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Cover Inner, TOC, Syllabus SB 5.

indd 1 04/10/2023 10:06:41

Rise Up! — Student Book 5
First Published December 2023

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted

in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying,
or by any information storage and retrieval system without permission
in writing from the publisher.

Published by:
ASTA Publishing
27 Old Gloucester St, Holborn, London WC1N 3AX
Central London

Cover Inner, TOC, Syllabus SB 5.indd 2 04/10/2023 10:06:42



1 Food From Around The World 12


2 What Makes You Feel Excited? 20


3 Project Fun 28

4 It’s Too Crowded Downtown! 36


5 Special Times In A Year 44


6 At the Library 52

7 A Visit to the Doctor 60


8 Let’s Cook! 68

9 A Camping Trip 76

10 Once Upon a Time 84


11 Under the Sea 92


12 What Will You Do Tomorrow? 100

Cover Inner, TOC, Syllabus SB 5.indd 3 04/10/2023 10:06:44

Syllabus For Student Book 5
Unit Unit Title Learning Objectives

0 Let’s Start
Learners will be learn how to express numbers from 101-1,000. They will also
review vocabulary from Book 4.

1 Food From Around The World

Learners will be able to ask question using question tags about people, food, and
objects, and be able to use the names of countries as adjectives

Learners will be able to ask and answer questions about feelings and the causes
What Makes You Feel Excited? of these feelings, and be able to use -ed and -ing adjectives appropriately

Learners will be able to talk about their school timetable, extra curricular
Project Fun activities and at activities at school

Learners will become more familiar with activities that can be done in the city,
It’s Too Crowded Downtown! be able to talk about posibilities and prohibition, and give reasons why certain
actions are possible or not

Learners will be learn the months of the year and ordinal numbers from 21st to
Special Times In A Year 31st, and be able to talk about events that happen on certain dates of the year

Learners will become more familiar with describing where things can be found in
At the Library a library, and learn how to use where clauses with adverbs of place

Learners will be more familiar with describing illnesses and injuries, and be able
A Visit to the Doctor to ask for and give advice and suggestions about health

Learners will become familiar with talking about measurements of food, and be
Let’s Cook! able to describe the process of making something to eat

Learners will become more familiar narrative texts, and be able to tell a fictional
A Camping Trip story using the past tense with different clauses

Learners will be able to describe a school play narrative using past tenses, and
Once Upon a Time be able to describe things using multiple adjectives in the correct order

Learners will become familiar with using long comparative and superlative
Under the Sea adjectives, and be able to describe and compare ocean animals

Learners will be able to ask and answer questions about actions in the future,
What Will You Do Tomorrow? and be able to tell the time following the analog format

Cover Inner, TOC, Syllabus SB 5.indd 4 04/10/2023 10:06:45

Vocabulary Grammar / Structures Language Pattern Example
numbers from 101 - 1,000, some vocabulary from
Book 4

British, croissants, fish and chips, French, German,

1. question tags: to be (present simple)
Italian, Japanese, kebabs, laksa, Malaysian, 1 & 2. Sushi is Japanese, isn’t it? Yes, it is. / Tacos are
2. adjectives: countries as adjectives/
Mexican, paella, pretzels, spaghetti, Spanish, sushi, American, aren’t they? / No, they aren’t. They’re Mexican.
tacos, Turkish

annoyed/-ing, afraid, bad, bored/-ing, brave,

confused/-ing, embarrassed/-ing, excited/-ing, 1. verb phrase: to make somebody feel 1. What makes you feel excited? I feel excited when I win
fantastic, frightened/-ing, horrible, interested/-ing, + adj. a race
pleased/-ing, safe, surprised/-ing, tired/-ing, weak, 2. adjectives: -ed vs -ing 2. What is interesting? Watching films is interesting.

art, band, canteen, club, competition, geography, 1. reflexive pronouns: by myself, yourself, 1. What are you doing by yourself to finish the project? I am
group, gym/nasium, history, prepare, solve a himself, herself, themselves, ourselves writing the story by myself.
problem, project, prize, science, subject, timetable, 2. verbs: want/ask someone to do 2. What did you ask Harry to do? I asked Harry to take
together, quiz something photos.

busy, cheap, crowded, downtown, early, expensive,

1. verbs: can (permission) & can’t 1. Can we eat take the subway downtown?
festival, go sightseeing, get off, late, platform, see
(prohibition) 2. Yes, we can because it’s cheap. / No, we can’t because it’s
dinosaurs, skyscraper, subway, theater, ticket,
2. giving reasons: too + adjective too expensive.
traffic, top floor

dry season, fall (autumn), January-December (12 1. ordinal numbers (21st-31st) as dates 1. When’s your birthday? My birthday’s on August 24.
words), spring, summer, winter, wet season 2. prepositions: time (of, from, to, during) 2. When is your next school vacation? It’s from June to July.

chess, dictionary, Earth, explore, find out, front

1. adverbs: place (here, there, upstairs,
desk, information, left, magazine, map, newspaper, 1. Here’s the language section.
downstairs, inside, outside)
planet, popular, right, search online, shelves, 2. It’s where you can find dictionaries.
2. clauses: where
storybook, website

bandage, bandaid, broken, go for a check up,

a cough, fall over, feel dizzy, a fever, have an
1. verbs: should (advice) 1. I have a fever. What should I do?
accident, sore neck, ointment, lie down, my head
2. verbs: could (suggestion) 2. You should lie down and rest. You could take medicine.
hurts, pharmacy, plaster cast, the flu, upset
stomach, x-ray,

1. First, mix flour and water. Next, add tomato sauce with a
add, bell peppers, butter, chili, delicious, flour, jam, 1. sequencers (instructions): first, then,
spoon. Then, add cheese and mushrooms. Finally, cook
mix, mushrooms, olives, pancake, pepper, pizza, next, finally
the pizza.
salt, sugar, sauce, spicy, sweet 2. adverbs: with, without
2. You can eat pancakes with or without toppings.

1. I put my flashlight in my backpack before I went camping.

1. clauses: before (past simple with two
bear, bite, burn, camping, creature, flashlight, / Before I went camping, I put my flashlight in my back-
forest, ground, insects, make a fire, path, pajamas, pack.
2. clauses: after (past simple with two
rock, backpack, sound, strange, tent, wild 2. I went camping after I put my flashlight in my backpack. /
After I put my flashlight in my backpack, I went camping.

bridge, castle, cave, costume, crown, entrance, 1. past continuous: past actions in 1. The queen was wearing a big, beautiful, golden crown.
golden, hill, king, necklace, pocket, queen, ring, progress 2. What were you doing at 11 a.m. yesterday? I was learning
silvery, spotted, striped, stage, stream 2. adjectives: multiple adjective order math at school.

1. comparatives adjectives (long with 1. Turtles are more beautiful than octopuses. Dolphins are
cool!, colorful, crab, deep, dolphin, hard, jellyfish,
‘more’/less... than’) less colorful than crabs.
ocean, octopus, penguin, polar bear, seahorse, seal,
2. superlative adjectives (long with ‘the 2. Sharks are the most frightening animals in the ocean.
shark, soft, turtle, walrus, whale
most/least...’) Seahorses are the least dangerous animals in the ocean.

tonight, tomorrow, next week, in five days, midday,

1. What will you do tomorrow? I will go to the doctor. I won’t
midnight, quarter past, quarter to, half past, a 1. verbs: will/won’t (future plans)
go to school.
picnic, go cycling, amusement park, spend time 2. telling the time: What time …? analog
2. What time will you have an English lesson? I will have an
with, get a haircut, go hiking, pirates, do chores, time (quarter past, half past, quarter to)
English lesson at quarter past nine.
join a dance class

Cover Inner, TOC, Syllabus SB 5.indd 5 04/10/2023 10:06:45


1 Food From Around

The World


Listen and number. 1.1



Speaking and Writing


Speaking and Writing


croissant sushi Italian spaghetti British

12 Unit 1 Food From Around The World

SB 5 UNIT 3(1).indd 12 04/10/2023 10:45:17


French laksa Malaysian Japanese fish and chips

Listen again and repeat. 1.2

Unit 1 Food From Around The World 13

SB 5 UNIT 3(1).indd 13 04/10/2023 12:33:13




Sushi s Japanese, sn’t t?
Read with a friend.
Sushi is Japanese,
Yes, it is.
Laksa is Italian,
isn’t it?
No, it isn’t.
It s Malaysian.
isn’t it?

Speaking and Writing


1 Claire is French, ? a. isn t it?
2 Sushi is Japanese, ? b. aren t they?
3 Your father is British, ? c. isn t she?
4 Spaghetti and pizza are Italian, ? d. isn t he?

Complete the sentences with is or are.

1 Burgers and fried chicken are British, ? No, .
2 Pasta is Italian, ? Yes, .
3 Fish and chips is American, ? No, .
4 Green tea and sushi Japanese, ? Yes, .

It Italian, isn’t it? Yes, it is.

is ,
He British, isn’t he? No, he isn t.
They French, aren’t they? Yes, they are.
are ,
You Japanese, aren’t you? No, I m not.

14 Unit 1 Food From Around The World

SB 5 UNIT 3(1).indd 14 04/10/2023 10:45:28

Listening 1
Food From Different Countries
Extra Vocabulary!
A Listen and circle. and
1 2 3 4

a pretzels a woman a plates a speaking

b practice b German b paella b Spanish

5 6 7 8

a Mexican a tablet a cakes a Turkish

b American b tacos b kebabs b Tuesday

B Listen and complete the chart. 1.4

German pretzels popular snacks a. soft and salty

Spanish paela yummy rice dish b. seafood

C Listen and match. 1.5

pretzels chicken tacos

1 Sarah sushi 2 Frank spaghetti
paella kebab
Sophia laksa Harry fish tacos

Unit 1 Food From Around The World 15

SB 5 UNIT 3(1).indd 15 04/10/2023 10:45:40


Eating Around The World
Speaking and Writing
Activity ,
There are many great dishes from different countries. Let s look at some of them.
Spaghetti is an Italian dish. It s long, thin pasta that is sometimes cooked with tomato sauce and

Laksa is a spicy Malaysian noodle soup that is made with coconut milk, vegetables, and seafood.
Sushi is a Japanese dish made with rice and seafood. Paella is a dish that s also made with rice
and seafood and often has sausage, too. It s cooked in a big pan. Paella is a Spanish dish.
Fish and chips is a British meal. It s fried fish with hot potato chips. There are thousands of fish
and chip shops all over the UK.
Cooking, baking, or trying new dishes is a fun way to learn other countries, isn t it?

16 Unit 1 Food From Around The World

SB 5 UNIT 3(1).indd 16 04/10/2023 10:46:42

Circle the best answer.
1. What is spaghetti?
a. An Italian dish made with pasta and tomato sauce.
b. An Italian noodle soup made with coconut milk and seafood.
c. An Italian dish of fried fish and potato chips.
2. What is sushi?
a. Pasta and tomato sauce and seafood from Japan.
b. Fried seafood and potato chips from Japan.
c. A seafood and rice dish from Japan.
3. What is paella?
a. A Spanish dish of pasta and meatballs.
b. A Spanish dish of rice, seafood, and sausage.
c. A Spanish dish of fried fish and chips.

Complete the map with the names of the food from the text.




Unit 1 Food From Around The World 17

SB 5 UNIT 3(1).indd 17 04/10/2023 10:46:46


Speaking and Writing

Activity sn’t t?
Tacos are ,
, No, they aren t. The tacos are tasty,
American, aren t ,
They are Mexican. aren t they? Yes, they are.

Complete the conversation with isn’t it or aren’t they. Practice with a partner.

1 A: Pretzels and sausages 2 A: Fried rice is Mexican,

are French, ?
? B: No, it isn t.
, ,
B: No, they aren t. It s Indonesian.
They are German.

A: Fish and chips is A: Kebabs are grilled

3 4
British, ? meat, chicken
B: Yes, it is. and vegetables,
B: Yes, they are.

Unscramble the sentences.

1isn t it / Pizza / Italian, / ? / is /

2 is / ? / sushi / isn t it / Japanese, /

3 are / Tea and / Indonesian, / aren t they / fried rice / ? /

18 Unit 1 Food From Around The World

SB 5 UNIT 3(1).indd 18 04/10/2023 10:46:56

Speaking and Writing
Activity 1
Fun With Food!

Play Tic-Tac-Toe with a partner.

First, guess each other s answers. Write
Student A
your guesses in the boxes below.
Your favorite Your favorite You are Take turns to ask and answer your
food is color is
, , , , , , Student A: “Your favorite food is fried
isn t it? isn t it? aren t you?
chicken, isn’t it?” | Student B: “Yes, it is. /
Your breakfast Your mother Your favorite No, it isn’t.”
is always is a subject is
Student B
, , , , , ,
isn t it? (job), isn t she? isn t it?
Your favorite Your breakfast Your mother
You are the drink is is always is a
Your father is a Your favorite
drink is , , ,
, , , ,
child in the isn t it? isn t it? isn t she?
, , , ,
family, aren’t
isn t he? isn t it? You are Your father Your favorite
is a food is
,, ,, , ,
If your partner says yes mark the box. aren t you? , ,
,, ,, , , ,
If your partner says no , you can t isn t he? isn t it?

mark the box. You are the

Your favorite Your favorite
Continue until one student marks three color is subject is
boxes in a line. child in the
, , , ,
family, aren’t
The first student to make a straight line isn t it? isn t it?
is the winner.
Unit 1 Food From Around The World 19

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6 At The Library

and number. 6.1



Speaking and Writing


Speaking and Writing


search shelves information storybooks planet

52 Unit 6 At The Library

SB 5 UNIT 5.indd 52 03/10/2023 20:07:34


dictionary 1 front desk website online find out

Listen again and repeat. 6.2

Unit 6 At The Library 53

SB 5 UNIT 5.indd 53 03/10/2023 20:07:42



The Computer Room s Upstairs
Read with a partner.
The computer room
Here is the
Reading language section.
is upstairs.

, It s where you can
Speaking and Writing
It s where you can
find dictionaries.
search online for

Complete the gaps with words from the box.


DOWN inside
1. The story 2. 3. The internet
time area is is the front also works there

, outside
4. You must 5. The children s 6. The computer
not talk loudly section is room is

,, ,,
Rewrite the sentences using where .
1. a. This is the history section.
b. You can find history books.
2. a. The children s section is upstairs.
b. We can find storybooks.

Here the front desk. you can find language books.

There the computer room. you can search online for information.
dowwnstairs. It s,
is where
The reading upstairs. That s
you can read and write notes.
room inside.

54 Unit 6 At The Library

SB 5 UNIT 5.indd 54 03/10/2023 20:07:49

Listening 6
Reading Where s t?
Extra Vocabulary!
Speaking and Writing
A Listen and circle. 6.3

Activity 2 3 4

a chess a map a left a manager

b cheese b mop b leave b magazine

5 6 7 8

a extracurricular a write a Earth a newspaper

b popular b right b fourth b shoemaker

B Listen and circle the best answer. 6.4

1. What can you find outside?

a the cafŽ b chess board c newspapers

2. Newspapers are on the side of the front desk.

a right b left c outside

3. On the second floor, you can find the

a computer room b study room c front desk

4. You can find this on the third floor.

a magazine section b computer room c study room
5. Storytelling activities are with young children.
a online b upstairs c popular

Unit 6 At The Library 55

SB 5 UNIT 5.indd 55 03/10/2023 20:08:01



Speaking andThen
WritingAnd Now
Read. Libraries Then and Now
Libraries are changing a lot. In the past, libraries were
mostly filled with books and card catalogs. People
had to use a catalog to find a book, and then
they had to search for it on the shelves. It
could take a long time to find what they
were looking for.

Today, libraries are very different.

They still have books, but they
also have computers, e-books,
and other technology. There are
also online catalogs to search for
books from anywhere. People can
even check out books digitally.

Libraries are also more than just

a place to check out books.

They offer programs like

story times, book clubs, and
workshops. Many libraries
also have rooms where
people can meet, study, and

56 Unit 6 At The Library

SB 5 UNIT 5.indd 56 03/10/2023 20:08:10


Check ( ). Do the sentences describe libraries in the past, today, or both?

Things and activities in the library Libraries in the past Library today

1 card catalogs
2 books
3 computers
4 e-books
5 take a long time to find books
6 check out books digitally
7 book clubs
8 story times
9 meet, study, work
10 online catalogs

Answer the questions.

Questions Libraries in the past Libraries today

a. How to find books? 1. 1.

b. What can you find in the library? 2. 2.

Make a short summary.

c. What can you do in the library? 3. 3.

Unit 6 At The Library 57

SB 5 UNIT 5.indd 57 03/10/2023 20:08:12


Speaking and Writing

Where Are The Story Books?
Look at the pictures. Complete the sentences. Then, practice with a partner.

Where can I find

science books?

You can find the books here

on this floor. They are on the
shelves on the left.

1 Where can I play chess You can go to our garden.

on the large chess board? It s the library.

2 Where can I find the magazines? You can go to the . MAGAZINE

They re on .

3 Where can I get a dictionary? Dictionaries are on the

behind you.
4 Where are the story book? They re over

in the corner.

Write two sentences about these places and objects at your school.
1 Your desk My desk is in the classroom. It s on the left sides.
2 The flag pole
3 The basketball court

58 Unit 6 At The Library

SB 5 UNIT 5.indd 58 03/10/2023 20:08:58

Speaking and Writing
Activity 6
Somewhere At School

“Where am I?”
Work in pairs.
1 Student A: Think of a place at school. Don t tell your partner.
, , , ,
2 Student B: Ask yes and no questions to guess the place that Student A is thinking of.
, , , ,
3 Student A: Only answer yes or no .
, ,
4 When Student B guesses the place correctly, then it s Student B s turn to think of a place at school.
5 Continue the guessing game.

Are you


Unit 6 At The Library 59

SB 5 UNIT 5.indd 59 03/10/2023 20:09:33


7 A Visit To The Doctor


and number. 7.1



Speaking and Writing


Speaking and Writing



pharmacy lie down sore upset stomach a fever

70 Unit 7 A Visit To The Doctor

SB 5 UNIT 6.indd 70 03/10/2023 20:20:02


a cough ointment a checkup feel dizzy 1 the flu

Listen and repeat. 7.2

Unit 7 A Visit To The Doctor 71

SB 5 UNIT 6.indd 71 03/10/2023 20:20:10



What Should Do?
with a partner.

I have a fever.
What should I do?

Speaking and Writing

You should lie
Activity down and rest.

Write advice using ‘should’ and the words given.

1 I have a fever. You should drink a lot of water. (water)

2 We have headaches. You (medicine)

3 They look tired. They should (rest)

4 I have a toothache. You (go to the dentist)

5 He has an upset stomach. He (checkup)

6 She cut her finger. She (ointment)

I / you I / You take a rest.

What should he / she do? He / She should ointment on
we / they We / They your skin.

72 Unit 7 A Visit To The Doctor

SB 5 UNIT 6.indd 72 03/10/2023 20:20:12

Listening 7
At The Hospital
Reading Extra Vocabulary!
A Listen and circle. 7.3

1 Speaking and Writing

2 3 4

a have an ambulance a band a fall over a break arm
b have an accident b bandage b call over b broken arm

5 6 7 8

a hurts a x-ray a after cast a band-aid

b hard b next day b plaster cast b first-aid

B Listen and match. 7.4

I cut my finger. She should put a bandage

1 a
What should I do? on her leg.

She has a broken arm. She should go to the hospital

2 b
What should she do? and get a plaster cast.

My grandma has a cut on her leg. You should put a band-aid

3 c
What should she do? on it.

He fell over and now his elbow He should see a doctor and
4 d
hurts. What should he do? get an x-ray.

Unit 7 A Visit To The Doctor 73

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Speaking and Writing Feeling ll

Alex’s Day At The Hospital
Alex s father is a doctor and he works at the hospital. Today, Alex is going to the hospital
with him. The hospital is busy. The doctors and nurses are in a hurry because there are some
new patients. These patients had a car accident. One has a big cut on his leg and a nurse is
putting a bandage on it.

74 Unit 7 A Visit To The Doctor

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Another patient has a sore arm. The patient
needs an ex-ray to check for any broken

In the waiting room, other patients with

different illnesses are waiting patiently. A
man has an upset stomach and he has to
buy some medicine at the pharmacy. Some
kids have cuts on their fingers. The nurse
is putting ointment and band-aids on their
cuts. Alex is amazed by the doctors and
nurses work.

Write T (true) or F (false).

1 It is a very busy day at the hospital.

2 The doctors and nurses are sad because there was an accident that day.

3 Two people were in a car accident.

4 One patient from the accident has a big cut on his arm.

5 There are some patients in the waiting room with upset stomachs and cuts.

6 The man with an upset stomach needs to lie down.

Correct the false statements.


Unit 7 A Visit To The Doctor 75

SB 5 UNIT 6.indd 75 03/10/2023 20:21:10


Speaking and Writing

Activity Good Advice

I have an upset
stomach. What You should avoid spicy
should I do? food. You could take some

Complete the conversations below. Use the words in the boxes.

drink lots of water take medicine have an x-ray

get a plaster cast put on some ointment go to the doctor

to put a band-aid on it take a rest eat and drink something warm

1 2 I have the flu and a cough.

My arm hurts. What should I do?
What should I do?
a : You should
a : You should
b : You could
b : You could

3 I feel dizzy. What should I do? 4 I cut my finger and it hurts.

a : You should What should I do?
a : You should
b : You could
b : You could

Choose the best advice. Share with the class.

76 Unit 7 A Visit To The Doctor

SB 5 UNIT 6.indd 76 03/10/2023 20:21:14

Speaking and Writing
Activity 7
Emergency Room Role Play

1 Work in a group of four.

2 Choose one emergency situation from the boxes a-f below.
3 One student is a patient. One is the doctor, and two students are nurses.
, , , ,,
4 Use should and could to give advice on how about treat the patient.

Here are the emergency situations:

a a fever, a cough, and the flu b broken leg or arm because of a car accident
c upset stomach and feel dizzy d sore back and can t sit down or stand up
without it hurting
e knee hurts from falling over
on the wet floor f a big cut on his/her shoulder

Unit 7 A Visit To The Doctor 77

SB 5 UNIT 6.indd 77 03/10/2023 20:21:21

SB 5 UNIT 3(1).indd 20 04/10/2023 11:50:40

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