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Cover Inner, TOC, Syllabus SB 6.

indd 1 04/10/2023 12:23:49

Rise Up! — Student Book 6
First Published December 2023

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in writing from the publisher.

Published by:
ASTA Publishing
27 Old Gloucester St, Holborn, London WC1N 3AX
Central London

Cover Inner, TOC, Syllabus SB 6.indd 2 04/10/2023 12:23:49



1 It’s Show Time! 12


2 What’s It Made Of? 20


3 The Five Senses 28


4 Going on a Picnic 36

5 At the Mall 44

6 I’ve Ridden A Camel 52


7 How Long Have You Been A Fan? 60


8 Watch Out! 68

9 Life Has Changed 76


10 We’re Going Abroad! 84


11 When I Grow Up 92

12 Future Predictions 100

Cover Inner, TOC, Syllabus SB 6.indd 5 04/10/2023 12:23:53

Syllabus For Student Book 6
Unit Unit Title Learning Objectives

0 Let’s Start Learners will review vocabulary from Book 5

Learners will become familiar with talking about movie genres, going to the
It’s Show Time! movies, making suggestions, and be able to express likes & dislikes in new

Learners will be able to describe the materials something is made of, and be
What’s It Made Of? able to describe if they are certain of something or not

Learners will be able to describe their senses, describe objects, and
The Five Senses compare things in varying degrees

Learners will be more familiar with talking about food and drinks, be able
Going on a Picnic to offer someone something to eat or drink, and know how to express
preferences in different ways

Learners will be able to describe places and actions that can be done in a
At the Mall mall, and be able to use ‘if’ clauses to express situations and their reactions

Learners will be able to ask and answer questions about life experiences
I’ve Ridden A Camel using the present perfect tense

How Long Have You Been A

Learners will be more familiar with describing certain hobbies and activities,
and will be able to ask and answer questions about the duration of actions
Fan? that started in the past

Learners will be able to identify different natural disasters, and use different
Watch Out! past tenses and sequencers to retell a story about a true or significant event

Learners will become more familiar with talking about technology and
Life Has Changed communication, and learn how to compare changes in the the past and the

Learners will be able to talk about future plans for a holiday, and become
We’re Going Abroad! more familiar with prepositions of place

Learners will become more familiar with discussing jobs, what job they want
When I Grow Up to have in the future, and reasons why they want to do that job

Learners will be able to discuss their predictions for the future in various
Future Predictions areas of life, and be able to express how certain they are of these

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Vocabulary Grammar / Structures Language Pattern Example
some vocabulary from Book 5 green square / red circle

1. expressing likes & dislikes (extended): 1. What kind of movies do you like? Why? / Do you
action, actor, actress, animated, characters, comedy,
favorite, love, enjoy, don’t mind, enjoy sci-fi films?
documentary, ending, fantasy, famous, musical, plot,
dislike, hate 2. I love fantasy films because the settings are
sci-fi, setting, spaceship, special effects, superhero,
2. conjunction: because (to give reasons amazing. / He doesn’t enjoy sci-fi films because
super powers
for opinions the characters are scary.

1. What are these shirts made of? What is cardboard

cardboard, clay, concrete, cotton, cushion, glass, gold, 1. verbs: be made of / from + material
make from?
jewelry, keys, leather, metal, plastic, rubber, silver, (simple passive)
2. I think they’re made of cotton. / Cardboard is
stone, tiles, wood, wool 2. I think it’s made of... (stating ideas)
made from wood.

1. verbs: verb + like + noun (It tastes

bitter, bland, detergent, feel, floral, fresh, greasy, look,
like...) 1. What does that cloud look like?
perfume, rotten, rough, salty, smell, smooth, sound,
2. adverbs: degree (a lot, a little, just – 2. It looks a lot like a mushroom.
sour, strawberry, taste,

basket, blueberry, cucumber, donuts, flavor, healthy,

1. verbs: shall (for offers) 1. Shall I make you a sandwich? Yes, please.
honey, hotdog, lettuce, melon, milkshake, mustard,
2. expressing preferences: would prefer 2. Would you prefer cucumber or cheese? I’d prefer
ketchup, peanut butter, potato chips, sandwich,
(to), would rather (than) cheese.
unhealthy, yoghurt,

balcony, basement, department store, electronics 1. Where do you go if you want to buy a magazine?
store, enormous, fast food, food court, furniture, get 1. zero conditional: ‘if’ clauses If I want to buy a magazine, I go to the bookstore.
repaired, groceries, salon, specialty store, sports 2. common questions: What else? 2. Penny wants to buy a pan from the department
equipment, sales, sell, sign, shampoo, toothpaste store. What else?

1. Have you ever flown a kite? Yes, I have. I’ve flown

aquarium, been, camel, drunk, eaten, elevator, done, 1. verbs: present perfect with yes/no
a kite. / No, I haven’t. I’ve never flown a kite.
fallen, flown, forgotten, gone, gotten, ridden, seen, questions
2. Have you done your homework yet? Yes, I’ve
swum, sung, worn, written 2. adverbs: yet, ever, never, already
already done it. / No, I haven’t done it yet.

able to, archery, classical, desserts, a fan, hang out, 1. verbs: present perfect with ‘for’ and 1. How long has she been a fan of pop music?
helmet, karaoke, knitting, magic tricks, martial arts, ‘since’ 2. She has been a fan of pop since she was seven
models, racket, rock, sewing, trading cards, yoga, VR 2. adverbs: time phrases (since I was 5 years old. / She has been a fan of pop music for
games years old / for 3 years) three years.

ago, earthquake, desert, drought, flood, hurricane,

1. direct speech: He said, ‘Get up!’ 1. His mother said, ‘Get up, George!’
hurry, landslide, natural disaster, sandstorm, shout,
2. conjunctions: while + past continuous 2. While Sandy was combing her hair, she heard a
suddenly, thunder and lightning, tornado, tsunami,
and past simple loud noise.
typhoon, volcano, volcanic eruption, wildfire

app, calm, camera, CD, DVD, digital, download, 1. verbs: ‘used to’ with How…? and Did…? 1. How did your parents use to read the news?
envelope, e-book, international, local, relaxing, radio, questions 2. They used to read the news in the newspaper, but
screen, social media, stream, stamp, video call 2. contrasting clauses: but now now they read it online.

1. What is she going to do during the school vaca-

abroad, accommodation, beanie, fireplace, goggles, 1. verbs: be going to (for certain future
tion? She is going to visit the aquarium.
hot air balloon, hotel, instructor, journey, mittens, pick plans) with Wh- questions
2. Are you going to watch a movie on the weekend?
up, resort, skiing, sled, snowball fight, snowboarding, 2. verbs: be going to (for certain future
Yes, I am. I’m going to watch a new animated
taxi, tour plans) with Yes/No questions

1. What do you want to be when you grow up? I

architect, artist, author, baker, businessperson, 1. verbs: ‘want’ to talk about the future:
want to be an author.
coach, company, engineer, factory, fashion designer, want + infinitive [questions with What
2. Why do you want to become an author? I am
hair stylist, IT technician, journalist, musician, and Do] /
interested in writing stories so I want to be an
photographer, scientist, staff, tour guide 2. conjunctions: so

1. Will cars fly in the future? / What will the weather

1. verbs: will / won’t (for predictions)
burger, cake, chocolate, cookies, fried chicken, fries, ice be like next week?
2. verbs: could, may, might, probably
cream, lemonade, meatballs, milk, noodles, sausages 2. Yes, cars might fly in the future. / It could rain next
(expressing possibility)

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1 t’s Show Time!

Listen and number.
Language 1.1



Speaking and Writing


Speaking and Writing


comedy fantasy superhero characters plot

12 Unit 1 t s Show Time!

SB 6 BOD2.indd 12 04/10/2023 12:18:16

special sci-fi
animated setting action
effects (science fiction)

Listen again and repeat. 1.2

Unit 1 t s Show Time! 13

SB 6 BOD2.indd 13 04/10/2023 12:18:27


What Love About Animated Movies
Read with a partner.
What kind of movies love fantasy films because Does he enjoy sci-fi
do you like? Why? the settings are amazing. films? Why or why not?

Speaking and Writing

Activity He doesn’t enjoy sci-fi films

the characters are scary.
Unscramble the sentences.
1 beautiful. / enjoys / are / fantasy / because / the costumes / Kristy / films /

2 films / because / sci-fi / the settings / dislike / frightening. / Ella and Paul / are /

3 are / / the special effects / amazing. / movies / superhero / because / love /

Complete the sentences. Use the pictures to help you.

1 George doesnÔt mind animated films because the settings are interesting.

2 Felicia comedies because the funny.

3 My family and films because the frightening.

love action
the characters amazing.
really like animated
movies the costumes boring.
enjoy comedies is
because the plot exciting.
donÔt mind fantasy are
films the setting funny.
dislike sci-fi
the special effects scary.
hate superhero

love really like enjoy donÔt mind dislike hate

14 Unit 1 t s Show Time!

SB 6 BOD2.indd 14 04/10/2023 12:18:36

Listening 1
More Movies!
Reading Extra Vocabulary!
A Listen and circle. 1.3

Speaking and Writing

1 2 3 4

a actress a actress a famous a music

b actor b actor b popular b musicals

7 8
5 6

a document a spaceship a super flowers a bending

b documentaries b space shape b super powers b ending

B Look at the movie posters. Write the kind of movies they are.

Then listen and number. 1.4

a comedy b c

d e f
Unit 1 t s Show Time! 15

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Speaking and Favorite Movie
My favorite film is called ÔSuperhero Adventure in Outer SpaceÔ. tÔs a science fiction film, but itÔs
also a superhero movie.
The setting is in outer space, far away from planet Earth. The plot is about a group of four
superheroes who live on a spaceship. They fly to different planets because they are trying to
find a special object. The special object will destroy the bad guys.

Every character has a different super power. Eagleman can fly and
Sprint can run extremely fast. ce Princess can freeze things and
Vulcan can throw fireballs. The costumes are colorful and make the
superheroes look strong. think the best character is Vulcan because
he has the coolest costume and the most exciting super power.

16 Unit 1 t s Show Time!

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There are many famous actors and actresses in the movie, and they
play their characters well. The special effects are mostly CG because
the places and actions are fictional, but the movie looks very realistic.
Overall, itÔs an enjoyable and exciting movie with a surprising ending.
*CG (Computer Generated magery)

Read and answer ÔTrueÔ or ÔFalseÔ.

1 The writerÔs favorite movie is a sci-fi film thatÔs not an action film.

2 The movie is set in a place far from our planet.

3 The story is mostly about the superheroes living on a spaceship.

4 The special object will help the bad guys.

Read again and write the answers.

1 WhatÔs the writerÔs opinion of Vulcan?
The writer thinks that Vulcan
2 What does the writer think about the actors and actresses?
The writer thinks that they
3 Why are the special effects mostly CG ?
They are mostly CG
4 Generally, what does the writer think
about the movie?

Unit 1 t s Show Time! 17

SB 6 BOD2.indd 17 04/10/2023 12:19:23


Speaking and Writing

What’s Your Favorite Movie?
WhatÔs your My favorite movie is
favorite movie? called ÔSilly SimonÔ.

really like it
because the
Why is it your characters are
favorite movie? funny.

Ask a partner the questions and write their answers.

Use the words and pictures to help you.

Question Answer

1 WhatÔs JustinÔs favorite movie? His favorite movie is called ‘Funny Mr. Fox’.
Mr. Fox
He loves it because the characters are
Why is it his favorite movie? interesting.

2 WhatÔs KevinÔs favorite movie? Singing On His favorite movie is called

Sundays He loves it because the
Why is it his favorite movie?

3 WhatÔs StephanieÔs favorite Fantasy Her favorite movie called

movie? Forest
She it because
Why is it her favorite movie? colorful.

4 WhatÔs their favorite movie? Mystery Their favorite called


They it because
Why is it their favorite movie? fantastic.

18 Unit 1 t s Show Time!

SB 6 BOD2.indd 18 04/10/2023 12:19:28

Speaking and Writing
Activity 1
nteresting Plots

Work in pairs.
Talk about movies.
Use the question below.

1 Do you like superhero movies? Why or why not?

2 Do you like documentaries about animals? Why or why not?

3 What kind of movies do you really like? Why?

4 Which kind of movies donÔt you like? Why?

5 WhatÔs your favorite movie? Why?

WhatÔs the plot of favorite movie? Does it have a good ending?

Unit 1 t s Show Time! 19

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3 The Five Senses

Listen and number.



Speaking and Writing


Speaking and Writing


taste perfume smell fresh laboratory (lab)

28 Unit 3 The Five Senses

SB 6 BOD2.indd 28 04/10/2023 12:19:41

strawberry chemicals smoky floral containers

Listen again and repeat. 3.2

Unit 3 The Five Senses 29

SB 6 BOD2.indd 29 04/10/2023 12:19:46


What Does That Sound Like?
Read with a partner.
What does this
What does that fruit smell like?
cloud look like?
Reading t smells just like
a banana.

Speaking and Writing

t looks a lot like
a mushroom.

Complete the answers. What do you think? Circle Ôa lotÔ, Ôa littleÔ or ÔjustÔ.

1 Q: What does this grass feel like?

A: This grass feels just / a little like a blanket.

2 Q: What does this perfume smell like?

A: This perfume a lot / a little like

3 Q: What does that tree look like?

A: That tree a lot / a little

4 Q: What does this ice cream taste like?

A: This a lot / a little

5 Q: What does that tiger sound like?

A: That a lot / a little

6 Q: What do those clouds look like?

A: Those a lot / a little

feel feel(s) a little

does this/that (thing) This/That/ t (a thing).
look look(s)
What sound like? sound(s) a lot like
do these/those (things) smell These/Those/They smell(s)
taste taste(s) just

30 Unit 3 The Five Senses

SB 6 BOD2.indd 30 04/10/2023 12:19:57

Listening 3
t Smells Fresh
Extra Vocabulary!
A Listen and circle.
Speaking and
1 2 3 4

a sour a silky a cheesy a bitter

b spicy b salty b greasy b bland

5 6 7 8

a smoke a tough a rotten a bland

b smooth b rough b raw b blond

B Listen and fill the gaps. 3.4

1 A: Ned, what does your drink taste like? Mine tastes like coffee and chocolate.
B: tÔs green tea and it tastes think Ôll add some sugar to it.
2 A: Megan, what’s your favorite fruit?
B: I like pineapples. They taste sweet and .
3 A: Are you enjoying the fries, Kimmy?
B: Not really. TheyÔre a little They need more salt.
4 A: WhatÔs that terrible smell?
B: think itÔs the vegetables. TheyÔre because theyÔre not fresh and
have been in the sun too long.
5 A: What does the skin of a melon feel like?
B: Melon skin can be , but watermelon skin is usually

Unit 3 The Five Senses 31

SB 6 BOD2.indd 31 04/10/2023 12:20:05


The Air Felt Cold
Speaking and Writing


Settings n Stories

The setting is where a book, movie, video game or any other stories takes place. The setting
includes information about the place, time, and weather. A good description of a setting
uses all five senses to make the story interesting.

HereÔs a description of a setting at the beginning of a story.

32 Unit 3 The Five Senses

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AmeliaÔs journey to her
grandparentsÔ house was long.
They lived high in the mountains.
Their small house was made of
wood and gray stone. t looked
like a house from a fairytale. Her
grandparents were sitting by the
fire in the living room. Amelia could
smell apple pies baking in the
oven and hear her grandfather
quietly playing the guitar. Amelia
looked out of the window. She saw
thousands of stars shining brightly
and the moon hung low in the sky.
Snow was everywhere and a cold
wind was blowing through the
trees. t looked beautiful, but she
felt happy to be warm inside the

Read again and answer the question in complete sentences.

1 What is the setting of a story?

2 What information does the setting include?

3 What could Amelia smell?

4 What could Amelia hear?

5 What could Amelia see outside?

6 How did she feel?

Unit 3 The Five Senses 33

SB 6 BOD2.indd 33 04/10/2023 12:20:18


Speaking and Writing

Activityt Tastes Like Strawberries

What does that
candy taste like? What does that
fruit feel like?

t feels rough.
t tastes sour.
t feels like a
t tastes like

Complete the questions. Use the pictures to help you.

Ask a partner the questions and write their answers.

Question Answer

1 What does this a. t tastes sweet.

ice cream taste b. t tastes like strawberries.

2 What does that a.


3 What do those a.

4 What does that a.


5 What do those a.

6 What do these a.

34 Unit 3 The Five Senses

SB 6 BOD2.indd 34 04/10/2023 12:20:25

Speaking and Writing
Activity 3
It Feels Smooth
Work in pairs. Put 6 objects on your
table. They can be from your bag,
pencil case, or things you can find
around your classroom.
Together, talk about the different
objects. Describe how the smell,
feel, look, sound or taste.
Then, write descriptions of the
objects below.
Finally, draw pictures of the objects.

Object Description

1 t smells a lot like wood and it looks new.

Unit 3 The Five Senses 35

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6 ’ve Ridden A Camel

Listen and number. 6.1


Speaking and Writing


Speaking and Writing


gone camel seen done been

52 Unit 6 I’ve Ridden A Camel

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elevator ridden aquarium flown eaten

Listen again and repeat. 6.2

Unit 6 I’ve Ridden A Camel 53

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Have Flown A Kite
Read with a partner.
No, he hasnÔt.
Yes, have.
Yes, have flown a kite. No, has never written a postcard.
Have you ever Has he ever
flown a kite? written
a postcard?

the questions and Writing
in short (a) and long (b) form. Look at the √ or � to help you.

1 Activity
Has she ever gone camping in the jungle?
a. Yes, she has.
b. Yes, she has gone camping in the jungle.
2 Has your father ever ridden a camel?
3 Have your sisters ever gone to an aquarium?
4 Has Jason ever taken a an elevator?
5 Has Abbey ever flown to New Zealand?

Have /you/we/they
ever been hiking?
Has he/she/it
Short answer Long answer
Yes, /you/we/ have. Yes, /you/we/ (already) ever
have (Ôve)
No, they havenÔt. No, they never
been hiking.
Yes, has. Yes, (already) ever
he/she/it he/she/it has (Ôs)
No, hasn't. No, never

54 Unit 6 I’ve Ridden A Camel

SB 6 BOD2.indd 54 04/10/2023 12:20:45

Listening 6
Have They Ever Swum n The Ocean?
Extra Vocabulary!

A Listen and circle. and
6.3 Writing

1 2 3 4

a swam a fall a worn a forgotten

b swum b fallen b wore b forgot

5 6 7 8

a wrote a gotten a sung a drank

b written b got b sang b drunk

B Listen and fill the gaps. 6.4

1 tÔs winter in my town. The leaves from the trees and there is
snow on the ground.
2 Jenny must study harder before her next test. She low scores on
the last two tests.
3 A: Which costume to you want to wear to the party?
B: already a dinosaur and a robot costume to other parties.
This time, want to wear a clown costume.
4 A: Dad, the Wi-Fi password. What is it?
B: canÔt remember, but wrote in the notebook next to my computer.
5 A: you ever iced lemon tea?
B: No, have tried it. What does it taste like?
A: tÔs sweet and a little sour.
6 A: Chris, you ever songs in English with your family at home?
B: No, . songs in English with my family at home.

Unit 6 I’ve Ridden A Camel 55

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Speaking and ’ve Done That
To : Shannon

From : Kylie

Hi Shannon,
loved the photos you sent me in your last email about some activities
that you have done. saw your pictures of an aquarium, a camel, a tall
building, and food from Greece. You asked me if have ever been to
those places or done those things.
Yes, have ridden a camel but my little brother hasnÔt because he was
too frightened to get on the camelÔs back. When my family and were
in Egypt, we saw the pyramids, lots of sand and some palm trees, too.
The weather during the day was very hot. have never been so hot

Ôve also been to an aquarium, as you can see

in the second photo. Actually, Ôve been to six
different aquariums around the world and Ôve seen
many different types of fish, octopuses, turtles,
and dolphins. Ôve never seen a blue whale in an
aquarium. Do you know why?

Read and tick (√) the things that Kylie has done.
Put a cross (�) next to the things she hasnÔt done.

1 ridden a camel 2 seen palm trees

3 visited more than three aquariums 4 taken an elevator in a tall building

56 Unit 6 I’ve Ridden A Camel

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Ôve never taken an elevator to the top of a very tall building. have
seen pictures of some enormous buildings online and in movies, but
Ôve never visited one. would like to visit the Shanghai Tower in China
one day. My parents have already been to the top floor of the tower.
They told me that it was amazing because it felt like they were in the

Write back soon,


Read again and answer the question in complete sentences.

1 Who has not ridden a camel? Why?

2 Why do you think Kylie has never seen a blue whale in an aquarium?

3 What does Kylie want to do?

4 Who has been to the top floor of a very tall building?

Unit 6 I’ve Ridden A Camel 57

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Speaking and Writing

Activity Has She Done t Yet?

Have you done your No, havenÔt eaten breakfast
homework yet? Yes, Ôve already done it. yet. Ôll eat it soon.

Have you eaten

breakfast yet?

/you Yes, /you have already eaten it.

Have No, we/they havenÔt eaten it yet.
we/they eaten lunch yet?
Yes, has already eaten it.
Has he/she/it he/she/it
No, hasn't. eaten it yet.

Ask a partner the questions and write their answers. Use the pictures to help you.

1 Have you studied for the

Yes, ’ve already studied for my exam.
exam yet?

2 Has Felicity brushed her No, yet.

teeth yet?

3 Has Jake taken out the trash


4 Have Paul and his family

visited their grandfather in
hospital yet?

5 Have you taken your

medicine yet?

6 Has Allison fed her pet

tortoise yet?

58 Unit 6 I’ve Ridden A Camel

SB 6 BOD2.indd 58 04/10/2023 12:57:57

Speaking and Writing
Activity 6
Yet Or Not Yet?
Work in groups of three.
The aim is to find five activities that all members of your group have
already done, and five activities none of you have done yet.
Take turns and ask each other questions to find out what you have
already done, and what you have never done or havenÔt done yet.
Write the activities below.

Have you ever No, Ôve also never ridden a donkey,

ridden a donkey? havenÔt. so we can write it in the second

No, havenÔt either.

Our Group Has ...... Our Group HasnÔt ....

1 1
ridden a donkey

2 2

3 3

4 4

5 5

Unit 6 I’ve Ridden A Camel 59

SB 6 BOD2.indd 59 04/10/2023 12:21:12

SB 5 UNIT 3(1).indd 20 04/10/2023 11:50:40

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