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Thank you for downloading "R18 Monster Surprised You-ki Chan (Trial Version)".

■ Update history

June 10,2021 ver1.5 Added game over defeat picture and Added the ability
to browse in the gallery.Invincibility secret command added.
Relaxed the fatalities finish condition for
the 3rd boss.
February 2,2021 ver1.041 Added game over defeat picture.
January 10,2021 ver1.03 Added game over defeat picture. Test action to fix a
bug in Big Stage.
December 27,2020 ver1.02 Fixed a bug that prevented the video of the second
boss from playing in the gallery.
ver1.01 Fixed a bug in the clearing gate.
Fixed a predation issue with the lower mouth of a
large gargoyle
Fixed issue with large gargoyle not playing in

■ Installation and startup

Unzip the downloaded file to any location

In the "R18YoukiGAME" folder,

the game can be played by double-clicking “start.exe”.

*Do not change the folder name of the folder "R18YoukiGAME(E)".

This will cause a bug in your play record because save data is managed by the
game's folder name.

■ Game Overview
In this game, you play as the shrine maiden You-ki to defeat enemies and
There are powerful bosses waiting for you at the end at each stage.

You-ki can double jump. She can also grab onto the ceiling and walls.
You can approach enemies from behind and break their neck.
Use various actions to defeat the last boss and regain world peace.

■ Method of operation (You can play with a keyboard or controller)

<<Keyboard operation>>
・Move [↑][↓][←][→]
・Attack [X]
・Jump [Z] (*Press in mid-air to do a double jump)
・Pause [A]
・Dialog progression [X]

<<Controller operation>>
* You can re-assign these using the F1 key.
↑, ↓, ←, → (Move)
Y (Attack)
X (Jump)
B (Pause)
(*Only the aforementioned actions are assignable in-game for gamepads)

・Game options [F1] (*Screensize, volume, key config)

・Reset [F5]

■ Regarding You-ki's Capabilities

You-ki can do a multitude of actions with a combination of keys/buttons depending
on the situation.
Understanding the features of each action will be vital to completing the game.

<<Grabbing a wall or ceiling>>

(Hold down a movement key towards walls, ceilings, and ropes)
You can move along walls, ceilings and ropes.
You can grab onto the side of thin standing areas,
so don't give up even if you think you're going to fall.
*Some terrain can't be grabbed onto.

<<Break the enemy's neck from behind>>

(Get right up to the enemy's back and press the attack key)
Most small enemies can be strangled this way.
Pressing the attack key will break their neck and defeat them in one hit.
*There are some enemies that you cannot do this to.

<<Fatality Finish>>
(Occurs in boss fights under certain conditions)
Each boss has their own special, hidden method of defeating them.
Fulfilling the conditions of one of those methods results in a Fatality Finish.
*Some bosses do not have a Fatality Finish.

<<Fatality Defeat>>
(Occurs if you have 0 remaining lives and lose against a boss' specific attack)
This is a Fatality Finish that applies to You-ki.
It will occur if You-ki is hit with a specific attack that would defeat her,
and she has 0 lives (the next life she loses would cause a Game Over).
*Some bosses do not have a Fatality Defeat animation.

■ Weapons
There are five unique weapons in the game.
Learning the ins-and-outs of each weapon will be a key factor in clearing the

An orthodox, rapid-shooting weapon. With item powerups, the shots can become
fast enough to leave no openings.

It's firepower changes based on how long you charge your attacks.
If you use it like normal, it doesn't have much power,
but it's super strong if you fire right after the "keeen" SFX plays.

This weapon excels at close combat.
So long as you can stay near the enemy, it will have the greatest DPS of all

This weapon is thrown successively in a parabolic arc. The axes go through the
It has a huge hitbox, so it's eay to hit enemies with.

The ultimate weapon that pulverises both enemies and yourself. Try not to hurt

■ Items
Wicker chests (Tsuzura) you find along the way will contain useful items for
completing the stage.
You can open it by their hitting it several times or by pressing [↓ + Attack]
near it.

<<Black Chest>>
Contains sweets that heal you.

<<Red Chest>>
Contains items that power up your weapon. (Only works for charms and axes)
・Red Cow (Akabeko) = Increases the number of projectiles you can throw at
once. (Only works for charms and axes)
・Blue Cow (Aobeko) = Increases projectile speed. (Only works for charms)
*The bow, rod, and boulder are unaffected by powerup items.

<<Blue Chest>>
Lets you change weapons.
It will slowly cycle through each of the weapon types.
*Some blue chests have preset weapons that do not change over time.

Q: A popup says that the game can't start because of a missing DLL.
A: Pixel Game Maker MV requires the VC runtime to work.



Q: The game does not work in Windows 7.

A: Windows7 is not supported by Pixel Game Maker MV.
The game is not guaranteed to work in Windows 7, so please play on Windows 8
or later if possible.
Q: The game was blocked by antivirus software.
A: Some antivirus software may flag the game as dangerous software.
Please try adding the game/game's folder as an exception in your antivirus'

Please report any bugs or bug reports below.


・This game is made using "Pixel Game Maker MV (c2018 KADOKAWA CORPORATION.)".
・The act of extracting and distributing our programs or our materials from this
game (regardless of whether or not you paid for it) is prohibited.
・The act of extracting and modifying our program or our materials from this game
is prohibited.
・The act of extracting materials from this game and using it for your own game
(regardless of whether or not you paid for it) is prohibited.



Producer: Nanakusadou with D-Gate

Nanakusadou (
D-Gate (

Scenery, assets, and tool sponsorship:

(C) 2015

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