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Honors BIOL 1108K CUREs Project Research Assignment 2 Dr.

Orfinger Spring 2024

Exploring Effects of Water Source and Brine Shrimp Survival

Student Name (print) __________________________________ Date:___________________
Team Members’ names and contact information!
Partial example data table. Create your own based on your groups data collection! I will
want to see this. Microsoft Excel is a good tool to use for organizing and analyzing data.
SDD pH Nitrite Nitrate General Carbonate Brine
(OD) (NO2) (NO3) Hardness Hardness Shrimp
Day 1
Day 2
Flask 1
Day 2
Flask 2
Day 2
Flask 3
Day 2
Flask 4
Day 3
Flask 1
Day 3
Flask 2
Day 3
Flask 3
Day 3
Flask 4

Reminder to take lots of pictures to journal your experience and use those pictures for your

In today’s lab, students inoculate samples with their own unique water sources and begin
recording data. The overall driving question for this project is: How does water source impact
brine shrimp survival? Students co-create an authentic research question, formulate a hypothesis
based on your literature research and group discussion, co-create an experimental design to test

Honors BIOL 1108K CUREs Project Research Assignment 2 Dr. Orfinger Spring 2024

1. What is your plan for the investigation?
2. What do you think will happen?
3. Using your knowledge, can you explain why you think this will happen?
4. What will you keep the consistent in your experiment?
5. What data are you measuring (e.g., pH, nitrates, water temperature, turbidity,
6. What tools will you need?
7. Do you know how to use these tools? If not, ask the professor!
8. How will you measure these things?
9. What observations are important to make?
10. How many measurements/observations will you make?
11. How long will you need to leave the experiment running before you record the
12. Do you think there are any safety precautions you need to consider?
Write in your notes anything you discuss with your group, we will discuss this at the end of our
session today.

What is your research Question?

What are your objectives for this research?

What is the time frame? ______________________________________________________________

What is the independent variable (aka what is the treatment?)


What is/are the dependent variable(s)? (aka what is being measured to determine if there is an effect?)
the measurement?) ____________________________________________________________________

Write the details of the experimental design:


Honors BIOL 1108K CUREs Project Research Assignment 2 Dr. Orfinger Spring 2024








Honors BIOL 1108K CUREs Project Research Assignment 2 Dr. Orfinger Spring 2024

How have you decided to communicate and work with each other outside of class and lab to complete
your project presentation?


How are the research data going to be presented? Is your plan to use tables, graphs, pictures to show
results for the research?

Due at the beginning of the following lab session.

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