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[79] ics (PAPER 1, heights, in cm, of ten students are 6, 150, 152, 153, 155, 155, 156, 158, 160, 165, 170. The range is (A) 5 ®) 20 (© 150 (D) 155 A bag contains 60 marbles of different colours but similar in size and mass. The probability of randomly choosing 5 aed marble is >. How many red 2 ¥ marbles does the bag contain? “a os ® 2 © 17 (D) 25 ‘The mean of the following numbers is Is. 14, 10, 18, ¢,21, 15, 14 ‘The value of cis 7 CE ® 14 © 2» 0) 91 Ifthe mean of the four numbers 4, 8, x and 12 is 10, then x is (A) 4 ® 10 8. © 12 0) 16 If the mean of the four numbers 4, 8, 2 and 12 is 10, then x is “a 8 ® 10 © 12 ©) 16 If the mean score of the numbers 2x, 3x, 4x and 3x is 12, then the sum of the numbers is wy 4 ® 2 ©) 4 (D) 80 lem 7-8 refers to the following bar chart Number of children 4 5 6.7 Number of books The bar chart above shows the number of books read by the children who took part ina survey. How many children took part in the survey? a os @ 15 © 3 ©) 87 ‘What is the modal number of books? (A) @) (©) ©) 9 10, [80] Item 9 refers to the table below showing the frequency of scores obtained by students in atest. Scores] 2] 3 7 Students | 8 [4 ‘The modal score is (A) 8 (B) 9 © 10 @ 12 ‘The median of the numbers: 11,5, 5,6, 7,7, 7 7, Sis (A) 54 3 ® 6 © 65 0) 7 A bag contains 2 red, 4 yellow and 6 blue balls. The probability of drawing a blue ball from the bag at random is 1 “a os 6 1 14, a ob @® 5 © } 2 6 p £ @) I Six hundred students write an examination, The probability of a randomly selected student failing the 15, 1 examination is How many students are expected to pass? 120 B) 480 © 500 ) 600 Item 13 refers to the following diagram A Pineapple ‘The pie-chart above shows the preference in drinks of a group of students. Each student may select only one drink. If 12 students prefer chocolate, then the TOTAL number of students is (A) 48 @ 72 © 180 ) 360 ‘The marks oblained by ten studens in a test marked out of 25 were: 14, 22, 15, 19, 16, 24, 13, 20, 19 ‘The range of marks were @ ou @) 13 © 18 @) 1 Tony obtained the following scores in a ‘game: 738456989 The median score is (a) ®) © ©) [81] 16, The lengths of 30 cabbage leaves were ‘measured, to the nearest em, and the information grouped as shown in the table below. Length of 10- | 1s- | 20- | 25.29 Leafiem) | 1g | 19 | 34 Frequency [3 [ 8 [12 [7 19. ‘The limits of the class intervals are (A) 3,8,12,7 (B) 5,8 (©) 9.5, 14.5, 19.5, 24.5, 29.5 (D) 10, 14, 15, 19, 20, 24, 25, 29 00 17, Bach of the letters of the word ‘CHANCE’ is written on a slip of paper similar in size and shape. The slips of paper are then placed in a bag and thoroughly shaken. What is the probability of drawing a letter 'C"? 1 Ce 6 Il B) ‘ 5 1 © > ‘ 3 2 bp) 2 21 « 3 Item 18 refers to the following information. 47 1 18 18 27 18, ‘The mode of the numbers is 10 (B) 14 (18 (2) 27 lem 19 refers to the information below. The following scores were obtained by eleven footballers in a goal-shoot competition: 53,68 7,83, 11 ‘The modal score is (A) @) © © 1 63,2 Ina class of 20 students, 12 are girls. What is the probability that a student chosen at random is a boy? “35 (B) 0 o 2 (D) x Of 120 students writing an exam. 100 are expected to pass. The estimated probability that a randomly selected student will FAILthe exam is 1 w it wt 1 ® ¢ © + i 2 5 py 5 om 3 2. 24, Item 22 = 24 refer to the diagram below which shows the sport chosen by 160 boys who participated in a ‘games evening at their school — Boxing \ Football 459 Tennis Swimming ) Cricket The number of boys who chose football is (A 40 @) 90 © 110 (DB) 150 ‘The probability that a boy chosen at random participated in boxing is 7 a 2 @ 7 py 4 Oy 1 o 1 © 4 p) + Os How many boys participated in cricket? (34 ® 60 © 110 ) 120 [82] 25, 26, 21, ‘The table below shows the frequency of scores obtained by students in a test. Scores [2]3]5]6]8]10 Students | 8] 4]6]3]9 12 ‘The range of the scores is a 2 B 7 «© 8 ©) 10 ‘The score which occurs most frequently in a distribution is defined as the (A) median (8) mean (C) range (D) mode Ina class of 20 students, 12 are girls What is the probability that a student chosen at random is a boy? 1 ay t (A) 2 2 By 2 (B) 3 3 co 3 © 2 @) 3 Item 28 refers to the following table. 0 15 4°77 8 8 1 4 ‘The median of the eight scores in the table is a 4 (B) 7.25 © 750 mo 8 29, 30. 31 [83] Among a group of employees, the 32. The boundaries of the class interval 10-14 highest paid reveives a weekly wage of are BEST recorded as $105.40. Ifthe range of the wages is $27.50, how much does the LOWEST (A) 10

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