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Performance on Unbalanced Pima Indian Diabetes D

Scenario Average Accuracy

PIMA-H (real) vs PIMA-UH (real) 0.767

PIMA-H (real) vs PIMA-UH (real + interpolated) 0.766

PIMA-H (real) vs PIMA-UH (GPR interpolated) 0.737
PIMA-H (real) vs PIMA-UH (random interpolated) 0.761

PIMA-H (real + interpolated) vs PIMA-UH (real) 0.7075

PIMA-H (GPR interpolated) vs PIMA-UH (real) 0.7025
PIMA-H (random interpolated) vs PIMA-UH (real) 0.749

PIMA-H (real + interpolated) vs PIMA-UH (real + interpolated) 0.781

PIMA-H (GPR interpolated) vs PIMA-UH (GPR interpolated) 0.658
PIMA-H (random interpolated) vs PIMA-UH (random interpolated) 0.736

Performance of Balanced Pima Indian Diabetes Dat

Scenario Average Accuracy
PIMA-H (real) vs PIMA-UH (real + interpolated) 0.7705
PIMA-H (real) vs PIMA-UH (GPR interpolated) 0.7395
PIMA-H (real) vs PIMA-UH (random interpolated) 0.753

Performance of Binary Classification on Unbalanced LFW

Scenario Average Accuracy
Bush (real) vs Serena (real) 0.810000002

Bush (real) vs Serena (real+interpolated) 0.988750005

Bush (real) vs Serena (random interpolated + real) 0.977500004
Bush (real) vs Serena (real+gpr interpolated) 0.859999999

Bush (real+interpolated) vs Serena (real) 0.943750006

Bush (random interpolated + real) vs Serena (real) 0.833749998
Bush (real+gpr interpolated) vs Serena (real+ gpr interpolated) 0.948750001

Bush (real+interpolated) vs Serena (real+interpolated) 0.993750006

Bush (random interpolated + real) vs Serena (random interpolated + real) 0.986249995
Bush (real+gpr interpolated) vs Serena (real+ gpr interpolated) 0.905000001
Unbalanced Pima Indian Diabetes Dataset
Standard Deviation Overall Accuracy Classwise Accuracy Healthy Classwise Accuracy Diabetic
0.011445523 0.767 0.923 0.611

0.018814888 0.766 0.728 0.804

0.025119713 0.737 0.87 0.604
0.009433981 0.761 0.79 0.732

0.0075 0.7075 0.928 0.487

0.013647344 0.7025 0.95 0.455
0.013747727 0.749 0.95 0.548

0.014106736 0.781 0.675 0.887

0.006403124 0.658 0.942 0.374
0.017578396 0.736 0.842 0.63

Balanced Pima Indian Diabetes Dataset

Standard Deviation Overall Accuracy Classwise Accuracy Healthy Classwise Accuracy Diabetic
0.021402232 0.7705 0.774 0.767
0.035703252 0.7395 0.881 0.598
0.014375906 0.753 0.791 0.715

ry Classification on Unbalanced LFW dataset

Standard Deviation Overall Accuracy Classwise Accuracy Healthy Classwise Accuracy Diabetic
0.185135088 0.81 0.493333333 1

0.013050383 0.98875 0.976666667 0.996

0.022912878 0.9775 0.943333333 0.998
0.234307491 0.86 0.963333333 0.798

0.106836619 0.94375 0.86 0.994

0.171213498 0.83375 0.566666667 0.994
0.108750001 0.94875 0.863333333 1

0.010077813 0.99375 0.983333333 1

0.016250011 0.98625 0.966666667 0.998
0.141664217 0.905 0.746666667 1

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