Walk-in-Interview Notification No. 08-2024_1720008850

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सीएसआईआर - भारतीय रासायिनक ौ ोिगक सं थान


[वै ािनक तथा औ ोिगक अनुसंधान प रषद् / Council of Scientific & Industrial Research]
हैदराबाद / Hyderabad – 500 007

वॉक-इन-इंटर ू के िलए अिधसूचना सं. 08/2024


सीएसआईआर - आईआईसीटी िविभ ायोिजत प रयोजना के तहत पूरी तरह से अ थायी आधार पर िन िलिखत पद के िलए िलए दनांक: 16.07.2024 को वॉक-इन-इं टर ू आयोिजत कर
रहा है ।

CSIR – IICT is conducting Walk-in-Interview on 16.07.2024 for the following positions under various sponsored projects purely on temporary basis.

जो अ यथ आयु, शै िणक यो यता, अनुभव आ द के िन िलिखत मानदंड को पूरा करते ह, वे वॉक-इन-इं टर ू म िविधवत भरे ए आवेदन प (सीएसआईआर-आईआईसीटी वेबसाइट से आवेदन प
डाउनलोड कर) के साथ मािणत ासंिगक द तावेज (मै क/10 व से सभी शै िणक यो यता, वैध नेट/गेट, अनुभव, ज म ितिथ, ेणी, आ द का माण प ) के साथ उपि थत हो सकते ह । स यापन के िलए
अ य थय को सभी मूल माण प लाने ह गे । अ य थय को वॉक-इन-इंटर यू के िलए द. 16.07.2024 को पूवा न 09.30 बजे से 10.30 बजे के बीच म अपना नाम पंजीकृ त करना है ।

Candidates who fulfill the under-mentioned criteria of age, educational qualifications, experience etc., may appear for walk-in-interview with the duly
filled application form (download the application form from CSIR-IICT Website) along with one set of attested relevant documents (certificates of all
educational qualifications from matric/10th onwards, valid NET/GATE etc, Experience, DOB, latest Category/Caste etc) and appear for walk in interview.
Candidates are required to bring all the original certificates for verification. Candidates should register their names for walk-in-interview between
09.30 AM to 10.30 AM on 16.07.2024 respectively.

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पो ट ोजे ट का नाम/ पद एवं वजीफा प रलि धयाँ / पद क सं. े / िवषय म अिनवाय एवं वांछनीय यो यता वॉक-इन-इंटर ू क
कोड/ Name of the Project Positions & Stipend/ Emoluments No of Essential & Desirable qualification in the area/discipline ितिथ के अनुसार ऊपरी
Post positions
आयु सीमा Upper
age limit as on
date of walk in
1. Process development for ICM-102 रसच एसोिसएट-I (पी) / Research Associate-I (P) 01 अिनवाय यो यता /Essential Qualification 40
and PTX
₹ 58,000+HRA Ph.D in Chemistry

वांछनीय यो यता /Desirable Qualification:

2 to 3 years industrial experience
2. Recovery of ethylene from FCC off सीिनयर ोजे ट एसोिसएट/ Senior Project Associate 02 अिनवाय यो यता /Essential Qualification 40
gas by energy efficient novel
B.Tech in Chemical Engineering with 4 years’ experience in R&D
separation process (a) Adsorption ₹. 42,000+HRA
based process (b) Membrane based
process वांछनीय यो यता /Desirable Qualification:
Good publication record with more than 2 papers in SCI journals
3. Direct air capture of CO2 using सीिनयर ोजे ट एसोिसएट/ Senior Project Associate 01 अिनवाय यो यता /Essential Qualification 40
phase-change amines and
₹. 42,000/- (Consolidated) Ph.D in Chemistry (Or) M.Sc in Chemistry with 4 years R&D experience
वांछनीय यो यता /Desirable Qualification:
Experience in organic synthesis and CO2 conversion
4. Engineering hybrid biological रसच एसोिसएट (पी) / Research Associate (P) 01 अिनवाय यो यता /Essential Qualification 35
systems for self-sustainable
M.Sc Bioinformatics/ Environmental Science/ Botany/ Plant Science
treatment of persistent mobile ₹ 40,600/- (Consolidated)
chemicals in common effluent
वांछनीय यो यता /Desirable Qualification:
treatment plant (CETP)
wastewater 4 years of experience in plant science

5. Development and demonstration of जूिनयर रसच फे लो (पी)/ Junior Research Fellow (P) 01 Junior Research Fellow (P) 35
CO2 capture from coal gasification
pilot plant and its utilization ₹. 37,000+HRA अिनवाय यो यता /Essential Qualification
through direct catalytic conversion (Or) M.Sc in Chemistry/ B.Tech in Chemical or Allied Engg with National Eligibility tests-CSIR-UGC-
to DME NET including lectureship (Assistant Professorship) or Valid GATE
ोजे ट एसोिसएट – I / Project Associate- I
₹. 25,000+HRA वांछनीय यो यता /Desirable Qualification:
Experience in relevant area
Project Associate- I
अिनवाय यो यता /Essential Qualification
M.Sc in Chemistry/ B.Tech in Chemical or Allied Engg

वांछनीय यो यता /Desirable Qualification:

Experience in relevant area
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पो ट ोजे ट का नाम/ पद एवं वजीफा प रलि धयाँ / पद क सं. े / िवषय म अिनवाय एवं वांछनीय यो यता वॉक-इन-इंटर ू क
कोड/ Name of the Project Positions & Stipend/ Emoluments No of Essential & Desirable qualification in the area/discipline ितिथ के अनुसार ऊपरी
Post positions
आयु सीमा Upper
age limit as on
date of walk in
6. Development of suitable catalyst ोजे ट एसोिसएट – II / Project Associate- II 01 अिनवाय यो यता /Essential Qualification 35
and process for the production of
₹. 35,000+HRA to Scholars who are selected through M.Sc in Chemistry with 2 years’ experience
dibenzyl toluene (DBT)
(a) National Eligibility tests- CSIR-UGC-NET
including lectureship (Assistant Professorship) or वांछनीय यो यता /Desirable Qualification:
GATE or (b) A selection process through National
level examination conducted by Central Government  Two year experience in the field of Catalysis, Catalyst designing and Characterization
Departments and their agencies and institutions
and ₹. 28,000+HRA for others who don’t qualify  Experience in performing Organic Reactions, Product analysis and Separations
7. Achmatowicz rearrangement in ोजे ट एसोिसएट – II / Project Associate- II 01 अिनवाय यो यता /Essential Qualification 35
greener approach and its
MSc in Chemistry with 2 years’ experience in Research & Development in Industrial and
application for the synthesis of ₹. 28,000+HRA
Academic Institutions
thiomarinols and marinolic acids

वांछनीय यो यता /Desirable Qualification:

Research experience in organic synthesis
Project Associate- II
8. Pan CSIR Cancer Program: ोजे ट एसोिसएट – II / Project Associate- II 01 35
Emphasis gynecological cancers अिनवाय यो यता /Essential Qualification
₹. 28,000+HRA
M.Sc in Biochemistry/ Biotechnology/ Microbiology with 2 years’ experience (Or) B.Tech in
(Or) Biotechnology with 2 years’ experience (Or) B. Pharm in Pharmacology with 2 years’
ोजे ट एसोिसएट – I / Project Associate- I
₹. 25,000+HRA वांछनीय यो यता /Desirable Qualification:
Hands on research experience in Cell biology and/or Molecular Biology

Project Associate- I
अिनवाय यो यता /Essential Qualification
M.Sc in Biological Sciences (Biochemistry/ Biotechnology/ Microbiology) (Or) B.Tech in
Biotechnology (Or) B. Pharm in Pharmacology

वांछनीय यो यता /Desirable Qualification:

Hands on research experience in Cell biology and/or Molecular Biology
9. Development of process know-how ोजे ट एसोिसएट – II / Project Associate- II 01 अिनवाय यो यता /Essential Qualification 35
for the new generation fire-
MSc in Chemistry with 2 years’ experience (Or) B. Pharm with 2 years’ experience
extinguisher Cis-1,1,1,4,4,4- ₹. 28,000+HRA

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पो ट ोजे ट का नाम/ पद एवं वजीफा प रलि धयाँ / पद क सं. े / िवषय म अिनवाय एवं वांछनीय यो यता वॉक-इन-इंटर ू क
कोड/ Name of the Project Positions & Stipend/ Emoluments No of Essential & Desirable qualification in the area/discipline ितिथ के अनुसार ऊपरी
Post positions
आयु सीमा Upper
age limit as on
date of walk in
10. Development of Novel N- ोजे ट एसोिसएट – I / Project Associate- I 01 अिनवाय यो यता /Essential Qualification 35
Heterocyclic Carbene (NHC)-
₹. 31,000+HRA to Scholars who are selected through M.Sc in Organic Chemistry
Catalyzed Umpolung
(a) National Eligibility tests- CSIR-UGC-NET
Transformations using Aldimines
including lectureship (Assistant Professorship) or वांछनीय यो यता /Desirable Qualification:
and Michael Acceptors
GATE or (b) A selection process through National
level examination conducted by Central Government One year experience in synthetic organic chemistry/ NET/GATE qualified
Departments and their agencies and institutions
and ₹. 25,000+HRA for others who don’t qualify
11. Development of suitable catalyst ोजे ट एसोिसएट – I / Project Associate- I 01 अिनवाय यो यता /Essential Qualification 35
and process for the production of
₹. 31,000+HRA to Scholars who are selected through M.Sc in Chemical Sciences (Chemistry/ Inorganic Chemistry/ Analytical Chemistry/
dibenzyl toluene (DBT)
(a) National Eligibility tests- CSIR-UGC-NET Hydrochemistry)
including lectureship (Assistant Professorship) or
GATE or (b) A selection process through National वांछनीय यो यता /Desirable Qualification:
level examination conducted by Central Government
Departments and their agencies and institutions Experience in Heterogeneous Catalysis
and ₹. 25,000+HRA for others who don’t qualify
12. CSIR Mission Mode Project ोजे ट एसोिसएट – I / Project Associate- I 01 अिनवाय यो यता /Essential Qualification 35
“Specialty Chemicals for industrial
₹. 31,000+HRA to Scholars who are selected through MSc in Chemistry
Applications” WP4-T1:E1-
(a) National Eligibility tests- CSIR-UGC-NET
Renewable resource-based dimer
including lectureship (Assistant Professorship) or वांछनीय यो यता /Desirable Qualification:
acids as platform chemicals:
GATE or (b) A selection process through National
Functional Resins, Additives, and level examination conducted by Central Government Specialization in Organic Chemistry
Coatings Departments and their agencies and institutions
and ₹. 25,000+HRA for others who don’t qualify

13. Structural Confirmation/Revisit ोजे ट एसोिसएट – I / Project Associate- I 01 अिनवाय यो यता /Essential Qualification 35
Through Total Synthesis of Highly
₹. 31,000+HRA to Scholars who are selected through M.Sc in Organic Chemistry
Substituted Tetrahydropyran
(a) National Eligibility tests- CSIR-UGC-NET
Containing Natural Products
including lectureship (Assistant Professorship) or वांछनीय यो यता /Desirable Qualification:
GATE or (b) A selection process through National
level examination conducted by Central Government NET/GATE/ One year of research experience
Departments and their agencies and institutions
and ₹. 25,000+HRA for others who don’t qualify

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पो ट ोजे ट का नाम/ पद एवं वजीफा प रलि धयाँ / पद क सं. े / िवषय म अिनवाय एवं वांछनीय यो यता वॉक-इन-इंटर ू क
कोड/ Name of the Project Positions & Stipend/ Emoluments No of Essential & Desirable qualification in the area/discipline ितिथ के अनुसार ऊपरी
Post positions
आयु सीमा Upper
age limit as on
date of walk in
14. In House Project CSIR-IICT ोजे ट एसोिसएट – I / Project Associate- I 01 अिनवाय यो यता /Essential Qualification 35
₹. 31,000+HRA to Scholars who are selected through M.Sc in Life Sciences/ Chemical Sciences
(a) National Eligibility tests- CSIR-UGC-NET
including lectureship (Assistant Professorship) or वांछनीय यो यता /Desirable Qualification:
GATE or (b) A selection process through National
level examination conducted by Central Government Science content writing with proven publications in journals/ news papers
Departments and their agencies and institutions
and ₹. 25,000+HRA for others who don’t qualify
15. Active pharmaceutical Ingredients ोजे ट एसोिसएट – I / Project Associate- I 01 अिनवाय यो यता /Essential Qualification 35
for affordable Health care
₹. 25,000+HRA M.Sc in Organic Chemistry

वांछनीय यो यता /Desirable Qualification:

One year industrial experience
16. Innovative Process and Technology ोजे ट एसोिसएट – I / Project Associate- I 01 अिनवाय यो यता /Essential Qualification 35
for Crop Protection Chemicals
₹. 25,000+HRA B. Pharma in Pharmacology (Or) M.Sc in Microbiology

वांछनीय यो यता /Desirable Qualification:

Animal Cell culture/ Microbial techniques
17. Creation of nodal centers for the ोजे ट एसोिसएट – I / Project Associate- I 02 अिनवाय यो यता /Essential Qualification 35
production for imported APIs,
M.Sc in Chemistry/ Organic Chemistry
KSMs and intermediates to achieve ₹. 25,000+HRA
self-sufficiency in health care
वांछनीय यो यता /Desirable Qualification:
Experience in organic synthesis
18. Aroma Mission Phase-III ोजे ट एसोिसएट – I / Project Associate- I 01 अिनवाय यो यता /Essential Qualification 35

₹. 25,000+HRA M.Sc in Organic Chemistry (Or) B. Pharm

वांछनीय यो यता /Desirable Qualification:

Experience on Isolation of Natural Products
19. Development of process know-how ोजे ट एसोिसएट – I / Project Associate- I 01 अिनवाय यो यता /Essential Qualification 35
for the new generation fire-
MSc in Chemistry (Or) B. Pharm
extinguisher Cis-1,1,1,4,4,4- ₹. 25,000+HRA
hexafluorobutene वांछनीय यो यता /Desirable Qualification:
M. Pharm

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पो ट ोजे ट का नाम/ पद एवं वजीफा प रलि धयाँ / पद क सं. े / िवषय म अिनवाय एवं वांछनीय यो यता वॉक-इन-इंटर ू क
कोड/ Name of the Project Positions & Stipend/ Emoluments No of Essential & Desirable qualification in the area/discipline ितिथ के अनुसार ऊपरी
Post positions
आयु सीमा Upper
age limit as on
date of walk in
20. Coal characterization & Analysis ोजे ट अिस टे ट / Project Assistant 01 अिनवाय यो यता /Essential Qualification 50
₹ 20,000+HRA 3 years Diploma in Mechanical Engineering

21. Innovation Process and वै ािनक शासिनक सहायक / 01 अिनवाय यो यता /Essential Qualifications: 50
Technologies for Crop Production Scientific Administrative Assistant
Chemicals (Agromission-II) B.Sc degree in any branch of Biological Sciences
₹. 18,000+HRA
वांछनीय यो यता / Desirable Qualification:
Basic Microbial techniques

अिधकतम आयु सीमा क गणना सा ा कार क ितिथ के अनुसार क जाएगी ।

Upper age limit shall be reckoned as on the date of interview.

के वल वे अ यथ वॉक-इन-इं टर ू म उपि थत होने के पा ह, िज ह ने अिनवाय अहता ा कर ली है और प रणाम घोिषत कर दया गया है (उनके पास कम से कम अनंितम माणप होना चािहए) ।
Only those candidates who have acquired the essential qualification & result has been declared (should have at least a provisional certificate) are eligible to appear in the Walk-in-

प रणाम क ती ा कर रहे /अंितम सेमे टर म शािमल अ यथ उस पद के िलए वॉक-इन-इं टर ू म उपि थत होने के िलए पा नह ह, जहां ऐसी यूनतम आव यक अहता क अिनवायता है।
Result awaited/ Final semester appeared candidates are not eligible to appear in the Walk-in-interview for the position where such minimum essential qualification requirement is

नोट / NOTE :
1. इस िवषय पर भारत सरकार / सीएसआईआर के िनदश के अनुसार सांिविधक समूह (अनुसूिचत जाित/ अनुसूिचत जनजाित/अ य िपछड़ा वग) और पीड यूडी उ मीदवार के िलए उपरो आयु सीमा म
छू ट दी गई है ।
The above age limits are relaxable for candidates of statutory groups (SC/ST/OBC) and PWD candidates as per Govt. of India/ CSIR instructions on the subject.
2. जो अ यथ पहले से ही सीएसआईआर-आईआईसीटी या सीएसआईआर क कसी अ य योगशाला / सं थान म कसी ोजे ट अि सटट / ोजे ट फे लो / जेआरएफ (संिवदा मक आर एंड डी प रयोजना
म) / एसआरएफ (संिवदा मक आर एंड डी प रयोजना म) / रसच एसोिसएट (पी) आ द के प म कु ल 5 वष या उससे अिधक क अविध के िलए सेवा कर चुके ह, वे इस िनयुि के िलए पा नह ह ।
िजन अ य थय ने 5 वष से कम क अविध के िलए सेवा दी है, उनका कायकाल 5 वष पूरा होने तक क शेष अविध तक होगा ।
The candidates who have already served CSIR-IICT or any other lab/institute of CSIR as any Project Assistant / Project Fellow / JRF (in contract R&D projects) / SRF (in
contract R&D projects) / Research Associate (P) etc., for a total period of 5 years or more are not eligible for these engagements. The candidates who have served for a
period less than 5 years will have tenure up to remaining period till completion of 5 years.

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3. सीएसआईआर-आईआईसीटी कसी भी चरण म कसी भी चयिनत अ यथ क उ मीदवारी म कसी भी िवसंगित िमलने पर अपने िनणय को र करने या वापस लेने का अिधकार सुरि त रखता है ।
CSIR-IICT reserves the right to cancel or withdraw the award in case of any discrepancy found, in the candidature of any selected candidate at any stage.
4. चयन सा ा कार के आधार पर कया जाएगा और कौशल परी ा य द लागू हो तो उपयु पद के िलए आयोिजत कया जाएगा ।
The selection will be on the basis of interview & skill test if applicable will be conducted for suitable posts.

5. सीएसआईआर-आईआईसीटी कसी िवशेष पद को न भरने का अिधकार सुरि त रखता है, अगर वह ऐसा चाहता है । ऊपर दी गई रि य क सं या वा तिवक चयन के समय िभ हो सकती है ।
CSIR-IICT reserves the right not to fill up a particular position, if it so desires. The number of vacancies indicated above may vary at the time of actual selection.

6. कसी िवषय/काय े म अनुभव क अविध, जहां भी िविहत हो, क गणना उस पद के िलए यूनतम िनधा रत शै िणक यो यता ा करने क ितिथ के बाद क जाएगी ।
The period of experience in a discipline / area of work, wherever prescribed, shall be counted after the date of acquiring the minimum prescribed educational
qualifications for that position.

7. अ य थय को िनधा रत द तावेज के िबना सा ा कार क अनुमित नह दी जाएगी। आव यक द तावेज़ जमा न करने पर अ य थता ज त कर ली जाएगी और यह छू ट, य द कोई हो, तो के िलए
िवचारणीय नह होगा।
Candidates without any documents as prescribed will not be allowed for the interview. Non-submission of essential documents will entail forfeiture of
candidature and the same will not be entertained for exemption, if any.

8. िनयुि पूरी तरह से अ थायी आधार पर आरंभ म छह महीने क अविध तक होगी, िजसे ायोिजत प रयोजना क अविध / संतोषजनक दशन या फे लो के आचरण, जैसा भी मामला हो, के आधार पर
बढ़ाया या घटाया जा सकता है और वह सीएसआईआर-आईआईसीटी म कसी भी थायी पद का हकदार नह है ।
The engagement will be purely on temporary basis initially for a period up to six months which may be extended or curtailed depending on the duration of the
sponsored project / satisfactory performance or conduct of the fellow as the case may be and does not entitle him/her for any permanent position in CSIR/IICT.

9. सा ा कार के िलए कोई या ा भ ता / दैिनक भ ता देय नह होगा ।

No TA/DA will be paid for the interview.

10. कोई अंत रम पूछताछ या प ाचार पर िवचार नह कया जाएगा

No interim enquiry or correspondence will be entertained.

थान / Place: / Hyderabad Sd/-

दनांक / Date: 03.07.2024 शासिनक अिधकारी / Administrative Officer

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