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2 Presentation Abstract

The development of offshore wind power in Australia is significantly underestimated

In the past 10 years, the topic of how to emission carbon reduction and mitigate the greenhouse
effect has been widespread. The increasing number of clean energy sources are replacing
traditional thermal power industries as the first method of getting down carbon emissions all
over the world. Among these, wind and solar energy, as available clean energy sources, have
been popular in various countries and both have heavily developed. According to an official
report by the government of New South Wales, Australia, in 2024 claimed that there are plans to
design eight ocean areas as offshore wind development farms, which is only about 1/4 of the
planned development areas for photovoltaics. The purpose of this presentation is to analyze the
notion that the development of offshore wind power in Australia is significantly underestimated. I
will begin with Australia's locational advantages in offshore wind power. This will be followed by a
detailed why Australia continues to focus on solar power within its renewable energy strategy.
Then, I will share the impact of this issue on Australia's future of the proposed solutions to
address this concern problem. The result shows that offshore wind development could be crucial
for Australia to maintain its leading position in new energy globally and unlock more economic

Glossary of Key Terms

· Carbon Emission: Carbon dioxide that planes, cars, factories, etc. produce, is thought to be
harmful to the environment.
· Greenhouse Effect: An increase in the amount of carbon dioxide and other gases in the
atmosphere (= mixture of gases around the earth), that is believed to be the cause of a
gradual warming of the surface of the earth.
· Thermal Power: Industries involved in the production of electricity through the conversion of
heat energy, typically from the combustion of fossil fuels or nuclear reactions.
· Photovoltaics: A method of generating electric power by converting solar radiation into
direct current electricity using semiconductors that exhibit the photovoltaic effect.
· Renewable Energy Strategy: A plan or policy designed to increase the production and use of
renewable energy sources within a certain area or by a certain entity.
· Locational Advantages: The benefits that arise from the geographic position of a place,
which can include factors like access to resources, climate, and proximity to markets or
transportation networks.

Reference List
· Briggs, C, Hemer, M, Marsh, P, Langdon, R & Teske, S 2021. ‘Wind turbines off the coast could
help Australia become an energy superpower, research finds’, The Conversation, assessed 29
February 2024, <
· David, L.2023, ‘Too much solar, not enough wind: Australia’s big renewable dilemma’, Renew
Economy, assessed 27 February 2024, <
· Musial, W, Spitsen, P, Duffy, P, Beiter, P, Shields, M, Mulas Hernando, D, Hammond, R,
A1.2 Presentation Abstract

Marquis, M, King, J & Sathish, S 2023, Offshore Wind Market Report: 2023 Edition,, viewed 10 March 2024, <>

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