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Platform of Eastern University: The case study is about the security of the students in the
university. The honorable vice chancellor of the University read a news about the terror
attack and most of them were the students, so he wanted to ensure safety to the students.
As the university is very big and there were lots of students and most of the students are
come from the outside of Dhaka, So they got a higher risk for the students. The vice
chancellor wanted to ensure the reduction of the evil work of the students.

To Ensure the proper security he arranged a meeting with all the board members of the
university and they discussed some matters and got some issues that could make some
affairs. They identified that the problem was with the admission process, They found
that , they always made a target for the students to get admitted. After the admission test,
they took all the passed and failed students according to the serial to fulfill the sits. So
there are very less quality students can admit in the university. The unqualified students
were less concentrate in the study and more interested in the evil work.

The authority of the Eastern University had less concentrated on the quality and study of
the students, they always ran after the money. So there were a huge quality issue in the
University. On the other hand , they don’t had any permanent campus , they ran their
operation from a temporary campus and planned for permanent campus in 2025. To rise
the fund they started to make more money from the students by admitting more students
and less concentrate on the quality of the university.

According to many people , private university is recognized as the first target to make
more terrorist. The terrorist group took many good students from the private universities.
In our country it’s a very big issue and spread everywhere of the country. If we see the
history, most of the terrorist of the country were uneducated but currently they got the
favor of the modern society and the very educated one. The always target the brilliant
students and from the renowned universities.

Many students already joined the evil work, were made a threat for the Eastern
University. It will also affect the goodwill of the university and the parents won’t send
their children to the university. University is known as the place of knowledge. But after
some research we can see that the students who can not able to cope up with the
university , they concentrate in the other sector , they can also concentrated on the evil
works too. The society and the media never investigate the problems of the students to
reduce those issues.
In our country, Eastern university is on the top 15 and the demand of the university is
increasing rapidly, currently there are around eight thousand students in the university
and the admission section is very important for every university but Eastern University
don’t have a well-organized system. Many qualified students can’t keep their pace same
as before so the university has to maintain these.

Eastern University is using the traditional admission system. The university can able to
fulfill their seat for the candidates but they take both the qualified and unqualified
students. On the other hand quality education is not practiced in Bangladesh and Eastern
University is not in the top five so on average 40% out of 100% is quality full in the
university , other 60% is not eligible. They use the waiting technique fo the uneligible
students to make more money.

The issue is with the bard of treasury and this department is the most corrupted
department of the university. Sometimes they demand money from the students to get
admitted. Their logic is to fulfill every single sit by any cost. So they take money from
the students and give them sits. As they started corruption from this department , every
other departments also become corrupted. In here the more number of students means the
more income. The university is operated in Dhanmondi, which is cost worthy too.

In current situation the growth of the private University is very high and these sector is
growing rapidly. But maximum investors invest in this sector to get money , however
university is a non profit organization but they use the tag as profitable organization. It’s
a very fast growing sector so they tried to attract more students in their universities and
make huge amount of profit. The first university was the North South University , which
was approved in 1992. But after that many investors invest in this sector and made
around 87 universities around the country.

This sector is also beneficial in terms of tax. They have to provide very less tax for the
organization. The main reason of this country to build a university is to make profit. In
here Eastern University is started as non profit organization but they act as a profitable by
doing corruption inside the university departments. The selection or the unqualified
students are the worst part here. This create huge problem to the internal sectors of the
university. The BOT members also create pressure to the faculty to give more grade to
the students.

Quality assurance is very important for any organization. Quality education and
appropriate education method made a organization more worthy. The expectation defines
the good or well university. The education system is the big factor here. Most of the BOT
members are form the foundation of the Eastern University. Eastern University was
established in 2003 under the 1992 private university act. Their vision is to become a
leading university of Bangladesh. They are well known as their quality education,
superior faculty members, excellent academic system.

Eastern University is working with 16 other foreign universities from Asia, Europe,
South America, Australia and many others. Student’s from Eastern University can
transfer their credit, visit those universities, exchange research work. In many US based
events many students visited these universities and participate in many programs.

Private universities are the most important educational institutes for the higher education
in the world. Before 1992 there are no private higher educational institutions in
Bangladesh and they didn’t had the plan to establish a private university but a couple of
people just wanted that there should be a private institutions for higher degree in the
country. So the government passed a law in 1992 to established the private universities in
the country.

The initiative of the private universities are , the improvements of the overall educational
systems. Students quality improvements, leadership opportunity creation amd.many
others. The first priority is mainly on the quality education in the organization. Again for
the Eastern University at first they are unable to select the quality employees for the
organization. They selected many under qualified employees and they createany
problems to the university.

To improve the departments , Eastern University started to implements the experiential

learning in the university. They set objective for the employees, these objective helps the
employees to improve. After the improvements in the employees sector, they imply many
programs like Career Success Program that’s called as CSP , this program help a person
to improve their skill, manner, CV composing and many other things.

At present the Eastern University offers many important GED course like Easten culture
& Eastern Heritage, Philosophy, Anthropology, Bangla Studies and many others. These
courses are done in a same classroom to encouraging the students on sharing, thoughts
trade and understudies in the university. Understudies anticipated that the course is taken
in different structure to know the alternative subject in a better way. One of the main
work of the universities is to properly develop a student by giving the student , sufficient
opportunities in the different sector of the organization. So that they can able to know
their true potential, leadership ability, the career service and International Office of
Eastern University give them the opportunity to develop themselves by giving proper
guidelines to become stable in the future career. Eastern University plays a significant
role in the private university sector and readies their potential to the society.
Main Issue
How should Eastern University stop their internal departments from corruption that can
ensure the quality of the university again ?

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