarding is not an entirely genetic disorder. Even so, there is some genetic predisposition
in it.
Despite ..................................................................................................................................
h. It wasn’t until they saw the number of objects accumulated in his cellar that they realized
he was a serial collector.
Only ………………………………………………………………………………………..
i. One misconception about the difference between collecting and hoarding is the idea that
collectors save things of value and that hoarders save things with no value. (differs)
The idea ................................................................................................................................
j. While people with hoarding problems often save things others would consider trash,
collectors save useful or valuable things.
Unlike ...................................................................................................................................

Total /30

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