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Go express all the stuff that makes you unique with LEGO® DOTS! plow yeu DID YOU KNOW? Tee es) Ey amelarey its Pee ee RRR te aeROHE De tebe SEL @ i | IP ing Pee ea) fe Eu ae . cD Prono Pic peur eee Pre aa hk ee perenne aa / erat eons preety Sida hea " L AVAILABLE WHEREVER BOOKS ARE SOLD NALCO De eee on eo GEOGRAPHIC Rapes Inside Your World 4 Your Works Of Art 14 Proud To Be Me! S4 On Your Bookshelf 72 Your Obsession: Making, Jewelry 74 Polls — You Said It! 94 Horoscopes 96 Your Comments Star Power 22 Meet The Cast of Saturdays! 22 Cover Story: Elle Graham Thinks You Are Awesome! 24 Your Favorite Stars Caught On Camera 28 Stars Reveal Their Favorite Animals! 34 Your Top Trend: Graphic Tees 36 Fashion Finds 38 Star Birthdays And Addresses 42 12 Awesome Posters Get Crafty 6 Make A Butterfly Night Light! 8 Drawing Lesson 10 Your Cookbook 17 Make Someone Smile! 32 Ponytails With A Twist 37 Be A Designer No more boring | Ponytails! We've got some fun hair how-tos for yout eee Ptr posts, emails and letters and have put ener ees CO) Ce etc eres pereteeicany Juicy Reads 20 Amazing Advice can you ace 58 Story Time: our Encanto = WOLUME 20,1SS0E9 7 2? 4 ; trivia at VP, EDITORIAL DIRECTOR April Is Not A Fool! sae sine 76 Mortifying Moments 80 Try Something New! 82 Science Stumpers CO-EDITORS-IN-CHIEF Caitlin Murphy, Ton! Ferrigno ‘To contact the editors with any feedback, email them at ART Fun & Games Creative Director Stephanie Abrecht vt Directors © Gary Walsh 3 The Name Game Mr oress euttioBenrdos 40 April/May PHOTO Calendars Pre eatos w Mate 56 25 Fun Things To Do Smee all April Fools’ cen eno : ns — you need to SALES With Your Friends read our fiction story! SVP Group Pusher @ Nel Goldstein 64 Your World Of Fun all 78 Quiz Time Which Is Worse? NEW YORK OFFICE: Associate Publisher w Megan Pickerel mpickereli@aaé 46 What's Your Circus Tracy Parker Name? West COAST OFFICE: Shelley Foieto a%0media 270 Sylvan Avenue, Suite 2220 Englewood Cif, N) O7632 30 The Style Quiz SS Encanto Trivia 92 What Does Your Favorite Cookie 2 SPONSORED Reveal About You? If you love fairies, Paulsen a chat bane One you've got t All About _ > out Piarmosie'q scan i Executive Vice President, Animals Cones Paine BSc 84 The Sleepiest Crea- ical Leaf Trap Davis Thomson tures In The Animal Kingdom! 86 Critter Q&A 87 Adorable Animal Posters rota Penola aah ers pet PRAT sect ~The - NAME GAME! Celebrate what makes _ Directions: Cut out the letters of your name and paste them Koing down the page in the spaces provided. Next to each you special using the one, write a word that starts with that letter and perfectly describes youl When you're done, you'll have created your very- letters in your name! ‘own acrostic poem. Cut it out and hang it somewhere speciail GABRIELLE!10; FL a a) ecu C7) your coot craft) hake a utter You need this cool craft for your room! AS IMAGINE. DESIGN. And make your party unique! What gow LL need: *1 mediumsized jar 1 roll thin blue ribbon °1 sheet blue butterfly 1 bag blue star beads stickers 1 strand battery-operated 1 sheet blue tissue paper _ fairy lights 1 sheet blue stick-on ecraft glue rhinestone border escissors 1 roll purple ribbon trim foam or regular paintbrush DireCtious: TIP: Begin by removing the lid from the jar; you won't need the lid for this craft. After, place the butterfly stickers on your jar. Use a paintbrush to spread glue all over the sides of the jar. Press the tissue paper onto the jar while the glue is wet, making sure there's a few inches of excess tissue paper below the jar. Once the sides of the jar are covered, pick the jar up and use glue to attach the excess tissue paper to the bottom of the jar. If you have any excess paper above the jar, trim it off. Let the glue dry. Use the glue to attach the purple trim around the top of your jar, cutting off any excess. Glue the blue star beads on top of it, as seen. Let dry. Tie the thin blue ribbon underneath the beads, then rs Visit LEGO.COM/DOTS attach the rhinestone border to the bottom of the jar. (otha tien, Finally, place the fairy lights inside your jar. Now, you're ready for bedtime! Pea Toet Ss SDN ners sas std eR Llc hela big city or not! TAXI acs Create a rectangu lar shape with rounded sides. For the wheels, draw two circles, then sketch smaller circles inside them. 6 Q O—-©) Add a flat, rounded shape on top of the car. Outline the trapezoid shapes to make win- dows and draw rounded shapes to create front Draw a trapezoid shape above the rectan- gee. Sketch a line down both shapes. Write “TAXI" on the front door and draw two lines of biack squares (on the back door. Color! and back car lights. -_ vou nae aE Start with a large horizontal rectangle, then draw a thin rectangle (on top of it. Add a small rectangle on the right side with a thin one on top. ‘Sketch a thick, vertical line on the left side. Add four raindrop shapes (on top of it to create an umbrella, then draw a straight horizontal line across the bottom. “YOUR DRALING HERE: yy TEL CART Draw thick circular wheels. Add a small circle inside; connect the two circles with shor lines. Draw a pretzel shape (on the front of the cart On the right side, add a straight line with a rect- angle at the end. Color the cart! ILUSTRANONS: WAOWO MATSUNAGA: PKG: NET VECTOR SHUTERSTOGK SKYSCRAPER SUBWAY CARD 1. Drawa rectangle 2. In the left commer, add a with rounded comers. square with rounded cor- Add a stripe at the ners. Sketch straight line bottom, ‘rain tracks in front of it. 2.Tothe 3. Drawav- Fight of it, shape above teal draw the building, thin, vertical Son he san on Ee oad 3. Onthe subway car, 4. Add three straight, vertical shape above ; draw a small, black horizontal lines to the tangle on top. Under- right of the subway car. rectangle itanda thin, Color every: ba withay angular thing! neath it, draw a window Color your creation! slanted top. point on top. nel tio cliouiet Reis ‘YOUR DRAWING. -—S APARTMENT BUILDING an A A. Sketcha 2. Drawarectan- 3. Add rectangular win. 4. Draw more large, vertical gular door with a dows next to the door. windows above rectangle ‘small circular knob. Draw a line through the the door but with along, Add two horizontal, center of the windows make the thin trapezoid rectangular steps and a thin, rectangular tops of them roof. underneath, ‘windowsill undemeath. rounded. Color! We're daydreaming about this cool creation! INGREDIENTS: «A box cake mix of your choice « 2-cans white frosting, «« plue food coloring » white cotton candy « rainbow sprinkles * fondant in all the colors of the rainbow + toothpicks DIRECTIONS: 1. Begin by making your rainbow. Roll each fondant color into long. ropes and assemble them in an arch, as seen. Cover it with cling wrap until later. 2. Prepare two round cakes according to your box's instructions, then bake as. directed. Let cakes cool. 3. Ask an adult to help you remove your cakes from the pans and level them. To level cakes, you cut off the rounded top layer of them so they're completely flat, This makes them easier to stack and ice. 4, Combine all the frosting in a big bowl and add 2-4 drops of blue food coloring to it. Mix until your frosting is light blue. 5, Place a small spoonful of frosting in the center of your cake plate and flatten it. Put one of your cakes on top. 6. Use a rubber spatula to cover ‘the sides and top of the cakes with the blue frosting. Add the ‘second cake on top and repeat the process. 7. To add the sprinkles to the bottom of the cake, you're going to need a clean hand. After you wash up, pour sprinkles into a cupped hand and lightly press them onto the cake until there’s a ring of them around the bottom. 8. Spread handfuls of white cotton candy all over the top of the cake to make clouds. ‘9. Unwrap your fondant rainbow ‘and use toothpicks to attach it to your cake. Make sure to take plenty of pictures of your creation before digging int READER RECIPE INGREDIENTS: celery sticks nut butter of your choice raisins DIRECTION: Use a knife to spread peanut butter, almond butter or whatever you like on the rer celery sticks. Sprinkle raisins on top of ind follow the Ce aa the peanut butter. Enjoy! STAR RECIPE INGREDIENTS: pasta of your choice (Jordyn » ¥e garlic clove, crushed used penne!) seth cup heavy cream dash of chili flakes salt and pepper sh cup Parmesan cheese 1 tablespoon tomato paste 1 teaspoon butter 4% shallots, diced DIRECTIONS: First, boil water in & minutes on medium heat. Next, add yo pot for a little less than 5 ur choice of pasta noodles. ‘While letting the noodles boi ‘and add the butter, shallots an« medium heat with a spatula. ‘Add tomato paste and heavy cream, the! pinch of chil lakes, salt and pepper Stir that around until you get an or 3 tablespoons of pasta water, then add the Parmesan. Once fully cooked, add the pasta to the sauce and stir until the pasta is fully covered. Place your pasta on a plate, add extra Parmesan and serve! il, take out another pan \d garlic. Stir that at a nad a range color. Add _FUNK/SMUTIERSTOCK; BENT oFACAER/SHUTTERSTCK MEET THE CAST OF GAME UO THEY PLAY BFFS! on the show, Daniele, Peyton and Daria are super: tight crew also known a8 the Web-Ginz. “the WeB-irz are 2 io of bestes who are on @ mission to become the Dest, skaters’ Danielle smiles, ey love eachother and work together against challenges they face inthe rink? PEYTON PLAYS ART Cee aT NAME: reyton 2. Bosnight AGE: Iw Garner 1 North Cargiina THREE WORDS THAT DESCRIBE ME ARE Funny.» Smart , Drven | MY FAMILYTS vere ctteectivenecere and my carteer- they are also Finny, NINE Dene, Ta, HOES HOMETOWN: Lo» Pryde Coster. ; THREE WORDS THAT DESCRTBE ME ARE: crepe, Corbin ond weteltger Lay Bane Trey tore OWE were, They of ase Why SAMI emia “Us WHEN IM WITH MI FRIENDS, I LIKE TO : wena, T do WHEN TM WITH MY FRIENDS, T LIKE: | they make me laugh. | GrG Oud & cat. Alter we eat, Wwe I | ploy cOBDF ond op lot opry to ommeren faris uatn Nhem MY FAVORITE SCHOOL SUBJECT IS: Eye. Tloete ware Geet Seier MY BIGGEST DREAM IS: w wore feofe vo low an qrerates arb Real Goterede a Reroute, MY BEST ADVICE FOR GIRLS’ WORLD ae pauh ie 7 ee rt ' bier cae Heim eno acs | nu I I jour dre | nnmasn eiammntcnate semonesmmnatees SAMS + You do not heed a plan b Ustially WaIE around and tal and mabe yokes , MY SECRET TALENT IS: = can sing. ine shatira, 12, | WHEN TM WITH MY FRIENDS, I LIKE: Petry te matin shppng be He NAME: “(A Sel AE 10 WY FAMILY IS: ay Ae. “hay ane ng Magee mppentio, small + mabing TH Tobe, Get to know the stars of the new Disney show in their own words! (Literally, they wrote these answers themselves!) HERE'S A SNEAK PEEK! We've got the inside scoop on upcoming episodes! “In this scene, ing to convince Paris to help her parents ‘out with deliveries for thelr baking business; Peyton remembers. qe ao ESTE WU | Seeeaieien | naar nen at 19 LeU ee A\s “The girls were bummed out because they wanted to be in a rap Video but had to be 18 years old to participate” Daria reveals. “They a come up with a crazy Z can idea to get to be in the ee ano! fy a fly oh a video. This episode ‘was so much fun!" Ogee aun Sie eu ae Tee ie eee ence LG ROUD ME! You are awesome! Fill out this activity to sheet remember all of the reasons why! | One thing I did today that : ; made me feel proud: | Ta RL eee ea Pea Pee kc To ones The activity that makes Me feel the most like me IS: Oe a el —_— >>> Tam a great friend because ‘a Minnie wi The thing I like most about myself is One cool thing I've learned is “Something that Ive made Unat makes me proud Is: One thing Tam extra good at is I make my parents proud when a In school, | am proud of myself when I Lam the most proud of SA myself wher: TCC termina a Step under the big top to reveal your new nickname! 1 - Coco 2 - Hoopla Red - the Wondrous 3 - Dazzle Orange - the Hysterical 4 - Itzy ‘a Yellow - the Charming 5 - Fifi Green - the Shocking 6 - Zola Blue - the Incredible 7 - Juno 8 - Avalon 9 - Esmeralda White - the Mysterious Black - the Unpredictable Gold - the Magnificent ; your birthday month: january - Tightrope Walker July - Unicycli i 4 yelist : fobreary’ ~ Ringmaster August - Fortune Teller . | ee \crobat September - Fire Breather 2 Apelt~ Clown October - Strongwoman ; May - Trapeze Artist November - Hypnotist June - june - Juggler December - Contortionist 16 SMILE DIRECTIONS: You're going to be making a coupon book! Start by cutting out each of the pages below, then fill them in. Not sure what to write on the coupon blanks? Here are some suggestions: breakfast in bed, a big bear hug, doing the dishes, an hour of peace and quiet, folding the laundry and a family day. Once you're done writing, staple the coupon book together. Now, it's ready to give to your loved one on May 14! ! HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY! ‘ Lou, _ -% SHAPPY ©-% =. a @ MOTHER’S DAY! * E e = THIS COUPON TS GOOD FOR: B® KK HH HEH ““_HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY! THIS COUPON TS 600D FOR: sMiLE DIRECTIONS: You're going to be making a coupon book! Start by cutting out each of the pages below, then fill them in. Not sure what to write on the coupon blanks? Here are some suggestions: breakfast in bed, a big bear hug, doing the dishes, an hour of peace and quiet, folding the laundry and a family day. Once you're done writing, staple the coupon book together. Now, it's ready to give to your loved one on May 14! -* HAPPY * MOTHER’S DAY! THIS COUPON TS GOOD FOR: THIS COUPON TS 60D FOR: xe 9 x ‘@ SHAPPY*°% ©. °"*** HAPPY ~ - MOTHER’S DAY! * *% MOTHER’S DAY! THIS COUPON TS GOOD FOR: THIS COUPON TS GOOD FOR: x ¥ -** Happy ** +. © --> HAPPY ~~~ ~ MOTHER’S DAY! - *~ MOTHER’SD THIS COUPON TS GOOD FOR: a THIS COUPON TS GOOD FOR: ‘SPONSORED Can you find and circle the 10 things that have changed in the bottom picture of Adventures of Ayuma’s Mystical Leaf Trap? MOL avaiable at and say a {Oe wf % ey, ay Lp d wey ee Rrreny Se ‘destined for the st Wt a Coa Tgot a role in a play at my school, att sat arte a ara Uo — Sneaking off the stage Fee eens eC eR RO esc ek er UM ea ORI TeLLS DESO ater Pte RT Uae aC SNe MM anata Peet sce en Ren oe MUR SCs Che Rue Ay Prema CR Ce cum eta SS UROL ac macs excited! Jump around and shake out CRM en Go to page 96 and follow the instructions. “I think what awesomeness means to me is being kind to others, making others laugh, being caring, being helpful, being courageous,” Elle smiles. “And of course, Se THE MOST AWESOME oes PEOPLE IN ELLE'S LIFE “They are my biggest supporters,” Elle says. “My mom always goes with me on my trips [when I'm “Id say I'm a very EN TeveTore Ra And then my dad is always creative person,” she siblings, and Se Gown the fort with my shares. “Ilike todo Sy 4 oven though for eee and I'm so thankful art. | like singing.” ceteetenttnn : “I love animals,” nerves all the time, 4 . she tells us. “Ilove | do still love them,” love both my grandmas, my Nanny, | § helping animals and she jokes. “And that and my Nini is what | call them,” Elle | § Hove being with is an awesome trait to. shares. “My mom’s mom, my Nini, g acca have!” a re in North Carolina, sol get ff E “I do theater at my “Ihave such love here ne time, and just i hometown — I do a passion for 3 a lot of theater, and acting, and | “Ihave wonderful , 3 that’s really cool,” am so thankful | ies. “On oh ul friends, too,” Elle Elle says. “I'm actually doing for the opportunities acorn ene thee that's wonderful a show right now called I've gotten so far,” = 's that they see past me Schoolhouse Rock.” Elle says. IN an actress and they see me ‘as me, so | don't have to go through any of that stuff.” “I think every girl should believe that theyre awesome,” Elle says. ‘One, because nobody should ever tell them otherwise. Everybody has awesomeness in them, and everybody's awesomeness is different. So, everybody should just embrace how awesome they are!” “To any girls who are struggling with realizing how awesome they are, 'd say sometimes | feel the same exact way,” Elle admits. “But something that always helps me is making sure that I'm surrounded by loving people and loving friends. Because No matter what, they will always accept you for who you ae Your awesomeness Is going to be unique to every single person you ever meet. Don’t ! worry — because somebodyout in the world, a friend, absolutely loves that your awesomeness is like that!" SECRETS OF SULPHUR SPRINGS SCOOP! ee Hiliedserkn antk ns errs = Coat SECRETS OF SULPHUR SPRINGS AIRS FRIDAY NIGHTS ON DISNEY CHANNEL! deta Bg Paty ey Sree ter Un, Sabrina Carpenter, has anyone told you youte sitting on a cow? The singer found ee Pua tty |. Selena Gomer’s ceneyy peer! eee Berta irs =P your celeb scoop WHAT’S YOUR Which member of the animal kingdom do you think will get the most votes? You won't find anyone who loves cats more than Taylor does! “I'm obsessed with them,” she says. “They're very digni- fied. They're independent. They're very capable of dealing with their own life.” Niall has a special rea- son for loving giraffes! “They're so long —| wish | was one, then maybe ld be taller” he jokes Rd Pere ene cu pene UN wens eee ac ck een ne an 28 Olivia admits that her favorite animal is always changing, but recently, ‘one comes out on top! | “Llove cats right now, I'm obsessed,” she shares. CAMILA CABELLO eee eee esas because they have the best emotional eames MEG DONNELLY 9) Wee's elephantorazyt “It's my favorite Wy animal!” she shares PQ) “They taugn [and care for each other.” ia ARIANA GRANDE Ariana is so obsessed with seahorses, she even has a seahorse ring! “If L could be ani mal, | would be a seahorse,” she shares. “Hove them.” ‘57-5 SHUTTESTOCK CHARLES SHES MSON/AP/SHUTERSTOK: AIHONY HARVEY/SHUTERSTOC FR SAG ANAROS: ROGER WONG/NSTARNAGES COM IMAGE PRESS AGENCY URPHOTO SAUTERSTOCK: 29 BBR RRL RV KR KH KK BBB Ri BK RB SB —— QUIZ! Fe Your style can change every aay st the week! What will it be today? (When it comes to your h __ you'd rather: re Ga * You'd like the ("What would : you pair a walls in your .. T-shirt with? _j ACE PE tg cg Ue Ole BR eg STI ay eras near] CS rere Ce eet Deen ey RB Ba BK Lh BL eee cnr nd cry 1. Brush your hair out and pull it into a low pony. 2. About 2 inches below the first ponytail holder, fasten another one. Take that section of hair and create an opening down the middle. 4. Fasten another Ponytail holder underneath the twisted section. ‘5S. Repeat steps 2 through 4 until you reach the bottom of your ponytail. ponytail up and the opening you 1. Brush any tangles out of your 2. To French braid, hair, then create. —gathera small strand —_of your bi acenter part.On from the hairline, adding _ to the back the left side of your _ it to the left section and _of your head head, separatea __ then crossing it over the __and crisscross ‘small, top chunk middle section. Then them. of hair into three _take the right section sections and begin of hair and cross over. to braid. Continue this until you reach your ear, then do a simple braid until you reach the end of your hair. Tie the end with a ponytail holder. Repeat this on the right side of ~} your head. 4. Twist the braid around the rest of your 5+ Secure the twisted braid into place hair, creating a ponytail. —_ with bobby pins. 3. Pull both Brush your hair straight back, making sure it’s free of tangles. Pull it into a ponytail at the top of your head. Separate the ponytail into two equal sections down the center. ‘Twist the two sections over each other, pulling tight each time. Continue doing this until you reach the end of your hair, then secure with a ponytail holder. roaron Girls’ Happy Face Graphic Tee, $14, childrensplace. FIT IRI Wapae Girls’ Maruchan Ramen Allin Motion Gis" ‘Cropped Graphic T- Short Sleeve “Future ire S12 Leader Graphic TShirt, 88, Disney's Encanto Sister ‘Goals Jersey Short Sleove Graphic TShirt, ‘$42, Printed Selena Gomez "ree, Epic Threads Unicorns Believe Graphic T-shirt, ‘$46, NYD tue \ ecuniteminist) ee put Short Sleeve Graphic Keyhole Cutout TShirt for Girls, $40, gw 35 How cute is thi: u is look Matilda the on Dear Girls’ World Can you help me dress like Mati From the musica wovie? ' ee Abigail OT eee sa minder eee a. Mg0cks Son, Go to page 96 ‘and follow the instructions. 36 (Ete a We found clothes and accessories to match your drawing! Dit Emma’ oui je boy Eras, = 8, NY ‘oar 4 The bracelet The hoodie The rosewt si Girls’ Floral iq Graphic Teo, S47, Jerew. The boots Art Class Girls" Nola Zipper Lace Combat Boots: $28, ‘target The jeans ult le Ci’ High ise i SEND Us YOUR DESI inny lean, $20, trgeticom {00 to page 96 and follow ‘the instructions. Xochitl Gomez, who turns 17 in April, always fills her birthday with loads of fun activities! For her quinceafera, or the celebration of her 15th birthday, she spent the day playing on swings in the park, skateboarding through her town, running with a XS), birthday balloon on a soccer field and eating cake ... all while wearing a super-glam blue gown! For her 16th birthday, she had another jam-packed day. She went to martial arts class and had a birthday dinner party with her friends. And of course, no birthday would be complete without her favorite YER tradition. “[l] smash cake SPECIAL DN} in my face because that’s Uggla? 2 bite situal for mer Xochit! smiles. i soma onset son cARsOn LUBA BLACKE NI) March 27 MIRANDA MAY aE0 LIUA BUCKINGHAM ‘ri 30 tc Aa ao = UW PS Ys TERRENCE UTTLE sor cagpenren MATT SATO ‘GARDENHIGH CHARLI D’AMELIO: —! ‘on iio 38 fei i Keen w auch! Use these addresses to send a letter to your favorite celebs! /o Interscope Records 2220 Colorado Ave, ‘Santa Monica 90404 Bunkid cast /o The Disney Channel 3800 W. Alameda Ave. Burbank, CA 91505 The Crossover cast 6/0 The Disney Channel 3800 W. Alameda Ave. Burbank, CA 91505 6/0 Nickelodeon 234 W. Olive Ave. Burbank, CA 91502 c/o Abrams Artists Agency 9200 Sunset Bivd. L1th Floor Los Angeles, CA 90069 Harry Styles Full Stop Management, LLC 1100 Giendon Avenue Suite 2400 Los Angeles, CA 90024 J Jonas Brothers } The Jonas Group 4 10152 1/5 Riverside Dr Toluca Lake, CA 91602 Epic Records 9830 Wilshire Blvd. 31d Floor Beverly Hills, CA 90212 c/o WME 9601 Wilshire Bivd. 8th Floor ; Beverly Hills, CA 90240 Olivia Rodrigo ¢/0 Geffen Records 2220 Colorado Avenue Santa Monica, CA 90404 Peyton Elizabeth Lee (Doogie Kamealoha, M.D.) c/o The Disney Channel 3800 W. Alameda Ave. Burbank, CA 91505, ¢/0 The Disney Channel 3800 W. Alameda Ave. Burbank, CA 91505 6/0 Nickelodeon 231 W. Olive Ave. Burbank, CA, 91502 Saturdays cast ¢/0 The Disney Channel 3800 W. Alameda Ave. Burbank, CA 91505 Secrets of Sulphur Springs cast 6/0 The Disney Channel 3800 W. Alameda Ave. Burbank, CA 91505 /o Island Records 1825 Eighth Ave. Room C2 New York, NY 10019 c/o Hollywood Records 500 S. Buena Vista St. Burbank, CA 91521 Sofia Wylie c/o The Disney Channel 3800 W. Alameda Ave. Burbank, CA 91505 Taylor Swift 6/0 Taylor Swift Entertainment 242 W. Main St. PMB 412 Hendersonville, TN 37075, o/0 Nickelodeon 231 W. Olive Ave. Burbank, CA, 91502 o/o The Disney Channel 3800 W. Alameda Ave. Burbank, CA 91505 Xochit! Gomez Hyperion Talent Agency 8383 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 702 Beverly Hills, CA 90211 Young Dylan cast 6/0 Nickelodeon 231 W. Olive Ave. Burbank, CA, 91502 o/o The Disney Channel 3800 W. Alameda Ave. Burbank, CA 91505 0 a ° vee A Sop 082s Saas faq aq fq seauy fq fag» fq og joy e woyrusayuy ) ey wm mw @u y wl fq (Fog gn fg fq any by omy (Bq a Buby (fq yp oy (fq yg ang ng, frq mayo is Ba a Ya of ol oltre ug mydjog yruoyry \/ fing woynaaaddy fxg 252049 pag fq amangng youoyny) (ug stuygig ruoynyy >) says : 9 mi). ets T ¢ Gn os | oo corer fq) asy _ , aquary fam \/oqipp 9 sang | one ywoywuniyy you | ur zenng nom | 5 ay 8 w a & a 1s een ) fing ‘S04, qudy Awalad AVGSYUNHL AVGSANGSM AVadsanL AVGNOW AVAGNNS ) 9 q | 0». V Ar 9 ) Zo » a ) () Avaunivs rs 9 =SS= A fq fynyraayjruoyoyy Tm yruowayy fg szbanquyy ywouny fq 2240 Hom 83 =a ca) S88 ca) : fq hg te con Vigil “ dna ou OR syd, & 8% roms s eS! B ® — = AVQUNLYS Avaiua AVGSUNHL AVGSaNGaM AVvasanL AVWGNOW AWAGNN‘—'S' y NG AINB me a a 4 3 PS) a BB) \)y a You | por /% You! — a Would you rather boot mates for a friend? — ~ : +“ How do you ¥ — creativity? : secessories room ss es Peet) CURA eo rs A Z Design wearable art with your When it comes to fashion do you Tike to - = — Say What's your idea be animal _— inspired ofa perfect day? P 7 Make really one OSS ural et ~ art inspired ma by animals! ” a _ Decorating and crafting is obviously your thing. Use the Ultimate Party Kit to help you dress up the party. Grab a couple of friends and let your creativity flow! Decorate cupcakes, party favors and colorful banners. Your parties will be the talk of the playground! Ultimate Party Kit (a1806) $49.99 erent You DOT You! Design what YOU want. Create what inspires YOU. Express YOU through art! Discover all the ways to mix, mash and be uniquely YOU inside! Wats SP Tepay Ly - 7 _ ~ yy \ \ IS A ‘C@@D DAY soir BOOK SHEL u = Mean REeRt oR tnow — / Wiante uo TREE SICA TOWNSEND are Morrigan, E Morrigan’s town believes she’s cursed.You set Hanthorn ard the eel a he was born on the unlucki est day in the world, so she's att JESSICA TOWNSEND, "NEvERMOOR TRIALS of MORRIGAN ame for every bad thing that happens in town. That all changes when a mysterious man introduces her to Never- moor — a magical city where she's not unlucky at all. In fact, Morrigan is the perfect ferson to compete in Nevermoor's trials. Who- ever wins gets to join the Wondrous Society, @ special club for children with exception talents. Morrigan's only problem She'll have to figure out what her talent is to come out on top and stay in Never- moor forever! b CAST YOUR : Vorel What's the best book you've read recently? BY DIANE ZaHLER sto In the 14th century, Rype | 2es on acheture though Europe to finda new heme! | ASPOONFULOF | TIME BY FLORA AHN outarnt With one bite of a her andmothers cooking, Maya's sent traveling back in time to her memories of | rowing up in Koreat Fs cen Ce ea) Dee ed Prom ee aon Sedu Add these new books to your readii WILD BIRD I A, 9, CA, “TE you bike H Pater, youll lets book!” — ROSIE, 13, pa pe sd neadd/ ing list, too! ‘SHANNON IN sporucnr "= BY KALENA MILLER outaras When shy gin, Shannon, accidentally um lands the NTT lead in the ae summer s nT musical, she leas that sometimes its funtobe Ry the star! Only an honorary member of the Madrigal family will get all these answers correct! =» FUN THINGS aD is co wat ucras! MAKE UP A ui, SILLY SONG TOGETHER. perform it. Bonus points if you use instruments! There are tons of different ways — you can use beads or braid string together. 3 Both of D you should pick a fiavor you love and search for a recipe that includes them both. PLAY TAG. Make things even more fun by playing zombie tag. In that version of the game, the person who's “it” has to walk around like a zombie. Ask an adult to bring =D) you and your bestie on a local trail. Pay attention to the different animals and plant life that you see! / When you're done, Break out this list during your next hangout! E 6 PUT ON A PLAY. Write the script together, D) find costumes in each other's closets and then perform the play for your families, You can create ‘one to share or each make your own. Fill it with pictures of all your favorite memories. CAMP OUT. Ifthe weather's warm enough, camp in your backyard. Ifit's a litte chilly, you can set up a tent in your living room. 9 Invite your pals to get Da little dressed up and come over to sip tea and eat cookies at your sophisticated hangout. 1 HAVE A &, WS sports DAY. Challenge each other to one-on- cone games of your favorite sports. Just remember it's about having fun, not winning! Who doesn’t love getting a mani? Make it extra fun by picking each other's nail polish color. LEARN YOGA MOVES. Ask an adult to help you find yoga videos for kids online or even a yoga book at your local library. Ci») eo wy Best & IMAGINE. si list of movies you and your bestie want to see, then try to DESIGN. watch as many as you can during your next hangout. Ask an adult to help you research a fun and easy one you can do at home, like making elephant toothpaste. Ifyou don’t know how to do Miss Mary Mack or Concentration 64, ask an adult to help you look them up online. Has a new spot opened in your area lately? May it's a bakery, ceramics studio or laser tag place. Try it out together! You can create your own in your backyard. Try jumping through hula hoops, swinging on monkey bars and more. Practice different hairstyles on each other, like French braids or pigtails. Ask a sibling or adult to take pictures of you and your pal. Make sure you try out. different poses and backgrounds. Once the weather's warm enough, plan a Saturday aftemoon picnic in your local park. Bring sandwiches and snacks. Ifyou and your friends love reading, pick one book to read per month, then choose a day to meet up and talk about it. You could shake hands, then bump hips, then high-ive or whatever else you'd like to do! Choose candies that have holes in the center — like jelly rings, Lifesavers, Twizzlers, etc. — and place them ona string. Invite a friend or friends over to paint pictures of your favorite friendship memory. You can write them | next to each other, just don’t peek! You'll both love getting LEGO.COM/DOTS a note in the mailbox. - — for inspiration. ©2023 The LEGO Group. APRILEN«* OOL! Eleven-year-old April Garcia is the youngest of six children, and her siblings would all use one word to describe her: gullible. ‘That means she'll believe pretty much anything, which makes her the perfect target for their tricks and pranks. But not this year, April thinks, sitting at her desk. This April Fools’ Day I'm going to turn the tables on them. She's been planning her revenge for a long time — since last April Fools’ Day. ‘That was the day she walked around with blue teeth because her brothers had put food coloring in her toothpaste. Then, her sisters convinced her it was Crazy Dress- Up Day at school, so she showed up wear- inga ridiculously mismatched outfit and everyone else was dressed normally. (April still wasn't sure why shed believed her sis- ters. They didn't even go to her school!) As if that wasn't bad enough, the Garcias hosted a huge family dinner with all their aunts, uncles and cousins that night and April’ siblings thought itd be hilarious to put a whoopee cushion on her seat. Every- one still talks about that giant “fart” she let ut ... even though she showed them the whoopee cushion! “We have to prank you; her siblings had said afterwards. “Your name is April!” “That doesn’t mean I'ma fool!” shed argued. But they'd just given her pointed looks in response. On the eve of April Fools’ this year, April went to sleep on with a smile on her face, gw 59 K your storytime thinking about everything she has in store for her siblings. She woke up super-early on the big day, setting an alarm so she could get up before everyone else. She snuck down the stair- case, careful to avoid that creaky step in the middle that would surely wake some- body up. April was going to start the day by pranking her brothers, Danny, Rafi and yelled after spitting out his spoonful. Danny and Oscar were confused — un- til they tried their breakfast. Danny grimaced as he swallowed his oatmeal. “I think someone put salt in the sugar jar” ‘That's exactly what April had done, knowing her brothers sweetened their oatmeal every morning, And she was thrilled when her twin sisters, Ali and Danny grimaced as he swallowed his oatmeal. “I think someone put salt in the sugar jar? 60 Oscar. At first, she thought the best pay- back would be putting food coloring in their body wash. But then she remem- bered that they got in a lot of trouble with their parents for dyeing her teeth blue and figured that wasn't the smartest idea. Instead, she was going to mess with their beloved breakfast. She could barely keep the smile off her face as she sat at the kitchen table later, especially when Rafi started to sing, “It’s oatmeal time! It’s the best time of the day!” He quickly changed his tune. “Oh, yuck! That was disgusting” he Georgie, burst out laughing at Danny's revelation. “You did this?” Rafi pointed at them, accusingly. April quietly got up from the table and backed out of the room. Yes! Everything is going to plan, she thought. They don't suspect me at all. She ran into the mudroom and dropped her next prank in Ali and Georgie’s back- packs. April needed to be patient with this prank. She didn't get to appreciate it until they all got home from school later. Ali and Georgie walked through the front door around 3 p.m. with gold glitter all over their faces, Danny, Rafi and Oscar walked in after them, looking amused. “It isn’t funny? Ali snapped. “I.cannot believe you guys did that to us? Georgie whined. “We opened those envelopes in the hallway, and the glitter got everywhere!” “We... didn’t ... do between laughs. Ali and Georgie glared at the boys before ... anything” Rafi said stomping off to shower. “My buddy Conor saw it all happen, guys, Oscar told his brothers. “He said it was the funniest thing he’s ever seen. There was glitter everywhere and the girls had a meltdown? Operation Glitter Envelope was a success, April thought as she eavesdropped. She looked down at her watch and was excited to see it was almost Prank Call Hour. Shed convinced three of her friends to take turns prank calling her brothers between 3:30 and 4:30 p.m. When April walked into the family room, where the boys always did their homework, she heard Rafi yelling into his cellphone. “There's nobody named Frank here. Stop calling my phone!” He hung up ina huff and it looked like steam was coming out of his ears when his phone rang again a few seconds later. gw et your storytime “Hey, at least someone isn't calling and telling you knock-knock jokes every few minutes? Danny pointed out. “Or claiming you won a tropical vaca- tion to a country called Gotcha Land? Oscar grumbled. April made a mental note to thank her friends again at school the next day. The boys were whispering about how Georgie and Ali must have arranged this When the twins got up prank, too. It sounded like they were plot- ting some revenge when the twins walked into the room. “We're watching our show; Ali said as they plopped down on the couch. “Want to make us some popcorn and watch with us?” Georgie asked. April was annoyed that she was the one who had to get up and get the snack as usual, but she agreed because it helped with her next prank. She poured popcorn into three small bowls and handed one to each of her sis- 62 pulled two plastic spiders out of her pocket and slyly dropped them into their popcorn bowls. ters when she got back in the room. “Popcorn and no drinks?” Ali asked, clearly annoyed. “Everyone knows popcorn makes you thirsty, April’ Georgie pointed out. “So, get yourselves drinks then April shot back. “I'm not getting up again” Yes, this is exactly how I thought they respond! April said in her head. Theyre so predictable. to get their drinks, April When the twins got up to get their drinks, April pulled two plastic spiders out ofher pocket and slyly dropped them into their popcorn bowls. Everyone knew the Ali was terrified of spiders, and Georgie pretty much always copied Ali. There was about to be a giant freakout. “AHHHHHHHKH,; Ali shrieked when she got back and saw what was waiting in her snack bowl. “Spider! Spider! I see a spider!” Georgie screeched. “Wait a minute, Ali calmed down slight- ly. “What are the chances we both find spiders in our bowls?” Georgie looked closer and declared, “It’s plastic!” ‘The twins whirled around and stared at the boys, who were cracking up once again. “It really wasn't us” Danny claimed when he saw their faces. “Yeah, right! If it wasn’t you guys, who else could it be?” ‘That's when April couldn't hold in her laughter anymore. She thought back on Rafi’s spit-take at breakfast, Ali and Geor- gie’ glitter-covered faces and Oscar com- plaining about Gotcha Land and laughed even harder. “OMG" Ali yelled. “Tt was April!” Rafi said at the same time. ‘The rest of her siblings looked shocked. “Gotcha, she informed them with a satisfied smile. “But how?” Danny asked. “It's not possible Georgie said. “Do you have any more pranks planned?” Oscar wanted to know. “A few; she lied, loving that they all looked nervous. “I might be willing to call them offif..” “If what?” her siblings asked in unison. “Ifyou repeat after me: April is nota fool!” she said, smiling as they all repeated it back. gw gw 63 \ Use the clues to reveal 7 the jumbled-up words! ‘ AOENC S ongage O11 eer AO ENG (Clue: This isthe third planet from the sun, Clue: 'm tall and produce oxygen. ORFWSEL ‘Clue: Sometimes people have beautiful gardens filed with me, EYC hey an do ts wih asi utes, ‘old newspapers, paper o 5 E 5 e » alr will ) ——, a the Can you find and circle the 10 things that have changed in the second picture from The Super Mario Bros. Movie? \ A =_—a yy Ts — Use crayons or colored pencils to “a design your own! SS, Match each TV mom to her quote! A a \ Lahela, Kai and Brian's Evan's mom from Harper and Topher's 2 £ Jade, Shaka, Mazzi, ie Al Sadie and Marky's mom from Doogie The Mighty Ducks: mom from Secrets of Ami and Skye's mom mom from That Girl loha, M.D. Kamealc A. B. “No matter how old you get, you should maintain your sense of fun and whimsy!” Game Changers al ‘Sulphur Springs C. “I know you can handle more than | think you can sometimes, and | probably should have let you play in this game because it looks really fun.” from Family Reunion D. “A good cook never lets recipes box them in!” Lay Lay ae ip iN RPAOSHB BUCAERAUQSRUOAM ' NS LECNUR RTOV : : : "<> - 3 Co : : S e i iS = ' ECJYEXYAGVMSHA ALOBMPL NUGOFWARNAGVYV LOACSNYBYENOM KSPR ' ACAUOEREASMEGCV F ' cwWwSKONMUOHOSHOS PJAOEWOMSUO TENWVSURPR FLGHSKC Mischief Surprise Tricks Shenanigans Humor April Fools? WHAT ONLY RYE IK WORKING ONCE IT GETS FIRED? Bnet Peyton's cracking upt WHAT TRAVELS THE IT ALWAYS A stamp! A quarter! WH = KNOCK-KNOCK TIME * > » > 2 % KNOCK, KNOCK“ KNOCK, KNOCK Who’s there? Who's there? \ Who’s there? HADEN! € ANNIE! Claire who? Haden who? Annie who? HADEN GO SEEK; \__ ANNIE BODY PLL FIND YOU HOME LLRs Lescol hg ST tenant OZVT Snow souny =e ‘g's "ween0 1a] S.alVald V Poel a . vey ot ] y, ing personas eco A eur sane a a err a ere ed a Aide FOREST FAIRY CRYSTAL FAIRY LEAVI El g YOULOVETO ‘ABOUT THE. ENVIRONMENT ’ BEAUTIFUL THINGS As the Forest Crystal Fairy Elvi Fairy, Leavi protects the Tu cares forthe 7 k energy crystals i fairy forest and iy with her crystal catches intruders dome spells, with her plant { which protect 7 ¥ ing spell the land. She loves fer soul animal her soul animat ow is always at butterfly above her side. ‘everything else, Ifyou could ey Bee U GUC LS Cod ag ey a) sign upto Daca P| ’ Lid rol ae Cot) bey ey ni F LER eG 5 EES Tan : SLs ao lS Ostrich Knight Fairy Josy lively, cheerful and, strong, As Knight and all of Ayuma from all dangers, and she can always count on the sup- port of her faithful soul animal, Bear. MOON FAIRY WITH SOUL ANIMAL ‘YOU ARE A PLAYFUL ANIMAL LOVER! ‘The Moon Fairy lovingly cares for her soul animal, the ostrich. She is part of a new race of fairies and is stirring up some mystical fun! Pe Rg Pais do you Invent new ay f] 1 O AND FUNNY! Abjatus and who has joined young fairy, knight Fairy who has finally found his soul animal: a yellow panda. Ce ee ‘Soe ? Om Pe) Wun. 0" AW" *MAKING & **' JEWELRY!. Earrings, necklaces, bracelets and more — you can’t get enough! ‘ x WHY IT’S AWESOME! Making your own jewelry is special because you get to make it exactly the way you want. You get to ‘express yourself and your creativity by picking the colors, materials, shapes and patterns of your design. Plus, whether you've made loads of jewelry or this, is your first try, everyone can be a jewelry maker! ee~ sina friendship Ure ( rae “Shea ican of / — ati, owe ; 4 FT Nhe eh rairow ye" — Maggie SWEET SUPPLIES Jewelry making kits are awesome, but © Safety pins * Aluminum foil ° Thread you don't need them to get started! These _* Buttons * Candy © Rubber bands supplies you can find at home make great * Cord © String © Cereal DIY jewelry. Use your imagination to turn _® Pasta * Beans «© Pipe cleaners them into something beautifull Clay © Paper n ow Z Povo SHUTTERSTOK; MiCROONE/SHUTERSTOCK. ~ As a beginner, you'll want to make designs that are easy to complete. Two great options are a beaded bracelet or a beaded necklace. All youll need are beads and a cord or string. Measure how long you want your item to be, then start stringing beads on! - Youtte the creative genius behind your designs, but its okay to ask for help to finish them! A big part of making jewelry is tying knots to close the piece. Ask an adult to help tie those knots so that they stay secure. = You can make jewelry with Just about anything! Get out your craft supplies and keep an open mind for what you can use to make tings, earrings, Py +/Pp ys es bracelets or necklaces. Check out our list for ideas! - With a parent’ help, you can watch videos on YouTube that will ve you pointers ‘on how to make the jewelry of your dreams. - Sometimes beads slip off of the string, sometimes a pattern gets messed up. Small mistakes happen while making jewelry, and it's okay to take a break and start back when youte ready. The pieces are small, soit takes patience to get something to look exactly like you want it to! Trying to come Up with the perfect color combination, design or phrase to use for your next design? Look around you! Pick colors you can find in nature, a pattern on your favorite outfit, a word you've seen in your favorite book — the ideas are endless! - Sharing your creative time with your besties is always a blast! You can ‘make matching jewelry so youll always remember the special day you had together. Check out the results of our latest poll! aN p B ¢ + WHICH DCOM SERIES DO YOU LIKE BETTER ey DESCENDANTS OR ZOMBIES? Ex os — lia ‘A = B WHATTYPE OF BACK- Ga Ee @) &Qa PACK DO YOU HAVE: om et as ; a Ae - MESSENGER BAG OR A SRemiean see A \ \ © ? “400% Fe YATE 00 YOU WN UP NTH WORHINS? ————————— Bow MANY BOOKS HAE YOU READ THIS YOR? eh HAE YOU IER DONE YOUR OWN WL RT2__——————— = — ‘a bo & en ys PS Reta $i Yikes! Friends will ee get ee I had yogurt for my school snack, but | wasn't done eating by the time math started. My teacher said it was okay to finish it during class, so | kept eating. Then, a boy at my table who hates yogurt started holding his nose and making a scene, which made the whole class hold their noses! Even when | was done and got up to throw my finished yogurt in the trash, everyone was acting like | stunk! — Ellen, OH BALLOON BUMMER In science class, we had a lesson all about static, electricity, Our teacher had some examples of things that generate static, including a balloon. She told us that if you rub your hair with the balloon, the static will make it stand up, then called me out to test it in front of the class. When | rubbed my hair, it started shooting straight up! All of my classmates were pointing and laughing at my 6. wacky hair. — Logan, NY = Iwas on a walk with my dog and because | was alone, Iwas belting my heart out to a song | was making up. | passed a big pine tree, but when | looked inside there was a teenage boy sitting on a branch laughing at me! | shut my mouth instantly and walked 7, away as fast as possible. — Penny, UT fo oe oO os For vacation, | went to visit the Grand Canyon with my family. As we \, were walking up the steep hill | started to feel really, really hot. | live 4 \ in the country, so I'm not used to Arizona's super-warm weather. I As soon as we got to the top, things were getting blurry and | felt \ nauseous. Then, out of nowhere, | vomited right in front of everyone! |) \N / ran to the bathroom immediately to clean myself up. That was gaz. N so embarrassing! — Sophia, MD wy jicks are absolutely the pits! These pi 5 Choose the dilemma you'd rather deal with. Wearing wearing clown makeup? Clown shoes Being allergic to dogs being allergic to cats? | | Learning your parents are robots learning your parents are aliens? | | | Licking the bottom of your shoe eating one of your boogers? | | | Acting like a sore loser acting like a sore winner? Forgetting your dance moves during a recital losing your voice during a school concert? Having a sibling who's nosy having a sibling who's noisy? Being stuck inside for a month being stuck outside for a month? Having breath that smells like a skunk having armpits that smell like fish? Forgetting how to ride a bike forgetting how to swim? 3 Lowery eo oh Go express al the stuff that makes Girls’ World you unique with U was created just for YOU! This amazing magazine is the only one of its kind to offer a unique mix of crafts, animals, friendship stories and the stars you love! Don’t miss out on all the fun. Get each issue of Girls’ World delivered straight to your home! FUN THINGS 10 -. ATH FRIENDS! | }Send Me girls sate _. S 33%!* ' Subse or ge a git nine 1 Eel Serccwetnan eo Ed Somet In Fa SE = ag It can be nerve-wracking — but so rewarding! Vy GET CHEERLEADERS! If you get nervous or scared, tell someone you love how you're feeling. We all need cheerleaders by our side, and when you tell someone what's making you scared, they'll be there to cheer you on and tell you exactly why they know you can achieve your special thing! On small sheets of paper, write down bold phrases like, “I am brave" and “I can do anything.” Then, put them in a jar or other container. When you're -~Ss feeling like you can’t get something. done, pull a paper out of the jar as a ror reminder of how great you are! ) LEARN ALL ABOUT IT! The more you learn about something, the less scary it becomes. So, let's say you're scared to try out for a sport Se you've never played. Talk to classmates and friends . who have played and ask them what it's like. That new Ls knowledge will help you feel more confident. GIVE YOURSELF A PAT ON THE BACK! When you do something new, celebrate it! You can bake cookies or color a poster celebrating your victory. You tried something you never thought you'd try, and that calls for something to commemorate the moment. On a day when you're a little down on yourself, stop and think about all of the cool things that you've already done! It's a great idea to keep a journal where you write down all of your achievements (big or small) so that whenever you need a boost, you can go back and read them. Now! ¥ Singing in Front of a crowd » Tasting a Friend : ri favorit food. *" fal airs v Reading 4 new type of book v Making it across the monkey bars » Going camping Fling and putting away your v Climbing 4 rock wall © Trying out for a team v mcg 4 difficult craft * Jirolcing yours toa new group 8a — Pepper, 10, CA Yes, but it depends on the type of flower and it's located! The idea that April showers bring May flowers likely comes from a 1600s poet who lived in Europe, where April is often a very rainy month. Once a cold winter has passed, you'll see some flowers bloom after rainfall hits in the springtime. Other flowers rely on the rain from the entire year to keep them alive, not just April. GW gives you the lowdown on some of the Flowers that grow in warmer world’s most mind-boggling mysteries! Jocatons) con eves for the cold winter to end, so they can bloom way before mM May comes around! @ —Harley, 14, OH WHAT MAKES THINGS ECHO? — Lauren, 9, ML One of the easiest ways to think of an echo is to picture it like looking in the mirror. When you look in a mirror, your reflection looks back at you. With an echo, a sound that leaves your mouth reflects off of a surface and bounces back to you in a similar way. How does it work? Well, for one, you need a large surface (like a big cave) and you need that surface to be far from the sound maker (like a deep well). When the sound is made in that environment, the sound waves. travel the far distance to the large surface, then bounce back and echo! Because humans have a liquid that exists © around our joints! Synovial fluid protects the joints of our knuckles. Since we move our fingers around all day long, that fluid gets moved around and bubbles form. When fe you crack your knuckles, that pop you hear is the bubble popping! If you've noticed 2 that you can’t pop your knuckles twice in a row, well, that’s because it takes time for new bubbles to form. If you're wondering if it's safe to pop your knuckles, there's no scientific evidence that it's dangerous... but it's possible the popping noises will annoy the people around you! NDNA eee: Oats Pera al cela 6 g Pica RUS aR ayaa they were kids, including how to MAKE IT, SAVE IT, and Ya eA oreo pees NATIONAL fee ae Bait a THE DW IN THE ANIMAL KINGDOM! Each day lasts 24 hours — and these animals spend most of them fast asleep! Hours asleep: 20 Koalas would win any sleep- ing competition! That's all thanks to their favorite meal eucalyptus. While eucalyptus is tasty for koalas, it doesn’t do much to fuel them, which means they don't have a lot of energy. They sleep high in trees to save their energy for moving around, avoiding predators and finding food. Hours asleep: 15-20 You probably know that sloths move slowly, but did you know that sloths spend a lot of time not moving at all? While awake, they only move about 120 feet per day, so their their bodies have a hard time burn ing off the food they eat. They have to sleep so their bodies have time to digest their food! 84 LITTLE BROWN BAT Hours asleep: 19 This nocturnal creature sleeps while hanging upside- down! Little brown bats sleep in groups called roosts, which helps keep them safe from predators. Their long sleeping time helps them save energy, which is impor- tant because they spend their waking hours finding and eating half their body weight in insects! GIANT ARMADILLO Hours aslee} Giant armadillos sleep in aa beds like humans do — though they aren't exactly the same! These creatures use their large claws to dig up dirt and create a burrow under- ground where they can hide and sleep during the day. They'll wake up in the early hours of the morning to leave the burrow and find food, then return for more rest. manun/shurrenstook, araronata sUTERSTOGK MYMAGEs MHA /SHUTTERSTOCK HEDGEHOG Hours asleep: 18-20 Hedgehogs sleep during the day ... all day. Both as pets and in the wild, hedge- hogs spend the daylight, hours fast asleep. This is because, well, they don't have anything to do during the day! They wake up to find food, then head back to bed when they're full, A ANIMAL ANSWERS Why do our furry friends do what they do? Girls’ World answers your questions. — Marisol, 8, FL Since elephants only have sweat glands on their toenails, they can't cool off the way a human does. So in order to keep | themselves from getting too warm in the hot climates that they live in, their wrinkly skin helps control their temperature. | The folds that are all over their bodies trap moisture. This helps cool elephants off because it takes longer for the water to evaporate out of the wrinkles. Scientists have also found out that African elephants are far more wrinkly than Asian elephants because the African Savannah is much hotter than the cooler Asian forests that their relatives live in. DO ANIMALS GET HICCUPS? — keisha, 20, 7» {ts very common for any species with a breathing system that's similar to humans’ to get the hiccups. Hiccups happen when something makes the diaphragm — the muscle that helps you breathe — randomly contract, or shrink. Air shoots up the lungs and your throat Shuts, causing you to hiccup. Kittens tend to hiccup quite a ot, but very Quietly. Horses, dogs and even penguins hiccup, too. But like ours, their hiccups don't last that long — only a few minutes, Phew! — Danielle, 11, MI Sort of! When parrots talk, they're mostly just repeating what they hear. However, scientists believe that while parrots might not understand everything they're saying, they can link words to meanings. For example, they can learn that, “Hi, how are you?” may mean that someone is entering the room. — Alissa, 9, AZ Poodles, border collies, labrador retrievers, golden retrievers and German shepherds are all known for learning commands quickly because they are some of the smartest dog breeds. Plus, each of these breeds has a long history (over rh Linenvenenied thousands of years) of helping humans with their work, so a over time, they've adapted to become even better at following commands than other breeds! ‘cree Bap SMATIRSTOR MOUDA ESN I TN a ay wy SUBSCRIBE Now! CHECK OUT THIS COOL MAG! If you love animals, you'll love ! 8 Animal news and fun facts #8 Free animal posters for your room +8 Heartwarming hero pet stories ‘ Animal-themed craft projects +8 Adorable pics of baby animals ‘8 Pet care tips and tricks 8 Reader drawings and pet photos + Puzzles, games, hidden objects and more! SAVE a SN . > » subscribe & Look for the latest Mm .issueon * SALE NOW! A a pb 92 YOU’RE POPULAR! YOU'RE Like this comfort food, you're SOPHISTICATED! loved by all! You never have _It's obvious why a glamorous a hard time making friends girl like you would pick because everyone wants to macarons — they're the chicest be around your awesome cookie of them all! You enjoy personality. You're the the finer things in life. Dressing goto girl when friends You won't find any fillings or decorations on these cookies, and that's just how you like it! You're an easygoing girl who wants to keep it real. Friends love that they can count on you to be open and honest with them! up for special occasions is your want to chat. favorite thing to do! Oo Peanut Butter Kiss Like this combo of peanut butter and chocolate, you aren't afraid to mix things up! You're brave enough Bae Ss 2 to take chances and try new things, and you always 4 manage to make new friends along the way. O Snickerdoodle oO O YOU'RE CREATIVI You know how to spice up J ! Dunk it in milk, scrape out every situation! Your friends Sometimes you're supersassy and __ the filling, eat it whole — all know it's impossible to be other times you're the sweetest these options let you use bored when you're around. girl around. You like to keep your great imagination! That's You're always cracking jokes —_ people guessing! You're not afraid _perfect for a free-thinker like ‘or coming up with ideas for to speak up about how you feel, _you, who dares to be different games to entertain everybody. but you're also happy to listen to and sets her own rules. You're the life of the party! others share their thoughts. You're truly one of a kind! Just like a sugar cookie that's decked out with frosting and sprinkles, you like to express yourself boldly and fabulously. You approach everything you do with a big smile and a positive attitude! 93 / 7 Have you ever read your horoscope? If so, then you're practicing astrology. Astrology is the study of how the movements of the planets and stars influence a person's personality or things that may happen to them in the future To read your horoscope, you need to know your sign. In astrology, the sky is divided into 12 sections, each named after the constellation that originally fell within its zone. Each sign has its own personality traits. If you know your sign, you can learn more about you! Using your birth date, see which sign you are below. Then, check out what the stars have to say about your life in the months ahead! ke Aries March 21 - April 19 Taurus April 20 - May 20 oa Your birthday month is here! As you celebrate turning a year older, you'll celebrate your new age by being a little bit bolder, a little bit braver and a whole lot more awesome. Get ready for the most fun day! The countdown is on for your big birthday! You like fun-filled birthday parties with your very best friends and that’s exactly what you deserve. Have the best birthday ever — you rock, Taurus girl! Gemini May 24 - June 20 Did you know & that Geminis are naturally great at word games? Give one a try during a family game night and you just might be crowned the champion of your family! Cancer June 21 - July 22 You are the most loyal friend, Cancer! When a classmate tries to get you to spill a secret about your friend, you won't even have to think before saying no. Leo July 23 - August 22 You've been feeling bored lately, and there's a quick fix! Do something simple, like sleep at the opposite end of your bed or sit at a different lunch table for a new perspective. August 23 - September 22 You won't rest until you help a friend or family member out when they are having a hard time. It's because you're a helpful and determined Virgo, and you're just the girl for the job! September 23 - October 22 It’s easy for you to have fun with new friends, but it's harder for your BFF. Help introduce her to any new buddies you make so that you can all have fun hanging out together! Scorpio October 23 - November 21 You're going to do sg great in a difficult eS school subject! You study hard and you try your best, and that's going to lead to a very impressive grade. November 22 - December 21 It's fun to try KT new things every Ly once in a while! Even if you're used to doing things one way, when a friend does something a different way, don't be afraid to try. December 22 - January 19 Capricom girls are so funny! : When a friend is having a bad day, you can turn it around by making them laugh in a way only you know how — and they'll love you for it. Aquarius January 20 - February 18 You're a great leader, and you 7 should believe ‘that you're great! When you get the chance ‘to take the lead at school, don't be afraid. You're going to do an amazing job! February 19 - March 20 You are the Ss a 3 biggest animal > lover of your _¢— friends! A trip to the petting zoo or aquarium will be the best day of your whole month. What does your sign’s symbol mean? eae kc along with it. Learn about yours! Ue Ce nd CS ence ne much like a crab, Ta) er ae a Cae A cuca! Een Ty CUR UK COMMENTS — head and printed . Send us questions for our advice column, stories printed. written, questions about wild animals or pets, pictures of outfits you want us to find for you — anything at all you'd “4 like us to see. We want this magazine to be all about everything you love to do! Wr ‘ey servomar/sMirERstock 5 Ist are) it ieee emotes

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