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It Always Rains on the

® TM
Bissel Regional Adventure
Version 0.5.0

by Jay Babcock, Crystal Babcock, and Cam Logan

Reviewers: Bissel Triad Circle Reviewer: Steven Conforti
Playtesters: Crystal Babcock, Phil Bonder, Bud Britton, Jon Sedich

Something in the background, stirring. Stalking. Lurking. Creeping. Blurring. Claws of smoke, desperately raking.
Dark. Foreboding. Hidden. Waking. Hunger growing, never abating. Deadly. Maddened. Watching. Waiting. A Bissel
regional adventure for APLs 2-16.

Resources: Libris Mortis [Andy Collins and Bruce R. Cordell], Miniatures Handbook [Michael Donais, Skaff Elias, Rob
Heinsoo and Jonathan Tweet].

Based on the original DUNGEONS & DRAGONS rules created by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson and the new DUNGEONS & DRAGONS game designed
by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Richard Baker, and Peter Adkison.

This game product contains no Open Game Content. No portion of this work may be reproduced in any form without permission of Wizards of the
Coast. To learn more about the Open Gaming License and the d20 SYSTEM license, please visit
This is an official RPGA play document. To find out more about the RPGA and to learn more on how you can sanction and run DUNGEONS &
DRAGONS game events of all sizes, visit our website at

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, GREYHAWK, LIVING GREYHAWK, D&D REWARDS, RPGA, Player’s Handbook, Dungeon Master’s Guide, and
Monster Manual are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc, in the US and other countries. This material is protected under the copyright laws of the
United States of America. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained herein is prohibited without the express written
permission of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. This product is a work of fiction. Any similarity to actual people, organizations, places, or events is purely
coincidental. © 2005 Wizards of the Coast, Inc and the adventure author or authors.

Visit the LIVING GREYHAWK website at

For questions specific to this document and your region please e-mail your triad point of contact (POC) at For LIVING
GREYHAWK campaign questions email
Throughout this adventure, text in bold italics provides
RPGA® SANCTIONED PLAY player information for you to paraphrase or read aloud
when appropriate. Sidebars contain important
Most likely you ordered this adventure as part of an
information for you, including special instruction on
RPGA even from the RPGA website, or you received it
running the adventure. Information on nonplayer
from your senior gamemaster. To play this adventure as
characters (NPCs) and monsters appear in abbreviated
part of the LIVING GREYHAWK campaign—a worldwide,
form in the adventure text. Full information on NPCs
ongoing D&D campaign set in the GREYHAWK setting—
and monsters are given in the Appendices.
you must sanction it as part of an RPGA event. This event
could be as elaborate as a big convention, or as simple as a Along with this adventure you’ll find a RPGA Table
group of friends meeting at the DM’s house. Tracking sheet. If you’re playing this adventure as part of
an RPGA-sanctioned event, complete and turn in this
To sanction an RPGA event, you must be at least a
sheet to your senior GM directly after play. You’ll also
HERALD-LEVEL gamemaster. The person who sanctions
find a LIVING GREYHAWK Adventure Record (AR).
the event is called the senior gamemaster, and is in
charge of making sure the event is sanctioned before
play, runs smoothly on the date sanctioned, and then LIVING GREYHAWK LEVELS
reported back to the RPGA in a timely manner. The OF PLAY
person who runs the game is called the table Dungeon
Master (or usually just DM). Sometimes (and almost all Because players bring their own characters to LIVING
the time in the cases of home events) the senior GREYHAWK games, this adventure’s challenges are
gamemaster is also the table DM. You don’t have to be a proportionate to the modified average character level of
HERALD-LEVEL GM to run this adventure if you are not the PCs participating in the adventure. To determine this
the senior GM. modified Average Party Level (APL) follow the steps
By sanctioning and reporting this adventure you
accomplish a couple of things. First it is an official game, 1. Determine the character level for each of the PCs
and you can use the AR to advance your LIVING participating in the adventure.
GREYHAWK character. Second player and DMs gain
2. If PCs bring animals that have been trained for
rewards for sanctioned RPGA play if they are members of
combat (most likely dogs trained for war), other than
the DUNGEONS & DRAGONS REWARDS program. Playing
those brought by virtue of a class ability (such as
this adventure is worth two (2) points.
animal companions, familiars paladin’s mounts) or
This adventure retires from RPGA-sanctioned play the warhorse of a character with the Mounted
on December 31, 2008. Combat feat, use the sidebar chart to determine the
number of levels you add to the sum of step one. Add
To learn more about the LIVING GREYHAWK
each character’s animals separately. A single PC may
character creation and development, RPGA event
only bring four or fewer animals of this type, and
sanctioning, and DUNGEONS & DRAGONS REWARDS, visit
animals with different CRs are added separately.
the RPGA website at
3. Sum the results of step 1 and 2, and divide by the
PLAYERS READ NO FARTHER number of characters playing in the adventure.
Round to the nearest whole number.
If you are planning on playing this adventure, stop
4. If you are running a table of six PCs, add one to that
reading now. The rest of the information in this
adventure is for the DM only. If you read farther than
this section, you’ll know too much about its challenges, Throughout this adventure, APLs categorize the level of
which kills the fun. Also, if you’re playing this adventure challenge the PCs face. APLS are given in even-
as part of an RPGA-sanctioned event, reading beyond this numbered increments. If the APL of your group falls on
point makes you ineligible to do so. an odd number, ask them before the adventure begins
whether they would like to play a harder or easier
PREPARING FOR PLAY adventure. Based on their choice, use either the higher or
the lower adjacent APL.
To get the most out of this adventure, you need copies of
APL also affects the amount of experience and gold a
the following D&D books: Player’s Handbook, Dungeon
PC can gain at the end of the adventure. If a player
Master’s Guide, and the Monster Manual.

BIS7-01 It Always Rains on the Damned Page 1

character is three character levels or more either higher A character who does not pay for at least Standard
or lower than the APL at which this adventure is being Upkeep may also avoid the above-described penalties by
played, that character receives only one-half of the living off the wild. If the character possesses four or more
experience points and gold for the adventure. This ranks in the Survival skill and succeeds at a Survival
simulates the fact that either the PC was not challenged check (DC 20), the character will heal temporary ability
as much as normal or relied on help by higher-level damage as if he or she paid for Standard Upkeep, may
characters to reach the objectives. refill spell component pouches and healer’s kits, and may
restock up to 20 arrows or bolts if the character has at
Furthermore, a PC who is four or more levels higher
least four ranks in Craft (bowmaking). The player is
than the highest APL supported by the adventure may
allowed to Take 10 on this roll.
not play the adventure.
More information about Lifestyle and Upkeep can
Mundane # of Animals be found in the “Lifestyle and Upkeep” section of
Animals Effect on Chapter 3 of the LIVING GREYHAWK Campaign Sourcebook.
1 2 3 4

1/4 & 1/6 0 0 0 1 ADVENTURE BACKGROUND

1/3 & 1/2 0 0 1 1 The necromancer Evard had many weapons at his
disposal and many contingency plans hidden in the
1 1 1 2 3
2 2 3 4 5
CR of Animal

One such weapon was a great wraith, a dread undead

3 3 4 5 6 spirit that had retained such a hold to the land of the
living that it could still manipulate physical objects. This
4 4 6 7 8
wraith – which will be hereafter called the Lurker – was a
5 5 7 8 9 powerful tool.
6 6 8 9 10 It is unclear what, if anything, Evard used the Lurker
for, but he definitely keep it well-hidden and protected.
7 7 9 10 11
It always waited in solitude until the master would come
with a task.
LIVING GREYHAWK adventures are designed for APL
Then, the master stopped coming. It waited and
2 and higher. Four or five 1st-level characters may find
waited, as it always did… but no one came. Its hunger
the challenge of an APL 2 adventure difficult. Suggest the
grew, and eventually it was forced to depart and seek
following to these groups to help increase their chances
of success:
1. Enlist a sixth player.
The Lurker

2. Advise characters to buy riding dogs to help protect The creature was eventually forced to leave its sanctuary
them, and fight for them. to seek nourishment. It traveled for some time, and
stumbled across a number of living creatures. It feasted
upon them until its hunger was sated.
However, its feeding extinguished a few of those
This is a standard one-round Regional adventure, set in lives, and it watched as new wraiths rose from the bodies.
the Sheldomar Valley. Characters native to the These new creatures also needed to feed, and the Lurker
Sheldomar Valley pay one Time Unit per round, all knew that the herd would grow smaller and smaller and
others pay two Time Units per round. eventually disappear. That was unacceptable.
Adventurer’s Standard Upkeep costs 12 gp per Time So the Lurker kept its minions in check as best it
Unit. Rich Upkeep costs 50 gp per Time Unit. Luxury could, feeding as infrequently as possible, keeping its
Upkeep costs 100 gp per Time Unit. Characters that fail existence a secret.
to pay at least Standard Upkeep will retain temporary
ability damage until the next adventure, must buy new Delshire
spell component pouches and healer’s kits, and may The village of Delshire is built on the lands owned by
suffer other in-game penalties (or possibly gain in-game House Delshire, a minor noble family. It’s no secret that
benefits) as may be detailed in this adventure.

BIS7-01 It Always Rains on the Damned Page 2

Lord Alfonse Delshire resents his low standing, and looks Encounter 3: Beset On All Sides
down upon the poor villagers. It was not uncommon for Estimated Time: 45 minutes
him to shut himself away in his manor for weeks at a
The PCs are attacked by the undead that are feeding on
time, so when his family was slain, he was not missed.
the village.
When one of the villagers was found dead, the rest
took notice. There were no marks on his body, and no
Encounter 4: The Rest of the Best
Estimated Time: 5 minutes
obvious cause of death. It was assumed that the man – the
beloved old priest of St. Cuthbert – had died of old age. Airlia leads the PCs to the rest of the surviving villagers.
Then another villager died – this one, a young Encounter 5: The Light of Day
woman. She was found outside of the village chapel, and Estimated Time: 30 minutes
it looked like she was desperately trying to get inside
The second day arrives, and the PCs explore the rest of
when she perished.
the village. They learn of the history of the problems.
It was conjectured that the two were sinners, and
that their deaths were the wrath of the Cudgel. The
Encounter 6: Further Tidings
Estimated Time: 5 minutes
villagers did their best to live by his Will… but it was not
enough. St. Cuthbert struck down sinner after sinner, Another villager goes missing. The PCs receive a hint
without mercy. that they should investigate the manor.
Encounter 7: The House on Haunted Hill
ADVENTURE SUMMARY Estimated Time: 20 minutes

The PCs are engaged in another mission when they The PCs delve into the abandoned manor at the edge of
happen upon a corpse. They follow its trail backwards to town.
the village of Delshire, which appears to have been
Encounter 8: Remnants of a Lost Age
Estimated Time: 10 minutes
Exploring the village, the PCs find a terrified young
The PCs find a journal left behind by Evard the
girl, being stalked by undead creatures. After saving her,
Necromancer… but must get by a trap, first.
she leads them to where the remaining villagers have
barricaded themselves. Encounter 9: Font of Madness
Estimated Time: 55 minutes
The PCs learn about the problems that have faced
the villagers, and their ineffective reaction. The PCs fight the wraith that has been feeding off of
Armed with this information, the PCs move upon
the abandoned manor, and confront the great evil that Conclusion
has been feeding off of the villagers. Estimated Time: 5 minutes

Introduction: Meanwhile… The PCs free Delshire from the great undead fiend.
Estimated Time: 10 minutes
The PCs are on a mission, when they stumble across a PREPARATION FOR PLAY
corpse, having perished while trying desperately to get
This adventure is intended to have a gothic horror feel.
away from... something.
As such, much of the descriptions are left to your
Encounter 1: Village of the Damned imagination. Gauge how your players are responding, and
Estimated Time: 20 minutes adjust as you see fit. Properly done, your players should
be on the edges of their seats the entire time, constantly
The PCs explore the apparently abandoned village of
looking over their shoulders.
To convey the dark setting of this scenario, there are
Encounter 2: In the Mouth of Madness a number of visions provided in Player Handout #1 –
Estimated Time: 5 minutes
Glimpses of Horror. As the scenario progresses, they will be
The PCs find a young girl, left to fend for herself. given out to random PCs. Some of them will only be
given to PCs that possess certain items or take certain
actions. Each PC should get at least one vision during the
course of the adventure, if possible.

BIS7-01 It Always Rains on the Damned Page 3

Before beginning the adventure, check to see if one However, your most recent orders did not send
of the PCs possesses the Strange Orb from BIS6-05 The you to the front lines. Rather, your vast experience
Unauthorized Biography of Lady Constance Lendel. Only one and innumerable talents were wasted on an escort
PC can carry the orb with them at the table, so make this mission – an uneventful trip down the Watchtower
determination up front. Road from Pellak to Hookhill. Adding insult to
injury, a fresh snowfall covers the landscape as you
As well, check to see if any of the PCs possess the
make your way home.
Touched by the Hand of Pelor curse from BIS5-06 Vanity
and Vexation. PCs so cursed will have difficulty dealing As you spend yet another night in a drafty
with Airlia in Encounter 2. roadside inn, you pass the time by getting to know
your companions.
The expected running time of this adventure is 3
hours, 30 minutes. If this is running during a standard 4- The PCs now have an opportunity to briefly
hour convention slot, this 25 minutes for marshalling, introduce themselves to each other.
and 5 minutes for paperwork distribution.
The PCs may wish to gather some information and
rumors before beginning the adventure. The following
INTRODUCTION: are rumors they can pick up with a Gather Information
MEANWHILE… check that beats the DC listed. The truth or falsehood of
each rumor will be revealed with the passage of time.
Estimated Time: 10 minutes
A stern wind brushes through the trees, heralding DC 15
an approaching storm. Their branches bow low in • A large number of citizens in Bissel have contracted
subservience, as if humbling themselves before an a plague, known as the Black Hand. It is most often
approaching master. characterized by black, claw-shaped marks and a
Have you ever noticed that dark and ominous putrid odor. Some Barons have quarantined entire
news in the March of Bissel is always accompanied villages in an effort to stop its spread.
by foul weather? Some would scoff at the suggestion, • During the coronation of the new Margrave, Ket
pointing out instead the warm southern winds forces emerged from the Bramblewood Gap and
mixing with cold air from the Barrier Peaks. They attacked the city. Unfortunately for them, several
would explain it away as superstition. Great Army battalions were nearby, and they were
Those folks are certainly not adventurers in the soon routed.
March, you ponder, as the first drops of freezing • Field Marshall Valiserat, in a bold move, has taken
rain hit the back of your neck and the corpse before Army forces into Ket. He will not rest until the
you. threat of those treacherous neighbors is neutralized.
Its red blood mixes with the white snow, to • Brar the Crusader, a rising star in the Saraden
make a grotesque pink. combat arenas, has set his sights on a new
The beginning of CY 597 was supposed to be a competition record. From what we’ve seen in his
time of change and renewal, with the election of a latest bouts, we could be witnessing history in the
new Margrave. The Council of Barons bestowed the making.
title upon Malto Adeur, the Archpriest of the DC 20
Church of Heironeous. He was hailed as a leader
that could reunite the feuding factions of the March • Only Gran March and Veluna have offered
and bring peace to the land. However, as the crown assistance in the Bissel-Ket conflict, thus far. It is
came to rest upon his brow, a Kettite attack force possible that the Kettites have made secret alliances
was already marching on Thornward. with the rest of Bissel’s allies.
The first few months of the year has seen • Field Marshall Valiserat has made his way north
massive army mobilization, as Field Marshall along the Bramblewood with two Great Army
Valiserat rebuffed the Kettite attack and led Bissel battles. Within days, Avernand fortress will fall, and
troops into the Bramblewood Gap. Just as so many Bissel will begin conquering the Irafa Road.
times in her history, the March has found herself at

BIS7-01 It Always Rains on the Damned Page 4

DC 25 The PCs will probably want to examine the body. He
is wearing simple peasant clothing, suitable for colder
• Villages in Bandalar have been torched as part of a weather. He has a backpack, containing mundane travel
quarantine effort against the Black Hand. Rumor has gear.
it that some citizens have been killed in the process,
and that not all of them have been infected. If they succeed at a Heal check of the listed DC, they
gain the following information:
• The new Margrave Malto Adeur is elderly and
heirless. Some see his election as stopgap measure • (DC 1) He’s dead, Jim.
for nobles who seek to be his replacement in a few
• (DC 5) The body is that of a human male, of mixed
DC 30 • (DC 10) The man has only been dead for about
• Great Army detachments have been making forays twelve hours.
into the Barrier Peaks near Ebbernant, for some • (DC 12) The body bears only a single wound – a large
unknown purpose. They would not do so, in the bludgeoning injury on his forehead. It would appear
middle of a Bissel winter, unless ordered to. that he tripped while running at top speed, and hit
• A daring raid was committed against the Mist his head on a large rock.
Chameleon headquarters in Mistyvale. It is unclear • (DC 15) The head wound is not the cause of death.
what – if anything – was stolen. It is rumored that Whatever killed this man left no mark.
the actual perpetrators had their memories erased,
and don’t even remember committing the deed. The PCs can also use a few other skills in this matter.
If they succeed at the following checks, they gain the
. This adventure takes place in the Barony of following information:
Davoniya, located in southern Bissel. The following are
bits of information they can pick up with a Knowledge • (Sense Motive DC 10) The man has a look of sheer
[local – Sheldomar Valley Metaregion] check that beats terror on his face.
the DC listed.
• (Search DC 10 or Track DC 5) The man was running
• (DC 10) Davoniya is a populous and prosperous through the woodlands with complete abandon.
barony known primarily as an agricultural center. There are no tracks of any pursuer.
• (DC 15) Davoniya is one of the few baronies in Bissel • (Search DC 15 or Track DC 10) The man left a trail,
where noteworthy pockets of St. Cuthbert leading roughly to the southeast, which you can
worshippers can be found. follow.
• (DC 20) Baron Odovacar Marcomir III, whose vote • (Knowledge [geography] or Knowledge [local –
at the Baron’s Council in CY 596 turned the election Sheldomar Valley Metaregion] DC 20) There is a
to Malto Adeur’s favor, rules Davoniya. small village nearby, to the southeast, named
• (DC 25) It is rumored that Baron Odovacar
Marcormir III is so greedy that he once imprisoned Another method of investigation available to PCs is
his own mother for giving money to a beggar. the speak with dead spell. By casting this spell (an illegal
act in Bissel, punishable by death, under the anti-
When they are finished with introductions, rumors, necromancy laws) can learn some of what occurred to the
and knowledge checks, continue: body that they have discovered. Below are listed some
This morning, two days out of Hookhill, you probable questions and their answers.
crossed the border back into the March and the Who are you? Preston the Weaver.
barony of Davoniya. Just before nightfall, you
stopped to make camp… and that’s when you found Where are you from? I live with my daughter Airlia in
him. A few yards from the Watchtower Road, the the village of Delshire. Or at least, we did until we
body of a young man is sprawled along the bank of a were exiled…
small stream. He is covered in a fresh dusting of Where is your daughter, now? I left her hiding in the
snow. If not for the blood splattered in the nearby mill, while I ran for help.
snow, you would never have noticed him.

BIS7-01 It Always Rains on the Damned Page 5

Why were you exiled? I had sinned, and they worried ENCOUNTER 1: VILLAGE OF
that I would bring His wrath down upon us! I didn’t
believe it, until His angel was upon me! THE DAMNED
Estimated Time: 20 minutes
Who is ‘He’? The Cudgel… St. Cuthbert, our patron.
The frigid drops of rain continue to fall as you move
How did you sin? I’m not exactly sure… but they said steadily to the southeast. Beyond the canopy of
that I did, and that we needed to leave. skeletal tree limbs, the sky is an endless blanket of
Where were you going? I couldn’t use the village grey; you have no idea how close the sun is to
shrine to atone for my sins… they had boarded it up. setting.
So I decided to make a break for another village. I As you come to the crest of a hill, you can make
knew my daughter could not travel quickly, so I had out a clearing and a number of dark shapes ahead – a
to leave her. small village. A wooden sign hangs precariously
What were you running from? No sooner had I from a weathered sign post, creaking ominously in
stepped out into the village proper, than a great the wind. The ornate carved text in the wooden
angel was upon me. It was then that I realized the marker reads “Delshire. All are welcome.”
depths of my sin. I’m ashamed to say that I ran from Your eyes fall onto the small hamlet resting in
its holy presence. the modest vale below. It is difficult to tell through
How did you die? I’m not dead. I tripped while the steady rain, but you spy no hearth lights or
running from the angel. Any moment now, I’ll be chimney smoke on this gloomy day.
back on my feet, and away. You spend just a brief moment studying the
Once the PCs decide to head southeast, choose one scene, before noting that the light is quickly failing.
of the PCs randomly, and give them Vision 1 from Player Nightfall approaches.
Handout #1 – Glimpses of Horror. None of the other PCs see As soon as the PCs indicate that they wish to
the same vision. continue on, choose one of the PCs randomly, and read
Once the PCs head southeast continue with the following to them:
Encounter 1. Suddenly, a loud rasp fills the air, and
Troubleshooting: If, for some reason, the PCs decide to something hits the ground near you. The welcome
wait until the next morning before investigating sign has broken free of its post and shattered at your
Delshire, then several of the upcoming encounters will feet.
not happen. If they are on the fence about whether or not Upon closer inspection, you can now see other
to move immediately, here are a few arguments you can words, crudely painted upon its face: “May the
use to move them along: Cudgel have mercy upon our souls.”
• Remind them that whatever killed Preston may Strangely, the sign is broken right through the
come back, or worse - be a danger to other middle of the word ‘mercy’.
unprotected innocents.
A successful Heal check (DC 5) allows the PCs to
• A storm may cover the tracks, making the trail recognize the ‘paint’ as dried blood. It is from a chicken
untraceable by morning. (not a citizen, as they might suspect) but they likely do
• The village of Delshire (presuming the PCs are aware not have any way to determine this.
of its existence) is probably a better place to rest than A successful Knowledge [religion] check (DC 10)
a camp in the woods. Also, it could be in danger from will tell the PCs that ‘the Cudgel’ refers to the god St.
whatever it was that killed Preston. Cuthbert, the Lawful Good god of Common Sense,
If the PCs still insist upon waiting until morning, Wisdom, Zeal and Retribution. A successful Knowledge
Airlia will perish in the undead attack, and the monsters [local - Sheldomar Valley Metaregion] check (DC 15) will
from Encounter 3 will be present in the manor during reveal that while St. Cuthbert is not commonly
Encounter 6. worshipped in Bissel, the Barony of Davoniya (the PC’s
current location) is where one pocket of St. Cuthbert
Continue with Encounter 4 if the PCs approach the worshippers are located.
village on the second day, instead of the first.

BIS7-01 It Always Rains on the Damned Page 6

Once the PCs approach the village proper, and one The village appears completely abandoned. No
of them has the Strange Orb from BIS6-05 The matter how much the PCs call out a greeting, or rap on
Unauthorized Biography of Lady Constance Lendel, they doors or windows, no person will answer them back.
receive a vision. Give that player Vision 2 from Player
At this point, the PCs should investigate this
Handout #1 – Glimpses of Horror. Read the following to the
abandoned, lonely village. This encounter should occupy
other PCs, modifying it for the particular situation:
twenty minutes of game time, before continuing with
[Name of Orb bearer] gets a blank look on his Encounter 2.
face as he reaches into his pack and pulls forth a
It is quite likely that the PCs will want to go off the
small glass orb. As he gazes into it, a look of terror
beaten path. This is highly encouraged, especially if you
crosses his face. He turns and flees back the way you
are in a creative mood. Just follow these standards:
came, only stopping when his feet slip from under
him. • The village contains only the fixtures of a small,
wilderness settlement.
He pulls himself back up, and looks around at
you, confusion evident on his face. • The buildings should all show signs of sudden
abandonment. For instance, a dining table, set for a
You notice a red mark on his forehead. It
meal, untouched. The candles are burnt down to
appears to be a scar, but you don’t remember seeing
it before.
The mark is indeed a scar, and is identical to the one • The buildings should not show signs of death or
suffered by the victim the PCs found on the roadside. gore. The horror should be implied, not seen.

When the PCs descend the hill and enter the village, • Avoid the church. This should be easy, as the
continue with the following: building is extremely nondescript.

Your entrance into the village of Delshire is • Avoid the mill. As it is not mentioned in the read-
completely unchallenged; no watchful sentries aloud text, this should be easy.
question your presence and no curious children tug Here are a few buildings with particular contents:
at your cloak. The village seems completely
abandoned. The only sounds you hear are the crunch The Duck Rampant Tavern
of snow and ice under your boots and the rhythm of This weathered building is marked by a prancing
rain against the wooden roofs and awnings of the bird of some sort, over a crossed fork and knife. All
buildings. of the shutters are tightly closed.
The hamlet is dotted with sturdy cottages of A cursory inspection will find that the shutters and doors
half-timbered frames surrounded by sod and brick. have all been boarded and nailed closed… from the
Small windows framed with intricate carvings lie inside.
dark. Smokeless checker-bricked chimneys are bleak
shadows against the moonlit sky. For the most part If the PCs spend some minor effort breaking open
the hamlet of Delshire consists of sturdy cottages, an entrance, continue:
half-timbered frames around sod and brick. The The boards give way, and you enter the tavern. A
windows are small and dark, the frames decorated scattering of tables still hold used tankards, and a
with intricate carvings. Well-built chimneys sport a bench is broken and discarded in a corner. The
touch of decoration with checkered bricks. smells of recent life assail your nostrils: stale beer
A few weathered wooden signs swing on rusty and the stink of old sweat mix with hints of soot
metal hinges in the storm wind, their creaking from the hearth. You can almost feel the presence of
chorus barely rising above the din of the rain. Near villagers here… it’s as if they stepped outside for a
the village square, you can make out the slanted moment, and will return in another.
roofs of several larger buildings. A few of the There is also an acrid odor: rough and metallic,
cottages sport shingles advertising various trades: it seems to come from a noticeable bloodstain on
an apothecary shop, a blacksmith’s forge, and a one of the tables. A sharp knife lies discarded, a few
tavern are the most readily visible. inches away.
If one of the PCs has the Strange Orb from BIS6-05
The Unauthorized Biography of Lady Constance Lendel, and

BIS7-01 It Always Rains on the Damned Page 7

they move within ten feet of the knife, they receive a hanging wooden sign out front is painted with a
vision. Give that player Vision 3 from Player Handout #1 – picture of an anvil.
Glimpses of Horror. Read the following to the other PCs,
A hollow, thumping sound can be heard coming
modifying it for the particular situation:
from within the structure.
[Name of Orb bearer] seems fixated on the knife
If the PCs investigate, continue with the following:
embedded in the table. Without a word, he reaches
into his pack and pulls forth the small glass orb. He Lifting one of the wooden panels, you find a
stands motionless, holding the orb near the blacksmith’s shop.
bloodstain, as if studying it through a magnifying
The sizable forge is still noticeably warm, and
tools are scattered about haphazardly. The blade of
Suddenly, he lunges forward, grabs the knife, an axe, only partially completed, lies cold on the
and in a single, fluid motion stabs it into the center anvil.
of the bloodstain – barely an inch from his own
Curiously, the thumping sound has stopped.
No matter how much the PCs search, they will not find a
He regains his composure, and looks around at
definite cause of the noise. It isn’t anything too
you, horror evident on his face.
horrifying – one of the wooden panels had simply
You notice a red mark on his left hand. It slipped free, and was moving in the wind. Disturbing the
appears to be a scar, but you don’t remember seeing structure fixed the problem.
it before.
The mark is indeed a scar, and is located ENCOUNTER 2: IN THE
approximately where the knife would have been, had the
PC stabbed himself.
Estimated Time: 5 minutes
A Heal check (DC 15) can identify the dried This encounter occurs after sufficient time has passed
bloodstain as fairly recent, occurring about a week ago. exploring the village. Read the following:
Potions and Notions, Apothecary Shop Suddenly, you see a glimmer of light through the
The sign of this small cottage depicts a mortar and stormy gloom; a flickering white glow is coming
pestle. The paint has worn, however, and bits have from the second floor of a building on the other side
flaked away. It almost looks like a face, contorted in of the village.
pain, is looking out from within the bowl of the If the PCs investigate the building, continue with the
mortar. following:
The door pushes open without resistance. The door of the building creaks in protest as you
Inside is a long counter, holding various head inside. Between the large grinding wheel and
implements for mixing tinctures and poultices. pervasive smell of flour in the air, you surmise that
Shelves along one wall are lined with jars and pots, this is the village mill. No sound can be heard.
containing exotic reagents.
A door leads into a small room on this level, and
A small iron cauldron sits on the counter. a rickety staircase leads to a trapdoor in the ceiling.
A pair of beds lies against the opposite wall, If the PCs come within 10 feet of the door, a Listen
near racks of bloodied bandages. check (DC 15) will allow them to hear a repetitive “clink,
Once the PCs take a closer look at the shelves, clink clink” noise coming from beyond.
choose one of the PCs randomly, and give them Vision 4 If the PCs open the door and enter the back office,
from Player Handout #1 – Glimpses of Horror. None of the proceed with the following:
other PCs see the same vision.
Opening the door, you find a small office. A
Sturdy Steel Foundry makeshift desk of old crates is littered with papers
This large building is just an open pavilion, except and a stool lies sideways on the floor.
for the large wooden panels shielding it from the Near one corner, a metal pot is meant to catch
storm. A sizable chimney extends from the roof. The the rain that drips from the ceiling. However, it is

BIS7-01 It Always Rains on the Damned Page 8

overturned, and the drops instead splash off of the Why were you exiled from the village? Tears form in
side of the pot, creating a puddle on the floor. the little girl’s eyes, once more. “I… I don’t know.
They said we were sinners… but I didn’t know we
There is nothing of importance to find in this room.
did anything bad.”
Once the PCs head upstairs continue with the
Where is your father? “He went for help. I saw him
out the window… the angel was chasing after him.”
As you climb the stairs, one of the loose floor boards
Where did you get that torch? “Da gave it to me before
groans under your weight. Instantly, there is a reply
he left. He said it would keep me safe.”
from beyond the door – footsteps, hurriedly moving
away. What happened to the rest of the villagers? “They were
bad, they sinned. Then they went away. Only a few of
If the PCs succeed on a Listen check (DC 10) they can
us are left.”
identify the source as a small, bipedal creature. If they
can make a Sense Motive check (DC 10) they can guess What did this angel look like? “It was huge, and I could
that the creature is panicked. see through it! It had a fiery sword, and it was
dressed like a knight in shining armor! It flew
Once they open the trap door and enter the loft,
through the air after Da! I’m sure he got away… Da
continue with the following:
is a good man.”
A pale white light flows from the loft as you throw
Can you show me where the others are hiding? “They’re
open the trap door.
in the church. I can take you there… if you’ll keep
A young girl, no older than ten, is huddled in an me safe…”
alcove along the far wall. She holds a torch, alight
All APLs
with a stark white flame, before her to ward you off.
She whimpers softly.  Airlia: Female Human (Os) Com1; AL NG; hp 4.
This is Airlia, one of the few survivors of Delshire. Treasure: If the PCs ask, Airlia will happily hand over
The corpse that the PCs found in the woods was her the torch. It’s too heavy for her, anyways. Close
father. inspection will show that it will only burn for a short
while, before expiring. This item could significantly alter
This little girl has seen things that no young child
the PCs’ success in the combat encounters.
should. As such, her initial conversation will be little
more than panicked, uncontrollable sobbing. All APLs: L: 0 gp, C: 0 gp, M: 125 gp, torch of ghost
touch (125 gp).
Airlia will not come out of her hiding spot or
coherently converse without some coaxing from the PCs.  Torch of Ghost Touch: This torch is capped with
Treat her initial reaction as Hostile. The PCs must shift lammasu tendons soaked in dove tallow. While it is lit,
her reaction to Friendly using Diplomacy checks before incorporeal undead within a 10 foot radius of its flame are
she’ll fully trust them. outlined by a shimmering white light, and take damage
normally (magical weapons are not required to injure
However, Airlia caught the briefest glimpse of the
them, and their 50% chance to avoid damage does not
monster that chased her father as he fled town, and
apply). This torch burns for a maximum of one hour,
believes that it was an angel. If any of the PCs possess the
before being expended. Each lighting of the torch
Touched by the Hand of Pelor curse from BIS5-06 Vanity and
subtracts a minimum of 6 minutes from the total
Vexation, the glow makes her believe that they are angels,
as well. Any attempt to use Diplomacy while such a PC is
around earns a cumulative -5 penalty per cursed PC. Moderate conjuration; CL 7th; Craft Wondrous
Item, Ghost Touch WeaponLM; Price 1,500 gp; Weight 1 lb.
Once the PCs have calmed her down, the following
are likely questions and answers for her:
Who are you? “I’m… I’m Airlia. I live here in When the PCs are ready to follow Airlia to the other
Delshire. Or, at least, I did…” survivors, proceed to Encounter 3.
What are you doing, hiding in the Mill? “The others
said that Da and me had to leave the village. But Da
said I should stay here while he went for help.”

BIS7-01 It Always Rains on the Damned Page 9


SIDES  Advanced Wraiths (4): hp 117 each; see

Appendix 5.
Estimated Time: 45 minutes
Airlia hesitantly leads you out of the mill loft, APL 12 (EL 14)
instinctually holding [trustworthy-looking PC]’s  Advanced Wraiths (4): hp 189 each; see
hand. One of the wooden stair boards creaks under Appendix 6.
your weight, making the little girl jump and cling
tighter. APL 14 (EL 16)

The storm winds blow heavy again, causing the  Dread Wraiths (4): hp 144 each; see Monster
entire mill to groan ominously. Manual, page 258.

If the PCs succeed at a Listen check (DC 20), they can APL 16 (EL 18)
make out a dark, sinister voice in the wind. If they also  Advanced Dread Wraiths (4): hp 216 each; see
happen to speak Infernal, they can understand some of Appendix 8.
what is said:
Tactics: All of the creatures in this combat are
You can make out dark words in the sound of the incorporeal, and will use this to their advantage. They
wind, but only bits and pieces: “Restraint… take will not hesitate to hide within solid objects, striking
only the newcomers… one that strays…” with total concealment.
Continue with the following: The undead are intelligent hunters, and should be
Airlia looks around at the walls of the mill, and played as such. While they have never before fought
whispers to no one in particular. adventurers, they will quickly learn the PCs tactics, and
attack accordingly. For instance, a spell caster that
“They’re back… they’ll never let us go…” becomes exposed will become a target, while a melee
Then, ephemeral bodies emerge from the walls, fighter with multiple attacks will be avoided.
their ghostly claws reaching for you. Airlia will be attacked if left exposed, and is likely
Creatures: The following incorporeal undead attack the the weakest party member.
PCs in the mill. They recognize the party only as Developments: The most important aspect of this
sustenance. encounter is Airlia’s survival. If she is killed, the PCs may
The PCs are attacked in an enclosed space, with little have a difficult time continuing with the scenario.
room to maneuver – which does not affect their If Airlia survived the encounter, circle ‘Yes’ on
incorporeal opponents. As well, they must fight to keep Critical Event 1 on the Critical Event summary at the end
Airlia alive. These conditions are factored as a +1 modifier of the scenario. Otherwise, circle ‘No’.
into the ELs listed below.
; Critical Event 1: Did Airlia survive the undead
APL 2 (EL 4) attack in Encounter 3?
 Cursed Spirit: hp 29; see Appendix 1. Once the PCs have defeated the undead, if Airlia
APL 4 (EL 6) survived, continue with Encounter 4.

 Cursed Spirits (2): hp 29 each; see Appendix 2. Otherwise, the continuation will depend on what
information the PCs have gathered up to this point. As a
APL 6 (EL 8) worst case, if they linger around the village until
 Wraiths (2): hp 45 each; see Monster Manual, morning, the survivors will emerge from their hiding
page 258. place. In this case, continue with Encounter 5.

APL 8 (EL 10)

 Wraiths (4): hp 45 each; see Monster Manual,
page 258.
Estimated Time: 5 minutes
The last of the ephemeral creatures dissipates with a
plaintive wail.

BIS7-01 It Always Rains on the Damned Page 10

Airlia leads you through the empty streets of the “Well, I suppose that there’s no harm in letting
village. She stops you at the front of a nondescript you in. Everyone is asleep, though, so I’ll have to ask
wooden building that bears an equally you to be discrete.”
unornamented holy symbol – a wooden billet. There
The door opens further, revealing the lanky man
is no obvious sign of life from within.
behind the door. He waves you inside, and locks the
If the PCs succeed at a Knowledge [religion] check (DC door securely behind you.
10) they can identify the symbol as that of St. Cuthbert.
The pews of the chapel have all been pushed to
Known as ‘the Lord of the Cudgel’, he is the god of
the side of the room, to make room for the dozen
common sense, wisdom, and zeal.
men and women that are sleeping here.
Airlia timidly knocks on the door of the chapel.
The altar, and every other available surface, is
After a few moments, you hear the sound of it being
covered with small burning candles. Their flickering
unlocked. It opens just a few inches, not to see the
light casts eerie shadows on the walls, making it
source of the masculine voice that comes from
appear that the villagers sleep beneath great
shadowy demons.
“Airlia! What are you doing back here? Where’s
There is little that the PCs can accomplish here tonight.
your father? Who are they?”
Once the PCs decide to rest for the night, choose
The figure on the other side of the door can provide
one of the PCs randomly, and give them Vision 6 from
some small measure of information, though he is not
Player Handout #1 – Glimpses of Horror. None of the other
willing to say much more to strangers. The following are
PCs see the same vision.
likely questions and answers:
Once the PCs have all settled down for the night,
Who are you? “I am Temothy. I’m just a simple tailor,
continue with Encounter 5.
trying to survive.
All APLs
Who else is in there? “What few of us still remain. The
faithful.”  Temothy: Male Human Exp5 (Bluff +3, Sense
Motive +3); AL LG.
Why are you hiding in there? “We’re not hiding! We’re
engaged in our devotions to our Lord, like any
faithful servant should be! The real question is: why ENCOUNTER 5: THE LIGHT OF
aren’t you doing the same?” DAY
Why did you exile Airlia and her father? There is a Estimated Time: 30 minutes
moment of hesitation from the voice on the other This encounter begins with the survivors and the PCs
side of the door. “They knew the rules. They broke emerging from the church at the beginning of Day 2.
curfew. They sinned. We cannot tolerate sinners.
They had to leave.” If the PCs got here through a different route, adjust
accordingly. A likely scenario would have the PCs
What is going on around here? “Our village was filled
avoiding the village at night, and first encountering the
with many, many sinners. Our Lord decided that survivors as they emerge at dawn.
he’d had enough, and his wrath came down upon us.
We’ve had to band together to weed out the sinners, Silently and hesitantly, morning creeps over the
so perhaps the rest of us will be forgiven.” village of Delshire. The light of the new dawn fights
its way through the cloudy sky, and Pelor’s glow
Temothy begins with a reaction of Unfriendly. The PCs
washes away the gloom.
can sway him by using Diplomacy to shift his reaction to
Friendly. With a groan, the doors of the chapel open.
Rubbing their eyes, the sleepy survivors of Delshire
Alternatively, they can bully him into submission by
emerge from its confines, and make their way out
succeeding at an Intimidate check (DC 20).
into their daily lives.
In either case, once the PCs convince Temothy to let
An older man in green robes lingers by the
them in, continue with the following:
doors of the chapel for a moment, watching them
The voice on the other side of the door wavers for a depart. He frowns, and shakes his head, before
second. heading back inside.

BIS7-01 It Always Rains on the Damned Page 11

The rest of this encounter gives the PCs a chance to While he is still unfriendly, Father Vargo will accuse
explore Delshire during the day, and learn about the the PCs of being unwelcome outsiders and sinners, that
problem it is facing. It also gives them a chance to react to are here to tempt the villagers into sinning. He should be
the villagers, and their predicament. played as a fire-and-brimstone evangelist.
The locations available in Encounter 1 can be Once the PCs calm him down, he can provide useful
investigated here, as well. information. The following are likely questions and
The Survivors
Who are you? “Father Alain Vargo, of the Cudgel. I
The PCs can pick up some general information from any
am the spiritual leader of Delshire.”
of the survivors. Here are some likely question and
answers: What is going on in Delshire? “Our society had become
overrun with sin and sloth, and the Cudgel finally
What is going on with the village? “A few weeks ago,
decided that He’d had enough. His wrath came
the body of one of our villagers was found, stricken down upon us, and His archangels have laid waste to
dead. Not a scratch on him. Then another, and the evil doers amongst us.”
another. Then Father Vargo… he told us that the
Cudgel was punishing us for our sins!” How do you know that sinners are being targeted? “The
first to die was a violent man, much despised. Then a
What did Father Vargo do to help the village? “He’s tried
woman of… low moral fiber. Then a drunk. I could
to help us mend our ways. He’s shown us the go on, and on. But it is obvious.”
righteous path. And it’s worked… somewhat.”
How do you know that this is the work of angels? “The
What do you mean, ‘somewhat’? “Folks have kept
third death… a slothful drunk… he burst into the
dying… just not as frequently. I guess the weaker tavern late one night, yelling about ‘angels’ that he
ones have still managed to stray into wickedness.” saw out in the woods. The tavern keeper threw him
Don’t you realize that there are undead haunting your out… and he was found dead, the next morning. Not
village? “Nonsense! Everyone knows that the dead a scratch on him. But the look of the penitent on his
carry chains, and have rotting flesh. We’ve seen face, I tell ye…”
nothing like that, in the slightest.” What would you say if we said that undead were behind
Why were Airlia and her father cast out? “Father Vargo this? “I’d say you speak blasphemy, outsiders! I
recently announced a curfew. Preston and his fought in the Insurrection, I know what those
daughter did not return to the church before sunset, fiends are like… they try to kill everyone and
and so were declared sinners… and we couldn’t have everything. They don’t seek out just sinners. That’s
sinners around! We’ve already lost so much!” what the holy avengers and the archangels do…”
The Village Priest What have you done to help? “Well… first off, I taught
my flock to treat sinners as sinners. The faithful are
Father Vargo can usually be found inside the chapel buried in hallowed ground. Sinners are afforded no
(until the approach of dusk on Day 2). If the PCs seek such privilege… and doing so is an affront to the
him out, read the following: Lord.
A plump, older man in green robes sits hunched I’ve also spent every waking moment poring
over a number of scrolls. The wooden cudgel symbol over the Scripture, translating the lessons within
of St. Cuthbert hangs around his neck. into new rules for living. A curfew, for instance. And
As you approach, he looks you over. You nightly worship.”
immediately sense that he is displeased by what he How do you know that your efforts have helped?
sees, even before he mutters under his breath. “Simple: the number of deaths has declined. We lost
“Outsiders…” over half the village before I seriously took charge of
their spiritual well-being. The death toll subsided
Father Vargo can impart quite a bit of information if the dramatically.”
PCs can convince him that they are no threat. His
reaction begins at Unfriendly. The PCs must shift it to The aged priest sighs. “Still, quite a few have
Friendly with Diplomacy checks before he will cooperate strayed. There are but a dozen of us left. We’ve had
with them. to resort to exiling those that have strayed, lest we
all be tempted.”

BIS7-01 It Always Rains on the Damned Page 12

Where are the non-sinners buried? “In the graveyard, The inn reeks of some aromatic oil that has been
behind the church. Hallowed ground, of course.” spread all over the porch and door frames. It’s hard
to place, reminding you at once of both moldy bread
What have you been doing with the bodies of sinners?
and skunk spray.
We buried a number of them in unmarked graves in
the woods… until the ground froze over, and we Entering the inn, you soon understand the
didn’t have enough manpower left to handle it. The reason for the oil – the inn smells heavily of death.
last few bodies, well… we’ve just stuck them in the The beds in both inn rooms contain cadavers in
inn.” varying stages of decay.
What are you going to do, now? “Honestly, I don’t Once the PCs approach one of the corpses, choose one of
know. I have a few ideas… and I’ve resolved to make the PCs randomly, and give them Vision 7 from Player
up my mind today, before things get further out of Handout #1 – Glimpses of Horror. None of the other PCs see
hand.” the same vision.
Who do you think will die next? “What a question! The corpses are all intact, bearing no significant
How am I supposed to… well, if I had to think about wounds. There doesn’t appear to be a common thread
it… that whelp Byron. The son of the general store linking any of the victims.
owner, may he rest in peace. Byron has been a
handful, all of his life. If I had to point out anyone The Graveyard
as a sinner in danger, it’d be him…” Behind the church is a small yard, surrounded by a
All APLs crude, wrought-iron fence. A number of gravestones
mark the final resting places of the dead. More than
 Father Vargo: Male Human Clr5 (Bluff +4, half of the graveyard, however, appears to be
Knowledge [religion] +2, Sense Motive +4); AL LG. recently dug, unmarked graves.
Outside the Church Once the PCs linger about the graveyard for a bit,
choose one of the PCs randomly, and give them Vision 8
Once the PCs exit the church, and one of them has the
from Player Handout #1 – Glimpses of Horror. None of the
Strange Orb from BIS6-05 The Unauthorized Biography of
other PCs see the same vision.
Lady Constance Lendel, they receive a vision. Give that
player Vision 5 from Player Handout #1 – Glimpses of There is nothing else of interest to be found here.
Horror. Read the following to the other PCs, modifying it
for the particular situation:
The General Store

[Name of Orb bearer] gets a blank look on his face as The sign on this building is well-worn, but after a
he reaches into his pack and pulls forth a small glass moment of inspection you surmise that it is
orb. As he gazes into it, a look of terror crosses his supposed to resemble a pick and a shovel.
face. He scrambles desperately for the door, first A lone figure is found inside – a sturdy young
pulling at the handles, then clawing at the wood man. He is hunched over the counter, fiddling with
itself. an oddly shaped dagger.
He suddenly arches his back, and screams in “With ye in a sec… there!” The young man
pain. He spins around, arms up to ward off some beams down at the dagger he was tinkering with, a
unseen evil. He opens his eyes and looks around at look of satisfaction on his face. “Perfect! Now what
you, confusion evident on his face. can I do for you?”
You notice red marks on his fingertips. They The storekeeper can provide a bit of information, if the
appear to be scars, but you don’t remember seeing PCs question him. The following are likely questions and
them before. answers:
The marks are indeed scars, and are identical to the ones Who are you? “The name’s Byron. I guess this is my
he would have suffered by clawing at the doors. place now, since my Pappy is gone.”
The Inn What happened to your father? “Same thing that
happened to the rest of ‘em. I stayed out late one
This small building lies on the far eastern edge of
night. Came home the next morning to find him
the village. No sign identifies it, but there is an
dead in his bed, not a mark on him.”
obvious signpost where a sign once hung.

BIS7-01 It Always Rains on the Damned Page 13

Was your father a sinner? “No, and you’d better not All APLs
suggest it, again. My Pappy was a good man. There
 Byron: Male Human Ftr2 (Bluff +0, Sense
was no better.”
Motive +0); AL NG.
What can I buy from you? “All I have left are basic
supplies and essentials. All of our stores are running ENCOUNTER 6: FURTHER
dry. If this keeps up, we’ll have to abandon the
village, just to survive.” TIDINGS
Estimated Time: 5 minutes
What are you working on? “Ah… I’m trying to make
do with what Pappy had around the shop. I call this This encounter occurs as the PCs return to the church on
the ‘Universal Key’. Jam it into a tricky lock, and the evening of the second day. Read the following:
BAM. No more tricky lock. At least, I think it would As nightfall approaches once more, you near the
work.” center of the village. A number of the villagers are
Are you a sinner? “No. At least, I don’t think so… gathered in front of the church.
you’ve been talking to Father Vargo, haven’t you? I As you near the crowd, you can see the focus of
thought so… yes, he doesn’t like me because my their attention – a body, sprawled near the doors of
prayers go to the Archpaladin. I served alongside the church. They look to you anxiously, as you
some of his knights in the war, and it made more recognize the green robes and bald head of the
sense to me. victim – Father Vargo.
Vargo would have me exiled, but frankly I’m A timid voice speaks, carrying with it the
bigger and tougher than anyone else that is left. And thoughts of the crowd.
all I’ve done wrong is disagreed with him.”
“How can this happen? What are we going to do,
What do you think should be done? “I hate to say it, but now?”
I think staying here is a mistake. These are good
people. There is no reason for a god… or anyone If the PCs succeed at a Heal check (DC 10) they can find
else… to smite them, or whatever. Something foul is bruises on Father Vargo’s legs, and cuts on his finger tips.
afoot, and we should run from it.” If the check is higher, they can tell that neither injury is
the cause of death; rather, whatever killed him left no
The PCs may recognize that Byron is likely one of the mark.
few remaining combat-capable villagers. While Father
Vargo does not approve of him, he is probably one of the If the PCs received the vision at the Church in
better chances the villagers have for survival. Encounter 5, the scars received along with that vision
very closely resemble the wounds on Father Vargo’s
Treasure: If the PCs ask, Byron will happily give them a fingers.
few of his Universal Keys, if they think they will help
save the village. The members of the crowd can provide some basic
information to help guide the PCs. The following are
All APLs: L: 0 gp, C: 0 gp, M: 130 gp, universal key x5 likely questions and answers:
(26 gp each).
What happened here? “We were inside the church,
 Universal Key: This small dagger is not useful for beginning our prayers… when we heard a shout
combat. However, the blade contains trace amounts of from outside. We found… him… like this.”
adamantine. If an object (such as a locking mechanism) is
struck, the blade shatters, exposing a reservoir of acid. What killed Father Vargo? “The Cudgel laid his wrath
This bypasses hardness up to 20, and deals 1d6 piercing + down upon him, killed him for his sins, like all the
2d6 acid damage. If the user makes a DC 15 Disable others.”
Device check, it deals 2d6 piercing and 2d6 acid damage, Why was he killed? “He must have had sins… but he
instead. is the one that led us down the Path. We are all
Nonmagical; Cannot be crafted; Price 312 gp; doomed!”
Weight 1 lb. Where did he go? “Father went to Delshire Manor, to
ask the Lord Delshire for help. He is a wise man, and
Father guessed that he might have some insight into
our sins.

BIS7-01 It Always Rains on the Damned Page 14

When sunset approached, and he did not Broken dishes and bent silverware are scattered on
return… we feared that he would not make it back the floor.
in time.”
Pale and devoid of expression, the body of an
Where is the manor? “Just north of town. Take the older woman hangs limply on the wall like a rag
trail past the fields, along the creek.” doll. Her limbs have been affixed to the wall with
carving knives.
Once the PCs are ready to proceed to Delshire Manor,
continue with Encounter 7. Once the PCs enter the room, and one of them has the
Strange Orb from BIS6-05 The Unauthorized Biography of
ENCOUNTER 7: THE HOUSE Lady Constance Lendel, they receive a vision. Give that
player Vision 9 from Player Handout #1 – Glimpses of
ON HAUNTED HILL Horror. Read the following to the other PCs, modifying it
Estimated Time: 20 minutes for the particular situation:
The rain beats down on you, as you leave the village [Name of Orb bearer] gets a blank look on his face as
behind. The road is a river of mud, and it’s hard to he reaches into his pack and pulls forth a small glass
tell where the path ends and the wilderness begins. orb. He looks pensively down at his hands, and then
You walk for an eternity before the tree line lashes out at the empty air before him. Then, he
breaks, and a dark, blocky silhouette rises against moves towards the desiccated corpse on the wall,
the pallid grey of the sky. The manor house has a and motions as if he was nailing the spikes into its
harsh, gothic look to it. A wrought-iron fence limbs.
surrounds the dead, withered gardens; a macabre He sighs, and looks back at you, confusion
scene that is far from inviting. evident on his face.
A harsh, disembodied voice whispers in the air. If the PCs succeed on a Heal check (DC 15) they can tell
If the PCs speak Infernal, they can make out what the that the knives were not the cause of death. Whatever
voice says: killed her left no mark, and happened well after she was
nailed to the wall.
“Do not be tempted, my children! Why do they
interfere? Do they not know what will befall them?” Location C – Closet

The rest of this encounter occurs within various rooms of This small chamber appears to be a closet. A number
Delshire Manor. Please refer to DM Aid: Map #2 – Delshire of cloaks hang from pegs along the walls. However,
Manor. Only rooms of interest are noted on the map. every one of them has been viciously shredded, and
more lies piled on the floor than suspended from
Location A – Entryway the hooks.
As you push on the front door of the manor, the top If the PCs succeed at a Search check (DC 10) they find
hinge breaks, and the door falls flat onto the floor the crumpled form of a young boy, about eight years old,
with a resounding crash. Instantly, the whispered underneath some of the torn fabric. He bears a striking
voice on the wind goes silent. resemblance to the woman on the wall in Location B.
Two hallways intersect just past the front door. If the PCs succeed on a Heal check (DC 15) they can
There is a door immediately to the left and right, tell that the boy does not bear any visible wounds, just
and a number of doors straight ahead. like the other victims.
The manor is eerily silent. The scent of death Location D – Kitchen
hangs over the entire house.
This room is obviously the manor’s kitchen. A large
Location B – Dining Room slab of rotten meat sits on a cutting block, with a
This grand dining room once hosted elegant meals cleaver still embedded within. Otherwise, the
and dinner guests, but has now become a grisly kitchen is pristine and orderly.
scene of death. Location E – Pantry
The large dining table has been tossed out of the The door to this room is blocked by a number of crates
way, its splintered remains leaning against the wall. pushed up against it. It has the following attributes:

BIS7-01 It Always Rains on the Damned Page 15

 Pantry Door: 1 in. thick; hardness 5; AC 5; hp 20; through them you can make out the form of an
Break DC 35. occupant.
Once the PCs bypass the door, continue with the A large mirror takes up the northern wall,
following: making the room look much larger.
The putrid smell is particularly intense here. Once the PCs see the mirror, choose one of the PCs
randomly, and give them Vision 10 from Player Handout
Two heavy crates have been pushed up against
#1 – Glimpses of Horror. None of the other PCs see the
the door from the inside, in an attempt to keep it
same vision.
from opening.
Within the bed is the body of an older man. A Heal
Shelves along the walls are full of jars and
check (DC 15) reveals that he does not have any visible
bowls. A couple of barrels and a large cauldron are
wounds on his body, just like the other victims. He
lined up along the far wall.
appears to be sleeping peacefully.
Suddenly, a harsh, disembodied voice echoes
through the halls of the manor once more. Location H – Nursery

If the PCs speak Infernal, they can make out what the The walls of this room are painted in a soft pink. A
voice says: crib sits near the center, covered in cobwebs and
dust. A number of blankets are scattered about the
“They skulk around, why have they come? Stay close, floor.
my children. You may not feed upon them… yet.”
Within the crib is the body of an infant. A Heal check
PCs in the pantry must make a Fortitude save (DC 15) or (DC 15) reveals that the poor baby does not have any
be sickened for 1d10 minutes. visible wounds on her body, just like the other victims.
Inside the cauldron is the body of an aged dwarven She appears to be sleeping peacefully.
woman, the source of the rotting smell. A Heal check Location I – Guest Bedrooms
(DC 15) reveals that she does not have any visible
wounds on her body. She is crouched down in the This bedchamber is elegantly appointed. A simple,
cauldron, as if hiding from something. but comfortable bed sits against the wall,
surrounded by fairly plain furniture.
Location F – Study
The furniture is covered in a fine layer of dust,
As the PCs approach this room, have them make Listen indicating that it hasn’t seen use in years.
checks (DC 15). If they succeed, they hear faint, eerie
musical notes coming from the other side of the door. Location J – Stairs Down

This room appears to be a study or conservatory of These stairs lead down from the first floor to the cellar
some kind. (Location L). As soon as the PCs decide to head down the
stairs, continue with Encounter 9.
An ornate portrait hangs on the wall over a
fireplace – an older man, a woman, and a young boy. Location K – Parlor
A large harp stands near an open window. Every This location is detailed in Encounter 8.
time a gust of wind passes through the window, the Location L – Cellar
strings of the harp reverberate, as if plucked by the
invisible hands of some spirit. This location is detailed in Encounter 9.

The figures in the portrait bear a striking resemblance to

the bodies in the Master Bedroom (Location G), the ENCOUNTER 8: REMNANTS
Dining Room (Location B), and the Closet (Location C). OF A LOST AGE
There is nothing else here of interest. Estimated Time: 10 minutes

Location G – Master Bedroom This encounter occurs when the PCs enter the parlor,
Location K on DM Aid: Map #2 – Delshire Manor.
The southern wall of this room holds a large canopy
bed. The translucent silk curtains are drawn, but This parlor is stark, cleared of most of the debris
that fills the manor. The only notable feature is a

BIS7-01 It Always Rains on the Damned Page 16

small marble pillar at the center of the room. A APL 16 (EL 16)
leather-bound book sits atop it.
 Heightened Finger of Death Trap: see
Nothing special can be seen about the pillar or book Appendix 8.
from this distance. Characters with detect magic running
Development: Once the PCs have dealt with the trap,
can note a strong Conjuration aura on the pillar. The
they can examine the tome. Give them Player Handout #2
book itself radiates slight evil.
– Black Tome Excerpt.
Trap: As soon as a character moves within 20 feet of the
As well, circle ‘Yes’ on Critical Event 2 on the Critical
pillar, the trap is triggered. Any PC in the room must
Event summary at the end of the scenario.
make a Listen check (DC 15 + APL) to note a high
pitched hum coming from the floor a split second before ; Critical Event 2: Did the PCs recover the Black
the effect is activated. A character that fails this check is Tome in Encounter 8?
surprised. Roll initiative for the PCs AND the trap,
allowing those not surprised to act in the surprise round. ENCOUNTER 9: FONT OF
On the trap’s turn a tendril of negative energy MADNESS
reaches up from each 5-ft. square of the floor, and tries to
Estimated Time: 55 minutes
touch any living targets in the room. A touched creature
either suffers negative energy damage (Will save for half This encounter occurs when the PCs enter the cellar,
damage) or is slain (Fortitude save for partial damage), Location L on DM Aid: Map #2 – Delshire Manor.
depending on the APL. Characters that cover more than
You make your way down the narrow staircase, each
one square are affected by every tendril in their space.
wooden step creaking in protest. Once again, the
The PCs can do two things: disembodied voice whispers all around you; this
time, however, it is much louder, and appears to be
• Destroy the individual tendrils. Doing so prevents coming from just ahead.
further attacks in that square.
If the PCs speak Infernal, they can make out what the
• A hidden tube is embedded in the side of the pillar. voice says:
Finding it requires a Search check (DC 15 + APL).
Destroying the tube destroys the entire trap. “My children, they are upon us… we can ignore
them no longer. Come to me, now… we will end
APL 2 (EL 2) this.”
 Inflict Light Wounds Trap: see Appendix 1. Continue with the following, when the PCs proceed
APL 4 (EL 4) further down the stairs:
 Inflict Moderate Wounds Trap: see Appendix 2. The winding stairs open out into a larger chamber –
the mansion’s cellar. Like the rest of the manor, it is
APL 6 (EL 6) in disarray. Broken shelves and barrels litter the
 Inflict Serious Wounds Trap: see Appendix 3. floor, but have been cleared away to the edges of the
APL 8 (EL 8)
All about the room swirl ethereal forms –
 Inflict Critical Wounds Trap: see Appendix 4. undead spirits – twisting and flowing like an ocean
APL 10 (EL 10) current. Their faces display ineffable horror. As they
pass by you, their gazes are unmistakably focused on
 Slay Living Trap: see Appendix 5. you.
APL 12 (EL 12) At their center floats a large suit of armor, a
 Heightened Slay Living Trap: see Appendix 6. black-lacquered breastplate and a horned helm.
Within is a larger wraith, a great ethereal creature.
APL 14 (EL 14) Motes of magical energy swirl about it, and you can
 Finger of Death Trap: see Appendix 7. feel the raw power surrounding it.
The great wraith looks you over, its gaze full of
malice and contempt. Then, it raises a single

BIS7-01 It Always Rains on the Damned Page 17

ephemeral hand, gestures towards you, and sends its  Advanced Wraiths (3): hp 189 each; see
minions to dispense with you. Appendix 6.
Creatures: The following incorporeal undead are present APL 14 (EL 18)
in the manor cellar. The Lurker recognizes the PCs as a
 The Lurker, Advanced Dread Wraith: hp 360;
threat to its continued existence, and so immediately
see Appendix 7.
moves to defend itself.
 Cursed Spirits (3): hp 29 each; see Appendix 7.
APL 2 (EL 6)
 Advanced Quells (2): hp 117 each; see Appendix
 The Lurker, Wraith: hp 45; see Appendix 1.
 Cursed Spirit: hp 29; see Appendix 1.
 Dread Wraiths (3): hp 144 each; see Monster
APL 4 (EL 8) Manual, page 258.
 The Lurker, Advanced Wraith: hp 117; see APL 16 (EL 20)
Appendix 2.
 The Lurker, Advanced Dread Wraith: hp 470;
 Cursed Spirits (2): hp 29 each; see Appendix 2. see Appendix 8.
APL 6 (EL 10)  Cursed Spirits (3): hp 29 each; see Appendix 8.
 The Lurker, Advanced Wraith: hp 189; see  Advanced Quells (2): hp 117 each; see Appendix
Appendix 3. 8.
 Cursed Spirits (3): hp 29 each; see Appendix 3.  Advanced Dread Wraiths (3): hp 216 each; see
Appendix 8.
 Quell: hp 45; see Appendix 3.
Tactics: The Lurker is a seasoned, intelligent combatant,
APL 8 (EL 12)
and should be played as such. He can recognize arcane
 The Lurker, Dread Wraith: hp 144; see spellcasters, for instance, as opponents particularly
Appendix 4. susceptible to his Constitution drain ability, and will
target them if given the chance.
 Cursed Spirits (3): hp 29 each; see Appendix 4.
Keep in mind that the Lurker cannot pass
 Quell: hp 45; see Appendix 4.
completely through solid objects while holding or
 Wraiths (2): hp 45 each; see Monster Manual, wearing corporeal objects (such as his armor). However,
page 258. if he must do so, he can simply choose to ‘move through’
all of his equipment, dropping it all as a single free action.
APL 10 (EL 14)
Equipping his items, however, follows the normal time
 The Lurker, Advanced Dread Wraith: hp 216; constraints.
see Appendix 5.
The cursed spirits will attempt to stay adjacent to the
 Cursed Spirits (3): hp 29 each; see Appendix 5. PCs, using their Curse Aura to make PCs more
susceptible to the Lurker’s Constitution drain.
 Advanced Quells (2): hp 117 each; see Appendix
5. APL 6: The quells will keep their distance from the
PCs, using their Intercession ability to disable clerical
 Advanced Wraiths (2): hp 117 each; see
abilities. The Lurker will use its Spring Attack ability to
Appendix 5.
keep its distance from opponents.
APL 12 (EL 16)
APL 10: The Lurker’s Constitution drain is now
 The Lurker, Advanced Dread Wraith: hp 288; empowered, and it is quite possible to kill an unlucky PC
see Appendix 6. with a single blow.
 Cursed Spirits (3): hp 29 each; see Appendix 6. APL 12: The Lurker now carries a life-drinker. Against
foes likely to save against his Constitution drain, it can
 Advanced Quells (2): hp 117 each; see Appendix
prove to be a more deadly weapon.
APL 14: If the Lurker manages to use its
Constitution drain ability, its Necrotic Reserve ability is

BIS7-01 It Always Rains on the Damned Page 18

available to it. If forced to rely upon it, he will attempt to do not meet the prerequisites. If you already have that
flee as soon as possible. feat, you gain Great Cleave. If you already have both feats,
then you gain a +2 circumstance bonus on any extra
Treasure: All of the available treasure is equipped on the
attack roll you make via the Cleave or Great Cleave feats.
body of the Lurker:
However, the wraith’s touch has also blurred your
APL 2: L: 529 gp, C: 5 gp, M: 0 gp. instincts. Anytime you can make a Cleave attack, you
MUST make it – even if it means attacking an ally. Such
APL 4: L: 332 gp, C: 5 gp, M: 434 gp, +1 astral
an attack on an ally is not considered intentional, and
driftmetal breastplate (183 gp), adamantine greataxe
does not result in your removal from the campaign.
(251 gp).
This effect may only be removed by a remove curse
APL 6: L: 10 gp, C: 5 gp, M: 1,516 gp, +1 astral (CL 15th), wish, or miracle spell.
driftmetal breastplate (183 gp), immovable rod (416 gp),
If the PCs manage to defeat the Lurker, they have freed
pink and green sphere ioun stone (666 gp), adamantine
Delshire from the horror that has been consuming it.
greataxe (251 gp).
Circle ‘Yes’ on Critical Event 4 on the Critical Event
APL 8: L: 10 gp, C: 5 gp, M: 2,266 gp, +1 astral summary at the end of the scenario.
driftmetal breastplate (183 gp), divine scroll of mass cure
; Critical Event 4: Did the PCs destroy the Lurker in
critical (250 gp), immovable rod (416 gp), pink and green
Encounter 9?
sphere ioun stone (666 gp), pipes of haunting (500 gp),
adamantine greataxe (251 gp). If the PCs defeat the Lurker and his minions,
continue with the Conclusion.
APL 10: L: 10 gp, C: 5 gp, M: 4,278 gp, +1 ghost touch
breastplate (1,362 gp), bag of holding, type IV (833 gp),
divine scroll of mass cure critical (250 gp), immovable rod CONCLUSION
(416 gp), pink and green sphere ioun stone (666 gp), pipes Estimated Time: 5 minutes
of haunting (500 gp), adamantine greataxe (251 gp). The adventure is now over. The path of the Conclusion
APL 12: L: 10 gp, C: 5 gp, M: 7,387 gp, +1 ghost touch depends upon the PC’s degree of success. It is quite
breastplate (1,362 gp), bag of holding, type IV (833 gp), possible for multiple endings to be read.
divine scroll of mass cure critical (250 gp), immovable rod If the PCs destroy the Lurker, continue with the
(416 gp), life-drinker (3,360 gp), pink and green sphere Conclusion: Success section.
ioun stone (666 gp), pipes of haunting (500 gp).
If the PCs obtain the Black Tome in Encounter 8,
APL 14: L: 10 gp, C: 5 gp, M: 12,387 gp, +3 ghost touch continue with the Conclusion: The Black Tome section.
breastplate (3,029 gp), bag of holding, type IV (833 gp),
divine scroll of mass cure critical (250 gp), immovable rod If any of the PCs are killed by the wraiths and left
(416 gp), lavender and green ellipsoid ioun stone (3,333 behind, continue with the Conclusion: Left Behind
gp), life-drinker (3,360 gp), pink and green sphere ioun section.
stone (666 gp), pipes of haunting (500 gp).
APL 16: L: 10 gp, C: 5 gp, M: 19,386 gp, +3 ghost touch
breastplate (3,029 gp), bag of holding, type IV (833 gp), The following will need to be modified if Airlia perished
divine scroll of mass cure critical (250 gp), immovable rod in Encounter 3, or if the PCs otherwise did not arrive in
(416 gp), lavender and green ellipsoid ioun stone (3,333 time to save her.
gp), life-drinker (3,360 gp), pearl of power, 8th-level spell
With a final blow, the great wraith utters an
(5,333 gp), pink and green sphere ioun stone (666 gp),
otherworldly cry, and disperses. The suit of armor
pipes of haunting (500 gp), ring of wizardry I (1,666 gp).
clatters to the ground.
Developments: Keep track of which PCs are damaged
Once the PCs are ready to leave the manor, continue:
by the Lurker’s claws. Each one receives the Blades of Ether
curse on the Adventure Record. Emerging from the manor, you find the remaining
villagers cautiously leaving their homes. The gloom
 Blades of Ether: You have been touched by the
that had settled over the area has noticeably lifted,
wraith of Delshire, and have been permanently changed.
and they have come seeking answers.
When you separate a foe’s spirit from its body, your
weapon becomes momentarily insubstantial and can
strike another target. You gain the Cleave feat, even if you

BIS7-01 It Always Rains on the Damned Page 19

“Tha voices on tha wind…” Guy Smithson CONCLUSION: THE BLACK TOME
whispers with hesitation in his voice. “… they
stopped. What happened?” If the PCs recovered the Black Tome in Encounter 8,
they may recognize its strategic value. They may decide
Give the PCs a chance to explain what was really going to take the tome from the manor, and turn it over to the
on. Once they’ve done so, continue: proper Bissel authorities. If they do so, read the
While there are only a handful of survivors in following, substituting in the proper organization:
Delshire, it is still hours before you finish telling A few days later, you sit in the office of [your
the tale of how you vanquished the wraith beneath contact] within the [organization]. He slowly flips
Delshire Manor; Every man, woman, and child through the pages of the black tome you recovered
wants to hear the details, and you get the feeling from Delshire Manor.
that you’ve just been born anew as heroes of this
small village. “Interesting…” He speaks clearly, though
absently and to no one in particular. “If I’m not
Later that evening, you sit with young Airlia, mistaken, this book describes some of Evard’s old
watching the village folk pack up their meager laboratories and such… I’ve never heard of anything
belongings. being recovered around these parts, though. You
“I don’t want to leave.” Airlia pouts, and speaks may have just uncovered evidence of… of… I don’t
to no one in particular. “But we’ve hidden for so long know what! It could be anything!”
that our supplies are almost gone. We’ll be back in “I must get these instructions into the proper
the spring… I hope.” hands… and I’m going to make sure you receive due
Your hands play with the drawstring on a small credit.”
pouch, a gift from the grateful villagers. The rubies Doing this earns the Words of the Lost Master favor on the
contained within seemed extravagant, but they Adventure Record.
assured you that either you accept them, or they’d
have to leave them behind, in favor of supplies for  Words of the Lost Master: You have found a
the journey ahead. journal that may have been penned by Evard’s own hand.
It describes a hidden cache of resources that the
Soon, preparations have finished, and you lift Necromancer left behind. For recovering this
your own packs. The survivors take a last look at information, you have been granted a Bissel Military
their home, before starting down the trail. Thanks Commendation, as per the Bissel Meta-Activites
to your valiant efforts, these folks have the chance to Handbook.
return and rebuild. They will sing your praises for
some time to come. Circle ‘Yes’ on Critical Event 3 on the Critical Event
summary at the end of the scenario, and note which
Treasure: The bag of coins contains the following loose organizations they took it to.
; Critical Event 3: Did the PCs turn the Black Tome
All APLs: L: 0 gp, C: 50 gp, M: 0 gp. over to any particular organizations? If so, which one(s)?
The PCs also receive the Favor of Delshire and Right in the
Eyes of Cuthbert favors on the Adventure Record: CONCLUSION: LEFT BEHIND
 Favor of Delshire: You have freed the village of Read the following to any PCs that died at the hands of
Delshire from the fearsome creatures that were feeding the wraiths, became a wraith, and was not recovered
upon it. This favor counts as an influence point with the before the PCs left Delshire:
Barony of Davoniya. Additionally, you may designate one Darkness envelopes you. You reach out, and try to
item on this AR as Frequency: Metaregional in addition push the darkness away, but it just flows around you
to its Frequency: Adventure. – through you. You try to scream out, but the voice
 Right in the Eyes of Cuthbert: By slaying the that comes forth is not your own.
undead terrorizing Delshire, you have acted as the agent You know only hunger and longing. It
of St. Cuthbert’s will. You have access to the feats Law consumes you.
Inviolate (RD) and Cuthbert’s Smite (Dragon #306).
In the darkness, you can sense points of light.
You reach out for one, and you feel some of that

BIS7-01 It Always Rains on the Damned Page 20

light flow into you. It relieves the hunger, if only for The End
a moment.
The other points of light flee from you. You
move to follow them… but then the voice speaks to EXPERIENCE POINT
you. It is everywhere, it commands you. Obeying it,
you fade back into the depths of darkness.
To award experience for this adventure, add up the values
The PCs that were left behind receive the Wraiths Like Us
for the objectives accomplished. Then assign the
curse on the Adventure Record:
experience award. Award the total value (objectives plus
 Wraiths Like Us: You have been killed by the roleplaying) to each character.
wraiths of Delshire, and have become one of them. You
are permanently removed from play. Contact the Bissel Encounter 3: Beset On All Sides
Triad immediately. Defeat the undead.
Circle ‘Yes’ on Critical Event 5 on the Critical Event APL 2: 120 xp.
summary at the end of the scenario, and take down their
character and contact information. APL 4: 180 xp.

; Critical Event 5: Were any of the PCs left behind in APL 6: 240 xp.
Delshire as wraiths? If so, please record their character APL 8: 300 xp.
names, player names, and email addresses.
APL 10: 360 xp.
The paperwork of any affected PCs should be collected,
and turned over to the Bissel Triad as soon as possible. APL 12: 420 xp.
APL 14: 480 xp.
If you run this event in March or April of 2007, please fill Encounter 8: Remnants of a Lost Age
out the Critical Events Summary page at the end of this
scenario with the following information: Survive the trap.

; Critical Event 1: Did Airlia survive the undead APL 2: 60 xp.

attack in Encounter 3? APL 4: 120 xp.
; Critical Event 2: Did the PCs recover the Black APL 6: 180 xp.
Tome in Encounter 8?
APL 8: 240 xp.
; Critical Event 3: Did the PCs turn the Black Tome
over to any particular organizations? If so, which one(s)? APL 10: 300 xp.

; Critical Event 4: Did the PCs destroy the Lurker in APL 12: 360 xp.
Encounter 9? APL 14: 420 xp.
; Critical Event 5: Were any of the PCs left behind in APL 16: 480 xp.
Delshire as wraiths? If so, please record their character
names, player names, and email addresses. Encounter 9: Font of Madness
In addition, please note any unusual or special Defeat the Lurker and minions.
circumstances that arose in the scenario. APL 2: 180 xp.
Once completed, the Critical Events summary APL 4: 240 xp.
should be e-mailed to a member of the Bissel Triad by
May 1st, 2007. If you are running this scenario as part of a APL 6: 300 xp.
convention, the Senior DM of your event may collect and APL 8: 360 xp.
return the summaries for you.
APL 10: 420 xp.
APL 12: 480 xp.

BIS7-01 It Always Rains on the Damned Page 21

APL 14: 540 xp. APL 12: 1,575 xp.
APL 16: 600 xp. APL 14: 1,800 xp.
Story Award APL 16: 2,025 xp.
Keep Airlia alive in Encounter 3.
APL 2: 30 xp.
During an adventure, characters encounter treasure,
APL 4: 45 xp.
usually finding it in the possession of their foes. Every
APL 6: 60 xp. encounter that features treasure has a “treasure” section
within the encounter description, giving information
APL 8: 75 xp.
about the loot, coins, and magic items that make up the
APL 10: 90 xp. encounter’s treasure.
APL 12: 105 xp. The loot total is the number of gold pieces each
character gains if the foes are plundered of all their earthly
APL 14: 120 xp.
possessions. Looting the bodies takes at least 10 minutes
APL 16: 135 xp. per every 5 enemies, and if the characters cannot take the
time to loot the bodies, they do not gain this gold. If you
Destroy all of the undead in Encounters 3 and 9.
feel it is reasonable that characters can go back to loot the
APL 2: 30 xp. bodies, and those bodies are there (i.e., not carted off by
dungeon scavengers, removed from the scene by the local
APL 4: 45 xp.
watch, and so on), characters may return to retrieve loot. If
APL 6: 60 xp. the characters do not loot the body, the gold piece value for
the loot is subtracted from the encounter totals given
APL 8: 75 xp.
APL 10: 90 xp.
The coin total is the number of gold pieces each
APL 12: 105 xp. character gains if they take the coin available. A normal
adventuring party can usually gather this wealth in a round
APL 14: 120 xp.
or so. If for some reason, they pass up this treasure, the coin
APL 16: 135 xp. total is subtracted from the encounter totals given below.
Discretionary Roleplaying Award Next, the magic items are listed. Magic item treasure is
the hardest to adjudicate, because they are varied and
APL 2: 30 xp. because characters may want to use them during the
APL 4: 45 xp. adventure. Many times characters must cast identify, analyze
dweomer or similar spell to determine what the item does
APL 6: 60 xp. and how to activate it. Other times they may attempt to use
APL 8: 75 xp. the item blindly. If the magic item is consumable (a potion,
scroll, magic bolts, etc.) and the item is used before the end
APL 10: 90 xp. of the adventure, its total is subtracted from the adventure
APL 12: 105 xp. totals below.
APL 14: 120 xp. Once you have subtracted the value for unclaimed
treasure from each encounter add it up and that is the
APL 16: 135 xp. number of gold pieces a characters total and coin value
Total possible experience increase at the end of the adventure. Write the total in the
GP Gained field of the adventure certificate. Because this is
APL 2: 450 xp. a Regional adventure, characters may spend additional
APL 4: 675 xp. Time Units to practice professions or create items
immediately after the adventure so this total may be
APL 6: 900 xp. modified by other circumstances.
APL 8: 1,125 xp. L = Looted gear from enemy; C = Coin, Gems, Jewelry,
APL 10: 1,350 xp. and other valuables; M = Magic Items.

BIS7-01 It Always Rains on the Damned Page 22

Encounter 2: In the Mouth of Madness Total Possible Treasure (Maximum Reward
All APLs: L: 0 gp, C: 0 gp, M: 125 gp, torch of ghost
touch (125 gp). APL 2: L: 529 gp, C: 55 gp, M: 255 gp – Total: 839 gp
(450 gp).
Encounter 5: The Light of Day
APL 4: L: 332 gp, C: 55 gp, M: 689 gp – Total: 1,076
All APLs: L: 0 gp, C: 0 gp, M: 130 gp, universal key x5
gp (650 gp).
(26 gp each).
APL 6: L: 10 gp, C: 55 gp, M: 1,771 gp – Total: 1,836
Encounter 9: Font of Madness gp (900 gp).
APL 2: L: 529 gp, C: 5 gp, M: 0 gp. APL 8: L: 10 gp, C: 55 gp, M: 2,521 gp – Total: 2,586
APL 4: L: 332 gp, C: 5 gp, M: 434 gp, +1 astral gp (1,300 gp).
driftmetal breastplate (183 gp), adamantine greataxe APL 10: L: 10 gp, C: 55 gp, M: 4,533 gp – Total: 4,598
(251 gp). gp (2,300 gp).
APL 6: L: 10 gp, C: 5 gp, M: 1,516 gp, +1 astral APL 12: L: 10 gp, C: 55 gp, M: 7,642 gp – Total: 7,707
driftmetal breastplate (183 gp), immovable rod (416 gp), gp (3,300 gp).
pink and green sphere ioun stone (666 gp), adamantine
greataxe (251 gp). APL 14: L: 10 gp, C: 55 gp, M: 12,642 gp – Total:
12,707 gp (6,600 gp).
APL 8: L: 10 gp, C: 5 gp, M: 2,266 gp, +1 astral
driftmetal breastplate (183 gp), divine scroll of mass cure APL 16: L: 10 gp, C: 55 gp, M: 19,641 gp – Total:
critical (250 gp), immovable rod (416 gp), pink and green 19,706 gp (9,900 gp).
sphere ioun stone (666 gp), pipes of haunting (500 gp),
adamantine greataxe (251 gp). ITEMS FOR THE ADVENTURE
APL 10: L: 10 gp, C: 5 gp, M: 4,278 gp, +1 ghost touch RECORD
breastplate (1,362 gp), bag of holding, type IV (833 gp),
divine scroll of mass cure critical (250 gp), immovable rod Special
(416 gp), pink and green sphere ioun stone (666 gp), pipes
 Favor of Delshire: You have freed the village of
of haunting (500 gp), adamantine greataxe (251 gp). Delshire from the fearsome creatures that were feeding
APL 12: L: 10 gp, C: 5 gp, M: 7,387 gp, +1 ghost touch upon it. This favor counts as an influence point with the
breastplate (1,362 gp), bag of holding, type IV (833 gp), Barony of Davoniya. Additionally, you may designate one
divine scroll of mass cure critical (250 gp), immovable rod item on this AR as Frequency: Metaregional in addition
(416 gp), life-drinker (3,360 gp), pink and green sphere to its Frequency: Adventure.
ioun stone (666 gp), pipes of haunting (500 gp).
 Right in the Eyes of Cuthbert: By slaying the
APL 14: L: 10 gp, C: 5 gp, M: 12,387 gp, +3 ghost touch undead terrorizing Delshire, you have acted as the agent
breastplate (3,029 gp), bag of holding, type IV (833 gp), of St. Cuthbert’s will. You have access to the feats Law
divine scroll of mass cure critical (250 gp), immovable rod Inviolate (RD) and Cuthbert’s Smite (Dragon #306).
(416 gp), lavender and green ellipsoid ioun stone (3,333
gp), life-drinker (3,360 gp), pink and green sphere ioun  Torch of Ghost Touch: This torch is capped with
stone (666 gp), pipes of haunting (500 gp). lammasu tendons soaked in dove tallow. While it is lit,
APL 16: L: 10 gp, C: 5 gp, M: 19,386 gp, +3 ghost touch incorporeal undead within a 10 foot radius of its flame are
breastplate (3,029 gp), bag of holding, type IV (833 gp), outlined by a shimmering white light, and take damage
divine scroll of mass cure critical (250 gp), immovable rod normally (magical weapons are not required to injure
(416 gp), lavender and green ellipsoid ioun stone (3,333 them, and their 50% chance to avoid damage does not
gp), life-drinker (3,360 gp), pearl of power, 8th-level spell apply). This torch burns for a maximum of one hour,
(5,333 gp), pink and green sphere ioun stone (666 gp), before being expended. Each lighting of the torch
pipes of haunting (500 gp), ring of wizardry I (1,666 gp). subtracts a minimum of 6 minutes from the total
Conclusion: Moderate conjuration; CL 7th; Craft Wondrous
All APLs: L: 0 gp, C: 50 gp, M: 0 gp. Item, Ghost Touch WeaponLM; Price 1,500 gp; Weight 1 lb.

BIS7-01 It Always Rains on the Damned Page 23

 Universal Key: This small dagger is not useful for ™ Immovable Rod (Adventure; DMG)
combat. However, the blade contains trace amounts of
™ Pink and Green Sphere Ioun Stone (Adventure; DMG)
adamantine. If an object (such as a locking mechanism) is
struck, the blade shatters, exposing a reservoir of acid. APL 8 (all of APLs 2, 4, 6 plus the following):
This bypasses hardness up to 20, and deals 1d6 piercing +
™ Divine Scroll of Mass Cure Critical Wounds (Adventure;
2d6 acid damage. If the user makes a DC 15 Disable
Device check, it deals 2d6 piercing and 2d6 acid damage,
instead. ™ Pipes of Haunting (Adventure; DMG)
Nonmagical; Cannot be crafted; Price 312 gp;
APL 10 (all of APLs 2, 4, 6, 8 plus the following):
Weight 1 lb.
™ +1 Ghost Touch Breastplate (Adventure; DMG)
 Words of the Lost Master: You have found a
™ Bag of Holding, Type IV (Adventure; DMG)
journal that may have been penned by Evard’s own hand.
It describes a hidden cache of resources that the APL 12 (all of APLs 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 plus the following):
Necromancer left behind. For recovering this
™ Life-Drinker (Adventure; DMG)
information, you have been granted a Bissel Military
Commendation, as per the Bissel Meta-Activites APL 14 (all of APLs 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 plus the following):
™ +3 Ghost Touch Breastplate (Adventure; DMG)
 Blades of Ether: You have been touched by the ™ Lavender and Green Ellipsoid Ioun Stone (Adventure;
wraith of Delshire, and have been permanently changed. DMG)
When you separate a foe’s spirit from its body, your
APL 16 (all of APLs 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 plus the
weapon becomes momentarily insubstantial and can
strike another target. You gain the Cleave feat, even if you
do not meet the prerequisites. If you already have that ™ Ring of Wizardry I (Adventure; DMG)
feat, you gain Great Cleave. If you already have both feats,
™ Pearl of Power, 8th-Level Spell (Adventure; DMG)
then you gain a +2 circumstance bonus on any extra
attack roll you make via the Cleave or Great Cleave feats.
However, the wraith’s touch has also blurred your
instincts. Anytime you can make a Cleave attack, you
MUST make it – even if it means attacking an ally. Such
an attack on an ally is not considered intentional, and
does not result in your removal from the campaign.
This effect may only be removed by a remove curse
(CL 15th), wish, or miracle spell.

 Wraiths Like Us: You have been killed by the

wraiths of Delshire, and have become one of them. You
are permanently removed from play. Contact the Bissel
Triad immediately.

Item Access
APL 2:
™ Torch of Ghost Touch (Adventure; See Above; Limit One)
™ Universal Key (Adventure; See Above; Limit Five)
APL 4 (all of APL 2 plus the following):
™ +1 Astral Driftmetal Breastplate (Adventure; A&EG)
™ Adamantine Greataxe (Adventure; DMG)
APL 6 (all of APLs 2, 4 plus the following):

BIS7-01 It Always Rains on the Damned Page 24


Feats Blind-Fight, Combat Reflexes, Ghostly GraspLM, Improved

ENCOUNTERS 3 & 9 Initiative
CURSED SPIRIT CR 3 Skills Diplomacy +6, Hide +11, Intimidate +10, Listen +10,
CE Medium Undead (Incorporeal) Search +10, Sense Motive +8, Spot +10, Survival +2 (+4
Init +2; Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Listen +5, Spot +5 following tracks)
Aura Curse Aura Constitution Drain (Su) Living creatures hit by a wraith’s
Languages Common incorporeal touch attack must succeed on a DC 14 Fortitude
AC 13, touch 13 , flat-footed 11 save or take 1d6 points of Constitution drain. The save DC is
(+2 Dex, +1 deflection) Charisma-based. On each such successful attack, the wraith
hp 29 (3d12+3 HD) gains 5 temporary hit points.
Immune undead immunities Create Spawn (Su) Any humanoid slain by a wraith becomes a
Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +2 wraith in 1d4 rounds. Its body remains intact and inanimate,
but its spirit is torn free from its corpse and transformed.
Speed Fly 30 ft. (perfect) (6 squares)
Spawn are under the command of the wraith that created
Melee incorporeal touch +3 (1d8+1)
them and remain enslaved until its death. They do not
Base Atk +1; Grp -
possess any of the abilities that had in life.
Atk Options Accursed Touch, Weapon Finesse
Daylight Powerlessness (Ex) Wraiths are utterly powerless in
Abilities Str -, Dex 14, Con -, Int 9, Wis 8, Cha 13 natural sunlight (not merely a daylight spell) and flee from it.
SQ incorporeal traits, undead traits Unnatural Aura (Su) Animals, whether wild or domesticated,
Feats Toughness, Weapon Finesse can sense the unnatural presence of a wraith at a distance of
Skills Intimidate +7, Listen +5, Spot +5 30 feet. They will not willingly approach nearer than that
Accursed Touch (Su) A cursed spirit adds its Charisma and panic if forced to do so; they remain panicked as long as
modifier to damage dealt by its incorporeal touch attack. they are within that range. )
Curse Aura (Su) The taint of loss surrounds a cursed spirit. Description This creature is a sinister, spectral figure, robed in
Adjacent enemy creatures take a -2 penalty on all saving darkness. It has no visible features or appendages, except for
throws. the glowing red pinpoints of its eyes.
Description This creature’s tormented, immaterial form Source Libris Mortis (Page 27), Monster Manual (Page 258)
suggests terrible loss. Its upper body is distinct, with a manic
humanoid form, but its lower body blurs into a ghostly
cloud. Its hollow eyes convey malevolent intelligence. ENCOUNTER 8
Sources Miniatures Handbook (Page 60)
Description: See encounter description.
THE LURKER, VARIANT WRAITH CR 5 Search DC 17; Type magical
LE Medium Undead (Incorporeal) Trigger proximity (alarm); Init +1
Init +7; Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Listen +10, Spot +10 Effect inflict light wounds (1d8+1 negative energy, Will DC 11
Aura unnatural aura 30 ft. half) against each target in the room each round (+4 melee
Languages Common, Infernal touch, includes +2 Atk upgrade).
AC 20, touch 15, flat-footed 17 Duration 5 rounds
(+5 armor, +3 Dex, +2 deflection) Destruction each tendril AC 12, hp 5; pillar tube AC 13, hp 9
hp 45 (5d12 HD) (disadvantage: destroying this disarms the entire trap)
Immune undead immunities Disarm Disable Device 26 (per tendril)
Resist +2 turn resistance Dispel DC 12 (per tendril); DC 12 (pillar tube, disadvantage:
Fort +1, Ref +4, Will +6 dispelling this disarms the entire trap)
Weakness daylight powerlessness
Speed Fly 60 ft. (good) (12 squares)
Melee incorporeal touch +5 (1d4 plus 1d6 Con drain) or
Melee greataxe +2 (1d12/x3)
Base Atk +2; Grp -
Atk Options Blind-Fight, Combat Reflexes
Special Actions Constitution drain, create spawn
Combat Gear masterwork breastplate, greataxe
Abilities Str -, Dex 16, Con -, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 15
SQ incorporeal traits, undead traits

BIS7-01 It Always Rains on the Damned Page 25


Feats Alertness, Blind-Fight, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Ghostly

ENCOUNTERS 3 & 9 GraspLM, Improved Initiative, Mobility
CURSED SPIRIT CR 3 Skills Diplomacy +7, Hide +19, Intimidate +19, Listen +20,
CE Medium Undead (Incorporeal) Search +18, Sense Motive +16, Spot +20, Survival +2 (+4
Init +2; Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Listen +5, Spot +5 following tracks)
Aura Curse Aura Constitution Drain (Su) Living creatures hit by a wraith’s
Languages Common incorporeal touch attack must succeed on a DC 19 Fortitude
AC 13, touch 13 , flat-footed 11 save or take 1d6 points of Constitution drain. The save DC is
(+2 Dex, +1 deflection) Charisma-based. On each such successful attack, the wraith
hp 29 (3d12+3 HD) gains 5 temporary hit points.
Immune undead immunities Create Spawn (Su) Any humanoid slain by a wraith becomes a
Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +2 wraith in 1d4 rounds. Its body remains intact and inanimate,
but its spirit is torn free from its corpse and transformed.
Speed Fly 30 ft. (perfect) (6 squares)
Spawn are under the command of the wraith that created
Melee incorporeal touch +3 (1d8+1)
them and remain enslaved until its death. They do not
Base Atk +1; Grp -
possess any of the abilities that had in life.
Atk Options Accursed Touch, Weapon Finesse
Daylight Powerlessness (Ex) Wraiths are utterly powerless in
Abilities Str -, Dex 14, Con -, Int 9, Wis 8, Cha 13 natural sunlight (not merely a daylight spell) and flee from it.
SQ incorporeal traits, undead traits Unnatural Aura (Su) Animals, whether wild or domesticated,
Feats Toughness, Weapon Finesse can sense the unnatural presence of a wraith at a distance of
Skills Intimidate +7, Listen +5, Spot +5 30 feet. They will not willingly approach nearer than that
Accursed Touch (Su) A cursed spirit adds its Charisma and panic if forced to do so; they remain panicked as long as
modifier to damage dealt by its incorporeal touch attack. they are within that range.
Curse Aura (Su) The taint of loss surrounds a cursed spirit. Description This creature is a sinister, spectral figure, robed in
Adjacent enemy creatures take a -2 penalty on all saving darkness. It has no visible features or appendages, except for
throws. the glowing red pinpoints of its eyes.
Description This creature’s tormented, immaterial form Source Libris Mortis (Page 27), Monster Manual (Page 258)
suggests terrible loss. Its upper body is distinct, with a manic
humanoid form, but its lower body blurs into a ghostly
cloud. Its hollow eyes convey malevolent intelligence.
Sources Miniatures Handbook (Page 60)
THE LURKER, ADVANCED WRAITH CR 7 Description: See encounter description.
LE Medium Undead (Incorporeal) Search DC 19 Type magical
Init +8; Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Listen +20, Spot +20 Trigger proximity; Init +2
Aura unnatural aura 30 ft. Effect inflict moderate wounds (2d8+3 negative energy, Will DC
Languages Common, Infernal 13 half) against each target in the room each round (+6
AC 22, touch 16, flat-footed 19, Dodge, Mobility melee touch, includes +2 Atk upgrade).
(+6 armor, +3 Dex, +3 deflection) Duration 7 rounds
hp 117 (13d12 HD) Destruction each tendril AC 14, hp 10; pillar tube AC 16, hp 18
Immune undead immunities (disadvantage: destroying this disarms the entire trap)
Resist +2 turn resistance Disarm Disable Device 27 (per tendril)
Fort +4, Ref +7, Will +10 Dispel DC 14 (per tendril); DC 14 (pillar tube, disadvantage:
Weakness daylight powerlessness dispelling this disarms the entire trap)
Speed Fly 60 ft. (good) (12 squares)
Melee incorporeal touch +9 (1d4 plus 1d6 Con drain) or
Melee adamantine greataxe +7/+2 (1d12/x3)
Base Atk +6; Grp -
Atk Options Blind-Fight, Combat Reflexes
Special Actions Constitution drain, create spawn
Combat Gear +1 astral driftmetal breastplate, adamantine greataxe
Abilities Str -, Dex 16, Con -, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 17
SQ incorporeal traits, undead traits

BIS7-01 It Always Rains on the Damned Page 26


Skills Diplomacy +6, Hide +11, Intimidate +10, Listen +12,

ENCOUNTERS 3 & 9 Search +10, Sense Motive +8, Spot +12, Survival +2 (+4
CURSED SPIRIT CR 3 following tracks)
CE Medium Undead (Incorporeal) Coupled Intercession (Su) Whenever a quell takes a standard
Init +2; Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Listen +5, Spot +5 action to aid another quell in an intercession attempt, the
Aura Curse Aura effective cleric level of the quell increases by 1. Several quells
Languages Common could all take standard actions to aid a single quell's
AC 13, touch 13 , flat-footed 11 intercession attempt, each increasing the effective cleric
(+2 Dex, +1 deflection) level of the intercession attempt.
hp 29 (3d12+3 HD) Daylight Powerlessness (Ex) Quells are utterly powerless in
Immune undead immunities natural sunlight (not merely a daylight spell) and flee from it.
Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +2 Intercession (Su) A quell can cut divine spellcasters off from
their source of power. To do so, the quell makes a turning
Speed Fly 30 ft. (perfect) (6 squares)
check as if it were a cleric of a level equal to the quell's Hit
Melee incorporeal touch +3 (1d8+1)
Dice (5th level). The result indicates the highestlevel divine
Base Atk +1; Grp -
spellcasters the quell can cut off from their deity. The
Atk Options Accursed Touch, Weapon Finesse
turning damage result indicates the maximum total Hit Dice
Abilities Str -, Dex 14, Con -, Int 9, Wis 8, Cha 13 of divine spellcasters within 60 feet the ability can affect. The
SQ incorporeal traits, undead traits quell's intercession affects the closest divine spellcasters it
Feats Toughness, Weapon Finesse can affect first. Normally, affected divine spellcasters cannot
Skills Intimidate +7, Listen +5, Spot +5 turn undead or cast divine spells for 1 minute; however if the
Accursed Touch (Su) A cursed spirit adds its Charisma quell has twice as many HD as the spellcaster has divine
modifier to damage dealt by its incorporeal touch attack. levels, the divine spellcaster loses the ability to cast divine
Curse Aura (Su) The taint of loss surrounds a cursed spirit. spells for 24 hours. If the quall attacks an affected divine
Adjacent enemy creatures take a -2 penalty on all saving spellcaster in any day, or the affected spellcaster receives an
throws. atonement spell, the intercession ends. The quell's allies and
Description This creature’s tormented, immaterial form other creatures can attack the divine spellcaster without
suggests terrible loss. Its upper body is distinct, with a manic breaking the intercession. A quall can use this ability a
humanoid form, but its lower body blurs into a ghostly number of times equal to 3 + its Charisma modifier (five
cloud. Its hollow eyes convey malevolent intelligence. times for a typical creature).
Sources Miniatures Handbook (Page 60) Description Two fiery green eyes glare from a shrouded, half-
real visage of this vaguely humanoid shade. Either it is
QUELL CR 3 dressed in robes, or its ectoplasmic flesh is naturally loose
LE Medium Undead (Incorporeal) and flowing. Dark symbols hang in the air just above and
Init +7; Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Listen +12, Spot +12 about its form, free-standing glyphs that viscerally
Languages Common, Infernal demonstrate the creature’s anathema to all things divine.
AC 15, touch 15, flat-footed 12 Sources Libris Mortis (Page 116)
(+3 Dex, +2 deflection)
Immune undead immunities LE Medium Undead (Incorporeal)
Resist +4 turn resistance Init +8; Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Listen +28, Spot +28
Fort +1, Ref +4, Will +6 Aura unnatural aura 30 ft.
Weakness daylight powerlessness Languages Common, Infernal
Speed Fly 60 ft. (good) (12 squares) AC 24, touch 18, flat-footed 21, Dodge, Mobility
Melee incorporeal touch +5 (1d4) (+6 armor, +3 Dex, +5 deflection)
Base Atk +2; Grp - hp 189 (21d12 HD)
Atk Options Combat Reflexes, Weapon Finesse Immune undead immunities
Special Actions coupled intercession, intercession Resist +2 turn resistance
Abilities Str -, Dex 16, Con -, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 15 Fort +7, Ref +10, Will +14
SQ incorporeal traits, undead traits Weakness daylight powerlessness
Feats Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Improved Initiative, Weapon Speed Fly 60 ft. (good) (12 squares), Spring Attack
Finesse Melee incorporeal touch +13 (1d6 plus 1d6 Con drain/19-20) or
Melee adamantine greataxe +11/+6 (1d12/x3)

BIS7-01 It Always Rains on the Damned Page 27

Base Atk +10; Grp -
Atk Options Blind-Fight, Combat Reflexes, Improved Natural ENCOUNTER 8
Attack [incorporeal touch]. Improved Critical [incorporeal INFLICT SERIOUS WOUNDS TRAP CR 6
touch] Description: See encounter description.
Special Actions Constitution drain, create spawn Search DC 21 Type magical
Combat Gear +1 astral driftmetal breastplate, adamantine greataxe
Trigger proximity; Init +3
Abilities Str -, Dex 16, Con -, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 21 Effect inflict serious wounds (3d8+5 negative energy, Will DC 14
SQ incorporeal traits, undead traits half) against each target in the room each round (+8 melee
Feats Alertness, Blind-Fight, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Ghostly touch, includes +2 Atk upgrade).
GraspLM, Improved Critical [incorporeal touch], Improved Duration 9 rounds
Initiative, Improved Natural Attack [incorporeal touch],
Destruction each tendril AC 16, hp 15; pillar tube AC 19, hp 27
Mobility, Spring Attack
(disadvantage: destroying this disarms the entire trap)
Skills Diplomacy +9, Hide +27, Intimidate +29, Listen +28,
Disarm Disable Device 28 (per tendril)
Search +26, Sense Motive +24, Spot +28, Survival +2 (+4
following tracks) Dispel DC 16 (per tendril); DC 16 (pillar tube,
Possessions combat gear plus pink and green sphere ioun stone disadvantage: dispelling this disarms the entire trap)
Constitution Drain (Su) Living creatures hit by a wraith’s
incorporeal touch attack must succeed on a DC 25 Fortitude
save or take 1d6 points of Constitution drain. The save DC is
Charisma-based. On each such successful attack, the wraith
gains 5 temporary hit points.
Create Spawn (Su) Any humanoid slain by a wraith becomes a
wraith in 1d4 rounds. Its body remains intact and inanimate,
but its spirit is torn free from its corpse and transformed.
Spawn are under the command of the wraith that created
them and remain enslaved until its death. They do not
possess any of the abilities that had in life.
Daylight Powerlessness (Ex) Wraiths are utterly powerless in
natural sunlight (not merely a daylight spell) and flee from it.
Unnatural Aura (Su) Animals, whether wild or domesticated,
can sense the unnatural presence of a wraith at a distance of
30 feet. They will not willingly approach nearer than that
and panic if forced to do so; they remain panicked as long as
they are within that range.
Description This creature is a sinister, spectral figure, robed in
darkness. It has no visible features or appendages, except for
the glowing red pinpoints of its eyes.
Source Libris Mortis (Page 27), Monster Manual (Page 258)

BIS7-01 It Always Rains on the Damned Page 28


Skills Diplomacy +6, Hide +11, Intimidate +10, Listen +12,

ENCOUNTERS 3 & 9 Search +10, Sense Motive +8, Spot +12, Survival +2 (+4
CURSED SPIRIT CR 3 following tracks)
CE Medium Undead (Incorporeal) Coupled Intercession (Su) Whenever a quell takes a standard
Init +2; Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Listen +5, Spot +5 action to aid another quell in an intercession attempt, the
Aura Curse Aura effective cleric level of the quell increases by 1. Several quells
Languages Common could all take standard actions to aid a single quell's
AC 13, touch 13 , flat-footed 11 intercession attempt, each increasing the effective cleric
(+2 Dex, +1 deflection) level of the intercession attempt.
hp 29 (3d12+3 HD) Daylight Powerlessness (Ex) Quells are utterly powerless in
Immune undead immunities natural sunlight (not merely a daylight spell) and flee from it.
Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +2 Intercession (Su) A quell can cut divine spellcasters off from
their source of power. To do so, the quell makes a turning
Speed Fly 30 ft. (perfect) (6 squares)
check as if it were a cleric of a level equal to the quell's Hit
Melee incorporeal touch +3 (1d8+1)
Dice (5th level). The result indicates the highestlevel divine
Base Atk +1; Grp -
spellcasters the quell can cut off from their deity. The
Atk Options Accursed Touch, Weapon Finesse
turning damage result indicates the maximum total Hit Dice
Abilities Str -, Dex 14, Con -, Int 9, Wis 8, Cha 13 of divine spellcasters within 60 feet the ability can affect. The
SQ incorporeal traits, undead traits quell's intercession affects the closest divine spellcasters it
Feats Toughness, Weapon Finesse can affect first. Normally, affected divine spellcasters cannot
Skills Intimidate +7, Listen +5, Spot +5 turn undead or cast divine spells for 1 minute; however if the
Accursed Touch (Su) A cursed spirit adds its Charisma quell has twice as many HD as the spellcaster has divine
modifier to damage dealt by its incorporeal touch attack. levels, the divine spellcaster loses the ability to cast divine
Curse Aura (Su) The taint of loss surrounds a cursed spirit. spells for 24 hours. If the quall attacks an affected divine
Adjacent enemy creatures take a -2 penalty on all saving spellcaster in any day, or the affected spellcaster receives an
throws. atonement spell, the intercession ends. The quell's allies and
Description This creature’s tormented, immaterial form other creatures can attack the divine spellcaster without
suggests terrible loss. Its upper body is distinct, with a manic breaking the intercession. A quall can use this ability a
humanoid form, but its lower body blurs into a ghostly number of times equal to 3 + its Charisma modifier (five
cloud. Its hollow eyes convey malevolent intelligence. times for a typical creature).
Sources Miniatures Handbook (Page 60) Description Two fiery green eyes glare from a shrouded, half-
real visage of this vaguely humanoid shade. Either it is
QUELL CR 3 dressed in robes, or its ectoplasmic flesh is naturally loose
LE Medium Undead (Incorporeal) and flowing. Dark symbols hang in the air just above and
Init +7; Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Listen +12, Spot +12 about its form, free-standing glyphs that viscerally
Languages Common, Infernal demonstrate the creature’s anathema to all things divine.
AC 15, touch 15, flat-footed 12 Sources Libris Mortis (Page 116)
(+3 Dex, +2 deflection)
hp 45 (5d12 HD)
Immune undead immunities
LE Large Undead (Incorporeal)
Resist +4 turn resistance
Init +13; Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Lifesense 60 ft., Listen +23,
Fort +1, Ref +4, Will +6
Spot +23
Weakness daylight powerlessness
Aura Unnatural Aura 30 ft.
Speed Fly 60 ft. (good) (12 squares)
Languages Common, Infernal
Melee incorporeal touch +5 (1d4)
AC 26, touch 20, flat-footed 23, Dodge, Mobility
Base Atk +2; Grp -
(+6 armor, -1 size, +3 Dex, +8 deflection)
Atk Options Combat Reflexes, Weapon Finesse
hp 144 (16d12 HD)
Special Actions coupled intercession, intercession
Immune undead immunities
Abilities Str -, Dex 16, Con -, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 15
Fort +5, Ref +14, Will +14
SQ incorporeal traits, undead traits Weakness daylight powerlessness
Feats Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Improved Initiative, Weapon
Speed Fly 60 ft. (good) (12 squares); Spring Attack
Melee incorporeal touch +16 (2d6 plus 1d8 Con drain) or
Melee adamantine greataxe +9/+4 (1d12/x3)

BIS7-01 It Always Rains on the Damned Page 29

Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Base Atk +8; Grp - ENCOUNTER 8
Atk Options Blind-Fight, Combat Reflexes, Improved Natural INFLICT CRITICAL WOUNDS TRAP CR 8
Attack (incorporeal touch) Description: See encounter description.
Special Actions Constitution drain, create spawn Search DC 23; Type magical
Combat Gear +1 astral driftmetal breastplate, adamantine greataxe
Trigger proximity; Init +4
Abilities Str -, Dex 28, Con -, Int 17, Wis 18, Cha 26 Effect inflict critical wounds (4d8+7 negative energy, Will DC 16
SQ incorporeal traits, undead traits half) against each target in the room each round (+10 melee
Feats Blind-Fight, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Ghostly GraspLM, touch, includes +2 Atk upgrade).
Improved Initiative, Improved Natural Attack [incorporeal Duration 11 rounds
touch], Mobility, Spring Attack
Destruction each tendril AC 18, hp 20; pillar tube AC 22, hp 36
Skills Diplomacy +10, Hide +24, Intimidate +27, Knowledge
(disadvantage: destroying this disarms the entire trap)
[religion] +22, Listen +23, Search +22, Sense Motive +23,
Disarm Disable Device 29 (per tendril)
Spot +23, Survival +4 (+6 following tracks)
Dispel DC 18 (per tendril); DC 18 (pillar tube, disadvantage:
Possessions combat gear plus pink and green sphere ioun stone
dispelling this disarms the entire trap)
Constitution Drain (Su) Living creatures hit by a dread
wraith’s incorporeal touch attack must succeed on a DC 26
Fortitude save or take 1d8 points of Constitution drain. The
save DC is Charisma-based. On each such successful attack,
the dread wraith gains 5 temporary hit points.
Create Spawn (Su) Any humanoid slain by a dread wraith
becomes a wraith in 1d4 rounds. Its body remains intact and
inanimate, but its spirit is torn free from its corpse and
transformed. Spawn are under the command of the wraith
that created them and remain enslaved until its death. They
do not possess any of the abilities that had in life.
Daylight Powerlessness (Ex) Dread wraiths are utterly
powerless in natural sunlight (not merely a daylight spell)
and flee from it.
Lifesense (Su) A dread wraith notices and located living
creatures within 60 feet, just as if it possessed the blindsight
ability. It also senses the strength of their life force
automatically, as if it had cast deathwatch.
Unnatural Aura (Su) Animals, whether wild or domesticated,
can sense the unnatural presence of a dread wraith at a
distance of 30 feet. They will not willingly approach nearer
than that and panic if forced to do so; they remain panicked
as long as they are within that range.
Description This creature is a sinister, spectral figure, robed in
darkness. It has no visible features or appendages, except for
the glowing red pinpoints of its eyes.
Source Libris Mortis (Page 27), Monster Manual (Page 258)

BIS7-01 It Always Rains on the Damned Page 30

Description Two fiery green eyes glare from a shrouded, half-
ENCOUNTERS 3 & 9 real visage of this vaguely humanoid shade. Either it is
ADVANCED QUELL CR 5 dressed in robes, or its ectoplasmic flesh is naturally loose
LE Medium Undead (Incorporeal) and flowing. Dark symbols hang in the air just above and
Init +7; Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Listen +20, Spot +20 about its form, free-standing glyphs that viscerally
Languages Common, Infernal demonstrate the creature’s anathema to all things divine.
AC 16, touch 16, flat-footed 13 (+3 Dex, +3 deflection) Sources Libris Mortis (Pages 29, 116)
hp 117 (13d12 HD)
Immune undead immunities ADVANCED WRAITH CR 7
Resist +4 turn resistance LE Medium Undead (Incorporeal)
Fort +4, Ref +7, Will +10 Init +8; Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Listen +20, Spot +20
Weakness daylight powerlessness Aura unnatural aura 30 ft.
Languages Common, Infernal
Speed Fly 60 ft. (good) (12 squares)
Melee incorporeal touch +10 (1d6) AC 16, touch 16, flat-footed 13, Dodge, Mobility
Base Atk +6; Grp - (+3 Dex, +3 deflection)
Atk Options Combat Reflexes, Improved Natural Attack hp 117 (13d12 HD)
[incorporeal touch], Weapon Finesse Immune undead immunities
Special Actions coupled intercession, intercession Resist +2 turn resistance
Fort +4, Ref +7, Will +10
Abilities Str -, Dex 16, Con -, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 17
Weakness daylight powerlessness
SQ incorporeal traits, undead traits
Feats Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Improved Initiative, Speed Fly 60 ft. (good) (12 squares), Spring Attack
Improved Natural Attack [incorporeal touch], Positive Melee incorporeal touch +9 (1d4 plus 1d6 Con drain)
Energy ResistanceLM, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus Base Atk +6; Grp -
[incorporeal touch] Atk Options Blind-Fight, Combat Reflexes
Skills Diplomacy +7, Hide +19, Intimidate +19, Listen +20, Special Actions Constitution drain, create spawn
Search +18, Sense Motive +16, Spot +20, Survival +2 (+4 Abilities Str -, Dex 16, Con -, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 17
following tracks) SQ incorporeal traits, undead traits
Coupled Intercession (Su) Whenever a quell takes a standard Feats Alertness, Blind-Fight, Combat Reflexes, Dodge,
action to aid another quell in an intercession attempt, the Improved Initiative, Mobility, Spring Attack
effective cleric level of the quell increases by 1. Several quells Skills Diplomacy +7, Hide +19, Intimidate +19, Listen +20,
could all take standard actions to aid a single quell's Search +18, Sense Motive +16, Spot +20, Survival +2 (+4
intercession attempt, each increasing the effective cleric following tracks)
level of the intercession attempt. Constitution Drain (Su) Living creatures hit by a wraith’s
Daylight Powerlessness (Ex) Quells are utterly powerless in incorporeal touch attack must succeed on a DC 19 Fortitude
natural sunlight (not merely a daylight spell) and flee from it. save or take 1d6 points of Constitution drain. The save DC is
Intercession (Su) A quell can cut divine spellcasters off from Charisma-based. On each such successful attack, the wraith
their source of power. To do so, the quell makes a turning gains 5 temporary hit points.
check as if it were a cleric of a level equal to the quell's Hit Create Spawn (Su) Any humanoid slain by a wraith becomes a
Dice (13th level). The result indicates the highestlevel divine wraith in 1d4 rounds. Its body remains intact and inanimate,
spellcasters the quell can cut off from their deity. The but its spirit is torn free from its corpse and transformed.
turning damage result indicates the maximum total Hit Dice Spawn are under the command of the wraith that created
of divine spellcasters within 60 feet the ability can affect. The them and remain enslaved until its death. They do not
quell's intercession affects the closest divine spellcasters it possess any of the abilities that had in life.
can affect first. Normally, affected divine spellcasters cannot Daylight Powerlessness (Ex) Wraiths are utterly powerless in
turn undead or cast divine spells for 1 minute; however if the natural sunlight (not merely a daylight spell) and flee from it.
quell has twice as many HD as the spellcaster has divine Unnatural Aura (Su) Animals, whether wild or domesticated,
levels, the divine spellcaster loses the ability to cast divine can sense the unnatural presence of a wraith at a distance of
spells for 24 hours. If the quall attacks an affected divine 30 feet. They will not willingly approach nearer than that
spellcaster in any day, or the affected spellcaster receives an and panic if forced to do so; they remain panicked as long as
atonement spell, the intercession ends. The quell's allies and they are within that range.
other creatures can attack the divine spellcaster without Description This creature is a sinister, spectral figure, robed in
breaking the intercession. A quall can use this ability a darkness. It has no visible features or appendages, except for
number of times equal to 3 + its Charisma modifier (six times the glowing red pinpoints of its eyes.
for this creature). Source Monster Manual (Page 258)

BIS7-01 It Always Rains on the Damned Page 31

CURSED SPIRIT CR 3 [incorporeal touch], Improved Initiative, Improved Natural
CE Medium Undead (Incorporeal) Attack [incorporeal touch], Mobility, Spring Attack
Init +2; Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Listen +5, Spot +5 Skills Diplomacy +11, Hide +32, Intimidate +36, Knowledge
Aura Curse Aura [religion] +30, Listen +33, Search +30, Sense Motive +31,
Languages Common Spot +33, Survival +4 (+6 following tracks)
AC 13, touch 13 , flat-footed 11 Possessions combat gear plus pink and green sphere ioun stone
(+2 Dex, +1 deflection) Constitution Drain (Su) Living creatures hit by a dread
hp 29 (3d12+3 HD) wraith’s incorporeal touch attack must succeed on a DC 31
Immune undead immunities Fortitude save or take 1d8 points of Constitution drain. The
Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +2 save DC is Charisma-based. On each such successful attack,
Speed Fly 30 ft. (perfect) (6 squares) the dread wraith gains 5 temporary hit points.
Melee incorporeal touch +3 (1d8+1) Create Spawn (Su) Any humanoid slain by a dread wraith
Base Atk +1; Grp - becomes a wraith in 1d4 rounds. Its body remains intact and
Atk Options Accursed Touch, Weapon Finesse inanimate, but its spirit is torn free from its corpse and
Abilities Str -, Dex 14, Con -, Int 9, Wis 8, Cha 13 transformed. Spawn are under the command of the wraith
SQ incorporeal traits, undead traits that created them and remain enslaved until its death. They
Feats Toughness, Weapon Finesse do not possess any of the abilities that had in life.
Skills Intimidate +7, Listen +5, Spot +5 Daylight Powerlessness (Ex) Dread wraiths are utterly
powerless in natural sunlight (not merely a daylight spell)
Accursed Touch (Su) A cursed spirit adds its Charisma
and flee from it.
modifier to damage dealt by its incorporeal touch attack.
Lifesense (Su) A dread wraith notices and located living
Curse Aura (Su) The taint of loss surrounds a cursed spirit.
creatures within 60 feet, just as if it possessed the blindsight
Adjacent enemy creatures take a -2 penalty on all saving
ability. It also senses the strength of their life force
automatically, as if it had cast deathwatch.
Description This creature’s tormented, immaterial form Unnatural Aura (Su) Animals, whether wild or domesticated,
suggests terrible loss. Its upper body is distinct, with a manic can sense the unnatural presence of a dread wraith at a
humanoid form, but its lower body blurs into a ghostly distance of 30 feet. They will not willingly approach nearer
cloud. Its hollow eyes convey malevolent intelligence. than that and panic if forced to do so; they remain panicked
Sources Miniatures Handbook (Page 60) as long as they are within that range.
Description This creature is a sinister, spectral figure, robed in
darkness. It has no visible features or appendages, except for
LE Large Undead (Incorporeal)
the glowing red pinpoints of its eyes.
Init +13; Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Lifesense 60 ft., Listen +33,
Source Libris Mortis (Page 26-27), Monster Manual (Page 258)
Spot +33
Aura Unnatural Aura 30 ft.
Languages Common, Infernal
AC 27, touch 21, flat-footed 24, Dodge, Mobility ENCOUNTER 8
(+6 armor, -1 size, +3 Dex, +9 deflection) SLAY LIVING TRAP CR 10
hp 216 (24d12 HD) Description: See encounter description.
Immune undead immunities Search DC 25; Type magical
Fort +8, Ref +17, Will +18
Trigger proximity; Init +5
Weakness daylight powerlessness
Effect slay living (death, Fort DC 17 for 3d6+9 negative energy
Speed Fly 60 ft. (good) (12 squares); Spring Attack damage) against each target in the room each round (+12
Melee incorporeal touch +20 (2d6 plus 1d8 Con drain melee touch, includes +2 Atk upgrade).
(empowered)/19-20) or Duration 13 rounds
Melee adamantine greataxe +13/+8/+3 (1d12/x3)
Destruction each tendril AC 20, hp 25; pillar tube AC 25, hp 45
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
(disadvantage: destroying this disarms the entire trap)
Base Atk +12; Grp -
Disarm Disable Device 30 (per tendril)
Atk Options Blind-Fight, Combat Reflexes, Empowered
Dispel DC 20 (per tendril); DC 20 (pillar tube, disadvantage:
Ability DamageLM, Improved Critical [incorporeal touch],
dispelling this disarms the entire trap)
Improved Natural Attack [incorporeal touch]
Special Actions Constitution drain, create spawn
Combat Gear +1 ghost touch breastplate, adamantine greataxe
Abilities Str -, Dex 28, Con -, Int 17, Wis 18, Cha 28
SQ incorporeal traits, undead traits
Feats Alertness, Blind-Fight, Combat Reflexes, Dodge,
Empowered Ability DamageLM, Improved Critical

BIS7-01 It Always Rains on the Damned Page 32


number of times equal to 3 + its Charisma modifier (six times

ENCOUNTERS 3 & 9 for this creature).
ADVANCED QUELL CR 5 Description Two fiery green eyes glare from a shrouded, half-
LE Medium Undead (Incorporeal) real visage of this vaguely humanoid shade. Either it is
Init +7; Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Listen +20, Spot +20 dressed in robes, or its ectoplasmic flesh is naturally loose
Languages Common, Infernal and flowing. Dark symbols hang in the air just above and
AC 16, touch 16, flat-footed 13 (+3 Dex, +3 deflection) about its form, free-standing glyphs that viscerally
hp 117 (13d12 HD) demonstrate the creature’s anathema to all things divine.
Immune undead immunities Sources Libris Mortis (Page 29, 116)
Resist +4 turn resistance
Fort +4, Ref +7, Will +10 ADVANCED WRAITH CR 9
Weakness daylight powerlessness LE Medium Undead (Incorporeal)
Init +8; Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Listen +28, Spot +28
Speed Fly 60 ft. (good) (12 squares)
Aura unnatural aura 30 ft.
Melee incorporeal touch +10 (1d6)
Languages Common, Infernal
Base Atk +6; Grp -
Atk Options Combat Reflexes, Improved Natural Attack AC 17, touch 17, flat-footed 14, Dodge, Mobility
[incorporeal touch], Weapon Finesse (+3 Dex, +4 deflection)
Special Actions coupled intercession, intercession hp 189 (21d12 HD)
Immune undead immunities
Abilities Str -, Dex 16, Con -, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 17
Resist +2 turn resistance
SQ incorporeal traits, undead traits
Fort +7, Ref +10, Will +14
Feats Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Improved Initiative,
Weakness daylight powerlessness
Improved Natural Attack [incorporeal touch], Positive
Energy ResistanceLM, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus Speed Fly 60 ft. (good) (12 squares), Spring Attack
[incorporeal touch] Melee incorporeal touch +13 (1d6 plus 1d6 Con drain/19-20)
Skills Diplomacy +7, Hide +19, Intimidate +19, Listen +20, Base Atk +10; Grp -
Search +18, Sense Motive +16, Spot +20, Survival +2 (+4 Atk Options Blind-Fight, Combat Reflexes, Improved Natural
following tracks) Attack [incorporeal touch]. Improved Critical [incorporeal
Coupled Intercession (Su) Whenever a quell takes a standard
Special Actions Constitution drain, create spawn
action to aid another quell in an intercession attempt, the
effective cleric level of the quell increases by 1. Several quells Abilities Str -, Dex 16, Con -, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 19
could all take standard actions to aid a single quell's SQ incorporeal traits, undead traits
intercession attempt, each increasing the effective cleric Feats Ability Focus [Constitution drain], Alertness, Blind-Fight,
level of the intercession attempt. Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Improved Critical [incorporeal
Daylight Powerlessness (Ex) Quells are utterly powerless in touch], Improved Initiative, Improved Natural Attack
natural sunlight (not merely a daylight spell) and flee from it. [incorporeal touch], Mobility, Spring Attack
Intercession (Su) A quell can cut divine spellcasters off from Skills Diplomacy +8, Hide +27, Intimidate +28, Listen +28,
their source of power. To do so, the quell makes a turning Search +26, Sense Motive +24, Spot +28, Survival +2 (+4
check as if it were a cleric of a level equal to the quell's Hit following tracks)
Dice (13th level). The result indicates the highestlevel divine Constitution Drain (Su) Living creatures hit by a wraith’s
spellcasters the quell can cut off from their deity. The incorporeal touch attack must succeed on a DC 26 Fortitude
turning damage result indicates the maximum total Hit Dice save or take 1d6 points of Constitution drain. The save DC is
of divine spellcasters within 60 feet the ability can affect. The Charisma-based. On each such successful attack, the wraith
quell's intercession affects the closest divine spellcasters it gains 5 temporary hit points.
can affect first. Normally, affected divine spellcasters cannot Create Spawn (Su) Any humanoid slain by a wraith becomes a
turn undead or cast divine spells for 1 minute; however if the wraith in 1d4 rounds. Its body remains intact and inanimate,
quell has twice as many HD as the spellcaster has divine but its spirit is torn free from its corpse and transformed.
levels, the divine spellcaster loses the ability to cast divine Spawn are under the command of the wraith that created
spells for 24 hours. If the quall attacks an affected divine them and remain enslaved until its death. They do not
spellcaster in any day, or the affected spellcaster receives an possess any of the abilities that had in life.
atonement spell, the intercession ends. The quell's allies and Daylight Powerlessness (Ex) Wraiths are utterly powerless in
other creatures can attack the divine spellcaster without natural sunlight (not merely a daylight spell) and flee from it.
breaking the intercession. A quall can use this ability a Unnatural Aura (Su) Animals, whether wild or domesticated,
can sense the unnatural presence of a wraith at a distance of

BIS7-01 It Always Rains on the Damned Page 33

30 feet. They will not willingly approach nearer than that Base Atk +16; Grp -
and panic if forced to do so; they remain panicked as long as Atk Options Ability Focus [Constitution drain], Blind-Fight,
they are within that range. Combat Reflexes, Empowered Ability Damage , Improved
Description This creature is a sinister, spectral figure, robed in Critical [incorporeal touch], Improved Natural Attack
darkness. It has no visible features or appendages, except for [incorporeal touch]
the glowing red pinpoints of its eyes. Special Actions Constitution drain, create spawn
Source Monster Manual (Page 258) Combat Gear +1 ghost touch breastplate, life-drinker
Abilities Str -, Dex 28, Con -, Int 17, Wis 18, Cha 30
CURSED SPIRIT CR 3 SQ incorporeal traits, undead traits
CE Medium Undead (Incorporeal) Feats Ability Focus [Constitution drain], Alertness, Blind-Fight,
Init +2; Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Listen +5, Spot +5 Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Empowered Ability DamageLM,
Aura Curse Aura Improved Critical [incorporeal touch], Improved Initiative,
Languages Common Improved Natural Attack [incorporeal touch], Mobility,
AC 13, touch 13 , flat-footed 11 Positive Energy ResistanceLM, Spring Attack
(+2 Dex, +1 deflection) Skills Diplomacy +12, Hide +40, Intimidate +45, Knowledge
hp 29 (3d12+3 HD) [religion] +38, Listen +41, Search +38, Sense Motive +39,
Immune undead immunities Spot +41, Survival +4 (+6 following tracks)
Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +2 Possessions combat gear plus pink and green sphere ioun stone
Speed Fly 30 ft. (perfect) (6 squares) Constitution Drain (Su) Living creatures hit by a dread
Melee incorporeal touch +3 (1d8+1) wraith’s incorporeal touch attack must succeed on a DC 38
Base Atk +1; Grp - Fortitude save or take 1d8 points of Constitution drain. The
Atk Options Accursed Touch, Weapon Finesse save DC is Charisma-based. On each such successful attack,
Abilities Str -, Dex 14, Con -, Int 9, Wis 8, Cha 13 the dread wraith gains 5 temporary hit points.
SQ incorporeal traits, undead traits Create Spawn (Su) Any humanoid slain by a dread wraith
Feats Toughness, Weapon Finesse becomes a wraith in 1d4 rounds. Its body remains intact and
Skills Intimidate +7, Listen +5, Spot +5 inanimate, but its spirit is torn free from its corpse and
transformed. Spawn are under the command of the wraith
Accursed Touch (Su) A cursed spirit adds its Charisma
that created them and remain enslaved until its death. They
modifier to damage dealt by its incorporeal touch attack.
do not possess any of the abilities that had in life.
Curse Aura (Su) The taint of loss surrounds a cursed spirit.
Daylight Powerlessness (Ex) Dread wraiths are utterly
Adjacent enemy creatures take a -2 penalty on all saving
powerless in natural sunlight (not merely a daylight spell)
and flee from it.
Description This creature’s tormented, immaterial form Lifesense (Su) A dread wraith notices and located living
suggests terrible loss. Its upper body is distinct, with a manic creatures within 60 feet, just as if it possessed the blindsight
humanoid form, but its lower body blurs into a ghostly ability. It also senses the strength of their life force
cloud. Its hollow eyes convey malevolent intelligence. automatically, as if it had cast deathwatch.
Sources Miniatures Handbook (Page 60) Unnatural Aura (Su) Animals, whether wild or domesticated,
can sense the unnatural presence of a dread wraith at a
THE LURKER, ADV. DREAD WRAITH CR 15 distance of 30 feet. They will not willingly approach nearer
LE Large Undead (Incorporeal) than that and panic if forced to do so; they remain panicked
Init +13; Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Lifesense 60 ft., Listen +41, as long as they are within that range.
Spot +41 Description This creature is a sinister, spectral figure, robed in
Aura Unnatural Aura 30 ft. darkness. It has no visible features or appendages, except for
Languages Common, Infernal the glowing red pinpoints of its eyes.
AC 28, touch 22, flat-footed 25, Dodge, Mobility Source Libris Mortis (Page 26-27, 29), Monster Manual (Page 258)
(+6 armor, -1 size, +3 Dex, +10 deflection)
hp 288 (32d12 HD)
Immune undead immunities
Resist positive energy resistance 10
Fort +10, Ref +19, Will +22
Weakness daylight powerlessness
Speed Fly 60 ft. (good) (12 squares); Spring Attack
Melee incorporeal touch +24 (2d6 plus 1d8 Con drain
(empowered)/19-20) or
Melee life-drinker +17/+12/+7/+2 (1d12+1 plus 2 negative
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.

BIS7-01 It Always Rains on the Damned Page 34

Description: See encounter description.
Search DC 27; Type magical
Trigger proximity; Init +6
Effect slay living (death, Fort DC 19 for 3d6+11 negative energy
damage) against each target in the room each round (+14
melee touch, includes +2 Atk upgrade).
Duration 15 rounds
Destruction each tendril AC 22, hp 30; pillar tube AC 28, hp 54
(disadvantage: destroying this disarms the entire trap)
Disarm Disable Device 31 (per tendril)
Dispel DC 22 (per tendril); DC 22 (pillar tube, disadvantage:
dispelling this disarms the entire trap)

BIS7-01 It Always Rains on the Damned Page 35


number of times equal to 3 + its Charisma modifier (six times

ENCOUNTERS 3 & 9 for this creature).
ADVANCED QUELL CR 5 Description Two fiery green eyes glare from a shrouded, half-
LE Medium Undead (Incorporeal) real visage of this vaguely humanoid shade. Either it is
Init +7; Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Listen +20, Spot +20 dressed in robes, or its ectoplasmic flesh is naturally loose
Languages Common, Infernal and flowing. Dark symbols hang in the air just above and
AC 16, touch 16, flat-footed 13 (+3 Dex, +3 deflection) about its form, free-standing glyphs that viscerally
hp 117 (13d12 HD) demonstrate the creature’s anathema to all things divine.
Immune undead immunities Sources Libris Mortis (Page 29, 116)
Resist +4 turn resistance
Fort +4, Ref +7, Will +10 CURSED SPIRIT CR 3
Weakness daylight powerlessness CE Medium Undead (Incorporeal)
Init +2; Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Listen +5, Spot +5
Speed Fly 60 ft. (good) (12 squares)
Aura Curse Aura
Melee incorporeal touch +10 (1d6)
Languages Common
Base Atk +6; Grp -
Atk Options Combat Reflexes, Improved Natural Attack AC 13, touch 13 , flat-footed 11
[incorporeal touch], Weapon Finesse (+2 Dex, +1 deflection)
Special Actions coupled intercession, intercession hp 29 (3d12+3 HD)
Immune undead immunities
Abilities Str -, Dex 16, Con -, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 17
Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +2
SQ incorporeal traits, undead traits
Feats Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Improved Initiative, Speed Fly 30 ft. (perfect) (6 squares)
Improved Natural Attack [incorporeal touch], Positive Melee incorporeal touch +3 (1d8+1)
Energy ResistanceLM, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus Base Atk +1; Grp -
[incorporeal touch] Atk Options Accursed Touch, Weapon Finesse
Skills Diplomacy +7, Hide +19, Intimidate +19, Listen +20, Abilities Str -, Dex 14, Con -, Int 9, Wis 8, Cha 13
Search +18, Sense Motive +16, Spot +20, Survival +2 (+4 SQ incorporeal traits, undead traits
following tracks) Feats Toughness, Weapon Finesse
Coupled Intercession (Su) Whenever a quell takes a standard Skills Intimidate +7, Listen +5, Spot +5
action to aid another quell in an intercession attempt, the Accursed Touch (Su) A cursed spirit adds its Charisma
effective cleric level of the quell increases by 1. Several quells modifier to damage dealt by its incorporeal touch attack.
could all take standard actions to aid a single quell's Curse Aura (Su) The taint of loss surrounds a cursed spirit.
intercession attempt, each increasing the effective cleric Adjacent enemy creatures take a -2 penalty on all saving
level of the intercession attempt. throws.
Daylight Powerlessness (Ex) Quells are utterly powerless in Description This creature’s tormented, immaterial form
natural sunlight (not merely a daylight spell) and flee from it. suggests terrible loss. Its upper body is distinct, with a manic
Intercession (Su) A quell can cut divine spellcasters off from humanoid form, but its lower body blurs into a ghostly
their source of power. To do so, the quell makes a turning cloud. Its hollow eyes convey malevolent intelligence.
check as if it were a cleric of a level equal to the quell's Hit Sources Miniatures Handbook (Page 60)
Dice (13th level). The result indicates the highestlevel divine
spellcasters the quell can cut off from their deity. The THE LURKER, ADV. DREAD WRAITH CR 17
turning damage result indicates the maximum total Hit Dice LE Large Undead (Incorporeal)
of divine spellcasters within 60 feet the ability can affect. The Init +13; Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Lifesense 60 ft., Listen +49,
quell's intercession affects the closest divine spellcasters it Spot +49
can affect first. Normally, affected divine spellcasters cannot Aura Unnatural Aura 30 ft.
turn undead or cast divine spells for 1 minute; however if the Languages Common, Infernal
quell has twice as many HD as the spellcaster has divine AC 31, touch 23, flat-footed 28, Dodge, Mobility
levels, the divine spellcaster loses the ability to cast divine (-1 size, +3 Dex, +11 deflection)
spells for 24 hours. If the quall attacks an affected divine hp 360 (40d12 HD)
spellcaster in any day, or the affected spellcaster receives an Immune undead immunities
atonement spell, the intercession ends. The quell's allies and Resist positive energy resistance 10
other creatures can attack the divine spellcaster without Fort +13, Ref +22, Will +26
breaking the intercession. A quall can use this ability a Weakness daylight powerlessness
Speed Fly 60 ft. (good) (12 squares); Spring Attack

BIS7-01 It Always Rains on the Damned Page 36

Melee incorporeal touch +28 (2d6 plus 1d8 Con drain ENCOUNTER 8
(empowered)/19-20) or
Melee life-drinker +21/+16/+11/+6 (1d12+1 plus 2 negative FINGER OF DEATH TRAP CR 14
levels/x3) Description: See encounter description.
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft. Search DC 29; Type magical
Base Atk +20; Grp - Trigger proximity; Init +7
Atk Options Ability Focus [Constitution drain], Blind-Fight, Effect finger of death (death, Fort DC 20 for 3d6+13 negative
Combat Reflexes, Empowered Ability Damage , Improved energy damage) against each target in the room each round
Critical [incorporeal touch], Improved Natural Attack (+16 melee touch, includes +2 Atk upgrade).
[incorporeal touch] Duration 17 rounds
Special Actions Constitution drain, create spawn, Necrotic Destruction each tendril AC 24, hp 35; pillar tube AC 31, hp 63
ReserveLM (disadvantage: destroying this disarms the entire trap)
Combat Gear +3 ghost touch breastplate, life-drinker Disarm Disable Device 32 (per tendril)
Abilities Str -, Dex 28, Con -, Int 17, Wis 18, Cha 32 Dispel DC 24 (per tendril); DC 24 (pillar tube, disadvantage:
SQ incorporeal traits, Necromantic MightLM, Necromantic dispelling this disarms the entire trap)
PresenceLM, undead traits
Feats Ability Focus [Constitution drain], Alertness, Blind-Fight,
Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Empowered Ability DamageLM,
Improved Critical [incorporeal touch], Improved Initiative,
Improved Natural Attack [incorporeal touch], Mobility,
Necromantic Might , Necromantic Presence , Necrotic
Reserve , Positive Energy Resistance , Spring Attack
Skills Diplomacy +13, Hide +48, Intimidate +54, Knowledge
[religion] +46, Listen +49, Search +46, Sense Motive +47,
Spot +49, Survival +4 (+6 following tracks)
Possessions combat gear plus lavender and green ellipsoid ioun
stone, pink and green sphere ioun stone
Constitution Drain (Su) Living creatures hit by a dread
wraith’s incorporeal touch attack must succeed on a DC 38
Fortitude save or take 1d8 points of Constitution drain. The
save DC is Charisma-based. On each such successful attack,
the dread wraith gains 5 temporary hit points.
Create Spawn (Su) Any humanoid slain by a dread wraith
becomes a wraith in 1d4 rounds. Its body remains intact and
inanimate, but its spirit is torn free from its corpse and
transformed. Spawn are under the command of the wraith
that created them and remain enslaved until its death. They
do not possess any of the abilities that had in life.
Daylight Powerlessness (Ex) Dread wraiths are utterly
powerless in natural sunlight (not merely a daylight spell)
and flee from it.
Lifesense (Su) A dread wraith notices and located living
creatures within 60 feet, just as if it possessed the blindsight
ability. It also senses the strength of their life force
automatically, as if it had cast deathwatch.
Unnatural Aura (Su) Animals, whether wild or domesticated,
can sense the unnatural presence of a dread wraith at a
distance of 30 feet. They will not willingly approach nearer
than that and panic if forced to do so; they remain panicked
as long as they are within that range.
Description This creature is a sinister, spectral figure, robed in
darkness. It has no visible features or appendages, except for
the glowing red pinpoints of its eyes.
Source Libris Mortis (Page 26-27, 28-29), Monster Manual (Page

BIS7-01 It Always Rains on the Damned Page 37


distance of 30 feet. They will not willingly approach nearer

ENCOUNTERS 3 & 9 than that and panic if forced to do so; they remain panicked
ADVANCED DREAD WRAITH CR 13 as long as they are within that range.
LE Large Undead (Incorporeal) Description This creature is a sinister, spectral figure, robed in
Init +13; Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Lifesense 60 ft., Listen +33, darkness. It has no visible features or appendages, except for
Spot +33 the glowing red pinpoints of its eyes.
Aura Unnatural Aura 30 ft. Source Libris Mortis (Page 26), Monster Manual (Page 258)
Languages Common, Infernal
AC 26, touch 26, flat-footed 17, Dodge, Mobility ADVANCED QUELL CR 5
(-1 size, +9 Dex, +8 deflection) LE Medium Undead (Incorporeal)
hp 216 (24d12 HD) Init +7; Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Listen +20, Spot +20
Immune undead immunities Languages Common, Infernal
Fort +8, Ref +17, Will +18 AC 16, touch 16, flat-footed 13 (+3 Dex, +3 deflection)
Weakness daylight powerlessness hp 117 (13d12 HD)
Speed Fly 60 ft. (good) (12 squares); Spring Attack Immune undead immunities
Melee incorporeal touch +20 (2d6 plus 1d8 Con drain Resist +4 turn resistance
(empowered)/19-20) Fort +4, Ref +7, Will +10
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft. Weakness daylight powerlessness
Base Atk +12; Grp - Speed Fly 60 ft. (good) (12 squares)
Atk Options Blind-Fight, Combat Reflexes, Empowered Melee incorporeal touch +10 (1d6)
Ability DamageLM, Improved Critical [incorporeal touch], Base Atk +6; Grp -
Improved Natural Attack [incorporeal touch] Atk Options Combat Reflexes, Improved Natural Attack
Special Actions Constitution drain, create spawn [incorporeal touch], Weapon Finesse
Abilities Str -, Dex 28, Con -, Int 17, Wis 18, Cha 26 Special Actions coupled intercession, intercession
SQ incorporeal traits, undead traits Abilities Str -, Dex 16, Con -, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 17
Feats Ability Focus [Constitution drain], Alertness, Blind-Fight, SQ incorporeal traits, undead traits
Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Empowered Ability DamageLM, Feats Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Improved Initiative,
Improved Critical [incorporeal touch], Improved Initiative, Improved Natural Attack [incorporeal touch], Positive
Improved Natural Attack [incorporeal touch], Mobility, Energy ResistanceLM, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus
Spring Attack [incorporeal touch]
Skills Diplomacy +10, Hide +32, Intimidate +35, Knowledge Skills Diplomacy +7, Hide +19, Intimidate +19, Listen +20,
[religion] +30, Listen +33, Search +30, Sense Motive +31, Search +18, Sense Motive +16, Spot +20, Survival +2 (+4
Spot +33, Survival +4 (+6 following tracks) following tracks)
Constitution Drain (Su) Living creatures hit by a dread Coupled Intercession (Su) Whenever a quell takes a standard
wraith’s incorporeal touch attack must succeed on a DC 28 action to aid another quell in an intercession attempt, the
Fortitude save or take 1d8 points of Constitution drain. The effective cleric level of the quell increases by 1. Several quells
save DC is Charisma-based. On each such successful attack, could all take standard actions to aid a single quell's
the dread wraith gains 5 temporary hit points. intercession attempt, each increasing the effective cleric
Create Spawn (Su) Any humanoid slain by a dread wraith level of the intercession attempt.
becomes a wraith in 1d4 rounds. Its body remains intact and Daylight Powerlessness (Ex) Quells are utterly powerless in
inanimate, but its spirit is torn free from its corpse and natural sunlight (not merely a daylight spell) and flee from it.
transformed. Spawn are under the command of the wraith Intercession (Su) A quell can cut divine spellcasters off from
that created them and remain enslaved until its death. They their source of power. To do so, the quell makes a turning
do not possess any of the abilities that had in life. check as if it were a cleric of a level equal to the quell's Hit
Daylight Powerlessness (Ex) Dread wraiths are utterly Dice (13th level). The result indicates the highestlevel divine
powerless in natural sunlight (not merely a daylight spell) spellcasters the quell can cut off from their deity. The
and flee from it. turning damage result indicates the maximum total Hit Dice
Lifesense (Su) A dread wraith notices and located living of divine spellcasters within 60 feet the ability can affect. The
creatures within 60 feet, just as if it possessed the blindsight quell's intercession affects the closest divine spellcasters it
ability. It also senses the strength of their life force can affect first. Normally, affected divine spellcasters cannot
automatically, as if it had cast deathwatch. turn undead or cast divine spells for 1 minute; however if the
Unnatural Aura (Su) Animals, whether wild or domesticated, quell has twice as many HD as the spellcaster has divine
can sense the unnatural presence of a dread wraith at a levels, the divine spellcaster loses the ability to cast divine

BIS7-01 It Always Rains on the Damned Page 38

spells for 24 hours. If the quall attacks an affected divine Speed Fly 60 ft. (good) (12 squares); Spring Attack
spellcaster in any day, or the affected spellcaster receives an Melee incorporeal touch +33 (2d6 plus 1d8 Con drain
atonement spell, the intercession ends. The quell's allies and (empowered)/19-20) or
other creatures can attack the divine spellcaster without Melee life-drinker +25/+20/+15/+10 (1d12+1 plus 2 negative
breaking the intercession. A quall can use this ability a levels/x3)
number of times equal to 3 + its Charisma modifier (six times Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
for this creature). Base Atk +24; Grp -
Description Two fiery green eyes glare from a shrouded, half- Atk Options Ability Focus [Constitution drain], Blind-Fight,
real visage of this vaguely humanoid shade. Either it is Combat Reflexes, Empowered Ability Damage , Improved
dressed in robes, or its ectoplasmic flesh is naturally loose Critical [incorporeal touch], Improved Natural Attack
and flowing. Dark symbols hang in the air just above and [incorporeal touch]
about its form, free-standing glyphs that viscerally Special Actions Constitution drain, create spawn, Necrotic
demonstrate the creature’s anathema to all things divine. ReserveLM
Sources Libris Mortis (Page 29, 116) Combat Gear +3 ghost touch breastplate
Abilities Str -, Dex 28, Con -, Int 17, Wis 18, Cha 34
CURSED SPIRIT CR 3 SQ incorporeal traits, Necromantic MightLM, Necromantic
CE Medium Undead (Incorporeal) PresenceLM, undead traits
Init +2; Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Listen +5, Spot +5 Feats Ability Focus [Constitution drain], Alertness, Blind-Fight,
Aura Curse Aura Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Empowered Ability DamageLM,
Languages Common Improved Critical [incorporeal touch], Improved Initiative,
AC 13, touch 13 , flat-footed 11 Improved Natural Attack [incorporeal touch], Improved
(+2 Dex, +1 deflection) ToughnessCW, Mobility, Necromantic MightLM, Necromantic
hp 29 (3d12+3 HD) PresenceLM, Necrotic ReserveLM, Positive Energy
Immune undead immunities Resistance , Spring Attack, Toughness, Weapon Focus
Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +2 [incorporeal touch]
Speed Fly 30 ft. (perfect) (6 squares) Skills Diplomacy +14, Hide +56, Intimidate +63, Knowledge
Melee incorporeal touch +3 (1d8+1) [religion] +54, Listen +57, Search +54, Sense Motive +55,
Base Atk +1; Grp - Spot +57, Survival +4 (+6 following tracks)
Atk Options Accursed Touch, Weapon Finesse Possessions combat gear plus lavender and green ellipsoid ioun
Abilities Str -, Dex 14, Con -, Int 9, Wis 8, Cha 13 stone, pink and green sphere ioun stone
SQ incorporeal traits, undead traits Constitution Drain (Su) Living creatures hit by a dread
Feats Toughness, Weapon Finesse wraith’s incorporeal touch attack must succeed on a DC 48
Skills Intimidate +7, Listen +5, Spot +5 Fortitude save or take 1d8 points of Constitution drain. The
Accursed Touch (Su) A cursed spirit adds its Charisma save DC is Charisma-based. On each such successful attack,
modifier to damage dealt by its incorporeal touch attack. the dread wraith gains 5 temporary hit points.
Curse Aura (Su) The taint of loss surrounds a cursed spirit. Create Spawn (Su) Any humanoid slain by a dread wraith
Adjacent enemy creatures take a -2 penalty on all saving becomes a wraith in 1d4 rounds. Its body remains intact and
throws. inanimate, but its spirit is torn free from its corpse and
transformed. Spawn are under the command of the wraith
Description This creature’s tormented, immaterial form
that created them and remain enslaved until its death. They
suggests terrible loss. Its upper body is distinct, with a manic
do not possess any of the abilities that had in life.
humanoid form, but its lower body blurs into a ghostly
Daylight Powerlessness (Ex) Dread wraiths are utterly
cloud. Its hollow eyes convey malevolent intelligence.
powerless in natural sunlight (not merely a daylight spell)
Sources Miniatures Handbook (Page 60)
and flee from it.
Lifesense (Su) A dread wraith notices and located living
THE LURKER, ADV. DREAD WRAITH CR 19 creatures within 60 feet, just as if it possessed the blindsight
LE Large Undead (Incorporeal) ability. It also senses the strength of their life force
Init +13; Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Lifesense 60 ft., Listen +57, automatically, as if it had cast deathwatch.
Spot +57 Unnatural Aura (Su) Animals, whether wild or domesticated,
Aura Unnatural Aura 30 ft. can sense the unnatural presence of a dread wraith at a
Languages Common, Infernal distance of 30 feet. They will not willingly approach nearer
AC 32, touch 24, flat-footed 29, Dodge, Mobility than that and panic if forced to do so; they remain panicked
(+8 armor, -1 size, +3 Dex, +12 deflection) as long as they are within that range.
hp 470 (48d12 HD) Description This creature is a sinister, spectral figure, robed in
Immune undead immunities darkness. It has no visible features or appendages, except for
Resist positive energy resistance 10 the glowing red pinpoints of its eyes.
Fort +16, Ref +25, Will +30 Source Libris Mortis (Page 26-27, 28-29), Monster Manual (Page
Weakness daylight powerlessness 258)

BIS7-01 It Always Rains on the Damned Page 39

Description: See encounter description.
Search DC 31; Type magical
Trigger proximity; Init +8
Effect finger of death (death, Fort DC 22 for 3d6+15 negative
energy damage) against each target in the room each round
(+18 melee touch, includes +2 Atk upgrade).
Duration 19 rounds
Destruction each tendril AC 26, hp 40; pillar tube AC 34, hp 72
(disadvantage: destroying this disarms the entire trap)
Disarm Disable Device 33 (per tendril)
Dispel DC 26 (per tendril); DC 26 (pillar tube, disadvantage:
dispelling this disarms the entire trap)

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Empowered Ability Damage [Monstrous] (Libris Mortis, page 26)
Your ability damage (or ability drain) special attack is more potent than normal.
Prerequisite: Cha 11, undead type, incorporeal subtype, supernatural ability to drain or damage an ability score.
Benefit: All variable, numeric effects of an empowered ability damage or ability drain special attack are increased
by 50%. For example, an allip with this feat drains 1-1/2 times the normal amount of Wisdom (roll 1d4 and multiply the
result by 1-1/2).

Improved Toughness [General] (Complete Warrior, page 101)

You are significantly tougher than normal.
Prerequisites: Base Fortitude save bonus +2.
Benefits: You gain a number oh tit points equal to your current Hit Dice. Each time you gain a HD (such as by
gaining a level) you gain 1 additional hit point. If you lose a HD (such as by losing a level), you lose 1 hit point
Special: A fighter may select Improved Toughness as one of his fighter bonus feats.

Necromantic Might [General] (Libris Mortis, page 28)

Undead you control gain benefits when they are near you.
Prerequisites: Necromantic Presence.
Benefits: Whenever undead you control are within 60 feet of you, they are physically inspired by your
necromantic aura, and gain a +2 enhancement bonus on their attack rolls and saving throws.

Necromantic Presence [General] (Libris Mortis, page 28)

Undead you control are harder to turn when they are near you.
Benefits: Whenever undead you control are within 60 feet of you, they gain a +4 bonus to their turn resistance.

Necrotic Reserve [Monstrous] (Libris Mortis, page 28)

You are not immediately destroyed when your hit points fall to 0 or lower.
Prerequisites: Cha 13, supernatural ability to drain or damage an ability score or drain energy.
Benefits: Each day that you slake your hunger by draining or damaging a living creature’s ability score, or draining
a living creature’s life force, you gain a necrotic reserve. On days when you have created a reserve, you are weakened but
not destroyed when you are dealt enough damage to reduce your hit points to 0 or lower.
A weakened undead acting on the strength of its necrotic reserve may take a single move action or standard action
each round (but not both, nor can it take full-round actions). It moves at half-speed. Taking move actions doesn’t risk
further injury, but performing any standard action (or any other action the DM deems strenuous, including some free
actions such as casting a quickened spell) immediately expends the necrotic reserve. Unless the action increased the

BIS7-01 It Always Rains on the Damned Page 44

weakened undead’s hit points, it is destroyed. A weakened undead acting on the strength of its necrotic reserve is also
destroyed if it is dealt additional damage after the attack that first weakened it.
An undead may only rely on a necrotic reserve up to once per day, even if it engages in additional feeding following
its successful return to positive hit points.
Normal: Undead reduced to 0 hit points or lower are immediately destroyed.

Positive Energy Resistance [Monstrous] (Libris Mortis, page 29)

You are resistant to the damage dealt by positive energy effects.
Prerequisites: Undead type.
Benefits: You gain resistance 10 against positive energy effects, such as cure spells.

Torch of Ghost Touch
This torch is capped with lammasu tendons soaked in dove tallow. While it is lit, incorporeal undead within a 10
foot radius of its flame are outlined by a shimmering white light, and take damage normally (magical weapons are not
required to injure them, and their 50% chance to avoid damage does not apply). This torch burns for a maximum of one
hour, before being expended. Each lighting of the torch subtracts a minimum of 6 minutes from the total duration.
Moderate conjuration; CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, Ghost Touch WeaponLM; Price 1,500 gp; Weight 1 lb.

Universal Key
This small dagger is not useful for combat. However, the blade contains trace amounts of adamantine. If an object
(such as a locking mechanism) is struck, the blade shatters, exposing a reservoir of acid. This bypasses hardness up to 20,
and deals 1d6 piercing + 2d6 acid damage. If the user makes a DC 15 Disable Device check, it deals 2d6 piercing and 2d6
acid damage, instead.
Nonmagical; Cannot be crafted; Price 312 gp; Weight 1 lb.

BIS7-01 It Always Rains on the Damned Page 45

Vision 1
Suddenly you feel the rigors of the road wash over you, and you are overcome with an immense feeling of fatigue. You
close your eyes and grasp the temples on your head to fight off exhaustion.
When you open your eyes, they don’t focus upon your comrades, but rather upon the ominous silhouette behind
them. You try to call out to them, but your voice chokes in your throat.
The twisted form leans closer to them, and you hear an ominous whisper in the winds, deep and demonic.
You blink, and find that you are staring at an old dead tree, and not some monster. The whisper remains only in the
back of your mind.
Vision 2
A cold breeze picks up, whistling eerily through the trees. All of a sudden, the woods look much darker and sinister.
You look around for your companions, but they are nowhere to be found. However, you can’t shake the feeling that you
are not alone.
A moment later, you are running as fast as you can through the forest. Something is chasing you… silent,
menacing. You dare not pause to look back at it.
Did you see it? What is it? What does it want? The terror in your veins and sound of your heart beating drown out
all rational thought, and you keep running.
A short distance later, and you will be safe. You can just see the road…
Then your feet slip from under you, and you fall. Pain lances through your head, though you aren’t sure why.
You pick yourself up, and find your companions standing around you. A small glass orb is lodged tightly in your
grasp. Smoky, grey tendrils ripple beneath its surface.
Vision 3
Your gaze fixes on the knife embedded in the table. Something about it seems… odd. Captivating.
Suddenly, you hear a noise from outside the tavern… an unearthly gasp. It is coming for you. It will find you. It
will take you away. You look around for help, but you are all alone.
You can’t let it take you. You desperately look around for some defense, and again your eyes settle upon the knife.
With trepidation, you pull it free from the table.
You place your left hand on the table, and plunge the knife through it, pinning yourself to its surface. Jets of pain
shoot up your arm… but you smile through the pain. It won’t be able to take you away, now…
All of a sudden you are aware that you are not alone. Your companions stare at you. In one hand, you hold the knife.
In the other, the small glass orb. Red droplets of color swirl beneath its surface.
Vision 4
Lifting another vial off the shelf you find that you smell something odd and very…offensive. The reek of sulfur mixes
with animal effluence as you turn to look around the alchemist’s lab.
You catch a glimpse of reflected light in the bottom of a small cauldron – at first glance, it appeared empty. You can
now see that there is a small pool of liquid at the bottom.
You gaze upon your reflection in the pool… and then suddenly, your eyes focus upon the second reflection, a
figure looking over your shoulder.
You gasp as you turn around… but there is no one there.

BIS7-01 It Always Rains on the Damned Page 46

Vision 5
You look over the doors of the church and their ornate carvings. Suddenly, you hear it behind you, getting closer. The
icy cold of its presence washes over you.
You need to get inside to safety. He will protect you. Your faith will save you.
You pull at the doors, but they do not give. You claw at them, desperately looking for some purchase. But you find
none. Your pursuer’s cold blades sink into your flesh. You scream.
You open your eyes, to catch a glimpse of your assailant. Instead, your companions stand before you, watching you
in confusion. The small glass orb is clenched tightly in your hand. Golden motes dance beneath its surface.
Vision 6
You awake with a start, cold sweat on your brow. You look upon the huddled villagers of Delshire, all of them sleeping,
catching whatever rest is possible for a people marked by damnation. Your companions all sleep as well, replenishing
their strength for the coming conflict.
Suddenly you notice that the chests of your allies neither rise nor fall. The villagers are all the same: none of them
draw breath.
A grey mist dances in the air above your friends. You cannot focus your vision upon it, but you do make out claws,
and you can feel its hunger. Silently, it begins tearing apart the bodies of those sleeping, ripping apart bone and sinew
with frightful ease...
You awake with a start, cold sweat on your brow. You look upon the huddled villagers of Delshire, a few of them
sleeping; catching whatever rest is possible for a people marked by damnation. A few of your companions sleep as well,
replenishing their strength for the coming conflict.
Vision 7
As you look over this corpse, you notice that a trickle of fluid has seeped onto the floor, forming a puddle around your
feet. You lift up your boot to try step clear of the mess. Satisfied, you turn back to the corpse, which now stares at your
through sightless milky-white eyes. “Hunger”, it whispers, through pursed lips.
You gasp… but when you look upon it again, its eyes are shut and its tongue is still.
Vision 8
Turning from where your companions search for some clue, you look over your shoulder to see two young boys. Their
dark skin and hair are virtually identical, and they are dressed in ripped and muddied tunics. Their eyes are black and
sunken. They begin to speak, their voices high and monotone.
“Mother could hear the whispers.”
“Mother could smell the smoke.”
“Mother could feel the chill.”
“Now she feels nothing, like them.”
“We played with them.”
“Now… we want to play with you…”
The two boys smile slightly. You gasp as you turn to call out to your companions but…they are still occupied with
their tasks. You turn again but the two boys are gone.

BIS7-01 It Always Rains on the Damned Page 47

Vision 9
You suddenly feel strangely light headed. You reach up to hold your head in your hands, and are confronted by a
gruesome sight - instead of your own familiar limbs, you see ephemeral claws, surrounded by wisps of ether.
Suddenly, pain wracks your body – you feel indescribable cold and hunger. You try to call to your companions, but
no sound is heard.
Suddenly, you feel something else – a point of warmth in space before you. You reach out, and touch it. As you do,
that warmth flows in to you, extinguishing the source, but feeding some of your hunger.
Another point of warmth appears before you, this one much larger. It strikes at you in vain. You reach out and lift it
from the ground, fixing it in place. It cries out and struggles, but it is no use.
Your vision clears. Your companions stare at you with looks of horror. Your right hand is fixed onto one of the
stakes holding the woman to the wall. The other firmly grasps the small glass orb. Swirls of inky blackness move
beneath its surface.

Vision 10
Your gaze falls on the mirror in this room and you immediately notice something wrong. Behind your reflection you
see those of your companions. Each has a misty, cloaked form hovering behind their head, grasping at their temples.
You turn back from the mirror to see…nothing. Your companions are safe.
Turning your gaze back at the mirror, you again see misty cloaked forms hovering around your companions. Your
gaze meets that of your reflection, which stares back at you with a look of calculated malice. Your double reaches
through the mirror, reaching for your temples.
You gasp as you turn, clutching at your head to free yourself from the stranglehold. But your fingers feel… only
your own skin and not the hands of your attacker. The image in the mirror is once more your own.

BIS7-01 It Always Rains on the Damned Page 48

You recovered a tome from the Delshire manor, possibly written by Evard’s own hand. The following is an excerpt
from its pages:

“…Victory is all but certain for my forces. When I scry upon the front
lines, I can see the hearth fires of Pellak on the horizon. Soon, they will
submit and lay down their arms. I can turn control of the baronies over to
my lieutenants, and reign in peace. Fear will keep the local citizenry in
line… fear that I could do this again.
However, my diviners have told me of a nexus in the timeline, a point
where many divergent currents meet, that they can not see beyond.
I am not worried of the unknown. My forces are strong and well-
organized, and the enemy careless and rash. But I will not fall to pride. I
have taken the extra time and effort to keep each of my research
laboratories and libraries separate. If one is discovered and captured, all is
not lost. I do not relish the idea of my own work being used against me…
but better some, than all.
One might ask why I spend time writing these journals. To quote one
of my captains, ‘Aren’t you just asking some fool heroes to come along and
thwart your plans?’ That captain, incidentally, became a skeleton by the
end of the day.
The mind is the first thing to go with age, they say. As I set my sights
on immortality, I am taking that quite seriously. I enter into my slumber,
trusting my power to a pale replica, not knowing what I will remember
upon waking.”

The rest of this chapter discusses the precise location of two laboratories and a library, all carefully hidden away.

BIS7-01 It Always Rains on the Damned Page 49

If you run this event in March or April of 2006, please e-mail the results from this sheet to a member of the Bissel Triad
by May 1st, 2006, or have the Senior DM of your event do so.

1. Did Airlia survive the undead attack in Encounter 3? Yes No

2. Did the PCs recover the Black Tome in Encounter 8? Yes No

3. Did the PCs turn the Black Tome over to any particular organizations? Yes No
If so, which one(s)?

4. Did the PCs destroy the Lurker in Encounter 9? Yes No

5. Were any of the PCs left behind in Delshire as wraiths? Yes No

If so, please write their character names, player names, and email addresses here:

Notes: (Add anything that happened that might be considered out of the ordinary – Strange
occurrences, results that may not fit the above, etc):

BIS7-01 It Always Rains on the Damned Page 50


® TM
Bissel Regional Adventure
Version 0.5.0

by Matthew Maranda
Reviewer: Bissel Triad Circle Reviewer: Steven Conforti
Playtesters: Joe Boerjes, Dirk Chin-Leing, Erik Oparwski, Nopalzin Torres, Don Walker, James Wnorowski

Guarding a caravan of military supplies traveling through Bissel should be a “Milk Run”. But in these dark days a
Caravan must travel through the Forest of Nightwatch, and then pass the Bramblewood Gap. Both are wild areas
infrequently patrolled and prone to having accidents. Can you prevent this from happening and allow these desperately
needed supplies to reach the front line troops? A Bissel regional adventure for APLs 2-12.

Resources: Bastion of Faith [Bruce R. Cordell], Complete Adventurer [Jesse Decker], Complete Divine [David Noonan],
Dungeonscape [Jason Bulmahn and Rich Burlew], Monster Manual IV [Gwendolyn F. M. Kestrel], Spell Compendium
[Matthew Sernett, Jeff Grubb, and Mike McArtor].

Based on the original DUNGEONS & DRAGONS rules created by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson and the new DUNGEONS & DRAGONS game designed
by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Richard Baker, and Peter Adkison.

This game product contains no Open Game Content. No portion of this work may be reproduced in any form without permission of Wizards of the
Coast. To learn more about the Open Gaming License and the d20 SYSTEM license, please visit
This is an official RPGA play document. To find out more about the RPGA and to learn more on how you can sanction and run DUNGEONS &
DRAGONS game events of all sizes, visit our website at

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, GREYHAWK, LIVING GREYHAWK, D&D REWARDS, RPGA, Player’s Handbook, Dungeon Master’s Guide, and
Monster Manual are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc, in the US and other countries. This material is protected under the copyright laws of the
United States of America. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained herein is prohibited without the express written
permission of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. This product is a work of fiction. Any similarity to actual people, organizations, places, or events is purely
coincidental. © 2005 Wizards of the Coast, Inc and the adventure author or authors.

Visit the LIVING GREYHAWK website at

For questions specific to this document and your region please e-mail your triad point of contact (POC) at For LIVING
GREYHAWK campaign questions email
Throughout this adventure, text in bold italics
RPGA SANCTIONED PLAY provides player information for you to paraphrase or read
aloud when appropriate. Sidebars contain important
Most likely you ordered this adventure as part of an
information for you, including special instruction on
RPGA even from the RPGA website, or you received it
running the adventure. Information on nonplayer
from your senior gamemaster. To play this adventure as
characters (NPCs) and monsters appear in abbreviated
part of the LIVING GREYHAWK campaign—a worldwide,
form in the adventure text. Full information on NPCs
ongoing D&D campaign set in the GREYHAWK setting—
and monsters are given in the Appendices.
you must sanction it as part of an RPGA event. This event
could be as elaborate as a big convention, or as simple as a Along with this adventure you’ll find a RPGA Table
group of friends meeting at the DM’s house. Tracking sheet. If you’re playing this adventure as part of
an RPGA-sanctioned event, complete and turn in this
To sanction an RPGA event, you must be at least a
sheet to your senior GM directly after play. You’ll also
HERALD-LEVEL gamemaster. The person who sanctions
find a LIVING GREYHAWK Adventure Record (AR).
the event is called the senior gamemaster, and is in
charge of making sure the event is sanctioned before
play, runs smoothly on the date sanctioned, and then LIVING GREYHAWK LEVELS
reported back to the RPGA in a timely manner. The OF PLAY
person who runs the game is called the table Dungeon
Master (or usually just DM). Sometimes (and almost all Because players bring their own characters to LIVING
the time in the cases of home events) the senior GREYHAWK games, this adventure’s challenges are
gamemaster is also the table DM. You don’t have to be a proportionate to the modified average character level of
HERALD-LEVEL GM to run this adventure if you are not the PCs participating in the adventure. To determine this
the senior GM. modified Average Party Level (APL) follow the steps
By sanctioning and reporting this adventure you
accomplish a couple of things. First it is an official game, 1. Determine the character level for each of the PCs
and you can use the AR to advance your LIVING participating in the adventure.
GREYHAWK character. Second player and DMs gain
2. If PCs bring animals that have been trained for
rewards for sanctioned RPGA play if they are members of
combat (most likely dogs trained for war), other than
the DUNGEONS & DRAGONS REWARDS program. Playing
those brought by virtue of a class ability (such as
this adventure is worth two (2) points.
animal companions, familiars paladin’s mounts) or
This adventure retires from RPGA-sanctioned play the warhorse of a character with the Mounted
on December 31, 2008. Combat feat, use the sidebar chart to determine the
number of levels you add to the sum of step one. Add
To learn more about the LIVING GREYHAWK
each character’s animals separately. A single PC may
character creation and development, RPGA event
only bring four or fewer animals of this type, and
sanctioning, and DUNGEONS & DRAGONS REWARDS, visit
animals with different CRs are added separately.
the RPGA website at
3. Sum the results of step 1 and 2, and divide by the
PLAYERS READ NO FARTHER number of characters playing in the adventure.
Round to the nearest whole number.
If you are planning on playing this adventure, stop
4. If you are running a table of six PCs, add one to that
reading now. The rest of the information in this
adventure is for the DM only. If you read farther than
this section, you’ll know too much about its challenges, Throughout this adventure, APLs categorize the level of
which kills the fun. Also, if you’re playing this adventure challenge the PCs face. APLS are given in even-
as part of an RPGA-sanctioned event, reading beyond this numbered increments. If the APL of your group falls on
point makes you ineligible to do so. an odd number, ask them before the adventure begins
whether they would like to play a harder or easier
PREPARING FOR PLAY adventure. Based on their choice, use either the higher or
the lower adjacent APL.
To get the most out of this adventure, you need copies of
APL also affects the amount of experience and gold a
the following D&D books: Player’s Handbook, Dungeon
PC can gain at the end of the adventure. If a player
Master’s Guide, and the Monster Manual.

BIS7-02 Caravan Page 1

character is three character levels or more either higher A character who does not pay for at least Standard
or lower than the APL at which this adventure is being Upkeep may also avoid the above-described penalties by
played, that character receives only one-half of the living off the wild. If the character possesses four or more
experience points and gold for the adventure. This ranks in the Survival skill and succeeds at a Survival
simulates the fact that either the PC was not challenged check (DC 20), the character will heal temporary ability
as much as normal or relied on help by higher-level damage as if he or she paid for Standard Upkeep, may
characters to reach the objectives. refill spell component pouches and healer’s kits, and may
restock up to 20 arrows or bolts if the character has at
Furthermore, a PC who is four or more levels higher
least four ranks in Craft (bowmaking). The player is
than the highest APL supported by the adventure may
allowed to Take 10 on this roll.
not play the adventure.
More information about Lifestyle and Upkeep can
Mundane # of Animals be found in the “Lifestyle and Upkeep” section of
Animals Effect on Chapter 3 of the LIVING GREYHAWK Campaign Sourcebook.
APL 1 2 3 4

1/4 & 1/6 0 0 0 1

1/3 & 1/2 0 0 1 1 Recently Ket invaded Thornward Province. The siege of
Thornward began moments after Archpriest Malto Adeur
1 1 1 2 3 was crowned Margrave of Bissel. The battlements
withheld the initial assault, and the heroes and garrisons
CR of Animal

2 2 3 4 5
in Thornward were able to push them back through the
3 3 4 5 6 Bramblewood Gap.
4 4 6 7 8 Unfortunately, these forces are rapidly running out
5 5 7 8 9 of supplies and must be reprovisioned before soldiers
suffer from starvation, poorly treated wounds, and
6 6 8 9 10 deteriorating equipment.
7 7 9 10 11 So enter the PCs… capable heroes ready to help
Bissel’s soldiers…
LIVING GREYHAWK adventures are designed for APL 2
and higher. Four or five 1st-level characters may find the ADVENTURE SUMMARY
challenge of an APL 2 adventure difficult. Suggest the
following to these groups to help increase their chances The PCs are given orders to guard a caravan. This caravan
of success: duty begins at New Clunther on the northern edge of
Lake Hasra. Due to a need for expediency, the caravan
1. Enlist a sixth player.
will not be traveling around the Barony of Nightwatch,
2. Advise characters to buy riding dogs to help protect instead making its way through the ominous forests
them, and fight for them. within.
During this time the PCs must be on watch - wild
TIME UNITS AND UPKEEP animals have been known to attack the area.
This is a standard one-round Regional adventure, set in Midway through the forest, a clearing is spotted with
Bissel. Characters native to Bissel pay one Time Unit per an odd structure inside. The clearing seems harmless -
round, all others pay two Time Units per round. until several plants and fungi begin to attack the
Adventurer’s Standard Upkeep costs 12 gp per Time
Unit. Rich Upkeep costs 50 gp per Time Unit. Luxury The caravan proceeds forward. As they get into the
Upkeep costs 100 gp per Time Unit. Characters that fail Thornward area, they can rest.
to pay at least Standard Upkeep will retain temporary
The following day, the caravan leaves and
ability damage until the next adventure, must buy new
approaches the Bramblewood Gap. After another day, an
spell component pouches and healer’s kits, and may
ambush set by a Kettite druid is sprung, with a goal of
suffer other in-game penalties (or possibly gain in-game
ruining supply lines.
benefits) as may be detailed in this adventure.

BIS7-02 Caravan Page 2

Should the PCs keep the carts safe and intact they Encounter 7: Speaking to the Light
will have done their duty. Estimated Time: 5 minutes

Introduction: Tales for a New Day The PCs have the opportunity to meet with a cleric who
Estimated Time: 10 minutes can cast several healing spells that would be
advantageous, such as raise dead.
Passage providing background information for the PCs of
what has happened in Bissel recently and where they Encounter 8: Almost Home
might be going. Estimated Time: 45 minutes

Encounter 1: New Recruits Days after the incident in the forest the PCs are almost at
Estimated Time: 10 minutes the Northern Camp, when disaster strikes. A Ket ambush
is sprung and the PCs and teamsters must fight for their
The PCs have been given orders to guard a caravan
pulling into New Clunther. Shortly after their arrival, the
barges pull in with typical Bissel military precision. New Conclusion A: Successful Return
recruits offload the supplies and the PCs must sign the Estimated Time: 5 minutes
transfer papers before it is complete.
The PCs are able to bring the caravan (or most of it) into
Encounter 2: Meet the Gang camp. Now they get the fun job or working patrols on the
Estimated Time: 20 minutes northern reach.
Traveling across the face of Bissel is dangerous. The PCs Conclusion B: No Soup for You, or Anyone
have the added disadvantage of traveling with a slow Else…
moving caravan and they might want to get to know the Estimated Time: 5 minutes
people they are traveling with.
Failing to bring up supplies from the south is going to
Encounter 3: What in the World? hurt this force. But at least they can tell their
Estimated Time: 40 minutes commanding officer about the tactics used by the Kettite
Skirting around the forests of Nightwatch, the teamsters forces.
notice a clearing not too far into the forest. On the
opposite end of the forest something metal can just PREPARATION FOR PLAY
barely be seen.
The expected running time of this adventure is 3 hours,
Encounter 4: Where’d Everybody Go? 30 minutes. If this is running during a standard 4-hour
Estimated Time: 20 minutes convention slot, this allows 25 minutes for marshalling,
Passing through the clearing the PCs reach a camp. and 5 minutes for paperwork distribution.
Inside the camp is a box. The box can be opened but
unless the trap is disarmed the contents of the box will be INTRODUCTION: TALES FOR
Encounter 5: We Said it was Dangerous Estimated Time: 10 minutes
Estimated Time: 45 minutes
The year is CY 597, and Bissel is again at war. This
As the PCs leave the clearing with the box or trigger the time not with a dread necromancer, or ravening
trap, even more unnaturally natural creatures attack packs of demons. Today the enemy is an ancient foe
them. of the March – our fellow man.
Encounter 6: Next Stop, Northern Front Late in Sunsebb of CY 596, a new Margrave was
Estimated Time: 10 minutes chosen - Archpriest Malto Adeur. The aging pontiff
accepted this new responsibility, and stepped down
The PCs stop at a make-shift defensive staging ground
from his role as religious leader of the Church of
outside of Thornward. Here they have a chance to rest,
heal, and get intelligence on the future combat.
However, the selection of the new Margrave
divided the Baron’s Council. With rumors of
treachery and deceit already beginning, it seemed
the new Margrave would have to act quickly to

BIS7-02 Caravan Page 3

maintain his reign, and perform as a functionary DC 15
capable of bettering the nation and the people.
• A large number of citizens in Bissel have contracted
But, as luck would have it Malto’s coronation a plague, known as the Black Hand. It is most often
speech would not be tested - for a far more unifying characterized by black, claw-shaped marks and a
outside force was about to act on the March. putrid odor. Some Barons have quarantined entire
The city alarms sounded. Those on the balconies villages in an effort to stop its spread.
saw a force of Kettite soldiers preparing to launch • During the coronation of the new Margrave, Ket
an attack on the city. Fortunately, several battalions forces emerged from the Bramblewood Gap and
of the Great Army were stationed nearby, and the attacked the city. Unfortunately for them, several
attackers were quickly routed. Great Army battalions were nearby, and they were
Now, the gears of a nation all too used to war soon routed.
spin into action. The military begins to lay supply • Field Marshall Valiserat, in a bold move, has taken
lines, and the abilities of every soldier are being Army forces into Ket. He will not rest until the
tested and utilized. threat of those treacherous neighbors is neutralized.
• Brar the Crusader, a rising star in the Saraden
ENCOUNTER 1: NEW combat arenas, has set his sights on a new
RECRUITS competition record. From what we’ve seen in his
Estimated Time: 10 minutes latest bouts, we could be witnessing history in the
At this point determine which PCs is the highest-ranking
member of the Great Army of Bissel. If two or more PCs DC 20
are of equal highest rank then choose the character with
• Only Gran March and Veluna have offered
the highest level, or most ranks in Profession [soldier] or
assistance in the Bissel-Ket conflict, thus far. It is
Diplomacy. Give that player Players Handout #1 – Soldier’s
possible that the Kettites have made secret alliances
with the rest of Bissel’s allies.
If there are no members of the Great Army of Bissel,
• Field Marshall Valiserat has made his way north
then follow the other methods described above in
along the Bramblewood with two Great Army
determining who gets Players Handout #2 – Mercenary’s
battles. Within days, Avernand fortress will fall, and
Bissel will begin conquering the Irafa Road.
Once this has been determined read the following:
DC 25
It is an expectedly cold Fireseek dawn and already
the ports of New Clunther are active. The waters of • Villages in Bandalar have been torched as part of a
Lake Hasra churn sluggishly as a barge, the Gray quarantine effort against the Black Hand. Rumor has
Gander, pulls into a berth and dockhands begin it that some citizens have been killed in the process,
boarding to unload it. In the distance you can see and that not all of them have been infected.
another barge that should be arriving shortly, flying • The new Margrave Malto Adeur is elderly and
the colors of Bissel. heirless. Some see his election as stopgap measure
Waiting and shivering with the chill you reread for nobles who seek to be his replacement in a few
the orders given to you; and look around at the years.
others doing the same. DC 30
The PCs now have an opportunity to briefly introduce • Great Army detachments have been making forays
themselves to each other. into the Barrier Peaks near Ebbernant, for some
The PCs may wish to gather some information and unknown purpose. They would not do so, in the
rumors before beginning the adventure. The following middle of a Bissel winter, unless ordered to.
are rumors they can pick up with a Gather Information • A daring raid was committed against the Mist
check that beats the DC listed. The truth or falsehood of Chameleon headquarters in Mistyvale. It is unclear
each rumor will be revealed with the passage of time. what – if anything – was stolen. It is rumored that

BIS7-02 Caravan Page 4

the actual perpetrators had their memories erased, Immediately upon claiming responsibility the
and don’t even remember committing the deed. sergeant nods, and continues.
The barge, flying Bissel’s flag, arrives at last. “Name, rank, and orders please.”
Although it looks to be captained and crewed by the
If the PCs proffer their documentation (contained within
Shaela River Trading Company, it is guarded by a
the Player’s Handouts) and are able to provide their
fresh batch of recruits. All of them are young, but
names and military rank or status as a mercenary he will
there is a sense of pride and lack of fear when
continue. Otherwise he distrusts the PCs and believes
compared to those from the days of Evard. Perhaps
them to be Kettite spies. He will deal with the caravan
it is the knowledge that the foe fought today won’t
and the adventure is over for the argumentative or silly
raise them from the dead to be part of a necrotic
Having looked over your orders and comparing
As this thought passes through your mind, you
them to his own, he speaks – this time with some
are called back to the present as the commanding
camaraderie in his voice.
officer aboard the barge starts barking orders to the
recruits. “Things seem to be in order. If you’ll counter
sign these forms of successful shipment transfer, I’ll
“Get a move on ya lazy bums… The wagons’ll
be off.”
wait all day for you, but the men on the front can’t.”
Smart PCs will request to review the cargo manifests and
The sergeant continues to bark orders. The
check the wagons to make sure they are secure and
recruits pile off the barge and start hauling supplies
appropriately fitted. If so, read the following:
onto several wagons. This goes on for some time.
Eventually you realize that the Sergeant has stopped “Ah… A cautious group, everything should be in
giving orders and the men on the wagons are order.”
arranging the crates and telling officers how to
After an hour of checking and rechecking the
better pack things, should they need to do it again.
wagons and crates seems to show everything is in
The sergeant seems to take notice of you. He order. Most of the cargo is foodstuffs, clothing,
detaches himself from the labor and marches to survival gear, medicinal herbs, bandages and other
your location. Saluting you with all formality, he supplies needed to keep an army on its feet and
begins. active.
”I take it that you are the guards for this caravan The PCs earn some experience for thinking to review the
as they head north?” cargo.
If the PCs do not acknowledge that as the reason for their Once the PCs are satisfied (or if they do not check),
presence, continue with the following. continue on with this:
Sergeant Sturl looks you up and down. His eyes You quickly sign off on the paperwork, and hand the
harden and he begins bellowing. appropriate forms over to the Sergeant.
“Well, you certainly do fit the reputation I’d “Ah… Excellent I’ll be off with the recruits.
heard for such brain-damaged maggots. I don’t Good luck and safe return.”
know why anyone’d trust this cargo to you. But
With that the teamsters begin getting their
somebody did now are you apes going to accept your
mounts moving. It is slow starting but the wagons
orders and continue on? ‘Cause if you aren’t up to
do begin traveling at a reasonable pace.
the task I’ll just tell the brass you’re too yellow to do
the work. I’m sure they can find smarter, better, and Once the PCs are ready to proceed, continue with
faster.” Encounter 2.
He glares at you, awaiting your response. All APLs
Sergeant Sturl will not take a joke, nor is he willing to  Sergeant Sturl: Male Human (Ob) War5 (Bluff
deal with such types again. Other more stable guards will +3, Intimidate +9, Sense Motive +3); AL LN; hp 38.
be found.
If the PCs answer him, continue with the following:

BIS7-02 Caravan Page 5

ENCOUNTER 2: MEET THE Sergeant Tibalt
GANG Why the name Archpaladin’s Heralds? “Well, it seemed
Estimated Time: 20 minutes appropriate; we travel as fast as possible, bringing
good, and goods, wherever we go. As we are taught
This is a role-playing encounter primarily designed to by the Book of Penitence, our actions are the best
allow the PCs the opportunity to discuss tactics so that examples and actions of faith.”
they can understand how these teamsters will defend
their cargo/carts. If they do not take this time or the time What’s the deal with being a Teamster? “We fill an
after Encounter 4 to determine tactics and understand important roll in the Great Army. As teamsters, we
the team there will be dire consequences during are in charge of the flow of goods, supplies, and at
Encounter 5. times even soldiers across the length and breadth of
Bissel. Without us the army would be unable to
The Archpaladin’s Heralds travel as swiftly as they sustain any campaign, or even a sudden strike.”
can across the land. The band seems rather jovial -
they sing and banter during the early parts of the If you worship Heironeous doesn’t it seem wrong to be a
journey. During this time you have gotten to know a teamster? “As a follower of Heironeous, I do my best
number of the group. to serve honorably. Teamsters do suffer from raids
and other attacks as such we must know how to
Sergeant Tibalt is a brawny Oeridian man that defend ourselves and fight efficiently as the
leads these teamsters. You’re not sure if it’s the teachings can be read in The Book of Penitence.”
lengthy scar on his face, or the burden of
responsibility – but something seems to weigh If you are so good at being a teamster why serve the
down his features into a perpetual look of concern. army? “The worshipping of the Archpaladin is done
He is helpful to anyone on the way and is fond of in many ways; part of that is to defend my country in
reciting passages of “The Book of Penitence”. how I am best suited. As such, I do my part with the
Sergeant Tibalt’s wagon takes point while on the speedy and occasionally perilous job of teamster.”
road. How long have you been with the Heralds? “I’ve been
Corporal Kimmal, a Baklunish soldier, is the with the Archpaladin’s Heralds since they were
second in command. He seems fair and is a favorite created during the last days of the war against the
around the campfires for the spirits he shares Necromancer. As have all the members, except
liberally. You sense frustration in him, at the Glinny… he is being trained by us.”
renewed comments made towards his lineage. Heard any rumors or facts about the war? “Not, much.
Corporal Kimmal keeps his wagon and horses in the Seems to be a bit of a stalemate. We beat them off
rear. pretty quickly, they practically ran before our troops
Jorvus and Siln are mixed blood cousins from met them in battle. But now it seems to be hit and
Dountham. They are often together bantering and run contacts. No real fighting but a lot of suffering.”
laughing. This noise often leads them to be the What is the ’Book of Penitence’? “It is one of the holy
victims of Tibalt’s ire when he wants quiet on the books used to tell the tale of Archpaladin. It tells of
roads. These two ride their wagons in positions two the trials and tribulations of Ferrante and how he
and three, respectively quested through the lands to defeat evil eventually
Glinny is a young half-elf. He seems a nice battling Kahabros and weakening the Tyrant of
enough soul, cooks a good stew, and sings as well as Battle’s hold in old Aerdy. It was a favorite of those
most of those entering training in Calpius’ Craft. As who introduced me the faith.”
the least experienced teamster he drives slower and Somebody (Jorvus or Glinny) said you were important:
is usually fourth in line with Corporal Kimmal what do you know about that? “My men like me, and
keeping him from falling too far back. don’t want to see any harm come to me. Any other
As the party travels they may have time to discuss several yarns they might have pulled are just there for their
things with Archpaladin’s Heralds. A list of likely own entertainment.”
questions and answers are provided for each member of Sergeant Tibalt will evade and deny all accusations made
the party. As well, if they wish to discuss tactics, a about him. He will not submit to a zone of truth and if he
separate section is given for that. Once all this has been knows one is being cast will answer as evasively as
exhausted proceed to Encounter 3.

BIS7-02 Caravan Page 6

possible. He will also note that it is very rude to cast Now that we spilled what do you know? “Well I now
spells on individuals not expecting it. know what you know. Plus I heard our dear Sergeant
was studying to be a priest before the war broke out.
Corporal Kimmal Seems the Archpriest held him in some regard, if
How do you feel about the attacks? “I feel that it is just you know what I mean.”
to drive invaders off of our land. Keeping people Jorvus won’t elaborate more than that. He evades
safe and secure is for the best.” revealing what he means, in part because he doesn’t
But aren’t you upset they are killing Baklunes? “They know much about the truth he is hinting at.
may be Baklunish peoples but that doesn’t make
them me. If they were killing Bisselites or passing
laws against Bisselite Baklunes life might be Why did you join this group? “It is seemed right, like I
different, but not this way.” was needed hear.”
What’cha drinking? “For this trip I’ve got Barrier Jorvus says he’s here to protect you. Any comments?
Brew. The path held in these liquids is enlightening “Jorvus wouldn’t know what to do without me…”
to some, but others find it’s effect addicting and
Heard any rumors or facts about the war? “Yes… I heard
it isn’t going well for Ket. They are retreating from
So you aren’t affected by alcohol? I never said that. It is every engagement and suffering casualties that
just that I’m learning to find a higher consciousness Bissel would find unacceptable. Yet they keep
while under its affects. A way of acting purely on fighting. They are kind of like our last foe; they
instinct, a method of gaining unknown from myself never knew when they were dead either.”
by loosing some of my self-control.
What do you know about Sergeant Tibalt? “He’s harsh
What will you do after the war? “I may follow some but fair. I’ve followed worse and there are probably
further martial training and seek acceptance in the better. But I’m here doing good things and I can see
Order of the Path of Honor.” he is trying the same.”
Heard any rumors or facts about the war? “Nothing Glinny
beyond what I’m told. I’m told these supplies are
Why did you join this group? “Before this latest leg in
needed and I don’t think us talking about it helps
anyone.” Bissel battles I was studying bardic ballads, in
beatific Calpius’ Craft. And where better to find a
What do you know about Sergeant Tibalt? “He’s a good bounty of tales to breath life into ballads and battles
leader, not a man prone towards rash decisions. I’ve than with a bevy of bounty bailers.”
enjoyed my time in his company.”
Why all the ‘B’ words? “I’m practicing alliteration.
Jorvus Picking the perfect prepared prose with the same
proper peppering of pa..p…p… sounds… I could try
Why did you join this group? “Good pay and
rhyming couplets but that often ends in doublets.
reasonable benefits…. Honestly these are good
Although slightly easier it often makes others
people, a pleasure to work with and somebody has to
take care a Siln.”
What do you know of the war? “Battles are being
You in any of those Dountham organizations? “That’s a
brought to a brutal and bloody blockade…No not
bit intrusive isn’t it? And I do dare say a tad
blockade… Either way things aren’t going great for
stereotypical. I’ve done some daring things but as a
us. We need more supplies on the front, this has
“true” follower of the Archpaladin, I wouldn’t take
hurt moral. Additionally all the battles have been
that not due to me.”
traded hit and run blows. This is not good for us. We
So war is good for you? “No, war is bad… People get are used to a force we know and can fight; a force
killed in war I could be killed. Nothing is ever good that stands on the field of battle and faces us like
about that.” men rather than vermin.”
Heard any rumors or facts about the war? “Not much What do you know of Sergeant Tibalt? “That is a matter
about the war. Things aren’t being told or maybe upon which I should think/he is a man, who has a
they are. You hear something good? I’ll trade you a rather remarkable link/to some one or something in
bit of information for some…” power beyond the church/something unrelated to

BIS7-02 Caravan Page 7

carts that lumber and lurch/I can tell you little more  Jorvus: Male Human (bos) War1/Rng1; AL NG;
other than keep him safe/acknowledging his see Appendix 7.
connection causes him to chafe.  Siln: Male Human (bos) War1/Rng1; AL LG; see
Appendix 7.
Tactics  Glinny: Male half-elf War1; AL NG; see Appendix
What do you normally do during a battle? “For the most 7.
part we try to bring the wagons into a tight
grouping. It affords us and the horses some ENCOUNTER 3: WHAT IN THE
So you put yourselves in fireball formation? “Well… Yes, Estimated Time: 40 minutes
we do. Most of the time we deal with brigands or
lightweight raiding parties. These forces don’t After safe passage for three days, the caravan begins
usually have that kind of magical power.” skirting the edge of the Nightwatch forests.
Although the winter has been cold and snow has
What if you are ambushed by a spell caster? “Hmmm. I collected on the ground this forest still shows green.
don’t know, I suppose we would try to scatter the
forward carts pushing ahead while the rear carts Midway through the fifth day, the caravan
turn back, or we would try to seek cover from some grinds to a halt… there is a clearing visible through
other structure. Do you have any better this dense forest. As the caravan begins to drive past
suggestions?” Jorvus lets out a yell:
Does anyone scout ahead? “We know the path fairly “Whoo… Look at that: there in the clearing.
well, so there is no need for trailblazing. But if one What is it?” He points across the clearing.
of you wants to be an outrider and go on ahead that If the PCs succeed at a Spot check (DC 20), read them the
seems reasonable, just so long as you are too far following:
away from us that if an ambush were sprung near
the back of the caravan you could get there quickly.” Although the clearing isn’t very far into the forest, it
is difficult to make out the details. You can,
What do we do if you fall in battle? “If I fall continue however, distinctly see something glinting in the
with the mission the same thing is true of all of us. light.
Each man knows the truth of what must be done. If
all of us are killed you still need to get these supplies Continue with the following:
forward. In such a case use your discretion on how The caravan grinds to a halt. Tibalt hops off of his
best to do it.” wagon and walks to Jorvus. He scowls menacingly at
The rest of this can be discussed based on the players’ the younger man.
thoughts. Tibalt is more than willing to accept and follow “What do you see that’s worth all this noise? You
the direction of the PCs. If they have something know the reputation of these woods. The quicker we
innovative or unique he will try to accomplish it, so long pass by them the happier I’ll be. I don’t relish the
as none of them seem to put his men at significant risk or thought of being mauled by wolves the size of
are obviously suicidal. He will also be willing to change horses. Now what is it?”
spells if there is a cleric in the party who can give him
better advice. “I don’t know… looks like a chest. It’s pretty
overgrown… but something’s out there.”
The strategies and tactics discussed here will affect
the combat in Encounter 5. Any new tactics determined Sergeant Tibalt looks concerned. He mulls the
here will supersede the tactics written in that encounter. idea and then looks to you.
Two draft horses pull each cart. They are “lightly” “Jorvus believes there is a chest on the other
loaded. side of the clearing. His eyes are keen and I trust
that assessment. Although I’m reticent to send
All APLs anyone in there… it could be related to the oddity
 Sergeant Tibalt: Male Human (Os) War1/Clr1; that is this forest. Are you interested in going in
AL LG; see Appendix 7. there and checking it out?”
 Corporal Kimmal: Male Human (B) War1/ Tibalt will not force the PCs into the clearing or after the
Mnk1; AL LG; see Appendix 7. box. He will look around and ask Jorvus and Siln if they

BIS7-02 Caravan Page 8

believe the “road” to be relatively clear. Both will agree APL6: The monsters will use entangle to separate the
and Tibalt will admit to taking full responsibility if PCs and reduce mobility. Then the wizened elder or
anything should happen to the cargo or teamsters while briarvex will move through the area to attack a soft PC.
the rest of the group is in the woods. Such action may be enough to force the intruders into
retreat, in such a case the briarvex will give chase.
If the PCs balk at checking it out, Tibalt will accept
their caution. The caravan will continue on. In this case, APL 8: The treant will attempt to distract and block
proceed forward to Encounter 5. the PCs with trees, and then will move into the fray itself,
attacking PCs with axes or fire over any others.
The trees in this area are very dense and the ground
is covered with a tangle of plants, roots and other difficult APL 10-12: The oaken defenders will take advantage
terrain. The clearing itself has tall grass providing cover of surprise and attempt to power attack into single
for tiny creatures. The forest’s canopy is also thick, targets. If surrounded, they will use whirlwind attack in
preventing line of sight and movement. conjunction with power attack.
Once the PCs enter the clearing read the following: Developments: Once the PCs have defeated the
creatures of the wood they may go on and investigate the
Approaching the clearing it seems little different
camp in Encounter 3.
from any others. Trees and scrub line the clearing,
and the grass grows tall and green.
As you take your first few steps into the clearing
the underbrush begins to rustle. The next thing you EVERYBODY GO?
realize, beasts begin moving in for the attack. Estimated Time: 10 minutes

Please refer to DM Aid: Map #1 – Ambush in the Woods. This part of the clearing seems to be man made, the
remains of a camp. The center holds a ring of stones
APL 2 (EL 4) - within plants are thriving on the ash of many long-
 Wizened Elder: hp 30; see Appendix 1. burned logs. Along the back edge stand several
pikes; once a barrier against the outside, they now
APL 4 (EL 6) stand as little more than supports for flora climbing
 Briarvex: hp 68; see Appendix 2. up towards the light. Finally, and most notablely,
there is a filth-covered chest. It is constructed of
APL 6 (EL 8) dark wood, gilded with gold filigree and covered
 Briarvex: hp 68; see Appendix 3. with intricately-carved designs. Still apparently
 Tendriculos: hp 94; see Monster Manual, page locked, it is half-buried in the ground, and vines
241. have begun creeping over it.
APL 8 (EL 10) Fleeing clerics of Pelor used this campsite. They
remained to begin researching the cause of this disaster.
 Treants (2): hp 66 each; see Monster Manual, page
244. The chest has the following attributes:
APL 10 (EL 12)  Chest: 2 in. thick; hardness 8; AC 5; hp 30; Open
Lock DC 20, Break DC 30.
 Oaken Defender: hp 207; see Appendix 5
However, the chest is trapped. Any disturbance of the
APL 12 (EL 14) chest will activate it. If the trap is set off, read the
 Oaken Defenders (2): hp 207 each; see Appendix following:
6 You hear a click a whir. A spray of acid shoots from
Preparation: The monsters are ambush hunters in this the chest.
clearing. They will be hiding in the environment waiting APL 2 (EL 1)
for a tasty morsel to come through.
 Acid Spray Trap: CR 1; mechanical;
Tactics: APL 2-4: The monster will not use the entangle touch(touching the box); manual reset; Spray of acid
ability unless the party attempts to surround it and it 1d4 acid 15ft. cone DC 16 Reflex half; Search DC 22;
feels that it is the only way to hamper mobility and Disable Device DC 15;
prevent such an attack from happening.

BIS7-02 Caravan Page 9

APL 4 (EL 2) sunburst patter radiating out from a man’s face in
the center.
 Acid Spray Trap: CR 2; mechanical;
touch(touching the box); manual reset; Spray of acid Treasure: The following items can be found within the
2d4 acid 15ft. cone DC 17 Reflex half; Search DC 22; chest:
Disable Device DC 22;
APL 2: L: 180 gp, C: 20 gp, M: masterwork holy
APL 6 (EL 3) water sprinkler(61 gp), quickflame alchemical
capsule(5 gp), weapon capsule retainer(17 gp)
 Acid Spray Trap: CR 3; mechanical;
APL 4: L: 300 gp, C: 34 gp, M: masterwork holy
touch(touching the box); manual reset; Spray of acid
water sprinkler (61 gp), panic button: retreating (125
3d4 acid 15ft. cone DC 18 Reflex half; Search DC 26;
gp), quickflame alchemical capsule (5 gp), weapon
Disable Device DC 24;
capsule retainer (17 gp).
APL 8 (EL 4) APL 6: 300 gp, C: 34 gp, M: +1 flaming battleaxe (1385
gp), acid neutralizer (9 gp), masterwork holy water
 Acid Spray Trap: CR 4; mechanical;
sprinkler (61 gp), panic button: retreating (125 gp),
touch(touching the box); manual reset; Spray of acid
quickflame alchemical capsule (5 gp), weapon
4d4 acid 15ft. cone DC 18 Reflex half; Search DC 27;
capsule retainer (17 gp).
Disable Device DC 24;
APL 8: 300 gp, C: 34 gp, M: +1 flaming battleaxe (1385
APL 10 (EL 5) gp), acid neutralizer (9 gp), +1 holy water sprinkler (394
gp), panic button: retreating (125 gp), quickflame
 Acid Spray Trap: CR 5; mechanical;
alchemical capsule (5 gp), divine scroll of raise dead
touch(touching the box); manual reset; Spray of acid
(1,021 gp), weapon capsule retainer (17 gp).
5d4 acid 15ft. cone DC 19 Reflex half; Search DC 28;
APL 10: 300 gp, C: 34 gp, M: +1 flaming burst battleaxe
Disable Device DC 24;
(6125 gp), acid neutralizer (9 gp), alchemical tooth (50
APL 12 (EL 6) gp), +1 holy water sprinkler (394 gp), panic button:
retreating (125 gp), quickflame alchemical capsule (5
 Acid Spray Trap: CR 6; mechanical;
gp), divine scroll of raise dead (1,021 gp), weapon
touch(touching the box); manual reset; Spray of acid
capsule retainer (17 gp).
6d4 acid 15ft. cone DC 20 Reflex half; Search DC 29;
APL 10: 300 gp, C: 34 gp, M: +1 flaming burst battleaxe
Disable Device DC 24;
(6125 gp), acid neutralizer (9 gp), alchemical tooth (50
gp), +1 disrupting holy water sprinkler (3061 gp), panic
Once the chest is opened, the PCs may inspect the button: retreating (125 gp), quickflame alchemical
contents. Read the following if they did not set off the capsule (5 gp), divine scroll of raise dead (1,021 gp),
trap: weapon capsule retainer (17 gp).
Opening the chest, you find a top, velvet-lined shelf Three rounds after the chest is opened, proceed with
containing several pages of writing. Below that some Encounter 5.
shimmering gold artifacts can be seen. The notes are
written in a strange language. The artifacts are
various ornate and ceremonial items many of them
are golden disks with a sunburst pattern radiating WAS DANGEROUS
out from a man’s face. Estimated Time: 45 minutes
The language the note is written in is a rare archaic
dialect of Flan, and written in a rather messy script. Give
Suddenly, there is a cacophony of sound. It seems
the PCs Player Handout #3 – Journal of Priest Bouregard
your presence has angered something. That or the
Valent Most Pius III.
natural fauna has grown hungry…
If the trap is activated before the chest is opened,
APL 2 (EL 3)
read the following instead:
 Dire Badger: hp 28; see Monster Manual, page 62.
Opening the chest you find several golden artifacts.
 Dire Rat: hp 5; see Monster Manual, page 64.
They are in a jumble and are coated with the same
thick, viscous slime that sprayed out at you. But one APL 4 (EL 4)
item that can be seen clearly is a golden disk with a
 Dire Boar: hp 52; Monster Manual, page 63.

BIS7-02 Caravan Page 10

APL 6 (EL 5) “We are the Archpaladin’s Heralds, and these
are our guards. All papers are in order and present.”
 Dire Wolverine: hp 45; see Monster Manual,
page 66. Sergeant Tibalt hands him the forms. The guard
 Dire Badger: hp 28; see Monster Manual, page 62. shuffles through them, returns them, waving you
APL 8 (EL 6)
The caravan begins rolling through the gates.
 Dire Wolverine: hp 45; see Monster Manual,
Almost as an afterthought the guards holler forth to
page 66.
 Dire Boar: hp 52; Monster Manual, page 63.
“Oh erm… By the way, Sir, you are supposed to
APL 10 (EL 7)
check in with Lieutenant Stilk. And if any of you are
 Dire Bear: hp 105; Monster Manual, page 63. in need of healing, go see the priestess. She gives a
good sermon about the light of the Sky Father.”
APL 12 (EL 8)
As the guard finishes his parting comment the
 Dire Bears (2): hp 105 each; Monster Manual,
caravan passes fully through the palisade, revealing
page 63.
a small compound. There are no more than 5
Tactics: The animals will try to kill one or two weak PCs, buildings within. The soldiers within bustle about.
then retreat into the forest with their prize. One man begins leading and assisting the wagons to
the sparse stables.
Developments: If the PCs did not discuss tactics with
the Teamsters before this encounter, then they react Sergeant Tibalt gives his reigns to a soldier and
poorly to the savage onslaught of the dire animals; calls over his shoulder. “Corporal Kimmal you are in
During the course of the battle, the half-elf Glinny is slain charge while I check in.”
by a stray dire rat.
He looks to you. “It seems we are needed at
Once the PCs have finished with the combat and are command quarters. It should be little more than a
able to leave the grove continue with Encounter 6. formality… but if they have recent reports on any
further incursions from Ket, I think it best that you
ENCOUNTER 6: NEXT STOP be present to hear them. That way you will have all
the information you think pertinent to enable a
NORTHERN FRONT strong defense of the caravan as we progress onto
Estimated Time: 10 minutes our last leg of the journey.”
Leaving the great forests of Nightwatch, the caravan The trip across the compound is short. Aside
stays on the northward path Fresh snow falls, from command quarters, two barracks, a forge, and
obscuring the trail. Fortunately, it seems the the stables there is nothing else to defend here.
Heralds know the way. Although these buildings are clearly hastily
constructed they seem sturdy if not particularly
A day later, when the snow stops, the sky
remains leaden with ominous clouds. The snow
brought a chill wind with it, and you continue to As you enter the command building, the scope
trudge through the foul weather. of just how small this building is finally hits you.
The building is little more than a 10 ft. by 10 ft.
As noon approaches you arrive at the final
room. Most of it is taken up by a table in the center,
staging area before continuing on into the
bearing a map and various papers. On the other end
Bramblewood Gap.
of the table sits a halfling. She looks up at you and
This area is a small makeshift fort, within sight snarls.
of Thornward. Somebody in the area has dubbed
“Haven’t you heard of knocking, I swear if…
this “Fort Fight-n-Flight”. As you approach the
Oh, who are you?”
wooden palisade guards at the gate watch you.
The lieutenant flashes you a look of surprise.
“Stop. State you name and business here,” barks
“I’m Sergeant Tibalt commander of the
the guard as you approach.
Archpaladin’s Heralds, and these are our guards. The
Sergeant Tibalt dismounts from his wagon and soldier out front said I should speak to Lieutenant.
approachs. Stilk.”

BIS7-02 Caravan Page 11

“Yes that would be me. We were expecting you… Do you know what the force might be? “No… could be
but it seems you travel faster than we guessed. Do anything.”
you have anything to report?”
You mentioned a cleric of Pelor, where could we find
Sergeant Tibalt shakes his head, but then pauses her? “She would be either training with the other
and looks at you. soldiers or performing ceremony in the barracks.”
“Yes actually, there was a disturbance in Once the PCs are done proceed with the following:
Nightwatch. I believe however, that those who went
“Well thank you again for checking in. You can stay
through it would be the best to report it”
in the barracks or with the carts. We presently have
The Halfling looks at you, picks up a pen and space to accommodate you… without a mess hall
looks ready to write down what is said. here, dinner happens in the center of camp around
“Then consider this your debriefing, and please
tell me what happened.” All APLs
At this time allow the PCs to tell their tale of the attack.  Lieutenant Stilk: Female Halfling Pal6; AL LG.
If they mention the journal from the chest in the If they decide to speak to the Cleric move on to
clearing, read the following: Encounter 7. Otherwise see Encounter 8.
“Tialla is a cleric of Pelor… she acts as one of our
main runners between here and Thornward. If she ENCOUNTER 7: SPEAKING TO
isn’t drilling with the other soldiers she will be THE LIGHT
performing service in the Barracks. Those notes Estimated Time: 5 minutes
could contain important information on what is
going on with the forest in Nightwatch. Please show This is an optional encounter. But it will allow the
them to her.” PCs to heal up, raise any dead party members and sell off
the chest of Pelorite items, without the fear of guilt.
Continue with the following:
You find Tialla in the center of the camp; once
“Thank you for that intelligence. We are in a less you begin looking for her she is easy enough to spot.
than enviable position, with unknown potentials to A tall woman of mixed heritage, her skin is the olive
consider. I’ll be sure this report makes it in to common to those of Oeridian ancestry and her hair
Thornward tonight. is a coppery-brown hue. Approaching her, she looks
However, I have some information for you as you over.
well. Recent reports from the front indicate that “I’ve overheard that you’re looking for some
there has been no new activity in the area from Ket. assistance, possibly divine in nature. And it seems
That means that no significant military presence I’m the most likely candidate to be able to help you.
should oppose you. But, I feel that you should also So why don’t you tell me, what do you want?”
know that we cannot tell if any small strategic forces
have gotten through. That is part of the reason the Allow the PCs to tell her why they are looking for
Herald’s have you.” The Halfling gestures in your her. Below are some talking points that may be the
direction. “A large group would attract a great deal of reasons they are searching for her.
attention, but a few adventurers wouldn’t. We found a chest full of these artifacts. “I see. Well,
Anyways… don’t be caught off guard. Any it seems like you have earned the items… Although,
questions?” many of them are mundane… their time in the
forest could have imprinted something on them.
Lieutenant Stilk can answer questions about the rest of The church would be more than willing to
the adventure. The following are likely questions and compensate you for the return of such items.”
If the PCs are willing to give the mundane items to Tialla,
Do you have any evidence of an elite attack force? “There
they receive the Favor of the Church of Pelor on the
isn’t anything definite. But something passed across Adventure Record.
my desk… it seems some of the higher-ups suspect
such a maneuver.” There were also some notes written by one of the priests.
“Notes… are they written about the forest? If so,

BIS7-02 Caravan Page 12

they could hold some insight on what is going on  Lhur, Ape: hp 62; see Appendix 2.
APL 6 (EL 8)
If the PCs turn the notes over, they earn the Favor of
 Kabir’la Asadd, Male Human (B) Drd8: hp 60;
Baron Helinaut on the Adventure Record.
see Appendix 3.
We lost a fellow member can you help? “Yes actually, I  Lhur, Ape: hp 62; see Appendix 3.
could raise one person. It seemed prudent to do as
APL 8 (EL 10)
much, however such taxing magic will require that
it be paid for.”  Kabir’la Asadd, Male Human (B) Drd10: hp
75; see Appendix 4.
We were hoping for a service. “I perform a service to
 Lhur, Dire Ape: hp 55; see Appendix 4.
greet the Sun Father, each morning.”
APL 10 (EL 12)
When the PCs are done dealing with Tialla, she will
thank for their efforts, and allow them be on their way.  Kabir’la Asadd, Male Human (B) Drd12: hp
90; see Appendix 5.
 Tialla: Female Human (OS) Clr9 (Healing +10,
 Lhur, Dire Ape: hp 70; see Appendix 5.
Knowledge: Religion +7); AL LG.
APL 12 (EL 14)
ENCOUNTER 8: ALMOST  Kabir’la Asadd, Male Human (B) Drd14: hp
HOME 105; see Appendix 6.
 Lhur, Dire Ape: hp 70; see Appendix 6.
Estimated Time: 45 minutes
The following morning, the Heralds wake early,
hoping to push ahead. The sky is still heavy with Preparation: Kabir’la Asadd is hiding in a snowdrift as
clouds, foretelling more snow. marked on DMs Aid - Map #2: Snow Bound. This location
provides him total concealment until he moves out of his
As you strike off on the final leg of the journey hiding location.
the Heralds are quieter than before. The proximity
to battle has sobered them, leaving a somber mood. He is capable of hearing the carts, as they make a fair
Although the speed is not reckless, they are amount of noise, and can tell when they have passed by.
definitely trying to move faster than before. Once this happens, he will move out and begin his attack.
However, the snow is hampering travel. Wagon Tactics: The teamsters will either follow combat tactics
wheels get trapped in frozen ruts and snowdrifts as determined in Encounter 2, or they will group close
slow movement. together. In game terms that means the lead wagon will
The spirit and joviality of the Heralds has worn stop, wagon 2 will drive up ahead of the lead and stop
thin as they strain their carts and the tired animals. perpendicular to wagon 1 while wagons 3 and 4 stop next
to and parallel to wagon 1. Finally, wagon 5 will drive
The beginnings of the Bramblewood encroach perpendicular to the group to line up with wagon 2. This
on all sides, as you move into the gap. The ground is should create a square pattern around the lead wagon.
rockier and the land has picked up the definite slope
of hills. Large boulders mark the change from the This tactic changes slightly if a wagon is attacked,
plains into foothills of the Yatil Mountains. The the damaged wagon takes the roll of lead and all the
wind sweeps through here collecting the snow into others attempt to surround it.
large and deep drifts. Asadd intends to destroy any and all efforts of Bissel
It is here that the PCs are subject to a Ketite ambush. settling into the Bramblewood. To this end, he will try to
destroy wagons, carts and other “trappings of
APL 2 (EL 4) civilization”. If he can succeed at his task he will flee
 Kabir’la Asadd, Male Human (B) Drd4: hp 30; from the guards. Should the wagons escape, he will take
see Appendix 1. out his frustrations on the remaining targets.
 Lhur, Ape: hp 47; see Appendix 1. Asadd will attempt to slow down and block the PCs
APL 4 (EL 6) with summoned beasts. Using that and the difficult
terrain caused by the snow Asadd should be able to limit
 Kabir’la Asadd, Male Human (B) Drd6: hp 45; PC mobility.
see Appendix 2.

BIS7-02 Caravan Page 13

APL 2-6: Asadd uses his animal companion to attack This forward defense position has a number of
the mounts, along with summoned animals that are not wounded soldiers, and many look dreadfully thin.
needed to attack the PCs. But spirits brighten as they see the carts.
APL 8-12: Asadd uses his companion and summoned You, along with Sergeant Tibalt, are escorted to
animals to block the PCs while he uses area of affect the commanding officer. Debriefed and cleared of
spells on the caravan. At these APLs, Asadd makes liberal the cargo, you are to spend the night and then
use of his metamagic rod. return to Thornward.
Treasure: The following equipment can be found on As the day comes to a close the soldiers begin to
Asadd’s person: tell tales of the battles they have fought. Spirits are
brighter and a sense of confidence permeates the
APL 2: L: 100 gp, C: 16 gp, M: 0 gp.
camp. Hope has been reborn in these men, and
APL 4: L: 100 gp, C: 40 gp, M: catstink (9 gp), light
through their eyes the future for Bissel is bright
darkwood shield (34 gp).
APL 6: L: 100 gp, C: 40 gp, M: catstink (9 gp), +1 light
darkwood shield (201 gp). The adventure is now over. The PCs are awarded the
APL 8: L: 100 gp, C: 40 gp, M: catstink (9 gp), +1 light Bissel Military Commendation favor on the Adventure
darkwood shield (201 gp), lesser metamagic rod of quicken Record.
(583 gp).
APL 10: L: 100 gp, C: 40 gp, M: catstink (9 gp), +2
light darkwood shield (534 gp), lesser metamagic rod of
quicken (583 gp). FOR YOU, OR ANYONE ELSE
APL 12: L: 100 gp, C: 40 gp, M: catstink (9 gp), +2 Estimated Time: 5 minutes
light darkwood shield (534 gp), metamagic rod of quicken, Several more hours of cautious travel have
(583 gp), divine scroll of animate snow (140 gp). passed. It has begun to snow, again, and the cold
Developments: If the PCs succeed at defeating Asadd wind whips each puff of breath away from your face.
they can search the area. With a Search check (DC 26) As you continue through the Bramblewood Gap
the PCs are able to find a tabard of the Kettite military. If the trees here are gnarled and wicked looking. Time
they find the Kettite garb, the PCs are awarded the Favor slips past you as you trudge forward. The crunch of
of Baron Valiserat on the Adventure Record. snow underfoot is an almost reassuring sign you are
Once the party decides to move on, continue with making progress.
Conclusion 1 if they defeated Asadd and three of the 4 Then, something shifts out of the corner of your
wagons survived intact. Otherwise, continue with eye. A soldier wearing the colors of Bissel walks
Conclusion 2. towards you. After identifying yourselves, he grunts
and leads you into the camp.
CONCLUSION 1: SUCCESFUL This forward defense position has a number of
RETURN wounded soldiers, and many look dreadfully thin.
Estimated Time: 5 minutes Many of the wounded soldiers stare at you from
hollow sunken eyes.
Several more hours of cautious travel have passed. It
has begun to snow again, and the cold wind whips You are escorted to the commanding officer,
each puff of breath away from your face. debriefed of the activities, and then told to return to
Thornward on the morrow.
As you continue through the Bramblewood Gap
the trees here are gnarled and wicked looking. Time As the day comes to a close the soldiers tell tales
slips past you as you trudge forward. The crunch of of the battles they have fought. Spirits are low as
snow underfoot is an almost reassuring sign you are they recount the injuries and wounds suffered.
making progress. Then, something shifts out of the Morale shows strain and the evening mess is a thin
corner of you eye. A soldier wearing the colors of gruel. As you look around the camp, the future of a
Bissel walks towards you. He is smiling and looking free Bissel seems tenuous at best.
at the carts.
The adventure is now over. The PCs receive the Military
Sergeant Tibalt greets the man. He hands him Inquest disfavor on the Adventure Record.
the papers and then you are brought into the camp.

BIS7-02 Caravan Page 14

The End At least 3 of the four wagons survive.
All APLs: 40 xp.

EXPERIENCE POINT Discretionary Roleplaying Award

SUMMARY APL 2: 20 xp.

APL 4: 65 xp.
To award experience for this adventure, add up the values APL 6: 110 xp.
for the objectives accomplished. Then assign the APL 8: 155 xp.
experience award. Award the total value (objectives plus APL 10: 200 xp.
roleplaying) to each character. APL 12: 245 xp.
Encounter 3: What in the World? Total possible experience
Defeat the attacking plants. APL 2: 450 xp.
APL 4: 675 xp.
APL 2: 120 xp.
APL 6: 900 xp.
APL 4: 180 xp.
APL 8: 1,125 xp.
APL 6: 240 xp.
APL 10: 1,350 xp.
APL 8: 300 xp.
APL 12: 1,575 xp.
APL 10: 360 xp.
APL 12: 420 xp.
Encounter 4: Where’d Everybody Go?
During an adventure, characters encounter treasure,
Survive the trap.
usually finding it in the possession of their foes. Every
APL 2: 30 xp. encounter that features treasure has a “treasure” section
APL 4: 60 xp. within the encounter description, giving information
APL 6: 90 xp. about the loot, coins, and magic items that make up the
APL 8: 120 xp. encounter’s treasure.
APL 10: 150 xp.
The loot total is the number of gold pieces each
APL 12: 180 xp.
character gains if the foes are plundered of all their
Encounter 5: We Said it was Dangerous earthly possessions. Looting the bodies takes at least 10
minutes per every 5 enemies, and if the characters cannot
Defeat the marauding animals take the time to loot the bodies, they do not gain this
APL 2: 90 xp. gold. If you feel it is reasonable that characters can go
APL 4: 120 xp. back to loot the bodies, and those bodies are there (i.e.,
APL 6: 150 xp. not carted off by dungeon scavengers, removed from the
APL 8: 180 xp. scene by the local watch, and so on), characters may
APL 10: 210 xp. return to retrieve loot. If the characters do not loot the
APL 12: 240 xp. body, the gold piece value for the loot is subtracted from
the encounter totals given below.
Encounter 8: Almost Home
The coin total is the number of gold pieces each
Defeat Kabir’la Asadd and his animal companion. character gains if they take the coin available. A normal
APL 2: 120 xp. adventuring party can usually gather this wealth in a
APL 4: 180 xp. round or so. If for some reason, they pass up this treasure,
APL 6: 240 xp. the coin total is subtracted from the encounter totals
APL 8: 300 xp. given below.
APL 10: 360 xp. Next, the magic items are listed. Magic item treasure
APL 12: 420 xp. is the hardest to adjudicate, because they are varied and
Story Awards because characters may want to use them during the
adventure. Many times characters must cast identify,
Checking over the Cargo in Encounter 1. analyze dweomer or similar spell to determine what the
All APLs: 30 xp. item does and how to activate it. Other times they may

BIS7-02 Caravan Page 15

attempt to use the item blindly. If the magic item is APL 6: L: 100 gp, C: 40 gp, M: catstink (9 gp), +1 light
consumable (a potion, scroll, magic bolts, etc.) and the darkwood shield (201 gp).
item is used before the end of the adventure, its total is APL 8: L: 100 gp, C: 40 gp, M: catstink (9 gp), +1 light
subtracted from the adventure totals below. darkwood shield (201 gp), lesser metamagic rod of quicken
(583 gp).
Once you have subtracted the value for unclaimed
APL 10: L: 100 gp, C: 40 gp, M: catstink (9 gp), +2
treasure from each encounter add it up and that is the
light darkwood shield (534 gp), lesser metamagic rod of
number of gold pieces a characters total and coin value
quicken (583 gp).
increase at the end of the adventure. Write the total in
APL 12: L: 100 gp, C: 40 gp, M: catstink (9 gp), +2
the GP Gained field of the adventure certificate. Because
light darkwood shield (534 gp), metamagic rod of quicken,
this is a Regional adventure, characters may spend
(583 gp), divine scroll of animate snow (140 gp).
additional Time Units to practice professions or create
items immediately after the adventure so this total may Encounter 4: Where’d Everybody Go?
be modified by other circumstances.
All APLs: L: 0 gp, C: 45 gp, M: 0 gp.
L = Looted gear from enemy; C = Coin, Gems,
Jewelry, and other valuables; M = Magic Items. Total Possible Treasure (Maximum Reward
Encounter 4: Where’d Everybody Go?
APL 2: L: 280 gp, C: 91 gp, M: 80 gp – Total: 451 gp
APL 2: L: 180 gp, C: 30 gp, M: masterwork holy water (450 gp).
sprinkler (61 gp), quickflame alchemical capsule(5 APL 4: L: 400 gp, C: 119 gp, M: 159 gp – Total: 678 gp
gp), weapon capsule retainer(17 gp) (650 gp).
APL 4: L: 300 gp, C: 34 gp, M: masterwork holy APL 6: L: 400 gp, C: 119 gp, M: 1,710 gp – Total: 2,184
water sprinkler (61 gp), panic button: retreating (125 gp (900 gp).
gp), quickflame alchemical capsule (5 gp), weapon APL 8: L: L: 400 gp, C: 119 gp, M: 3,660 gp – Total:
capsule retainer (17 gp). 4,179 gp (1,300 gp).
APL 6: 300 gp, C: 34 gp, M: +1 flaming battleaxe (1385 APL 10: L: 400 gp, C: 119 gp, M: 5,661 gp – Total:
gp), acid neutralizer (9 gp), masterwork holy water 6,135 gp (2,300 gp).
sprinkler (61 gp), panic button: retreating (125 gp), APL 12: L: 400 gp, C: 119 gp, M: 11,679 gp – Total:
quickflame alchemical capsule (5 gp), weapon 12,198 gp (3,300 gp).
capsule retainer (17 gp).
APL 8: 300 gp, C: 34 gp, M: +1 flaming battleaxe (1385
gp), acid neutralizer (9 gp), +1 holy water sprinkler (394
gp), panic button: retreating (125 gp), quickflame RECORD
alchemical capsule (5 gp), divine scroll of raise dead
(1,021 gp), weapon capsule retainer (17 gp). Special
APL 10: 300 gp, C: 34 gp, M: +1 flaming burst battleaxe  Bissel Military Commendation: The Great Army
(6,125 gp), acid neutralizer (9 gp), alchemical tooth of Bissel hereby grants you a military commendation, as
(50 gp), +1 holy water sprinkler (394 gp), panic button: per the Bissel Meta-Activites Handbook.
retreating (125 gp), quickflame alchemical capsule (5
gp), divine scroll of raise dead (1,021 gp), weapon  Favor of the Church of Pelor: You have completed a
capsule retainer (17 gp). task of note within the church. Your contacts there will
APL 12: 300 gp, C: 34 gp, M: +1 flaming burst battleaxe be very interested in keeping you working for them for as
(6,125 gp), acid neutralizer (9 gp), alchemical tooth long as possible: Spend this favor to receive a raise dead or
(50 gp), +1 disrupting holy water sprinkler (3,061 gp), resurrection spell for only the cost of the material
panic button: retreating (125 gp), quickflame component.
alchemical capsule (5 gp), divine scroll of raise dead
(1,021 gp), weapon capsule retainer (17 gp).  Favor of Baron Valiserat: For defeating an enemy
Encounter 8: Almost Home operative within Bissel and returning proof of his ties to
Ket, you have earned a special reputation for daring and
APL 2: L: 100 gp, C: 16 gp. thoroughness. Baron Valiserat will not forget this.
APL 4: L: 100 gp, C: 40 gp, M: catstink (9 gp), light
darkwood shield (34 gp).  Favor of Baron Helinaut: Baron Helinaut is elated
with the recent notes returned and the details they could

BIS7-02 Caravan Page 16

shed on the Nightwatch forests. Spend this favor to ™ +1 Disrupting Holy Water Sprinkler (Adventure;
receive access (Frequency: adventure) to one of the Libris Mortis)
following weapon upgrades: bane [plant], shocking, or
™ Divine scroll of Animate Snow (Adventure; Spell
shocking burst.
 Military Inquest: After your failure in this mission,
the Bissel Military is performing an official inquest on
your current ability to discharge duties assigned to you.
During this time lifestyle costs in Bissel are doubled. If
you do not normally pay lifestyle cost because of a Bissel
meta-org, the benefit from that org is temporarily
rescinded and normal upkeep must be paid. The inquest
will take 26 TUs to be completed.

Item Access
APL 2:
™ Masterwork Holy Water Sprinkler (Adventure; Libris
™ Quickflame (Adventure; Complete Adventurer)
™ Weapon capsule retainer (Adventure; Complete
APL 4 (all of APL 2 plus the following):
™ Catstink (Adventure; Complete Adventurer)
™ Darkwood Small Shield (Adventure; Dungeonscape)
™ Panic Button: Retreating (Adventure; Complete
APL 6 (all of APLs 2, 4 plus the following):
™ +1 Flaming Battle Axe (Adventure; DMG)
™ Acid Neutralizer (Adventure; Dungeonscape)
™ +1 Darkwood Small Shield (Adventure; DMG)
APL 8 (all of APLs 2, 4, 6 plus the following):
™ Lesser metamagic rod of quicken (Adventure; DMG)
™ +1 Holy Water Sprinkler (Adventure; Libris Mortis)
™ Divine scroll of Raise Dead (Adventure; DMG)
APL 10 (all of APLs 2, 4, 6, 8 plus the following):
™ +1 Flaming Burst Battle Axe (Adventure; DMG)
™ Alchemical Tooth (Adventure; Complete Scoundrel)
™ +2 Darkwood Small Shield (Adventure; DMG)
APL 12 (all of APLs 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 plus the following):
™ Metamagic Rod of Quicken (Adventure; DMG)

BIS7-02 Caravan Page 17



Usually CN Medium Plant Male Human(B) Druid 4
Init +0; Senses Low-Light Vision, Listen +3, Spot +3 NE Medium Humanoid
Languages Speak with plants, Sylvan Init +5; Senses Listen +10, Spot +3
AC 14, touch 10, flat-footed 14 (+4 natural) Languages Common
hp 30(4 HD); DR 5/slashing AC 15, touch 11, flat-footed 14
Immune plant immunities (+0 size, +1 Dex, +3 armor, +1 shield)
Resist cold 5 hp 30 (4 HD);
Fort +7, Ref +1Will +2 Fort +6, Ref +2, Will +7 (+11 against Fey)
Weakness vulnerability to fire Speed 20 ft. in medium armor (4 squares), base movement 30 ft.
Speed 20 ft. (4 squares); improved woodland stride Melee Scimitar +5 (1d6+2 S 18-20/x2)
Melee 2 slams +5 each (1d8+1) Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Space 5 ft.; Reach X5ft. Base Atk +3; Grp +4
Base Atk +3; Grp +4 Combat Gear Scimitar +1, Hide Armor, Light Shield Wooden
Special Actions entangle Class Spells Prepared (CL 4th):
Abilities Str 13, Dex 10, Con 17, Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 13 2nd—Flame Blade, Heat Metal, Bark Skin
SQ plant traits 1st—Cure Light Wounds, Entangle, Obscuring Mist, Produce
FeatsAlertness, Weapon Focus (slam)Skills Hide +0*, Flame
Knowledge (nature) +4, Listen +3, Spot +3, Survival +3 (+5 in 0—Create Water (2), Know Direction, Resistance (2)
aboveground natural environments Abilities Str 12, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 17, Cha 10
*Wizened elders gain a +8 racial bonus on Hide checks in SQ animal companion, nature sense, trackless step wild
forested areas. empathy, woodland stride
Advancement By character class; Favored Class: druid; see Feats Combat Casting, Improved Initiative, Spell Focus
text Conjuration
Speak with Plants (Su) As the speak with plants spell; at will; Skills Concentration +9, Handle Animal +7, Knowledge
caster level 4th. (nature) +9, Listen +10, Survival +12
Improved Woodland Stride (Ex) A wizened elder can move Possessions combat gear plus robes, spell component pouch
through any sort of undergrowth (such as natural thorns, Skills +4 circumstance Bonus to Handle Animal Companion
briars, overgrown areas, and similar terrain) at its normal Description a violent fanatic Asadd seeks to disrupt any
speed and without taking damage or suffering an other Bisselite incursion into the Bramblewood.
impairment. In addition, thorns, briars, and overgrown areas Power-Up Suite:
that have been magically manipulated do not impede its AC 17, touch 11, flat-footed 16
motion or otherwise affect it. (+0 size, +1 Dex, +3 armor, +1 shield, +2 natural(barkskin))
Entangle (Su) As the entangle spell; at will; DC 15; caster level Melee Flame Blade +3* (1d8+2 fire/20/x2)
4th. This ability affects a 60-foot-radius area around the elder *This attack treated as a melee touch attack
and lasts for 1 full minute. The save DC is Constitution-
Description What at first you took for a twisted shrub unfurls LHUR (PET)
to become an ancient looking creature the size of a dwarf. Male Ape
Lichen-covered bark hangs from its limbs. Suspicious eyes glare N Large Animal
at you from deep crevices. Init +2; Senses Listen +6, Spot +8
Sources Monster Manual IV (Page 180) Languages --
AC 17, touch 12, flat-footed 14
(-1 size, +3 Dex, +5 natural)
hp 47 (6 HD);
Resist evasion
Fort +7, Ref +3, Will +3
Speed 30 ft. in (6 squares), climb 30 ft.;
Melee 2 slams +9 (1d6+6 P/S 20/x2) and bite +5 (1d6+3 P/S/B
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.

BIS7-02 Caravan Page 18

Base Atk +4; Grp +14Atk Options Power Attack
Abilities Str 22, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 7
SQ link, share spells
Feats Alertness, Toughness, Power Attack
Skills Climb +15, Listen +6, Spot +8
Skills Apes have a +8 bonus on climb checks and can always
choose to take 10 on climb checks, even if rushed or
Tricks Come, Defend, Down, Fetch, Guard, Heel, Seek, Stay
Description This raging ape follows Asadd loyally.

BIS7-02 Caravan Page 19



Usually NE Large Plant Male Human(B) Druid 6
Init +0; Senses Low-Light Vision, Listen +7, Spot +7 NE Medium Humanoid
Languages Common, Sylvan Init +5; Senses Listen +12, Spot +3
AC 19, touch 9, flat-footed 19 (-1 size, +10 natural) Languages Common
hp 68(8 HD); DR 5/slashing AC 16, touch 11, flat-footed 15
Immune plant immunities (+0 size, +1 Dex, +4 armor, +2 shield)
Resist cold 5 hp 45 (6 HD);
Fort +10, Ref +2Will +5 Fort +8, Ref +4, Will +9 (+13 against Fey)
Weakness vulnerability to fire Speed 20 ft. in medium armor (4 squares), base movement 30 ft.
Speed 30 ft. (6 squares); improved woodland stride Melee Scimitar +6 (1d6+2 S 18-20/x2)
Melee 2 spiked fists +12 each (1d6+7 plus thorn burrow) Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10ft. Base Atk +4; Grp +5
Base Atk +6; Grp +17 Special Actions Wild Shape 2/day
Atk Options Power Attack, thorn burrow Combat Gear Scimitar +1, Cloak of Resistance +1, Hide Armor +1,
Special Actions entangle Light Darkwood Shield
Abilities Str 25, Dex 10, Con 19, Int 11, Wis 12, Cha 11 Class Spells Prepared (CL 6th):
SQ plant traits 3rd—Call Lightning, Protection from Energy, Summon Nature’s
FeatsImproved natural attack (spiked fist), Iron Will, Power Ally III (2)
AttackSkills Hide +1*, Listen +7, Spot +7, Survival +6 2nd—Flame Blade, Heat Metal, Barkskin
*Briarvex elders gain a +16 racial bonus on Hide checks in 1st—Cure Light Wounds, Entangle Obscuring Mist, Produce
forested areas. Flame
Advancement 9-12 HD (Large); 13-15 HD (Huge) or by 0—Create Water (2), Know Direction, Resistance (2)
character class; Favored Class: druid; see text Abilities Str 12, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 17, Cha 10
Improved Woodland Stride (Ex) A briarvex can move SQ animal companion, nature sense, trackless step wild
through any sort of undergrowth (such as natural thorns, empathy, wild shape(2/day), woodland stride
briars, overgrown areas, and similar terrain) at its normal Feats Augmented Summoning, Combat Casting, Improved
speed and without taking damage or suffering an other Initiative, Spell Focus Conjuration
impairment. In addition, thorns, briars, and overgrown areas Skills Concentration +11, Handle Animal +9, Knowledge
that have been magically manipulated do not impede its (nature) +11, Listen +12, Survival +14
motion or otherwise affect it. Possessions combat gear plus robes, spell component pouch
Thorn Burrow (Su) A briarvex’s spiked fist attack deals Skills +4 circumstance Bonus to Handle Animal Companion
piercing damage as well as bludgeoning damage. Description A violent fanatic Asadd seeks to disrupt any
Each time a briarvex hits with its spiked fist, thorns break Bisselite incursion into the Bramblewood.
off and bore into the struck opponent. As a swift action, the Power-Up Suite:
briarvex can cause embedded thorns to twist and burrow AC 19, touch 11, flat-footed 18
into a single living creature’s flesh, dealing 3d6 points of (+0 size, +1 Dex, +3 armor, +1 shield, +3 natural (Barkskin))
piercing damage; damage reduction applies. The target of Melee Flame Blade +4* (1d8+3 fire/20/x2)
this ability must be within 100 feet of the briarvex. The *This attack treated as a melee touch attack
briarvex must also have line of effect to the target. A creature
can remove the thorns with a standard action
Entangle (Su) As the entangle spell; at will; DC 18; caster level LHUR (PET)
8th. Male Ape
This ability affects a 60-foot-radius area around the elder N Large Animal
and lasts for 1 full minute. The save DC is Constitution- Init +2; Senses Listen +6, Spot +10
based. Languages --
Description This creature appears to be a large humanoid- AC 18, touch 11, flat-footed 16
shaped plant roughly the size of an ogre. Glistening with sticky (-1 size, +2 Dex, +7 natural)
amber sap, wicked spikes protrude from its body, and a pair of hp 62 (8 HD);
writhing, tentacular vines extend from its hips. Resist evasion
Sources Monster Manual IV (Page 26)

BIS7-02 Caravan Page 20

Fort +8, Ref +8, Will +3 (+7 against enchantment spells and
Speed 30 ft. in (6 squares), climb 30 ft.;
Melee 2 slams +12 (1d6+7 P/S 20/x2) and bite +7 (1d6+3 P/S/B
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Base Atk +6; Grp +17Atk Options Power Attack
Abilities Str 24, Dex 17, Con 14, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 7
SQ devotion, link, share spells
Feats Alertness, Toughness, Power Attack
Skills Climb +16, Listen +6, Spot +10
Skills Apes have a +8 bonus on climb checks and can always
choose to take 10 on climb checks, even if rushed or
Tricks Come, Defend, Down, Fetch, Guard, Heel, Seek, Stay
Description This raging ape follows Asadd loyally.

BIS7-02 Caravan Page 21



Usually NE Large Plant Male Human(B) Druid 8
Init +0; Senses Low-Light Vision, Listen +7, Spot +7 NE Medium Humanoid
Languages Common, Sylvan Init +5; Senses Listen +15, Spot +4
AC 19, touch 9, flat-footed 19 (-1 size, +10 natural) Languages Common
hp 68(8 HD); DR 5/slashing AC 18, touch 11, flat-footed 17
Immune plant immunities (+0 size, +1 Dex, +5 armor, +2 shield)
Resist cold 5 hp 60 (8 HD);
Fort +10, Ref +2Will +5 Fort +10, Ref +5, Will +12 (+16 against Fey)
Weakness vulnerability to fire Speed 20 ft. in medium armor (4 squares), base movement 30 ft.
Speed 30 ft. (6 squares); improved woodland stride Melee Scimitar +8 (1d6+2 S 18-20/x2) and Scimitar +3 (1d6+2 S
Melee 2 spiked fists +12 each (1d6+7 plus thorn burrow) 18-20/x2)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10ft. Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Base Atk +6; Grp +17 Base Atk +6/1; Grp +7
Atk Options Power Attack, thorn burrow Special Actions Wild Shape 3/day, Wild Shape (Large)
Special Actions entangle Combat Gear Scimitar +1, Cloak of Resistance +2, Hide Armor +2,
Abilities Str 25, Dex 10, Con 19, Int 11, Wis 12, Cha 11 Light Darkwood Shield +1
SQ plant traits Class Spells Prepared (CL 8th):
FeatsImproved natural attack (spiked fist), Iron Will, Power 4th—Flame Strike (2), Summon Nature’s Ally IV
AttackSkills Hide +1*, Listen +7, Spot +7, Survival +6 3rd—Call Lightning, Protection from Energy, Summon Nature’s
*Briarvex elders gain a +16 racial bonus on Hide checks in Ally III (2)
forested areas. 2nd—Flame Blade, Heat Metal, Barkskin (2)
Advancement 9-12 HD (Large); 13-15 HD (Huge) or by 1st—Cure Light Wounds, Magic Fang, Obscuring Mist, Produce
character class; Favored Class: druid; see text Flame (2)
Improved Woodland Stride (Ex) A briarvex can move 0—Create Water (2), Know Direction, Resistance (3)
through any sort of undergrowth (such as natural thorns, Abilities Str 12, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 18, Cha 10
briars, overgrown areas, and similar terrain) at its normal SQ animal companion, nature sense, trackless step wild
speed and without taking damage or suffering an other empathy, wild shape(3/day), woodland stride
impairment. In addition, thorns, briars, and overgrown areas Feats Augmented Summoning, Combat Casting, Improved
that have been magically manipulated do not impede its Initiative, Spell Focus Conjuration
motion or otherwise affect it. Skills Concentration +13, Handle Animal +11, Knowledge
Thorn Burrow (Su) A briarvex’s spiked fist attack deals (nature) +13, Listen +15, Survival +17
piercing damage as well as bludgeoning damage. Possessions combat gear plus robes, spell component pouch
Each time a briarvex hits with its spiked fist, thorns break Skills +4 circumstance Bonus to Handle Animal Companion
off and bore into the struck opponent. As a swift action, the Description A violent fanatic Asadd seeks to disrupt any
briarvex can cause embedded thorns to twist and burrow Bisselite incursion into the Bramblewood.
into a single living creature’s flesh, dealing 3d6 points of Power-Up Suite:
piercing damage; damage reduction applies. The target of AC 20, touch 11, flat-footed 19
this ability must be within 100 feet of the briarvex. The (+0 size, +1 Dex, +3 armor, +2 shield, +3 natural (Barkskin))
briarvex must also have line of effect to the target. A creature Melee Flame Blade +6/1* (1d8+4 fire/20/x2)
can remove the thorns with a standard action *This attack treated as a melee touch attack
Entangle (Su) As the entangle spell; at will; DC 18; caster level
This ability affects a 60-foot-radius area around the elder
and lasts for 1 full minute. The save DC is Constitution- LHUR (PET)
based. Male Ape
Description This creature appears to be a large humanoid- N Large Animal
shaped plant roughly the size of an ogre. Glistening with sticky Init +2; Senses Listen +6, Spot +10
amber sap, wicked spikes protrude from its body, and a pair of Languages --
writhing, tentacular vines extend from its hips. AC 18, touch 11, flat-footed 16
Sources Monster Manual IV (Page 26) (-1 size, +2 Dex, +7 natural)

BIS7-02 Caravan Page 22

hp 62 (8 HD);
Resist evasion
Fort +8, Ref +8, Will +3 (+7 against enchantment spells and
Speed 30 ft. in (6 squares), climb 30 ft.;
Melee 2 slams +12 (1d6+7 P/S 20/x2) and bite +7 (1d6+3 P/S/B
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Base Atk +6; Grp +17Atk Options Power Attack
Abilities Str 24, Dex 17, Con 14, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 7
SQ devotion, link, share spells
Feats Alertness, Toughness, Power Attack
Skills Climb +16, Listen +6, Spot +10
Skills Apes have a +8 bonus on climb checks and can always
choose to take 10 on climb checks, even if rushed or
Tricks Come, Defend, Down, Fetch, Guard, Heel, Seek, Stay
Description This raging ape follows Asadd loyally.

BIS7-02 Caravan Page 23


hp 55 (7 HD);
KABIR’LA ASADD CR 10 Fort +7, Ref +7, Will +3 (+X against type)
Male Human(B) Druid 10 Speed 30 ft. in (6 squares), climb 15 ft.;
NE Medium Humanoid Melee 2 slams +10 (1d6+6 P/S 20/x2) and bite +5 (1d6+3 P/S/B
Init +5; Senses Listen +17, Spot +4 20/x2)
Languages Common Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
AC 19, touch 11, flat-footed 18 Base Atk +5; Grp +15Atk Options Power Attack, Rend
(+0 size, +1 Dex, +5 armor, +3 shield) Abilities Str 23, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 7
hp 75 (10 HD); SQ link, share spells
Immune venom Feats Alertness, Toughness, Power Attack
Fort +11, Ref +8, Will +13 (+17 against Fey) Skills Climb +14, Listen +7, Move Silently +4, Spot +6
Speed 20 ft. in medium armor (4 squares), base movement 30 ft. Skills Dire apes have a +8 bonus on climb checks and can
Melee Scimitar +9 (1d6+2 S 18-20/x2) and Scimitar +4 (1d6+2 S always choose to take 10 on climb checks, even if rushed or
18-20/x2) threatened.
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. Tricks Come, Defend, Down, Fetch, Guard, Heel, Seek, Stay
Base Atk +7/2; Grp +8 Description This raging ape follows Asadd loyally.
Special Actions Wild Shape 4/day, Wild Shape (Large)
Combat Gear Scimitar +1, Cloak of Resistance +2, Hide Armor +2,
Light Darkwood Shield +2, Lesser metamagic rod of quicken
Class Spells Prepared (CL 10th):
5th—Call Lightning Storm, Summon Nature’s Ally V
4th—Flame Strike (2), Summon Nature’s Ally IV
3rd—Protection from Energy, Summon Nature’s Ally III (3)
2nd—Flame Blade, Heat Metal, Barkskin (2)
1st—Cure Light Wounds, Magic Fang, Obscuring Mist, Produce
Flame (2)
0—Create Water(2), Know Direction, Resistance (3)
Abilities Str 12, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 18, Cha 10
SQ animal companion, nature sense, trackless step wild
empathy, wild shape(4/day), woodland stride
Feats Augmented Summoning, Combat Casting, Improved
Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Spell Focus Conjuration
Skills Concentration +15, Handle Animal +13, Knowledge
(nature) +15, Listen +17, Survival +19
Possessions combat gear plus robes, spell component pouch
Skills +4 circumstance Bonus to Handle Animal Companion
Description A violent fanatic Asadd seeks to disrupt any
Bisselite incursion into the Bramblewood.
Power-Up Suite:
AC 22, touch 11, flat-footed 21
(+0 size, +1 Dex, +3 armor, +2 shield, +4 natural (Barkskin))
Melee Flame Blade +7/2* (1d8+5 fire/20/x2)
*This attack treated as a melee touch attack

Male Dire Ape
N Large Animal
Init +2; Senses Listen +5, Spot +7
Languages --
AC 17, touch 11, flat-footed 15
(-1 size, +2 Dex, +6 natural)

BIS7-02 Caravan Page 24



Usually NG Huge Plant Male Human(B) Druid 12
Init +0; Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Low-Light Vision, NE Medium Humanoid
Tremorsense 60 ft., Listen +1, Spot +1 Init +5; Senses Listen +19, Spot +4
Languages understands Sylvan, empathic link 900ft. Languages Common
AC 23, touch 8, flat-footed 23 (-2 size, +15 natural) AC 21, touch 13, flat-footed 20
hp 207(18 HD); DR 10/magic (+0 size, +1 Dex, +5 armor, +3 shield, +2 deflection)
Immune plant immunities hp 90 (12 HD);
SR 24 Immune venom
Fort +18, Ref +6Will +7 Fort +12, Ref +9, Will +14 (+18 against Fey)
Speed 20 ft. (4 squares), burrow 10 ft. (loose soil); Speed 20 ft. in medium armor (4 squares), base movement 30 ft.
Melee gore +23 (2d6 +12) and 2 slams +21 each (1d8+6) Melee Scimitar +11 (1d6+2 S 18-20/x2) and Scimitar +6 (1d6+2
Space 15 ft.; Reach 10ft. S 18-20/x2)
Base Atk +13; Grp +33 Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Atk Options Cleave, Great Cleave, Power Attack, Whirlwind Base Atk +9/4; Grp +10
Attack, magic strike Special Actions Wild Shape 4/day, Wild Shape (Large), Wild
Abilities Str 35, Dex 10, Con 24, Int 8, Wis 13, Cha 13 Shape (Tiny), Wild Shape (Plant)
SQ find oaken defender, plant traits Combat Gear Scimitar +1, Cloak of Resistance +2, Hide Armor +2,
FeatsCleave, Diehard, Endurance, Great Cleave, Multiattack, Light Darkwood Shield +2, Lesser metamagic rod of quicken
Power Attack, Whirlwind Attack Class Spells Prepared (CL 10th): 6th—Animate Snow ,
Skills Hide -8 , Listen +1, Intimidate +22, Spot +1 Summon Nature’s Ally VI
*An oaken defender gains a +15 bonus on Hide checks 5th—Call Lightning Storm, Summon Nature’s Ally V(2)
when settled in its grove. 4th—Flame Strike (2), Summon Nature’s Ally IV(2)
Advancement 9-13 HD (Huge); 14-54 HD (Gargantuan) 3rd—Protection from Energy(2), Summon Nature’s Ally III (3)
Empathic Link (Su) An oaken defender has an empathic link 2nd—Flame Blade(2), Heat Metal, Barkskin (2)
with the dryads of its grove, through which it can sense their 1st—Cure Light Wounds(2), Magic Fang, Obscuring Mist,
needs and feelings. This link extends up to 900 feet Produce Flame (2)
Find Oaken Defender (Su) As the discern location spell; always 0—Create Water(2), Know Direction, Resistance (3)
active; caster level 18th. An oaken defender can use this Abilities Str 12, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 19, Cha 10
ability only to find another oaken defender on the same SQ animal companion, nature sense, trackless step wild
plane as itself. All oaken defenders are considered to have empathy, wild shape(4/day), woodland stride
seen one another for the purpose of this ability Feats Augmented Summoning, Combat Casting, Elephant’s
Description The thicket seems to come alive around you as a Hide2, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Spell Focus
massive form bursts from the earth. It is covered with cruel Conjuration
spikes, and many branchlike tentacle flail about it. Skills Concentration +17, Handle Animal +15, Knowledge
Sources Monster Manual IV (Page 106) (nature) +15, Listen +19, Survival +21
Possessions combat gear plus robes, spell component pouch
Skills +4 circumstance Bonus to Handle Animal Companion
Description A violent fanatic Asadd seeks to disrupt any
Bisselite incursion into the Bramblewood.
1 2
Sources Spell Compendium (Page 12) Complete Divine (Page 81)
Power-Up Suite:
AC 22, touch 11, flat-footed 20
(+0 size, +1 Dex, +3 armor, +2 shield, +5 natural (Barkskin))
Melee Flame Blade +9/4* (1d8+5 fire/20/x2)
*This attack treated as a melee touch attack

Male Dire Ape
N Large Animal

BIS7-02 Caravan Page 25

Init +3; Senses Listen +9, Spot +6
Languages --
AC 20, touch 12, flat-footed 17
(-1 size, +3 Dex, +8 natural)
hp 70 (9 HD);
Resist evasion
Fort +7, Ref +9, Will +4 (+8 against enchantment spells and
Speed 30 ft. in (6 squares), climb 15 ft.;
Melee 2 slams +12 (1d6+7 P/S 20/x2) and bite +7 (1d6+3 P/S/B
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Base Atk +6; Grp +17Atk Options Blind Fight, Power Attack,
Abilities Str 24, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 7
SQ devotion, evasion, link, share spells
Feats Alertness, Toughness, Power Attack
Skills Climb +15, Listen +7, Move Silently +4, Spot +6
Skills Dire apes have a +8 bonus on climb checks and can
always choose to take 10 on climb checks, even if rushed or
Tricks Come, Defend, Down, Fetch, Guard, Heel, Seek, Stay
Description This raging ape follows Asadd loyally.

BIS7-02 Caravan Page 26

OAKEN DEFENDER CR 12 M Human(B) Druid 14
Usually NG Huge Plant NE M Humanoid
Init +0; Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Low-Light Vision, Init +5; Senses Listen +21, Spot +4
Tremorsense 60 ft., Listen +1, Spot +1 Languages Common
Languages understands Sylvan, empathic link 900ft. AC 21, touch 13, flat-footed 20
AC 23, touch 8, flat-footed 23 (-2 size, +15 natural) (+0 size, +1 Dex, +5 armor, +3 shield, +2 deflection)
hp 207(18 HD); DR 10/magic hp 105 (14 HD);
Immune plant immunities Immune venom
SR 24 Fort +13, Ref +9, Will +15 (+19 against Fey)
Fort +18, Ref +6Will +7 Speed 20 ft. in medium armor (4 squares), base movement 30
Speed 20 ft. (4 squares), burrow 10 ft. (loose soil); ft.
Melee gore +23 (2d6 +12) and 2 slams +21 each (1d8+6) Melee Scimitar +12 (1d6+2 S 18-20/x2) and Scimitar +7
Space 15 ft.; Reach 10ft. (1d6+2 S 18-20/x2)
Base Atk +13; Grp +33 Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Atk Options Cleave, Great Cleave, Power Attack, Whirlwind Base Atk +10/5; Grp +11
Attack, magic strike Special Actions A Thousand Faces, Wild Shape 5/day, Wild
Shape (Large), Wild Shape (Tiny), Wild Shape (Plant)
Abilities Str 35, Dex 10, Con 24, Int 8, Wis 13, Cha 13
Combat Gear Scimitar +1, Cloak of Resistance +2, Hide Armor
SQ find oaken defender, plant traits
+2, Light Darkwood Shield +2, Metamagic Rod (Quicken)
FeatsCleave, Diehard, Endurance, Great Cleave, Multiattack,
Power Attack, Whirlwind Attack Class Spells Prepared (CL 14th): 7th—Firestorm,
Skills Hide -8*, Listen +1, Intimidate +22, Spot +1 Summon Nature’s Ally VII
*An oaken defender gains a +15 bonus on Hide checks 6th—Animate Snow , Summon Nature’s Ally VI (2)
when settled in its grove. 5th—Call Lightning Storm, Summon Nature’s Ally V (2)
Advancement 9-13 HD (Huge); 14-54 HD (Gargantuan) 4th—Flame Strike (2), Summon Nature’s Ally IV (2)
3rd—Protection from Energy(2), Summon Nature’s Ally III (3)
Empathic Link (Su) An oaken defender has an empathic
2nd—Flame Blade (2), Heat Metal, Barkskin (2)
link with the dryads of its grove, through which it can
1st—Cure Light Wounds (2), Magic Fang, Obscuring Mist,
sense their needs and feelings. This link extends up to 900
Produce Flame (2)
0—Create Water(2), Know Direction, Resistance (3)
Find Oaken Defender (Su) As the discern location spell;
always active; caster level 18th. An oaken defender can use Abilities Str 12, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 19, Cha 10
this ability only to find another oaken defender on the SQ animal companion, nature sense, trackless step wild
same plane as itself. All oaken defenders are considered to empathy, wild shape(2/day), woodland stride
have seen one another for the purpose of this ability Feats Augmented Summoning, Combat Casting, Elephant’s
Hide , Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Spell
Description The thicket seems to come alive around you as a
Focus Conjuration
massive form bursts from the earth. It is covered with cruel
Skills Concentration +19, Handle Animal +17, Knowledge
spikes, and many branchlike tentacle flail about it.
(nature) +19, Listen +21, Survival +23
Sources Monster Manual IV (Page 106)
Possessions combat gear plus robes, spell component pouch
Skills Concentration +19 (+4 bonus to concentration when
casting defensively),
Handle Animal +21 (+4 circumstance bonus to Handle
Animal Companion)
+4 circumstance Bonus to Handle Animal Companion
Description A violent fanatic Asadd seeks to disrupt any
Bisselite incursion into the Bramblewood.
1 2
Sources Spell Compendium (Page 12) Complete Divine (Page
Power-Up Suite:
AC 25, touch 13, flat-footed 24
(+0 size, +1 Dex, +5 armor, +3 shield, +2 deflection, +4

BIS7-02 Caravan Page 27

Melee Flame Blade +10/5* (1d8+5 fire/20/x2)
*This attack treated as a melee touch attack
Male Dire Ape
N Large Animal
Init +3; Senses Listen +9, Spot +6
Languages --
AC 20, touch 12, flat-footed 17
(-1 size, +3 Dex, +8 natural)
hp 70 (9 HD);
Resist evasion
Fort +7, Ref +9, Will +4 (+8 against enchantment spells and
Speed 30 ft. in (6 squares), climb 15 ft.;
Melee 2 slams +12 (1d6+7 P/S 20/x2) and bite +7 (1d6+3
P/S/B 20/x2)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Base Atk +6; Grp +17Atk Options Blind Fight, Power
Attack, Rend
Abilities Str 24, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 7
SQ devotion, evasion, link, share spells
Feats Alertness, Toughness, Power Attack
Skills Climb +15, Listen +7, Move Silently +4, Spot +6
Skills Dire apes have a +8 bonus on climb checks and can
always choose to take 10 on climb checks, even if rushed
or threatened.
Tricks Come, Defend, Down, Fetch, Guard, Heel, Seek, Stay
Description This raging ape follows Asadd loyally.

BIS7-02 Caravan Page 28


SERGEANT TIBAL CR 11/2 Description A lanky Baklunish man stands separate from the
M Human(O) Warrior/Cleric 1/1 others. His shaved head glistens in the sun, and his hand
LG M Humanoid rests on a tankard at his belt.
Init +2; Senses Listen +3, Spot +3
Aura Fear Aura 120 ft. (Will DC X)
Languages Common JORVUS CR 1½
AC 14, touch 10, flat-footed 14 M Human(bos) Warrior/Rogue 1/1
(+2 Dex, +4 armor) NG M Humanoid
hp 14 (2 HD); Init +7; Senses Listen -1, Spot +3
Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +5 Languages Common, Old Oeridian
Speed 30 ft. in Light Armor (6 squares), base movement 30 ft. AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13, Dodge,
Melee Longsword +2 (1d8+1 S 19-20) (+0 size, +3 Dex, +3 armor, +0 shield, +0 deflection, +0 insight,
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. +0 natural)
Base Atk +1; Grp +2 hp 12 (2 HD);
Atk Options Blind Fight, Weapon Focus Fort +3, Ref +5, Will -1
Special Actions Turn Undead 6/day Speed 30 ft. in light armor (6 squares), base movement 30 ft.
Combat Gear chain shirt, longsword Melee longsword +1 (1d8 S/19-20)
Cleric Spells Prepared (CL 1st): Ranged longbow +4 (1d8 P /x3)
1st—Bless Water, Divine Favor, Protection From Evil D Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
0—Create Water, Detect Magic, Light Base Atk +1; Grp +1
D: Domain spell. Deity: XX. Domains: Good, Law Atk Options Sneak Attack 1d6
Abilities Str 12, Dex 10, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 14 Special Actions Sneak Attack 1d6
Feats Blind Fight, Weapon Focus (longsword) Combat Gear longsword, longbow, studded leather armor, x20
Skills Handle Animal +6, Ride +6, Knowledge: Religion +5 arrows
Possessions combat gear plus, rations, bedroll, tack, 50’ rope, Abilities Str 10, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 8, Cha 14
Holy Symbol of Heironeous Feats Dodge, Improved Initiative
Description An average looking Oeridian man, with dark hair Skills Bluff +4, Climb+4, Intimidate+7, Handle Animal+6,
and a pronounced scar traveling down his left cheek. He wears Hide+4, Move Silently +4Slight of Hand+4 Spot+3
his dark black hair short, and his piercing eyes are those of a Possessions combat gear plus deck of cards
man confident in his abilities. Description A jovial man with dark hair and pale skin make a
striking visage. The epitome of the extrovert Jorvus will talk
your ear off about anything going and then work on the next.
M Human(B) Warrior/Monk 1/1
LG M Humanoid SILN CR 1½
Init +7; Senses Listen +3, Spot +3 M Human(bos) Warrior/Ranger 1/1
Languages Common LG M Humanoid
AC 15, touch 15, flat-footed 10, Dodge Init +2; Senses Listen +1, Spot +X
(+3 Dex, +2 Wis) Languages Common
hp 15 (2 HD); AC 16, touch , flat-footed 14
Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +4 (+0 size, +2 Dex, +4 armor)
Speed 30 ft. (5 squares), base movement 30 ft. hp 15 (2 HD);
Melee Fist +3 (1d6+2 B 20) or Fist +1 (1d6+2 B 20) and Fist +1 Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +1
(1d6+2 B 20) Speed 30 ft. in light armor (6 squares), base movement 30 ft.
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. Melee longsword +4 (1d8+2 S 19-20)
Base Atk +1; Grp +3 Ranged longbow +4 (1d8 P x3)
Atk Options Flurry of Blows, Unarmed Strike Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Actions Flurry of Blows Base Atk +2; Grp +4
Abilities Str 14, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 14, Cha 8 Atk Options Point Blank Shot
Feats Dodge, Improved Initiative Combat Gear longsword, longbow, studded leather armor, x20
Skills Intimidate +3 , Hide +5 , Move Silently +5, Tumble +5 arrows
Possessions rations Abilities Str 14, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 12
Feats Weapon Focus: longbow, Point Blank Shot
Skills Climb +6, Handle Animal +6, Ride +7

BIS7-02 Caravan Page 29

Possessions combat gear plus rope, rations, spare tack
Description Siln, look like his cousin Jorvus, but where Jorvus
is jovial Siln is quiet. He takes solace with the horses and is
meticulous in their care.

Glinny CR ½
M Human(bos) Warrior 1
NG M Humanoid
Init +3; Senses Low-Light Vision Listen +1, Spot +1
Languages Common, Language, Language
AC 17, touch 13 , flat-footed 14
(+0 size, +3 Dex, +4 armor)
hp 7 (1 HD);
Fort +3, Ref +3, Will -1
Speed 30 ft. in light armor (6 squares), base movement 30 ft.
Melee rapier +2 (1d8 P/18-20/)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Base Atk +1; Grp +1
Combat Gear rapier, chain shirt
Abilities Str 10, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 8, Cha 16
Feats Weapon Focus: rapier
Skills Handle Animal +7, Intimidate +7, Profession: Cook +1
Possessions combat gear plus spices, pots, pans, quill, inkpot,
parchment x5.
Description Glinny is a jovial half-elf, his fine features and
melodic voice are rather soothing. Additionally his knowledge
cooking and ability to tell a good tale make him a welcome
companion on any long journey.

BIS7-02 Caravan Page 30



BIS7-02 Caravan Page 31

Elephant’s Skin[Wild] (Complete Divine)
Prerequisite: Ability to wildshape into a Large creature.
Benefit: You can spend one wild shape to give yourself a natural armor bonus of 7. This does not stack with an natural
armor you currently have the effect lasts for 10 minutes.
Activating this feat is a standard action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity.

Animate Snow (Spell Compendium)
Level: Drd 6
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10ft./level)
Target: Cube of snow up to 20ft. on a side
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
Nearby snow rapidly draws together with an audible crunch, coalescing into a vaguely human-shape form.
You cause snow in the area to become 1d3+2 Large animated objects, 1d3 Huge animated objects, or One Gargantuan
animated object (MM 14). Then animated snow attacks as directs by your vocal commands.
Animated snow does not have a hardness snore. It posses improved speed as if it had legs, granting it a speed of 30, as
well as the blind special ability (MM 13). In addition, each animated snow object has the cold subtype and deals an extra
1d6 points of cold damage on a successful hit.
Animated snow objects take 1d6 points of damage per round in a place where the temperature is above freezing

BIS7-02 Caravan Page 32


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BIS7-02 Caravan Page 33


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BIS7-02 Caravan Page 34
Goodmonth 21:

Things have passed by very quickly. First there were the woods and animal attacks. Adventurers and
military men came in to help. They defended us against the monstrous animals rampaging at the city and
the temple. But within a day of the major assault we were expelled. Nightwatch was doomed to be a
primordial forest. With that we said adieu to the temple, and Truelight.

Brewfest 7:

Three days roaming this accursed forest and we have learned nothing. It just keeps growing and growing.
I’m here as chronicler to the more research oriented priests; but even I can tell you it isn’t natural. One
priest - Father Deidel, hand picked for his intelligence and perspicacity - keeps muttering about something
I don’t understand. He will then say “Such thoughts are ridiculous… it shouldn’t be here. Besides it is so
beneficial… why would it manifest like this?”

Patchwall 3:

Father Deidel has gone missing, he left with two other priests and handful of guards. The disappearance
does not bode well. We heard wolves last night and our guards have suggested moving the research camp
out of the woods.

Patchwall 4:

Last night one of the guards on patrol found Father Deidel. It was not a pleasant sight. Whatever got
hold of him only ate his hands and legs below the knees. The rest of him was eviscerated his innards strewn
about, like leaves after the fall (Odd it should be fall here yet the leaves are still green, green is
everywhere.). It has been decided that we should move the camp we will do so in 3 days that will give us
enough time to find or leave warning to others in the area, just incase any who were with poor Deidel

BIS7-02 Caravan Page 35

Patchwall 4 (Evening):

Things have gotten worse. We are planning on leaving in the morning. Throughout the day we found
more pieces of the team that traveled with Father Deidel. At one time a raven the size of me dropped an
arm in the center of the camp. We began preparing some basic fortifications while packing up and
recording our findings. In fact two of our guards will be escorting me out tonight, hopefully the darkness
will cover our escape. I am to travel with my diaries and the effects of the lost. I argued to take the research
notes as well but they are still being worked on. Whatever is out there it seems to have intelligence behind it.
The tactics are designed to scare us, and they are working. Additionally there is no natural reason that a
pack of wolves should be seen no more than 50’ from a bear unless they were both hunting the same prey.
Either way I am glad to be leaving. If the research notes are here they can be retrieved if I am the only
survivor after tonight I can reproduce a great deal of the information from memory.

BIS7-02 Caravan Page 36

If you run this event in Month or Month of 2007, please e-mail the results from this sheet to a member of the Bissel
Triad by Month 1st, 2006, or have the Senior DM of your event do so.

1. Were the supplies delivered to the Army camp? Yes No

2. Did the PCs retrieve the chest from the clearing? Yes No

3. Did they turn the chest in to Tialla? Yes No

4. Did the PCs retrieve the notes as well? Yes No

4. Did they turn the notes in? Yes No

If so, to whom:

4. Did any members of the Archpaladin’s Heralds die? Yes No

If so, list whom here:

Notes: (Add anything that happened that might be considered out of the ordinary – Strange
occurrences, results that may not fit the above, etc):

BIS7-02 Caravan Page 37


All That for a Bag of Silver?

® TM
Bissel Regional Adventure
Version 0.5.0

by Cameron Logan
Reviewers: Bissel Triad Circle Reviewer: Steven Conforti
Playtesters: Crystal Babcock, Phil Bonder, Bud Britton, Lee Burton and Jon Sedich

“To the manse came six, gathered for their great knowledge and experience. A seventh would speed the tasks that were
their burden and their destiny. The water bearer was the keystone to success, bound in manacles. The equite, a shade,
distorted by avarice, the downfall of one.” A Bissel regional adventure for APLs 2-12, and Part 2 of the Shadows and Sigils
Note: This adventure will be of particular interest to PCs that belong to the Bardic Circle, Guild of the Arcane Path,
Nightwatch or any Bissel Church meta-org.

Resources: Monster Manual II [Ed Bonny, Jeff Grubb, Rich Redman, Skip Williams, Steve Winter], Sandstorm [Bruce R.
Cordell, Jennifer Clarke Wilkes, JD Wiker], Fiend Folio [Eric Cagle, Jesse Decker, James Jacobs, Erik Mona, Matthew
Sernett, Chris Thomasson, James Wyatt].

Based on the original DUNGEONS & DRAGONS rules created by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson and the new DUNGEONS & DRAGONS game designed
by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Richard Baker, and Peter Adkison.

This game product contains no Open Game Content. No portion of this work may be reproduced in any form without permission of Wizards of the
Coast. To learn more about the Open Gaming License and the d20 SYSTEM license, please visit
This is an official RPGA play document. To find out more about the RPGA and to learn more on how you can sanction and run DUNGEONS &
DRAGONS game events of all sizes, visit our website at

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, GREYHAWK, LIVING GREYHAWK, D&D REWARDS, RPGA, Player’s Handbook, Dungeon Master’s Guide, and
Monster Manual are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc, in the US and other countries. This material is protected under the copyright laws of the
United States of America. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained herein is prohibited without the express written
permission of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. This product is a work of fiction. Any similarity to actual people, organizations, places, or events is purely
coincidental. © 2005 Wizards of the Coast, Inc and the adventure author or authors.

Visit the LIVING GREYHAWK website at

For questions specific to this document and your region please e-mail your triad point of contact (POC) at For LIVING
GREYHAWK campaign questions email
Throughout this adventure, text in bold italics provides
RPGA® SANCTIONED PLAY player information for you to paraphrase or read aloud
when appropriate. Sidebars contain important
Most likely you ordered this adventure as part of an
information for you, including special instruction on
RPGA even from the RPGA website, or you received it
running the adventure. Information on nonplayer
from your senior gamemaster. To play this adventure as
characters (NPCs) and monsters appear in abbreviated
part of the LIVING GREYHAWK campaign—a worldwide,
form in the adventure text. Full information on NPCs
ongoing D&D campaign set in the GREYHAWK setting—
and monsters are given in the Appendices.
you must sanction it as part of an RPGA event. This event
could be as elaborate as a big convention, or as simple as a Along with this adventure you’ll find a RPGA Table
group of friends meeting at the DM’s house. Tracking sheet. If you’re playing this adventure as part of
an RPGA-sanctioned event, complete and turn in this
To sanction an RPGA event, you must be at least a
sheet to your senior GM directly after play. You’ll also
HERALD-LEVEL gamemaster. The person who sanctions
find a LIVING GREYHAWK Adventure Record (AR).
the event is called the senior gamemaster, and is in
charge of making sure the event is sanctioned before
play, runs smoothly on the date sanctioned, and then LIVING GREYHAWK LEVELS
reported back to the RPGA in a timely manner. The OF PLAY
person who runs the game is called the table Dungeon
Master (or usually just DM). Sometimes (and almost all Because players bring their own characters to LIVING
the time in the cases of home events) the senior GREYHAWK games, this adventure’s challenges are
gamemaster is also the table DM. You don’t have to be a proportionate to the modified average character level of
HERALD-LEVEL GM to run this adventure if you are not the PCs participating in the adventure. To determine this
the senior GM. modified Average Party Level (APL) follow the steps
By sanctioning and reporting this adventure you
accomplish a couple of things. First it is an official game, 1. Determine the character level for each of the PCs
and you can use the AR to advance your LIVING participating in the adventure.
GREYHAWK character. Second player and DMs gain
2. If PCs bring animals that have been trained for
rewards for sanctioned RPGA play if they are members of
combat (most likely dogs trained for war), other than
the DUNGEONS & DRAGONS REWARDS program. Playing
those brought by virtue of a class ability (such as
this adventure is worth two (2) points.
animal companions, familiars paladin’s mounts) or
This adventure retires from RPGA-sanctioned play the warhorse of a character with the Mounted
on December 31, 2008. Combat feat, use the sidebar chart to determine the
number of levels you add to the sum of step one. Add
To learn more about the LIVING GREYHAWK
each character’s animals separately. A single PC may
character creation and development, RPGA event
only bring four or fewer animals of this type, and
sanctioning, and DUNGEONS & DRAGONS REWARDS, visit
animals with different CRs are added separately.
the RPGA website at
3. Sum the results of step 1 and 2, and divide by the
PLAYERS READ NO FARTHER number of characters playing in the adventure.
Round to the nearest whole number.
If you are planning on playing this adventure, stop
4. If you are running a table of six PCs, add one to that
reading now. The rest of the information in this
adventure is for the DM only. If you read farther than
this section, you’ll know too much about its challenges, Throughout this adventure, APLs categorize the level of
which kills the fun. Also, if you’re playing this adventure challenge the PCs face. APLS are given in even-
as part of an RPGA-sanctioned event, reading beyond this numbered increments. If the APL of your group falls on
point makes you ineligible to do so. an odd number, ask them before the adventure begins
whether they would like to play a harder or easier
PREPARING FOR PLAY adventure. Based on their choice, use either the higher or
the lower adjacent APL.
To get the most out of this adventure, you need copies of
APL also affects the amount of experience and gold a
the following D&D books: Player’s Handbook, Dungeon
PC can gain at the end of the adventure. If a player
Master’s Guide, and the Monster Manual.

BIS7-03 All That for a Bag of Silver? Page 1

character is three character levels or more either higher A character who does not pay for at least Standard
or lower than the APL at which this adventure is being Upkeep may also avoid the above-described penalties by
played, that character receives only one-half of the living off the wild. If the character possesses four or
experience points and gold for the adventure. This more ranks in the Survival skill and succeeds at a Survival
simulates the fact that either the PC was not challenged check (DC 20), the character will heal temporary ability
as much as normal or relied on help by higher-level damage as if he or she paid for Standard Upkeep, may
characters to reach the objectives. refill spell component pouches and healer’s kits, and may
restock up to 20 arrows or bolts if the character has at
Furthermore, a PC who is four or more levels higher
least four ranks in Craft (bowmaking). The player is
than the highest APL supported by the adventure may
allowed to Take 10 on this roll.
not play the adventure.
More information about Lifestyle and Upkeep can
Mundane # of Animals be found in the “Lifestyle and Upkeep” section of
Animals Effect on Chapter 3 of the LIVING GREYHAWK Campaign Sourcebook.
1 2 3 4

1/4 & 1/6 0 0 0 1 ADVENTURE BACKGROUND

1/3 & 1/2 0 0 1 1 As the curtain opens on CY 597, the March of Bissel
contends with a number of threats to its national peace
1 1 1 2 3
and prosperity. Kettite raiders have provoked the Great
2 2 3 4 5 Army of Bissel into launching an assault into the
CR of Animal

Bramblewood Forest. A deadly disease spreads

3 3 4 5 6
unchecked among the populace, with priests and healers
4 4 6 7 8 befuddled to its preternatural resistance to curing. A
sprawling primeval forest has erupted from the once
5 5 7 8 9
quiet plains of Nightwatch. In short, the nation is going
6 6 8 9 10 to hell in a haversack.
7 7 9 10 11 His Lofty Grace, Malto Adeur, newly elected
Margrave of Bissel, is taking steps to alleviate the
suffering of the people. While Field Marshall Steich
LIVING GREYHAWK adventures are designed for APL
Valiserat battles the Kettites at Bissel’s border, Margrave
2 and higher. Four or five 1st-level characters may find the
Adeur has assembled a group of scholars, mages and
challenge of an APL 2 adventure difficult. Suggest the
priests with the purpose of solving the grave internal
following to these groups to help increase their chances
problems. Gathered at an otherwise abandoned keep in
of success:
the Barony of Paercium, the group of tireless scholars has
1. Enlist a sixth player. taken to calling themselves the Paercine Camerata.
2. Advise characters to buy riding dogs to help protect Their first priority is researching possible treatments
them, and fight for them. and an eventual cure to the plague spreading over the
nation. Unfortunately, internal strife and a corrupting
TIME UNITS AND UPKEEP influence within their new home in Paercium may
prevent the Camerata from even beginning the most
This is a standard one-round Regional adventure, set in important aspects of their work.
the Sheldomar Valley. Characters native to the
Sheldomar Valley pay one Time Unit per round, all ADVENTURE SUMMARY
others pay two Time Units per round.
The PCs are traveling from Pellak to Dountham on the
Adventurer’s Standard Upkeep costs 12 gp per Time
March Road when they encounter a few wagons
Unit. Rich Upkeep costs 50 gp per Time Unit. Luxury
traveling in the same direction. Some dangerous
Upkeep costs 100 gp per Time Unit. Characters that fail
creatures erupt from the wagons and the PCs are urged to
to pay at least Standard Upkeep will retain temporary
subdue these creatures. The PCs then travel to Leigor
ability damage until the next adventure, must buy new
Manor where they meet the Paercine Camerata.
spell component pouches and healer’s kits, and may
suffer other in-game penalties (or possibly gain in-game
benefits) as may be detailed in this adventure.

BIS7-03 All That for a Bag of Silver? Page 2

For the remainder of the adventure, the PCs are Encounter 4 (optional): Big Boss Man
aiding the Paercine Camerata in whatever tasks are Estimated Time: 20 minutes
needed to be completed. The first task is to retrieve an
In this optional encounter, the PCs have agreed to take
expert needed by the Camerata to continue their
the complaints of the locals directly to the Baron of
research. While the PCs are completing this task they
Paercium, Lord Conri Sollus. After some brief
hear of some complaints from a few commoners and may
consideration, Baron Sollus gives the PCs a counter-offer.
choose to do an optional encounter where they bring the
complaints of the common man to the Baron. Encounter 5: Turn the Page
Estimated Time: 30 minutes
Once the PCs return to Leigor Manor they become
aware of a corrupting influence in the building and are Having returned to Leigor Manor the PCs find
sent to investigate after an undead attack. In their themselves once again at the disposal of the Paercine
explorations the PCs come upon a hideous trap before Camerata. The PCs are given a tour of the Mansion, and
finding the source of the corruption, an undead knight are attacked by undead while in the Estate’s library.
named Sir Leigor. The PCs can either destroy Sir Leigor
or convince him to leave through diplomacy. Once they
Encounter 6: Suspicious Minds
Estimated Time: 20 minutes
have eliminated Sir Leigor, the Camerata can continue
their work in peace, and the PCs are dismissed until their After the undead attack it becomes clear that there is
aid is called for again. some corrupting influence in the mansion, and the PCs
are sent to deal with it. As the PCs explore they find some
Introduction: On the Road Again clues as to the corruption’s origins and encounter a
Estimated Time: 15 minutes
hideous trap.
The PCs have been traveling on the March Road when
they stumble onto a pair of slow moving wagons driven
Encounter 7: Crazy
Estimated Time: 25 minutes
by two teamsters, cousins named Jorvus and Siln. It is
obvious to the PCs that Jorvus and Siln should require a The PCs encounter Sir Leigor, the undead knight,
little more protection in their travels. jealousy guarding the entrance to his secret vault. The
PCs must either destroy Sir Leigor or convince him to
Encounter 1: Delicious Surprise abandon his undead existence and move on to the
Estimated Time: 40 minutes
Crates on the wagons break open revealing unusually
large animals trying to escape. Jorvus and Siln will
Encounter 8: Mixed Bag
Estimated Time: 5 minutes
desperately try to get the PCs to capture and subdue the
fleeing creatures, though the PCs may be more inclined Once Sir Leigor is gone, the PCs have access to his vault.
to use deadly force. Unfortunately, it seems someone else has beaten them to
it and all that’s left is a lonely bag. But the bag is more
Encounter 2: Mansion on the Hill than it seems…
Estimated Time: 20 minutes
The wagons and PCs arrive at Leigor Manor in the
Conclusion A: Behind Closed Doors
Estimated Time: 5 minutes
Barony of Paercium. They are greeted by members of the
Paercine Camerata, briefed on the group’s existence and In this general conclusion, the PCs have gotten rid of Sir
mission, and asked to aid the Camerata in completing Leigor. Now the Camerata can continue their work in
some crucial tasks. peace. The Camerata informs the PCs that they may need
their help again in the near future.
Encounter 3: I Love This Bar
Estimated Time: 25 minutes Conclusion B: Take This Job and Shove It!
Estimated Time: 5 minutes
The PCs’ first task is to travel to the village of Emon’s
Rest, a village near the Baronial capital of Mahiro. At a In this optional conclusion, the PCs have decided to take
tavern called the Fountain they are to pick up a priestess Baron Sollus up on his offer and subjugate the peasantry
of Geshtai named Mehri la’Feyvim, an expert in until the complaints of the disgruntled commoners are
herbalism whose aid is required by the Camerata. While forgotten and their hopes for a better life are quashed.
there the PCs also have an opportunity to interact with
some disgruntled locals.

BIS7-03 All That for a Bag of Silver? Page 3

Conclusion C: I Had a Heart “Interesting times” is putting it mildly.
Estimated Time: 5 minutes
It was not long after the election of Archpriest
In this optional conclusion, the PCs delivered the Malto Adeur to the position of Margrave that Kettite
treasures they found to the Baron so he can use it to raiders attacked the capital city of Thornward. Large
begin to alleviate the suffering of the common people of forces of the Great Army have been activated to serve
Paercium. as border defense and have begun to drive the
Kettites back into the Bramblewood Forest.
PREPARATION FOR PLAY Meanwhile, Bissel faces a number of internal
problems to its peace and prosperity. The
This adventure has a rather picaresque style; there is even
appearance of an unnatural and rapidly growing
an optional encounter that can be done. While no time-
forest in an otherwise treeless plain forced the
limit is placed on the PCs in game, judges running this
evacuation of most of the Barony of Nightwatch.
scenario in a convention slot should keep an eye on time
Meanwhile, a mysterious illness has begun to claim
and keep things moving.
the lives of the infected, with priests and healers
The adventure begins on Waterday, 5 Readying CY unable to cure the blight.
597 and can take any number of days until its conclusion.
The PCs may wish to gather some information and
The season is early spring and the weather is mild
rumors before beginning the adventure. The following
throughout. A full moon will not occur until Godsday, 11
are rumors they can pick up with a Gather Information
Readying CY 597 – if it matters.
check that beats the DC listed. The truth or falsehood of
It is good to have a pair of scissors or similar paper- each rumor will be revealed with the passage of time.
cutting implement to cut the bookshelves on Player
Handout #1 - Bookshelves for Encounter 5.
DC 15

Before beginning, asks the players if they have • After a close election, the Council of Barons chose
played any of the following Bissel Regional Adventures: Archpriest Malto Adeur to ascend to the vacant
BIS2-A1 Wizardly Plans, BIS3-01 Oakstaff, BIS4-01 Murder in position of Margrave of Bissel. Malto has proven to
Pellak, BIS5-03 Trials and Triumphs, BIS5-05 Strange be an effective leader of the Church of Heironeous
Bedfellows, BIS5-06 Vanity and Vexation, BIS6-04 Face of in Bissel, and many expect that he will bring these
Copper, BIS7-02 Caravan. NPCs that appear in this admirable qualities to his position as ruling
adventure previously appeared in the adventures listed monarch.
and it’s probable that the PCs may have met these NPCs • The various barons are traveling to Thornward to
before. renew their pledges of fealty to the newly elected
Also establish if the PCs are members of the Margrave of Bissel, Malto Adeur.
following Bissel meta-orgs: Bardic Circle, Church of • It seems unbelievable, but Brar the Crusader has
Geshtai, Church of Heironeous, Church of Pelor, Church now gone 15 straight bouts unbeaten. The
of Rao, Church of Zilchus, Great Army of Bissel, Guild of underground combat arenas in Sareden have never
the Arcane Path or the Nightwatch. As many of the NPCs before seen such a skilled pit fighter.
appearing in this adventure have strong connections to
power groups, members in these meta-orgs would DC 20
recognize some of the NPCs. • Little is known about the newly elected Margrave’s
The expected running time of this adventure is 3 background except this; Malto Adeur was born a
hours, 30 minutes. If this is running during a standard 4- commoner and got his start as a parish priest in the
hour convention slot, this allows 25 minutes for now destroyed township of Clunther.
marshalling, and 5 minutes for paperwork distribution. • The 1st Kynneret, under the leadership of Field
Marshall Valiserat, has seized Avernand Keep – the
INTRODUCTION: ON THE first waypoint along the Irafa Road in Ket. If this
progress continues, Bissel will soon be able to end
ROAD AGAIN the Kettite threat, once and for all.
Estimated Time: 15 minutes
• A force is being assembled to delve into the forests
As the placid oracles of Istus would put it, “These are
of Nightwatch, and retake the abandoned township
interesting times for the March of Bissel.”

BIS7-03 All That for a Bag of Silver? Page 4

of Truelight. They should be ready to move within a Establish which PCs are members of the Great Army of
few weeks. Bissel and which PCs are not. All citizens of Bissel are
required to join the Great Army of Bissel due to
DC 25 mandatory conscription laws. If PCs eligible for service
• The new Margrave Malto Adeur is elderly and are not currently serving they are breaking the law. See
heirless. Many see his election as stopgap measure regional documentation for more information.
for some nobles who seek to be his replacement in a The following should be read or paraphrased for PCs
few years. who are members of the Great Army of Bissel:
• Margrave Malto Adeur has assigned a force of You can’t believe your luck. For once it was your
clerics, arcanists, and other specialists to find a cure name called by the company clerk as he announced
to the plague. the list of soldiers being given a week of leave.
• While boat traffic has resumed across Lake Hasra, a Getting out of Pellak as quickly as you could you
number of keelboat pilots living in New Clunther now find yourself on the March Road, heading for
whisper about a terrible creature lurking beneath the the township of Dountham. There, far from the
surface. regional centers of Bissel’s Army, you’ll be able to
find some peace and quiet, and maybe a little gold to
DC 30 be made on the side.
• A few people remember a Malto Adeur working as The following should be read or paraphrased for PCs
parish priest in Clunther about 30 years ago. It is said who are not members of the Great Army of Bissel:
that necromancers murdered his wife and children
in a reprisal killing, around CY 560. The March of Bissel is both a trade nexus and a land
seemingly perpetually at war. These two facts leave
• A comet was spotted in the sky during Needfest at you confident that opportunity awaits you within
the beginning of the year. Most oracles and diviners the heart of the nation. You now find yourself
see the celestial occurrence as a bad omen, and traveling on the March Road, leaving the former
refrain from talking about it. capital Pellak en route to the township of
The adventure takes place in the Barony of Paercium. PCs Dountham. Cutting across the Barony of Paercium
who wish to gain a little information on this place may you speculate on what adventure awaits you on the
attempt a Knowledge [local – Sheldomar Valley open road.
Metaregion] check that beats the DCs listed below: The following can now be read or paraphrased for all
PCs to lead them into Encounter 1:
• (DC 10) Paercium serves as an agricultural center for
Bissel. In fact, a common saying here is “Bissel grows As you travel steadily north and west on the March
when Paercium sows. Road you’ve come across a handful of fellow
travelers heading in the same direction. Among
• (DC 15) The current Baron of Paercium, Lord Conri
them are two teamsters driving a pair of slow
Sollus, is a devout priest of Heironeous and an
moving wagons laden with crates and trade goods.
appointment to the Baronial seat from Larrangin’s
Their only guard is a beardless swordsman, barely
time on the Margrave’s throne.
past the age of childish games, yet dressed in the
• (DC 20) Baron Sollus’s beloved nephew, Mylan, was uniform of a soldier of Bissel.
found murdered in Pellak in early CY 594. A tribunal
Now would be the appropriate time for PC introductions.
brought the suspected killers in for judgment, but
The PCs will also undoubtedly wish to get to know the
the accused were cleared of any wrongdoing and
teamsters and their guard. They will first meet the two
teamsters, named Jorvus and Siln. They can also interact
• (DC 25) The former baron, Hendri Paercium, was with the teamsters’ guard, a young man named Ilden.
from a line of nobles who had ruled since about 400 This event should happen on the PCs first day of travel
CY. An assassin's poisoned dagger brought that (Waterday, 5 Readying CY 597) a little before noon.
bloodline to an end. The assassin was never captured,
Read or paraphrase the following:
and no one is sure why someone wanted Hendri
dead. It doesn’t take you very long to get acquainted with
the two wagon drivers, who turn out to be cousins
named Jorvus and Siln. When you first met the two

BIS7-03 All That for a Bag of Silver? Page 5

mixed-blood humans, they were bickering amiably Ilden is from Gerorgos, and is seeking fortune and glory
about who should be driving the lead wagon. After a as a soldier in order to impress his sweetheart back home.
coin toss, a dice roll, a brief wrestling match and a His girlfriend’s name is Cyress. Otherwise, Ilden knows
final coin toss, Jorvus now sits in the lead wagon nothing that would interest the PCs.
with his cousin driving the rear wagon.
Once the PCs have met each other and the members
Both have greeted you amiably and freely invite of the caravan, continue with Encounter 1.
you all to travel with them. It seems these two are
teamsters in the Great Army who have agreed to do a ENCOUNTER 1: DELICIOUS
little side job while they have a week’s leave.
While both men are generally jocular and boisterous,
Estimated Time: 40 minutes
Jorvus is the more energetic and gregarious of the two,
while Siln is slightly more introspective and thoughtful. Refer to DM Aid: Map #1 – Delicious Surprise for PC
It is more likely that the PCs will interact with Jorvus placements in this encounter. The positions for PCs are
than his cousin, unless the PCs specifically speak with suggested positions, but the players may place the PCs
Siln. This is important since Siln knows about the wherever they would want to be during travel. Note that
dangerous creatures that they are transporting, and has only Siln’s wagon is pictured; Jorvus’s wagon is off the
purposely kept his cousin Jorvus in the dark on that map to the left.
aspect of the job.
The events of this subsection should occur at about
PCs who have played BIS7-02 Caravan have met midafternoon on the first day of travel. The PCs are
Jorvus and Siln before as they are members of a group of traveling with the teamsters when dangerous creatures
Great Army teamsters called The Archpaladin’s Heralds. escape from a crate to cause terror and mayhem.
Likewise, PCs who are teamster specialists in the Great Read or paraphrase the following:
Army of Bissel have likely met Jorvus and Siln in an out-
of-game context, for example…teamster orientation. You have been traveling with Jorvus’ and Siln’s
wagons for a few hours when a savage roar assaults
Regardless, both men can provide the following the relative peace and quiet of travel. Quickly
information: scanning the horizon of the flat plain to either side
• Both Jorvus and Siln are members of the of the road you see…nothing. It is then that you
Archpaladin’s Heralds. realize the bestial snarl came not from your flank,
but from a crate on one of the wagons.
• They are using a two-day pass to do some side work,
transporting supplies to a group of scholars in the From Siln’s wagon the crate explodes in a
Barony of Paercium. The crates are to be sealed until violent burst of splinters, revealing an enormous
their arrival and the contents are all just boring stuff, and feral looking animal of rather unusual size.
research materials and the like. [Siln]: “Great Holy Halls of Heironeous! Don’t let it
• Their next orders are to report to Dountham to do a escape! Capture it alive!”
supply run to Thornward and then the front lines. Combat: The animals being transported by Jorvus and
They’ll be doing this with their regular unit, the Siln are unusual specimens captured and sedated for
Archpaladin’s Heralds. transport. They are being taken to the Paercine Camerata
• Their guard is Ilden, fresh out of basic training. for study. Siln will insist on the creatures being captured
Ilden has a five-day pass until he is to report to the alive.
front lines. The animals, on the other hand, have only one thing
If the PCs get curious about Iden, read or paraphrase in mind - escape. They will move across the ground in the
the following: quickest direction possible to take them away from the
teamsters and the PCs, clawing and biting as they go.
The young recruit is barely an adult; he is not so
much wet behind the ears as soaked. Literally too, APL 2 (EL 3)
his face is covered in sweat as he struggles to keep  Dire Toad: hp 30; see Appendix 1.
up. This is one recruit who hasn’t yet built up the
endurance and savvy he’ll need to survive the Kettite APL 4 (EL 5)
front.  Dire Toad (2): hp 30; see Appendix 2.

BIS7-03 All That for a Bag of Silver? Page 6

APL 6 (EL 7) giants for the glory of his nation (Bissel) and his baron
(Lord Conri Sollus, Baron of Paercium).
 Advanced Dire Toad of Legend: hp 105; see
Appendix 3. If the PCs decide that they are done with Siln, Jorvus
and their crates full of dangerous animals, they may leave
APL 8 (EL 9)
the adventure at this time. If they decide to travel with
 Advanced Dire Tortoise: hp 224; see Appendix 4. Jorvus and Siln to Leigor Manor (which is what Jorvus
and Siln suggest), proceed to Encounter 2.
APL 10 (EL 11)
All APLs
 Advanced Dire Tortoise of Legend: hp 288; see
Appendix 5.  Jorvus Bingham: Male Human (bos)
War1/Rog1 (Bluff +4, Climb +4, Intimidate +7, Handle
APL 12 (EL 13)
Animal +6, Hide +4, Move Silently +4, Slight of Hand +4,
 Advanced Dire Tortoise of Legend (2): hp 288; Spot +3); AL NG; hp 12; see Appendix 7.
see Appendix 6.
 Siln Bingham: Male Human (bos) War1/Rng1
Tactics: During the fight, Siln will attempt to cajole the (Climb +6, Handle Animal +6, Ride +7); AL LG; hp 15; see
PCs into subduing the animals instead of killing them. Appendix 7.
Jorvus will simply try to get his cousin out of danger, and
 Ilden: Male human War1 (Handle Animal +5);
Ilden will rush forward like a good caravan guard. Ilden
AL LG; hp 9; see Appendix 7.
will charge, provoke attacks of opportunity, and likely get
killed pretty quickly.
The animals will simply try to get away but will
attack if threatened or damaged. The tortoises will not THE HILL
attempt to burrow. Estimated Time: 20 minutes

APL 2-6: The toads can attempt jump checks to get This encounter occurs once the PCs have arrived at
away, otherwise they will try to make a meal of a small Leigor Manor, which occurs near sundown on the first
sized PC at APL 2 or 4, and a medium or small sized PC at day of travel. At Leigor Manor the PCs will meet the
APL 6. Paercine Camerata, learn of the Camerata’s reason for
being, and asked to aid in tasks important to the
APL 8-12: The tortoises will take advantage of its Camerata’s mission.
Lightning Strike ability if any opponent (including
NPCs) is in range. It will then do its best to flee but will Read or paraphrase the following:
attack any PC threatening it. Thankfully, your continuing travels with Jorvus and
Developments: After the combat, Siln (if he still lives) Siln are not long: by sundown you have arrived at
will be more forthcoming with the details of the job. He your apparent destination. Passing the wagons
was told upon picking up the crates that they contained through heavy iron gates you arrive on the grounds
live animals that were magically sedated. He was assured of an old-looking mansion. The estate shows some
the animals would sleep throughout the entire journey. signs of disrepair as you make your way to a carriage
Siln can produce official army orders that state the awning in front of steps leading to the main
following: the animals are being taken to a place called entrance.
Leigor Manor here in the Barony of Paercium for study. Standing there to greet you is a middle-age
The mission was to remain secret, but in light of what has human man of mixed Oeridian and Suel features.
just happened he doesn’t mind the PCs knowing all about He is dressed in comfortable-looking traveling
it. clothes, but you can’t help noticing the fine looking
At hearing the name Leigor Manor, PCs can attempt vest and headband. The man greets you in an
a Knowledge [nobility and royalty] check (DC 25), a articulate, but hard to place accent.
Knowledge [local – Sheldomar Valley Metaregion] check [Tsogath]: “Most excellent. My divinations warned
(DC 30) or a Bardic Knowledge check (DC 20) to receive me of your arrival, and here you all are at the
the following information: Leigor is the name of a appointed time. But my… there are more of you
Baronial Knight of Paercium. A noble hero of some small than I expected. I trust the cargo is intact?”
renown, Leigor was last heard traveling to Geoff to battle

BIS7-03 All That for a Bag of Silver? Page 7

PCs that played BIS2-A1 Wizardly Plans (ConnCon Who are these companions you mentioned? “I am
Interactive 2002) will recognize Tsogath as an officer in joined in my researches by several distinguished
the Great Army of Bissel. He is in charge of training scholars, who have all been hand selected by either
Battlecasters, and in BIS2-A1 Wizardly Plans PCs would Margrave Malto Adeur or one of his advisors. You
have only had a chance to interact with his severed head. can meet with them as well, in a moment.”
Fortunately he has been raised and has been serving
What is this place? “When the Margrave assembled
Bissel to the best of his ability since.
our group of researchers, he asked the Baron of
PCs who are Battlecasters in the Great Army of Paercium, Lord Conri Sollus, to donate a secluded
Bissel or members of the Guild of the Arcane Path will location for us to work without distraction. Lord
likewise recognize Tsogath as he is a member of both Sollus had this estate available. It is called Leigor
organizations. Manor.”
At this point, Tsogath is expecting the PCs to tell Why is this place called Leigor Manor? ”I do not know.
him why they are traveling with Jorvus and Siln and I have not had time to research the complete history
what, if anything, happened with the cargo (sedated of this place; significantly more important matters
animals). If the PCs are purposely evasive or try to ask have been taking up most of my time.”
questions of Tsogath before they have told him what he
What are you doing here?”/“What are you researching?
needs to know, read or paraphrase the following response
“The idea of assembling a group of scholars to begin
from Tsogath.
researching some unpleasant phenomenon
[Tsogath]: “Why are you being so evasive? I only occurring around Bissel was one of the first things
wish to know what has transpired in the shipping of Margrave Malto Adeur wished to put into action. My
the animals my companions and I have been asked colleagues and I have been here almost a month
to study.” now, looking into a mysterious illness that has been
spreading across the March. We are also interested
Tsogath has a genius-level intellect, and is normally
in the preternatural appearance of a forest in
quite impatient, but he is willing to verbally spar with the
Nightwatch along with oddly large and aggressive
PCs if they continue to be uncooperative. His main
animals. We call ourselves the Paercine Camerata.
motivation for greeting the PCs at the door is to get away
“Paercine,” from Old Oeridian meaning “abundant”
from the rest of the Camerata for a time. The more time
or “productive” and is the same root word from
spent out with the PCs is more time spent away from his
which this Barony, “Paercium” takes its name.
companions, who he finds very annoying (see below).
“Camerata,” also from the Old Oeridian, meaning
Once the PCs have told Tsogath about their combat “cooperation” or “assortment of complementary
with the unusually enormous animals, read or paraphrase things.” Thus my companions, and I, are the
the following (tailoring the text to best fit the Paercine Camerata. I came up with the name myself;
circumstances): languages are very interesting to me.”
[Tsogath]: “I am very pleased that the specimens What progress have you made in your research?
have arrived intact. Finally, my comrades and I can “Research of this type is a slow and largely
cease speculating about these creatures and begin to unrewarding task. Although it has taken up most of
gather some serious empirical data for our our time, there have been no breakthroughs on the
research.” issue of the disease. As far as this forest is
concerned, so far we have only been working with
It’s possible that PCs are extremely curious about
inert plant samples, so I am eager to begin studying
Tsogath, Leigor Manor, his companions and their
the animal specimens that you have brought us.”
researches. For his part, Tsogath wants to delay his return
to the Camerata’s meeting for as long as possible, so he What’s the deal with the accent? ”What accent? I am a
will answer questions that the PCs might have at this brilliant scholar. Currently I am speaking twenty-
time. Probable questions and Tsogath’s responses are two languages, of which, common I am speaking the
listed below. best.”
Who are you? “I am called Tsogath. I am a Guildmage You like languages? I learned Illumian from this book I
of the Arcane Path and until recently, I have been found in BIS6-04 Face of Copper. “Impossible! There is
involved in training battlecasters for the Great Army not a language on Oerth that I am not aware of, yet I
of Bissel.”

BIS7-03 All That for a Bag of Silver? Page 8

have never heard of this “Illumian” of which you opens the door fully. From the hallway you can see a
speak. Tell me how you came by this…” long wooden table around which a number of
figures are seated. At the head of the table is a tall,
As Tsogath is conversing with the PCs, it will occur to
wizened man with an unkempt mane of grey hair.
him that they could be of a tremendous help to the
He wears a blue tunic, edged in silver, and a holy
Paercine Camerata. After the PCs are done with
symbol of a fist clenching a lightning bolt. He
questions, he will say as much. Read or paraphrase the
pounds his own fist into the table as he shouts.
[Levanor]: “Unity be damned Sollus, I want an
The wizard begins to tap his chin as he becomes
apology and I want it now!”
deeply lost in thought. Finally, he starts to nod as if
having decided on a course of action. His gray eyes PCs who have played BIS5-03 Trials and Triumphs will
land squarely upon you. recognize Prefect Levanor Curanis, a scholar from the
Church of Heironeous. Regardless of whether they have
[Tsogath]: “It occurs to me that the Paercine
met Levanor before, if the PCs can succeed at a
Camerata would benefit, at least for a short while,
Knowledge [religion] check (DC 10), they can identify
from involving skilled outsiders who can
his holy symbol as that of Heironeous.
accomplish tasks both swiftly and successfully. Such
a group of skilled outsiders would greatly aid our The man addressed as Sollus is a short, middle-aged
researches both in the immediate and long-term human. You note that he is dressed in a white tunic,
future. Normally I would impart a sending to my trimmed with gold, and a holy symbol shaped like a
guild in Sareden for some capable people, but since sunburst with a face. His head is bald, and his skin
you’re already here… well, why don’t you meet the appears unusually radiant. He raises his hands palm
rest of the Camerata and then I can tell you what I up in a non-threatening gesture.
have in mind?”
[Sollus]: “Please Levanor, there’s no need to get so
The PCs can if they wish, express reservations or try to upset.”
press Tsogath on the issue of payment, but he will deflect
PCs that have played BIS5-03 Trials and Triumphs, BIS5-06
objections until the PCs have heard him out. When the
Vanity and Vexation or BIS6-04 Face of Copper will
PCs are ready to continue, read or paraphrase the
recognize Father Sollus Illuminus, a scholar of the
Church of Pelor. Regardless of whether they have met
Following the wizard Tsogath into the manor you Sollus before, if the PCs can succeed at a Knowledge
find yourself in what must have been a magnificent [religion] check (DC 10), they can identify his holy
foyer at some time. A grand staircase leads to a symbol as that of Pelor. Incidentally, this man wears a
second floor landing, numerous hallways branch off ring of mind shielding, and so his thoughts cannot be
in your line of sight, but it has all fallen into probed by resourceful PCs.
disrepair from lack of use. A once impressive
[Levanor]: “No! I want an apology and I want it now!
chandelier hangs limply from the ceiling and a fine
Take it back: Heironeous and Hextor are NOT the
layer of dust lies on the ornate carved banister.
You don’t have much time to study the foyer as
Levanor points as he speaks, and you follow the
Tsogath leads you down a corridor.
line of his finger to a tall, gaunt woman. Long silver
[Tsogath]: “I keep meaning to conjure up some hair flows downward over robes of purple with
servants to clean this place up, but the work is so white trim. The image of a heart-shaped mask hangs
important it takes up much of my time. Besides, a from a gleaming pendant around her long, thin
true scholar needs neither the appearance nor neck.
comforts afforded by great luxury.”
PCs who have played BIS6-04 Face of Copper will recognize
If the PCs succeed at Listen checks (DC 21) they hear the Lady Abia Sanoose, a meditative priestess of Rao.
sound of shouting up ahead. PCs that have played BIS5-03 Regardless of whether they have met Lady Abia before, if
Trials and Triumphs will find the voice familiar but will be the PCs can succeed at a Knowledge [religion] check (DC
unable to place it. 10), they can identify her holy symbol as that of Rao. If
the PCs can succeed at a Knowledge [nobility and
Tsogath leads you to the end of the short hallway to
royalty] or Knowledge [local – Sheldomar Valley
a heavy wooden door. He first cracks the door a
Metaregion] check (DC 15), they will know that Lady
little, sighs with obvious exasperation, and then

BIS7-03 All That for a Bag of Silver? Page 9

Abia Sanoose is mother to Baroness Ketzia Sanoose, ruler [Sollus]: “Me? Take a look in the holy font yourself
of the Barony of Gerorgos and a onetime hopeful for the once in awhile.”
Margrave’s throne.
[Loriti]: “Make that 17 ½ %.”
[Abia]: “Now Levanor, true serenity will elude you
Slowly and silently, the wizard Tsogath pulls the
until you realize that shouting and silence will net
door closed without the occupants having ever
the same results.”
noticed it being open. He turns to you with an
[Loriti]: “If that’s true then why do you continue to obvious look of embarrassment on his face.
inflict your useless aphorisms on us all?”
[Tsogath]: “Maybe you can meet the Camerata later.
Your eyes shift to the new speaker, a golden- Why don’t I just tell you about the task I have in
haired half-elf in red and gold robes; her hands mind for you right here, without the others?”
bedecked in about a dozen rings all bearing large
It’s possible that the PCs will want to guess at what
gemstones and a heavy bejeweled pendant
Tsogath has in mind. If the PCs ask if the task is to slay
displaying the symbol of hands gripping a large
the rest of the Camerata so Tsogath can finally get some
money purse.
work done, he will laugh heartily before abruptly
PCs that have played BIS6-04 Face of Copper will recognize stopping as if seriously considering the proposal.
the Holy Clerk Loriti Lorgrave, an administrator in the
When you are ready to proceed, read or paraphrase
Church of Zilchus. Regardless of whether they have met
the following:
Loriti before, if the PCs can succeed at a Knowledge
[religion] check (DC 10), they can identify her holy [Tsogath]: “This may come as a surprise to you, given
symbol as that of Zilchus. the impressive collection of scholars here,
but…unfortunately our progress has been much
[Loriti]: “Guildmaster forgive me for being here pro
slower than I expected.”
bono. I would charge the March an extra 16 ¾% for
having to deal with this.” Allow the PCs a moment to digest this startling
revelation before continuing:
A strident lute chord brings your attention to
the foot of the table where a young man dressed in [Tsogath]: “We are in need of fresh ideas in order to
traveler’s clothes begins to sing in a clear falsetto: be successful. There is a priestess of Geshtai,
someone gifted in herbal remedies; I think she
[Bince]: (to the tune of “Nights in White Satin” by
could be the key to forwarding our research. The
the Moody Blues)
priestess’s name is Mehri la’Feyvim, but
“Arguing Clerics…never reaching the end/ unfortunately she has been incarcerated for the past
eight months. It seems she has ties to the criminal
“Arguing Clerics…they won’t break nor will
element, not what I would expect from someone so
learned. Fortunately, His Lofty Grace has taken my
PCs that have played BIS3-03 Oakstaff will recognize recommendation to heart and has arranged her
Bince Rupel, a trouvere of the Bardic Circle and one time provisional release. An official is escorting her to
assistant to historical expert Yindera Raschid. Regardless the nearby village of Emon’s Rest. I was going to go
of whether they have met Bince before, they can identify myself to pick her up, but I am eager to begin
him as a bard. studies of the creatures you have brought. Will you
travel to Emon’s Rest on my behalf and escort this
The others at the table don’t allow two lines of the
priestess back here?”
song to go by before they are all talking at once.
Tsogath can provide the following information if the
[Abia]: “True enlightenment will escape you young
PCs wish to inquire:
musician until you realize that the beginning and
the end are in fact, the same.” • An escort is needed since Mehri la’Fayvim has
proven that she is not above working with
[Sollus]: “He’s singing that song again. I don’t get it,
unscrupulous types before. These criminals may
we aren’t argumentative.”
attempt to abduct or murder her in retaliation for
[Levanor]: “Well…I didn’t want to mention it, but her cooperation. Worse yet, she may still be working
you can be something of a pain, Sollus.” with the criminal element to arrange a daring escape.

BIS7-03 All That for a Bag of Silver? Page 10

• As part of Mehri la’Feyvim’s provisional release, she  Lady Abia Sanoose: Female human (O)
will be given her freedom after the Paercine Ari2/Mnk2/Clr3 (Rao)/SaF4 (Bluff +8, Knowledge
Camerata successfully concludes its researches. [religion] +10, Sense Motive +16,); AL LG.
• Emon’s Rest is only about an hour away. Mehri and  Bince Rupel: Male human (O) Brd 8 (Bluff +15,
her escort are scheduled to arrive sometime Knowledge [arcane] +8, Knowledge [history] +10,
tomorrow. The PCs have the option of staying here Perform [singing] +18, Perform [string instruments]
at Leigor Manor, or traveling to Emon’s Rest and +15, Sense Motive +10,); AL CG.
staying there.
• The meeting place in Emon’s Rest is to be a tavern ENCOUNTER 3: I LOVE THIS
called The Fountain. A fitting place to meet a BAR
priestess of Geshtai, yes? Estimated Time: 25 minutes
• Tsogath will write the PCs a letter showing them as This encounter consists of two main subsections. In the
authorized agents of the Camerata, if he is reminded first subsection, the PCs arrive in Emon’s Rest and have
to do so. an opportunity to interact with some locals at a tavern
• The PCs’ payment is the satisfied feeling that they called The Fountain. In the second subsection, Mehri
receive knowing that they are aiding in an effort to la’Veyvim arrives and is placed in the custody of the PCs.
benefit a number of innocent people who have Into the Fountain
befallen the very ills that the Camerata seeks to end.
Also, the PCs will get 50 gp. Leaving the home of the strange researchers behind,
you now find yourselves back on the road heading
Troubleshooting: Resourceful PCs might remember deeper into the Barony of Paercium. Well regarded
Jorvus and Siln and try to pawn this task off on them. The as an agricultural center, you are looking forward to
two teamsters and their crew can be found in the stables nice weather, amiable people, and perhaps the
outside Leigor Manor. The stables have been converted prospect of helping yourself to a bit of fresh fruit –
in the holding cages for the animal specimen, and they right off the vine.
have just finished securing the animals if the PCs seek
them out. Jorvus and Siln will express great While the weather is pleasant enough, the fields
disappointment that they can’t go on this milk run for an you pass by are untended and are choked by weeds
easy 50 gp, but their orders are to report to Dountham to and scrub grass. You find no people on the road as
pick up a shipment for Thornward. They can’t linger you travel.
another minute. If the PCs request skill checks in regards to finding out
When the PCs are ready to proceed to Emon’s Rest, what is going on, allow Knowledge [nature], Profession
proceed to Encounter 3. [farmer], or Survival checks. PCs making the Profession
[farmer] check receive a +4 circumstance modifier. A
All APLs successful check (DC 15) reveals that if left untended for
 Tsogath: Male human Con10 (Bluff +1, much longer, these fields will fall fallow and will not
Knowledge [arcana] +18, Knowledge [the planes] yield crops for at least this season, and maybe many
+13, Sense Motive +3); AL NG. seasons to follow.

 Father Sollus Illuminus: Male human (O) Clr6 Very inquisitive PCs may try to investigate a
(Pelor) / RSoP5 (Bluff +17, Knowledge [religion] farmhouse, in which case they should be allowed to do
+11, Sense Motive +18); AL NG. so. Don’t get bogged down with specifics, the PCs can spy
a farmhouse from the road and a closer inspection reveals
 Prefect Levanor Curanis: Male human (oS) the house to be boarded up and abandoned. PCs
Clr13 (Heironeous) (Bluff +9, Knowledge [religion] attempting to track will find no trail, meaning that the
+16, Sense Motive +16); AL LG. occupants must have left quite a while ago.
 Loriti Lorgrave: Female half-elf Clr3 When ready to proceed, read or paraphrase the
(Zilchus)/ChI8 (Bluff +10, Sense Motive +15); AL following:
The wizard Tsogath seems to have greatly
underestimated the time of travel, for it is almost
four hours from when you set off from Leigor

BIS7-03 All That for a Bag of Silver? Page 11

Manor until you arrive at the small village of died of the plague shortly there after. One of the
Emon’s Rest. What few shops there are have closed locals, a farmer named Daech, kept his stuff.
up, and no people can be seen on the main road
As the PCs are going about there business, they will
through the village. What activity there is seems to
attract the attention of two local farmers, Daech and
be coming from a two-story building. A painted
Myem. These two have gotten it in their heads that the
shingle depicts a bright blue waterspout.
Baron owes more to them and the other peasants due to
Entering the tavern you find about a dozen the massive labor shortage. They will approach the PCs to
people inside, gathered around tables with tankards act as their proxy. When you are ready to introduce
in front of them. They regard you briefly with some Daech and Myem, read or paraphrase the following:
curiosity before returning to their quiet
As you help yourself to another spoonful of
conversation. The air is heavy with fragrant smoke,
delicious tasting mutton stew, two simple looking
as a few of the locals enjoy a few puffs on long cob
peasants, probably farmers, approach your table.
pipes. Through the haze you spy a large, bearded
One is tall and thin, with stringy black hair hanging
man behind the bar rubbing a tankard with a grimy
over his eyes. He holds a wide brimmed hat in his
hands. The other man is short and rotund, with a
Mehri and her escort have not yet arrived, so the PCs close-cropped blonde hair and a ruddy complexion.
have a moment to relax. They can order a simple meal The second man clears his throat before addressing
and to drink have a choice of either Barrier Brew, or a you.
new drink called Medig’s Hillside Heather Ale. Both are
[Daech]: “How do noble travelers? Allow myself to
made by the Medig’s Hill Brewing Company, run by the
make my introductions: my name’s Daech and this
Medigkin clan of dwarves. The innkeeper will report that
here’s my associate Myem.”
most of the locals don’t care for the Heather Ale and stick
with Barrier Brew. In fact, he probably won’t order more [Myem]: “Ayuh.”
of the Heather Ale, as it is unpopular with his customers.
[Daech]: “We couldn’t help but notice that y’all had
PCs may wish to interact with the locals a little bit. an adventuring look to ya, and we was
Treat this as a Gather Information check at the DCs listed wonderin’…well, ya probably don’t conventionally
below. At your option, and if time permits, the git this request, least not from simple folk like us,
information below can be disseminated through role- but we was thinking to hire y’all fer a job.”
Both Daech and Myem are expert farmers, but they are
DC 10 inexpert at everything else. Daech tries to sound
intelligent, but winds up mispronouncing many of the
• A vile plague has descended on Paercium; the impressive-sounding words he wishes to wield. Daech
afflicted contract black sores that soon become will do most of the talking, as Myem suffers from severe
seeping lesions. After which, death comes soon. The shyness in front of strangers. The PCs are free to dismiss
Plague is called the Mark of the Black Hand, since Daech and Myem as simpletons, but if they wish to know
the lesions look like little black hands. more about Daech’s proposal, then likely questions and
• Most of the residents of Paercium who have not died the appropriate responses are listed below.
of the Mark have left the Barony for other places. What is this job you wanted us to do? “Those laborers
Rumor has it that jobs are plentiful in Kynneret and and farmers what haven’t died of the Mark have left
wages are quite high in New Clunther. The resulting to seek better opportunities elsewhere. In fact, we
labor shortage means that fields have gone hear there is plenty of jobs in Kynneret, but then
untended. we’d have to live in Kynneret.”
DC 20 [Myem]: “Ick.”
• Some of the residents who remain in Paercium are [Daech]: “So we was thinking to draft up a letter to
thinking of petitioning the Baron, Lord Conri Sollus, the Baron, asking for some incentives and
for some help during these bleak times. rewardizement to those of us what stayed in
DC 30 Paercium. Then it’d be no problem to get the hands
we need to till the fields.”
• An adventurer came through here about a week ago,
[Myem]: “Ayuh.”
a warrior of some type. The wandering sellsword

BIS7-03 All That for a Bag of Silver? Page 12

[Daech]: “You can see that simple folk such as Myem the same feudal strictatures that our fathers and
and myself not wanting to deliver such a potential grandfathers put up with. Doesn’t seem right.”
inflammatorializing missive to the beloved
If the PCs decline Daech’s offer, skip to the Mehri
sovereign of us. We was hoping you could do that.”
Arrives section of this encounter. If the PCs have agreed
Okay, so what will this letter say? “Well, we don’t know. to help, have one of the players write down Daech and
Neither Myem or I are much for the writ word, so we Myem’s requests from the Baron. Feel free to role-play
were hoping ya could help us out with dat part.” through this as you will, but be mindful of time in a
convention setting.
Isn’t this letter you’re drafting tantamount betrayal of
your Baron? “In the old days ya used to be able to The Requests
petition the Baron for help, money for keeping up
roads, stones to build a foot bridge. Lord Sollus has • First, Daech believes that the time has come for the
been rather withdrawn-like since the death of his Baron’s serfs to actually get paid for working the
nephew. We’re just asking for some help, like in the Baron’s fields. A reasonable wage would be
old days.” acceptable; Daech was thinking that 3 gp a month
would be fair. This would be in addition to the
So, we deliver the letter and the net result is that it normal perks of being the Baron’s serf, which would
benefits you and the Baron. How do I benefit? “Well, include the right to live on the Baron’s land, build a
awhile back an adventurer came to our village. house on the Baron’s land (with the lord’s
Supped right where you are sitting actually. He died permission) and the right to keep 30% of the crops
of the plague the next day. I happen to hang on to they grown for their own use.
his stuff. If you deliver this letter, I’ll get dat
equipment to ya.” • Second, the Baron takes too much in tax. From now
on the peasants should be allowed to keep 40% of the
Wow, so what kind of equipment are talking about? crops they grow. “Dare I say, even 50%? No, I don’t
Mithral Breastplate? A Holy Avenger? “Um…some want to be angering the Baron.”
weapons and equipment.”
• Third, it might be nice if the Baron were to hold
Adamantine Glaive? “Um…is that a weapon or an court again. Then the peasants could bring their
equipment?” appeals directly to the Baron and not feel ashamed
Boots of Speed? “Um…boots of what?” for sending a letter of this sort.

Why don’t you tell us what you do know about this • Fourth, Myem will finally chirp in to fervently state
adventurer and his stuff? “Well, he came in here in a that the Baron should make it legal for a man to
bad state. Very quiet. Slight points to his ears, he marry his livestock. Not that Myem wants to do this,
musta been half-elven or some such. Had him some but why shouldn’t a man marry his livestock? Just
soup and we thought he’d open up a bit. He just hypothetically speaking, of course.
went to his room and died.” • Fifth, the PCs should feel free to suggest even more
So why don’t you just sell this adventurer’s stuff and then demands, from the reasonable to the outrageous.
hire all the hands you need? “Oh no! The same thing is Daech will agree to the inclusion of the reasonable
what happened to my brother-in-law…with so much demands.
riches it wasn’t long ‘fore he had a dagger in his side. Treasure: Once the letter to the Baron has been
Better its ya that’s carrying such treasures. Besides, completed, Daech will present the dead adventurer’s
such things aren’t helping me till mah fields.” equipment to the PCs.
Okay, so how long is this going to take me to deliver your APL 2: L: 0 gp, C: 25 gp, M: 320 gp, masterwork
letter? “The Baronial capital of Mahiro is only a elvencraft composite longbow (+2 Str) (150 gp), arcane
couple of hours from here. Shouldn’t take you too scroll of magic weapon (4 gp), cloak of resistance +1 (166
far out of your way, depending on where you’re gp).
going I guess.”
APL 4: L: 0 gp, C: 25 gp, M: 540 gp, masterwork
Why don’t you guys just quit being farmers and rush to elvencraft composite longbow (+2 Str) (150 gp), arcane
the front lines to kill some Kettites? “Well, I’ve got a scroll of magic weapon (4 gp), arcane scroll of arrow mind
letter (and Myem does too), that we’re supposed to (4 gp), cloak of resistance +1 (166 gp), bracers of armor +1
be farming to do our bit for the Great Army of Bissel. (166 gp), potion of cure moderate wounds (50 gp).
But we don’t get paid like a soldier, we put up with

BIS7-03 All That for a Bag of Silver? Page 13

APL 6: L: 0 gp, C: 25 gp, M: 885 gp, +1 elvencraft The two individuals are Warz Haberdasher, a skilled
composite longbow (+2 Str) (433 gp), arcane scroll of guide, and his escort, the prisoner Mehri la’Feyvim. Warz
magic weapon (4 gp), arcane scroll of arrow mind (4 gp), is a world-weary, sarcastic scout, a veteran Pathwalker
arcane scroll of greater magic weapon (62 gp), cloak of with the Company of the Brightpath, Bissel’s premiere
resistance +1 (166 gp), bracers of armor +1 (166 gp), wilderness defense organization. PC members of the
potion of cure moderate wounds (50 gp). Company of the Brightpath will immediately recognize
him. He has been charged with escorting the prisoner
APL 8: L: 0 gp, C: 25 gp, M: 1551 gp, +1 elvencraft
from Beruak to this location, and is eager to be done with
composite longbow (+2 Str) (433 gp), arcane scroll of
his task.
magic weapon (4 gp), arcane scroll of arrow mind (4 gp),
arcane scroll of greater magic weapon (62 gp), cloak of PCs that have played BIS6-04 Face of Copper will
resistance +1 (166 gp), bracers of armor +1 (166 gp), recognize the woman as Mehri la’Feyvim, Waterbearer
gloves of dexterity +2 (666 gp), potion of cure moderate (priestess) of Geshtai.
wounds (50 gp).
If the PCs are upfront with their association and
APL 10: L: 0 gp, C: 25 gp, M: 2551 gp, +1 elvencraft don’t act too shady, the interaction between them and
composite longbow (+2 Str) (433 gp), arcane scroll of Warz should go quite smoothly. If the PCs try to furtively
magic weapon (4 gp), arcane scroll of arrow mind (4 gp), study the pair without approaching them, Warz will
arcane scroll of greater magic weapon (62 gp), cloak of become suspicious. He will assume the worst: that the
resistance +1 (166 gp), bracers of armor +1 (166 gp), PCs are a criminal group here to free Mehri la’Feyvim or
gloves of dexterity +2 (666 gp), ring of enduring arcana to murder her in retaliation.
(1000 gp), potion of cure moderate wounds (50 gp). Warz is an experienced scout and warrior, but he is a
APL 12: L: 0 gp, C: 25 gp, M: 4375 gp, +1 bane little lazy. He will not ask for official paperwork unless
(monstrous humanoid) elvencraft composite longbow (+2 the PCs behave in a suspicious way. When the transfer of
Str) (1483 gp), arcane scroll of magic weapon (4 gp), custody is made, read or paraphrase the following:
arcane scroll of arrow mind (4 gp), arcane scroll of greater Warz reaches for a pouch at his side and removes a
magic weapon (62 gp), arcane scroll of shadow walk (275 small iron key. He hands it over to you.
gp), cloak of resistance +1 (166 gp), bracers of armor +2
(666 gp), gloves of dexterity +2 (666 gp), ring of enduring [Warz]: (with obvious sarcasm) “Watch out for this
arcana (1000 gp), potion of cure moderate wounds (50 dangerous felon, don’t be unlocking those shackles
gp). except for the strictest of emergencies.”
Mehri Arrives Mehri la’Feyvim, a lovely woman of mixed elven
and Baklunish heritage, sighs at the pain of being
This subsection occurs about an hour or two after the PCs reminded of her restraints. Warz seems not to
arrive at The Fountain, no matter when they arrive at The notice as he finishes his drink and makes to stand.
Fountain. Read or paraphrase the following:
[Warz]: “Well, the transfer of custody is all complete
A lovely young woman with a big gap-tooth smile is and official. I’ll be on my way; can’t stand to be in
bringing you your next round of refreshments, one place for too long, you know.”
when you note two figures enter the tavern.
Warz stands and begins to make his way to the
The first is a tall human man, dressed in door. He pauses, turns about and kneels at Mehri’s
traveler’s clothes with a heavy cloak drawn about his chair.
head and shoulders. The second is a smaller figure, a
woman with dark features wearing an identical [Warz]: “Take care, m’lady. I hate to see good people
cloak. They make their way to a table and the man incarcerated, especially ones as honorable and kind
signals a server to attend to them. as yourself.”
PCs who are studying the new entrants and that succeeds Mehri simply nods after the gruff guide has said
at a Spot check (DC 20) will note the following: his peace. Once he is out the door, the priestess in
shackles looks at you.
Looking the two new arrivals over you note
something unusual before they are seated: beneath [Mehri]: “That’s the first kind words he’s had for me
the heavy cloak it appears the woman’s hands are all trip.”
bound by shackles of some kind.

BIS7-03 All That for a Bag of Silver? Page 14

At this point the PCs can interact with Mehri la’Feyvim. ENCOUNTER 4 (OPTIONAL):
Mehri la’Feyvim is the child of elf and Baklunish
parentage, giving her very dark hair and complexion BIG BOSS MAN
coupled with sharp features and piercing green eyes. She Estimated Time: 20 minutes
is compassionate, independent and somewhat anti- In this optional encounter, the PCs deliver the peasant’s
authoritarian. If the PCs choose to remove her restraints, list of demands to the Baron Conri Sollus. This encounter
they may: Mehri has no intention of escaping or doing consists of the PCs presenting the letter and the Baron’s
harm to the party. She can provide the following three reactions. While the actions of the PCs in this
information listed below. encounter can change the outcome of the adventure,
• Shortly after the dispute at Lake Hasra (see BIS6-04 playing through this encounter is not necessary to
Face of Copper), Mehri la’Feyvim was apprehended complete the adventure. It is listed as optional for this
and incarcerated for her connections to the Thieves’ reason.
Guild rogues operating under the name This is a role-play intensive encounter, where Baron
“Copperheads.” She just found herself in jail; she Conri Sollus’s initial reactions to the PCs need to be
doesn’t even remember going before a magistrate. tracked. For PCs who participated in BIS4-01 Murder in
• She’s heard that a wizard (she’s not sure who) has Pellak, this could cause a problem. In that scenario, the
pulled some strings to get her released provisionally. PCs were found accused of the murder of Mylan Sollus,
She doesn’t know specifics yet. Baron Conri Sollus’s nephew. It’s possible that in some
cases the PCs were convicted and imprisoned for this
• She was taken from her cell with a bag over her crime. For PCs who played this adventure, check their
head. She fell asleep as she was being transported. AR to see if they have received the “Prison!” item. This
When she awoke she was in a jail cell in Beruak. will affect Conri Sollus’s reactions to them.
That’s when Warz Haberdasher picked her up to
escort her here. When ready to proceed, read or paraphrase the
• The journey here was uneventful, the only hostilities
coming from the bad-tempered Warz Haberdasher. The Baronial capital of Mahiro is a mostly deserted
His parting words of kindness took her by surprise. walled village with a straightforward layout. A large
black hand is painted on several of the doors you’ve
• If told about her task, she will express great gratitude just passed by.
at being able to uses her skills to help people, though
she doesn’t understand how working with such The Baron’s castle stands in the center of the
illustrious scholars could be construed as an equal town, the sparse stone keep uncomplicated by
punishment to incarceration. Little does she know… spires, inlays or other decorative features. A guard
greets you at the entrance and after having
At this point, the PCs are free to return to Leigor Manor ascertained your purpose, sends a runner to
with Mehri la’Feyvim. They may choose to take the announce your presence to the Baron and ask if he
peasants’ appeal to Baron Sollus, if they choose to do this wishes to see you.
proceed to Encounter 4. If they decide to skip this,
proceed to Encoutner 5. After a moment spent chatting with the guard,
the page returns to escort you into an audience with
All APLs the Baron. Entering the castle you are lead through
 Daech: Male human (bos) Com5 (Bluff +6, several narrow chambers and up a few flights of
Knowledge [nature] +4, Profession [farmer] +11, stairs until coming to an open doorway, from which
Sense Motive +8); AL LG. flees a wizened sage of some type, carrying several
scroll tubes. “He’s all yours,” hisses the old man to
 Myem: Male human (bos) Com5 (Bluff +2, the page, who directs you to enter.
Profession [farmer] +9, Sense Motive -1); AL LN.
The room inside is illuminated by a number of
 Warz Haberdasher: Male human (Bos) Rng7 obviously magical glowing spheres attached to
(Bluff +3 (+7 against orcs, +5 against undead), sconces. Standing at one end of a long rosewood
Knowledge [geography] +8, Sense Motive +7 (+11 table is a brawny middle-aged noble with long
against orcs, +9 against undead), Survival +15); AL N. blonde hair and similarly light-colored beard. He
 Mehri la’Feyvim: Female half-elf Clr11 gathers up some parchments he has been studying
(Geshtai) (Bluff +10, Sense Motive +10); AL NG. and speaks as you enter.

BIS7-03 All That for a Bag of Silver? Page 15

[Conri]: “My page tells me you have a message, First Reaction
please enter and give your report.”
When the PCs impart the list of peasants’ requests, Baron
If any of the PCs played BIS4-01 Murder in Pellak, but did Sollus’s first reaction will be one of total disbelief. Read
not receive the “Prison!” item on the AR, Baron Sollus or paraphrase the following:
will recognize that PC. Read or paraphrase the following:
A slight smile cross the baron’s face…
[Conri]: “I recognize you; you were one of the ones
[Conri]: “This has to be some sort of joke! Tell me,
who stood accused of the murder of my dear
nephew.” (A look of great sadness crosses the did Elina put you up to this?”
Baron’s face) “Poor Mylan: I’m afraid I’ll never know If the PCs succeed at a Bluff check against the Baron’s
the full circumstances of his murder.” Sense Motive, they can convince the Baron that it was all
a joke. They are free to leave this Encounter and continue
If the PCs attempt to console the Baron in a heartfelt
with the adventure.
manner, he will react positively. Those PCs will receive a
+2 on Bluff, Diplomacy and Sense Motive checks against If the PCs decide to continue with the peasant’s plea,
the Baron for the remainder of this encounter. proceed to Second Reaction below.
If any of the PCs played BIS4-01 Murder in Pellak and Second Reaction
received the “Prison!” item on the AR, Baron Sollus will
recognize that PC as his nephew’s murderer. Read or When the PCs reiterate the peasants’ requests, Baron
paraphrase the following: Sollus’s second reaction will be one of quiet frustration.
Fortunately he doesn’t actually have the will to act on this
The look of great anger crosses the Baron’s face once feeling, unless the PCs are willing to act as his agents.
his stern gray eyes fall on you. Read or paraphrase the following:
[Conri]: “You! Murderer! How dare you come into A somber look crosses the Baron’s face. He does not
my presence?” speak for about a minute, thinking on what you
While Baron Sollus starts this Encounter with an attitude have just told him. Finally…
of “Indifferent” to the PCs, the presence of a PC who [Conri]: “I can see your points here, but I really can’t
received the “Prison!” item will automatically shift his afford to have rebellion among my subjects. Now
attitude to “Unfriendly.” He will not look at the PCs’ you folk appear to be capable warriors of a sort. If
message nor do anything but deliver angry diatribes at you agree to quash these seditious commoners, I’ll
the offending PC. In order to proceed from here, the PCs knight the lot of you. What do you say?”
must succeed at a Diplomacy check (DC 15) to improve
the Baron’s attitude to “Indifferent.” See page 72 in the If the PCs accept they are on their word to complete the
PHB for more information on the Diplomacy skill and Baron’s request. If the party follows through they will go
NPC attitudes. through Conclusion B of the adventure and receive
either the Black Knight of Paercium or the Stood Idly By
If asked about the parchments he was just favor.
inspecting, the Baron will confess (if he is of at least an
“Indifferent” attitude) that he has been inspecting Once one PC has agreed to do as the Baron asks, the
agricultural reports for his barony, and the prospects are interview is over. The Baron is satisfied that his problem
not good – due to lack of labor. will be dealt with and does not wish to discuss the matter
with the PCs any longer.
Feel free to role-play a bit as Baron Sollus, if you
wish. He is very conservative and traditional in his The PCs may attempt a Sense Motive check against
beliefs, but he is also a deeply emotional man, prone to the Baron’s Bluff. Those PCs that succeed realize that the
quick fits of anger or depression. He is devout adherent Baron is not angry with his people, merely annoyed and
to the strictures of Heironeous, and something of a trying to find the expedient solution.
fighter himself – in his younger days. If the PCs decide to continue with the peasant’s plea,
Eventually, the PCs are going to get around to proceed to Third Reaction below.
imparting the peasant’s requests on the Baron. If the PCs Third Reaction
are lollygagging, the Baron will ask them directly why
they are here (in fact, he did exactly that when they first When the PCs reiterate the peasants’ requests, Baron
entered). Sollus’s third reaction will be one of subdued acceptance.

BIS7-03 All That for a Bag of Silver? Page 16

He sees the changes occurring, and realizes that he must creatures bent on sucking their souls. When you are
change with them. ready to proceed, read or paraphrase the following:
The Baron’s expression begins to change and the All along the journey back to Leigor Manor a light
weights of the commoners’ requests begin to sink drizzle of rain has accompanied you. Just as you
in. Pensively, he approaches a window to view the arrive the rain ceases - bathing the noble estate in a
fields of Paercium, stretching to the horizon - fields multicolored soft glow. It all looks very peaceful.
that will fall fallow, if this matter is not resolved.
PCs that succeed at a Listen check (DC 40) can hear the
Finally the Baron speaks:
voices of the Camerata, even at this distance, arguing
[Conri]: “It is clear that in order to act to the benefit about some undetermined thing. The arguing will
of the Barony, I must acquiesce to these demands. become quite easy to determine once the PCs enter the
The relief felt to my people will come gradually…I manor.
only wish there was a way to aid them sooner. Alas,
Even if you did not recall the exact location of the
my resources have been drained from funding the
Camerata’s meeting room, you would be able to find
Margrave’s war against Ket. If only that traitorous
it easily from the heated shouting and arguing. The
Leigor had been of some use before he
woman you were sent to retrieve, Mehri la’Feyvim,
gives you a look of puzzlement.
If the PCs ask after this Leigor person, Baron Sollus will
Proceeding down the hallway you find the door
explain the predicament:
to the meeting hall open. A black pot rests on the
[Conri]: “Leigor was a Knight of mine, who spent bare wooden table; the water inside boils though no
much of the early part of the decade fighting giants heat source is visible to you. A number of pouches
in Geoff for the glory of Bissel, and for his Baron. containing various herbs and leaves lie open around
When he returned he promised to gift upon his the pot of boiling water. The Camerata argue
Baron a great hoard of treasure looted from the incessantly about what tea variety they will have for
giants. He never made good on these promises and their afternoon break.
his manor has stood empty since he and his family
Silently, Mehri la’Feyvim enters the room. The
disappeared late last year. I recently loaned use of
Priestess of Geshtai puts a few of the bags close to
the keep to a group of insipid crackpots, at the
her nose and then sniffs. Without a word of warning
behest of the Margrave. If the treasure exists, it may
she dumps half portions of two pouches into the
still be hidden there. ”
“If you can find Leigor’s treasure and return it
Blissful silence falls onto the room as the six
here, I will distribute it fairly among the peasantry,
scholars of the Camerata stare blankly at the
with not a copper spent on frivolity. This I swear on
the memory of my nephew.”
Suddenly, the room erupts in cacophonous
And he means it too. If the PCs accept Baron Sollus’
noise as they all begin to talk at once.
mission, their audience is at an end. The next thing to do
is return to Leigor Manor, where the Paercine Camerata [Loriti]: “But it was my turn to choose the tea this
awaits. afternoon!”
All APLs [Sollus]: “As we have been trying to explain, madam,
it was your turn yesterday.”
 Baron Conri Sollus: Male human (S) Ari5/Clr2
(Heironeous)/Ftr2 (Bluff +8, Knowledge [Religion] [Levanor]: “I thought we had voted that any
+6, Sense Motive +12); AL LN. newcomers must wait a week before they can select.”
[Abia]: “Newcomer and veteran are, in fact, the
PAGE [Bince] (sings): “Arguing clerics…”
Estimated Time: 30 minutes
The PCs can join in the arguments if they wish, and
In this encounter, the PCs return to Leigor Manor and to there is enough tea and cookies for everyone present.
the group of scholars gathered there. The PCs tour the Eventually, Tsogath will pull the PCs aside as he wishes
manse and find some unexpected residents, undead to speak with them. Read or paraphrase the following:

BIS7-03 All That for a Bag of Silver? Page 17

While the rest of the Paercine Camerata finishes Having finished with the above ground levels,
their tea, the mage Tsogath leads you into the Levanor leads you down a flight of stone steps into a
corridor and thanks you profusely for bringing the cellar. As you exit the staircase you note a table with
Priestess of Geshtai to them. papers and alchemical equipment on it. A sturdy
desk sits against a wall on the other side of the table.
[Tsogath]: “I’m quite encouraged that Mehri will
Opposite the staircase is a number of
have a positive influence on the speed of our group’s
bookshelves, but something is wrong: the
decision making.”
bookshelves are flush against each other so that no
Tsogath is quiet for a moment, as if trying to person can get in between them. Only between two
choose his next words carefully. Finally, he speaks of the shelves is there enough space for a human or
again: halfling to get by. In the side of each shelf is a large
[Tsogath]: “You have already been a great help to us,
but you could continue to aid us greatly if you were Levanor is positively beaming.
to stay but a few days longer. Is this agreeable?”
[Levanor]: “These bookshelves are quite ingenious;
The PCs are free to decline Tsogath’s offer, at which point they allow us to store many more volumes than this
they depart from Leigor Manor and exit the adventure. space would normally allow. Bince designed them. I
When they accept, read or paraphrase the following: confess to not thinking much of the bard when I
first met him, but he does have a knack for magic
Tsogath smiles and nods his head vigorously as you
accept his invitation.
Levanor moves to a bookshelf adjacent to the
[Tsogath]: “Wonderful! The first order of business
empty space. He places his hand over the ruby, and
will be to tour our facilities here to get an idea of
concentrates for a moment.
what we need of you. Regrettably, I cannot take you
on this tour. One of the first bylaws of the Camerata In response, the bookshelf slides over to create
was that all Manor tours are conducted by…” space to peruse previously inaccessible tomes.
[Levanor]: “Well, are we ready to depart?” At this point an incorporeal undead creature will float in
taking position in the bookshelf that Levanor just moved.
Levanor Curanis approaches your group, a fresh
When Levanor moves the shelf back, combat will begin.
tea stain on his priestly vestments. Tsogath sighs
Record the PCs positions in the room, referring to DM
and forces a smile.
Aid: Map #2 – Turn the Page.
[Tsogath]: “May I present your guide.”
Levanor slides the bookshelf back to its original
Paranoid PCs make take Levanor’s presence as a sign that position, revealing not an empty space but a floating
trouble is about to begin. Right before the manor tour, apparition of pure evil, a look of dark hatred in its
PCs are free to cast whatever buff spells they wish. Do not unholy visage. It reaches a wispy tendril into
discourage this; Levanor will wait patiently as the PCs Levanor, feeding on the old priest’s very life force.
expend their resources. When the tour is ready to begin,
At APLs 8 and 12, read the following:
read or paraphrase the following:
Another of the apparitions floats into the room,
Leigor Manor is quite large, though much of the
appearing from the wall nearest the alchemist’s
mansion’s space is not being used. So far the
Camerata has made use of the meeting hall, a
kitchen and pantry on the first floor, and just a few APL 2 (EL 3)
rooms for sleeping quarters on the second floor.
 Shadow: hp 27; see Monster Manual, page 221.
Numerous rooms originally designed for comfort
and entertaining lie unused. Levanor confides that APL 4 (EL 5)
they have removed a number of mechanical traps
 Wraith: hp 45; see Monster Manual, page 258.
and arcane wards on the rooms they are currently
using, and he suspects that such traps exist in the APL 6 (EL 7)
rooms yet unexplored. You get the feeling that the
 Spectre: hp 63; see Monster Manual, page 232.
Camerata intends for you to take on this task for

BIS7-03 All That for a Bag of Silver? Page 18

APL 8 (EL 9) If the PCs succeed at a Search check (DC 20) they
will find a secret door. Beyond the secret door leads to
 Spectre (2): hp 63; see Monster Manual, page 232.
the dungeons described in Encounter 6.
APL 10 (EL 11)
 Dread Wraith: hp 146; see Monster Manual, page ENCOUNTER 6: SUSPICIOUS
258. MINDS
APL 12 (EL 13) Estimated Time: 20 minutes

 Dread Wraith (2): hp 146; see Monster Manual, This encounter occurs immediately after the combat in
page 258. Encounter 5. Allow the PCs only a round or two of
actions after the fight before you read or paraphrase the
Tactics: At all APLs, one of the incorporeal undead following:
creatures will stay in the confines of the bookshelves,
alternating rounds with floating out and attacking a PC. Mere moments after the strange apparition has been
This gives a slight advantage to the PCs, as the destroyed, the members of the Camerata come
bookshelves can be moved about in order to find a hiding rushing down the stairs. There is a collective gasp
incorporeal undead. It takes a standard action to activate from the group of scholars upon seeing the
the gem on a bookshelf so that it can be moved. A unconscious form of one of their own, Prefect
bookshelf can only move 5 foot to its left or right (up or Levanor Curanis.
down if looking at the map) if and only if there is an Father Sollus rushes forward and kneels at the
empty space for it to go. A PC who succeeds at a Use side of the elder priest. Cradling the old man’s head
Magic Device check (DC 21) can move two shelves at a in his arms, Sollus turns his gaze upward.
time with a standard action.
[Sollus]: “Light protect us! Levanor! My friend, how
For ease, Player Handout 1 – Bookshelves has cutout could you possibly deserve this?”
bookshelves that can be used as the moveable
bookshelves on most standard grid maps. Tsogath turns to you, a thoughtful look on his
One hit from the apparition at any APL knocks
Levanor unconscious. This is due in some part to the [Tsogath]: “Tell me exactly what happened here.”
overriding evil taint of the manor that emanates from Tsogath will listen carefully to the PCs’ description of
Leigor himself. He cannot be revived. what happened, interrupting to get out any details they
At APLs 2 and 4 only, Levanor is conscious enough may have omitted. Once the Camerata knows what is
to cast a magic weapon spell. He holds the charge until the happening, the group of scholars can relay the following
first PC approaches him, and then he casts the spell on information:
their weapon. Once he does this, he falls unconscious
• This is the first such undead attack they have
with no hope of being revived.
experienced since being at Leigor Manor. The only
At APLs 8 and 12, the second incorporeal undead defenses they have encountered since moving into
will not hide in the bookshelves, but instead alternate the mansion have been traps, and none of them have
rounds of hiding in a wall and then floating out to attack been deadly.
a PC.
• Despite their quick efforts here, Levanor cannot be
At APL 10 and 12, note that the Dread Wraiths are revived and seems to be in between a living state and
large size, so moving one of the book shelves likely only a dying state.
exposes half of the creature. This may give the creature a
• After some rapid-fire debate and idea-sharing (the
bonus to AC from cover; consult pages 150-151 of the
first efficient exchange by the Camerata that the PCs
will have witnessed) the scholars will come up with a
Developments: Immediately after the combat, the rest theory. Levanor’s state seems indicative of a Strongly
of the Camerata will rush in, too late to participate in Evil-Aligned Planarmaterial Bifrucation Matrix, or
battling the undead creatures. It is clear that Levanor SEAPBiM for short. In layman’s terms a powerful
Curanis is not going to recover soon, there is some negative energy taint seems to be emanating from
additional taint in Leigor Manor beyond mere somewhere in the mansion, likely in a secret
apparitions. location yet to be discovered. Such an effect would

BIS7-03 All That for a Bag of Silver? Page 19

come from Planar Bifrucation Nexi, which will Troubleshooting: Canny PCs might try to hit the
manifest to our senses as objects of some sort that Camerata up for some free spell-casting. Unfortunately
will radiate powerful magic. Because the Camerata for the PCs, the Camerata is not an optimized
have been living among the taint for more than a adventuring party. They do not have many beneficial
month, they are more susceptible to its effects. The spells left; most of their magic for the day has already
PCs, as new arrivals, will likely be unaffected by the been cast in the service of their research. As an example,
taint, as they search down the Planar Bifrucation Lady Abia prepared all her fourth level slots as
Nexi and destroy it. divinations, which she cast in order to discover what sort
of tea they should have on their break (results were
• PCs that succeed at a Knowledge [the planes] check
ambiguous and contradictory). All members of the
(DC 35) will understand the theory behind a
Camerata have done similar things. However, at APLs 2
Planarmaterial Bifrucation Matrix and recognize that
and 4 the party may need some serious help. The
this idea has validity.
Camerata is willing to cast up to 6 levels worth of healing
• A dissenting opinion will come from the bard Bince spells, which could include lesser restoration, restoration, or
Rupel, with Mehri la’Fayvim agreeing with him. raise dead. For example, PCs could request a raise dead and
Bince posits that the same effects could come from a cure light wounds and the Camerata would be done as far
an Empathic Destabilization Torus, in which case as aid they can give the PCs. At APLs 6 and above, the
the source would not be an object but a creature in Camerata cannot offer any spells unless the PCs provide
great emotional turmoil. By resolving the emotional pearls of power, at which point the PCs can receive cure
turmoil (likely from destroying the creature) the spells of the appropriate level. The PCs will have to pay
taint will be lifted. The other members of the for any material components consumed.
Camerata will ridicule this theory, stating that Bince
The PCs can spend time searching the ground floor
should revisit Fola’s Law of Planardynamics if he
and second floor on Leigor Manor. A thorough search
wishes to contribute anything useful to this
takes 3 hours and results in nothing. They must return to
the cellar library if they wish to make any progress.
• PCs that succeed at a Knowledge [arcana] check (DC While in the cellar, if the PCs succeed at a Search
35) will understand the theory behind a Empathic check (DC 20) they will find a secret door. Beyond the
Destabilization Torus and recognize that this idea secret door is a corridor that leads to the dungeons
has validity. described in the next section.
• The only hope is for the PCs to locate the taint
(whether it is a Strongly Evil-Aligned Planarmaterial THE DUNGEONS
Bifrucation Matrix or an Empathic Destabilization
The secret door in the cellar library leads into a corridor
Torus) and do what is necessary to lift it. The
and is about 100 feet in length. Have the PCs create a
Camerata will convene in the stables outside and
marching order. Then read or paraphrase the following:
work to revive Levanor, but his situation does not
look good. The secret door you have found leads into a long
corridor that unfortunately terminates in a dead
• Obviously the Camerata cannot accompany the PCs,
since once one of them comes in contact with the
results of the taint they will succumb to the same If the PCs succeed at a Search check (DC 20) they
fate as Levanor. will find a secret door at the end of the corridor. Beyond
the secret door are the dungeons of Leigor Manor. Refer
• Mehri la’Fayvim is willing to accompany the PCs; as
to DM Aid: Map #3 – Leigor Dungeons for a layout.
a new arrival she, like the PCs, should not as
vulnerable to the taint’s effects. Tsogath will not Location A
allow this. When he gets a chance he will privately
Beyond this secret door is a stone chamber with a
confess that he feels that Mehri is vital to curing the
number of barred cells. Obviously this is a dungeon
Mark and is thus too valuable a life to risk.
of some sort. On the stone floor you see only
Once the PCs agree to search out the taint, the Camerata nauseating refuse and rotten debris, and the air is
will depart for the stables outside, which they plan on stale with a detestable stench.
consecrating for greater protection.
Each of the doors to the four cells (Locations B, C, and D)
is closed and has the following stats:

BIS7-03 All That for a Bag of Silver? Page 20

 Strong Wooden Doors (4): 2 in. thick; hardness 5; PCs can attempt to detect evil with a spell or spell-like
AC 5; hp 20; Open Lock DC 21, Break DC 25. ability, but they will not be able to detect a specific aura.
The specific strength of aura is Strong (see spell
Location B description on pages 218-219 of the PHB).
This cell contains a single corpse in an advanced PCs that succeed at a Search check (DC 20) while in
state of decay. Most of the flesh has been stripped by Location D will find a secret door. The secret leads into a
an unknowable number of vermin, now only corridor approximately 100 feet in length. Have the PCs
maggots cling to slowly shrinking areas of create a marching order. Then read or paraphrase the
blackened skin. What tattered clothing remains following:
seems to belong to a woman of high standing.
The secret door you have found leads into a long
Examining the corpse can be done through a Heal
corridor that slopes downward and unfortunately
check; information of varying DCs are listed below.
terminates in a dead end.
• (DC 5) She’s dead, Jim. If the PCs succeed at a Search check (DC 20) they will
• (DC 10) This is the body of a young human woman, find a secret door at the end of the corridor. Beyond the
likely in her teenage years at time of death. secret door is the Room of Betrayal, though the PCs will
not know it by that name. Refer to DM Aid: Map #4 –
• (DC 15) Judging from the state of decay, this woman Room Of Betrayal for a layout.
has been dead for 2 to 4 months.
• (DC 20) There are no injuries or sign of poison. The ROOM OF BETRAYAL
most likely cause of death is starvation.
Beyond the secret door is a strange room seemingly
Location C constructed of gleaming white marble from floor to
ceiling. The walls show no exits and the room is
This cell contains a single corpse in an advanced empty except a dark marble pillar in the center of
state of decay. Most of the flesh has been stripped by the room. On top of the marble pillar rests the onyx
an unknowable number of vermin, now only bust of a strikingly beautiful woman.
maggots cling to slowly shrinking areas of
blackened skin. What tattered clothing remains PCs that come within 5 ft. of the pillar in the center of
seems to belong to a woman of high standing. the room or of the secret door that leads to DM Aid: Map
Unlike the other cells, there seems to be words #4 – Room Of Betrayal will trigger the trap.
written in dusty red chalk on one of the cell walls. Trap: Once the trap is activated, roll initiative. The trap
Examining the corpse can be done through a Heal will act on its initiative turn each round by extending
check, and results in the same information as Location B ghostly hands from each 5-foot square in the room. The
with one exception: a Heal check (DC 20) reveals a small hands must succeed at a melee touch attack to affect a PC
tooth-marked wound on the right index finger. standing in that square. The effects of the traps depend
Thorough PCs can match the tooth-marks on the finger on APL.
with the teeth of the corpse itself. APL 2 (EL 2)
PCs examining the writing that succeed at a Heal or  Enfeebling Hands Trap: Search DC 17; magic;
Craft [alchemy] check (DC 15) will recognize the “dusty proximity trigger (alarm); see Appendix 1.
red chalk” as dried blood. PCs reading the writing receive
Player Handout 2 – Final Message. APL 4 (EL 4)

Location D  Stupefying Hands Trap: Search DC 19; magic;

proximity trigger (alarm); see Appendix 2.
Unlike the other three cells, this cell is eerily clean,
devoid of even dust or dirt. APL 6 (EL 6)

The following is to be read only to PCs with a good  Exhausting Hands Trap: Search DC 21; magic;
alignment who enter Location D: proximity trigger (alarm); see Appendix 3.

A palpable sense of great evil washes over you when APL 8 (EL 8)
you enter this cell.  Enervating Hands Trap: Search DC 23; magic;
proximity trigger (alarm); see Appendix 4.

BIS7-03 All That for a Bag of Silver? Page 21

APL 10 (EL 10) dungeons is present here, seemingly coming from a
nearby corpse.
 Mind-Draining Hands Trap: Search DC 25;
magic; proximity trigger (alarm); see Appendix 5. A man is here, pacing in front of a solid metal
door on the opposite wall. The door glows with an
APL 12 (EL 12)
unnatural green radiance, the only light source in
 Disintegrating Hands Trap: Search DC 27; the room.
magic; proximity trigger (alarm); see Appendix 6.
The man here is obviously of a martial
PCs can deal with the trap in a number of ways. They can profession, judging from his gleaming chain shirt
dispel, disarm or destroy the hands one by one, or they and the axes hanging from his belt. Numerous
can destroy the onyx bust in the center of the room, pieces of jewelry and a fur-lined cloak tell you that
which disarms the entire trap. To destroy or dispel a this man must be very wealthy, or at least a member
hand, a PC must ready such an action with the trigger for of the noble class. After a moment of study you are
a hand to show itself. displeased to note that he appears slightly
translucent in the shadows of this chamber. He is
PCs can simply flee from the trap, either by going
muttering to himself.
back the way they came, or by locating the secret door
that leads to DM Aid: Map #5 – Antechamber and PCs curious about what Leigor is saying can attempt a
Encounter 7. This secret door can be located with a Listen check (DC 17) to hear his mutterings. To those
successful Search check (DC 20). that succeed, read or paraphrase the following:
Troubleshooting: PCs who destroy the onyx bust but [Leigor] (whispers): “Ever vigilant, must be on guard.
fail to locate the secret door that leads to DM Aid: Map #5 They want the fortune. My own daughters flank me
– Antechamber and Encounter 7 may assume that they with smiling faces, but I know their true intent.
have found and destroyed the source of the taint. If they Poisoning, plotting, stab me in the back. My own
return to the Camerata, now gathered in the stables wife turns them against me. She coos her soothing
outside Leigor Manor, will find that the Levanor has not words and her wiles, but she is now silent. It is their
recovered. Members of the Camerata will postulate that kind; all women are born betrayers.”
he will not recover unless the taint is lifted. This should
PCs who approach Leigor will receive a warning. Read or
be a strong clue to the PCs that they have not completed
paraphrase the following:
their task.
[Leigor]: “Not another step. You’ll not be laying a
ENCOUNTER 7: CRAZY finger on my treasures.”
Estimated Time: 25 minutes During life, Leigor became increasingly covetous of the
treasures he took in loot during his time in Geoff. He
In this encounter, the PCs find Sir Leigor, now an
suspected his wife (Vione) and three daughters (Lene,
undead creature, skulking about as he defends his vault.
Onata, and Tesi) of conspiring to kill him in order to take
Refer to DM Aid: Map #5 – Antechamber for a layout.
his treasure. He imprisoned his three daughters, who in
However, the PCs must first get there. Read or turn starved to death. He murdered his wife and then
paraphrase the following: plunged a dagger in his own heart in a fit of confusion.
His deep emotional turmoil has created the dark taint on
The secret door you have found leads into a long
Leigor Keep, attracting the undead creatures from
corridor that slopes downward and unfortunately
Encounter 5 and even creating the trap in Encounter 6.
terminates in a dead end.
He jealously guards this vault, which cannot be opened
If the PCs succeed at a Search check (DC 20) they will so long as he exists. For PCs wishing to interact with
find a secret door at the end of the corridor. Beyond the Leigor, see the ‘Talking with Leigor’ subsection. Those
secret door is the anteroom before Leigor’s Vault. Refer to who prefer combat or approach within 5 feet of Leigor
DM Aid: Map #5 – Antechamber for a layout. will meet the violent conclusion, see the ‘Battling Leigor’
The air in this room is extremely cold and dry
against your skin. The room seems hastily excavated PCs who inspect the corpse may do so. Examining
from rough-hewn stone, and is larger than the the corpse can be done through a Heal check;
pristine marble chamber you just left. The same information of varying DCs are listed below.
odious stench that assailed your senses in the
• (DC 5) She’s dead, Jim.

BIS7-03 All That for a Bag of Silver? Page 22

• (DC 10) This is the body of a middle age human Where did you get this treasure? “In Geoff, aiding in
woman. While her face is in an extreme state of the fight against the Sakhut. The Archpaladin saw fit
decay, it is clear that the onyx bust in the trapped to see me through the righteous battles. I am not a
room (Encounter 6) was of this woman. greedy man, and I would not have accepted the
Gyri’s reward, were I not already pledged to gift it to
• (DC 15) Judging from the state of decay, this woman my Baron.”
has been dead for 2 to 4 months.
It’s been awhile since you got back, why haven’t you
• (DC 15) There are a number of wounds, likely from given the treasure to the Baron. “I plan to during
some slashing weapon. These wounds caused her Needfest before the next Fireseek, at the start of the
death. coming year.”
The door to the vault cannot be opened until Leigor has What is the day today? “A silly question. Today is 17
been dealt with. Ready’reat, CY 596.”
Talking with Leigor What is your wife’s name? “Vione.”
One way of dealing with Leigor is to remind him of his Tell us about your wife? “Common-born, from the
past nobility and to convince him of his misdeeds. This is village of Emon’s Rest. The miller’s daughter, so
done through a bit of role-play with some Diplomacy beautiful. We met when I defended Emon’s Rest
checks. Leigor begins with an attitude of Hostile, though from a group of dark ghouls. I was but a squire
he does not immediately attack. In order to succeed, the then.”
PCs must shift his attitude to Helpful. They are allowed
three checks to do this; refer to page 72 of the PHB for What are your daughters’ names? “Lene, Onata, and
information on shifting NPC attitudes. If after three Tesi.”
checks, he is not helpful, the madness of greed takes hold Tell us about your daughters? “Beautiful girls. Lene is
and he will attack the PCs. the oldest, near marrying age. She is very intelligent,
PCs may have questions for Leigor. Leigor must have a brilliant musician and has a knack for simple
an attitude of at least Unfriendly before he will answer cantrips. Onata is as pious as Lene is clever. When
questions. Some likely questions and Leigor’s responses she told me that she planned to take orders as a
are given below: priestess of the Archpaladin, I was deeply proud.
Tesi is not much now, but she will grow to be a great
Who are you? “I am Leigor, a Knight of Paercium” champion, like her father. She already displays great
Where are your daughters? “My daughters are being skill with the spiked chain, an instrument of war
punished for betrayal of their father. I will release that I never could master.”
them this afternoon if they swear utmost loyalty not Why have you punished your family? “My wife and
to seek retribution.” daughters, they conspire to poison me and bring my
Where is your wife? “My wife is asleep. When she death. They do this because they covet my…I mean,
awakens she will swear to abandon her scheme the Baron’s treasure. I suspect they have made a deal
against me, lest I take more drastic action.” to deliver the treasure to brigands, that would be
I think your daughters are dead. “Nonsense. You are
either mistaken or attempting to deceive me.” Nope, we aren’t brigands. “Of course that’s what a
brigand would say.”
I think your wife is dead. In fact, she’s right over
there…dead. “Nonsense. You are either mistaken or It is up to the PCs to convince Sir Leigor that he is dead
attempting to deceive me.” and to release his hold on the mortal coil. As stated above,
the PCs must shift his attitude from Hostile to Helpful.
No really, come take a look. “You are attempting to They are allowed three checks to do this; refer to page 72
betray me into leaving my post, so that you can gain of the PHB for information on shifting NPC attitudes.
access to my…I mean, the Baron’s treasure.” One PC makes the checks, though other PCs may assist.
You know, we aren’t here for your treasure. “It is The PCs can add the following circumstantial
obvious that is precisely why you are here.” modifiers as they make their appeal for Leigor to regain
I think you might be dead. “Preposterous.” his senses, all depending on their role-play:

BIS7-03 All That for a Bag of Silver? Page 23

• The PC mentions Leigor’s family members by name: Battling Leigor
+2 per family member mentioned.
Whatever the circumstances the PCs now find
• The PC mentions Leigor’s duties to the Baron: +2. themselves in combat with Leigor. He is an untiered
• The PC mentions Leigor’s past good deeds: +2.
• The PC tactfully points out the dead forms of
Leigor’s family: +2.  Sir Leigor, Knight of Paercium, Male
Swordwraith Ftr2: hp 20; see Appendix 7.
• The PC mentions Tesi’s message on the cell wall: +2
Tactics: Leigor should present no challenge for APLs 6 to
• The PC has someway of proving the correct date 12, but at APL 2 or 4 Leigor can cause some problems. His
(Waterday, 5 Readying CY 597): +2. DR can be difficult, but not impossible, to overcome and
• PC is a Knight of some kind: +2 per PC. his strength damage can be devastating. Nonetheless,
most parties at APL 2 or 4 should be able to deal with
• PC is an obvious worshipper of Heironeous: +2 per Leigor, though it may be a near thing. PCs are free to flee
PC. this fight and come back rested, if they wish. For his part,
• PC is female: -2 per PC. Leigor attacks in a very straight-forward manner. He
attacks PCs in order of the level of threat to him they
• PC is currently large-size for whatever reason: -2 per present.
Developments: Once the PCs successfully destroy
If the PCs are successful in shifting Leigor’s attitude to Leigor, the green glow on the vault door dissipates –
Helpful, he will regain some of his previously noble allowing entry.
nature. He will release his hold on the material plane;
read or paraphrase the following: Almost immediately after Leigor is destroyed, the
green glow on the vault door gradually dims until it
A profound sense of shock crosses Leigor’s face as he is not there at all.
recognizes what he has done. The tips of his fingers
begin to dissipate into trails of gray mist floating to All is not complete just yet. Once the PCs enter the vault,
the ceiling. Slowly his hands disappear as trails of proceed to Encounter 8.
mist begin wafting from his boot tips, which also
begin to vanish. ENCOUNTER 8: MIXED BAG
Estimated Time: 5 minutes
[Leigor]: “What have I done? My baron…the
betrayer is none other than I. Vione…forgive me.” In this encounter, the PCs gain entry to the Vault to find
what it is they find. Read or paraphrase the following:
Like a parchment consumed from edge to edge
by a tiny flame, Leigor’s undead form rapidly The inside of the vault is much smaller than you
dissolves into faint gray snoke. Just before his face might have imagined, but it is filled with enough
vanishes, he looks upon you. treasure to make a Zilchan Enumerator gasp. There
are a great number of gleaming weapons and armor,
[Leigor]: “Thank you for giving me…oblivion.”
sacks overflowing with gold, trunks filled with
Once Leigor’s form is gone, the green glow on gleaming jewels. All of this treasure is neatly piled
the vault door gradually dims until it is not there at in the center of the room. Sitting on top of the pile
all. are two individuals, a halfling and an elf. The
halfling speaks.
The PCs have successfully talked Leigor into
nonexistence. They receive experience as if they have [Arlo]: “Are you sure you can teleport all this?”
defeated Leigor in combat. They also receive the Leigor’s
The elf shrugs his shoulders as he speaks a few
Gratitude favor on the AR.
arcane words. Then he and his companion, and the
All is not complete just yet. Once the PCs enter the pile of treasure, all vanish.
vault, proceed to Encounter 8.
All that is left is a lean-looking leather sack…
PCs who participated in BIS5-05 Strange Bedfellows will
recognize these two NPCs as members of the Cult of the

BIS7-03 All That for a Bag of Silver? Page 24

Daring Feat, a group of thrill-seekers who conduct The Camerata greet you warmly and hail your
dangerous and often illegal actions. Members of the Cult victory. Levanor, for his part, seems quite confused,
of the Daring Feat also recognize these figures. The even more so as he peeks beneath the blanket he
halfling is Arlo Tallowburn, the elf’s name is Calaran. rests under.
PCs who succeed at a Spellcraft check (DC 22) will [Levanor]: “Last I remember we were in the cellar
recognize that Calaran cast a greater teleport spell. library. What happened to me? And where in the
name of the Archpaladin are my clothes?”
For PCs who wish to investigate the last remaining
bag, read or paraphrase the following: [Abia]: “We had to remove all your garments in order
to effectively diagnose your condition.”
Untying the drawstrings of the leather sack, you
open it up to reveal a strangely dark and cavernous If the PCs succeed at a Heal check (DC 15) they will
space. realize that, in fact, Levanor’s clothing did not need to be
PCs that succeed at an Appraise, Bardic Knowledge or
Knowledge [arcana] check (DC 20) will recognize this [Sollus]: “You know Levanor, you should probably
item as a bag of holding. PCs who attempt to remove an do something about that wart on your…”
item may do so. If they do, read or paraphrase the
[Levanor]: “Silence!”
You stay on at Leigor Manor for two more days,
Reaching into the bag, your hand comes into contact
in case there is more undead activity, but things are
with what feels like a large slab of cold medal.
relatively quiet. You note with great satisfaction the
Pulling it free you find that you are holding a
positive effect Mehri la’Feyvim has on the Camerata:
gleaming silver shield.
while the arguing is still ongoing the paralyzing
PCs that succeed at an Appraise check (DC 15) will effects it had on the group’s progress seem to have
recognize this item as a mithral heavy shield. lessened. Perhaps the removal of the Strongly Evil-
Aligned Planarmaterial Bifrucation Matrix, or the
Treasure: Dumping out the contents of the bag of holding
Empathic Destabilization Torus, or whatever it was,
reveals the following items.
has something to do with this. It appears as if the
ALL APLs: L: 0 gp, C: 0 gp, M: 729 gp, bag of holding, Paercine Camerata is going to be okay… for now.
type I (208), elven chain (345 gp), mithral heavy shield
The PCs receive the Favor of the Camerata and
(85 gp), mithral shirt (91 gp).
Invitation of the Camerata AR items.


Estimated Time: 5 minutes
Estimated Time: 5 minutes
In this, the Main Conclusion, the PCs have gotten rid of
Note: the party can only receive Conclusion B or
Sir Leigor – the source of the taint around Leigor Manor.
Conclusion C, depending on their actions in Encounter
The PCs find the Camerata just as Levanor is recovering.
4. They cannot receive both conclusions. All PCs receive
You locate the Camerata in the stables outside the benefits, or detriments of the party’s actions, even if
Leigor Manor. Here the cadre of scholars has created only one PC is acting as the decider.
a makeshift infirmary where they tend to Levanor
In Conclusion B, an optional conclusion, the PCs
Curanis. The fallen priest of Heironeous lies on a
have followed Baron Sollus’ half-hearted suggestion to
cot underneath a rough looking wool blanket while
subjugate the peasantry.
the rest of the Camerata stand watch. Suddenly the
old man begins to cough violently as he stirs to It takes you all of a half a day to break the will of an
consciousness. already broken people. Daech and Myem silently
regard you with looks of betrayal from their new
[Bince]: “Huzzah! He awakens!”
residence in the stocks. Such is the punishment for
[Loriti]: “Our treatments have succeeded.” sedition. After you have made an example of the
ringleaders of this uprising, the Baron’s men
[Tsogath]: “No…it was our guests. Lo, they have
quickly and gleefully go about the brutal tasks of
making the commoners toil. It is not long before the

BIS7-03 All That for a Bag of Silver? Page 25

peasantry feels the sting of the whip at their back, The PCs receive the Favor of the Peasantry and the A
but the fields are now being tended. The great feudal Stranger’s Spellbook AR items. They do not receive the
engine of production stirs to life at the cost of Black Knight of Paercium or Stood Idly By AR item.
crushed hopes and trampled dreams. All thanks to
PCs who vigorously pursued the chance to be
If you run this event in July or August of 2007,
knighted receive the Black Knight of Paercium AR item. All
please e-mail the results from this sheet to a member of
other PCs receive the Stood Idly By AR item. No PCs
the Bissel Triad by September 1st, 2007, or have the Senior
receive the Favor of the Peasantry or the A Stranger’s
DM of your event do so.
Spellbook AR items.
The End
Estimated Time: 5 minutes EXPERIENCE POINT
Note: the party can only receive Conclusion B or SUMMARY
Conclusion C, depending on their actions in Encounter
4. They cannot receive both conclusions. All PCs receive To award experience for this adventure, add up the values
the benefits, or detriments of the party’s actions, even if for the objectives accomplished. Then assign the
only one PC is acting as the decider. experience award. Award the total value (objectives plus
roleplaying) to each character.
In Conclusion C, an optional conclusion, the PCs
have found a bag of holding containing mithral items, the Encounter 1
sale of which can bring necessary relief to Defeat the escaping animals.
It is two days after you presented the Baron with the APL 2: 90 xp.
magical bag containing the various mithral items. At
a long meeting table in Mahiro the Baron sits with APL 4: 150 xp.
his knights and the prominent merchants and APL 6: 210 xp.
farmers of his lands. Your presence at this meeting
is not necessary, but you stand in the corner, arms APL 8: 270 xp.
crossed, well pleased as the sale of the mithral is APL 10: 330 xp.
distributed fairly to hire new farmhands, rebuild
roads, and to revitalize the barony’s infrastructure. APL 12: 390 xp.
It won’t be long before the fields will spring to life Encounter 5
with much needed grain and produce. In the coming
days the great feudal engine of production stirs to Defeat the undead apparitions in the cellar library.
life and while it has cost the Baron some small APL 2: 90 xp.
amount of power among his subjects, Conri Sollus is
now regarded as a generous and beneficent ruler APL 4: 150 xp.
among his people. All thanks to you. APL 6: 210 xp.
Just as you are setting off from Paercium, the APL 8: 270 xp.
farmer Daech seeks you out. You are surprised to see
an ornate book in the simple man’s hands. APL 10: 330 xp.

[Daech]: “Thank ya again for yur aid: I had no idea APL 12: 390 xp.
what a difference a little tavern talk would make, Encounter 6
when it got to the right ears. Here’s a little
something I forgot to get you when we first met. It’s Survive or dismantle the trap in the Room of Betrayal.
a book of strange squiggles left by that adventurer APL 2: 60 xp.
what died of the plague. Perhaps ya might have some
use for it.” APL 4: 120 xp.
APL 6: 180 xp.

BIS7-03 All That for a Bag of Silver? Page 26

APL 10: 300 xp.
During an adventure, characters encounter treasure,
APL 12: 360 xp. usually finding it in the possession of their foes. Every
encounter that features treasure has a “treasure” section
Encounter 7 within the encounter description, giving information
Talk Leigor into departing through Diplomacy OR about the loot, coins, and magic items that make up the
Destroy Leigor in combat. encounter’s treasure.
APL 2: 120 xp. The loot total is the number of gold pieces each
character gains if the foes are plundered of all their earthly
APL 4: 120 xp.
possessions. Looting the bodies takes at least 10 minutes
APL 6: 120 xp. per every 5 enemies, and if the characters cannot take the
time to loot the bodies, they do not gain this gold. If you
APL 8: 120 xp.
feel it is reasonable that characters can go back to loot the
APL 10: 120 xp. bodies, and those bodies are there (i.e., not carted off by
dungeon scavengers, removed from the scene by the local
APL 12: 120 xp.
watch, and so on), characters may return to retrieve loot. If
Story Award the characters do not loot the body, the gold piece value for
the loot is subtracted from the encounter totals given
Capture the animals alive in Encounter 1 below.
APL 2: 45 xp. The coin total is the number of gold pieces each
APL 4: 67 xp. character gains if they take the coin available. A normal
adventuring party can usually gather this wealth in a round
APL 6: 90 xp. or so. If for some reason, they pass up this treasure, the
APL 8: 112 xp. coin total is subtracted from the encounter totals given
APL 10: 135 xp.
Next, the magic items are listed. Magic item treasure
APL 12: 157 xp. is the hardest to adjudicate, because they are varied and
because characters may want to use them during the
adventure. Many times characters must cast identify, analyze
Discretionary Roleplaying Award dweomer or similar spell to determine what the item does
APL 2: 45 xp. and how to activate it. Other times they may attempt to
use the item blindly. If the magic item is consumable (a
APL 4: 68 xp. potion, scroll, magic bolts, etc.) and the item is used before
APL 6: 90 xp. the end of the adventure, its total is subtracted from the
adventure totals below.
APL 8: 113 xp.
Once you have subtracted the value for unclaimed
APL 10: 135 xp. treasure from each encounter add it up and that is the
APL 12: 158 xp. number of gold pieces a characters total and coin value
increase at the end of the adventure. Write the total in the
Total possible experience GP Gained field of the adventure certificate. Because this is
APL 2: 450 xp. a Regional adventure, characters may spend additional
Time Units to practice professions or create items
APL 4: 675 xp. immediately after the adventure so this total may be
APL 6: 900 xp. modified by other circumstances.

APL 8: 1,125 xp. L = Looted gear from enemy; C = Coin, Gems, Jewelry,
and other valuables; M = Magic Items.
APL 10: 1,350 xp.
Encounter 2 Mansion on the Hill:
APL 12: 1,575 xp.
ALL APLs: L: 0 gp, C: 50 gp, M: 0 gp

BIS7-03 All That for a Bag of Silver? Page 27

Encounter 3 I Love This Bar: APL 4: L: 0 gp, C: 75 gp, M: 1269 gp – Total: 1344 gp
(650 gp).
APL 2: L: 0 gp, C: 25 gp, M: 320 gp, masterwork
elvencraft composite longbow (+2 Str) (150 gp), arcane APL 6: L: 0 gp, C: 75 gp, M: 1614 gp – Total: 1689 gp
scroll of magic weapon (4 gp), cloak of resistance +1 (166 (900 gp).
gp). APL 8: L: 0 gp, C: 75 gp, M: 2280 gp – Total: 2355 gp
APL 4: L: 0 gp, C: 25 gp, M: 540 gp, masterwork (1,300 gp).
elvencraft composite longbow (+2 Str) (150 gp), arcane APL 10: L: 0 gp, C: 75 gp, M: 3280 gp – Total: 3355 gp
scroll of magic weapon (4 gp), arcane scroll of arrow mind (2,300 gp).
(4 gp), cloak of resistance +1 (166 gp), bracers of armor +1
(166 gp), potion of cure moderate wounds (50 gp). APL 12: L: 0 gp, C: 75 gp, M: 5104 gp – Total: 5179 gp
(3,300 gp).
APL 6: L: 0 gp, C: 25 gp, M: 885 gp, +1 elvencraft
composite longbow (+2 Str) (433 gp), arcane scroll of
magic weapon (4 gp), arcane scroll of arrow mind (4 gp), ITEMS FOR THE ADVENTURE
arcane scroll of greater magic weapon (62 gp), cloak of RECORD
resistance +1 (166 gp), bracers of armor +1 (166 gp),
potion of cure moderate wounds (50 gp). Special
APL 8: L: 0 gp, C: 25 gp, M: 1551 gp, +1 elvencraft  Favor of the Camerata: You have proven yourself
composite longbow (+2 Str) (433 gp), arcane scroll of to be a great use to the group of scholars known as the
magic weapon (4 gp), arcane scroll of arrow mind (4 gp), Paercine Camerata. If your PC becomes infected with the
arcane scroll of greater magic weapon (62 gp), cloak of Mark of the Black Hand, then you can spend this favor to
resistance +1 (166 gp), bracers of armor +1 (166 gp), move your PC back to Stage 1 of the disease no matter
gloves of dexterity +2 (666 gp), potion of cure moderate which stage you are currently at. Mark this favor as
wounds (50 gp). USED when it is expended. This favor may have other
uses in the future.
APL 10: L: 0 gp, C: 25 gp, M: 2551 gp, +1 elvencraft
composite longbow (+2 Str) (433 gp), arcane scroll of  Invitation of the Camerata: Recognizing your
magic weapon (4 gp), arcane scroll of arrow mind (4 gp), scholarly nature and based on the recommendations of
arcane scroll of greater magic weapon (62 gp), cloak of your colleagues, the Camerata invites you to join them in
resistance +1 (166 gp), bracers of armor +1 (166 gp), their research. This is available only to current members
gloves of dexterity +2 (666 gp), ring of enduring arcana of one of the following Bissel Meta-orgs: Bardic Circle,
(1000 gp), potion of cure moderate wounds (50 gp). Guild of the Arcane Path, Nightwatch or any Bissel
APL 12: L: 0 gp, C: 25 gp, M: 4375 gp, +1 bane Church meta-org. In accepting the invitation you become
(monstrous humanoid) elvencraft composite longbow (+2 a member of the Paercine Camerata and must spend 2
Str) (1483 gp), arcane scroll of magic weapon (4 gp), TUs yearly aiding the group in their work. With the
arcane scroll of arrow mind (4 gp), arcane scroll of greater Camerata’s resources at your disposal, you receive a +2 on
magic weapon (62 gp), arcane scroll of shadow walk (275 all Knowledge checks while in Bissel. There may be other
gp), cloak of resistance +1 (166 gp), bracers of armor +2 benefits, contact for further
(666 gp), gloves of dexterity +2 (666 gp), ring of enduring information. If you are not a current member of one of
arcane (1000 gp), potion of cure moderate wounds (50 the meta-orgs listed above, do not cross this favor out. If
gp). you become a member within one calendar year of the
date on this AR, you may accept the invitation.
Encounter 8 Mixed Bag:
ALL APLs: L: 0 gp, C: 0 gp, M: 729 gp, bag of holding,  Favored of the Peasantry: After locating Leigor’s
type I (208), elven chain (345 gp), mithral heavy shield treasure you have seen that it was sold to benefit the
(85 gp), mithral shirt (91 gp). people of the Barony of Paercium. In addition to
receiving access (Frequency: Adventure) to the mithral
Total Possible Treasure (Maximum Reward items listed at APL 2, you also receive access (Frequency:
Allowed) Regional), as the peasants hold onto the items if you wish
to purchase them later. Furthermore, all commoners of
APL 2: L: 0 gp, C: 75 gp, M: 1049 gp – Total: 1124 gp
Paercium you encounter begin with an initial attitude of
(450 gp).

BIS7-03 All That for a Bag of Silver? Page 28

APL 6 (all of APLs 2, 4 plus the following):
 Leigor’s Gratitude: You avoided combat, and your
™ +1 elvencraft composite longbow (+2 Str) (Adventure;
words restored the Knight Leigor to some modicum of
his former nobility. In gratitude, Leigor shows his thanks
from whatever afterlife awaited him. As a swift action, ™ A Stranger’s Spellbook, APL 6 version (Adventure; see
you may invoke Leigor’s Gratitude in the form of a +20 above)
sacred bonus to a single attack roll, skill check, or saving
APL 8 (all of APLs 2, 4, 6 plus the following):
throw. Mark this favor as USED once this benefit is used.
™ A Stranger’s Spellbook, APL 8 version (Adventure; see
 A Stranger’s Spellbook: Taken from a victim of the above)
Mark by the Farmer Daech. APL 4 – shield, shock and awe
APL 10 (all of APLs 2, 4, 6, 8 plus the following):
(SpC), 200 gp; APL 6 – augment familiar (SpC), see
invisibility, 400 gp; APL 8 – dragonskin (SpC), fortify familiar ™ ring of enduring arcana (Adventure; CM)
(SpC) 600 gp; APL 10 – confusion, translocation trick (SpC)
™ A Stranger’s Spellbook, APL 10 version (Adventure;
800 gp; APL 12 – mind fog, vulnerability (SpC) 1000 gp.
see above)
 Stood Idly By: You had a chance to prevent the APL 12 (all of APLs 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 plus the following):
subjugation of decent folk, but you did nothing. All
™ +1 bane (monstrous humanoid) elvencraft composite
peasants in Bissel begin with an initial attitude of
longbow (+2 Str) (Adventure; RW)
Unfriendly. This disfavor may be removed by expending
an Influence Point granted to you by any Bissel group. ™ arcane scroll of shadow walk (Adventure; DMG)
™ A Stranger’s Spellbook, APL 12 version (Adventure;
 Black Knight of Paercium: Following the Baron’s
see above)
orders, you have quashed the peasant’s uprising in
Paercium. You are immediately Knighted, receiving all
the benefits of being a Baronial Knight of Paercium as
detailed in Bissel Meta-Activities Handbook, without
having to pay the TU costs. However, you have earned
the hatred of all peasants in Bissel, and they work very
hard for you to feel the depth of their rancor. Any effects
that grant you free lifestyle in Bissel, including those
from being a member of the Great Army, are immediately
revoked. In addition, all item purchases and lifestyle
costs are doubled for you in Bissel.

Item Access
APL 2:
™ masterwork elvencraft composite longbow (+2 Str)
(Adventure; RW)
™ elven chain (Adventure; DMG)
™ mithral heavy shield (Adventure; DMG)
™ mithral shirt (Adventure; DMG)
™ bag of holding, type I (Adventure; DMG)
APL 4 (all of APL 2 plus the following):
™ arcane scroll of arrow mind (Adventure; Complete
™ A Stranger’s Spellbook, APL 4 version (Adventure; see

BIS7-03 All That for a Bag of Silver? Page 29


Description This squat, blobby creature is about the size of a

ENCOUNTER 3 large dog. It has a bony ridge along its head, malevolent eyes,
DIRE TOAD CR 3 and a wicked, forked tongue.
N Medium Animal Sources Monster Manual II (Page 76, including 3.5 updates)
Init +2; Senses Low-Light Vision, Listen +7, Spot +8
AC 15, touch 12 , flat-footed 13
(+2 Dex, +3 natural)
hp 30 (4 HD) ENCOUNTER 6
Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +6
Speed 30 ft. (6 squares) ENFEEBLING HANDS TRAP CR 2
Melee bite +5 (1d4 plus poison) Description A 30-foot square room with a secret entrance on
Ranged tongue +5 (0) one side and a secret door located on an adjacent wall
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. (10 ft. with tongue) (Search DC 20, see DM AID: MAP 4 – Room of Betrayal for
Base Atk +3; Grp +3 exact location). In the center of the room is a dark marble
pillar on which rests an onyx bust of a strikingly beautiful
Abilities Str 10, Dex 14, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 15, Cha 7
woman. Anyone approaching within five feet of either the
Feats Alertness, Weapon Finesse
bust or the secret door trippers the trap: ghostly black hands
Skills Hide +8, Jump +10, Listen +7, Spot +8
rise from each five-foot square and grope at creatures within
Poison (Ex): A dire toad delivers its poison (Fortitude save DC the room. Anyone touched by a hand is affected by a ray of
14) with each successful bite attack. The initial and enfeeblement spell.
secondary damage is the same (1d6 points of Constitution Search DC 17
damage). The save DC is Constitution-based. Type magic
Improved Grab (Ex): If a dire toad hits an opponent that is at
Trigger proximity (alarm), Init +1
least one size category smaller than itself with a bite attack or
Effect Ray of Enfeeblement (PHB 269) at CL 1 against each target
a tongue attack, it deals normal damage and attempts to start
in the room each round (+2 melee touch). While the effects
a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of
of subsequent attacks do not stack higher penalties replace
opportunity. If it gets a hold, it can try to swallow the
existing penalties. The penalties last for 1 minute.
opponent. Alternatively, the dire toad has the option to
Duration 5 rounds (automatic reset)
conduct the grapple normally, or simply use its jaws to hold
Destruction one hand AC 12, 5 hp; onyx bust AC 13, hardness
the opponent (-20 penalty on grapple check, but the dire
2, 9 hp (disadvantage, destroying this disarms the entire trap)
toad is not considered grappled). In either case, each
Disarm Disable Device DC 26 (per hand)
successful grapple check it makes during successive rounds
Dispel DC 12 (per hand)
automatically deals bite damage.
Swallow Whole (Ex): A dire toad can swallow a grabbed
opponent that is at least one size category smaller than itself
by making a successful grapple check. Once inside the toad,
the opponent takes1d6 points of bludgeoning damage plus
1d4 points of acid damage per round from the dire toad’s
stomach. A successful grapple check allows the swallowed
creature to climb out of the stomach and return to the toad’s
mouth, where another successful grapple check is needed to
get free. Alternatively, a swallowed creature can try to cut its
way out with either claws or a light piercing or slashing
weapon. Dealing at least 10 points of damage to the gizzard
(AC 13) in this way creates an opening large enough to
permit escape. Once a single swallowed creature exits,
muscular action closes the hole; thus, another swallowed
opponent must cut its own way out. A Medium-size dire
toad’s stomach can hold 2 Small or 8 Tiny or smaller
Skills A dire toad receives a +4 racial bonus on Hide, Listen, and
Spot checks, and a +8 racial bonus on Jump checks.

BIS7-03 All That for a Bag of Silver? Page 30


Description This squat, blobby creature is about the size of a

ENCOUNTER 3 large dog. It has a bony ridge along its head, malevolent eyes,
DIRE TOAD CR 3 and a wicked, forked tongue.
N Medium Animal Sources Monster Manual II (Page 76, including 3.5 updates)
Init +2; Senses Low-Light Vision, Listen +7, Spot +8
AC 15, touch 12 , flat-footed 13
(+2 Dex, +3 natural) ENCOUNTER 6
hp 30 (4 HD)
Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +6 STUPEFYING HANDS TRAP CR 4
Description A 30-foot square room with a secret entrance on
Speed 30 ft. (6 squares)
one side and a secret door located on an adjacent wall
Melee bite +5 (1d4 plus poison)
(Search DC 20, see DM AID: MAP 4 – Room of Betrayal for
Ranged tongue +5 (0)
exact location). In the center of the room is a dark marble
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. (10 ft. with tongue)
pillar on which rests an onyx bust of a strikingly beautiful
Base Atk +3; Grp +3
woman. Anyone approaching within five feet of either the
Abilities Str 10, Dex 14, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 15, Cha 7 bust or the secret door trippers the trap: ghostly black hands
Feats Alertness, Weapon Finesse rise from each five-foot square and grope at creatures within
Skills Hide +8, Jump +10, Listen +7, Spot +8 the room. Anyone touched by a hand is affected by a touch of
Poison (Ex): A dire toad delivers its poison (Fortitude save DC idiocy spell.
14) with each successful bite attack. The initial and Search DC 19
secondary damage is the same (1d6 points of Constitution Type magic
damage). The save DC is Constitution-based. Trigger proximity (alarm), Init +2
Improved Grab (Ex): If a dire toad hits an opponent that is at Effect Touch of Idiocy (PHB 294) at CL 3 against each target in
least one size category smaller than itself with a bite attack or the room each round (+4 melee touch). While the effects of
a tongue attack, it deals normal damage and attempts to start subsequent attacks do not stack higher penalties replace
a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of existing penalties. The penalties last for 30 minutes.
opportunity. If it gets a hold, it can try to swallow the Duration 7 rounds (automatic reset)
opponent. Alternatively, the dire toad has the option to Destruction one hand AC 14, 10 hp; onyx bust AC 16, hardness
conduct the grapple normally, or simply use its jaws to hold 4, 18 hp (disadvantage, destroying this disarms the entire trap)
the opponent (-20 penalty on grapple check, but the dire Disarm Disable Device DC 27 (per hand)
toad is not considered grappled). In either case, each
Dispel DC 14 (per hand)
successful grapple check it makes during successive rounds
automatically deals bite damage.
Swallow Whole (Ex): A dire toad can swallow a grabbed
opponent that is at least one size category smaller than itself
by making a successful grapple check. Once inside the toad,
the opponent takes1d6 points of bludgeoning damage plus
1d4 points of acid damage per round from the dire toad’s
stomach. A successful grapple check allows the swallowed
creature to climb out of the stomach and return to the toad’s
mouth, where another successful grapple check is needed to
get free. Alternatively, a swallowed creature can try to cut its
way out with either claws or a light piercing or slashing
weapon. Dealing at least 10 points of damage to the gizzard
(AC 13) in this way creates an opening large enough to
permit escape. Once a single swallowed creature exits,
muscular action closes the hole; thus, another swallowed
opponent must cut its own way out. A Medium-size dire
toad’s stomach can hold 2 Small or 8 Tiny or smaller
Skills A dire toad receives a +4 racial bonus on Hide, Listen, and
Spot checks, and a +8 racial bonus on Jump checks.

BIS7-03 All That for a Bag of Silver? Page 31


weapon. Dealing at least 10 points of damage to the gizzard

ENCOUNTER 3 (AC 15) in this way creates an opening large enough to
ADVANCED DIRE TOAD OF LEGEND CR 7 permit escape. Once a single swallowed creature exits,
N Large Animal muscular action closes the hole; thus, another swallowed
Init +8; Senses Low-Light Vision Listen +9, Spot +13 opponent must cut its own way out. A Large-size dire toad’s
stomach can hold 2 Medium or 8 Small or smaller
AC 23 touch 13, flat-footed 19
(-1 size, +4 Dex, +10 natural)
Reflective Hide (Su): A dire toad of legend has a silvery sheen
hp 105 (7 HD)
to its skin and is permanently protected by a spell turning
Reflective Hide (Spell Turning)
Fort +17, Ref +12, Will +11
Skills A dire toad receives a +4 racial bonus on Hide, Listen, and
Speed 30 ft. (6 squares) Spot checks, and a +8 racial bonus on Jump checks.
Melee bite +15 (1d8+9 plus poison)
Description This squat, blobby creature is about the size of a
Ranged tongue +8 (0) large dog. It has a bony ridge along its head, malevolent eyes,
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft. (20 ft. with tongue) and a wicked, forked tongue.
Base Atk +5; Grp +18
Sources Monster Manual II (Page 76, including 3.5 updates)
Atk Options Haste
Special Actions Breath Weapon
Abilities Str 28, Dex 18, Con 29, Int 4, Wis 17, Cha 11
Feats Improved Initiative, Improved Natural Attack [bite], ENCOUNTER 6
Multiattack, Weapon Finesse EXHAUSTING HANDS TRAP CR 6
Skills Hide +14, Jump +21, Listen +9, Spot +13 Description A 30-foot square room with a secret entrance on
Breath Weapon (Su): Every 1d4+1 rounds, a dire toad of one side and a secret door located on an adjacent wall
legend can use a breath weapon (15-foot cone, 3d6 acid (Search DC 20, see DM AID: MAP 4 – Room of Betrayal for
damage). A target can make a Reflex save (DC 22) for half exact location). In the center of the room is a dark marble
damage. pillar on which rests an onyx bust of a strikingly beautiful
Haste (Su): A dire toad of legend is supernaturally quick. It can woman. Anyone approaching within five feet of either the
make an extra attack during a full-attack action, as if affected bust or the secret door trippers the trap: ghostly black hands
by haste spell. rise from each five-foot square and grope at creatures within
Poison (Ex): A dire toad delivers its poison (Fortitude save DC the room. Anyone touched by a hand is affected by a ray of
21) with each successful bite attack. The initial and exhaustion spell.
secondary damage is the same (1d6 points of Constitution Search DC 21
damage). The save DC is Constitution-based. Type magic
Improved Grab (Ex): If a dire toad hits an opponent that is at Trigger proximity (alarm), Init +3
least one size category smaller than itself with a bite attack or Effect Ray of Exhaustion (PHB 269) at CL 5 against each target in
a tongue attack, it deals normal damage and attempts to start the room each round (+6 melee touch, Fortitude partial DC
a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of 14). There is no effect on creatures that are already
opportunity. If it gets a hold, it can try to swallow the exhausted. The effect lasts for 5 minutes.
opponent. Alternatively, the dire toad has the option to Duration 9 rounds (automatic reset)
conduct the grapple normally, or simply use its jaws to hold Destruction one hand AC 16, 15 hp; onyx bust AC 19, hardness
the opponent (-20 penalty on grapple check, but the dire 6, 27 hp (disadvantage, destroying this disarms the entire trap)
toad is not considered grappled). In either case, each Disarm Disable Device DC 28 (per hand)
successful grapple check it makes during successive rounds
Dispel DC 16 (per hand)
automatically deals bite damage.
Swallow Whole (Ex): A dire toad can swallow a grabbed
opponent that is at least one size category smaller than itself
by making a successful grapple check. Once inside the toad,
the opponent takes1d8 points of bludgeoning damage plus
1d6 points of acid damage per round from the dire toad’s
stomach. A successful grapple check allows the swallowed
creature to climb out of the stomach and return to the toad’s
mouth, where another successful grapple check is needed to
get free. Alternatively, a swallowed creature can try to cut its
way out with either claws or a light piercing or slashing

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N Huge Animal Description A 30-foot square room with a secret entrance on
Init -2; Senses Low-Light Vision Listen +7, Spot +7 one side and a secret door located on an adjacent wall
AC 25 touch 6, flat-footed 25 (Search DC 20, see DM AID: MAP 4 – Room of Betrayal for
(-2 size, -2 Dex, +19 natural) exact location). In the center of the room is a dark marble
hp 224 (17 HD) pillar on which rests an onyx bust of a strikingly beautiful
Fort +18, Ref +8, Will +10 woman. Anyone approaching within five feet of either the
Speed 20 ft. (4 squares), burrow 20 ft. (4 squares) bust or the secret door trippers the trap: ghostly black hands
Melee bite +18 (1d8+12) rise from each five-foot square and grope at creatures within
Space 15 ft.; Reach 10 ft. the room. Anyone touched by a hand is affected by an
Base Atk +12; Grp +28 enervation spell.
Special Actions Lightning Strike, trample 4d8+12 Search DC 23
Type magic
Abilities Str 26, Dex 6, Con 26, Int 2, Wis 10, Cha 6
Feats Alertness, Endurance, Imrpoved Toughness*, Toughness Trigger proximity (alarm), Init +4
(x3) Effect Enervation (PHB 226) at CL 7 against each target in the
Skills Hide +0*, Listen +7, Spot +7 room each round (+8 melee touch). The effects of subsequent
attacks stack with each other. Negative levels are restored
Lightning Strike (Ex) A dire tortoise can lash out very rapidly.
after 7 hours.
On the first round of combat, it gets a surprise round
Duration 11 rounds (automatic reset)
regardless of whether it has been noticed. A creature that
notices the dire tortoise is still treated as flat-footed during Destruction one hand AC 18, 20 hp; onyx bust AC 22, hardness
this round. 8, 36 hp (disadvantage, destroying this disarms the entire trap)
Trample (Ex) Reflex half DC 25. The save DC is Strength- Disarm Disable Device DC 29 (per hand)
based. Dispel DC 18 (per hand)
Skills *A dire tortoise has a +12 racial bonus on Hide checks in
rocky terrain.
Description This massive tortoise has a spiked, rocky shell as
big as a small house. Its large head ends in a wickedly sharp
Sources Sandstorm (Page 151)

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N Huge Animal Description A 30-foot square room with a secret entrance on
Init +5; Senses Low-Light Vision Listen +8, Spot +8 one side and a secret door located on an adjacent wall
AC 33 touch 9, flat-footed 30 (Search DC 20, see DM AID: MAP 4 – Room of Betrayal for
(-2 size, +1 Dex, +24 natural) exact location). In the center of the room is a dark marble
hp 288 (17 HD); fast healing 5 pillar on which rests an onyx bust of a strikingly beautiful
Reflective Hide (Spell Turning) woman. Anyone approaching within five feet of either the
Fort +26, Ref +14, Will +14 bust or the secret door trippers the trap: ghostly black hands
Speed 20 ft. (4 squares), burrow 20 ft. (4 squares) rise from each five-foot square and grope at creatures within
Melee bite +23 (2d6+26 plus poison) the room. Anyone touched by a hand is affected by a
Space 15 ft.; Reach 10 ft. feeblemind spell.
Base Atk +12; Grp +33 Search DC 25
Special Actions Lightning Strike, trample 4d8+26 Type magic
Abilities Str 36, Dex 12, Con 36, Int 4, Wis 12, Cha 10 Trigger proximity (alarm), Init +5
Feats Alterness, Endurance, Improved Initiative, Improved Effect Feeblemind (PHB 229) at CL 9 against each target in the
Toughness*, Multiattack, Toughness (x3) room each round (+10 melee touch). Will save (DC 17)
Skills Hide +0*, Listen +8, Spot +8 negates the effect.
Duration 13 rounds (automatic reset)
Fast Healing (Ex) A dire tortoise of legend regains hit points at
a rate of 5 per round. Fast healing does not restore hit points Destruction one hand AC 20, 25 hp; onyx bust AC 25, hardness
lost from starvation, thirst, or suffocation, and it does not 10, 45 hp (disadvantage, destroying this disarms the entire trap)
allow a dire tortoise of legend to regrow or reattach body Disarm Disable Device DC 30 (per hand)
parts. Dispel DC 20 (per hand)
Lightning Strike (Ex) A dire tortoise of legend can lash out
very rapidly. On the first round of combat, it gets a surprise
round regardless of whether it has been noticed. A creature
that notices the dire tortoise is still treated as flat-footed
during this round.
Poison (Ex) A dire tortoise of legend delivers its poison
(Fortitude save DC 31) with each successful bite attack. The
initial and secondary damage is the same (1d6 points of
Strength damage). The save DC is Constitution-based.
Reflective Hide (Su) A dire tortoise of legend has a silvery
sheen to its skin and is permanently protected by a spell
turning effect.
Trample (Ex) Reflex half DC 30. The save DC is Strength-
Skills *A dire tortoise has a +12 racial bonus on Hide checks in
rocky terrain.
Description This massive tortoise has a spiked, rocky shell as
big as a small house. Its large head ends in a wickedly sharp
Sources Sandstorm (Page 151)

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N Huge Animal Description A 30-foot square room with a secret entrance on
Init +5; Senses Low-Light Vision Listen +8, Spot +8 one side and a secret door located on an adjacent wall
AC 33 touch 9, flat-footed 30 (Search DC 20, see DM AID: MAP 4 – Room of Betrayal for
(-2 size, +1 Dex, +24 natural) exact location). In the center of the room is a dark marble
hp 288 (17 HD); fast healing 5 pillar on which rests an onyx bust of a strikingly beautiful
Reflective Hide (Spell Turning) woman. Anyone approaching within five feet of either the
Fort +26, Ref +14, Will +14 bust or the secret door trippers the trap: ghostly black hands
Speed 20 ft. (4 squares), burrow 20 ft. (4 squares) rise from each five-foot square and grope at creatures within
Melee bite +23 (2d6+26 plus poison) the room. Anyone touched by a hand is affected by a
Space 15 ft.; Reach 10 ft. disintegration spell.
Base Atk +12; Grp +33 Search DC 27; Type magic
Special Actions Lightning Strike, trample 4d8+26 Trigger proximity (alarm), Init +6
Abilities Str 36, Dex 12, Con 36, Int 4, Wis 12, Cha 10 Effect Disintegration (PHB 222) at CL 11 against each target in
Feats Alterness, Endurance, Improved Initiative, Improved the room each round (+12 melee touch). Creatures affected
Toughness*, Multiattack, Toughness (x3) take 22d6 points of damage; a successful Fortitude save (DC
Skills Hide +0*, Listen +8, Spot +8 19) reduces the damage to 5d6. The effects of subsequent
attacks stack with each other.
Fast Healing (Ex) A dire tortoise of legend regains hit points at
Duration 15 rounds (automatic reset)
a rate of 5 per round. Fast healing does not restore hit points
lost from starvation, thirst, or suffocation, and it does not Destruction one hand AC 22, 30 hp; onyx bust AC 28, hardness
allow a dire tortoise of legend to regrow or reattach body 12, 54 hp (disadvantage, destroying this disarms the entire trap)
parts. Disarm Disable Device DC 31 (per hand)
Lightning Strike (Ex) A dire tortoise of legend can lash out Dispel DC 22 (per hand)
very rapidly. On the first round of combat, it gets a surprise
round regardless of whether it has been noticed. A creature
that notices the dire tortoise is still treated as flat-footed
during this round.
Poison (Ex) A dire tortoise of legend delivers its poison
(Fortitude save DC 31) with each successful bite attack. The
initial and secondary damage is the same (1d6 points of
Strength damage). The save DC is Constitution-based.
Reflective Hide (Su) A dire tortoise of legend has a silvery
sheen to its skin and is permanently protected by a spell
turning effect.
Trample (Ex) Reflex half DC 30. The save DC is Strength-
Skills *A dire tortoise has a +12 racial bonus on Hide checks in
rocky terrain.
Description This massive tortoise has a spiked, rocky shell as
big as a small house. Its large head ends in a wickedly sharp
Sources Sandstorm (Page 151)

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M Human(bos) War1/Rog1 M Human(bos) War1/Rng1
NG Medium Humaniod LG Medium Humaniod
Init +7; Senses Listen -1, Spot +3 Init +2; Senses Listen +1, Spot +1
Languages Common, Old Oeridian Languages Common
AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13, Dodge, AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14
(+0 size, +3 Dex, +3 armor, +0 shield, +0 deflection, +0 insight, (+0 size, +2 Dex, +4 armor)
+0 natural) hp 15 (2 HD);
hp 12 (2 HD); Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +1
Fort +3, Ref +5, Will -1 Speed 30 ft. in light armor (6 squares), base movement 30 ft.
Speed 30 ft. in light armor (6 squares), base movement 30 ft. Melee longsword +4 (1d8+2 S 19-20)
Melee longsword +1 (1d8 S/19-20) Ranged longbow +4 (1d8 P x3)
Ranged longbow +4 (1d8 P /x3) Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. Base Atk +2; Grp +4
Base Atk +1; Grp +1 Atk Options Point Blank Shot
Atk Options Sneak Attack +1d6 Combat Gear longsword, longbow, studded leather armor, x20
Combat Gear longsword, longbow, studded leather armor, x20 arrows
arrows Abilities Str 14, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 12
Abilities Str 10, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 8, Cha 14 Feats Weapon Focus: longbow, Point Blank Shot
Feats Dodge, Improved Initiative Skills Climb +6, Handle Animal +6, Ride +7
Skills Bluff +4, Climb+4, Intimidate+7, Handle Animal+6, Possessions combat gear plus rope, rations, spare tack
Hide+4, Move Silently +4, Slight of Hand+4, Spot+3 Description Siln, look like his cousin Jorvus, but where Jorvus
Possessions combat gear plus deck of cards is jovial Siln is quiet. He takes solace with the horses and is
meticulous in their care.
Description A jovial man with dark hair and pale skin make a
striking visage. The epitome of the extrovert Jorvus will talk
your ear off about anything going and then work on the next.
M Human(bos) War1
LG Medium Humaniod
Init +2; Senses Listen -1, Spot -1
Languages Common
AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14
(+2 Dex, +4 armor)
hp 9 (1 HD);
Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +1
Speed 20 ft. in medium armor (4 squares), base movement 30 ft.
Melee halberd +3 (1d10+3)
Ranged shortbow +3 (1d6 x3)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Base Atk +1; Grp +3
Combat Gear halberd, shortbow, scale mail, x20 arrows
Abilities Str 14, Dex 15, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 12
Feats Improved Initiative, Iron Will
Skills, Handle Animal +5, Ride +2, Swim -2
Possessions combat gear plus rope, rations, bull’s eye lantern,
love letters from home
Description A well-built warrior with a strong grasp on his
halberd, Ilden nonetheless has the wide-eyed look of a

BIS7-03 All That for a Bag of Silver? Page 36

Male Swordwraith Ftr 2
LE Medium undead
Init +3; Senses Darkvision 60’, Listen +2, Spot +2
Languages Common, Dwarven
AC 17, touch 13, flat-footed 14
(+3 Dex, +4 armor)
hp 20 (2 HD); DR 10/magic and slashing
Undead Immunities
Turn Resistance +2
Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +1
Speed 30t. (6squares)
Melee mwk Battleaxe +8 (1d8+4/x3) or mwk Handaxe +7
(1d6+4/x3) or mwk Battleaxe +6 (1d8+4/x3) and mwk
Handaxe +5 (1d6+4/x3) Two-Weapon Fighting
Ranged mwk Throwing Axe +6 (1d6+4)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Base Atk +2; Grp +6
Combat Gear mwk Chainshirt, mwk Battleaxe, mwk Handaxe,
mwk Throwing Axe
Abilities Str 18, Dex 16, Con -, Int 13, Wis 8, Cha 8
SQ Strength Damage
Feats Alertness, Iron Will, Skill Focus (Sense
Motive)Toughness Two-Weapon Fighting Weapon Focus
Skills Climb +8, Hide +6, Jump +8, Knowledge (Nobility and
Royalty) +3, Move Silently +6, Ride +5, Sense Motive +4
Possessions combat gear plus explorer’s outfit, 830 gp worth of
Strength Damage (Su) A creature struck by a swordwraith’s
melee weapon takes 1 point of Strength damage.
Description The man before you is clearly of a martial
profession, judging from his gleaming chainshirt and the axes
hanging from his belt. Numerous pieces of jewelry and a fur-
lined cloak tell you that this man must be very wealthy, or at
least a member of the noble class. After a moment of study you
are displeased to note that he appears slightly translucent in the
shadows of this chamber.
Sources Fiend Folio (Page 174)

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Improved Toughness (Libris Mortis, page 27.)
You are significantly tougher than normal.
Prerequisites: Base Fortitude save bonus +2
Benefit: You gain a number of hit points equal to your current Hit Dice. Each time you gain a Hit Die (such as by
gaining a level), you gain 1 additional hit point. If you lose a Hit Die (such as by losing a level), you lose 1 hit point

Swordwraith Template* (Fiend Folio, page 174)

“Swordwraith” is a template that can be added to any humanoid or monstrous humanoid creature with levels in fighter
(referred to thereafter as the base creature). The creature’s type changes to undead. It uses all the base creature’s statistics
and special abilities except as noted here.
Hit Dice: Increase to d12.
Special Attacks: A swordwraith retains all the special attacks of the base creature and also gains the following.
Strength Damage (Su): A creature struck by a swordwraith’s melee weapon takes 1 point of Strength damage.
Special Qualities: A swordwraith retains all the special qualities of the base creatures and also gains the following
special qualities:
Damage reduction (Su): A swordwraith’s insubstantial-appearing body is tough, giving the creature damage reduction
10/magic and slashing*. Despite their appearance, swordwraiths are not incorporeal.
Turn resistance (Ex): A swordwraith is treated as an undead with 2 more Hit Dice than it actually has for the purposes
of turn, rebuke, command, or bolster attempts.
Abilities: Same as the base creature except that, as undead creatures, swordwraith have no Constitution score.
Skills: Swordwraith gain a +4 racial bonus on Hide and Move Silently checks.
Feats: Swortwraiths gain Alertness and Iron Will feats.
Climate/Terrain: Any land and underground.
Organization: Solitary, company (2-8), or squadron (11-20 plus 1 leader of 1-4 levels higher).
Challenge Rating: Same as the base creature +2
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Usually lawful evil.
Advancement: By character class
*Updated to D&D 3.5

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BIS7-03 All That for a Bag of Silver? Page 45

If you run this event in July or August of 2007, please e-mail the results from this sheet to a member of the Bissel Triad
by September 1st, 2007, or have the Senior DM of your event do so.

1. Did the PCs successfully capture the animals alive in Encounter 1? Yes No

2. Did Ilden survive? Yes No

3. Did the PCs A) subjugate the peasants or B) work to relieve their suffering? A B
If they did neither, explain.

4. Did the PCs A) talk Leigor into departing or B) destroy Leigor? A B

Notes: (Add anything that happened that might be considered out of the ordinary – Strange
occurrences, results that may not fit the above, etc):

BIS7-03 All That for a Bag of Silver? Page 46


Dark Heart of the Forest

Bissel Regional Adventure
Version 1.0

by Joe Leo, Jay Babcock, Crystal Babcock, and Cameron Logan

Reviewers: Bissel Triad Circle Reviewer: Steven Conforti
Playtesters: Crystal Babcock, Phil Bonder, Bud Britton, Lee Burton, Jon Sedich

The darkest depths of the Barony of Nightwatch have been covered in a strange forest for over a year. Now, darkness is
stirring and the land is responding. Wild things known to be there are emerging, and something must be done to
reclaim that which has been lost. A Bissel regional adventure for APLs 2-12.

Resources: Complete Arcane [Richard Baker], Complete Divine [David Noonan], Monster Manual II [Ed Bonny, Jeff Grubb,
Rich Redman, Skip Williams, Steve Winter], Fiend Folio [Eric Cagle, Jesse Decker, James Jacobs, Erik Mona, Matt
Sernett, Chris Thomasson, James Wyatt], Spell Compendium [Matthew Sernett, Jeff Grubb, Mike McArtor].

Based on the original DUNGEONS & DRAGONS® rules created by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson and the new DUNGEONS & DRAGONS game designed
by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Richard Baker, and Peter Adkison.

This game product contains no Open Game Content. No portion of this work may be reproduced in any form without permission of Wizards of the
Coast. To learn more about the Open Gaming License and the d20 SYSTEM license, please visit

This is an official RPGA® play document. To find out more about the RPGA and to learn more on how you can sanction and run DUNGEONS &
DRAGONS game events of all sizes, visit our website at

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, GREYHAWK, LIVING GREYHAWK, D&D REWARDS, RPGA, Player’s Handbook, Dungeon Master’s Guide, and
Monster Manual are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc, in the US and other countries. This material is protected under the copyright laws of the
United States of America. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained herein is prohibited without the express written
permission of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. This product is a work of fiction. Any similarity to actual people, organizations, places, or events is purely
coincidental. © 2005 Wizards of the Coast, Inc and the adventure author or authors.

Visit the LIVING GREYHAWK website at

For questions specific to this document and your region please e-mail your triad point of contact (POC) at For LIVING
GREYHAWK campaign questions email
RPGA® SANCTIONED PLAY form in the adventure text. Full information on NPCs
and monsters are given in the Appendices.
Most likely you ordered this adventure as part of an Along with this adventure you’ll find a RPGA Table
RPGA even from the RPGA website, or you received it Tracking sheet. If you’re playing this adventure as part of
from your senior gamemaster. To play this adventure as an RPGA-sanctioned event, complete and turn in this
part of the LIVING GREYHAWK campaign—a worldwide, sheet to your senior GM directly after play. You’ll also
ongoing D&D campaign set in the GREYHAWK setting— find a LIVING GREYHAWK Adventure Record (AR).
you must sanction it as part of an RPGA event. This event
could be as elaborate as a big convention, or as simple as a LIVING GREYHAWK LEVELS
group of friends meeting at the DM’s house.
To sanction an RPGA event, you must be at least a
HERALD-LEVEL gamemaster. The person who sanctions Because players bring their own characters to LIVING
the event is called the senior gamemaster, and is in GREYHAWK games, this adventure’s challenges are
charge of making sure the event is sanctioned before proportionate to the modified average character level of
play, runs smoothly on the date sanctioned, and then the PCs participating in the adventure. To determine this
reported back to the RPGA in a timely manner. The modified Average Party Level (APL) follow the steps
person who runs the game is called the table Dungeon below:
Master (or usually just DM). Sometimes (and almost all
the time in the cases of home events) the senior 1. Determine the character level for each of the PCs
gamemaster is also the table DM. You don’t have to be a participating in the adventure.
HERALD-LEVEL GM to run this adventure if you are not 2. If PCs bring animals that have been trained for
the senior GM. combat (most likely dogs trained for war), other than
By sanctioning and reporting this adventure you those brought by virtue of a class ability (such as
accomplish a couple of things. First it is an official game, animal companions, familiars paladin’s mounts) or
and you can use the AR to advance your LIVING the warhorse of a character with the Mounted
GREYHAWK character. Second player and DMs gain Combat feat, use the sidebar chart to determine the
rewards for sanctioned RPGA play if they are members of number of levels you add to the sum of step one. Add
the DUNGEONS & DRAGONS REWARDS program. Playing each character’s animals separately. A single PC may
this adventure is worth two (2) points. only bring four or fewer animals of this type, and
animals with different CRs are added separately.
This adventure retires from RPGA-sanctioned play
on December 31, 2008. 3. Sum the results of step 1 and 2, and divide by the
number of characters playing in the adventure.
To learn more about the LIVING GREYHAWK Round to the nearest whole number.
character creation and development, RPGA event
sanctioning, and DUNGEONS & DRAGONS REWARDS, visit 4. If you are running a table of six PCs, add one to that
the RPGA website at average.
Throughout this adventure, APLs categorize the level of
PLAYERS READ NO FARTHER challenge the PCs face. APLS are given in even-numbered
If you are planning on playing this adventure, stop increments. If the APL of your group falls on an odd
reading now. The rest of the information in this number, ask them before the adventure begins whether
adventure is for the DM only. If you read farther than this they would like to play a harder or easier adventure.
section, you’ll know too much about its challenges, which Based on their choice, use either the higher or the lower
kills the fun. Also, if you’re playing this adventure as part adjacent APL.
of an RPGA-sanctioned event, reading beyond this point APL also affects the amount of experience and gold a
makes you ineligible to do so. PC can gain at the end of the adventure. If a player
character is three character levels or more either higher
PREPARING FOR PLAY or lower than the APL at which this adventure is being
played, that character receives only one-half of the
To get the most out of this adventure, you need copies of experience points and gold for the adventure. This
the following D&D books: Player’s Handbook, Dungeon simulates the fact that either the PC was not challenged
Master’s Guide, and the Monster Manual. as much as normal or relied on help by higher-level
Throughout this adventure, text in bold italics provides characters to reach the objectives.
player information for you to paraphrase or read aloud Furthermore, a PC who is four or more levels higher
when appropriate. Sidebars contain important than the highest APL supported by the adventure may
information for you, including special instruction on not play the adventure.
running the adventure. Information on nonplayer
characters (NPCs) and monsters appear in abbreviated

BIS7-04 Dark Heart of the Forest Page 1

Mundane # of Animals
Animals Effect on
APL Truelight, the capital of the barony of Nightwatch, played
1 2 3 4 a pivotal role in the end of the Second Insurrection.
However, the victory did not come without
1/4 & 1/6 0 0 0 1
1/3 & 1/2 0 0 1 1
Shortly after Evard’s fall, a forest started to grow on
1 1 1 2 3 the plains of Nightwatch, making travel to the baronial
seat difficult, at best. Travelers were attacked by bands of
2 2 3 4 5 fierce, unnatural animals. Finally, in the summer heat,
CR of Animal

nature seemed to revolt, and the animals drove the people

3 3 4 5 6 of Truelight from their homes.
4 4 6 7 8 As the anniversary of the loss of Truelight rolls
5 5 7 8 9
around, the March has bigger problems to worry about
than a little gardening. However, Great Army patrols still
6 6 8 9 10 skirt the edges of the Nightwatch Forest, wary of what
lurks within.
7 7 9 10 11
In the mean time, a group of Ur-Flan druids have
decided to take advantage of the situation. They didn’t
LIVING GREYHAWK adventures are designed for APL create the forest, but why shouldn’t their craft profit
2 and higher. Four or five 1st-level characters may find the thereby?
challenge of an APL 2 adventure difficult. Suggest the
following to these groups to help increase their chances
of success:
The PCs are called upon to investigate the disappearance
1. Enlist a sixth player. of a patrol around the Nightwatch Forest. They must
2. Advise characters to buy riding dogs to help protect retrace the patrols path from Thornward into the
them, and fight for them. primeval area around Truelight.
Their first stop is Shakara, seat of Thornward
TIME UNITS AND UPKEEP Province. There they learn of a recluse who may have
This is a standard one-round Regional adventure, set in seen what direction the patrol headed crossing into the
Bissel. Characters native to Bissel pay one Time Unit per Barony of Nightwatch.
round, all others pay two Time Units per round. The recluse is under attack. Once rescued, he tells
Adventurer’s Standard Upkeep costs 12 gp per Time the PCs to follow a particular trail.
Unit. Rich Upkeep costs 50 gp per Time Unit. Luxury This trail leads the PCs to a camp at the base of a
Upkeep costs 100 gp per Time Unit. Characters that fail stone monolith. The monolith has carving on it, which
to pay at least Standard Upkeep will retain temporary indicates a way through the woods.
ability damage until the next adventure, must buy new
spell component pouches and healer’s kits, and may Deciphering the carvings will lead the PCs to a
suffer other in-game penalties (or possibly gain in-game member of the patrol. Although captured, she can assist
benefits) as may be detailed in this adventure. the party slightly before fleeing back towards civilization,
telling them of the sacrifice of the youngest member of
A character who does not pay for at least Standard the patrol.
Upkeep may also avoid the above-described penalties by
living off the wild. If the character possesses four or more The PCs find themselves in a final battle with the Ur-
ranks in the Survival skill and succeeds at a Survival Flan druids, fighting not only for the captive’s life, but
check (DC 20), the character will heal temporary ability also his soul.
damage as if he or she paid for Standard Upkeep, may Introduction: Seems Like Old Times
refill spell component pouches and healer’s kits, and may Estimated Time: 20 minutes
restock up to 20 arrows or bolts if the character has at
least four ranks in Craft (bowmaking). The player is The PCs are recruited by a lieutenant of a locally-
allowed to Take 10 on this roll. stationed unit. He informs them his nephew was part of a
patrol that has recently gone missing, and requests their
More information about Lifestyle and Upkeep can aid.
be found in the “Lifestyle and Upkeep” section of Chapter
3 of the LIVING GREYHAWK Campaign Sourcebook.

BIS7-04 Dark Heart of the Forest Page 2

Encounter 1: Shakara Your Body The expected running time of this adventure is 3
Estimated Time: 10 minutes hours, 30 minutes. If this is running during a standard 4-
hour convention slot, this allows 25 minutes for
Traveling into Shakara, the PCs learn more about the
marshalling, and 5 minutes for paperwork distribution.
patrol and their likely next waypoint. They learn of a
recluse that may have further information.
Encounter 2: A Ride in the Country OLD TIMES
Estimated Time: 45 minutes
Estimated Time: 20 minutes
Riding towards the edge of the forest, the PCs reach the
home of the recluse. He is under attack by dire animals. Near the center of Thornward is a lonely bridge over
a quiet stream, bearing only a tarnished copper
Encounter 3: An Old Man plaque that reads ‘Thrushriver Crossing’. Hundreds
Estimated Time: 10 minutes of busy citizens pass over its expanse every day,
paying it no mind.
The PCs speak with an old hermit – the last person to see
the missing patrol. However, if they were to stop for a second, and
rest on the bank of the stream, they might spot
Encounter 4: A Walk in the Woods graffiti, carved into one of the support beams below:
Estimated Time: 35 minutes
‘The toughest times are those that demand the
The PCs continue into the woods. Following a trail they
greatest resolve.”
find a monolith with a puzzle to solve. Solving it allows
for easier and fast travel through the woods. It is interesting to ponder who took the time to
vandalize the bridge with those words of wisdom,
Encounter 5: Byrd in a Gilded Cage and what they were thinking at the time.
Estimated Time: 10 minutes
Could it have been a frustrated soldier, stuck in
If the PCs deciphered the puzzle from Encounter 4, they
Thornward when Ket conquered the March and
find a patrol member while she is still alive. Bypassing
occupied the capital? If so, could he imagine that
the trap that keeps her held allows her to help the party.
thirteen years later, Ket would attack again – and
Otherwise, she is found dead in her cage.
more so, that Bissel would survive and press back
Encounter 6: The 14 Year Old Virgin into the Baklunish north? Or that if the Great Army
Estimated Time: 75 minutes continues its string of victories, the Kettite threat
will be defeated once and for all?
The PCs confront the druids that killed the patrol
members, with the life of the last patrol member hanging Or could it have been a freedom fighter, hiding
in the balance. here during Evard’s reign of terror, looking for
personal strength as the undead abominations came
Conclusion A: Gavin the Boy hunting for them? Could he have imagined that his
Estimated Time: 5 minutes sacrifice would help defeat the necromancer and
The PCs rescue the victim and return him to safety. drive out the living dead?
Conclusion B: Gavin the Body Or could it have been a frustrated politician,
Estimated Time: 5 minutes watching the newly-independent March crumbling
under the weight of civil unrest and factioning?
The PCs return only the body of the victim - killed by the Could he imagine that a new Margrave and a new
druids. His uncle looks for somebody to blame for the war would reunite Bissel under one banner?
Regardless of the origin, there is insight in the
PREPARATION FOR PLAY worn letters – the March has been through some
extremely tough times, but the strength of her
Before beginning the adventure, check to see if one of the people has helped her forge ahead.
PCs possesses the Strange Orb from BIS6-05 The
The PCs may wish to gather some information and
Unauthorized Biography of Lady Constance Lendel. rumors before beginning the adventure. The following
Only one PC can carry the orb with them at the table, so are rumors they can pick up with a Gather Information
make this determination up front. check that beats the DC listed. The truth or falsehood of
As well, check to see if any of the PCs possess the each rumor will be revealed with the passage of time.
Shrine of Fharlanghn favor from BIS6-03 Back Taxes. DC 15
PCs with that favor will have an advantage in Encounter
4. • After a close election, the Council of Barons chose
Archpriest Malto Adeur to ascend to the vacant
position of Margrave of Bissel. Malto has proven to

BIS7-04 Dark Heart of the Forest Page 3

be an effective leader of the Church of Heironeous see the celestial occurrence as a bad omen, and
in Bissel, and many expect that he will bring these refrain from talking about it.
admirable qualities to his position as ruling monarch.
• Loud shouting matches have been heard between
• The various barons are traveling to Thornward to the Margrave and Field Marshall Valiserat about how
renew their pledges of fealty to the newly elected to proceed with the next phase of the war.
Margrave of Bissel, Malto Adeur.
• Deep cover Mist Chameleon agents in Ket have
• A rare occurrence – a double lunar eclipse – is brought back word that the enemy is advancing a
expected within the next few days in Nightwatch, large force down the Irafa Road, presumably to
Cullen Drae and Thornward Province. retake Avernand Keep.
• 500 Knights of the Watch have been dispatched to Once they are done with rumors, proceed with the
Bissel to assist in the war against Ket, and Keoland following:
has joined the effort by sending 5,000 troops. The rumble in your stomach tells you that it is time
• It seems unbelievable, but Brar the Crusader has to stop daydreaming and find a mid-day meal. You
now gone 15 straight bouts unbeaten. The rise from the riverbank, and make your way towards
underground combat arenas in Sareden have never the busy central square of Thornward.
before seen such a skilled pit fighter. You’ve spent enough time here to know that the
DC 20 Prancing Pixie, a demure tavern near the gates of
Thornward Keep, has the best fare at lunchtime.
• Little is known about the newly elected Margrave’s Settling into your favorite stool, you observe that
background except this; Malto Adeur was born a there are a number of other patrons about – a few
commoner and got his start as a parish priest in the soldiers and army officers, a pair of merchants, and a
now destroyed township of Clunther. number of government workers.
• The 1st Kynneret, under the leadership of Field Before you can take even a sip of your drinks,
Marshall Valiserat, has seized Avernand Keep – the the tavern doors burst open, and a gangly boy enters.
first waypoint along the Irafa Road in Ket. If this He seems no older than twelve summers and is ill-
progress continues, Bissel will soon be able to end suited to the large tabard of blue and black. He holds
the Kettite threat, once and for all. a sealed note in hand, and quickly scans the room,
looking for someone.
• Refugees from Nightwatch – particularly clerics of If the PCs succeed at a Knowledge [Local – Sheldomar
Pelor – are whispering that the upcoming double Valley Metaregion] check (DC 10), they recognize the
eclipse is a dark omen. colors of the tabard as those of the Bissel Free Companies.
• A force is being assembled to delve into the forests of Allow the PCs a chance to approach or wave over the
Nightwatch, and retake the abandoned township of page, before continuing:
Truelight. They should be ready to move within
days. The page looks in your direction and breathes a sigh
of relief. He hurries towards you, missive in hand…
DC 25 and goes right past your table to the one past it. He
stops, and addresses an army officer sitting there.
• The new Margrave Malto Adeur is elderly and
heirless. Many see his election as stopgap measure “Excuse me, Lieutenant Morghun?” He
for some nobles who seek to be his replacement in a nervously clears his throat as the man looks up from
few years. his meal. “I bear orders from headquarters.”
• While boat traffic has resumed across Lake Hasra, a The officer wordlessly takes the message from
number of keelboat pilots living in New Clunther the page. He breaks the seal, and peruses the
whisper about a terrible creature lurking beneath the contents for a long moment. It is obvious, from the
surface. look on his face, that it is not making him happy.
DC 30 Finally, he slams the parchment down on the
table angrily, and storms out of the tavern.
• A few people remember a Malto Adeur working as
If the PCs think to invade the officer’s privacy, and
parish priest in Clunther about 30 years ago. It is said
retrieve the crumpled note, give them Player’s Handout 1 –
that necromancers murdered his wife and children
The Crumpled Missive.
in a reprisal killing, around CY 560.
Should the PCs leave the tavern after the officer
• A comet was spotted in the sky during Needfest at departs, continue with the following:
the beginning of the year. Most oracles and diviners

BIS7-04 Dark Heart of the Forest Page 4

Leaving the tavern, you spy the Army officer sitting “You would do that for me? You’ll find my lost
on a nearby bench. His head is in his hands, and he nephew, and the patrol? I can’t thank you enough!
looks very upset.
That takes a load off of my mind.
If the PCs approach the officer, continue with the
following: Good luck. Please return here and let me know
as soon as you find them.”
The officer glances up at your approach. Instantly,
he composes himself, and stands tall. The PCs have the opportunity to make special
preparations before departing. If they wish to purchase
“Yes? What do you want?” equipment or services, they are in luck – Thornward is
the heart of trade in the March. They can purchase
The officer can provide quite a bit of information. Likely anything from the following PHB tables: Table 7-3: Trade
questions and answers have been provided: Goods, Table 7-5: Weapons (small & medium sized),
Who are you? “My name is Morguhn Sheffield. Table 7-6: Armor and Shields, Table 7-8: Goods and
Lieutenant Morguhn Sheffield, 2nd Misty Hills. Services (except they can’t have spells cast by NPCs).
They may purchase any potion, oil, or scroll from the
Where are you currently stationed? “The 2nd Misty Hills DMG Tables 7-17, 7-23, or 7-24 with a price of 750 gp or
is stationed just outside of Thornward. At least, for less, and any standard spell components up to 2,000 gp in
now. We’re headed north within the next few days. value.
Where is your unit headed? “To the front, I guess. Once they have made any preparations, and wish to
Anything more is above my pay grade.” head to Shakara, continue with Encounter 1.
What’s wrong? “Most of our qualified soldiers are off All APLs
fighting the war, so more mundane patrols around
the March are staffed almost entirely by green  Lieutenant Morguhn Sheffield: Male human
recruits. Com6 (Bluff +3, Sense Motive +3); AL LG; hp 45;
One of our patrols went missing a week ago. ENCOUNTER 1: SHAKARA
That team had… my nephew with them.”
Why don’t you go look for them yourself? “I tried to do
just that. But we’re shipping out soon, and my Estimated Time: 10 minutes
request was denied.”
Your preparations complete, you make your way out
Can you describe your nephew? “Gavin? Why he’s a of the Watchtower Gate. Within minutes, you are on
short but sprouting lad no more than 14. He’s got your way.
strong Oeridian features… especially the nose and
chin. With the exception of his blonde hair you’d A hard afternoon’s ride brings you to the
think him to be pure bred.” township of Shakara. It is nearly dusk and the
streets are busy as residents seek out rest and
What about the rest of the team? “They are all humans, relaxation.
with the exception of the arcanist Tonessa Byrd - she
has some elven blood in her. I sent her with them Shakara is not really of any particular interest. Lately, it
being a bit more experienced than the rest.” mainly plays host to merchant traffic and passing Army
Where did he/they go? “They left on a long patrol that
would take them through Thornward Province and If the PCs spend an hour asking around, and succeed
Cullen Drae.” at a Gather Information check (DC 15) they learn that
there is a barracks on the eastern edge of town, where
Where would the patrol take them first? “Shakara, the most patrols stop to gather provisions.
baronial seat of the Province, is the first waypoint.”
If the PCs head for the barracks, continue with the
We could go look for the missing patrol. “Really?! That following:
would be wonderful! That’s just what I need!”
Heading to the eastern end of town, you easily
What will we be paid? “I don’t have much in terms of identify the Great Army barracks.
resources… but, I can probably file it as a rescue
mission, and get you some overtime pay from the As night is falling, the barracks are beginning to
Army.” fill up with idle soldiers. But you are quickly
ushered to a grizzled veteran. He stares at you with
When the PCs are done asking questions, and offer to the fierceness of a drill sergeant.
help the Lieutenant, conclude with the following:
“I been told you’re looking for me. Well, you’ve
The officer looks you over, and relief crosses his face. found me. Don’t keep me waiting…”

BIS7-04 Dark Heart of the Forest Page 5

At this time allow the PCs to introduce themselves. Once the PCs are ready to head to the hermit’s home,
When they explain their purpose, Mr. Blaque will ask continue with Encounter 2.
them for some evidence of authorization. He will keep
interrupting them and reminding them he can’t help All APLs
until he is authorized. If the PCs claim it is official  Master Sergeant Blaque: Male human War10
military business and are of officer rank, he will assume (Bluff +0, Sense Motive +2); AL LN; hp 90;
that they have the autonomy to do as they please.
Otherwise, the PCs can convince him to cooperate ENCOUNTER 2: A RIDE IN THE
by succeeding at a Diplomacy check (DC 25) or
Intimidate check (DC 35). They receive a +5
Estimated Time: 45 minutes
circumstance bonus on this check if they’ve specifically
mentioned the missing patrol. The Sun Father’s light rises over the eastern wall of
Shakara, like a beacon illuminating your path.
Mr. Blaque is particularly afraid of ‘secret agents’. If
the PCs happen to assert that they are undercover agents Oerth’s two moons also hang in the early-
of the government (Mist Chameleons, for example), and morning sky – ominous, dark disks. Word around
can succeed at a Bluff check (DC 18), they can intimidate the barracks is that a rare double-eclipse is to occur
him into cooperating. Of course, actual Mist Chameleons soon, within a few days. Some of the more
that can prove their affiliation will automatically succeed superstitious soldiers say it is a very bad sign.
at this. If the PCs succeed at a Knowledge [arcana] or Profession
Once the PCs have gained his cooperation, Mr. [Astrologer] check (DC 15) they can recall that such a
Blaque can provide some insight. Likely questions and conjunction is rather rare. While they are generally
answers are provided: harmless, some think that such occurrences can carry
with them great, untapped power.
Who are you? “Around these parts, they call me Mr.
Blaque.” The morning air is already humid - not ideal riding
weather for the long trip towards Nightwatch.
Why does everyone call you, Mr.? “I’m a workin’ man. I
got me to Master Sargeant and never liked being Even with muggy weather you travel quickly
called ‘Sarge’. ‘Mister’ just stuck.” across the broad plains. Over time, the grasslands
give way to denser forest. Before long, the sun is
What do you know about the missing patrol? “What do almost completely shrouded by the primeval forest
you mean missing? They were just here a few days looming around you.
ago. I sent them on an errand… shouldn’t have
taken more than a few extra hours…” A slight trail exists, but even it gives you little
reassurance that you aren’t hopelessly lost; it
What errand did you send them on? “I sent them to the appears that no one has been this way for quite some
hermit with supplies. No big deal.” time.
Who is the hermit? “Rastus is a crazy old cook. Lives You are about to turn back, when you hear a
off in the forest, in Nightwatch. Refused to leave guttural roar ahead.
when everyone else ran.
Once the PCs decide to investigate, continue with the
Still, the old man keeps an eye on our patrols, following:
when they go that way… so I keeps him well. He
lives a bit over half a day’s ride south o’ here, not too Pressing on, you come across a slight clearing. There
far into the forest.” you spot a few buildings and a small vineyard, all
overgrown by the encroaching forest.
Why does he still live there? “’Cause he’s a fool, and
won’t move away. But we aren’t going to force people Large shapes seem to be throwing themselves at
off their land if’n they don’ wanna move.” the door of the one building with loud thuds, and
indignant shouting can be heard from inside.
What do you know about the Nightwatch Forest? “A bad
place that. Rised up almost over night last year and With a final charge, the door splinters.
it’s only gettin’ worse. We patrol the perimeter and If the PCs do not intervene, the creatures will slay the
lately animals’ve been getting bolder and fiercer. hermit, within a few rounds, effectively ending the
Started a while ago then died down now it’s back ta adventure. However, if they initiate combat, the creatures
bein’ a problem. ‘course you know that.” will ignore their previous objective.
Can you give us directions to the hermit’s home? “Shore The recluse’s home is a one-floor cottage set apart
thing…” from a small winery by a shallow, 5-foot wide brook. It is
currently under attack by wild animals.

BIS7-04 Dark Heart of the Forest Page 6

The PCs begin 20’ away from the brook, and 120’ Treasure: The spellcasting plants have spell components,
away from the animals and cabin. Give the animals not the only available treasure for this encounter.
engaged in breaking down the door a chance to make a
Spot check each round as they approach. PCs interested APL 8: L: 5 gp, C: 0 gp, M: 0 gp.
in getting into melee with the animals will need to cross APL 10: L: 5 gp, C: 0 gp, M: 0 gp.
the brook - it is shallow and counts as difficult terrain for
medium or smaller creatures. APL 12: L: 10 gp, C: 0 gp, M: 0 gp.

APL 2 (EL 5) Developments: If the PCs defeat the animals, they will
have saved Rastus. Circle ‘Yes’ on Critical Event 1 on the
 Dire Rats (8): hp 7 each; see Monster Manual, Critical Event Summary at the end of the adventure.
page 62. Otherwise, circle ‘No’.
 Advanced Dire Squirrel of Legend: hp 24; see ; Critical Event 1: Did the PCs rescue Rastus from the
Appendix 1. attacking animals?
APL 4 (EL 7) Once the animals are defeated, continue with Encounter
 Dire Squirrels (6): hp 14 each; see Appendix 2.
 Advanced Dire Rats of Legend (2): hp 24 each; ENCOUNTER 3: AN OLD MAN
see Appendix 2. Estimated Time: 10 minutes

APL 6 (EL 9) Slaying the last of the beasts, you finally get a chance
to see the interior of the cottage. An old man – likely
 Dire Boars (3): hp 63 each; see Monster Manual, the source of the cries - appears from wherever he
page 62. was hiding. The crusty old codger has a wild mop of
white hair and a soiled brown tunic. He ignores you
 Advanced Dire Badgers of Legend (2): hp 108 for a moment, as he quickly surveys the cottage and
each; see Appendix 3. steps to the doorway. He takes in the carnage
APL 8 (EL 11) outside, before turning to your party,
 Dire Wolverines (3): hp 53 each; see Monster “You ARE going to clean up those carcasses,
Manual, page 62. yes?”

 Advanced Dire Badgers of Legend (2): hp 108 The old man heads towards the small kitchen,
each; see Appendix 4. then pauses and turns back to you,
“Well, don’t just stand there… close the door
 Death Weed: hp 120; see Appendix 4. and let me get a look at you.”
APL 10 (EL 13) The PCs will want to question this old man. Likely
 Dire Elk (4): hp 132 each; see Appendix 5. questions and answers are given here:

 Advanced Dire Snake of Legend: hp 208; see Who are you? “Someone that knows to leave well
Appendix 5. enough alone. Hmph… fine. I’m called Rastus.
You’re on my land.”
 Death Weed: hp 120; see Appendix 5.
Why are you here? “This vineyard’s been in the family
APL 12 (EL 15) for some five generations. I’ll be darned if I’m gonna
pack up my things and leave over a few animals…”
 Dire Bears (2): hp 123 each; see Monster Manual,
page 62. Any idea what caused this forest to grow like this? “Nope,
just that it grows faster than I can deal with it. It’s
 Advanced Dire Snake of Legend: hp 208; see taken over most of my vineyard rows.”
Appendix 6.
Do you get animal attacks here often? “Not usually…
 Doom Ferns (2): hp 137 each; see Appendix 6. but it’s the darndest thing…. For the last few
Tactics: The animals will attack in a straightforward months, them critters have gotten bolder and
manner. bolder, used to be they’d keep their distance.

If the opponents include a spell-casting plant, it will Now? They walk right out here, plain as day. Plus
remain hidden in the nearby brush. Spotting it, before it critters that shouldn’t be working with one another
has acted, requires a Spot check (DC 40). After it has are traveling together. I hear that dogs and cats
acted, the check is easier (DC 25). This DC is increased, as living together is a sign of the end of times. But what
usual, by +1 for every 10 feet of distance. about badgers and snakes? And out here I seen
stranger’en that!

BIS7-04 Dark Heart of the Forest Page 7

What do you know of the missing patrol? “Oh yes, they sausages wrapped in greasy parchment to take with
came through here five... Maybe six days ago. Came you.
to see me, I reckon. They didn’t stick ‘round here too
long… hmph… the nerve. If any of the PCs pause to examine the greasy parchment
that their breakfasts are wrapped in, they will discover it
Anywho… I told them that I thought I saw to be copies of the Oath of Loyalty required of all arcane
some people tromping through the woods, and they casters in Bissel.
took off to check it out. Just like that.”
Trudging out into the forest undergrowth, you
Where did the patrol go? “Off that way, deeper into the quickly lose sight of the old hermit’s home and
woods. There is a road that used to pass not more vineyard. The flora is thick here, making passage all
than a short ways from here. Now it is almost but impossible.
entirely overgrown. That’s not to say you can’t follow
it… but it isn’t a road any more.” After about a half-mile, the thick brush breaks,
and you step out on to what must have once been a
We’re hurt. Can you help us? “None of you look all that merchant road.
much worse for wear. I recall a young rogue who ran
The PCs need to find some evidence of which way the
afoul of a thaskor once, now THAT was an injury to
patrol went.
write songs about…” He grins, “Actually some did!”
Once the PCs are done with questions continue with the Once the PCs start examining the area, and one of
following. them has the Strange Orb from BIS6-05 The
Unauthorized Biography of Lady Constance Lendel,
Rastus finally puts up a hand, they receive a vision. Give that player Vision 1 from
“I’m tired, beat up, I need to meditate before too Player Handout #2 – Glimpses of Horror. Read the
long. We should do something about them carcasses following to the other PCs, modifying it for the particular
before it attracts any more of them critters. You’re situation:
welcome to stay for supper - I can put you up in the [Name of Orb bearer] gets a blank look on his face as
wood shed, since there’s not enough room here. It’s he reaches into his pack and pulls forth a small glass
nice and cool on a hot night like this.” orb. As he gazes into it, a look of uncertainty crosses
Sure enough, by the time you finish taking care his face.
of the animals and Rastus is done preparing the He approaches the tree and begins searching for
meat it is getting dark out. Over a dinner of [insert hand and footholds. He quickly scales the tree and
encountered critters here] steaks, tubers and a fairly finds the largest limb upon which to perch. He
decent wine, Rastus waxes on about how the past stares down intently at the road for a moment. His
was so much better than the present, and the head pans up the road – watching something.
downfall of mankind.
Then, without a sound, he leaps, arms spread
Once dinner is over, Rastus retires to his hut wide. He plummets, landing face first in the
and leaves you to the shed. overgrown brambles along the side of the road.
The aging shed is refreshingly cool and there are He gets up, unhurt; bewilderment apparent on
several comfortable beds of hay in the nooks his face.
between the great oaken casks. The night is
punctuated by strange sounds: animal cries, some The orb bearer is seeing a vision of the missing patrol,
familiar, some deeper and fiendish; others sound from the perspective of one of the Ur-Flan druids.
almost tortured. If they succeed at a Search check (DC 25), they can
Once the PCs are ready to head after the missing patrol, find several footprints that appear to be heading down
continue with Encounter 4. the trail to the north.
All APLs If a PC has the Track feat, and succeeds at a Survival
check (DC 25), they can tell that about a half-dozen
 Rastus: Male human Com10 (Bluff +0, Sense booted medium-sized humanoids passed by here, leaving
Motive +0); AL CG; hp 54. to the north, within a few days.
ENCOUNTER 4: A WALK IN If all else fails, the PCs can make a Knowledge
[geography] check (DC 10) to identify the northern path
THE WOODS as that heading deeper into the forest.
Estimated Time: 35 minutes
Once the PCs head north, continue with the
In the morning, your party bids farewell to Rastus. following:
He has prepared breakfast - hardboiled snake eggs,
cheese, and spiced [insert Encounter 3 critters here]

BIS7-04 Dark Heart of the Forest Page 8

The woods are teeming with wildlife. Yet, anyone standing. Several bodies litter the site and there are
can tell that nature is angry at your presence here clear indications that a fight took place here
and is not behaving normally. The song of the birds recently. You can plainly make out the Great Army
seems irritated, almost defiant, and some of the uniforms on the corpses.
woodland critters come to the edge of the path to
watch you pass. At one point, you could swear that a If the PCs succeed on a Heal check (DC 15) they can tell
large grey squirrel actually raised a small fist and that the soldiers have been dead for several days. They
shook it at you. perished from blood loss, due to claw wounds and
electrical burns.
At times, the road seems impossibly overgrown
with brambles, which must be cut away in order to The PCs may wish to search the site. The following
proceed. are bits they can pick up with a Search check that beats
the DC listed.
The sun quickly disappears behind the canopy
of the forest, as rain begins to fall. You are forced to DC 15
seek shelter for the night. • Footprints lead to a small path at the edge of the
If one of the PCs has the Shrine of Fharlanghn favor from clearing.
BIS6-03 Back Taxes, read the following: DC 20
Within minutes of deciding to camp, you come upon • A page from a journal is found in the remains of one
a small clearing at the edge of the road. There you see of shredded tents (Player Handout #3 –Shredded
a familiar shrine to Fharlanghn. Journal).
You are able to gather enough food and water
from a nearby spring, and your campfire keeps back • Two drag marks head to the west. There is no sign of
the chill in the air. When you finally bed down for what was dragging them. The trail disappears after
the night, you sleep soundly. about 10 yards.

If the PCs do not have the favor, but succeed on a DC 25

Survival check (DC 25), read the following: • A short distance past the edge of the clearing, a
You manage to find a suitable clearing in which to corpse of one of the soldiers is found bound to an
pass the night. Travel through the forest has been oak tree with ivy bonds. A six-foot circle of living ivy
taxing, and you are all a little worse the wear for it. A surrounds the base of the tree, A successful Heal
good night of rest will do you well. check (DC 15) will reveal that he is dead about two
days, and that his skin was flayed from his back and
The ground is hard, and the rain unending, but his lungs removed while he was still alive.
your skill at finding a suitable site pays off, and you
are able to weather out the night. • There are patches of slightly discolored soil all
around the site. A Knowledge [nature] check (DC
If they failed the Survival check, and do not have the
15) or a Survival check (DC 20) reveals that wherever
favor, the PCs begin the next day exhausted. Read the
the rust colored patches appear, no new growth has
taken root. A success Alchemy check (DC 15) will
Try as you might, you are only able to find mediocre reveal this is an iron/cadmium mixture that has
shelter from the storm. Travel through the forest made the soil toxic.
has been taxing, and you are all a little worse the Once the PCs find the body tied to the tree, and one of
wear for it. A good night of rest would have been
helpful. Unfortunately, you will not get it this night. them has the Strange Orb from BIS6-05 The
Unauthorized Biography of Lady Constance Lendel,
Regardless of their success, continue with the following: they receive a vision. Give that player Vision 2 from
You break camp as the sun rises, and continue Player Handout #2 – Glimpses of Horror. Read the
following the road. following to the other PCs, modifying it for the particular
Around noon of your second day in the forest,
you catch the scent of death and decay in the air. [Name of Orb bearer] gets a blank look on his face as
he reaches into his pack and pulls forth a small glass
If the PCs seek out the source of the scent, continue with orb. As he gazes into it, a look of terror crosses his
the following: face.
Following the odor, you come to another clearing He approaches the body, and reaches down as if
not far from the road. At the center are the remains to grab one of the vines encircling the tree. Walking
of an abandoned campsite. Two tents have been twice around the tree, he makes as if to secure an
shredded, one lies half buried, and two are barely imaginary rope.

BIS7-04 Dark Heart of the Forest Page 9

He then pounds his hands against the tree, heading in the same direction. You quicken your
stripping the bark off like it was skin. He reaches pace, and continue following them.
into the desiccated chest cavity of the corpse and
pulls out his empty, fisted hands. An hour later, you hit a break in the trees, just as
the nearby sound of drums catches your ears…
He pulls himself away from the tree, and looks
around at you, confusion evident on his face. Proceed with Encounter 5.

The orb bearer is seeing a vision of the death of one of the The Wrong Way
patrol members, from the perspective of the Ur-Flan You head out of the clearing, wondering if you’ve
murderer. chosen the correct direction. You guess not, as you
If a PC has the Track feat, the following can also be wander aimlessly for several hours.
obtained with a Survival check that beats the DC listed. Then, the sound of drums in the distance
DC 10 catches your ears…
If the PCs head towards the sound, proceed with
• The scuffle took place just a few days ago.
Encounter 5.
• Footprints lead to and from a small path at the edge
of the clearing. The makers were medium-sized ENCOUNTER 5: BYRD IN A
humanoids wearing boots. GILDED CAGE
DC 15 Estimated Time: 10 minutes

• Two drag marks head to the west. Likely As you step into this clearing, the woods grow eerily
unconscious or dead bodies, there is no sign of what silent, but for the rhythmic sound to the west.
was dragging them. The trail disappears after about For the first time since you entered the
10 yards. Nightwatch Forests, the canopy above you opens up,
When the PCs follow the path at the edge of the clearing, and you can see the sky. The sun hangs low in the
continue with the following: sky, but is barely visible behind the black disks of
Oerth’s two moons; the eclipse will happen within
The path would be easily mistaken for a game trail, moments.
were it not for the signs of recent passage. About a
hundred yards from the campsite, it leads you to A number of crates lie open around the clearing,
another clearing, framed by a natural arbor where their contents strewn about them, including
vines have dragged the tops of the two mighty oaks incense, exotic herbs, and a few wickedly curved
together. knives.
At the center of the clearing is an imposing A pair of wooden cages hangs from a tall tree
stone monolith with a curious pattern engraved on near the center of the clearing. One of them appears
its face. Writing borders the pattern. to be occupied.
Give them Player Handout #4 – The Monolith and give the Treasure: The crates around the campsite contain a few
players some time to work the puzzle. valuable items:

The monolith contains forty numbered holes. Each APL 2: L: 100 gp, C: 0 gp, M: 320 gp, masterwork great
one pierces the monolith entirely, and in a unique crossbow (37 gp), masterwork mountain plate (283 gp).
direction. APL 4: L: 100 gp, C: 0 gp, M: 506 gp, divine scroll of
If the PCs solve the puzzle, they should obtain the animal growth (93 gp), divine scroll of summon nature’s
number ‘2’. Make no indication as to whether they ally V (93 gp), masterwork great crossbow (37 gp),
have guessed the correct answer, or not. If they look masterwork mountain plate (283 gp).
through the hole numbered 2, they will see… nothing; it APL 6: L: 100 gp, C: 0 gp, M: 1,506 gp, boots of speed
looks like any other direction through the overgrown (1,000 gp), divine scroll of animal growth (93 gp), divine
forest. The same goes for the view through any other scroll of summon nature’s ally V (93 gp), masterwork great
holes. If they head in this correct direction, continue crossbow (37 gp), masterwork mountain plate (283 gp).
with the Right Way section, below. Otherwise, continue
with the Wrong Way. APL 8: L: 100 gp, C: 0 gp, M: 1,506 gp, boots of speed
(1,000 gp), divine scroll of animal growth (93 gp), divine
The Right Way scroll of summon nature’s ally V (93 gp), masterwork great
crossbow (37 gp), masterwork mountain plate (283 gp).
You head out of the clearing, wondering if you’ve
chosen the correct direction. Your fears are abated, APL 10: L: 100 gp, C: 0 gp, M: 3,939 gp, boots of speed
however, when you find more of the drag marks (1,000 gp), divine scroll of animal growth (93 gp), divine

BIS7-04 Dark Heart of the Forest Page 10

scroll of summon nature’s ally V (93 gp), masterwork great APL 8 (EL 8)
crossbow (37 gp), masterwork mountain plate (283 gp),
python rod (1,083 gp), riverine breastplate (1,350 gp).  Poisoning Vines Trap: see Appendix 4.

APL 12: L: 100 gp, C: 0 gp, M: 4,797 gp, boots of speed APL 10 (EL 10)
(1,000 gp), divine scroll of animal growth (93 gp), divine  Enervating Vines Trap: see Appendix 5.
scroll of summon nature’s ally V (93 gp), masterwork great
crossbow (37 gp), masterwork mountain plate (283 gp), APL 12 (EL 12)
python rod (1,083 gp), riverine full plate (2,208 gp).
 Slaying Vines Trap: see Appendix 6.
In particular, the crates contain notes relevant to the
forest and animal attacks. Give the PCs Player Handout #5 Development: Once the PCs have bypassed the trap,
– Research Notes, and the Foundation of the Forest favor on they can safely lower the cage. If they solved the puzzle in
the Adventure Record. Encounter 4, then Byrd is alive. Circle ‘Yes’ on Critical
Event 2 on the Critical Event Summary at the end of the
The clearing is about 100 feet in diameter. The cage is adventure, and continue with the Byrd Alive subsection,
suspended thirty feet off of the ground from a large tree below. Otherwise, circle ‘No’ and continue with the Byrd
branch, and can be lowered by untying a nearby rope. Dead subsection.
Nothing special can be seen about the cage from this
distance. Characters with detect magic running can note a ; Critical Event 2: Did the PCs help Tonessa Byrd
strong Necromancy aura on the tree. escape alive?

Trap: As soon as a character moves within 20 feet of the If the PCs ignore Byrd for now, and head for the sound of
tree, the trap is triggered. Any PC in the clearing must the drums, continue with Encounter 6. She will have died
make a Listen check (DC 15 + APL) to notice the plants before they return.
around the clearing moving of their own accord, a split Byrd Alive
second before the effect is activated. A character that fails
this check is surprised. Roll initiative for the PCs AND A woman with Elven features lies curled in a fetal
the trap, allowing those not surprised to act in the position in the bottom of the cage, her breathing
surprise round. labored. Her military uniform is torn and shredded,
baring a shoulder and most of her right leg. Spiral
On the trap’s turn a thorny vine reaches up from strips of skin have been cut from her.
each 5-ft. square of the floor, and tries to touch any targets
in the clearing. A struck creature suffers a spell effect If the PCs succeed at a Heal check (DC 10), they can tell
depending on the APL. Characters that cover more than that this prisoner is near death (currently -5 hp, and
one square are affected by every vine in their space. bleeding) and will die very soon, without help. If the PCs
heal her enough to wake her up, continue with the
As well, at APLs 4-12, creatures in the clearing are following:
subjected to an entangle effect. This effect repeats every
round, so a character that saves or breaks free in one You complete your ministrations, and the prisoner
round may become entangled in the next. gasps for breath. Her eyes snap open, and she looks
around in a panic. She begins intoning words of
The PCs can do two things: power and making archaic gestures when suddenly
• Destroy the individual vines. Doing so prevents
she stops, and sighs in relief.
further attacks in that square. “You’re not them.”
• A hidden totem of petrified wood is embedded in the The wizard looks up at the sky, and the
side of the tree. Finding it requires a Search check impending eclipse. She mutters a curse under her
(DC 15 + APL). Destroying the totem destroys the breath as she struggles to sit up.
entire trap. “We haven’t much time… no, we’re out of time.
APL 2 (EL 2) Listen carefully! We happened upon these creeps out
here. I don’t know what they are doing… but they...”
 Weak Inflict Light Vines Trap: see Appendix 1.
She pauses for a moment, collecting her breath
APL 4 (EL 4) and her thoughts.
 Inflict Light Vines Trap: see Appendix 2. “We were trying to investigate when we were
APL 6 (EL 6) ambushed. Men and beasts… we knew of the
beasts… but the men… and they could control the
 Inflict Moderate Vines Trap: see Appendix 3. beasts.” She shudders. “Half of us dead before the
rest could react… then captured.”

BIS7-04 Dark Heart of the Forest Page 11

The wizard struggles to catch her breath and is Above you, the eclipse has narrowed and the
about to continue when a change in the pace of the once shining disk is almost entirely obscured. The
drumming in the distance breaks the silence. Her crimson light reflects off a half constructed skeleton
head snaps around and she cries in anguish, of wood and wicker towering in one corner of the
clearing. The drummers at the outskirts of the circle
“Too late! I have to get help and…” she struggles are beating furiously now, and the cultists around
to stand but falters. “So weak…” the altar are chanting louder and louder.
“You must hurry. I’m no good in a fight, right A final breath, and the moons are perfectly
now. I don’t know what they are doing… but I think centered, a thin red rim circumscribing the charcoal
they mean to kill him! Here… I stole this off of one disk. The cultist grins triumphantly and places the
of them, when they grabbed me.” tip of the stone knife at the boy’s breastbone. Gavin
She hands you a scrap of parchment, before looks away, spots one of you and lets out a cry for
passing out. help. This is not lost on the cultists who follow the
boy’s gaze and spot your party. Cries of warning and
Give them Player Handout #6 – Stolen Scrap. several of bewilderment come from the drummers.
The PCs earn the Favor of the Arcane Path on the Then, the drummers scatter into the woods,
Adventure Record. disappearing with disturbing ease into the
Once they are ready to investigate the drumming, seemingly impassible brush. The cult leader,
continue with Encounter 6. however, is not shaken. He plunges the blade down
into the boy’s chest and looks to you.
All APLs
“You are too late! With the shedding of this
 Tonessa Byrd: Female half-elf Wiz4 (Bluff +2, innocent blood, we will gain power over the beasts
Sense Motive +2); AL NG; hp 16. of this forest! Unlimited power shall be ours!”
Byrd Dead The remaining cultists will attack immediately. They
begin 100 feet from the party.
A woman with Elven features lies curled in a fetal
position in the bottom of the cage. She does not Gavin begins this combat at -5 hp, and is bleeding to
seem to be breathing. Her military uniform is torn death. If the PCs succeed at a Heal check (DC 10) they
and shredded, baring a shoulder and most of her can tell that he is dying, and quickly. If they can get to
right leg. Spiral strips of skin have been cut from him, and heal him before he dies, it will change the
her. outcome of the encounter.
If the PCs succeed at a Heal check (DC 10), they can tell All APLs
that this prisoner is dead, but hasn’t been for very long.
 Gavin: Male human War2; hp 12 (currently -5);
If the PCs search the body, they find a scrap of see Appendix 9.
parchment. Give them Player Handout #6 – Stolen Scrap.
APL 2 (EL 5)
Once they are ready to investigate the drumming,
continue with Encounter 6.  Mansour, Male human (F) Drd3: hp 23; see
Appendix 1.
ENCOUNTER 6: THE 14 YEAR  Senchel, Wolf animal companion: hp 15; see
OLD VIRGIN Appendix 1.
Estimated Time: 75 minutes
 Farouk, Male human (B) Drd1/Ftr1: hp 17; see
The rhythm of the drums reaches a fever pitch as Appendix 1.
you climb the wooded hill.
 Granchel, Wolf animal companion: hp 15; see
Finally, you reach the summit. At the top is a Appendix 1.
large stone slab. Bound to it with vines is a boy who
must surely be Gavin. His head turns to follow the  Calid Vinfoodle, Male gnome Drd1: hp 11; see
tall, dark-complexioned man with the ivy laced Appendix 1.
through his greasy and matted shoulder length hair  Bindchel, Wolf animal companion: hp 15; see
and the black stone knife held in his hands. Appendix 1.
The boy does not struggle; he is stoic about his APL 4 (EL 7)
fate. But he also does not take his eyes off the knife
either.  Mansour, Male human (F) Drd5: hp 38; see
Appendix 2.

BIS7-04 Dark Heart of the Forest Page 12

 Senchel, Wolf animal companion: hp 36; see  Granchel, Wolf animal companion: hp 36; see
Appendix 2. Appendix 5.
 Farouk, Male human (B) Drd3/Ftr1: hp 35; see  Calid Vinfoodle, Male gnome Drd8: hp 72; see
Appendix 2. Appendix 5.
 Granchel, Wolf animal companion: hp 15; see  Loeffler, Dire Badger animal companion: hp
Appendix 2. 49; see Appendix 5.
 Calid Vinfoodle, Male gnome Drd3: hp 25; see APL 12 (EL 15)
Appendix 2.
 Advanced Wicker Man: hp 195; see Appendix 6.
 Bindchel, Wolf animal companion: hp 15; see
Appendix 2.  Mansour, Male human (F) Drd11: hp 91; see
Appendix 6.
APL 6 (EL 9)
 Senchel, Dire Wolf animal companion: hp 72;
 Mansour, Male human (F) Drd7: hp 53; see see Appendix 6.
Appendix 3.
 Farouk, Male human (B) Drd7/Ftr4: hp 97; see
 Senchel, Dire Wolf animal companion: hp 50; Appendix 6.
see Appendix 3.
 Granchel, Dire Wolf animal companion: hp
 Farouk, Male human (B) Drd5/Ftr1: hp 51; see 50; see Appendix 6.
Appendix 3.
 Calid Vinfoodle, Male gnome Drd10: hp 90;
 Granchel, Wolf animal companion: hp 36; see see Appendix 6.
Appendix 3.
 Loeffler, Dire Badger animal companion: hp
 Calid Vinfoodle, Male gnome Drd5: hp 41; see 68; see Appendix 6.
Appendix 3.
Preparation: The three senior cultists (Mansour, Farouk
 Loeffler, Dire Badger animal companion: hp and Calid) have cast several spells and imbibed several
29; see Appendix 3. potions in anticipation of the completion of their ritual.
APL 8 (EL 11) Tactics: The druids’ ultimate goal is to have Gavin die,
and the ritual thus be completed. If he dies, read the
 Mansour, Male human (F) Drd9: hp 74; see following:
Appendix 4.
Gavin gasps violently, and then is still. The air
 Senchel, Dire Wolf animal companion: hp 50; surges with energy. One of the druids looks over the
see Appendix 4. boy’s corpse, and smiles wickedly.
 Farouk, Male human (B) Drd5/Ftr3: hp 70; see “It is done! All is ours!”
Appendix 4.
In the distance, the forest seems to come alive.
 Granchel, Wolf animal companion: hp 36; see You can hear the movement of many huge creatures,
Appendix 4. heading in your direction.
 Calid Vinfoodle, Male gnome Drd7: hp 58; see “Can you hear that? The forest obeys us, now!
Appendix 4. Flee, you fools. You cannot win!”
 Loeffler, Dire Badger animal companion: hp The Druids’ goal is to kill the PCs as soon as possible and
49; see Appendix 4. before the eclipse finishes. This means they will act with
the utmost haste in defeating opponents quickly and
APL 10 (EL 13) ruthlessly. Should the battle turn badly then one of the
cultist may try to coup de grace Gavin in an attempt to
 Wicker Man: hp 120; see Appendix 5. complete the ritual.
 Mansour, Male human (F) Drd11: hp 91; see The cultists strive to overcome the interlopers
Appendix 5. through advantage of numbers. Mansaur (and Calid at
 Senchel, Dire Wolf animal companion: hp 50; APL 4 and higher) have the Rapid Spell metamagic feat,
see Appendix 5. meaning they can cast prepared rapid summon nature’s ally
spells to call down allies to act immediately on that
 Farouk, Male human (B) Drd5/Ftr4: hp 80; see round. At higher APLs they can cast a prepared rapid call
Appendix 5. lightning to complete the spell and call down lightning as

BIS7-04 Dark Heart of the Forest Page 13

a move action in that same round. Farouk and the animal gp each), potion of enlarge person (20 gp), wand of cure
companions (and at APL 10 and 12, the wicker man) serve light wounds (62 gp).
as front line tanks protecting the two main casters.
APL 6: L: 100 gp, C: 21 gp, M: 1,031 gp, +1 hide armor
Mansour possesses the Augment Summoning feat; x3 (97 gp each), +1 scythe (193 gp), cloak of resistance +1
for your convenience some augmented creatures are (83 gp), darkwood shield x2 (21 gp each), elixir of
given in Appendix 7. truth (41 gp), potion of barkskin +5 (100 gp), potion of
cure light wounds (4 gp), potion of cure moderate wounds
APL 2-4: Calid can cast entangle in the first round to (25 gp), potion of enlarge person (20 gp), ring of protection
allow the others to cast short term buffs. +1 (166 gp), wand of cure light wounds (62 gp).
APL 6: Farouk can take advantage of the Boar’s APL 8: L: 100 gp, C: 91 gp, M: 1,871 gp, +1 hide armor
Ferocity feat to keep fighting when dropped into x2 (97 gp each), +1 scythe (193 gp), cloak of resistance +1
negatives. (83 gp), darkwood shield x2 (21 gp each), dragonhide
APL 8: Mansour now has the Cloudy Conjuration plate (275 gp), dust of dryness x2 (70 gp each), elemental
feat, which should prove a problem to the PCs if he gem [air] (187 gp), elixir of truth (41 gp), periapt of
decides use summon nature’s ally to summon lower level wisdom +2 (333 gp), potion of barkskin +5 (100 gp),
creatures of the same kind. Very quickly the battle potion of cure light wounds (4 gp), potion of cure moderate
becomes flooded in sickening smoke. wounds (25 gp), potion of enlarge person (20 gp), ring of
protection +1 (166 gp), wand of cure light wounds (62 gp).
APL 10: The Wicker Man is programmed to attack in
a very straightforward manner, encaging PCs as he is able. APL 10: L: 100 gp, C: 557 gp, M: 2,134 gp, +1
He begins combat flaming. dragonhide plate (370 gp), +1 hide armor x2 (97 gp
each), +1 scythe (193 gp), cloak of resistance +1 (83 gp),
Farouk can use either Boar’s Ferocity or Lion’s darkwood shield x2 (21 gp each), dust of dryness x2
Pounce, but he doesn’t have enough wild shapes in the (70 gp each), elemental gem [air] (187 gp), elixir of truth
day to use both. (41 gp), periapt of wisdom +2 (333 gp), potion of barkskin
APL 12: Mansour, displaying a bit of a penchant for +5 (100 gp), potion of cure light wounds (4 gp), potion of
theater, set up some special effects to end the ritual and cure moderate wounds (25 gp), potion of enlarge person
impress the other cultists. At the ritual’s start Mansour (20 gp), ring of protection +1 x2 (166 gp each), wand of
cast fire seeds to create eight Holly Berry Bombs which he cure light wounds (62 gp).
carefully placed near his feet. At the end of the ritual he APL 12: L: 101 gp, C: 87 gp, M: 3,488 gp, +1 dragonhide
planned to detonate the Holly Berry Bombs to bathe plate (370 gp), +1 hide armor x2 (97 gp each), +1 keen
himself and the sacrifice in spectacular flames (he is, of scythe (693 gp), cloak of resistance +1 (83 gp), darkwood
course, protected from fire damage). shield x2 (21 gp each), dust of dryness x2 (70 gp each),
When the PCs show up, Mansour’s plan changes. elemental gem [air] x2 (187 gp each), elixir of truth (41
When a PC within 5-feet of Mansour, he will detonate gp), periapt of wisdom +2 (333 gp), potion of barkskin +5
the Holly Berry Bombs on his next action. Anyone within (100 gp), potion of cure light wounds (4 gp), potion of cure
5 feet of Mansour (including Gavin and Mansour moderate wounds (25 gp), potion of enlarge person (20
himself) takes 1d8+11 points of fire damage per Holly gp), ring of the beast (666 gp), ring of protection +1 x2
Berry Bomb placed (Reflex save DC 20 for half damage). (166 gp each), wand of cure light wounds (62 gp).
Since there are eight Holly Berry Bombs, eight saves are Developments: If the PCs defeat the druids, circle ‘Yes’
required. on Critical Event 3 on the Critical Event Summary at the
At this APL, Mansour possesses the ring of the beasts end of the adventure. Otherwise, circle ‘No’.
which makes his summon nature’s ally spells much more ; Critical Event 3: Did the PCs defeat the Ur-Flan
potent. druids?
At this APL, Farouk can use both Boar’s Ferocity or If Gavin is killed while still bound on the altar, circle ‘Yes’
Lion’s Pounce during the combat, as he now has enough on Critical Event 4 on the Critical Event Summary at the
wild shapes in the day to use both. end of the adventure. Otherwise, circle ‘No’.
Treasure: The druids possess the following treasure and
; Critical Event 4: Did the druids manage to complete
the ritual?
APL 2: L: 154 gp, C: 9 gp, M: 158 gp, +1 hide armor (97
If Gavin is kept alive, and returned to Thornward, circle
gp), darkwood shield (21 gp), potion of cure light
‘Yes’ on Critical Event 5 on the Critical Event Summary at
wounds x5 (4 gp each), potion of enlarge person (20 gp).
the end of the adventure. Otherwise, circle ‘No’.
APL 4: L: 141 gp, C: 9 gp, M: 426 gp, +1 hide armor x2
(97 gp each), darkwood shield x2 (21 gp each), potion ; Critical Event 5: Was Gavin returned alive to
of barkskin +5 (100 gp), potion of cure light wounds x2 (4 Thornward and his uncle?

BIS7-04 Dark Heart of the Forest Page 14

Regardless of their success or failure, all PCs present for Finally able to get to Gavin, you find that it is
this encounter receive the Curious New Friends favor on unfortunately too late for him; he has perished from
the Adventure Record. the wound inflicted upon him. Still, you manage to
free his body, and flee before the beasts of the forest
If Gavin survived this encounter, continue with are upon you.
Conclusion A. If he is killed, continue with Conclusion
B. Your mission complete, you quickly leave the
Nightwatch Forest behind. Two days later, you step
CONCLUSION A: GAVIN THE through the Watchtower Gate into Thornward.
Lieutenant Morghun holds his nephew’s body with
BOY great sadness.
Estimated Time: 5 minutes
“This is a terrible thing… at least now I know.
The last of your opponents crumples to the ground My sister is never going to forgive me...”
in a still heap.
Listening to the tale of your journey, Morghun
Finally able to get to Gavin, you find that he is nods here and there, never interrupting you and
still alive, and you are able to quickly free him from listening intently.
his bonds. He is stunned and shaken by his ordeal
but is still able to move. “We have enough to worry about these days
what with the war. I suppose the increase in animal
Your mission complete and Gavin’s wounds activity could only lead to druidic interests – both
bound, you quickly leave the Nightwatch Forest good and bad”.
behind. Two days later, you step through the
Watchtower Gate into Thornward. Lieutenant Grimly shaking each of your hands in turn,
Morghun greets you, and embraces his nephew Morghun places a firm hand on dead Gavin’s
warmly. shoulder.
“Ah, lad! I thought I’d never lay these old eyes “We’ve got our work cut out for us now, it would
upon you again! It’d have made difficult work seem. I’ll make note to include your report in mine.
explaining to my sister how her youngest went May we meet again, under less… dire…
missing on his first mission.” circumstances.”
Listening to the tale of your journey, Morghun The adventure is now over. The PCs receive the Bissel
nods here and there, never interrupting you and Military Commendation favor on the Adventure Record.
listening intently. Treasure: The PCs receive the promised hazard pay:
“We have enough to worry about these days All APLs: L: 0 gp, C: 50 gp, M: 0 gp.
what with the war. I suppose the increase in animal
activity could only lead to druidic interests – both
good and bad”.
Solidly shaking each of your hands in turn,
Morghun places a firm hand on Gavin’s shoulder If you run this event in July or August of 2007, please
and steers him away. e-mail the results from the Critical Events Summary
“We’ve got our work cut out for us now. I’ll make sheet to a member of the Bissel Triad by September 1st,
note to include your report in mine. May we meet 2007, or have the Senior DM of your event do so.
again, under less… dire… circumstances.” ; Critical Event 1: Did the PCs rescue Rastus from the
The adventure is now over. The PCs receive the Bissel attacking animals?
Military Commendation favor on the Adventure Record. ; Critical Event 2: Did the PCs help Tonessa Byrd
Treasure: The PCs receive the promised hazard pay: escape alive?
All APLs: L: 0 gp, C: 50 gp, M: 0 gp. ; Critical Event 3: Did the PCs defeat the Ur-Flan
; Critical Event 4: Did the druids manage to complete
BODY ; Critical Event 5: Was Gavin returned alive to
Estimated Time: 5 minutes Thornward and his uncle?
The last of your opponents crumples to the ground
in a still heap.

BIS7-04 Dark Heart of the Forest Page 15

The End APL 12: 78 xp.
Solve the puzzle in Encounter 4, and free Tonessa Byrd
while she is still alive in Encounter 5.
APL 2: 22 xp.
APL 4: 33 xp.
To award experience for this adventure, add up the values
for the objectives accomplished. Then assign the APL 6: 45 xp.
experience award. Award the total value (objectives plus APL 8: 56 xp.
roleplaying) to each character.
APL 10: 67 xp.
Encounter 2
APL 12: 78 xp.
Defeat the animals.
Save Gavin and stop the ritual in Encounter 6.
APL 2: 150 xp.
APL 2: 22 xp.
APL 4: 210 xp.
APL 4: 33 xp.
APL 6: 270 xp.
APL 6: 45 xp.
APL 8: 330 xp.
APL 8: 56 xp.
APL 10: 390 xp.
APL 10: 67 xp.
APL 12: 450 xp.
APL 12: 78 xp.
Encounter 5
Discretionary Roleplaying Award
Survive the trap.
APL 2: 24 xp.
APL 2: 60 xp.
APL 4: 36 xp.
APL 4: 120 xp.
APL 6: 45 xp.
APL 6: 180 xp.
APL 8: 57 xp.
APL 8: 240 xp.
APL 10: 69 xp.
APL 10: 300 xp.
APL 12: 81 xp.
APL 12: 360 xp.
Total possible experience
Encounter 6
APL 2: 450 xp.
Defeat the druids.
APL 4: 675 xp.
APL 2: 150 xp.
APL 6: 900 xp.
APL 4: 210 xp.
APL 8: 1,125 xp.
APL 6: 270 xp.
APL 10: 1,350 xp.
APL 8: 330 xp.
APL 12: 1,575 xp.
APL 10: 390 xp.
Story Award During an adventure, characters encounter treasure,
usually finding it in the possession of their foes. Every
Save Rastus in Encounter 2. encounter that features treasure has a “treasure” section
APL 2: 22 xp. within the encounter description, giving information
about the loot, coins, and magic items that make up the
APL 4: 33 xp. encounter’s treasure.
APL 6: 45 xp. The loot total is the number of gold pieces each
character gains if the foes are plundered of all their earthly
APL 8: 56 xp. possessions. Looting the bodies takes at least 10 minutes
APL 10: 67 xp. per every 5 enemies, and if the characters cannot take the
time to loot the bodies, they do not gain this gold. If you

BIS7-04 Dark Heart of the Forest Page 16

feel it is reasonable that characters can go back to loot the scroll of summon nature’s ally V (93 gp), masterwork great
bodies, and those bodies are there (i.e., not carted off by crossbow (37 gp), masterwork mountain plate (283 gp).
dungeon scavengers, removed from the scene by the local
watch, and so on), characters may return to retrieve loot. If APL 10: L: 100 gp, C: 0 gp, M: 3,939 gp, boots of speed
the characters do not loot the body, the gold piece value for (1,000 gp), divine scroll of animal growth (93 gp), divine
the loot is subtracted from the encounter totals given scroll of summon nature’s ally V (93 gp), masterwork great
below. crossbow (37 gp), masterwork mountain plate (283 gp),
python rod (1,083 gp), riverine breastplate (1,350 gp).
The coin total is the number of gold pieces each
character gains if they take the coin available. A normal APL 12: L: 100 gp, C: 0 gp, M: 4,797 gp, boots of speed
adventuring party can usually gather this wealth in a round (1,000 gp), divine scroll of animal growth (93 gp), divine
or so. If for some reason, they pass up this treasure, the coin scroll of summon nature’s ally V (93 gp), masterwork great
total is subtracted from the encounter totals given below. crossbow (37 gp), masterwork mountain plate (283 gp),
python rod (1,083 gp), riverine full plate (2,208 gp).
Next, the magic items are listed. Magic item treasure
is the hardest to adjudicate, because they are varied and Encounter 6:
because characters may want to use them during the APL 2: L: 154 gp, C: 9 gp, M: 158 gp, +1 hide armor (97
adventure. Many times characters must cast identify, analyze gp), darkwood shield (21 gp), potion of cure light
dweomer or similar spell to determine what the item does wounds x5 (4 gp each), potion of enlarge person (20 gp).
and how to activate it. Other times they may attempt to use
the item blindly. If the magic item is consumable (a potion, APL 4: L: 141 gp, C: 9 gp, M: 426 gp, +1 hide armor x2
scroll, magic bolts, etc.) and the item is used before the end (97 gp each), darkwood shield x2 (21 gp each), potion
of the adventure, its total is subtracted from the adventure of barkskin +5 (100 gp), potion of cure light wounds x2 (4
totals below. gp each), potion of enlarge person (20 gp), wand of cure
light wounds (62 gp).
Once you have subtracted the value for unclaimed
treasure from each encounter add it up and that is the APL 6: L: 100 gp, C: 21 gp, M: 1,031 gp, +1 hide armor
number of gold pieces a characters total and coin value x3 (97 gp each), +1 scythe (193 gp), cloak of resistance +1
increase at the end of the adventure. Write the total in the (83 gp), darkwood shield x2 (21 gp each), elixir of
GP Gained field of the adventure certificate. Because this is truth (41 gp), potion of barkskin +5 (100 gp), potion of
a Regional adventure, characters may spend additional cure light wounds (4 gp), potion of cure moderate wounds
Time Units to practice professions or create items (25 gp), potion of enlarge person (20 gp), ring of protection
immediately after the adventure so this total may be +1 (166 gp), wand of cure light wounds (62 gp).
modified by other circumstances. APL 8: L: 100 gp, C: 91 gp, M: 1,871 gp, +1 hide armor
L = Looted gear from enemy; C = Coin, Gems, Jewelry, x2 (97 gp each), +1 scythe (193 gp), cloak of resistance +1
and other valuables; M = Magic Items. (83 gp), darkwood shield x2 (21 gp each), dragonhide
plate (275 gp), dust of dryness x2 (70 gp each), elemental
Encounter 2: gem [air] (187 gp), elixir of truth (41 gp), periapt of
APL 8: L: 5 gp, C: 0 gp, M: 0 gp. wisdom +2 (333 gp), potion of barkskin +5 (100 gp),
potion of cure light wounds (4 gp), potion of cure moderate
APL 10: L: 5 gp, C: 0 gp, M: 0 gp. wounds (25 gp), potion of enlarge person (20 gp), ring of
protection +1 (166 gp), wand of cure light wounds (62 gp).
APL 12: L: 10 gp, C: 0 gp, M: 0 gp.
APL 10: L: 100 gp, C: 557 gp, M: 2,134 gp, +1
Encounter 5: dragonhide plate (370 gp), +1 hide armor x2 (97 gp
APL 2: L: 100 gp, C: 0 gp, M: 320 gp, masterwork great each), +1 scythe (193 gp), cloak of resistance +1 (83 gp),
crossbow (37 gp), masterwork mountain plate (283 gp). darkwood shield x2 (21 gp each), dust of dryness x2
(70 gp each), elemental gem [air] (187 gp), elixir of truth
APL 4: L: 100 gp, C: 0 gp, M: 506 gp, divine scroll of (41 gp), periapt of wisdom +2 (333 gp), potion of barkskin
animal growth (93 gp), divine scroll of summon nature’s +5 (100 gp), potion of cure light wounds (4 gp), potion of
ally V (93 gp), masterwork great crossbow (37 gp), cure moderate wounds (25 gp), potion of enlarge person
masterwork mountain plate (283 gp). (20 gp), ring of protection +1 x2 (166 gp each), wand of
APL 6: L: 100 gp, C: 0 gp, M: 1,506 gp, boots of speed cure light wounds (62 gp).
(1,000 gp), divine scroll of animal growth (93 gp), divine APL 12: L: 101 gp, C: 87 gp, M: 3,488 gp, +1 dragonhide
scroll of summon nature’s ally V (93 gp) , masterwork plate (370 gp), +1 hide armor x2 (97 gp each), +1 keen
great crossbow (37 gp), masterwork mountain plate (283 scythe (693 gp), cloak of resistance +1 (83 gp), darkwood
gp). shield x2 (21 gp each), dust of dryness x2 (70 gp each),
APL 8: L: 100 gp, C: 0 gp, M: 1,506 gp, boots of speed elemental gem [air] x2 (187 gp each), elixir of truth (41
(1,000 gp), divine scroll of animal growth (93 gp), divine gp), periapt of wisdom +2 (333 gp), potion of barkskin +5
(100 gp), potion of cure light wounds (4 gp), potion of cure

BIS7-04 Dark Heart of the Forest Page 17

moderate wounds (25 gp), potion of enlarge person (20 Animal Companions:
gp), ring of the beast (666 gp), ring of protection +1 x2 1st Level or Higher
(166 gp each), wand of cure light wounds (62 gp).
Dire Squirrel (equivalent to dire rat)
All APLs: L: 0 gp, C: 50 gp, M: 0 gp.
4th Level or Higher (Level -3)
Total Possible Treasure (Maximum Reward Dire Hawk (MM2)
Sailsnake (MM4)
APL 2: L: 304 gp, C: 9 gp, M: 478 gp – Total: 791 gp
(450 gp).
7th Level or Higher (Level -6)
APL 4: L: 291 gp, C: 9 gp, M: 932 gp – Total: 1,232 gp
(650 gp). Boar Topiary Guardian (MM3, but Int 2)
APL 6: L: 250 gp, C: 21 gp, M: 2,537 gp – Total: 2,808 Dread Hibiscus (equivalent to assassin vine, but Int 2)
gp (900 gp). Phantom Fungus
APL 8: L: 255 gp, C: 91 gp, M: 3,377 gp – Total: 3,723
gp (1,300 gp).
Item Access
APL 10: L: 255 gp, C: 557 gp, M: 6,073 gp – Total:
6,885 gp (2,300 gp). APL 2 (all of the following):
APL 12: L: 261 gp, C: 87 gp, M: 8,285 gp – Total: 8,633 • Darkwood Shield (Adventure; Dungeon Master’s Guide)
gp (3,300 gp).

ITEMS FOR THE ADVENTURE APL 4 (all of APL2 plus the following):
RECORD • Divine Scroll of Animal Growth (CL 9th; Adventure;
 Bissel Military Commendation: The Great Army of • Divine Scroll of Summon Nature’s Ally V (CL 9th;
Bissel hereby grants you a military commendation, as per the Adventure; DMG)
Bissel Meta-Activities Handbook.
• Potion of Barkskin +5 (Adventure; Dungeon Master’s
 Favor of the Guild of the Arcane Path: You have saved a Guide)
mage of the Arcane Path, and the favor will be returned. This
counts as an Influence Point with the Guild of the Arcane
Path. It may be used to petition for membership to that APL 6 (all of APLs 2, 4 plus the following):
metaorganization, as per the guidelines in the Bissel Meta-
activities Handbook. Alternatively, you may spend it and • +1 Keen Scythe (Adventure; Dungeon Master’s Guide)
5,000 gp after an adventure set in Bissel to have a wish cast on
your behalf. Mark this favor as USED when it is expended. • Boots of Speed (Adventure; Dungeon Master’s Guide)
 Foundation of the Forest: Research found in the Ur- • Elixir of Truth (Adventure; Dungeon Master’s Guide)
Flan encampment indicates that the strange animal attacks
and primeval forest are the result of energy radiating from
Truelight, the capital of Nightwatch. This information will be
of great use to the Great Army forces, as they try to reclaim APL 8 (all of APLs 2, 4, 6 plus the following):
the lost township.
• Dust of Dryness (Adventure; Dungeon Master’s Guide)
 Curious New Friends: Your presence at the Ur-Flan
ritual has affected you and left some residual magic upon you. • Elemental Gem, Air (Adventure; Dungeon Master’s Guide;
You gain a +2 enhancement bonus to all future Handle Limit 3)
Animal checks.
• Dragonhide Plate (Adventure; Dungeon Master’s Guide)
Additionally, if you have the ability to gain a familiar or
animal companion, you may choose one of the following
APL 10 (all of APLs 2, 4, 6, 8 plus the following):
• Python Rod (Adventure; Dungeon Master’s Guide)
Sailsnake (MM4, requires Improved Familiar and arcane
CL 5th or higher) • Riverine Breastplate (Adventure; Stormwrack)
Squirrel (equivalent to rat)

BIS7-04 Dark Heart of the Forest Page 18

• Ring of the Beast (Adventure; Complete Champion)
APL 12 (all of APLs 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 plus the following): • Riverine Full Plate (Adventure; Stormwrack)
• Druid’s Vestments (Adventure; Dungeon Master’s Guide)

BIS7-04 Dark Heart of the Forest Page 19

N Medium Animal Description See encounter description.
Init +10; Senses Low-Light Reflective hide, Scent, Listen +5, Search DC 22; Type magic
Spot +5 Trigger proximity (alarm), Init +1
AC 23, touch 16, flat-footed 17, (+6 Dex, +7 natural) Effect inflict light wounds (+2 melee touch, 1d8+1, Will DC 12
hp 24 (2d8+12 HD) half) against each target in the clearing each round.
Fort +12, Ref +12, Will +7 Duration 5 rounds
Speed 40 ft. (8 squares), climb 20 ft. Destruction each vine AC 12, 5 hp; petrified totem AC 13, 9
Melee bite +9 (1d6+8 plus poison) hp, hardness 8 (disadvantage, destroying this disarms the entire
Base Atk +1; Grp +8 trap)
Atk Options Attach, Blood Drain, Haste, Poison Disarm Disable Device DC 26 (per vine)
Abilities Str 24, Dex 23, Con 22, Int 3, Wis 14, Cha 8 Dispel DC 12 (per vine), DC 12 (petrified totem,
Feats Alertness, Improved Initiative, Multiattack, Weapon disadvantage, dispelling this disarms the entire trap)
Finesse [bite]
Skills Climb +15, Hide +11, Move Silently +4
Attach (Ex) A dire squirrel that hits with its bite attach latches
onto the opponent’s body with its powerful jaws. An
attached dire squirrel loses its Dexterity bonus to AC and
thus has an AC of 12. An attached dire squirrel can be struck
with a weapon or grappled itself. To remove an attached dire
squirrel through grappling, the opponent must achieve a pin
against the creature.
Blood Drain (Ex) A dire squirrel drains blood for 1d4 points of
Constitution damage each round it remains attached.
Haste (Su) A dire squirrel of legend is supernaturally quick. It
can make an extra attack during a full-attack action, as if
affect by haste spell.
Poison (Ex) A dire squirrel of legend delivers its poison
(Fortitude save DC 17) with each successful bite attack. The
initial and secondary damage is the same (1d6 points of
Strength damage). The save DC is Constitution-based.
Reflective Hide (Su) A dire squirrel of legend has a silvery
sheen to its skin and is permanently protected by a spell
turning effect.
Skills Dire squirrels have a +8 racial bonus to Climb checks and
can always choose to take 10 on Climb checks, even if rushed
or threatened.
Description This enormous squirrel is about the size of a large
boar. It has coarse, spiky fur, malevolent eyes, and a long, bushy
tail. Its fur has a silvery sheen, and it moves with a supernatural
Sources Monster Manual II (Page 136)

BIS7-04 Dark Heart of the Forest Page 20

ENCOUNTER 6 Male Human (B) Drd1/Ftr1
N Medium humanoid (human)
MANSOUR CR 3 Init +6; Senses Listen +1, Spot +5
Male Human (F) Druid 3 Languages Common, Abyssal, Druidic
CN Medium humanoid (human) AC 15, touch 12, flat-footed 13
Init +2; Senses Listen +3, Spot +9 (+2 Dex, +3 armor)
Languages Common, Abyssal, Druidic hp 17 (2 HD)
AC 18, touch 12, flat-footed 16 Fort +6, Ref +2, Will +3
(+2 Dex, +4 armor, +2 shield) Speed 20 ft. in medium armor (4 squares), base movement 30 ft.
hp 23 (3 HD) Melee masterwork scythe +6 (2d4+4 20/x4) or masterwork
Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +6 shortspear +5 (1d6+4 20/x2)
Speed 20 ft. in medium armor (4 squares), base movement 30 ft. Ranged masterwork shortspear +4 (1d6+3 20/x2)
Melee masterwork sickle +4 (1d6+1 20/x2) or masterwork Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
shortspear +4 (1d6+1 20/x2) Base Atk +1; Grp +4
Ranged masterwork shortspear +5 (1d6+1 20/x2) Atk Options Power Attack
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. Combat Gear masterwork hide, masterwork scythe,
Base Atk +2; Grp +3 masterwork shortspear, creepy cultist’s clothing
Atk Options Rapid Spell Druid Spells Prepared (CL 1st):
Combat Gear +1 hide armor, darkwood shield, masterwork 1st—cure light wounds, longstrider,
sickle, masterwork shortspear, creepy cultist’s clothing 0—cure minor wounds, detect magic, flare
Druid Spells Prepared (CL 3rd): Abilities Str 16, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 10
2nd— barkskin, rapid summon nature’s ally I SQ wild empathy +1
1st—cure light wounds, longstrider, magic fang, Feats Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Weapon Focus
0—cure minor wounds (x2), detect magic, flare [Scythe]
Abilities Str 12, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 10 Skills Craft (Trapmaking) +5, Handle Animal +4, Heal +5,
SQ wild empathy +5, woodland stride, trackless step Knowledge [Nature] +7, Spellcraft +5, Spot +5, Survival +7
Feats Spell Focus [Conjuration], Augment Summoning, Rapid Possessions combat gear plus potion of barkskin +3 (consumed),
Spell* potion of enlarge person, jewelry worth 45 gp
Skills Concentration +8, Handle Animal +6, Knowledge Power-Up Suite:
[Nature] +11, Spellcraft +7, Spot +9, Survival +13 AC 18, touch 12, flat-footed 16
Possessions combat gear plus potion of cure light wounds, potion of (+2 Dex, +3 armor, +3 natural) [barkskin, 10 minutes left]
cure light wounds, potion of cure light wounds
Speed 30 ft. in medium armor (6 squares), base movement 40 ft.
Power-Up Suite: [longstrider, 1 hour left]
AC 20, touch 12, flat-footed 18
(+2 Dex, +4 armor, +2 shield, +2 natural) [barkskin, 10 minutes
Speed 30 ft. in medium armor (6 squares), base movement 40 ft. N Medium Animal
[longstrider, 1 hour left] Init +2; Senses Low-Light Vision, Scent, Listen +3, Spot +3
AC 16, touch 12 , flat-footed 14
(+2 Dex, +2 armor, +2 natural)
N Medium Animal Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +1
Init +2; Senses Low-Light Vision, Scent, Listen +3, Spot +3
Speed 50 ft. (10 squares)
AC 16, touch 12 , flat-footed 14 Melee bite +3 (1d6+1)
(+2 Dex, +2 armor, +2 natural) Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
hp 15 (2 HD) Base Atk +1; Grp +2
Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +1
Abilities Str 13, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6
Speed 50 ft. (10 squares) Feats Track, Weapon Focus (bite)
Melee bite +3 (1d6+1) Skills Hide +2, Listen +3, Move Silently +3, Spot +3, Survival
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. +1*
Base Atk +1; Grp +2
Trip (Ex): A wolf that hits with a bite attack can attempt to trip
Abilities Str 13, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6 the opponent (+1 check modifier) as a free action without
Feats Track, Weapon Focus (bite) making a touch attack or provoking an attack of opportunity.
Skills Hide +2, Listen +3, Move Silently +3, Spot +3, Survival If the attempt fails, the opponent cannot react to trip the
+1* wolf.
Trip (Ex): A wolf that hits with a bite attack can attempt to trip Skills *Wolves have a +4 racial bonus on Survival checks when
the opponent (+1 check modifier) as a free action without tracking by scent.
making a touch attack or provoking an attack of opportunity.
If the attempt fails, the opponent cannot react to trip the CALID VINFOODLE CR 1
wolf. Male Gnome Drd1
Skills *Wolves have a +4 racial bonus on Survival checks when N Small humanoid (gnome)
tracking by scent. Init +6; Senses Listen +2, Spot +4
Languages Common, Gnomish, Druidic
FAROUK CR 2 AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 14

BIS7-04 Dark Heart of the Forest Page 21

(+1 Size, +2 Dex, +3 armor) Init +2; Senses Low-Light Vision, Scent, Listen +3, Spot +3
hp 11 (1 HD) AC 16, touch 12 , flat-footed 14
Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +4 (+2 Dex, +2 armor, +2 natural)
Speed 15 ft. in medium armor (3 squares), base movement 20 ft. hp 15 (2 HD)
Melee masterwork shortspear +2 (1d4 20/x2) Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +1
Ranged masterwork shortspear +3 (1d4 20/x2) Speed 50 ft. (10 squares)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. Melee bite +3 (1d6+1)
Base Atk +0; Grp -4 Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Combat Gear masterwork hide, masterwork shortspear, creepy Base Atk +1; Grp +2
cultist’s clothing Abilities Str 13, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6
Druid Spells Prepared (CL 1st): Feats Track, Weapon Focus (bite)
1st—cure light wounds, entangle Skills Hide +2, Listen +3, Move Silently +3, Spot +3, Survival
0—cure minor wounds, detect magic, flare +1*
Abilities Str 10, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 15, Cha 12 Trip (Ex): A wolf that hits with a bite attack can attempt to trip
SQ wild empathy +2 the opponent (+1 check modifier) as a free action without
Feats Improved Initiative making a touch attack or provoking an attack of opportunity.
Skills Handle Animal +5, Knowledge [Nature] +6, Spellcraft +2, If the attempt fails, the opponent cannot react to trip the
Spot +4, Survival +8 wolf.
Possessions combat gear plus potion of cure light wounds, potion of Skills *Wolves have a +4 racial bonus on Survival checks when
cure light wounds, jewelry worth 13 gp tracking by scent.


N Medium Animal

BIS7-04 Dark Heart of the Forest Page 22

ENCOUNTER 2 Reflective Hide (Su) A dire rat of legend has a silver sheen to
its skin and is permanently protected by a spell turning effect.
DIRE SQUIRREL CR 1 Skills Dire rats have a +8 racial bonus on Swim checks. Dire rats
N Medium Animal have a +8 racial bonus on Climb checks and can always
Init +3; Senses Low-Light Vision, Scent, Listen +4, Spot +4 choose to take 10 on Climb checks, even if rushed or
AC 15, touch 13, flat-footed 12, (+3 Dex, +2 natural) threatened.
hp 14 (2d8+2 HD); Description This enormous rat looks bigger and more vicious
Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +3 than most dogs. It has coarse, spiky fur, malevolent eyes and
Speed 40 ft. (8 squares), climb 20 ft. a long, naked tail. Its fur has a silvery sheen, and it moves
Melee bite +4 (1d6+3) with a supernatural quickness.
Base Atk +1; Grp +3 Sources Monster Manual II (Page 136)
Atk Options Attach, Blood drain
Abilities Str 14, Dex 17, Con 12, Int 1, Wis 12, Cha 4
Feats Alertness, Weapon Finesse [bite] ENCOUNTER 5
Skills Climb +11, Hide +8, Move Silently +4
Attach (Ex) A dire squirrel that hits with its bite attack latches INFLICT LIGHT VINES TRAP CR 4
onto the opponent’s body with its powerful jaws. An Description See encounter description.
attached dire squirrel loses its Dexterity bonus to AC and Search DC 24; Type magic
thus has an AC of 12. An attached dire squirrel can be struck Trigger proximity (alarm), Init +2
with a weapon or grappled itself. To remove an attached dire Effect inflict light wounds (+4 melee touch, 1d8+3, Will DC 13
squirrel through grappling, the opponent must achieve a pin half) and entangle (become entangled, Reflex DC 13 partial)
against the creature. against each target in the clearing each round.
Blood Drain (Ex) A dire squirrel drains blood for 1d4 points of Duration 7 rounds
Constitution damage each round it remains attached. Destruction each vine AC 14, 10 hp; petrified totem AC 16, 18
Skills Dire squirrels have a +8 racial bonus on Climb checks hp, hardness 8 (disadvantage, destroying this disarms the entire
and can always choose to take 10 on Climb checks, even if trap)
rushed or threatened. Dire squirrels use their Dexterity Disarm Disable Device DC 27 (per vine)
modifier for Climb checks. Dispel DC 14 (per vine), DC 14 (petrified totem,
Description This enormous squirrel is about the size of a large
disadvantage, dispelling this disarms the entire trap)
boar. It has coarse, spiky fur, malevolent eyes, and a long,
busy tail.


N Medium Animal
Init +10; Senses Low-Light Vision, Scent, Listen +5, Spot +5
AC 23, touch 16 , flat-footed 17, (+6 Dex, +7 natural)
hp 24 (2d8+12 HD);
Fort +12, Ref +12, Will +7
Speed 40 ft. (8 squares), climb 20 ft.
Melee bite +9 (1d6+8 plus disease)
Base Atk +1; Grp +8
Atk Options Disease, Frightful Presence
Abilities Str 24, Dex 23, Con 22, Int 3, Wis 14, Cha 8
SQ Haste, Reflective hide
Feats Alertness, Improved Initiative, Multiattack, Weapon
Finesse [bite]
Skills Climb +15, Hide +11, Move Silently +7, Swim +15
Disease (Ex) Filth fever – bite, Fortitude DC 16, incubation
period 1d3 days, damage 1d3 Dex and 1d3 Con. The save DC
is Constitution-based.
Frightful Presence (Ex) When a dire rat of legend makes a
loud sound, it inspires terror in all creatures within 20 feet
that have fewer Hit Dice or levels than it has. Each
potentially affected opponent must succeed at a Will save
(DC 10) or become shaken – a condition that lasts until the
opponent is out of range. A successful save leaves that
opponent immune to that dire rat of legend’s frightful
presence for 24 hours.
Haste (Su) A dire rat of legend is supernaturally quick. It can
make an extra attack during a full-attack action, as if affected
by haste spell.

BIS7-04 Dark Heart of the Forest Page 23

ENCOUNTER 6 If the attempt fails, the opponent cannot react to trip the
MANSOUR CR 5 Skills *Wolves have a +4 racial bonus on Survival checks when
Male Human (F) Druid 5 tracking by scent.
CN Medium humanoid (human)
Init +2; Senses Listen +3, Spot +11
Languages Common, Abyssal, Druidic FAROUK CR 4
AC 18, touch 12, flat-footed 16 Male Human (B) Drd3/Ftr1
(+2 Dex, +4 armor, +2 shield) N Medium humanoid (human)
hp 38 (5 HD) Init +6; Senses Listen +1, Spot +7
Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +7 Languages Common, Abyssal, Druidic
Speed 20 ft. in medium armor (4 squares), base movement 30 ft. AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 15
Melee masterwork sickle +5 (1d6+1 20/x2) or masterwork (+2 Dex, +4 armor)
shortspear +5 (1d6+1 20/x2) hp 35 (4 HD)
Ranged masterwork shortspear +6 (1d6+1 20/x2) Fort +7, Ref +3, Will +4
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. Speed 20 ft. in medium armor (4 squares), base movement 30 ft.
Base Atk +3; Grp +4 Melee masterwork scythe +8 (2d4+4 20/x4) or masterwork
Atk Options Rapid Spell, Wild Shape 1/day shortspear +7 (1d6+4 20/x2)
Combat Gear +1 hide armor, darkwood shield, masterwork Ranged masterwork shortspear +6 (1d6+3 20/x2)
sickle, masterwork shortspear, creepy cultist’s clothing Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Druid Spells Prepared (CL 5th): Base Atk +3; Grp +6
3rd—protection from energy (fire), rapid summon nature’s ally II Atk Options Power Attack
2nd—heat metal, hold animal, rapid summon nature’s ally I Combat Gear +1 hide armor, masterwork scythe, masterwork
1st—faerie fire, longstrider, magic fang, obscuring mist shortspear, creepy cultist’s clothing
0—cure minor wounds (x2), detect magic, flare (x2) Druid Spells Prepared (CL 3rd):
Abilities Str 12, Dex 14, Con 15, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 10 2nd—bull’s strength
SQ wild empathy +7, woodland stride, trackless step, resist 1st—cure light wounds, longstrider, obscuring mist
nature’s lure 0—cure minor wounds (x2), detect magic, flare
Feats Spell Focus [Conjuration], Augment Summoning, Rapid Abilities Str 16, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 10
Spell* SQ wild empathy +5, woodland stride, trackless step
Skills Concentration +10, Handle Animal +6, Heal +9, Feats Improved Initiative, Improved Toughness*, Power
Knowledge [Nature] +11, Spellcraft +9, Spot +11, Survival Attack, Weapon Focus [Scythe]
+13 Skills Concentration +9, Craft (Trapmaking) +5, Handle
Possessions combat gear plus wand of cure light wounds, potion of Animal +4, Heal +5, Knowledge [Nature] +10, Spellcraft +6,
barkskin +5 (consumed) Spot +7, Survival +10
Power-Up Suite: Possessions combat gear plus potion of barkskin +3 (consumed),
AC 23, touch 12, flat-footed 21 potion of enlarge person, potion of resist energy (fire) 10 (consumed),
(+2 Dex, +4 armor, +2 shield, +5 natural) [barkskin, 10 minutes jewelry worth 45 gp
left] Power-Up Suite:
Immune fire (up to 60 points) [protection from energy (fire), 10 AC 19, touch 12, flat-footed 17
minutes left] (+2 Dex, +4 armor, +3 natural) [barkskin, 10 minutes left
Speed 30 ft. in medium armor (6 squares), base movement 40 ft. Resist fire 10 [resist energy (fire), 10 minutes left]
[longstrider, 1 hour left] Speed 30 ft. in medium armor (6 squares), base movement 40 ft.
[longstrider, 1 hour left]


Init +3; Senses Low-Light Vision, Scent, Listen +4, Spot +4 N Medium Animal
AC 19, touch 13 , flat-footed 16 Init +2; Senses Low-Light Vision, Scent, Listen +3, Spot +3
(+3 Dex, +2 armor, +4 natural) AC 16, touch 12 , flat-footed 14
hp 36 (4 HD) (+2 Dex, +2 armor, +2 natural)
Fort +7, Ref +7, Will +2 hp 15 (2 HD)
Speed 50 ft. (10 squares) Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +1
Melee bite +5 (1d6+3) Speed 50 ft. (10 squares)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. Melee bite +3 (1d6+1)
Base Atk +3; Grp +4 Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Abilities Str 14, Dex 16, Con 16, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6 Base Atk +1; Grp +2
SQ evasion Abilities Str 13, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6
Feats Track, Weapon Focus (bite), Improved Toughness* Feats Track, Weapon Focus (bite)
Skills Hide +3, Listen +4, Move Silently +4, Spot +4, Survival Skills Hide +2, Listen +3, Move Silently +3, Spot +3, Survival
+1* +1*
Trip (Ex): A wolf that hits with a bite attack can attempt to trip Trip (Ex): A wolf that hits with a bite attack can attempt to trip
the opponent (+2 check modifier) as a free action without the opponent (+1 check modifier) as a free action without
making a touch attack or provoking an attack of opportunity. making a touch attack or provoking an attack of opportunity.

BIS7-04 Dark Heart of the Forest Page 24

If the attempt fails, the opponent cannot react to trip the Power-Up Suite:
wolf. AC 20, touch 13, flat-footed 18
Skills *Wolves have a +4 racial bonus on Survival checks when (+1 Size, +2 Dex, +3 armor, +2 shield, +2 natural) [barkskin, 10
tracking by scent. minutes left]
Speed 25 ft. in medium armor (5 squares), base movement 20 ft.
CALID VINFOODLE CR 3 [longstrider, 1 hour left]
Male Gnome Drd3
N Small humanoid (gnome) BINDCHEL (WOLF ANIMAL COMPANION) CR 1
Init +6; Senses Listen +2, Spot +4 N Medium Animal
Languages Common, Gnomish, Druidic Init +2; Senses Low-Light Vision, Scent, Listen +3, Spot +3
AC 18, touch 13, flat-footed 16 AC 16, touch 12 , flat-footed 14
(+1 Size, +2 Dex, +3 armor, +2 Shield) (+2 Dex, +2 armor, +2 natural)
hp 25 (3 HD) hp 15 (2 HD)
Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +5 Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +1
Speed 15 ft. in medium armor (3 squares), base movement 20 ft. Speed 50 ft. (10 squares)
Melee masterwork shortspear +4 (1d4 20/x2) Melee bite +3 (1d6+1)
Ranged masterwork shortspear +5 (1d4 20/x2) Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. Base Atk +1; Grp +2
Base Atk +2; Grp -2Atk Options Rapid Spell*
Combat Gear masterwork hide, masterwork shortspear, Abilities Str 13, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6
darkwood shield, creepy cultist’s clothing Feats Track, Weapon Focus (bite)
Druid Spells Prepared (CL 3rd): Skills Hide +2, Listen +3, Move Silently +3, Spot +3, Survival
2nd—rapid summon nature’s ally I, barkskin +1*
1st—cure light wounds, entangle, longstrider Trip (Ex): A wolf that hits with a bite attack can attempt to trip
0—cure minor wounds, detect magic, flare (x2) the opponent (+1 check modifier) as a free action without
Abilities Str 10, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 15, Cha 12 making a touch attack or provoking an attack of opportunity.
SQ wild empathy +6, woodland stride, trackless step If the attempt fails, the opponent cannot react to trip the
Feats Improved Initiative, wolf.
Rapid Spell*Skills Concentration +9, Handle Animal +6, Skills *Wolves have a +4 racial bonus on Survival checks
Knowledge [Nature] +9, Spellcraft +2, Spot +4, Survival +11 when tracking by scent.
Possessions combat gear plus potion of cure light wounds, potion of
cure light wounds, potion of barkskin +5, jewelry worth 13 gp

BIS7-04 Dark Heart of the Forest Page 25

N Large Animal Description See encounter description.
Init +9; Senses Low-Light Vision, Reflective hide, Scent, Listen Search DC 26; Type magic
+8, Spot +8 Trigger proximity (alarm), Init +3
AC 25, touch 14 , flat-footed 20, (-1 size, +5 Dex, +11 natural) Effect inflict moderate wounds (+6 melee touch, 2d8+5, Will DC
hp 108 (5d8+78 HD) 14 half) and entangle (become entangled, Reflex DC 14
Fort +19, Ref +11, Will +9 partial) against each target in the clearing each round.
Speed 30 ft. (6 squares), burrow 10 ft. Duration 9 rounds
Melee 2 claws +13 (1d6+11) and bite +7 (1d8+10 plus poison) Destruction each vine AC 16, 15 hp; petrified totem AC 19, 27
Base Atk +3; Grp +18 hp, hardness 8 (disadvantage, destroying this disarms the entire
Atk Options Haste, Poison, Rage trap)
Abilities Str 32, Dex 21, Con 34, Int 4, Wis 14, Cha 14 Disarm Disable Device DC 28 (per vine)
Feats Alertness, Improved Initiative, Multiattack, Toughness, Dispel DC 16 (per vine), DC 16 (petrified totem,
Track disadvantage, dispelling this disarms the entire trap)
Haste (Su) A dire badger of legend is supernaturally quick. It
can make an extra attack during a full-attack action, as if
affected by haste spell.
Poison (Ex) A dire badger of legend delivers its poison
(Fortitude save DC 24) with each successful bite attack. The
initial and secondary damage is the same (1d6 points of
Strength damage). The save DC is Constitution-based.
Rage (Ex) A dire badger that takes damage in combat flies into a
berserk rage on its next turn, clawing and biting madly until
either it or its opponent is dead. It gains +4 Strength, +4
Constitution, and -2 AC. The creature cannot end its rage
Reflective Hide (Su) A dire badger of legend has a silvery
sheen to its skin and is permanently protected by a spell
turning effect.
Description This squat, muscular creature is covered in wild,
thick fur. Its stout legs end in clawed feet, and its pointed snout
has a wide mouthful of sharp teeth. Its fur has a silvery sheen,
and it moves with a supernatural quickness.
Sources Monster Manual II (Page 136)

BIS7-04 Dark Heart of the Forest Page 26

ENCOUNTER 6 Trip (Ex): A dire wolf that hits with a bite attack can attempt to
trip the opponent (+11 check modifier) as a free action
MANSOUR CR 7 without making a touch attack or provoking an attack of
Male Human (F) Druid 7 opportunity. If the attempt fails, the opponent cannot react
CN Medium humanoid (human) to trip the dire wolf.
Init +2; Senses Listen +9, Spot +13 Skills A dire wolf has a +2 racial bonus on Hide, Listen, Move
Languages Common, Abyssal, Druidic Silently and Spot checks. *It also has a +4 racial bonus on
AC 19, touch 13, flat-footed 17 Survival checks when tracking by scent.
(+2 Dex, +4 armor, +2 shield)
hp 53 (7 HD)
Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +8 FAROUK CR 6
Male Human (B) Drd5/Ftr1
Speed 20 ft. in medium armor (4 squares), base movement 30 ft.
N Medium humanoid (human)
Melee masterwork sickle +7 (1d6+1 20/x2) or masterwork
shortspear +7 (1d6+1 20/x2) Init +6; Senses Listen +4, Spot +10
Ranged masterwork shortspear +8 (1d6+1 20/x2) Languages Common, Abyssal, Druidic
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 15
Base Atk +5; Grp +6 (+2 Dex, +4 armor)
Atk Options Rapid Spell, Wild Shape 3/day hp 51 (6 HD)
Combat Gear +1 hide armor, darkwood shield, masterwork Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +5
sickle, masterwork shortspear, creepy cultist’s clothing Speed 20 ft. in medium armor (4 squares), base movement 30 ft.
Druid Spells Prepared (CL 7th): Melee +1 scythe +9 (2d4+5 20/x4) or masterwork shortspear +8
4th—rapid call lightning (1d6+4 20/x2)
3rd—cure moderate wounds, protection from energy (fire), rapid Ranged masterwork shortspear +7 (1d6+3 20/x2)
summon nature’s ally II Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
2nd—heat metal, hold animal, rapid summon nature’s ally I (x2) Base Atk +4; Grp +7
1st—faerie fire (x2), longstrider, magic fang, obscuring mist Atk Options Boar’s Ferocity*, Power Attack, Wild Shape 1/day
0—cure minor wounds (x3), detect magic, flare (x2) Combat Gear +1 hide armor, +1 scythe, masterwork shortspear,
Abilities Str 12, Dex 14, Con 15, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 10 creepy cultist’s clothing
SQ wild empathy +9, woodland stride, trackless step, resist Druid Spells Prepared (CL 5th):
nature’s lure 3rd—poison
Feats Spell Focus [Conjuration], Augment Summoning, Rapid 2nd—bull’s strength, bear’s endurance
Spell*, Natural Spell 1st—cure light wounds (x2), longstrider, obscuring mist
Skills Concentration +12, Handle Animal +6, Heal +9, 0—cure minor wounds (x2), detect magic, flare
Knowledge [Nature] +11, Listen +9, Spellcraft +11, Spot +13, Abilities Str 16, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 10
Survival +13 SQ wild empathy +7, woodland stride, trackless step, resist
Possessions combat gear plus wand of cure light wounds, potion of nature’s lure
barkskin +5 (consumed), ring of protection +1, elixir of truth, Feats Boar’s Ferocity*, Improved Initiative, Improved
jewelry worth 80 gp Toughness*, Power Attack, Weapon Focus [Scythe]
Power-Up Suite: Skills Concentration +11, Craft (Trapmaking) +5, Handle
AC 24, touch 13, flat-footed 22 Animal +4, Heal +5, Knowledge [Nature] +10, Listen +4,
(+2 Dex, +4 armor, +2 shield, +1 Deflection, +5 natural) Spellcraft +10, Spot +10, Survival +10
[barkskin, 10 minutes left] Possessions combat gear plus potion of barkskin +3 (consumed),
Immune fire (up to 84 points) [protection from energy (fire), 10 potion of enlarge person, potion of resist energy (fire) 10 (consumed),
minutes left] potion of cure moderate wounds, jewelry worth 45 gp
Speed 30 ft. in medium armor (6 squares), base movement 40 ft. Power-Up Suite:
[longstrider, 1 hour left] AC 19, touch 12, flat-footed 17
(+2 Dex, +4 armor, +3 natural) [barkskin, 10 minutes left
Resist fire 10 [resist energy (fire), 10 minutes left]
SENCHEL (DIRE WOLF COMPANION) CR 3 Speed 30 ft. in medium armor (6 squares), base movement 40 ft.
N Large Animal [longstrider, 1 hour left]
Init +2; Senses Low-Light Vision, Scent, Listen +7, Spot +7
AC 16, touch 12 , flat-footed 14
(-1 Size, +2 Dex, +2 armor, +3 natural) GRANCHEL (WOLF ANIMAL COMPANION) CR 1
hp 50 (6 HD) N Medium Animal
Fort +8, Ref +7, Will +6 Init +3; Senses Low-Light Vision, Scent, Listen +4, Spot +4
Speed 50 ft. (10 squares) AC 19, touch 13 , flat-footed 16
Melee bite +11 (1d8+10) (+3 Dex, +2 armor, +4 natural)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft. hp 36 (4 HD)
Base Atk +4; Grp +15 Fort +7, Ref +7, Will +2
Abilities Str 25, Dex 15, Con 17, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 10 Speed 50 ft. (10 squares)
Feats Track, Weapon Focus (bite), Alertness, Run Melee bite +5 (1d6+3)
Skills Hide +0, Listen +7, Move Silently +4, Spot +7, Survival Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
+2* Base Atk +3; Grp +4
Abilities Str 14, Dex 16, Con 16, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6
SQ evasion

BIS7-04 Dark Heart of the Forest Page 27

Feats Track, Weapon Focus (bite), Improved Toughness* Feats Improved Initiative,
Skills Hide +3, Listen +4, Move Silently +4, Spot +4, Survival Rapid Spell*Skills Concentration +11, Handle Animal +5,
+1* Knowledge [Nature] +9, Spellcraft +2, Spot +10, Survival +11
Trip (Ex): A wolf that hits with a bite attack can attempt to trip Possessions combat gear plus potion of cure light wounds, potion of
the opponent (+2 check modifier) as a free action without barkskin +5, cloak of resistance +1, jewelry worth 6 gp
making a touch attack or provoking an attack of opportunity. Power-Up Suite:
If the attempt fails, the opponent cannot react to trip the AC 21, touch 13, flat-footed 19
wolf. (+1 Size, +2 Dex, +4 armor, +2 shield, +2 natural) [barkskin, 10
Skills *Wolves have a +4 racial bonus on Survival checks when minutes left]
tracking by scent. Speed 25 ft. in medium armor (5 squares), base movement 20 ft.
[longstrider, 1 hour left]
N Small humanoid (gnome) N Medium Animal
Init +6; Senses Listen +2, Spot +10 Init +3; Senses Low-Light Vision, Scent, Listen +6, Spot +6
Languages Common, Gnomish, Druidic AC 18, touch 13 , flat-footed 15
AC 19, touch 13, flat-footed 17 (+3 Dex, +2 armor, +3 natural)
(+1 Size, +2 Dex, +4 armor, +2 Shield) hp 29 (3 HD)
hp 41 (5 HD) Fort +7, Ref +6, Will +4
Fort +8, Ref +4, Will +7 Speed 30 ft. (6 squares), burrow 10 ft. (2 squares)
Speed 15 ft. in medium armor (3 squares), base movement 20 ft. Melee 2 claws +4 (1d4+2) and bite –1 (1d6+1)
Melee masterwork shortspear +5 (1d4 20/x2) Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Ranged masterwork shortspear +6 (1d4 20/x2) Base Atk +2; Grp +4Atk Options Rage
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. Abilities Str 14, Dex 17, Con 19, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 10
Base Atk +3; Grp -1Atk Options Rapid Spell*, Wild Shape Feats Track, Alertness , Toughness , Track
1/day Skills Listen +6, Spot +6
Combat Gear +1 hide armor, masterwork shortspear, darkwood Rage (Ex): A dire badger that takes damage in combat flies into
shield, creepy cultist’s clothing a berserk rage on its next turn, clawing and biting madly
Druid Spells Prepared (CL 5th): until either it or its opponent is dead. It gains +4 Strength, +4
3rd— rapid summon nature’s ally II Constitution, and –2 AC. The creature cannot end its rage
2nd—rapid summon nature’s ally I (x2), barkskin voluntarily.
1st—cure light wounds, entangle, faerie fire, longstrider
0—cure minor wounds, detect magic, flare (x2)
Abilities Str 10, Dex 14, Con 17, Int 10, Wis 15, Cha 12
SQ wild empathy +8, woodland stride, trackless step, resist
nature’s lure

BIS7-04 Dark Heart of the Forest Page 28

N Large Animal Vine horror Sor8
Init +9; Senses Low-Light Vision, Reflective hide, Scent, Listen NE Medium-size Plant (aquatic)
+8, Spot +8 Init +1; Senses Listen +5, Spot +5
AC 25, touch 14 , flat-footed 20, (-1 size, +5 Dex, +11 natural) AC 19, touch 11, flat-footed 18, (+1 Dex, +8 natural)
hp 108 (5d8+78 HD) hp 120 (5d8+8d4+78 HD);
Fort +19, Ref +11, Will +9 Fort +12, Ref +4, Will +8
Speed 30 ft. (6 squares), burrow 10 ft. Speed 30 ft. (6 squares), swim 20 ft.
Melee 2 claws +13 (1d6+11) and bite +7 (1d8+10 plus poison) Melee slam +10/+10 (1d6+3)
Base Atk +3; Grp +18 Base Atk +7; Grp +10
Atk Options Haste, Poison, Rage Atk Options Animate vines.
Abilities Str 32, Dex 21, Con 34, Int 4, Wis 14, Cha 14 Special Actions Malleability
Feats Alertness, Improved Initiative, Multiattack, Toughness, Sorcerer Spells Known (CL 12th):
Track 4th (3/day)— greater invisibility, greater invisibility
Haste (Su) A dire badger of legend is supernaturally quick. It 3rd (6/day)— fireball, unluckSpC
can make an extra attack during a full-attack action, as if 2nd (7/day)— fireburstSpC, glitterdust, scorching ray
affected by haste spell. 1st (7/day)— fist of stoneSpC, fist of stoneSpC, mage armor, mage
Poison (Ex) A dire badger of legend delivers its poison armor, magic missile, ray of enfeeblement, shield, shield
(Fortitude save DC 24) with each successful bite attack. The 0 (6/day)— acid splash, daze, detect magic, mending, message,
initial and secondary damage is the same (1d6 points of prestidigitation, read magic
Strength damage). The save DC is Constitution-based. SpC: Spell Compendium
Rage (Ex) A dire badger that takes damage in combat flies into a Abilities Str 16, Dex 12, Con 23, Int 11, Wis 13, Cha 16
berserk rage on its next turn, clawing and biting madly until SQ Plant traits, Half damage from piercing and slashing
either it or its opponent is dead. It gains +4 Strength, +4 Feats Alertness, Blind-Fight, Empower Spell, Practiced
Constitution, and -2 AC. The creature cannot end its rage SpellcasterCD, Sudden MaximizeCA. CDComplete Divine,
voluntarily. Complete Arcane.
Reflective Hide (Su) A dire badger of legend has a silvery Skills Concentration +14, Hide +16 (+31 when in an area with a
sheen to its skin and is permanently protected by a spell lot of algae), Spellcraft +6, Swim +16
turning effect. Possessions combat gear plus spell component pouch
Description This squat, muscular creature is covered in wild, Animate Vines (Sp) A vine horror can use this ability to
thick fur. Its stout legs end in clawed feet, and its pointed snout animate any single vine or similar kind of plant life within
has a wide mouthful of sharp teeth. Its fur has a silvery sheen, 90 feet. An animated vine fights as an assassin vine in all
and it moves with a supernatural quickness. respects (see the Monster Manual). An animated vine loses
Sources Monster Manual II (Page 136) its ability to fight if the vine horror that animated it is
incapacitated or moves out of range.
Malleability (Ex) Because of a vine horror’s unusual body
structure, it can compress its body enough to squeeze
through a 1-inch-wide crack. Cracks and similar openings
that are 1 inch or more in width do not slow the vine horror
at all.
Skills Vine horrors have a +8 racial bonus on any Swim check
to perform some special action or avoid a hazard and can
always choose to take 10 on Swim checks, even if distracted
or endangered. Vine horrors have a +15 racial bonus on Hide
checks in swamps or other areas with noticeable
concentration of algae.
Sources Complete Arcane (Page 83), Complete Divine (Page 82),
Fiend Folio (Page 185), Spell Compendium (Pages 93-94, 227)
Power-Up Suite: Fist of stone (8 rounds), greater invisibility (11
rounds), mage armor, shield – AC 27, touch 11, flat-footed 26
(+4 armor, +1 Dex, +8 natural, +4 shield).

BIS7-04 Dark Heart of the Forest Page 29

Description See encounter description. Male Human (F) Druid 9
Search DC 28; Type magic CN Medium humanoid (human)
Trigger proximity (alarm), Init +4 Init +2; Senses Listen +16, Spot +16
Effect poison (+10 melee touch, 1d10 Con/1d10 Con, Fortitude Languages Common, Abyssal, Druidic
DC 16 negates) and entangle (become entangled, Reflex DC AC 19, touch 13, flat-footed 17
16 partial) against each target in the clearing each round. (+2 Dex, +4 armor, +2 shield)
Duration 11 rounds hp 74 (9 HD)
Destruction each vine AC 18, 20 hp; petrified totem AC 22, 36 Immune poison
hp, hardness 8 (disadvantage, destroying this disarms the entire Fort +9, Ref +5, Will +10
trap) Speed 20 ft. in medium armor (4 squares), base movement 30 ft.
Disarm Disable Device DC 29 (per vine) Melee masterwork sickle +8/+3 (1d6+1 20/x2) or masterwork
Dispel DC 18 (per vine), DC 18 (petrified totem, shortspear +8/+3 (1d6+1 20/x2)
disadvantage, dispelling this disarms the entire trap) Ranged masterwork shortspear +9 (1d6+1 20/x2)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Base Atk +6; Grp +7
Atk Options Rapid Spell, Quicken Spell, Wild Shape 3/day,
Wild Shape (Large)
Combat Gear +1 hide armor, darkwood shield, masterwork
sickle, masterwork shortspear, creepy cultist’s clothing
Druid Spells Prepared (CL 9th):
4th—dispel magic, rapid call lightning, rapid summon nature’s
ally III
3rd—cure moderate wounds, protection from energy (fire), rapid
lesser restoration, rapid summon nature’s ally II
2nd—bull’s strength, heat metal, hold animal, rapid summon
nature’s ally I (x2)
1st—faerie fire (x2), longstrider, magic fang, obscuring mist
0—cure minor wounds (x3), detect magic, flare (x2)
Abilities Str 12, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 12, Wis 18, Cha 10
SQ wild empathy +11, woodland stride, trackless step, resist
nature’s lure, venom immunity
Feats Spell Focus [Conjuration], Augment Summoning, Rapid
Spell*, Natural Spell, Cloudy Conjuration*
Skills Concentration +15, Handle Animal +6, Heal +10,
Knowledge [Nature] +11, Listen +16, Spellcraft +13, Spot
+16, Survival +14
Possessions combat gear plus wand of cure light wounds, potion of
barkskin +5 (consumed), potion of resist energy (cold) 10
(consumed), potion of resist energy (acid) 10 (consumed), ring of
protection +1, elixir of truth, periapt of wisdom +2, dust of dryness,
jewelry worth 30 gp
Power-Up Suite:
AC 24, touch 13, flat-footed 22
(+2 Dex, +4 armor, +2 shield, +1 Deflection, +5 natural)
[barkskin, 10 minutes left]
hp 74 (9 HD); ; DR 10/adamantine, (up to 90 points) [stoneskin,
10 minutes left]
Immune poison, fire (up to 108 points) [protection from energy
(fire), 10 minutes left]
Resist acid 10 [resist energy (acid) 10, 10 minutes left], cold 10
[resist energy (acid) 10, 10 minutes left]
Speed 30 ft. in medium armor (6 squares), base movement 40 ft.
[longstrider, 1 hour left]


N Large Animal
Init +2; Senses Low-Light Vision, Scent, Listen +7, Spot +7
AC 16, touch 12 , flat-footed 14
(-1 Size, +2 Dex, +2 armor, +3 natural)
hp 50 (6 HD)

BIS7-04 Dark Heart of the Forest Page 30

Fort +8, Ref +7, Will +6 Init +3; Senses Low-Light Vision, Scent, Listen +4, Spot +4
Speed 50 ft. (10 squares) AC 19, touch 13 , flat-footed 16
Melee bite +11 (1d8+10) (+3 Dex, +2 armor, +4 natural)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft. hp 36 (4 HD)
Base Atk +4; Grp +15 Fort +7, Ref +7, Will +2
Abilities Str 25, Dex 15, Con 17, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 10 Speed 50 ft. (10 squares)
Feats Track, Weapon Focus (bite), Alertness, Run Melee bite +5 (1d6+3)
Skills Hide +0, Listen +7, Move Silently +4, Spot +7, Survival Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
+2* Base Atk +3; Grp +4
Trip (Ex): A dire wolf that hits with a bite attack can attempt to Abilities Str 14, Dex 16, Con 16, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6
trip the opponent (+11 check modifier) as a free action SQ evasion
without making a touch attack or provoking an attack of Feats Track, Weapon Focus (bite), Improved Toughness*
opportunity. If the attempt fails, the opponent cannot react Skills Hide +3, Listen +4, Move Silently +4, Spot +4, Survival
to trip the dire wolf. +1*
Skills A dire wolf has a +2 racial bonus on Hide, Listen, Move Trip (Ex): A wolf that hits with a bite attack can attempt to trip
Silently and Spot checks. *It also has a +4 racial bonus on the opponent (+2 check modifier) as a free action without
Survival checks when tracking by scent. making a touch attack or provoking an attack of opportunity.
If the attempt fails, the opponent cannot react to trip the
Skills *Wolves have a +4 racial bonus on Survival checks when
Male Human (B) Drd5/Ftr3
tracking by scent.
N Medium humanoid (human)
Init +6; Senses Listen +4, Spot +10
Languages Common, Abyssal, Druidic
Male Gnome Drd7
AC 20, touch 12, flat-footed 18 N Small humanoid (gnome)
(+2 Dex, +8 armor) Init +6; Senses Listen +2, Spot +12
hp 70 (8 HD) Languages Common, Gnomish, Druidic
Fort +9, Ref +4, Will +6
AC 19, touch 13, flat-footed 17
Speed 20 ft. in medium armor (4 squares), base movement 30 ft. (+1 Size, +2 Dex, +4 armor, +2 Shield)
Melee +1 scythe +11/+6 (2d4+5 20/x4) or masterwork shortspear hp 58 (7 HD)
+10/+5 (1d6+4 20/x2) Fort +9, Ref +5, Will +8
Ranged masterwork shortspear +9 (1d6+3 20/x2)
Speed 15 ft. in medium armor (3 squares), base movement 20 ft.
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Melee masterwork shortspear +7 (1d4 20/x2)
Base Atk +6; Grp +9
Ranged masterwork shortspear +8 (1d4 20/x2)
Atk Options Boar’s Ferocity*, Power Attack, Wild Shape 1/day
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Combat Gear dragonhide plate, +1 scythe, masterwork
Base Atk +5; Grp +1Atk Options Rapid Spell*, Wild Shape
shortspear, creepy cultist’s clothing
Druid Spells Prepared (CL 5th):
Combat Gear +1 hide armor, masterwork shortspear, darkwood
shield, creepy cultist’s clothing
2nd—bull’s strength, bear’s endurance
Druid Spells Prepared (CL 7th):
1st—cure light wounds (x2), longstrider, obscuring mist
4th—rapid call lightning
0—cure minor wounds (x2), detect magic, flare
3rd—cure moderate wounds, rapid summon nature’s ally II
Abilities Str 17, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 10 2nd—bear’s endurance, rapid summon nature’s ally I (x2),
SQ wild empathy +7, woodland stride, trackless step, resist barkskin
nature’s lure 1st—cure light wounds (x2), entangle, faerie fire, longstrider
Feats Boar’s Ferocity*, Improved Initiative, Improved 0—cure minor wounds (x2), detect magic, flare (x2)
Toughness*, Power Attack, Power Critical (Scythe)*, Abilities Str 10, Dex 14, Con 17, Int 10, Wis 15, Cha 12
Weapon Focus [Scythe]
SQ wild empathy +10, woodland stride, trackless step, resist
Skills Concentration +13, Craft (Trapmaking) +9, Handle nature’s lure
Animal +4, Heal +5, Knowledge [Nature] +10, Listen +4,
Feats Improved Initiative,
Spellcraft +10, Spot +10, Survival +10
Natural Spell, Rapid Spell*Skills Concentration +13, Handle
Possessions combat gear plus potion of barkskin +3 (consumed),
Animal +5, Knowledge [Nature] +9, Spellcraft +6, Spot +12,
potion of enlarge person, potion of resist energy (fire) 10 (consumed),
Survival +11
potion of cure moderate wounds, dust of dryness, jewelry worth
Possessions combat gear plus potion of cure light wounds, potion of
110 gp
barkskin +5, potion of resist energy (fire) 10 (consumed), cloak of
Power-Up Suite: resistance +1, elemental gem (air), jewelry worth 406 gp
AC 23, touch 12, flat-footed 21
Power-Up Suite:
(+2 Dex, +8 armor, +3 natural) [barkskin, 10 minutes left
AC 22, touch 13, flat-footed 20
Resist fire 10 [resist energy (fire), 10 minutes left]
(+1 Size, +2 Dex, +4 armor, +2 shield, +3 natural) [barkskin, 10
Speed 30 ft. in medium armor (6 squares), base movement 40 ft. minutes left]
[longstrider, 1 hour left] Resist fire 10 [resist energy (fire), 10 minutes left]
Speed 25 ft. in medium armor (5 squares), base movement 20 ft.
GRANCHEL (WOLF ANIMAL COMPANION) CR 1 [longstrider, 1 hour left]
N Medium Animal

BIS7-04 Dark Heart of the Forest Page 31

N Medium Animal Feats Track, Alertness , Toughness , Track
Init +4; Senses Low-Light Vision, Scent, Listen +7, Spot +7 Skills Listen +7, Spot +7
AC 21, touch 14 , flat-footed 17 Rage (Ex): A dire badger that takes damage in combat flies into
(+3 Dex, +2 armor, +5 natural) a berserk rage on its next turn, clawing and biting madly
hp 49 (5 HD) until either it or its opponent is dead. It gains +4 Strength, +4
Fort +9, Ref +8, Will +5 Constitution, and –2 AC. The creature cannot end its rage
Speed 30 ft. (6 squares), burrow 10 ft. (2 squares) voluntarily.
Melee 2 claws +5 (1d4+2) and bite +0 (1d6+1)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Base Atk +3; Grp +5Atk Options Rage
Abilities Str 15, Dex 18, Con 20, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 10

BIS7-04 Dark Heart of the Forest Page 32

ENCOUNTER 2 Improved Grab (Ex) If a dire snake hits an opponent that is at
least one size category smaller than itself with a bite attack, it
DIRE ELK CR 7 deals normal damage and attempts to start a grapple as a free
N Huge animal action without provoking an attack of opportunity. If it gets
Init +0; Senses Low-Light Vision, Scent, Listen +6, Spot +6 a hold, it can try to swallow the opponent. Alternatively, the
AC 15, touch 8, flat-footed 15, (-2 size, +7 natural) dire snake has the option to conduct the grapple normally,
hp 132 (12d8+60 HD); or simple use its jaws to hold the opponent (-20 penalty on
Fort +13, Ref +8, Will +8 grapple check, but the dire snake is not considered
Speed 50 ft. (10 squares) grappled). In either case, each successful grapple check it
Melee slam +14 (2d6+7) and 2 hooves +9 (2d4+3) or makes during successive rounds automatically deals bite and
Melee gore +14 (2d8+10) constrict damage.
Space 15 ft.; Reach 10 ft. Skills A dire snake receives a +4 racial bonus on Hide, Listen,
Base Atk +7; Grp +27 and Spot checks, and a +8 racial bonus on Balance checks.
Atk Options Trample Description This creature looks like an enormous viper with
Abilities Str 24, Dex 11, Con 20, Int 2, Wis 11, Cha 7 dull green or brown scales and long fangs. Its head has two bony
Trample (Ex) As a Standard action during its turn each round, a protrusions similar to horns placed just behind the eyes. Its skin
dire elk can trample opponents at least one size category has a silvery sheen, and it moves with a supernatural quickness.
smaller than itself. This attack deals 2d8+10 points of Sources Monster Manual II (Pages 74, 136)
bludgeoning damage. A trampled opponent can attempt
either an attack of opportunity at a -4 penalty or a Reflex save DEATH WEED CR 9
(DC 23) for half-damage. Vine horror Sor8
Scent (Ex) A dire elk can detect approaching enemies, sniff out NE Medium-size Plant (aquatic)
hidden foes, and track by sense of smell. Init +1; Senses Listen +5, Spot +5
Skills A dire elk receives a +4 racial bonus on Hide checks. AC 19, touch 11, flat-footed 18, (+1 Dex, +8 natural)
Sources Monster Manual II (Page 74) hp 120 (5d8+8d4+78 HD);
Fort +12, Ref +4, Will +8
Speed 30 ft. (6 squares), swim 20 ft.
ADVANCED DIRE SNAKE OF LEGEND CR 9 Melee slam +10/+10 (1d6+3)
N Gargantuan animal Base Atk +7; Grp +10
Init +12; Senses Low-Light Vision, Scent, Listen +12, Spot +12 Atk Options Animate vines.
AC 28, touch 14, flat-footed 20, (-4 size, +8 Dex, +14 natural) Special Actions Malleability
hp 208 (13d8+130 HD) Sorcerer Spells Known (CL 12th):
Fort +21, Ref +19, Will +13 4th (3/day)— greater invisibility, greater invisibility
Speed 30 ft. (6 squares), climb 20 ft, swim 20 ft. 3rd (6/day)— fireball, unluckSpC
Melee bite +24 (4d8+20 plus poison/19-20) 2nd (7/day)— fireburstSpC, glitterdust, scorching ray
Space 20 ft.; Reach 15 ft. 1st (7/day)— fist of stoneSpC, fist of stoneSpC, mage armor, mage
Base Atk +9; Grp +40 armor, magic missile, ray of enfeeblement, shield, shield
Atk Options Constrict, Poison, Raging Blood 0 (6/day)— acid splash, daze, detect magic, mending, message,
Abilities Str 44, Dex 26, Con 30, Int 3, Wis 15, Cha 15 prestidigitation, read magic
SQ Haste, Reflective Hide, SpC: Spell Compendium
Feats Improved Critical [bite], Improved Initiative, Improved Abilities Str 16, Dex 12, Con 23, Int 11, Wis 13, Cha 16
Natural Attack [bite], Multiattack. SQ Plant traits, Half damage from piercing and slashing
Skills Balance +17, Climb +24, Hide +12 Feats Alertness, Blind-Fight, Empower Spell, Practiced
Constrict (Ex) With a successful grapple check, a dire snake SpellcasterCD, Sudden MaximizeCA. CDComplete Divine,
can constrict a grabbed opponent, dealing 1d8+20 points of Complete Arcane.
bludgeoning damage. Skills Concentration +14, Hide +16 (+31 when in an area with a
Haste (Su) A dire snake of legend is supernaturally quick. It lot of algae), Spellcraft +6, Swim +16
can make an extra attack during a full-attack action, as if Possessions combat gear plus spell component pouch
affected by haste spell. Animate Vines (Sp) A vine horror can use this ability to
Poison (Ex) A dire snake delivers its poison (Fortitude save DC animate any single vine or similar kind of plant life within
23) with each successful bite attack. The initial and 90 feet. An animated vine fights as an assassin vine in all
secondary damage is the same (1d6 points of Constitution respects (see the Monster Manual). An animated vine loses
damage). The save DC is Constitution-based. its ability to fight if the vine horror that animated it is
Raging Blood (Su) Each time damage is dealt to a dire snake of incapacitated or moves out of range.
legend with a piercing or slashing attack, its blood sprays Malleability (Ex) Because of a vine horror’s unusual body
outward in a 5-foot cone, dealing 1d4 points of acid damage structure, it can compress its body enough to squeeze
to all within range (no saving throw). A dire snake of legend through a 1-inch-wide crack. Cracks and similar openings
is not harmed by its own blood. that are 1 inch or more in width do not slow the vine horror
Reflective Hide (Su) A dire snake of legend has a silvery sheen at all.
to its skin and is permanently protected by a spell turning Skills Vine horrors have a +8 racial bonus on any Swim check
effect. to perform some special action or avoid a hazard and can
always choose to take 10 on Swim checks, even if distracted

BIS7-04 Dark Heart of the Forest Page 33

or endangered. Vine horrors have a +15 racial bonus on Hide ENCOUNTER 6
checks in swamps or other areas with noticeable
concentration of algae. WICKER MAN CR 11
Sources Complete Arcane (Page 83), Complete Divine (Page 82), N Huge construct
Fiend Folio (Page 185), Spell Compendium (Pages 93-94, 227) Init -1; Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Listen +0, Spot +0
Power-Up Suite: Fist of stone (8 rounds), greater invisibility (11 AC 15, touch 7, flat-footed 15
rounds), mage armor, shield – AC 27, touch 11, flat-footed 26 (-2 size, -1 Dex, +8 natural)
(+4 armor, +1 Dex, +8 natural, +4 shield). hp 120 (12 HD); hardness 5
Immune fire, magic, piercing
Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +4
ENCOUNTER 5 Speed 40 ft. (8 squares), can’t run
Melee 2 slams +16 (2d8+9 20/x2)
ENERVATING VINES TRAP CR 10 Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft.
Description See encounter description. Base Atk +9; Grp +26
Search DC 30; Type magic Atk Options Encage, improved grab, flaming body
Trigger proximity (alarm), Init +5 Abilities Str 29, Dex 8, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 1
Effect enervation (+10 melee touch , 1d4 negative levels, 9 SQ Construct traits
hours) and entangle (become entangled, Reflex DC 17 partial)
against each target in the clearing each round. Encage A wicker man can attempt to encage foes of large or
Duration 13 rounds smaller size by making a successful grapple check. Victims of
this attack are tossed inside the wicker man’s chest cavity.
Destruction each vine AC 20, 25 hp; petrified totem AC 25, 45 The wicker man deals no damage to foes thus encaged unless
hp, hardness 8 (disadvantage, destroying this disarms the entire it has been set aflame (see Flammable Body, below). An
trap) encaged foe can force its way out with a successful opposed
Disarm Disable Device DC 30 (per vine) grapple check (grapple bonus +26). An encaged victim can
Dispel DC 20 (per vine), DC 20 (petrified totem, disadvantage, also cut its way out by using claws or a light slashing weapon
dispelling this disarms the entire trap) to deal 20 points of damage (AC 14), or with a successful
Escape Artist check (DC 20). If a creature cuts its way out,
the wicker reknits; another encaged opponent must cut its
own way out. A wicker man’s interior can hold 3 Large, 6
Medium-size, 12 Small, 24 Tiny, 48 Diminutive, or 96 Fine
Improved Grab (Ex) If a wicker man hits an opponent that is
at least one size category smaller than itself with a slam
attack, it deals normal damage and attempts to start a grapple
as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity
(grapple bonus +26). If it gets a hold, it can encage the foe
with another successful grapple check. Alternatively, the
wicker man has the option to conduct the grapple normally,
or simply use its arm to hold the opponent (-20 penalty on
grapple check, but the wicker man is not considered
grappled). In either case, each successful grapple check it
makes during successive rounds automatically deals slam
Construct Traits A wicker man is immune to mind-affecting
effects, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, disease, death
effects, necromantic effects, and any effect that requires a
Fortitude save unless it also works on objects. The creature is
not subject to critical hits, subdual damage, ability damage,
energy drain, or death from massive damage. It cannot heal
damage to itself but can be healed through repair. It cannot
be raised or resurrected. A wicker man has Darkvision (60-
foot range).
Flaming Body (Ex) When exposed to fire, a wicker man
becomes sheathed in flames. (The construct is not damaged
by these flames because of its fire immunity.) Anyone within
30 feet of a flaming wicker man must make a successful
Fortitude save (DC 16) or take 1d6 points of fire damage
from the intense heat. Treat this effect as a burst that
continually radiates from the creature. Anyone touched by a
flaming wicker man must succeed on a Reflex save (DC 16)
or take 2d6 points of fire damage. Foes grappling with a
flaming wicker man take 4d6 points of fire damage, and foes
encaged within a wicker man while it is flaming take 6d6
points of fire damage each round. (Thus, a foe encaged
within a flaming wicker man that attempts to escape by

BIS7-04 Dark Heart of the Forest Page 34

grappling would take 6d6 points of fire damage on the protection +1, elixir of truth, periapt of wisdom +2, dust of dryness,
wicker man’s initiative count and another 4d6 points of fire jewelry worth 30 gp
damage when the foe makes a grapple attempt to escape on Power-Up Suite:
its initiative count.) A wicker man set afire flames for 10 AC 24, touch 13, flat-footed 22
minutes. After it has finished flaming, it cannot be relit by (+2 Dex, +4 armor, +2 shield, +1 Deflection, +5 natural)
fire or fire-based effects until 5 rounds have passed. [barkskin, 10 minutes left]
Hardness (Ex) A wicker man has hardness 5. Subtract 5 points hp 74 (9 HD); ; DR 10/adamantine, (up to 90 points) [stoneskin,
from all damage the wicker man would take. 10 minutes left]
Immunity to Magic (Ex) Wicker men are immune to all Immune poison, fire (up to 108 points) [protection from energy
spells, spell-like abilities, and supernatural effects, except as (fire), 10 minutes left]
follows. A warp wood or wood shape spell opens its cage door Resist acid 10 [resist energy (acid) 10, 10 minutes left], cold 10
for 1 round. Being in the area of an entangle spell when it is [resist energy (acid) 10, 10 minutes left]
cast heals a wicker man of 2d8 points of damage. Fire and Speed 30 ft. in medium armor (6 squares), base movement 40 ft.
fire-based effects engage the wicker man’s flammable body [longstrider, 1 hour left]
Immunity to Piercing (Ex) Piercing weapons, even magic
ones, deal no damage to a wicker man. SENCHEL (DIRE WOLF COMPANION) CR 3
Description This huge, hollow structure seems constructed of N Large Animal
branches and vines crudely woven into the form of a human. A tall Init +2; Senses Low-Light Vision, Scent, Listen +7, Spot +7
crown of twigs juts up from its featureless head, and its arms end in AC 16, touch 12 , flat-footed 14
massive bundles of sharp branches. (-1 Size, +2 Dex, +2 armor, +3 natural)
Sources Fiend Folio (Page 188) hp 50 (6 HD)
Fort +8, Ref +7, Will +6
MANSOUR CR 9 Speed 50 ft. (10 squares)
Male Human (F) Druid 9 Melee bite +11 (1d8+10)
CN Medium humanoid (human) Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Init +2; Senses Listen +16, Spot +16 Base Atk +4; Grp +15
Languages Common, Abyssal, Druidic Abilities Str 25, Dex 15, Con 17, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 10
AC 19, touch 13, flat-footed 17 Feats Track, Weapon Focus (bite), Alertness, Run
(+2 Dex, +4 armor, +2 shield) Skills Hide +0, Listen +7, Move Silently +4, Spot +7, Survival
hp 74 (9 HD) +2*
Immune poison Trip (Ex): A dire wolf that hits with a bite attack can attempt to
Fort +9, Ref +5, Will +10 trip the opponent (+11 check modifier) as a free action
Speed 20 ft. in medium armor (4 squares), base movement 30 ft. without making a touch attack or provoking an attack of
Melee masterwork sickle +8/+3 (1d6+1 20/x2) or masterwork opportunity. If the attempt fails, the opponent cannot react
shortspear +8/+3 (1d6+1 20/x2) to trip the dire wolf.
Ranged masterwork shortspear +9 (1d6+1 20/x2) Skills A dire wolf has a +2 racial bonus on Hide, Listen, Move
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. Silently and Spot checks. *It also has a +4 racial bonus on
Survival checks when tracking by scent.
Base Atk +6; Grp +7
Atk Options Rapid Spell, Wild Shape 3/day, Wild Shape
(Large) FAROUK CR 9
Combat Gear +1 hide armor, darkwood shield, masterwork Male Human (B) Drd5/Ftr4
sickle, masterwork shortspear, creepy cultist’s clothing N Medium humanoid (human)
Druid Spells Prepared (CL 9th): Init +6; Senses Listen +4, Spot +10
5th—stoneskin Languages Common, Abyssal, Druidic
4th—dispel magic, rapid call lightning, rapid summon nature’s
AC 22, touch 13, flat-footed 20
ally III
(+2 Dex, +9 armor, +1 deflection)
3rd—cure moderate wounds, protection from energy (fire), rapid
hp 80 (9 HD)
lesser restoration, rapid summon nature’s ally II
Fort +10, Ref +4, Will +6
2nd—bull’s strength, heat metal, hold animal, rapid summon
nature’s ally I (x2) Speed 20 ft. in medium armor (4 squares), base movement 30 ft.
1st—entangle, faerie fire (x2), longstrider, magic fang Melee +1 scythe +12/+7 (2d4+7 20/x4) or masterwork shortspear
0—cure minor wounds (x3), detect magic, flare (x2) +11/+6 (1d6+4 20/x2)
Ranged masterwork shortspear +10 (1d6+3 20/x2)
Abilities Str 12, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 12, Wis 18, Cha 10
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
SQ wild empathy +11, woodland stride, trackless step, resist
nature’s lure, venom immunity Base Atk +7; Grp +10
Feats Spell Focus [Conjuration], Augment Summoning, Rapid Atk Options Boar’s Ferocity*, Lion’s Pounce*, Power Attack,
Spell*, Natural Spell, Cloudy Conjuration* Wild Shape 1/day
Skills Concentration +15, Handle Animal +6, Heal +10, Combat Gear +1 dragonhide plate, +1 scythe, masterwork
Knowledge [Nature] +11, Listen +16, Spellcraft +13, Spot shortspear, creepy cultist’s clothing
+16, Survival +14 Druid Spells Prepared (CL 5th):
Possessions combat gear plus wand of cure light wounds, potion of 3rd—poison
barkskin +5 (consumed), potion of resist energy (cold) 10 2nd—bull’s strength, bear’s endurance
(consumed), potion of resist energy (acid) 10 (consumed), ring of 1st—cure light wounds (x2), longstrider, obscuring mist
0—cure minor wounds (x2), detect magic, flare

BIS7-04 Dark Heart of the Forest Page 35

Abilities Str 17, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 10 Speed 15 ft. in medium armor (3 squares), base movement 20 ft.
SQ wild empathy +7, woodland stride, trackless step, resist Melee masterwork shortspear +8/+3 (1d4 20/x2)
nature’s lure Ranged masterwork shortspear +9 (1d4 20/x2)
Feats Boar’s Ferocity*, Improved Initiative, Improved Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Toughness*, Lion’s Pounce*, Power Attack, Power Critical Base Atk +6; Grp +2Atk Options Rapid Spell*, Wild Shape
(Scythe)*, Weapon Focus [Scythe], Weapon Specialization 3/day, Wild Shape (Large)
[Scythe] Combat Gear +1 hide armor, masterwork shortspear, darkwood
Skills Concentration +14, Craft (Trapmaking) +13, Handle shield, creepy cultist’s clothing
Animal +4, Heal +5, Knowledge [Nature] +10, Listen +4, Druid Spells Prepared (CL 8th):
Spellcraft +11, Spot +10, Survival +10 4th—dispel magic, rapid call lightning
Possessions combat gear plus potion of barkskin +3 (consumed), 3rd—cure moderate wounds, rapid summon nature’s ally II (x2)
potion of enlarge person, potion of resist energy (fire) 10 (consumed), 2nd—bear’s endurance, rapid summon nature’s ally I (x2),
potion of cure moderate wounds, dust of dryness, ring of protection barkskin
+1, jewelry worth 460 gp 1st—cure light wounds (x2), entangle, faerie fire, longstrider
Power-Up Suite: 0—cure minor wounds (x2), detect magic, flare (x2)
AC 25, touch 13, flat-footed 23 Abilities Str 10, Dex 14, Con 18, Int 10, Wis 15, Cha 12
(+2 Dex, +9 armor, +3 natural, +1 deflection) [barkskin, 10 SQ wild empathy +11, woodland stride, trackless step, resist
minutes left] nature’s lure
Resist fire 10 [resist energy (fire), 10 minutes left] Feats Improved Initiative,
Speed 30 ft. in medium armor (6 squares), base movement 40 ft. Natural Spell, Rapid Spell*Skills Concentration +15, Handle
[longstrider, 1 hour left] Animal +5, Knowledge [Nature] +9, Spellcraft +8, Spot +13,
Survival +11
Possessions combat gear plus potion of cure light wounds, potion of
GRANCHEL (WOLF ANIMAL COMPANION) CR 1 barkskin +5, potion of resist energy (fire) 10 (consumed), cloak of
N Medium Animal resistance +1, elemental gem (air), jewelry worth 2856 gp
Init +3; Senses Low-Light Vision, Scent, Listen +4, Spot +4 Power-Up Suite:
AC 19, touch 13 , flat-footed 16 AC 22, touch 13, flat-footed 20
(+3 Dex, +2 armor, +4 natural) (+1 Size, +2 Dex, +4 armor, +2 shield, +3 natural) [barkskin, 10
hp 36 (4 HD) minutes left]
Fort +7, Ref +7, Will +2 Resist fire 10 [resist energy (fire), 10 minutes left]
Speed 50 ft. (10 squares) Speed 25 ft. in medium armor (5 squares), base movement 20 ft.
Melee bite +5 (1d6+3) [longstrider, 1 hour left]
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Abilities Str 14, Dex 16, Con 16, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6 N Medium Animal
SQ evasion Init +4; Senses Low-Light Vision, Scent, Listen +7, Spot +7
Feats Track, Weapon Focus (bite), Improved Toughness* AC 21, touch 14 , flat-footed 17
Skills Hide +3, Listen +4, Move Silently +4, Spot +4, Survival (+3 Dex, +2 armor, +5 natural)
+1* hp 49 (5 HD)
Trip (Ex): A wolf that hits with a bite attack can attempt to trip Fort +9, Ref +8, Will +5
the opponent (+2 check modifier) as a free action without Speed 30 ft. (6 squares), burrow 10 ft. (2 squares)
making a touch attack or provoking an attack of opportunity. Melee 2 claws +5 (1d4+2) and bite +0 (1d6+1)
If the attempt fails, the opponent cannot react to trip the Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
wolf. Base Atk +3; Grp +5Atk Options Rage
Skills *Wolves have a +4 racial bonus on Survival checks when Abilities Str 15, Dex 18, Con 20, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 10
tracking by scent. SQ evasion
Feats Track, Alertness , Toughness , Track
CALID VINFOODLE CR 8 Skills Listen +7, Spot +7
Male Gnome Drd8 Rage (Ex): A dire badger that takes damage in combat flies into
N Small humanoid (gnome) a berserk rage on its next turn, clawing and biting madly
Init +6; Senses Listen +2, Spot +13 until either it or its opponent is dead. It gains +4 Strength, +4
Languages Common, Gnomish, Druidic Constitution, and –2 AC. The creature cannot end its rage
AC 19, touch 13, flat-footed 17 voluntarily.
(+1 Size, +2 Dex, +4 armor, +2 Shield)
hp 72 (8 HD)
Fort +11, Ref +5, Will +9

BIS7-04 Dark Heart of the Forest Page 36

ENCOUNTER 2 hp 137 (5d8+10d4+90 HD)
Fort +13, Ref +5, Will +9
ADVANCED DIRE SNAKE OF LEGEND CR 9 Speed 30 ft. (6 squares), swim 20 ft.
N Gargantuan animal Melee slam +11/+11 (1d6+3
Init +12; Senses Low-Light Vision, Scent, Listen +12, Spot +12 Base Atk +8; Grp +11
AC 28, touch 14, flat-footed 20, (-4 size, +8 Dex, +14 natural) Special Actions Animate vines
hp 208 (13d8+130 HD) Sorcerer Spells Known (CL 14th):
Fort +21, Ref +19, Will +13 5th (3/day) — reciprocal gyreSpC
Speed 30 ft. (6 squares), climb 20 ft, swim 20 ft. 4th (5/day) — enervation, greater invisibility, greater invisibility
Melee bite +24 (4d8+20 plus poison/19-20) 3rd (7/day) — dispel magic, fireball, unluckSpC
Space 20 ft.; Reach 15 ft. 2nd (7/day) — blindness/deafness, fireburstSpC, glitterdust,
Base Atk +9; Grp +40 scorching ray
Atk Options Constrict, Poison, Raging Blood 1st (7/day) — fist of stoneSpC, fist of stoneSpC, mage armor, mage
Abilities Str 44, Dex 26, Con 30, Int 3, Wis 15, Cha 15 armor, magic missile, ray of enfeeblement, shield, shield
SQ Haste, Reflective Hide, 0 (6/day) — acid splash, daze, detect magic, mage hand, mending,
Feats Improved Critical [bite], Improved Initiative, Improved message, prestidigitation, read magic
Natural Attack [bite], Multiattack. SpC: Spell Compendium
Skills Balance +17, Climb +24, Hide +12 Abilities Str 16, Dex 12, Con 23, Int 11, Wis 13, Cha 16
Constrict (Ex) With a successful grapple check, a dire snake SQ Half damage from piercing and slashing, Plant traits
can constrict a grabbed opponent, dealing 1d8+20 points of Feats Alertness, Blind-Fight, Empower Spell, Practiced
bludgeoning damage. SpellcasterCD, Silent Spell, Sudden MaximizeCA. CDComplete
Haste (Su) A dire snake of legend is supernaturally quick. It Divine, CAComplete Arcane.
can make an extra attack during a full-attack action, as if Skills Concentration +16, Hide +16 (+31 when in an area with a
affected by haste spell. lot of algae), Spellcraft +6, Swim +16.
Poison (Ex) A dire snake delivers its poison (Fortitude save DC Possessions combat gear plus spell component pouch
23) with each successful bite attack. The initial and Animate Vines (Sp) A vine horror can use this ability to
secondary damage is the same (1d6 points of Constitution animate any single vine or similar kind of plant life within
damage). The save DC is Constitution-based. 90 feet. An animated vine fights as an assassin vine in all
Raging Blood (Su) Each time damage is dealt to a dire snake of respects (see the Monster Manual). An animated vine loses
legend with a piercing or slashing attack, its blood sprays its ability to fight if the vine horror that animated it is
outward in a 5-foot cone, dealing 1d4 points of acid damage incapacitated or moves out of range.
to all within range (no saving throw). A dire snake of legend Malleability (Ex) Because of a vine horror’s unusual body
is not harmed by its own blood. structure, it can compress its body enough to squeeze
Reflective Hide (Su) A dire snake of legend has a silvery sheen through a 1-inch-wide crack. Cracks and similar openings
to its skin and is permanently protected by a spell turning that are 1 inch or more in width do not slow the vine horror
effect. at all.
Improved Grab (Ex) If a dire snake hits an opponent that is at Skills Vine horrors have a +8 racial bonus on any Swim check
least one size category smaller than itself with a bite attack, it to perform some special action or avoid a hazard and can
deals normal damage and attempts to start a grapple as a free always choose to take 10 on Swim checks, even if distracted
action without provoking an attack of opportunity. If it gets or endangered. Vine horrors have a +15 racial bonus on Hide
a hold, it can try to swallow the opponent. Alternatively, the checks in swamps or other areas with noticeable
dire snake has the option to conduct the grapple normally, concentrations of algae.
or simple use its jaws to hold the opponent (-20 penalty on Sources Complete Arcane (Page 83), Complete Divine (Page 82),
grapple check, but the dire snake is not considered Fiend Folio (Page 185), Spell Compendium (Page 93-94, 177, 227)
grappled). In either case, each successful grapple check it
makes during successive rounds automatically deals bite and
constrict damage. Power-Up Suite: Fist of stone (8 rounds), greater invisibility (13
Skills A dire snake receives a +4 racial bonus on Hide, Listen, rounds), mage armor, shield – AC 27, touch 11, flat-footed 26
and Spot checks, and a +8 racial bonus on Balance checks. (+4 armor, +1 Dex, +8 natural, +4 shield).
Description This creature looks like an enormous viper with
dull green or brown scales and long fangs. Its head has two bony ENCOUNTER 5
protrusions similar to horns placed just behind the eyes. Its skin
has a silvery sheen, and it moves with a supernatural quickness. SLAYING VINES TRAP CR 12
Sources Monster Manual II (Pages 74, 136) Description See encounter description.
Search DC 32; Type magic
Trigger proximity (alarm), Init +6
DOOM FERN CR 11 Effect slay living (+12 melee touch, death, Fortitude DC 19
Vine horror Sor10 partial 3d6+11) and entangle (become entangled, Reflex DC
NE Medium-size Plant (aquatic) 19 partial) against each target in the clearing each round.
Init +1; Senses Listen +5, Spot +5 Duration 15 rounds
AC 19, touch 11, flat-footed 18, (+1 Dex, +8 natural)

BIS7-04 Dark Heart of the Forest Page 37

Destruction each vine AC 22, 30 hp; petrified totem AC 28, 54 from the intense heat. Treat this effect as a burst that
hp, hardness 8 (disadvantage, destroying this disarms the entire continually radiates from the creature. Anyone touched by a
trap) flaming wicker man must succeed on a Reflex save (DC 20)
Disarm Disable Device DC 31 (per vine) or take 2d6 points of fire damage. Foes grappling with a
Dispel DC 22 (per vine), DC 22 (petrified totem, disadvantage, flaming wicker man take 4d6 points of fire damage, and foes
dispelling this disarms the entire trap) encaged within a wicker man while it is flaming take 6d6
points of fire damage each round. (Thus, a foe encaged
within a flaming wicker man that attempts to escape by
ENCOUNTER 6 grappling would take 6d6 points of fire damage on the
wicker man’s initiative count and another 4d6 points of fire
ADVANCED WICKER MAN CR 13 damage when the foe makes a grapple attempt to escape on
N Gargantuan construct its initiative count.) A wicker man set afire flames for 10
Init -1; Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Listen +0, Spot +0 minutes. After it has finished flaming, it cannot be relit by
AC 17, touch 5, flat-footed 17 fire or fire-based effects until 5 rounds have passed.
(-4 size, -1 Dex, +12 natural) Hardness (Ex) A wicker man has hardness 5. Subtract 5 points
hp 195 (20 HD); hardness 5 from all damage the wicker man would take.
Immune fire, magic, piercing Immunity to Magic (Ex) Wicker men are immune to all
Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +6 spells, spell-like abilities, and supernatural effects, except as
Speed 40 ft. (8 squares), can’t run follows. A warp wood or wood shape spell opens its cage door
Melee 2 slams +25 (3d8+14 20/x2) for 1 round. Being in the area of an entangle spell when it is
Space 20 ft.; Reach 20 ft. cast heals a wicker man of 2d8 points of damage. Fire and
Base Atk +15; Grp +41 fire-based effects engage the wicker man’s flammable body
Atk Options Encage, improved grab, flaming body ability.
Immunity to Piercing (Ex) Piercing weapons, even magic
Abilities Str 39, Dex 8, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 1 ones, deal no damage to a wicker man.
SQ Construct traits
Description This huge, hollow structure seems constructed of
Encage A wicker man can attempt to encage foes of large or branches and vines crudely woven into the form of a human. A tall
smaller size by making a successful grapple check. Victims of crown of twigs juts up from its featureless head, and its arms end in
this attack are tossed inside the wicker man’s chest cavity. massive bundles of sharp branches.
The wicker man deals no damage to foes thus encaged unless
Sources Fiend Folio (Page 188)
it has been set aflame (see Flammable Body, below). An
encaged foe can force its way out with a successful opposed
grapple check (grapple bonus +41). An encaged victim can MANSOUR CR 11
also cut its way out by using claws or a light slashing weapon Male Human (F) Druid 11
to deal 20 points of damage (AC 14), or with a successful CN Medium humanoid (human)
Escape Artist check (DC 20). If a creature cuts its way out, Init +2; Senses Listen +18, Spot +18
the wicker reknits; another encaged opponent must cut its Languages Common, Abyssal, Druidic
own way out. A wicker man’s interior can hold 3 Huge, 6
AC 19, touch 13, flat-footed 17
Large, 12 Medium-size, 24 Small, 48 Tiny, 96 Diminutive, or
(+2 Dex, +4 armor, +2 shield)
192 Fine opponents.
hp 91 (11 HD)
Improved Grab (Ex) If a wicker man hits an opponent that is
Immune poison
at least one size category smaller than itself with a slam
Fort +10, Ref +5, Will +11
attack, it deals normal damage and attempts to start a grapple
as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity Speed 20 ft. in medium armor (4 squares), base movement 30 ft.
(grapple bonus +41). If it gets a hold, it can encage the foe Melee masterwork sickle +10/+5 (1d6+1 20/x2) or masterwork
with another successful grapple check. Alternatively, the shortspear +10/+5 (1d6+1 20/x2)
wicker man has the option to conduct the grapple normally, Ranged masterwork shortspear +11 (1d6+1 20/x2)
or simply use its arm to hold the opponent (-20 penalty on Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
grapple check, but the wicker man is not considered Base Atk +8; Grp +9
grappled). In either case, each successful grapple check it Atk Options Rapid Spell, Wild Shape 4/day, Wild Shape
makes during successive rounds automatically deals slam (Large), Wild Shape (Tiny)
damage. Combat Gear +1 hide armor, darkwood shield, masterwork
Construct Traits A wicker man is immune to mind-affecting sickle, masterwork shortspear, creepy cultist’s clothing
effects, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, disease, death Druid Spells Prepared (CL 9th):
effects, necromantic effects, and any effect that requires a 6th—fire seeds
Fortitude save unless it also works on objects. The creature is 5th— rapid summon nature’s ally IV, stoneskin
not subject to critical hits, subdual damage, ability damage, 4th—dispel magic, freedom of movement, rapid call lightning,
energy drain, or death from massive damage. It cannot heal rapid summon nature’s ally III
damage to itself but can be healed through repair. It cannot 3rd—cure moderate wounds, protection from energy (fire), rapid
be raised or resurrected. A wicker man has Darkvision (60- lesser restoration, rapid summon nature’s ally II (x2)
foot range). 2nd—bull’s strength, heat metal, hold animal, rapid summon
Flaming Body (Ex) When exposed to fire, a wicker man nature’s ally I (x2)
becomes sheathed in flames. (The construct is not damaged 1st—entangle, faerie fire (x2), longstrider, magic fang, obscuring
by these flames because of its fire immunity.) Anyone within mist
30 feet of a flaming wicker man must make a successful 0—cure minor wounds (x3), detect magic, flare (x2)
Fortitude save (DC 20) or take 1d6 points of fire damage Abilities Str 12, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 12, Wis 18, Cha 10

BIS7-04 Dark Heart of the Forest Page 38

SQ wild empathy +11, woodland stride, trackless step, resist Melee +1 keen scythe +14/+9 (2d4+7 19-20/x4) or masterwork
nature’s lure, venom immunity shortspear +13/+8 (1d6+4 20/x2)
Feats Spell Focus [Conjuration], Augment Summoning, Rapid Ranged masterwork shortspear +12 (1d6+3 20/x2)
Spell*, Natural Spell, Cloudy Conjuration* Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Skills Concentration +17, Handle Animal +10, Heal +10, Base Atk +9; Grp +12
Knowledge [Nature] +11, Listen +18, Spellcraft +15, Spot Atk Options Boar’s Ferocity*, Lion’s Pounce*, Power Attack,
+18, Survival +14 Wild Shape 3/day
Possessions combat gear plus wand of cure light wounds, potion of Combat Gear +1 dragonhide plate, +1 keen scythe, masterwork
barkskin +5 (consumed), potion of resist energy (cold) 10 shortspear, creepy cultist’s clothing
(consumed), potion of resist energy (acid) 10 (consumed), ring of Druid Spells Prepared (CL 7th):
protection +1, elixir of truth, periapt of wisdom +2, dust of dryness, 4th—freedom of movement
ring of the beast*, jewelry worth 180 gp 3rd—cure moderate wounds, poison
Power-Up Suite (freedom of movement 10 minutes left): 2nd—bull’s strength, bear’s endurance, flame blade
AC 24, touch 13, flat-footed 22 1st—cure light wounds (x2), entangle, longstrider, obscuring mist
(+2 Dex, +4 armor, +2 shield, +1 Deflection, +5 natural) 0—cure minor wounds (x2), detect magic, flare (x2)
[barkskin, 10 minutes left] Abilities Str 17, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 10
hp 74 (9 HD); DR 10/adamantine, (up to 110 points) [stoneskin, SQ wild empathy +9, woodland stride, trackless step, resist
10 minutes left] nature’s lure
Immune poison, fire (up to 132 points) [protection from energy Feats Boar’s Ferocity*, Improved Initiative, Improved
(fire), 10 minutes left] Toughness*, Lion’s Pounce*, Power Attack, Power Critical
Resist acid 10 [resist energy (acid) 10, 10 minutes left], cold 10 (Scythe)*, Weapon Focus [Scythe], Weapon Specialization
[resist energy (acid) 10, 10 minutes left] [Scythe]
Speed 30 ft. in medium armor (6 squares), base movement 40 ft. Skills Concentration +16, Craft (Trapmaking) +13, Handle
[longstrider, 1 hour left] Animal +4, Heal +5, Knowledge [Nature] +10, Listen +4,
Spellcraft +15, Spot +15, Survival +11
Possessions combat gear plus potion of barkskin +5 (consumed),
potion of enlarge person, potion of resist energy (fire) 10 (consumed),
potion of cure moderate wounds, dust of dryness, elemental gem
SENCHEL (DIRE WOLF COMPANION) CR 3 (air), ring of protection +1, jewelry worth 290 gp
N Large Animal
Init +3; Senses Low-Light Vision, Scent, Listen +8, Spot +8 Power-Up Suite (freedom of movement 10 minutes left):
AC 27, touch 13, flat-footed 25
AC 19, touch 13 , flat-footed 17 (+2 Dex, +9 armor, +5 natural, +1 deflection) [barkskin, 10
(-1 Size, +2 Dex, +2 armor, +5 natural) minutes left]
hp 72 (8 HD) Resist fire 10 [resist energy (fire), 10 minutes left]
Fort +10, Ref +9, Will +7
Speed 30 ft. in medium armor (6 squares), base movement 40 ft.
Speed 50 ft. (10 squares) [longstrider, 1 hour left]
Melee bite +14/+9 (1d8+12)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Abilities Str 26, Dex 16, Con 18, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 10 N Large Animal
SQ evasion Init +2; Senses Low-Light Vision, Scent, Listen +7, Spot +7
Feats Track, Weapon Focus (bite), Alertness, Run AC 16, touch 12 , flat-footed 14
Skills Hide +1, Listen +8, Move Silently +5, Spot +8, Survival (-1 Size, +2 Dex, +2 armor, +3 natural)
+2* hp 50 (6 HD)
Trip (Ex): A dire wolf that hits with a bite attack can attempt to Fort +8, Ref +7, Will +6
trip the opponent (+14 check modifier) as a free action Speed 50 ft. (10 squares)
without making a touch attack or provoking an attack of Melee bite +11 (1d8+10)
opportunity. If the attempt fails, the opponent cannot react Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
to trip the dire wolf. Base Atk +4; Grp +15
Skills A dire wolf has a +2 racial bonus on Hide, Listen, Move Abilities Str 25, Dex 15, Con 17, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 10
Silently and Spot checks. *It also has a +4 racial bonus on Feats Track, Weapon Focus (bite), Alertness, Run
Survival checks when tracking by scent. Skills Hide +0, Listen +7, Move Silently +4, Spot +7, Survival
FAROUK CR 11 Trip (Ex): A dire wolf that hits with a bite attack can attempt to
Male Human (B) Drd7/Ftr4 trip the opponent (+11 check modifier) as a free action
N Medium humanoid (human) without making a touch attack or provoking an attack of
Init +6; Senses Listen +4, Spot +15 opportunity. If the attempt fails, the opponent cannot react
Languages Common, Abyssal, Druidic to trip the dire wolf.
AC 22, touch 13, flat-footed 20 Skills A dire wolf has a +2 racial bonus on Hide, Listen, Move
(+2 Dex, +9 armor, +1 deflection) Silently and Spot checks. *It also has a +4 racial bonus on
hp 97 (11 HD) Survival checks when tracking by scent.
Fort +11, Ref +5, Will +7
Speed 20 ft. in medium armor (4 squares), base movement 30 ft. Male Gnome Drd10
N Small humanoid (gnome)

BIS7-04 Dark Heart of the Forest Page 39

Init +6; Senses Listen +2, Spot +15 resist energy (cold) 10 (consumed), cloak of resistance +1, elemental
Languages Common, Gnomish, Druidic gem (air), druid’s vestments, jewelry worth 56 gp
AC 19, touch 13, flat-footed 17 Power-Up Suite:
(+1 Size, +2 Dex, +4 armor, +2 Shield) AC 23, touch 13, flat-footed 21
hp 90 (10 HD) (+1 Size, +2 Dex, +4 armor, +2 shield, +4 natural) [barkskin, 10
Immune poison minutes left]
Fort +12, Ref +6, Will +10 Resist fire 10 [resist energy (fire), 10 minutes left], cold 10 [resist
Speed 15 ft. in medium armor (3 squares), base movement 20 ft. energy (cold), 10 minutes left],
Melee masterwork shortspear +9/+4 (1d4 20/x2) Speed 25 ft. in medium armor (5 squares), base movement 20 ft.
Ranged masterwork shortspear +10 (1d4 20/x2) [longstrider, 1 hour left]
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Base Atk +7; Grp +3Atk Options Rapid Spell*, Wild Shape LOEFFLER (DIRE BADGER COMPANION) CR 3
5/day, Wild Shape (Large) N Medium Animal
Combat Gear +1 hide armor, masterwork shortspear, darkwood Init +4; Senses Low-Light Vision, Scent, Listen +8, Spot +8
shield, creepy cultist’s clothing AC 23, touch 14 , flat-footed 19
Druid Spells Prepared (CL 10th): (+3 Dex, +2 armor, +7 natural)
5th—quickened entangle, wall of fire hp 68 (7 HD)
4th—dispel magic, rapid call lightning, rapid summon nature’s Fort +9, Ref +8, Will +5 (+9against enchantment spells or
ally III effects)
3rd—cure moderate wounds, rapid summon nature’s ally II (x2) Speed 30 ft. (6 squares), burrow 10 ft. (2 squares)
2nd—bear’s endurance, bull’s strength, rapid summon nature’s ally Melee 2 claws +9 (1d4+3) and bite +3 (1d6+1)
I (x2), barkskin Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
1st—cure light wounds (x2), entangle, faerie fire, longstrider Base Atk +5; Grp +8Atk Options Rage
0—cure minor wounds (x3), detect magic, flare (x2)
Abilities Str 16, Dex 19, Con 20, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 10
Abilities Str 10, Dex 14, Con 18, Int 10, Wis 15, Cha 12 SQ evasion, devotion
SQ wild empathy +13, woodland stride, trackless step, resist Feats Track, Alertness, Toughness, Track, Weapon Focus (claw)
nature’s lure, venom immunity Skills Listen +8, Spot +8
Feats Improved Initiative, Rage (Ex): A dire badger that takes damage in combat flies into
Natural Spell, Quicken Spell, Rapid Spell*Skills a berserk rage on its next turn, clawing and biting madly
Concentration +17, Handle Animal +5, Knowledge [Nature] until either it or its opponent is dead. It gains +4 Strength, +4
+9, Spellcraft +12, Spot +15, Survival +11 Constitution, and –2 AC. The creature cannot end its rage
Possessions combat gear plus potion of cure light wounds, potion of voluntarily.
barkskin +5, potion of resist energy (fire) 10 (consumed), potion of


*These creatures include the +4 Strength and +4 Constitution from Mansour’s augment summoning feat, for the
convenience of the DM.
Init +2; Senses Low-Light Vision, Scent, Listen +3, Spot +3
AC 16, touch 12 , flat-footed 14 N Small Elemental
(+2 Dex, +2 natural) Init -1; Senses Darkvision 60 feet, Listen +3, Spot +2
hp 18 (2 HD)
Fort +7, Ref +5, Will +1 AC 17, touch 10 , flat-footed 17
(+1 Size, -1 Dex, +7 natural)
Speed 50 ft. (10 squares) hp 17 (2 HD)
Melee bite +5 (1d6+4) Immune poison, sleep effects, paralysis, and stunning
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. Fort +6, Ref -1, Will +0
Base Atk +1; Grp +4
Speed 20 ft. (4 squares), earth glide
Abilities Str 17, Dex 15, Con 19, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6 Melee slam +7 (1d6+7)
Feats Track, Weapon Focus (bite) Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Skills Hide +2, Listen +3, Move Silently +3, Spot +3, Survival +1* Base Atk +1; Grp +2Atk Options Push, Power Attack
Trip (Ex): A wolf that hits with a bite attack can attempt to trip the Abilities Str 21, Dex 8, Con 17, Int 4, Wis 11, Cha 11
opponent (+3 check modifier) as a free action without making a SQ elemental traits
touch attack or provoking an attack of opportunity. If the Feats Power Attack
attempt fails, the opponent cannot react to trip the wolf. Skills Listen +3, Spot +2
Skills *Wolves have a +4 racial bonus on Survival checks when
tracking by scent. Earth Mastery (Ex): An earth elemental gains a +1 bonus on
attack and damage rolls if both it and its foe are touching the
ground. If an opponent is airborne or waterborne, the
elemental takes a –4 penalty on attack and damage rolls. (These
modifiers are not included in the statistics blocks).

BIS7-04 Dark Heart of the Forest Page 40

Push (Ex): An earth elemental can start a bull rush maneuver Skills Listen +4, Spot +3
without provoking an attack of opportunity. The combat Earth Mastery (Ex): An earth elemental gains a +1 bonus on
modifiers given in Earth Mastery, above, also apply to the attack and damage rolls if both it and its foe are touching the
elemental’s opposed Strength checks. ground. If an opponent is airborne or waterborne, the
Earth Glide (Ex): An earth elemental can glide through stone, elemental takes a –4 penalty on attack and damage rolls. (These
dirt, or almost any other sort of earth except metal as easily as a modifiers are not included in the statistics blocks).
fish swims through water. Its burrowing leaves behind no Push (Ex): An earth elemental can start a bull rush maneuver
tunnel or hole, nor does it create any ripple or other signs of its without provoking an attack of opportunity. The combat
presence. A move earth spell cast on an area containing a modifiers given in Earth Mastery, above, also apply to the
burrowing earth elemental flings the elemental back 30 feet, elemental’s opposed Strength checks.
stunning the creature for 1 round unless it succeeds on a DC 15 Earth Glide (Ex): An earth elemental can glide through stone,
Fortitude save. dirt, or almost any other sort of earth except metal as easily as a
fish swims through water. Its burrowing leaves behind no
tunnel or hole, nor does it create any ripple or other signs of its
SUMMON NATURE’S ALLY III presence. A move earth spell cast on an area containing a
burrowing earth elemental flings the elemental back 30 feet,
DIRE WOLF CR 3 stunning the creature for 1 round unless it succeeds on a DC 15
N Large Animal Fortitude save.
Init +2; Senses Low-Light Vision, Scent, Listen +7, Spot +7
AC 14, touch 12 , flat-footed 12
(-1 Size, +2 Dex, +3 natural) SUMMON NATURE’S ALLY V
hp 60 (6 HD)
Fort +10, Ref +7, Will +6 LARGE EARTH ELEMENTAL CR 5
N Large Elemental
Speed 50 ft. (10 squares) Init -1; Senses Darkvision 60 feet, Listen +6, Spot +5
Melee bite +13 (1d8+13)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft. AC 18, touch 8, flat-footed 18
Base Atk +4; Grp +17 (-1 Size, -1 Dex, +10 natural)
hp 84 (8 HD); DR 5/-
Abilities Str 29, Dex 15, Con 21, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 10 Immune poison, sleep effects, paralysis, and stunning
Feats Track, Weapon Focus (bite), Alertness, Run Fort +12, Ref +1, Will +2
Skills Hide +0, Listen +7, Move Silently +4, Spot +7, Survival +2*
Speed 20 ft. (4 squares), earth glide
Trip (Ex): A dire wolf that hits with a bite attack can attempt to Melee 2 slams +14 (2d8+9)
trip the opponent (+13 check modifier) as a free action without
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
making a touch attack or provoking an attack of opportunity. If
Base Atk +6; Grp +19Atk Options Push, Power Attack, Cleave,
the attempt fails, the opponent cannot react to trip the dire
Great Cleave
Skills A dire wolf has a +2 racial bonus on Hide, Listen, Move Abilities Str 29, Dex 8, Con 23, Int 6, Wis 11, Cha 11
Silently and Spot checks. *It also has a +4 racial bonus on SQ elemental traits
Survival checks when tracking by scent. Feats Power Attack, Cleave, Great Cleave
Skills Listen +6, Spot +5
Earth Mastery (Ex): An earth elemental gains a +1 bonus on
SUMMON NATURE’S ALLY IV attack and damage rolls if both it and its foe are touching the
ground. If an opponent is airborne or waterborne, the
MEDIUM EARTH ELEMENTAL CR 3 elemental takes a –4 penalty on attack and damage rolls. (These
N Medium Elemental modifiers are not included in the statistics blocks).
Init -1; Senses Darkvision 60 feet, Listen +4, Spot +3 Push (Ex): An earth elemental can start a bull rush maneuver
AC 18, touch 9, flat-footed 18 without provoking an attack of opportunity. The combat
(-1 Dex, +9 natural) modifiers given in Earth Mastery, above, also apply to the
hp 39 (4 HD) elemental’s opposed Strength checks.
Immune poison, sleep effects, paralysis, and stunning Earth Glide (Ex): An earth elemental can glide through
Fort +9, Ref +0, Will +1 stone, dirt, or almost any other sort of earth except metal as
Speed 20 ft. (4 squares), earth glide easily as a fish swims through water. Its burrowing leaves
Melee slam +10 (1d8+10) behind no tunnel or hole, nor does it create any ripple or
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. other signs of its presence. A move earth spell cast on an area
Base Atk +3; Grp +10Atk Options Push, Power Attack, Cleave
containing a burrowing earth elemental flings the
Abilities Str 25, Dex 8, Con 21, Int 4, Wis 11, Cha 11 elemental back 30 feet, stunning the creature for 1 round
SQ elemental traits
Feats Power Attack, Cleave
unless it succeeds on a DC 15 Fortitude save.

BIS7-04 Dark Heart of the Forest Page 41

Boar’s Ferocity [Wild] (Complete Divine, page 79)
Prerequisite: Ability to wild shape.
Benefit: If your hit points are reduced to 0 or less (but you aren’t killed), you can spend one wild shape as a free action
(even if it isn’t your turn) to continue acting as if not disabled or dying. The effect lasts for one minute.
Normal: When reduced to 0 hp, you are disable and can take only a single move or standard action each round. When
reduced to –1 to –9 hp, you are dying and drop unconscious.
Cloudy Conjuration (Complete Mage, page 40)
Prerequisite: Spell focus (conjuration) or conjurer level 1st.
Benefit: When you cast a conjuration spell, you can choose to have a 5-foot radius cloud of sickening smoke manifest.
The cloud can appear in your space, adjacent to you, or in the space of or adjacent to your target (if any).
The cloud lasts for 1 round. Any living creature is sickened while inside it (but not after exiting). The cloud in all other
ways acts like a small area of the fog cloud spell. Creatures immune to poison are immune to the sickening effect. The cloud
appears in conjunction with the spell taking effect (not before or after). Any creature you call or summon with the spell is
immune to the sickening effect of the cloud.
Special: A conjurer can select this feat as a wizard bonus feat.
Improved Toughness (Complete Warrior, page 101)
Prerequisite: Base Fortitude save bonus +2.
Benefit: You gain a number of hit points equal to your current Hit Dice. Each time you gain a HD (such as by gaining a
level), you gain 1 additional hit point. If you lose a HD (such as by losing a level), you lose 1 hit point permanently.
Special: A fighter may select Improved Toughness as one of his fighter bonus feats.
Lion’s Pounce [Wild] (Complete Divine, page 82)
Prerequisite: Ability to wild shape.
Benefit: When you charge, you may spend a wild shape as a free action to make a full attack at the end of the charge.
Normal: Without this feat, you may only make a single attack after a charge.
Power Critical (Complete Warrior, page 101)
Prerequisite: Weapon Focus with weapon, base attack bonus +4.
Benefit: When using the weapon you selected, you gain a +4 bonus on the roll to confirm a threat.
Special: A fighter may select Power Critical as one of his fighter bonus feats.
You can gain Power Critical multiple times. Each time you take the feat, it may be with a different weapon or the same
weapon. If you take it with the same weapon, the effects of the feats stack.
Rapid Spell [Metamagic] (Complete Divine, page 84)
Benefit: Only spells with a casting time greater than 1 standard action can be made rapid. A rapid spell with a casting
time of 1 full round can be cast as a standard action. A rapid spell with a casting time measured in rounds can be cast in a full
round. Rapid spells with casting times measured in minutes can be cast in 1 minute, and rapid spells with casting times
measured in hours can be cast in 1 hour. A rapid spell uses up a spell slot one level higher than the spell’s actual level.
Special: A spell can be made rapid and quickened only if its original casting time was 1 full round. This feat can be
applied to a spell cast spontaneously as long as its original casting time was longer than 1 full round.

Ring of the Beast (Complete Champion, page 141)
Whenever you cast a summon nature’s ally spell (whether normally or spontaneously), you can treat it as though it were
one level higher than it is. For instance, if you cast summon nature’s all III (or sacrifice a 3rd-level druid spell to spontaneously
cast it), you can treat it as if you had cast summon nature’s ally IV instead. However, you cannot use a ring of the beast to cast a
summon nature’s ally spell of a level higher than you can normally cast (in the class that allows you to cast the summon nature’s
ally spell). This ring continues to function even while you are using wild shape.
The ring of the beast is part of a set collectively known as the trappings of the beast. When you wear it along with armor of the
beast (page 135) and mantle of the beast (see above), you gain additional abilities, as noted in the armor of the beast description.
Moderate conjuration; CL 11th; Forge Ring, Heighten Spell, summon nature’s ally I, wild shape; Price 8,000 gp; Weight

BIS7-04 Dark Heart of the Forest Page 42

This crumpled note was delivered to an Army officer at the Prancing Pixie. He did not seem thrilled by it.

Lieutenant Morghun;
I have reviewed your request to search for the patrol that
went missing last week. Regrettably, I must deny it, in
light of the current schedule.
I certainly understand why you are so intent on finding
the missing soldiers. I can’t say that I’d do any different,
were our roles reversed.
Unfortunately, the March greatly needs your squads
ready to march north, as soon as possible. I can not spare
you the time you need.
Once we have the spare resources to do so, I promise that
I will do everything in my power to locate them.
-Captain Terinal

BIS7-04 Dark Heart of the Forest Page 43


You are perched on the largest branch of a large oak tree. Below you on the road, a band of figures pause
to talk briefly. Your eyes glance over the bright emblems on their uniforms, and you feel contempt
radiate through you.
Their hushed voices barely carry up to this height. After several minutes of discussion, they
continue on up the road and you watch them until they fade from sight. With a shudder of your body,
your feathered wings extend. Your head protrudes forward and a deep “Ca-caw” emanates from your
beaked mouth. With a powerful push from your taloned claws, you take flight above the tree line,
circling on the updrafts, the hate within you fueling your journey.
A moment later, you find yourself back on the ground. The glass orb clutched tightly in your hand
swirls rapidly with tendrils of red.

A final turn around the tree securely fashions the struggling body to the tree. Sunlight glints off the
blade of the dagger in your hand. Your hands move meticulously, making quick work of the soldier’s
skin. You feel slight annoyance at his incessant screaming, as it is distracting. Before long it lies as a
bloody mess at your feet.
Throwing the dagger at the ground, you plunge your hands into the warm innards of the soldier’s
body. Moving past the still-beating heart, you grab hold of each lung and wrench backwards, freeing
them from their mortal coil, blood running in rivulets down both of your arms.
You turn around, and hold the organs out for your companions to see. However, you find that your
left hand is empty, and your right holds only a small glass orb. Black clouds ripple beneath its surface.

BIS7-04 Dark Heart of the Forest Page 44

Only parts of this shredded journal can still be deciphered. You can make out the date of the latest entry – four days ago.

Moonday, 8 Reaping 597 CY

… it is obviously of new construction, and hasn’t… not sure of it’s

function. Tonessa thinks… need to report in soon… a bit longer. I’m sure…
if we can find answers… old man saw them in the… no one still comes here.
Too dangerous… found symbol of the Whispered One… blood, but not sure
what… Gavin couldn’t… noises in the night… tales of the animal attacks,
but even those beasts didn’t carry…


The monolith before you bears forty numbered holes, each of which goes all the way through the rock. The following is
carved into the eastern face.

A traveler crossed the river bend Each son was named a noble knight
As he walked the forest run And a squire bore their gear
His wife had borne two daughters Each henchman brought a friendly
Each daughter bore a son lass
When hearth and home weren’t

Each woman would never think to All that walked the forest path
travel Two lanterns did they bear
Without her beloved mate Seek ye the count of How many
Not every man would bring a wife lanterns
And tempt the wrath of fate Went to the forest lair

BIS7-04 Dark Heart of the Forest Page 45

These notes were found in an encampment, deep within the Nightwatch forests.

Behold the glory of the Ur-Flan, and the dark impending!

This forest is a great resource of untapped power. Surely, there are those
that believe we must be behind its rapid appearance. As well, they must
believe us to be behind the attacks on their caravans and patrols and
precious Truelight. Nothing could be further from the truth, though I wish
we could claim responsibility.

But this will not stop us from taking control of the opportunity! Such
great beasts and unique flora… under our sway… such a menacing boon!
The ritual during the convergence must succeed.

As best we can tell, radiance coming from the baronial capital is causing
this all to happen – the accelerated growth and evolution of the flora and
fauna. Perhaps it explains the attack on the same. Most curious.


This is a scrap of parchment that Tonessa Byrd stole from her kidnappers. Parts of it are torn and missing.

…not completed until the victim is truly dead, and his blood spent entirely
upon the altar. Until then, we must be diligent to keep him still and in
place… once the convergence is completed, and blood spilled, we will have

BIS7-04 Dark Heart of the Forest Page 46

If you run this event in July or August of 2007, please e-mail the results from this sheet to a member of the Bissel Triad by
Sept 1st, 2007, or have the Senior DM of your event do so.

1. Did the PCs rescue Rastus from the attacking animals? Yes No

2. Did the PCs help Tonessa Byrd escape alive? Yes No

3. Did the PCs defeat the Ur-Flan druids? Yes No

4. Did the druids manage to complete the ritual? Yes No

5. Was Gavin returned alive to Thornward and his uncle? Yes No

Notes: (Add anything that happened that might be considered out of the ordinary – Strange
occurrences, results that may not fit the above, etc):

BIS7-04 Dark Heart of the Forest Page 47


® TM
Bissel Regional Adventure
Version 1.0.0

by Nopalzin Torres and Matt Maranda

Reviewers: Bissel Triad Circle Reviewer: Steven Conforti
Playtesters: Joe Boerjes, Michael Chiesi, Stephanie Chiesi, David Jedlinsky, Ruth Jedlinsky, Tracy Slatyer

The Knights of the Watch built many towers to aid in the defense of the Sheldomar. Many of them were destroyed and
rebuilt but some were left to be lost. Now old memories from the Greyhawk Wars are being dredged up and some must
be dealt with. A Bissel regional adventure for APLs 2-12

Note: This adventure will be of particular interest to Knights of the Watch/Dispatch and member of the Church of

Resources: Complete Champion [Ed Stark, Chris Thomasson, Ari Marmell, Rhiannon Louve, Gary Astleford], Magic Item
Compendium [Andy Collins, Eytan Bernstein, Frank Brunner, Owen K.C. Stephens, John Snead]. Complete Divine [David
Noonan] Complete Warrior [Andy Collins, David Noonan, Ed Stark] Complete Arcane [Richard Baker] Player’s Handbook II
[David Noonan]

Based on the original DUNGEONS & DRAGONS rules created by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson and the new DUNGEONS & DRAGONS game designed
by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Richard Baker, and Peter Adkison.

This game product contains no Open Game Content. No portion of this work may be reproduced in any form without permission of Wizards of the
Coast. To learn more about the Open Gaming License and the d20 SYSTEM license, please visit
This is an official RPGA play document. To find out more about the RPGA and to learn more on how you can sanction and run DUNGEONS &
DRAGONS game events of all sizes, visit our website at

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, GREYHAWK, LIVING GREYHAWK, D&D REWARDS, RPGA, Player’s Handbook, Dungeon Master’s Guide, and
Monster Manual are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc, in the US and other countries. This material is protected under the copyright laws of the
United States of America. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained herein is prohibited without the express written
permission of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. This product is a work of fiction. Any similarity to actual people, organizations, places, or events is purely
coincidental. © 2005 Wizards of the Coast, Inc and the adventure author or authors.

Visit the LIVING GREYHAWK website at

For questions specific to this document and your region please e-mail your triad point of contact (POC) at For LIVING
GREYHAWK campaign questions email
Throughout this adventure, text in bold italics provides
RPGA® SANCTIONED PLAY player information for you to paraphrase or read aloud
when appropriate. Sidebars contain important
Most likely you ordered this adventure as part of an
information for you, including special instruction on
RPGA even from the RPGA website, or you received it
running the adventure. Information on nonplayer
from your senior gamemaster. To play this adventure as
characters (NPCs) and monsters appear in abbreviated
part of the LIVING GREYHAWK campaign—a worldwide,
form in the adventure text. Full information on NPCs
ongoing D&D campaign set in the GREYHAWK setting—
and monsters are given in the Appendices.
you must sanction it as part of an RPGA event. This event
could be as elaborate as a big convention, or as simple as a Along with this adventure you’ll find a RPGA Table
group of friends meeting at the DM’s house. Tracking sheet. If you’re playing this adventure as part of
an RPGA-sanctioned event, complete and turn in this
To sanction an RPGA event, you must be at least a
sheet to your senior GM directly after play. You’ll also
HERALD-LEVEL gamemaster. The person who sanctions
find a LIVING GREYHAWK Adventure Record (AR).
the event is called the senior gamemaster, and is in
charge of making sure the event is sanctioned before
play, runs smoothly on the date sanctioned, and then LIVING GREYHAWK LEVELS
reported back to the RPGA in a timely manner. The OF PLAY
person who runs the game is called the table Dungeon
Master (or usually just DM). Sometimes (and almost all Because players bring their own characters to LIVING
the time in the cases of home events) the senior GREYHAWK games, this adventure’s challenges are
gamemaster is also the table DM. You don’t have to be a proportionate to the modified average character level of
HERALD-LEVEL GM to run this adventure if you are not the PCs participating in the adventure. To determine this
the senior GM. modified Average Party Level (APL) follow the steps
By sanctioning and reporting this adventure you
accomplish a couple of things. First it is an official game, 1. Determine the character level for each of the PCs
and you can use the AR to advance your LIVING participating in the adventure.
GREYHAWK character. Second player and DMs gain
2. If PCs bring animals that have been trained for
rewards for sanctioned RPGA play if they are members of
combat (most likely dogs trained for war), other than
the DUNGEONS & DRAGONS REWARDS program. Playing
those brought by virtue of a class ability (such as
this adventure is worth two (2) points.
animal companions, familiars paladin’s mounts) or
This adventure retires from RPGA-sanctioned play the warhorse of a character with the Mounted
on December 31, 2008. Combat feat, use the sidebar chart to determine the
number of levels you add to the sum of step one. Add
To learn more about the LIVING GREYHAWK
each character’s animals separately. A single PC may
character creation and development, RPGA event
only bring four or fewer animals of this type, and
sanctioning, and DUNGEONS & DRAGONS REWARDS, visit
animals with different CRs are added separately.
the RPGA website at
3. Sum the results of step 1 and 2, and divide by the
PLAYERS READ NO FARTHER number of characters playing in the adventure.
Round to the nearest whole number.
If you are planning on playing this adventure, stop
4. If you are running a table of six PCs, add one to that
reading now. The rest of the information in this
adventure is for the DM only. If you read farther than
this section, you’ll know too much about its challenges, Throughout this adventure, APLs categorize the level of
which kills the fun. Also, if you’re playing this adventure challenge the PCs face. APLS are given in even-
as part of an RPGA-sanctioned event, reading beyond this numbered increments. If the APL of your group falls on
point makes you ineligible to do so. an odd number, ask them before the adventure begins
whether they would like to play a harder or easier
PREPARING FOR PLAY adventure. Based on their choice, use either the higher or
the lower adjacent APL.
To get the most out of this adventure, you need copies of
APL also affects the amount of experience and gold a
the following D&D books: Player’s Handbook, Dungeon
PC can gain at the end of the adventure. If a player
Master’s Guide, and the Monster Manual.

BIS7-05 Bastille Page 1

character is three character levels or more either higher A character who does not pay for at least Standard
or lower than the APL at which this adventure is being Upkeep may also avoid the above-described penalties by
played, that character receives only one-half of the living off the wild. If the character possesses four or
experience points and gold for the adventure. This more ranks in the Survival skill and succeeds at a Survival
simulates the fact that either the PC was not challenged check (DC 20), the character will heal temporary ability
as much as normal or relied on help by higher-level damage as if he or she paid for Standard Upkeep, may
characters to reach the objectives. refill spell component pouches and healer’s kits, and may
restock up to 20 arrows or bolts if the character has at
Furthermore, a PC who is four or more levels higher
least four ranks in Craft (bowmaking). The player is
than the highest APL supported by the adventure may
allowed to Take 10 on this roll.
not play the adventure.
More information about Lifestyle and Upkeep can
Mundane # of Animals be found in the “Lifestyle and Upkeep” section of
Animals Effect on Chapter 3 of the LIVING GREYHAWK Campaign Sourcebook.
1 2 3 4

1/4 & 1/6 0 0 0 1 ADVENTURE BACKGROUND

1/3 & 1/2 0 0 1 1 In CY 431, the Knights of the Watch built the Bastion of
Impregnable Might. This fortress was originally intended
1 1 1 2 3
to be a Knights stronghold, but it soon acquired an
2 2 3 4 5 additional purpose. Being on the northern frontier and
CR of Animal

close to the Ket border, the Bastion was often used to

3 3 4 5 6
hold Kettie criminals/POWs for processing. Kettite
4 4 6 7 8 sympathizers/spies were also sent there for questioning.
During the Greyhawk Wars, the Bastion was destroyed
5 5 7 8 9
by the forces of Iuz and buried under tons of earth.
6 6 8 9 10
The war with Ket has Field Marshal Valiserat’s full
7 7 9 10 11 attention. However, in the back of his mind, he is still
concerned about the internal security of Bissel. He has
asked his student Chalice Besselar to tour Bissel and
LIVING GREYHAWK adventures are designed for APL
investigate any significant threat to the March.
2 and higher. Four or five 1st-level characters may find the
challenge of an APL 2 adventure difficult. Suggest the Traveling through the Bramblewood Gap, Chalice
following to these groups to help increase their chances was ambushed by a well-organized force. Dispatching her
of success: attackers, Chalice found that one carried a cryptic
message mentioning Knights and a place called the
1. Enlist a sixth player.
Bastion. Chalice consulted with Baroness Elina Luchelyn
2. Advise characters to buy riding dogs to help protect and learned the history of the Bastion. Exercising her
them, and fight for them. authority as the ranking Knight of the Watch in Bissel,
Elina Luchelyn has decided to lead a small force of
TIME UNITS AND UPKEEP Knights to the Bastion to investigate.

This is a standard one-round Regional adventure, set in ADVENTURE SUMMARY

Bissel. Characters native to Bissel pay one Time Unit per
round, all others pay two Time Units per round. Chance or fate has called Elina and Chalice away from
their mission to investigate the Bastion just as they
Adventurer’s Standard Upkeep costs 12 gp per Time
encounter the party. Elina and Chalice ask the party to
Unit. Rich Upkeep costs 50 gp per Time Unit. Luxury
investigate the Bastion and report back to Field Marshall
Upkeep costs 100 gp per Time Unit. Characters that fail
Valiserat. The party finds the Bastion and encounters an
to pay at least Standard Upkeep will retain temporary
evil order of knights dedicated to Hextor.
ability damage until the next adventure, must buy new
spell component pouches and healer’s kits, and may
suffer other in-game penalties (or possibly gain in-game
benefits) as may be detailed in this adventure.

BIS7-05 Bastille Page 2

Introduction: A Savior on the Road Conclusion: Debriefing.
Estimated Time: 30 minutes Estimated Time: 15 minutes
The party encounters a military courier being chased by The party makes its way to the Ket front and reports to
undead. Field Marshal Valiserat.
Encounter 1: Meeting the Nobles
Estimated Time: 20 minutes PREPARATION FOR PLAY
The party escorts the courier to where Elina and Chalice This adventure has a lot of information in it that will be
have setup camp. When Elina and Chalice read the of particular interest to members of the Knights of the
messages delivered by the courier, they ask the party to Watch and Members of the Church of Heironeous. Any
investigate the Bastion in their place. PCs that are members of these meta-organizations should
be identified and any relevant title should be recorded.
Encounter 2: Finding the Keep
Estimated Time: 20 minutes The expected running time of this adventure is 3
hours, 30 minutes. If this is running during a standard 4-
The party finds the Bastion. There is evidence that it has
hour convention slot, this allows, 25 minutes for
been recently occupied and all symbols of the Knights of
marshalling, and 5 minutes for paperwork distribution.
the Watch/Dispatch have been desecrated.
Encounter 3: Exploring the Keep INTRODUCTION: A MEETING
Estimated Time: 30 minutes
This encounter contains descriptions for the many and
Estimated Time: 20 minutes
varied rooms throughout the keep. These are non-
encounter rooms but can help to explain and flesh out Autumn has come to the March of Bissel and
the purpose of the new occupants. farmers are busy gathering their crops. Most of the
work is done by hand with scythes and sickles, with
Encounter 4: Undead Made Here the occasional horse drawn harvester in some of the
Estimated Time: 20 minutes
larger fields. In one wheat field, a gnome with oxen
The party finds the laboratory of a cleric of Hextor. The is pulling a strange device that seems to be both
cleric has been conducting research on how to create harvesting and threshing the grain. The gnome’s
more combat capable forms of undead. claims that this will revolutionize farming seem to
be doing little to reassure the nervous farmer
Encounter 5: An Incautious Approach looking on. You take in these sights as you travel
Estimated Time: 30 minutes
along the road through the heart of Bissel. At sunset,
The party runs afoul of the Bastion’s security system. the farmers put down their tools and head for home
or the nearest tavern.
Encounter 6: The Ghost of Ages Past
Estimated Time: 15 minutes Allow the players a chance to introduce themselves.
The party encounters the spirit of a cleric of Heironeous. The PCs may wish to gather some information and
The cleric asks the party to defeat the high cleric of rumors before beginning the adventure. The following
Hextor and cleanse a shrine to Heironeous. are rumors they can pick up with a Gather Information
check that beats the DC listed. The truth or falsehood of
Encounter 7: The Champion of Hextor each rumor will be revealed with the passage of time.
Estimated Time: 30 minutes
DC 10
The party fines the shrine to Heironeous and battles the
high priest of Hextor. • Jasmine and Cainlan Rashedra have announced the
birth of their daughter, Kira.
Encounter 8 (Optional): Drawing out the
Shadows • Avernand Keep, the first Ket fortress along the Irafa
Estimated Time: 20 minutes Road has been lost - the first defeat for the Bissel
The party knowing what has tainted the meersalm, can
also figure out how to draw out and defeat the evil inside.

BIS7-05 Bastille Page 3

DC 15 APL 2 (EL 4)
• A significant portion of the Bramblewood south of  Bloodhulk Fighter (1): hp 140; see Appendix 1
Avernand Keep has been razed, and a large camp has APL 4 (EL 6)
been constructed. It hasn’t given Bissel forces the
leverage to retake Avernand, but has allowed a  Bloodhulk Giant (1): hp 196; see Appendix 2.
stalemate. APL 6 (EL 8)
• Almost all the barons of Bissel have now traveled to  Bloodhulk Crusherr (1): hp 280; see Appendix 3.
Thornward to renew their pledges of fealty to the
new Margrave, Malto Adeur. One, in particular, who APL 8 (EL 10)
has not, is Lord Camryn Fertuine, Baron of Cassiter.  Revived Fossil Megaraptor (1): hp 118; see
DC 20 Appendix 4

• Strange lights have been reported shining from APL 10 (EL 12)
beneath the surface of Lake Hasra.  Cadaver Collector: hp 123; see Appendix 5.
• They just can’t find a worthy competitor to fight APL 12 (EL 13)
against the famed pit fighter, Brar the Crusader. In
order to keep up interest organizers in Sareden have  Charnel Hound: hp 220; see Appendix 6.
taken to organizing group fights, where the Tactics: The monsters have orders to kill the courier. If a
acclaimed brawler takes on two or more opponents player attacks a monster, the monster will turn on the
at a time. player.
DC 25 Developments: The courier is knocked unconscious
when he hits the ground, but is otherwise unharmed. He
• Margrave Adeur has fallen ill. It is not the plague
can be awakened by a Heal check (DC 15) or he will wake
that wears on him; nor does it appear to be his age.
on his own after a few minutes.
• It is said the forces of Iuz have begun to stir. His
most powerful minions are searching for something. ENCOUNTER 1: MEETING THE
• The war with Ket has stalled along the Irafa Road, Estimated Time: 20 minutes
with the loss of Avernand. However, the Field This encounter occurs after the party has defeated the
Marshall seems oddly confident. undead creature(s) pursing the military courier.
The quiet of the evening is interrupted as you round The courier groans and rises to his feet. He makes
a bend in the road. In the distance, a man on his way to his horse and checks it for any signs of
horseback is traveling towards you. He is wearing a life. When it’s clear that the horse is dead, he sighs
Bissel military uniform and his saddlebags bear and removes the saddlebags. Turning to you, he says:
courier markings. The horse is near collapse; it
stumbles numerous times and froth is clearly [Garic]: “I thought I was a goner, thanks for the
visible coming from its mouth. In close pursuit of help. I’m Garic, I mean Private Garic Maldoran of
the courier are several hideous malformed the Great Army of Bissel. Still getting used to all this
creatures. The courier notices you and calls out: military lingo. Just got done with basic 3 months
ago. Then I got made a courier afterwards, guess
[Courier]: “Help! I don’t know how much that’s ‘cause I’m a pretty good rider.”
He looks back at his dead horse
But he is cut off by the horse’s screams as one of
the pursuing creatures sinks a claw into its [Garic]: “Biscuit ol’ buddy, I’m sorry I couldn’t
hindquarters and rips out a chunk of flesh. The save ya.”
horse falls to the ground, throwing the rider several At this point let the players greet Garic and introduce
feet. themselves.
[Garic]: Say, you fellows mind helping me out a bit
more? I got a pretty important message, two in fact,

BIS7-05 Bastille Page 4

that need deliverin’. Shouldn’t be far, but with [Garic]: First delivery to a noble and I’ve already
Biscuit down and the roads none too safe, I’d messed it up. Think you could come along for a little
appreciate the company. moral support?
Assuming the party agrees to go along with Garic, Once the party agrees and follows Garic continue with
continue on. Garic can’t offer the PCs anything but he the following:
will still plead and wheedle any help he can.
You follow Garic to a pavilion atop a small hill.
Following Garic, you turn from the main road and Waiting at the entrance is a woman wearing a Bissel
head out over the open countryside. After about an army uniform. The woman lifts a tent flap at your
hour, you crest a small hill and come to a scene of approach.
battle. Dozens of skeletons, ghouls, and other
[Soldier]: Please, enter and have a seat. The
undead litter the battlefield. Mixed among the
Baroness will be with us shortly.
bodies of the undead are a few soldiers. However,
the remaining combatants aren’t fighting. Instead, Entering the tent, you see a large table covered
they’re watching two dueling figures. The first is a in maps. Around the table are various stools.
man clad in black plate armor. He has taken an
After a few minutes, Baroness Elina enters,
aggressive battle stance and swings a heavy flail with
followed by the soldier who greeted you at the
powerful strokes. Opposite him is a woman also clad
entrance. Baroness Elina takes a stool, sits, and
in plate, but hers gleams blue and silver in the
looks at Garic.
torchlight illuminating the battle.
[Elina]: Private, who are these with you?
A Knowledge [nobility and royalty] (DC 15) is required to
identify this woman as Baroness Elina Luchelyn, unless [Garic]: Beggin’ your pardon m’lady, but these
they have met her before. adventurers saved my life. Some undead monsters
chased me an’ Biscuit all day long before these
The lady knight gracefully sidesteps the other’s
heroes showed up.
clumsy charge. With a lightning quick strike, she
disarms him of his weapon as he overextends on a [Elina]: Very well, proceed.
swing. The man snarls in rage and his hands begin
Garic opens his saddlebag and removes two
to glow with an ebon light. His spellcasting is cut
scroll cases. He hands one to Baroness Luchelyn,
short as the lady’s longsword pierces his heart. As he
one to the soldier next to her. Both women open
falls to the ground, he spits out his final words:
their respective messages and begin to read. After a
[Dark Cleric]: This isn’t over, you Heironean few moments, Baroness Elina frowns.
wench. The chosen is coming.
[Elina]: Captain Besselar, I’m afraid I’m going to
[Elina]: Let him come. have to cancel the mission. My presence is required
in Hochoch immediately.
As the black knight dies, the remaining undead
begin to lose cohesion. They fall to the ground and At the mention of the name Besselar, you notice
stop moving. The woman turns to her men. that the soldier seated next to Baroness Luchelyn
bears a striking resemblance to Baroness Jasmine
[Elina]: Squires, make sure that they are all truly
Besselar: tan skin with curled, honey-blonde hair.
destroyed. Dig a pit and burn the remains.
The soldier Chalice could almost be the twin of her
Garic, who had been watching the duel in awe, older sister the Baroness but for the deep scar
calls out to her. running from her upper brow to cross her nose and
down the opposite cheek. Chalice speaks with the
[Garic]: Baroness Luchelyn! Baroness Luchelyn!
confidence of a natural leader.
I have an important message for you!
[Chalice]: I agree. There have been some recent
Baroness Elina Luchelyn frowns and replies:
developments on the Ket front. The Field Marshall
[Elina]: Keep your voice down soldier. This area has recalled me.
has not been secured. Report to my tent
Captain Chalice Besselar looks you over for a
moment, and then turns to Baroness Luchelyn.
With a sheepish look on his face, Garic turns to

BIS7-05 Bastille Page 5

[Chalice]: My lady, perhaps these adventurers With that you are off, following the directions given
could take our place? They’ve already proven that to you by Captain Besselar, you make your way to
they can handle themselves in a fight. the Bramblewood Gap. After three days of travel, you
reach a location indicated by Captain Besselar and
[Elina]: I would have preferred to lead this
Baroness Luchelyn as the best place to begin your
mission myself, but given the circumstances, we
search. The trees here are tall and dark.
have little choice.
If the party succeeds Survival check (DC 27) they find a
[Chalice]: What say you brave adventurers? Are
trail created by a fast traveling horse, read the following:
you willing to undertake an important mission for
Bissel? You find a trail of tracks leading deeper into the
woods. The tracks are of booted feet and various
Chalice will encourage the players by pointing out this
clawed limbs. The tracks appear to be only a few days
act is beneficial to the March, it is what is right, and of
old. They lead in the woods and after only two hour’s
course it is the way to adventure and riches if the party is
hike you find a clearing atop a hill.
as mercenary as that.
Afterwards continue on to HILLTOP.
[Chalice]: I suppose the quickest way to bring
you up to speed is to show you this report that I In the event that the PCs were unable to succeed at
prepared for the Field Marshal. the Survival check, read the following:
Give the party Player Handout 1 – Report to Field Marshal After wandering for most of the day, you creep
Valiserat and Player Handout 2 – Missive Found on Dark deeper and deeper into the woods. The light has
Cleric. begun to fade into twilight and you see a clearing at
the top of the hill you are on.
[Elina]: We leave in the morning. You may camp
with us tonight.
ENCOUNTER 2: FINDING THE This hill shows signs of being cleared recently.
There are several pikes atop it, each with a different
KEEP severed head impaled upon it. Each seems to be in
Estimated Time: 20 minutes different states of decay. Each one has had its eyes
This encounter occurs the next morning. sewn shut and the lower jaw hangs open. As you
approach large, bloated blood flies vomit forth from
With the squires standing watch, the night passes the mouths of several of the heads.
uneventfully. At sunrise, they quickly and efficiently
break down camp and make ready to depart. PCs interested in examining the heads may make a
Baroness Luchelyn pulls you aside. Heal check (DC 15) to discover that although all the
heads are decaying differently they are almost all human.
[Elina]: The war with Ket is at a crucial phase, A Heal check (DC 25) reveals that the heads have bean
and we cannot afford any distractions. You must bludgeoned by a weapon with spikes attached to it.
find the Bastion and deal with this “Cornugon” as
quickly as possible. When you have completed your INTO THE KEEP
investigation, report to Captain Besselar at the Ket
front. She will relay what you have learned to both The tunnel the PCs travel is narrow and any PC of size
the Field Marshal and me. Large will need to squeeze through the tunnel. Anything
larger cannot fit through here.
If there are any members of the Knights of the Watch or
Dispatch at the table, she will turn to the highest-ranking The excavated earth here is rich loam. The earthen
Knight/Squire and address them directly by their full tunnel slants down at a steep angle and turns to the
title.. left. The tunnel is narrow and permits you to only
travel single file. Once the tunnel ends it opens into
[Elina]: <Name and Title of the Highest Ranking a domed “room”.
Knight> I am placing you in command of this
mission. Do not fail, for if what I suspect is true, the The floor is made out of stone with an obvious
fate of Bissel could be at stake. trapdoor in the center. The walls seem to be partly
made of stone and earth. Upon closer examination it
Continue on with this:

BIS7-05 Bastille Page 6

seems the stone could be crenellations on a parapet ENTRY HALL 1
or tower.
This hall has a great deal of rubble in it. There is a
Once the PCs open the trapdoor read the following. path down it leading to a doorway. Midway down it
The trapdoor opens smoothly. Soil and some branches but that way is so thickly choked with
dislodged pebbles plummet into the darkness. Some debris that passage is near impossible.
of it pools on a spiral staircase made of wood and
iron. It looks sturdy enough to support a reasonable GRAND HALL 2
amount of weight. This large room is covered in dust and rubble
Cautious PCs may wish to inspect the stairs. Anyone littering the corners. Your light source creates
doing so may make a Knowledge [architecture and shadows that flicker and dance around the columns
engineering] check (DC 20) or a PC with the trapfinding of this hall. At the far end is a painted frieze of an
class feature may make a Search check (DC 20) to argent owl on a field of sable. Dark lines run from
determine that the stairs are structurally sound but great the battered remnants of its eyes. Where once a
care must be taken with the third step. motto had be carven there is rubble. Scrawled in
chalk are the words “Their Blindness is Their
If the PCs choose to make and succeeded at the Undoing”.
above check they may choose to avoid the step, if they do
proceed to Encounter 3. Otherwise read the following. Any curious PC can make a Heal check (DC 15) to tell
that the dark lines are blood smeared on the frieze.
Beginning down the stairs they sway perilously. As
the first person reaches the third step the board
cracks in two and clatters downwards. It clatters
against supports and railings the entire way down. Opening the door you see a rectangular room
Finally, it reaches the bottom with a crash that brimming with weapons. Many of them are flails
echoes throughout. but the long walls have large racks lined with more
than a few pikes, spears, and battle-axes. There is
After this crash the PCs have 4 hours to explore the keep.
neither dust in this room nor any rubble. The far
If more than 4 hours elapse the Champion will have
wall has a smaller rack containing only a few bows
destroyed all of his secrets and will begin making his way
and a heavy flail.
out. Should the PCs rest in the keep he will attempt to
ambush the party while they sleep. PCs taking the time to take a Search check (DC 30) find a
secret door. When the PCs open it read the following.
ENCOUNTER 3: EXPLORING The door opens on to a small cabinet.
THE KEEP Treasure: The loot is along the walls in the racks,
Estimated Time: 30 minutes however the magic items and gold can be found only in
the secret compartment.
This encounter describes the keep. Each section on the
DMs Map 1: Fortress of Impregnable Might and DMs Map 2: APL 2: L: 150 gp, C: 75 gp, M: 42 gp, Restful Crystal
Dungeon of the Fortress is described here. The number (42 gp).
following the subsection equals the number on the map.
APL 4: L: 200 gp, C: 100 gp, M: 42 gp, Iron Ward
Important sections including the Chapel, Laboratory,
Stairs Down, Prisoner Cells, and the Guard Station are Diamond (Least) (42 gp).
described in greater detail in the encounters that take APL 6: L: 250 gp, C: 150 gp, M: 167 gp, Gloves of
place there. The keep should take a party staying together Lightning (167 gp).
2 hours to work through. If the party takes 20 searching
or runs into any kind of trouble add the appropriate APL 8: L: 300 gp, C: 175 gp, M: 333 gp, Gauntlets of
duration. War (333 gp).

Conditions: The keep is unlit. As such the only light the APL 10: L: 500 gp, C: 250 gp, M: 467 gp, Helm of
PCs have will be what they have brought with them, Glorious Recovery (467 gp).
sounds echo here creating a sensation of emptiness in a APL 12: L: 600 gp, C: 300 gp, M: 1250 gp, Mantle of
great space. Second Chances (1250 gp).

BIS7-05 Bastille Page 7

Beds line the walls here. All of them are Approaching this room you hear a haunting sound.
meticulously made and each has a footlocker. It is a high-pitched, almost squeaky music. As you
Although the room is clear or rubble and dust most walk into the room the sound stops.
of the bedding is old. The newer looking
Once the PCs enter the room, proceed to Encounter 4:
accoutrements all are red and black.
Undead Made Here.
If the PCs search the footlockers, the older chests are
empty but the newer ones all contain the same items and BARRACKS 7
are packed in a similar way, as the description below.
There are only four beds in this room. They are all
The chest swings open. Inside there are three days of meticulously made and each has a footlocker, as well
rations, a pair of riding boots, three changes of as writing desk and partition for privacy. On the
clothes, a metal fist clutching 6 arrows, and a scroll. first bed there is a journal.
The scroll is sealed in wax with the imprint of a bat
clutching arrows with its feet. If the PCs decide to look at or in the journal read the
Any PCs wishing to read the scroll find it is written in
Oeridian. If they can understand the text, read the Flipping through this work you see little of interest.
following: Much of it seems to be a catalogue of military and
mercenary action from Ahlysa to the Sheldomar.
The scroll contains some form of orders. It reads, The final entry reads “Today I’ve been promoted
“The Order of Hate and Discord follows the dictums from Squire to Retributive Nuperibo. Now I’ve been
of Hextor. Those who balk at order will be delivered given another task to disrupt the actions of the
to the cells and later used to further our ends in crumbling government of Bissel”
total obedience. Insolence will not be tolerated.
If the PCs search the footlockers, the older chests are
Might is Right, empty but the newer ones all contain the same items and
Champion Hadraed” are packed in a similar way, described below.
The chest swings open. Inside there are three days
CHAPEL 5 rations, a pair of riding boots, three changes of
clothes, and a metal fist clutching 6 arrows.
This room is a chapel, dedicated to Heironeous. It
contains an optional encounter. If the PCs bring the
Meersalm into the chapel they may be able to trigger that STAIRS DOWN 8
encounter in that case, see Encounter 8: Drawing out the This hall might once have had a guard station on it,
Shadows. now all that remains is a 25’ x 25’ room. The corners
This room is clean and ordered. Along the back wall still have rubble and debris but the central floor
is a mailed fist gripping six arrows. The sidewalls seems mostly clear. At the far end of the room there
contain an image of a bat clutching arrows in its is a shut door, a flail and a mailed fist rest on a
feet. The ceiling here is vaulted marble with blue pedestal just before the door.
and white veins that run through it. Three rows of See Encounter 5: An Incautious Approach.
pews fill much of the area not taken up by the raised
dais. On the platform there is an altar, the altar is PRISONER CELLS 9
minimally adorned except for a mailed fist and six
arrows crossing the palm. The prison cells once held human captives but now only
undead are kept here used for the dark unspeakable
PCs who make a Search check (DC 30) or who have experiments performed in the Laboratory.
found the Champion’s notes find a compartment behind
the relief. See Encounter 8: Drawing Out the Shadow in Descending the stairs you arrive in a hall that
the Finding Meersalm section. resembles a true dungeon. This long hall has several
small cells and many of them contain occupants.
The sounds of shuffling and bashing assail your ears
as the captives seek freedom. It isn’t until you pass
the third cell that you realize the occupants of the

BIS7-05 Bastille Page 8

cells are undead. Cold rotting hands reach at you. The table is pitched at a noticeable incline. On its
They claw at the doors and howl their incontinent stained dark surface there are three grooves caked
frustration. As you pass farther down the cellblock with dried blood and a collecting pool at the bottom.
you approach a door at the end of the hall. Straps dangle from the sides of the table. Next to it
is another table with several small but sharp cutting
See Encounter 6: The Ghost of Ages Past
implements as well as multiple vials.
ALTERNATIVE BARRACKS 10 The last thing of interest in the room is a lamp
attached to the ceiling. It looks like an ornately
This row of cells is well repaired. Each cell is decorated bullseye lantern. When you glance at it
equipped in similar fashion to the bunks in the seems to be almost be shaking.
barracks one floor up. There is a bed with red and
black bedding and a footlocker. Unlike the upstairs If any of the PCs approach the lamp they can hear a voice.
equipment these seem unused. Each footlocker is [Lamp]: “Please don’t hurt me. I’ve not been told to
open and empty. In some of the rooms a noticeable light, and if I don’t do as command I will face the
layer of dust has begun to form. master’s wrath.”

GUARD STATION 11 Below are sample questions that the lamp can answer.

The spire was once a guard station, but now it seems Who is your master? ”He’s not my master, just ‘the
to serve another purpose. Outside the tower are two master’, but he’s the vilest one of them all, him. He
armored figures. was the one put me up here. He calls himself both a
champion and a devil”
See Encounter 7: The Champion of Hextor.
You talk! ”Of course I talk, I'm not surprised that you
What are you? ”I’m stuck here, and I’m a lamp. Of
MADE HERE course I’m also so much more or at least I used to
Estimated Time: 20 minutes be.”
This encounter occurs when the PCs enter location The What did you used to be? ”Why, a guiding light of
Laboratory 6. It occurs at Location 6 on DM Aid: Map #1 – course. I served to help the knights and priests
Bastion of Impregnable Might. reflect on things. And of course I worked guard
The absence of the strange sounds that lead you here duties. I’d always be up burning the midnight oil.
only heighten your awareness of the surroundings. Don’t scoff, I like a little LIGHT humor once in a
Several tables are cluttered with glasses, candles, while.”
jars, and beakers. Another table holds a book. What’s going on here? ”Do you mean now or before
Emblazoned upon the cover is a bat clutching these villainous cretins?”
several arrows; the dark ruddy ink inside forms
strange symbols and is unreadable at this time. What’s going on now? Well what I know is these
Around the book are several dried herbs and other cretins have overrun this place. They stuck me to
mundane items. The walls of this room are lined ceiling one day and now I create light while they
with skulls and severed heads. At the back of the perform foul experimentation. The master comes in
room is a large stone table. and does what he can to improve undeath. I tried
explaining that the only way to improve the undead
A PC making a Craft [alchemy], Decipher Script, or was to make them dead. He didn’t like that very
Knowledge [arcana] check (DC 30) can after 5 minutes much. I spent a long time being slowly burned by an
determine that this book is an alchemical and magical acid he made as punishment.”
tome used by the Order of Hate and Discord, in
experimentation to develop new forms of undead. Any What happened in the past? ”In the past this belonged
PCs inspecting the heads can make a Heal check (DC 15) to the Knights of the Watch, and the Clerics of
to tell that the skulls and heads are from a variety of Heironeous. The apothecaries and surgeons used
humanoid species and that the heads have all been this space. I got to be here anytime that happened
embalmed; they can also make a Spot check (DC 5) to since I was the brightest one in the keep. The days
realize that all of the eyes on the severed heads have been were brilliant back then.”
sewn shut.

BIS7-05 Bastille Page 9

Who are these villains? ”They are some dark folk. ENCOUNTER 5: AN
Hextorites all. They call themselves the Order of
Hate and Discord. It seems they are entertained by INCAUTIOUS APPROACH
mimicking my order and attempting to infiltrate it. Estimated Time: 30 minutes
Clearly they are misguided if they think they can This encounter occurs when the PCs enter the room at
succeed at such a task.” Location 8 on DM Aid: Map #1 – Bastion of Impregnable
We’ve seen it done before? ”Until I see it happen I Might.
don’t believe you.” This room is an encounter trap. All of the floor tiles
The light doesn’t know too much else. But he will agree are trapped, as is the rear door and pedestal.
to help the PCs in any way he can if they help free him.
As the PCs enter the room read the following:
Once the PCs are done with the lamp they may
On the stand there is written “All who shall pass
continue on. If any of them decide to help free the lamp
here must show proper deference to the lord while
they must make a Alchemy check (DC 15) or a Craft
gripping his weapon and exulting in his name.”
[stonework] check (DC 20) to find he has been affixed to
the ceiling by “sovereign glue”. Any PC trained in The answer to this “riddle” is to kneel, grasp the flail and
alchemy can attempt an Alchemy check (DC 25) to mix speak “Hextor”. Doing so activates the trap here, see
up a batch of “universal solvent” this takes a half hour to TRAP. If the PCs instead decide to bash down the door or
create and apply there are only supplies enough here to pick the lock, statistics may be found below, proceed to
make one use. Alternatively PCs may attempt a Craft Beyond The Door.
[stonework] check DC 15 to remove the lamp; this also
 Door (2): 5 in. thick; hardness 8; AC 5; hp 80; Open
takes half an hour. If the Craft [stonework] check fails or
Lock DC 28, Break DC 28.
the PCs decide to just hack lamp free the process take an
hour, either way doing work on stone is loud and rings
throughout the keep. If the PCs have not yet made a
made sufficient noise to alert the Champion they now Speaking the word Hextor the room grows cold, the
have. If more than 4 hours elapse the Champion will door you came through slams shut. Then just as
have destroyed all of his secrets and will begin making suddenly the wall to your left rises up, revealing a
his way out. Should the PCs rest in the keep he will small alcove and a misshapen and gruesome form.
attempt to ambush the party while they sleep. The door on the far wall does not open.
Treasure: These are items and materials found in the At all APLs this encounter has both a trap and a monster
room. they act as two separate creatures.
APL 2: L: 150 gp, C: 75 gp. APL 2 (EL 3)
APL 4: L: 200 gp, C: 75 gp, M: 125 gp, Tome of Worldly  Ghoul (1): hp 13; see Monster Manual, page 119.
Memory (125 gp).
 Inflict Light Wounds Trap (1): Search DC 22;
APL 6: L: 250 gp, C: 100 gp, M: 200 gp, Sovereign Glue magic; touch and command word trigger; see
(200 gp). Appendix 1.
APL 8: L: 300 gp, C: 125 gp, M: 275 gp, Domain APL 4 (EL 5)
Draught (Destruction) (275 gp).
 Bugbear Zombie (1): hp 42; see Monster Manual,
APL 10: L: 500 gp, C: 200 gp, M: 450 gp, Murlynd’s page 267.
Spoon (450 gp).
 Inflict Moderate Wounds Trap (1): Search DC
APL 12: L: 600 gp, C: 250 gp, M: 833 gp, Ring of 24; magic; touch and command word trigger; see
Avoidance (833 gp). Appendix 2.
APL 6 (EL 7)
 Minotaur Zombie (1): hp X; see Monster
Manual, page 267.

BIS7-05 Bastille Page 10

 Inflict Serious Wounds Trap (1): Search DC ENCOUNTER 6: THE GHOST
26; magic; touch and command word trigger; see
Appendix 3. OF AGES PAST
Estimated Time: 15 minutes
APL 8 (EL 9)
This encounter occurs when the PCs enter the room at
 Gray Render Zombie (1): hp 133; see Monster Location 9 on DM Aid: Map #2 – Dungeon of The Fortress.
Manual, page 267.
This encounter details Kreln, a former Knight of the
 Inflict Critical Wounds Trap (1): Search DC Watch and Paladin of Heironeous. He knows that he is a
28; magic; touch and command word trigger; see ghost and was awakened when the Hextorite forces
Appendix 4. moved in. He is familiar with the fall of this keep and is
APL 10 (EL 11) very formal.
 Mohrg (1): hp 91; see Monster Manual, page 189. As you look down this cellblock an apparition
appears from the floor below.
 Maximized Inflict Moderate Wounds Trap
(1): Search DC 30; magic; touch and command word [Kreln]: “Hail, and well met. I am Most
trigger; see Appendix 5. Benevolent Black Bear Watcher Kreln Wrolgur, or at
least I was. I know my visage is inappropriate to
APL 12 (EL 13) appear before the living but I must and I seek
 Mohrg (2): hp 91; see Monster Manual, page 189. peaceful parlay. If you agree I will hold you to the
rules of engagement Greyhawk Treaty of Battle
 Maximized Inflict Serious Wounds Trap (1): Article 9. Once parlay has begun no offensive
Search DC 32; magic; touch and command word actions will be taken; nor will mind-altering affects
trigger; see Appendix 6. or spells be cast.”
Tactics: The trap attacks every creature in the room If the PCs do not accept his offer of peace continue with
(including the undead). The negative energy from the the following:
inflict spell will heal the undead.
[Kreln]: “Then you are not the noble folk I had
Developments: Once the trap has been broken the hoped for. Farewell”
party will be able to break the door down.
After this the ghost drifts into the floor.
BEYOND THE DOOR After this the PCs may continue down the cellblock: the
Beyond the door you see a chamber that appears to Ghost of Watcher Kreln will not appear to them again.
have once been a holding area for those going down If the PCs accept peaceful negations proceed on.
the stairwell. Whatever it once was it is now a
gapping ragged pit in the floor. More spiraling The ghost seems to smile, for a moment.
stairs can be observed going down. From above [Kreln]: “My thanks. Hextorite forces have
these stairs are easily defensible but from below it overrun this keep and their ability to control spirits
would be treacherous to mount these stairs with is a problematic in driving them out. I am hoping
attackers controlling the high ground. that I can seek a favor of you. The Hextorites have
If the party broke down the door and have not previously recently found an important religious item called
made sufficient noise to alert the Champion, they now Meersalm, and perverted it in some way. If that can
have. If more than 4 hours elapse the Champion will be retrieved and returned to a temple of Heironeous
have destroyed all of his secrets and will begin making the Knights, myself, and the church would all be in
his way out. Should the PCs rest in the keep he will your debt. Can you aid me?”
attempt to ambush the party while they sleep. If the PCs do not accept his offer of peace continue with
Once they head down the stairs return to Encounter the following:
3: Exploring the Keep in the PRISONER CELLS 9 [Kreln]: “Then you are not the noble folk I had
subsection. hoped for. Farewell”
After this the ghost drifts into the floor.

BIS7-05 Bastille Page 11

After this the PCs may continue down the cellblock, the ENCOUNTER 7: THE
Ghost of Watcher Kreln will not appear to them again.
If the PCs accept peaceful negations proceed on.
Estimated Time: 30 minutes
The ghost bows. This encounter occurs when the PCs enter the room at
[Kreln]: “My thanks. But I am sure you have Location 11 on DM Aid: Map #2 – Dungeon of the Fortress.
questions and although I cannot promise you Approaching the guard tower, you realize just how
answers I can try.” massive this dungeon once was. The central area
Below are sample questions that Kreln can answer. where the spire is seems to have once had 4
branches radiating from this central location.
You do realize you are a ghost. ”Yes, yes I am. I was one
Although the far end of this hub is hidden in
of the defenders of this keep before its fall. When shadow the large amount of rubble seem to indicate
the Hextorites moved in I was awakened but unable all but the radial right of you are destroyed beyond
to do anything to stop them.” repair.
Tell me about the fall? ”During the invasion of these
As soon as you take this information in a door at
lands by Ket this keep was an important location in the base of the spire opens and two figures enter. In
the defense of the region. The forces of Iuz buried the lead is a heavily armored man bearing a shield
the entire keep in a rain of earth and fire. Those of and flail. The second is more lightly armored,
us inside were unable to dig our way out and wearing only a chain shirt. He carries a massive
eventually we perished. There were not many of us heavy flail and eyes you menacingly. The lead knight
here at the time as many of our number were out in bellows at you.
force fighting the enemy on the field.”
[Champion Hadraed]: “You were brave enough
What was this place before the fall? ”This keep was a
to get this far but it is in vain. Stand down and
watch location. Additionally due to its location near accept the yoke of the Tyrant Lord or be crushed
the Sheldomar’s northern border it was also a under his steel heel.”
holding area for prisoners of war. They would be
brought here and either ransomed back to the APL 2 (EL 5)
barbarians to the north or taken to other more  Merciless Cornugon, Male Human (O) Cleric
secure locations once they were deemed fit to travel. 3: hp 22; see Appendix 1.
This was a secure building because many northern
patrols would rest here providing us with a fully  Sadistic Kyton, Male Human (O) Fighter 2,
trained guard force as well as additional martial Cleric 1: hp 25; see Appendix 1.
capable personnel.” APL 4 (EL 7)
What is Meersalm? ”True Meersalm is the liquid that
 Merciless Cornugon, Male Human (O) Cleric
Heironeous - my lord and patron - was bathed in. It 4, Ordained Champion 1: hp 37; see Appendix 2.
makes him impervious from all but the most
powerful weapons and blows. The liquid here is a  Sadistic Kyton, Male Human (O) Fighter 4,
symbolic representation of that legendary blessing. Cleric 1: hp 43; see Appendix 2.
Paladins, clerics, and knights in the faith of the APL 6 (EL 9)
Archpaladin were anointed by it upon taking their
vows.”  Merciless Cornugon, Male Human (O) Cleric
4, Ordained Champion 3: hp 52; see Appendix 3.
Kreln will answer the PCs with everything he knows. He
does understand this seems to be a Knighthood of  Sadistic Kyton, Male Human (O) Fighter 4,
Hextorites dedicated to destroying the Knights from the Cleric 3: hp 43; see Appendix 2.
inside, but believes they will fail. He can warn the PCs
APL 8 (EL 11)
about the Champion and what he is capable of. He does
not know where the Meersalm is or exactly what  Merciless Cornugon, Male Human (O) Cleric
happened to it. He does not need the PCs to purify the 4, Ordained Champion 5: hp 67; see Appendix 4.
Meersalm simply find it and return it.
 Sadistic Kyton, Male Human (O) Fighter 4,
Cleric 5: hp 73; see Appendix 4.

BIS7-05 Bastille Page 12

APL 4: L: 350 gp, C: 75 gp, M: 117 gp, Anklet of
Translocation (117 gp).
APL 10 (EL 13)
APL 6: L: 450 gp, C: 100 gp, M: 125 gp, Belt of One
 Merciless Cornugon, Male Human (O) Cleric
Mighty Blow (125 gp).
6, Ordained Champion 5: hp 82; see Appendix 5.
APL 8: L: 500 gp, C: 125 gp, M: 417 gp, Helm of
 Sadistic Kyton, Male Human (O) Fighter 4,
Righteous War (417 gp).
Cleric 7: hp 88; see Appendix 5.
APL 10: L: 750 gp, C: 200 gp, M: 1026 gp, Blade of
APL 12 (EL 15)
Righteous War (1026 gp).
 Merciless Cornugon, Male Human (O) Cleric
APL 12: L: 850 gp, C: 250 gp, M: 1514 gp, Bastion of
8, Ordained Champion 5: hp 97; see Appendix 6.
Righteous War (1514 gp).
 Sadistic Kyton, Male Human (O) Fighter 6,
Developments: Once the PCs defeat the Champion and
Cleric 7: hp 106; see Appendix 6.
his cohort they may explore the inner part of the guard
Preparation: If the party alerted the Hextorites by tower.
falling down the stairs in Encounter 2, setting off the trap
The interior of the spire is far more lavishly
in Encounter 5, or using force to extract the lantern in
decorated than any of the other rooms. Here and
Encounter 4, the Hextorites have time to prepare with
there are a number of fine weapons and several
the full power-up suite. If the party didn’t alert the
Hextorites, Cornugon/Kyton get no time to prepare.
PCs that make a Search check (DC 20) read the following
Tactics: Sadistic Kyton will rush in and engage in melee,
making liberal use of his smite ability (power attacking
for the same amount as his smite bonus). The Merciless Searching the room you find several books on
Cornugon will use spells to soften up the party before he philosophy and theology including ‘The Celestial
enters melee. At APLs 6 and above, where they have Grindwheel’ and ‘The Book of Hextor’. An additional
Anklets of Translocation, they will use them to escape item of interest I a letter written to the Chosen.
grapples and or move into advantageous position.
At this time give the players Player Handout 3 – Letter to the
APL 2: Cornugon will use Cause Fear Chosen.
APL 4: Cornugon will support Kyton with Spiritual The PCs should now have enough understanding to at
Weapon and Cause Fear, using Close Wounds if least find the Meersalm in the chapel and return it to the
necessary. church of Heironeous, or attempt to exercise the evil
from it themselves. If they decide to exercise see
APL 6: Cornugon will strike with a channeled Inflict
Encounter 8: Drawing out the Shadows. If they are
Moderate Wounds as well as using divine vigor
running out of time or decide not to go through with the
APL 8: Kyton will use his belt of one mighty blow. encounter, proceed to the conclusion.
Cornugon will use channel spell to channel Inflict
Critical Wounds with a weapon strike. ENCOUNTER 8: DRAWING
APL 10: Kyton will use his belt of one mighty blow. OUT THE SHADOWS
Cornugon will open up with Flame Strike before
engaging in melee. In melee, Cornugon will use rapid (OPTIONAL)
spontaneous casting for Divine Power, then channel spell Estimated Time: 20 minutes
to channel Inflict Critical Wounds with a weapon strike.
This encounter occurs when the PCs enter the room at
APL 12: Cornugon will open with a Sudden Location 5 on DM Aid: Map #1 – Bastion Of Impregnable
Widened Flame Strike. In melee, Cornugon will use Might.
rapid spontaneous casting for Divine Power, then
Conditions: This room radiates an aura of strong
Channel Spell to channel Harm with a weapon strike.
APL 2: L: 200 gp, C: 75 gp, M: 29 gp, Bolt of Heironeous
(29 gp).

BIS7-05 Bastille Page 13

If the players use the notes of the Champion to find the  Chain Devil (2): hp 52; see Monster Manual, page
Meersalm read the following. 53.
Just as the Champion had written you find a crystal APL 8 (EL 10)
vial behind the fist of Hextor. The liquid inside  Bone Devil (1): hp 95; see Monster Manual, page
seems viscous and think and is a rich, ruddy color 52.
that seems to soak up the light. The vial is cold to
the touch, well beyond anything else you have  Hellcat (1): hp 60; see Monster Manual, page 54.
found. APL 10 (EL 12)
If the players are simply searching the room provide the  Barbed Devil (1): hp 126; see Monster Manual,
following details. page 51.
Behind the hand of Hextor there is a small alcove.  Bone Devil (1): hp 95; see Monster Manual, page
In this alcove resides a vial containing a thick 52.
viscous liquid, dark and ruddy in color. The vial is
cold to the touch, well beyond anything else you APL 12 (EL 14)
have found.  Ice Devil (1): hp 147; see Monster Manual, page
Players may make a Knowledge [religion] check (DC 30) 56.
to surmise this might be Meersalm, or a substance much  Barbed Devil (1): hp 126; see Monster Manual,
like it. Meersalm is the legendary material Heironeous page 51.
was bathed to aid him in his fight against evil. It is said
this provides his skin with unnatural resilience allowing Tactics: The devils attack to the best of their ability.
only the greatest of weapons to pierce him. They will attack Knights of the Watch and anyone
displaying a holy symbol of Heironeous in preference to
RELEASING THE DEMON other targets.

As indicated by the text of the Champions notes the Treasure: PCs who succeed at this encounter
demon can be called forth if the party can turn 3+APL receive the Droplet of Meersalm AR item.
HD in undead, channeling that energy towards the vial.
Alternatively the party can use cure spells to deal APL x CONCLUSION
10 points of positive energy damage to the flask in a Estimated Time: 15 minutes
single day. Once this has been met read the following.
This is the conclusion of the adventure there are many
Channeling positive energy into the vial you see it paths and additions that can be added on based on player
immediately begin to shimmer a brilliant gold. As actions and performance.
the Meersalm grow brighter a dark miasma forms
above the vial. It swirls about and a crackling sound If the PCs were forced to flee the keep read only the
like that of a burning fire or snow continuously following:
crushed under foot emanates out. Suddenly there is Fleeing the keep you are at least aware of its
a blinding flash and a deafening BOOM. As your location. The harrowing trip to the Ket front is
vision clears you see a fiendish form. The look on its tiring and dangerous. Eventually you reach a camp.
face shows that there can be no peaceful solution The officer who debriefs you asks you to stay with
here, only death. the platoon. You soon learn another force is sent to
APL 2 (EL 4) the keep after you. They return confirming its
location and the state of the keep. Unfortunately
 Imp (2): hp 13; see Monster Manual, page 56 there were no living beings found and no sign of
APL 4 (EL 6) where they went.

 Chain Devil (1): hp 52; see Monster Manual, page If the PCs successfully defeated the Champion read the
53. following:
Leaving the keep you travel to the Ketitite frontier.
After reaching the largest camp you’ve seen in some
time you check in with the Officer on Duty. He asks

BIS7-05 Bastille Page 14

you for a statement of your actions and writes it Suddenly you sit bolt upright in you tent. The
down dutifully. Upon hearing of your mission and night is quiet. Looking outside, you see no sign of
the results he instructs you to remain until the storm and the only fires around you are the camp
morning. fires.
In the morning a page retrieves you and leads you to
a command tent. In the tent the page begins CAMPAIGN CONSEQUENCES
If you run this event in November or December of 2007,
[Page]: “Field Marshal Valiserat, I present the please e-mail the results from this sheet to a member of
adventurers returning from the mission Baroness the Bissel Triad by January 1st, 2007, or have the Senior
Luchelyn and Captain Chalice informed you of.” DM of your event do so.
[Valiserat]: “Your report has been delivered to
me and it is good you were able to return. This The End
intelligence will help us deal with the threat of this
Hextorite menace, providing us with no distractions
as we concentrate on the war with Ket.” EXPERIENCE POINT
If the PCs return the Meersalm to the Church of SUMMARY
Heironeous read the following:
To award experience for this adventure, add up the values
The clerics of Heironeous on the front lines meet for the objectives accomplished. Then assign the
you and take the Meersalm from you with the experience award. Award the total value (objectives plus
utmost of reverence. roleplaying) to each character.
[Cleric]: “My thanks for the return of this Introduction: A Meeting on the Road
precious item. This is a symbol of the resolve of
Heironeous and the power of a just cause. To have Save the courier from the undead.
gained such a potent symbol can only be fortuitous APL 2: 120 xp.
as we continue our fight versus evil.”
APL 4: 180 xp.
If the PCs defeated the Champion, found the Meersalm,
and returned it to the church read the epilogue. APL 6: 240 xp.
Otherwise the adventure is over. APL 8: 300 xp.
APL 10: 360 xp.
Estimated Time: 3 minutes APL 12: 420 xp.

The PCs will only receive this if they helped the Kreln, Encounter 5: An Incautious Approach
ghost of Heironeous. Access the room beyond the trap.
As you rest your head after a long days work on the APL 2: 90 xp.
Ket front you find yourself on a hill in a forest; it
seem very much like the one you left. Behind you, APL 4: 150 xp.
you hear the whiny of a horse. Turning you see a APL 6: 210 xp.
knight astride a massive warhouse. He seems much
like the ghost of Kreln, though the knight here is APL 8: 270 xp.
full of life and vigor rather than the ephemeral APL 10: 330 xp.
shade you encountered on your adventure. He is
resplendent in his armor and robes. He looks APL 12: 390 xp.
around the hill he is on and slowly begins to fade. As
he is little more than distorted colors he moves in a
gesture that could be a salute. There is a peel of Encounter 7: The Champion of Hextor
lighting and the crack of thunder. Looking up you Defeat the Champion.
see a fire in the sky. Something dark and burning is
plummeting to the earth. There is more lightning” APL 2: 150 xp.

BIS7-05 Bastille Page 15

APL 6: 270 xp.
During an adventure, characters encounter treasure,
APL 8: 330 xp. usually finding it in the possession of their foes. Every
encounter that features treasure has a “treasure” section
APL 10: 390 xp.
within the encounter description, giving information
APL 12: 450 xp. about the loot, coins, and magic items that make up the
encounter’s treasure.
Story Award
The loot total is the number of gold pieces each
Report back from the keep after defeating the champion
character gains if the foes are plundered of all their earthly
and finding his report and orders.
possessions. Looting the bodies takes at least 10 minutes
APL 2: 23 xp. per every 5 enemies, and if the characters cannot take the
time to loot the bodies, they do not gain this gold. If you
APL 4: 34 xp.
feel it is reasonable that characters can go back to loot the
APL 6: 45 xp. bodies, and those bodies are there (i.e., not carted off by
dungeon scavengers, removed from the scene by the local
APL 8: 57 xp.
watch, and so on), characters may return to retrieve loot. If
APL 10: 68 xp. the characters do not loot the body, the gold piece value for
the loot is subtracted from the encounter totals given
APL 12: 79 xp.
Retrieve the Meersalm and return it to the Church of
The coin total is the number of gold pieces each
character gains if they take the coin available. A normal
APL 2: 22 xp. adventuring party can usually gather this wealth in a round
or so. If for some reason, they pass up this treasure, the
APL 4: 34 xp.
coin total is subtracted from the encounter totals given
APL 6: 45 xp. below.
APL 8: 56 xp. Next, the magic items are listed. Magic item treasure
is the hardest to adjudicate, because they are varied and
APL 10: 67 xp.
because characters may want to use them during the
APL 12: 79 xp. adventure. Many times characters must cast identify, analyze
dweomer or similar spell to determine what the item does
Discretionary Roleplaying Award and how to activate it. Other times they may attempt to
APL 2: 45 xp. use the item blindly. If the magic item is consumable (a
potion, scroll, magic bolts, etc.) and the item is used before
APL 4: 67 xp. the end of the adventure, its total is subtracted from the
APL 6: 90 xp. adventure totals below.
APL 8: 112 xp. Once you have subtracted the value for unclaimed
treasure from each encounter add it up and that is the
APL 10: 135 xp. number of gold pieces a characters total and coin value
APL 12: 157 xp. increase at the end of the adventure. Write the total in the
GP Gained field of the adventure certificate. Because this is
Total possible experience a Regional adventure, characters may spend additional
APL 2: 450 xp. Time Units to practice professions or create items
immediately after the adventure so this total may be
APL 4: 675 xp. modified by other circumstances.
APL 6: 900 xp. L = Looted gear from enemy; C = Coin, Gems, Jewelry,
APL 8: 1,125 xp. and other valuables; M = Magic Items.

APL 10: 1,350 xp. Encounter 3: Exploring the Keep

APL 12: 1,575 xp. APL 2: L: 150 gp, C: 75 gp, M: 42 gp, Restful Crystal
(42 gp).

BIS7-05 Bastille Page 16

APL 4: L: 200 gp, C: 100 gp, M: 42 gp, Iron Ward APL 4: L: 750 gp, C: 250 gp, M: 284 gp – Total: 1284
Diamond (Least) (42 gp). gp (650 gp).
APL 6: L: 250 gp, C: 150 gp, M: 167 gp, Gloves of APL 6: L: 950 gp, C: 350 gp, M: 492 gp – Total: 1792
Lightning (167 gp). gp (900 gp).
APL 8: L: 300 gp, C: 175 gp, M: 333 gp, Gauntlets of APL 8: L: 1100 gp, C: 425 gp, M: 1025 gp – Total:
War (333 gp). 2550 gp (1,300 gp).
APL 10: L: 500 gp, C: 250 gp, M: 467 gp, Helm of APL 10: L: 1750 gp, C: 650 gp, M: 1943 gp – Total:
Glorious Recovery (467 gp). 4343 gp (2,300 gp).
APL 12: L: 600 gp, C: 300 gp, M: 1250 gp, Mantle of APL 12: L: 2050 gp, C: 800 gp, M: 3597 gp – Total:
Second Chances (1250 gp). 6447 gp (3,300 gp).
Encounter 4: Undead Made Here
APL 2: L: 150 gp, C: 75 gp.
APL 4: L: 200 gp, C: 75 gp, M: 125 gp, Tome of Worldly
Memory (125 gp). Special
APL 6: L: 250 gp, C: 100 gp, M: 200 gp, Sovereign Glue  Droplet of Meersalm: You have a vial of the rare
(200 gp). solution known as meersalm. As a swift action, you can
call upon the Archpaladin Heironeous and be coated
APL 8: L: 300 gp, C: 125 gp, M: 275 gp, Domain
with meersalm. The meersalm lasts for 1 minute and
Draught (Destruction) (275 gp).
provides DR 10/-. The vial of meersalm disappears when
APL 10: L: 500 gp, C: 200 gp, M: 450 gp, Murlynd’s used.
Spoon (450 gp).
 Dancing Lantern: You have saved Sparky from
APL 12: L: 600 gp, C: 250 gp, M: 833 gp, Ring of eternal boredom. Sparky has the statistics of an
Avoidance (833 gp). intelligent Dancing Lantern. (Dungeonscape, 10,300 gp)

 Influence Point with the Church of Heironeous:

Encounter 7: The Champion of Hextor You have earned an influence point with the Church of
APL 2: L: 200 gp, C: 75 gp, M: 29 gp, Bolt of Heironeous Heironeous in Bissel. You may spend this favor to receive
(29 gp). special training in the Ordained Champion prestige class
(Complete Champion), gaining access to the Prestige
APL 4: L: 350 gp, C: 75 gp, M: 117 gp, Anklet of Class after spending 2 TU in training.
Translocation (117 gp).
APL 6: L: 450 gp, C: 100 gp, M: 125 gp, Belt of One  Influence point with the Knights of the Watch:
Mighty Blow (125 gp). You have earned an influence point with the Knights of
the Watch and Dispatch.
APL 8: L: 500 gp, C: 125 gp, M: 417 gp, Helm of
Righteous War (417 gp). Item Access
APL 10: L: 750 gp, C: 200 gp, M: 1026 gp, Blade of APL 2:
Righteous War (1026 gp). ™ Bolt of Heironeous (Adventure; Complete Champion)
APL 12: L: 850 gp, C: 250 gp, M: 1514 gp, Bastion of ™ Restful Crystal (Adventure; MIC)
Righteous War (1514 gp).
APL 4 (all of APL 2 plus the following):
™ Least Iron Ward Diamond (Adventure; MIC)
Total Possible Treasure (Maximum Reward
Allowed) ™ Tome of Worldly Memory (Adventure; MIC)

APL 2: L: 500 gp, C: 225 gp, M: 75 gp – Total: 800 gp APL 6 (all of APLs 2, 4 plus the following):
(450 gp). ™ Sovereign Glue (Adventure; Dungeon Master’s Guide)

BIS7-05 Bastille Page 17

™ Anklet of Translocation (Adventure; MIC)
™ Belt of One Mighty Blow (Adventure; MIC)
™ Gloves of Lightning (Adventure; MIC)
APL 8 (all of APLs 2, 4, 6 plus the following):
™ Gauntlets of War (Adventure; Complete Champion)
™ Domain Draught (Destruction) (Adventure; MIC)
™ Helm of Righteous War (Adventure; Complete Champion)
APL 10 (all of APLs 2, 4, 6, 8 plus the following):
™ Blade of Righteous War (Adventure; Complete Champion)
™ Murlynd’s Spoon (Adventure; DMG)
™ Helm of Glorious Recovery (Adventure; MIC)
APL 12 (all of APLs 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 plus the following):
™ Bastion of Righteous War (Adventure; Complete
™ Ring of Avoidance (Adventure; MIC)
™ Retributive Amulet (Adventure; MIC)

BIS7-05 Bastille Page 18

NE Medium undead CR 3
Init -1; Senses Darkvision 60’, Low-Light Vision, Listen +0, Male human cleric 3
Spot +0 LE Medium human
Languages understands creator’s orders Init +1; Senses Listen +2, Spot +5
AC 11, touch 9, flat-footed 11 Aura Aura of Law, Aura of Evil
(-1 Dex, +2 natural) Languages Common
hp 140 (10 HD) AC 23, touch 15, flat-footed 22, (+1 Dex, +8 armor, +3 shield, +1
Immune undead immunities deflection)
Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +7 hp 22 (3 HD)
Weakness fragile Fort +5 , Ref +2 , Will +5
Speed 20 ft. (4 squares) Speed 20 ft. in full plate (4 squares), base movement 30 ft.
Melee slam +8 (1d8+4) Melee masterwork flail +6 (1d8+2 B 20/x2)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Base Atk +5; Grp +8 Base Atk +2; Grp +4
Abilities Str 16, Dex 9, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 1 Atk Options Smite (Destruction domain)
SQ bload bloated, undead traits Special Actions Rebuke Undead 4/day
Feats - Combat Gear +1 ring of protection, masterwork flail, masterwork
Skills Listen +0, Spot +0 full plate
Possessions none Cleric Spells Prepared (CL 3rd):
Fragile (Ex) A bloodhulk fighter takes an extra 1d6 points of 2nd— Bear’s Endurance (1) Cure Moderate Wounds (1), Spiritual
damage whenever it takes at least 1 point of damage from a Weapon , D
piercing or slashing weapon. 1st—Cause Fear (1), Cure Light Wounds (1), Protection From
Blood Bloated (Ex) A bloodhulk fighter always gains the Good (1), Magic Weapon D
maximum hit points possible per Hit Die. In addition, it 0—Cure Minor Wounds (1), Guidance (1), Read Magic (1),
gains 2 bonus hit points per Hit Die. Resistance (1)
Description This might have been human, once. Now it is a D: Domain spell. Deity: Hextor. Domains: War, Destruction
bloated horror, distended veins sprawling across its livid skin. Abilities Str 14, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 12
Scraps of rotting cloth are all that cover its swollen body. Its Feats Combat Casting, Martial Weapon Proficiency (flail),
empty eyes fix on you, and it lurches forward swinging massive Weapon Focus (flail), Shield Specialization Shield Ward
fists. Skills Concentration +8, Knowledge (religion) +6, Spot +5
Sources Monster Manual IV (Page 20) Possessions combat gear plus -


Male human fighter 2/cleric 1
LE Medium human
Description A 25-foot-by-25-foot room with two entrances. The
Init +6; Senses Listen +3, Spot +5
center square is occupied by a 5-foot high block of stone.
Aura Aura of Law, Aura of Evil
Carved on top of the stone are two images, a mailed hand
Languages Common
grasping 6 arrows and a flail. Once the flail is grasped and the
word “Hextor” is spoken, the doors of the room slam shut. AC 16, 12 touch , flat-footed 14, (+2 Dex, +4 armor)
Each 5-foot square of the floor attacks the person occupying hp 25 (3 HD)
it each round. Fort +7 , Ref +2 , Will +3
Search DC 22; Type magic Speed 30 ft. in chain shirt (6 squares), base movement 30 ft.
Trigger touch and command word, Init +1 Melee masterwork heavy flail +7 (1d10+6 B 19-20/x2)
Effect Inflict Light Wounds (Atk +2 touch, 1D8+1 points of Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
damage, DC 11 Will halves, CL 1) Base Atk +2; Grp +5
Duration 5 rounds Atk Options Smite (Destruction domain)
Special Actions Rebuke Undead 2/day
Destruction AC 12, 5 hp (each floor square)
Combat Gear masterwork heavy flail, masterwork chain shirt
Disarm Disable Device DC 26 (each floor square)
Cleric Spells Prepared (CL 1st):
Dispel DC 12 (each floor square)
1st—Bull’s Strength (1), Divine Favor (1), Magic Weapon D

BIS7-05 Bastille Page 19

0— 0—Cure Minor Wounds (1), Guidance (1), Read Magic (1)
D: Domain spell. Deity: Hextor. Domains: War, Destruction
Abilities Str 16, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 8
Feats Endurance, Diehard, Martial Weapon Proficiency (heavy
flail), Weapon Focus (heavy flail) Improved Initiative Power
Attack Cleave
Skills Listen +4, Spot +4
Possessions combat gear plus -

BIS7-05 Bastille Page 20


NE Large undead CR 5
Init -2; Senses Darkvision 60’, Low-Light Vision, Listen +0, Male human Cleric 4/Ordained Champion 1
Spot +0 LE Medium human
Languages understands creator’s orders Init +5; Senses Listen +2, Spot +6
AC 13, touch 7, flat-footed 13 Aura Aura of Law, Aura of Evil
(-1 Size , -2 Dex, +6 natural) Languages Common
hp 196 (14 HD) AC 23, touch 15, flat-footed 22, (+1 Dex, +8 armor, +3 shield, +1
Immune undead immunities deflection, +1 natural)
Fort +4, Ref +2 Will +9 hp 37 (5 HD)
Weakness fragile Fort +8 , Ref +2 , Will +5
Speed 20 ft. (4 squares) Speed 20 ft. in full plate (4 squares), base movement 30 ft.
Melee slam +17 (2d6+16) Melee masterwork flail +8 (1d8+2 B 20/x2)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft. Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Base Atk +7; Grp +22Abilities Str 33, Dex 6, Con -, Int -, Wis Base Atk +4; Grp +6
10, Cha 1 Atk Options Smite (Destruction domain) (+4 atk, +4 dmg)
SQ bload bloated, undead traits Special Actions Rebuke Undead 4/day
Feats - Combat Gear +1 ring of protection, masterwork flail, masterwork
Skills Listen +0, Spot +0 full plate
Possessions none Cleric Spells Prepared (CL 4th):
Fragile (Ex) A bloodhulk giant takes an extra 1d6 points of 2nd— Close Wounds (1), Bear’s Endurance (1) Cure Moderate
damage whenever it takes at least 1 point of damage from a Wounds (1), Spiritual Weapon , D
piercing or slashing weapon. 1st—Cause Fear (2), Cure Light Wounds (1), Protection From
Blood Bloated (Ex) A bloodhulk giant always gains the Good (1), Magic Weapon D
maximum hit points possible per Hit Die. In addition, it 0—Cure Minor Wounds (2), Guidance (1), Read Magic (1),
gains 2 bonus hit points per Hit Die. Resistance (1)
Description This towering, swollen giant looks as if its skin is D: Domain spell. Deity: Hextor. Domains: War, Destruction
about to burst and rip away. Thick veins run across its body, and Abilities Str 14, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 12
here and there it pulses and shifts with a great quantity of fluid. SQ Bonus domain, combat feats, continued advancement,
Sources Monster Manual IV (Page 20) modified spontaneous casting
Feats Improved Initiative, Martial Weapon Proficiency (flail),
ENCOUNTER 5 Weapon Focus (flail), Shield Specialization Shield Ward
INFLICT MODERATE WOUNDS TRAP CR 4 Skills Concentration +10, Knowledge (religion) +8, Spot +6
Description A 25-foot-by-25-foot room with two entrances. The Possessions combat gear plus -
center square is occupied by a 5-foot high block of stone. Bonus Domain: If you are a cleric, you gain the War domain as
Carved on top of the stone are two images, a mailed hand a third domain. If you already have the War domain, you can
grasping 6 arrows and a flail. Once the flail is grasped and the instead choose any other domain granted by your deity as
word “Hextor” is spoken, the doors of the room slam shut. your third domain. If you have no cleric levels, you can add
Each 5-foot square of the floor attacks the person occupying the War domain spells to your class spell list, but you do not
it each round. gain its domain ability or any extra spell slots for domain
Search DC 24; Type magic spells.
Combat Feats: You can permanently sacrifice one or two of
Trigger touch and command word, Init +2
your domain granted powers to acquire an equal number of
Effect Inflict Moderate Wounds (Atk +4 touch, 2D8+3 points of
feats from the list of fighter bonus feats, as long as you meet
damage, DC 13 Will halves, CL 3)
the prerequisites for them. You not sacrifice your War
Duration 7 rounds
domain ability for this purpose. You must choose whether or
Destruction AC 14, 10 hp (each floor square) not to make this exchange when you first become an
Disarm Disable Device DC 27 (each floor square) ordained champion, and you cannot later change your mind.
Dispel DC 14 (each floor square Continued Advancement: Levels in ordained champion stack
with levels of other appropriate classes for the purpose of

BIS7-05 Bastille Page 21

turning or rebuking undead, and for all level-dependent
domain granted powers.
Modified Spontaneous Casting (Ex): If you have cleric levels,
you lose the ability to spontaneously cast cure or inflict spells.
Instead, you can swap out previously prepared cleric spells
for any spells of equal or lower level from the War domain.
This alteration applies even to levels you gain as a cleric after
becoming an ordained champion.
If you are not a cleric, modified spontaneous casting does not
apply to you, even if you can spontaneously cast some other
kind of spell, such as summon nature's ally.


CR 5
Male human fighter 4/cleric 1
LE Medium human
Init +5; Senses Listen +5, Spot +5
Aura Aura of Law, Aura of Evil
Languages Common
AC 16, 11 touch , flat-footed 15, (+1 Dex, +5 armor)
hp 43 (5 HD)
Fort +8 , Ref +2 , Will +4
Speed 30 ft. in chain shirt (6 squares), base movement 30 ft.
Melee +1 heavy flail +10 (1d10+9 B 19-20/x2)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Base Atk +4; Grp +8
Atk Options Smite (Destruction domain) (+4 atk, +1 dmg)
Special Actions Rebuke Undead 2/day
Combat Gear gauntlets of ogre power, +1 heavy flail, masterwork
chain shirt
Cleric Spells Prepared (CL 1st):
1st—Divine Favor (1), Protection from Good (1), Magic Weapon D
0—Cure Minor Wounds (1), Guidance (1), Resistance (1)
D: Domain spell. Deity: Hextor. Domains: War, Destruction
Abilities Str 18, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 13, Cha 8
Feats Endurance, Diehard, Martial Weapon Proficiency (heavy
flail), Weapon Focus (heavy flail) Power Attack Improved
Initiative Extra Smiting Weapon Specialization (Flail,
Skills Listen +5, Spot +5
Possessions combat gear plus -

BIS7-05 Bastille Page 22

NE huge undead ENCOUNTER 7
Init -2; Senses Darkvision 60’, Low-Light Vision, Listen +0, MERCILESS CORNUGON, CHAMPION OF HEXTOR
Spot +0 CR 7
Languages understands creator’s orders Male human Cleric 4/Ordained Champion 3
AC 14, touch 6, flat-footed 14 LE Medium human
(-2 Size , -2 Dex, +8 natural) Init +5; Senses Listen +2, Spot +7
hp 280 (20 HD) Aura Aura of Law, Aura of Evil
Immune undead immunities Languages Common
Fort +6, Ref +4 Will +12 AC 26, touch 16, flat-footed 25, (+1 Dex, +9 armor, +4 shield, +1
Weakness fragile deflection, +1 natural)
Speed 30 ft. (6 squares) hp 52 (7 HD)
Melee slam +24 (3d6+24) Fort +10 , Ref +4 , Will +10
Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft. Speed 20 ft. in full plate (4 squares), base movement 30 ft.
Base Atk +10; Grp +34Abilities Str 33, Dex 6, Con -, Int -, Wis Melee +1 flail +10/+5 (1d8+3 B 20/x2)
10, Cha 1 Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
SQ bload bloated, undead traits Base Atk +6/+1; Grp +8
Feats - Atk Options Smite (Destruction domain) (+4 atk, +4 dmg)
Skills Listen +0, Spot +0 Special Actions Rebuke Undead 4/day
Possessions none Combat Gear +1 ring of protection, +1 flail, +1 full plate
Fragile (Ex) A bloodhulk giant takes an extra 1d6 points of Cleric Spells Prepared (CL 5th): 3rd— Blindness/Deafness
damage whenever it takes at least 1 point of damage from a (1), Magic Vestment D
piercing or slashing weapon. 2nd— Close Wounds (1), Bear’s Endurance (1) Inflict Moderate
Blood Bloated (Ex) A bloodhulk giant always gains the Wounds (1), Spiritual Weapon , D
maximum hit points possible per Hit Die. In addition, it 1st—Cause Fear (2), Inflict Light Wounds (1), Protection From
gains 2 bonus hit points per Hit Die. Good (1), Magic Weapon D
Description This towering, swollen giant looks as if its skin is 0—Cure Minor Wounds (2), Guidance (1), Read Magic (1),
about to burst and rip away. Thick veins run across its body, and Resistance (1)
here and there it pulses and shifts with a great quantity of fluid. D: Domain spell. Deity: Hextor. Domains: War, Destruction
Sources Monster Manual IV (Page 20)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 13
SQ Bonus domain, combat feats, continued advancement,
ENCOUNTER 5 modified spontaneous casting, Diehard, smite, Channel
spell, divine bulwark
INFLICT SERIOUS WOUNDS TRAP CR 6 Feats Martial Weapon Proficiency (flail), Weapon Focus (flail),
Description A 25-foot-by-25-foot room with two entrances. The Shield Specialization, Shield Ward Divine Vigor , Improved
center square is occupied by a 5-foot high block of stone. Initiative , Improved Smiting , Diehard
Carved on top of the stone are two images, a mailed hand Skills Concentration +12, Knowledge (religion) +10, Spot +7
grasping 6 arrows and a flail. Once the flail is grasped and the Possessions combat gear plus anklet of translocation
word “Hextor” is spoken, the doors of the room slam shut. Bonus Domain: If you are a cleric, you gain the War domain as
Each 5-foot square of the floor attacks the person occupying a third domain. If you already have the War domain, you can
it each round. instead choose any other domain granted by your deity as
Search DC 26; Type magic your third domain. If you have no cleric levels, you can add
Trigger touch and command word, Init +3 the War domain spells to your class spell list, but you do not
Effect Inflict Serious Wounds (Atk +6 touch, 3D8+5 points of gain its domain ability or any extra spell slots for domain
damage, DC 14 Will halves, CL 5) spells.
Duration 9 rounds Combat Feats: You can permanently sacrifice one or two of
Destruction AC 16, 15 hp (each floor square) your domain granted powers to acquire an equal number of
Disarm Disable Device DC 28 (each floor square) feats from the list of fighter bonus feats, as long as you meet
Dispel DC 16 (each floor square the prerequisites for them. You not sacrifice your War
domain ability for this purpose. You must choose whether or
not to make this exchange when you first become an
ordained champion, and you cannot later change your mind.

BIS7-05 Bastille Page 23

Continued Advancement: Levels in ordained champion stack Melee +1 heavy flail +12/+7 (1d10+9 B 19-20/x2)
with levels of other appropriate classes for the purpose of Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
turning or rebuking undead, and for all level-dependent Base Atk +6/+1; Grp +10
domain granted powers. Atk Options Smite (Destruction domain) (+4 atk, +3 dmg)
Modified Spontaneous Casting (Ex): If you have cleric levels, Special Actions Rebuke Undead 2/day
you lose the ability to spontaneously cast cure or inflict spells. Combat Gear gauntlets of ogre power, +1 heavy flail, masterwork
Instead, you can swap out previously prepared cleric spells chain shirt
for any spells of equal or lower level from the War domain. Cleric Spells Prepared (CL 3rd):
This alteration applies even to levels you gain as a cleric after 2nd— Bear’s Endurance (1), Spiritual Weapon , D
becoming an ordained champion. 1st—Cause Fear (1), Doom (1), Protection From Good (1), Magic
If you are not a cleric, modified spontaneous casting does not Weapon D
apply to you, even if you can spontaneously cast some other 0—Cure Minor Wounds (1), Guidance (1), Read Magic (1),
kind of spell, such as summon nature's ally. Resistance (1)
Diehard: At 2nd level, you gain Diehard as a bonus feat, even if D: Domain spell. Deity: Hextor. Domains: War, Destruction
you lack the prerequisites. If you already have Diehard, you Abilities Str 18, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 13, Cha 8
can select any other feat for which you meet the Feats Endurance, Diehard, Martial Weapon Proficiency (heavy
prerequisites as your bonus feat. flail), Weapon Focus (heavy flail) Power Attack Improved
Smite (Su): At 2nd level, you can spend one daily use of your Initiative Extra Smiting Weapon Specialization (Flail,
turn/rebuke undead ability as a swift action to turn your next Heavy) True Believer
melee attack into a smite. You gain a bonus equal to your Skills Listen +6, Spot +6
Charisma modifier on attack rolls, and you deal extra damage Possessions combat gear plus anklet of translocation
equal to your total effective turning or rebuking level. Your
smite attack is not limited by alignment or race; you can
attempt to smite any foe. Except as noted here, this ability
functions like the paladin's smite evil ability (PH 44).
Channel Spell (Sp): At 3rd level, you can channel any spell you
have available to cast into your melee weapon. Doing so
requires a move action and uses up a prepared spell or spell
slot just as if you had cast the spell. The channeled spell
affects the next target you successfully attack with that
weapon, though saving throws and spell resistance still apply
normally. Even if the spell normally affects an area or is a
ray, it still affects only the target in this case. On a successful
hit, the spell is discharged from the weapon, which can then
hold another spell. You can channel your spells into only
one weapon at a time. A spell channeled into a weapon is lost
if not used within 8 hours.
Divine Bulwark (Sp): At 3rd level, you can sacrifice a prepared
spell or spell slot as a swift action to gain damage reduction.
The value of the damage reduction equals 1 + spell level
sacrificed, and it can be overcome by a chaotic-aligned strike.
Thus, a 3rd-level ordained champion who sacrificed aflame
strike spell would gain damage reduction 6/chaotic for 3
rounds. The damage reduction gained from multiple uses of
this ability does not stack. This protection lasts for a number
of rounds equal to your ordained champion level.


CR 7
Male human fighter 4/cleric 3
LE Medium human
Init +5; Senses Listen +6, Spot +6
Aura Aura of Law, Aura of Evil
Languages Common
AC 16, 11 touch , flat-footed 15, (+1 Dex, +5 armor)
hp 58 (7 HD)
Fort +10 , Ref +4 , Will +6
Speed 30 ft. in chain shirt (6 squares), base movement 30 ft.

BIS7-05 Bastille Page 24


AC 28, touch 17, flat-footed 27, (+1 Dex, +10 armor, +5 shield, +1
INTRODUCTION deflection, +1 natural)
NE Huge Undead (Augmented Animal) Fort +12 , Ref +5 , Will +13
Init +1; Senses Darkvision 60’, Listen +0, Spot +0 Speed 20 ft. in full plate (4 squares), base movement 30 ft.
Languages understands creator’s orders Melee +1 flail +12/+7 (1d8+3 B 20/x2)
AC 27, touch 9 flat-footed 26 (-2 size, +1 Dex, +18 natural) Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
hp 118 (8 HD) Base Atk +8/+3; Grp +10
Immune immunity to cold, undead immunities Atk Options Smite (Destruction domain) (+4 atk, +4 dmg)
Fort +2, Ref +3Will +4 Special Actions Rebuke Undead 4/day
Speed 60 ft.(12 squares) Combat Gear +1 ring of protection, +1 flail, +2 full plate
Melee Talons +7(2d10+5) and 2 foreclaws +2(1d4+2) and bite +2 Cleric Spells Prepared (CL 7th): 4th— Delay Death (1), Inflict
(2d6+2) Critical Wounds D
Space 15 ft.; Reach 10 ft. 3rd— Bestow Curse (1), Blindness/Deafness (1), Cure Serious
Base Atk +4; Grp +17 Wounds (1), Magic Vestment D
Atk Options Combat Reflexes 2nd— Close Wounds (1), Bear’s Endurance (1), Cure Moderate
Special Actions - Wounds (1), Inflict Moderate Wounds (1), Spiritual Weapon , D
1st—Cause Fear (2), Cure Light Wounds (1), Inflict Light
Abilities Str 21, Dex 13Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 1
Wounds (1), Protection From Good (1), Magic Weapon D
SQ Damage Reduction 10/adamantine, undead traits, bonus hit
0—Cure Minor Wounds (2), Detect Magic (1), Guidance (1),
Read Magic (1), Resistance (1)
Feats Combat Reflexes
D: Domain spell. Deity: Hextor. Domains: War, Destruction
Possessions - Abilities Str 14, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 14
SQ Bonus domain, combat feats, continued advancement,
Sources Libris Mortis (Page 118)
modified spontaneous casting, Diehard, smite, Channel
ENCOUNTER 5 spell, divine bulwark, Fist of the gods, rapid spontaneous
casting, Holy warrior, war caster
INFLICT CRITICAL WOUNDS TRAP CR 8 Feats Martial Weapon Proficiency (flail), Weapon Focus (flail),
Description A 25-foot-by-25-foot room with two entrances. The Shield Specialization, Shield Ward Divine Vigor , Improved
center square is occupied by a 5-foot high block of stone. Initiative , Improved Smiting , Diehard Power Attack
Carved on top of the stone are two images, a mailed hand Skills Concentration +14, Knowledge (religion) +12, Spot +9
grasping 6 arrows and a flail. Once the flail is grasped and the Possessions combat gear plus anklet of translocation
word “Hextor” is spoken, the doors of the room slam shut. Bonus Domain: If you are a cleric, you gain the War domain as
Each 5-foot square of the floor attacks the person occupying a third domain. If you already have the War domain, you can
it each round. instead choose any other domain granted by your deity as
Search DC 28; Type magic your third domain. If you have no cleric levels, you can add
Trigger touch and command word, Init +4 the War domain spells to your class spell list, but you do not
Effect Inflict Serious Wounds (Atk +8 touch, 4D8+7 points of gain its domain ability or any extra spell slots for domain
damage, DC 16 Will halves, CL 7) spells.
Duration 11 rounds Combat Feats: You can permanently sacrifice one or two of
Destruction AC 18, 20 hp (each floor square) your domain granted powers to acquire an equal number of
Disarm Disable Device DC 29 (each floor square) feats from the list of fighter bonus feats, as long as you meet
Dispel DC 18 (each floor square the prerequisites for them. You not sacrifice your War
domain ability for this purpose. You must choose whether or
ENCOUNTER 7 not to make this exchange when you first become an
ordained champion, and you cannot later change your mind.
Continued Advancement: Levels in ordained champion stack
CR 9
with levels of other appropriate classes for the purpose of
Male human Cleric 4/Ordained Champion 5
turning or rebuking undead, and for all level-dependent
LE Medium human
domain granted powers.
Init +5; Senses Listen +3, Spot +9
Modified Spontaneous Casting (Ex): If you have cleric levels,
Aura Aura of Law, Aura of Evil
you lose the ability to spontaneously cast cure or inflict spells.
Languages Common
Instead, you can swap out previously prepared cleric spells
for any spells of equal or lower level from the War domain.

BIS7-05 Bastille Page 25

This alteration applies even to levels you gain as a cleric after War Caster (Ex): At 5th level, you gain a +2 bonus to your
becoming an ordained champion. effective caster level when casting spells that appear on the
If you are not a cleric, modified spontaneous casting does not War domain spell list.
apply to you, even if you can spontaneously cast some other
kind of spell, such as summon nature's ally.
Diehard: At 2nd level, you gain Diehard as a bonus feat, even if SADISTIC KYTON, KNIGHT OF HATE AND DISCORD
you lack the prerequisites. If you already have Diehard, you CR 9
can select any other feat for which you meet the Male human fighter 4/cleric 5
prerequisites as your bonus feat. LE Medium human
Smite (Su): At 2nd level, you can spend one daily use of your Init +6; Senses Listen +9, Spot +10
turn/rebuke undead ability as a swift action to turn your next Aura Aura of Law, Aura of Evil
melee attack into a smite. You gain a bonus equal to your Languages Common
Charisma modifier on attack rolls, and you deal extra damage AC 18, 12 touch , flat-footed 16, (+2 Dex, +6 armor)
equal to your total effective turning or rebuking level. Your hp 73 (9 HD)
smite attack is not limited by alignment or race; you can Fort +12 , Ref +6 , Will +9
attempt to smite any foe. Except as noted here, this ability Speed 30 ft. in chain shirt (6 squares), base movement 30 ft.
functions like the paladin's smite evil ability (PH 44). Melee +2 heavy flail +15/+9 (1d10+11 B 19-20/x2)
Channel Spell (Sp): At 3rd level, you can channel any spell you Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
have available to cast into your melee weapon. Doing so Base Atk +7/+2; Grp +12
requires a move action and uses up a prepared spell or spell Atk Options Smite (Destruction domain) (+4 atk, +5 dmg)
slot just as if you had cast the spell. The channeled spell Special Actions Rebuke Undead 2/day
affects the next target you successfully attack with that Combat Gear gauntlets of ogre power, +2 heavy flail, +2 mithril
weapon, though saving throws and spell resistance still apply chain shirt
normally. Even if the spell normally affects an area or is a Cleric Spells Prepared (CL 5th): 3rd— Cure Serious Wounds
ray, it still affects only the target in this case. On a successful (1), Magic Vestment D
hit, the spell is discharged from the weapon, which can then 2nd— Close Wounds (1), Bear’s Endurance (1) Death Knell (1),
hold another spell. You can channel your spells into only Spiritual Weapon , D
one weapon at a time. A spell channeled into a weapon is lost 1st—Cause Fear (2), Doom (1), Protection From Good (1), Magic
if not used within 8 hours. Weapon D
Divine Bulwark (Sp): At 3rd level, you can sacrifice a prepared 0—Cure Minor Wounds (2), Guidance (1), Read Magic (1),
spell or spell slot as a swift action to gain damage reduction. Resistance (1)
The value of the damage reduction equals 1 + spell level D: Domain spell. Deity: Hextor. Domains: War, Destruction
sacrificed, and it can be overcome by a chaotic-aligned strike. Abilities Str 20, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 14, Cha 8
Thus, a 3rd-level ordained champion who sacrificed aflame Feats Endurance, Diehard, Martial Weapon Proficiency (heavy
strike spell would gain damage reduction 6/chaotic for 3 flail), Weapon Focus (heavy flail) Power Attack Improved
rounds. The damage reduction gained from multiple uses of Initiative Extra Smiting Weapon Specialization (Flail,
this ability does not stack. This protection lasts for a number Heavy) True Believer , Cleave
of rounds equal to your ordained champion level. Skills Listen +9, Spot +10
Fist of the Gods (Sp): At 4th level, you can sacrifice a prepared Possessions combat gear plus anklet of translocation , belt of one
spell or spell slot as a swift action to deal extra damage. mighty blow
Doing so grants you a bonus equal to 1 + spell level sacrificed
on your damage rolls for melee attacks. This benefit lasts for
a number of rounds equal to your ordained champion level.
Rapid Spontaneous Casting (Ex): When you attain 4th level,
any spell from the War domain that you spontaneously cast
requires only a swift action if its normal casting time is no
more than 1 standard action, or a standard action if its
normal casting time is 1 full-round action. A spontaneous
spell that you modify with a metamagic feat requires only its
normal casting time rather than the extra time such a spell
normally requires.
Holy Warrior (Sp): At 5th level, you can spend one daily use of
your turn/rebuke undead ability as a swift action to king
your Wisdom into play in combat. For 5 rounds after you
activate this ability, you can use your Wisdom modifier in
place of your Strength modifier on attack rolls and damage

BIS7-05 Bastille Page 26

BIS7-05 Bastille Page 27

A cadaver collector’s back spikes can hold up to 4 Medium

INTRODUCTION creatures, 16 Small creatures, or 64 Tiny creatures. Creatures
CADAVER COLLECTOR CR 12 smaller than Tiny are too miniscule to be impaled on the
LN Large construct collector’s back spikes, although the collector can still deal
Init +4 (Improved Initiative); Senses Darkvision 60’, Low-Light 4d8+15 points of damage to such opponents by grinding them
Vision, Listen +15, Spot +15 into its back spikes with a successful grapple check once it has
Languages Common them grappled.
Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, a cadaver collector
AC 29 (-1 size, +20 natural)
must hit with a slam attack. It can then attempt to start a grapple
hp 123 (17 HD); DR 10/adamantine
as a free action without provoking attacks of opportunity. If it
Immune immunity to magic
wins the grapple check, it establishes a hold and can attempt to
Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +8
impale the following round.
Weakness see immunity to magic below
Trample (Ex): Reflex DC 28 half. The save DC is Strength-
Speed 40 ft.(8 squares) based.
Melee 2 slams +22 (4d8+10) Immunity to Magic (Ex): Like golems, cadaver collectors are
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft. especially resilient to magic. However, the resilience takes a
Base Atk +12; Grp +26 slightly different form in the cadaver collector.
Atk Options Power Attack, Cleave, Improved Grab, Trample, A cadaver collector is immune to any spell or spell-like
Breath Weapon ability that allows spell resistance. In addition, spells of 3rd level
Special Actions Impale or lower that target a cadaver collector automatically rebound
Abilities Str 31, Dex 10, Con -, Int 5, Wis 16, Cha 14 back at their caster as if the collector were under the effects of
SQ Construct traits, damage reduction 10/adamantine, an unbeatable spell turning effect. This effect cannot be dispelled
immunity to magic or surpressed, except against spells that deal electricity damage
Feats Alertness, Cleave, Improved Initiative, Improved Natural (see below). Spells that deal rust damage or alter stone penetrate
Attack (slam), Power Attack, Weapon Focus (slam) the immunity to magic. Other spells and effects function
Skills Listen +15, Spot +15 differently against the creature, as noted below.
Possessions none A magical attack that deals sonic damage slows a cadaver
Breath Weapon (Su): 30-foot cone, once every 1d4 rounds, collector (as the slow spell) for 3 rounds, with no saving throw.
paralyzing gas, Reflex DC 18 negates. The save DC is Sonic spells of 3 level or lower are absorbed by the collector
Constitution-based and not reflected.
Impale (Ex): If a cadaver collector has successfully grappled a A magical attack that deals electricity damage is absorbed
Medium or smaller creature, it can attempt to impale the rather than reflected. Such an attack breaks any slow effect on
creature on its back spikes by making a successful grapple the collector and heals 1d6 points of damage for every 6 points
check. Doing so is a standard action that does not provoke of damage the attack would otherwise deal. If the amount of
attacks of opportunity. If the collector successfully impales a healing would cause the collector to exceed its full normal hit
creature, the creature takes 4d8+15 points of damage and is points, it gains any excess as temporary hit points.
considered pinned. Each round, the creature takes another 2d8 A cadaver collector is affected normally by rust attacks. In
points of damage as the movement of the cadaver collector addition, magical attacks that alter the nature of stone, such as
causes additional pain to the impaled creature. transmute rock to mud, deal 1d6 points of damage per spell level
The creature cannot break free unless it makes a DC 28 to the cadaver collector.
Strength check. Success indicates the creature is free of the
spike but takes an additional 2d8 points of damage in the Description
process. Failure means the creature takes 4d8 points of damage Sources Monster Manual III (Page 22)
and remains pinned in place. An ally can try to free an impaled
creature with a DC 20 Strength check. ENCOUNTER 5
Once a cadaver collector has a creature or creatures MAXIMIZED INFLICT MODERATE WOUNDS TRAP
impaled on its back spikes, it is no longer considered to be in a CR 10
grapple and can attack other opponents without penalty. It Description A 25-foot-by-25-foot room with two entrances. The
cannot use its slam attacks against impaled opponents. center square is occupied by a 5-foot high block of stone.
Creatures that get free of a cadaver collector become its Carved on top of the stone are two images, a mailed hand
immediate and most urgent targets. It typically pursues such grasping 6 arrows and a flail. Once the flail is grasped and the
creatures exclusively if it has any chance of catching and word “Hextor” is spoken, the doors of the room slam shut.
impaling them again. Each 5-foot square of the floor attacks the person occupying
it each round.

BIS7-05 Bastille Page 28

Search DC 30; Type magic gain its domain ability or any extra spell slots for domain
Trigger touch and command word, Init +5 spells.
Effect Maximized Inflict Moderate Wounds (Atk +10 touch, 19 Combat Feats: You can permanently sacrifice one or two of
points of damage, DC 17 Will halves, CL 9) your domain granted powers to acquire an equal number of
Duration 13 rounds feats from the list of fighter bonus feats, as long as you meet
Destruction AC 20, 25 hp (each floor square) the prerequisites for them. You not sacrifice your War
Disarm Disable Device DC 30 (each floor square) domain ability for this purpose. You must choose whether or
Dispel DC 20 (each floor square not to make this exchange when you first become an
ordained champion, and you cannot later change your mind.
ENCOUNTER 7 Continued Advancement: Levels in ordained champion stack
with levels of other appropriate classes for the purpose of
MERCILESS CORNUGON, CHAMPION OF HEXTOR turning or rebuking undead, and for all level-dependent
CR 11 domain granted powers.
Male human Cleric 6/Ordained Champion 5 Modified Spontaneous Casting (Ex): If you have cleric levels,
LE Medium human you lose the ability to spontaneously cast cure or inflict spells.
Init +5; Senses Listen +3, Spot +10 Instead, you can swap out previously prepared cleric spells
Aura Aura of Law, Aura of Evil for any spells of equal or lower level from the War domain.
Languages Common This alteration applies even to levels you gain as a cleric after
AC 29, touch 18, flat-footed 28, (+1 Dex, +10 armor, +6 shield, +1 becoming an ordained champion.
deflection, +1 natural) If you are not a cleric, modified spontaneous casting does not
hp 82 (11 HD) apply to you, even if you can spontaneously cast some other
Fort +13 , Ref +6 , Will +14 kind of spell, such as summon nature's ally.
Speed 20 ft. in full plate (4 squares), base movement 30 ft. Diehard: At 2nd level, you gain Diehard as a bonus feat, even if
Melee +2 flail +14/+9 (1d8+4 B 20/x2) you lack the prerequisites. If you already have Diehard, you
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. can select any other feat for which you meet the
Base Atk +9/+4; Grp +11 prerequisites as your bonus feat.
Atk Options Smite (Destruction domain) (+4 atk, +6 dmg) Smite (Su): At 2nd level, you can spend one daily use of your
Special Actions Rebuke Undead 5/day turn/rebuke undead ability as a swift action to turn your next
Combat Gear +1 ring of protection, +2 flail, +2 full plate melee attack into a smite. You gain a bonus equal to your
Cleric Spells Prepared (CL 9th): Charisma modifier on attack rolls, and you deal extra damage
5 - Righteous Might (1), Flame Strike D, 4th— Divine Power equal to your total effective turning or rebuking level. Your
(1), Delay Death (1), Inflict Critical Wounds D smite attack is not limited by alignment or race; you can
3rd— Bestow Curse (1), Blindness/Deafness (1), Cure Serious attempt to smite any foe. Except as noted here, this ability
Wounds (1), Inflict Serious Wounds (1), Magic Vestment D functions like the paladin's smite evil ability (PH 44).
2nd— Close Wounds (1), Bear’s Endurance (1), Cure Moderate Channel Spell (Sp): At 3rd level, you can channel any spell you
Wounds (1), Inflict Moderate Wounds (1). Silence (1) Spiritual have available to cast into your melee weapon. Doing so
Weapon , D requires a move action and uses up a prepared spell or spell
1st—Cause Fear (2), Cure Light Wounds (1), Divine Favor (1), slot just as if you had cast the spell. The channeled spell
Inflict Light Wounds (1), Protection From Good (1), Magic affects the next target you successfully attack with that
Weapon D weapon, though saving throws and spell resistance still apply
0—Cure Minor Wounds (2), Detect Magic (1), Guidance (1), normally. Even if the spell normally affects an area or is a
Read Magic (1), Resistance (1) ray, it still affects only the target in this case. On a successful
D: Domain spell. Deity: Hextor. Domains: War, Destruction hit, the spell is discharged from the weapon, which can then
Abilities Str 14, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 14 hold another spell. You can channel your spells into only
SQ Bonus domain, combat feats, continued advancement, one weapon at a time. A spell channeled into a weapon is lost
modified spontaneous casting, Diehard, smite, Channel if not used within 8 hours.
spell, divine bulwark, Fist of the gods, rapid spontaneous Divine Bulwark (Sp): At 3rd level, you can sacrifice a prepared
casting, Holy warrior, war caster spell or spell slot as a swift action to gain damage reduction.
Feats Martial Weapon Proficiency (flail), Weapon Focus (flail), The value of the damage reduction equals 1 + spell level
Shield Specialization, Shield Ward Divine Vigor, Improved sacrificed, and it can be overcome by a chaotic-aligned strike.
Initiative, Improved Smiting, Diehard Power Attack Thus, a 3rd-level ordained champion who sacrificed aflame
Skills Concentration +16, Knowledge (religion) +14, Spot +10 strike spell would gain damage reduction 6/chaotic for 3
Possessions combat gear plus anklet of translocation rounds. The damage reduction gained from multiple uses of
Bonus Domain: If you are a cleric, you gain the War domain as this ability does not stack. This protection lasts for a number
a third domain. If you already have the War domain, you can of rounds equal to your ordained champion level.
instead choose any other domain granted by your deity as Fist of the Gods (Sp): At 4th level, you can sacrifice a prepared
your third domain. If you have no cleric levels, you can add spell or spell slot as a swift action to deal extra damage.
the War domain spells to your class spell list, but you do not Doing so grants you a bonus equal to 1 + spell level sacrificed

BIS7-05 Bastille Page 29

on your damage rolls for melee attacks. This benefit lasts for
a number of rounds equal to your ordained champion level.
Rapid Spontaneous Casting (Ex): When you attain 4th level,
any spell from the War domain that you spontaneously cast
requires only a swift action if its normal casting time is no
more than 1 standard action, or a standard action if its
normal casting time is 1 full-round action. A spontaneous
spell that you modify with a metamagic feat requires only its
normal casting time rather than the extra time such a spell
normally requires.
Holy Warrior (Sp): At 5th level, you can spend one daily use of
your turn/rebuke undead ability as a swift action to king
your Wisdom into play in combat. For 5 rounds after you
activate this ability, you can use your Wisdom modifier in
place of your Strength modifier on attack rolls and damage
War Caster (Ex): At 5th level, you gain a +2 bonus to your
effective caster level when casting spells that appear on the
War domain spell list.


CR 11
Male human fighter 4/cleric 7
LE Medium human
Init +6; Senses Listen +11, Spot +12
Aura Aura of Law, Aura of Evil
Languages Common
AC 18, 12 touch , flat-footed 16, (+2 Dex, +6 armor)
hp 88 (11 HD)
Fort +14 , Ref +8 , Will +12
Speed 30 ft. in chain shirt (6 squares), base movement 30 ft.
Melee +2 heavy flail +17/+12 (1d10+11 B 19-20/x2)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Base Atk +9/+4; Grp +14
Atk Options Smite (Destruction domain) (+4 atk, +7 dmg)
Special Actions Rebuke Undead 2/day
Combat Gear gauntlets of ogre power, +2 heavy flail, +2 mithril
chain shirt
Cleric Spells Prepared (CL 7th): 4 – Divine Power (1),
Inflict Critical Wounds D 3rd— Cure Serious Wounds (1),
Invisibility Purge (1), Magic Vestment D
2nd— Close Wounds (1), Bear’s Endurance (1) Death Knell (1),
Silence (1), Spiritual Weapon , D
1st—Cause Fear (2), Divine Favor (1), Doom (1), Protection
From Good (1), Magic Weapon D
0—Cure Minor Wounds (2), Guidance (1), Read Magic (1),
Resistance (1)
D: Domain spell. Deity: Hextor. Domains: War, Destruction
Abilities Str 20, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 14, Cha 8
Feats Endurance, Diehard, Martial Weapon Proficiency (heavy
flail), Weapon Focus (heavy flail) Power Attack Improved
Initiative Extra Smiting Weapon Specialization (Flail,
Heavy) True Believer , Cleave
Skills Listen +9, Spot +10
Possessions combat gear plus anklet of translocation , belt of one
mighty blow

BIS7-05 Bastille Page 30


Init +2; Senses Darkvision 60’, Listen +0, Spot +0 12
Languages understands creator’s orders Description A 25-foot-by-25-foot room with two entrances. The
AC 26 (-2 size, +2 Dex, +16 natural) center square is occupied by a 5-foot high block of stone.
hp 220 (21 HD); DR 10/silver and magic Carved on top of the stone are two images, a mailed hand
Immune undead immunities grasping 6 arrows and a flail. Once the flail is grasped and the
SR 23 word “Hextor” is spoken, the doors of the room slam shut.
Fort +7, Ref +9, Will +12 Each 5-foot square of the floor attacks the person occupying
Weakness Aversion to daylight it each round.
Speed 40 ft. in (8 squares) Search DC 32; Type magic
Melee Bite +17 (2d8+19)* and 2 claws +12 (2d6+12)* Trigger touch and command word, Init +6
Space 15 ft.; Reach 10 ft. Effect Maximized Inflict Serious Wounds (Atk +12 touch, 29
Base Atk +10; Grp +32 points of damage, DC 19 Will halves, CL 11)
Atk Options Power Attack Duration 15 rounds
Special Actions Rend, Body Integration Destruction AC 22, 30 hp (each floor square)
Abilities Str 38, Dex 14, Con -, Int -, Wis 11, Cha 18 Disarm Disable Device DC 31 (each floor square)
SQ Frightful presence, undead traits, unholy toughness Dispel DC 22 (each floor square)
Feats Power Attack*
Skills -
Possessions none
Description The hound-shaped creature stands at least 20 feet MERCILESS CORNUGON, CHAMPION OF HEXTOR
at the shoulder. Closer scrutiny reveals that while the creature CR 13
has the outward shape of a hound, its form is composed of the Male human Cleric 8/Ordained Champion 5
bodies of hundreds of rotting humanoid corpses. LE Medium human
Sources Monster Manual III (Page 26) Init +5; Senses Listen +3, Spot +11
Body Integration (Su): Whenever a charnel hound reduces a Aura Aura of Law, Aura of Evil
living humanoid for of Large size or smaller to negative hit Languages Common
points, the foe must immediately make a DC 24 Fortitude AC 30, touch 19, flat-footed 29, (+1 Dex, +10 armor, +6 shield, +2
saving throw. On a failed save, the victim’s body is instantly deflection, +1 natural)
absorbed into the form of the charnel hound, healing the hp 97.5 (13 HD)
charnel hound of points of damage equal to 3X Hit Dice of the Fort +15 , Ref +7 , Will +16
victim. This effect kills the victim, and makes it difficult for his Speed 20 ft. in full plate (4 squares), base movement 30 ft.
companions to recover his body or equipment unless the Melee +3 flail +17/+12/+7 (1d8+5 B 20/x2)
charnel hound is defeated and the proper body pulled from the Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
pile of resultant corpses. The save DC is Charisma-based. Base Atk +11/+6/+1; Grp +13
Rend (Ex): A charnel hound that hits with both claw attacks Atk Options Smite (Destruction domain) (+4 atk, +8 dmg)
latches onto the opponent’s body and tears its flesh. This Special Actions Rebuke Undead 5/day
automatically deals an extra 4d6 + 21 points of damage. Combat Gear +1 ring of protection, +2 flail, +2 full plate
Aversion to Daylight (Ex): Charnel hounds loathe daylight. If Cleric Spells Prepared (CL 11th):
exposed to natural daylight (not merely a daylight spell), a th
6 - Heal (1), Harm D
charnel hound takes a -4 penalty on all attack rolls, saving th
5 - Righteous Might (1), Slay Living (1), Flame Strike D,
throws, and skill checks. 4th— Divine Power (1), Freedom of Movement (1), Delay Death
Frightful Presence (Su): A charnel hound can inspire terror by (1), Inflict Critical Wounds D
charging or attacking. Affected creatures must succeed on a DC 3rd— Bestow Curse (1), Blindness/Deafness (1), Cure Serious
24 Will save or become shaken, remaining in that condition as Wounds (1), Inflict Serious Wounds (1), Invisibility Purge (1),
long as they remain within 60 feet of the charnel hound. The Magic Vestment D
save DC is Charisma-based. 2nd— Close Wounds (1), Bear’s Endurance (1), Cure Moderate
Unholy Toughness (Ex): A charnel hound gains a bonus to its Wounds (1), Inflict Moderate Wounds (1). Silence (1) Spiritual
hit points equal to its Charisma modifier X its Hit Dice.
Weapon , D
*Includes adjustments for Power Attack feat.

BIS7-05 Bastille Page 31

1st—Cause Fear (2), Cure Light Wounds (1), Divine Favor (1), requires a move action and uses up a prepared spell or spell
Inflict Light Wounds (1), Protection From Good (1), Magic slot just as if you had cast the spell. The channeled spell
Weapon D affects the next target you successfully attack with that
0—Cure Minor Wounds (2), Detect Magic (1), Guidance (1), weapon, though saving throws and spell resistance still apply
Read Magic (1), Resistance (1) normally. Even if the spell normally affects an area or is a
D: Domain spell. Deity: Hextor. Domains: War, Destruction ray, it still affects only the target in this case. On a successful
Abilities Str 14, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 14 hit, the spell is discharged from the weapon, which can then
SQ Bonus domain, combat feats, continued advancement, hold another spell. You can channel your spells into only
modified spontaneous casting, Diehard, smite, Channel one weapon at a time. A spell channeled into a weapon is lost
spell, divine bulwark, Fist of the gods, rapid spontaneous if not used within 8 hours.
casting, Holy warrior, war caster Divine Bulwark (Sp): At 3rd level, you can sacrifice a prepared
Feats Martial Weapon Proficiency (flail), Weapon Focus (flail), spell or spell slot as a swift action to gain damage reduction.
Shield Specialization, Shield Ward Divine Vigor , Improved The value of the damage reduction equals 1 + spell level
Initiative , Improved Smiting , Diehard Power Attack , sacrificed, and it can be overcome by a chaotic-aligned strike.
Sudden Widen Thus, a 3rd-level ordained champion who sacrificed aflame
Skills Concentration +18, Knowledge (religion) +16, Spot +11 strike spell would gain damage reduction 6/chaotic for 3
Possessions combat gear plus anklet of translocation rounds. The damage reduction gained from multiple uses of
Bonus Domain: If you are a cleric, you gain the War domain as this ability does not stack. This protection lasts for a number
a third domain. If you already have the War domain, you can of rounds equal to your ordained champion level.
instead choose any other domain granted by your deity as Fist of the Gods (Sp): At 4th level, you can sacrifice a prepared
your third domain. If you have no cleric levels, you can add spell or spell slot as a swift action to deal extra damage.
the War domain spells to your class spell list, but you do not Doing so grants you a bonus equal to 1 + spell level sacrificed
gain its domain ability or any extra spell slots for domain on your damage rolls for melee attacks. This benefit lasts for
spells. a number of rounds equal to your ordained champion level.
Combat Feats: You can permanently sacrifice one or two of Rapid Spontaneous Casting (Ex): When you attain 4th level,
your domain granted powers to acquire an equal number of any spell from the War domain that you spontaneously cast
feats from the list of fighter bonus feats, as long as you meet requires only a swift action if its normal casting time is no
the prerequisites for them. You not sacrifice your War more than 1 standard action, or a standard action if its
domain ability for this purpose. You must choose whether or normal casting time is 1 full-round action. A spontaneous
not to make this exchange when you first become an spell that you modify with a metamagic feat requires only its
ordained champion, and you cannot later change your mind. normal casting time rather than the extra time such a spell
Continued Advancement: Levels in ordained champion stack normally requires.
with levels of other appropriate classes for the purpose of Holy Warrior (Sp): At 5th level, you can spend one daily use of
turning or rebuking undead, and for all level-dependent your turn/rebuke undead ability as a swift action to king
domain granted powers. your Wisdom into play in combat. For 5 rounds after you
Modified Spontaneous Casting (Ex): If you have cleric levels, activate this ability, you can use your Wisdom modifier in
you lose the ability to spontaneously cast cure or inflict spells. place of your Strength modifier on attack rolls and damage
Instead, you can swap out previously prepared cleric spells rolls.
for any spells of equal or lower level from the War domain. War Caster (Ex): At 5th level, you gain a +2 bonus to your
This alteration applies even to levels you gain as a cleric after effective caster level when casting spells that appear on the
becoming an ordained champion. War domain spell list.
If you are not a cleric, modified spontaneous casting does not
apply to you, even if you can spontaneously cast some other
kind of spell, such as summon nature's ally.
CR 13
Diehard: At 2nd level, you gain Diehard as a bonus feat, even if
Male human fighter 6/cleric 7
you lack the prerequisites. If you already have Diehard, you
LE Medium human
can select any other feat for which you meet the
Init +6; Senses Listen +11, Spot +11
prerequisites as your bonus feat.
Aura Aura of Law, Aura of Evil
Smite (Su): At 2nd level, you can spend one daily use of your
Languages Common
turn/rebuke undead ability as a swift action to turn your next
melee attack into a smite. You gain a bonus equal to your AC 18, 12 touch , flat-footed 16, (+2 Dex, +6 armor)
Charisma modifier on attack rolls, and you deal extra damage hp 106 (13 HD)
equal to your total effective turning or rebuking level. Your Fort +15 , Ref +9 , Will +13
smite attack is not limited by alignment or race; you can Speed 30 ft. in chain shirt (6 squares), base movement 30 ft.
attempt to smite any foe. Except as noted here, this ability Melee +3 heavy flail +20/+15/+10 (1d10+12 B 17-20/x2)
functions like the paladin's smite evil ability (PH 44). Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Channel Spell (Sp): At 3rd level, you can channel any spell you Base Atk +11/+6/+1; Grp +16
have available to cast into your melee weapon. Doing so Atk Options Smite (Destruction domain) (+4 atk, +7 dmg)
Special Actions Rebuke Undead 2/day

BIS7-05 Bastille Page 32

Combat Gear gauntlets of ogre power, +3 heavy flail, +2 mithril
chain shirt
Cleric Spells Prepared (CL 7th): 4th – Divine Power (1),
Inflict Critical Wounds D 3rd— Cure Serious Wounds (1),
Invisibility Purge (1), Magic Vestment D
2nd— Close Wounds (1), Bear’s Endurance (1) Death Knell (1),
Silence (1), Spiritual Weapon , D
1st—Cause Fear (2), Divine Favor (1), Doom (1), Protection
From Good (1), Magic Weapon D
0—Cure Minor Wounds (2), Guidance (1), Read Magic (1),
Resistance (1)
D: Domain spell. Deity: Hextor. Domains: War, Destruction
Abilities Str 21, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 16, Cha 8
Feats Endurance, Diehard, Martial Weapon Proficiency (heavy
flail), Weapon Focus (heavy flail) Power Attack Improved
Initiative Extra Smiting Weapon Specialization (Flail,
Heavy) True Believer , Cleave , Power Critical , Extra
Skills Listen +11, Spot +11
Possessions combat gear plus anklet of translocation , belt of one
mighty blow

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Divine Vigor [Divine] (Complete Warrior, page 108)
Prerequisites: Turn or rebuke undead ability.
Benefits: As a standard action, spend one of your turn or rebuke undead attempts to increase your base speed by 10 feet
and gain +2 temporary hit points per character level. These effects last a number of minutes equal to your Charisma

Extra Smiting [General]: (Complete Warrior, page 98)

Prerequisites: Smite ability, base attack bonus +4
Benefits: When you take this feat, you gain two extra attempts to smite per day. Use whatever smite ability you have
(the paladin’s smite evil ability or the hunter of the dead’s ability to smite undead, for example)
Special: You can take this feat multiple times. Its effects stack.

Sudden Widen [Metamagic] (Complete Arcane, page 83)

You can increase a spell's area without special preparation.
Benefit: Once per day, you can apply the effect of the Widen Spell feat to any spell you cast without increasing the
level of the spell or specially preparing it ahead of time. You can still use Widen Spell normally if you have it.

Power Critical [General] (Complete Warrior, page 103)

Choose one weapon, such as a longsword or a greataxe. With that weapon, you know how to hit where it hurts.
Benefit: When using the weapon you selected, you gain a +4 bonus on the roll to confirm a threat.
Special: A fighter may select Power Critical as one of his fighter bonus feats.
You can gain Power Critical multiple times. Each time you take the feat, it may be with a different weapon or the same
weapon. If you take it with the same weapon, the effects of the feat stack.

True Believer [General] (Complete Divine, page 86)

Your deity rewards your unquestioning faith and dedication.
Prerequisite: Must choose a single deity to worship. Must be within one step of that god’s alignment.
Benefit: Once per day when you are about to make a saving throw you may declare that you are using this feat to gain a
+2 insight bonus on that saving throw.
This feat also allows you to use a relic (see relics, page 88 of Complete Divine) of the deity you worship.

Shield Specialization (Player’s Handbook II, page 82)

You are skilled in using a shield, allowing you to gain greater defensive benefits from it.
Prerequisites: Proficiency with shields
Benefit: Choose one type of shield from the following list: buckler, heavy, or light. When using a shield of the
appropriate type, you increase its shield bonus to AC by 1.
Special: You can take this feat more than once. Each time you select it, choose a different type of shield. A fighter can
select Shield Specialization as one of his fighter bonus feats.

Shield Ward (Player’s Handbook II, page 82)

You use your shield like a wall of steel and wood. When an opponent attempts to draw in close to you, your shield forces
him away or ruins his attacks.
Prerequisites: Proficiency with shields, Shield Specialization
Benefit: You apply your shield bonus to your touch AC and on checks or rolls to resist bulls rush, disarm, grapple,
overrun, or trip attempts against you.
Special: A fighter can select Shield Ward as one of his fighter bonus feats.

BIS7-05 Bastille Page 36

Improved Smiting (Complete Divine, page 82)
Your smite attacks deal more damage to specifi c foes, and can damage creatures with alignment-based damage
Prerequisites: Cha 13, smite ability.
Benefit: Whenever you make a smite attack, your attack overcomes damage reduction as if had an alignment, and you
deal an extra +1d6 points of damage to targets of a specific alignment. If the smite attack has an alignment associated
with it, it deals its extra damage to foes of that alignment and it is treated as having the opposite alignment for
overcoming damage reduction. For example, a paladin’s smite evil attacks are treated as having the good alignment and
deal +1d6 damage to evil targets, while a blackguard’s smite good attacks are treated as having the evil alignment and
deal +1d6 damage to good targets. If the smite attack has no alignment associated with it, you must choose an alignment
component (chaotic, evil, good, or lawful) when you select the feat. Your smite attacks overcome damage reduction as if
they had that alignment, and deal +1d6 points of damage to foes of the opposite alignment. For example, a lawful
neutral cleric of St. Cuthbert with the Destruction domain who selected this feat must choose for his smite attacks to be
lawfully aligned (and these attacks would deal +1d6 points of damage to chaotic targets). A lawful evil cleric of Hextor
with the Destruction domain could choose to have his smite attacks be lawfully or evilly aligned (and these attacks
would deal +1d6 points of damage to chaotic targets or to good targets, respectively). You can’t choose an alignment
component that isn’t part of your alignment, and once this choice is made, it can never be changed. If you later change
alignment so that the chosen alignment component is no longer part of your alignment, you lose the benefits of this
Special: If you have the smite ability from more than one class, the effect of the feat applies to all your smite
abilities, and it is possible to select different alignments for each (as long as the alignments chosen are legal selections).
For example, a paladin/cleric with the Destruction domain must choose good for his smite good ability, but could
choose law for his smite domain power.

Anklet of Translocation (Magic Item Compendium, page 71)
An anklet of translocation allows you to make short dimensional hops. When it is activated, you can instantly
teleport (with no chance of error) up to 10 feet. The new space must be within line of sight and line of effect. You can’t
use the anklet to move into a space occupied by another creature, nor can you teleport into a solid object - if you attempt
to do so, the anklet’s activation is wasted. You can bring along objects weighing up to your maximum load, but you can’t
bring another creature with you. An anklet of translocation functions two times per day.
Moderate conjuration; CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, dimension door; Price 1,400 gp; Weight -

Belt of One Mighty Blow (Magic Item Compendium, page 74)

Activating a belt of one mighty blow grants extra damage on your next melee attack made before the end of your
turn. A light weapon deals an extra 1d8 points of damage, a one-handed weapon deals an extra 2d6 points of damage,
and a two-handed weapon deals an extra 3d6 points of damage. Faint transmutation; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, bull’s
strength; Price 1,500 gp; Weight 1 lb.


Delay Death (Spell Compendium, page 63)

Level: Clr 4
Components: V, S, DF
Casting Time: 1 immediate action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)

BIS7-05 Bastille Page 37

Target: One creature
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
The subject of this powerful spell is unable to die from hit point damage. While under the protection of this spell,
the normal limit of -9 hit points before a character dies is extended without limit. A condition or spell that destroys
enough of the subject’s body so as to not allow raise dead to work, such as a disintegrate effect, still kills the creature, as
does death brought about by ability score damage, level drain, or a death effect. The spell does not prevent the subject
from entering the dying state by dropping to -1 hit points. It merely prevents death as a result of hit point loss. If the
subject has fewer that -9 hit points when the spell’s duration expires, it dies instantly.

Close Wounds (Spell Compendium, page 48)

Conjuration (Healing)
Level: Clr 2
Components: V
Casting Time: 1 immediate action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target: One creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
This spell cures 1d4 points of damage +1 point per caster level (maximum +5). If you cast this spell immediately
after the subject takes damage, it effectively prevents the damage. It would keep alive someone who had just dropped to
-10 hit points, for example, leaving the character at negative hit points, but stable. Used against an undead creature,
close wounds deals damage instead of curing the creature (which takes half damage if it makes a Will saving throw).


Steeped in a tradition older than most religions, the ordained champions stride through the chaotic fog of violence and
bloodshed. Driven by a zealous devotion to Herald of Hell, and to war itself—these harbingers of death and destruction
are schooled in techniques of divine magic that enhance their combat capabilities far beyond those of mere soldiers.
The ordained champion is an ancient creation of Hextor, so old that it predates the final schism between the
Herald of Hell and his half-brother, Heironeous the Invincible. Although ordained champions are known primarily as
servants of Hextor, some tiny fraction do indeed serve the Invincible One instead. Heironeous's ordained champions
are treated and act much like his paladins; thus, the details presented here for organization and attitude apply primarily
to Hextor's champions.
Clerics make the best and most effective ordained champions. Paladins and paladins of tyrannyUA, as well as favored
souls™ and shugenjasCD, occasionally follow this path as well. None but the cleric can receive the full benefit of the
prestige class, however.
Alignment: Any lawful, neutral good, or neutral evil. Skill: Knowledge (religion) 7 ranks. Feat: Weapon Focus with
deity's favored weapon. Spellcasting: Able to cast magic weapon as a divine spell. Special: Must worship Hextor or

BAB Fort Ref Will

BIS7-05 Bastille Page 38

Level Bonus Save Save Save Special Spellcasting
1 +1 +2 +0 +2 Bonus domain, combat feats, -
continued advancement, modified spontaneous casting
2 +1 +3 +0 +3 Diehard, smite +1 level of existing divine class
3rd +3 +3 +1 +3 channel spell, divine bulwark +1 level of existing divine class
4 +4 +4 +1 +4 Fist of the gods, rapid spontaneous casting -
5th +5 +4 +1 +4 Holy warrior, war caster +1 level of existing divine class

Your entire being is devoted to war—war in the name of your deity, war in the name of your favored cause, even war in
the name of war itself. Your focus on warfare has slowed your spellcasting advancement, but the wide variety of martial
powers you have gained has more than made up for that lack.
Spellcasting: At 2nd, 3rd, and 5th level, you gain new spells per day and an increase in caster level (and spells known, if
applicable) as if you had also gained a level in a divine spellcasting class to which you belonged before adding the
prestige class level. You do not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained. If you had
more than one divine spellcasting class before becoming an ordained champion, you must decide to which class to add
each level for the purpose of determining spells per day, caster level, and spells known.
Bonus Domain: If you are a cleric, you gain the War domain as a third domain. If you already have the War domain,
you can instead choose any other domain granted by your deity as your third domain. If you have no cleric levels, you
can add the War domain spells to your class spell list, but I you do not gain its domain ability or any extra spell slots for
domain spells.
Combat Feats: You can permanently sacrifice one or two] of your domain granted powers to acquire an equal number
of feats from the list of fighter bonus feats, as long as you meet I the prerequisites' for them. You may not sacrifice your War
domain ability for this purpose. You must choose whether or not to make this exchange when you first become an
ordained champion, and you cannot later change your mind.
Continued Advancement: levels in ordained champion stack with levels of other appropriate classes for the purpose
of turning or rebuking undead, and for all level-dependent domain granted powers.
Modified Spontaneous Casting (Ex): If you have cleric levels, you lose the ability to spontaneously cast cure or inflict
spells. Instead, you can swap out previously prepared cleric spells for any spells of equal or lower level from the War
domain. This alteration applies even to levels you gain as a cleric after becoming an ordained champion.
If you are not a cleric, modified spontaneous casting does not apply to you, even if you can spontaneously cast some
other kind of spell, such as summon nature's ally.
Diehard: At 2nd level, you gain Diehard as a bonus feat, even if you lack the prerequisites. If you already have Diehard,
you can select any other feat for which you meet the prerequisites as your bonus feat.
Smite (Su): At 2nd level, you can spend one daily use of your turn/rebuke undead ability as a swift action to turn your
next melee attack into a smite. You gain a bonus equal to your Charisma modifier on attack rolls, and you deal extra
damage equal to your total effective turning or rebuking level. Your smite attack is not limited by alignment or race; you
can attempt to smite any foe. Except as noted here, this ability functions like the paladin's smite evil ability (PH 44).
Channel Spell (Sp): At 3rd level, you can channel any spell you have available to cast into your melee weapon. Doing
so requires a move action and uses up a prepared spell or spell slot just as if you had cast the spell. The channeled spell
affects the next target you successfully attack with that weapon, though saving throws and spell resistance still apply
normally. Even if the spell normally affects an area or is a ray, it still affects only the target in this case. On a successful
hit, the spell is discharged from the weapon, which can then hold another spell. You can channel your spells into only
one weapon at a time. A spell channeled into a weapon is lost if not used within 8 hours.

BIS7-05 Bastille Page 39

Divine Bulwark (Sp): At 3rd level, you can sacrifice a prepared spell or spell slot as a swift action to gain damage
reduction. The value of the damage reduction equals 1 + spell level sacrificed, and it can be overcome by a chaotic-
aligned strike. Thus, a 3rd-level ordained champion who sacrificed aflame strike spell would gain damage reduction
6/chaotic for 3 rounds. The damage reduction gained from multiple uses of this ability does not stack. This protection
lasts for a number of rounds equal to your ordained champion level.
Fist of the Gods (Sp): At 4th level, you can sacrifice a prepared spell or spell slot as a swift action to deal extra damage.
Doing so grants you a bonus equal to 1 + spell level sacrificed on your damage rolls for melee attacks. This benefit lasts
for a number of rounds equal to your ordained champion level.
Rapid Spontaneous Casting (Ex): When you attain 4th level, any spell from the War domain that you spontaneously
cast requires only a swift action if its normal casting time is no more than 1 standard action, or a standard action if its
normal casting time is 1 full-round action. A spontaneous spell that you modify with a metamagic feat requires only its
normal casting time rather than the extra time such a spell normally requires.
Holy Warrior (Sp): At 5th level, you can spend one daily use of your turn/rebuke undead ability as a swift action to
king your Wisdom into play in combat. For 5 rounds after you activate this ability, you can use your Wisdom modifier
in place of your Strength modifier on attack rolls and damage rolls.
War Caster (Ex): At 5th level, you gain a +2 bonus to your effective caster level when casting spells that appear on the
War domain spell list.

BIS7-05 Bastille Page 40



“What value would a victory over Ket be, if we returned to a Bissel

torn apart by internal forces?”

These were your words to me before I departed. I keep them in mind as

I travel through the March, looking for threats to internal security.
For the first few weeks, everything appeared normal. Farmers
complaining that they were being overworked, merchants profiteering in
a war economy. In short, business as usual. I did receive a discreet
message from what I suspect to be a Mist Chameleon agent, warning me
to leave the information gathering to the professionals. Be advised
that you may have to deal with the political ramifications of me
“poking my nose where it doesn’t belong”. I was nearing the end of my
tour, ready to head back to the Ket front, when I was attacked on the
road. Passing a peasant’s graveyard, a dozen skeletons erupted from
the ground. Commanding them was a man wearing an unusual suit of iron
scale armor, decorated in skulls. The two privates you assigned to me
as guards fought valiantly, they held back the skeletons as I fought
and defeated this dark cleric. Unfortunately, their wounds were mortal
and they died soon after. I recommend a posthumous military
commendation and promotion to corporal be sent to their families. Upon
searching my mysterious assailant, I found a shocking and disturbing
missive, which I am attaching to this report. It mentions a location
called the “Bastion” or “Bastille”. It also refers to the Knights of
the Watch and the “Knights of Hate and Discord”. As the barony of
Swordfields was nearby, I decided to consult with the Baroness Elina
Luchelyn. Lady Elina was livid when she read the message. She
explained that the Bastion of Impregnable Might was a Knights of the
Watch fortress that was thought to have been destroyed in the Greyhawk
Wars. To learn that it had survived was shocking. To know that it is
being used by a previously unknown group so hostile to the Knights of
the Watch is an insult that cannot be allowed to continue. As the
ranking Knight of the Watch in Bissel, she feels that she must
investigate this matter personally. She assembled a small strike force
and set out immediately. She is allowing me to accompany her so that I
may report to you any threats to our national security. Hopefully the
Knights of the Watch can deal with this situation quickly and
efficiently. I will send a follow-up report as soon as our mission to
this “Bastille” is complete.

-Captain Chalice Besselar

BIS7-05 Bastille Page 41


My lord,

Everything is proceeding on schedule. The experiments of the

Malevolent Gelugon have been successful. He has created a
full platoon and wishes to lead them in the field exercises
to gauge their effectiveness. If he achieves the expected
results, he will require additional resources in order to
mass produce his combat optimized undead and construct army.
Any undead creations that are discovered before we have
mustered our full force will be written off as leftovers
from the era of the necromancer. I find it deliciously
ironic that this band of thugs calling themselves the
“Knights of the Watch” can be so blind to events happening
right under their arrogant, upturned noses. The fact that we
have their precious “Bastion” as a base of operations will
make their eventual defeat that much more satisfying.
Your insight into their operating procedures has been
invaluable. Most of my forces are out in the field,
disrupting their communications and infiltrating their
ranks. Only myself and the Sadistic Kyton remain on base. At
the appointed time, our units will be recalled. Augmented by
the forces of the Malevolent Gelugon, we shall strike a
crippling blow to Bissel, then spread throughout the

By my hand,

The Merciless Cornugon Hadraes

Knight of Hate and Discord
The “Bastille”

BIS7-05 Bastille Page 42


As directed I have maintained this location as a suitable fortress. I have

begun the raids on the command staff of the Bissel Military however they are
heavily guarded and so far have been consistently rebuked. This failure on my
part may be inexcusable, however, I will point out my formal objections to
these orders when received.
My experiments with the undead and constructs have gone well. The blood
hulks are a menacing force and will do well as shock troopers. Their imposing
bulk also provides a great deal of cover for more intelligent and efficient
forces. Unfortunately their bulk is also their undoing and they seem to loose
a great deal of blood when hit.
Finally I wish to point out I have found a vial of Meersalm in the old
chapel here. I’ve instilled a malign force to corrupt this symbol of Heironean
faith. Unfortunately, it has not yet taken hold and may be driven out by the
channeling of positive energy in any of its many varied forms. As a result I
am keeping it hidden in a small nook behind the Tyrant’s Fist on the wall of
that room. I mention this because I will soon need to leave here and my
replacement should be made aware of it.

My allegiance to the cause,

The Malevolent Gelugon

BIS7-05 Bastille Page 43

If you run this event in November or December of 2007, please e-mail the results from this sheet to a member of the
Bissel Triad by January 1st, 2006, or have the Senior DM of your event do so.

1. Did the PCs defeat the Merciless Kornugon Hadraed? Yes No

2. Did the PCs free the lamp? Yes No

3. Did the PCs retrieve the Meersalm? Yes No

If so, did they cast out the demon? Yes No

4. Were any of the PCs Knights of the Watch/Dispatch Yes No

If so, how many?

Notes: (Add anything that happened that might be considered out of the ordinary – Strange
occurrences, results that may not fit the above, etc):

BIS7-05 Bastille Page 44


The Golden Masque

® TM
Bissel Regional Adventure
Version 1.0.0

by Cameron Logan
Reviewers: Bissel Triad Circle Reviewer: Steven Conforti

The dark revelers gathered amidst the screams and howls: they plead for death. Two captives are held. Release for them
spins out the rescue of the rook. One is the younger of two cruel brothers, a mask of jealousy worn. Darker than that is
the other, her secrets are wicked and true things. A Bissel regional adventure for APLs 2-12, and Part 3 of the Shadows
and Sigils series.

Note: This adventure will be of particular interest to members of the Thieves Guild of Dountham.

Resources: Complete Adventurer [Jesse Decker], Complete Arcane [Richard Baker], Complete Champion [Ed Stark, Chris
Thomasson, Rhiannon Louve, Ari Marmell, Gary Astleford], Complete Divine [David Noonan], Complete Scoundrel [Mike
McArtor, F. Wesley Schneider], Complete Warrior [Andy Collins, David Noonan, Ed Stark], Dungeonscape [Jason
Bulmahm, Rich Burlew], Heroes of Battle [David Noonan, Will McDermott, Stephen Schubert], Libris Mortis [Andy
Collins, Bruce R. Cordell], Races of Destiny [David Noonan, Eric Cagle, Aaron Rosenberg], Spell Compendium [Matthew
Sernett, Jeff Grubb, Mike McArtor].

Based on the original DUNGEONS & DRAGONS rules created by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson and the new DUNGEONS & DRAGONS game designed
by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Richard Baker, and Peter Adkison.

This game product contains no Open Game Content. No portion of this work may be reproduced in any form without permission of Wizards of the
Coast. To learn more about the Open Gaming License and the d20 SYSTEM license, please visit
This is an official RPGA play document. To find out more about the RPGA and to learn more on how you can sanction and run DUNGEONS &
DRAGONS game events of all sizes, visit our website at

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, GREYHAWK, LIVING GREYHAWK, D&D REWARDS, RPGA, Player’s Handbook, Dungeon Master’s Guide, and
Monster Manual are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc, in the US and other countries. This material is protected under the copyright laws of the
United States of America. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained herein is prohibited without the express written
permission of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. This product is a work of fiction. Any similarity to actual people, organizations, places, or events is purely
coincidental. © 2005 Wizards of the Coast, Inc and the adventure author or authors.

Visit the LIVING GREYHAWK website at

For questions specific to this document and your region please e-mail your triad point of contact (POC) at For LIVING
GREYHAWK campaign questions email
Throughout this adventure, text in bold italics provides
RPGA® SANCTIONED PLAY player information for you to paraphrase or read aloud
when appropriate. Sidebars contain important
Most likely you ordered this adventure as part of an
information for you, including special instruction on
RPGA even from the RPGA website, or you received it
running the adventure. Information on nonplayer
from your senior gamemaster. To play this adventure as
characters (NPCs) and monsters appear in abbreviated
part of the LIVING GREYHAWK campaign—a worldwide,
form in the adventure text. Full information on NPCs
ongoing D&D campaign set in the GREYHAWK setting—
and monsters are given in the Appendices.
you must sanction it as part of an RPGA event. This event
could be as elaborate as a big convention, or as simple as a Along with this adventure you’ll find a RPGA Table
group of friends meeting at the DM’s house. Tracking sheet. If you’re playing this adventure as part of
an RPGA-sanctioned event, complete and turn in this
To sanction an RPGA event, you must be at least a
sheet to your senior GM directly after play. You’ll also
HERALD-LEVEL gamemaster. The person who sanctions
find a LIVING GREYHAWK Adventure Record (AR).
the event is called the senior gamemaster, and is in
charge of making sure the event is sanctioned before
play, runs smoothly on the date sanctioned, and then LIVING GREYHAWK LEVELS
reported back to the RPGA in a timely manner. The OF PLAY
person who runs the game is called the table Dungeon
Master (or usually just DM). Sometimes (and almost all Because players bring their own characters to LIVING
the time in the cases of home events) the senior GREYHAWK games, this adventure’s challenges are
gamemaster is also the table DM. You don’t have to be a proportionate to the modified average character level of
HERALD-LEVEL GM to run this adventure if you are not the PCs participating in the adventure. To determine this
the senior GM. modified Average Party Level (APL) follow the steps
By sanctioning and reporting this adventure you
accomplish a couple of things. First it is an official game, 1. Determine the character level for each of the PCs
and you can use the AR to advance your LIVING participating in the adventure.
GREYHAWK character. Second player and DMs gain
2. If PCs bring animals that have been trained for
rewards for sanctioned RPGA play if they are members of
combat (most likely dogs trained for war), other than
the DUNGEONS & DRAGONS REWARDS program. Playing
those brought by virtue of a class ability (such as
this adventure is worth two (2) points.
animal companions, familiars paladin’s mounts) or
This adventure retires from RPGA-sanctioned play the warhorse of a character with the Mounted
on December 31, 2008. Combat feat, use the sidebar chart to determine the
number of levels you add to the sum of step one. Add
To learn more about the LIVING GREYHAWK
each character’s animals separately. A single PC may
character creation and development, RPGA event
only bring four or fewer animals of this type, and
sanctioning, and DUNGEONS & DRAGONS REWARDS, visit
animals with different CRs are added separately.
the RPGA website at
3. Sum the results of step 1 and 2, and divide by the
PLAYERS READ NO FARTHER number of characters playing in the adventure.
Round to the nearest whole number.
If you are planning on playing this adventure, stop
4. If you are running a table of six PCs, add one to that
reading now. The rest of the information in this
adventure is for the DM only. If you read farther than
this section, you’ll know too much about its challenges, Throughout this adventure, APLs categorize the level of
which kills the fun. Also, if you’re playing this adventure challenge the PCs face. APLS are given in even-
as part of an RPGA-sanctioned event, reading beyond this numbered increments. If the APL of your group falls on
point makes you ineligible to do so. an odd number, ask them before the adventure begins
whether they would like to play a harder or easier
PREPARING FOR PLAY adventure. Based on their choice, use either the higher or
the lower adjacent APL.
To get the most out of this adventure, you need copies of
APL also affects the amount of experience and gold a
the following D&D books: Player’s Handbook, Dungeon
PC can gain at the end of the adventure. If a player
Master’s Guide, and the Monster Manual.

BIS7-06 The Golden Masque Page 1

character is three character levels or more either higher A character who does not pay for at least Standard
or lower than the APL at which this adventure is being Upkeep may also avoid the above-described penalties by
played, that character receives only one-half of the living off the wild. If the character possesses four or
experience points and gold for the adventure. This more ranks in the Survival skill and succeeds at a Survival
simulates the fact that either the PC was not challenged check (DC 20), the character will heal temporary ability
as much as normal or relied on help by higher-level damage as if he or she paid for Standard Upkeep, may
characters to reach the objectives. refill spell component pouches and healer’s kits, and may
restock up to 20 arrows or bolts if the character has at
Furthermore, a PC who is four or more levels higher
least four ranks in Craft (bowmaking). The player is
than the highest APL supported by the adventure may
allowed to Take 10 on this roll.
not play the adventure.
More information about Lifestyle and Upkeep can
Mundane # of Animals be found in the “Lifestyle and Upkeep” section of
Animals Effect on Chapter 3 of the LIVING GREYHAWK Campaign Sourcebook.
1 2 3 4

1/4 & 1/6 0 0 0 1 ADVENTURE BACKGROUND

1/3 & 1/2 0 0 1 1 Lord Camryn Fertuine is a man who knows how to turn
adversity into opportunity. In CY 585 the peasants
1 1 1 2 3
rebelled against Baron Faren Cassiter, a Ketite
2 2 3 4 5 collaborator, and Camryn used the popular uprising as
CR of Animal

the justification for driving his rapier through Faren’s

3 3 4 5 6
heart. Seven years later Camryn, now Baron of Cassiter,
4 4 6 7 8 grew weary of paying levies to his counterpart in
Dountham and formed a Thieves Guild there to steal the
5 5 7 8 9
money back for him. One year later Baron Fertuine saw
6 6 8 9 10 the strife between Elina Luchelyn and Zafar Rashedra as
the means to sell his vote on the Bissel Ruling Council to
7 7 9 10 11
the highest bidder. Today the dire situation of a plague
has driven Lord Fertuine to seek a very lucrative and
LIVING GREYHAWK adventures are designed for APL dangerous partnership.
2 and higher. Four or five 1st-level characters may find the
While Galen Luchelyn - formerly a stalwart Knight
challenge of an APL 2 adventure difficult. Suggest the
of the Watch, until Evard turned him into trusted and
following to these groups to help increase their chances
powerful vampiric lieutenant - did not create the plague
of success:
besetting Bissel, he does have the means to fight against
1. Enlist a sixth player. its effects. In exchange for an endless supply of an elixir
that guards against the plague, Lord Fertuine has granted
2. Advise characters to buy riding dogs to help protect
free and safe travels throughout his lands to Galen and
them, and fight for them.
those who serve him. Necromancers and undead roam
freely in the court at Cassiter, where a masque without
TIME UNITS AND UPKEEP end is being held for the purpose of forgetting the plague
and the suffering of those outside Fertuine Manor.
This is a standard one-round Regional adventure, set in
Bissel. Characters native to Bissel pay one Time Unit per Meanwhile, the newly elected Margrave, Malto
round, all others pay two Time Units per round. Adeur, has been hearing the oaths of fealty owed to him
by the Barons of Bissel. A few Barons have not yet made
Adventurer’s Standard Upkeep costs 12 gp per Time
the journey to Thornward to fulfill their feudal
Unit. Rich Upkeep costs 50 gp per Time Unit. Luxury
obligations. Lord Camryn Fertuine is among the Barons
Upkeep costs 100 gp per Time Unit. Characters that fail
who have yet to pledge loyalty to Margrave Malto, and
to pay at least Standard Upkeep will retain temporary
the new sovereign is beginning to get concerned.
ability damage until the next adventure, must buy new
spell component pouches and healer’s kits, and may
suffer other in-game penalties (or possibly gain in-game
benefits) as may be detailed in this adventure.

BIS7-06 The Golden Masque Page 2

ADVENTURE SUMMARY Encounter 2: Death and Transfiguration
Estimated Time: 5 minutes
The PCs begin at the Margrave’s court in Thornward;
The PCs travel to Cassiter and enter the Baronial capital
here they learn that Baron Camryn Fertuine has not yet
of Rabechel, where they begin to get some idea of what
traveled to the capital to renew his pledge of fealty to the
has been transpiring in the town.
throne. The PCs are dispatched to Cassiter to investigate
if anything has happened to the Baron to prevent his Encounter 3: The Noon Witch
travel to and communication with Thornward. Estimated Time: 45 minutes
The PCs arrive in Rabechel, the baronial capital of The PCs come across a hapless adventurer who is about to
Cassiter. There they find a deserted and desolate place; fall prey to an undead druid and her entourage. Combat
the plague here has spread quickly and ravaged the ensues.
populace. The only sign of activity that the PCs
encounter is a stray patrol of creatures loyal to Galen
Encounter 4: Luonnatar
Estimated Time: 10 minutes
Luchelyn harassing a lone adventurer. Once the PCs
dispatch Galen’s supporters, they can speak with the The PCs make contact with an “adventuress by trade and
adventurer to gain some information. damsel in distress by unlucky fortune.” She can provide
some useful information for the party.
Once the PCs enter Fertuine Manor they begin to
hear strange screams, though they will be unable to Encounter 5: An Episode during Masquerade
locate the source. Also, in the Manor they will find more Estimated Time: 75 minutes
of Galen’s supporters and concrete proof of a close
The PCs explore Fertuine Manor, gathering more
alliance between Galen and Baron Fertuine. In the
information as they do. They run into some of the Baron’s
dungeon the PCs will find Camryn’s brother Knowel and
new allies and combat ensues.
another captive with some information. Exiting the
manor, the PCs will encounter an interested party Encounter 6: The Origin of Fire
purporting to be an agent of the March. If the PCs can Estimated Time: 20 minutes
see through the bluff, they will gain more information
Underneath the dungeons of Fertuine Manor, the PCs
useful for subsequent installments of the series. After the
encounter two of the Baron’s prisoners. Both of these
PCs are done in Cassiter, the return to Thornward to
persons can provide the PCs with useful information.
report what they have seen.
Encounter 7: Le Chasseur Maudit
The module ends on a cliffhanger; Malto decides to
Estimated Time: 25 minutes
send a heavy force into Cassiter to meet the Baron’s
challenge to his authority. In the next adventure of the While leaving, the PCs encounter a man claiming to be a
series, the PCs return to Cassiter to deliver the heavy Mist Chameleon agent – but he has his own goals to
hammer of vengeance directly onto Baron Fertuine’s persue with the PCs.
Encounter 8: A Heroic Life
Introduction: Pictures at an Exhibition Estimated Time: 10 minutes
Estimated Time: 5 minutes
The PCs return to Thornward to learn that the problems
The PCs begin the adventure witnessing the fealty in Bissel are continuing to multiply.
ceremony of Baron Theoder Cullen as he pledges loyalty
Conclusion: The Prelude
to the new Margrave, Malto Adeur. Here they learn of
Estimated Time: 5 minutes
how Baron Camryn Fertuine has been delinquent in
renewed his pledge of fealty. Preperations are being made to take an army into
Cassiter. The PCs will have to wait for the next module to
Encounter 1: Domestic Symphony participate in these events.
Estimated Time: 10 minutes
The PCs meet with a few important nobles. They are told
about the situation in Cassiter and are asked to look into
it. The adventure is intended to be very straightforward in
its format; the PCs travel to Rabechel where they gain
valuable information and then they return to Thornward.
That being said, Encounter 4 and Encounter 7 can pose

BIS7-06 The Golden Masque Page 3

some problems for an unprepared judge. In Encounter 4 assembled crowd around you begins to applaud.
a good balance between playing to the PCs paranoia in Many of the fealty ceremonies by which the Barons
exploring the mansion must be balanced with good time of Bissel have pledged their loyalty to the newly
management. Encounter 7 is not a standard win or die elected Margrave Matlo Adeur have been open to the
combat; the PCs’ opponent is not out to kill them and can public, but when you decided to attend one you
“win” the encounter without combat having to ensue. It didn’t think it would be this colorful. The oddly
is recommended that this encounter is studied carefully dressed Baron and the constant intoning in Ancient
and that the judge prerolls the Bluff checks of the PCs’ Baklunish were very unexpected. Throughout the
opponent. ceremony you had plenty of time to wonder how
Thoeder Cullen, Baron of Cullen Drae could stand
Before beginning the adventure, check to see if one
the chill of the stark throne room in his bare feet.
of the PCs possesses the Strange Orb from BIS6-05 The
Now that the formalities are done with you begin to
Unauthorized Biography of Lady Constance Lendel. Only one
think more on the servants as they set up tables for
PC can carry the orb with them at the table, so make this
the upcoming feast.
determination up front.
The players may have some questions on what they have
Also, check to see if one of the PCs possesses the
just witnessed. The following is public knowledge: as is
Curiosity Compulsion from BIS5-05 Strange Bedfellows.
custom the Margrave receives visits from each of the
This condition will likely make their time in Fertuine
Barons in Thornward so that they may renew their
Manor an interesting one.
pledges of loyalty to the throne. In the first year of a
As well, check to see if any of the PCs is affiliated Margrave’s rule, these ceremonies can be quite elaborate,
with the Thieves Guild of Dountham. Their affiliation though they are usually less formal at the discretion of
has some bearing on what occurs in the adventure. the Margrave. The man dressed in hides and furs is Baron
Thoeder Cullen, Baron of Cullen Drae. The crowned man
The expected running time of this adventure is 3
is Margrave Malto Adeur. They, along with many nobles,
hours, 30 minutes. If this is running during a standard 4-
courtiers and important personages are gathered in the
hour convention slot, this allows 25 minutes for
Throneroom of Thornward Keep, located in Thornward,
marshalling, and 5 minutes for paperwork distribution.
capital of Bissel.

INTRODUCTION: PICTURES PCs who speak Ancient Baklunish understand the

words quoted. Essentially the Baron pledges his loyalty
AT AN EXHIBITION and the loyalty of his subjects and proffered a symbol of
Estimated Time: 5 minutes that loyalty, a wooden rod. Malto replied with thanks (in
a halting and untrained accent).
“Dre Kulla al-Layik abdu-Geshtai, Dre Kulla ymir-
Dre Kulla benzoin kalakti Malto,” says the tall thin PCs who succeed at a Knowledge [nobility and
man dressed in a colored hides and animal skins, his royalty] check (DC 15) know that Baron Cullen is a druid
dark hair braided with dried leaves and feathers. He of Geshtai, like those of his line before him.
kneels and brandishes an intricate carved rod upon
The PCs may wish to gather some information and
which hang a disparate collection of wood-carved
rumors before continuing. They are in a good place to do
baubles and feathers. The rod makes a slight
this as they are among some of the most influential
percussive sound reminiscent of the falling rain as
nobles and courtiers of the land. They also tend to be a bit
it is presented to another man, one still standing
gossipy. The following are rumors they can pick up with
upon a raised dais in front of the kneeling speaker.
a Gather Information check that beats the DC listed. The
The first man is also tall, well formed and truth or falsehood of each rumor will be revealed with
muscular despite his obvious old age. He wears the passage of time.
robes of scarlet and black, with a richly decorated
cloak of blue around his shoulders. On his brow DC 10
rests the crown of the Margrave of Bissel. He bows • Jasmine and Cainlan Rashedra have announced the
slightly and places his hands on the proffered birth of their daughter, Kira.
wooden rod and replies.
• Avernand Keep, the first Ket fortress along the Irafa
“Dre Kulla al-Layik adbu-Geshtai, shokran Road has been lost - the first defeat for the Bissel
benzoin. Anta lateef,” says the crowned man with a forces.
smile. As the wooden rod changes possession, the

BIS7-06 The Golden Masque Page 4

DC 15 • (DC 15) The current Baron of Cassiter, Lord Camryn
Fertuine, ascended to his position by killing the
• A significant portion of the Bramblewood south of
previous baron, a Ketite collaborator.
Avernand Keep has been razed, and a large camp has
been constructed. It hasn’t given Bissel forces the • (DC 20) The Knights of the Watch openly suspect
leverage to retake Avernand, but has allowed a Lord Fertuine of directing one or more Thieves’
stalemate. Guilds operating in Bissel, including the large one in
Dountham. There is no love lost between the Baron
• Almost all the barons of Bissel have now traveled to
of Cassiter and the Knights of the Watch.
Thornward to renew their pledges of fealty to the
new Margrave, Malto Adeur. One, in particular, who • (DC 25) Most of the other Barons don’t like the
has not, is Lord Camryn Fertuine, Baron of Cassiter. Baron of Cassiter and would like to see him replaced
with his brother, Knowel Fertuine. Other Barons are
DC 20 hesitant to see a Knowel, a priest of Kurell (CN
• Strange lights have been reported shining from Oeridian God of Jealousy, Revenge and Theft),
beneath the surface of Lake Hasra. elevated to a Baronial seat.

• They just can’t find a worthy competitor to fight Once you are ready to continue, proceed to Encounter 1.
against the famed pit fighter, Brar the Crusader. In
order to keep up interest organizers in Sareden have ENCOUNTER 1: DOMESTIC
taken to organizing group fights, where the
acclaimed brawler takes on two or more opponents SYMPHONY
at a time. Estimated Time: 10 minutes

DC 25 The PCs may be feeling a little out of place among the

nobles and courtiers gathered at the ceremony. Explain
• Margrave Adeur has fallen ill. It is not the plague that there are a few adventurers present as well as soldiers
that wears on him; nor does it appear to be his age. and other individuals more used to the battlefield than
the feast hall. Make sure the PCs are introduced and can
• It is said the forces of Iuz have begun to stir. His
be construed as being “together” for the remainder of the
most powerful minions are searching for something.
• The Paercium Camerata is a group of scholars
Margrave Malto is not approachable at this point but
assembled on Malto’s orders. They are researchers
there’s another person interested in seeing the PCs. Read
looking into various problems of Bissel, mainly the
or paraphrase the following:
plague that spreads across the land. Their existence
is supposed to be a secret. Purposefully making her way over to you is a
beautiful young woman dressed in an expensive
• Some of the residents of Truelight are being allowed
looking blue dress with matching jewelry. She has
to return to the city after the Barony was retaken by
tan skin and honey-blonde hair. She carries an
a contingent of the army. The Temple of Pelor is
infant on her shoulder. “Excuse me,” she says
under guard at all times and no one is allowed to
addressing you as she passes the baby to a waiting
servant. “Aren’t you friends of my husband?”
DC 30 The woman is Jasmine Besselar, the Baroness of
• The war with Ket has stalled along the Irafa Road, Besselar. It may be that case that the PCs have met her
with the loss of Avernand. However, the Field before: she appears in a number of adventures including,
Marshall seems oddly confident. but not limited to, BIS5-05 Strange Bedfellows which
concerned events surrounding her wedding to Cainlan
The adventure takes place in the Barony of Cassiter. PCs Rashedra. Feel free to role-play a bit; Jasmine can impart
who wish to gain a little information on this place at any the following information:
point in the adventure may attempt a Knowledge [local –
Sheldomar Valley metaregion] check that beats the DCs • Jasmine has been Baroness of her lands for two years
listed below: now, following the death of her father at the hands
of agents of Evard. Her father and Cainlan’s
• (DC 10) Cassiter is located in Southwestern Bissel. grandfather were political allies and likely died
The residents are extremely wary of outsiders. The together.
capital of Cassiter is Rabechel.

BIS7-06 The Golden Masque Page 5

• Her daughter is named Kira, after Cainlan’s dearly bears the same name as Cainlan’s dearly departed
departed mother. Kira is 6 months old. Jasmine mother.
fawns over her daughter’s achievements, feel free to
• Cainlan can’t wait for his daughter to be old enough
improvise some (Kira is crawling at an alarming
to learn to ride and swing a sword.
speed, Kira spoke her first word, Kira cast her first
magic missile, etc.). • Cainlan has been teaching Malto the Baklunish
language, and most of the Baklunish Barons have
• The fealty ceremony was quite magnificent. Her
taken the Margrave’s effort to have fealty ceremonies
husband coached the Margrave on his Baklunish.
in the Ancient tongue as a high complement. If the
The fealty ceremonies do tend to be formal. As per
PCs are curious, Cainlan will disclose that in his own
the traditions of the Barons of Besselar, Jasmine was
fealty ceremony he was required to wear an ornate
required to recite epic poetry and present the new
golden helm and participate in a number of staged
monarch with a ruby encrusted silver cup. Since
mock duals representing past events, all according to
times are a little tough, it was a small cup.
• While she thinks her husband would have done an
• Being Margrave was once extremely important to
excellent job had he been elected Margrave, she
Cainlan, but after the birth of his daughter he sees
believes that Malto has reacted extremely well to the
that life as a noble is not his most important
crisis with Ket.
achievement. He feels honored that Malto has
• She is not very knowledgeable about warfare, and treated him as a trusted advisor, even though they
doesn’t have much to say about the war in Ket. were once political rivals.
Jasmine had a purpose for seeking out the PCs, one that • Regarding the conflict with Ket: Cainlan sees that
she wants to make clear. there is a genuine concern with overextending
Bissel armies. Staunch allies are critical to Bissel’s
“Do you see Cainlan around here?” ask Jasmine with
success against those traitorous Ketites.
a look of mild concern. “He had mentioned having a
need for “heroes tried and true.” That man does love Cainlan’s need for the PCs has nothing to do with more
a good cliché.” ceremonies.
As if on cue a man of clear Baklunish descent Cainlan passes his daughter to a hovering servant
dressed in a crisp military uniform plucks the infant and then sits at a hastily placed table. He motions
from the woman’s arms and holds her aloft. “There’s for you to sit with him, as more servants begin to
my pretty girl,” he exclaims. With a look to Jasmine bring out food and drink for the feast.
he adds “Both of them.”
“The ceremony you witnessed here today is an
Jasmine sighs, or perhaps more precisely extremely important one, as it fosters trust between
groans, at her husband’s comment and then the Barons and the ruling monarch. Almost all of
presents you and your companions. Cainlan the Barons have made the journey to Thornward for
transfers his daughter into one arm and extends his the rite.” Cainlan takes a long drink before
free hand in friendship. continuing. “Those that have not yet pledged their
fealty have at least been in communication with
It may be the case that the PCs have met Cainlan
legitimate reasons for their delay, but one man in
Rashedra before: he appears in a number of adventures
particular has been exceptional in having no
including, but not limited to, BIS5-05 Strange Bedfellows
communication with anyone since the beginning of
which concerned events surrounding his wedding to
the year.”
Jasmine. Feel free to role-play a bit; Cainlan can impart
the following information: “His name is Lord Camryn Fertuine, and he is
the Baron of Cassiter. Let me reiterate: it’s not that
• Cainlan has been Baron of Parulla for two years now,
the Baron has been unable to make his way to
following the death of his grandfather at the hands
Thornward; there has been no communication
of agents of Evard. His grandfather and Jasmine’s
whatsoever. I want a group to travel there and find
father were political allies and likely died together.
out what has happened. If it is a case of the Baron
• Since Cainlan and Jasmine are both without their being…indignant, then deliver the message that he
parents they felt it important to honor their is to report to Thornward, but take no other actions.
ancestors through their children. Their daughter If the state of affairs is, as I fear, more dire then deal

BIS7-06 The Golden Masque Page 6

with what aspects of the situation you are able and departing. If they wish to purchase equipment or
report back. Can you do this?” services, they are in luck – Thornward is the heart of
trade in the March. They can purchase anything from the
Cainlan can impart the following information:
following PHB tables: Table 7-3: Trade Goods, Table 7-5:
• The Barony of Cassiter is almost literally on the Weapons (small & medium sized), Table 7-6: Armor and
direct opposite side of Bissel from Thornward. Even Shields, Table 7-8: Goods and Services (except they can’t
riding swift horses a journey there will take five to have spells cast by NPCs). They may purchase any potion,
six days of hard travel. oil, or scroll from the DMG Tables 7-17, 7-23, or 7-24 with
a market price of 750 gp or less, and any standard spell
• Absolutely no information is coming of Cassiter. components up to 2,000 gp in value.
One major road skirts the edge of the Barony’s
northern border and many travelers and merchants Once they have made any preparations, and wish to
refuse to enter without good reason. Despite the lack head to Cassiter, continue with Encounter 2.
of communication, the residents of the Barony have
a reputation for being extremely ill tempered toward ENCOUNTER 2: DEATH AND
• If the PCs inquire about Lord Camryn Fertuine’s Estimated Time: 5 minutes
character, Cainlan can provide all the information
excepting that at the highest DC from the In this Encounter the PCs travel to Cassiter and enter the
Knowledge [local – Sheldomar Valley metaregion] baronial capital of Rabechel. Descriptions for travel are
check in the introduction. not given. PCs may use whatever means they have at
their disposal (teleport, wind walk, their own two feet) to
• Upon successful completion of the task, Cainlan can get to Cassiter. For the purposes of teleport, Rabechel is
arrange some sufficient hazard pay as well as formal considered as having been viewed by PCs with a home
commendations to those in the military. region of Bissel only. Even then it can only be considered
Once the PCs agree, read or paraphrase the following: as being “Viewed Once” for the purposes of the spell. The
exception would be PCs who have a home region of
Just as you are uttering your agreements to Bissel and a declared home area of Cassiter. The PC, as
Cainlan’s request, a shadow falls over the table. per the rules in the Bissel Omnibus, would have this
Standing before you is Margrave Malto Adeur, logged in the play notes of a previous AR. In this rare
accompanied by a retinue of about twenty or so case Rabechel is considered as “Very Familiar.” This is
courtiers and servants. due to the insular nature of a barony where outsiders are
Hastily Cainlan stands and bows. Jasmine does not welcome.
the same, standing and passing the baby to a waiting For all other methods of travel, note that the
servant and curtsying in one fluid motion. distance of Thornward to Rabechel is about 230 miles as
Ask what the PCs are doing at this moment. If the the crow flies. Cassiter is a desolate place at this time.
PCs do not stand and bow (or curtsy as the case may be) Most of the population is dead from the plague; those
or if they act in a blatantly disruptive or offensive that cling to life are in hiding from undead that roam the
manner, then they gain the Insulted the Margrave favor on lands unchallenged.
the AR. Once the PCs enter Rabechel, read or paraphrase the
After a brief moment, Cainlan straightens and following:
motions to you and your companions. “These are the You’ve heard of the famously cold and unfriendly
ones, Your Lofty Grace. I’ve explained the problem demeanor of the people of Cassiter, but nothing
and they’ve agreed to look into it.” prepared you for what you see when you enter
The Margrave looks upon each of you briefly Rabechel. The streets of the city are deserted, only a
and then turns toward Cainlan before saying, “Good. few mangy and emaciated dogs wander about. The
They look more than capable. Keep me apprised of houses and shops are dark, the taverns and inns are
the situation.” The Margrave and his entourage then silent. Worse than the desertion and the silence is
move away to greet others gathered in the hall. the stench, a foul rotting smell like old meat left in
the sun. On many of the doors is marked a crude,
The PCs are free to depart at this point. The PCs have the painted black hand.
opportunity to make special preparations before

BIS7-06 The Golden Masque Page 7

The PCs may try to investigate a town, but they  Echlora, Necropolitan Female Human Drd3:
won’t find anything of importance. Fertuine Manor, the hp 29; see Appendix 2.
home of the Baron, is located about a half mile outside
 Tozar, Dire Rat Companion: hp 23; see
the town. While in Rabechel the PCs can enter homes.
Appendix 2.
Feel free to describe the desolation of a population
completely destroyed by disease. Don’t get bogged down APL 6 (EL 9)
with specifics.
 Advanced Carrion Crawler (3): hp 63; see
Once the PCs get the idea of what’s been happening Appendix 3.
in Rabechel, have the party make a Listen check (DC 5).
 Echlora, Necropolitan Female Human Drd5:
Those that succeed here pain-wracked cries for help
hp 49; see Appendix 3.
coming from a nearby warehouse. If they decide to
investigate, proceed to Encounter 3.  Tozar, Dire Rat Companion: hp 23; see
Appendix 3.
WITCH  Devil Crawler (3): hp 72; see Appendix 4.
Estimated Time: 45 minutes
 Echlora, Necropolitan Female Human Drd7:
When the PCs decide to investigate they will find the hp 68; see Appendix 4.
adventurer Luona Tar being tormented by Echlora and
her pets. Combat ensues; use DM Aid: Map #1 – The Noon  Tozar, Dire Rat Companion: hp 38; see
Witch to note NPC positions. Appendix 4.

You follow the cries you’ve heard to a dark APL 10 (EL 13)
warehouse in the deserted town of Rabechel.  Devil Crawler (4): hp 72; see Appendix 5.
Searching for an entrance you find a ruined section
of wall that seems to have been torn down by some  Echlora, Necropolitan Female Human
immense creatures. Through the hole you see Drd10: hp 98; see Appendix 5.
humanoid figure in leathers writhing on the ground  Tozar, Dire Rat Companion: hp 53; see
in pain. (A) Multilegged creature(s) with a long, Appendix 5.
insect-like body clacks at you through its tooth-
filled maw. To the side is a horrific pile of stacked APL 12 (EL 15)
bodies.  Devil Crawler (5): hp 99; see Appendix 6.
Observing all this with obvious glee is a  Echlora, Necropolitan Female Human
withered human woman with sunken eye sockets. Drd13: hp 127; see Appendix 6.
She wears tattered black clothing and a bizarre,
gnarled amulet. Pointing at you and your  Tozar, Dire Rat Companion: hp 68; see
companions she exclaims, “Feast my pets, but leave Appendix 6.
their innards for me to sup on!” Preparation: Echlora and her “pets” have been out
APL 2 (EL 5) collecting bodies for the purposes of her own dark
interests and those of her masters. While they have been
 Carrion Crawler: hp 23; see Monster Manual, moving around Rabechel she has cast a number of buff
page 30. spells, depending on the APL.
 Echlora, Necropolitan Female Human Drd1: Tactics: Thanks to her Amulet of Aberrant Empathy,
hp 15; see Appendix 1. Echlora can direct the carrion crawlers with her Handle
 Tozar, Dire Rat Companion: hp 7; see Appendix Animal skill. The Carrion Crawlers have been well
1. trained. Echlora supports the attacking Carrion Crawlers
with spells, only wild shaping if there is no other
APL 4 (EL 7) alternative (excepting at APL 12 when she can wild shape
 Carrion Crawler (2): hp 23; see Monster Manual, as a swift action due to the mantle of the beast). The cure
page 30. spells she has prepared are for her pets, not for her. Tozar,
her dire rat animal companion, stays by her side to
protect her.

BIS7-06 The Golden Masque Page 8

Luona Tar is the “humanoid figure in leathers,” she is worn leather armor. Of note is the small crossbow
more fully described in Encounter 4. She spends the hanging at her hip and a strange rune etched upon
combat screaming as pain shoots through her body, due the right side of her face. As she picks up her
to an interesting curse. Again, see Encounter 4 for more backpack, she lays eyes on you and your companions
details. for the first time.
Treasure: Most of the treasure here is found on the At this point, Luona’s curse may kick into effect. If the
destroyed form of Echlora, though Tozar has barding party consists of any visible Medium-sized or larger
which can be looted. living creature with more than two legs (a centaur, an
animal companion, a familiar, etc.) then read or
APL 2: L: 37 gp, C: 173 gp, M: 166 gp, amulet of
paraphrase the following (otherwise skip this bit):
aberrant empathy (116 gp).
The rune on the side of her face begins to glow a
APL 4: L: 88 gp, C: 3 gp, M: 120 gp, amulet of aberrant
fiery red color. She issues forth a hideous scream
empathy (116 gp), potion of protection from good (4 gp).
and drops to the ground in obvious pain. Between
APL 6: L: 74 gp, C: 203 gp, M: 241 gp, amulet of screams she points and yells, “Get it away! Get it
aberrant empathy (116 gp), potion of protection from good away!”
(4 gp), +1 heavy wooden shield (96 gp), potion of blur (25
Luona points to members of the party that match the
above description (more than two legs, living, Medium-
APL 8: L: 60 gp, C: 103 gp, M: 504 gp, amulet of sized or larger, visible). She will not be able to speak until
aberrant empathy (116 gp), potion of protection from good they are out of sight.
(4 gp), +1 heavy wooden shield (96 gp), potion of blur (25
Once Luona is able to speak, she can provide some
gp), +1 hide armor (97 gp), ring of protection +1 (166 gp).
information for the PCs. Likely questions and their
APL 10: L: 27 gp, C: 263 gp, M: 1215 gp, amulet of answers are listed below. Luona has a checkered history.
aberrant empathy (116 gp), potion of protection from good She began life as Luona Tarfingers, a halfling from the
(4 gp), +1 heavy wooden shield (96 gp), potion of blur (25 Barony of Gerorgos in eastern Bissel. She was killed on
gp), +2 dragonhide plate armor (608 gp), ring of an adventure and reincarnated into human form by a
protection +1 (166 gp), +1 silver scimitar (200 gp). druid ally. She will not disclose any of this information to
the PCs; the background has been written to aid the
APL 12: L: 27 gp, C: 268 gp, M: 2715 gp, amulet of judge to portraying Luona. She’s friendly, talkative and
aberrant empathy (116 gp), potion of protection from good operates with a very loose definition of what constitutes
(4 gp), +1 heavy wooden shield (96 gp), potion of blur (25 as “personal property.” In short, she acts like a halfling
gp), +2 dragonhide plate armor (608 gp), ring of even though she’s a human.
protection +1 (166 gp), +1 silver scimitar (200 gp), mantle
of the beast (1500 gp). • “Who are you?”
Developments: The PCs will find a note from “The name’s Luona Tar. Adventuress by trade and
Echlora’s undead allies once they search her defeated damsel in distress by unlucky fortune.”
husk. When they find this, give them Player’s Handout 1.
• “What are you doing in a deserted town?
Luona Tar is thankful for the timely rescue. By
“I came her with a friend of mine. He’s from around
saving her from Echlora and her pets, the PCs receive the
here and he needed to visit with his brother.”
Gratitude of Luona. If they wish to converse with Luona,
proceed to Encounter 4. • “Who is your friend?”
“My friend’s name is Knowel Fertuine; his older
ENCOUNTER 4: LUONNATAR brother is the Baron of these lands.”
Estimated Time: 10 minutes
• “Where is Knowel now?”
This encounter occurs after Echlora and her pets have
been defeated. In this encounter the PCs meet Luona Tar, “We split up once we hit Rabechel. He traveled to
an adventuress with some useful information to impart. the family estate whilst I tarried behind.”

As the last of the enemies are destroyed, the • “What was your purpose staying behind while
humanoid figure they were tormenting stands. She Knowel traveled to the manor?”
is a human woman with dark hair dressed in well-

BIS7-06 The Golden Masque Page 9

“The place is deserted, it looks like it’s been ravaged will try to speak to PC Guild members privately or impart
by the Hand. There’s survivors might be needing the information below with a hastily written note.
help, though.”
• Only for members of the Thieves Guild of
[PCs who request and succeed at a Sense Motive check Dountham.
(DC 25) note that Luona seems less interested in
“The folks what run things up in Dountham are
survivors then she claims. Likely she is more interested
getting a little worried that they haven’t heard from
in looting the dead.]
Lord Fertuine in a long while. Even his own brother,
• “How did you meet Knowel?” who’s one of ours if you didn’t know, hasn’t heard
anything. Knowel is up at the manor to make sure
“We both belong to a… social club.”
the arrangements are still good.”
[Luona will not be more specific as to the nature of the
The PCs may be concerned about Luona’s curse. The
“social club.”]
curse can be lifted by a simple remove curse spell. PCs can
• “What’s the deal with the rune?” get Luona’s gratitude if the PCs do they can remove the
curse themselves or arrange to pay (out of their own
“Oh that. It’s a curse I picked during a bit of
pocket, no over the cap gold) for the removal of the curse.
unpleasantness of few years back. My companions
PCs who do this, or PCs who cover the combined cost of
and I were tracking a priest of Wastri in the swamps
the spell, receive the Greater Gratitude of Luona on the AR.
of Cullen Drae. I was captured before the affair was
Members of the Thieves Guild of Dountham receive this
over, and the frog-worshipping jackanape stamped
favor regardless.
the bloody sign on me. Now any time I lay eyes on a
creature bigger than a pup with more than two legs, Luona will not travel with the PCs to Fertuine
the rune burns and I’m wracked with debilitating Manor; she wants to explore some more around the town.
pain.” She wishes to do this alone, though she promises that if
she sees the PCs in trouble that she’ll come help them
• “How did you come to be in that sticky situation?”
“I was exploring in this warehouse, looking for The PCs can continue to explore Rabechel, but the
survivors, when that undead she-witch and her pets real action is at Fertuine Manor. There is no set time limit
came up behind me. Of course, when I saw those on the remaining encounters of the adventure. The PCs
foul monstrous centipedes, I couldn’t do a thing to may rest in Rabechel before setting off to Fertuine Manor
defend myself.” if they so desire. When the PCs decide to travel to
• “Where can we find the manor that your friend Fertuine Manor, proceed to Encounter 5.
Knowel traveled to?” All APLs
“Fertuine Manor is a ways away from Rabechel,  Luona Tar: Female Human (bOs) Rog10 (Bluff
probably about a half-mile though those woods to +15, Sense Motive +12); AL CG; hp 52.
the east.”
• “You mentioned something called the “Hand” ENCOUNTER 5: AN EPISODE
earlier. What did you mean by that?”
“What’s wrong with you, haven’t you got eyes? The Estimated Time: 75 minutes
“Black Hand” s’what folk have been calling the
disease what’s been spreading around. Nasty blight – This encounter covers the PCs arrival at Fertuine Manor
those that catch it get nasty black pustules that look and their explorations therein. When the PCs decide to
like hands on their skin. Then they die. Real travel to the manor, read or paraphrase the following:
horrible.” The road leading from Rabechel to the Baronial
Luona is a member of the Thieves’ Guild of Dountham. Manor travels through a sparsely forested woods.
PC members of the Guild will recognize her as a member The trees are bare for the upcoming winter, the
immediately. They also know that Knowel Fertuine is leaves they wore in the living seasons have gathered
affiliated with the Thieves’ Guild, and it is common on the floor of the forest. The sounds these leaves
knowledge that his brother the Baron has some deal with make underneath your footfalls are the only sound
the Guild so that his servant and allies are never the accompanying your journey. It’s not long before you
targets of Thieves’ Guild operations. If possible, Luona can spy a large house through the bare branches.

BIS7-06 The Golden Masque Page 10

If the PCs can succeed at a Listen check (DC 25), they will make the necessary efforts to buff themselves for
will hear faint sounds of howls and screams coming from upcoming combat.
the direction of the manor.
Location A
Once the PCs approach the manor, read or
paraphrase the following:
The front room to Fertuine Manor is stark; the only
furniture being a small table set to the left as you
Fertuine Manor is located on a small rise in these enter. The only exit is a double door in front of you.
barren woods. It is a large structure with a highly On the walls to the left and right hang long red and
decorated façade. The palpable sense that no living green banners on which is depicted the image of a
thing is inside washes over you but this intuition highly decorated golden goat.
does not correspond to the faint sounds of pain-
PCs who succeed at a Knowledge [nobility and royalty]
wracked screams and bestial howls coming from
check (DC 15) know that these banners depict the colors
and symbol of the Fertuine noble family.
Refer to DM Aid: Map #2 – An Episode During Masquerade
The door leading from location A to location F is
for the locations listed below. All doors marked on the
trapped. The trigger is any creature(s) stepping through
map are locked except the following: the door leading
the double door. A portcullis falls on them, maybe
from location A to the outside, the door leading from
causing damaging and blocking the path.
location F to location A, and the door leading from
location G to location F. Only these doors are unlocked. ALL APLs (EL 1)
The doors all have the following characteristics:
 Portcullis Trap: CR 1; mechanical; location
 Strong Wooden Door: 2 in. thick; hardness 5; AC 5; trigger; manual reset; Atk +10 (3d6); Search DC 20;
hp 20; Open Lock DC 30, Break DC 25 Disable Device DC 20. Note: Damage applies only to
those underneath the portcullis. Portcullis blocks
As the PCs travel through the manor, they will constantly
way (possibly splitting the party).
be exposed to horrific sounds. These are the sounds of
the unholy Masque occurring in a pocket dimension The Portcullis has the following characteristics:
overlapping the manor’s position in the Prime Material
 Iron Portcullis: 2 in. thick; hardness 10; AC 5; hp 60;
Plane. This is a fact that the PCs will not be able to learn
Break DC 25
until they have met Knowel (see Encounter 7). Read or
paraphrase the following when describing the horrific The sound of the portcullis dropping definitely alerts
sounds. Kora and any allies with her. They will make the
necessary efforts to buff themselves for upcoming
You hear shrieks of pain, feral wails along with the
sound of bones crunching and flesh ripping
and…music. A jaunty dance at that – all concording Location B
in an unholy symphony. Though you see no
evidence to coincide with what you hear, the sounds This room contains about a half dozen richly
seem to be coming from the very room you are in. decorated chairs flanked by small wooden tables. In
one corner is a large loom with a half-completed
Troubleshooting: The PCs may be inclined to Break and weaving stretched across it. Next to the loom sits a
Enter rather than use the unlocked front door. While small chest.
there are no other entrances marked, there could be a
number of windows available as entry points at the Lord Fertuine’s wife and her maidservants use this room
judge’s discretion. Windows could be located at locations to sew, braid each other’s hair and talk about boys. PCs
B, L, all locations marked D, and all locations marked M who succeed at a Search check (DC 15) find a number of
that are on an outside wall. No other locations will have mundane items like sewing needles, thread, as well as the
windows. All windows are locked and have the following impressive Masterwork Banner of Bissel.
characteristics. Treasure:
 Glass Window: 1 in. thick; hardness 1; AC 4; hp 1; ALL APLs: L: 0 gp, C: 0 gp, M: 666 gp, Masterwork
Open Lock DC 25, Break DC 9 Banner of Bissel (666 gp).
Unless the PCs make exceptional efforts to remain quiet,
breaking down doors or entering through windows
automatically alerts Kora and any allies with her. They

BIS7-06 The Golden Masque Page 11

Location C gray beard and green robes. They all appear to be
engaged in some kind of strange game of chance
Three large plush chairs are placed in this room involving cards.
among a few tables and two tall bookshelves filled
with books. PCs who study the painting and succeed at a Spot check
(DC 15) will note that the youngest of the three men is
The Fertuine library is filled with books that the Baron
cheating. PCs that study the painting and succeed at a
wants people to think he’s read. In reality the books have
Knowledge [religion] check (DC 10) will identify the
almost never been touched.
figures playing cards in the painting as Ehlonna,
Location D Olidammara, Mayaheine, Pelor, and Fharlanghn.
A plush four-poster bed and with a richly appointed Location F
chest at its foot mark this room as a noble’s quarters. This wide hallway sports several portraits of the
These rooms house Lord Fertuine and his wife, his owner. Doors are attached to each wall.
brother Knowel when he is in residence and guests of
All but one of the portraits depicts Lord Fertuine. He has
noble bearing that they host. Mundane details can be
predominantly Suel features and is several hundred
filled in at the judge’s discretion.
pounds over weight. In each painting he is depicted
Location E wearing noble’s clothing and engaged performing
valorous acts: slaying Ketites, riding out on the hunt,
In the center of this room is a long wooden table sitting in wise judgment over his subjects. The remaining
surrounded by seven wooden chairs. On the table painting depicts Lord Fertuine’s wife, a slight woman of
are a map and some other curious items. A strange Suel descent dressed in a striking green dress.
painting hangs on one wall and an ornately
decorated cabinet stands opposite it. Location G
This room is used by Lord Fertuine to entertain his This large room is likely used by the Baron for
guests who enjoy games of chance. PCs who investigate holding court among his subjects, or perhaps for
the table will find a map of the March of Sterich upon balls in fancy dress. Right now the room is empty –
which have been placed a number of intricately carved devoid even of furniture. If it’s possible, the eerie
metal figures. Some of the figures depict humans, elves sounds are louder in this room.
and dwarves while others depict goblinoid creatures.
A number of things occur once the PCs arrive at this
Among the figures are a number of dice.
location. First, the PC who possesses the Strange Orb
Inside the cabinet are several bottles of spirits as well from BIS6-05 The Unauthorized Biography of Lady Constance
as various decks of cards. In addition the PCs can find Lendel receives a vision. Give that player Vision 2 from
some items that aid in luck that they might wish to loot, Player Handout #2 --- Glimpses of Horror. Read the following
depending on APL: to the other PCs, modifying it for the particular situation:
Treasure: [Name of Orb bearer] gets a blank look on his face as
he reaches into his pack and pulls forth a small glass
APL 4 and 6: L: 0 gp, C: 0 gp, M: 499 gp, Bands of
orb. As he gazes into it, a look of terror crosses his
Fortune (166 gp), Rod of Ropes (333 gp).
APL 8, 10 and 12: L: 0 gp, C: 0 gp, M: 1582 gp, Bands
He begins to spin about, staring intently at the
of Fortune (166 gp), Rod of Ropes (333 gp), Wheel of orb he holds. He cocks his head, and then begins to
Fortune (500 gp), Lucky Charm (583 gp). lick his lips with an obvious look of hunger.
If PCs decide to investigate the curious painting, read or Suddenly, he pulls his gaze away from the orb,
paraphrase the following: and looks around at you, confusion evident on his
This painting depicts a very curious scene: a group face.
of individuals all seated around a round green table. The orb bearer has seen a vision of what is occurring at
Around the table there is a stunningly beautiful this moment in the contiguous pocket dimension,
dark-haired woman in forester’s garb, a brown though he has no way of knowing this now.
haired man with rakish good-looks, a blue-eyed
woman dressed for battle, and two old men: one Keep watch of the PC positions in this room as the
with wild hair and a golden beard, the other with a Blast Sphere trap activates when any living creature

BIS7-06 The Golden Masque Page 12

comes within five-feet of the center of the room (see allow them to leave alive. Sometimes she just likes to talk
below and the appropriate appendix for more to her food.
APL 2 (EL 5)
Within a few moments of the PCs entering location
 Kora, Vampire Spawn Female human: hp 38;
G (probably immediately after the orb bearer receives his
see Appendix 1.
vision), Kora (and any allies with her) will enter from
location N. Read or paraphrase the following:  Blast Sphere Un: Search DC 16; magic;
proximity (alarm) trigger; see Appendix 1.
A door opens silently and a woman glides into the
room. (Burly-looking guards escort her.) She is APL 4 (EL 7)
beautiful beyond measure, with straight beige hair
 Kora, Vampire Spawn Female human: hp 38;
and light-colored skin. She is dressed in a
see Appendix 2.
diaphanous umber gown and an ornate golden
mask.  Jorm, Vampire Spawn Male human: hp 38; see
Appendix 2.
“What is the password?” she asks through her
mask, as she tilts her perfect head to the side.  Blast Sphere Dau: Search DC 17; magic;
proximity (alarm) trigger; see Appendix 2.
The password is “That’s Rhomstaff!” – Though it is
basically impossible for the PCs to know this. If the PCs APL 6 (EL 9)
respond with an incorrect password, or one of them
 Kora, Vampire Female Human Mnk5: hp 50;
triggers the Blast Sphere trap then combat commences. If
see Appendix 3.
the PCs somehow get lucky and answer with the correct
password, Kora will converse with them. Even in this  Jorm, Vampire Male Human Mnk1/Ftr4: hp
case, Kora will be extremely suspicious of the PCs and 50; see Appendix 3.
guarded with her responses. Kora should be portrayed as
 Blast Sphere Tri: Search DC 18; magic;
the master diplomat that she is, polite but haughty and
proximity (alarm) trigger; see Appendix 3.
extremely guarded with sensitive information. Her most
common response will be “You don’t need to know that,” APL 8 (EL 11)
or something similar. Some of what she discloses is listed
 Kora, Vampire Female Human Mnk7: hp 68;
see Appendix 4.
• She will give her name as Kora and will introduce
 Jorm, Vampire, Male Human Mnk1/Ftr6: hp
her companions (if they are present). Her
68; see Appendix 4.
companions will remain silent.
 Blast Sphere Pedwar: Search DC 19; magic;
• She will not disclose to the PCs who she really works
proximity (alarm) trigger; see Appendix 4.
for (Galen Luchelyn). She will disclose that she has
been aiding the Baron by acting as a liaison between APL 10 (EL 13)
Lord Fertuine and “another party.”
 Kora, Vampire Female Human Mnk9: hp 88;
• The Baron is currently unavailable as his lordship is see Appendix 5.
hosting a Masque (masked party).
 Jorm, Vampire, Male Human Mnk1/Ftr8: hp
• The Baron is in residence. Kora will not disclose the 88; see Appendix 5.
nature of the pocket dimension. She may instead  Morden, Vampire Male Human Mnk1/Ftr4:
state that the Baron is “around” though she will not hp 50; see Appendix 5.
turn that statement into a fat joke.
 Blast Sphere Pum: Search DC 20; magic;
• The PCs are not allowed into the Masque. They must proximity (alarm) trigger; see Appendix 5.
have both the correct password and a written
invitation. If they don’t have an invitation then they APL 12 (EL 15)
must leave.  Kora, Vampire Female Human Mnk9: hp 88;
Even if the PCs respond with the correct password and see Appendix 6.
they have a nice conversation with Kora, she will not  Jorm, Vampire, Male Human Mnk1/Ftr8: hp
88; see Appendix 6.

BIS7-06 The Golden Masque Page 13

 Morden, Vampire, Male Human Mnk1/Ftr6: APL 6: L: 76 gp, C: 436 gp, M: 594 gp, bracers of armor
hp 68; see Appendix 6. +1 (83 gp), potion of protection from good (4 gp), +1
halberd (192 gp), potion of resist energy cold (20) (58 gp),
 Blast Sphere Chwech: Search DC 21; magic;
potion of resist energy cold (30) (91 gp), ring of protection
proximity (alarm) trigger; see Appendix 6.
+1 (166 gp).
Preparation: Kora and her companions are well aware of
APL 8: L: 28 gp, C: 383 gp, M: 1120 gp, bracers of armor
the trap and have taken the necessary precautions to
+1 (83 gp), potion of protection from good x2 (8 gp), +1
augment their already impressive cold resistance if
halberd (192 gp), potion of resist energy cold (30) x2 (182
necessary. They are immune to the Fell Weaken and Fell
gp), ring of protection +1 x2 (332 gp), light crossbow +1
Drain effects at higher levels. In addition if they were
(194 gp), +1 chain shirt (104 gp), potion of blur (25 gp).
aware of the PCs presence (a likely situation) then they
have imbibed potions to augment their combat APL 10: L: 49 gp, C: 689 gp, M: 2239 gp, bracers of
capabilities. armor +1 (83 gp), potion of protection from good x3 (12
gp), +1 halberd (192 gp), potion of resist energy cold (30)
Tactics: Kora likes the taste of arcanists, so she will
x3 (273 gp), ring of protection +1 x2 (332 gp), light
attempt to grapple and blood drain obvious arcane
crossbow +1 (194 gp), +1 chain shirt (104 gp), potion of
spellcasters. Jorm and Morden attack with their Halberds
blur (25 gp), cloak of resistance +1 (83 gp), potion of
if possible but will resort to other attack options if
protection from energy (cold) (62 gp), potion of greater
necessary. If the PCs flee the vampires will chase them
mage armor x3 (187 gp), +1 magebane halberd (692 gp).
around the mansion, but not beyond the mansion
grounds. The trap targets creatures indiscriminately, so APL 12: L: 28 gp, C: 589 gp, M: 2509 gp, bracers of
make sure to roll attack rolls against both the PCs and the armor +1 (83 gp), potion of protection from good x3 (12
NPCs. gp), +1 halberd (192 gp), potion of resist energy cold (30)
IMPORTANT: At APLs 2 and 4 the Vampire Spawn will x3 (273 gp), ring of protection +1 x3 (498 gp), light
not slam for energy drain, opting for other attacks crossbow +1 (194 gp), +1 chain shirt x2 (208 gp), potion
instead. of blur (25 gp), cloak of resistance +1 (83 gp), potion of
protection from energy (cold) (62 gp), potion of greater
Trap: The Blast Sphere is a globe of dark stone that mage armor x3 (187 gp), +1 magebane halberd (692 gp).
descends from a hidden compartment in the room’s
ceiling. It “blasts” (hence the name) all targets in the Developments: The PCs will find a note on Kora’s
room (including enemy NPCs) with a blast of blue-black defeated husk. When they find this, give them Player’s
force. The trap can be handled in the following ways: Handout 3. They can also take the masks worn by their
vampiric opponents, thereby gaining access to The Golden
• The successful Search check at the listed DC allows Mask on the AR.
the PCs to locate a compartment on the wall that
exposes the mechanism by which to disable the trap Once they have dealt with the vampires, the PCs are
(with a successful Disable Device check). free to explore Fertuine Manor unmolested.

• PCs can damage the globe until it is destroyed. The Location H

ceiling is 15 feet from the ground, so PCs will need The only things in this stark room are a few
to have some way to reach it with melee attack (an manacles attached to the wall and a door off to the
Enlarge Person spell, 10’ reach weapon, or by standing left.
on a table or chair brought from another room).
Those individuals who incur the Baron’s anger are
• Spellcasters can counterspell the blasts as they are quickly ushered into this room by guards so that they can
fired as the counterspell action. Unfortunately they be taken to the dungeons below.
can only prevent one such blast per round in this
manner. Location I

Treasure: The following describes equipment that can be This long room sports a number of tables and
found on the destroyed forms of Kora and any allies if cabinets. A large brick oven stands at one side of the
present. Eliminate any potions consumed from this list. room with large stacks of cut logs piled nearby.

APL 2: L: 28 gp, C: 33 gp, M: 0 gp. The kitchen is always a hub of constant work and activity
for the Fertuine servants – the Baron’s massive appetite
APL 4: L: 102 gp, C: 66 gp, M: 0 gp. keeps the cooks very busy. The PCs can find mundane

BIS7-06 The Golden Masque Page 14

kitchen tools and food ingredients, but nothing else of light source has been determined, proceed location by
interest. location. Each of the doors in the dungeon is locked and
has the same characteristic as doors in the manor proper.
Location J
Location A
This small and stark room contains naught but a few
small tables and a large cabinet. Descending the stairs you come to a musty smelling
hallway with a number of small cells. It’s clear to
The servants use this room as a staging area between the
you that those who earn the Baron’s anger wind up
kitchen (location I) and the dining room (location K).
in this dungeon, perhaps to spend the rest of their
Inside the cabinet are the table settings for the dining
room. There is nothing here of interest for the PCs.
There is nothing much of interest in the dungeon.
Location K What’s of more interest to the PCs is in the cells.
A long polished table surrounded by more than
Location B
twenty chairs fills this room almost completely.
Paintings hang from the wall, and tall candelabras Within the cell is a small pile of straw and hay. A set
stand on the table. of manacles is attached to the wall, used to restrain
captives though no prisoner currently resides in
The dining room is exactly as it appears. The paintings
this cell.
depict Lord Fertuine in much the same manner as the
portraits at location F. These cells are both empty. Nothing of interest can be
found here.
Location L
Location C
A half dozen plush chairs and a lingering scent of
pipe smoke tell you that this is another room of Within the cell is a small pile of straw and hay. A set
leisure. of manacles is attached to the wall, and restrained to
the manacles is a husky man of predominantly Suel
This sitting room is for the Baron to entertain guest in an
features. His slumped head indicates that he is
informal setting. There is nothing of interest here for the
The man here is Knowel Fertuine, brother to the Baron.
Location M If the PCs are able to revive him, read or paraphrase the
A stark bed and a small chest tell you that this is the following:
modest quarters inhabited by a servant. The prisoner inhales deeply before regarding you
The chest contains some mundane clothing and items – with iron-gray eyes. “Hello there,” he says without
nothing of interest for the PCs. changing his expression. “I guess you caught me
napping there.” The man’s tone of voice seems to be
Location N completely disinterested in his situation. In a blink
Behind the secure door is a narrow staircase leading he slips from his manacles as is they had not been
downward. holding him. He stands and stretches, his bones
cracking and creaking as he does.
The stairs lead to the dungeons below. If PCs go down to
the dungeons, proceed to Encounter 6. Knowel is completely stoic; he displays only two
emotions when the PCs first meet him. The first is a
small amount of gratitude at their arrival. The second is a
ENCOUNTER 6: THE ORIGIN large amount of hatred for his brother. The PCs probably
OF FIRE have some questions for him. Likely questions and their
Estimated Time: 20 minutes answers are given below.
This encounter occurs in the dungeons underneath • “Who are you?”
Fertuine Manor. Refer to DM Aid: Map #3 – The Origin of
“I am Knowel Fertuine. I suffer the unique insult of
Fire for the location of the places described in this
having Lord Camryn Fertuine, Baron of Cassiter, as
my brother.”
The dungeon is completely dark – determine what
• “How did you come to be here?”
sort of light source the PCs have. Once an appropriate

BIS7-06 The Golden Masque Page 15

“When I came to visit my brother to understand why “Here’s a bit of that serum I mentioned,” he says –
he has been so reclusive I noted some rather tossing the bottle to you.
disturbing changes in the company that he keeps.
A PC who makes any small effort to catch the bottle can.
When I pointed out some of the more foolish
If they open the bottle they will see a noxious-smelling,
choices that he’s been making his repulsiveness
viscous liquid within. Knowel’s backpack has a several
decided to have me locked up?”
bottles of the serum which he wishes to trade to the
• “We met some vampires upstairs. Is that what you Margrave in exchange for vengeance against his brother.
mean when you refer to “disturbing” company?” Still, Knowel doesn’t want to seem like a betrayer – so he
won’t suggest this idea himself. Regardless of whether or
“My ignoramus of a brother has allied himself with
not the PCs suggest the clear beneficence that could
an undead legion, the lord of which provides him
occur through such a partnership, the PCs receive the
with safety and protection from the disease which
Liquid Remedy item on the AR.
marches unchecked around the nation.”
If the PCs can succeed at a Knowledge [religion]
• “How do you really feel about your brother?” check (DC 10), they can identify Knowel’s holy symbol as
“A lout. A voracious layabout with no sense of that of Kurell. Known as The Bitter Hand, Kurell is the
propriety. A fountain of useless babble. A witless Oeridian god of Jealousy, Revenge and Theft.
pile of dung. These are just a few of the words I
Location D
would use to describe my brother.”
Within the cell is a small pile of straw and hay on
• “What are the specifics of the arrangement that your
which lies the unconscious form of a dark-haired
brother has made with the undead?”
woman. She is unshackled though you can tell from
“The monstrosity, here I’m referring to my brother, the bruises on her face and arms that she has been
resides in a newly constructed pocket dimension beaten badly.
contiguous with our own. There he feels he is safe
The woman here is an illumian sorceress called Abgriel.
from the Hand. Also they’ve given him some serum
Baron Fertuine and his undead allies captured her while
that helps boost his resistance to the blight.”
she snooped around. The activities of the PCs awaken her
• “Do you know Luona? We met her in town.” and she takes this opportunity to attempt an escape. Read
or paraphrase the following when a PC enters her cell
“Of course I know her. Is she okay?” with the intent to approach:
• “Luona said you two belong to a “social club” of all As you take one more step closer, the woman’s eyes
things. Do you know what she means?” shoot open. At the same moment, strange ephemeral
“Yes.” sigils begin to rotate around her head and she
intones words of arcane power.
[Knowel will not disclose his affiliation with the
Thieves’ Guild of Dountham.] PCs who succeed at a Spellcraft check (DC 20) will know
that Abgriel is casting teleport. As long as one PC in the
• “How did you get out of those manacles?” party can make an initiative roll above 10 and makes even
“It’s not that hard if you know what you’re doing.” a minimal effort to interfere with Abgriel’s casting, she
can be stopped. If Abgriel somehow gets her spell off
Knowel wishes to leave the manor and travel with the then she teleports away and is not heard from again. It’s
PCs back to Thornward where he hopes that he can make more likely that she is prevented form escaping, at which
a deal with Margrave Malto to exact revenge on his point the PCs have an interesting captive to question.
brother. He doesn’t want to make this seem like it’s his
idea. Once the PCs are done with questions, Knowel will For her part, Abgriel refuses to speak Common or
get ready for travel. Read or paraphrase the following: any other language other than the Illumian language.
While she thinks the PCs cannot understand her she
Knowel begins working at a loose stone is his cell spares no effort to insult them. She is not afraid of death
which he eventually pries off. From within he takes and cannot be intimidated or compelled to speak
out a silver chain on which hangs the symbol of a anything other than illumian. In order to understand
hand grasping a broken coin. He then takes out a Abgriel, they must either use magic (comprehend languages
large back pack from which he takes a small bottle. or some similar spell) or have learned to speak illumian

BIS7-06 The Golden Masque Page 16

from the Illumian Translation of March Palatine AR favor “The augors tell us that the priestess Mehri
from BIS6-04 Face of Copper. la’Feyvim must die.”
If the PCs use magic to understand Abgriel, read or • “I have this really strange item (Some Junk AR item
paraphrase the following: from BIS6-IN5 If On A Winter’s Night An Adventurer).
Do you know what it is?”
After you complete your spell the woman flashes
you an evil grin before speaking once again in her “You look like an infant wielding a greataxe right
strange language, which you now understand. “Well now.”
done, swine. I see you’ve learning the basics of
[Abgriel will not be more specific on the nature of Some
children’s magic,” she says her words dripping with
If instead one or more of the PCs to understand illumian • “Okay, enough of this nonsense. What are you
without resorting to magic, read or paraphrase the illumians doing in Bissel?”
following: “I cannot tell you this. To disclose such secrets
The woman tilts her head in surprise, and then would be…against my religion.”
wrinkles her nose in disgust. “Hearing you speak • “What religion is that?”
our language,” she says caustically, “Is like watching
an ape set the tiles of a mosaic.” “I pay homage to the Whispered One.”

Once the PCs have established a way to communicate, Abgriel doesn’t actually mind the prospect of dying.
they can ask Abgriel some questions. Remember that she If the PCs even attempt a small amount of persuasion of
is not afraid of death and cannot be intimidating or coercion, she will begin to explain what it is the
compelled to be more specific with her answers here. Duskwatchers are doing. This will result in her death, but
she’s okay with that.
• “Who are you?”
• “I don’t accept what you are saying. Tell us your
“I am called Abgriel” secrets.”
• “Whom are you affiliated with?” “Very well, you are obviously too clever. We
“I serve the Duskwatchers.” Duskwatchers observe the decline of civilizations,
mass destruction, war, famine…our augors told us
• “What are the Duskwatchers?” of the impending…”
“We observe.” The woman coughs violently and you begin to
smell the faint scent of ozone. Finally the woman
[Abgriel will not be more specific about the purpose of
stops coughing and continues her story.
the Duskwatchers for now. If she details too much on the
purpose of the Duskwatchers then a gaes will kick in and “They told us of the impending extinction of
she will die (see below). The gaes cannot be removed and your species. We wish very much to bear witness to
she will not disclose its hold or even mention that she is this.”
under a geas.]
The woman begins to laugh fitfully and you
• “What are you doing here?” know that the visible tightening of her skin around
her bones is not your imagination. The smell of
“I sought to learn of the alliance between the
magic becomes stronger as her laughter becomes
Fertuine and those who follow the sign of the Black
violent coughing. She tries to gain her composure
and speaks again.
• “So I guess you aren’t with the undead creatures
“Many journeyings ago, we observed a planar
allied with Lord Fertuine?”
conjunction…” by now the woman’s face has
“No. The undead are the partisans of the destroyed shrunken around her skull. It is clear she is in great
megalomaniac Evard – and the Duskwatchers pain as she cries out.
oppose those loyal to Evard.”
“By the Maimed Lord!” she exclaims, “Welcome
• “We saw some illumians attacking a priestess of me into dark…” In an instant her flesh decays as if
Geshtai named Mehri la’Feyvim a while back. Why you are watching the span of eons in but a few short
would they do this?” moments. When the process is complete, all that is

BIS7-06 The Golden Masque Page 17

left of her is a withered skeleton, whose skull falls could potentially be gained). In the event of magical
from its spine to roll to your feet. travel, proceed to Encounter 8.
Her disembodied voice lingers in the air, All APLs
though all it says now is meaningless gibberish. You
 Knowel Fertuine: Male Human (S) Clr4 of
feel the presence of a powerful evil, watching you at
Kurell/Rog6 (Bluff +15, Sense Motive +10); AL CG;
this instant.
hp 61.
Abgriel’s Final Utterance (see Illumian racial abilities in
 Abgriel: Female Illumian Sor10 (Bluff +17,
the index under the NPC named Allfauruk) is nothing
Sense Motive +5); AL NE; hp 21.
but meaningless gobbledygook. Even careful handling of
her skeleton will turn the bones into dust.
Development: Once the PCs have interacted with both
Knowel and Abgriel, Luona will appear – having found a MAUDIT
back way into Fertuine manor. Read or paraphrase the Estimated Time: 25 minutes
following: This encounter occurs on the road out of Rabechel,
The sound of stone grinding on stone assaults the which the PCs either reach via the secret tunnel
relative quiet of the dungeon, heralding the sliding referenced in Encounter 6, or by merely retracing their
away of a wall! A secret tunnel can be seen beyond steps through the adventure. As noted above, if the PCs
the entrance, illuminated with the light of a torch use magical means of travel then they skip this
held by a human woman with dark hair dressed in encounter, missing the opportunity of earning the xp or
well-worn leather armor. A strange rune is etched on treasure which could potentially be gained.
her face and a small crossbow hangs at her hip. This encounter is more about competing interests
The PCs should recognize Luona Tar from Encounters 3 rather than actual combat, though violence may ensue
and 4. Again, if any of the PCs or their attending depending on the actions. The general outline of the
creatures are have more than two legs and are Medium- encounter is this: Allfauruk, an illumian Duskwatcher
sized or larger, Luona’s rune flashes and she begins to be like Abgriel, approaches the PCs. Allfauruk claims to be
wracked by pain until the offending creature is no longer Barik al’Faruk, an Official Cover Mist Chameleon of
visible to her. If the PCs are not quick to remedy the Baklunish heritage. He will ask the PCs for a situation
situation, then Knowel will produce a strip of cloth for report, though he is only interested in their dealings with
Luona to use as a blindfold. Luona will greet the PCs Abgriel. If the PCs have captured Abgriel alive, he will
amiably (as long as her curse is not active). Luona and claim that he needs to take custody of the body. If he can
Knowel will greet each other in a manner befitting close get a good amount of information from the PCs and claim
friends, though PCs who succeed at a Sense Motive Abgriel, he will leave them as his mission has been
check (DC 20) may suspect that Knowel and Luona’s accomplished.
relationship may be romantic in nature. Neither of them PCs who do not trust Barik al’Faruk or at least want
will comment on this. to confirm his story will attempt Sense Motive skill
checks. These should be opposed checks against Barik
Luona will explain about the tunnel she discovered,
al’Faruk’s Bluff skill, though it is recommended that the
a long bypass that comes out shortly north of town.
judge preroll a set of Bluff checks to avoid overly tipping
Likely this passage was created as an escape plan for a
off the players. As Allfauruk is a tiered NPC, his Bluff
Baron who wanted to leave his manor without his
skill varies by APL. His Bluff modifier (with magical
subjects in Rabechel noticing. Knowel did not have prior
buffs) is as follows: APL 2, Bluff +8; APL 4, Bluff + 13; APL
knowledge of this tunnel. Nevertheless, it proves as a
6, Bluff +14; APL 8, Bluff +19; APL 10, Bluff +23; APL 12,
handy escape route for the PCs.
Bluff +26.
If the PCs take the tunnel out of Fertuine Manor,
Allfauruk is not evil and does not radiate as such. PC
proceed to Encounter 7. If the PCs do not take the tunnel
members of the Mist Chameleon meta-org receive a +5
but travel by foot or horseback through Rabechel,
bonus on opposed Sense Motive checks against Barik
proceed to Encounter 7, as they will still come across
al’Faruk, as his cover story about being an Official Cover
Allfauruk on the road. If the PCs travel by magic means
Agent of the Mist Chameleons is not as solid as he would
(i.e. teleport) then they will not meet Allfauruk on the like. He does not have papers, which may also cause PCs
road (therefore not earning the xp or treasure which to be suspicious.

BIS7-06 The Golden Masque Page 18

As you make your way north from Rabechel, a lone • “Aren’t Mist Chameleons supposed to be secret
rider approaches at a break neck speed. Once he is about their identities and stuff?”
within shouting distance, he quickly dismounts and
“I am an Official Cover agent which means I identify
holds his hands high.
myself to allies and work through official channels
“Don’t attack!” he cries out. The man is olive- to gather the information needed to protect Bissel.”
skinned with closely shaved head. He wears a non-
descript gray cloak. • “Why are you so interested in Illumians?

“My name is Barik al’Faruk and I am an Official “I can’t disclose everything in my mission brief, but
Cover Agent of the Mist Chameleons. I need a these Illumians seem to pose a threat to Bissel. Have
situation report – which of you is in charge?” you had dealings prior to this one with these
Allfauruk is clever in his questioning and will try to get
the most information from the PCs. The questions with Once Allfauruk has gotten the information he needs, he
an * next to them are the ones that he must ask and have will take his leave – riding south toward Rabechel. This is
answered in order to “win” this encounter. Note that PCs for the purpose, he claims, to investigate further –
may simply volunteer all this information – so literally though once he is outside the eyes of the PCs he will
asking the questions may not be necessary. Play the abandon this area – mission accomplished.
situation as organically as possible. One thing will cause Allfauruk to linger, and that
would be if the PCs have taken Abgriel as a live captive.
• What is the status of Rabechel?
He will attempt to assert authority over the captive if the
• Are there any survivors in Rabechel? PCs tell him of her nature.
• What is the nature of your mission? “You’ve captured one then – excellent work! I will
need to take custody of the prisoner as per my
• What is the Baron’s status? mandate, but I will see that you receive
• How many undead are there?/How many undead commendations for this.”
did you encounter? If the PCs agree to turn over Abgriel, the Allfauruk
• Did you encounter any strange beings (meaning secures her to his mount and rides off, much in the same
illumian)?* manner listed above.

• Did you communicate with the illumian?* If Allfauruk gets away without the PCs having
discovered his nature, then he “wins” the encounter if he
• What did the illumian tell you?* leaves with the information he wants. The PCs do not
• What was the illumian’s fate?* receive experience for this encounter.

• (If Abgriel died) Did the illumian “say” anything If the PCs guess that Allfauruk is an imposter and
important after perishing?* confront him, either verbally or by initiating combat,
then read or paraphrase the following:
For their part, the PCs may have questions for Barik
al’Faruk. Some likely questions and their answers are This Mist Chameleon turns his head away in
given below. Note that Allfauruk tries to answer thought, though you know that you have his full
questions with questions of his own in order to further attention. When he turns back his eyes are wide and
his purposes. a set of odd, translucent sigils begin to rotate around
his head
• “Who are you?”
APL 2 (EL 1)
“My name is Barik al’Faruk. I am a native Bisselite
and have been with the Mist Chameleons for as long  Duskwatcher Allfauruk, Male Illumian
as I could swing a sword.” Rog1: hp 7; see Appendix 1.
APL 4 (EL 3)
• “What is your mission?”
 Duskwatcher Allfauruk, Male Illumian
“I have an open mandate to investigate strange
Rog2/Wiz (Illusionist) 1: hp 15; see Appendix 2.
beings known as Illumians. They would have odd
sigils floating around their heads – have you had
dealings with any such beings?”

BIS7-06 The Golden Masque Page 19

APL 6 (EL 5) APL 10: L: L: 35 gp, C: 74 gp, M: 648 gp, potion of
invisibility (25 gp), cloak of resistance +1 (83 gp), potion
 Duskwatcher Allfauruk, Male Illumian
of resist energy cold (20) (58 gp), hat of disguise (150 gp),
Rog2/Wiz (Illusionist) 3: hp 24; see Appendix 3.
ring of protection +1 (166 gp), gloves of dexterity +2 (332
APL 8 (EL 7) gp).
 Duskwatcher Allfauruk, Male Illumian APL 12: L: 27 gp, C: 74 gp, M: 1654 gp, potion of
Rog3/Wiz (Illusionist) 4: hp 33; see Appendix 4. invisibility (25 gp), vest of resistance +1 (83 gp), potion of
resist energy cold (20) (58 gp), hat of disguise (150 gp),
APL 10 (EL 9)
ring of protection +1 (166 gp), gloves of dexterity +2 (332
 Duskwatcher Allfauruk, Male Illumian gp), cape of the mountebank (840 gp).
Rog3/Wiz (Illusionist) 5/Arcane Trickster 1: hp
Developments: Like Abgriel, Allfauruk’s final utterance
41; see Appendix 5.
(if he is killed) is gibberish. If he is captured alive then he
APL 12 (EL 11) reacts much the same as Abgriel, feel free to use that
encounter as a basis for the PCs line of interrogation of
 Duskwatcher Allfauruk, Male Illumian
Rog3/Wiz (Illusionist) 5/Arcane Trickster 3: hp
49; see Appendix 6. The PCs are not harassed further on their way back
to Thornward to report their findings (their original
Preparation: Depending on the APL, Allfauruk has some
mission). Use the travel information in Encounter 2 as a
appropriate buff spells cast as listed in the Power-up Suite
guide. Knowel and Luona will also travel to Thornward.
of his entry.
The travel time (if by foot) is enough time for PCs to have
Tactics: Allfauruk is not a match for an average party, but Luona’s curse remove, if they wish to do this. PCs can get
remember that he does not have to defeat his opponents Luona’s gratitude if the PCs do they can remove the curse
– he merely has to escape. At most APLs this means that themselves or arrange to pay (out of their own pocket, no
Allfauruk will concentrate on incapacitating his foes or over the cap gold) for the removal of the curse. PCs who
becoming invisible. If Abgriel is present he attempts to do this, or PCs who cover the combined cost of the spell,
take custody of her. At higher APLs Allfauruk can receive the Greater Gratitude of Luona on the AR. Members
dimension door to escape and at APL 12 he possesses a cape of the Thieves Guild of Dountham receive this favor
of the mountebank for escape purposes. regardless.
If the party discovers Allfauruk’s true nature but do
not defeat him in combat (i.e. he escapes), then the party ENCOUNTER 8: A HEROIC
receives experience for defeating him though they miss LIFE
out on whatever treasure can be looted from him.
Estimated Time: 10 minutes
Treasure: If the PCs defeat Allfauruk and are able to loot
The PCs travel to Thornward and complete their mission
his body, what they find is listed below. Mark off any
by telling of what they learned while in Cassiter. During
potions or other disposable magic used in the fight.
this encounter the PCs can learn that the situation in
APL 2: L: 47 gp, C: 28 gp, M: 25 gp, potion of invisibility Bissel is growing more and more dire. Determine
(25 gp). whether or not Knowel is accompanying them into
Thornward Keep to make their report, and then continue
APL 4: L: 35 gp, C: 74 gp, M: 166 gp, potion of
with the following:
invisibility (25 gp), cloak of resistance +1 (83 gp), potion
of resist energy cold (20) (58 gp). Returning to Thornward Keep the guards salute you
crisply and the stewards direct you through the
APL 6: L: 35 gp, C: 74 gp, M: 316 gp, potion of halls to a long staircase going up.
invisibility (25 gp), cloak of resistance +1 (83 gp), potion
of resist energy cold (20) (58 gp), hat of disguise (150 gp). If the PCs succeed at a Listen check (DC 10), they hear
some of a conversation happening on a high balcony.
APL 8: L: 35 gp, C: 74 gp, M: 482 gp, potion of Read or paraphrase the following:
invisibility (25 gp), cloak of resistance +1 (83 gp), potion
of resist energy cold (20) (58 gp), hat of disguise (150 gp), Echoing down the stairway comes a low and
ring of protection +1 (166 gp). mournful voice saying, “Is this the fate that Istus
has laid before me? Baron in a dying land, husband
to a dying wife, father to a dying…”

BIS7-06 The Golden Masque Page 20

Another voice interrupts: “Despair leads to “The 1st Ebbernaut is just coming off a tour in
defeat, lad. To surrender to one is to surrender to the Bramblewood Gap. They can’t be ready for an
both.” expedition.” This time it was Cainlan who spoke.
PCs that succeeded at the Listen check can identify the “Are there no soldiers in my Army that can deal
first voice as belonging to Lord Cainlan Rashedra and the with this threat?” The frustration is his voice is
second voice as belonging to Margrave Malto Adeur. palpable and his question lingers in the silence of
the chill open air. Finally Cainlan speaks:
Whether or not the PCs made their Listen check,
continue with the following: “The 1st Menawyk are on light training
maneuvers. They can be mustered quickly.”
The staircase ends at an opening in the floor of a
high balcony overlooking the city below. Leaning on The Margrave sighs and then turns to Jerius.
a parapet is Baron Cainlan Rashedra, his back to you “Ride out to Menawyk to oversee the muster. Then
and his shoulders slumped. Standing next to him is march the force into Cassiter.”
Margrave Malto Adeur, his lip curled in pity over
Cainlan interrupts, “I will accompany Jerius on
young Rashedra. Leaning against a wall nearby is
Watcher Jerius Greenblade, a gold chain signifying
his position as Lord Mayor of Thornward hangs “You stay here with your wife!” roars the
from the Knight’s neck. It is Jerius who speaks first Margrave and he locks a gaze of great intensity at
when you enter. the younger man. Ashamed, Cainlan looks down at
his feet.
“Look Cainlan, the envoys you selected have
returned from Cassiter. Perhaps they have weal “Jerius,” continues the Margrave, “You are in
tidings to impart.” charge of this mission. Baron Fertuine is to be
captured and brought here. All other resistance is to
Now is the time for the PCs report what they have found.
be destroyed with extreme zeal. I want Cassiter
It would be an understatement to say that the three
pacified, and I want it yesterday. Understand?”
nobles here are displeased with the actions of Baron
Cassiter and the presence of undead. If Knowel is present “Completely, your grace,” replies Jerius and in
he will confirm the PCs’ story and urges vengeance an instant he is halfway down the stairs to see to his
against his brother. tasks.
The PCs might have a few questions about the The PCs are now dismissed as the Margrave wishes to
conversation between Cainlan and Malto that they have a private discussion with Cainlan and with Knowel
overheard. Jerius will wave them off this sensitive line of (if he is present). The PCs can find out about the fate of
questioning; no one is willing to speak of how Jasmine Jasmine and her infant daughter from servants in
and her infant daughter have come sick with the Mark of Thornward Keep. If they wish to pay their respects to the
the Black Hand. Baroness of Besselar, read or paraphrase the following:
Once the PCs have made a full report, read or The servants ask repeatedly on whether you really
paraphrase the following: want to visit with Jasmine Besselar. Once your
determination has been confirmed, you are lead into
As you relate your tale, a look of indomitable fury
rooms deep into Thornward Keep. You don’t have to
begins to show on the Margrave’s face. Once you are
be a dwarf to note that the hallway you arrive at is a
finished he speaks in a quiet but extremely intense
subterranean one. A door marked with a Black Hand
tone of voice.
seems to be your destination.
“Jerius,” he begins, “Muster the 2nd Thornward
Entering, you see a small bedchamber dimly lit
and begin marching south…”
from a few meager lanterns. A slight figure lies on
“I’m sorry your grace,” interrupts Jerius. “The 2nd the bed resting peacefully. To the right is a small
Thornward has just been called to the Ketite front.” crib and to the left sits a delicate-looking woman
with honey-blonde hair dressed in green robes. A
The Margrave sighs before replying: “Then the
staff leans against the wall.
1st Ebbernaut. Muster them and begin
preparations…” The seated woman turns to you. “Hello,” she
says. “Are you friends of my sister?”

BIS7-06 The Golden Masque Page 21

The girl in the green robes is Alia Besselar. Barely 16, she the Bissel Triad by January 1st, 2008, or have the Senior
is the youngest of the three Besselar sisters. She was DM of your event do so.
ordained a Guidesister of Fharlanghn early this year and
has been spending the better part of a year taking her The End
first steps in the world. PC clerics or worshippers of
Fharlanghn may know her by her trail name, “Ballata” as
she has a reputation as being a graceful dancer. She can
provide the PCs with the following information:
• A sending spell told her of her sister’s illness while
she was in Veluna. She made haste to journey back To award experience for this adventure, add up the values
to Thornward. for the objectives accomplished. Then assign the
experience award. Award the total value (objectives plus
• The Mark of the Black Hand infects both Jasmine
roleplaying) to each character.
and baby Kira.
Encounter 3
• The middle sister, Chalice, has been informed of the
illness but has not yet made her way to visit. Defeat Echlora and her pets.
• The disease seems to be at a very early stage. Their APL 2: 150 xp.
bodies are covered in small black pocks that
APL 4: 210 xp.
resemble hands. Alia has used detect magic and can
report that the pocks radiate slight conjuration APL 6: 270 xp.
APL 8: 330 xp.
• Alia has asked for the Protection of Fharlanghn to
APL 10: 390 xp.
watch over her as she sits vigil. She is not afraid of
catching the disease. APL 12: 450 xp.
• Her brother-in-law, Cainlan Rashedra, has taken the Encounter 5
news very hard. Alia has not been able to have much
Survive the Portculis trap.
of a conversation with him since her arrival.
APL 2: 30 xp.
Alia is the face of great optimism in an uncertain future.
She is certain that her sister will be okay and that her APL 4: 30 xp.
niece will grow to be a great woman. The reality may be
APL 6: 30 xp.
much more grim.
APL 8: 30 xp.
The expeditionary force into Cassiter is the subject
of the next module in the series. Until then, the Players APL 10: 30 xp.
must wait to resolves the situation with Lord Fertuine.
APL 12: 30 xp.


Estimated Time: 5 minutes Defeat Kora and any allies with her while surviving the
The shadows grow darker as the situation in Bissel Blast Sphere trap.
becomes much more dire. You and your companions APL 2: 150 xp.
have helped identify the enemies that gather at the
periphery. Soon it will be time to do more to the APL 4: 210 xp.
enemies of Bissel than merely gain information. APL 6: 270 xp.
The Shadows and Sigils series continues with the APL 8: 330 xp.
expeditionary force into Cassiter.
APL 10: 390 xp.


If you run this event in November or December of 2007,

please e-mail the results from this sheet to a member of

BIS7-06 The Golden Masque Page 22

Encounter 7 dungeon scavengers, removed from the scene by the local
watch, and so on), characters may return to retrieve loot. If
Learn of Allfauruk’s true nature and defeat or drive him
the characters do not loot the body, the gold piece value for
the loot is subtracted from the encounter totals given
APL 2: 30p. below.
APL 4: 90 xp. The coin total is the number of gold pieces each
character gains if they take the coin available. A normal
APL 6: 150 xp.
adventuring party can usually gather this wealth in a round
APL 8: 210 xp. or so. If for some reason, they pass up this treasure, the
coin total is subtracted from the encounter totals given
APL 10: 270 xp.
APL 12: 330 xp.
Next, the magic items are listed. Magic item treasure
Discretionary Roleplaying Award is the hardest to adjudicate, because they are varied and
because characters may want to use them during the
APL 2: 90 xp. adventure. Many times characters must cast identify, analyze
APL 4: 135 xp. dweomer or similar spell to determine what the item does
and how to activate it. Other times they may attempt to
APL 6: 180 xp. use the item blindly. If the magic item is consumable (a
APL 8: 225 xp. potion, scroll, magic bolts, etc.) and the item is used before
the end of the adventure, its total is subtracted from the
APL 10: 270 xp. adventure totals below.
APL 12: 315 xp. Once you have subtracted the value for unclaimed
Total possible experience treasure from each encounter add it up and that is the
number of gold pieces a characters total and coin value
APL 2: 450 xp. increase at the end of the adventure. Write the total in the
APL 4: 675 xp. GP Gained field of the adventure certificate. Because this is
a Regional adventure, characters may spend additional
APL 6: 900 xp. Time Units to practice professions or create items
APL 8: 1,125 xp. immediately after the adventure so this total may be
modified by other circumstances.
APL 10: 1,350 xp.
L = Looted gear from enemy; C = Coin, Gems, Jewelry,
APL 12: 1,575 xp. and other valuables; M = Magic Items.
APL 14: 1,800 xp. Encounter 3:
APL 16: 2,025 xp. APL 2: L: 37 gp, C: 173 gp, M: 166 gp, amulet of
aberrant empathy (116 gp).
TREASURE SUMMARY APL 4: L: 88 gp, C: 3 gp, M: 120 gp, amulet of aberrant
During an adventure, characters encounter treasure, empathy (116 gp), potion of protection from good (4 gp).
usually finding it in the possession of their foes. Every APL 6: L: 74 gp, C: 203 gp, M: 241 gp, amulet of
encounter that features treasure has a “treasure” section aberrant empathy (116 gp), potion of protection from good
within the encounter description, giving information (4 gp), +1 heavy wooden shield (96 gp), potion of blur (25
about the loot, coins, and magic items that make up the gp).
encounter’s treasure.
APL 8: L: 60 gp, C: 103 gp, M: 504 gp, amulet of
The loot total is the number of gold pieces each aberrant empathy (116 gp), potion of protection from good
character gains if the foes are plundered of all their earthly (4 gp), +1 heavy wooden shield (96 gp), potion of blur (25
possessions. Looting the bodies takes at least 10 minutes gp), +1 hide armor (97 gp), ring of protection +1 (166 gp).
per every 5 enemies, and if the characters cannot take the
time to loot the bodies, they do not gain this gold. If you APL 10: L: 27 gp, C: 263 gp, M: 1215 gp, amulet of
feel it is reasonable that characters can go back to loot the aberrant empathy (116 gp), potion of protection from good
bodies, and those bodies are there (i.e., not carted off by (4 gp), +1 heavy wooden shield (96 gp), potion of blur (25

BIS7-06 The Golden Masque Page 23

gp), +2 dragonhide plate armor (608 gp), ring of protection from energy (cold) (62 gp), potion of greater
protection +1 (166 gp), +1 silver scimitar (200 gp). mage armor x3 (187 gp), +1 magebane halberd (692 gp).
APL 12: L: 27 gp, C: 268 gp, M: 2715 gp, amulet of Encounter 7:
aberrant empathy (116 gp), potion of protection from good
APL 2: L: 47 gp, C: 28 gp, M: 25 gp, potion of invisibility
(4 gp), +1 heavy wooden shield (96 gp), potion of blur (25
(25 gp).
gp), +2 dragonhide plate armor (608 gp), ring of
protection +1 (166 gp), +1 silver scimitar (200 gp), mantle APL 4: L: 35 gp, C: 74 gp, M: 166 gp, potion of
of the beast (1500 gp). invisibility (25 gp), cloak of resistance +1 (83 gp), potion
of resist energy cold (20) (58 gp).
Encounter 5 – Location B:
APL 6: L: 35 gp, C: 74 gp, M: 316 gp, potion of
ALL APLs: L: 0 gp, C: 0 gp, M: 666 gp, Masterwork
invisibility (25 gp), cloak of resistance +1 (83 gp), potion
Banner of Bissel (666 gp).
of resist energy cold (20) (58 gp), hat of disguise (150 gp).
Encounter 5 – Location E: APL 8: L: 35 gp, C: 74 gp, M: 482 gp, potion of
APL 2: L: 0 gp, C: 0 gp, M: 0 gp. invisibility (25 gp), cloak of resistance +1 (83 gp), potion
of resist energy cold (20) (58 gp), hat of disguise (150 gp),
APL 4 and 6: L: 0 gp, C: 0 gp, M: 499 gp, Bands of
ring of protection +1 (166 gp).
Fortune (166 gp), Rod of Ropes (333 gp).
APL 10: L: L: 35 gp, C: 74 gp, M: 648 gp, potion of
APL 8, 10 and 12: L: 0 gp, C: 0 gp, M: 1582 gp, Bands
invisibility (25 gp), cloak of resistance +1 (83 gp), potion
of Fortune (166 gp), Rod of Ropes (333 gp), Wheel of
of resist energy cold (20) (58 gp), hat of disguise (150 gp),
Fortune (500 gp), Lucky Charm (583 gp).
ring of protection +1 (166 gp), gloves of dexterity +2 (332
Encounter 5 – Location G: gp).
APL 2: L: 28 gp, C: 33 gp, M: 0 gp. APL 12: L: 27 gp, C: 74 gp, M: 1654 gp, potion of
invisibility (25 gp), vest of resistance +1 (83 gp), potion of
APL 4: L: 102 gp, C: 66 gp, M: 0 gp. resist energy cold (20) (58 gp), hat of disguise (150 gp),
APL 6: L: 76 gp, C: 436 gp, M: 594 gp, bracers of armor ring of protection +1 (166 gp), gloves of dexterity +2 (332
+1 (83 gp), potion of protection from good (4 gp), +1 gp), cape of the mountebank (840 gp).
halberd (192 gp), potion of resist energy cold (20) (58 gp),
Total Possible Treasure (Maximum Reward
potion of resist energy cold (30) (91 gp), ring of protection
+1 (166 gp).
APL 2: L: 112 gp, C: 234 gp, M: 857 gp – Total: 1203
APL 8: L: 28 gp, C: 383 gp, M: 1120 gp, bracers of armor
gp (450 gp).
+1 (83 gp), potion of protection from good x2 (8 gp), +1
halberd (192 gp), potion of resist energy cold (30) x2 (182 APL 4: L: 225 gp, C: 143 gp, M: 1451 gp – Total: 1819
gp), ring of protection +1 x2 (332 gp), light crossbow +1 gp (650 gp).
(194 gp), +1 chain shirt (104 gp), potion of blur (25 gp).
APL 6: L: 185 gp, C: 713 gp, M: 2316 gp – Total: 3214
APL 10: L: 49 gp, C: 689 gp, M: 2239 gp, bracers of gp (900 gp).
armor +1 (83 gp), potion of protection from good x3 (12
APL 8: L: 123 gp, C: 560 gp, M: 4354 gp – Total: 5037
gp), +1 halberd (192 gp), potion of resist energy cold (30)
gp (1,300 gp).
x3 (273 gp), ring of protection +1 x2 (332 gp), light
crossbow +1 (194 gp), +1 chain shirt (104 gp), potion of APL 10: L: 111 gp, C: 1026 gp, M: 6350 gp – Total:
blur (25 gp), cloak of resistance +1 (83 gp), potion of 7487 gp (2,300 gp).
protection from energy (cold) (62 gp), potion of greater
APL 12: L: 82 gp, C: 931 gp, M: 9126 gp – Total:
mage armor x3 (187 gp), +1 magebane halberd (692 gp).
10139 gp (3,300 gp).
APL 12: L: 28 gp, C: 589 gp, M: 2509 gp, bracers of
armor +1 (83 gp), potion of protection from good x3 (12
gp), +1 halberd (192 gp), potion of resist energy cold (30)
x3 (273 gp), ring of protection +1 x3 (498 gp), light
crossbow +1 (194 gp), +1 chain shirt x2 (208 gp), potion
of blur (25 gp), cloak of resistance +1 (83 gp), potion of

BIS7-06 The Golden Masque Page 24

ITEMS FOR THE ADVENTURE  Insulted the Margrave: Your actions have made
light of the reigning Margrave of Bissel. For PCs who are
RECORD current members of the Great Army of Bissel, you lose all
commendations currently earned. This may result in loss
Special of rank. PCs who are not members of the military must
 Gratitude of Luona: You resucued the adventuress work off the stain of their shame by spending 4 TUs in
Luona from attack, and she is thankful. Spending this the stocks.
favor grants the PC free Luxury lifestyle on any one
Item Access
Bissel regional adventure.
APL 2:
 Greater Gratitude of Luona: You went out of your
Amulet of Aberrant Empathy (Adventure; Complete
way to help Luona have her curse removed, and she is
grateful. Luona can find the things that you want, as long
as you don’t ask too many questions about where they Masterwork Banner of Bissel (Adventure; See Above)
came from. You may spend this favor to gain access
APL 4 (all of APL 2 plus the following):
(Frequency: Adventure) to one currently legal item that
you previously had access to on an Adventure Record, Illumian Spellbook – APL 4 volume (Adventure; See
but lost this access because it expired (rather than a loss Above)
caused by an action or penalty). Mark this favor as USED
Bands of Fortune (Adventure; Complete Scoundrel)
once it is spent. Current members of the Thieves Guild of
Doutham meta-org automatically receive access to this Rod of Ropes (Adventure; Complete Scoundrel)
APL 6 (all of APLs 2, 4 plus the following):
 Masterwork Banner of Bissel: This wellmade Potion of Resist Energy (Cold) 30 (Adventure; DMG)
standard displays the black rook of Bissel on a divided
Hat of Disguise (Adventure; DMG)
field of red and silver. It functions as a Banner of Law
(Heroes of Battle, page 133). Market price: 8000 gp. Weight: Illumian Spellbook – APL 6 (Adventure; See Above)
APL 8 (all of APLs 2, 4, 6 plus the following):
 Illumian Spellbook: Taken from the Illumian spy, Wheel of Fortune, (Adventure; Complete Scoundrel)
this book can be broken up into volumes. APL 4 – Color
Lucky Charm (Adventure; Complete Scoundrel)
Spray, Lesser Orb of Acid (SpC), Mage Armor, Obscuring Mist,
Lesser Orb of Acid (SpC), Serene Visage (SpC), Scholar’s Touch APL 10 (all of APLs 2, 4, 6, 8 plus the following):
(SpC), Silent Portal (SpC), 800 gp; APL 6 – Blur, Invisibility,
+2 Dragonhide Plate Armor (Adventure; DMG)
False Life, Melf’s Acid Arrow, Shadow Spray (SpC), 1000 gp;
APL 10 – Dispel Magic, Fireball, Glitterdust, Shadow Binding Potion of Greater Mage Armor (Adventure; Complete
(SpC) 1100 gp; APL 12 – Dimension Door, Greater Arcane)
Invisibility, Orb of Cold, Shadow Conjuration 1600 gp.
+1 Magebane Halberd (Adventure; Complete Arcane)
 Golden Mask: This ornate golden mask covers the Illumian Spellbook – APL 10 (Adventure; See Above)
entire face and is suitable for hiding one’s identity at
APL 12 (all of APLs 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 plus the following):
masquerade. It displays either the face of comedy or
tragedy (circle one). Mantle of the Beast (Adventure; Complete Champion)
Cape of the Mountebank (Adventure; DMG)
 Liquid Remedy: Lord Fertuine and his allies used
this serum to boost their resistance to the Mark of the Illumian Spellbook – APL 12 (Adventure; See Above)
Black Hand. A PC who imbibes one does gains a +4 bonus
on the Fortitude save to avoid advancing one stage of the
Mark of the Black Hand. This favor covers three doses and
doses can be used for other PCs.

BIS7-06 The Golden Masque Page 25


Speed 40 ft. (8 squares), climb 20 ft.

ENCOUNTER 3 Melee bite +4 (1d4 plus disease)
ECHLORA, DARK DRUID CR 2 Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Necropolitan, Female Human Drd1 Base Atk +0; Grp -4
NE Medium Undead (Augmented Humanoid) Abilities Str 10, Dex 17, Con 12, Int 1, Wis 12, Cha 4
Init +1; Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Listen +3, Spot +3 Feats Alertness, Weapon Finesse
Languages Common, Undercommon, Druidic Skills Climb +11, Hide +8, Move Silently +4, Swim +11
AC 16, touch 11, flat-footed 15 Disease (Ex): Filth fever – bite, Fortitude DC 11, incubation
(+1 Dex, +3 armor, +2 shield) period 1d3 days, damage 1d3 Dex and 1d3 Con. The save DC
hp 15 (1 HD) is Constitution-based.
Immune undead immunities Skills Dire rats have a +8 racial bonus on Swim checks. Dire rats
Fort +2, Ref +1, Will +5 (+7 against the effect of the spell control have a +8 bonus on Climb checks and can always choose to
undead) take 10 on Climb checks, even if rushed or threatened. Dire
Speed 20 ft. in medium armor (4 squares), base movement 30 ft. rats use their Dexterity modifier for Climb and Swim checks.
Melee silver scimitar +1 (1d6 slashing 18-20/x2)
Ranged sling +1 (1d4+1)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Base Atk +0; Grp +1 ENCOUNTER 6
Combat Gear silver scimitar, sling, masterwork hide armor,
masterwork heavy wooden shield, amulet of aberrant empathy,
Vampire Spawn, Female Human
20 bullets
LE Medium Undead
Druid Spells Prepared (CL 1st):
Init +6; Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Listen +11, Spot +11
1st—cure light wounds, entangle
Languages Common, Infernal
0—cure minor wounds, detect magic, flare
AC 15, touch 12, flat-footed 13
Abilities Str 12, Dex 12, Con -, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 14
(+2 Dex, +3 natural)
SQ vermin empathy +3, rootwalker class features, resist control,
hp 38 (4 HD); fast healing 2; DR 5/silver
+2 turn resistance, unnatural resilience
Immune undead immunities
Feats Skill Focus (Concentration) , Toughness
Resist cold 10, electricity 10
Skills Concentration +7, Diplomacy +6, Handle Animal +6,
Fort +1, Ref +5, Will +5
Knowledge (nature) +7, Spellcraft +5, Survival +7
Weakness vampire weaknesses
Possessions combat gear plus Black tattering clothing, 173 gp
in coin, papers from Kora Speed 30 ft; Spider climb
Melee slam +5 (1d6+4 bludgeoning plus energy drain)
Resist Control (Ex) Necropolitans have a +2 profane bonus on
Ranged masterwork light crossbow +5 (1d8 19-20/x2)
their Will saving throws to resist the effect of a control undead
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Base Atk +2; Grp +9
Unnatural Resilience (Su) Necropolitans automatically heal
Atk Options Blood Drain, Dominate, Energy Drain
hit point damage and ability damage at the same rate as a
Special Actions Gaseous Form, +2 Turn Resistance
living creature. The Heal skill has no effect on necropolitans;
Combat Gear masterwork light crossbow, 20 bolts
however, negative energy (such as an inflict spell) heals them.
Abilities Str 16, Dex 14, Con -, Int 13, Wis 13, Cha 14
Description This withered human woman stares at you
Feats Alertness, Improved Grapple, Improved Initiative,
through sunken eye sockets; her eyes are so blue they are more
Toughness, Lightning Reflexes
accurately white, as if drained of the color of life. This figure
Skills Bluff +11, Diplomacy +6, Hide +10, Jump +8, Move
wears tattered black clothing and a bizarre, gnarled amulet.
Silently +10, Search +8, Sense Motive +11
Sources Libris Mortis (Page 114-115) Possessions combat gear plus Noble’s Outfit, signet ring, 33 gp
worth of jewelry, papers in Lord Fertuine’s hand, a Golden
N Small Animal
Blood Drain (Ex) A vampire spawn can suck blood from a
Init +3; Senses Low-Light Vision, Scent, Listen +4, Spot +4
living victim with its fangs by making a successful grapple
AC 15, touch 14, flat-footed 12 check. If it pins the foe, it drains blood, dealing 1d4 points of
(+3 Dex, +1 size, +1 natural) Constitution drain each round the pin is maintained. On
hp 7 (1 HD) each successful drain attack, the vampire gains 5 temporary
Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +3 hit points.

BIS7-06 The Golden Masque Page 26

Dominate (Su) A vampire spawn can crush an opponent’s will ENCOUNTER 9
just by looking onto his or her eyes. This is similar to a gaze
attack, except that the vampire must use a standard action, DUSKWATCHER ALLFAURUK CR 1
and those merely looking at it are not affected. Anyone the Male Illumian Rog1
vampire targets must succeed on a Will save (DC 14) or fall N Medium Humanoid (Human)
instantly under the vampire’s influence as though by a Init +4; Senses Listen +0, Spot +0
dominate person spell (caster level 5th). The ability has a range Languages Common, Illumian, Draconic, Ancient Baklunish
of 30 feet. AC 17, touch 13, flat-footed 14
Energy Drain (Su) Living creatures hit by a vampire spawn’s (+3 Dex, +4 natural)
slam attack gain one negative level. The DC is 14 for the hp 7 (1 HD)
Fortitude save to remove the negative level. For each Fort +1, Ref +5, Will +0
negative level bestowed, the vampire spawn gains 5 Speed 30 ft
temporary hit points. Melee masterwork rapier +1 (1d6 piercing 18-20/x2) or dagger
Fast Healing (Ex) A vampire spawn heals 2 points of damage +0 (1d4 piercing or slashing 19-20/x2)
each round so long as it has at least 1 hit point. If reduced to Ranged dagger +3 (1d4 piercing or slashing 19-20/x2)
0 hit points in combat, it automatically assumes gaseous form Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
and attempts to escape. It must reach its coffin home within Base Atk +0; Grp +0
2 hours or be utterly destroyed. (It can travel up to nine Atk Options sneak attack +1d6
miles in 2 hours.) Any additional damage dealt to a vampire Combat Gear masterwork rapier, masterwork chainshirt,
in gaseous form has no effect. Once at rest in its coffin, a dagger, potion of invisibility
vampire is helpless. It regains 1 hit point after 1 hour, then is Abilities Str 10, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 12
no longer helpless and resumes healing at the rate of 2 hit SQ luminous sigils, glyphic resonance, power sigils, final
points per round. utterance, +2 saves vs. spells with the shadow descriptor,
Gaseous Form (Su) As a standard action, a vampire spawn can superior literacy, trapfinding
assume gaseous form at will as the spell (caster level 6th), but Feats Skill Focus (Bluff)
it can remain gaseous indefinitely and has a fly speed of 20 Skills Bluff +8, Decipher Script +6, Disable Device +6, Escape
feet with perfect maneuverability. Artist +7, Forgery +6, Hide +4, Move Silently +4, Open Lock
Spider Climb (Su) A vampire spawn can climb sheer surfaces +8, Search +6, Sense Motive +4, Tumble +8
as though with a spider climb spell. Possessions combat gear plus Explorer’s Outfit, forged papers,
Skills Vampire spawn have a +4 racial bonus on Bluff, Hide, 28 gp
Listen, Move Silently, Search, Sense Motive, and Spot Luminous Sigils (Su) The sigils that orbit an Illumian’s head
checks. glow softly, providing illumination equal to that of a candle.
Description The stunning woman before you is dressed in a Illumians can make their sigils disappear by concentrating
diaphanous umber gown and an ornate golden mask. She has for a moment (a standard action), but they don’t receive the
fine, straight beige hair and light-colored skin. sigil’s benefits and can’t use any special abilities granted by
Sources DMG (Page 253-254) illumian words (see below) while they’re doused. Restoring
the sigils to visibility is a free action.
BLAST SPHERE UN CR 1 Luminous sigils (including power sigils; see below) are
Description A 30-foot-by-50-foot room with four exits. Once insubstantial and disappear into any matter they touch. An
any living creature comes within 5 feet of the center of the illumian’s sigils remain present and in effect even when the
room, the trap activates. A globe of dark stone descends from illumian take another form, unless she would lose her
a hidden compartment in the room’s ceiling and targets each supernatural abilities as a result of the form change. An
creature (including enemy NPCs) with a blast of blue-black illumian wizard who cast a polymorph spell on herself
force. retains her sigils, but an illumian who becomes a zombie
Search DC 16; Type magic loses them.
Trigger proximity (alarm), Init +0 Glyphic Resonance (Ex) Illumians are the physical
Effect lesser orb of cold (CL 1), each creature in the room is embodiment of a magical language, so they interact
targeted with a blast of blue-black force (+1 ranged touch strangely with symbol-based spells. This group includes all
attack, 1d8 cold damage, no save) spells whose names contain the words glyph, rune, sigil, or
Duration 8 rounds symbol (such spells in the Player’s Handbook include
Destruction globe of dark stone AC 13, 5 hp, hardness 8 explosive runes, glyph of warding, greater glyph of warding,
(destroying this disables the entire trap) sepia snake sigil, and the various symbol spells). When an
Disarm Disable Device DC 26 (a successful disable check illumian encounters such magic, on of two things happen:
disarms the trap) Either the illumian’s resonance overpowers the spell, or the
Dispel DC 12 (per blast) foreign magic corrupts the mystical language that defines
Sources Spell Compendium (Page 151) the illumian. Illumians have a –4 racial penalty on saving
throws against these effects if their level is less than the

BIS7-06 The Golden Masque Page 27

Caster Level of the spell. If an illumian’s level is equal or
exceeds the spell’s Caster Level, she is immune to the effect.
Power Sigils (Su) In addition to the array of dimly glowing
luminous sigils that orbits her head, a 1st-level illumian has a
single brightly glowing power sigil that grants her certain
bonuses. A power sigil can be discerned from other sigils
surrounding an illumian with a DC 10 Spot check, and
identified with a DC 15 Knowledge [arcana] check.
On attaining 2nd level in any class, an illumian gains a
second different power sigil, and the bonus granted by each
power sigil increases to +2. Depending on the combination
of power sigils she chooses, an illumian gains one or more
extra special abilities (see Illumian words below).
The benefit of this Illumian’s power sigil is given below,
along with the Common translation of each sigil’s Illumian
Uur (“grace”): +1 bonus on Dexterity checks and Dexterity-
based skill checks.
Final Utterance (Ex) When an Illumian dies, her body releases
the stored Illumian language within it. For 1 round per Hit
Die of the Illumian anyone within earshot hears ululating
Illumian syllables – usually gibberish, but occasionally a
prophetic phrase or a final curse on the illumian’s enemies.
The illumian’s body need not remain intact for the final
utterance to occur. Even if an illumian succumbs to a
disintegrate spell, her disembodied voice still utters strange
gibberish for several rounds.
Description This dark-skinned man dressed in grays and
blacks is clearly an intelligent and canny practitioner of the
subtler arts. His head is shaved. Strange symbols rotate around
Sources Races of Destiny (Page 53-55)

BIS7-06 The Golden Masque Page 28



Necropolitan, Female Human Drd3 Init +4; Senses Low-Light Vision, Scent, Listen +5, Spot +5
NE Medium Undead (Augmented Humanoid) AC 20, touch 15, flat-footed 16
Init +1; Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Listen +3, Spot +5 (+4 Dex, +1 size, +2 armor, +3 natural)
Languages Common, Undercommon, Druidic hp 23 (3 HD)
AC 16, touch 11, flat-footed 15 Fort +4, Ref +7, Will +4
(+1 Dex, +3 armor, +2 shield) Speed 40 ft. (8 squares), climb 20 ft.
hp 29 (3 HD) Melee bite +7 (1d4 plus disease)
Immune undead immunities Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +6 (+8 against the effect of the spell control Base Atk +2; Grp -2Combat Gear masterwork leather barding
undead) Abilities Str 11, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 1, Wis 12, Cha 4
Speed 20 ft. in medium armor (4 squares), base movement 30 ft. SQ evasion
Melee masterwork silver scimitar +4 (1d6 slashing 18-20/x2) Feats Alertness, Improved Toughness, Weapon Finesse
Ranged sling +3 (1d4+1) Skills Climb +11, Hide +8, Move Silently +4, Swim +11
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. Disease (Ex): Filth fever – bite, Fortitude DC 12, incubation
Base Atk +2; Grp +3 period 1d3 days, damage 1d3 Dex and 1d3 Con. The save DC
Combat Gear masterwork silver scimitar, sling, masterwork is Constitution-based.
hide armor, masterwork heavy wooden shield, amulet of Skills Dire rats have a +8 racial bonus on Swim checks. Dire rats
aberrant empathy, potion of protection from good, 20 bullets have a +8 bonus on Climb checks and can always choose to
Druid Spells Prepared (CL 3rd): 2nd—barkskin, flaming take 10 on Climb checks, even if rushed or threatened. Dire
sphere rats use their Dexterity modifier for Climb and Swim checks.
1st—cure light wounds, entangle, longstrider
0—cure minor wounds, detect magic, flare (x2)
Abilities Str 12, Dex 12, Con -, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 14
SQ vermin empathy +3, rootwalker class features, resist control, ENCOUNTER 6
+6 turn resistance, unnatural resilience
Feats Skill Focus (Concentration) , Improved Toughness,
Improved Turn Resistance
Skills Concentration +9, Diplomacy +6, Handle Animal +8,
Knowledge (nature) +11, Spellcraft +7, Survival +13
Vampire Spawn, Female Human
Possessions combat gear plus Black tattering clothing, 3 gp in
LE Medium Undead
coin, papers from Kora
Init +6; Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Listen +11, Spot +11
Resist Control (Ex) Necropolitans have a +2 profane bonus on Languages Common, Infernal
their Will saving throws to resist the effect of a control undead
AC 15, touch 12, flat-footed 13
(+2 Dex, +3 natural)
Unnatural Resilience (Su) Necropolitans automatically heal
hp 38 (4 HD); fast healing 2; DR 5/silver
hit point damage and ability damage at the same rate as a
Immune undead immunities
living creature. The Heal skill has no effect on necropolitans;
Resist cold 10, electricity 10
however, negative energy (such as an inflict spell) heals them.
Fort +1, Ref +5, Will +5
Description This withered human woman stares at you
Weakness vampire weaknesses
through sunken eye sockets; her eyes are so blue they are
more accurately white, as if drained of the color of life. This Speed 30 ft; Spider climb
figure wears tattered black clothing and a bizarre, gnarled Melee slam +5 (1d6+4 bludgeoning plus energy drain)
amulet. Ranged masterwork light crossbow +5 (1d8 19-20/x2)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Power-Up Suite:
Base Atk +2; Grp +9
AC 18, touch 11, flat-footed 17
Atk Options Blood Drain, Dominate, Energy Drain
(+1 Dex, +3 armor, +2 shield, +2 natural) [barkskin, 10 minutes
Special Actions Gaseous Form, +2 Turn Resistance
Combat Gear masterwork light crossbow, 20 bolts
Speed 30 ft. in medium armor (6 squares), base movement 40 ft.
[longstrider, 1 hour left] Abilities Str 16, Dex 14, Con -, Int 13, Wis 13, Cha 14
Sources Libris Mortis (Page 114-115)

BIS7-06 The Golden Masque Page 29

Feats Alertness, Improved Grapple, Improved Initiative, hp 38 (4 HD); fast healing 2; DR 5/silver
Toughness, Lightning Reflexes Immune undead immunities
Skills Bluff +11, Diplomacy +6, Hide +10, Jump +8, Move Resist cold 10, electricity 10
Silently +10, Search +8, Sense Motive +11 Fort +1, Ref +5, Will +5
Possessions combat gear plus Noble’s Outfit, signet ring, 33 gp Weakness vampire weaknesses
worth of jewelry, papers in Lord Fertuine’s hand, a Golden Speed 30 ft; Spider climb
Mask Melee masterwork halberd +6 (1d10+4 piercing or slashing
Blood Drain (Ex) A vampire spawn can suck blood from a 20/x3) or slam +5 (1d6+4 bludgeoning plus energy drain)
living victim with its fangs by making a successful grapple Ranged masterwork light crossbow +5 (1d8 19-20/x2)
check. If it pins the foe, it drains blood, dealing 1d4 points of Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Constitution drain each round the pin is maintained. On Base Atk +2; Grp +9
each successful drain attack, the vampire gains 5 temporary Atk Options Blood Drain, Dominate, Energy Drain
hit points. Special Actions Gaseous Form, +2 Turn Resistance
Dominate (Su) A vampire spawn can crush an opponent’s will Combat Gear masterwork halberd, masterwork chain shirt,
just by looking onto his or her eyes. This is similar to a gaze masterwork light crossbow, 20 bolts
attack, except that the vampire must use a standard action, Abilities Str 16, Dex 14, Con -, Int 13, Wis 13, Cha 14
and those merely looking at it are not affected. Anyone the Feats Alertness, Improved Grapple, Improved Initiative,
vampire targets must succeed on a Will save (DC 14) or fall Toughness, Lightning Reflexes
instantly under the vampire’s influence as though by a Skills Bluff +11, Diplomacy +6, Hide +10, Jump +8, Move
dominate person spell (caster level 5th). The ability has a range Silently +10, Search +8, Sense Motive +11
of 30 feet. Possessions combat gear plus Courtier’s Outfit, 33 gp in coin, a
Energy Drain (Su) Living creatures hit by a vampire spawn’s Golden Mask
slam attack gain one negative level. The DC is 14 for the Blood Drain (Ex) As Kora.
Fortitude save to remove the negative level. For each Dominate (Su) As Kora.
negative level bestowed, the vampire spawn gains 5 Energy Drain (Su) As Kora.
temporary hit points. Fast Healing (Ex) As Kora.
Fast Healing (Ex) A vampire spawn heals 2 points of damage Gaseous Form (Su) As Kora.
each round so long as it has at least 1 hit point. If reduced to Spider Climb (Su) As Kora.
0 hit points in combat, it automatically assumes gaseous form Skills As Kora.
and attempts to escape. It must reach its coffin home within
Description The broad-shouldered man has the obvious look of
2 hours or be utterly destroyed. (It can travel up to nine
a palace guard, with a well-polished suit of armor and a baroque
miles in 2 hours.) Any additional damage dealt to a vampire
halberd in his hands. His hair is blonde and curled and his skin
in gaseous form has no effect. Once at rest in its coffin, a
in light. The uniform he wears is pristine and he is wearing an
vampire is helpless. It regains 1 hit point after 1 hour, then is
ornate golden mask.
no longer helpless and resumes healing at the rate of 2 hit
points per round.
Sources DMG (Page 253-254)
Gaseous Form (Su) As a standard action, a vampire spawn can
assume gaseous form at will as the spell (caster level 6th), but BLAST SPHERE DAU CR 2
it can remain gaseous indefinitely and has a fly speed of 20 Description A 30-foot-by-50-foot room with four exits. Once
feet with perfect maneuverability. any living creature comes within 5 feet of the center of the
Spider Climb (Su) A vampire spawn can climb sheer surfaces room, the trap activates. A globe of dark stone descends from
as though with a spider climb spell. a hidden compartment in the room’s ceiling and targets each
Skills Vampire spawn have a +4 racial bonus on Bluff, Hide, creature (including enemy NPCs) with a blast of blue-black
Listen, Move Silently, Search, Sense Motive, and Spot force.
checks. Search DC 17; Type magic
Description The stunning woman before you is dressed in a Trigger proximity (alarm), Init +1
diaphanous umber gown and an ornate golden mask. She has Effect lesser orb of cold (CL 3), each creature in the room is
fine, straight beige hair and light-colored skin. targeted with a blast of blue-black force (+2 ranged touch
Sources DMG (Page 253-254) attack, 2d8 cold damage, no save)
Duration 9 rounds
Destruction globe of dark stone AC 15, 12 hp, hardness 8
(destroying this disables the entire trap)
Vampire Spawn, Male Human
Disarm Disable Device DC 26 (a successful disable check
LE Medium Undead
disarms the trap)
Init +6; Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Listen +11, Spot +11
Dispel DC 14 (per blast)
Languages Common, Infernal
Sources Spell Compendium (Page 151)
AC 19, touch 12, flat-footed 17
(+2 Dex, +4 Armor, +3 natural)

BIS7-06 The Golden Masque Page 30

ENCOUNTER 9 explosive runes, glyph of warding, greater glyph of warding,
sepia snake sigil, and the various symbol spells). When an
DUSKWATCHER ALLFAURUK CR 3 illumian encounters such magic, on of two things happen:
Male Illumian Rog2/Wiz (Illusionist)1 Either the illumian’s resonance overpowers the spell, or the
N Medium Humanoid (Human) foreign magic corrupts the mystical language that defines
Init +5; Senses Listen +3, Spot +3 the illumian. Illumians have a –4 racial penalty on saving
Languages Common, Illumian, Draconic, Ancient Baklunish throws against these effects if their level is less than the
AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 10 Caster Level of the spell. If an illumian’s level is equal or
(+3 Dex) exceeds the spell’s Caster Level, she is immune to the effect.
hp 15 (3 HD) Power Sigils (Su) In addition to the array of dimly glowing
Fort +2, Ref +7, Will +3 luminous sigils that orbits her head, a 1st-level illumian has a
Speed 30 ft single brightly glowing power sigil that grants her certain
Melee masterwork rapier +2 (1d6 piercing 18-20/x2) or dagger bonuses. A power sigil can be discerned from other sigils
+1 (1d4 piercing or slashing 19-20/x2) surrounding an illumian with a DC 10 Spot check, and
Ranged dagger +4 (1d4 piercing or slashing 19-20/x2) identified with a DC 15 Knowledge [arcana] check.
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. On attaining 2nd level in any class, an illumian gains a
Base Atk +1; Grp +1 second different power sigil, and the bonus granted by each
Atk Options sneak attack +1d6 power sigil increases to +2. Depending on the combination
Combat Gear masterwork rapier, 3 daggers, potion of invisibility, of power sigils she chooses, an illumian gains one or more
tanglefoot bag, thunderstone, alchemist’s fire, potion of resist extra special abilities (see Illumian words below).
energy (electricity) 20, +1 cloak of resistance The benefit of this Illumian’s power sigils is given below,
Illusionist Spells Prepared (CL 3rd):Prohibited Schools: along with the Common translation of each sigil’s Illumian
Evocation, Enchantment 1st—color spray, serene name.
visage, mage armor Uur (“grace”): +2 bonus on Dexterity checks and Dexterity-
0—acid splash, mage hand, detect magic, silent portal based skill checks.
Abilities Str 10, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 12 Krau (“magic”): +2 bonus to caster level for all spells and
SQ evasion, luminous sigils, glyphic resonance, power sigils, spell-like abilities (up to a maximum value equal to the
illumian words, final utterance, +2 saves vs. spells with the illumian’s character level).
shadow descriptor, superior literacy, trapfinding Illumian Words (Su) Each combination of two power sigils’
Feats Skill Focus (Bluff), Quick Draw, Scribe Scroll names makes an Illumian word of great power, and thus
Skills Bluff +12, Concentration +2, Decipher Script +8, Disable grants extra abilities to a character who possesses those two
Device +7, Escape Artist +9, Forgery +7, Hide +6, Knowledge power sigils. The benefit of this Illumian’s power word is
(arcana) +3, Move Silently +6, Open Lock +9, Search +7, described below.
Sense Motive +5, Spellcraft +3, Tumble +10 Uurkrau: The illumian can use her Dexterity score to
Possessions combat gear plus Explorer’s Outfit, forged papers, determine the bonus spells she gains for a high ability score,
tiny viper familiar, 74 gp instead of the normal ability score used by her class to
Spellbook spells prepared plus 1st—obscuring mist, scholar’s determine this feature. If she has more than one spellcasting
touch, lesser orb of cold class, she may use her Dexterity score in place of any or all of
the ability score used by her classes for this purpose.
Luminous Sigils (Su) The sigils that orbit an Illumian’s head
Final Utterance (Ex) When an Illumian dies, her body releases
glow softly, providing illumination equal to that of a candle.
the stored Illumian language within it. For 1 round per Hit
Illumians can make their sigils disappear by concentrating
Die of the Illumian anyone within earshot hears ululating
for a moment (a standard action), but they don’t receive the
Illumian syllables – usually gibberish, but occasionally a
sigil’s benefits and can’t use any special abilities granted by
prophetic phrase or a final curse on the illumian’s enemies.
illumian words (see below) while they’re doused. Restoring
The illumian’s body need not remain intact for the final
the sigils to visibility is a free action.
utterance to occur. Even if an illumian succumbs to a
Luminous sigils (including power sigils; see below) are
disintegrate spell, her disembodied voice still utters strange
insubstantial and disappear into any matter they touch. An
gibberish for several rounds.
illumian’s sigils remain present and in effect even when the
Description This dark-skinned man dressed in grays and
illumian take another form, unless she would lose her
blacks is clearly an intelligent and canny practitioner of the
supernatural abilities as a result of the form change. An
subtler arts. His head is shaved. Strange symbols rotate
illumian wizard who cast a polymorph spell on herself
around it.
retains her sigils, but an illumian who becomes a zombie
loses them. Power-Up Suite:
Glyphic Resonance (Ex) Illumians are the physical AC 17, touch 13, flat-footed 14
embodiment of a magical language, so they interact (+3 Dex, +4 armor) [mage armor, 80 minutes left]
strangely with symbol-based spells. This group includes all Skills Bluff +13[serene visage, 2 minutes left]
spells whose names contain the words glyph, rune, sigil, or Sources Races of Destiny (Page 53-55)
symbol (such spells in the Player’s Handbook include

BIS7-06 The Golden Masque Page 31

BIS7-06 The Golden Masque Page 32

Resist fire 10 [resist energy, 10 minutes left], acid 10 [potion of

ENCOUNTER 3 resist energy (acid) 10, 10 minutes left],
ECHLORA, DARK DRUID CR 6 Speed 30 ft. in medium armor (6 squares), base movement 40 ft.
Necropolitan, Female Human Drd5 [longstrider, 1 hour left]
NE Medium Undead (Augmented Humanoid) Sources Libris Mortis (Page 114-115)
Init +1; Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Listen +3, Spot +11
Languages Common, Undercommon, Druidic TOZAR (DIRE RAT COMPANION) CR 1
AC 17, touch 11, flat-footed 16 N Small Animal
(+1 Dex, +3 armor, +3 shield) Init +4; Senses Low-Light Vision, Scent, Listen +5, Spot +5
hp 49 (5 HD) AC 20, touch 15, flat-footed 16
Immune undead immunities (+4 Dex, +1 size, +2 armor, +3 natural)
Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +7 (+9 against the effect of the spell control hp 23 (3 HD)
undead) Fort +4, Ref +7, Will +4
Speed 20 ft. in medium armor (4 squares), base movement 30 ft. Speed 40 ft. (8 squares), climb 20 ft.
Melee masterwork silver scimitar +6 (1d6 slashing 18-20/x2) Melee bite +7 (1d4 plus disease)
Ranged sling +5 (1d4+1) Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. Base Atk +2; Grp -2Combat Gear masterwork leather barding
Base Atk +4; Grp +5Atk Options Corrupted Wild Shape 1/day Abilities Str 11, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 1, Wis 12, Cha 4
Combat Gear masterwork silver scimitar, sling, masterwork SQ evasion
hide armor, +1 heavy wooden shield, amulet of aberrant empathy, Feats Alertness, Improved Toughness, Weapon Finesse
potion of protection from good, potion of blur, potion of resist energy Skills Climb +11, Hide +8, Move Silently +4, Swim +11
(acid) 10, 20 bullets Disease (Ex): Filth fever – bite, Fortitude DC 12, incubation
Druid Spells Prepared (CL 5th): 3rd—call lightning, period 1d3 days, damage 1d3 Dex and 1d3 Con. The save DC
poison is Constitution-based.
2nd—barkskin, hold animal, resist energy (fire) Skills Dire rats have a +8 racial bonus on Swim checks. Dire rats
1st—cure light wounds, entangle, faerie fire, longstrider have a +8 bonus on Climb checks and can always choose to
0—cure minor wounds (x2), detect magic, flare (x2) take 10 on Climb checks, even if rushed or threatened. Dire
Abilities Str 12, Dex 12, Con -, Int 12, Wis 17, Cha 14 rats use their Dexterity modifier for Climb and Swim checks.
SQ vermin empathy +3, rootwalker class features, resist control,
+2 turn resistance, unnatural resilience, trackless step ADVANCED CARRION CRAWLER CR 5
Feats Corrupted Wild Shape, Skill Focus (Concentration) , N Huge Aberration
Improved Toughness Init +2; Senses Darkvision 60’, Scent, Listen +8, Spot +8
Skills Concentration +11, Diplomacy +6, Handle Animal +10, AC 19, touch 10, flat-footed 17
Knowledge (nature) +11, Spellcraft +9, Survival +13 (-2 size, +2 Dex, +9 natural)
Possessions combat gear plus Black tattering clothing, 203 gp hp 63 (7 HD);
in coin, papers from Kora Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +7
Resist Control (Ex) Necropolitans have a +2 profane bonus on Speed 30 ft., climb 15 ft.
their Will saving throws to resist the effect of a control undead Melee Tentacle +9 (paralysis) or 8 tentacles +9 (paralysis) and
spell. bite +4 (1d6+3)
Unnatural Resilience (Su) Necropolitans automatically heal Space 15 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
hit point damage and ability damage at the same rate as a Base Atk +5; Grp +19
living creature. The Heal skill has no effect on necropolitans; Abilities Str 22, Dex 14, Con 18, Int 1, Wis 15, Cha 6
however, negative energy (such as an inflict spell) heals them. Feats Ability Focus (Paralysis), Alertness, Combat Reflexes,
Description This withered human woman stares at you Track
through sunken eye sockets; her eyes are so blue they are Skills Climb +12
more accurately white, as if drained of the color of life. This
Paralysis (Ex) Those hit by a carrion crawler’s tentacle attack
figure wears tattered black clothing and a bizarre, gnarled
must succeed on a DC 19 Fortitude save or be paralyzed for
2d4 rounds. The save DC is Constitution-based.
Power-Up Suite: Description The stink of rotten meat surrounds this
AC 19, touch 11, flat-footed 18 multilegged creature with a segmented, 15-foot-long body.
(+1 Dex, +3 armor, +3 shield, +2 natural) [barkskin, 10 minutes Eight writhing tentacles protrude from its head, growing

BIS7-06 The Golden Masque Page 33

directly from below its clacking mandibles and tooth-filled rat swarms, 1d4+1 bat swarms, or a pack of 3d6 wolves as a
maw. standard action. These creatures arrive in 2d6 rounds and
serve the vampire for up to 1 hour.
Dominate (Su) A vampire can crush an opponent’s will just by
looking onto his or her eyes. This is similar to a gaze attack,
ENCOUNTER 6 except that the vampire must use a standard action, and
those merely looking at it are not affected. Anyone the
(VAMPIRE ABILITIES LISTED ONLY UNDER THE vampire targets must succeed on a Will save (DC 14) or fall
STATS FOR KORA) instantly under the vampire’s influence as though by a
dominate person spell (caster level 12th). The ability has a
KORA, VOICE OF CASSITER CR 7 range of 30 feet.
Vampire, Female Human Mnk5 Create Spawn (Su) A humanoid or monstrous humanoid slain
LE Medium Undead (Augmented Humanoid) by a vampire’s energy drain rises as a vampire spawn (see
Init +9; Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Listen +13, Spot +13 Vampire Spawn entry, page 253) 1d4 days after burial.
Languages Common, Infernal If the vampire instead drains the victim’s Constitution to 0
AC 27, touch 20, flat-footed 22, Dodge, Mobility, Deflect Arrows or lower, the victim retirns as a spawn if it had 4 or less HD
(+5 Dex, +1 armor, +1 deflection, +3 Wisdom, +1 Class, +6 and as a vampire if it had 5 or more HD. In either case, the
natural) new vampire or spawn is under the command of the vampire
hp 50 (5 HD); fast healing 5; DR 10/silver and magic that created it and remains enslaved until its master’s
Immune undead immunities destruction. At any given time a campire may have an
Resist cold 10, electricity 10 enslaved spawn totaling no more than twice its own Hit
Fort +4, Ref +11, Will +7 (+9 against spells and effects from the Dice; any spawn it creates that would exceed this limit are
school of enchantment) created as free-willed vampires or vampire spawn. A vampire
Weakness vampire weaknesses that is enslaved may create and enslave spawn of its own, so a
Speed 40 ft; Spider climb, slow fall 20 ft. master vampire can control a number of lesser vampires in
Melee unarmed strike +10 (1d8+6 bludgeoning plus energy this fashion. A vampire may voluntarily free an enslaved
drain) or unarmed strike +9/+9 (1d8+6 bludgeoning plus spawn in order to enslave a new spawn, but once freed, a
energy drain) with flurry of blows vampire or vampire spawn cannot be enslaved again.
Ranged masterwork light crossbow +9 (1d8 19-20/x2) Energy Drain (Su) Living creatures hit by a vampire’s slam
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. attack (or any other natural weapon the vampire might
Base Atk +3; Grp +13 possess) gain two negative levels. For each negative level
Atk Options Blood Drain, Children of the Night, Combat bestowed, the vampire gains 5 temporary hit points. A
Reflexes, Create Spawn, Dominate, Energy Drain vampire can use its energy drain ability once per round.
Special Actions Alternate Form, Gaseous Form, +4 Turn Alternate Form (Su) A vampire can assume the shape of a bat,
Resistance dire bat, wolf, or dire wolf as a standard action. While in its
Combat Gear bracers of armor +1, ring of protection +1, alternate form, the vampire loses its natural slam attack and
masterwork light crossbow, potion of resist energy (cold) 20, 20 dominate ability, but it gains the natural weapons and
bolts extraordinary special attacks of its new form. It can remain
Abilities Str 22, Dex 20, Con -, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 14 in that form until it assumes another or until the next
SQ Evasion, Still Mind sunrise.
Feats Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Deflect Arrows, Dodge, Fast Healing (Ex) A vampire heals 5 points of damage each
Improved Grapple, Improved Initiative, Improved round so long as it has at least 1 hit point. If reduced to 0 hit
Toughness, Lightning Reflexes, Mobility, Weapon Focus points in combat, it automatically assumes gaseous form and
(Unarmed Strike) attempts to escape. It must reach its coffin home within 2
Skills Bluff +10, Diplomacy +12, Escape Artist +13, Hide +21, hours or be utterly destroyed. (It can travel up to nine miles
Jump +15, Move Silently +21, Search +9, Sense Motive +16, in 2 hours.) Any additional damage dealt to a vampire in
Tumble +13 gaseous form has no effect. Once at rest in its coffin, a
Possessions combat gear plus Noble’s Outfit, signet ring, 183 vampire is helpless. It regains 1 hit point after 1 hour, then is
gp worth of jewelry, papers in Lord Fertuine’s hand, a no longer helpless and resumes healing at the rate of 5 hit
Golden Mask points per round.
Gaseous Form (Su) As a standard action, a vampire can assume
Blood Drain (Ex) A vampire can suck blood from a living
gaseous form at will as the spell (caster level 5th), but it can
victim with its fangs by making a successful grapple check. If
remain gaseous indefinitely and has a fly speed of 20 feet
it pins the foe, it drains blood, dealing 1d4 points of
with perfect maneuverability.
Constitution drain each round the pin is maintained. On
Spider Climb (Su) A vampire can climb sheer surfaces as
each successful attack, the vampire gains 5 temporary hit
though with a spider climb spell.
Skills Vampires have a +8 racial bonus on Bluff, Hide, Listen,
Children of the Night (Su) Vampires command the lesser
Move Silently, Search, Sense Motive, and Spot Checks.
creatures of the world and once per day can call forth 1d6+1

BIS7-06 The Golden Masque Page 34

Description The stunning woman before you is dressed in a halberd in his hands. His hair is blonde and curled and his skin
diaphanous umber gown and an ornate golden mask. She has in light. The uniform he wears is pristine and he is wearing an
fine, straight beige hair and light-colored skin. ornate golden mask.
Sources DMG (Page 252) Sources DMG (Page 252)


Vampire, Male Human Mnk1/Ftr4 Description A 30-foot-by-50-foot room with four exits. Once
LE Medium Undead (Augmented Humanoid) any living creature comes within 5 feet of the center of the
Init +9; Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Listen +10, Spot +10 room, the trap activates. A globe of dark stone descends from
Languages Common, Infernal, Sylvan a hidden compartment in the room’s ceiling and targets each
AC 25, touch 15, flat-footed 20, Dodge, Spinning Halberd creature (including enemy NPCs) with a blast of blue-black
(+5 Dex, +4 armor, +6 natural) force.
hp 50 (5 HD); fast healing 5; DR 10/silver and magic Search DC 18; Type magic
Immune undead immunities Trigger proximity (alarm), Init +1
Resist cold 10, electricity 10 Effect empowered lesser orb of cold (CL 5), each creature in the
Fort +6, Ref +10, Will +3 room is targeted with a blast of blue-black force (+3 ranged
Weakness vampire weaknesses touch attack, 3d8+50% cold damage, no save)
Speed 30 ft; Spider climb Duration 10 rounds
Melee +1 halberd +13 (1d10+13 piercing or slashing 20/x3) or +1 Destruction globe of dark stone AC 16, 18 hp, hardness 8
halberd +13 (1d10+13 piercing or slashing 20/x3) and +8 (destroying this disables the entire trap)
(1d6+6 bludgeoning 20/x3) or unarmed strike +11 (1d6+7 Disarm Disable Device DC 28 (a successful disable check
bludgeoning plus energy drain) disarms the trap)
Ranged masterwork light crossbow +10 (1d8 19-20/x2) Dispel DC 16 (per blast)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. Sources Spell Compendium (Page 151)
Base Atk +4; Grp +15
Atk Options Blood Drain, Children of the Night, Combat
Reflexes, Create Spawn, Dominate, Energy Drain, Power
Special Actions Alternate Form, Gaseous Form, +4 Turn Male Illumian Rog2/Wiz(Illusionist)3
Resistance N Medium Humanoid (Human)
Combat Gear +1 halberd, masterwork chain shirt, masterwork Init +5; Senses Listen +3, Spot +3
light crossbow, potion of resist energy (cold) 30, potion of Languages Common, Illumian, Draconic, Ancient Baklunish
protection from good, 20 bolts AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 10
Abilities Str 24, Dex 20, Con -, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 14 (+3 Dex)
Feats Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Improved Grapple, hp 24 (5 HD)
Improved Initiative, Improved Toughness, Lightning Fort +3, Ref +8, Will +4
Reflexes, Power Attack, Spinning Halberd, Two-Weapon Speed 30 ft
Fighting, Weapon Focus (Halberd), Weapon Specialization Melee masterwork rapier +3 (1d6 piercing 18-20/x2) or dagger
(Halberd) +2 (1d4 piercing or slashing 19-20/x2)
Skills Bluff +10, Diplomacy +8, Handle Animal +4, Hide +14, Ranged dagger +5 (1d4 piercing or slashing 19-20/x2)
Jump +13, Knowledge (local – Sheldomar Valley MR) +4, Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Knowledge (nobility and royalty) +4, Move Silently +14, Base Atk +2; Grp +2
Ride +9, Search +10, Sense Motive +12, Tumble +9 Atk Options sneak attack +1d6
Possessions combat gear plus Courtier’s Outfit, 253 gp in coin, Combat Gear masterwork rapier, 3 daggers, potion of invisibility,
a Golden Mask tanglefoot bag, thunderstone, alchemist’s fire, potion of resist
Blood Drain (Ex) As Kora. energy (electricity) 20, +1 cloak of resistance
Children of the Night (Su) As Kora. Illusionist Spells Prepared (CL 5th):Prohibited Schools:
Dominate (Su) As Kora. Evocation, Enchantment 2nd—blur, false life,
Create Spawn (Su) As Kora. shadow spray
Energy Drain (Su) As Kora. 1st—color spray, serene visage, mage armor, obscuring mist
Alternate Form (Su) As Kora. 0—acid splash, daze, detect magic, mage hand, silent portal
Fast Healing (Ex) As Kora. Abilities Str 10, Dex 17, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 12
Gaseous Form (Su) As Kora. SQ evasion, luminous sigils, glyphic resonance, power sigils,
Spider Climb (Su) As Kora. illumian words, final utterance, +2 saves vs. spells with the
Skills As Kora. shadow descriptor, superior literacy, trapfinding
Description The broad-shouldered man has the obvious look of Feats Skill Focus (Bluff), Quick Draw, Scribe Scroll
a palace guard, with a well-polished suit of armor and a baroque

BIS7-06 The Golden Masque Page 35

Skills Bluff +12, Concentration +9, Decipher Script +9, Disable grants extra abilities to a character who possesses those two
Device +7, Escape Artist +9, Forgery +7, Hide +6, Knowledge power sigils. The benefit of this Illumian’s power word is
(arcana) +3, Move Silently +6, Open Lock +9, Search +7, described below.
Sense Motive +5, Spellcraft +3, Tumble +10 Uurkrau: The illumian can use her Dexterity score to
Possessions combat gear plus Explorer’s Outfit, hat of disguise, determine the bonus spells she gains for a high ability score,
forged papers, tiny viper familiar, 74 gp instead of the normal ability score used by her class to
Spellbook spells prepared plus 1st—scholar’s touch, lesser orb of determine this feature. If she has more than one spellcasting
cold; 2nd—invisibility, melf’s acid arrow class, she may use her Dexterity score in place of any or all of
Luminous Sigils (Su) The sigils that orbit an Illumian’s head the ability score used by her classes for this purpose.
glow softly, providing illumination equal to that of a candle. Final Utterance (Ex) When an Illumian dies, her body releases
Illumians can make their sigils disappear by concentrating the stored Illumian language within it. For 1 round per Hit
for a moment (a standard action), but they don’t receive the Die of the Illumian anyone within earshot hears ululating
sigil’s benefits and can’t use any special abilities granted by Illumian syllables – usually gibberish, but occasionally a
illumian words (see below) while they’re doused. Restoring prophetic phrase or a final curse on the illumian’s enemies.
the sigils to visibility is a free action. The illumian’s body need not remain intact for the final
Luminous sigils (including power sigils; see below) are utterance to occur. Even if an illumian succumbs to a
insubstantial and disappear into any matter they touch. An disintegrate spell, her disembodied voice still utters strange
illumian’s sigils remain present and in effect even when the gibberish for several rounds.
illumian take another form, unless she would lose her Description This dark-skinned man dressed in grays and
supernatural abilities as a result of the form change. An blacks is clearly an intelligent and canny practitioner of the
illumian wizard who cast a polymorph spell on herself subtler arts. His head is shaved. Strange symbols rotate
retains her sigils, but an illumian who becomes a zombie around it.
loses them. Power-Up Suite:
Glyphic Resonance (Ex) Illumians are the physical AC 17, touch 13, flat-footed 14
embodiment of a magical language, so they interact (+3 Dex, +4 armor) [mage armor, 80 minutes left]
strangely with symbol-based spells. This group includes all hp 35 (5 HD) [false life, 80 minutes left]
spells whose names contain the words glyph, rune, sigil, or Skills Bluff +14[serene visage, 2 minutes left]
symbol (such spells in the Player’s Handbook include Sources Races of Destiny (Page 53-55)
explosive runes, glyph of warding, greater glyph of warding,
sepia snake sigil, and the various symbol spells). When an
illumian encounters such magic, on of two things happen:
Either the illumian’s resonance overpowers the spell, or the
foreign magic corrupts the mystical language that defines
the illumian. Illumians have a –4 racial penalty on saving
throws against these effects if their level is less than the
Caster Level of the spell. If an illumian’s level is equal or
exceeds the spell’s Caster Level, she is immune to the effect.
Power Sigils (Su) In addition to the array of dimly glowing
luminous sigils that orbits her head, a 1st-level illumian has a
single brightly glowing power sigil that grants her certain
bonuses. A power sigil can be discerned from other sigils
surrounding an illumian with a DC 10 Spot check, and
identified with a DC 15 Knowledge [arcana] check.
On attaining 2nd level in any class, an illumian gains a
second different power sigil, and the bonus granted by each
power sigil increases to +2. Depending on the combination
of power sigils she chooses, an illumian gains one or more
extra special abilities (see Illumian words below).
The benefit of this Illumian’s power sigils is given below,
along with the Common translation of each sigil’s Illumian
Uur (“grace”): +2 bonus on Dexterity checks and Dexterity-
based skill checks.
Krau (“magic”): +2 bonus to caster level for all spells and
spell-like abilities (up to a maximum value equal to the
illumian’s character level).
Illumian Words (Su) Each combination of two power sigils’
names makes an Illumian word of great power, and thus

BIS7-06 The Golden Masque Page 36


Resist fire 20 [resist energy, 10 minutes left], acid 10 [potion of

ENCOUNTER 3 resist energy (acid) 10, 10 minutes left],
ECHLORA, DARK DRUID CR 8 Speed 30 ft. in medium armor (6 squares), base movement 40 ft.
Necropolitan, Female Human Drd7 [longstrider, 1 hour left]
NE Medium Undead (Augmented Humanoid) Sources Libris Mortis (Page 114-115)
Init +1; Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Listen +7, Spot +13
Languages Common, Undercommon, Druidic TOZAR (DIRE RAT COMPANION) CR 2
AC 19, touch 12, flat-footed 18 N Small Animal
(+1 Dex, +1 Deflection, +4 armor, +3 shield) Init +4; Senses Low-Light Vision, Scent, Listen +6, Spot +6
hp 68 (7 HD) AC 22, touch 15, flat-footed 18
Immune undead immunities (+4 Dex, +1 size, +2 armor, +5 natural)
Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +7 (+9 against the effect of the spell control hp 38 (5 HD)
undead) Fort +5, Ref +8, Will +5
Speed 20 ft. in medium armor (4 squares), base movement 30 ft. Speed 40 ft. (8 squares), climb 20 ft.
Melee masterwork silver scimitar +6 (1d6 slashing 18-20/x2) Melee bite +8 (1d4+1 plus disease)
Ranged sling +5 (1d4+1) Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. Base Atk +3; Grp -1Combat Gear masterwork leather barding
Base Atk +5; Grp +6Atk Options Corrupted Wild Shape 3/day Abilities Str 13, Dex 19, Con 12, Int 1, Wis 12, Cha 4
Combat Gear masterwork silver scimitar, sling, +1 hide armor, SQ evasion, devotion
+1 heavy wooden shield, amulet of aberrant empathy, ring of Feats Alertness, Improved Toughness, Weapon Finesse
protection +1, potion of protection from good, potion of blur, potion of Skills Climb +11, Hide +8, Move Silently +4, Swim +11
resist energy (acid) 10, 20 bullets Disease (Ex): Filth fever – bite, Fortitude DC 13, incubation
Druid Spells Prepared (CL 7th): 4th—dispel magic period 1d3 days, damage 1d3 Dex and 1d3 Con. The save DC
3rd—call lightning, cure moderate wounds, poison is Constitution-based.
2nd—barkskin, chill metal, hold animal, resist energy (fire) Skills Dire rats have a +8 racial bonus on Swim checks. Dire rats
1st—cure light wounds (x2), entangle, faerie fire, longstrider have a +8 bonus on Climb checks and can always choose to
0—cure minor wounds (x3), detect magic, flare (x2) take 10 on Climb checks, even if rushed or threatened. Dire
Abilities Str 12, Dex 12, Con -, Int 12, Wis 17, Cha 14 rats use their Dexterity modifier for Climb and Swim checks.
SQ vermin empathy +3, rootwalker class features, resist control,
+2 turn resistance, unnatural resilience, trackless step DEVIL CRAWLER CR 7
Feats Corrupted Wild Shape, Skill Focus (Concentration) , NE Huge Aberration (Extraplanar)
Improved Toughness, Natural Spell Init +2; Senses Darkvision 60’, Scent, Listen +9, Spot +9
Skills Concentration +13, Diplomacy +6, Handle Animal +12, AC 19, touch 10, flat-footed 17
Knowledge (nature) +11, Spellcraft +11, Survival +13 (-2 size, +2 Dex, +9 natural)
Possessions combat gear plus Black tattering clothing, 103 gp hp 72 (8 HD); DR 5/ magic
in coin, papers from Kora Resist cold 10, fire 10; SR 13
Resist Control (Ex) Necropolitans have a +2 profane bonus on Fort +7, Ref +5, Will +9
their Will saving throws to resist the effect of a control undead Speed 30 ft., climb 15 ft.
spell. Melee Tentacle +10 (paralysis) or 8 tentacles +10 (paralysis) and
Unnatural Resilience (Su) Necropolitans automatically heal bite +5 (1d6+3)
hit point damage and ability damage at the same rate as a Space 15 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
living creature. The Heal skill has no effect on necropolitans; Base Atk +6; Grp +20Atk Options Smite Good
however, negative energy (such as an inflict spell) heals them. Abilities Str 22, Dex 14, Con 18, Int 3, Wis 16, Cha 6
Description This withered human woman stares at you Feats Ability Focus (Paralysis), Alertness, Combat Reflexes,
through sunken eye sockets; her eyes are so blue they are Track
more accurately white, as if drained of the color of life. This Skills Climb +13
figure wears tattered black clothing and a bizarre, gnarled
Paralysis (Ex) Those hit by a carrion crawler’s tentacle attack
must succeed on a DC 20 Fortitude save or be paralyzed for
Power-Up Suite: 2d4 rounds. The save DC is Constitution-based.
AC 22, touch 12, flat-footed 21 Smite Good (Su) Once per day the creature can make a normal
(+1 Dex, +1 Deflection, +4 armor, +3 shield, +3 natural) melee attack to deal extra damage equal to its HD total
[barkskin, 10 minutes left] (maximum of +20) against a good foe.

BIS7-06 The Golden Masque Page 37

Description The stink of rotten meat and the faint smell of each successful attack, the vampire gains 5 temporary hit
brimstone surrounds this multilegged creature with a points.
segmented, 15-foot-long body. Eight writhing tentacles Children of the Night (Su) Vampires command the lesser
protrude from its head, growing directly from below its creatures of the world and once per day can call forth 1d6+1
clacking mandibles and tooth-filled maw. rat swarms, 1d4+1 bat swarms, or a pack of 3d6 wolves as a
standard action. These creatures arrive in 2d6 rounds and
serve the vampire for up to 1 hour.
Dominate (Su) A vampire can crush an opponent’s will just by
ENCOUNTER 6 looking onto his or her eyes. This is similar to a gaze attack,
except that the vampire must use a standard action, and
(VAMPIRE ABILITIES LISTED ONLY UNDER THE those merely looking at it are not affected. Anyone the
STATS FOR KORA) vampire targets must succeed on a Will save (DC 15) or fall
instantly under the vampire’s influence as though by a
KORA, VOICE OF CASSITER CR 9 dominate person spell (caster level 12th). The ability has a
Vampire, Female Human Mnk7 range of 30 feet.
LE Medium Undead (Augmented Humanoid) Create Spawn (Su) A humanoid or monstrous humanoid slain
Init +9; Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Listen +13, Spot +13 by a vampire’s energy drain rises as a vampire spawn (see
Languages Common, Infernal Vampire Spawn entry, page 253) 1d4 days after burial.
AC 27, touch 20, flat-footed 22, Dodge, Mobility, Deflect Arrows If the vampire instead drains the victim’s Constitution to 0
(+5 Dex, +1 armor, +1 deflection, +3 Wisdom, +1 Class, +6 or lower, the victim retirns as a spawn if it had 4 or less HD
natural) and as a vampire if it had 5 or more HD. In either case, the
hp 68 (7 HD); fast healing 5; DR 10/silver and magic new vampire or spawn is under the command of the vampire
Immune undead immunities that created it and remains enslaved until its master’s
Resist cold 10, electricity 10 destruction. At any given time a campire may have an
Fort +5, Ref +12, Will +8 (+10 against spells and effects from enslaved spawn totaling no more than twice its own Hit
the school of enchantment) Dice; any spawn it creates that would exceed this limit are
Weakness vampire weaknesses created as free-willed vampires or vampire spawn. A vampire
Speed 50 ft; Spider climb, Spring Attack, slow fall 30 ft. that is enslaved may create and enslave spawn of its own, so a
Melee unarmed strike +12 (1d8+6 bludgeoning plus energy master vampire can control a number of lesser vampires in
drain) or unarmed strike +11/+11 (1d8+6 bludgeoning plus this fashion. A vampire may voluntarily free an enslaved
energy drain) with flurry of blows spawn in order to enslave a new spawn, but once freed, a
Ranged +1 light crossbow +11 (1d8+1 19-20/x2) vampire or vampire spawn cannot be enslaved again.
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. Energy Drain (Su) Living creatures hit by a vampire’s slam
Base Atk +5; Grp +15 attack (or any other natural weapon the vampire might
Atk Options Blood Drain, Children of the Night, Combat possess) gain two negative levels. For each negative level
Reflexes, Create Spawn, Dominate, Energy Drain, Improved bestowed, the vampire gains 5 temporary hit points. A
Trip vampire can use its energy drain ability once per round.
Special Actions Alternate Form, Gaseous Form, +4 Turn Alternate Form (Su) A vampire can assume the shape of a bat,
Resistance dire bat, wolf, or dire wolf as a standard action. While in its
Combat Gear bracers of armor +1, ring of protection +1, light alternate form, the vampire loses its natural slam attack and
crossbow +1, potion of resist energy (cold) 30, potion of protection dominate ability, but it gains the natural weapons and
from good, potion of blur, 20 bolts extraordinary special attacks of its new form. It can remain
Abilities Str 22, Dex 20, Con -, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 14 in that form until it assumes another or until the next
SQ Evasion, Still Mind, Wholeness of Body sunrise.
Feats Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Deflect Arrows, Dodge, Fast Healing (Ex) A vampire heals 5 points of damage each
Improved Grapple, Improved Initiative, Improved round so long as it has at least 1 hit point. If reduced to 0 hit
Toughness, Improved Trip, Lightning Reflexes, Mobility, points in combat, it automatically assumes gaseous form and
Spring Attack, Weapon Focus (Unarmed Strike) attempts to escape. It must reach its coffin home within 2
Skills Bluff +10, Diplomacy +14, Escape Artist +15, Hide +22, hours or be utterly destroyed. (It can travel up to nine miles
Jump +21, Move Silently +22, Search +9, Sense Motive +18, in 2 hours.) Any additional damage dealt to a vampire in
Tumble +17 gaseous form has no effect. Once at rest in its coffin, a
Possessions combat gear plus Noble’s Outfit, signet ring, 233 vampire is helpless. It regains 1 hit point after 1 hour, then is
gp worth of jewelry, papers in Lord Fertuine’s hand, a no longer helpless and resumes healing at the rate of 5 hit
Golden Mask points per round.
Gaseous Form (Su) As a standard action, a vampire can assume
Blood Drain (Ex) A vampire can suck blood from a living
gaseous form at will as the spell (caster level 5th), but it can
victim with its fangs by making a successful grapple check. If
remain gaseous indefinitely and has a fly speed of 20 feet
it pins the foe, it drains blood, dealing 1d4 points of
with perfect maneuverability.
Constitution drain each round the pin is maintained. On

BIS7-06 The Golden Masque Page 38

Spider Climb (Su) A vampire can climb sheer surfaces as Gaseous Form (Su) As Kora.
though with a spider climb spell. Spider Climb (Su) As Kora.
Skills Vampires have a +8 racial bonus on Bluff, Hide, Listen, Skills As Kora.
Move Silently, Search, Sense Motive, and Spot Checks. Description The broad-shouldered man has the obvious look of
Description The stunning woman standing before you is a palace guard, with a well-polished suit of armor and a baroque
dressed in a diaphanous umber gown and an ornate golden halberd in his hands. His hair is blonde and curled and his skin
mask. She has fine, straight beige hair and light-colored skin. in light. The uniform he wears is pristine and he is wearing an
Sources DMG (Page 252) ornate golden mask.
Sources DMG (Page 252)
Vampire, Male Human Mnk1/Ftr6 BLAST SPHERE PEDWAR CR 4
LE Medium Undead (Augmented Humanoid) Description A 30-foot-by-50-foot room with four exits. Once
Init +9; Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Listen +10, Spot +10 any living creature comes within 5 feet of the center of the
Languages Common, Infernal, Sylvan room, the trap activates. A globe of dark stone descends from
AC 27, touch 16, flat-footed 22, Dodge, Spinning Halberd, a hidden compartment in the room’s ceiling and targets each
Combat Expertise creature (including enemy NPCs) with a blast of blue-black
(+5 Dex, +5 armor, +1 deflection, +6 natural) force.
hp 68 (7 HD); fast healing 5; DR 10/silver and magic Search DC 19; Type magic
Immune undead immunities Trigger proximity (alarm), Init +2
Resist cold 10, electricity 10 Effect orb of cold (CL 7), each creature in the room is targeted
Fort +7, Ref +11, Will +6 with a blast of blue-black force (+4 ranged touch attack, 7d6
Weakness vampire weaknesses cold damage, no save)
Speed 30 ft; Spider climb Duration 11 rounds
Melee +1 halberd +15 (1d10+13 piercing or slashing 20/x3) or +1 Destruction globe of dark stone AC 18, 24 hp, hardness 8
halberd +15/+10 (1d10+13 piercing or slashing 20/x3) and (destroying this disables the entire trap)
+10 (1d6+6 bludgeoning 20/x3) or unarmed strike +13 Disarm Disable Device DC 29 (a successful disable check
(1d6+7 bludgeoning plus energy drain) disarms the trap)
Ranged masterwork light crossbow +12 (1d8 19-20/x2) Dispel DC 18 (per blast)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. Sources Spell Compendium (Page 151)
Base Atk +6; Grp +17
Atk Options Blood Drain, Children of the Night, Combat
Reflexes, Create Spawn, Dominate, Energy Drain, Power
Special Actions Alternate Form, Gaseous Form, +4 Turn Male Illumian Rog3/Wiz(Illusionist)4
Resistance N Medium Humanoid (Human)
Combat Gear +1 halberd, +1 chain shirt, ring of protection +1, Init +6; Senses Listen +3, Spot +3
masterwork light crossbow, potion of resist energy (cold) 30, Languages Common, Illumian, Draconic, Ancient Baklunish
potion of protection from good, 20 bolts AC 14, touch 14, flat-footed 11
Abilities Str 24, Dex 20, Con -, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 14 (+3 Dex, +1 Deflection)
Feats Alertness, Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, hp 33 (7 HD)
Improved Grapple, Improved Initiative, Improved Fort +4, Ref +8, Will +6
Toughness, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Power Attack, Speed 30 ft
Spinning Halberd, Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus Melee masterwork rapier +5 (1d6 piercing 18-20/x2) or dagger
(Halberd), Weapon Specialization (Halberd) +4 (1d4 piercing or slashing 19-20/x2)
Skills Bluff +13, Diplomacy +8, Handle Animal +4, Hide +14, Ranged dagger +7 (1d4 piercing or slashing 19-20/x2)
Jump +12, Knowledge (local – Sheldomar Valley MR) +4, Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Knowledge (nobility and royalty) +4, Move Silently +14, Base Atk +4; Grp +4
Ride +10, Search +10, Sense Motive +12, Tumble +11 Atk Options sneak attack +2d6
Possessions combat gear plus Courtier’s Outfit, 153 gp in coin, Combat Gear masterwork rapier, 3 daggers, potion of invisibility,
a Golden Mask tanglefoot bag, thunderstone, alchemist’s fire, potion of resist
Blood Drain (Ex) As Kora. energy (electricity) 20, +1 cloak of resistance, ring of protection +1,
Children of the Night (Su) As Kora. potion of greater mage armor
Dominate (Su) As Kora. Illusionist Spells Prepared (CL 7th):Prohibited Schools:
Create Spawn (Su) As Kora. Evocation, Enchantment 2nd—blur, false life,
Energy Drain (Su) As Kora. shadow spray, melf’s acid arrow
Alternate Form (Su) As Kora. 1st—color spray, serene visage, obscuring mist, lesser orb or cold
Fast Healing (Ex) As Kora. (x2)

BIS7-06 The Golden Masque Page 39

0—acid splash, daze, detect magic, mage hand, silent portal name. This includes the benefit of the Enhanced Power
Abilities Str 10, Dex 17, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 12 Sigils feat.
SQ evasion, luminous sigils, glyphic resonance, power sigils, Uur (“grace”): +3 bonus on Dexterity checks and Dexterity-
illumian words, final utterance, +2 saves vs. spells with the based skill checks.
shadow descriptor, superior literacy, trapfinding, trap sense Krau (“magic”): +3 bonus to caster level for all spells and
+1 spell-like abilities (up to a maximum value equal to the
Feats Enhanced Power Sigils, Skill Focus (Bluff), Quick Draw, illumian’s character level).
Scribe Scroll Illumian Words (Su) Each combination of two power sigils’
Skills Bluff +16, Concentration +10, Decipher Script +9, Disable names makes an Illumian word of great power, and thus
Device +9, Escape Artist +13, Forgery +7, Hide +7, grants extra abilities to a character who possesses those two
Knowledge (arcana) +6, Move Silently +7, Open Lock +10, power sigils. The benefit of this Illumian’s power word is
Search +7, Sense Motive +5, Spellcraft +3, Tumble +13 described below.
Possessions combat gear plus Explorer’s Outfit, hat of disguise, Uurkrau: The illumian can use her Dexterity score to
forged papers, tiny viper familiar, 74 gp determine the bonus spells she gains for a high ability score,
Spellbook spells prepared plus 1st—scholar’s touch; 2nd— instead of the normal ability score used by her class to
invisibility determine this feature. If she has more than one spellcasting
Luminous Sigils (Su) The sigils that orbit an Illumian’s head class, she may use her Dexterity score in place of any or all of
glow softly, providing illumination equal to that of a candle. the ability score used by her classes for this purpose.
Illumians can make their sigils disappear by concentrating Final Utterance (Ex) When an Illumian dies, her body releases
for a moment (a standard action), but they don’t receive the the stored Illumian language within it. For 1 round per Hit
sigil’s benefits and can’t use any special abilities granted by Die of the Illumian anyone within earshot hears ululating
illumian words (see below) while they’re doused. Restoring Illumian syllables – usually gibberish, but occasionally a
the sigils to visibility is a free action. prophetic phrase or a final curse on the illumian’s enemies.
Luminous sigils (including power sigils; see below) are The illumian’s body need not remain intact for the final
insubstantial and disappear into any matter they touch. An utterance to occur. Even if an illumian succumbs to a
illumian’s sigils remain present and in effect even when the disintegrate spell, her disembodied voice still utters strange
illumian take another form, unless she would lose her gibberish for several rounds.
supernatural abilities as a result of the form change. An Description This dark-skinned man dressed in grays and
illumian wizard who cast a polymorph spell on herself blacks is clearly an intelligent and canny practitioner of the
retains her sigils, but an illumian who becomes a zombie subtler arts. His head is shaved. Strange symbols rotate
loses them. around it.
Glyphic Resonance (Ex) Illumians are the physical Power-Up Suite:
embodiment of a magical language, so they interact AC 20, touch 14, flat-footed 17
strangely with symbol-based spells. This group includes all (+3 Dex, +6 armor, +1 Deflection) [greater mage armor, 80
spells whose names contain the words glyph, rune, sigil, or minutes left]
symbol (such spells in the Player’s Handbook include hp 46 (5 HD) [false life, 80 minutes left]
explosive runes, glyph of warding, greater glyph of warding, Skills Bluff +19[serene visage, 2 minutes left]
sepia snake sigil, and the various symbol spells). When an Sources Races of Destiny (Page 53-55)
illumian encounters such magic, on of two things happen:
Either the illumian’s resonance overpowers the spell, or the
foreign magic corrupts the mystical language that defines
the illumian. Illumians have a –4 racial penalty on saving
throws against these effects if their level is less than the
Caster Level of the spell. If an illumian’s level is equal or
exceeds the spell’s Caster Level, she is immune to the effect.
Power Sigils (Su) In addition to the array of dimly glowing
luminous sigils that orbits her head, a 1st-level illumian has a
single brightly glowing power sigil that grants her certain
bonuses. A power sigil can be discerned from other sigils
surrounding an illumian with a DC 10 Spot check, and
identified with a DC 15 Knowledge [arcana] check.
On attaining 2nd level in any class, an illumian gains a
second different power sigil, and the bonus granted by each
power sigil increases to +2. Depending on the combination
of power sigils she chooses, an illumian gains one or more
extra special abilities (see Illumian words below).
The benefit of this Illumian’s power sigils is given below,
along with the Common translation of each sigil’s Illumian

BIS7-06 The Golden Masque Page 40


AC 29, touch 12, flat-footed 28

ENCOUNTER 3 (+1 Dex, +1 Deflection, +10 armor, +3 shield, +4 natural)
ECHLORA, DARK DRUID CR 11 [barkskin, 10 minutes left]
Necropolitan, Female Human Drd10 hp 98 (10 HD) DR 10/adamantine, (up to 100 points) [stoneskin,
NE Medium Undead (Augmented Humanoid) 10 minutes left]
Init +1; Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Listen +13, Spot +16 Resist fire 20 [resist energy, 10 minutes left], acid 10 [potion of
Languages Common, Undercommon, Druidic resist energy (acid) 10, 10 minutes left],
Speed 30 ft. in medium armor (6 squares), base movement 40 ft.
AC 25, touch 12, flat-footed 24
[longstrider, 1 hour left] Freedom of Movement, 10 minutes left
(+1 Dex, +1 Deflection, +10 armor, +3 shield)
Sources Libris Mortis (Page 114-115)
hp 98 (10 HD)
Immune undead immunities
Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +11 (+13 against the effect of the spell
N Small Animal
control undead)
Init +5; Senses Low-Light Vision, Scent, Listen +7, Spot +7
Speed 20 ft. in medium armor (4 squares), base movement 30 ft.
AC 25, touch 16, flat-footed 20
Melee +1 silver scimitar +9 (1d6+1 slashing 18-20/x2)
(+5 Dex, +1 size, +2 armor, +7 natural)
Ranged sling +8 (1d4+1)
hp 53 (7 HD)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Fort +6, Ref +12, Will +6
Base Atk +7; Grp +8Atk Options Corrupted Wild Shape 3/day,
Corrupted Wild Shape (Large) Speed 40 ft. (8 squares), climb 20 ft.
Combat Gear +1 silver scimitar, sling, +2 dragonhide plate, +1 Melee bite +11/+6 (1d4+2 plus disease)
heavy wooden shield, amulet of aberrant empathy, ring of protection Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
+1, potion of protection from good, potion of blur, potion of resist Base Atk +5; Grp +1Combat Gear masterwork leather barding
energy (acid) 10, 20 bullets Abilities Str 14, Dex 20, Con 12, Int 1, Wis 12, Cha 4
Druid Spells Prepared (CL 10th): 5th—stoneskin (x2) SQ evasion, devotion
4th—dispel magic, freedom of movement, rapid call lightning, Feats Alertness, Improved Toughness, Lightning Reflexes,
rapid summon nature’s ally III Weapon Finesse
3rd—cure moderate wounds, greater magic fang, rapid summon Skills Climb +12, Hide +9, Move Silently +5, Swim +12
nature’s ally II, wind wall Disease (Ex): Filth fever – bite, Fortitude DC 14, incubation
2nd—barkskin, chill metal, hold animal, resist energy (fire) (x2) period 1d3 days, damage 1d3 Dex and 1d3 Con. The save DC
1st—cure light wounds (x2), entangle, faerie fire, longstrider is Constitution-based.
0—cure minor wounds (x3), detect magic, flare (x2) Skills Dire rats have a +8 racial bonus on Swim checks. Dire rats
Abilities Str 12, Dex 12, Con -, Int 12, Wis 18, Cha 14 have a +8 bonus on Climb checks and can always choose to
SQ vermin empathy +3, rootwalker class features, resist control, take 10 on Climb checks, even if rushed or threatened. Dire
+2 turn resistance, unnatural resilience, trackless step rats use their Dexterity modifier for Climb and Swim checks.
Feats Corrupted Wild Shape, Skill Focus (Concentration) , Power-Up Suite:
Improved Toughness, Natural Spell, Rapid Spell hp 53 (7 HD) DR 10/adamantine, (up to 100 points) [stoneskin,
Skills Concentration +16, Diplomacy +6, Handle Animal +15, 10 minutes left]
Knowledge (nature) +11, Spellcraft +14, Survival +13 Resist fire 20 [resist energy, 10 minutes left]
Possessions combat gear plus Black tattering clothing, 250 gp Melee bite +13/+8 (1d4+4 plus disease) [greater magic fang, 10
worth of diamond dust, 13 gp in coin, papers from Kora minutes left]
Resist Control (Ex) Necropolitans have a +2 profane bonus on
their Will saving throws to resist the effect of a control undead DEVIL CRAWLER CR 7
spell. NE Huge Aberration (Extraplanar)
Unnatural Resilience (Su) Necropolitans automatically heal Init +2; Senses Darkvision 60’, Scent, Listen +9, Spot +9
hit point damage and ability damage at the same rate as a AC 19, touch 10, flat-footed 17
living creature. The Heal skill has no effect on necropolitans; (-2 size, +2 Dex, +9 natural)
however, negative energy (such as an inflict spell) heals them. hp 72 (8 HD); DR 5/ magic
Description This withered human woman stares at you Resist cold 10, fire 10; SR 13
through sunken eye sockets; her eyes are so blue they are Fort +7, Ref +5, Will +9
more accurately white, as if drained of the color of life. This Speed 30 ft., climb 15 ft.
figure wears tattered black clothing and a bizarre, gnarled Melee Tentacle +10 (paralysis) or 8 tentacles +10 (paralysis) and
amulet. bite +5 (1d6+3)
Power-Up Suite: Space 15 ft.; Reach 10 ft.

BIS7-06 The Golden Masque Page 41

Base Atk +6; Grp +20Atk Options Smite Good Reflexes, Mobility, Spring Attack, Weapon Focus (Unarmed
Abilities Str 22, Dex 14, Con 18, Int 3, Wis 16, Cha 6 Strike)
Feats Ability Focus (Paralysis), Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Skills Bluff +10, Diplomacy +16, Escape Artist +17, Hide +22,
Track Jump +22, Move Silently +22, Search +9, Sense Motive +23,
Skills Climb +13 Tumble +19
Paralysis (Ex) Those hit by a carrion crawler’s tentacle attack Possessions combat gear plus Noble’s Outfit, signet ring, 283
must succeed on a DC 20 Fortitude save or be paralyzed for gp worth of jewelry, papers in Lord Fertuine’s hand, a
2d4 rounds. The save DC is Constitution-based. Golden Mask
Smite Good (Su) Once per day the creature can make a normal Blood Drain (Ex) A vampire can suck blood from a living
melee attack to deal extra damage equal to its HD total victim with its fangs by making a successful grapple check. If
(maximum of +20) against a good foe. it pins the foe, it drains blood, dealing 1d4 points of
Description The stink of rotten meat and the faint smell of Constitution drain each round the pin is maintained. On
brimstone surrounds this multilegged creature with a each successful attack, the vampire gains 5 temporary hit
segmented, 15-foot-long body. Eight writhing tentacles points.
protrude from its head, growing directly from below its Children of the Night (Su) Vampires command the lesser
clacking mandibles and tooth-filled maw. creatures of the world and once per day can call forth 1d6+1
rat swarms, 1d4+1 bat swarms, or a pack of 3d6 wolves as a
ENCOUNTER 6 standard action. These creatures arrive in 2d6 rounds and
serve the vampire for up to 1 hour.
Dominate (Su) A vampire can crush an opponent’s will just by
looking onto his or her eyes. This is similar to a gaze attack,
except that the vampire must use a standard action, and
those merely looking at it are not affected. Anyone the
Vampire, Female Human Mnk9
vampire targets must succeed on a Will save (DC 16) or fall
LE Medium Undead (Augmented Humanoid)
instantly under the vampire’s influence as though by a
Init +9; Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Listen +13, Spot +13
dominate person spell (caster level 12th). The ability has a
Languages Common, Infernal
range of 30 feet.
AC 27, touch 20, flat-footed 22, Dodge, Mobility, Deflect Arrows Create Spawn (Su) A humanoid or monstrous humanoid slain
(+5 Dex, +1 armor, +1 deflection, +3 Wisdom, +1 Class, +6 by a vampire’s energy drain rises as a vampire spawn (see
natural) Vampire Spawn entry, page 253) 1d4 days after burial.
hp 88 (9 HD); fast healing 5; DR 10/silver and magic If the vampire instead drains the victim’s Constitution to 0
Immune undead immunities or lower, the victim retirns as a spawn if it had 4 or less HD
Resist cold 10, electricity 10 and as a vampire if it had 5 or more HD. In either case, the
Fort +7, Ref +14, Will +10 (+12 against spells and effects from new vampire or spawn is under the command of the vampire
the school of enchantment) that created it and remains enslaved until its master’s
Weakness vampire weaknesses destruction. At any given time a campire may have an
Speed 60 ft; Spider climb, Spring Attack, slow fall 40 ft. enslaved spawn totaling no more than twice its own Hit
Melee unarmed strike +13 (1d8+6 bludgeoning plus energy Dice; any spawn it creates that would exceed this limit are
drain) or unarmed strike +12/+12 (1d8+6 bludgeoning plus created as free-willed vampires or vampire spawn. A vampire
energy drain) with flurry of blows that is enslaved may create and enslave spawn of its own, so a
Ranged +1 light crossbow +12 (1d8+1 19-20/x2) master vampire can control a number of lesser vampires in
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. this fashion. A vampire may voluntarily free an enslaved
Base Atk +6; Grp +16 spawn in order to enslave a new spawn, but once freed, a
Atk Options Blood Drain, Children of the Night, Combat vampire or vampire spawn cannot be enslaved again.
Reflexes, Create Spawn, Dominate, Energy Drain, Improved Energy Drain (Su) Living creatures hit by a vampire’s slam
Trip attack (or any other natural weapon the vampire might
Special Actions Alternate Form, Gaseous Form, +4 Turn possess) gain two negative levels. For each negative level
Resistance bestowed, the vampire gains 5 temporary hit points. A
Combat Gear bracers of armor +1, ring of protection +1, light vampire can use its energy drain ability once per round.
crossbow +1, cloak of resistance +1, potion of resist energy (cold) 30, Alternate Form (Su) A vampire can assume the shape of a bat,
potion of protection from good, potion of blur, potion of protection dire bat, wolf, or dire wolf as a standard action. While in its
from energy (cold), potion of greater mage armor, potion of greater alternate form, the vampire loses its natural slam attack and
mage armor x3, 20 bolts dominate ability, but it gains the natural weapons and
Abilities Str 22, Dex 20, Con -, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 15 extraordinary special attacks of its new form. It can remain
SQ Improved Evasion, Still Mind, Wholeness of Body in that form until it assumes another or until the next
Feats Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Deflect Arrows, Dodge, sunrise.
Improved Energy Drain, Improved Grapple, Improved Fast Healing (Ex) A vampire heals 5 points of damage each
Initiative, Improved Toughness, Improved Trip, Lightning round so long as it has at least 1 hit point. If reduced to 0 hit

BIS7-06 The Golden Masque Page 42

points in combat, it automatically assumes gaseous form and Combat Gear +1 magebane halberd, +1 chain shirt, ring of protection
attempts to escape. It must reach its coffin home within 2 +1, masterwork light crossbow, potion of resist energy (cold) 30,
hours or be utterly destroyed. (It can travel up to nine miles potion of protection from good, 20 bolts
in 2 hours.) Any additional damage dealt to a vampire in Abilities Str 24, Dex 20, Con -, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 14
gaseous form has no effect. Once at rest in its coffin, a Feats Alertness, Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Dodge,
vampire is helpless. It regains 1 hit point after 1 hour, then is Greater Weapon Focus (Halberd), Improved Critical
no longer helpless and resumes healing at the rate of 5 hit (Halberd), Improved Grapple, Improved Initiative,
points per round. Improved Toughness, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Power
Gaseous Form (Su) As a standard action, a vampire can assume Attack, Spinning Halberd, Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon
gaseous form at will as the spell (caster level 5th), but it can Focus (Halberd), Weapon Specialization (Halberd)
remain gaseous indefinitely and has a fly speed of 20 feet Skills Bluff +15, Diplomacy +10, Handle Animal +4, Hide +14,
with perfect maneuverability. Intimidate +8, Jump +12, Knowledge (local – Sheldomar
Spider Climb (Su) A vampire can climb sheer surfaces as Valley MR) +4, Knowledge (nobility and royalty) +4, Move
though with a spider climb spell. Silently +14, Ride +10, Search +10, Sense Motive +12,
Skills Vampires have a +8 racial bonus on Bluff, Hide, Listen, Tumble +11
Move Silently, Search, Sense Motive, and Spot Checks. Possessions combat gear plus Courtier’s Outfit, 153 gp in coin,
Description The stunning woman standing before you is a Golden Mask
dressed in a diaphanous umber gown and an ornate golden Blood Drain (Ex) As Kora.
mask. She has fine, straight beige hair and light-colored skin. Children of the Night (Su) As Kora.
Sources DMG (Page 252) Dominate (Su) As Kora.
Power-Up Suite: Create Spawn (Su) As Kora.
AC 32, touch 20, flat-footed 27, Dodge, Mobility, Deflect Arrows Energy Drain (Su) As Kora.
(+5 Dex, +6 greater mage armor, +1 deflection, +3 Wisdom, Alternate Form (Su) As Kora.
+1 Class, +6 natural) Fast Healing (Ex) As Kora.
Gaseous Form (Su) As Kora.
Spider Climb (Su) As Kora.
Skills As Kora.
Vampire, Male Human Mnk1/Ftr8
LE Medium Undead (Augmented Humanoid) Sources DMG (Page 252)
Init +9; Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Listen +10, Spot +10
Languages Common, Infernal, Sylvan
AC 27, touch 16, flat-footed 22, Dodge, Spinning Halberd, MORDEN, YEOMAN OF CASSITER CR 7
Combat Expertise Vampire, Male Human Mnk1/Ftr4
(+5 Dex, +5 armor, +1 deflection, +6 natural) LE Medium Undead (Augmented Humanoid)
hp 88 (9 HD); fast healing 5; DR 10/silver and magic Init +9; Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Listen +10, Spot +10
Immune undead immunities Languages Common, Infernal, Dwarven
Resist cold 10, electricity 10 AC 25, touch 15, flat-footed 20, Dodge, Spinning Halberd
Fort +8, Ref +12, Will +7 (+5 Dex, +4 armor, +6 natural)
Weakness vampire weaknesses hp 50 (5 HD); fast healing 5; DR 10/silver and magic
Speed 30 ft; Spider climb Immune undead immunities
Melee +1 magebane halberd +18 (1d10+13 piercing or slashing Resist cold 10, electricity 10
19-20/x3) or +1 magebane halberd +18/+13 (1d10+13 piercing Fort +6, Ref +10, Will +3
or slashing 19-20/x3) and +13 (1d6+6 bludgeoning 19-20/x3) Weakness vampire weaknesses
or unarmed strike +15 (1d6+7 bludgeoning plus energy Speed 30 ft; Spider climb
drain) Melee +1 halberd +13 (1d10+13 piercing or slashing 20/x3) or +1
Melee +1 magebane halberd +20 (1d10+15+2d6 piercing or halberd +13 (1d10+13 piercing or slashing 20/x3) and +8
slashing 19-20/x3) or +1 magebane halberd +20/+15 (1d6+6 bludgeoning 20/x3) or unarmed strike +11 (1d6+7
(1d10+15+2d6 piercing or slashing 19-20/x3) and +15 bludgeoning plus energy drain)
(1d6+8+2d6 bludgeoning 19-20/x3) [against creatures that Ranged masterwork light crossbow +10 (1d8 19-20/x2)
are capable of casting arcane spells] Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Ranged masterwork light crossbow +14 (1d8 19-20/x2) Base Atk +4; Grp +15
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. Atk Options Blood Drain, Children of the Night, Combat
Base Atk +8; Grp +19 Reflexes, Create Spawn, Dominate, Energy Drain, Power
Atk Options Blood Drain, Children of the Night, Combat Attack
Reflexes, Create Spawn, Dominate, Energy Drain, Power Special Actions Alternate Form, Gaseous Form, +4 Turn
Attack Resistance
Special Actions Alternate Form, Gaseous Form, +4 Turn

BIS7-06 The Golden Masque Page 43

Combat Gear +1 halberd, masterwork chain shirt, masterwork ENCOUNTER 9
light crossbow, potion of resist energy (cold) 30, potion of
protection from good, 20 bolts DUSKWATCHER ALLFAURUK CR 9
Abilities Str 24, Dex 20, Con -, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 14 Male Illumian Rog3/Wiz(Illusionist)5/Arcane Trickster1
Feats Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Improved Grapple, N Medium Humanoid (Human)
Improved Initiative, Improved Toughness, Lightning Init +8; Senses Listen +3, Spot +3
Reflexes, Power Attack, Spinning Halberd, Two-Weapon Languages Common, Illumian, Draconic, Ancient Baklunish
Fighting, Weapon Focus (Halberd), Weapon Specialization AC 16, touch 16, flat-footed 11
(Halberd) (+5 Dex, +1 Deflection)
Skills Bluff +10, Diplomacy +8, Handle Animal +4, Hide +14, hp 41 (9 HD)
Jump +13, Knowledge (local – Sheldomar Valley MR) +4, Fort +4, Ref +12, Will +8
Knowledge (nobility and royalty) +4, Move Silently +14, Speed 30 ft
Ride +9, Search +10, Sense Motive +12, Tumble +9 Melee masterwork rapier +5 (1d6 piercing 18-20/x2) or dagger
Possessions combat gear plus Courtier’s Outfit, 253 gp in coin, +4 (1d4 piercing or slashing 19-20/x2)
a Golden Mask Ranged dagger +9 (1d4 piercing or slashing 19-20/x2)
Blood Drain (Ex) As Kora. Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Children of the Night (Su) As Kora. Base Atk +4; Grp +4
Dominate (Su) As Kora. Save DC is 14. Atk Options sneak attack +2d6
Create Spawn (Su) As Kora. Combat Gear masterwork rapier, 3 daggers, potion of invisibility,
Energy Drain (Su) As Kora. tanglefoot bag, thunderstone, alchemist’s fire, potion of resist
Alternate Form (Su) As Kora. energy (electricity) 20, +1 cloak of resistance, ring of protection +1,
Fast Healing (Ex) As Kora. gloves of dexterity +2, potion of greater mage armor
Gaseous Form (Su) As Kora. Illusionist Spells Prepared (CL 9th):Prohibited Schools:
Spider Climb (Su) As Kora. Evocation, Enchantment 3rd—dispel magic (x2),
Skills As Kora. sculpted glitterdust, shadow binding
Description The broad-shouldered man has the obvious look of 2nd—blur, false life, sculpted color spray, shadow spray, melf’s
a palace guard, with a well-polished suit of armor and a baroque acid arrow
halberd in his hands. His hair is blonde and curled and his skin 1st—color spray, serene visage, obscuring mist, lesser orb or cold
in light. The uniform he wears is pristine and he is wearing an (x4)
ornate golden mask. 0—acid splash, daze, detect magic, mage hand, silent portal
Sources DMG (Page 252) Abilities Str 10, Dex 20, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 12
SQ evasion, luminous sigils, glyphic resonance, power sigils,
illumian words, final utterance, +2 saves vs. spells with the
BLAST SPHERE PUM CR 5 shadow descriptor, superior literacy, trapfinding, trap sense
Description A 30-foot-by-50-foot room with four exits. Once +1, ranged legerdemain 1/day
any living creature comes within 5 feet of the center of the Feats Enhanced Power Sigils, Heighten Spell, Skill Focus
room, the trap activates. A globe of dark stone descends from (Bluff), Quick Draw, Sculpt Spell, Scribe Scroll
a hidden compartment in the room’s ceiling and targets each Skills Bluff +19, Concentration +13, Decipher Script +9, Disable
creature (including enemy NPCs) with a blast of blue-black Device +9, Escape Artist +15, Forgery +7, Hide +9,
force. Knowledge (arcana) +6, Move Silently +9, Open Lock +12,
Search DC 20; Type magic Search +7, Sense Motive +5, Spellcraft +6, Tumble +16
Possessions combat gear plus Explorer’s Outfit, hat of disguise,
Trigger proximity (alarm), Init +2
forged papers, tiny viper familiar, 74 gp
Effect fell weaken orb of cold (CL 9), each creature in the room is
Spellbook spells prepared plus 1st—scholar’s touch; 2nd—
targeted with a blast of blue-black force (+5 ranged touch
invisibility; 3rd—fireball
attack, 9d6 cold damage, no save. Creatures who take damage
Luminous Sigils (Su) The sigils that orbit an Illumian’s head
from the blast also take a –4 penalty to strength for 1 minute.
glow softly, providing illumination equal to that of a candle.
Strength penalties do not stack.)
Illumians can make their sigils disappear by concentrating
Duration 12 rounds
for a moment (a standard action), but they don’t receive the
Destruction globe of dark stone AC 19, 30 hp, hardness 8 sigil’s benefits and can’t use any special abilities granted by
(destroying this disables the entire trap) illumian words (see below) while they’re doused. Restoring
Disarm Disable Device DC 30 (a successful disable check the sigils to visibility is a free action.
disarms the trap) Luminous sigils (including power sigils; see below) are
Dispel DC 20 (per blast) insubstantial and disappear into any matter they touch. An
Sources Spell Compendium (Page 151), Libris Mortis (Page 27) illumian’s sigils remain present and in effect even when the
illumian take another form, unless she would lose her
supernatural abilities as a result of the form change. An
illumian wizard who cast a polymorph spell on herself

BIS7-06 The Golden Masque Page 44

retains her sigils, but an illumian who becomes a zombie subtler arts. His head is shaved. Strange symbols rotate
loses them. around it.
Glyphic Resonance (Ex) Illumians are the physical Power-Up Suite:
embodiment of a magical language, so they interact AC 22, touch 16, flat-footed 17
strangely with symbol-based spells. This group includes all (+5 Dex, +6 armor, +1 Deflection) [greater mage armor, 80
spells whose names contain the words glyph, rune, sigil, or minutes left]
symbol (such spells in the Player’s Handbook include hp 55 (9 HD) [false life, 80 minutes left]
explosive runes, glyph of warding, greater glyph of warding, Skills Bluff +23[serene visage, 2 minutes left]
sepia snake sigil, and the various symbol spells). When an Sources Races of Destiny (Page 53-55)
illumian encounters such magic, on of two things happen:
Either the illumian’s resonance overpowers the spell, or the
foreign magic corrupts the mystical language that defines
the illumian. Illumians have a –4 racial penalty on saving
throws against these effects if their level is less than the
Caster Level of the spell. If an illumian’s level is equal or
exceeds the spell’s Caster Level, she is immune to the effect.
Power Sigils (Su) In addition to the array of dimly glowing
luminous sigils that orbits her head, a 1st-level illumian has a
single brightly glowing power sigil that grants her certain
bonuses. A power sigil can be discerned from other sigils
surrounding an illumian with a DC 10 Spot check, and
identified with a DC 15 Knowledge [arcana] check.
On attaining 2nd level in any class, an illumian gains a
second different power sigil, and the bonus granted by each
power sigil increases to +2. Depending on the combination
of power sigils she chooses, an illumian gains one or more
extra special abilities (see Illumian words below).
The benefit of this Illumian’s power sigils is given below,
along with the Common translation of each sigil’s Illumian
name. This includes the benefit of the Enhanced Power
Sigils feat.
Uur (“grace”): +3 bonus on Dexterity checks and Dexterity-
based skill checks.
Krau (“magic”): +3 bonus to caster level for all spells and
spell-like abilities (up to a maximum value equal to the
illumian’s character level).
Illumian Words (Su) Each combination of two power sigils’
names makes an Illumian word of great power, and thus
grants extra abilities to a character who possesses those two
power sigils. The benefit of this Illumian’s power word is
described below.
Uurkrau: The illumian can use her Dexterity score to
determine the bonus spells she gains for a high ability score,
instead of the normal ability score used by her class to
determine this feature. If she has more than one spellcasting
class, she may use her Dexterity score in place of any or all of
the ability score used by her classes for this purpose.
Final Utterance (Ex) When an Illumian dies, her body releases
the stored Illumian language within it. For 1 round per Hit
Die of the Illumian anyone within earshot hears ululating
Illumian syllables – usually gibberish, but occasionally a
prophetic phrase or a final curse on the illumian’s enemies.
The illumian’s body need not remain intact for the final
utterance to occur. Even if an illumian succumbs to a
disintegrate spell, her disembodied voice still utters strange
gibberish for several rounds.
Description This dark-skinned man dressed in grays and
blacks is clearly an intelligent and canny practitioner of the

BIS7-06 The Golden Masque Page 45


Description This withered human woman stares at you

ENCOUNTER 3 through sunken eye sockets; her eyes are so blue they are
ECHLORA, DARK DRUID CR 14 more accurately white, as if drained of the color of life. This
Necropolitan, Female Human Drd13 figure wears tattered black clothing and a bizarre, gnarled
NE Medium Undead (Augmented Humanoid) amulet.
Init +1; Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Listen +19, Spot +19 Power-Up Suite:
Languages Common, Undercommon, Druidic Init +3[mass cat’s grace, 8 minutes left]
AC 25, touch 12, flat-footed 24 AC 32, touch 14, flat-footed 29
(+1 Dex, +1 Deflection, +10 armor, +3 shield) (+3 Dex, +1 Deflection, +10 armor, +3 shield, +5 natural)
hp 127 (13 HD) [barkskin, 10 minutes left, mass cat’s grace, 8 minutes left]
Immune undead immunities hp 127 (13 HD) DR 10/adamantine, (up to 130 points) [stoneskin,
Fort +8, Ref +5, Will +12 (+14 against the effect of the spell 10 minutes left]
control undead) Resist fire 30 [resist energy, 10 minutes left], acid 30 [potion of
resist energy (acid) 30, 10 minutes left],
Speed 20 ft. in medium armor (4 squares), base movement 30 ft.
Speed 30 ft. in medium armor (6 squares), base movement 40 ft.
Melee +1 silver scimitar +11 (1d6+1 slashing 18-20/x2)
[longstrider, 1 hour left] Freedom of movement, 10 minutes left
Ranged sling +10 (1d4+1)
Melee +1 silver scimitar +13 (1d6+3 slashing 18-20/x2) [mass bull’s
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
strength, 8 minutes left]
Base Atk +9; Grp +10Atk Options Corrupted Wild Shape
Ranged sling +10 (1d4+3) [mass bull’s strength, 8 minutes left]
4/day, Corrupted Wild Shape (Large), Corrupted Wild Shape
Sources Libris Mortis (Page 114-115)
(tiny), Corrupted Wild Shape (plant)
Combat Gear +1 silver scimitar, sling, +2 dragonhide plate, +1
heavy wooden shield, amulet of aberrant empathy, ring of protection
N Small Animal
+1, mantle of the beast, potion of protection from good, potion of blur,
Init +6; Senses Low-Light Vision, Scent, Listen +8, Spot +8
potion of resist energy (acid) 30, 20 bullets
Druid Spells Prepared (CL 13th): 7th—fell drain fell AC 28, touch 17, flat-footed 22
weaken arc of lightning (+6 Dex, +1 size, +2 armor, +9 natural)
6th—mass bull’s strength, mass cat’s grace hp 68 (9 HD)
5th—stoneskin (x2), fell weaken rapid call lightning Fort +7, Ref +13, Will +7
4th—dispel magic, freedom of movement, flame strike, rapid Speed 40 ft. (8 squares), climb 20 ft.
dominate animal, rapid summon nature’s ally III Melee bite +13/+8 (1d4+2 plus disease)
3rd—cure moderate wounds, greater magic fang, poison, rapid Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
summon nature’s ally II, wind wall Base Atk +6; Grp +2Combat Gear masterwork leather barding
2nd—barkskin, bear’s endurance, chill metal, hold animal, resist Abilities Str 15, Dex 22, Con 12, Int 1, Wis 12, Cha 4
energy (fire) (x2) SQ evasion, devotion
1st—cure light wounds (x2), entangle, faerie fire, longstrider Feats Alertness, Dodge, Improved Toughness, Lightning
0—cure minor wounds (x3), detect magic, flare (x2) Reflexes, Weapon Finesse
Abilities Str 12, Dex 12, Con -, Int 12, Wis 19, Cha 14 Skills Climb +13, Hide +10, Move Silently +6, Swim +13
SQ vermin empathy +3, rootwalker class features, resist control, Disease (Ex): Filth fever – bite, Fortitude DC 15, incubation
+2 turn resistance, unnatural resilience, trackless step, a period 1d3 days, damage 1d3 Dex and 1d3 Con. The save DC
thousand faces is Constitution-based.
Feats Corrupted Wild Shape, Fell Weaken Spell , Fell Drain Skills Dire rats have a +8 racial bonus on Swim checks. Dire rats
Spell , Improved Toughness, Natural Spell, Rapid Spell have a +8 bonus on Climb checks and can always choose to
Skills Concentration +16, Diplomacy +6, Handle Animal +18, take 10 on Climb checks, even if rushed or threatened. Dire
Knowledge (nature) +11, Spellcraft +17, Survival +13 rats use their Dexterity modifier for Climb and Swim checks.
Possessions combat gear plus Black tattering clothing, 250 gp Power-Up Suite:
worth of diamond dust, 218 gp in coin, papers from Kora Init +8[mass cat’s grace, 8 minutes left]
Resist Control (Ex) Necropolitans have a +2 profane bonus on AC 30, touch 19, flat-footed 22
their Will saving throws to resist the effect of a control undead (+8 Dex, +1 size, +2 armor, +9 natural) [mass cat’s grace, 8
spell. minutes left]
Unnatural Resilience (Su) Necropolitans automatically heal hp 81 (9 HD) DR 10/adamantine, (up to 130 points) [stoneskin,
hit point damage and ability damage at the same rate as a 10 minutes left, bear’s endurance, 12 minutes left]
living creature. The Heal skill has no effect on necropolitans; Resist fire 30 [resist energy, 10 minutes left]
however, negative energy (such as an inflict spell) heals them.

BIS7-06 The Golden Masque Page 46

Melee bite +18/+13 (1d4+7 plus disease) [greater magic fang, 10 Weakness vampire weaknesses
minutes left, mass cat’s grace, 8 minutes left, mass bull’s strength, Speed 60 ft; Spider climb, Spring Attack, slow fall 40 ft.
8 minutes left] Melee unarmed strike +13 (1d8+6 bludgeoning plus energy
drain) or unarmed strike +12/+12 (1d8+6 bludgeoning plus
DEVIL CRAWLER CR 7 energy drain) with flurry of blows
NE Huge Aberration (Extraplanar) Ranged +1 light crossbow +12 (1d8+1 19-20/x2)
Init +6; Senses Darkvision 60’, Scent, Listen +10, Spot +9 Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
AC 19, touch 10, flat-footed 17 Base Atk +6; Grp +16
(-2 size, +2 Dex, +9 natural) Atk Options Blood Drain, Children of the Night, Combat
hp 99 (9 HD); DR 5/ magic Reflexes, Create Spawn, Dominate, Energy Drain, Improved
Resist cold 10, fire 10; SR 14 Trip
Fort +7, Ref +5, Will +9 Special Actions Alternate Form, Gaseous Form, +4 Turn
Speed 30 ft., climb 15 ft. Resistance
Melee Tentacle +10 (paralysis) or 8 tentacles +10 (paralysis) and Combat Gear bracers of armor +1, ring of protection +1, light
bite +5 (1d6+3) crossbow +1, cloak of resistance +1, potion of resist energy (cold) 30,
Space 15 ft.; Reach 10 ft. potion of protection from good, potion of blur, potion of protection
Base Atk +6; Grp +20Atk Options Smite Good from energy (cold), potion of greater mage armor, potion of greater
Abilities Str 22, Dex 14, Con 18, Int 3, Wis 16, Cha 6 mage armor x3, 20 bolts
Feats Ability Focus (Paralysis), Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Abilities Str 22, Dex 20, Con -, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 15
Improved Initiative, Track SQ Improved Evasion, Still Mind, Wholeness of Body
Skills Climb +13 Feats Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Deflect Arrows, Dodge,
Paralysis (Ex) Those hit by a carrion crawler’s tentacle attack Improved Energy Drain, Improved Grapple, Improved
must succeed on a DC 20 Fortitude save or be paralyzed for Initiative, Improved Toughness, Improved Trip, Lightning
2d4 rounds. The save DC is Constitution-based. Reflexes, Mobility, Spring Attack, Weapon Focus (Unarmed
Smite Good (Su) Once per day the creature can make a normal Strike)
melee attack to deal extra damage equal to its HD total Skills Bluff +10, Diplomacy +16, Escape Artist +17, Hide +22,
(maximum of +20) against a good foe. Jump +22, Move Silently +22, Search +9, Sense Motive +23,
Description The stink of rotten meat and the faint smell of Tumble +19
brimstone surrounds this multilegged creature with a Possessions combat gear plus Noble’s Outfit, signet ring, 283
segmented, 15-foot-long body. Eight writhing tentacles gp worth of jewelry, papers in Lord Fertuine’s hand, a
protrude from its head, growing directly from below its Golden Mask
clacking mandibles and tooth-filled maw. Blood Drain (Ex) A vampire can suck blood from a living
Power-Up Suite: victim with its fangs by making a successful grapple check. If
Init +8[mass cat’s grace, 8 minutes left] it pins the foe, it drains blood, dealing 1d4 points of
AC 21, touch 10, flat-footed 19 Constitution drain each round the pin is maintained. On
(-2 size, +4 Dex, +9 natural) [mass cat’s grace, 8 minutes left] each successful attack, the vampire gains 5 temporary hit
Melee Tentacle +12 (paralysis) or 8 tentacles +12 (paralysis) and points.
bite +7 (1d6+5) [mass bull’s strength, 8 minutes left] Children of the Night (Su) Vampires command the lesser
Grp +22[mass bull’s strength, 8 minutes left] creatures of the world and once per day can call forth 1d6+1
rat swarms, 1d4+1 bat swarms, or a pack of 3d6 wolves as a
ENCOUNTER 6 standard action. These creatures arrive in 2d6 rounds and
serve the vampire for up to 1 hour.
(VAMPIRE ABILITIES LISTED ONLY UNDER THE Dominate (Su) A vampire can crush an opponent’s will just by
STATS FOR KORA) looking onto his or her eyes. This is similar to a gaze attack,
except that the vampire must use a standard action, and
KORA, VOICE OF CASSITER CR 11 those merely looking at it are not affected. Anyone the
Vampire, Female Human Mnk9 vampire targets must succeed on a Will save (DC 16) or fall
LE Medium Undead (Augmented Humanoid) instantly under the vampire’s influence as though by a
Init +9; Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Listen +13, Spot +13 dominate person spell (caster level 12th). The ability has a
Languages Common, Infernal range of 30 feet.
AC 27, touch 20, flat-footed 22, Dodge, Mobility, Deflect Arrows Create Spawn (Su) A humanoid or monstrous humanoid slain
(+5 Dex, +1 armor, +1 deflection, +3 Wisdom, +1 Class, +6 by a vampire’s energy drain rises as a vampire spawn (see
natural) Vampire Spawn entry, page 253) 1d4 days after burial.
hp 88 (9 HD); fast healing 5; DR 10/silver and magic If the vampire instead drains the victim’s Constitution to 0
Immune undead immunities or lower, the victim retirns as a spawn if it had 4 or less HD
Resist cold 10, electricity 10 and as a vampire if it had 5 or more HD. In either case, the
Fort +7, Ref +14, Will +10 (+12 against spells and effects from new vampire or spawn is under the command of the vampire
the school of enchantment) that created it and remains enslaved until its master’s

BIS7-06 The Golden Masque Page 47

destruction. At any given time a campire may have an Immune undead immunities
enslaved spawn totaling no more than twice its own Hit Resist cold 10, electricity 10
Dice; any spawn it creates that would exceed this limit are Fort +8, Ref +12, Will +7
created as free-willed vampires or vampire spawn. A vampire Weakness vampire weaknesses
that is enslaved may create and enslave spawn of its own, so a Speed 30 ft; Spider climb
master vampire can control a number of lesser vampires in Melee +1 magebane halberd +18 (1d10+13 piercing or slashing
this fashion. A vampire may voluntarily free an enslaved 19-20/x3) or +1 magebane halberd +18/+13 (1d10+13 piercing
spawn in order to enslave a new spawn, but once freed, a or slashing 19-20/x3) and +13 (1d6+6 bludgeoning 19-20/x3)
vampire or vampire spawn cannot be enslaved again. or unarmed strike +15 (1d6+7 bludgeoning plus energy
Energy Drain (Su) Living creatures hit by a vampire’s slam drain)
attack (or any other natural weapon the vampire might Melee +1 magebane halberd +20 (1d10+15+2d6 piercing or
possess) gain two negative levels. For each negative level slashing 19-20/x3) or +1 magebane halberd +20/+15
bestowed, the vampire gains 5 temporary hit points. A (1d10+15+2d6 piercing or slashing 19-20/x3) and +15
vampire can use its energy drain ability once per round. (1d6+8+2d6 bludgeoning 19-20/x3) [against creatures that
Alternate Form (Su) A vampire can assume the shape of a bat, are capable of casting arcane spells]
dire bat, wolf, or dire wolf as a standard action. While in its Ranged masterwork light crossbow +14 (1d8 19-20/x2)
alternate form, the vampire loses its natural slam attack and Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
dominate ability, but it gains the natural weapons and Base Atk +8; Grp +19
extraordinary special attacks of its new form. It can remain Atk Options Blood Drain, Children of the Night, Combat
in that form until it assumes another or until the next Reflexes, Create Spawn, Dominate, Energy Drain, Power
sunrise. Attack
Fast Healing (Ex) A vampire heals 5 points of damage each Special Actions Alternate Form, Gaseous Form, +4 Turn
round so long as it has at least 1 hit point. If reduced to 0 hit Resistance
points in combat, it automatically assumes gaseous form and Combat Gear +1 magebane halberd, +1 chain shirt, ring of protection
attempts to escape. It must reach its coffin home within 2 +1, masterwork light crossbow, potion of resist energy (cold) 30,
hours or be utterly destroyed. (It can travel up to nine miles potion of protection from good, 20 bolts
in 2 hours.) Any additional damage dealt to a vampire in Abilities Str 24, Dex 20, Con -, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 14
gaseous form has no effect. Once at rest in its coffin, a Feats Alertness, Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Dodge,
vampire is helpless. It regains 1 hit point after 1 hour, then is Greater Weapon Focus (Halberd), Improved Critical
no longer helpless and resumes healing at the rate of 5 hit (Halberd), Improved Grapple, Improved Initiative,
points per round. Improved Toughness, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Power
Gaseous Form (Su) As a standard action, a vampire can assume Attack, Spinning Halberd, Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon
gaseous form at will as the spell (caster level 5th), but it can Focus (Halberd), Weapon Specialization (Halberd)
remain gaseous indefinitely and has a fly speed of 20 feet Skills Bluff +15, Diplomacy +10, Handle Animal +4, Hide +14,
with perfect maneuverability. Intimidate +8, Jump +12, Knowledge (local – Sheldomar
Spider Climb (Su) A vampire can climb sheer surfaces as Valley MR) +4, Knowledge (nobility and royalty) +4, Move
though with a spider climb spell. Silently +14, Ride +10, Search +10, Sense Motive +12,
Skills Vampires have a +8 racial bonus on Bluff, Hide, Listen, Tumble +11
Move Silently, Search, Sense Motive, and Spot Checks. Possessions combat gear plus Courtier’s Outfit, 153 gp in coin,
Description The stunning woman standing before you is a Golden Mask
dressed in a diaphanous umber gown and an ornate golden
Blood Drain (Ex) As Kora.
mask. She has fine, straight beige hair and light-colored skin.
Children of the Night (Su) As Kora.
Sources DMG (Page 252)
Dominate (Su) As Kora.
Power-Up Suite: Create Spawn (Su) As Kora.
AC 32, touch 20, flat-footed 27, Dodge, Mobility, Deflect Arrows Energy Drain (Su) As Kora.
(+5 Dex, +6 greater mage armor, +1 deflection, +3 Wisdom, Alternate Form (Su) As Kora.
+1 Class, +6 natural) Fast Healing (Ex) As Kora.
Gaseous Form (Su) As Kora.
JORM, SQUIRE OF CASSITER CR 11 Spider Climb (Su) As Kora
Vampire, Male Human Mnk1/Ftr8 Skills As Kora.
LE Medium Undead (Augmented Humanoid) Description The broad-shouldered man has the obvious look of
Init +9; Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Listen +10, Spot +10 a palace guard, with a well-polished suit of armor and a baroque
Languages Common, Infernal, Sylvan halberd in his hands. His hair is blonde and curled and his skin
in light. The uniform he wears is pristine and he is wearing an
AC 27, touch 16, flat-footed 22, Dodge, Spinning Halberd,
ornate golden mask.
Combat Expertise
(+5 Dex, +5 armor, +1 deflection, +6 natural) Sources DMG (Page 252)
hp 88 (9 HD); fast healing 5; DR 10/silver and magic

BIS7-06 The Golden Masque Page 48

Vampire, Male Human Mnk1/Ftr6 Description A 30-foot-by-50-foot room with four exits. Once
LE Medium Undead (Augmented Humanoid) any living creature comes within 5 feet of the center of the
Init +9; Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Listen +10, Spot +10 room, the trap activates. A globe of dark stone descends from
Languages Common, Infernal, Dwarven a hidden compartment in the room’s ceiling and targets each
AC 27, touch 16, flat-footed 22, Dodge, Spinning Halberd, creature (including enemy NPCs) with a blast of blue-black
Combat Expertise force.
(+5 Dex, +5 armor, +1 deflection, +6 natural) Search DC 21; Type magic
hp 68 (7 HD); fast healing 5; DR 10/silver and magic Trigger proximity (alarm), Init +3
Immune undead immunities Effect fell drain orb of cold (CL 11), each creature in the room is
Resist cold 10, electricity 10 targeted with a blast of blue-black force (+6 ranged touch
Fort +7, Ref +11, Will +6 attack, 11d6 cold damage, no save. Creatures who take
Weakness vampire weaknesses damage from the blast also gain a negative level. Multiple
Speed 30 ft; Spider climb negative levels stack and a creature whose negative levels
Melee +1 halberd +15 (1d10+13 piercing or slashing 20/x3) or +1 equal their hit dice dies. The effect of the negative level(s)
halberd +15/+10 (1d10+13 piercing or slashing 20/x3) and last for 11 hours.)
+10 (1d6+6 bludgeoning 20/x3) or unarmed strike +13 Duration 13 rounds
(1d6+7 bludgeoning plus energy drain) Destruction globe of dark stone AC 21, 36 hp, hardness 8
Ranged masterwork light crossbow +12 (1d8 19-20/x2) (destroying this disables the entire trap)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. Disarm Disable Device DC 31 (a successful disable check
Base Atk +6; Grp +17 disarms the trap)
Atk Options Blood Drain, Children of the Night, Combat Dispel DC 22 (per blast)
Reflexes, Create Spawn, Dominate, Energy Drain, Power Sources Spell Compendium (Page 151), Libris Mortis (Page 27)
Special Actions Alternate Form, Gaseous Form, +4 Turn ENCOUNTER 9
Combat Gear +1 halberd, +1 chain shirt, ring of protection +1, Male Illumian Rog3/Wiz(Illusionist)5/Arcane Trickster3
masterwork light crossbow, potion of resist energy (cold) 30, N Medium Humanoid (Human)
potion of protection from good, 20 bolts Init +8; Senses Listen +3, Spot +3
Abilities Str 24, Dex 20, Con -, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 14 Languages Common, Illumian, Draconic, Ancient Baklunish
Feats Alertness, Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, AC 16, touch 16, flat-footed 11
Improved Grapple, Improved Initiative, Improved (+5 Dex, +1 Deflection)
Toughness, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Power Attack, hp 49 (11 HD)
Spinning Halberd, Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus Fort +5, Ref +13, Will +9
(Halberd), Weapon Specialization (Halberd)
Speed 30 ft
Skills Bluff +13, Diplomacy +8, Handle Animal +4, Hide +14,
Melee masterwork rapier +6 (1d6 piercing 18-20/x2) or dagger
Jump +12, Knowledge (local – Sheldomar Valley MR) +4,
+5 (1d4 piercing or slashing 19-20/x2)
Knowledge (nobility and royalty) +4, Move Silently +14,
Ranged dagger +10 (1d4 piercing or slashing 19-20/x2)
Ride +10, Search +10, Sense Motive +12, Tumble +11
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Possessions combat gear plus Courtier’s Outfit, 153 gp in coin,
Base Atk +5; Grp +5
a Golden Mask
Atk Options sneak attack +3d6
Blood Drain (Ex) As Kora. Combat Gear masterwork rapier, 3 daggers, potion of invisibility,
Children of the Night (Su) As Kora. potion of resist energy (electricity) 20, +1 vest of resistance, cape of the
Dominate (Su) As Kora. Save DC is 15. mountebank, ring of protection +1, gloves of dexterity +2, potion of
Create Spawn (Su) As Kora. greater mage armor
Energy Drain (Su) As Kora. Illusionist Spells Prepared (CL 11th):Prohibited Schools:
Alternate Form (Su) As Kora. Evocation, Enchantment 4th—dimension door,
Fast Healing (Ex) As Kora. greater invisibility, sculpted fireball, orb of cold
Gaseous Form (Su) As Kora. 3rd—dispel magic (x2), fireball, sculpted glitterdust, shadow
Spider Climb (Su) As Kora. binding
Skills As Kora. 2nd—blur, false life, sculpted color spray, shadow spray, melf’s
Description The broad-shouldered man has the obvious look of acid arrow
a palace guard, with a well-polished suit of armor and a baroque 1st—color spray, serene visage, obscuring mist, lesser orb or cold
halberd in his hands. His hair is blonde and curled and his skin (x4)
in light. The uniform he wears is pristine and he is wearing an 0—acid splash, daze, detect magic, mage hand, silent portal
ornate golden mask. Abilities Str 10, Dex 20, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 12
Sources DMG (Page 252)

BIS7-06 The Golden Masque Page 49

SQ evasion, luminous sigils, glyphic resonance, power sigils, Uur (“grace”): +3 bonus on Dexterity checks and Dexterity-
illumian words, final utterance, +2 saves vs. spells with the based skill checks.
shadow descriptor, superior literacy, trapfinding, trap sense Krau (“magic”): +3 bonus to caster level for all spells and
+1, ranged legerdemain 1/day spell-like abilities (up to a maximum value equal to the
Feats Enhanced Power Sigils, Heighten Spell, Skill Focus illumian’s character level).
(Bluff), Quick Draw, Sculpt Spell, Scribe Scroll Illumian Words (Su) Each combination of two power sigils’
Skills Bluff +21, Concentration +14, Decipher Script +9, Disable names makes an Illumian word of great power, and thus
Device +9, Escape Artist +22, Forgery +7, Hide +9, grants extra abilities to a character who possesses those two
Knowledge (arcana) +6, Move Silently +9, Open Lock +12, power sigils. The benefit of this Illumian’s power word is
Search +7, Sense Motive +12, Spellcraft +6, Tumble +16 described below.
Possessions combat gear plus Explorer’s Outfit, hat of disguise, Uurkrau: The illumian can use her Dexterity score to
forged papers, tiny viper familiar, 74 gp determine the bonus spells she gains for a high ability score,
Spellbook spells prepared plus 1st—obscuring mist, scholar’s instead of the normal ability score used by her class to
touch; 2nd—invisibility; 4th—shadow conjuration determine this feature. If she has more than one spellcasting
Luminous Sigils (Su) The sigils that orbit an Illumian’s head class, she may use her Dexterity score in place of any or all of
glow softly, providing illumination equal to that of a candle. the ability score used by her classes for this purpose.
Illumians can make their sigils disappear by concentrating Final Utterance (Ex) When an Illumian dies, her body releases
for a moment (a standard action), but they don’t receive the the stored Illumian language within it. For 1 round per Hit
sigil’s benefits and can’t use any special abilities granted by Die of the Illumian anyone within earshot hears ululating
illumian words (see below) while they’re doused. Restoring Illumian syllables – usually gibberish, but occasionally a
the sigils to visibility is a free action. prophetic phrase or a final curse on the illumian’s enemies.
Luminous sigils (including power sigils; see below) are The illumian’s body need not remain intact for the final
insubstantial and disappear into any matter they touch. An utterance to occur. Even if an illumian succumbs to a
illumian’s sigils remain present and in effect even when the disintegrate spell, her disembodied voice still utters strange
illumian take another form, unless she would lose her gibberish for several rounds.
supernatural abilities as a result of the form change. An Description This dark-skinned man dressed in grays and
illumian wizard who cast a polymorph spell on herself blacks is clearly an intelligent and canny practitioner of the
retains her sigils, but an illumian who becomes a zombie subtler arts. His head is shaved. Strange symbols rotate
loses them. around it.
Glyphic Resonance (Ex) Illumians are the physical Power-Up Suite:
embodiment of a magical language, so they interact AC 22, touch 16, flat-footed 17
strangely with symbol-based spells. This group includes all (+5 Dex, +6 armor, +1 Deflection) [greater mage armor, 80
spells whose names contain the words glyph, rune, sigil, or minutes left]
symbol (such spells in the Player’s Handbook include hp 66 (11 HD) [false life, 80 minutes left]
explosive runes, glyph of warding, greater glyph of warding, Skills Bluff +26[serene visage, 2 minutes left]
sepia snake sigil, and the various symbol spells). When an Sources Races of Destiny (Page 53-55)
illumian encounters such magic, on of two things happen:
Either the illumian’s resonance overpowers the spell, or the
foreign magic corrupts the mystical language that defines
the illumian. Illumians have a –4 racial penalty on saving
throws against these effects if their level is less than the
Caster Level of the spell. If an illumian’s level is equal or
exceeds the spell’s Caster Level, she is immune to the effect.
Power Sigils (Su) In addition to the array of dimly glowing
luminous sigils that orbits her head, a 1st-level illumian has a
single brightly glowing power sigil that grants her certain
bonuses. A power sigil can be discerned from other sigils
surrounding an illumian with a DC 10 Spot check, and
identified with a DC 15 Knowledge [arcana] check.
On attaining 2nd level in any class, an illumian gains a
second different power sigil, and the bonus granted by each
power sigil increases to +2. Depending on the combination
of power sigils she chooses, an illumian gains one or more
extra special abilities (see Illumian words below).
The benefit of this Illumian’s power sigils is given below,
along with the Common translation of each sigil’s Illumian
name. This includes the benefit of the Enhanced Power
Sigils feat.

BIS7-06 The Golden Masque Page 50


1 square = 5 feet
PCs begin just outside the break in the warehouse wall.

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1 square = 5 feet

BIS7-06 The Golden Masque Page 52


BIS7-06 The Golden Masque Page 53

Corrupted Wild Shape [Monstrous] (Libris Mortis, page 25)
You have learned to use the necromantic energy that powers your undead form to overcome the inability of undead
creatures to wild shape. You can assume the form of an undead, rotten creature with the use of your wild shape ability.
Prerequisites: Undead type, wild shape class feature.
Benefit: You can use your wild shape ability even though you are undead. The ability functions just as if your were
a living creature using the ability, with the following exceptions.
You do not gain a Constitution score in the new form, and you retain all the immunities of the undead type while
in your new form. The form you assume looks half-decayed, with missing patches of fur and rotted, worm-eaten flesh.
While you are in this form, the rank odor of death hangs around you.

Enhanced Power Sigils [Racial] (Races of Destiny, page 152)

You tap into the power of your aesh power sigil to gain enhanced accuracy with your favored melee weapon.
Prerequisites: Illumian, two power sigils
Benefit: The bonus granted by each of your power sigils improve by 1.
Normal: Without this feat, the bonuses granted by each of your power sigils are equal to the number of power sigils
you possess.

Fell Drain [Metamagic] (Libris Mortis, page 27)

Living Foes damaged by your spells also gain a negative level.
Benefit: You can alter a spell that deals damage to foes so that any living creature that is dealt damage also gains a
negative level. If the subject has at least as many negative levels as Hit Dice, it dies. Assuming the subject survives, the
negative level disappears (without requiring a Fortitude save) after a number of hours equal to your caster level
(maximum 15). A fell draining spell uses up a spell slot two level higher than the spell’s actual level.

Fell Weaken [Metamagic] (Libris Mortis, page 27)

Living Foes damaged by your spells are also weakened.
Benefit: You can alter a spell that deals damage to foes so that any living creature that is dealt damage also takes a –
4 penalty to Strength for 1 minute. Strength penalties from multiple spells enhanced by the Fell Weakening feat do not
stack. A fell weakening spell uses up a spell slot one level higher than the spell’s actual level.

Improved Energy Drain [Monstrous] (Libris Mortis, page 27)

You draw extra power from your energy-drained victims.
Prerequisites: Cha 15, energy drain supernatural ability
Benefit: Whenever you bestow a negative level upon a creature, you gain a +1 bonus on skill checks, ability checks,
attack rolls, and saving throws for 1 hour.

Improved Toughness [General] (Libris Mortis, page 27)

You are significantly tougher than normal

BIS7-06 The Golden Masque Page 54

Prerequisites: Base Fortitude save bonus +2
Benefit: You gain a number of hit points equal to your current Hit Dice. Each time you gain a Hit Die (such as by
gaining a level), you gain 1 additional hit point. If you lose a Hit Dice (such as by losing a level), you lose 1 hit point

Improved Turn Resistance [Monstrous] (Libris Mortis, page 27)

You have a better than normal chance to resist turning.
Prerequisites: Undead type.
Benefit: You are less easily affected by clerics or paladins than you normally would be (see Turn or Rebuke
Undead, page 159 of the Player’s Handbook). When resolving a turn, rebuke, command, or bolster attempt, add +4 to your
character level (monster Hit Dice plus class levels) to determine your Hit Dice for turn, rebuke, command, and bolster
attemptes. For example, a 4 HD wight with this feat is treated as an 8 HD undead for the purpose of turn, rebuke,
command, and bolster attempts, even though it is a 4 HD creature for any other purpose. A vampire that already has +4
turn resistance adds an additional +4 with this feat, for a total of +8.

Rapid Spell [Metamagic] (Complete Divine, page 84)

Benefit: Only spells with a casting time greater than 1 standard action can be made rapid. A rapid spell with a
casting time of 1 full round can be cast as a standard action. A rapid spell with a casting time measured in rounds can be
cast in a full round. Rapid spells with casting times measured in minutes can be cast in 1 minute, and rapid spells with
casting times measured in hours can be cast in 1 hour. A rapid spell uses up a spell slot one level higher than the spell’s
actual level.
Special: A spell can be made rapid and quickened only if its original casting time was 1 full round. This feat can be
applied to a spell cast spontaneously as long as its original casting time was longer than 1 full round.

Sculpt Spell [Metamagic] (Complete Arcane, page 83)

Prerequisite: Any metamagic feat.
Benefit: You can modify an area spell by changing the area’s shape to either a cylinder (10-foot radius, 30 feet
high), a 40-foot cone, four 10-foot cubes, a ball (20 foot-radius spread), or a 120-foot line. The sculpted spell works
normally in all respects except for its shape. For example, a lightning bolt whose area is charged to a ball deals the same
amount of damage, but affects a 20-foot-radius spread.
A sculpted spell uses a spell slot one level higher than the spell’s actual level.

Spinning Halberd [Weapon Style] (Complete Warrior, page 114)

You have mastered the style of fighting with a halberd, and can use all parts of the weapon – blade, spike, hook, or butt –
to strike devastating blows.
Prerequisites: Combat Reflexes, Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus (halberd)
Benefit: When you make a full attack with your halberd, you gain a +1 dodge bonus to your Armor Class as well as
an additional attack with the weapon at a –5 penalty. This attack deals bludgeoning damage equal to 1d6 + 1/2 your
Strength modifier.


Alternative Class Feature: Root Walker (Dungeonscape, page 9)
You are a child of the underworld. While other druids dwell in lush forests and rolling fields, you tend to the
mushroom tangles and lichen beds that lie beneath their feet.

BIS7-06 The Golden Masque Page 55

Level: 1st.
Replaces: If you select this alternative class feature, you do not gain any of the following abilities: wild empathy at
1st level, woodland stride at 2nd level, and resist nature’s lure at 4th level.
Benefit: At 1st level, you gain vermin empathy. This ability functions just like wild empathy (PH 35) except that
you can improve the attitude of vermin instead of animals, even though vermin are usually nonintelligent.
At 2nd level, you gain the ability to move over stone, rock, and earthen debris at your full speed without taking
damage or suffering any other impairment. This ability functions only with natural surfaces. Magically altered surfaces,
such as those created by soften earth and stone or spike stones, affect you normally.
At 4th level, you gain resistance to the powers of creatures most abhorrent to nature. You gain a +4 bonus on saving
throws against the spell-like abilities of aberrations.


“Necropolitan” is an acquired template that can be added to any humanoid or monstrous humanoid (referred to
hereafter as the bade creature).
A necropolitan speaks any language it knew in life, and it has all the base creatures statistics and special abilities
except as noted here.
Size and Type: The creature’s type changes to undead, and it gains the augmented subtype. Do not recalculate base
attack bonus, saves, or skill points. Size is unchanged.
Hit Dice: Increases to d12.
Special Qualities: A necropolitan retains all the special qualities of the base creature and gains those described
Resist Control (Ex): Necropolitans have a +2 profane bonus on their Will saving throws to resist the effect of a
control undead spell.
Turn Resistance (Ex): A necropolitan has a +2 turn resistance.
Unnatural Resilience (Ex): Necropolitans automatically heal hit point damage and ability damage at the same
rate as a living creature. The Heal skill has no effect on necropoltans; however, negative energy (such as an inflict spell)
heals them.
Abilities: Same as the base creature, except that as undead creatures, necropolitans have no Constitution score.
Advancement: By character class.
Level Adjustment: Same as the base creature. (Becoming a necropolitan involves losing a level – see Ritual of
Crucimigration, below – so the advantages of the undead type cancel out what would otherwise be a larger adjustment.)
Ritual of Crucimigration
Any living humanoid or monstrous humanoid can petition for consideration to undergo the Ritual of
Crucimigration, which (if successful) enable the creature to become a necropolitan. The petition for consideration
requires a fee of 3,000 gp and a written plea.
The Ritual: The first part of the ritual requires the placement of the petioner on a standing pole. Cursed nails are
used to affix the petitioner, and then the pole is lifted into place. The resultant excruciating pain that shoots like molten
metal through the petitioners fingers and up the arms is not what finally ends the petitioner’s mortal life, however,
since death usually comes from asphyxiation and heart failure. As petitioners feel death’s chill enter their bodies, many
have second thoughts, but it is far too late to go back – the cursed nails and chanting of the ritual ensures that the
Curcimigration is completed.

BIS7-06 The Golden Masque Page 56

The ceremony lasts for 24 hours – the usual time it takes for the petitioner to perish. During this period, two or
three zombie servitors keep up a chant initiated by the ritual leader when the petitioner is first placed into position.
Upon hearing the petitioner’s last breath, the ritual leader calls forth the names of evil powers and gods to forge a link
with the Negative Energy Plane, and then impales the petitioner. Dying the petitioner is reborn as a necropolitan, dead
but animate.
Game Effect: Immediately upon opening its undead eyes, a new necropolitan loses a level as if the spell raise dead
had been used upon it and it was alive instead of animate. (If the subject has no levels to lose, it is simply destroyed.) It
then also loses an additional 1,00 XP. If the loss of this much XP forces the necropolitan to loose another level, then it
loses another level. No spell, not even restoration, can restore this lost XP. Petitioners may not spend experience points
they don’t have – if the level loss and the 1,000 XP cost drains a creature to 0 XP or less, it is destroyed, turned to dust,
and can never be raised or revived again using any means. If the ritual is interrupted before it is completed the
petitioned is merely dead.

Amulet of Aberrant Empathy (Complete Adventurer, page 132)
This strange, twisted amulet allows the wearer to use the Handle Animal skill instead of the Diplomacy skill when
dealing with some aberrations.
While wearing an amulet of aberrant empathy, a character can make Handle Animal checks instead of Diplomacy
checks to influence the attitude of aberrations with an intelligence of 9 or lower.
Moderate enchantment; CL 11th; Craft Wondrous Item, charm monster, Price 1400gp.

Magebane Weapon Enhancement (Complete Arcane, page 143)

Weapons crafted with the magebane property are rightly feared by all arcane spellcasters. Against any creature with
arcane spells currently prepared or spell slots available to cast arcane spells without preparation, or against creatures
with the ability to use arcane spell-like abilities, a magebane weapon’s effective enhancement level is 2 better than
normal (so that a +1 longsword becomes a +3 longsword when wielded against arcane spellcasters) and deals an extra 2d6
points of damage. Magebane bows, crossbows, and slings bestow this ability upon their ammunition.
Moderate conjuration; CL 8th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, dispel magic, Price +1 bonus.

Mantle of the Beast (Complete Champion, page 140)

This heavy cloak is made of a rough, gray fur from some unidentifiable creature.
The mantle of the beast allows you to use your wild shape ability as a swift action. While wild shaped, your natural
weapons gain a +1 enhancement bonus on attack and damage rolls.
A mantle of the beast is part of a set known collectively as the trappings of the beast, which also includes the armor of the
beast and the ring of the beast. When you wear all three items together, you gain additional abilities, as noted in the
description of armor of the beast.
Moderate transmutation; CL 10th; Craft Wondrous Item, greater magic fang, ability to wild shape, Price 18,000 gp;
Weight 2 lb.

Vest of Resistance (Complete Arcane, page 150)

These garments offer magic protection in the form of a +1 to +5 resistance bonus on all saving throws.
Faint abjuration; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, resistance, caster’s level must be at least three times the vest’s bonus;
Price 1,000 gp (+1), 4,000 gp (+2), 9,000 gp (+3), 16,000 gp (+4), 25,000 gp (+5); Weight 1 lb.

Arc of Lightning (Spell Compendium, page 15)
Conjuration (Creation) [Electricity]
Level: Druid 4, sorcerer/wizard 5, Windstorm 5

BIS7-06 The Golden Masque Page 57

Components: V, S, M/DF
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Area: A line between two creatures
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Reflex half
Spell Resistance: No

Static fills the air as you complete the spell. With a gesture you create magical conductivity between two creatures, and a bolt of
electricity arcs between them with a shockingly loud crackle.

This bolt deals 1d6 points of electricity damage per caster level (maximum 15d6) to both creatures and to anything
in the line between them.
Both creatures must be in range, and you must be able to target them both (as if this spell had them as its targets).
Draw a line from any corner in one creature’s space to any corner in the other’s space. The bolt affects all squares in this
Arcane material component: Two small iron rods.

Lesser Orb of Cold (Spell Compendium, page 151)

Conjuration (Creation) [Cold]
Level: Sorcerer/wizard 1
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft. / 2 levels)
Effect: One orb of cold
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

Your hand takes on a blue tint and your fingers turn numb and unresponsive as you complete the spell. From your chilled palm
flies an orb composed of blue ice.

An orb of cold about 2 inches across shoots from your palm at its target, dealing 1d8 points of cold damage. You
must succeed on a ranged touch attack to hit your target.
For every two caster levels beyond 1st, your orb deals an additional 1d8 points of damage: 2d8 at 3rd level, 3d8 at
5th level, 4d8 at 7th level, and the maximum of 5d8 at 9th level or higher.

Orb of Cold (Spell Compendium, page 151)

Conjuration (Creation) [Cold]
Level: Sorcerer/wizard 4
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft. / 2 levels)
Effect: One orb of cold
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Fortitude partial; see text
Spell Resistance: No

An orb of cold about 3 inches across shoots from your palm at its target dealing 1d6 points of cold damage per
caster level (maximum 15d6). You must succeed on a ranged touch attack to hit your target.

BIS7-06 The Golden Masque Page 58

A creature struck by the orb takes damage and becomes blinded for 1 round. A successful Fortitude save negates
the blinded effect but does not reduce the damage.

Scholar’s Touch (Races of Destiny, page 167)

Level: Bard 1, cleric 1, sorcerer/wizard 1
Components: V, S, M, F
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Personal
Target: One book/round
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 round/level

With this spell you can touch a book or scroll and absorb the knowledge contained within as if you had just read it.
This is equivalent to a solid reading but not deep study – the character does not gain perfect recall of the information,
just whatever he would have gotten from reading it completely once. If you can’t read the language of the source, the
spell has no effect. This spell cannot be used to prepare spells or to cast magical scrolls, not does it have any effect when
reading a magical book (such as a tome of understanding).
Material Component: A scrap of parchment and a pinch of tinder.
Focus: A thin crystal disc.

Serene Visage (Spell Compendium, page 182)

Illusion (Glamer)
Level: Bard 1, sorcerer/wizard 1
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 1 minute/level

By casting this spell, you imbue yourself with an ephemeral quality that induces others to trust what you say.
Simple illusions aid your attempts to be persuasive. You gain an insight bonus equal to one-half your caster level
(maximum +10) on Bluff checks.

Shadow Binding (Spell Compendium, page 182)

Illusion (Shadow)
Level: Sorcerer/wizard 3
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft. / 2 levels)
Area: 10 ft.-radius burst
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: Will negates
Spell Resistance: Yes

As the links of chain in your hand dissipate to feed the arcane energies of your spell, a multitude of ribbonlike shadows
instantaneously explodes outward from an indicated point nearby.
Creatures in the area that fail a Will save are entangled and unable to move. Breaking free of a shadow binding
requires a DC 20 Strength check or a DC 20 Escape Artist check, taken as a full-round action.

BIS7-06 The Golden Masque Page 59

Material Component: A few links of iron chain.

Shadow Spray (Spell Compendium, page 186)

Illusion (Shadow)
Level: Sorcerer/wizard 2
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft. / level)
Area: 5 ft.-radius burst
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates
Spell Resistance: Yes

As you finish casting the spell, ribbonlike shadows burst outward from the midst of your foes.
You cause a multitude of ribbonlike shadows to instantaneously explode outward from the point of origin.
Creatures in the area take 4 points of Strength damage and are dazed for 1 round.
Material Component: A handful of black ribbons.

Silent Portal (Spell Compendium, page 190)

Illusion (Glamer)
Level: Assassin 1, sorcerer/wizard 0
Components: S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft. / 2 levels)
Target: One portal
Duration: 1 minute/level (D)
Saving Throw: Will negates (object)
Spell Resistance: Yes (object)

The door squeaks slightly as you force it. You pause and wave your finger in a pattern along the opening and it silences.
This simple cantrip negates the sound of the opening and closing a single portal (door, window, gate, drawer, chest,
lid, or the like). Even the squeakiest door opens without a sound when under the effect of this spell. Silent portal covers
only the normal means of opening and closing the targeted portal. Breaking a window or kicking in a door still makes
noise, but opening a door that is loosely hanging by its hinges does not (since this is the normal way a door would be
opened). Portals composed of magical energy are not affected by this spell.
In the case of magic or even intelligent portals, spell resistance and a Will save (DC 10 + caster’s ability modifier +
other modifiers as appropriate) apply.

BIS7-06 The Golden Masque Page 60

The following is written on tear-stained parchment in a deliberate and highly trained script.


With regret I must inform you that your presence is not needed at the manor.
Our alliance with our host is tenuous at best. Some of the mortals find you
demeanor to be disconcerting. Your skills and knowledge are, of course, a great
asset. We are extremely pleased that are a part of our organization.

The truth is this: some of us are skilled at dealing with the mortals. We put
them at ease or else cloud their highly suggestible minds with the lordly abilities
given to us in undeath. Likewise your knowledge and skills are of great use in the
field, combating intruders and gathering specimen for data. I would not presume to
associate with your pets, and I would expect you to not impose unduly upon the
hospitality of our host.

They all find you a bit repugnant, I’m afraid. It’s nothing personal; the
mortals have only a small threshold for creatures such as us. Their squeamishness
can cause problems, so please do not return to the manor until called from.

With great respect,

All of us

BIS7-06 The Golden Masque Page 61


You begin to spin about. Peering through the orb you see not only the appearance of your location
but the truth it hides.

About a hundred revelers dressed in the finest clothing you’ve ever seen fill the room, surrounding
you on all sides. Each reveler wears an ornate golden mask. Some sit in lavish furniture while others
dance about. Servants attend to the revelers carrying trays of what appear to be hunks of bloody
flesh. You don’t know how, but you know the meat to have once been human. The revelers tear at
the flesh with gnarled claws and feral teeth, hissing and howling all the while. A few desolate and
emaciated figures are led into the room, bound in chains and wearing nothing but rags. The revelers
leap upon the captives with hunger, and the victims scream as they are eaten alive. In the corner a
quartet of performers provide background music.

At the center of it all is a rotund man. His golden mask is the largest and most ornate of all the
revelers and his matching golden robes are open at the top to expose his fat belly. He drains a
golden cup and then applauds as his guests tear another victim apart.

You realize that you are also a bit hungry.

A moment later, you find yourself back in the empty room with only your companions around you.
The glass orb clutched tightly in your hand is jet black with clouds of white swirling upon the

BIS7-06 The Golden Masque Page 62

BIS7-06 The Golden Masque Page 63
The following is written on parchment in a deliberate and highly trained script. The ink is barely dry.

My most gracious master:

Things proceed well in Cassiter. The Baron here is easy to please with food
and spectacle, and as long as he is provided with the serum we will have free reign
over his lands. The barony is empty and forgotten; the perfect staging ground to
marshall our forces. This sickness that plagues the humans has proven to be just
the opportunity we required, as you foresaw. Still I wonder who we have to thank
for its creation…
The Baron’s brother came here today – after some brief interrogation we
determined that he came here without the knowledge of any official entity. He will
not be missed by any comrades that could do us real harm.
As always I strive to act in Evard’s Way, with noble toil and sacrifice to the
cause of vengenance against mortalkind. I thank your most esteemed lordship for
granting me the strength to slay the problems that I can and the immortality to
outlast those that resist my powers.
Your servant and child,

BIS7-06 The Golden Masque Page 64

If you run this event in November or December of 2007, please e-mail the results from this sheet to a member of the
Bissel Triad by January 1st, 2008, or have the Senior DM of your event do so.

1. Did the PCs learn as much as possible from Abgriel? Yes No

2. Did the PCs discover Allfauruk’s true nature? Yes No

Describe if you can anything unusual that occurred in Encounter 7.

Did the PCs make an effort to get Knowel’s stolen serum to the proper
3. Yes No

4. Did the PCs seem to care that Jasmine Besselar was sick with the Black Hand? Yes No

Notes: (Add anything that happened that might be considered out of the ordinary – Strange
occurrences, results that may not fit the above, etc):

BIS7-06 The Golden Masque Page 65


Radiance and Resolution

® TM
Bissel Regional Adventure
Version 1.0.0

by Crystal and Jay Babcock

Reviewers: Bissel Triad Circle Reviewer: Steven Conforti
Playtesters: Heather Eberhardt, Brian Eberhardt, Christine Hallet, Michael Hallet, Helen Keier, and Lee Thomas

Two years ago, Bissel unleashed a weapon of great power upon the Necromancer’s armies. The forces of darkness were
decimated and the tide of the war turned, but in the process the boundaries between planes was torn asunder. Truelight
was lost, and the land itself became inhospitable. But you now stand before the breech, and have the chance to change
Bissel forever. A two-round Bissel regional adventure for APLs 2-12 and finale of the Sun after the Storm series.

Resources: Manual of the Planes [Jeff Grubb, Bruce R. Cordell, and David Noonan], Planar Handbook [Bruce R. Cordell
and Gwendolyn F.M. Kestrel], Planescape [David "Zeb" Cook].

Based on the original DUNGEONS & DRAGONS rules created by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson and the new DUNGEONS & DRAGONS game designed
by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Richard Baker, and Peter Adkison.

This game product contains no Open Game Content. No portion of this work may be reproduced in any form without permission of Wizards of the
Coast. To learn more about the Open Gaming License and the d20 SYSTEM license, please visit
This is an official RPGA play document. To find out more about the RPGA and to learn more on how you can sanction and run DUNGEONS &
DRAGONS game events of all sizes, visit our website at

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, GREYHAWK, LIVING GREYHAWK, D&D REWARDS, RPGA, Player’s Handbook, Dungeon Master’s Guide, and
Monster Manual are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc, in the US and other countries. This material is protected under the copyright laws of the
United States of America. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained herein is prohibited without the express written
permission of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. This product is a work of fiction. Any similarity to actual people, organizations, places, or events is purely
coincidental. © 2005 Wizards of the Coast, Inc and the adventure author or authors.

Visit the LIVING GREYHAWK website at

For questions specific to this document and your region please e-mail your triad point of contact (POC) at For LIVING
GREYHAWK campaign questions email
Throughout this adventure, text in bold italics provides
RPGA® SANCTIONED PLAY player information for you to paraphrase or read aloud
when appropriate. Sidebars contain important
Most likely you ordered this adventure as part of an
information for you, including special instruction on
RPGA even from the RPGA website, or you received it
running the adventure. Information on nonplayer
from your senior gamemaster. To play this adventure as
characters (NPCs) and monsters appear in abbreviated
part of the LIVING GREYHAWK campaign—a worldwide,
form in the adventure text. Full information on NPCs
ongoing D&D campaign set in the GREYHAWK setting—
and monsters are given in the Appendices.
you must sanction it as part of an RPGA event. This event
could be as elaborate as a big convention, or as simple as a Along with this adventure you’ll find a RPGA Table
group of friends meeting at the DM’s house. Tracking sheet. If you’re playing this adventure as part of
an RPGA-sanctioned event, complete and turn in this
To sanction an RPGA event, you must be at least a
sheet to your senior GM directly after play. You’ll also
HERALD-LEVEL gamemaster. The person who sanctions
find a LIVING GREYHAWK Adventure Record (AR).
the event is called the senior gamemaster, and is in
charge of making sure the event is sanctioned before
play, runs smoothly on the date sanctioned, and then LIVING GREYHAWK LEVELS
reported back to the RPGA in a timely manner. The OF PLAY
person who runs the game is called the table Dungeon
Master (or usually just DM). Sometimes (and almost all Because players bring their own characters to LIVING
the time in the cases of home events) the senior GREYHAWK games, this adventure’s challenges are
gamemaster is also the table DM. You don’t have to be a proportionate to the modified average character level of
HERALD-LEVEL GM to run this adventure if you are not the PCs participating in the adventure. To determine this
the senior GM. modified Average Party Level (APL) follow the steps
By sanctioning and reporting this adventure you
accomplish a couple of things. First it is an official game, 1. Determine the character level for each of the PCs
and you can use the AR to advance your LIVING participating in the adventure.
GREYHAWK character. Second player and DMs gain
2. If PCs bring animals that have been trained for
rewards for sanctioned RPGA play if they are members of
combat (most likely dogs trained for war), other than
the DUNGEONS & DRAGONS REWARDS program. Playing
those brought by virtue of a class ability (such as
this adventure is worth two (2) points.
animal companions, familiars paladin’s mounts) or
This adventure retires from RPGA-sanctioned play the warhorse of a character with the Mounted
on December 31, 2008. Combat feat, use the sidebar chart to determine the
number of levels you add to the sum of step one. Add
To learn more about the LIVING GREYHAWK
each character’s animals separately. A single PC may
character creation and development, RPGA event
only bring four or fewer animals of this type, and
sanctioning, and DUNGEONS & DRAGONS REWARDS, visit
animals with different CRs are added separately.
the RPGA website at
3. Sum the results of step 1 and 2, and divide by the
PLAYERS READ NO FARTHER number of characters playing in the adventure.
Round to the nearest whole number.
If you are planning on playing this adventure, stop
4. If you are running a table of six PCs, add one to that
reading now. The rest of the information in this
adventure is for the DM only. If you read farther than
this section, you’ll know too much about its challenges, Throughout this adventure, APLs categorize the level of
which kills the fun. Also, if you’re playing this adventure challenge the PCs face. APLS are given in even-
as part of an RPGA-sanctioned event, reading beyond this numbered increments. If the APL of your group falls on
point makes you ineligible to do so. an odd number, ask them before the adventure begins
whether they would like to play a harder or easier
PREPARING FOR PLAY adventure. Based on their choice, use either the higher or
the lower adjacent APL.
To get the most out of this adventure, you need copies of
APL also affects the amount of experience and gold a
the following D&D books: Player’s Handbook, Dungeon
PC can gain at the end of the adventure. If a player
Master’s Guide, and the Monster Manual.

BIS7-07 Radiance and Resolution Page 1

character is three character levels or more either higher A character who does not pay for at least Standard
or lower than the APL at which this adventure is being Upkeep may also avoid the above-described penalties by
played, that character receives only one-half of the living off the wild. If the character possesses four or more
experience points and gold for the adventure. This ranks in the Survival skill and succeeds at a Survival
simulates the fact that either the PC was not challenged check (DC 20), the character will heal temporary ability
as much as normal or relied on help by higher-level damage as if he or she paid for Standard Upkeep, may
characters to reach the objectives. refill spell component pouches and healer’s kits, and may
restock up to 20 arrows or bolts if the character has at
Furthermore, a PC who is four or more levels higher
least four ranks in Craft (bowmaking). The player is
than the highest APL supported by the adventure may
allowed to Take 10 on this roll.
not play the adventure.
More information about Lifestyle and Upkeep can
Mundane # of Animals be found in the “Lifestyle and Upkeep” section of
Animals Effect on Chapter 3 of the LIVING GREYHAWK Campaign Sourcebook.
1 2 3 4

1/4 & 1/6 0 0 0 1 ADVENTURE BACKGROUND

1/3 & 1/2 0 0 1 1 The war against Evard was long and arduous. Many
sacrifices were made by the men and women of Bissel. In
1 1 1 2 3
the end, the tide of battle was turned by a backup plan.
2 2 3 4 5
CR of Animal

In BIS4-02 Two Halves of a Whole, the Bissel Free

3 3 4 5 6 Companies and the Knights of the Watch found
evidence of two weapons that could be of use against the
4 4 6 7 8
forces threatening Bissel – the first, a spellbook that
5 5 7 8 9 contained the research needed to create powerful spells
that can destroy powerful undead, the second, a set of
6 6 8 9 10
rituals that Evard used to awaken a smaller undead force
7 7 9 10 11 that had been causing issue on the border of Rhomstaff
and Nightwatch. Brave adventurers recovered the
weapons, but the result was less than perfect – it was
LIVING GREYHAWK adventures are designed for APL
discovered that only one of the weapons could be used.
2 and higher. Four or five 1st-level characters may find the
The Bissel Ruling Council had to choose between using
challenge of an APL 2 adventure difficult. Suggest the
one weapon immediately for a short-term victory, and
following to these groups to help increase their chances
researching the other weapon for a longer-term
of success:
advantage. They opted for the latter. Scholars from the
1. Enlist a sixth player. Guild of the Arcane Path and the Churches of
Heironeous and Pelor worked tirelessly in secret to
2. Advise characters to buy riding dogs to help protect
complete the research.
them, and fight for them.
In BIS5-03 Trials and Triumphs the weapon was taken
TIME UNITS AND UPKEEP to an undead-infested spot to be field tested. It was
discovered that the combination of divine power and
This is a standard one-round Regional adventure, set in sunlight caused the weapon to activate with a startling
Bissel. Characters native to Bissel pay one Time Unit per potency. It was decided that it would be taken to the
round, all others pay two Time Units per round. temple of Pelor in Nightwatch, where a sacred annual
ceremony was to take place. If the weapon worked with
Adventurer’s Standard Upkeep costs 12 gp per Time
the same efficiency, it would hamper undead within the
Unit. Rich Upkeep costs 50 gp per Time Unit. Luxury
barony, giving Bissel forces a front-line position to work
Upkeep costs 100 gp per Time Unit. Characters that fail
to pay at least Standard Upkeep will retain temporary
ability damage until the next adventure, must buy new In BIS5-06Vanity and Vexation the weapon was taken
spell component pouches and healer’s kits, and may to the temple in Nightwatch for the Rite of Clarity, an
suffer other in-game penalties (or possibly gain in-game annual ritual blessing. Adventurers on an unrelated
benefits) as may be detailed in this adventure. mission uncovered evidence of corruption within the

BIS7-07 Radiance and Resolution Page 2

church – Pelorites that wanted to preserve their standing Pelor – after doing a service for the sun god, they are sent
and prestige by refusing to wipe out all of Evard’s forces. back to life.
The plot was uncovered, and the ritual completed. The
They reawaken on the positive energy plane, and
temple and weapon were touched by the very hand of
find that a fiend army is preparing to use the rift to raid
Pelor, and the resulting blast of positive energy beheaded
the Prime Material. They finish the ritual, close the gate,
Evard’s undead army, leading to victory for Bissel.
and get home before all is lost.
Introduction: A Goal Stands Before Us
While the short term benefits of using the weapon was Estimated Time: 15 minutes
undeniable – the grass was greener, the skies bluer, and The PCs are standing before the rift with Archpriest
the horde of undead abominations was wiped out – there Hissler. The stationed guards finish off a batch of positive
were other, more dire implications. energy critters. The PCs are introduced to the
The activation of the weapon weakened the fabric of planewalker. Their mission is to assist him in analyzing
reality separating the Prime Material and Positive Energy the rift and closing it.
planes. The positive energy that has been leaking out into
Encounter 1: Guardians of the Portal
the surrounding area – pure, unadulterated life energy –
Estimated Time: 30 minutes
has had a profound impact on the world around it.
The PCs plunge through the rift, and fight several
The most noticeable effect of this was the dense, positive energy critters on the far side.
primeval forest that sprung into life around Truelight.
Travelers in these woods were often attacked by fierce, Encounter 2: Not Too Bad…
unyielding animals. Over the months, these attacks Estimated Time: 5 minutes
became more common, and more vicious. The planewalker takes a look at the rift, and
In BIS6-IN3 Forest for the Trees communication was proclaims it closeable. He weaves it back closed,
lost with Truelight. Great Army units were dispatched, announcing that the party is now on its own. They will
and the members found the town besieged by legions of have to 'shift the fabric' of the plane a bit, a way away
the dire animals. The forces of good stood fast, but defeat from the portal.
seemed inevitable. As forces scrambled to evacuate the
Encounter 3: A Spark of Life
city, a few adventurers witnessed the planar weakness
Estimated Time: 5 minutes
tear asunder. They were forced to flee this new planar
rift, and leave the temple behind. The PCs and the planewalker travel well away from
the gate. The PCs see a radiant burst in the distance. The
In BIS7-IN4 Embers of the Most Holy the Great Army planewalker comments that those are bad, but thankfully
struck back against the animal legions, and retook rare.
Truelight. They managed to fight the elementals
guarding the rift and reclaim the temple. Encounter 4: Everyone Loves Puzzles
Estimated Time: 20 minutes
All that’s left is to close the rift and end this saga.
The PCs reach another good spot, but one of
planewalker's devices is broken. He hands it to the PCs to
ADVENTURE SUMMARY try to fix – a baffling puzzle.
The adventurers begin standing before the rift with
Encounter 5: Foreshadowing
Archpriest Hissler, where they are introduced to a Estimated Time: 5 minutes
planewalker – an arcanist familiar with planar structure.
Their mission is to assist him in analyzing the rift and The party reaches another good point, and the
closing it. They plunge through the rift, and fight various planewalker does his thing. In the distance, they can see
critters on the far side. The mission seems routine – until a number of tough positive energy critters. They are
they lose their guide, and can’t retrace their steps back to keeping their distance, and he mentions that he likes
the rift. Eventually, they encounter an unbeatable foe, that.
and are slain.
The PCs wake up on a ship sailing an endless ocean.
They manage to learn that they are on Elysium, one of
the outer planes. They also learn that it is the home of

BIS7-07 Radiance and Resolution Page 3

Encounter 6: Oops… Encounter 13: The First and Most Holy
Estimated Time: 60 minutes Estimated Time: 55 minutes
As the party nears another good point, they are Another island, some time later. This one holds an
attacked by a tougher group of monsters... but it seems ancient Pelorite temple. The PCs help defend it from
manageable. attacking fiends - followers of Nerull. The fiend leader
winks out at the end.
Then a radiant burst occurs almost on top of the
party. The monsters are enhanced, and the tide turns. The Encounter 14: Court of the Sky Father
planewalker makes a few mistakes - refuses to remove his Estimated Time: 30 minutes
bracelet, hits himself with a fireball, etc. In the end, he is
Angels carry the PCs to the Fortress of the Sun. They
slaughtered, and torn apart.
talk their way in, and get an audience with Pelor, himself.
Encounter 7: A Few Extra Time Units Based on their actions, he agrees to send the PCs back.
Estimated Time: 20 minutes He mentions that Nerull has been moving directly
against him, and the PC's home plane.
The PCs wander the plane. They can't find their way
back to the gate, or a way home. Days pass. Supplies are Encounter 15: Back to Life
waning. Estimated Time: 15 minutes

Encounter 8: Oh, Crap The PCs wake back on the Positive Energy plane. A
Estimated Time: 45 minutes fiend army is massing around the rift, waiting to move
through into the Prime Material. The PCs have to dodge
The PCs are attacked by an insurmountable group of
by the army, to set up the last anchor point.
enemies - the ones they were warned about. They are
slain. Encounter 16: Grudge Match
Estimated Time: 45 minutes
Encounter 9: Total Party Kill
Estimated Time: 35 minutes The PCs fight the fiend leader and other minions of
The PCs find themselves lost in a floating sensation
that fades into rocking. They wake up on a ship sailing an Conclusion: Closure
endless ocean. They puzzle out where they are. They have Estimated Time: 5 minutes
none of their belongings.
The PCs manage to set up the device, and resign
Encounter 10: Seasick themselves to death in this place. But then, they see two
Estimated Time: 20 minutes things: one, an army of angels, arriving to fight the
fiends... and a glimmer of sunlight in the distance, amid
The PCs travel on this endless ocean for a year.
the army of fiends and sea of radiance... they spot the rift!
Finally, they see an island in the distance. Paddling to it,
They hurry to it, and leap through before it completely
they manage to beach the boat.
closes. They get home safe. Medals all around!
They find a man, trying to overcome peril. Once
they help him achieve his goal, he gives them some idea PREPARATION FOR PLAY
of where they might be. They learn that they are dead,
and in the final rest, a place for heroes past. This adventure encompasses a number of unique
environments. It is particularly important for you to be
Encounter 11: Old Folks Home prepared for their unique attributes, and their effects on
Estimated Time: 15 minutes
combat and adventuring. These effects have been
The PCs land on another island, some time later. The detailed in the DM Aids sections.
sun never seems to get any closer. Other ancient heroes
Before beginning play, find out if the PCs have the
mention the great angels they've seen fly in that
Touched by Pelor favor from BIS5-06 Vanity and Vexation
(most players will know it as the one that makes them
Encounter 12: Divine Insight glow).
Estimated Time: 25 minutes
The expected running time of this adventure is 7
The PCs encounter another island. After helping the hours, 30 minutes. If this is running during standard 4-
inhabitants out, the PCs learn that only a god could send hour convention slots, this allows 25 minutes for
them home. marshalling, and 5 minutes for paperwork distribution.

BIS7-07 Radiance and Resolution Page 4

STANDS BEFORE US • A significant portion of the Bramblewood south of
Estimated Time: 15 minutes Avernand Keep has been razed, and a large camp has
been constructed. It hasn’t given Bissel forces the
The noonday sun breaks through the overcast sky, leverage to retake Avernand, but has allowed a
illuminating the central courtyard of the Temple of stalemate.
Pelor. The stark white domes and spires of the holy
sanctuary stand tall atop the central hill of • The village of New Clunther, on the shores of Lake
Truelight, as they have for a generation. Hasra, has been temporarily abandoned. Residents
have been tight-lipped as to why.
Following the first Insurrection, the marble
towers were raised like a tombstone on the gravesite DC 15
of devastated Wynith. They helped the citizens • Rumors are circulating that Lord Camryn Fertuine,
mourn its passing, but also proclaimed its rebirth as Baron of Cassiter, has betrayed the March. Allegedly,
the Barony of Nightwatch. an army detachment is being formed to relieve him
When Evard returned, the clerics of the Sky of his posting.
Father passed through the temple halls, on their • A recent public appearance of Brar the Crusader, the
way out to do battle with the undead hordes. Their famed pit fighter, sparked a small riot in Sareden.
vigilance kept the Black Margrave’s fiends at bay for The local barracks commander, responsible for
most of the war. restoring order, has chosen not to comment on the
It was within these walls that the great light did incident.
shine forth at the end of the war, burning the
DC 20
undead hordes into ash, and turning the tide of
battle. From that ash emerged the victorious March, • A horde of undead creatures marched out of Lake
free for the first time in its history. Hasra last month. All attempts to locate the army
since then have failed. Powerful magic must be
After the war, the grassy plains of Nightwatch
masking their presence.
grew into a vast, primeval forest in a matter of
months. Animals of unusual size and ferocity struck • Margrave Adeur has fallen ill. It is not the plague
at travelers in the barony. By the time it was that wears on him; nor does it appear to be his age.
recognized as an organized threat, the beasts had
already besieged Truelight, forcing its citizens to • It is said the forces of Iuz have begun to stir. His
flee. The marble domes were swallowed up by an most powerful minions are searching for something.
endless sea of green. DC 25
This day, the sun casts its gaze on a much • Great Army engineers have been seen around the
different Truelight. The ever-encroaching forest has township of Ebbernant, helping to fortify the
been cut back, leaving some breathing room for the almost-nonexistent defenses. It is unclear why.
vigilant sentries that walk the outer walls. The air
hangs heavy with the scent of burnt flesh, product DC 30
of the many smoldering pyres that dispose of the • A number of sensitive Mist Chameleon assignments
last batch of dire beasts to attack the garrisons. have been issued to agents in the field. It is
It has been five months since Truelight was suspected to be a prelude to an attempt to push into
recovered, and still the March’s grip seems tenuous, central Ket.
at best. Once the PCs are done with rumors and introductions,
The PCs may wish to gather some information and continue with the following:
rumors before beginning the adventure. The following The radiant body of the elemental twists and flows
are rumors they can pick up with a Gather Information like the currents of the air, eluding the blades of the
check that beats the DC listed. The truth or falsehood of Great Army soldiers that oppose it. One of the
each rumor will be revealed with the passage of time. warriors lunges, plunging his weapon deep into its
form. The creature barely reacts, merely brushing
him away with an arm of pure energy. The soldier is

BIS7-07 Radiance and Resolution Page 5

flung through the air, striking the marble wall with Life energy has been pouring out of it constantly,
a sickening thud, and collapsing into a heap on the resulting in the forest springing up around us… the
floor. animals attacking us… and those… those
Another of the soldiers hurriedly shouts a few
arcane syllables, and a sickly-green ray issues from “At the moment, we’re holding our own. The
her outstretched finger. The elemental is struck garrison is holding back the beasts at the walls, and
dead center, and in a mere moment has we’ve been able to stop the elementals that have
disintegrated into nothingness. come through the rift. But we can only hold them
back for so long… Eventually, they will overwhelm
The atrium is still for a long moment. Then, a
our lines again. We can’t let that happen.”
number of healers enter, bustling about the
wounded soldiers, tending to their needs. He paces for a moment, lost in thought, before
turning back to the assembled crowd.
Archpriest Hissler places a glowing hand on the
crushed shoulder of the flung man, as he turns to “That is why you’re here. You’re the best of the
regard you once more. best… each one of you highly recommended for just
such a mission. We’re depending on you to close the
“So, you see what we are up against…”
rift, once and for all. Are you willing to do this?”
At the center of the atrium shines a brilliant
Archpriest Hissler can provide the following
light – a tear in the fabric of reality. Through the
information, if the PCs want more information before
outpouring of light, you can just make out a foreign
landscape – a vast sea of pulsating and rippling light.
The light that radiates from the rift is warm and • The mission is to close the planar rift.
inviting. As it washes over you, your sore muscles
relax, and the tension of battle melts out of your • He does not know what will be involved, but the
bodies. You’d dare say you feel comfortable. mission will certainly be very dangerous.

A successful Knowledge [the planes] check (DC 15) will • He does not know how the rift can be closed.
identify this as a planar rift, a fissure between two Fortunately, the Guild of the Arcane Path sent a
realities. specialist to take a look at it.

If the PCs played BIS5-06 Vanity and Vexation, they • The specialist arrived about a week ago, and has been
remember being here when the weapon was activated, intently studying the rift. He asked that a team of
Evard’s army was obliterated, and the tide of the war was adventurers be assembled to help him.
turned. • The specialist should be here again momentarily.
If the PCs played BIS6-IN3 Forest for the Trees, they • Unfortunately, the presence of the rift has caused
may have been here when reality split open, and the first teleportation magic to not function within Truelight
of the radiant creatures came forth. and the surrounding area. This has made the
If the PCs played BIS7-IN4 Embers of the Most Holy, specialist’s job more difficult.
they may have been here when the Great Army • They will be well rewarded for completing this
recaptured Truelight, and retook control of the rift. mission.
“The weapon worked marvelously,” Archpriest Once the PCs have accepted the mission, continue with
Hissler muses, while gazing into the rift. “Stolen the following:
from the necromancer’s own research, in only
eighteen months our best artificers turned it into As you speak with the Archpriest, you become
something we could use. When it went off… right gradually aware of a rhythmic noise coming from
here, on this very spot… it destroyed every one of one of the nearby hallways. Moments later, a squat,
the undead within a hundred miles. Evard’s army pudgy man emerges, leaning heavily on an ebony
was crippled. It turned certain defeat into our staff. He is dressed in brilliant, metallic blue robes
salvation.” of a style you’ve never before seen. Numerous
holsters and pouches adorn his belt, each holding a
“Our victory came with a price.” He gestures wand or some alien instrument. A number of ioun
towards the white fire of the rift. “The weapon stones race in an orbit about his head. Notably, his
weakened the fabric of reality, and left us with this. eyes are completely black.

BIS7-07 Radiance and Resolution Page 6

“Sodding rift!” He leans on his staff for support, “Second, we’ll have some defense against the
huffing and puffing, muttering under his breath. “A energy of the plane. Andrin?”
runner was… (huff)… not meant… (wheeze)… to
The archpriest retrieves a number of black iron
walk everywhere!”
rings, handing one to each of you. “We’ve managed
The Archpriest looks at the squat man in to develop these… they shield the wearer against
amusement. “Ahh, here he is now. My friends, allow the effects of positive energy attacks. They’ve helped
me to introduce you to Almetz Benburg von our defenders here in the temple. They should be
Caterain, Magister Astram. Our specialist.” just as effective on the other side.”
“Bar that! (Wheeze) Call me Alben. That’ll do.” These are rings of positive energy protection, and there are six
available (besides the one reserved for Alben). The PCs do
“As you wish.” The older man turns back to you.
not get to keep these, as they are extremely expensive.
“I give you to his quite capable hands. Your mission
is to assist Alben in whatever ways you can.” The planerunner slides one of the rings onto his
own finger, before continuing. “Ah… and one last…
The odd little man looks you over with his coal-
detail.” He retrieves his staff, and scowls. “This
black eyes.
blasted rift has thrown off teleportation magic for
“Scan this, berks. I’ve been checking out the rift. miles around. That means that the only way back
Barmy stuff - a full-length inter-planar tension will be the way we go through. No shiftin’. No
distortion, with multiple foci of gravitation.” portin’. No doorin’ away from a fight.” He grimaces.
“Yeah, I’m not perky about that, either.”
The scholar revels in his own excitement for a
moment, before he sees the glazed over looks on “So, I’m sure you have questions…”
your faces.
Alben is a seasoned planerunner (a plane-hopping
“Primes… look here!” He tosses his staff to adventurer) who peppers his speech with lingo he’s
<random PC>, and seizes hold of <random PC>’s picked up in his travels. Please consult DM Aid:
tunic. “This is what things are supposed to look like. Planewalker Cant.
Orderly. Settled. Even. But pull a little bit…” He
Alben can relate the following information, if
pulls the cloth in opposite directions, stretching it.
“… and stress. Yank hard enough, and you’ll tear a
hole right in the middle…” He nods at the radiant • Virtually anything could be on the other side of the
fissure. “… like that.” gate. The Positive Energy Plane is life and power.
The matter that bled into it can take any form
“I can paste the rift up, but that’s only half the
battle. To keep it from just chivin’ back open, I’ll
need to relieve the pressure around it, as well. Get • Typically, the area around a planar gate bears some
things smoothed back out.” resemblance to the area on the other side. As such,
“There’s the rub. The stress isn’t on this side. It’s the terrain around the rift is likely traversable.
in the Positive Energy Plane.” • The Positive Energy Plane is mostly devoid of actual
“Normally, such a thing would be just fer the living creatures… but creatures have been regularly
barmy. We’d just give up now; go hit the tavern coming through the rift, so this situation is already
before last call. The plane is an empty place, full of far from textbook.
nothing but raw energy. Stay there for just a little • The mission should take only a few hours to
bit, and you’ll pop. And there’s nowhere to drop the complete.
gear we’d need to slack things up.”
• What technique he will use to close the rift will
“But we’ve got two things goin’ for us.” depend on what is found on the other side. He’ll
“First, the rift works both ways… on this side make that call on the fly.
energy has been leaking though, making life • Without magical protection, a living creature in the
difficult for the March. But some part of this plane positive energy plane would soak up life until it
has been leaking through to there as well… my exploded in a torrent of radiance.
pokes an’ prods have suggested that there is a
landscape around the rift… air, gravity. We should • If the PCs realize that the rings will block healing
have something to work with.” spells, he will begrudgingly admit that he hadn’t

BIS7-07 Radiance and Resolution Page 7

thought of that. Without the rings, there is no way to You now stand in a rocky valley. The landscape
survive the plane more than a few minutes, so they is grey and devoid of life, but still seems incredibly
are a necessity. vibrant. Far above you, the endless sky is a torrent of
pulsating light.
Once the PCs are finished questioning the planerunner,
continue with the following: Just behind you is the rift. Through the jagged
breach, you can make out the temple atrium.
“Alright, then. If you’re done rattlin’ yer bone-boxes,
Everything on the other side looks shadowy and
get yer gear, study yer spells, get a new tattoo…
subdued, making the fissure appear as a dark scar
whatever you berks think will put you right. We
against the otherwise radiant background of the
jump as soon as yer ready to go.”
The PCs now have up to 24 hours to prepare themselves
Suddenly, there is movement at the corners of
for the mission. Unfortunately, industry hasn’t been
your vision, as some of the denizens of this strange
reestablished in Truelight, so supplies beyond the
place come to investigate your intrusion.
mundane are not available here. There is plenty of dire
squirrel jerky, however. The PCs are now in the Positive Energy Plane.
Particularly knowledgeable PCs may know a bit about
Once they are ready to enter the rift, proceed with
survival here. Please refer to DM Aid: Survival on the
Encounter 1.
Positive Energy Plane for more information.
All APLs
Pay particular attention to the effects of the rings of
 Clerics of Pelor (5): Male human Clr5 (Bluff +3, positive energy protection worn by the party members, as
Sense Motive +3); AL NG. they can drastically alter the landscape. For instance,
healing spells will not work while they are worn. If the
 Free Company Elite Soldiers (5): Male human
PCs attempt this, read the following, modifying it to fit
Ftr4 (Bluff +1, Sense Motive +1); AL LG.
the particular situation:
 Archpriest Andrin Hissler: Male human Clr17
Your outstretched hand glows intensely with pure
(Bluff +4, Sense Motive +10); AL NG.
positive energy as you cast your spell. However, as it
 Almetz Benburg von Caterain: Male aasimar is released, that energy just dissipates around
Wiz9 / Visionary Seeker 6 (Bluff +2, Knowledge [the [target], without effect.
planes] +22, Sense Motive +2); AL CG.
“It’s the rings!” Alben’s voice issues from behind
you. “The magic that keeps the soddin’ plane from
ENCOUNTER 1: GUARDIANS popping us is pikin’ your spell!”
OF THE PORTAL This combat begins with PCs’ opponents at 30 feet, on
Estimated Time: 30 minutes either side of them. Please refer to DM Aid: Map #1 –
The clerics look over you, one last time, making sure Combat at the Gate.
everything is in order. Then, like the calm amidst APL 2 (EL 3)
the eye of a storm, your party stands alone before the
blinding light of the rift. Alben nods solemnly, and  Small Air Elementals (2): hp 12 each; see
steps through. Monster Manual, page 95.

Your stomach lurches as you cross the APL 4 (EL 5)

threshold. The ever-present radiance is blinding,  Small Air Elementals (4): hp 12 each; see
your skin tingles, and intense shivers run up your Monster Manual, page 95.
spine. Despite your lack of vision, you are able to
push forward, and your foot finds purchase – a hard APL 6 (EL 7)
surface, just in front of you. You cross completely  Xag-Yas (3): hp 35; see Appendix 3.
into this place.
APL 8 (EL 9)
Suddenly, a pulse of cold radiates out from the
black iron ring on your hand. It courses through  Xag-Yas (6): hp 35; see Appendix 4.
every inch of your body. The intense sensations APL 10 (EL 11)
dwindle and your eyes begin to adjust.
 Xag-Yas (12): hp 35; see Appendix 5.

BIS7-07 Radiance and Resolution Page 8

APL 12 (EL 13) earned our jink, just yet. This is just gonna tear back
apart, without help.”
 Advanced Spellwarped Xag-Yas (12): hp 63;
see Appendix 6. “We need to path a bit from here… four spots
should do it. Then we can shift home, and first
Tactics: The monsters will use their mobility to
round’s on me.”
their advantage, keeping away from heavy hitting PCs,
and maneuvering to trap vulnerable party members. Alben flies a few dozen feet above you, and
studies the landscape. Finally, he points off in one
The monsters receive the fast healing 5 effect of the
direction. “That valley should do. We should get as
plane, but are immune to the other effects (such as
far down into it as we can.”
blindness and gain of temporary hit points).
He gestures out in two completely different
Alben will spend the combat slinging offensive
directions. “There’s a bit of a peak over there, and
spells such as magic missiles and disintegrates. Describe the
some foothills over there. That’s two more.”
spell effects, but do not actually count his damage. He
should not be harmed in this combat. He looks in a fourth direction, ponders it for a
bit, and then floats back down to you. “… and it
Developments: Once the opponents are defeated,
looks like there’s… a lake… over there. A lake of
continue with Encounter 2.
what, I’m clueless. But the far side looks good as
ENCOUNTER 2: NOT TOO “Doesn’t matter to me where you want to go
BAD… first. Pick yer poison.”
Estimated Time: 5 minutes
Regardless of which direction is chosen, continue with
The last of the strange creatures falls before you. Encounter 3.
Brushing himself off, the planerunner stares
into the space around the edges of the rift, carefully ENCOUNTER 3: A SPARK OF
studying the empty air. After a few minutes, he
turns back to you, cracking his knuckles.
Estimated Time: 5 minutes
“Eh, I’ve seen worse…” He takes another
The PCs will traverse this encounter four times, once for
thoughtful look at unseen features, and then
each of the directions of travel. It makes no difference in
continues, muttering to himself. “Yes… yes…
which order they face them.
brilliant… I think I can take care of this girl, spot
on.” Read the appropriate section:
Alben floats before the rift, stretching his arms The Valley
out before him. Then, his fingers begin to move
rapidly through the air, making him look at times A few miles away from the rift, you enter a rocky
like a bard caressing a harp, and others like a weaver canyon, cut into the landscape. Vast mountains of
working at a loom. jagged grey stone flank your path.
Have a PC make a fake Reflex save, and describe a minor
As the planerunner toils, the rift does his
avalanche, as part of the canyon wall crumbles of its own
bidding, the fabric of reality shifting and moving in
accord. The rock formations here are not stable.
response. The air is filled with odd, deep groaning
sounds, as if the plane was protesting his efforts. The North Peak
Gradually, the edges of the rift start to weave Several miles from the rift, a tall mountain peak
back together, and the tear diminishes in size. With rises above the landscape. From here, you can see
a final flourish, Alben closes the fissure. He lowers what lies beyond – nothing. Past the cliffs of this
his arms, a conductor finished with his orchestra, peak, the landscape does not continue, instead
and the haunting music of the strained reality ebbs dropping away into a sea of infinite light and
as well. energy.
“Well, now we’re on our own.” The planerunner If the PCs try to get too close to the drop-off, emphasize
wheezes, as he catches his breath. “But we’ve not how precarious it seems. Mention that rocks that become

BIS7-07 Radiance and Resolution Page 9

dislodged from the landscape quickly fall away from it, “This spot will do.” He throws open his satchel,
into the infinite void of the plane. and pulls out a large metal device, clearly larger than
the bag he is pulling it from. The apparatus is a long
The Lake metal spike. One end bears curved metal fingers that
A few miles from the rift, the landscape flattens and look like claws and a mechanical crank. Faint arcane
slopes down into a wide basin. A lake fills most of writing adorns its surface.
the basin, a perfectly still pool several miles across. “A little help here, basher?” Alben tosses a
The liquid is very dark, but you can see small motes mallet to [brawny-looking PC], and plants the spike
of light within. All together, the lake looks like a against the rocky ground.
starry, moonless sky.
Once a PC helps Alben hammer the device into the
The lake, unfortunately, is not filled with water, but
ground, continue with the following:
rather with pure, liquefied positive energy. If living flesh
touches its surface, the creature gains 20d6 temporary hit “Good, that’s enough!” Alben grabs hold of the crank,
points (Fortitude save, DC 20, half) and risks being and furiously begins working it. As he does so, the
annihilated. If the creature is wearing a ring of positive claws constrict, and reality seems to distort slightly.
energy protection, this gain is further cut in half. The sensation of vertigo that you felt upon stepping
through the rift returns for a brief moment.
If the PCs think to bottle some of this liquid, they
gain the liquid life favor on the Adventure Record. If they The planerunner steps back, and surveys the
are careful, they can do this without actually touching the device. “Alright, cutter. That should hold. Where to,
liquid. next?”
 Liquid Life: You have returned with some of the Once the PCs decide where to go, continue with
liquefied positive energy from the Positive Energy Plane. Encounter 4.
Imbibing a vial of this liquid as a potion creates a greater
vigor (CL 9th) effect upon you, granting you fast healing 4 ENCOUNTER 4: EVERYONE
for 19 rounds. Mark off each vial as it is used.
Estimated Time: 20 minutes
The Foothills Begin this encounter by reading the appropriate location
Miles from the rift, the landscape rises and falls in a section from Encounter 3. Continue with the following:
series of gentle foothills. There are natural paths Alben looks around, and then leads you off in a
running between and around them, and travel here slightly different direction. “Over here should
is easy. work.”
In contrast to the other paths, this one does not contain The planerunner rummages through his bag. A
pitfalls, and is downright pleasant. look of dismay crosses his face. “Pike it all! Tech got
Continue with the following: scragged…” He holds forth one of the claw-devices,
which is clearly broken.
Off in the distance, probably ten miles away, there is
a sudden flare of brilliant light that stands out “What do we do, now? I don’t have extras…”
against the background. If the PCs decide to take a closer look at the device, give
If the PCs can succeed at a Knowledge [the planes] check them the cut-out pieces from Player Handout #1 – The
(DC 25) they can identify the occurrence as a radiant Broken Device.
burst, a rare outpouring of intense positive energy. The solution to this puzzle is shown on DM Aid:
Alben gazes out at the phenomenon, awe clearly Puzzle Solution. The PCs need only find out the correct
reflected in his expression. “Extraordinary! Some order of pieces to repair the device.
times the zap around this place just gathers up, and Once the PCs manage to repair the device, continue
then ‘pop’! Beautiful… but I wouldn’t want to be with the following:
kipped next to one. Good thing they’re rare.”
Alben looks over the device with a look of disbelief.
He watches the brilliant glow until it has faded
from sight, and then turns back to you. “Well, I’ll be… you fixed it, just like that. You
high-up bloods are worth yer jink!”

BIS7-07 Radiance and Resolution Page 10

In a few moments, the repaired device is Alben drops the device, and pulls a pair of
anchored to the rocky ground, and Alben looks wands from his belt.
“One more for the road, bloods. Let’s take them
“Good, good. Two down. Where do ya wanna go, out!”
Please refer to DM Aid: Map #2 – Combat with Elementals.
Once the PCs decide where to go, continue with This combat begins with the monsters 100 feet away. This
Encounter 5. is not a real fight, however. Let the PCs take them down,
but don’t do damage in return – as long as the party
ENCOUNTER 5: member are wearing their rings, assume that these
elementals can’t hurt them. Let the PCs kill most of them,
FORESHADOWING but keep a couple of these monsters on the map.
Estimated Time: 5 minutes
The monsters receive the fast healing 5 effect of the
Begin this encounter by reading the appropriate location plane, but are immune to the other effects (such as
section from Encounter 3. Continue with the following: blindness and gain of temporary hit points).
Alben retrieves a third device from his satchel. As All APLs (EL 0)
you drive it into the ground, the planerunner is
distracted by something off behind you.  Minor Positive Energy Elementals (20): hp 32
each; see Appendix 7.
Following his gaze, you make out a number of
creatures, about a mile away, that are watching you Once the PCs have either killed most of these pathetic
work. They have long, serpentine bodies that seem creatures, or two rounds have passed, continue with the
to effortlessly hover in mid-air. following:

If the PCs succeed at a Knowledge [the planes] check Suddenly, the nearby sky erupts violently into
(DC 20) they can identify the creatures as ravids. blinding light. Another radiant burst, this one mere
yards away!
“I don’t like the scan of that.” Alben mutters under
his breath. “But at least they’re over there, and we’re The pathetic creatures before you swell in the
over here. Let’s keep it that way. Ready to hit the last torrent of energy, becoming much larger and potent
spot, and get out of here?” then before. They press the attack with renewed
If the PCs take any offensive action, or attempt to
approach, the ravids will scatter and flee. The sudden turn of events startles the
planerunner. He tosses a spent wand aside, and
Once the PCs decide to head to the final location, shouts panicked arcane syllables. A fireball streaks
continue with Encounter 6. forth from his outstretched finger and detonates
All APLs (EL 10) around the elementals. However, he misjudges the
distance and it appears too close by, roasting him.
 Ravids (6): hp 21 each; see Monster Manual, page
213. Gravely wounded, Alben pulls off his protective
ring, and reaches for a potion. The moment he
removes the ring, his wounds completely heal.
ENCOUNTER 6: OOPS… Before you can shout a warning, his body erupts in a
Estimated Time: 60 minutes torrent of energy, and he is gone.
Begin this encounter by reading the appropriate location Replace the remaining minor elementals with the
section from Encounter 3. Continue with the following: following creatures. This fight is real.
Alben paws through his satchel, retrieving the final The battlefield is now affected by a radiant burst, as
device “Hmm… I don’t like this spot as much as the described in DM Aid: Survival on the Positive Energy Plane.
others. If we’re going to do this, we should do it
right.” APL 2 (EL 5)

Then you notice movement in the sky above  Medium Positive Energy Elementals (2): hp
you: several glowing forms are approaching. 32 each; see Appendix 1.

BIS7-07 Radiance and Resolution Page 11

APL 4 (EL 7) Ask the PCs if they’d like to try anything different.
However, there really is nothing that they can achieve.
 Large Positive Energy Elementals (2): hp 72
each; see Appendix 2. Continue with Encounter 8.
APL 6 (EL 9)
 Huge Positive Energy Elementals (2): hp 160
Estimated Time: 45 minutes
each; see Appendix 3.
Two more days pass. Every avenue seems
APL 8 (EL 11) fruitless. You’ve not been able to find a way out of
 Greater Positive Energy Elementals (2): hp this place, or a way to complete your mission. You’re
210 each; see Appendix 4. not even sure where the rift was, as the landscape
has changed so drastically. You do, however, notice
APL 10 (EL 13) that you are being followed. The serpentine
 Elder Positive Energy Elementals (2): hp 240 creatures that were watching you days ago have
each; see Appendix 5. returned. They keep their distance, but appear to be
getting bolder.
APL 12 (EL 15)
On the morning of the fifth day, they finally
 Elder Positive Energy Elementals (4): hp 240 build up enough confidence to attack.
each; see Appendix 6.
Please refer to DM Aid: Map #3 –Fatal Combat.
Tactics: These elementals are basically mindless.
They will advance upon the PCs, and smash them until APL 2 (EL 10)
they die.  Ravids (6): hp 21 each; see Monster Manual, page
The monsters receive the fast healing 5 effect of the 213.
plane, but are immune to the other effects (such as APL 4 (EL 12)
blindness and gain of temporary hit points).
 Ravids (6): hp 21 each; see Monster Manual, page
Developments: There is nothing left of the 213.
planerunner. He can not be recovered at this time.
 Superior Ravid: hp 99; see Appendix 2.
Once the PCs defeat the elementals, continue with
Encounter 7. APL 6 (EL 14)
 Ravids (6): hp 21 each; see Monster Manual, page
TIME UNITS  Greater Ravid: hp 187; see Appendix 3.
Estimated Time: 20 minutes
APL 8 (EL 16)
At this point, ask the PCs what they want to do. Let them
 Superior Ravids (6): hp 99 each; see Appendix 4.
puzzle out that they are really stuck – they lack the
expertise needed to successfully plant the last device, and  Greater Ravid: hp 187; see Appendix 4.
they have no way home. Once this has sunk in, continue
APL 10 (EL 18)
with the following, adjusting it to suit their particular
choice of actions:  Superior Ravids (6): hp 99 each; see Appendix 5.
You wander the rocky landscape for several more  Titanic Ravid: hp 390; see Appendix 5.
hours. Though this place never turns to anything
APL 12 (EL 20)
resembling ‘night’, your bodies begin to ache with
the need for rest - rest that will not come.  Greater Ravids (6): hp 187 each; see Appendix 6.
You spend the next day searching for a way  Titanic Ravids (2): hp 390 each; see Appendix 6.
home, but find only more despair: it would seem
Tactics: The ravids will attack weaker targets, first,
that this chuck of rock is as alive as the rest of the
hoping to soften their prey. They will not hesitate to
place, and landmarks that were here a few hours ago
remain distant, letting their animated objects do their
are gone.
dirty work.

BIS7-07 Radiance and Resolution Page 12

Each round, a ravid will animate a hunk of stone You find yourself lying on a creaky wooden
from the surrounding terrain. Roll a d6, and consult the deck. Through your sleep-weary eyes, you can just
following chart: make out a tall mast and billowing white sails above
d6 roll size animated
With great effort, you get to your feet, and pull
1-2 Large
yourself up to the nearby railing. Beyond the
3-5 Huge confines of the skiff is a brilliant blue ocean that
stretches as far as the eye can see in every direction.
6 Gargantuan The surface of the water below is fairly calm, except
for the gentle lapping waves pushed by the breeze.
The water is remarkably clear, but still the bottom is
Use the standard Animated Objects from the Monster beyond your view.
Manual, with hardness 8.
You see no sun in the sky, but light still bathes
The monsters receive the fast healing 5 effect of the the scene as if it was noon on a summer day. Massive
plane, but are immune to the other effects (such as silver clouds dot the sky.
blindness and gain of temporary hit points).
You turn back to the interior of the ship. At one
This combat should result in the PCs being end of the deck is a captain’s wheel. It spins lazily,
overwhelmed and slain. Take whatever measures you without a hand guiding it.
need to, in order to reach that outcome.
You glance down at yourself. You are adorned in
Developments: This encounter will result in the only a silken tunic, your only possession. You hazily
deaths of the PCs. The monsters are impossibly difficult, remember being wounded, but your body appears
and have all the advantages. intact. Not even a single scratch mars your skin.
There are favors out there that will auto-resurrect the PCs Several other individuals are present, all
in the case of death. The powers that be keep them from similarly clad. They look vaguely familiar, but you
working, in this case. can’t quite place them. They each seem to be
Once the PCs have died, the first half of the reluctantly awakening from a slumber of their own.
adventure is over. Now is a good time for a short break. Their faces likely reflect yours – half-awake looks of
Continue with Encounter 9. confusion.
Normally, you’d take this chance to introduce
ENCOUNTER 9: TOTAL PARTY yourself to these strangers, but… you don’t
remember who you are.
Estimated Time: 35 minutes What has happened to you?
Before continuing with the adventure, the players must If the PCs choose to search the deck of the ship, they will
now convert their character. Give them Player Handout #2 find the following:
– Instructions for Conversion. This process should take no
• There are no others on the deck of the ship save
more than 30 minutes.
for themselves.
When the PCs are converted and ready to continue,
• There is no food or water on the ship…
proceed with the following:
although they are neither hungry nor thirsty.
The rhythmic music of lapping waves is a lullaby
• None of their items are on the ship except the
that holds you on the edge of dreaming, while the
clothes they wear.
gentle side-to-side rocking of your body cradles you
in a restful slumber. A warm breeze and bright light • The open deck is the only ‘room’ of this small
caress your skin. ship.
Struggling against your own inner desire to lie Give the PCs a chance to reintroduce themselves, and
in eternal rapture, you force your eyelids open to puzzle out their situation. Once they run out of steam,
consider the world around you. continue with Encounter 10.

BIS7-07 Radiance and Resolution Page 13

ENCOUNTER 10: SEASICK missed it, except for the dark plume of smoke rising
Estimated Time: 15 minutes
from it.

In another age or another time, you might welcome When the PCs try to steer the ship in the direction of the
sailing lazily across an endless ocean without a island, continue with the following:
worry in the world. Furious cranking of the captain’s wheel turns the
Perhaps you do enjoy it, for the first few hours. skiff into the wind. The sail ripples for a moment,
Then the ever-present light fades into a starless then fills, pulling the ship in a wide arc toward the
night. You get little rest, hoping that you’ll spy island.
something – a bit of land, a port of call – but the A short time later, the hull of the boat settles
night passes without incident. into a sandbar, and comes to a halt. You should be
One of your group – you don’t even remember able to walk to the island from here, without too
whom – decides to try manning the captain’s wheel. much trouble.
The ship turns smoothly in the water, pointing the The island is quite small and you can easily see
ship in a different direction. You sail on, with the both ends from your current location. It is mostly
same result. You encounter nothing but an endless beach with a small stand of trees near the middle.
ocean horizon in every direction. Eventually, you The smoke appears to come from a blocky structure
abandon the wheel, and wait for fate to intervene. amidst the trees.
Have the PCs make Spot checks. Pretend to consult some The structure is too far away to get a good look at it. Once
table in this text, before shaking your head, and the PCs walk to the island, continue with the following:
Ahead, near the center of the island, is a single two-
Several more days pass, with the same results. In story house. Flames lick each of its sides,
your boredom, you accidentally snap a flange off of threatening to entirely engulf the structure.
the yardarm. You use the sharp edge to gouge marks
into the ship’s hull, one for every day you’ve been An older man, wearing the same sort of silken
here. The days slowly turn into weeks. tunic, is throwing his body against a sturdy wooden
door, attempting to gain entry into the house.
Again, have the PCs make fake Spot checks before
continuing: If the PCs attempt to ask the old man any questions, he
will reply only with, “Out of my way, fools! Can’t you see
You and your companions sail along on this eternal there is a life hanging in the balance here?” and will
oceanic landscape. You never seem to get hungry or return to trying to get into the house.
thirsty. The weeks turn into months, your marks
taking up considerable space. The weather should be If the PCs succeed at a Listen or Spot check (DC 15),
turning with the seasons, by now… but it stays as the can hear/see a woman in one of the upper windows,
consistent as the horizon. coughing profusely.

At this point, any PCs that need spellbooks can recreate If the PCs ignore the trapped woman and the fire,
them from memory, scratched into the planks of the ship continue with the ‘Failed’ section, below. Otherwise,
hull or written on dried seaweed. As well, crude holy continue with the ‘Damsel in Distress’ section.
symbols can be created from whatever materials are Damsel in Distress
around. In other words, all PCs should be able to get back
to minimal effectiveness, for their level. To save the woman, the PCs must first gain access to the
house. The most obvious way – as there are no other
Once more, have the PCs make fake Spot checks entrances, or ground floor windows – is through the
before continuing: front door. It has the following characteristics:
You finish carving the latest mark into the wooden  Good Wooden Door: 1-1/2 in. thick; hardness 5; AC
rail. It is nearly thirteen months since you first 5; hp 15; Open Lock DC 22, Break DC 18.
started recording the passage of time, when you idly
look out across the ocean and see something new. After that, this encounter is treated as a trap. Please refer
to DM Aid: Map #4 – House Fire.
Several miles away, a small rocky island breaks
the otherwise perfect horizon. You might have easily

BIS7-07 Radiance and Resolution Page 14

Trap: This trap covers the entire burning house. The hero begins with a reaction of Unfriendly towards
When anyone enters the house, the trap is triggered. Roll the PCs. Continue with the ‘Making Contact’ section,
initiative for the PCs AND the trap. below.
On the trap’s turn a number of boards fall, attacking Making Contact
every target in each 5-ft. square of the floor. Characters
The hero has a poor memory (a result of being here on
that cover more than one square are affected by the
this plane), and should be portrayed as a stuttering, easily-
falling debris for every square they occupy.
flustered old man. He will freely provide only the
As well, any target in the building must make a following information, in conversation:
Reflex save, or take fire damage each round.
• He is a great hero, a legend of his time.
APL 2 (EL 2)
• The woman in the building was a soul in need. It
 Burning House: Search DC 17; mechanical; doesn’t matter who she is… a hero saves those in
trigger; see Appendix 1. need, no questions asked!
All APLs (EL 4) • Surely, the normal rules of heroism apply, even in
 Burning House: Search DC 19; mechanical; this strange place!
trigger; see Appendix 7. If the PCs can shift the hero’s reaction to Friendly, he
Developments: If the PCs manage to carry the will calm down and provide more information. They can
woman from the house, continue with the Succeeded achieve this by saving the damsel in distress, by using
section, below. Otherwise, continue with the Failed Diplomacy, or by Intimidating him into submission (DC
section. 25). He will provide the following additional information
when calm:
• He was a hero, devoting his life to great deeds and
You emerge from the flaming building, carrying the noble, selfless acts.
unconscious body of the woman. As you clear the
threshold and burst into the fresh air, everything • He does not remember his name.
changes. The woman’s body becomes translucent, • One day he became disheartened – despite his best
and fades away into nothingness. The acrid smoke efforts to help his fellow man, he could never seem
clears away within seconds, and you can no longer to do enough. There just wasn’t enough opportunity
hear the roar of flames coming from within the for him to be truly a heroic figure.
house. A moment later, only the empty shell of the
house remains. • Then, one day, he found himself here. He does not
know where ‘here’ is.
“Interesting…” The old man mutters to himself
as he surveys the changing scene. “I was wondering • The PCs are the first real people he’s seen, since
what would happen…” arriving.
The hero begins with a reaction of Friendly towards the • The building wasn’t always here. He doesn’t
PCs. Continue with the ‘Making Contact’ section, below. remember anyone building it, though. It simply
came into existence.
• Every so often, the building burns, and the damsel in
There is one last scream of pain from the upper distress appears on the top floor.
window, and then disheartening silence. The acrid
smoke clears away within seconds, and you can no • He has never managed to save the damsel in distress.
longer hear the roar of flames coming from within
• He laments that if he can’t save the damsel, his good
the house. A moment later, only the empty shell of
name will just be lost to the ravages of time. Even he
the house remains.
can’t remember it, anymore.
“Blast it…” The old man mutters to himself as
Give the PCs a chance to cheer the hero up. Use your
he surveys the changing scene. “Not again! I thought
discretion as to what will work. For instance, they might
we had it, this time…”
suggest that this island is his reward for a lifetime of
service – a chance to eternally do what he enjoyed most.

BIS7-07 Radiance and Resolution Page 15

Or, they might promise to remember him, and carry the silk tunic – stops some distance away, and waves
tale of his valiant deeds with them. enthusiastically at you.
Regardless, once the PCs cheer him up, continue “Hello!” The man shouts excitedly at you, barely
with the following: able to contain himself. “Wondered when you’d get
The old man stares out across the endless ocean.
This man will happily take the PCs to shore, if they’ll let
“There are good things in your words. Good
him. Once there, they find a makeshift hut, a few lashed-
together tables, and various other crude amenities.
“I’ve noticed something about this place… it Picture a scene out of Robinson Crusoe or Gilligan’s
seems to know what you need, and makes it happen. Island, if you care to elaborate further.
I doubt you landed here by chance… we were meant
This man can relate the following information,
to meet.”
“You can get where you are going. Just decide
• His name is ‘the Lieutenant’. If the PCs insist that
where that is, and it will find you…”
there must be more to his name, he simply gives
With that, the aging hero returns his gaze to the them a weird look. He doesn’t remember there being
horizon. any more to it.
Once the PCs decide to board the ship and set sail again, • He and ‘the Captain’ have been here for as long as he
continue with the following: can remember. They’ve managed to make a rather
You climb back aboard the skiff. With a mighty comfortable home for themselves, here.
shove, you are free of the sandbar, and back on your • He is really, really bored.
If the PCs want to get any more information out of him,
As the tiny island shrinks towards the horizon, he insists that they entertain him. It’s been a long time
a small plume of smoke rises from its center. You since he’s had any company.
think you can hear a woman’s faint cry for help, and
the thump of a body hitting a sturdy wooden door. The Lieutenant’s entertainment of choice is
something he calls ‘rock and stick’… and he chooses the
Allow the PCs to decide on a course of action, and then most oafish-looking PC (big, dumb fighters are perfect) to
continue with Encounter 11. play against. He promises to teach the PC the rules, as
All APLs they play.

 Hero: Male human War4 (Bluff +0, Sense If the PC agrees to play, mix some of the following
Motive +0); AL NG. bits into the conversation:
• The Lieutenant mutters something under his
ENCOUNTER 11: OLD FOLKS breath, and then glares at <PC>. “You crossed
the line of scrimmage, without the red rock.
HOME Now you have to go back to the beginning!”
Estimated Time: 15 minutes
• “Oh, not bad! Not bad at all! You touched both
Another three months pass, drifting on this endless flags, without stepping on the square with the
ocean, before you spot another sign of life. fish! Two points!”
Directly ahead of you are two larger islands. It • “Hah! You went offsides, without saying the
appears that several structures have been built on password, first. Five-foot penalty.”
the beach of the one nearest to you. Both are
otherwise covered in lush foliage. • “Wonderful! I got the grey rock in the second
basket. Now I get to punt!”
Once the PCs decide to sail to the inhabited island,
continue with the following: Make it clear that the Lieutenant is clearly making up the
rules as they go along.
As you negotiate the boat closer to shore, it is
apparent that you’ve been spotted. A makeshift raft As long as the chosen PC is playing the game, the
is being paddled out towards your boat. The strange man will happily answer questions. The
passenger – a rotund little man in the same sort of following are likely questions and answers:

BIS7-07 Radiance and Resolution Page 16

Who is the Captain? “He is my friend. We came here trait – the vines on the jungle floor are slowly
together.” moving of their own accord.
How did you get here? “Not sure... woke up on a boat, Otherwise, the trap goes off when the PCs approach
and found our way here. Decided this seemed better within twenty feet of the center of the area:
than wandering aimlessly.”
Suddenly, the vines along the path tighten about
Have you seen anyone else here? The Lieutenant drops your legs, and try to hold you in place. Large pods
the driftwood in his hand, knocking over the drop from the trees, opening like a swarm of hungry
carefully stacked coconuts. “You… you know about mouths.
the Others?”
Trap: This carnivorous plant covers an area 80 feet in
Who are ‘the Others’? “Men, like you or me… but not diameter. When anyone comes within 20 feet of the
like you or me… they fly. They have great wings! center of the area, the trap is triggered. Any PC in the
They are terrible and terrifying!” area must make a Spot check (DC 19) to notice vines
starting to move of their own accord. A character that
Have you interacted with these ‘Others’? “No… we’ve
fails this check is surprised. Roll initiative for the PCs
seen them from afar, as they’ve flown above us. The
AND the trap, allowing those not surprised to act in the
last one headed towards the other island.”
surprise round.
Where is the Captain? “He went to the other island,
On the trap’s turn a number of plant pods attack
weeks ago. To try to find… them…”
every target in each 5-ft. square of the floor. Characters
What is on the other island? “Damned if I know. I’ll that cover more than one square are affected by pods for
never go there. Besides, I can’t swim.” every square they occupy.
When the PCs decide to head to the other island, The PCs can do two things:
continue with Encounter 12.
• Destroy the individual pods. Doing so prevents
All APLs further attacks in that square.
 The Lieutenant: Male human Exp4 (Bluff +2, • Six main stalks, in various spots around the area,
Sense Motive +0); AL NG. control the vines. Disabling or destroying a stalk
reduces the number of pods that attack each round.
ENCOUNTER 12: DIVINE The EL of this encounter has been increased by 1, to
INSIGHT account for the PCs' lack of protective armor.
Estimated Time: 25 minutes APL 2 (EL 4)
The second island is very similar to the first, covered  Carnivorous Plant: Search DC 13; mechanical;
in dense vegetation, and ringed by a narrow stretch location; see Appendix 1.
of beach. Though all is still, but the gentle rhythm of
the waves on the shore, you can’t shake the feeling All APLs (EL 6)
that you are being watched.  Carnivorous Plant: Search DC 15; mechanical;
If the PCs decide to head into the jungle at the island’s location; see Appendix 7.
interior, they can find a natural path through it. Developments: If the PCs survive the trap, they will
Near the center of the island is a large carnivorous notice that one of the plant’s pods (marked on the map),
plant, which is treated here as a trap. Please refer to DM though separated from the vines, still seems to be
Aid: Map #5 – Floral Arrangement. If the PCs are actively moving. A closer examination will reveal that it has
searching for traps, and notice it (DC 19) continue with swallowed a creature, which is trying in vain to break
the following: free.

The foliage here is more beautiful than that of the If the PCs help free the creature, continue with the
rest of the island. Large red blossoms, larger than following:
man-sized, emerge from vines that hang about the Tearing the pod open, the body of a lanky elf
trees, making the jungle explode with color. tumbles to the ground. He gasps sharply for air.
The flora here would appear to be otherwise
identical to that of the rest of the island, but for one

BIS7-07 Radiance and Resolution Page 17

“Thank… you! I thought… thought I was… You trim the sail, and adjust your heading,
never get out of there!” attempting to follow in the path of the great winged
The survivor can provide the following information, if
questioned: Another week passes before you see another –
this one with dark grey skin. Four days later, you
• His name is ‘The Captain’. He, too, does not recall
spot another one. The creatures never seem to pay
having another name.
you any attention, but as the frequency of these
• The Lieutenant was driving him crazy, so he wanted sightings increases, you feel that you might be going
– more than anything – to get off the island. the right way.
• They had seen great winged creatures fly over the It’s been eight weeks since you last stood on dry
island. They appeared to head to the far side of this land, when you first set eyes on the temple.
second island. A tiny spit of land juts from the waters of the
• He can sketch out in the sand roughly what the eternal ocean. Upon it, in brilliant white marble,
winged creatures looked like. A Knowledge stand walls, arches and columns. Several smaller
[religion] or Knowledge [the planes] check (DC 15) structures surround a larger, central edifice. None of
can identify these as some sort of angel. these appear to have the pretense of a roof, and are
open to the ever-bright sky.
• He made a raft, and paddled over to this island,
trying to follow the winged creatures. As your skiff draws closer to the island, it
becomes apparent that something is wrong. A
• He got to the far side of the island, and found that number of bodies litter the shore, and many of the
the creatures were not landing, but rather heading marble fixtures are splattered with blood. Several
off in a certain direction. He can point the PCs in the dark, twisted shapes flitter about the buildings,
same direction. engaged in combat with some of the winged
• On his way back home, he was captured by the creatures you saw before. It is unclear who has the
carnivorous plant. upper hand.

Once the PCs sail off in the same direction as the angels, Please refer to DM Aid: Map #6 – Combat at the Shrine.
continue with Encounter 13. There are a number of piers where the PCs can land
All APLs the ship. They can safely make it to the shelter of one of
the buildings on the island. If they do so, continue with
 The Captain: Male human Exp4 (Bluff +1, Sense this:
Motive +3); AL NG.
Hurrying to the shelter of one of the buildings, you
find a number of others crouched within, using it as
ENCOUNTER 13: THE FIRST cover from the torrent of violence without.
AND MOST HOLY Several are tall, alien creatures, humanoid in
Estimated Time: 55 minutes form, but with the features of animals. Others
Another month passes on this lonely ocean, as your resemble people you are more accustomed to –
skiff sails away after the mysterious winged humans, elves, dwarves, and the like. Many wear
creatures. Hope is beginning to wane, when you clerical robes, and you notice sunburst-shaped holy
catch your first glimpse of one. symbols of Pelor around their necks, as they tend to
the wounded that rest against the walls.
Flying high above you, the creature is
humanoid, with dark green skin. A huge pair of One of the creatures - a tall, powerfully built
white wings extends from its back. From this humanoid with leonine features and short, golden
distance, it is impossible to tell exactly how big it is. fur – approaches you. When she speaks, she seems
unusually serene, given the chaotic backdrop
Within moments, it has flown past you, and out outside of the temple walls, and the grievous
of sight. wounds upon her person.
Allow the PCs a moment to decide to adjust their course, “I am sorry, travelers, but this way is closed to
and attempt to follow it. Then continue with this: you. This is not a safe place, right now…”

BIS7-07 Radiance and Resolution Page 18

A successful Knowledge [the planes] check (DC 16) can control of the remaining forces in their hands. This
identify the creature as a leonal, a native of Elysium. should be much more fun. Refer to the map, and use the
following guidelines:
The leonal can provide the following information, if
questioned: • The remaining forces on the island are fanatically
loyal to Pelor, and to the defense of this shrine. They
• She is Synisia, a leonal. She is a templar, in service of
will not balk if placed into a situation where they
might lose their lives. They will always call the
• This is the Temple of Radiance, believed to be the commanding PC ‘Sir’ or ‘General’. Play up this
first temple ever dedicated to Pelor, the sun god. military structure, in their dialog.
Whether or not that is true, it does make this a very
• There is currently a break in the melee fight. The
popular pilgrimage destination.
PCs have about five minutes to organize and move
• Its value to worshippers also makes it a frequent their forces.
target for enemies of the Sun Father.
• Arrows still continually rain down upon the
• In this particular case, the forces of Nerull are structures, so all forces still are threatened and must
attacking the temple. keep cover.
• Most of the defenders of the temple have already • There are at least three dozen fiends in the attack
been slain. She has assumed control of all that is left. force, of varying types.
• The PCs have shuffled off their mortal coil, and are • The PCs need equipment. The Arms and Armor
now petitioners of the great plane of Elysium. subsection describes an opportunity to retrieve some
from the fallen. Otherwise, one of the Radiant
• Only those of Neutral Good alignment could Guardians can give up his gear… but then, he can’t
possibly end up here. Therefore, the PCs must have take part.
been Neutral Good in alignment. Anything else is
just crazy talk. • The PCs might want to relocate themselves or other
forces to one of the outlaying structures. The Moving
There are currently 3 leonals, 5 avorals, 10 paladins,
to Position subsection details this effort.
and 7 clerics remaining alive – it is clear that without
assistance, they will eventually be overrun and • The PCs may want to seek information about the
slaughtered. enemy forces. Run the Surveying the Battlefield
The PCs can certainly get back in their boat, and
watch the battle from a distance. It is obvious that the • The PCs may want to try to recover injured warriors
defenders are greatly outmatched, and that the fiends are from the battlefield. Run the Recovering the Fallen
prolonging their agony. subsection.
On the other hand, if the PCs want to jump in and • The clerics have a few healing spells available, but
help, the defenders will certainly accept their aid. They have long since run out of buffs and offensive spells.
can choose their own level of participation.
• If the PCs want to do something outside the scope of
The PCs may want to be just told where to go and this outline, use your own discretion.
what to do. Try to get across to them that Synisia, while
she is trying her best, is far from a tactical genius. If they • The main combat will begin after all forces are in
still want her to lead them, then follow this basic plan: position. Run the Combat subsection.

• The PCs need equipment. Run the Arms and Armor In either case, this encounter uses a Victory Points
subsection. system to determine the outcome. The forces of good
start with 0 Victory Points. If they do not take charge,
• She will send them to one of the outlaying this remains the case. Otherwise, they earn points based
structures. Run the Moving to Position subsection. upon their decisions.
• The main combat will begin. Run the Combat If the PCs make even a passing attempt to command
subsection. the battlefield, circle ‘Yes’ for Critical Event 1 on the
Critical Event summary. Otherwise, circle ‘No’.
If the PCs realize that they have better odds of survival by
taking control of the situation, Synisia will put total

BIS7-07 Radiance and Resolution Page 19

; Critical Event 1: Did the PCs take charge of the MOVING TO POSITION
island defenses in Encounter 14?
Travel between any of the standing structures will subject
those moving to fire from fiendish archers. Any time the
PCs (or forces under their command) move from one
ARMS AND ARMOR structure to the next, they will be attacked with 1d3-1
magic missiles (1d4+1 damage each), and 1d6 -1 arrows
There are many fallen warriors on the battlefield around
(+2 attack bonus, 1d8 damage).
the main chapel. The following equipped corpses can be
easily recovered: These attacks are split randomly between all
involved targets. So, if three PCs attempt to move
• One avoral, equipped with a +3 holy heavy mace. (1d6
between the same structures at the same time, the attacks
magic missiles, 1d4 arrows [+8 ranged, 1d8+2], 8 VP)
are split three ways.
• Two heavy fighters, equipped with +1 greatswords and The PCs earn one Victory Point for every structure
+1 breastplates. (1d3 magic missiles, 1d3 arrows [+5 that is defended by the forces of good, when the battle
ranged, 1d8+1], 2 VP) begins.
• Two archers, equipped with +1 longbows, 50 arrows,
and +1 studded leather armor. (1d3 magic missiles, 1d3 SURVEYING THE BATTLEFIELD
arrows [+5 ranged, 1d8+1], 2 VP)
If the PCs can move forces out to the structures attached
• Two light fighters, equipped with longswords, heavy to the piers, they can gain valuable intelligence. Give
steel shields, and breastplates. (1d3 arrows [+2 them one of the following tidbits, each time they scout
ranged, 1d8], 1 VP) out a new pier:
• Four archers, equipped with longbows, 50 arrows, • A number of erinyes are providing the cover fire
and studded leather armor. (1d3 arrows [+2 ranged, across the entire island.
1d8], 1 VP)
• The enemy forces seem to be concentrating more on
• One halfling fighter, equipped with a small-sized the eastern side of the island.
battleaxe, small-sized light steel shield, and a small-
• A great, horned devil is holding its distance,
sized breastplate. (1d3 arrows [+2 ranged, 1d8], 1 VP)
watching the battle from afar.
• One archer, equipped with a small-sized crossbow,
• The erinyes are keeping their distance, which limits
50 bolts, and small-sized studded leather armor. (1d3
their effectiveness, as they can’t shoot down into the
arrows [+2 ranged, 1d8], 1 VP)
roofless shelters.
It takes one round to reach a body, and two to drag it
• The devils are blanketing the island with spell
back into the safety of cover. An archer or fighter body
attacks, but are not truly aiming them.
weighs 200 lbs. The avoral weighs 120 lbs.
The PCs gain one Victory Point for every pier that is
The statistics given detail the attacks that the PCs
scouted out before the battle begins.
must survive during that time to recover one of the noted
corpses. Each magic missile flies unerringly, and does
1d4+1 damage. Each arrow shot is noted with an attack RECOVERING THE FALLEN
bonus and damage amount. There are several unconscious warriors on the battlefield
The listed attacks are split randomly between all around the main chapel. The following injured beings
involved targets. So, if three PCs attempt to recover one can be easily recovered:
body, the attacks are split three ways. • One leonal. (1d8 magic missiles, 1d6 arrows [+8
The clerics can heal the PCs and unconscious body ranged, 1d8+2], 15 VP)
up, once they return to the main chapel – refer to the • Two clerics. (1d3 magic missiles, 1d3 arrows [+5
Healing the Wounded subsection. ranged, 1d8+1], 3 VP)
The PCs can choose to use a corpse’s equipment • Two fighters. (1d3 magic missiles, 1d3 arrows [+5
themselves, or pass it off to the other survivors. In either ranged, 1d8+1], 3 VP)
case, they earn the listed Victory Points for each
recovered body. • Four archers. (1d3 arrows [+2 ranged, 1d8], 3 VP)

BIS7-07 Radiance and Resolution Page 20

It takes one round to reach a body, and one to drag it back first hint of hope creep into her otherwise stalwart
into the safety of cover. An archer or fighter body weighs features.
200 lbs. The leonal weighs 300 lbs.
Her voice echoes over the battlefield, as she
The statistics given detail the attacks that the PCs speaks to the forces of good.
must survive during that time to recover one of the noted
“My allies - gather your resolve! No retreat, no
bodies. Each magic missile flies unerringly, and does
surrender; that is Elysian law. And by Elysian law we
1d4+1 damage. Each arrow shot is noted with an attack
will stand and fight... and die. In the end, this day
bonus and damage amount.
may yet be ours!”
The listed attacks are split randomly between all
Then the fiendish hordes are upon you.
involved targets. So, if three PCs attempt to recover one
body, the attacks are split three ways. Any PCs involved with the tactics (issuing orders,
deciding upon plans, more than just fighting in the
The clerics can heal the PCs and unconscious body
battle) earn the Master and Commander favor on the
up, once they return to the main chapel – refer to the
Adventure Record.
Healing the Wounded subsection.
 Master and Commander: You have taken
The PCs earn the listed Victory Points for each
command of a celestial battlefield, and proven your
recovered body.
prowess as a commander. Once per day you may use this
favor to add a +10 competence bonus to any Intimidate or
HEALING THE WOUNDED Diplomacy check made to command military personnel.
The clerics in the main chapel are out of useful spells, but
can still convert their less useful ones into healing.
Rather than rolling individual spells, just restore the PCs (21+ Victory Points)
as much as they want. Keep track of how many hit points
The leonal Synisia looks over the bedraggled forces
they restore to PCs or commanded NPCs. For every 10
that remain standing in the temple. As her piercing
points of healing (or fraction thereof) they lose 1 Victory
gaze makes its way across the battlefield, you see the
first hint of optimism creep into her otherwise
stalwart features.
Her voice booms over the battlefield, as she
Once the PCs are ready, add up all the Victory Points speaks to the forces of good.
they have earned, and proceed with the following
section: “My allies - gather your resolve! No retreat, no
surrender; that is Elysian law. And by Elysian law we
(0-10 Victory Points) will stand and fight... and die.”
The leonal Synisia looks over the bedraggled forces “All will know, and the Sun Father will know,
that remain standing in the temple. As her piercing that we few gave our last breaths to defend this holy
gaze makes its way across the battlefield, you see the place!”
first hint of despair creep into her otherwise
stalwart features. Then the fiendish hordes are upon you.
Her voice echoes over the battlefield, as she Any PCs involved with the tactics (issuing orders,
cries out to the forces of good. deciding upon plans, more than just fighting in the
battle) earn the Master and Commander favor on the
“My allies – gather your resolve! Our deaths are Adventure Record.
upon us!”
Finally, the PC gain a +1 morale bonus on all attack
Then the fiendish hordes are upon you. rolls, damage rolls, and saving throws during this combat.

(11-20 Victory Points) Continuing

The leonal Synisia looks over the bedraggled forces Regardless of situation, the PCs are faced with the same
that remain standing in the temple. As her piercing foes. They begin 50 feet away. The ELs are adjusted by +1
gaze makes its way across the battlefield, you see the to account for the PCs not having any of their equipment.

BIS7-07 Radiance and Resolution Page 21

APL 2 (EL 5) Very few of the defenders on the island have
fallen. About a dozen of the paladins and clerics, and
 Imp: hp 18; see Monster Manual, page 50.
four of the celestial creatures, still remain.
 Lemures (2): hp 12 each; see Monster Manual,
The leonal Synisia finishes off a barbed devil,
page 50.
and stands tall once more. Her golden fur is stained
All APLs (EL 7) and matted with blood. She turns to regard you.
“Our defenses are holding, we must rally and…”
 Bearded Devil: hp 54; see Monster Manual, page
50. Regardless of the score, continue with the following:
 Lemures (6): hp 12 each; see Monster Manual, Suddenly, a great metal blade, awash in flame,
page 50. emerges from her chest. With a deafening thud, the
wielder - a great horned devil - lands behind her. The
Tactics: The devils will attack in a straightforward
leonal collapses at his feet with a sickening crunch,
manner, trying to take control of the island.
her empty eyes looking through you as she breathes
Developments: Once the PCs have defeated their her last.
share of the fiends, continue with the following, based
The devil turns to you, pulling his fiery blade
upon the number of Victory Points they accumulated
free of Synisia’s corpse. You can feel the painful fire
before the battle:
of his breath, as he taunts you. “You have failed…”
(0-10 Victory Points) The devil raises his sword, just as the shaft of a
You defeat the fiends that are immediately in front large arrow erupts from his chest.
of you, and earn a moment to catch your breath and Looking across the island, you see a number of
view the progress of the battle. powerful angels – larger and more magnificent than
Most of the defenders on the island have fallen. those you have previously seen - descending from
Only four of the paladins and clerics, and only one the sky. You have held off the fiends long enough
of the angels, still remain. for reinforcements to arrive!
The leonal Synisia finishes off a barbed devil, The horned devil scowls, and grabs [insert name
and stands tall once more. Her golden fur is stained of random PC], lifting you high into the air. He
and matted with blood. She turns to regard you. stares deeply into your eyes, as he mutters foul
“Our defenses are collapsing, we must abandon…” blasphemies in an infernal tongue. You can feel him
dissecting your mind, probing you, tearing you
(11-20 Victory Points) The PC that was probed by the fiend gains the Hole in My
You defeat the fiends that are immediately in front Soul item on the Adventure Record.
of you, and earn a moment to catch your breath and Another arrow slams into the fiend, throwing him
view the progress of the battle. to the ground. [Held PC] tumbles from his grasp, but
About half of the defenders on the island have the devil still locks his gaze upon you.
fallen. About a half-dozen of the paladins and “This is not over. You will pay for your
clerics, and two of the angels, still remain. interference. I will kill you, and everyone you care
The leonal Synisia finishes off a barbed devil, about. I will destroy all you hold dear. I will…”
and stands tall once more. Her golden fur is stained A huge greatsword flies through the air, slicing
and matted with blood. She turns to regard you. through the fiend. He screams in pain, and his body
“Our defenses are holding, we must regroup and…” disappears in a flash of light.
The sword arcs through the air, and returns to
(21+ Victory Points) the outstretched hand of a tall angel with steel-grey
skin. In a single, smooth motion, he lands on the
You defeat the fiends that are immediately in front island and sheathes his weapon. His eyes sweep over
of you, and earn a moment to catch your breath and the island and temple, where the other angels are
view the progress of the battle. dispatching the last remnants of the devil horde.

BIS7-07 Radiance and Resolution Page 22

Soon, the battle is over, and the newcomers turn to  Radiant Guardians (10): Pal10; AC 23; hp 100
address you. each; AL NG.
If the PCs succeed at a Knowledge [the planes] check  Clerics of Pelor (7): Clr10; AC 18; hp 88 each;
(DC 25) they can identify this angel as a solar, the greatest AL NG.
of the choirs of angels, the direct servant of a deity.
“Thank you, friends, for your assistance.” The voice ENCOUNTER 14: COURT OF
of the solar is overpowering, but still sounds THE SKY FATHER
graceful and serene. “We are in your debt. Were it Estimated Time: 30 minutes
not for your aid, the forces of evil would have
desecrated this most sacred place.” Galarial nods solemnly. “Very well. Our work here is
done, so we shall return immediately. Let us be off.”
The angel can provide the following information, in
addition to that provided by Synisia, if questioned: The solars effortlessly pick you up. Their great
feathery wings spread, and they launch into the air.
• He is Galarial, a solar, fourth choir of angels vigilant, The island shrine quickly disappears into the
in service of Pelor. distance, and soon all you see below you is endless
• The devils that attacked were not truly slain. Their ocean.
souls were just banished back to their home plane, In the distance, you see a blinding yellow light.
where they will eventually be reborn. In time, they It is as bright as the sun, yet seems to always remain
will attack again… so is the cycle of existence in the in the same place. The angels appear to be heading
outer planes. directly for it.
• Synisia was slain; but in recognition of her faith, The journey takes a very long time. Without a
loyalty, and service, the Sun Father will probably boat hull to scratch markers in, you are unsure of
restore her, exalt her to a higher choir of angel, and exactly how long you travel – but it is several
wipe all memory of her suffering from her months, at least. Galarial does his best to keep your
memories. minds off of the journey. His commanding voice
• Only those of Neutral Good alignment should have points out various wondrous things as you fly by
ended up here. Only a deity, through direct them: a celestial whale the size of a city, a vast flower
intervention, could make something else happen. garden built entirely on rafts floating in the endless
That just doesn’t happen. ocean, and a massive coral reef that stretches farther
than your eyes can see. He even points out a few of
• The PCs have done a great service for the Sun Father the silvery clouds, asking if they look like various
and his followers. If they wish, the angels will take animals to you – and many of the creatures are ones
them to his court, where they can bask in his glory. you’ve never seen or heard of.
The PCs have now earned the Contemplative of Pelor item The bright light on the horizon seems to get
on the Adventure Record. larger. The radiance is overwhelming, but is still
 Contemplative of Pelor: This PC has met a solar in somehow comforting.
the service of the Sky Father… and perhaps the deity You are woken one morning by the angels
himself. This fulfills the special requirement for the descending from the sky. The great glow on the
Contemplative prestige class for followers of Pelor. horizon now fills the entire landscape – an immense
Once the PCs decide to accept the solars’ offer, and head golden fortress, perched atop a rocky promontory.
to Pelor’s court, continue with Encounter 14. Throngs of people – clerics, angels, and other
worshippers – bustle about its expanse.
All APLs
Galarial sets down upon a cobblestone pathway
 Solars (2): AL NG; see Monster Manual, page 10. and releases you. “Welcome to the Fortress of the
 Planetars (3): AL NG; see Monster Manual, page Sun.” He stretches his tired wings out, finally
10. folding them back behind him. “Here is where we
must part ways. I have much to attend to. I am sure
 Leonals (2): see Monster Manual, page 141. that you will find your path, or that your path will
 Avorals (5): see Monster Manual, page 141. find you.”

BIS7-07 Radiance and Resolution Page 23

The angel nods one final time, before climbing Amidst the greenhouse garden kneels an older
back into the perfect sky. man, with wild hair and a great, blond beard. His tan
robes are blemished and discolored by dirt from the
The PCs are now on their own. Should they investigate
plants around him.
deeper into the fortress, continue with the following.
Asking any one of the thousands of passersby will point The old man holds up a finger, but doesn’t look
them in the same direction: up from the plant he is pruning – a delicate-looking
specimen that resembles a rose bush, with blossoms
The cobblestone path leads up to a grand golden
made of iridescent glass. He spends a long moment
archway. A steady flow of worshippers move
lining up a pair of shears, before snipping away a
beneath its reach, coming and going. Beyond is an
small section. He bounds to his feet, and claps with
immense hall, with impossibly tall golden pillars
a youthful exuberance.
reaching up to a vaulted glass ceiling. The chamber
is full of acolytes and attendants, and the air is “Wonderful, is it not? Utterly magnificent!” He
awash with a cascade of hymns and praise. quickly steps around his creation, admiring it from
all angles, wiping dirt from his hands onto his
Beyond the crowd, at the limits of your vision, is
a massive throne, from which emanates a blinding
light. “Have you ever seen such a thing? Ahh, well…
come in! Come in! Don’t be shy.”
However, what catches your attention is a
nondescript archway off to the side. Beyond is a This is an avatar of Pelor, the greater god of the sun, life,
lonely staircase that extends upwards. For some and healing. As an avatar, he is a direct portion of the
reason, that you cannot explain, you want to see deity’s power and consciousness. With the slightest
where it leads. whim, and with barely any effort, he could erase the PCs
from existence.
There is no saving throw or resistance for this effect, as it
is a compulsion implanted directly by a greater deity, Fortunately, Pelor is a good-natured, kind-hearted
while standing on his home turf. The PCs are not forced deity. He understands that mortals can be flawed and
to head that way – feel free to further describe the chaotic, and accepts that. Rather than make them act the
wonders and magnificence of the fortress – but keep way he wants them to, he’d rather see them come to the
drawing their attention to that staircase. conclusion on their own. When faced with insolence, he
will simply smile sadly, and wait for them to correct
On a particular note, the PCs will never manage to
get through the endless crowd of worshippers, to get
close to the throne. Play the avatar as a kind old man with a spirited
sense of humor and a short attention span. Never admit
Once the PCs decide to investigate that particular
or allude to being a deity, but rather let the PCs draw
staircase, continue with the following:
their own conclusions. And keep in mind that Pelor’s
The lonely staircase winds up along the outside of senses extend for thousands of miles in every direction,
one of the golden towers of the fortress. There is no as well as for years into the future and past. He knows
railing, and a misstep would send you plummeting what the PCs are thinking, before they do.
down to the ocean below. Still, you press on without
The following is a list of likely questions and
hesitation, driven by some unseen influence.
You are the only visitors on these stairs. Even
Who are you? He smiles, his blue eyes twinkling.
the jubilant hymns of the worshippers fall away
“Just an old man that likes to putter around this old
behind you, replaced once more by the sounds of the
wind and the sea.
Are you Pelor? The old man just smiles at you, as he
The staircase spirals several hundred feet up, to
hums to himself.
the very top of the tower. A small archway permits
entrance to a glass-walled structure, open to the sky What are you doing here? “Keeping an eye on my
in all directions. A number of wooden boxes are creations. Life takes a lot of looking after, you
packed with soil, from which spring a cornucopia of know.”
brilliant and exotic flowers.

BIS7-07 Radiance and Resolution Page 24

What is this place? He looks around at the  Blissful Afterlife: You have decided to remain in
greenhouse, and smiles. “Just a little creation of Elysium, enjoying your eternal rewards. You are
mine – a niche away from the hustle and bustle.” permanently removed from play.
What is this fortress? “They call it the Fortress of the If any of the PCs elect to remain here, also circle ‘Yes’ for
Sun. Fitting, I suppose.” The old man smirks. “It is a Critical Event 2, and note their names on the Critical
place for those of like mind to come together, to Event Summary. Otherwise, circle ‘No’.
celebrate an idea.”
; Critical Event 2: Did any of the PCs elect to remain
Why are we here? “That is a good question. Why are in Elysium in Encounter 15?
you here?”
The adventure only continues if they opt to accept the
We felt led to this tower. Did you do that? “I didn’t avatar’s aid, and return to life.
make you come here, if that is what you mean to ask.
Before continuing, if any of the PCs has the Touched
Did I want you to? Indeed. But you came of your
by Pelor favor from BIS5-06 Vanity and Vexation, they earn
own volition.”
the Greater Touch of Pelor favor on the Adventure Record.
Are we dead? “Think of it as ‘born again’.” Read them the following:
Why did we all appear on the same outer plane? We were The old man looks you over, and smiles softly. “You
of different alignments. “Fate is tricky that way. It’s a have done well, my child. I give you one final gift.”
game, really. A game where you aren’t allowed to He places a hand on your shoulder. The soft glow of
touch the pawns. Unless the other fellow breaks the your skin intensifies, and you feel somehow attuned
rules. Then, all bets are off.” to him.
What is the meaning of life? “Who ever said their was a  Greater Touch of Pelor: If you are Touched by Pelor’s
meaning? Why can’t life just be life?” Hand (from BIS5-06 Vanity and Vexation) your aura is
enhanced. You now shed brighter light, clearly
How can we get home? “Generally speaking, you can’t.
illuminating a 10 foot radius, and providing shadowy
What you call home no longer exists.”
illumination out to a 20 foot radius. You gain a +4 divine
What do you mean, home no longer exists? “Do you bonus on Sense Motive and Diplomacy checks when
remember that devil you faced at the temple? The interacting with good creatures. As well, you may now
really cantankerous fellow… ‘I’ll kill you and suppress or reactivate this effect as a full-round action, by
everyone you know…’?” The old man rolls his eyes. whispering a brief prayer to the Sun Father.
”Well, he wasn’t completely off his rocker. He
Once the PCs agree to accept his aid, continue with the
landed back in hell, and put together an army. I
won’t bore you with the technicalities of how it all
works, but he marched his army to the time and The old man smiles as he looks upon you. “To give
place where you died, stormed through the open rift, up the certain for the uncertain. Quite noble. Very
and…” The old man looks at you with sadness in his well, then. Sleep, now, and dream of what could have
eyes. been, and what yet will be…”
Can we stop the invasion from happening? The old man As the old man speaks, his voice echoes
looks past you, staring at nothing in particular. “It is hypnotically in your mind. His words cause a shiver
possible. You could exploit the same mechanic as up your spine that travels down to your feet. Your
the devils, and finish your work. Close the rift surroundings blur, and you become aware only of
before they can get through.” his words. They flow around you like a warm
blanket, and fill your vision like a blinding light.
Is there any way you could help us? “You did a noble
thing at the temple. Put yourself in harm’s way, Continue with Encounter 15.
more than you realize. I will certainly help you, if
All APLs
you wish it. But… you would give up paradise, and
put yourselves in harm’s way, again? For the still-  Avatar of Pelor: AL NG.
It is possible that the PCs wish to remain in Elysium. If
so, they receive the Blissful Afterlife favor on the
Adventure Record, and are removed from play.

BIS7-07 Radiance and Resolution Page 25

ENCOUNTER 15: BACK TO Putting distance between yourselves and the fiend
army, you quicken your pace. Soon, you stand on
LIFE small plateau that overlooks the area, a good
Estimated Time: 15 minutes distance away from the planar breech. This should
You gasp and cough, forcing air into your lungs. As be a good spot to set up the final device.
your body convulses, you become aware of a hard Continue with Encounter 16.
surface behind you. You then realize that you are
laying on the ground. The overwhelming radiance of
the Positive Energy Plane fills your vision.
You get to your feet with difficulty. Your
Estimated Time: 45 minutes
muscles ache with the effort, even though you
appear to be uninjured. Your companions are There is a sudden rush of wind and wings. With a
gathered around you, in similar circumstance. thunderous, ground-shaking impact, a huge being
lands, virtually on top of you.
For all intents and purposes, the PCs have just woken up
at exactly the same moment they perished. They are back The great horned devil bears an evil, toothy grin
to their usual stats, and have all of their equipment, as he looks you over.
including the last planar device.
“We meet again, little fleshlings. This time,
Once they decide to search for the gate, continue there will be no triumphant rescue. I will finish you
with the following: myself.”
As you once more travel through the rocky terrain of Please refer to DM Aid: Map #7 – Final Combat.
this strange place, you begin to hear an odd,
APL 2 (EL 5)
rhythmic sound. As you travel, it gets louder and
closer.  Konugas, Devil General: hp 54; see Appendix 1.
Cresting a ridge, you see a disheartening sight: APL 4 (EL 7)
thousands of fiends are massed – legions of devils,
 Konugas, Devil General: hp 72; see Appendix 2.
an army ready to march. Off in the distance, you
recognize the landscape – the small valley where the APL 6 (EL 9)
planar rift once stood. Reality there seems to warp
 Konugas, Devil General: hp 117; see Appendix 3.
and twist. The devils are reopening the rift,
preparing to march into your home plane. APL 8 (EL 11)
At this point, the PCs should realize that they need to  Konugas, Devil General: hp 144; see Appendix 4.
complete their work, and fix the planar breech, before
APL 10 (EL 13)
the devils can complete their work. If they can succeed at
a Knowledge [geography] or Survival check (DC 15), they  Konugas, Devil General: hp 168; see Appendix 5.
can figure out the rough direction they need to go in to
APL 12 (EL 15)
make this work.
 Konugas, Devil General: hp 169; see Appendix 6.
Unfortunately, that direction will take them directly
through the column of fiends. Simply walking into their Tactics: Konugas is an intelligent opponent, and
midst would be suicide. Allow the PCs to be creative in will seize upon any presented opportunity. In general, he
getting past them, but anything aside from walking right will try to stay right on top of the PCs, keeping them
up to them should work. threatened and vulnerable. He will not hesitate to take
out a weak target, before concentrating on tougher party
For instance, the PCs can simply take the time to
walk around the army, outside of their view. Describe to
them how they have to stay hidden from the imps and Konugas will only use his ability to summon other
erinyes that fly overhead, while impressing how unstable baatezu if the PCs flee, leaving him unthreatened.
the rift valley looks. Make them nervous.
APL 2: Konugas will attempt to remain in the midst
Once they reach the PCs pass by the fiend army, read of the PCs, concentrating on one target at a time. If
the following: afforded the opportunity, he will take single swings at

BIS7-07 Radiance and Resolution Page 26

other party members, hoping to keep them occupied like the surface of a pond, and then goes still. The
with infernal wounds. breech has been repaired. Your world is safe.
APL 4: Konugas will use his pounce and rake attacks The first of the devils reaches the top of the hill.
to hit softer targets hard. For instance, he will willingly
At this point, circle ‘Yes’ for Critical Event 3 on the
provoke against a fighter, to get a full attack against the
Critical Event Summary.
exposed party cleric or mage.
; Critical Event 3: Did the PCs close the planar rift?
APL 6: Konugas will keep his distance, and keep to
the air, peppering them with arrow shots and unholy
Continue with the following:
APL 8: Konugas will remain close, inflicting large
The ground around you shakes. Mighty tremors
amounts of damage with his claws, barbed defense, and
ripple across the terrain. At the edges of the
impale abilities. If separated by distance, he will use
landscape, large blocks of stone and earth begin to
scorching ray while he advances.
break off, and tumble into the radiant void. This
APL 10: Konugas will blanket the PCs with his cone of small patch of land is disintegrating.
cold ability, whenever possible, resorting to his spear
Suddenly, a roar of protest sweeps across the
attacks only when faced with a foe that is taking no
fiendish army. Looking out into the distance, you
damage from it. He will separate and isolate party
see a mass of feathery wings and flaming swords. An
members with wall of ice.
army of angels has emerged from the depths of the
APL 12: Konugas will attempt to remain in position plane, to engage the fiends in mortal combat.
to threaten as much of the party as possible. He will
At the approach of this new enemy, the devils
spread his attacks out, keeping all opponents stunned
on the hill begin rushing back to rejoin the horde.
(and thus unable to attack him).
Then, something else in the distance catches
Developments: Once the PCs have defeated the
your attention: reality swells and shifts, once more.
devil, continue with the Conclusion.
There is a burst of multicolored light, and amidst
the fiendish army, the rift opens, once more. It
CONCLUSION: CLOSURE would appear that they are too engrossed in the
Estimated Time: 5 minutes battle to take notice.
With a final howl, the horned devil falls and is still. If the PCs decide to head for the gate, continue with the
following. If they don’t, question their survival instinct.
A large number of fiends have heard their
leader’s cry, and are making their way toward you to You quickly dart through the throng of outsiders.
investigate. Within moments, they will be upon you. All around you, angels and devils trade blows, and it
is unclear who has the upper hand. Your attention is
The coming force is more than the PCs can handle. They
focused on the glowing gate directly ahead of you.
really have no alternative to setting up the final planar
Even at this distance, you can faintly make out the
device. Once they choose to do so, continue with the
marble columns and blue skies of the Temple of
Pelor on the Material Plane.
You grit your teeth as you plunge the long metal
You can also see that the rift is quickly getting
stake into the ground. One turn of the crank and
your world will be safe. You will also be stuck here,
for what little time you can manage to survive. By the time you reach the rift, it is barely large
enough for a man to fit through. You leap through
The devils curse and blaspheme in their
with abandon, before it is too late.
infernal tongue, as they grow nearer, and start to
ascend the hill. Pause for a second, and give the PCs a moment to take
this in, before continuing:
Confirm that the PCs wish to activate the device, before
continuing: Overwhelming light surrounds you. You feel like
you are falling, seemingly for an eternity.
You turn the metal handle, and the device’s sharp
claws dig into the fabric of reality. The air ripples Around you, everything is changing and
shifting. The radiance around you seems to be

BIS7-07 Radiance and Resolution Page 27

unraveling and receding. Its tendrils disentangle The End
themselves from your reality, and the entire radiant
existence appears to move away from you.
Then, your shoulder contacts something solid. EXPERIENCE POINT
Your momentum carries you for a few feet, before
you collapse into a heap, the wind knocked out of
you. To award experience for this adventure, add up the values
for the objectives accomplished. Then assign the
A number of figures bustle about you - priests of
experience award. Award the total value (objectives plus
the temple, Bissel army soldiers - all trying to help
roleplaying) to each character.
you to your feet. When you finally stand, your gaze
searches the temple atrium… but you find no sign Encounter 1
of the planar gate.
Defeat the inhabitants of the positive energy plane.
You have succeeded, and are home at last.
APL 2: 90 xp.
The adventure is now over. The PCs receive the Bissel
Military Commendation item on the Adventure Record. APL 4: 150 xp.

 Bissel Military Commendation: You have APL 6: 210 xp.

successfully closed the planar rift in Truelight. The Great APL 8: 270 xp.
Army of Bissel hereby grants you a military
commendation, as per the Bissel Omnibus. APL 10: 330 xp.

As well, circle ‘Yes’ for Critical Event 4 on the Critical APL 12: 390 xp.
Event Summary. Encounter 6
; Critical Event 4: Did the PCs make it safely back to Defeat the inhabitants of the positive energy plane.
the Prime Material Plane?
APL 2: 150 xp.
As well, they receive access to the item upgrades on the
Adventure Record. APL 4: 210 xp.
APL 6: 270 xp.
APL 8: 330 xp.
If you run this event in December of 2007 or January of APL 12: 450 xp.
2008, please e-mail the results from the Critical Event
Summary to a member of the Bissel Triad by February Encounter 10
1st, 2008, or have the Senior DM of your event do so. Survive the house fire, and recover the damsel in distress.
; Critical Event 1: Did the PCs take charge of the APL 2: 60 xp.
island defenses in Encounter 14?
APL 4: 120 xp.
; Critical Event 2: Did any of the PCs elect to remain
in Elysium in Encounter 15? APL 6: 180 xp.

; Critical Event 3: Did the PCs close the planar rift? APL 8: 240 xp.

; Critical Event 4: Did the PCs make it safely back to APL 10: 300 xp.
the Prime Material Plane? APL 12: 360 xp.
Encounter 12
Survive the carnivorous plant.
APL 2: 120 xp.
APL 4: 180 xp.

BIS7-07 Radiance and Resolution Page 28

APL 6: 240 xp. APL 12: 194 xp.
APL 8: 300 xp. Total possible experience
APL 10: 360 xp. APL 2: 900 xp.
APL 12: 420 xp. APL 4: 1,350 xp.
Encounter 13 APL 6: 1,800 xp.
Defeat the minions of Nerull. APL 8: 2,250 xp.
APL 2: 150 xp. APL 10: 2,700 xp.
APL 4: 210 xp. APL 12: 3,150 xp.
APL 6: 270 xp.
APL 8: 330 xp.
During an adventure, characters encounter treasure,
APL 10: 390 xp.
usually finding it in the possession of their foes. Every
APL 12: 450 xp. encounter that features treasure has a “treasure” section
within the encounter description, giving information
Encounter 16 about the loot, coins, and magic items that make up the
Defeat the Devil General. encounter’s treasure.
APL 2: 150 xp. The loot total is the number of gold pieces each
character gains if the foes are plundered of all their earthly
APL 4: 210 xp.
possessions. Looting the bodies takes at least 10 minutes
APL 6: 270 xp. per every 5 enemies, and if the characters cannot take the
time to loot the bodies, they do not gain this gold. If you
APL 8: 330 xp.
feel it is reasonable that characters can go back to loot the
APL 10: 390 xp. bodies, and those bodies are there (i.e., not carted off by
dungeon scavengers, removed from the scene by the local
APL 12: 450 xp.
watch, and so on), characters may return to retrieve loot. If
Story Award the characters do not loot the body, the gold piece value for
the loot is subtracted from the encounter totals given
Solve the puzzle in Encounter 4. below.
All APLs: 50 xp. The coin total is the number of gold pieces each
Close the planar rift in the Conclusion. character gains if they take the coin available. A normal
adventuring party can usually gather this wealth in a round
APL 2: 86 xp. or so. If for some reason, they pass up this treasure, the coin
APL 4: 146 xp. total is subtracted from the encounter totals given below.
APL 6: 206 xp. Next, the magic items are listed. Magic item treasure is
the hardest to adjudicate, because they are varied and
APL 8: 266 xp. because characters may want to use them during the
APL 10: 326 xp. adventure. Many times characters must cast identify, analyze
dweomer or similar spell to determine what the item does
APL 12: 386 xp. and how to activate it. Other times they may attempt to use
Discretionary Roleplaying Award the item blindly. If the magic item is consumable (a potion,
scroll, magic bolts, etc.) and the item is used before the end
APL 2: 44 xp. of the adventure, its total is subtracted from the adventure
APL 4: 74 xp. totals below.

APL 6: 104 xp. Once you have subtracted the value for unclaimed
treasure from each encounter add it up and that is the
APL 8: 134 xp. number of gold pieces a characters total and coin value
APL 10: 164 xp. increase at the end of the adventure. Write the total in the

BIS7-07 Radiance and Resolution Page 29

GP Gained field of the adventure certificate. Because this is Army of Bissel hereby grants you a military
a Regional adventure, characters may spend additional commendation, as per the Bissel Omnibus.
Time Units to practice professions or create items
immediately after the adventure so this total may be  Blissful Afterlife: You have decided to remain in
modified by other circumstances. Elysium, enjoying your eternal rewards. You are
permanently removed from play.
L = Looted gear from enemy; C = Coin, Gems, Jewelry,
and other valuables; M = Magic Items.
 Greater Touch of Pelor: If you are Touched by Pelor’s
Introduction: Hand (from BIS5-06 Vanity and Vexation) your aura is
enhanced. You now shed brighter light, clearly
All APLs: L: 0 gp, C: 0 gp, M: 18,000 gp, ring of positive
illuminating a 10 foot radius, and providing shadowy
protection (18,000 gp).
illumination out to a 20 foot radius. You gain a +4 divine
Encounter 16: bonus on Sense Motive and Diplomacy checks when
interacting with good creatures. As well, you may now
APL 2: L: 200 gp, C: 0 gp, M: 0 gp. suppress or reactivate this effect as a full-round action, by
APL 4: L: 200 gp, C: 0 gp, M: 0 gp. whispering a brief prayer to the Sun Father.
APL 6: L: 200 gp, C: 0 gp, M: 0 gp.  Contemplative of Pelor: This PC has met a solar in
APL 8: L: 200 gp, C: 0 gp, M: 0 gp. the service of the Sky Father… and perhaps the deity
himself. This fulfills the special requirement for the
APL 10: L: 200 gp, C: 0 gp, M: 1,666 gp, angelhelm Contemplative prestige class for followers of Pelor.
(833 gp), blessed quiver (833 gp).
APL 12: L: 200 gp, C: 0 gp, M: 1,666 gp, angelhelm  Liquid Life: You have returned with some of the
(833 gp), blessed quiver (833 gp). liquefied positive energy from the Positive Energy Plane.
Imbibing a vial of this liquid as a potion creates a greater
Conclusion: vigor (CL 9th) effect upon you, granting you fast healing 4
All APLs: L: 0 gp, C: 200 gp, M: 0 gp. for 19 rounds. Mark off each vial as it is used.

Total Possible Treasure (Maximum Reward  Master and Commander: You have taken
Allowed) command of a celestial battlefield, and proven your
APL 2: L: 200 gp, C: 200 gp, M: 18,400 gp – Total: prowess as a commander. Once per day you may use this
18,000 gp (450 gp). favor to add a +10 competence bonus to any Intimidate or
Diplomacy check made to command military personnel.
APL 4: L: 200 gp, C: 200 gp, M: 18,400 gp – Total:
18,000 gp (650 gp).
 Blessed Quiver: This quiver functions as a quiver of
APL 6: L: 200 gp, C: 200 gp, M: 18,400 gp – Total: Ehlonna (DMG, page 265). In addition, up to three times
18,000 gp (900 gp). per day, the user may place a bow in the quiver, utter a
command word, and invoke bless weapon on the bow
APL 8: L: 200 gp, C: 200 gp, M: 18,400 gp – Total:
18,000 gp (1,300 gp).
Moderate conjuration; CL 9th; Craft Wondrous Item,
APL 10: L: 200 gp, C: 200 gp, M: 20,066 gp – Total: bless weapon, Leomund’s secret chest; Price 10,000 gp; Weight
19,666 gp (2,300 gp). 2lb.
APL 12: L: 200 gp, C: 200 gp, M: 20,066 gp – Total:
 Hole in my Soul: The devil general probed your
19,666 gp (3,300 gp).
mind, giving the denizens of hell information about your
home. This may have consequences in the future.
Item Access
APL 2:
 Bissel Military Commendation: You have
™ Everbright Weapon Special Ability Upgrade
successfully closed the planar rift in Truelight. The Great
(Adventure; MIC; Limit 1)

BIS7-07 Radiance and Resolution Page 30

™ Illuminating Weapon Special Ability Upgrade
(Adventure; MIC; Limit 1)
™ Ring of Mystic Healing (Adventure; MIC)
™ Ring of Positive Protection (Regional, MIC)
APL 4 (all of APL 2 plus the following):
™ Blessed Weapon Special Ability Upgrade (Adventure;
MIC; Limit 1)
™ Ghost Touch Weapon Special Ability Upgrade (Adventure;
DMG; Limit 1)
™ Sacred Weapon Special Ability Upgrade (Adventure; MIC;
Limit 1)
APL 6 (all of APLs 2, 4 plus the following):
™ Ghost Strike Weapon Special Ability Upgrade (Adventure;
MIC; Limit 1)
™ Incorporeal Binding Special Ability Upgrade (Adventure;
MIC; Limit 1)
™ Sacred Burst Weapon Special Ability Upgrade (Adventure;
MIC; Limit 1)
APL 8 (all of APLs 2, 4, 6 plus the following):
™ Force Weapon Special Ability Upgrade (Adventure; MIC;
Limit 1)
™ Disruption Weapon Special Ability Upgrade (Adventure;
DMG; Limit 1)
™ Holy Weapon Special Ability Upgrade (Adventure; DMG;
Limit 1)
APL 10 (all of APLs 2, 4, 6, 8 plus the following):
™ Angelhelm (Adventure; MIC)
™ Blessed Quiver (Adventure; See Above)
APL 12 (all of APLs 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 plus the following):
™ Brilliant Energy Weapon Special Ability Upgrade
(Adventure; DMG; Limit 1)
™ Freedom Armor Special Ability Upgrade (Adventure;
MIC; Limit 1)
™ Radiant Armor Special Ability Upgrade (Adventure; MIC;
Limit 1)

BIS7-07 Radiance and Resolution Page 31

Description A mass of rippling light, seeming to pulse from a
ENCOUNTER 6 central, humanoid-shaped conflagration. Looking directly at
MEDIUM POSITIVE ENERGY ELEMENTAL CR 3 the creature hurts your eyes.
N Medium Elemental (Extraplanar)
Init +7; Senses Darkvision 60’, Listen +3, Spot +4 ENCOUNTER 10
Aura Positive energy Aura 10 ft.
Languages Ignan BURNING HOUSE CR 2
AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13, Dodge, Mobility (+3 Dex, +3 Search DC 17; Type mechanical
natural) Trigger location, Init +1
hp 26 (4d8+8 HD) Effect falling debris (Atk +1 ranged, 1d4 points of bludgeoning
Immune Immunity to positive energy damage) per target per round
Fort +3, Ref +7, Will +1 Effect fire (automatic hit; 1d6 points of fire damage, DC 11
Weakness Vulnerability to negative energy, turn vulnerability Reflex half)
Speed 50 ft. (10 squares)
Melee slam +6 (1d6+1) or
Melee slam +6 (1d8+1 positive energy)
Base Atk +3; Grp +4 CARNIVOROUS PLANT CR 3
Atk Options Burn Search DC 13; Type mechanical
Abilities Str 12, Dex 17, Con 14, Int 4, Wis 11, Cha 11 Trigger location, Init +1
SQ Positive energy, blinding, elemental traits Effect Bite (Atk +5 melee, 1d6 bites per target for 1d4+1
Feats Dodge, Improved Initiative, Mobility, Weapon Finesse piercing damage); reduce the number of bites by 1 for each
Positive Energy (Ex) A positive energy elemental’s slam attack stalk disabled or destroyed (minimum 0)
only deals normal damage if the target is immune to positive Duration 6 rounds
energy. Otherwise, a living creature hit by a positive energy Destruction AC 13, hp 7 (all pods in one square)
elemental’s slam attack is healed a number of hit points equal Destruction AC 14, hp 13 (each plant stalk)
to the damage it would do. If the creature is at full hit points, Disarm Disable Device DC 18 (all pods in one square)
it gains temporary hit points instead and must make a Disarm Disable Device DC 21 (each plant stalk)
Fortitude save (DC 20) each round that its temporary hit
points exceed its normal hit point total. Failing the saving
throw results in the creature exploding in a riot of energy, ENCOUNTER 16
killing it.
A non-living object that is struck by a positive energy
LE Medium Outsider (Baatezu, Evil, Extraplanar, Lawful)
elemental’s slam attack takes half damage.
Init +6; Senses Darkvision 60’, See in Darkness, Telepathy 100
An undead creature that is struck by a positive energy
ft., Listen +9, Spot +9
elemental’s slam attack must make a Fortitude save (DC 14)
or be utterly destroyed. The save DC is Constitution-based. AC 19, touch 12, flat-footed 17 (+2 Dex, +7 natural)
Creatures hitting a positive energy elemental with natural hp 54 (6d8+18 HD); DR 5/silver or good
weapons or unarmed attacks are affected as though hit by the Immune fire, poison
elemental’s attack, but only take half damage. Resist acid 10, cold 10; SR 17
Blinding (Ex) A living creature that looks directly at a positive Fort +8, Ref +7, Will +5
energy elemental must make a Fortitude save (DC 15) every Speed 30 ft. (6 squares), fly 50 ft. (10 squares) (average)
round or be blinded for 1d6 rounds. Melee 2 claws +9 (1d8+2 plus infernal wound)
Positive Energy Aura (Ex) Any living creature within 10 feet Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
of a positive energy elemental gains fast healing 2, while an Base Atk +6; Grp +12
undead creature takes 2 points of positive energy damage per Atk Options Infernal wound, horns, battle frenzy, summon
round. Creatures immune to positive energy are not affected. baatezu
Immunity to Positive Energy (Ex) A positive energy Spell-Like Abilities (CL 12th):
elemental is immune to any effect that relies upon positive At will—greater teleport (self plus 50 pounds of objects only)
energy or light. Abilities Str 15, Dex 15, Con 17, Int 6, Wis 10, Cha 10
Vulnerability to Negative Energy (Ex) A positive energy Feats Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (claws)
elemental takes half again as much (+50%) damage as normal Skills Climb +11, Diplomacy +2, Hide +11, Move Silently +9,
from negative energy effects. Sense Motive +9
Turn Vulnerability (Ex) A positive energy elemental can be Infernal Wound (Su) The damage Konugas deals with his
rebuked by a good-aligned cleric, and can be turned by an claws causes a persistent wound. An injured creature loses 2
evil cleric.

BIS7-07 Radiance and Resolution Page 32

additional hit points each round. The wound does not heal
naturally and resists healing spells. The continuing hit point
loss can be stopped by a DC 16 Heal check, a cure spell, or a
heal spell. However, a character attempting to case a cure
spell or a heal spell on a creature damaged by a bearded
devil’s glaive must succeed on a DC 16 caster level check, or
the spell has no effect on the injured character. A successful
Heal check automatically stops the continuing hit point loss
as well as restoring hit points. The check DC is Constitution-
Horns (Ex) If Konugas hits a single opponent with both claw
attacks, it automatically hits with its horns. The affected
creature takes 18d+2 points of damage and must succeed on
a DC 16 Fortitude save or be infected with a vile disease
knows as devil chills (incubation period 1d4 days, damage
1d4 Str). Damage is dealt each day until the afflicted creature
succeeds on three consecutive Fortitude saves, the disease is
cured magically, or the creature dies. The save DC is
Battle Frenzy (Ex) Twice per day, Konugas can work itself into
a battle frenzy similar to the barbarian’s rage (+4 Strength, +4
Constitution, +2 morale bonus on Will saves, -2 AC penalty).
The frenzy lasts for 6 rounds, and Konugas suffers no ill
effects afterwards.
Summon Baatezu (Sp) Once per day Konugas can attempt to
summon 2d10 lemures with a 50% chance of success, or a
bearded devil with a 35% chance of success. This ability is the
equivalent of a 3rd-level spell.
Aligned Weapons (Ex) Konugas’ natural weapons, as well as
any weapons he wields, are treated as evil-aligned and lawful-
aligned for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction.

BIS7-07 Radiance and Resolution Page 33

Turn Vulnerability (Ex) A positive energy elemental can be
ENCOUNTER 6 rebuked by a good-aligned cleric, and can be turned by an
N Large Elemental (Extraplanar) Description A mass of rippling light, seeming to pulse from a
Init +9; Senses Darkvision 60’, Listen +5, Spot +6 central, humanoid-shaped conflagration. Looking directly at
Aura Positive energy Aura 10 ft. the creature hurts your eyes.
Languages Ignan
AC 18, touch 14 , flat-footed 13, Dodge, Mobility (-1 size, +5 Dex,
+4 natural) SUPERIOR RAVID CR 10
hp 60 (8d8+24 HD); DR 5/- N Large Outsider (extraplanar)
Immune Immunity to positive energy Init +3; Senses Darkvision 60’, Listen +7, Spot +11
Fort +5, Ref +11, Will +2 AC 25, touch 8, flat-footed 26
Weakness Vulnerability to negative energy, turn vulnerability (-1 size, -1 Dex, +17 natural)
Speed 50 ft. (10 squares) hp 99 (11d8+33 HD)
Melee 2 slams +10 (2d6+2) or Immune fire
Melee 2 slams +10 (2d8+2 positive energy) Fort +10, Ref +6, Will +8
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft. Speed 20 ft. (4 squares), fly 60 ft. (perfect).
Base Atk +6; Grp +12 Melee tail slap +17 (2d6+6 plus positive energy) and claw +14
Atk Options Burn (1d6+5 plus positive energy); or tail slap +17 melee touch
Abilities Str 14, Dex 21, Con 16, Int 6, Wis 11, Cha 11 (positive energy) and claw touch +14 melee touch (positive
SQ Positive energy, blinding, elemental traits energy)
Feats Dodge, Improved Initiative, Mobility, Spring Attack, Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Weapon Finesse Base Atk +11; Grp +21
Positive Energy (Ex) A positive energy elemental’s slam attack Atk Options Positive energy lash, animate objects
only deals normal damage if the target is immune to positive Abilities Str 23, Dex 8, Con 17, Int 7, Wis 12, Cha 14
energy. Otherwise, a living creature hit by a positive energy SQ Flight
elemental’s slam attack is healed a number of hit points equal Feats Improved Initiative, Improved Natural Attack [tail slap],
to the damage it would do. If the creature is at full hit points, Multiattack, Weapon Focus [tail slap]
it gains temporary hit points instead and must make a Skills Escape Artist +16, Hide +16, Move Silently +16, Spot +11,
Fortitude save (DC 20) each round that its temporary hit Survival +18, Use Rope -1 (+1 with bindings)
points exceed its normal hit point total. Failing the saving Positive Energy Lash (Su) A ravid can make a touch attack or
throw results in the creature exploding in a riot of energy, hit with a claw or tail slap attack to infuse a target with
killing it. positive energy. The energy produces an unpleasant tingle in
A non-living object that is struck by a positive energy living creatures, and against undead foes (even incorporeal
elemental’s slam attack takes half damage. ones) it deals 3d10 points of damage.
An undead creature that is struck by a positive energy Animate Objects (Su) Once per round, a random object within
elemental’s slam attack must make a Fortitude save (DC 17) 20 feet of a ravid animates as though by the spell animate
or be utterly destroyed. The save DC is Constitution-based. th
objects (caster level 20 ). These objects defend the ravid to the
Creatures hitting a positive energy elemental with natural best of their ability, but the ravid isn’t intelligent enough to
weapons or unarmed attacks are affected as though hit by the employ elaborate tactics with them.
elemental’s attack, but only take half damage. Flight (Su) A ravid can cease or resume flight as a free action. A
Blinding (Ex) A living creature that looks directly at a positive ravid that loses this ability falls and can perform only a single
energy elemental must make a Fortitude save (DC 15) every action (either a move action or an attack action) each round.
round or be blinded for 1d6 rounds.
Positive Energy Aura (Ex) Any living creature within 10 feet
of a positive energy elemental gains fast healing 2, while an ENCOUNTER 16
undead creature takes 2 points of positive energy damage per
round. Creatures immune to positive energy are not affected.
LE Large outsider (Evil, Extraplanar, Lawful)
Immunity to Positive Energy (Ex) A positive energy
Init +9; Senses Darkvision 60’, Scent, Telepathy 100 ft., Listen
elemental is immune to any effect that relies upon positive
+17, Spot +13
energy or light.
Vulnerability to Negative Energy (Ex) A positive energy AC 21, touch 14, flat-footed 16, Dodge
elemental takes half again as much (+50%) damage as normal (-1 size, +5 Dex, +7 natural)
from negative energy effects. hp 72 (8d8+24 HD; DR 5/good
Resist fire 10; SR 19

BIS7-07 Radiance and Resolution Page 34

Fort +9, Ref +11, Will +8
Speed 30 ft. (6 squares), fly 50 ft. (10 squares) (average)
Melee 2 claws +13 (1d8+6) and bite +8 (2d8+3)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Base Atk +8; Grp +18
Atk Options Improved grab, Pounce, Rake 1d8+3
Abilities Str 23, Dex 21, Con 17, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 10
Feats Dodge, Improved Initiative, Track
Skills Balance +16, Climb +17, Hide +13, Jump +21, Move
Silently +20, Swim +17
Improved Grab (Ex) To use this ability, Konugas must hit with
his bite attack. It can then attempt to start a grapple as a free
action without provoking an attack of opportunity. If it wins
the grapple check, it establishes a hold and can rake.
Pounce (Ex) If Konugas charges, he can make a full attack,
including two rake attacks.
Rake (Ex) Attack bonus +13 melee, damage 1d8+3.
Aligned Weapons (Ex) Konugas’ natural weapons, as well as
any weapons he wields, are treated as evil-aligned and lawful-
aligned for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction.
Skills Konugas has a +4 racial bonus on Listen and Move
Silently checks.

BIS7-07 Radiance and Resolution Page 35

Abilities Str 18, Dex 25, Con 18, Int 6, Wis 11, Cha 11
ENCOUNTER 1 SQ Positive energy, blinding, elemental traits
XAG-YA CR 4 Feats Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Improved Initiative,
N Medium Outsider (Incorporeal) Iron Will, Mobility, Spring Attack, Weapon Finesse
Init +3; Senses Listen +0, Spot +8 Positive Energy (Ex) A positive energy elemental’s slam attack
AC 17, touch 17 , flat-footed 14 only deals normal damage if the target is immune to positive
(+3 Dex, +4 deflection) energy. Otherwise, a living creature hit by a positive energy
hp 35 (5d8+5 HD) elemental’s slam attack is healed a number of hit points equal
Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +4 to the damage it would do. If the creature is at full hit points,
Speed fly 20 ft. (good) it gains temporary hit points instead and must make a
Melee 4 incorporeal touches +8 (1d6) OR Fortitude save (DC 20) each round that its temporary hit
Ranged positive energy ray +8 (touch, 1d8) points exceed its normal hit point total. Failing the saving
Base Atk +5; Grp – throw results in the creature exploding in a riot of energy,
killing it.
Abilities Str --, Dex 17, Con 12, Int 7, Wis 10, Cha 18
A non-living object that is struck by a positive energy
SQ Incorporeal, positive energy lash, turn undead, explosion
elemental’s slam attack takes half damage.
Feats Combat Reflexes, Extra Turning
An undead creature that is struck by a positive energy
Skills Hide +10, Search +5, Sense Motive +8
elemental’s slam attack must make a Fortitude save (DC 22)
Energy Ray (Ex) An energon’s energy ray has a range of 30 feet. or be utterly destroyed. The save DC is Constitution-based.
Explosion (Su) If an energon is reduced to 0 hit points, its Creatures hitting a positive energy elemental with natural
body is instantaneously destroyed in an explosion of positive weapons or unarmed attacks are affected as though hit by the
energy that deals 1d8+9 points of damage to everyone in a elemental’s attack, but only take half damage.
20-foot-radius burst (Fortitude save DC 16 half). Blinding (Ex) A living creature that looks directly at a positive
Positive Energy Lash (Su) A xag-ya can make a ranged touch energy elemental must make a Fortitude save (DC 15) every
attack or hit with an incorporeal touch attack to infuse a round or be blinded for 1d6 rounds.
target with positive energy. Undead foes (even incorporeal Positive Energy Aura (Ex) Any living creature within 10 feet
ones) take an additional 2d8+5 points damage. The xag-ya of a positive energy elemental gains fast healing 2, while an
can control its positive energy enough to avoid healing undead creature takes 2 points of positive energy damage per
living foes (dealing only the base damage). This power can be round. Creatures immune to positive energy are not affected.
used up to five times per day. Immunity to Positive Energy (Ex) A positive energy
Turn Undead (Su) By suffusing a 60-foot-radius area with elemental is immune to any effect that relies upon positive
positive energy, a xag-ya can make the undead recoil. It turns energy or light.
undead as a 5 -level cleric and can do so five times per day. It Vulnerability to Negative Energy (Ex) A positive energy
cannot destroy undead. elemental takes half again as much (+50%) damage as normal
Sources Manual of the Planes (Page 168) from negative energy effects.
Turn Vulnerability (Ex) A positive energy elemental can be
rebuked by a good-aligned cleric, and can be turned by an
ENCOUNTER 6 evil cleric.
HUGE POSITIVE ENERGY ELEMENTAL CR 7 Description A mass of rippling light, seeming to pulse from a
N Huge Elemental (Extraplanar) central, humanoid-shaped conflagration. Looking directly at
Init +11; Senses Darkvision 60’, Listen +11, Spot +12 the creature hurts your eyes.
Aura Positive energy Aura 10 ft.
Languages Ignan
AC 19, touch 15 , flat-footed 12, Dodge, Mobility (-2 size, +7 Dex,
+4 natural) GREATER RAVID CR 13
hp 136 (16d8+64 HD); DR 5/- N Huge Outsider (extraplanar)
Immune Immunity to positive energy Init +2; Senses Darkvision 60’, Listen +13, Spot +17
Fort +9, Ref +17, Will +7 AC 26, touch 6, flat-footed 28
Weakness Vulnerability to negative energy, turn vulnerability (-2 size, -2 Dex, +20 natural)
Speed 60 ft. (12 squares) hp 187 (17d8+85 HD)
Melee 2 slams +17 (2d10+4) or Immune fire
Melee 2 slams +17 (2d12+4 positive energy) Fort +15, Ref +8, Will +11
Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft. Speed 20 ft. (4 squares), fly 60 ft. (perfect).
Base Atk +12; Grp +24 Melee tail slap +26 (3d6+10 plus positive energy/19-20) and
Atk Options Burn claw +23 (1d8+9 plus positive energy); or tail slap +26 melee

BIS7-07 Radiance and Resolution Page 36

touch (positive energy/19-20) and claw touch +23 melee Skills Concentration +17, Diplomacy +7, Escape Artist +16,
touch (positive energy) Hide +16, Knowledge (religion) +14, Knowledge (the planes)
Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft. +14, Move Silently +16, Search +14, Sense Motive +16,
Base Atk +23; Grp +39 Survival +4 (+6 following tracks), Use Rope +4 (+6 with
Atk Options Positive energy lash, animate objects bindings)
Abilities Str 31, Dex 6, Con 21, Int 7, Wis 12, Cha 14 Entangle (Ex) Konugas carries a stout rope some 50 feet long
SQ Flight that entangles opponents of any size as an animate rope spell
Feats Improved Critical [tail slap], Improved Initiative, (caster level 16th). Konugas can hurl its rope 30 feet with no
Improved Natural Attack [tail slap], Multiattack, Power range penalty. Typically, Konugas entangles a foe, lifts it into
Attack, Weapon Focus [tail slap] the air, and drops it from a great height.
Skills Escape Artist +21, Hide +21, Listen +13, Move Silently Summon Baatezu (Sp) Once per day Konugas can attempt to
+21, Spot +17, Survival +24, Use Rope -2 (+0 with bindings) summond 2d10 lemures or 1d4 bearded devils with a 50%
Positive Energy Lash (Su) A ravid can make a touch attack or chance of success. This ability is the equivalent of a 3 -level
hit with a claw or tail slap attack to infuse a target with spell.
positive energy. The energy produces an unpleasant tingle in True Seeing (Su) Konugas continuously uses true seeing, as the
living creatures, and against undead foes (even incorporeal spell (caster level 14 ).
ones) it deals 3d10 points of damage. Aligned Weapons (Ex) Konugas’ natural weapons, as well as
Animate Objects (Su) Once per round, a random object within any weapons he wields, are treated as evil-aligned and lawful-
20 feet of a ravid animates as though by the spell animate aligned for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction.
objects (caster level 20 ). These objects defend the ravid to the
best of their ability, but the ravid isn’t intelligent enough to
employ elaborate tactics with them.
Flight (Su) A ravid can cease or resume flight as a free action. A
ravid that loses this ability falls and can perform only a single
action (either a move action or an attack action) each round.

LE Medium Outsider (Baatezu, Evil, Extraplanar, Lawful)
Init +5; Senses Darkvision 60’, See in Darkness, Telepathy 100’,
True Seeing, Listen +16, Spot +16
AC 23, touch 13, flat-footed 19, Dodge, Mobility
(-1 size, +4 Dex, +10 natural)
hp 117 (9d8+63 HD); DR 5/good
Immune fire, poison
Resist acid 10, cold 10, SR 20
Fort +13, Ref +10, Will +10
Speed 30 ft. (6 squares), fly 50 ft. (10 squares) (average), Shot on
the Run
Melee Longsword +17/+12 (1d8+9/19-20) or
Ranged +1 flaming composite longbow (+9 Str bonus) +13/+8
(2d6+10 plus 1d6 fire/x3) or
Ranged +1 flaming composite longbow (+9 Str bonus) +11/+11/+6
(2d6+10 plus 1d6 fire/x3) with Rapid Shot or
Ranged rope +12 (entangle)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Base Atk +9; Grp +22
Atk Options Entangle, spell-like abilities, summon baatezu
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 12th):
At will—greater teleport (self plus 50 pounds of objects only),
charm monster (DC 19), minor image (DC 17), unholy blight
(DC 19).
Abilities Str 29, Dex 19, Con 25, Int 14, Wis 18, Cha 20
Feats Dodge, Mobility, Point Blank Shot, Rapid Shot, Shot on
the Run

BIS7-07 Radiance and Resolution Page 37

Abilities Str 20, Dex 27, Con 18, Int 6, Wis 11, Cha 11
ENCOUNTER 1 SQ Positive energy, blinding, elemental traits
XAG-YA CR 4 Feats Alertness, Blind-Fight, Combat Reflexes, Dodge,
N Medium Outsider (Incorporeal) Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Mobility, Spring Attack,
Init +3; Senses Listen +0, Spot +8 Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus [slam]
AC 17, touch 17 , flat-footed 14 Positive Energy (Ex) A positive energy elemental’s slam attack
(+3 Dex, +4 deflection) only deals normal damage if the target is immune to positive
hp 35 (5d8+5 HD) energy. Otherwise, a living creature hit by a positive energy
Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +4 elemental’s slam attack is healed a number of hit points equal
Speed fly 20 ft. (good) to the damage it would do. If the creature is at full hit points,
Melee 4 incorporeal touches +8 (1d6) OR it gains temporary hit points instead and must make a
Ranged positive energy ray +8 (touch, 1d8) Fortitude save (DC 20) each round that its temporary hit
Base Atk +5; Grp – points exceed its normal hit point total. Failing the saving
throw results in the creature exploding in a riot of energy,
Abilities Str --, Dex 17, Con 12, Int 7, Wis 10, Cha 18
killing it.
SQ Incorporeal, positive energy lash, turn undead, explosion
A non-living object that is struck by a positive energy
Feats Combat Reflexes, Extra Turning
elemental’s slam attack takes half damage.
Skills Hide +10, Search +5, Sense Motive +8
An undead creature that is struck by a positive energy
Energy Ray (Ex) An energon’s energy ray has a range of 30 feet. elemental’s slam attack must make a Fortitude save (DC 24)
Explosion (Su) If an energon is reduced to 0 hit points, its or be utterly destroyed. The save DC is Constitution-based.
body is instantaneously destroyed in an explosion of positive Creatures hitting a positive energy elemental with natural
energy that deals 1d8+9 points of damage to everyone in a weapons or unarmed attacks are affected as though hit by the
20-foot-radius burst (Fortitude save DC 16 half). elemental’s attack, but only take half damage.
Positive Energy Lash (Su) A xag-ya can make a ranged touch Blinding (Ex) A living creature that looks directly at a positive
attack or hit with an incorporeal touch attack to infuse a energy elemental must make a Fortitude save (DC 15) every
target with positive energy. Undead foes (even incorporeal round or be blinded for 1d6 rounds.
ones) take an additional 2d8+5 points damage. The xag-ya Positive Energy Aura (Ex) Any living creature within 10 feet
can control its positive energy enough to avoid healing of a positive energy elemental gains fast healing 2, while an
living foes (dealing only the base damage). This power can be undead creature takes 2 points of positive energy damage per
used up to five times per day. round. Creatures immune to positive energy are not affected.
Turn Undead (Su) By suffusing a 60-foot-radius area with Immunity to Positive Energy (Ex) A positive energy
positive energy, a xag-ya can make the undead recoil. It turns elemental is immune to any effect that relies upon positive
undead as a 5 -level cleric and can do so five times per day. It energy or light.
cannot destroy undead. Vulnerability to Negative Energy (Ex) A positive energy
Sources Manual of the Planes (Page 168) elemental takes half again as much (+50%) damage as normal
from negative energy effects.
Turn Vulnerability (Ex) A positive energy elemental can be
ENCOUNTER 6 rebuked by a good-aligned cleric, and can be turned by an
N Huge Elemental (Extraplanar) Description A mass of rippling light, seeming to pulse from a
Init +12; Senses Darkvision 60’, Listen +14, Spot +14 central, humanoid-shaped conflagration. Looking directly at
Aura Positive energy Aura 10 ft. the creature hurts your eyes.
Languages Ignan
AC 24, touch 16 , flat-footed 16, Dodge, Mobility (-2 size, +8 Dex,
+8 natural)
hp 178 (21d8+84 HD); DR 10/- SUPERIOR RAVID CR 10
Immune Immunity to positive energy N Large Outsider (extraplanar)
Fort +11, Ref +20, Will +9 Init +3; Senses Darkvision 60’, Listen +7, Spot +11
Weakness Vulnerability to negative energy, turn vulnerability AC 25, touch 8, flat-footed 26
Speed 60 ft. (12 squares) (-1 size, -1 Dex, +17 natural)
Melee 2 slams +22 (2d10+5) or hp 99 (11d8+33 HD)
Melee 2 slams +22 (2d12+5 positive energy) Immune fire
Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft. Fort +10, Ref +6, Will +8
Base Atk +15; Grp +28 Speed 20 ft. (4 squares), fly 60 ft. (perfect).
Atk Options Burn

BIS7-07 Radiance and Resolution Page 38

Melee tail slap +17 (2d6+6 plus positive energy) and claw +14 objects (caster level 20 ). These objects defend the ravid to the
(1d6+5 plus positive energy); or tail slap +17 melee touch best of their ability, but the ravid isn’t intelligent enough to
(positive energy) and claw touch +14 melee touch (positive employ elaborate tactics with them.
energy) Flight (Su) A ravid can cease or resume flight as a free action. A
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft. ravid that loses this ability falls and can perform only a single
Base Atk +11; Grp +21 action (either a move action or an attack action) each round.
Atk Options Positive energy lash, animate objects
Abilities Str 23, Dex 8, Con 17, Int 7, Wis 12, Cha 14
Feats Improved Initiative, Improved Natural Attack [tail slap], LE Large Outsider (Baatezu, Evil, Extraplanar, Lawful)
Multiattack, Weapon Focus [tail slap] Init +6; Senses Darkvision 60’, See in darkness, Listen +19, Spot
Skills Escape Artist +16, Hide +16, Move Silently +16, Spot +11, +19
Survival +18, Use Rope -1 (+1 with bindings) AC 29, touch 15, flat-footed 23
Positive Energy Lash (Su) A ravid can make a touch attack or (-1 size, +6 Dex, +14 natural)
hit with a claw or tail slap attack to infuse a target with hp 144 (12d8+72 HD); DR 10/good
positive energy. The energy produces an unpleasant tingle in Immune fire, poison
living creatures, and against undead foes (even incorporeal Resist acid 10, cold 10; SR 23
ones) it deals 3d10 points of damage. Fort +14, Ref +14, Will +12
Animate Objects (Su) Once per round, a random object within Speed 30 ft. (6 squares), fly 50 ft. (10 squares) (average)
20 feet of a ravid animates as though by the spell animate Melee 2 claws +18 (4d6+6 plus fear)
objects (caster level 20 ). These objects defend the ravid to the Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
best of their ability, but the ravid isn’t intelligent enough to Base Atk +12; Grp +26
employ elaborate tactics with them. Special Actions Fear, improved grab, impale 3d8+9, summon
Flight (Su) A ravid can cease or resume flight as a free action. A baatezu
ravid that loses this ability falls and can perform only a single Spell-Like Abilities (CL 12th):
action (either a move action or an attack action) each round. At will— greater teleport (self plus 50 pounds of objects only),
hold person (DC 16), major damage (DC 17), scorching ray (2
GREATER RAVID CR 13 rays only)
N Huge Outsider (extraplanar) 1/day— order’s wrath (DC 18), unholy blight (DC 18)
Init +2; Senses Darkvision 60’, Listen +13, Spot +17
Abilities Str 23, Dex 23, Con 23, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 18
AC 26, touch 6, flat-footed 28 SQ barbed defense, see in darkness, spell-like abilities, telepathy
(-2 size, -2 Dex, +20 natural) 100 ft.
hp 187 (17d8+85 HD) Feats Alertness, Cleave, Improved Grapple, Iron Will, Power
Immune fire Attack
Fort +15, Ref +8, Will +11 Skills Concentration +21, Diplomacy +6, Hide +21, Intimidate
Speed 20 ft. (4 squares), fly 60 ft. (perfect). +19, Knowledge (the planes) +16, Move Silently +21, Search
Melee tail slap +26 (3d6+10 plus positive energy/19-20) and +16, Sense Motive +17, Survival +2 (+4 following tracks)
claw +23 (1d8+9 plus positive energy); or tail slap +26 melee Fear (Su) A creature hit by Konugas must succeed on a DC 20
touch (positive energy/19-20) and claw touch +23 melee Will save or be affected as though by fear (caster level 9th).
touch (positive energy) Whether or not the save is successful, that creature cannot
Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft. be affected by Konugas’ fear ability for 24 hours. The save DC
Base Atk +23; Grp +39 is Charisma-based.
Atk Options Positive energy lash, animate objects Impale (Ex) Konugas deals 3d8+9 points of piercing damage to
Abilities Str 31, Dex 6, Con 21, Int 7, Wis 12, Cha 14 a grabbed opponent with a successful grapple check.
SQ Flight Improved Grab (Ex) To use this ability, Konugas must hit with
Feats Improved Critical [tail slap], Improved Initiative, a claw attack. It can then attempt to start a grapple as a free
Improved Natural Attack [tail slap], Multiattack, Power action without provoking an attack of opportunity. If it wins
Attack, Weapon Focus [tail slap] the grapple check, it establishes a hold and can impale the
Skills Escape Artist +21, Hide +21, Listen +13, Move Silently opponent on its barbed body.
+21, Spot +17, Survival +24, Use Rope -2 (+0 with bindings) Summon Baatezu (Sp) Once per day Konugas can attempt to
Positive Energy Lash (Su) A ravid can make a touch attack or summon 1d6 bearded devils or a barbed devil with a 35%
hit with a claw or tail slap attack to infuse a target with chance of success. This ability is the equivalent of a 4th-level
positive energy. The energy produces an unpleasant tingle in spell.
living creatures, and against undead foes (even incorporeal Barbed Defense (Su) Any creature striking Konugas with
ones) it deals 3d10 points of damage. handheld weapons or natural weapons takes 1d8+6 points of
Animate Objects (Su) Once per round, a random object within piercing and slashing damage from the devil’s barbs. Note
20 feet of a ravid animates as though by the spell animate

BIS7-07 Radiance and Resolution Page 39

that weapons with exceptional reach, such as longspears, do
not endanger their users in this way.
Aligned Weapons (Ex) Konugas’ natural weapons, as well as
any weapons he wields, are treated as evil-aligned and lawful-
aligned for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction.

BIS7-07 Radiance and Resolution Page 40

SQ Positive energy, blinding, elemental traits
ENCOUNTER 1 Feats Alertness, Blind-Fight, Combat Reflexes, Dodge,
XAG-YA CR 4 Improved Initiative, Great Fortitude, Iron Will, Mobility,
N Medium Outsider (Incorporeal) Spring Attack, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus [slam]
Init +3; Senses Listen +0, Spot +8 Positive Energy (Ex) A positive energy elemental’s slam attack
AC 17, touch 17 , flat-footed 14 only deals normal damage if the target is immune to positive
(+3 Dex, +4 deflection) energy. Otherwise, a living creature hit by a positive energy
hp 35 (5d8+5 HD) elemental’s slam attack is healed a number of hit points equal
Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +4 to the damage it would do. If the creature is at full hit points,
it gains temporary hit points instead and must make a
Speed fly 20 ft. (good)
Fortitude save (DC 20) each round that its temporary hit
Melee 4 incorporeal touches +8 (1d6) OR
points exceed its normal hit point total. Failing the saving
Ranged positive energy ray +8 (touch, 1d8)
throw results in the creature exploding in a riot of energy,
Base Atk +5; Grp –
killing it.
Abilities Str --, Dex 17, Con 12, Int 7, Wis 10, Cha 18 A non-living object that is struck by a positive energy
SQ Incorporeal, positive energy lash, turn undead, explosion elemental’s slam attack takes half damage.
Feats Combat Reflexes, Extra Turning An undead creature that is struck by a positive energy
Skills Hide +10, Search +5, Sense Motive +8 elemental’s slam attack must make a Fortitude save (DC 26)
Energy Ray (Ex) An energon’s energy ray has a range of 30 feet. or be utterly destroyed. The save DC is Constitution-based.
Explosion (Su) If an energon is reduced to 0 hit points, its Creatures hitting a positive energy elemental with natural
body is instantaneously destroyed in an explosion of positive weapons or unarmed attacks are affected as though hit by the
energy that deals 1d8+9 points of damage to everyone in a elemental’s attack, but only take half damage.
20-foot-radius burst (Fortitude save DC 16 half). Blinding (Ex) A living creature that looks directly at a positive
Positive Energy Lash (Su) A xag-ya can make a ranged touch energy elemental must make a Fortitude save (DC 15) every
attack or hit with an incorporeal touch attack to infuse a round or be blinded for 1d6 rounds.
target with positive energy. Undead foes (even incorporeal Positive Energy Aura (Ex) Any living creature within 10 feet
ones) take an additional 2d8+5 points damage. The xag-ya of a positive energy elemental gains fast healing 2, while an
can control its positive energy enough to avoid healing undead creature takes 2 points of positive energy damage per
living foes (dealing only the base damage). This power can be round. Creatures immune to positive energy are not affected.
used up to five times per day. Immunity to Positive Energy (Ex) A positive energy
Turn Undead (Su) By suffusing a 60-foot-radius area with elemental is immune to any effect that relies upon positive
positive energy, a xag-ya can make the undead recoil. It turns energy or light.
undead as a 5 -level cleric and can do so five times per day. It Vulnerability to Negative Energy (Ex) A positive energy
cannot destroy undead. elemental takes half again as much (+50%) damage as normal
Sources Manual of the Planes (Page 168) from negative energy effects.
Turn Vulnerability (Ex) A positive energy elemental can be
rebuked by a good-aligned cleric, and can be turned by an
ENCOUNTER 6 evil cleric.
ELDER POSITIVE ENERGY ELEMENTAL CR 11 Description A mass of rippling light, seeming to pulse from a
N Huge Elemental (Extraplanar) central, humanoid-shaped conflagration. Looking directly at
Init +13; Senses Darkvision 60’, Listen +28, Spot +29 the creature hurts your eyes.
Aura Positive energy Aura 10 ft.
Languages Ignan
AC 26, touch 17 , flat-footed 17 (-2 size, +9 Dex, +9 natural)
hp 240 (24d8+96 HD); DR 10/- SUPERIOR RAVID CR 10
Immune Immunity to positive energy N Large Outsider (extraplanar)
Fort +14 , Ref +23, Will +10 Init +3; Senses Darkvision 60’, Listen +7, Spot +11
Weakness Vulnerability to negative energy, turn vulnerability AC 25, touch 8, flat-footed 26
Speed 60 ft. (12 squares) (-1 size, -1 Dex, +17 natural)
Melee 2 slams +26 (2d10+6) or hp 99 (11d8+33 HD)
Melee 2 slams +26 (2d12+6 positive energy) Immune fire
Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft. Fort +10, Ref +6, Will +8
Base Atk +18; Grp +32 Speed 20 ft. (4 squares), fly 60 ft. (perfect).
Atk Options Spring Attack Melee tail slap +17 (2d6+6 plus positive energy) and claw +14
Abilities Str 22, Dex 29, Con 18, Int 6, Wis 11, Cha 11 (1d6+5 plus positive energy); or tail slap +17 melee touch

BIS7-07 Radiance and Resolution Page 41

(positive energy) and claw touch +14 melee touch (positive best of their ability, but the ravid isn’t intelligent enough to
energy) employ elaborate tactics with them.
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft. Flight (Su) A ravid can cease or resume flight as a free action. A
Base Atk +11; Grp +21 ravid that loses this ability falls and can perform only a single
Atk Options Positive energy lash, animate objects action (either a move action or an attack action) each round.
Abilities Str 23, Dex 8, Con 17, Int 7, Wis 12, Cha 14
SQ Flight
Feats Improved Initiative, Improved Natural Attack [tail slap],
Multiattack, Weapon Focus [tail slap] KONUGAS, DEVIL GENERAL CR 13
Skills Escape Artist +16, Hide +16, Move Silently +16, Spot +11, LE Large outsider (Baatezu, Evil, Extraplanar, Lawful)
Survival +18, Use Rope -1 (+1 with bindings) Init +5; Senses Darkvision 60’, See in Darkness, Telepathy 100’,
Positive Energy Lash (Su) A ravid can make a touch attack or Listen +25, Spot +25
hit with a claw or tail slap attack to infuse a target with Aura Fear Aura 10 ft. (Will DC 22)
positive energy. The energy produces an unpleasant tingle in AC 32, touch 14, flat-footed 27
living creatures, and against undead foes (even incorporeal (-1 size, +5 Dex, +X, +18 natural)
ones) it deals 3d10 points of damage. hp 168 (14d8+84 HD); regeneration 5; DR 10/good
Animate Objects (Su) Once per round, a random object within Immune fire, poison
20 feet of a ravid animates as though by the spell animate Resist acid 10, cold 10; SR 25
objects (caster level 20 ). These objects defend the ravid to the Fort +15, Ref +14, Will +15
best of their ability, but the ravid isn’t intelligent enough to Speed 30 ft. (6 squares), fly 50 ft. (10 squares) (average)
employ elaborate tactics with them. Melee spear +20/+15/+10 (2d6+9 plus slow) or
Flight (Su) A ravid can cease or resume flight as a free action. A Melee 2 claws +19 (1d10+6) and
ravid that loses this ability falls and can perform only a single Melee bite +14 (2d6+3) and
action (either a move action or an attack action) each round. Melee tail +14 (3d6+3 plus slow)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
TITANIC RAVID CR 16 Base Atk +14; Grp +24
N Gargantuan Outsider (extraplanar) Atk Options Fear aura, slow, spell-like abilities, summon baatezu
Init +2; Senses Darkvision 60’, Listen +19, Spot +23 Spell-Like Abilities (CL 13th):
AC 28, touch 4, flat-footed 28 At will—cone of cold (DC 20), fly, ice storm (DC 19), greater
(-4 size, -2 Dex, +24 natural) teleport (self plus 50 pounds of objects only), persistent image
hp 390 (23d8+252 HD) (DC 20), unholy aura (DC 23), wall of ice (DC 19).
Immune fire Abilities Str 23, Dex 21, Con 23, Int 22, Wis 22, Cha 20
Fort +17, Ref +8, Will +11 Feats Alertness, Cleave, Combat Reflexes, Power Attack,
Speed 20 ft. (4 squares), fly 60 ft. (perfect). Weapon Focus (spear)
Melee tail slap +36 (4d6+18 plus positive energy/19-20) and Skills Bluff +23, Climb +23, Concentration +23, Diplomacy +9,
claw +33 (2d6+13 plus positive energy); or tail slap +36 Disguise +5 (+7 acting), Intimidate +24, Jump +27,
melee touch (positive energy/19-20) and claw touch +33 Knowledge (arcana) +23, Knowledge (religion) +23,
melee touch (positive energy) Knowledge (the planes) +23, Move Silently +22, Search +23,
Space 20 ft.; Reach 20 ft. Sense Motive +23, Spellcraft +23, Survival +6 (+8 following
Base Atk +29; Grp +53 tracks)
Atk Options Positive energy lash, animate objects Fear Aura (Su) Konugas can radiate a 10-foot radius fear aura as
Abilities Str 39, Dex 6, Con 29, Int 7, Wis 12, Cha 14 a free action. A creature in the area must succeed on a DC 22
SQ Flight Will save or be affected as though by a fear spell (caster level
Feats Improved Critical [tail slap], Improved Initiative, th
13 ). A creature that successfully saves cannot be affected
Improved Natural Attack [tail slap], Multiattack, Power again by the same ice devil’s aura for 24 hours. Other baatezu
Attack, Weapon Focus [tail slap] are immune to the aura. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Skills Escape Artist +27, Hide +27, Listen +19, Move Silently Slow (Su) A hit from Konugas’ tail or spear induces numbing
+27, Spot +23, Survival +30, Use Rope -2 (+0 with bindings) cold. The opponent must succeed on a DC 21 Fortitude save
Positive Energy Lash (Su) A ravid can make a touch attack or or be affected as though by a slow spell for 1d6 rounds. The
hit with a claw or tail slap attack to infuse a target with save DC is Constitution-based.
positive energy. The energy produces an unpleasant tingle in Summon Baatezu (Sp) Once per day Konugas can attempt to
living creatures, and against undead foes (even incorporeal summon 2d10 lemures or 1d6 bearded devils, 2d4 bone
ones) it deals 3d10 points of damage. devils with a 50% chance of success, or an ice devil with a
Animate Objects (Su) Once per round, a random object within 20% chance of success. The ability is the equivalent of a 4th
20 feet of a ravid animates as though by the spell animate level spell.
objects (caster level 20 ). These objects defend the ravid to the

BIS7-07 Radiance and Resolution Page 42

Regeneration (Ex) Konugas takes normal damage from good-
aligned weapons and from spells or effects with the good
Aligned Weapons (Ex) Konugas’ natural weapons, as well as
any weapons he wields, are treated as evil-aligned and lawful-
aligned for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction.

BIS7-07 Radiance and Resolution Page 43

N Huge Elemental (Extraplanar)
ENCOUNTER 1 Init +13; Senses Darkvision 60’, Listen +28, Spot +29
ADVANCED SPELLWARPED XAG-YA CR 6 Aura Positive energy Aura 10 ft.
N Medium Abberation (Augmented, Incorporeal) Languages Ignan
Init +4; Senses Listen +0, Spot +8 AC 26, touch 17 , flat-footed 17 (-2 size, +9 Dex, +9 natural)
AC 20, touch 20, flat-footed 16 hp 240 (24d8+96 HD); DR 10/-
(+4 Dex, +6 deflection) Immune Immunity to positive energy
hp 63 (7d8+21 HD), SR 18 Fort +14 , Ref +23, Will +10
Fort +8, Ref +9, Will +5 Weakness Vulnerability to negative energy, turn vulnerability
Speed fly 20 ft. (good) Speed 60 ft. (12 squares)
Melee 4 incorporeal touches +12 (1d6) OR Melee 2 slams +26 (2d10+6) or
Ranged positive energy ray +11 (touch, 1d8) Melee 2 slams +26 (2d12+6 positive energy)
Base Atk +7; Grp – Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft.
Base Atk +18; Grp +32
Abilities Str --, Dex 19, Con 16, Int 11, Wis 10, Cha 18
Atk Options Spring Attack
SQ Incorporeal, positive energy lash, turn undead, explosion
Feats Combat Reflexes, Extra Turning, Weapon Focus [touch] Abilities Str 22, Dex 29, Con 18, Int 6, Wis 11, Cha 11
Skills Hide +16, Search +13, Sense Motive +8 SQ Positive energy, blinding, elemental traits
Feats Alertness, Blind-Fight, Combat Reflexes, Dodge,
Energy Ray (Ex) An energon’s energy ray has a range of 30 feet.
Improved Initiative, Great Fortitude, Iron Will, Mobility,
Explosion (Su) If an energon is reduced to 0 hit points, its
Spring Attack, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus [slam]
body is instantaneously destroyed in an explosion of positive
energy that deals 1d8+9 points of damage to everyone in a Positive Energy (Ex) A positive energy elemental’s slam attack
20-foot-radius burst (Fortitude save DC 18 half). only deals normal damage if the target is immune to positive
Positive Energy Lash (Su) A xag-ya can make a ranged touch energy. Otherwise, a living creature hit by a positive energy
attack or hit with an incorporeal touch attack to infuse a elemental’s slam attack is healed a number of hit points equal
target with positive energy. Undead foes (even incorporeal to the damage it would do. If the creature is at full hit points,
ones) take an additional 2d8+5 points damage. The xag-ya it gains temporary hit points instead and must make a
can control its positive energy enough to avoid healing Fortitude save (DC 20) each round that its temporary hit
living foes (dealing only the base damage). This power can be points exceed its normal hit point total. Failing the saving
used up to five times per day. throw results in the creature exploding in a riot of energy,
Turn Undead (Su) By suffusing a 60-foot-radius area with killing it.
positive energy, a xag-ya can make the undead recoil. It turns A non-living object that is struck by a positive energy
undead as a 5 -level cleric and can do so five times per day. It elemental’s slam attack takes half damage.
cannot destroy undead. An undead creature that is struck by a positive energy
Spell Absorption (Su) Whenever a spell fails to penetrate a elemental’s slam attack must make a Fortitude save (DC 26)
spellwarped creature’s spell resistance, the creature gains one or be utterly destroyed. The save DC is Constitution-based.
of the following benefits, chosen at the time that the spell Creatures hitting a positive energy elemental with natural
resolves. weapons or unarmed attacks are affected as though hit by the
Might: The spellwarped creature gains a +4 enhancement elemental’s attack, but only take half damage.
bonus to Strength for 1 minute. Blinding (Ex) A living creature that looks directly at a positive
Agility: The spellwarped creature gains a +4 enhancement energy elemental must make a Fortitude save (DC 15) every
bonus to Dexterity for 1 minute. round or be blinded for 1d6 rounds.
Endurance: The spellwarped creature gains a +4 Positive Energy Aura (Ex) Any living creature within 10 feet
enhancement bonus to Constitution for 1 minute. of a positive energy elemental gains fast healing 2, while an
Life: The spellwarped creature gains temporary hit points undead creature takes 2 points of positive energy damage per
equal to 5 × the level of the failed spell. round. Creatures immune to positive energy are not affected.
Speed: The spellwarped creature’s base speed increases by a Immunity to Positive Energy (Ex) A positive energy
number of feet equal to 5 × the level of the failed spell. elemental is immune to any effect that relies upon positive
Resistance: The spellwarped creature gains resistance 10 to energy or light.
one energy type (acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic). Vulnerability to Negative Energy (Ex) A positive energy
Sources Manual of the Planes (Page 168) elemental takes half again as much (+50%) damage as normal
from negative energy effects.
Turn Vulnerability (Ex) A positive energy elemental can be
ENCOUNTER 6 rebuked by a good-aligned cleric, and can be turned by an
evil cleric.

BIS7-07 Radiance and Resolution Page 44

Description A mass of rippling light, seeming to pulse from a Base Atk +29; Grp +53
central, humanoid-shaped conflagration. Looking directly at Atk Options Positive energy lash, animate objects
the creature hurts your eyes. Abilities Str 39, Dex 6, Con 29, Int 7, Wis 12, Cha 14
SQ Flight
Feats Improved Critical [tail slap], Improved Initiative,
ENCOUNTER 8 Improved Natural Attack [tail slap], Multiattack, Power
GREATER RAVID CR 13 Attack, Weapon Focus [tail slap]
N Huge Outsider (extraplanar) Skills Escape Artist +27, Hide +27, Listen +19, Move Silently
Init +2; Senses Darkvision 60’, Listen +13, Spot +17 +27, Spot +23, Survival +30, Use Rope -2 (+0 with bindings)
AC 26, touch 6, flat-footed 28 Positive Energy Lash (Su) A ravid can make a touch attack or
(-2 size, -2 Dex, +20 natural) hit with a claw or tail slap attack to infuse a target with
hp 187 (17d8+85 HD) positive energy. The energy produces an unpleasant tingle in
Immune fire living creatures, and against undead foes (even incorporeal
Fort +15, Ref +8, Will +11 ones) it deals 3d10 points of damage.
Speed 20 ft. (4 squares), fly 60 ft. (perfect). Animate Objects (Su) Once per round, a random object within
Melee tail slap +26 (3d6+10 plus positive energy/19-20) and 20 feet of a ravid animates as though by the spell animate
claw +23 (1d8+9 plus positive energy); or tail slap +26 melee objects (caster level 20 ). These objects defend the ravid to the
touch (positive energy/19-20) and claw touch +23 melee best of their ability, but the ravid isn’t intelligent enough to
touch (positive energy) employ elaborate tactics with them.
Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft. Flight (Su) A ravid can cease or resume flight as a free action. A
Base Atk +23; Grp +39 ravid that loses this ability falls and can perform only a single
Atk Options Positive energy lash, animate objects action (either a move action or an attack action) each round.
Abilities Str 31, Dex 6, Con 21, Int 7, Wis 12, Cha 14
Feats Improved Critical [tail slap], Improved Initiative,
Improved Natural Attack [tail slap], Multiattack, Power KONUGAS, DEVIL GENERAL CR 15
Attack, Weapon Focus [tail slap] LE Large Outsider (Baatezu, Evil, Extraplanar, Lawful)
Skills Escape Artist +21, Hide +21, Listen +13, Move Silently Init +7; Senses Darkvision 60’, See in Darkness, Telepathy 100’,
+21, Spot +17, Survival +24, Use Rope -2 (+0 with bindings) Listen +22, Spot +22
Positive Energy Lash (Su) A ravid can make a touch attack or Aura Fear Aura 5 ft. (Will DC 22)
hit with a claw or tail slap attack to infuse a target with AC 35, touch 16, flat-footed 28,
positive energy. The energy produces an unpleasant tingle in (-1 size, +7 Dex,, +19 natural)
living creatures, and against undead foes (even incorporeal hp 169 (13d8+91 HD); regeneration 5; DR 10/good and silver
ones) it deals 3d10 points of damage. Immune fire, poison,
Animate Objects (Su) Once per round, a random object within Resist acid 10, cold 10; SR 26
20 feet of a ravid animates as though by the spell animate Fort +15, Ref +15, Will +14
objects (caster level 20 ). These objects defend the ravid to the Speed 30 ft. (6 squares), fly 50 ft. (10 squares) (average)
best of their ability, but the ravid isn’t intelligent enough to Melee spiked chain +23/+18/+15 (2d6+15 plus stun) or
employ elaborate tactics with them. Melee 2 claws +22 (2d6+10) and
Flight (Su) A ravid can cease or resume flight as a free action. A Melee bite +20 (2d8+5) and
ravid that loses this ability falls and can perform only a single Melee tail +20 (2d6+5 plus infernal wound)
action (either a move action or an attack action) each round. Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft. (20 ft. with spiked chain)
Base Atk +13; Grp +27
TITANIC RAVID CR 16 Atk Options Cleave, Fear Aura, Infernal Wound, Power Attack,
N Gargantuan Outsider (extraplanar) Stun, summon baatezu
Init +2; Senses Darkvision 60’, Listen +19, Spot +23 Spell-Like Abilities (CL 15th):
AC 28, touch 4, flat-footed 28 At will—dispel chaos (DC 21), dispel good (DC 21), magic circle
(-4 size, -2 Dex, +24 natural) against good, greater teleport (self plus 50 pounds of objects
hp 390 (23d8+252 HD) only), persistent image (DC 21).
Immune fire 3/day—fireball (DC 19), lightning bolt (DC 19).
Fort +17, Ref +8, Will +11 Abilities Str 31, Dex 25, Con 25, Int 14, Wis 18, Cha 22
Speed 20 ft. (4 squares), fly 60 ft. (perfect). Feats Cleave, Iron Will, Multiattack, Power Attack, Weapon
Melee tail slap +36 (4d6+18 plus positive energy/19-20) and Focus (spiked chain)
claw +33 (2d6+13 plus positive energy); or tail slap +36 Skills Bluff +22, Climb +26, Concentration +22, Diplomacy +8,
melee touch (positive energy/19-20) and claw touch +33 Disguise +6 (+8 acting), Hide +19, Intimidate +24, Move
melee touch (positive energy) Silently +21, Search +18, Sense Motive +18, Survival +4 (+6
Space 20 ft.; Reach 20 ft. following tracks)

BIS7-07 Radiance and Resolution Page 45

Fear Aura (Su) Konugas can radiate a 5-foot radius fear aura as a
free action. A creature in the area must succeed on a DC 22
Will save or be affected as though by a fear spell (caster level
15 ). A creature that successfully saves cannot be affected
again by Konugas’ aura for 24 hours. Other baatezu are
immune to the aura. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Stun (Su) Whenever Konugas hits with a spiked chain attack,
the opponent must succeed on a DC 26 Fortitude save or be
stunned for 1d4 rounds. The save DC is Strength-based. This
ability is a function of Konugas, not of the spiked chain.
Infernal Wound (Su) The damage Konugas deals with its tail
attack causes a persistent wound. An injured creature loses 2
additional hit points each round. The wound does not heal
naturally and resists healing spells. The continuing hit point
loss can be stopped by a DC 23 Heal check, a cure spell, or a
heal spell. However, a character attempting to cast a cure spell
or a heal spell on a creature damaged by a horned devil’s tail
must succeed on a DC 23 caster level check, or the spell has
no effect on the injured creature. A successful Heal check
automatically stops the continuing hit point loss as well as
restoring hit points. The check DC is Constitution based.
Summon Baatezu (Sp) Once per day Konugas can attempt to
summon 2d10 lemures or 1d6 bearded devils with a 50%
chance of success, 1d6 barbed devils with 35% chance of
success, or an ice devil with a 20% chance of success. This
ability is equivalent to a 6th-level spell.
Regeneration (Ex) Konugas takes normal damage from good-
aligned silvered weapons, and from spells or effects with the
good descriptor.
Aligned Weapons (Ex) Konugas’ natural weapons, as well as
any weapons he wields, are treated as evil-aligned and lawful-
aligned for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction.

BIS7-07 Radiance and Resolution Page 46

Description A mass of rippling light, seeming to pulse from a
ENCOUNTER 6 central, humanoid-shaped conflagration. Looking directly at
MINOR POSITIVE ENERGY ELEMENTAL CR 0 the creature hurts your eyes.
N Medium Elemental (Extraplanar)
Init +7; Senses Darkvision 60’, Listen +3, Spot +4 ENCOUNTER 10
Aura Positive energy Aura 10 ft.
Languages Ignan BURNING HOUSE CR 4
AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13, Dodge, Mobility (+3 Dex, +3 Search DC 19; Type mechanical
natural) Trigger location, Init +2
hp 32 (4d8+8 HD) Effect 1d4 falling debris (Atk +2 ranged, 1d4 points of
Immune Immunity to positive energy bludgeoning damage) per target per round
Fort +3, Ref +7, Will +1 Effect fire (automatic hit; 1d6 points of fire damage, DC 11
Weakness Vulnerability to negative energy, turn vulnerability Reflex half)
Speed 50 ft. (10 squares)
Melee slam +0 (1d3) or
Melee slam +0 (1d3 positive energy)
Base Atk +3; Grp +4 CARNIVOROUS PLANT CR 5
Atk Options Burn Search DC 15; Type mechanical
Abilities Str 12, Dex 17, Con 14, Int 4, Wis 11, Cha 11 Trigger location, Init +2
SQ Positive energy, blinding, elemental traits Effect Bite (Atk +7 melee, 1d6 bites per target for 1d6+1
Feats Dodge, Improved Initiative, Mobility, Weapon Finesse piercing damage); reduce the number of bites by 1 for each
Positive Energy (Ex) A positive energy elemental’s slam attack stalk disabled or destroyed (minimum 0)
only deals normal damage if the target is immune to positive Duration 8 rounds
energy. Otherwise, a living creature hit by a positive energy Destruction AC 15, hp 12 (all pods in one square)
elemental’s slam attack is healed a number of hit points equal Destruction AC 17, hp 22 (each plant stalk)
to the damage it would do. If the creature is at full hit points, Disarm Disable Device DC 20 (all pods in one square)
it gains temporary hit points instead and must make a Disarm Disable Device DC 25 (each plant stalk)
Fortitude save (DC 20) each round that its temporary hit
points exceed its normal hit point total. Failing the saving
throw results in the creature exploding in a riot of energy,
killing it.
A non-living object that is struck by a positive energy
elemental’s slam attack takes half damage.
An undead creature that is struck by a positive energy
elemental’s slam attack must make a Fortitude save (DC 14)
or be utterly destroyed. The save DC is Constitution-based.
Creatures hitting a positive energy elemental with natural
weapons or unarmed attacks are affected as though hit by the
elemental’s attack, but only take half damage.
Blinding (Ex) A living creature that looks directly at a positive
energy elemental must make a Fortitude save (DC 15) every
round or be blinded for 1d6 rounds.
Positive Energy Aura (Ex) Any living creature within 10 feet
of a positive energy elemental gains fast healing 2, while an
undead creature takes 2 points of positive energy damage per
round. Creatures immune to positive energy are not affected.
Immunity to Positive Energy (Ex) A positive energy
elemental is immune to any effect that relies upon positive
energy or light.
Vulnerability to Negative Energy (Ex) A positive energy
elemental takes half again as much (+50%) damage as normal
from negative energy effects.
Turn Vulnerability (Ex) A positive energy elemental can be
rebuked by a good-aligned cleric, and can be turned by an
evil cleric.

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BIS7-07 Radiance and Resolution Page 54

Travelers of the planes tend to use different slang than those grounded in the Prime Material. Here is a guide to some of
the terms that you can use to portray such an individual.

Addle-Cove: Idiot. Kip: Area deemed safe enough to have a nights sleep in.
Often used to describe a cheap rented room.
Bar That: Shut up.
Leatherhead: Twit.
Barmy: Crazy, insane.
Lost: Dead. "He got lost" means he ain't coming back
Basher: Fighter.
without a resurrection.
Berk: Fool/Someone who should know better.
Minder: A bodyguard. As in, "He's not so tough, but
Blood: Expert who has achieved a lot. Calling someone a there's a couple of minders watching over him."
Blood is a mark of high respect for their capabilities.
Path: Some form of inter-planar travel that requires
Bob: Cheat, rob or mislead. actual physical movement to 'shift.
Bod: A corporal person who is not a Power. Peel: Swindle, con or trick.
Bone-Box: A berk’s head. As in "Stop rattling your bone Pike off: An expletive. As in "Pike off Leatherhead" or
box ". "He's really Piked Off!"
Bubber: A drunk. Planedump: To be moved to another plane without
wanting to go there.
Chiv: Bladed weapon.
Planerunner/Runner: A planewalker adventurer.
Cony-Catcher: Thief or con-man. Someone who bobs
berks. Planewalker/Walker: A person who often planeshifts.
Cross Trade: Anything to do with the black market. Power: A deity.
Chant: Any useful information about facts, moods or Prime: Either the Prime Material Plane or someone from
events. that plane.
Cutter: Someone who is resourceful and daring . Ride: An adventure, task, or undertaking. As in, "What's
the ride today, boss?"
Clueless: Someone who does not understand basic
planar politics ("So the Devas don't get on with the Rube: Someone who is easily fooled.
Tanar’ri then?") or how to survive in the planes ("So, you
Scan: Look/Listen/Learn as in "Scan this berk" or "You
mean I should bring some sunblock to this Plane of Fire
place, right?").
Scragged: Nabbed/nicked/taken/stolen/killed as in "I
Dark: Secret or unknown.
scragged the jewels as we walked out” or "I scragged him
Dead Book: The book of Charon. Anyone "In the Dead with a fireball!"
Book" is now a Petitioner. Someone who "Cheats the
Shift: To intentionally move to another plane.
Dead Book" is some form of undead, or very lucky.
Sod: A generic expletive. As in "You sod!", or "Sod off!",
Garnish: Bribe.
or “What a sodding day!"
Greybeard: A sage or scholar.
Spellslinger: Anyone who uses some form of magic.
High-up: Powerful eg. "He's a high up in the
Tech: Any technology as advanced as crossbows upwards.
government" or "That was a high up fireball!"
Often seen as just another form of magic
Hipp: To planedump someone; to strand someone on a
Tumble to: Realize, as in "He'll tumble to it sooner or
foreign plane. Such a person is then considered Hipped.
Jink: Money.

BIS7-07 Radiance and Resolution Page 55

Matter and energy from the Prime Material Plane have leaked through the planar rift, creating a unique environment
for several miles around. Beyond this pocket is the Positive Energy Plane (detailed in the Dungeon Master’s Guide, page
157). The pocket environment has the following traits:

Subjective Directional Gravity

The strength of gravity on the Positive Energy Plane is the same as on the Material Plane. However, there is no
definitive direction of ‘down’. Each individual chooses the direction of gravity’s pull. There is no gravity for unattended
objects and nonsentient creatures. This sort of environment can be very disorienting to the newcomer, but is common
on many planes.
Characters on the Positive Energy Plane can move normally along a solid surface by imagining “down” near their
feet. If suspended in midair, a character “flies” by merely choosing a “down” direction and “falling” that way. Under such
a procedure, an individual “falls” 150 feet in the first round and 300 feet in each succeeding round. Movement is
straight-line only. In order to stop, one has to slow one’s movement by changing the designated “down” direction
(again, moving 150 feet in the new direction in the first round and 300 feet per round thereafter).
It takes a Wisdom check (DC 16) to set a new direction of gravity as a free action; this check can be made once per
round. Any character who fails this Wisdom check in successive rounds receives a +6 bonus on subsequent checks until
he or she succeeds.
When the PCs first enter the Positive Energy Plane, their personal gravity is oriented down, towards the landmass,
and can move normally as if they were on their home plane. It will remain so until they figure out on their own that
they can change it. (They may never figure this out). In contrast, Alben, their guide, is so accustomed to such
environments that he can fly around at will.

Major Positive Dominant

A creature on the Positive Energy Plane must make a Fortitude save (DC 15) each round to avoid being blinded for 10
rounds by the brilliance of the surroundings. Simply being on the plane grants fast healing 5 as an extraordinary ability.
In addition, those at full hit points gain 5 additional temporary hit points per round. These temporary hit points fade
1d20 rounds after the creature leaves the Positive Energy Plane. However, a creature must make a Fortitude save (DC
20) each round that its temporary hit points exceed its normal hit point total. Failing the saving throw results in the
creature exploding in a riot of energy, killing it.
The positive energy protection spell (and the rings of positive protection) prevents its target from receiving the fast healing
extraordinary ability, risking blindness, or receiving the temporary hit points while on the Positive Energy Plane.

Radiant Burst
Even among the brilliant and deadly radiance of the Positive Energy Plane, some regions are more intense and
dangerous than others. These regions erupt like miniature suns, suddenly granting those within the burst radius
(usually 30 feet, but occasionally up to 120 feet) an additional 3d10 temporary hit points per round (straight to
temporary hit points, skipping healing). The dangers of exceeding double one’s full normal hit points still apply. In
addition, those within the affected area of an energy burst must make a Fortitude save (DC 24) or be blinded for 1d10
The positive energy protection spell (and the rings of positive protection) prevents its target from risking blindness, or
receiving the temporary hit points while in the radius of a radiant burst.

BIS7-07 Radiance and Resolution Page 56

Enhanced Magic
Spells and spell-like abilities that use positive energy, including cure spells, are maximized (as if the Maximize Spell
metamagic feat had been used on them, but the spells don’t require higher-level slots). Spells and spell-like abilities that
are already maximized are unaffected by this benefit.
Class abilities that use positive energy, such as turning and destroying undead, gain a +10 bonus on the roll to
determine Hit Dice affected. (Undead are almost impossible to find on this plane, however.)

Impeded Magic
Spells and spell-like abilities that use negative energy (including inflict spells) are impeded. To cast such a spell, the
caster must make a Spellcraft check (DC 20 + the level of the spell). If the check fails, the spell does not function but is
still lost as a prepared spell or spell slot. If the check succeeds, the spell functions normally.

Dimensional Lock
The rift causes an area of 100 miles around it to be under a dimensional lock spell effect. The landscape, however, only
extends 10 miles from the rift, so the PCs will certainly be under its effect throughout their time at Truelight and the
Positive Energy plane.


Ring of Positive Protection (Planar Handbook, page 81)
This black iron ring enables the wearer to ignore the blinding effect of positive-dominant planes, such as the
Positive Energy Plane. In addition, the wearer does not gain the fast healing ability usually conferred by a positive-
dominant plane, nor does the character gain additional hit points when he reaches his normal maximum. Spells that
channel positive energy—typically healing spells—have no effect on the wearer (making this item very popular with
intelligent undead).
Strong abjuration; CL 12th; Forge Ring, positive energy protection; Price 72,000 gp.

BIS7-07 Radiance and Resolution Page 57


BIS7-07 Radiance and Resolution Page 58

These pieces should be cut out ahead of play.

BIS7-07 Radiance and Resolution Page 59

Before continuing with this adventure, you will need to convert your character. A half-hour of play time is allocated for
this process. Please follow this procedure:

1) Get a Blank Character Sheet

Do not alter your regular character sheet. We will refer to this as your ‘original character’.

2) Retain up to Four Character Levels

Choose up to four of your class levels, and recreate yourself as a character of that level. You must qualify for every class
and level, and be a legal character. For instance, you will most likely not be able to retain levels in a prestige class.
When you allocate skills and feats, you may only choose from the ones your original character possesses.
If you have fewer than four character levels, keep your levels as they exist.

3) Do Not Write a Name on your Character Sheet

You have lost your old identity. You may or may not establish a new one during play.

4) Do Not Choose Equipment

You do not have any of your belongings with you.

5) Gain New Abilities

Add the following abilities to your character:
An extra 2d8 hit dice (10 + 2 x Con bonus hit points)
Fast healing 2
Darkvision 60 feet

6) Select Your Spells

If your new class choices grant you spells, choose them now. Avoid spells that have material components.

BIS7-07 Radiance and Resolution Page 60

If you run this event in December of 2006 or January of 2007, please e-mail the results from this sheet to a member of
the Bissel Triad by February 1st, 2007, or have the Senior DM of your event do so.

1. Did the PCs take charge of the island defenses in Encounter 14? Yes No

2. Did any of the PCs elect to remain in Elysium in Encounter 15? Yes No
If so, list player names/PC names here:

3. Did the PCs close the planar rift? Yes No

4. Did the PCs make it safely back to the Prime Material Plane? Yes No

Notes: (Add anything that happened that might be considered out of the ordinary – Strange
occurrences, results that may not fit the above, etc):

BIS7-07 Radiance and Resolution Page 61


Under a Platinum Sky

® TM
Bissel Regional Adventure
Version 1.0.0

by Cameron Logan
Reviewers: Bissel Triad Circle Reviewer: Steven Conforti

“Convergences draws near, and with every feint and dodge of blade and arrow extinction draws near. The dead who
walk are finished; they know not the truth. All that remains to be seen are all that remains after the death knell.” A
Bissel regional adventure for APLs 2-12, and Part 4 of the Shadows and Sigils series. PCs must have played BIS7-06 The
Golden Masque before playing this adventure.

Note: This adventure will be of particular interest to members of the Great Army of Bissel or the Paercine Camerata.

Resources: Complete Adventurer [Jesse Decker], Complete Arcane [Richard Baker], Complete Champion [Ed Stark, Chris
Thomasson, Rhiannon Louve, Ari Marmell, Gary Astleford], Complete Divine [David Noonan], Complete Scoundrel [Mike
McArtor, F. Wesley Schneider], Complete Warrior [Andy Collins, David Noonan, Ed Stark], Fiend Folio [Eric Cagle, Jesse
Decker, James Jacobs, Erik Mona, Matthew Sernett, Chris Thomasson, James Wyatt], Heroes of Horror [James Wyatt, Ari
Marmell, C.A. Suleiman], Libris Mortis [Andy Collins, Bruce R. Cordell], Magic Item Compendium [Andy Collins, Eytan
Bernstein, Frank Brunner, Owen K.C. Stephens, John Snead], Player’s Handbook II [David Noonan], Sandstorm [Bruce R.
Cordell, Jennifer Clarke Wilkes, JD Wiker], Spell Compendium [Matthew Sernett, Jeff Grubb, Mike McArtor].
Based on the original DUNGEONS & DRAGONS rules created by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson and the new DUNGEONS & DRAGONS game designed
by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Richard Baker, and Peter Adkison.

This game product contains no Open Game Content. No portion of this work may be reproduced in any form without permission of Wizards of the
Coast. To learn more about the Open Gaming License and the d20 SYSTEM license, please visit
This is an official RPGA play document. To find out more about the RPGA and to learn more on how you can sanction and run DUNGEONS &
DRAGONS game events of all sizes, visit our website at

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, GREYHAWK, LIVING GREYHAWK, D&D REWARDS, RPGA, Player’s Handbook, Dungeon Master’s Guide, and
Monster Manual are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc, in the US and other countries. This material is protected under the copyright laws of the
United States of America. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained herein is prohibited without the express written
permission of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. This product is a work of fiction. Any similarity to actual people, organizations, places, or events is purely
coincidental. © 2005 Wizards of the Coast, Inc and the adventure author or authors.

Visit the LIVING GREYHAWK website at

For questions specific to this document and your region please e-mail your triad point of contact (POC) at For LIVING
GREYHAWK campaign questions email
Throughout this adventure, text in bold italics provides
RPGA® SANCTIONED PLAY player information for you to paraphrase or read aloud
when appropriate. Sidebars contain important
Most likely you ordered this adventure as part of an
information for you, including special instruction on
RPGA even from the RPGA website, or you received it
running the adventure. Information on nonplayer
from your senior gamemaster. To play this adventure as
characters (NPCs) and monsters appear in abbreviated
part of the LIVING GREYHAWK campaign—a worldwide,
form in the adventure text. Full information on NPCs
ongoing D&D campaign set in the GREYHAWK setting—
and monsters are given in the Appendices.
you must sanction it as part of an RPGA event. This event
could be as elaborate as a big convention, or as simple as a Along with this adventure you’ll find a RPGA Table
group of friends meeting at the DM’s house. Tracking sheet. If you’re playing this adventure as part of
an RPGA-sanctioned event, complete and turn in this
To sanction an RPGA event, you must be at least a
sheet to your senior GM directly after play. You’ll also
HERALD-LEVEL gamemaster. The person who sanctions
find a LIVING GREYHAWK Adventure Record (AR).
the event is called the senior gamemaster, and is in
charge of making sure the event is sanctioned before
play, runs smoothly on the date sanctioned, and then LIVING GREYHAWK LEVELS
reported back to the RPGA in a timely manner. The OF PLAY
person who runs the game is called the table Dungeon
Master (or usually just DM). Sometimes (and almost all Because players bring their own characters to LIVING
the time in the cases of home events) the senior GREYHAWK games, this adventure’s challenges are
gamemaster is also the table DM. You don’t have to be a proportionate to the modified average character level of
HERALD-LEVEL GM to run this adventure if you are not the PCs participating in the adventure. To determine this
the senior GM. modified Average Party Level (APL) follow the steps
By sanctioning and reporting this adventure you
accomplish a couple of things. First it is an official game, 1. Determine the character level for each of the PCs
and you can use the AR to advance your LIVING participating in the adventure.
GREYHAWK character. Second player and DMs gain
2. If PCs bring animals that have been trained for
rewards for sanctioned RPGA play if they are members of
combat (most likely dogs trained for war), other than
the DUNGEONS & DRAGONS REWARDS program. Playing
those brought by virtue of a class ability (such as
this adventure is worth two (2) points.
animal companions, familiars paladin’s mounts) or
This adventure retires from RPGA-sanctioned play the warhorse of a character with the Mounted
on December 31, 2008. Combat feat, use the sidebar chart to determine the
number of levels you add to the sum of step one. Add
To learn more about the LIVING GREYHAWK
each character’s animals separately. A single PC may
character creation and development, RPGA event
only bring four or fewer animals of this type, and
sanctioning, and DUNGEONS & DRAGONS REWARDS, visit
animals with different CRs are added separately.
the RPGA website at
3. Sum the results of step 1 and 2, and divide by the
PLAYERS READ NO FARTHER number of characters playing in the adventure.
Round to the nearest whole number.
If you are planning on playing this adventure, stop
4. If you are running a table of six PCs, add one to that
reading now. The rest of the information in this
adventure is for the DM only. If you read farther than
this section, you’ll know too much about its challenges, Throughout this adventure, APLs categorize the level of
which kills the fun. Also, if you’re playing this adventure challenge the PCs face. APLS are given in even-
as part of an RPGA-sanctioned event, reading beyond this numbered increments. If the APL of your group falls on
point makes you ineligible to do so. an odd number, ask them before the adventure begins
whether they would like to play a harder or easier
PREPARING FOR PLAY adventure. Based on their choice, use either the higher or
the lower adjacent APL.
To get the most out of this adventure, you need copies of
APL also affects the amount of experience and gold a
the following D&D books: Player’s Handbook, Dungeon
PC can gain at the end of the adventure. If a player
Master’s Guide, and the Monster Manual.

BIS7-08 Under a Platinum Sky Page 1

character is three character levels or more either higher A character who does not pay for at least Standard
or lower than the APL at which this adventure is being Upkeep may also avoid the above-described penalties by
played, that character receives only one-half of the living off the wild. If the character possesses four or
experience points and gold for the adventure. This more ranks in the Survival skill and succeeds at a Survival
simulates the fact that either the PC was not challenged check (DC 20), the character will heal temporary ability
as much as normal or relied on help by higher-level damage as if he or she paid for Standard Upkeep, may
characters to reach the objectives. refill spell component pouches and healer’s kits, and may
restock up to 20 arrows or bolts if the character has at
Furthermore, a PC who is four or more levels higher
least four ranks in Craft (bowmaking). The player is
than the highest APL supported by the adventure may
allowed to Take 10 on this roll.
not play the adventure.
More information about Lifestyle and Upkeep can
Mundane # of Animals be found in the “Lifestyle and Upkeep” section of
Animals Effect on Chapter 3 of the LIVING GREYHAWK Campaign Sourcebook.
1 2 3 4

1/4 & 1/6 0 0 0 1 ADVENTURE BACKGROUND

1/3 & 1/2 0 0 1 1 Lord Camryn Fertuine has made some interesting
choices. In addition to murdering his predecessor,
1 1 1 2 3
financing the Thieves’ Guild of Dountham, and
2 2 3 4 5 consistently selling his vote on the Council of Barons to
CR of Animal

the highest bidder, Lord Fertuine has formed an alliance

3 3 4 5 6
with the vampire Galen Luchelyn. In exchange for an
4 4 6 7 8 endless supply of an elixir that guards against the disease
known as the Mark of the Black Hand, Lord Fertuine has
5 5 7 8 9
granted free and safe travels throughout his lands to
6 6 8 9 10 Galen and those who serve him. Necromancers and
undead roam freely in the court at Cassiter and
7 7 9 10 11
throughout lands emptied of their people.
When Margrave Malto Adeur learned of Lord
LIVING GREYHAWK adventures are designed for APL
Fertuine’s treachery, he decided to send a heavy force
2 and higher. Four or five 1st-level characters may find the
into Cassiter to meet the Baron’s challenge to his
challenge of an APL 2 adventure difficult. Suggest the
authority. The PCs are part of this incursion into Cassiter
following to these groups to help increase their chances
to deliver the heavy hammer of vengeance directly onto
of success:
Baron Fertuine’s head.
1. Enlist a sixth player.
2. Advise characters to buy riding dogs to help protect ADVENTURE SUMMARY
them, and fight for them.
The PCs begin at a military encampment about mile
outside Rabechel, baronial capital of Cassiter. There they
TIME UNITS AND UPKEEP are briefed on their mission: while the main companies
of soldiers fight against an undead army holding in
This is a standard one-round Regional adventure, set in
Cassiter, the PCs are asked to enter the pocket dimension
Bissel. Characters native to Bissel pay one Time Unit per
where Lord Fertuine is hiding and to capture him alive.
round, all others pay two Time Units per round.
They will only have a few short hours to do this.
Adventurer’s Standard Upkeep costs 12 gp per Time
The PCs are transported to the pocket dimension,
Unit. Rich Upkeep costs 50 gp per Time Unit. Luxury
where they meet with resistance on the main floor of the
Upkeep costs 100 gp per Time Unit. Characters that fail
mansion. Also in the mansion they can meet with Lord
to pay at least Standard Upkeep will retain temporary
Fertuine’s wife, who is somewhat of a willing captive in
ability damage until the next adventure, must buy new
the pocket dimension. She can be convinced to aid the
spell component pouches and healer’s kits, and may
PCs in the capture of her husband.
suffer other in-game penalties (or possibly gain in-game
benefits) as may be detailed in this adventure.

BIS7-08 Under a Platinum Sky Page 2

On the mansion’s lower level the PCs find Lord PREPARATION FOR PLAY
Fertuine and some elite undead companions torturing a
Cleric of Fharlanghn. The PCs must vanquish the undead In this adventure the PCs are given an unambiguous and
and capture Lord Fertuine without killing him to succeed uncomplicated objective to achieve. The wrinkle is this:
at their mission. they have three hours in-game time to achieve it. This
means there is no time for rest at any APL. A particularly
Introduction: Mouth for War skilled judge who is well prepared might try to run the
Estimated Time: 5 minutes
game in real time, but this is neither recommended nor
The 1st Menawyk battalion is camped near Rabechel, and required.
confidence is high among the troops. The PCs are here as
It is required that the players have completed the
part of the incursion force and have an opportunity to
module BIS7-06 The Golden Masque before playing
learn some rumors.
through this adventure.
Encounter 1: Master of Puppets The expected running time of this adventure is 3
Estimated Time: 15 minutes
hours, 30 minutes. If this is running during a standard 4-
The PCs see some familiar faces as Watcher Jerius hour convention slot, this allows 25 minutes for
Greenblade briefs them as to their part in the ensuing marshalling, and 5 minutes for paperwork distribution.
battle. Jerius’s timetable is moved up when signs begin to
surface that the undead are about to attack the camp. INTRODUCTION: MOUTH
Encounter 2: Hostile FOR WAR
Estimated Time: 60 minutes
Estimated Time: 5 minutes
As Watcher Jerius Greenblade and the 1st Menawyk begin
“And once more the mighty battleaxe came down,
battle on the Prime Material Plane, the PCs are
this time felling seven hoch-jebline in one sweeping
transported to the pocket dimension where they meet
arc. Still the ambushers came, but when all was said
the first line of defenders.
and done – the visiting King had not a hair harmed
Encounter 3: Bringin’ on the Heart Break on him. That my friends, is how a dwarf named
Estimated Time: 60 minutes Grimalh True Sight saved Bissel!” The soldiers
gathered at the tables to break their fast all raise
In this encounter, the PCs explore Fertuine Manor and
their mugs and salute. It is the fourth time this
encounter some resistance in the form of incorporeal
morning you’ve heard this story.
undead. They can also find an ally in E’yfa Fertuine,
forgotten wife to Lord Camryn Fertuine. The soldiers of the 1st Menawyk are justifiably
proud of their heritage. In 477 CY, Margrave Rollo
Encounter 4: Living Dead Girl and his elite guard valiantly defended the visiting
Estimated Time: 60 minutes
King of Furyondy, Hugh III, from an army of jebli.
In the dungeon below Fertuine Manor the PCs have a Among that guard was Grimalh True Sight, a priest
chance to rescue a damsel in distress from Lord Fertuine of Heironeous who fearlessly swung his battleaxe in
and his evil allies. defense of the visiting monarch. The thankful king
declared Bissel a “March Palatine,” and thus an
Conclusion A: For Those About to Rock independent nation. In turn, Rollo granted to the
Estimated Time: 5 minutes
courageous Grimalh True Sight rulership over the
The PCs succeed in clearing the pocket dimension and Menawyk barony. Today Grimalh’s direct
capturing Lord Fertuine alive. descendant Albrecht True Sight rules the barony.
Conclusion B: You Got Another Thing Coming About 500 strong, the 1st Menawyk is a large
Estimated Time: 5 minutes Battle combining conscripts from Gerorgos,
Menawyk and the township of Sareden. Humans
The PCs succeed in clearing the pocket dimension but
make up only about half of the diverse soldiery; the
wind up killing Lord Fertuine instead of capturing him
diverse battle features about 180 dwarves and
almost 70 mixed halflings and gnomes. This reflects
. the Battle’s origins in the baronies and lands
bordering the Lorridges.

BIS7-08 Under a Platinum Sky Page 3

Today the men and women of the 1st Menawyk restoring order, has chosen not to comment on the
are far from their homes in the hills. They camp just incident.
about a mile from Rabechel, the baronial capital of
Cassiter. The Baron of these lands has formed an DC 20
alliance with dark powers, an unforgivable slight to • A horde of undead creatures marched out of Lake
the ruling Margrave, Malto Adeur. On this day, the Hasra last month. All attempts to locate the army
1st Menawyk are to act as the Margrave’s instrument since then have failed. Powerful magic must be
of vengeance, felling the enemies of Bissel just as masking their presence.
Grimalh True Sight did all those years ago.
• Jasmine Besselar has fallen ill; she is succumbing to
The PCs are here as part of the incursion ordered by the Mark of the Black Hand. Her husband, Cainlan
Margrave Malto Adeur in BIS7-06 The Golden Masque. Rashedra seems untouched by the illness.
Their orders will be coming soon, but for now they’ve
had the morning to cast whatever long-term buff spells • A red and silver pavilion tent on the outer edge of
they feel they need. the camp is off limits. The tent is lit all through the
night and sometimes the soldiers hear shouting
PCs who succeed at a Knowledge [nobility and coming from that direction .
royalty] or Knowledge [Local – Sheldomar Valley MR]
check (DC 15) know that the story told of Grimalh True • It is said the forces of Iuz have begun to stir. His
Sight is accurate though slanted toward the dwarf’s most powerful minions are searching for something.
actions. DC 25
This is a good time for the PCs to introduce • Great Army engineers have been seen around the
themselves to each other, if necessary. township of Ebbernant, helping to fortify the
The PCs may wish to gather some information and almost-nonexistent defenses. It is unclear why.
rumors before continuing. The following are rumors they
• It’s not just Jasmine Besselar who is sick; her infant
can pick up with a Gather Information check that beats
daughter Kira has also fallen ill with the Mark of the
the DC listed. The truth or falsehood of each rumor will
Black Hand.
be revealed with the passage of time.
• A priestess of Fharlanghn arrived in the camp, but
DC 10 no one’s seen much of her. She was called “Ballata.”
• A significant portion of the Bramblewood south of • Some of the residents of Truelight are being allowed
Avernand Keep has been razed, and a large camp has to return to the city after the Barony was retaken by
been constructed. It hasn’t given Bissel forces the a contingent of the army. The Temple of Pelor is
leverage to retake Avernand, but has allowed a under guard at all times and no one is allowed to
stalemate. enter.
• The village of New Clunther, on the shores of Lake DC 30
Hasra, has been temporarily abandoned. Residents
have been tight-lipped as to why. • A number of sensitive Mist Chameleon assignments
have been issued to agents in the field. It is
DC 15 suspected to be a prelude to an attempt to push into
• Rumors are circulating that Lord Camryn Fertuine, central Ket.
Baron of Cassiter, has betrayed the March. Allegedly, Once the PCs are done with rumors and introductions,
an army detachment is being formed to relieve him continue with Encounter 1.
of his posting.
• Watcher Jerius Greenblade, Lord Mayor of ENCOUNTER 1: MASTER OF
Thornward, has taken personal command of the
incursion force and the Margrave’s request. Also PUPPETS
here is Baron Albrecht True Sight, lending his skill Estimated Time: 15 minutes
and advice to the effort. In this encounter the PCs meet and speak with Jerius
• A recent public appearance of Brar the Crusader, the Greenblade where they learn the exact nature of their
famed pit fighter, sparked a small riot in Sareden. mission. This occurs shortly before noon, so the PCs have
The local barracks commander, responsible for had all morning to cast whatever long-term buffs they

BIS7-08 Under a Platinum Sky Page 4

wish to have up, and to make the requisite PC The dwarf, Baron Albrecht True Sight, has an opinion to
introductions, if necessary. When you are ready to share about his first meeting with the PCs. Depending on
proceed, read or paraphrase the following: the party’s racial make up he has something different to
say. If the party has no dwarves present, read or
As you pick at what crumbs remain on the plates in
paraphrase the following:
front of you, a shadow falls over your table. A human
woman dressed in well-worn leather armor and a The dwarf fixes iron gray eyes on your party, a
scout’s uniform stands before you. Her dark hair is frowns with obvious concern. “Look at these
tied back in a pony tale and a strange, faint rune is beardless wonders,” he exclaims. “Are these are the
etched on her face. specialists I’ve heard so much about?”
“You must be the specialists,” she says. “The If the party has at least one dwarf present, read or
General wants to see you right away!” paraphrase the following:
The woman delivering the message is Luona Tar. The dwarf fixes iron gray eyes on your party, and
The PCs probably have met her before, as she appears in smiles warmly. “By my grandfather’s axe, I can see
BIS7-06 The Golden Masque. The PCs may depart we’re in good hands” he exclaims. He steps forward
immediately for the meeting with General Greenblade, and clasps [dwarven PC]’s shoulder warmly. “Here’s
though they can chat with Luona if they wish. Since her an iron-forged soul for sure.”
appearance in BIS7-06 The Golden Masque, Luona has had
Regardless of Baron True Sight’s opinion, continue with
her curse removed, possibly due to the actions of PCs at
the following:
the table. If that is the case then she thanks those PCs
profusely. Even though the curse has been removed the “They do have the confidence of me and - more
faint outline of the rune remains to mark her face. importantly - the confidence of the Margrave,” says
Jerius as he begins to walk to the camp’s edge. He
If the PCs decide not to interact with Luona, then
speaks as you follow. “Let me be direct, as our work
skip the read-aloud text below.
here is too important for fancy speech. Scouts report
“Since I’m from Gerorgos I’m a member of the 1st an undead army holed up in Rabechel. I plan on
Menawyk. When we were activated I reported for striking this afternoon while the foul-beings are
duty quick as I could. I’ve been mostly doing light subject to the daylight that is their weakness. While
scout work with Wolf Company. Of course I’ve been we strike, it will be your task to capture Lord
to Rabechel before, so I’ve got an edge on the Fertuine. The Margrave wants him brought in alive
scouting. I will say: those guys in Wolf Company are to face his punishment in Thornward. Do you
pretty crazy. A few of them are still out there. Going understand?”
above and beyond, as they say.”
At this point it is only necessary for the PCs to indicate
Luona begins to make quick work of a plate of that they understand. More details are forthcoming.
food placed in front of her. “Say,” she says between
“Good,” say Jerius. “Now let’s go talk to the
mouthfuls, “The General wouldn’t want to be kept
Jerius leads you to the camp’s edge where a large
This is a subtle hint that the PCs should make haste to
red and silver pavilion tent has been pitched. You
answer the summons. Once they decide to do so, read or
follow the General inside where you see a number of
paraphrase the following:
strange folk going about various tasks. Three people
You make your way to a small hill where a man and a seated at a table catch your eye. One is a short,
dwarf stand together in silence. The man seems to middle-aged human man dressed in a white tunic,
be predominantly of Suel heritage, though his olive- trimmed with gold, and a holy symbol shaped like a
colored eyes betray a mixed-parentage common to sunburst with a face. His head is bald, and his skin
most humans of Bissel. The dwarf has long blonde- appears unusually radiant. He passes a strange metal
hair and a long beard braided with intricate silver fork to a young man dressed in traveler’s clothes.
jewelry. From your previous dealings and from the Looking on is a golden-haired half-elf woman in red
talk of the soldiers, you know them to be Watcher and gold robes; a heavy bejeweled pendant hanging
Jerius Greenblade and Baron Albrecht True Sight. about her neck displays the symbol of hands
Both are dressed in plate armor, and seem ready for gripping a large money purse.

BIS7-08 Under a Platinum Sky Page 5

The young man taps the fork and holds it to his • Helping Levenor put on his armor is a tall, gaunt
ear, as if listening closely to sound that is not there. woman with long silver hair. She is Lady Abia
Sanoose (LG female human). Lady Abia is something
PCs that succeed at a Listen check (DC 40) can hear a
of a rogue philosopher who possesses an interesting
faint sound emanating from the strange-metal fork.
outlook on life.
“What’s your status?” asks Jerius to the people seated
at the table. • Standing at a slate board with a number of odd
calculations written in chalk is a middle-age human
The young man speaks, but not in answer to in comfortable-looking robes and a fine looking
Jerius. “It’s still a 38th of a tone too low,” he says. headband. He is Tsogath (NG male human) and
“That means the longer prong needs to be…” the serves as the Camerata’s expert in the arcane arts. He
young man stops as if doing some calculation in his is also a cunning linguist.
• Standing with Tsogath at a slate board is a half-elven
PCs that succeed at a Knowledge [the planes] or woman with dark hair and skin. She is Mehri
Spellcraft check (DC 40) will be able to calculate that the la’Feyvim (NG female half-elf), an expert in the
longer prong must be shorter by a 13/1000th of an inch. mundane healing arts and herbology.
“A 13/1000th of an inch shorter,” finishes the half- Jerius leads you back outside the tent. The sun has
elven woman with a smug smile of satisfaction. almost reached its noonday position, rather low in
The white-robed man takes back the fork and the sky, as it is late autumn. “Here are the details.”
points a wand toward it. The metal of the fork “Lord Fertuine and maybe some elite undead
begins to glow red as it is heated. He addresses creatures are holed up in a pocket dimension,
General Greenblade as he speaks, “We still need coterminous with this area. The ‘scholars’ inside
some time here, Jerius.” this tent are creating what will be the second planar
What the PCs have just seen in the pavilion tent are the fork attuned to this pocket dimension. Your job will
assembled members of the Paercine Camerata. PCs who be to go in, neutralize the threats and capture Lord
participated in BIS7-03 All that for a Bag of Silver? will have Fertuine.”
encountered the Camerata before. Their names and jobs “You’ll use the battle here as a distraction, to
are summarized below. Feel free to improvise some role- make sure no reinforcements come in to harass you.
play here, if time allows. Otherwise you can paint the Once you’re in the battle here will be over in a few
Camerata’s presence with wider brush strokes, hours I’d expect, so you won’t have time for a second
figuratively speaking. chance. Delays may give Lord Fertuine the
• Seated at the table is the Holy Clerk Loriti Lorgrave opportunity to escape, and I want him brought to
(LG female half-elf), an administrator in the Church justice.”
of Zilchus. She uses the resources of the Church of “Any questions?”
Zilchus to keep the Camerata stocked with rare
items useful to their researches. She is also an expert Likely questions and their answers are listed below.
in the planes. • “How do we get into the pocket dimension? How do
• The young man at the table is the bard Bince Rupel we get out of the pocket dimension?”
(CG male human). He is an expert in history and is “One of the Camerata will use the fork to shift you
also skilled with magic devices. there. We will synchronize your entry to coincide
with our first thrust into Rabechel. Once the battle
• The man in white robes at the table is Father Sollus
is over we will send someone in to come retrieve
Illuminus (NG male human). He is a religious
scholar. Incidentally, he is under the effect of a mind
blank spell, at all times. • “What did you mean when you said the Camerata
was constructing the “second” planar fork?”
• Standing in the opposite corner of the tent from
Sollus is a tall, wizened man with an unkempt mane “The first fork constructed was tested by a priestess
of gray hair. He is Prefect Levenor Curanis (LG male of Fharlanghn named Alia Besselar. She has not yet
human), also a religious scholar. returned, and I expect her fate to be a dire one.”
Jerius grows quiet and holds the bridge of his nose
as if a pain shoots through his mind. “While I am

BIS7-08 Under a Platinum Sky Page 6

supremely confident that we will be victorious here “Soon it will be black as night!” exclaims Baron
today, I fear that Alia is only the first brave soul to True Sight. As if on cue a huge creature seemingly
die on our errand.” made of nothing but utter blackness flies overhead.
Cries of surprise and fear come from the main camp
• “What do you know about the pocket dimension?”
a distance away.
“Absolutely nothing. The Camerata would know
“Albrecht!” exclaims Jerius Greenblade, “I need
more about that.”
you to rally your people.” Then the Watcher halfway
• “What sort of elite undead are you expecting to be enters the tent behind him.
with Lord Fertuine?” “That thing better be finished or you’ve failed us
“Since Galen Luchelyn is involved in this madness, I all!” he shouts before turning his head toward you.
would expect any undead creature that Evard was “The undead will be upon us in moments, I
capable of creating – though maybe not. Who knows must see to the forming of lines. You have two
what secrets he actually possesses?” minutes to ready yourself for your mission. Good
• “What can you tell us about Galen Luchelyn?” luck.”
“He was a great hero – nephew to Baroness Elina With that the General takes his leave.
Luchelyn and a Knight of the Watch. He was made a The planar fork is finished and the PCs literally have 2
vampire by Evard – and he is now a soulless creature minutes (20 rounds) to prepare before the Camerata
twisted by evil.” shifts them to the pocket dimension. PCs are invited to
• “Can you spare any soldiers or magic items for us?” cast whatever buffs they feel they need at this time.

“No. What resources I have must be used on the PCs who are also members of the Paercine Camerata
effort here. I was told that you would be well- (i.e. they accepted the invitation as detailed on the AR for
equipped and could provide for yourself – was that BIS7-03 All that for a Bag of Silver?) may get additional help
not true?” from the Camerata if they ask. While the casters don’t
have any buff spells to spare (as they will be involved in
PCs curious about the pocket dimension they are being the battle against the undead), Loriti Lorgrave can gift the
sent to may consult with Paercine Camerata. Feel free to PCs with two potions, but only if there is at least one
use any member of the Camerata as the voice for the member of the Paercine Camerata at the table.
“The pocket dimension seems to be very well
crafted, and large – big enough to hold a copy of All APLs: L: 0 gp, C: 0 gp, M: 29 gp, Potion of Cure
Fertuine Manor, but probably not much larger. Moderate Wounds (25 gp), Potion of Lesser Restoration
Unique planar traits will likely be similar to those (25 gp).
found on the Plane of Shadow.”
The PCs will have approximately fifteen minutes game ENCOUNTER 2: HOSTILE
time since their summons at the beginning of this Estimated Time: 60 minutes
encounter until the following happens: In this encounter, the PCs are transported to the pocket
As you wait for the Camerata to finish their work a dimension and must deal with guards posted at the front
soldier hastily approaches your position, and gives a of the manor. As stated in the previous encounter, the
crisp salute to General Greenblade. PCs have some time to buff and can receive a couple of
potions if they are members of the Paercine Camerata.
“Sir,” he exclaims, “Scouts report that members Once they are ready to proceed, read or paraphrase the
of Wolf Company are engaged in a fighting retreat following:
with overwhelming undead creatures. They are
heading our way.” The seven scholars of the Paercine Camerata gather
outside their tent, some of them now hastily
Jerius scowls as he says, “I told those hotshots donning armor for the upcoming battle. At the
not to engage.” His words are punctuated by a loud appointed time, the Holy Clerk Loriti Lorgrave
crack through the air not unlike the roll of thunder. approaches and asks if you are ready.
The clouds begin to swirl about the sun in an
eldritch dance, beginning to obscure the light.

BIS7-08 Under a Platinum Sky Page 7

The PCs don’t really have a choice; Loriti is simply being APL 2 (EL 4)
polite. Once they indicate that they are ready, she is the
 Torum the Doorkeeper, Male Swordwraith
one who will plane shift the PCs to their destination.
Human Ftr1: hp 15; see Appendix 1.
Brandishing the newly constructed planar fork,
 “Mad” Moran, Male Human Clr1 of Nerull:
Loriti calls to the great and holy Zilchus to cast her
hp 10; see Appendix 1.
spell. Once the spell is completed the air all around
flashes brilliant silver and you are suddenly shunted APL 4 (EL 6)
up and to your left about 20 feet. Though you feel
 Torum the Doorkeeper, Male Swordwraith
and see the ground beneath your feet you can see the
Human Ftr3: hp 29; see Appendix 2.
Holy Clerk Loriti, Father Sollus and the other
members of the Paercine Camerata standing in front  “Mad” Moran, Male Human Clr3 of Nerull:
of their tent, but their world seems to be at an hp 23; see Appendix 2.
impossible 90o angle. It’s as if you look upon their
 Cior Atiq, Female Human Sct1: hp 10; see
world while lying on your side, though you are
Appendix 2.
standing on solid ground.
APL 6 (EL 8)
Once again there is a bright silver flash and the
world of Oerth is left behind.  Urnuth the Weaponsmith, Male
Swordwraith Minotaur Ftr1: hp 63; see Appendix 3.
You stand on featureless copper-colored rock.
The sky above your head is a swirling vortex of  “Mad” Moran, Male Human Clr5 of Nerull:
shades of platinum, dotted by eldritch streaks of hp 38; see Appendix 3.
black lightning.
 Cior Atiq, Female Human Sct2: hp 17; see
Before you sits Fertuine Manor, looking much Appendix 3.
as you remember from the last time you were here.
APL 8 (EL 10)
Even the bare trees before the manor’s door have
been transplanted, or more accurately copied, to this  Urnuth the Weaponsmith, Male
plane. Their presence is an odd imposition of Swordwraith Minotaur Ftr2/Exotic Weapon
banality on this impossible landscape. Master1: hp 88; see Appendix 4.
There is the taste of darkness on the air, and you  “Mad” Moran, Male Human Clr7 of Nerull:
know in your being that this place is not right. hp 58; see Appendix 4.
PCs that succeed at a Knowledge [the planes] check (DC  Cior Atiq, Female Human Sct4: hp 30; see
20) will recognize that the pocket dimension has the Appendix 4.
same properties as the Plane of Shadow. Summarize the
APL 10 (EL 12)
information on DM Aid: The Plane of Shadow for PCs who
don’t already have this memorized.  Urnuth the Weaponsmith, Male
Swordwraith Minotaur Ftr4/Exotic Weapon
The size of the pocket dimension is actually quite
Master1: hp 107; see Appendix 5.
small, extending only about 20 feet beyond what is
shown in DM Aid: Map #2 – Fertuine Manor. The “sky”  “Mad” Moran, Male Human Clr9 of Nerull:
extends to a solid ceiling about 50 feet off the ground. hp 74; see Appendix 5.
The effects described in the read aloud text do not harm
 Cior Atiq, Female Human Sct6: hp 45; see
anyone coming in contact with it.
Appendix 5.
The PCs have no time to spare before they are
APL 12 (EL X)
attacked by a troop of guardians. Use DM Aid: Map #1 –
Hostile to note the position of the PCs and the NPCs.  Urnuth the Weaponsmith, Male
Read or paraphrase the following: Swordwraith Minotaur Ftr4/Exotic Weapon
Master1: hp 107; see Appendix 6.
Near the manor door is an ephemeral looking being
carrying wicked looking chains. Nearby is a mad-  “Mad” Moran, Male Human Clr13 of Nerull:
looking wretch in heavy armor, uttering prayers to hp 107; see Appendix 6.
the darkest of powers.

BIS7-08 Under a Platinum Sky Page 8

 Cior Atiq, Female Human Sct8: hp 60; see APL 12: “Mad” Moran should let the PCs have it with
Appendix 6. a blood to water spell followed the next round by
blasphemy. Cior can mow move before and after firing due
Preparation: As soon as members of Wolf Company
to her Shot on the Run feat.
engaged with undead on the Prime Material Plane (see
Encounter 1), a messenger delivered the news of Treasure: The following can be found on the
impending attack to the pocket dimension. These outside defeated carcasses of “Mad” Moran and his allies. Note
guards have some short-term buff spells up as they await that the anklet of translocation has a desecrate effect on it,
the PCs. making life difficult for PCs who wear it. Also, at APLs 2
and 4 note the scroll of magic weapon, likely necessary for
Note: The Incorporeal Undead at Location B of DM Aid:
dealing with the “floaters” in Encounter 3:
Map #2 – Fertuine Manor observe(s) the battle from a
nearby window. They are opportunistic and will attack APL 2: L: 94 gp, C: 0 gp, M: 177 gp, +1 mithral shirt
PCs who get within 30 feet of their location, either (175 gp), scroll of magic weapon (2 gp).
during this combat or while looting the bodies (see
APL 4: L: 267 gp, C: 0 gp, M: 293 gp, +1 mithral shirt
“Floaters” in Encounter 3).
(175 gp), anklet of translocation (116 gp), scroll of magic
Tactics: Torum or Urnuth acts in the melee threat, weapon (2 gp).
dealing strength damage with each successful melee hit.
APL 6: L: 106 gp, C: 0 gp, M: 932 gp, +1 Large
Note that they will appear incorporeal, though they are
Breastplate (129 gp), +1 Large Spiked Chain (195 gp),
definitely not. At APL 4 and higher, “Mad” Moran has
anklet of translocation (116 gp), +1 heavy steel shield (97
cast desecrate on the anklet of translocation worn by Torum
gp), +1 full plate (304 gp), book of all knowledge (250
(APL 4) and Urnuth (APL 6-12). This means clerics who
gp), mithral shirt (91 gp).
attempt to turn them are at -3. “Mad” Moran works best as
a support caster, and at higher APLs will have potent APL 8: L: 106 gp, C: 0 gp, M: 1765 gp, +1 Large
attack spells at his disposal. For the purposes of the Breastplate (129 gp), +1 Large Adamantine Spiked Chain
Recitation spell, count Urnuth and Cior Atiq as (445 gp), anklet of translocation (116 gp), +1 heavy steel
worshippers of Nerull. At APL 4 and higher, “Mad” shield (97 gp), +1 full plate (304 gp), metamagic rod,
Moran has a Divine Ward up between himself and his lesser (silent) (250 gp), mithral shirt (91 gp), brooch of
allies, so he can cast beneficial spells with a touch range shielding (83 gp), book of all knowledge (250 gp).
at close range instead. Cior stays on the move to take
APL 10: L: 80 gp, C: 0 gp, M: 2896 gp, +2 Large
advantage of her Skirmish ability, firing at PCs from
point-blank range. Breastplate (462 gp), +2 Large Adamantine Spiked Chain
(696 gp), anklet of translocation (116 gp), +1 heavy steel
APL 2 and 4: Torum closes to melee, while “Mad” shield (97 gp), +1 full plate (304 gp), metamagic rod,
Moran opens with a cause fear against a PC who appears lesser (silent) (250 gp), periapt of wisdom +2 (333 gp), +1
weak-willed, likely a PC who appears to be a fighter or composite shortbow (+2 Str) (214 gp), mithral shirt (91
rogue. gp), brooch of shielding (83 gp), book of all knowledge
APL 6: Urnuth should likely forego his Powerful (250 gp).
Charge ability in favor of simply closing and making full APL 12: L: 54 gp, C: 0 gp, M: 5110 gp, +2 Large
attacks with his spiked chain. Unholy Storm makes a good Breastplate (462 gp), +2 Large Adamantine Spiked Chain
opener for “Mad” Moran, and he can also attempt an area (696 gp), anklet of translocation (116 gp), +2 heavy steel
dispel magic` to take the PCs down a peg. shield (395 gp), +3 full plate (887 gp), metamagic rod,
APL 8: Recitation followed by Unholy Blight is likely lesser (silent) (250 gp), periapt of wisdom +4 (1333 gp),
the best opener for “Mad” Moran. Cior starts the battle +1 composite shortbow (+2 Str) (214 gp), mithral shirt
invisible and has a brooch of shielding at this APL and (91 gp), brooch of shielding (83 gp), gloves of dexterity +2
higher. (333 gp), book of all knowledge (250 gp).

APL 10: Righteous Wrath of the Faithful could be the Developments: There isn’t much more to do
best spell for “Mad” Moran to cast in the first round. It outside, so the PCs should make their way into the
now becomes important for Cior to move at least 20 feet manor.
between shots to take advantage of her Improved
Skirmish feat.

BIS7-08 Under a Platinum Sky Page 9


THE HEART BREAK  Shadow: hp 27; see Monster Manual, page 221.
Estimated Time: 60 minutes APL 4 (EL 5)
In this encounter, the PCs explore Fertuine Manor and  Wraith: hp 45; see Monster Manual, page 258.
encounter some resistance in the form of incorporeal
undead (see “Floaters” below). Once they are ready to APL 6 (EL 7)
proceed, read or paraphrase the following:  Spectre: hp 63; see Monster Manual, page 232.
The highly decorated façade of Fertuine Manor APL 8 (EL 9)
appears much as you remember. This time no
sounds whatsoever emanate from inside.  Spectres (2): hp 63 each; see Monster Manual,
page 232.
Refer to DM Aid: Map #2 – Fertuine Manor for the
locations listed below. All doors marked on the map are APL 10 (EL 11)
locked except the following: the door leading from  Dread Wraith: hp 146; see Monster Manual, page
location A to the outside, the door leading from location 258.
F to location A, and the door leading from location G to
location F. Only these doors are unlocked. The doors all APL 12 (EL 13)
have the following characteristics:  Dread Wraiths (2): hp 146 each; see Monster
 Strong Wooden Door: 2 in. thick; hardness 5; AC 5; Manual, page 258.
hp 20; Open Lock DC 30, Break DC 25 Tactics: The “floaters” use hit-and-run tactics, fleeing
The PCs may, if they wish, use a window as an entry when necessary only to return later on. If critically
point at the judge’s discretion. Windows are located at damaged, they can make their way to the dungeon level
locations B, L, all locations marked D, and all locations where Juniphel can use inflict spells to restore their hit
marked M that are on an outside wall. No other locations points (mark those spells used off her daily allowed). If it
will have windows. All windows are locked and have the seems that the PCs are too powerful, the floaters may just
following characteristics. stay in the dungeon to battle them alongside Juniphel
and the others.
 Glass Window: 1 in. thick; hardness 1; AC 4; hp 1;
Open Lock DC 25, Break DC 9 E’yfa Fertuine: E’yfa is Lord Fertuine’s wife. She sits
alone in her room (Location O), and has been there for
Once any PC enters the manor, read or paraphrase the days. She sobs almost constantly, and her crying can be
following: heard throughout the manor. The base DC to hear her
You feel a sudden wrenching in your stomach and with a Listen check is DC 15; this assumes the PCs are
the ground you are on tilts 45o to the left. You think right outside her door. Modify the DC due to distance as
you can hear a woman’s sobs as well as…laughing. the PCs explore the manor.
Suddenly the world rights itself and the sounds are Location A
no more.
The front room to Fertuine Manor is stark; the only
PCs that succeed at a Will saving throw (DC 18) know furniture being a small table turned on its side to
that what they experienced is real. the left as you enter. The only exit is a double door
PCs that succeed at a Knowledge [the planes] check in front of you. On the walls to the left and right
(DC 25) might note that this pocket dimension is hang long red and silver banners on which is
artificial and may be unstable. depicted the image of an upside-down rook.

Floaters The banners are similar to the heraldry of Bissel. PCs who
succeed at a Knowledge [local – Sheldomar Valley MR]
Some incorporeal creatures haunt the upper level of check (DC 15) know that Evard used these symbols.
Fertuine Manor, and attack the PCs whenever
convenient. They begin at Location B, but may attack the Location B
PCs at any place except Location O (see below). This room contains about a half dozen richly
decorated chairs flanked by small wooden tables.

BIS7-08 Under a Platinum Sky Page 10

The chairs are marred by what appear to be claw Mayaheine, Pelor, and Fharlanghn) as the butt of
marks and a wicked smell emanates from this room. defilement.
The revels of the Golden Masque caused the smell. Don’t Location F
ask how.
This wide hallway sports several streaks of red
Location C across the walls.
Three large plush chairs sit on their side, torn to PCs succeeding at a Craft (alchemy) or Heal check (DC
shreds. Empty bottles sit among piles of tattered 15) can determine that the streaks of red are blood
paper. Two tall bookshelves stand completely empty. splatters.
The revelers of the Golden Masque destroyed all of the Location G
books in the name of fun.
This large room is likely used by the Baron for
Location D holding court among his subjects, or perhaps for
balls in fancy dress. Right now the room is empty –
A plush four-poster bed sits unmade and stained in
but it is a complete mess. Broken bottles and torn
the center of the room. The thick smell of incense
clothing are strewn about the floor. Various liquids
lingers on the air.
streak the walls. A corpse lies discarded, slumped
None of the quarters were spared from the excesses of over a turned over chair.
the Golden Masque. Only the master bedroom (Location
The corpse is of a human servant, one of many victims of
O), where E’yfa Fertuine hides, was spared.
the Golden Masque. A Heal check (DC 15) determines
Location E that the man’s neck was opened and he died of blood loss.
In the center of this room is a long wooden table Location H
surrounded by seven wooden chairs. On the table
The only things in this stark room are a few
are dozens of empty bottles and goblets. A
manacles attached to the wall. A line of red leads to a
nauseating aroma of iron lingers on the air. A
door off to the left.
painting hangs defaced on one wall and an ornately
decorated cabinet lies on its side, smashed. Those individuals who incur the Baron’s anger are
quickly ushered into this room by guards so that they can
The bottles are empty, but PCs succeeding at a Craft
be taken to the dungeons below. One such individual was
(alchemy) or Heal check (DC 15) can determine that the
Alia Besselar (see Encounter 4).
bottles and goblets all contained blood of some kind.
If PCs decide to investigate the painting, read or
Location I
paraphrase the following: This long room sports a number of tables and
This painting depicts a very curious scene: a group cabinets. A large brick oven stands at one side of the
of individuals all seated around a round green table. room with large stacks of cut logs piled nearby.
Around the table there is a stunningly beautiful Maggots gather around hunks of raw meat
dark-haired woman in forester’s garb, a brown stacked haphazardly on the tables.
haired man with rakish good-looks, a blue-eyed
The PCs can find mundane kitchen tools and food
woman dressed for battle, and two old men: one
ingredients, but nothing else of interest. PCs that succeed
with wild hair and a golden beard, the other with a
at a Heal or Survival check (DC 15) can identify the
gray beard and green robes. They all appear to be
hunks of raw meat as human flesh.
engaged in some kind of strange game of chance
involving cards. Location J
The painting has been defaced, with rude This small and stark room contains naught but a few
sayings and drawing defiling the gods depicted in small tables and a large cabinet. A foul odor worse
the image. than the grave emanates from the cabinet.
The details of the graffiti are left to the judge to fill, but Inside the cabinet is a dead gnome. A Heal check (DC 15)
suffice they should be particularly rude sayings or determines that the gnome was torn apart by a clawed
drawings with the gods depicted (Ehlonna, Olidammara, beast before being stuffed into the cabinet.

BIS7-08 Under a Platinum Sky Page 11

Location K The woman raises her head to look upon you, and it
is clear from her expression that she has given
A long polished table surrounded by more than herself solely to despair. “You are agents of the
twenty chairs fills this room almost completely. Margrave,” she states before adding, “Please put me
Streaks of red cross the walls and many of the out of my misery.”
wooden chairs are streaked by claw marks.
E’yfa Fertuine is a proud Suel woman, a priestess of Wee
PCs succeeding at a Craft (alchemy) or Heal check (DC
Jas and husband to Lord Camryn Fertuine. Initially she
15) can determine that the streaks of red are blood
was silent about her husband’s dealings with
necromancers, though she quickly learned her mistake
Location L when she realized the chaotic nature of Juniphel and the
others. E’yfa then found herself in a moral quandary: she
Inside this room a half dozen plush chairs have could violate the lawful bond of marriage and oppose her
been torn to shreds and a dirty smell lingers on the husband or she could violate the laws of Bissel, and of her
air. faith, by tacitly accepting the presence of chaotic undead.
During the Masque the fiendish attendants - a few of She choose not to oppose her husband and now she finds
them full-blown bestial undead - set about to tear this herself trapped in this pocket dimension, forgotten by
room to pieces. her husband if favor of profane companions. She is
denied her divine powers by Wee Jas with the exception
Location M of a consecrate spell that allows her to ward her room
A stark bed is unmade and stained. A small chest lies against the harassment of undead.
open with the items torn and strewn about the E’yfa wishes only for the release of death, but she can
room. aid the PCs if they can restore her spirit (see below). First,
The items here are just mundane clothing, nothing more it is probably that the PCs have questions for E’yfa. Likely
interesting than that. questions and their answers are listed below.

Location N • “Who are you?”

Behind the secure door is a narrow staircase leading “I am Lady E’yfa Fertuine, wife to the Baron of these
downward. lands.”

The stairs lead to the dungeons below. If PCs go down to • “Where is Lord Fertuine?”
the dungeons, proceed to Encounter 4. “Most likely finding new and wicked pleasures with
Location O which to indulge his increasingly evil appetites. It
matters not to me; I am as discarded by him as his
Note that Location O is under a continuous consecrate sense of propriety and piety.”
effect. The “floaters” will not enter this room under any
circumstances. • “What are you doing here?”

You immediately see that this room is occupied, for “For my part in the descent of this house into
seated on a plush four-poster bed is a madness, I face the wrath of my goddess. She grants
pulchritudinous if svelte woman. She wears a me but one power – the ability to consecrate this
striking green dress and her visage is marred by a room so that I may sit without being harassed by the
dour expression. She seems to be caressing some creatures of this place. Left alone, but without the
type of talisman cradled in her hands. freedom to leave.”

PCs that succeed at Knowledge [nobility] or Knowledge • “Tell us how this dire situation came to be?”
[Local – Sheldomar Valley Metaregion] check (DC 20) “At first I was pleased that my husband was hosting
can identify this woman as E’yfa Fertuine, wife to Lord itinerant necromancers – the rulers in Thornward
Camryn Fertuine. are so unenlightened about the uses of necromancy.
The talisman she caresses is the symbol of a red skull Steadily I grew aware of the chaotic nature of the
surrounded by flames, the holy symbol of Wee Jas. necromancers and their undead servants. My faith
could not suffer their presence yet I could not
Once the PCs make their presence known, read or violate the lawful bonds of marriage and oppose my
paraphrase the following: husband. I choose to do nothing, and no decision

BIS7-08 Under a Platinum Sky Page 12

proved to be my undoing. Now I sit here, forgotten If the PCs are successful at a Diplomacy check (DC 20)
and spurned for the wicked depravities by which then they are able to shift E’yfa’s attitude to Friendly.
these chaotic necromancers keep my husband Read or paraphrase the following:
E’yfa lifts herself to a standing position, and you can
• “Who do you worship?” see that some of the despair in her face has been
lifted as well. “I will not go with you to confront my
“Before these sad events, I was a minor priestess of
husband,” she begins, “But I can give you these items
Death’s Guardian, the most revered and mighty Wee
to help you.” She opens a richly appointed chest and
brings forth two items; one a wand of some kind and
• “Wee Jas? Are you kidding? I thought Wee Jas was, the other is a hunk of Ruby shaped into the form of
like, all about the undead and stuff?” a skull. “This wand will heal wounds of a serious
nature, and the skull will increase you ability to use
“Wee Jas opposes the use of necromancy for chaotic those magics most favored by the Ruby Sorceress.”
ends and also the misuse of undead. Chaotic undead
are an anathema to the Ruby Sorceress, a faithful Treasure: A description of the Ruby Skill of Wee Jas can be
servant must not suffer their existence.” found in the New Rules section:
• “How’d a priestess of Wee Jas get mixed up with a All APLs: L: 0 gp, C: 0 gp, M: 29 gp, Ruby Skull of Wee
ne’er-do-well like Lord Fertuine?” Jas (29 gp), Wand of Cure Serious Wounds (4 charges)
(75 gp).
“Initially I found his free spirit to be, intoxicating.”
At APLs 2 and 4 E’yfa finds that her spellcasting ability is
• “Can you help us?” returning. She can to cast up to 6 levels worth of healing
“What possible aid can I provide?” spells, with a highest possible level of 3rd level. These
could include, but are not limited to, lesser restoration, cure
At this point the PCs may attempt a Diplomacy spells, or remove disease. For example, PCs could request
check to convince E’yfa to help them. Her initial attitude two lesser restoration spells and a cure moderate wounds and
is “Indifferent” though her great despair increases the DC then E’yfa would be done as far as aid she can give the
to make her “Friendly” or “Helpful” by 5 (see page 72 of PCs. She could also potentially cast magic weapon if the
the PHB for more details on influencing NPC attitude). “floaters” are still a problem. At APLs 6 and above, she
One PC makes the check, though other PCs may assist. cannot provide any aid with spells.
The PCs can add the following circumstantial If the PCs are successful at a Diplomacy check (DC
modifiers as they make their appeal for E’yfa to come 35) then they are able to shift E’yfa’s attitude to Helpful.
back from despair and regain her sense of faith: Read or paraphrase the following:
• The PC speaks favorably about the use of beneficial E’yfa lifts herself to a standing position, and you can
necromancy: +2. see that the despair in her face has been lifted as
• The PC mentions E’yfa’s great faith and that she can well. “I will come with you to confront my husband,”
seek forgiveness for her misdeeds: +2. she begins, “And I have some helpful items as well.”
She opens a richly appointed chest and brings forth
• The PC mentions that they are not here to kill her two items; one a wand of some kind and the other is
husband: +2. a hunk of Ruby shaped into the form of a skull.
• The PC agrees that the rulers in Thornward have an “This wand will heal wounds of a serious nature, and
unenlightened view of necromancy: +2. the skull will increase you ability to use those
magics most favored by the Ruby Sorceress.”
• The PC is complementary or respectful in speaking
about Wee Jas: +2. Treasure: A description of the Ruby Skill of Wee Jas can be
found in the New Rules section:
• PC is an obvious worshipper of Wee Jas: +2 per PC.
All APLs: L: 0 gp, C: 0 gp, M: 29 gp, Ruby Skull of Wee
• PC is a cleric/favored soul of Wee Jas: +2 per PC. Jas (29 gp), Wand of Cure Serious Wounds (4 charges)
(75 gp).
• PC is female: +2 per PC.
At APLs 2 and 4 E’yfa finds that her spellcasting ability is
• PC is Suel: +2 per PC.
returning. She can to cast up to 6 levels worth of healing
• PC is Baklunish: -2 per PC. spells, with a highest possible level of 3rd level. These

BIS7-08 Under a Platinum Sky Page 13

could include, but are not limited to, lesser restoration, cure The next bit of text will be affecting by the presence
spells, or remove disease. For example, PCs could request or absence of E’yfa Fertuine.
two lesser restoration spells and a cure moderate wounds and
If E’yfa is present, read or paraphrase the following
then E’yfa would be done as far as aid she can give the
to lead into the Combat Ensues subsection below:
PCs. She could also potentially cast magic weapon if the
“floaters” are still a problem. At APLs 6 and above, she The slight woman E’yfa Fertuine, wife to the wicked
cannot provide any aid with spells. Baron of these lands, strides forward. She speaks in
a high-pitched, but firm voice: “Thusly was Yag the
E’yfa now follows the PCs, though she will not be
many-eyed, known as Yag of the devout fire,
involved in combats nor will she be targeted by the
besieged by the iniquitous and savage of undead –
“floaters,” if they are still around.
who knew not wisdom nor knowledge nor a ordered
All APLs spirit but who only held the chaos of the Abyss at
their core…”
 E’yfa Fertuine: Female Human Clr5 of Wee Jas
(Heal +11, Sense Motive +6); AL LN; hp 38. It might be your imagination but it seems that
E’yfa grows taller as she speaks, perhaps merely
ENCOUNTER 4: LIVING DEAD standing straighter. Her hair seems redder of shade
by the light cast in this dungeon and wasn’t her
GIRL dress some other color and not black?
Estimated Time: 60 minutes
When E’yfa continues, it is with a voice other
In this encounter, the PCs enter the dungeon to face than her own: “Yag spake thusly, saying: ‘I shall
down Camryn Fertuine and his entourage of evil. Refer suffer not the horrid mind nor the savage creature
to DM Aid: Map #3 – Living Dead Girl for the positions of in my presence for their existence is an abomination
PCs and NPCs when combat begins. and those who create such monstrosities are wrong
Descending the stairs you come upon a dungeon in the sight of my mistress.’”
area quite different from what you remember from There is a flash in your mind and E’yfa Fertuine
your last visit. Sconces encased in magic flame light appears not as she is but as a tall woman, the most
this area. A blasphemous sigil has been drawn on radiant woman you have ever seen, wearing a dark
the floor. Lying on the sigil restrained is a delicate- gown and a diadem of ruby skulls. She whispers a
looking woman with honey-blonde hair dressed in single word, a word of remonstration against the
green robes. Her body bears several wounds and her chaotic.
robes are torn in places. She is restrained and has
obviously been tortured. If a flash many of the undead creatures before
you are instantaneously incinerated; they cry out the
PCs that have played BIS7-06 The Golden Masque will foulest curses just before their existence is ended.
recognize this woman as Alia Besselar, a priestess of
Fharlanghn. PCs that succeed at a Knowledge [nobility]
Turning back to E’yfa she seems more like the
check (DC 15) will also be able to recognize the woman
svelte woman of small stature you recall. She falls to
for who she is.
the floor unconscious. The skirt of her green dress is
gathered around her and looks as if she slept in a
Standing over this woman is a host of undead pool of calm water.
abominations, dragging their foul tongues over
Only Juniphel, Camryn Fertuine and a pair of undead
rows of dagger-like teeth. Two living figures are
creatures (type depending on APL) remain, along with
among the torturers. One is a pale-skinned woman
the “floaters” from Encounter 3 if they are here. Those
with blonde hair and a lithe black-clad body. The
PCs who witnessed E’yfa’s display and are non-chaotic
other is an overweight man wearing light armor
gain the benefit of an aid spell (Caster Level 5) for the
over his richly appointed clothing. At his hip is a
duration of the combat. Proceed to the Combat Ensues
richly decorated rapier.
subsection below.
PCs that have played BIS6-04 Face of Copper will recognize
If E’yfa is absent from this scene, read or paraphrase
the pale-skinned woman as Juniphel, someone who
the following instead to lead into the Combat Ensues
definitely claimed to not be a necromancer. PCs that
subsection below:
succeed at a Knowledge [nobility] check (DC 15) will
recognize the overweight man as Lord Camryn Fertuine,
Baron of Cassiter.

BIS7-08 Under a Platinum Sky Page 14

The undead eye you hungrily, but the woman with APL 8 (EL 11)
the ivory colored skin speaks a horrific word of
 Juniphel, Female Human DrN9: hp 68; see
necromantic might and they shrink away.
Appendix 4.
“Gaze upon the weaklings sent by the Margrave.
 Mynydrzzt, Quasit Familiar: hp 34; see
Watch as it will only take a few of us to dispatch
Appendix 4.
with them.”
 Camryn Fertuine, Male Human Rog4/Sws2:
Only Juniphel, Camryn Fertuine and a pair of undead
hp 42; see Appendix 4.
creatures (type depending on APL) participate in the
fight, along with the “floaters” from Encounter 3 if they  Soucello, Vampire Female Human Mnk5: hp
are here. The other undead merely watch, and are not 50; see Appendix 4.
present for the purposes of movement within the room.
 Cotesse, Vampire Female Human
Proceed to the Combat Ensues subsection below.
Mnk1/Ftr4: hp 50; see Appendix 4.
Lord Fertuine draws his rapier, which glints in the  Juniphel, Female Human DrN11: hp 83; see
torchlight. According to the lore, it was Lord Appendix 5.
Fertuine’s blade that killed Faren Cassiter, the  Mynydrzzt, Quasit Familiar: hp 41; see
former Baron of these lands and a traitor to the Appendix 5.
March. Now it is Lord Fertuine himself who is the
traitor, and perhaps it is now his time to fall. You  Camryn Fertuine, Male Human Rog4/Sws4:
remember then Jerius’s instructions: Lord Fertuine hp 60; see Appendix 5.
is to be captured alive.  Soucello, Vampire Female Human Mnk7: hp
APL 2 (EL 5) 68; see Appendix 5.
 Juniphel, Female Human DrN3: hp 20; see  Cotesse, Vampire Female Human
Appendix 1. Mnk1/Ftr6: hp 68; see Appendix 5.
 Camryn Fertuine, Male Human Sws1: hp 12; APL 12 (EL 15)
see Appendix 1.  Juniphel, Female Human DrN13: hp 98; see
 Ghoul (2): hp 18; see Monster Manual, page 119. Appendix 6.
APL 4 (EL 7)  Mynydrzzt, Quasit Familiar: hp 49; see
Appendix 6.
 Juniphel, Female Human DrN5: hp 37; see
Appendix 2.  Camryn Fertuine, Male Human Rog4/Sws6:
hp 78; see Appendix 6.
 Camryn Fertuine, Male Human Rog1/Sws1:
hp 15; see Appendix 2.  Soucello, Vampire Female Human Mnk9: hp
88; see Appendix 6.
 Ghast (2): hp 38; see Monster Manual, page 119.
 Cotesse, Vampire Female Human
APL 6 (EL 9) Mnk1/Ftr8: hp 88; see Appendix 6.
 Juniphel, Female Human DrN7: hp 53; see Preparation: At APL 12, “Mad” Moran has cast a
Appendix 3. forbiddance on the area of the blasphemous sigil. For game
 Mynydrzzt, Quasit Familiar: hp 26; see purposes, the forbiddance effect centers on the sigil and
Appendix 3. extends for two squares all around the sigil. The
forbiddance is attuned to those of chaotic evil alignment;
 Camryn Fertuine, Male Human Rog3/Sws2: all others take damage. Juniphel and Camryn Fertuine
hp 36; see Appendix 3. know about the forbiddance and avoid using spells and
 Soucello, Vampire Spawn Female human: hp abilities that would be negated, like summon spells or an
38; see Appendix 3. anklet of translocation. They also know where the
boundaries of the forbiddance are and can take advantage
 Cotesse, Vampire Spawn Female human: hp of that as well.
38; see Appendix 3.

BIS7-08 Under a Platinum Sky Page 15

Also at APL 12, Camryn Fertuine has an inflict serious APL 12: L: 202 gp, C: 383 gp, M: 7550 gp, vest of
wounds from Juniphel cast into his +1 spell storing rapier. resistance +2 (333 gp), brooch of shielding (83 gp), ring of
protection +1 (166 gp), cloak of charisma +4 (1333 gp),
Tactics: The ghouls and ghasts of APL 2 and 4 attack in a
cloak of resistance +2 (333 gp), +1 scimitar (192 gp), +1
very straightforward manner. Soucello likes the taste of
spellstoring rapier (693 gp), +2 mithral shirt (425 gp),
arcanists, so she will attempt to grapple and blood drain
anklet of translocation (116 gp), gloves of dexterity +2
obvious arcane spellcasters. Cotesse attacks with her
(333 gp), +1 mithral shirt (175 gp), bracers of armor +1
halberd if possible but will resort to other attack options
(83 gp), potion of protection from good x2 (8 gp), potion of
if necessary. Camryn is an opportunistic attacker, and
resist energy (fire) (30) x2 (182 gp), ring of protection +1
will tumble or Spring Attack as necessary to gain a flank
x2 (332 gp), light crossbow +1 (194 gp), +1 chain shirt
advantage. Juniphel is not afraid to be in melee; she is
(104 gp), potion of blur (25 gp), cloak of resistance +1 (83
tougher and more combat hearty than most mages. She
gp), potion of protection from energy (fire) (62 gp), potion
casts her spells intelligently and without remorse,
of greater mage armor x3 (187 gp), +1 magebane halberd
concentrating on taking heavy-hitting PCs out of the
(692 gp), mask of lies (1416 gp).
fight and then slaying the weaker members of the party.
Developments: With the threat vanquished, the PCs are
At APL 6 and higher, Juniphel has a scabrous touch
free to rescue the damsel in distress: Alia Besselar.
ability that inflicts disease as the contagion spell, with no
incubation period. The disease she chooses to inflict is After you have destroyed the restraints that bind
mummy rot (Fortitude save DC 20 or immediately lose her, Alia Besselar sits up slowly, obviously weakened
1d6 Con plus 1d6 Con each subsequent day). from her ordeal. “Thanks for the rescue,” she says as
she pats your arm, “Perhaps I should travel with you
Treasure: The following can be looted from Juniphel,
for a while.”
Camryn Fertuine, and any allies with equipment.
APL 2: L: 98 gp, C: 0 gp, M: 0 gp.
APL 4: L: 98 gp, C: 0 gp, M: 332 gp, vest of resistance +1 Estimated Time: 5 minutes
(83 gp), ring of protection +1 (166 gp), cloak of resistance
There is an odd explosive sound coming from
+1 (83 gp).
behind you followed by the sound of metal on stone.
APL 6: L: 201 gp, C: 66 gp, M: 808 gp, vest of resistance Descending the stairs are three members of the
+1 (83 gp), ring of protection +1 (166 gp), cloak of Paercine Camerata; Father Sollus Illuminus, Prefect
resistance +1 (83 gp), +1 scimitar (192 gp), +1 rapier (193 Levenor Curanis and the mage Tsogath. Both Sollus
gp), mithral shirt (91 gp). and Levenor are dressed in heavy armor, stained
with the gore of battle. Tsogath’s lithe form glows
APL 8: L: 169 gp, C: 436 gp, M: 1852 gp, vest of
visibly from the multiple wards guarding him.
resistance +2 (333 gp), ring of protection +1 (166 gp),
cloak of resistance +1 (83 gp), +1 scimitar (192 gp), +1 If the PCs brought E’yfa with them to Encounter 4, read
rapier (193 gp), +1 mithral shirt (175 gp), anklet of the following:
translocation (116 gp), bracers of armor +1 (83 gp), potion “Odd,” says Father Sollus, “I would have thought we
of protection from good (4 gp), +1 halberd (192 gp), potion would shift right in front of the manor.”
of resist energy fire (20) (58 gp), potion of resist energy fire
(30) (91 gp), ring of protection +1 (166 gp). Tsogath kicks his foot at a pile of ash that was
once an undead creature. “I take it you’ve had no
APL 10: L: 156 gp, C: 383 gp, M: 4793 gp, vest of problems overcoming our enemies?”
resistance +2 (333 gp), brooch of shielding (83 gp), ring of
protection +1 (166 gp), cloak of charisma +2 (333 gp), The members of the Camerata are interested in the PCs’
cloak of resistance +1 (83 gp), +1 scimitar (192 gp), +1 experiences here, especially E’yfa Fertuine’s part in
rapier (193 gp), +2 mithral shirt (425 gp), anklet of Encounter 4. Role-play a bit here if you like, then proceed
translocation (116 gp), gloves of dexterity +2 (333 gp), to the appropriate conclusion path: For those about to Rock
bracers of armor +1 (83 gp), potion of protection from good if the PCs were able to capture (and not kill) Camryn
x2 (8 gp), +1 halberd (192 gp), potion of resist energy fire Fertuine OR You’ve got another thing coming if Camryn
(30) x2 (182 gp), ring of protection +1 x2 (332 gp), light Fertuine was killed.
crossbow +1 (194 gp), +1 chain shirt (104 gp), potion of If the PCs did not bring E’yfa with them to
blur (25 gp), mask of lies (1416 gp). Encounter 4, read the following:

BIS7-08 Under a Platinum Sky Page 16

“Odd,” says Father Sollus, “I would have thought we “I’ll speak to the Margrave about the results of our
would shift right in front of the manor.” errand here. For now, go get some rest.”
“Shut up and turn!” cries Prefect Levenor, PCs earn a Bissel Military Commendation for their
pointing to the host of minor undead still present. good service. If they also played BIS7-06 The Golden
Masque then they earn an Additional Military
It takes no time for the PCs and their allies in the
Camerata to overcome the remaining undead.
The PCs do NOT gain the Favor of the Margrave AR
The members of the Camerata are interested in the
item since they killed, and did not capture, Lord
PCs’ experiences here. Role-play a bit here if you like,
then proceed to the appropriate conclusion path: For those
about to Rock if the PCs were able to capture (and not kill) The PCs gain access to purchase the Blade Fertuine
Camryn Fertuine OR You’ve got another thing coming if AR item.
Camryn Fertuine was killed.
If the PCs brought E’yfa to Encounter 4 then they
earn the Right in the Eyes of Wee Jas AR item.
ROCK For rescuing Alia Besselar they earn the A Fellow
Traveler AR item.
Back on the Prime Material Plane, Jerius taps in
unconscious and restrained form of Lord Fertuine
with his boot. “You’ve done well,” he says. “It was CAMPAIGN CONSEQUENCES
much the same here – an overwhelming victory.” He If you run this event in December of 2007 or January
pauses as if some dark thought has crossed his of 2008, please e-mail the results from this sheet to a
mind, but whatever it was he doesn’t say. member of the Bissel Triad by February 1st, 2008, or have
“I’ll make sure the Margrave knows that it was the Senior DM of your event do so.
you who captured this brigand. For now, go get some
rest. You’ve earned it, heroes.” The End
PCs earn a Bissel Military Commendation for their good
service. If they also played BIS7-06 The Golden Masque
then they earn an Additional Military Commendation. EXPERIENCE POINT
Since the PCs captured, and did not slay, Lord SUMMARY
Fertuine, they receive the Favor of the Margrave AR item. To award experience for this adventure, add up the values
The PCs gain access to purchase the Blade Fertuine for the objectives accomplished. Then assign the
AR item. experience award. Award the total value (objectives plus
roleplaying) to each character.
If the PCs brought E’yfa to Encounter 4 then they
earn the Right in the Eyes of Wee Jas AR item. Encounter 2
For rescuing Alia Besselar they earn the A Fellow Defeat the guards outside.
Traveler AR item. APL 2: 120 xp.


Back on the Prime Material Plane, Jerius frowns APL 8: 300 xp.
when you show him the dead form of Lord Fertuine.
APL 10: 360 xp.
“This is not good – His Lofty Grace will not be
pleased when he learns that Baron Fertuine was APL 12: 420 xp.
given an honorable death in battle,” he says with
sadness. “As for the battle here – an overwhelming
Encounter 3
victory.” He pauses as if some dark thought has Defeat the incorporeal undead.
crossed his mind, but whatever it was he doesn’t say.
APL 2: 90 xp.

BIS7-08 Under a Platinum Sky Page 17

APL 6: 210 xp.
During an adventure, characters encounter treasure,
APL 8: 270 xp. usually finding it in the possession of their foes. Every
encounter that features treasure has a “treasure” section
APL 10: 330 xp.
within the encounter description, giving information
APL 12: 390 xp. about the loot, coins, and magic items that make up the
encounter’s treasure.
Encounter 4
The loot total is the number of gold pieces each
Defeat undead and their allies in the dungeon.
character gains if the foes are plundered of all their earthly
APL 2: 150 xp. possessions. Looting the bodies takes at least 10 minutes
per every 5 enemies, and if the characters cannot take the
APL 4: 210 xp.
time to loot the bodies, they do not gain this gold. If you
APL 6: 270 xp. feel it is reasonable that characters can go back to loot the
bodies, and those bodies are there (i.e., not carted off by
APL 8: 330 xp.
dungeon scavengers, removed from the scene by the local
APL 10: 390 xp. watch, and so on), characters may return to retrieve loot. If
the characters do not loot the body, the gold piece value for
APL 12: 450 xp.
the loot is subtracted from the encounter totals given
Story Award below.
Capture Lord Fertuine alive. The coin total is the number of gold pieces each
character gains if they take the coin available. A normal
APL 2: 45 xp. adventuring party can usually gather this wealth in a round
APL 4: 68 xp. or so. If for some reason, they pass up this treasure, the
coin total is subtracted from the encounter totals given
APL 6: 90 xp. below.
APL 8: 113 xp. Next, the magic items are listed. Magic item treasure
APL 10: 135 xp. is the hardest to adjudicate, because they are varied and
because characters may want to use them during the
APL 12: 158 xp. adventure. Many times characters must cast identify, analyze
Discretionary Roleplaying Award dweomer or similar spell to determine what the item does
and how to activate it. Other times they may attempt to
APL 2: 45 xp. use the item blindly. If the magic item is consumable (a
APL 4: 67 xp. potion, scroll, magic bolts, etc.) and the item is used before
the end of the adventure, its total is subtracted from the
APL 6: 90 xp. adventure totals below.
APL 8: 112 xp. Once you have subtracted the value for unclaimed
APL 10: 135 xp. treasure from each encounter add it up and that is the
number of gold pieces a characters total and coin value
APL 12: 157 xp. increase at the end of the adventure. Write the total in the
Total possible experience GP Gained field of the adventure certificate. Because this is
a Regional adventure, characters may spend additional
APL 2: 450 xp. Time Units to practice professions or create items
APL 4: 675 xp. immediately after the adventure so this total may be
modified by other circumstances.
APL 6: 900 xp.
L = Looted gear from enemy; C = Coin, Gems, Jewelry,
APL 8: 1,125 xp. and other valuables; M = Magic Items.
APL 10: 1,350 xp.
APL 12: 1,575 xp.

BIS7-08 Under a Platinum Sky Page 18

Encounter 1: APL 6: L: 201 gp, C: 66 gp, M: 808 gp, vest of resistance
+1 (83 gp), ring of protection +1 (166 gp), cloak of
All APLs: L: 0 gp, C: 0 gp, M: 50 gp, Potion of Cure
resistance +1 (83 gp), +1 scimitar (192 gp), +1 rapier (193
Moderate Wounds (25 gp), Potion of Lesser Restoration
gp), mithral shirt (91 gp).
(25 gp).
APL 8: L: 169 gp, C: 436 gp, M: 1852 gp, vest of
Encounter 2: resistance +2 (333 gp), ring of protection +1 (166 gp),
APL 2: L: 94 gp, C: 0 gp, M: 177 gp, +1 mithral shirt cloak of resistance +1 (83 gp), +1 scimitar (192 gp), +1
(175 gp), scroll of magic weapon (2 gp). rapier (193 gp), +1 mithral shirt (175 gp), anklet of
translocation (116 gp), bracers of armor +1 (83 gp), potion
APL 4: L: 267 gp, C: 0 gp, M: 293 gp, +1 mithral shirt of protection from good (4 gp), +1 halberd (192 gp), potion
(175 gp), anklet of translocation (116 gp), scroll of magic of resist energy fire (20) (58 gp), potion of resist energy fire
weapon (2 gp). (30) (91 gp), ring of protection +1 (166 gp).
APL 6: L: 106 gp, C: 0 gp, M: 932 gp, +1 Large APL 10: L: 156 gp, C: 383 gp, M: 4793 gp, vest of
Breastplate (129 gp), +1 Large Spiked Chain (195 gp), resistance +2 (333 gp), brooch of shielding (83 gp), ring of
anklet of translocation (116 gp), +1 heavy steel shield (97 protection +1 (166 gp), cloak of charisma +2 (333 gp),
gp), +1 full plate (304 gp), book of all knowledge (250 cloak of resistance +1 (83 gp), +1 scimitar (192 gp), +1
gp), mithral shirt (91 gp). rapier (193 gp), +2 mithral shirt (425 gp), anklet of
APL 8: L: 106 gp, C: 0 gp, M: 1765 gp, +1 Large translocation (116 gp), gloves of dexterity +2 (333 gp),
Breastplate (129 gp), +1 Large Adamantine Spiked Chain bracers of armor +1 (83 gp), potion of protection from good
(445 gp), anklet of translocation (116 gp), +1 heavy steel x2 (8 gp), +1 halberd (192 gp), potion of resist energy fire
shield (97 gp), +1 full plate (304 gp), metamagic rod, (30) x2 (182 gp), ring of protection +1 x2 (332 gp), light
lesser (silent) (250 gp), mithral shirt (91 gp), brooch of crossbow +1 (194 gp), +1 chain shirt (104 gp), potion of
shielding (83 gp), book of all knowledge (250 gp). blur (25 gp), mask of lies (1416 gp).
APL 10: L: 80 gp, C: 0 gp, M: 2896 gp, +2 Large APL 12: L: 202 gp, C: 383 gp, M: 7550 gp, vest of
Breastplate (462 gp), +2 Large Adamantine Spiked Chain resistance +2 (333 gp), brooch of shielding (83 gp), ring of
(696 gp), anklet of translocation (116 gp), +1 heavy steel protection +1 (166 gp), cloak of charisma +4 (1333 gp),
shield (97 gp), +1 full plate (304 gp), metamagic rod, cloak of resistance +2 (333 gp), +1 scimitar (192 gp), +1
lesser (silent) (250 gp), periapt of wisdom +2 (333 gp), +1 spellstoring rapier (693 gp), +2 mithral shirt (425 gp),
composite shortbow (+2 Str) (214 gp), mithral shirt (91 anklet of translocation (116 gp), gloves of dexterity +2
gp), brooch of shielding (83 gp), book of all knowledge (333 gp), +1 mithral shirt (175 gp), bracers of armor +1
(250 gp). (83 gp), potion of protection from good x2 (8 gp), potion of
resist energy fire (30) x2 (182 gp), ring of protection +1 x2
APL 12: L: 54 gp, C: 0 gp, M: 5110 gp, +2 Large (332 gp), light crossbow +1 (194 gp), +1 chain shirt (104
Breastplate (462 gp), +2 Large Adamantine Spiked Chain gp), potion of blur (25 gp), cloak of resistance +1 (83 gp),
(696 gp), anklet of translocation (116 gp), +2 heavy steel potion of protection from energy (fire) (62 gp), potion of
shield (395 gp), +3 full plate (887 gp), metamagic rod, greater mage armor x3 (187 gp), +1 magebane halberd
lesser (silent) (250 gp), periapt of wisdom +4 (1333 gp), (692 gp), mask of lies (1416 gp).
+1 composite shortbow (+2 Str) (214 gp), mithral shirt (91
gp), brooch of shielding (83 gp), gloves of dexterity +2 (333 Total Possible Treasure (Maximum Reward
gp), book of all knowledge (250 gp). Allowed)
Encounter 3: APL 2: L: 192 gp, C: 0 gp, M: 331 gp – Total: 523 gp
(450 gp).
All APLs: L: 0 gp, C: 0 gp, M: 104 gp, Ruby Skull of
Wee Jas (29 gp), Wand of Cure Serious Wounds (4 APL 4: L: 365 gp, C: 0 gp, M: 779 gp – Total: 1144 gp
charges) (75 gp). (650 gp).
Encounter 4: APL 6: L: 307 gp, C: 66 gp, M: 1894 gp – Total: 2267
gp (900 gp).
APL 2: L: 98 gp, C: 0 gp, M: 0 gp.
APL 8: L: 275 gp, C: 436 gp, M: 3771 gp – Total: 4482
APL 4: L: 98 gp, C: 0 gp, M: 332 gp, vest of resistance +1 gp (1,300 gp).
(83 gp), ring of protection +1 (166 gp), cloak of resistance
+1 (83 gp). APL 10: L: 236 gp, C: 383 gp, M: 7843 gp – Total:
8462 gp (2,300 gp).

BIS7-08 Under a Platinum Sky Page 19

APL 12: L: 256 gp, C: 383 gp, M: 12814 gp – Total:
13453 gp (3,300 gp).  A Fellow Traveler: You were able to rescue Alia
Besselar, and she has decided she’d like to travel with you
ITEMS FOR THE ADVENTURE for a while. If you possess the Leadership feat, you can
take Alia Besselar as a cohort. She is a devout worshipper
RECORD of Fharlanghn and will only follow a good-aligned PC.
She can only advance as a Cleric, Ranger or Sorcerer and
Special can only take levels in the Horizon Walker or Mystic
 Bissel Military Commendation: You have been Theurge prestige classes. Alia Besselar: CR 3; Female
granted a commendation in the Great Army of Bissel, per Human Clr3 of Fharlanghn; Medium Humanoid; HD
the Bissel Omnibus. 3d8+3 (21 hp); Init +2; AC 12 (+12 Dex), touch 12, flat-
footed 10; BAB/Grapple +2/+1; SV Fort +4, Ref +3, Will
 Additional Military Commendation: Only PCs +5; Str 8, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 15. Skills and
who participated in BIS7-06 The Golden Masque are eligible Feats: Concentration +7, Diplomacy +9, Heal +6,
for this commendation. For you continued service and Knowledge [nobility and royalty] +2, Knowledge
good work, the power on high have granted you a [religion] +7, Perform [dance] +3, Sense Motive +4; Far
commendation in the Great Army of Bissel, per the Bissel Horizons (RD), Negotiator. Domains: Luck, Travel. AL:
Omnibus. NG
Played BIS7-06 – AR#__________________.
Item Access
 Favor of the Margrave: This PC has earned the favor
of the Margrave. As the former Archpriest of Heironeous, APL 2:
Margrave Malto Adeur can see that special rites and items
™ +1 Mithral Shirt (Adventure; DMG)
of the Church of Heironeous be made to you. Spending
this favor gives you access (Frequency: Adventure) to ™ Blade Fertuine (Regional; Above)
purchase one of the following items or upgrades: sacred
™ Ruby Skull of Wee Jas (Adventure; Complete Champion)
scabbard (Complete Warrior), sacred armor/shield special
ability (Arms and Equipment Guide), shock weapon special ™ Wand of Cure Serious Wounds (4 charges) (Adventure;
ability, or Bolt of Heironeous (Complete Champion). DMG)
Alternatively, spending the favor allows a spellcaster to
APL 4 (all of APL 2 plus the following):
learn two of the following spells, all from PHBII: crown of
clarity, crown of might, crown of protection, and crown of ™ Anklet of Translocation (Adventure; Magic Item
smiting. Compendium)
APL 6 (all of APLs 2, 4 plus the following):
 Blade Fertuine: You have taken the sword of Lord
Fertuine as a trophy of your victory. The ornate, ™ Book of All Knowledge (Adventure; Complete Champion)
masterwork rapier bears distinctive patterns on the
APL 8 (all of APLs 2, 4, 6 plus the following):
pommel and blade, and the guard is shaped like the
laughing mask of Olidammara. Displaying the sheathed ™ Metamagic Rod, Lesser (silent) (Adventure; DMG)
blade grants the owner of the blade a +2 on Bluff,
™ Brooch of Shielding (Adventure; DMG)
Diplomacy and Gather Information with good-aligned
NPCs in Bissel. The blade is otherwise a standard ™ +1 Large Adamantine Spiked Chain (Adventure; DMG)
masterwork rapier. The possessor of the Blade Fertuine
™ Potion of Resist Energy, Fire (30) (Adventure; DMG)
has access to purchase any of the following upgrades for
this weapon only: keen special ability, merciful special APL 10 (all of APLs 2, 4, 6, 8 plus the following):
ability, and spell storing special ability.
™ Mask of Lies (Adventure; Complete Adventurer)
Prerequisites: can’t be crafted. Market Price: 320 gp.
Weight: 2 lbs. APL 12 (all of APLs 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 plus the following):
™ Potion of Greater Mage Armor (Adventure; DMG)
 Right in the Eyes of Wee Jas: By slaying the chaotic
undead in Cassiter, and restoring her servant to the faith, ™ +1 Magebane Halberd (Adventure; Complete Arcane)
you have acted as the agent of Wee Jas’ will. You have
access to the feat Undying Fate (RD).

BIS7-08 Under a Platinum Sky Page 20

Male Swordwraith Human Ftr 1 Male human Clr1 of Nerull
CE Medium undead CE Medium humanoid (human)
Init +3; Senses Darkvision 60’, Listen +2, Spot +2 Init +1; Senses, Listen +2, Spot +2
Languages Common, Abyssal Languages Common
AC 18, touch 13, flat-footed 15 AC 19, touch 11, flat-footed 18
(+3 Dex, +5 armor) (+1 Dex, +6 armor, +2 shield)
hp 15 (1 HD); DR 10/magic and slashing hp 10 (1 HD)
Undead Immunities Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +4
Turn Resistance +2 Speed 20 ft. in heavy armor, base movement 30 ft.
Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +1 Melee mwk heavy mace +2 (1d8+1)
Speed 30t. (6squares) Ranged light crossbow +2 (1d8 19-20/x2)
Melee mwk spiked chain +7 (2d4+6/x2) Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Ranged light crossbow +4 (1d8 19-20/x2) Base Atk +0; Grp +1
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. Special Actions Rebuke Undead 8/day
Base Atk +1; Grp +5 Combat Gear mwk heavy mace, mwk heavy steel shield,
Combat Gear +1 mithral shirt, mwk Spiked Chain, light banded mail, light crossbow, 20 bolts
crossbow, 20 bolts Cleric Spells Prepared (CL 1st):
Abilities Str 18, Dex 16, Con -, Int 13, Wis 8, Cha 8 1st—bless, cause fear , cure light wounds
SQ Strength Damage 0—cure minor wounds (x3)
Feats Alertness, Iron Will, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Spiked D: Domain spell. Deity: Nerull. Domains: Death, Evil
Chain), Toughness , Weapon Focus (Spiked Chain) Abilities Str 12, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 15, Cha 12
Skills Climb +8, Hide +7, Jump +8, Move Silently +8, Sense Feats Combat Casting, Extra Turning
Motive +1 Skills Concentration +6, Knowledge [religion] +4, Spellcraft +4
Possessions combat gear plus explorer’s outfit, 40 gp Possessions combat gear plus explorer’s outfit, holy symbol,
Strength Damage (Su) A creature struck by a swordwraith’s scroll of magic weapon, spell component pouch
melee weapon takes 1 point of Strength damage. Description A vile gleam of madness lies behind the narrow
Description The thug before you wears a gleaming chainshirt eyes of this heavily armored villain. He wears the symbol of a
and wields a wicked-looking spiked chain. He appears slightly skull and scythe and utters dark mutterings to the Hater of Life,
translucent in the shadows cast by the eldritch sky above. the Bringer of Darkness…Nerull!
Sources Fiend Folio (Page 174)

BIS7-08 Under a Platinum Sky Page 21

A successful Will save (DC 10 + ½ her class level + Cha
ENCOUNTER 4 modifier) reduces damage by half. Undead creatures within
JUNIPHEL CR 3 this burst are healed the same amount of hit points as the
Female human DrN3 damage she deals to living creatures. A dread necromancer
CE Medium humanoid (human) can use this ability once per day at 3rd level, and one
Init +5; Senses Listen -1, Spot -1 additional time per day for every five levels she attains
Languages Common beyond third (2/day at 8th level, 3/day at 13th level, and
4/day at 18th level).
AC 15, touch 11, flat-footed 14
(+1 Dex, +4 armor) Description The young pale skinned woman tosses back a lock
of long blonde hair before uttering dark words of necromantic
hp 20 (3 HD); DR 2/bludgeoning and magic
blasphemy. Shadowy eldritch energies gather about her black-
Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +2
clad body.
Speed 30 ft. in light armor (6 squares)
Sources Heroes of Horror (Page 84)
Melee charnel touch +2 (1d8 negative energy 20/x2) or scimitar
+2 (1d6+1 slashing 18-20/x2) Power-Up Suite: [barkskin (10 minutes), cat’s grace (1 minute
Ranged light crossbow +2 (1d8 piercing 19-20/x2) left)]
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. Init +7
Base Atk +1; Grp +2 AC 19, touch 13, flat-footed 16
Atk Options Negative Energy Burst 1/day (DC 13) (+3 Dex, +4 armor, +1 deflection, +2 natural)
Special Actions Rebuke Undead 5/day Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +4
Combat Gear potion of barkskin +2, potion of cat’s grace, Ranged light crossbow +4 (1d8 piercing 19-20/x2)
masterwork chain shirt, light crossbow, dagger, scimitar,
spell component pouch CAMRYN FERTUINE CR 1
Dread Necromancer Spells Known (CL 5th): Male human Sws1
* N N
1st (6/day)—bane, bestow wound , cause fear , chill touch , detect CE Medium humanoid (human)
magic, detect undead, doom , hide from undead, inflict light Init +3; Senses, Listen +0, Spot +0
woundsN, ray of enfeeblementN, summon undead I*, undetectable Languages Common, Abyssal, Ancient Suel
alignment AC 17, touch 13, flat-footed 14
*: New Spell Described below. N: Necromancy school spell. (+3 Dex, +4 armor), Dodge, Mobility
Abilities Str 12, Dex 12, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 16 hp 12 (1 HD)
SQ Lich body Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +0
Feats Improved Initiative, Spell Focus (Necromancy) Speed 30 ft.
Skills Bluff +9, Concentraion +9, Decipher Script +1, Melee mw rapier +5 (1d6+1 18-20/x2) or dagger +5 (1d4+1 19-
Knowledge [arcana] +1, Knowledge [religion] +2, Spellcraft 20/x2)
+2 Ranged mw dagger (thrown) +5 (1d4+1 19-20/x2)
Possessions combat gear plus explorer’s outfit Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Charnel Touch (Su) Negative energy flows through a dread Base Atk +1; Grp +2
necromancer’s body, concentrating in her hands. At will, but Combat Gear mwk rapier, mwk dagger, mwk chainshirt
no more than once per round, she can make a melee touch Abilities Str 12, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 12
attack against a living foe that deals 1d8 points of damage, +1 Feats Dodge, Mobility, Weapon Finesse
per four class levels. This touch heals undead creatures, Skills Balance +6, Bluff +5, Diplomacy +5, Escape Artist +6,
restoring 1 hit point per touch, +1 per four class levels. Jump +4, Sense Motive +4, Tumble +6
A dread necromancer can use the spectral hand spell to Possessions combat gear plus noble’s outfit
deliver this attack from a distance. Description The overweight man wears light armor over his
Rebuke Undead (Su) A dread necromancer can rebuke or richly appointed clothing. His steel-gray eyes exude extreme
command undead creatures by channeling negative energy confidence and he wields his rapier with an obviously
through her body. See the cleric class feature described on practiced hand.
page 33 of the Player’s Handbook.
Lich Body: Starting at 2nd level, a dread necromancer begins
her journey into undeath. The first symptom is her body’s
increased resilience to physical harm. She gains DR
2/bludgeoning and magic. As the dread necromancer
increases in level, this DR increases in effectiveness, to DR 4
at 7th level, DR 6 at 11th level, and DR 8 at 15th level.
Negative Energy Burst (Su) Beginning at 3rd level, a dread
necromancer gains the ability to emit a burst of negative
energy from her body, harming living creatures within 5 feet
of her. This burst deals 1d4 points of damage per class level.

BIS7-08 Under a Platinum Sky Page 22

Male Swordwraith Human Ftr 3 Male human Clr3 of Nerull
CE Medium undead CE Medium humanoid (human)
Init +3; Senses Darkvision 60’, Listen +2, Spot +2 Init +1; Senses, Listen +2, Spot +2
Languages Common, Abyssal Languages Common
AC 18, touch 13, flat-footed 15 AC 21, touch 11, flat-footed 20
(+3 Dex, +5 armor) (+1 Dex, +8 armor, +2 shield)
hp 29 (3 HD); DR 10/magic and slashing hp 23 (3 HD)
Undead Immunities Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +5
Turn Resistance +2 Speed 20 ft. in heavy armor, base movement 30 ft.
Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +2 Melee mwk heavy mace +4 (1d8+1)
Speed 30t. (6squares) Ranged light crossbow +4 (1d8 19-20/x2)
Melee mwk spiked chain +9 (2d4+6/x2) Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Ranged mwk light crossbow +7 (1d8 19-20/x2) Base Atk +2; Grp +3
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. Special Actions Rebuke Undead 8/day (2 used)
Base Atk +3; Grp +7Atk Options Combat Reflexes, Power Combat Gear mwk heavy mace, mwk heavy steel shield, mwk
Attack full plate, light crossbow, 20 bolts
Special Actions Anklet of Translocation Cleric Spells Prepared (CL 3rd):
Combat Gear +1 mithral shirt, anklet of translocation, mwk Spiked 2nd—cure moderate wounds, desecrate , stone bones
Chain, mwk light crossbow, 140 bolts 1st—bless, cause fear , cure light wounds, shield of faith
Abilities Str 18, Dex 16, Con -, Int 13, Wis 8, Cha 8 0—cure minor wounds (x4)
SQ Strength Damage D: Domain spell. Deity: Nerull. Domains: Death, Evil
Feats Alertness, Iron Will, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Spiked SpC: Spell Compendium
Chain), Combat Reflexes , Power Attack , Toughness , Abilities Str 12, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 15, Cha 12
Weapon Focus (Spiked Chain) Feats Combat Casting, Divine Ward, Extra Turning
Skills Climb +8, Hide +7, Jump +8, Move Silently +8, Sense Skills Concentration +8, Knowledge [religion] +6, Spellcraft +6
Motive +1 Possessions combat gear plus explorer’s outfit, holy symbol,
Possessions combat gear plus explorer’s outfit, 140 gp scroll of magic weapon, spell component pouch
Strength Damage (Su) A creature struck by a swordwraith’s Description A vile gleam of madness lies behind the narrow
melee weapon takes 1 point of Strength damage. eyes of this heavily armored villain. He wears the symbol of a
Description The thug before you wears a gleaming chainshirt skull and scythe and utters dark mutterings to the Hater of
and wields a wicked-looking spiked chain. He appears slightly Life, the Bringer of Darkness…Nerull!
translucent in the shadows cast by the eldritch sky above. Power-Up Suite: [shield of faith (2 minutes)]
Sources Fiend Folio (Page 174) AC 23, touch 13, flat-footed 22
Power-Up Suite: [desecrate, stones bones from “Mad” Moran (25 (+1 Dex, +8 armor, +2 shield, +2 deflection)
AC 21, touch 13, flat-footed 18
(+3 Dex, +5 armor, +3 natural)
Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +3
Melee mwk spiked chain +10 (2d4+7/x2)
Ranged mwk light crossbow +8 (1d8+1 19-20/x2)

BIS7-08 Under a Platinum Sky Page 23

CIOR ATIQ CR 1 Female human DrN5
Female human Sct1 CE Medium humanoid (human)
CE Medium humanoid (human) Init +5; Senses Listen -1, Spot -1
Init +4; Senses, Listen +1, Spot +1 Aura Fear Aura 5 ft. (Will DC 15)
Languages Common Languages Common
AC 18, touch 14, flat-footed 14 AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 15
(+4 Dex, +4 armor) (+1 Dex, +4 armor, +1 deflection)
hp 10 (1 HD) hp 37 (5 HD); DR 2/bludgeoning and magic
Fort +2, Ref +6, Will -1 Fort +5(+7 against stunning, paralysis, poison, disease), Ref +3,
Speed 30 ft. Will +4(+6 against sleep)
Melee short sword +2 (1d6+2 19-20/x2) or dagger +2 (1d4+2 19- Speed 30 ft. in light armor (6 squares)
20/x2) Melee charnel touch +3 (1d8+1 negative energy 20/x2) or
Ranged mwk composite shortbow (+2 Str) +5 (1d6+2 20/x3) scimitar +3 (1d6+1 slashing 18-20/x2)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. Ranged light crossbow +3 (1d8 piercing 19-20/x2)
Base Atk +0; Grp +1 Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Atk Options Skirmish +1d6/0 Base Atk +2; Grp +3
Combat Gear mwk composite shortbow (+2 strength bonus), Atk Options Negative Energy Burst 1/day (DC 15)
short sword, dagger, chainshirt, 80 arrows Special Actions Rebuke Undead 6/day
Abilities Str 14, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 8, Cha 8 Combat Gear vest of resistance +1, ring of protection +1, potion of
SQ Trapfinding barkskin +2, potion of cat’s grace, masterwork chain shirt, light
Feats Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot crossbow, dagger, scimitar, spell component pouch
Skills Climb +4, Hide +6, Jump +4, Move Silently +6, Search +3, Dread Necromancer Spells Known (CL 5th):
Survival +3, Tumble +6 N
2nd (5/day)—blindness/deafness , command undead , darkness,

Possessions combat gear plus explorer’s outfit, potion of N N* N N N

death knell , dessicate , false life , gentle repose , ghoul touch ,
expeditious retreat N N
inflict moderate wounds , scare , spectral hand , summonN*

Description The dark-haired woman in equally dark clothing swarm, summon undead II*
takes careful aim with her bow. Then she is a blur of black 1st (7/day)—bane, bestow wound*, cause fearN, chill touchN, detect
and gray as she darts to her next position. N
magic, detect undead, doom , hide from undead, inflict light
wounds , ray of enfeeblementN, summon undead I*, undetectable
Power-Up Suite: [expeditious retreat (5 rounds)]
Speed 60 ft. alignment
Skills Jump +16 *: New Spell Described below. N: Necromancy school spell.
Abilities Str 12, Dex 12, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 16
SQ Lich body, Mental Bastion
Feats Improved Initiative, Tomb-Tainted Soul, Spell Focus
Skills Bluff +11, Concentraion +11, Decipher Script +2,
Knowledge [arcana] +2, Knowledge [religion] +2, Spellcraft
Possessions combat gear plus explorer’s outfit
Charnel Touch (Su) Negative energy flows through a dread
necromancer’s body, concentrating in her hands. At will, but
no more than once per round, she can make a melee touch
attack against a living foe that deals 1d8 points of damage, +1
per four class levels. This touch heals undead creatures,
restoring 1 hit point per touch, +1 per four class levels.
A dread necromancer can use the spectral hand spell to
deliver this attack from a distance.
Rebuke Undead (Su) A dread necromancer can rebuke or
command undead creatures by channeling negative energy
through her body. See the cleric class feature described on
page 33 of the Player’s Handbook.
Lich Body: Starting at 2nd level, a dread necromancer begins
her journey into undeath. The first symptom is her body’s
increased resilience to physical harm. She gains DR

BIS7-08 Under a Platinum Sky Page 24

2/bludgeoning and magic. As the dread necromancer CAMRYN FERTUINE CR 2
increases in level, this DR increases in effectiveness, to DR 4 Male human Rog1/Sws1
at 7th level, DR 6 at 11th level, and DR 8 at 15th level. CE Medium humanoid (human)
Negative Energy Burst (Su) Beginning at 3rd level, a dread Init +3; Senses, Listen +0, Spot +0
necromancer gains the ability to emit a burst of negative Languages Common, Abyssal, Ancient Suel
energy from her body, harming living creatures within 5 feet AC 17, touch 13, flat-footed 14
of her. This burst deals 1d4 points of damage per class level. (+3 Dex, +4 armor), Dodge, Mobility
A successful Will save (DC 10 + ½ her class level + Cha hp 15 (2 HD)
modifier) reduces damage by half. Undead creatures within Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +1
this burst are healed the same amount of hit points as the Speed 30 ft.
damage she deals to living creatures. A dread necromancer Melee mw rapier +5 (1d6+1 18-20/x2) or dagger +5 (1d4+1 19-
can use this ability once per day at 3rd level, and one 20/x2)
additional time per day for every five levels she attains Ranged mw dagger (thrown) +5 (1d4+1 19-20/x2)
beyond third (2/day at 8th level, 3/day at 13th level, and Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
4/day at 18th level). Base Atk +1; Grp +2Atk Options Sneak Attack +1d6
Advanced Learning (Ex) At 4th level, a dread necromancer Combat Gear mwk rapier, mwk dagger, mwk chainshirt
can add a new spell to her list, representing the result of
Abilities Str 12, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 12
personal study and experimentation. The spell must be a
SQ Trapfinding
cleric or wizard spell of the necromancy school, and of a
Feats Dodge, Mobility, Weapon Finesse
level no higher than that of the highest-level spell the dread
Skills Balance +10, Bluff +6, Diplomacy +10, Escape Artist +7,
necromancer already knows. Once a new spell is selected, it
Intimidate +3, Jump +7, Search +6, Sense Motive +5, Tumble
is added to that dread necromancer’s spell list and can be cast
just like any other spell she knows. If a spell is both a cleric
Possessions combat gear plus noble’s outfit, cloak of resistance +1
spell and a wizard spell, use the lower of the two spell levels
Description The overweight man wears light armor over his
(when different) to determine what level the spell is for a
richly appointed clothing. His steel-gray eyes exude extreme
dread necromancer.
confidence and he wields his rapier with an obviously
A dread necromancer gains an additional new spell at 8th,
practiced hand.
12th, 16th, and 20th level.
Juniphel has used her Advanced Learning to gain the spell
desiccate at 4th level.
Mental Bastion: Starting at 4th level, a dread necromancer
gains a +2 bonus on saving throws made to resist sleep,
stunning, paralysis, poison, or disease. This bonus increases
to +4 at 14th level.
Fear Arua Beginning at 5th level, a dread necromancer radiates
a 5-foot-radius aura as a free action. Enemies in the area must
succeed on a Will save (DC 10 + ½ her class level + her Cha
modifier) or become shaken. A creature who successfully
saves cannot be affected by that dread necromancer’s fear
aura for 24 hours.
Description The young pale skinned woman tosses back a lock
of long blonde hair before uttering dark words of necromantic
blasphemy. Shadowy eldritch energies gather about her black-
clad body.
Sources Heroes of Horror (Page 84)
Power-Up Suite: [barkskin (10 minutes), cat’s grace (1 minute
left), false life (1 hour left)]
Init +7
AC 20, touch 14, flat-footed 17
(+3 Dex, +4 armor, +1 deflection, +2 natural)
hp 48 (5 HD); DR 2/bludgeoning and magic
Fort +5(+7 against stunning, paralysis, poison, disease), Ref +4,
Will +4(+6 against sleep)
Ranged light crossbow +5 (1d8 piercing 19-20/x2)

BIS7-08 Under a Platinum Sky Page 25

URNUTH THE WEAPONSMITH CR 7 AC 25, touch 11, flat-footed 25
Male Swordwraith Minotaur Ftr 1 (-1 Size, +2 Dex, +6 armor, +8 natural)
CE Large undead Fort +5, Ref +8, Will +9
Init +2; Senses Darkvision 60’, Listen +8, Spot +8 Melee +1 large spiked chain +16/+11 (2d6+11/x2) and gore +9
Languages Common, Giant (1d8+7/x2)
AC 22, touch 11, flat-footed 22 Melee gore +14 (1d8+7/x2)
(-1 Size, +2 Dex, +6 armor, +5 natural)
hp 63 (7 HD); DR 10/magic and slashing
Undead Immunities
Male human Clr5 of Nerull
Turn Resistance +2
CE Medium humanoid (human)
Fort +4, Ref +7, Will +8
Init +1; Senses, Listen +3, Spot +3
Speed 20 ft. in medium armor; base 30 ft. Languages Common
Melee +1 large spiked chain +15/+10 (2d6+11/x2) and gore +8
AC 23, touch 11, flat-footed 22
(+1 Dex, +9 armor, +3 shield)
Melee gore +13 (1d8+7/x2)
hp 38 (5 HD)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Fort +6, Ref +2, Will +7
Base Atk +7; Grp +18Atk Options Combat Reflexes, Power
Attack, Powerful Charge Speed 20 ft. in heavy armor, base movement 30 ft.
Special Actions Anklet of Translocation Melee mwk heavy mace +5 (1d8+1)
Combat Gear +1 large breastplate, anklet of translocation, +1 large Ranged light crossbow +5 (1d8 19-20/x2)
Spiked Chain, mwk large Spiked Chain Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Base Atk +3; Grp +4
Abilities Str 24, Dex 14, Con -, Int 9, Wis 12, Cha 10
Special Actions Rebuke Undead 8/day (2 used)
SQ Strength Damage, Natural Cunning
Combat Gear mwk heavy mace, +1 heavy steel shield, +1 full plate,
Feats Alertness, Iron Will, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Spiked
light crossbow, 20 bolts
Chain), Combat Reflexes , Power Attack , Weapon Focus
Cleric Spells Prepared (CL 5th):
(Spiked Chain) D SpC
3rd—dispel magic, magic circle against good , unholy storm
Skills Craft (weapon smithing) +2, Hide +3, Move Silently +3, D SpC
2nd—cure moderate wounds, desecrate , silence, stone bones
Search +4, Sense Motive +2 D SpC
1st—bless, cure light wounds, protection from good resurgence ,
Possessions combat gear plus explorer’s outfit
shield of faith
Strength Damage (Su) A creature struck by a swordwraith’s 0—cure minor wounds (x5)
melee weapon takes 1 point of Strength damage. D: Domain spell. Deity: Nerull. Domains: Death, Evil
Powerful Charge (Ex) A minotaur typically begins a battle by SpC: Spell Compendium
charging an opponent, lowering its head to bring its mighty
Abilities Str 12, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 12
horns into play. In addition to the normal benefits and
Feats Combat Casting, Divine Ward, Extra Turning
hazards of a charge, this allows the beast to make a single
Skills Concentration +10, Knowledge [religion] +8, Spellcraft
gore attack with a +13 attack bonus that deals 4d6+10 points
of damage.
Possessions combat gear plus explorer’s outfit, holy symbol,
Natural Cunning (Ex) Although minotaurs are not especially
spell component pouch, book of all knowledge
intelligent, they possess innate cunning and logical ability.
Description A vile gleam of madness lies behind the narrow
This gives them immunity to maze spells, prevents them
eyes of this heavily armored villain. He wears the symbol of a
from ever becoming lost, and enables them to track enemies.
skull and scythe and utters dark mutterings to the Hater of
Further, they are never caught flat-footed.
Life, the Bringer of Darkness…Nerull!
Skills Minotaurs have a +4 racial bonus on Search, Spot and
Listen checks. Power-Up Suite: [shield of faith, magic circle against good (2
Description The creature looks like an incredibly tall,
AC 25, touch 13, flat-footed 24
powerfully muscled humanoid, covered in shaggy fur, with the
(+1 Dex, +9 armor, +3 shield, +2 deflection)
head of a bull. It wears a gleaming breastplate and wields a
wicked-looking spiked chain. It appears slightly translucent in Fort +8, Ref +4, Will +9 against good
the shadows cast by the eldritch sky above.
Sources Fiend Folio (Page 174)
Power-Up Suite: [desecrate, stones bones from “Mad” Moran (25

BIS7-08 Under a Platinum Sky Page 26

CIOR ATIQ CR 2 Female human DrN7
Female human Sct2 CE Medium humanoid (human)
CE Medium humanoid (human) Init +5; Senses Listen +1, Spot +1
Init +5; Senses Listen +2, Spot +2 Aura Fear Aura 5 ft. (Will DC 16)
Languages Common Languages Common, Abyssal
AC 18, touch 14, flat-footed 18 AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 15
(+4 Dex, +4 armor) (+1 Dex, +4 armor, +1 deflection)
hp 17 (2 HD) hp 53 (7 HD); DR 4/bludgeoning and magic
Fort +3, Ref +7, Will -1 Fort +6(+8 against stunning, paralysis, poison, disease), Ref +4,
Speed 30 ft. Will +5(+7 against sleep)
Melee short sword +3 (1d6+2 19-20/x2) or dagger +3 (1d4+2 19- Speed 30 ft. in light armor (6 squares)
20/x2) Melee charnel touch +4 (1d8+1 negative energy 20/x2) or +1
Ranged mwk composite shortbow (+2 Str) +6 (1d6+2 20/x3) scimitar +5 (1d6+2 slashing 18-20/x2)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. Ranged masterwork light crossbow +5 (1d8 piercing 19-20/x2)
Base Atk +1; Grp +2 Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Atk Options Skirmish +1d6/0 Base Atk +3; Grp +4
Combat Gear mwk composite shortbow (+2 strength bonus), Atk Options Negative Energy Burst 1/day (DC 16), Scabrous
short sword, mithral shirt, 80 arrows Touch 1/day (DC 16)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 8, Cha 8 Special Actions Rebuke Undead 6/day
SQ Trapfinding, Uncanny Dodge Combat Gear vest of resistance +1, ring of protection +1, potion of
Feats Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot barkskin +2, potion of cat’s grace, mithral shirt, masterwork light
Skills Climb +7, Hide +9, Jump +9, Move Silently +9, Search +4, crossbow, dagger, +1 scimitar, spell component pouch
Survival +4, Tumble +11 Dread Necromancer Spells Known (CL 7th):
Possessions combat gear plus explorer’s outfit, potion of N N
3rd (5/day)— crushing despair, death ward , halt undead , inflict
expeditious retreat N N N
serious wounds , ray of exhaustion , speak with dead , summon
Description The dark-haired woman in equally dark clothing undead III*, vampiric touchN
takes careful aim with her bow. Then she is a blur of black N
2nd (7/day)—blindness/deafness , command undead , darkness,

and gray as she darts to her next position. N N* N N N

death knell , dessicate , false life , gentle repose , ghoul touch ,
N N N*
Power-Up Suite: [expeditious retreat (5 rounds), protection from inflict moderate wounds , scare , spectral hand , summon
good from “Mad” Moran (2 minutes)] swarm, summon undead II
AC 20, touch 16, flat-footed 20 1st (7/day)—bane, bestow wound*, cause fearN, chill touchN, detect
(+4 Dex, +4 armor, +2 deflection) against good magic, detect undead, doom , hide from undead, inflict light
N N *
Fort +5, Ref +9, Will +1 against good wounds , ray of enfeeblement , summon undead I , undetectable
Speed 60 ft. alignment
Skills Jump +21 *: New Spell Described below. N: Necromancy school spell.
Abilities Str 12, Dex 12, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 16
SQ Lich body, Mental Bastion
Feats Improved Initiative, Improved Toughness, Tomb-Tainted
Soul, Spell Focus (Necromancy), Alertness
Skills Bluff +11, Concentraion +13, Decipher Script +2,
Knowledge [arcana] +2, Knowledge [religion] +2, Spellcraft
Possessions combat gear plus explorer’s outfit
Charnel Touch (Su) Negative energy flows through a dread
necromancer’s body, concentrating in her hands. At will, but
no more than once per round, she can make a melee touch
attack against a living foe that deals 1d8 points of damage, +1
per four class levels. This touch heals undead creatures,
restoring 1 hit point per touch, +1 per four class levels.
A dread necromancer can use the spectral hand spell to
deliver this attack from a distance.
Rebuke Undead (Su) A dread necromancer can rebuke or
command undead creatures by channeling negative energy

BIS7-08 Under a Platinum Sky Page 27

through her body. See the cleric class feature described on necromancer to deliver a scabrous touch attack from a
page 33 of the Player’s Handbook. distance.
Lich Body: Starting at 2nd level, a dread necromancer begins A dread necromancer can use this ability once per day at
her journey into undeath. The first symptom is her body’s 6th level, twice per day at 11th level, and three times per day
increased resilience to physical harm. She gains DR at 16th level.
2/bludgeoning and magic. As the dread necromancer Summon Familiar: At 7th level or anytime thereafter, a dread
increases in level, this DR increases in effectiveness, to DR 4 necromancer can obtain a familiar. The familiar she acquires
at 7th level, DR 6 at 11th level, and DR 8 at 15th level. is more powerful than a standard wizard’s or sorcerer’s
Negative Energy Burst (Su) Beginning at 3rd level, a dread familiar, but it is unequivocally evil. The player of a dread
necromancer gains the ability to emit a burst of negative necromancer chooses one of the following creatures: imp
energy from her body, harming living creatures within 5 feet (devil), quasit (demon), vargouille, or ghostly visage. All
of her. This burst deals 1d4 points of damage per class level. these creatures are described in the Monster Manual except
A successful Will save (DC 10 + ½ her class level + Cha for the ghostly visage, an undead symbiont described on
modifier) reduces damage by half. Undead creatures within page 221 of the Fiend Folio.
this burst are healed the same amount of hit points as the A dread necromancer’s familiar gains the usual familiar
damage she deals to living creatures. A dread necromancer benefits given on pages 52-53 of the Player’s Handbook, with
can use this ability once per day at 3rd level, and one two exceptions. Its type does not change, and it does not gain
additional time per day for every five levels she attains the exceptional ability to speak with other creatures of its
beyond third (2/day at 8th level, 3/day at 13th level, and kind.
4/day at 18th level). A dread necromancer’s familiar can use its ability to deliver
Advanced Learning (Ex) At 4th level, a dread necromancer touch spell such as its master’s charnel touch, scabrous
can add a new spell to her list, representing the result of touch, or enervating touch attack. The master must use a
personal study and experimentation. The spell must be a standard action to imbue the touch attack into her familiar.
cleric or wizard spell of the necromancy school, and of a Description The young pale skinned woman tosses back a lock
level no higher than that of the highest-level spell the dread of long blonde hair before uttering dark words of necromantic
necromancer already knows. Once a new spell is selected, it blasphemy. Shadowy eldritch energies gather about her black-
is added to that dread necromancer’s spell list and can be cast clad body.
just like any other spell she knows. If a spell is both a cleric Sources Heroes of Horror (Page 84)
spell and a wizard spell, use the lower of the two spell levels Power-Up Suite: [barkskin (10 minutes), cat’s grace (1 minute
(when different) to determine what level the spell is for a left), false life (1 hour left), spectral hand]
dread necromancer. Init +7
A dread necromancer gains an additional new spell at 8th, AC 20, touch 14, flat-footed 17
12th, 16th, and 20th level. (+3 Dex, +4 armor, +1 deflection, +2 natural)
Juniphel has used her Advanced Learning to gain the spell hp 66 (7 HD); DR 2/bludgeoning and magic
desiccate at 4th level. Fort +6(+8 against stunning, paralysis, poison, disease), Ref +6,
Mental Bastion: Starting at 4th level, a dread necromancer Will +5(+7 against sleep)
gains a +2 bonus on saving throws made to resist sleep, Ranged masterwork light crossbow +7 (1d8 piercing 19-20/x2)
stunning, paralysis, poison, or disease. This bonus increases
to +4 at 14th level.
Fear Arua: Beginning at 5th level, a dread necromancer radiates MYNYDRZZT CR 2
a 5-foot-radius aura as a free action. Enemies in the area must Quasit familiar
succeed on a Will save (DC 10 + ½ her class level + her Cha CE Tiny outsider (Chaotic, Extraplanar, Evil)
modifier) or become shaken. A creature who successfully Init +7; Senses Darkvision 60’, Listen +7, Spot +6
saves cannot be affected by that dread necromancer’s fear Languages Common, Abyssal
aura for 24 hours. AC 22, touch 15, flat-footed 19
Scabrous Touch (Su): Starting at 6th level, once per day a (+2 Size, +3 Dex, +7 natural)
dread necromancer can use her charnel touch to inflict hp 26 (2 HD); fast healing 2; DR 5/cold iron or good
disease on a creature she touches. This ability works like the Immune poison
contagion spell (see page 213 of the Player’s Handbook), Resist fire 10
inflicting the disease of her choice immediately, with no Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +4
incubation period, unless the target makes a successful Speed 20 ft.; fly 50 ft. (perfect)
Fortitude save (DC 10 + ½ her class level + her Cha Melee 2 claws +8 (1d3-1 plus poison 20/x2) and bite +3 (1d4-1
modifier). The DC for subsequent saving throws to resist the 20/x2)
effects of the disease depends on the disease inflicted, see Space 2½ ft.; Reach 2½ ft.
page 292 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide for details. Base Atk +3; Grp -6
Activating this class feature is a swift action. The effect Atk Options Poison
lasts until the dread necromancer makes a successful charnel Special Actions Alternate form, spell-like abilities
touch attack. The spectral hand spell enables a dread Spell-Like Abilities (CL 6th):

BIS7-08 Under a Platinum Sky Page 28

At will—detect good, detect magic, and invisibility (self only) Melee +1 rapier +8 (1d6+2 18-20/x2) or dagger +8 (1d4+1 19-
1/day—casue fear (as the spell, except that area is a 30-foot 20/x2)
radius from the quasit, save DC 11) Ranged mw dagger (thrown) +8 (1d4+1 19-20/x2)
Abilities Str 8, Dex 17, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 10 Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
SQ improved evasion, share spells, empathic link, deliver touch Base Atk +4; Grp +5Atk Options Sneak Attack +2d6
spells, speak with master Combat Gear +1 rapier, mwk dagger, mwk dagger, mwk
Feats Improved Initiative, Weapon Finesse chainshirt
Skills Bluff +10, Diplomacy +2, Disguise +0 (+2 acting), Hide Abilities Str 12, Dex 17, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 12
+17, Intimidate +2, Knowledge [the planes] +6, Move SQ Trapfinding, Evasion, Trap Sense +1, Grace +1
Silently +9, Search +6, Spellcraft +6 Feats Dodge, Iron Will, Mobility, Weapon Finesse
Poison (Ex) Injury, Fortitude DC 13, initial damage 1d4 Dex, Skills Balance +12, Bluff +9, Diplomacy +10, Escape Artist +10,
secondary damage 2d4 Dex. The save is Constitution-based Intimidate +3, Jump +9, Search +10, Sense Motive +8,
and includes a +2 racial bonus. Tumble +12
Spell-like abilities: At will – detect good, detect magic, and Possessions combat gear plus noble’s outfit, cloak of resistance +1
invisibility (self only); 1/day – cause fear (as the spell, except Description The overweight man wears light armor over his
that its area is a 30-foot radius from the quasit, save DC 11). richly appointed clothing. His steel-gray eyes exude extreme
CL 6th. The save DCs are Charisma based. confidence and he wields his rapier with an obviously
Once per week a quasit can use commune to ask six practiced hand.
questions. The ability otherwise works as the spell (CL 12th).
Alternate form (Su): A quasit can assume other forms at will as THESTATS FOR SOUCELLO)
a standard action. A true seeing spell or ability reveals the
creature’s natural form. A creature using alternate form SOUCELLO, CONSORT OF CASSITER CR 4
reverts to its natural form when killed, but separated body Vampire Spawn, Female Human
parts retain their shape. A creature cannot use alternate form CE Medium Undead
to take the form of a creature with a template. If the new Init +6; Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Listen +11, Spot +11
form has the aquatic subtype, the creature gains that subtype Languages Common, Infernal
as well. The creature loses the natural weapons, natural AC 15, touch 12, flat-footed 13
armor and movement modes of its original form, as well as (+2 Dex, +3 natural)
any extraordinary special attacks of its original form not hp 38 (4 HD); fast healing 2; DR 5/silver
derived from class levels (such as the barbarian’s rage class Immune undead immunities
feature). Resist cold 10, electricity 10
Any individual quasit can assume only one or two forms Fort +1, Ref +5, Will +5
no larger than Medium. Common forms include bat, Weakness vampire weaknesses
monstrous centipede, toad, and wolf. A quasit in alternate Speed 30 ft; Spider climb
form loses its poison attack. Mynydrzzt uses this ability to Melee slam +5 (1d6+4 bludgeoning plus energy drain)
change into a raven, appearing as a more mundane familiar Ranged masterwork light crossbow +5 (1d8 19-20/x2)
for Juniphel. In combat he will often take on a hardier form. Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Description A tiny humanoid-shaped creature with spiky Base Atk +2; Grp +9
horns and bat winds hovers nearby. Its hands and feet are long Atk Options Blood Drain, Dominate, Energy Drain
and slender, with long, claw-tipped digits. Warts or pustules Special Actions Gaseous Form, +2 Turn Resistance
cover its greenish skin Combat Gear masterwork light crossbow, 20 bolts
Sources Monster Manual (Page 46) Abilities Str 16, Dex 14, Con -, Int 13, Wis 13, Cha 14
Power-Up Suite: [false life (1 hour left)] Feats Alertness, Improved Grapple, Improved Initiative,
hp 39 (2 HD); fast healing 2; DR 5/cold iron or good Toughness, Lightning Reflexes
Skills Bluff +11, Diplomacy +6, Hide +10, Jump +8, Move
CAMRYN FERTUINE CR 5 Silently +10, Search +8, Sense Motive +11
Male human Rog3/Sws2 Possessions combat gear plus Noble’s Outfit, signet ring, 33 gp
CE Medium humanoid (human) worth of jewelry, papers in Lord Fertuine’s hand
Init +3; Senses, Listen +4, Spot +4 Blood Drain (Ex) A vampire spawn can suck blood from a
Languages Common, Abyssal, Ancient Suel living victim with its fangs by making a successful grapple
AC 17, touch 13, flat-footed 14 check. If it pins the foe, it drains blood, dealing 1d4 points of
(+3 Dex, +4 armor), Dodge, Mobility Constitution drain each round the pin is maintained. On
hp 36 (5 HD) each successful drain attack, the vampire gains 5 temporary
Fort +7, Ref +8, Will +4 hit points.
Speed 30 ft. Dominate (Su) A vampire spawn can crush an opponent’s will
just by looking onto his or her eyes. This is similar to a gaze
attack, except that the vampire must use a standard action,

BIS7-08 Under a Platinum Sky Page 29

and those merely looking at it are not affected. Anyone the COTESSE, CONSORT OF CASSITER CR 4
vampire targets must succeed on a Will save (DC 14) or fall Vampire Spawn, Female Human
instantly under the vampire’s influence as though by a CE Medium Undead
dominate person spell (caster level 5th). The ability has a range Init +6; Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Listen +11, Spot +11
of 30 feet. Languages Common, Infernal
Energy Drain (Su) Living creatures hit by a vampire spawn’s AC 19, touch 12, flat-footed 17
slam attack gain one negative level. The DC is 14 for the (+2 Dex, +4 Armor, +3 natural)
Fortitude save to remove the negative level. For each hp 38 (4 HD); fast healing 2; DR 5/silver
negative level bestowed, the vampire spawn gains 5 Immune undead immunities
temporary hit points. Resist cold 10, electricity 10
Fast Healing (Ex) A vampire spawn heals 2 points of damage Fort +1, Ref +5, Will +5
each round so long as it has at least 1 hit point. If reduced to Weakness vampire weaknesses
0 hit points in combat, it automatically assumes gaseous form Speed 30 ft; Spider climb
and attempts to escape. It must reach its coffin home within Melee masterwork halberd +6 (1d10+4 piercing or slashing
2 hours or be utterly destroyed. (It can travel up to nine 20/x3) or slam +5 (1d6+4 bludgeoning plus energy drain)
miles in 2 hours.) Any additional damage dealt to a vampire Ranged masterwork light crossbow +5 (1d8 19-20/x2)
in gaseous form has no effect. Once at rest in its coffin, a Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
vampire is helpless. It regains 1 hit point after 1 hour, then is Base Atk +2; Grp +9
no longer helpless and resumes healing at the rate of 2 hit Atk Options Blood Drain, Dominate, Energy Drain
points per round. Special Actions Gaseous Form, +2 Turn Resistance
Gaseous Form (Su) As a standard action, a vampire spawn can Combat Gear masterwork halberd, masterwork chain shirt,
assume gaseous form at will as the spell (caster level 6th), but masterwork light crossbow, 20 bolts
it can remain gaseous indefinitely and has a fly speed of 20
Abilities Str 16, Dex 14, Con -, Int 13, Wis 13, Cha 14
feet with perfect maneuverability.
Feats Alertness, Improved Grapple, Improved Initiative,
Spider Climb (Su) A vampire spawn can climb sheer surfaces
Toughness, Lightning Reflexes
as though with a spider climb spell.
Skills Bluff +11, Diplomacy +6, Hide +10, Jump +8, Move
Skills Vampire spawn have a +4 racial bonus on Bluff, Hide,
Silently +10, Search +8, Sense Motive +11
Listen, Move Silently, Search, Sense Motive, and Spot
Possessions combat gear plus Courtier’s Outfit, 33 gp in coin
Blood Drain (Ex) As Soucello.
Description The stunning woman before you is dressed in a
Dominate (Su) As Soucello.
diaphanous violet gown that leaves little to the imagination. She
Energy Drain (Su) As Soucello.
has fine, straight beige hair and light-colored skin.
Fast Healing (Ex) As Soucello.
Sources DMG (Page 253-254) Gaseous Form (Su) As Soucello.
Spider Climb (Su) As Soucello.
Skills As Kora.
Description The supple woman is much stronger than she
looks. She wears a well-polished suit of armor and carries a
baroque halberd in her hands. Her hair is blonde and curled and
her skin in light.
Sources DMG (Page 253-254)

BIS7-08 Under a Platinum Sky Page 30

URNUTH THE WEAPONSMITH CR 9 Power-Up Suite: [desecrate, stones bones from “Mad” Moran (25
Male Swordwraith Minotaur Ftr 2/Exotic Weapon Master1 minutes)]
CE Large undead AC 25, touch 11, flat-footed 25
Init +2; Senses Darkvision 60’, Listen +8, Spot +10 (-1 Size, +2 Dex, +6 armor, +8 natural)
Languages Common, Giant Fort +7, Ref +8, Will +9
AC 22, touch 11, flat-footed 22 Melee +1 adamantine large spiked chain +18/+13 (2d6+12 19-
(-1 Size, +2 Dex, +6 armor, +5 natural) 20/x2) and gore +10 (1d8+7/x2) or +1 adamantine large spiked
hp 88 (9 HD); DR 10/magic and slashing chain +16/+16/+11 (2d6+12 19-20/x2) flurry of strikes and
Undead Immunities gore +9 (1d8+8/x2)
Turn Resistance +2 Melee gore +16 (1d8+8/x2)
Fort +7, Ref +7, Will +8
Speed 20 ft. in medium armor; base 30 ft.
Melee +1 adamantine large spiked chain +17/+12 (2d6+11 19-
Male human Clr7 of Nerull
20/x2) and gore +10 (1d8+7/x2) or +1 adamantine large spiked
CE Medium humanoid (human)
chain +15/+15/+10 (2d6+11 19-20/x2) flurry of strikes and
Init +1; Senses, Listen +3, Spot +3
gore +8 (1d8+7/x2)
Languages Common
Melee gore +15 (1d8+7/x2)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft. AC 23, touch 11, flat-footed 22
Base Atk +9; Grp +20Atk Options Combat Reflexes, Power (+1 Dex, +9 armor, +3 shield)
Attack, Powerful Charge hp 58 (7 HD)
Special Actions Anklet of Translocation Fort +7, Ref +3, Will +8
Combat Gear +1 large breastplate, anklet of translocation, +1 Speed 20 ft. in heavy armor, base movement 30 ft.
adamantine large Spiked Chain, mwk large Spiked Chain Melee mwk heavy mace +7 (1d8+1)
Abilities Str 24, Dex 14, Con -, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 10 Ranged light crossbow +7 (1d8 19-20/x2)
SQ Strength Damage, Natural Cunning Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Feats Alertness, Iron Will, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Spiked Base Atk +5; Grp +6
Chain), Improved Critical (Spiked Chain), Improved Special Actions Rebuke Undead 8/day (2 used)
Toughness, Combat Reflexes , Power Attack , Weapon Focus Combat Gear mwk heavy mace, +1 heavy steel shield, +1 full plate,
(Spiked Chain) metamagic rod, lesser (silent), light crossbow, 20 bolts
Skills Craft (weapon smithing) +3, Hide +3, Move Silently +3, Cleric Spells Prepared (CL 7th):
Search +5, Sense Motive +3 4th—recitation , unholy blight
Possessions combat gear plus explorer’s outfit 3rd—dispel magic, invisibility purge, magic circle against good ,
unholy storm
Strength Damage (Su) A creature struck by a swordwraith’s
2nd—close woundsSpC, cure moderate wounds, desecrateD, silence,
melee weapon takes 1 point of Strength damage. SpC
stone bones
Powerful Charge (Ex) A minotaur typically begins a battle by D SpC
1st—cure light wounds (x3), protection from good resurgence ,
charging an opponent, lowering its head to bring its mighty
shield of faith
horns into play. In addition to the normal benefits and
0—cure minor wounds (x6)
hazards of a charge, this allows the beast to make a single
D: Domain spell. Deity: Nerull. Domains: Death, Evil
gore attack with a +15 attack bonus that deals 4d6+10 points
SpC: Spell Compendium
of damage.
Natural Cunning (Ex) Although minotaurs are not especially Abilities Str 12, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 12
intelligent, they possess innate cunning and logical ability. Feats Combat Casting, Divine Ward, Improved Toughness,
This gives them immunity to maze spells, prevents them Extra Turning
from ever becoming lost, and enables them to track enemies. Skills Concentration +12, Knowledge [religion] +10, Spellcraft
Further, they are never caught flat-footed. +10
Skills Minotaurs have a +4 racial bonus on Search, Spot and Possessions combat gear plus explorer’s outfit, holy symbol,
Listen checks. spell component pouch, book of all knowledge
Description A vile gleam of madness lies behind the narrow
Description The creature looks like an incredibly tall,
eyes of this heavily armored villain. He wears the symbol of a
powerfully muscled humanoid, covered in shaggy fur, with the
skull and scythe and utters dark mutterings to the Hater of
head of a bull. It wears a gleaming breastplate and wields a
Life, the Bringer of Darkness…Nerull!
wicked-looking spiked chain. It appears slightly translucent in
the shadows cast by the eldritch sky above. Power-Up Suite: [shield of faith, magic circle against good (6
Sources Fiend Folio (Page 174) minutes)]

BIS7-08 Under a Platinum Sky Page 31

AC 26, touch 14, flat-footed 25
(+1 Dex, +9 armor, +3 shield, +3 deflection)
Fort +9, Ref +5, Will +10 against good JUNIPHEL CR 9
Female human DrN9
CIOR ATIQ CR 4 CE Medium humanoid (human)
Female human Sct4 Init +5; Senses Listen +1, Spot +1
CE Medium humanoid (human) Aura Fear Aura 5 ft. (Will DC 17)
Init +5; Senses Listen +3, Spot +3 Languages Common, Abyssal
Languages Common AC 17, touch 12, flat-footed 16
AC 18, touch 14, flat-footed 18 (+1 Dex, +5 armor, +1 deflection)
(+4 Dex, +4 armor) Dodge, Mobility, Skirmish +1d6/+1 hp 68 (9 HD); DR 4/bludgeoning and magic
hp 30 (4 HD) Fort +8(+10 against stunning, paralysis, poison, disease), Ref +6,
Fort +4, Ref +8, Will +0 Will +7(+9 against sleep)
Speed 40 ft. Speed 30 ft. in light armor (6 squares)
Melee short sword +5 (1d6+2 19-20/x2) or dagger +5 (1d4+2 19- Melee charnel touch +5 (1d8+2 negative energy 20/x2) or +1
20/x2) scimitar +6 (1d6+2 slashing 18-20/x2)
Ranged mwk composite shortbow (+2 Str) +8 (1d6+2 20/x3) Ranged masterwork light crossbow +6 (1d8 piercing 19-20/x2)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Base Atk +3; Grp +4 Base Atk +4; Grp +5
Atk Options Skirmish +1d6/+1 Atk Options Negative Energy Burst 2/day (DC 17), Scabrous
Combat Gear mwk composite shortbow (+2 strength bonus), Touch 1/day (DC 17)
short sword, mithral shirt, 80 arrows Special Actions Rebuke Undead 6/day
Abilities Str 14, Dex 19, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 8, Cha 8 Combat Gear vest of resistance +2, ring of protection +1, potion of
SQ Trapfinding, Uncanny Dodge, Trackless step barkskin +2, potion of cat’s grace, +1 mithral shirt, masterwork
Feats Dodge, Mobility,Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot light crossbow, dagger, +1 scimitar, spell component pouch,
Skills Climb +9, Hide +11, Jump +15, Move Silently +11, Search 175 gp worth of runebones
+6, Survival +6, Tumble +13 Dread Necromancer Spells Known (CL 9th):
Possessions combat gear plus explorer’s outfit, brooch of 4th (5/day)— animate dead , bestow curse , contagion , death
shielding, potion of expeditious retreat, potion of invisibility ward , dispel magic, enervation , Evard’s black tentacles, fear ,
Description The dark-haired woman in equally dark clothing giant vermin, inflict critical wounds , phantasmal killer, poison ,
* *N
takes careful aim with her bow. Then she is a blur of black summon undead IV , wither
and gray as she darts to her next position. 3rd (7/day)— crushing despair, death wardN, halt undeadN, inflict
Power-Up Suite: [expeditious retreat (5 rounds), invisible (1 serious wounds , ray of exhaustion , speak with dead , summon
* N
minute), protection from good from “Mad” Moran (2 minutes)] undead III , vampiric touch
AC 20, touch 16, flat-footed 20 2nd (7/day)—blindness/deafnessN, command undeadN, darkness,
N N* N N N
(+4 Dex, +4 armor, +2 deflection) Dodge, Mobility, Skirmish death knell , dessicate , false life , gentle repose , ghoul touch ,
N N N*
+1d6/+1 against good inflict moderate wounds , scare , spectral hand , summon
Fort +6, Ref +10, Will +2 against good swarm, summon undead II*
* N N
Speed 70 ft. 1st (7/day)—bane, bestow wound , cause fear , chill touch , detect
Skills Jump +27 magic, detect undead, doom , hide from undead, inflict light
woundsN, ray of enfeeblementN, summon undead I*, undetectable
*: New Spell Described below. N: Necromancy school spell.
Abilities Str 12, Dex 12, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 17
SQ Lich body, Mental Bastion
Feats Black Lore of Moil, Improved Initiative, Improved
Toughness, Tomb-Tainted Soul, Spell Focus (Necromancy),
Skills Bluff +11, Concentraion +15, Decipher Script +2,
Knowledge [arcana] +2, Knowledge [religion] +2, Spellcraft
Possessions combat gear plus explorer’s outfit
Charnel Touch (Su) Negative energy flows through a dread
necromancer’s body, concentrating in her hands. At will, but
no more than once per round, she can make a melee touch
attack against a living foe that deals 1d8 points of damage, +1

BIS7-08 Under a Platinum Sky Page 32

per four class levels. This touch heals undead creatures, effects of the disease depends on the disease inflicted, see
restoring 1 hit point per touch, +1 per four class levels. page 292 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide for details.
A dread necromancer can use the spectral hand spell to Activating this class feature is a swift action. The effect
deliver this attack from a distance. lasts until the dread necromancer makes a successful charnel
Rebuke Undead (Su) A dread necromancer can rebuke or touch attack. The spectral hand spell enables a dread
command undead creatures by channeling negative energy necromancer to deliver a scabrous touch attack from a
through her body. See the cleric class feature described on distance.
page 33 of the Player’s Handbook. A dread necromancer can use this ability once per day at
Lich Body: Starting at 2nd level, a dread necromancer begins 6th level, twice per day at 11th level, and three times per day
her journey into undeath. The first symptom is her body’s at 16th level.
increased resilience to physical harm. She gains DR Summon Familiar: At 7th level or anytime thereafter, a dread
2/bludgeoning and magic. As the dread necromancer necromancer can obtain a familiar. The familiar she acquires
increases in level, this DR increases in effectiveness, to DR 4 is more powerful than a standard wizard’s or sorcerer’s
at 7th level, DR 6 at 11th level, and DR 8 at 15th level. familiar, but it is unequivocally evil. The player of a dread
Negative Energy Burst (Su) Beginning at 3rd level, a dread necromancer chooses one of the following creatures: imp
necromancer gains the ability to emit a burst of negative (devil), quasit (demon), vargouille, or ghostly visage. All
energy from her body, harming living creatures within 5 feet these creatures are described in the Monster Manual except
of her. This burst deals 1d4 points of damage per class level. for the ghostly visage, an undead symbiont described on
A successful Will save (DC 10 + ½ her class level + Cha page 221 of the Fiend Folio.
modifier) reduces damage by half. Undead creatures within A dread necromancer’s familiar gains the usual familiar
this burst are healed the same amount of hit points as the benefits given on pages 52-53 of the Player’s Handbook, with
damage she deals to living creatures. A dread necromancer two exceptions. Its type does not change, and it does not gain
can use this ability once per day at 3rd level, and one the exceptional ability to speak with other creatures of its
additional time per day for every five levels she attains kind.
beyond third (2/day at 8th level, 3/day at 13th level, and A dread necromancer’s familiar can use its ability to deliver
4/day at 18th level). touch spell such as its master’s charnel touch, scabrous
Advanced Learning (Ex) At 4th level, a dread necromancer touch, or enervating touch attack. The master must use a
can add a new spell to her list, representing the result of standard action to imbue the touch attack into her familiar.
personal study and experimentation. The spell must be a Undead Mastery: All undead creatures created by a dread
cleric or wizard spell of the necromancy school, and of a necromancer who has reached 8th level or higher gain a +4
level no higher than that of the highest-level spell the dread enhancement bonus to Strength and Dexterity and 2
necromancer already knows. Once a new spell is selected, it additional hit points per Hit Die.
is added to that dread necromancer’s spell list and can be cast In addition, when a dread necromancer uses the animate
just like any other spell she knows. If a spell is both a cleric dead spell to create undead, she can control 4+her Charisma
spell and a wizard spell, use the lower of the two spell levels bonus HD worth of undead creatures per class level (rather
(when different) to determine what level the spell is for a than the 4 HD per level normally granted by the spell).
dread necromancer. Similarly, when a dread necromancer casts the control
A dread necromancer gains an additional new spell at 8th, undead spell, the spell targets up to (2 + her Cha bonus)
12th, 16th, and 20th level. HD/level of undead creatures, rather than the 2 HD/level
Juniphel has used her Advanced Learning to gain the spell normally granted by the spell.
desiccate at 4th level, and the spell wither at 8th level. Negative Energy Resistance: Beginning at 9th level, a dread
Mental Bastion: Starting at 4th level, a dread necromancer necromancer gains a +4 bonus on saving throws made to
gains a +2 bonus on saving throws made to resist sleep, resist negative energy effects, including energy drain, some
stunning, paralysis, poison, or disease. This bonus increases ability drain, and inflict spells.
to +4 at 14th level. Description The young pale skinned woman tosses back a lock
Fear Arua: Beginning at 5th level, a dread necromancer radiates of long blonde hair before uttering dark words of necromantic
a 5-foot-radius aura as a free action. Enemies in the area must blasphemy. Shadowy eldritch energies gather about her black-
succeed on a Will save (DC 10 + ½ her class level + her Cha clad body.
modifier) or become shaken. A creature who successfully Sources Heroes of Horror (Page 84)
saves cannot be affected by that dread necromancer’s fear Power-Up Suite: [barkskin (10 minutes), cat’s grace (1 minute
aura for 24 hours. left), false life (1 hour left), spectral hand]
Scabrous Touch (Su): Starting at 6th level, once per day a Init +7
dread necromancer can use her charnel touch to inflict AC 21, touch 14, flat-footed 18
disease on a creature she touches. This ability works like the (+3 Dex, +5 armor, +1 deflection, +2 natural)
contagion spell (see page 213 of the Player’s Handbook), hp 83 (9 HD); DR 4/bludgeoning and magic
inflicting the disease of her choice immediately, with no Fort +8(+10 against stunning, paralysis, poison, disease), Ref +8,
incubation period, unless the target makes a successful Will +7(+9 against sleep)
Fortitude save (DC 10 + ½ her class level + her Cha Ranged masterwork light crossbow +8 (1d8 piercing 19-20/x2)
modifier). The DC for subsequent saving throws to resist the

BIS7-08 Under a Platinum Sky Page 33

change into a raven, appearing as a more mundane familiar
for Juniphel. In combat he will often take on a hardier form.
Description A tiny humanoid-shaped creature with spiky
Quasit familiar
horns and bat winds hovers nearby. Its hands and feet are long
CE Tiny outsider (Chaotic, Extraplanar, Evil)
and slender, with long, claw-tipped digits. Warts or pustules
Init +7; Senses Darkvision 60’, Listen +7, Spot +6
cover its greenish skin
Languages Common, Abyssal
Sources Monster Manual (Page 46)
AC 22, touch 15, flat-footed 19 Power-Up Suite: [false life (1 hour left)]
(+2 Size, +3 Dex, +7 natural) hp 49 (2 HD); fast healing 2; DR 5/cold iron or good
hp 34 (2 HD); fast healing 2; DR 5/cold iron or good
Immune poison CAMRYN FERTUINE CR 6
Resist fire 10 Male human Rog4/Sws2
Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +4 CE Medium humanoid (human)
Speed 20 ft.; fly 50 ft. (perfect) Init +3; Senses, Listen +4, Spot +4
Melee 2 claws +8 (1d3-1 plus poison 20/x2) and bite +3 (1d4-1 Languages Common, Abyssal, Ancient Suel
20/x2) AC 17, touch 13, flat-footed 17
Space 2½ ft.; Reach 2½ ft. (+3 Dex, +4 armor), Dodge, Mobility
Base Atk +3; Grp -6 hp 42 (6 HD)
Atk Options Poison Fort +7, Ref +9, Will +4
Special Actions Alternate form, spell-like abilities
Speed 30 ft.
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 6th):
Melee +1 rapier +9 (1d6+2 18-20/x2) or dagger +9 (1d4+1 19-
At will—detect good, detect magic, and invisibility (self only)
1/day—casue fear (as the spell, except that area is a 30-foot
Ranged mw dagger (thrown) +9 (1d4+1 19-20/x2)
radius from the quasit, save DC 11)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Abilities Str 8, Dex 17, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 10 Base Atk +5; Grp +6Atk Options Sneak Attack +3d6
SQ improved evasion, share spells, empathic link, deliver touch Combat Gear +1 rapier, mwk dagger, mwk dagger, mwk
spells, speak with master chainshirt
Feats Improved Initiative, Weapon Finesse
Abilities Str 12, Dex 17, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 12
Skills Bluff +10, Diplomacy +2, Disguise +0 (+2 acting), Hide
SQ Trapfinding, Evasion, Trap Sense +1, Grace +1, Uncanny
+17, Intimidate +2, Knowledge [the planes] +6, Move
Dodge, Anklet of Translocation
Silently +9, Search +6, Spellcraft +6
Feats Daring Outlaw, Dodge, Iron Will, Mobility, Weapon
Poison (Ex) Injury, Fortitude DC 13, initial damage 1d4 Dex, Finesse
secondary damage 2d4 Dex. The save is Constitution-based Skills Balance +13, Bluff +10, Diplomacy +10, Escape Artist +11,
and includes a +2 racial bonus. Intimidate +3, Jump +11, Search +10, Sense Motive +9,
Spell-like abilities: At will – detect good, detect magic, and Tumble +13
invisibility (self only); 1/day – cause fear (as the spell, except Possessions combat gear plus noble’s outfit, cloak of resistance +1,
that its area is a 30-foot radius from the quasit, save DC 11). anklet of translocation
CL 6th. The save DCs are Charisma based. Description The overweight man wears light armor over his
Once per week a quasit can use commune to ask six richly appointed clothing. His steel-gray eyes exude extreme
questions. The ability otherwise works as the spell (CL 12th). confidence and he wields his rapier with an obviously
practiced hand.
Alternate form (Su): A quasit can assume other forms at will as
a standard action. A true seeing spell or ability reveals the (VAMPIRE ABILITIES LISTED ONLY UNDER THE
creature’s natural form. A creature using alternate form STATS FOR SOUCELLO)
reverts to its natural form when killed, but separated body
parts retain their shape. A creature cannot use alternate form SOUCELLO, CONSORT OF CASSITER CR 7
to take the form of a creature with a template. If the new Vampire, Female Human Mnk5
form has the aquatic subtype, the creature gains that subtype CE Medium Undead (Augmented Humanoid)
as well. The creature loses the natural weapons, natural Init +9; Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Listen +13, Spot +13
armor and movement modes of its original form, as well as Languages Common, Infernal
any extraordinary special attacks of its original form not
AC 27, touch 20, flat-footed 22, Dodge, Mobility, Deflect Arrows
derived from class levels (such as the barbarian’s rage class
(+5 Dex, +1 armor, +1 deflection, +3 Wisdom, +1 Class, +6
Any individual quasit can assume only one or two forms
hp 50 (5 HD); fast healing 5; DR 10/silver and magic
no larger than Medium. Common forms include bat,
Immune undead immunities
monstrous centipede, toad, and wolf. A quasit in alternate
Resist cold 10, electricity 10
form loses its poison attack. Mynydrzzt uses this ability to
Fort +4, Ref +11, Will +7 (+9 against spells and effects from the
school of enchantment)

BIS7-08 Under a Platinum Sky Page 34

Weakness vampire weaknesses master vampire can control a number of lesser vampires in
Speed 40 ft; Spider climb, slow fall 20 ft. this fashion. A vampire may voluntarily free an enslaved
Melee unarmed strike +10 (1d8+6 bludgeoning plus energy spawn in order to enslave a new spawn, but once freed, a
drain) or unarmed strike +9/+9 (1d8+6 bludgeoning plus vampire or vampire spawn cannot be enslaved again.
energy drain) with flurry of blows Energy Drain (Su) Living creatures hit by a vampire’s slam
Ranged masterwork light crossbow +9 (1d8 19-20/x2) attack (or any other natural weapon the vampire might
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. possess) gain two negative levels. For each negative level
Base Atk +3; Grp +13 bestowed, the vampire gains 5 temporary hit points. A
Atk Options Blood Drain, Children of the Night, Combat vampire can use its energy drain ability once per round.
Reflexes, Create Spawn, Dominate, Energy Drain Alternate Form (Su) A vampire can assume the shape of a bat,
Special Actions Alternate Form, Gaseous Form, +4 Turn dire bat, wolf, or dire wolf as a standard action. While in its
Resistance alternate form, the vampire loses its natural slam attack and
Combat Gear bracers of armor +1, ring of protection +1, dominate ability, but it gains the natural weapons and
masterwork light crossbow, potion of resist energy (fire) 20, 20 extraordinary special attacks of its new form. It can remain
bolts in that form until it assumes another or until the next
Abilities Str 22, Dex 20, Con -, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 14 sunrise.
SQ Evasion, Still Mind Fast Healing (Ex) A vampire heals 5 points of damage each
Feats Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Deflect Arrows, Dodge, round so long as it has at least 1 hit point. If reduced to 0 hit
Improved Grapple, Improved Initiative, Improved points in combat, it automatically assumes gaseous form and
Toughness, Lightning Reflexes, Mobility, Weapon Focus attempts to escape. It must reach its coffin home within 2
(Unarmed Strike) hours or be utterly destroyed. (It can travel up to nine miles
Skills Bluff +10, Diplomacy +12, Escape Artist +13, Hide +21, in 2 hours.) Any additional damage dealt to a vampire in
Jump +15, Move Silently +21, Search +9, Sense Motive +16, gaseous form has no effect. Once at rest in its coffin, a
Tumble +13 vampire is helpless. It regains 1 hit point after 1 hour, then is
Possessions combat gear plus Noble’s Outfit, signet ring, 183 no longer helpless and resumes healing at the rate of 5 hit
gp worth of jewelry, papers in Lord Fertuine’s hand points per round.
Gaseous Form (Su) As a standard action, a vampire can assume
Blood Drain (Ex) A vampire can suck blood from a living
gaseous form at will as the spell (caster level 5th), but it can
victim with its fangs by making a successful grapple check. If
remain gaseous indefinitely and has a fly speed of 20 feet
it pins the foe, it drains blood, dealing 1d4 points of
with perfect maneuverability.
Constitution drain each round the pin is maintained. On
Spider Climb (Su) A vampire can climb sheer surfaces as
each successful attack, the vampire gains 5 temporary hit
though with a spider climb spell.
Skills Vampires have a +8 racial bonus on Bluff, Hide, Listen,
Children of the Night (Su) Vampires command the lesser
Move Silently, Search, Sense Motive, and Spot Checks.
creatures of the world and once per day can call forth 1d6+1
rat swarms, 1d4+1 bat swarms, or a pack of 3d6 wolves as a Description The stunning woman before you is dressed in a
standard action. These creatures arrive in 2d6 rounds and diaphanous violet gown that leaves little to the imagination. She
serve the vampire for up to 1 hour. has fine, straight beige hair and light-colored skin.
Dominate (Su) A vampire can crush an opponent’s will just by Sources DMG (Page 252)
looking onto his or her eyes. This is similar to a gaze attack,
except that the vampire must use a standard action, and COTESSE, CONSORT OF CASSITER CR 7
those merely looking at it are not affected. Anyone the Vampire, Female Human Mnk1/Ftr4
vampire targets must succeed on a Will save (DC 14) or fall CE Medium Undead (Augmented Humanoid)
instantly under the vampire’s influence as though by a Init +9; Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Listen +10, Spot +10
dominate person spell (caster level 12th). The ability has a Languages Common, Infernal, Sylvan
range of 30 feet. AC 25, touch 15, flat-footed 20, Dodge, Spinning Halberd
Create Spawn (Su) A humanoid or monstrous humanoid slain (+5 Dex, +4 armor, +6 natural)
by a vampire’s energy drain rises as a vampire spawn (see hp 50 (5 HD); fast healing 5; DR 10/silver and magic
Vampire Spawn entry, page 253) 1d4 days after burial. Immune undead immunities
If the vampire instead drains the victim’s Constitution to 0 Resist cold 10, electricity 10
or lower, the victim retirns as a spawn if it had 4 or less HD Fort +6, Ref +10, Will +3
and as a vampire if it had 5 or more HD. In either case, the Weakness vampire weaknesses
new vampire or spawn is under the command of the vampire Speed 30 ft; Spider climb
that created it and remains enslaved until its master’s Melee +1 halberd +13 (1d10+13 piercing or slashing 20/x3) or +1
destruction. At any given time a campire may have an halberd +13 (1d10+13 piercing or slashing 20/x3) and +8
enslaved spawn totaling no more than twice its own Hit (1d6+6 bludgeoning 20/x3) or unarmed strike +11 (1d6+7
Dice; any spawn it creates that would exceed this limit are bludgeoning plus energy drain)
created as free-willed vampires or vampire spawn. A vampire Ranged masterwork light crossbow +10 (1d8 19-20/x2)
that is enslaved may create and enslave spawn of its own, so a Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.

BIS7-08 Under a Platinum Sky Page 35

Base Atk +4; Grp +15
Atk Options Blood Drain, Children of the Night, Combat
Reflexes, Create Spawn, Dominate, Energy Drain, Power
Special Actions Alternate Form, Gaseous Form, +4 Turn
Combat Gear +1 halberd, masterwork chain shirt, masterwork
light crossbow, potion of resist energy (fire) 30, potion of protection
from good, 20 bolts
Abilities Str 24, Dex 20, Con -, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 14
Feats Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Improved Grapple,
Improved Initiative, Improved Toughness, Lightning
Reflexes, Power Attack, Spinning Halberd, Two-Weapon
Fighting, Weapon Focus (Halberd), Weapon Specialization
Skills Bluff +10, Diplomacy +8, Handle Animal +4, Hide +14,
Jump +13, Knowledge (local – Sheldomar Valley MR) +4,
Knowledge (nobility and royalty) +4, Move Silently +14,
Ride +9, Search +10, Sense Motive +12, Tumble +9
Possessions combat gear plus Courtier’s Outfit, 253 gp in coin
Blood Drain (Ex) As Soucello.
Children of the Night (Su) As Soucello.
Dominate (Su) As Soucello.
Create Spawn (Su) As Soucello.
Energy Drain (Su) As Soucello.
Alternate Form (Su) As Soucello.
Fast Healing (Ex) As Soucello.
Gaseous Form (Su) As Soucello.
Spider Climb (Su) As Soucello.
Skills As Soucello.
Description The supple woman is much stronger than she
looks. She wears a well-polished suit of armor and carries a
baroque halberd in her hands. Her hair is blonde and curled and
her skin in light.
Sources DMG (Page 252)

BIS7-08 Under a Platinum Sky Page 36

URNUTH THE WEAPONSMITH CR 11 Power-Up Suite: [desecrate, iron bones from “Mad” Moran (25
Male Swordwraith Minotaur Ftr 4/Exotic Weapon Master1 minutes)]
CE Large undead AC 29, touch 11, flat-footed 29
Init +2; Senses Darkvision 60’, Listen +8, Spot +10 (-1 Size, +2 Dex, +7 armor, +11 natural)
Languages Common, Giant Fort +8, Ref +9, Will +10
AC 23, touch 11, flat-footed 23 Melee +2 adamantine large spiked chain +21/+16/+11 (2d6+15 19-
(-1 Size, +2 Dex, +7 armor, +5 natural) 20/x2) and gore +13 (1d8+8/x2) or +2 adamantine large spiked
hp 107 (11 HD); DR 10/magic and slashing chain +19/+19/+14/+9 (2d6+15 19-20/x2) flurry of strikes
Undead Immunities and gore +13 (1d8+8/x2)
Turn Resistance +2 Melee gore +18 (1d8+8/x2)
Fort +8, Ref +8, Will +9
Speed 20 ft. in medium armor; base 30 ft.
Melee +2 adamantine large spiked chain +20/+15/+10 (2d6+14 19-
Male human Clr9 of Nerull
20/x2) and gore +12 (1d8+7/x2) or +2 adamantine large spiked
CE Medium humanoid (human)
chain +18/+18/+13/+8 (2d6+14 19-20/x2) flurry of strikes
Init +1; Senses, Listen +4, Spot +4
and gore +12 (1d8+7/x2)
Languages Common
Melee gore +17 (1d8+7/x2)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft. AC 23, touch 11, flat-footed 22
Base Atk +11; Grp +22Atk Options Combat Reflexes, Power (+1 Dex, +9 armor, +3 shield)
Attack, Powerful Charge hp 74 (9 HD)
Special Actions Anklet of Translocation Fort +8, Ref +4, Will +10
Combat Gear +2 large breastplate, anklet of translocation, +2 Speed 20 ft. in heavy armor, base movement 30 ft.
adamantine large Spiked Chain, mwk large Spiked Chain Melee mwk heavy mace +8/+3 (1d8+1)
Abilities Str 24, Dex 14, Con -, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 10 Ranged light crossbow +8 (1d8 19-20/x2)
SQ Strength Damage, Natural Cunning Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Feats Alertness, Iron Will, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Spiked Base Atk +6; Grp +7
Chain), Improved Critical (Spiked Chain), Improved Special Actions Rebuke Undead 8/day (2 used)
Toughness, Combat Reflexes , Power Attack , Weapon Focus Combat Gear mwk heavy mace, +1 heavy steel shield, +1 full plate,
(Spiked Chain), Weapon Specialization (Spiked Chain) metamagic rod, lesser (silent), light crossbow, 20 bolts
Skills Craft (weapon smithing) +3, Hide +3, Move Silently +3, Cleric Spells Prepared (CL 9th):
Search +5, Sense Motive +5 5th—righteous wrath of the faithful , slay living
Possessions combat gear plus explorer’s outfit 4th—freedom of movement, iron bones , recitation , unholy
Strength Damage (Su) A creature struck by a swordwraith’s
3rd—dispel magic, magic circle against goodD, magic vestment,
melee weapon takes 1 point of Strength damage. SpC
unholy storm
Powerful Charge (Ex) A minotaur typically begins a battle by SpC SpC
2nd—close wounds , cure moderate wounds, deific vengeance ,
charging an opponent, lowering its head to bring its mighty D
desecrate , resist energy (electricity), silence
horns into play. In addition to the normal benefits and D SpC
1st—cure light wounds (x3), protection from good resurgence ,
hazards of a charge, this allows the beast to make a single
shield of faith
gore attack with a +17 attack bonus that deals 4d6+10 points
0—cure minor wounds (x6)
of damage.
D: Domain spell. Deity: Nerull. Domains: Death, Evil
Natural Cunning (Ex) Although minotaurs are not especially
SpC: Spell Compendium
intelligent, they possess innate cunning and logical ability.
This gives them immunity to maze spells, prevents them Abilities Str 12, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 19, Cha 12
from ever becoming lost, and enables them to track enemies. Feats Combat Casting, Divine Ward, Domain Spontaneity
Further, they are never caught flat-footed. (Evil), Improved Toughness, Extra Turning
Skills Minotaurs have a +4 racial bonus on Search, Spot and Skills Concentration +14, Knowledge [religion] +12, Spellcraft
Listen checks. +12
Possessions combat gear plus explorer’s outfit, holy symbol,
Description The creature looks like an incredibly tall,
spell component pouch, book of all knowledge, periapt of wisdom
powerfully muscled humanoid, covered in shaggy fur, with the
head of a bull. It wears a gleaming breastplate and wields a
Description A vile gleam of madness lies behind the narrow
wicked-looking spiked chain. It appears slightly translucent in
eyes of this heavily armored villain. He wears the symbol of a
the shadows cast by the eldritch sky above.
skull and scythe and utters dark mutterings to the Hater of
Sources Fiend Folio (Page 174)
Life, the Bringer of Darkness…Nerull!

BIS7-08 Under a Platinum Sky Page 37

Power-Up Suite: [shield of faith, magic circle against good, freedom
of movement, resist energy (electricity) (7 minutes)]
Resist electricity 20 JUNIPHEL CR 11
AC 26, touch 14, flat-footed 25 Female human DrN11
(+1 Dex, +9 armor, +3 shield, +3 deflection) CE Medium humanoid (human)
Fort +10, Ref +6, Will +12 against good Init +5; Senses Listen +1, Spot +1
Aura Fear Aura 5 ft. (Will DC 19)
CIOR ATIQ CR 6 Languages Common, Abyssal
Female human Sct6 AC 18, touch 12, flat-footed 17
CE Medium humanoid (human) (+1 Dex, +6 armor, +1 deflection)
Init +5; Senses Listen +4, Spot +4 hp 83 (11 HD); DR 6/bludgeoning and magic; light fortification
Languages Common 25%
AC 18, touch 14, flat-footed 18 Fort +8(+10 against stunning, paralysis, poison, disease), Ref +6,
(+4 Dex, +4 armor) Dodge, Mobility, Skirmish +2d6/+1, Will +8(+10 against sleep)
Improved Skirmish +4d6/+3 Speed 30 ft. in light armor (6 squares)
hp 45 (6 HD) Melee charnel touch +6 (1d8+2 negative energy 20/x2) or +1
Fort +5, Ref +9, Will +1 scimitar +7 (1d6+2 slashing 18-20/x2)
Speed 40 ft. Ranged masterwork light crossbow +7 (1d8 piercing 19-20/x2)
Melee mwk short sword +7 (1d6+2 19-20/x2) or dagger +6 Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
(1d4+2 19-20/x2) Base Atk +5; Grp +6
Ranged +1 composite shortbow (+2 Str) +9 (1d6+3 20/x3) Atk Options Negative Energy Burst 2/day (DC 19), Scabrous
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. Touch 2/day (DC 19)
Base Atk +4; Grp +5 Special Actions Rebuke Undead 6/day
Atk Options Skirmish +2d6/+1, Improved Skirmish +4d6/+3 Combat Gear vest of resistance +2, brooch of shielding, ring of
Combat Gear +1 composite shortbow (+2 strength bonus), mwk protection +1, cloak of charisma +2, potion of barkskin +2, potion of
short sword, mithral shirt, 80 arrows cat’s grace, +2 mithral shirt, masterwork light crossbow, dagger,
Abilities Str 14, Dex 19, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 8, Cha 8 +1 scimitar, spell component pouch, 350 gp worth of
SQ Trapfinding, Uncanny Dodge, Trackless step, Evasion, runebones
Flawless Stride Dread Necromancer Spells Known (CL 11th):
N *
Feats Dodge, Improved Skirmish, Mobility, Point Blank Shot, 5th (4/day)— blight , cloudkill, fire in the blood , greater dispel
Precise Shot magic, insect plague, magic jar , mass inflict light wounds ,
nightmare, oath of blood , slay living , summon undead V*,
*N N
Skills Climb +11, Hide +13, Jump +17, Move Silently +13,
Search +8, Survival +8, Tumble +15 undeath to death , unhallow, waves of fatigue
4th (7/day)— animate dead , bestow curse , contagionN, death
Possessions combat gear plus explorer’s outfit, brooch of
shielding, potion of expeditious retreat, potion of invisibility ward , dispel magic, enervation , Evard’s black tentacles, fear ,
Description The dark-haired woman in equally dark clothing giant vermin, inflict critical wounds , phantasmal killer, poison ,
* *N
takes careful aim with her bow. Then she is a blur of black summon undead IV , wither
and gray as she darts to her next position. 3rd (7/day)— crushing despair, death wardN, halt undeadN, inflict
Power-Up Suite: [expeditious retreat (5 rounds), invisible (1 serious wounds , ray of exhaustion , speak with dead , summon
* N
minute), protection from good (2 minutes), magic vestment (2 undead III , vampiric touch
hours) from “Mad” Moran] 2nd (7/day)—blindness/deafnessN, command undeadN, darkness,
N N* N N N
AC 22, touch 16, flat-footed 22 death knell , dessicate , false life , gentle repose , ghoul touch ,
N N N*
(+4 Dex, +6 armor, +2 deflection) Dodge, Mobility, Skirmish inflict moderate wounds , scare , spectral hand , summon
+2d6/+1, Improved Skirmish +4d6/+3 against good swarm, summon undead II*
* N N
Fort +7, Ref +11, Will +3 against good 1st (7/day)—bane, bestow wound , cause fear , chill touch , detect
Speed 70 ft. magic, detect undead, doom , hide from undead, inflict light
Skills Jump +29 woundsN, ray of enfeeblementN, summon undead I*, undetectable
*: New Spell Described below. N: Necromancy school spell.
Abilities Str 12, Dex 12, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 19
SQ Lich body, Mental Bastion
Feats Black Lore of Moil, Improved Initiative, Improved
Toughness, Tomb-Tainted Soul, Spell Focus (Necromancy),
Skills Bluff +12, Concentraion +17, Decipher Script +2,
Knowledge [arcana] +2, Knowledge [religion] +2, Spellcraft
Possessions combat gear plus explorer’s outfit, mask of lies

BIS7-08 Under a Platinum Sky Page 38

Charnel Touch (Su) Negative energy flows through a dread contagion spell (see page 213 of the Player’s Handbook),
necromancer’s body, concentrating in her hands. At will, but inflicting the disease of her choice immediately, with no
no more than once per round, she can make a melee touch incubation period, unless the target makes a successful
attack against a living foe that deals 1d8 points of damage, +1 Fortitude save (DC 10 + ½ her class level + her Cha
per four class levels. This touch heals undead creatures, modifier). The DC for subsequent saving throws to resist the
restoring 1 hit point per touch, +1 per four class levels. effects of the disease depends on the disease inflicted, see
A dread necromancer can use the spectral hand spell to page 292 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide for details.
deliver this attack from a distance. Activating this class feature is a swift action. The effect
Rebuke Undead (Su) A dread necromancer can rebuke or lasts until the dread necromancer makes a successful charnel
command undead creatures by channeling negative energy touch attack. The spectral hand spell enables a dread
through her body. See the cleric class feature described on necromancer to deliver a scabrous touch attack from a
page 33 of the Player’s Handbook. distance.
Lich Body: Starting at 2nd level, a dread necromancer begins A dread necromancer can use this ability once per day at
her journey into undeath. The first symptom is her body’s 6th level, twice per day at 11th level, and three times per day
increased resilience to physical harm. She gains DR at 16th level.
2/bludgeoning and magic. As the dread necromancer Summon Familiar: At 7th level or anytime thereafter, a dread
increases in level, this DR increases in effectiveness, to DR 4 necromancer can obtain a familiar. The familiar she acquires
at 7th level, DR 6 at 11th level, and DR 8 at 15th level. is more powerful than a standard wizard’s or sorcerer’s
Negative Energy Burst (Su) Beginning at 3rd level, a dread familiar, but it is unequivocally evil. The player of a dread
necromancer gains the ability to emit a burst of negative necromancer chooses one of the following creatures: imp
energy from her body, harming living creatures within 5 feet (devil), quasit (demon), vargouille, or ghostly visage. All
of her. This burst deals 1d4 points of damage per class level. these creatures are described in the Monster Manual except
A successful Will save (DC 10 + ½ her class level + Cha for the ghostly visage, an undead symbiont described on
modifier) reduces damage by half. Undead creatures within page 221 of the Fiend Folio.
this burst are healed the same amount of hit points as the A dread necromancer’s familiar gains the usual familiar
damage she deals to living creatures. A dread necromancer benefits given on pages 52-53 of the Player’s Handbook, with
can use this ability once per day at 3rd level, and one two exceptions. Its type does not change, and it does not gain
additional time per day for every five levels she attains the exceptional ability to speak with other creatures of its
beyond third (2/day at 8th level, 3/day at 13th level, and kind.
4/day at 18th level). A dread necromancer’s familiar can use its ability to deliver
Advanced Learning (Ex) At 4th level, a dread necromancer touch spell such as its master’s charnel touch, scabrous
can add a new spell to her list, representing the result of touch, or enervating touch attack. The master must use a
personal study and experimentation. The spell must be a standard action to imbue the touch attack into her familiar.
cleric or wizard spell of the necromancy school, and of a Undead Mastery: All undead creatures created by a dread
level no higher than that of the highest-level spell the dread necromancer who has reached 8th level or higher gain a +4
necromancer already knows. Once a new spell is selected, it enhancement bonus to Strength and Dexterity and 2
is added to that dread necromancer’s spell list and can be cast additional hit points per Hit Die.
just like any other spell she knows. If a spell is both a cleric In addition, when a dread necromancer uses the animate
spell and a wizard spell, use the lower of the two spell levels dead spell to create undead, she can control 4+her Charisma
(when different) to determine what level the spell is for a bonus HD worth of undead creatures per class level (rather
dread necromancer. than the 4 HD per level normally granted by the spell).
A dread necromancer gains an additional new spell at 8th, Similarly, when a dread necromancer casts the control
12th, 16th, and 20th level. undead spell, the spell targets up to (2 + her Cha bonus)
Juniphel has used her Advanced Learning to gain the spell HD/level of undead creatures, rather than the 2 HD/level
desiccate at 4th level, and the spell wither at 8th level. normally granted by the spell.
Mental Bastion: Starting at 4th level, a dread necromancer Negative Energy Resistance: Beginning at 9th level, a dread
gains a +2 bonus on saving throws made to resist sleep, necromancer gains a +4 bonus on saving throws made to
stunning, paralysis, poison, or disease. This bonus increases resist negative energy effects, including energy drain, some
to +4 at 14th level. ability drain, and inflict spells.
Fear Arua: Beginning at 5th level, a dread necromancer radiates Light Fortification: Starting at 10th level, a dread
a 5-foot-radius aura as a free action. Enemies in the area must necromancer gains 25% resistance to critical hits; this is the
succeed on a Will save (DC 10 + ½ her class level + her Cha equivalent of the light fortification armor special ability
modifier) or become shaken. A creature who successfully described on page 219 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide. At
saves cannot be affected by that dread necromancer’s fear 17th level, this fortification increases to 50%.
aura for 24 hours. Description The young pale skinned woman tosses back a lock
Scabrous Touch (Su): Starting at 6th level, once per day a of long blonde hair before uttering dark words of necromantic
dread necromancer can use her charnel touch to inflict blasphemy. Shadowy eldritch energies gather about her black-
disease on a creature she touches. This ability works like the clad body.

BIS7-08 Under a Platinum Sky Page 39

Sources Heroes of Horror (Page 84) as well. The creature loses the natural weapons, natural
Power-Up Suite: [barkskin (10 minutes), cat’s grace (1 minute armor and movement modes of its original form, as well as
left), false life (1 hour left), spectral hand, fire in the blood*] any extraordinary special attacks of its original form not
Init +7 derived from class levels (such as the barbarian’s rage class
AC 22, touch 14, flat-footed 19 feature).
(+3 Dex, +6 armor, +1 deflection, +2 natural) Any individual quasit can assume only one or two forms
hp 100 (11 HD); DR 6/bludgeoning and magic no larger than Medium. Common forms include bat,
Fort +8(+10 against stunning, paralysis, poison, disease), Ref +8, monstrous centipede, toad, and wolf. A quasit in alternate
Will +8(+10 against sleep) form loses its poison attack. Mynydrzzt uses this ability to
Ranged masterwork light crossbow +9 (1d8 piercing 19-20/x2) change into a raven, appearing as a more mundane familiar
for Juniphel. In combat he will often take on a hardier form.
Description A tiny humanoid-shaped creature with spiky
MYNYDRZZT CR 2 horns and bat winds hovers nearby. Its hands and feet are long
Quasit familiar and slender, with long, claw-tipped digits. Warts or pustules
CE Tiny outsider (Chaotic, Extraplanar, Evil) cover its greenish skin
Init +7; Senses Darkvision 60’, Listen +7, Spot +6 Sources Monster Manual (Page 46)
Languages Common, Abyssal Power-Up Suite: [false life (1 hour left)]
AC 22, touch 15, flat-footed 19 hp 58 (2 HD); fast healing 2; DR 5/cold iron or good
(+2 Size, +3 Dex, +7 natural)
hp 41 (2 HD); fast healing 2; DR 5/cold iron or good
Immune poison CAMRYN FERTUINE CR 8
Resist fire 10 Male human Rog4/Sws4
Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +4 CE Medium humanoid (human)
Speed 20 ft.; fly 50 ft. (perfect) Init +5; Senses, Listen +5, Spot +5
Melee 2 claws +8 (1d3-1 plus poison 20/x2) and bite +3 (1d4-1 Languages Common, Abyssal, Ancient Suel
20/x2) AC 19, touch 15, flat-footed 19
Space 2½ ft.; Reach 2½ ft. (+5 Dex, +4 armor), Dodge, Mobility
Base Atk +3; Grp -6 hp 60 (8 HD)
Atk Options Poison Fort +8, Ref +12, Will +5
Special Actions Alternate form, spell-like abilities Speed 30 ft.
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 6th): Melee +1 rapier +13/+8 (1d6+4 18-20/x2) or dagger +13/+8
At will—detect good, detect magic, and invisibility (self only) (1d4+3 19-20/x2)
1/day—casue fear (as the spell, except that area is a 30-foot Ranged mw dagger (thrown) +13 (1d4+1 19-20/x2)
radius from the quasit, save DC 11) Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Abilities Str 8, Dex 17, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 10 Base Atk +7; Grp +8Atk Options Sneak Attack +4d6
SQ improved evasion, share spells, empathic link, deliver touch Combat Gear +1 rapier, mwk dagger, mwk dagger, mwk
spells, speak with master chainshirt
Feats Improved Initiative, Weapon Finesse Abilities Str 12, Dex 20, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 12
Skills Bluff +10, Diplomacy +2, Disguise +0 (+2 acting), Hide SQ Trapfinding, Evasion, Trap Sense +1, Grace +1, Uncanny
+17, Intimidate +2, Knowledge [the planes] +6, Move Dodge, Insightful Strike, Anklet of Translocation
Silently +9, Search +6, Spellcraft +6 Feats Daring Outlaw, Dodge, Iron Will, Mobility, Weapon
Poison (Ex) Injury, Fortitude DC 13, initial damage 1d4 Dex, Finesse
secondary damage 2d4 Dex. The save is Constitution-based Skills Balance +16, Bluff +12, Diplomacy +10, Escape Artist +14,
and includes a +2 racial bonus. Intimidate +3, Jump +13, Search +10, Sense Motive +11,
Spell-like abilities: At will – detect good, detect magic, and Tumble +16
invisibility (self only); 1/day – cause fear (as the spell, except Possessions combat gear plus noble’s outfit, cloak of resistance +1,
that its area is a 30-foot radius from the quasit, save DC 11). anklet of translocation, gloves of dexterity +2
CL 6th. The save DCs are Charisma based. Description The overweight man wears light armor over his
Once per week a quasit can use commune to ask six richly appointed clothing. His steel-gray eyes exude extreme
questions. The ability otherwise works as the spell (CL 12th). confidence and he wields his rapier with an obviously
practiced hand.
Alternate form (Su): A quasit can assume other forms at will as
a standard action. A true seeing spell or ability reveals the (VAMPIRE ABILITIES LISTED ONLY UNDER THE
creature’s natural form. A creature using alternate form STATS FOR SOUCELLO)
reverts to its natural form when killed, but separated body
parts retain their shape. A creature cannot use alternate form SOUCELLO, CONSORT OF CASSITER CR 9
to take the form of a creature with a template. If the new Vampire, Female Human Mnk7
form has the aquatic subtype, the creature gains that subtype CE Medium Undead (Augmented Humanoid)

BIS7-08 Under a Platinum Sky Page 40

Init +9; Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Listen +13, Spot +13 Create Spawn (Su) A humanoid or monstrous humanoid slain
Languages Common, Infernal by a vampire’s energy drain rises as a vampire spawn (see
AC 27, touch 20, flat-footed 22, Dodge, Mobility, Deflect Arrows Vampire Spawn entry, page 253) 1d4 days after burial.
(+5 Dex, +1 armor, +1 deflection, +3 Wisdom, +1 Class, +6 If the vampire instead drains the victim’s Constitution to 0
natural) or lower, the victim retirns as a spawn if it had 4 or less HD
hp 68 (7 HD); fast healing 5; DR 10/silver and magic and as a vampire if it had 5 or more HD. In either case, the
Immune undead immunities new vampire or spawn is under the command of the vampire
Resist cold 10, electricity 10 that created it and remains enslaved until its master’s
Fort +5, Ref +12, Will +8 (+10 against spells and effects from destruction. At any given time a campire may have an
the school of enchantment) enslaved spawn totaling no more than twice its own Hit
Weakness vampire weaknesses Dice; any spawn it creates that would exceed this limit are
Speed 50 ft; Spider climb, Spring Attack, slow fall 30 ft. created as free-willed vampires or vampire spawn. A vampire
Melee unarmed strike +12 (1d8+6 bludgeoning plus energy that is enslaved may create and enslave spawn of its own, so a
drain) or unarmed strike +11/+11 (1d8+6 bludgeoning plus master vampire can control a number of lesser vampires in
energy drain) with flurry of blows this fashion. A vampire may voluntarily free an enslaved
Ranged +1 light crossbow +11 (1d8+1 19-20/x2) spawn in order to enslave a new spawn, but once freed, a
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. vampire or vampire spawn cannot be enslaved again.
Base Atk +5; Grp +15 Energy Drain (Su) Living creatures hit by a vampire’s slam
Atk Options Blood Drain, Children of the Night, Combat attack (or any other natural weapon the vampire might
Reflexes, Create Spawn, Dominate, Energy Drain, Improved possess) gain two negative levels. For each negative level
Trip bestowed, the vampire gains 5 temporary hit points. A
Special Actions Alternate Form, Gaseous Form, +4 Turn vampire can use its energy drain ability once per round.
Resistance Alternate Form (Su) A vampire can assume the shape of a bat,
Combat Gear bracers of armor +1, ring of protection +1, light dire bat, wolf, or dire wolf as a standard action. While in its
crossbow +1, potion of resist energy (fire) 30, potion of protection alternate form, the vampire loses its natural slam attack and
from good, potion of blur, 20 bolts dominate ability, but it gains the natural weapons and
extraordinary special attacks of its new form. It can remain
Abilities Str 22, Dex 20, Con -, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 14
in that form until it assumes another or until the next
SQ Evasion, Still Mind, Wholeness of Body
Feats Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Deflect Arrows, Dodge,
Fast Healing (Ex) A vampire heals 5 points of damage each
Improved Grapple, Improved Initiative, Improved
round so long as it has at least 1 hit point. If reduced to 0 hit
Toughness, Improved Trip, Lightning Reflexes, Mobility,
points in combat, it automatically assumes gaseous form and
Spring Attack, Weapon Focus (Unarmed Strike)
attempts to escape. It must reach its coffin home within 2
Skills Bluff +10, Diplomacy +14, Escape Artist +15, Hide +22,
hours or be utterly destroyed. (It can travel up to nine miles
Jump +21, Move Silently +22, Search +9, Sense Motive +18,
in 2 hours.) Any additional damage dealt to a vampire in
Tumble +17
gaseous form has no effect. Once at rest in its coffin, a
Possessions combat gear plus Noble’s Outfit, signet ring, 233
vampire is helpless. It regains 1 hit point after 1 hour, then is
gp worth of jewelry, papers in Lord Fertuine’s hand, a
no longer helpless and resumes healing at the rate of 5 hit
Golden Mask
points per round.
Blood Drain (Ex) A vampire can suck blood from a living Gaseous Form (Su) As a standard action, a vampire can assume
victim with its fangs by making a successful grapple check. If gaseous form at will as the spell (caster level 5th), but it can
it pins the foe, it drains blood, dealing 1d4 points of remain gaseous indefinitely and has a fly speed of 20 feet
Constitution drain each round the pin is maintained. On with perfect maneuverability.
each successful attack, the vampire gains 5 temporary hit Spider Climb (Su) A vampire can climb sheer surfaces as
points. though with a spider climb spell.
Children of the Night (Su) Vampires command the lesser Skills Vampires have a +8 racial bonus on Bluff, Hide, Listen,
creatures of the world and once per day can call forth 1d6+1 Move Silently, Search, Sense Motive, and Spot Checks.
rat swarms, 1d4+1 bat swarms, or a pack of 3d6 wolves as a
Description The stunning woman before you is dressed in a
standard action. These creatures arrive in 2d6 rounds and
diaphanous violet gown that leaves little to the imagination. She
serve the vampire for up to 1 hour.
has fine, straight beige hair and light-colored skin.
Dominate (Su) A vampire can crush an opponent’s will just by
Sources DMG (Page 252)
looking onto his or her eyes. This is similar to a gaze attack,
except that the vampire must use a standard action, and
those merely looking at it are not affected. Anyone the COTESSE, CONSORT OF CASSITER CR 9
vampire targets must succeed on a Will save (DC 15) or fall Vampire, Female Human Mnk1/Ftr6
instantly under the vampire’s influence as though by a CE Medium Undead (Augmented Humanoid)
dominate person spell (caster level 12th). The ability has a Init +9; Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Listen +10, Spot +10
range of 30 feet. Languages Common, Infernal, Sylvan

BIS7-08 Under a Platinum Sky Page 41

AC 27, touch 16, flat-footed 22, Dodge, Spinning Halberd,
Combat Expertise
(+5 Dex, +5 armor, +1 deflection, +6 natural)
hp 68 (7 HD); fast healing 5; DR 10/silver and magic
Immune undead immunities
Resist cold 10, electricity 10
Fort +7, Ref +11, Will +6
Weakness vampire weaknesses
Speed 30 ft; Spider climb
Melee +1 halberd +15 (1d10+13 piercing or slashing 20/x3) or +1
halberd +15/+10 (1d10+13 piercing or slashing 20/x3) and
+10 (1d6+6 bludgeoning 20/x3) or unarmed strike +13
(1d6+7 bludgeoning plus energy drain)
Ranged masterwork light crossbow +12 (1d8 19-20/x2)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Base Atk +6; Grp +17
Atk Options Blood Drain, Children of the Night, Combat
Reflexes, Create Spawn, Dominate, Energy Drain, Power
Special Actions Alternate Form, Gaseous Form, +4 Turn
Combat Gear +1 halberd, +1 chain shirt, ring of protection +1,
masterwork light crossbow, potion of resist energy (fire) 30,
potion of protection from good, 20 bolts
Abilities Str 24, Dex 20, Con -, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 14
Feats Alertness, Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Dodge,
Improved Grapple, Improved Initiative, Improved
Toughness, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Power Attack,
Spinning Halberd, Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus
(Halberd), Weapon Specialization (Halberd)
Skills Bluff +13, Diplomacy +8, Handle Animal +4, Hide +14,
Jump +12, Knowledge (local – Sheldomar Valley MR) +4,
Knowledge (nobility and royalty) +4, Move Silently +14,
Ride +10, Search +10, Sense Motive +12, Tumble +11
Possessions combat gear plus Courtier’s Outfit, 153 gp in coin
Blood Drain (Ex) As Soucello.
Children of the Night (Su) As Soucello.
Dominate (Su) As Soucello.
Create Spawn (Su) As Soucello.
Energy Drain (Su) As Soucello.
Alternate Form (Su) As Soucello.
Fast Healing (Ex) As Soucello.
Gaseous Form (Su) As Soucello.
Spider Climb (Su) As Soucello.
Skills As Soucello.
Description The supple woman is much stronger than she
looks. She wears a well-polished suit of armor and carries a
baroque halberd in her hands. Her hair is blonde and curled and
her skin in light.
Sources DMG (Page 252)

BIS7-08 Under a Platinum Sky Page 42

URNUTH THE WEAPONSMITH CR 11 Power-Up Suite: [desecrate, iron bones, shield of faith from “Mad”
Male Swordwraith Minotaur Ftr 4/Exotic Weapon Master1 Moran (25 minutes)]
CE Large undead AC 33, touch 15, flat-footed 33
Init +2; Senses Darkvision 60’, Listen +8, Spot +10 (-1 Size, +2 Dex, +7 armor, +11 natural, +4 deflection)
Languages Common, Giant Fort +8, Ref +9, Will +10
AC 23, touch 11, flat-footed 23 Melee +2 adamantine large spiked chain +21/+16/+11 (2d6+15 19-
(-1 Size, +2 Dex, +7 armor, +5 natural) 20/x2) and gore +13 (1d8+8/x2) or +2 adamantine large spiked
hp 107 (11 HD); DR 10/magic and slashing chain +19/+19/+14/+9 (2d6+15 19-20/x2) flurry of strikes
Undead Immunities and gore +13 (1d8+8/x2)
Turn Resistance +2 Melee gore +18 (1d8+8/x2)
Fort +8, Ref +8, Will +9
Speed 20 ft. in medium armor; base 30 ft.
Melee +2 adamantine large spiked chain +20/+15/+10 (2d6+14 19-
Male human Clr13 of Nerull
20/x2) and gore +12 (1d8+7/x2) or +2 adamantine large spiked
CE Medium humanoid (human)
chain +18/+18/+13/+8 (2d6+14 19-20/x2) flurry of strikes
Init +1; Senses, Listen +4, Spot +4
and gore +12 (1d8+7/x2)
Languages Common
Melee gore +17 (1d8+7/x2)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft. AC 26, touch 11, flat-footed 25
Base Atk +11; Grp +22Atk Options Combat Reflexes, Power (+1 Dex, +11 armor, +4 shield)
Attack, Powerful Charge hp 107 (13 HD)
Special Actions Anklet of Translocation Fort +10, Ref +5, Will +12
Combat Gear +2 large breastplate, anklet of translocation, +2 Speed 20 ft. in heavy armor, base movement 30 ft.
adamantine large Spiked Chain, mwk large Spiked Chain Melee mwk heavy mace +11/+6 (1d8+1)
Abilities Str 24, Dex 14, Con -, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 10 Ranged light crossbow +11 (1d8 19-20/x2)
SQ Strength Damage, Natural Cunning Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Feats Alertness, Iron Will, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Spiked Base Atk +9; Grp +10
Chain), Improved Critical (Spiked Chain), Improved Special Actions Rebuke Undead 8/day (2 used)
Toughness, Combat Reflexes , Power Attack , Weapon Focus Combat Gear mwk heavy mace, +2 heavy steel shield, +3 full plate,
(Spiked Chain), Weapon Specialization (Spiked Chain) metamagic rod, lesser (silent), light crossbow, 20 bolts
Skills Craft (weapon smithing) +3, Hide +3, Move Silently +3, Cleric Spells Prepared (CL 13th):
Search +5, Sense Motive +5 7th—blasphemy , blood to water
Possessions combat gear plus explorer’s outfit 6th—create undead , forbiddance, harm, heroes’ feast
5th—death throes , flame strike, righteous wrath of the faithful ,
Strength Damage (Su) A creature struck by a swordwraith’s D
slay living , spell resistance
melee weapon takes 1 point of Strength damage. SpC SpC
4th—castigate , delay death , freedom of movement, iron
Powerful Charge (Ex) A minotaur typically begins a battle by
bones , recitation , unholy blightD

charging an opponent, lowering its head to bring its mighty SpC

3rd—dispel magic, invisibility purge, lesser visage of the deity ,
horns into play. In addition to the normal benefits and D SpC
magic circle against good , magic vestment, unholy storm
hazards of a charge, this allows the beast to make a single SpC
2nd—close wounds , cure moderate wounds (x2), deific
gore attack with a +17 attack bonus that deals 4d6+10 points SpC D
vengeance , desecrate , resist energy (electricity) (x2), silence
of damage. D SpC
1st—cure light wounds (x3), protection from good resurgence
Natural Cunning (Ex) Although minotaurs are not especially
(x2), shield of faith (x2)
intelligent, they possess innate cunning and logical ability.
0—cure minor wounds (x6)
This gives them immunity to maze spells, prevents them
D: Domain spell. Deity: Nerull. Domains: Death, Evil
from ever becoming lost, and enables them to track enemies.
SpC: Spell Compendium
Further, they are never caught flat-footed.
Skills Minotaurs have a +4 racial bonus on Search, Spot and Abilities Str 12, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 22, Cha 12
Listen checks. Feats Combat Casting, Divine Ward, Domain Spontaneity
(Evil), Domain Focus (Evil), Improved Toughness, Extra
Description The creature looks like an incredibly tall,
powerfully muscled humanoid, covered in shaggy fur, with the
Skills Concentration +18, Knowledge [religion] +16, Spellcraft
head of a bull. It wears a gleaming breastplate and wields a
wicked-looking spiked chain. It appears slightly translucent in
Possessions combat gear plus explorer’s outfit, holy symbol,
the shadows cast by the eldritch sky above.
spell component pouch, book of all knowledge, periapt of wisdom
Sources Fiend Folio (Page 174)

BIS7-08 Under a Platinum Sky Page 43

Description A vile gleam of madness lies behind the narrow CIOR ATIQ CR 8
eyes of this heavily armored villain. He wears the symbol of a Female human Sct8
skull and scythe and utters dark mutterings to the Hater of CE Medium humanoid (human)
Life, the Bringer of Darkness…Nerull! Init +5; Senses Listen +5, Spot +5
Power-Up Suite: [shield of faith, magic circle against good, freedom Languages Common
of movement, resist energy (electricity), spell resistance, lesser visage AC 20, touch 16, flat-footed 20
of the deity, death throes, heroes’ feast (10 minutes)] (+6 Dex, +4 armor) Dodge, Mobility, Skirmish +2d6/+2,
AC 30, touch 15, flat-footed 29 Improved Skirmish +4d6/+4
(+1 Dex, +11 armor, +4 shield, +4 deflection) hp 60 (8 HD)
Immune poison, fear Fort +5, Ref +12, Will +1
Resist fire 10, cold 10, electricity 30; SR 25 Speed 40 ft.; Shot on the Run
Will +11Fort +10, Ref +6, Will +13 against good Melee mwk short sword +9/+4 (1d6+2 19-20/x2) or dagger
Melee mwk heavy mace +12/+7 (1d8+1) +8/+3 (1d4+2 19-20/x2)
Ranged light crossbow +12 (1d8 19-20/x2) Ranged +1 composite shortbow (+2 Str) +13/+8 (1d6+3 20/x3)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Base Atk +6; Grp +7
Atk Options Skirmish +2d6/+2, Improved Skirmish +4d6/+4
Combat Gear +1 composite shortbow (+2 strength bonus), mwk
short sword, mithral shirt, 80 arrows
Abilities Str 14, Dex 22, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 8, Cha 8
SQ Trapfinding, Uncanny Dodge, Trackless step, Evasion,
Flawless Stride, Camouflage
Feats Dodge, Improved Skirmish, Mobility, Point Blank Shot,
Precise Shot, Shot on the Run
Skills Climb +11, Hide +15, Jump +17, Move Silently +15,
Search +8, Survival +8, Tumble +17
Possessions combat gear plus explorer’s outfit, brooch of
shielding, gloves of dexterity +2, potion of expeditious retreat, potion
of invisibility
Description The dark-haired woman in equally dark clothing
takes careful aim with her bow. Then she is a blur of black
and gray as she darts to her next position.
Power-Up Suite: [expeditious retreat (5 rounds), invisible (1
minute), protection from good (2 minutes), resist energy
(electricity), heroes’ feast, magic vestment (2 hours) from “Mad”
AC 25, touch 18, flat-footed 25
(+6 Dex, +7 armor, +2 deflection) Dodge, Mobility, Skirmish
+2d6/+2, Improved Skirmish +4d6/+4 against good
Immune poison, fear
Resist electricity 30
Will +2
Fort +7, Ref +14, Will +4 against good
Melee mwk short sword +10/+5 (1d6+2 19-20/x2) or dagger
+9/+4 (1d4+2 19-20/x2)
Ranged +1 composite shortbow (+2 Str) +14/+9 (1d6+3 20/x3)
Speed 70 ft.; Shot on the Run
Skills Jump +31

BIS7-08 Under a Platinum Sky Page 44

Skills Bluff +14, Concentraion +19, Decipher Script +2,
ENCOUNTER 4 Knowledge [arcana] +2, Knowledge [religion] +2, Spellcraft
Female human DrN13 Possessions combat gear plus explorer’s outfit, mask of lies
NE Medium humanoid (human) Charnel Touch (Su) Negative energy flows through a dread
Init +5; Senses Listen +1, Spot +1 necromancer’s body, concentrating in her hands. At will, but
Aura Fear Aura 5 ft. (Will DC 21) no more than once per round, she can make a melee touch
Languages Common, Abyssal attack against a living foe that deals 1d8 points of damage, +1
AC 18, touch 12, flat-footed 17 per four class levels. This touch heals undead creatures,
(+1 Dex, +6 armor, +1 deflection) restoring 1 hit point per touch, +1 per four class levels.
hp 98 (13 HD); DR 6/bludgeoning and magic; light fortification A dread necromancer can use the spectral hand spell to
25% deliver this attack from a distance.
Fort +9(+11 against stunning, paralysis, poison, disease), Ref +7, Rebuke Undead (Su) A dread necromancer can rebuke or
Will +9(+11 against sleep) command undead creatures by channeling negative energy
through her body. See the cleric class feature described on
Speed 30 ft. in light armor (6 squares)
page 33 of the Player’s Handbook.
Melee charnel touch +7 (1d8+2 negative energy 20/x2) or +1
Lich Body: Starting at 2nd level, a dread necromancer begins
scimitar +8/+3 (1d6+2 slashing 18-20/x2)
her journey into undeath. The first symptom is her body’s
Ranged masterwork light crossbow +8 (1d8 piercing 19-20/x2)
increased resilience to physical harm. She gains DR
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
2/bludgeoning and magic. As the dread necromancer
Base Atk +6; Grp +7
increases in level, this DR increases in effectiveness, to DR 4
Atk Options Negative Energy Burst 3/day (DC 21), Scabrous
at 7th level, DR 6 at 11th level, and DR 8 at 15th level.
Touch 2/day (DC 21)
Negative Energy Burst (Su) Beginning at 3rd level, a dread
Special Actions Rebuke Undead 6/day
necromancer gains the ability to emit a burst of negative
Combat Gear vest of resistance +2, brooch of shielding, ring of
energy from her body, harming living creatures within 5 feet
protection +1, cloak of charisma +4, potion of barkskin +2, potion of
of her. This burst deals 1d4 points of damage per class level.
cat’s grace, +2 mithral shirt, masterwork light crossbow, dagger,
A successful Will save (DC 10 + ½ her class level + Cha
+1 scimitar, spell component pouch, 900 gp worth of
modifier) reduces damage by half. Undead creatures within
this burst are healed the same amount of hit points as the
Dread Necromancer Spells Known (CL 13th):
N N N damage she deals to living creatures. A dread necromancer
6th (4/day)— acid fog, circle of death , create undead , eyebite ,
N N can use this ability once per day at 3rd level, and one
gaes/quest, harm , mass inflict moderate wounds , waves of
additional time per day for every five levels she attains
N * beyond third (2/day at 8th level, 3/day at 13th level, and
5th (7/day)— blight , cloudkill, fire in the blood , greater dispel
N N 4/day at 18th level).
magic, insect plague, magic jar , mass inflict light wounds ,
*N N N Advanced Learning (Ex) At 4th level, a dread necromancer
nightmare, oath of blood , slay living , spiritwall , summon
* N N can add a new spell to her list, representing the result of
undead V , undeath to death , unhallow, waves of fatigue
personal study and experimentation. The spell must be a
4th (7/day)— animate dead , bestow curse , contagionN, death

N N N cleric or wizard spell of the necromancy school, and of a

ward , dispel magic, enervation , Evard’s black tentacles, fear , level no higher than that of the highest-level spell the dread
giant vermin, inflict critical wounds , phantasmal killer, poisonN,

* *N necromancer already knows. Once a new spell is selected, it

summon undead IV , wither is added to that dread necromancer’s spell list and can be cast
3rd (7/day)— crushing despair, death wardN, halt undeadN, inflict
N N N just like any other spell she knows. If a spell is both a cleric
serious wounds , ray of exhaustion , speak with dead , summon spell and a wizard spell, use the lower of the two spell levels
* N
undead III , vampiric touch (when different) to determine what level the spell is for a
2nd (7/day)—blindness/deafnessN, command undeadN, darkness, dread necromancer.
N N* N N N
death knell , dessicate , false life , gentle repose , ghoul touch , A dread necromancer gains an additional new spell at 8th,
N N N*
inflict moderate wounds , scare , spectral hand , summon 12th, 16th, and 20th level.
swarm, summon undead II* Juniphel has used her Advanced Learning to gain the spell
* N N
1st (8/day)—bane, bestow wound , cause fear , chill touch , detect desiccate at 4th level, the spell wither at 8th level, and the
magic, detect undead, doom , hide from undead, inflict light spell spiritwall at 12th level.
woundsN, ray of enfeeblementN, summon undead I*, undetectable Mental Bastion: Starting at 4th level, a dread necromancer
alignment gains a +2 bonus on saving throws made to resist sleep,
*: New Spell Described below. N: Necromancy school spell. stunning, paralysis, poison, or disease. This bonus increases
Abilities Str 12, Dex 12, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 22 to +4 at 14th level.
SQ Lich body, Mental Bastion Fear Arua: Beginning at 5th level, a dread necromancer radiates
Feats Black Lore of Moil, Empower Spell, Improved Initiative, a 5-foot-radius aura as a free action. Enemies in the area must
Improved Toughness, Tomb-Tainted Soul, Spell Focus succeed on a Will save (DC 10 + ½ her class level + her Cha
(Necromancy), Alertness modifier) or become shaken. A creature who successfully

BIS7-08 Under a Platinum Sky Page 45

saves cannot be affected by that dread necromancer’s fear Enervating Touch (Su): When a dread necromancer reaches
aura for 24 hours. 12th level, she gains the ability to bestow negative levels
Scabrous Touch (Su): Starting at 6th level, once per day a when she uses her charnel touch attack. Each day, she can
dread necromancer can use her charnel touch to inflict bestow a total number of negative levels equal to one-half
disease on a creature she touches. This ability works like the her class level, but no more than two negative levels with a
contagion spell (see page 213 of the Player’s Handbook), single touch. The saving throw to remove negative levels has
inflicting the disease of her choice immediately, with no a DC of 10 + ½ her class level + her Charisma modifier.
incubation period, unless the target makes a successful Activating this class feature is a swift action. The effect
Fortitude save (DC 10 + ½ her class level + her Cha lasts until she makes a successful charnel touch attack.
modifier). The DC for subsequent saving throws to resist the Beginning at 17th level, the number of negative levels a
effects of the disease depends on the disease inflicted, see dread necromancer can bestow per day increases to equal her
page 292 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide for details. class level.
Activating this class feature is a swift action. The effect Description The young pale skinned woman tosses back a lock
lasts until the dread necromancer makes a successful charnel of long blonde hair before uttering dark words of necromantic
touch attack. The spectral hand spell enables a dread blasphemy. Shadowy eldritch energies gather about her black-
necromancer to deliver a scabrous touch attack from a clad body.
distance. Sources Heroes of Horror (Page 84)
A dread necromancer can use this ability once per day at Power-Up Suite: [barkskin (10 minutes), cat’s grace (1 minute
6th level, twice per day at 11th level, and three times per day left), false life (1 hour left), spectral hand, fire in the blood, heroes’
at 16th level. feast from “Mad” Moran]
Summon Familiar: At 7th level or anytime thereafter, a dread Init +7
necromancer can obtain a familiar. The familiar she acquires AC 22, touch 14, flat-footed 19
is more powerful than a standard wizard’s or sorcerer’s (+3 Dex, +6 armor, +1 deflection, +2 natural)
familiar, but it is unequivocally evil. The player of a dread hp 117 (13 HD); DR 6/bludgeoning and magic
necromancer chooses one of the following creatures: imp Immune poison, fear
(devil), quasit (demon), vargouille, or ghostly visage. All Fort +9(+11 against stunning, paralysis, poison, disease), Ref +9,
these creatures are described in the Monster Manual except Will +10(+12 against sleep)
for the ghostly visage, an undead symbiont described on Melee charnel touch +8 (1d8+2 negative energy 20/x2) or +1
page 221 of the Fiend Folio. scimitar +9/+4 (1d6+2 slashing 18-20/x2)
A dread necromancer’s familiar gains the usual familiar Ranged masterwork light crossbow +11 (1d8 piercing 19-20/x2)
benefits given on pages 52-53 of the Player’s Handbook, with
two exceptions. Its type does not change, and it does not gain
the exceptional ability to speak with other creatures of its MYNYDRZZT CR 2
kind. Quasit familiar
A dread necromancer’s familiar can use its ability to deliver CE Tiny outsider (Chaotic, Extraplanar, Evil)
touch spell such as its master’s charnel touch, scabrous Init +7; Senses Darkvision 60’, Listen +7, Spot +6
touch, or enervating touch attack. The master must use a Languages Common, Abyssal
standard action to imbue the touch attack into her familiar. AC 22, touch 15, flat-footed 19
Undead Mastery: All undead creatures created by a dread (+2 Size, +3 Dex, +7 natural)
necromancer who has reached 8th level or higher gain a +4 hp 49 (2 HD); fast healing 2; DR 5/cold iron or good
enhancement bonus to Strength and Dexterity and 2 Immune poison
additional hit points per Hit Die. Resist fire 10
In addition, when a dread necromancer uses the animate Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +4
dead spell to create undead, she can control 4+her Charisma Speed 20 ft.; fly 50 ft. (perfect)
bonus HD worth of undead creatures per class level (rather Melee 2 claws +8 (1d3-1 plus poison 20/x2) and bite +3 (1d4-1
than the 4 HD per level normally granted by the spell). 20/x2)
Similarly, when a dread necromancer casts the control Space 2½ ft.; Reach 2½ ft.
undead spell, the spell targets up to (2 + her Cha bonus) Base Atk +3; Grp -6
HD/level of undead creatures, rather than the 2 HD/level Atk Options Poison
normally granted by the spell. Special Actions Alternate form, spell-like abilities
Negative Energy Resistance: Beginning at 9th level, a dread Spell-Like Abilities (CL 6th):
necromancer gains a +4 bonus on saving throws made to At will—detect good, detect magic, and invisibility (self only)
resist negative energy effects, including energy drain, some 1/day—casue fear (as the spell, except that area is a 30-foot
ability drain, and inflict spells. radius from the quasit, save DC 11)
Light Fortification: Starting at 10th level, a dread
Abilities Str 8, Dex 17, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 10
necromancer gains 25% resistance to critical hits; this is the
SQ improved evasion, share spells, empathic link, deliver touch
equivalent of the light fortification armor special ability
spells, speak with master
described on page 219 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide. At
Feats Improved Initiative, Weapon Finesse
17th level, this fortification increases to 50%.

BIS7-08 Under a Platinum Sky Page 46

Skills Bluff +10, Diplomacy +2, Disguise +0 (+2 acting), Hide SQ Trapfinding, Evasion, Trap Sense +1, Grace +1, Uncanny
+17, Intimidate +2, Knowledge [the planes] +6, Move Dodge, Insightful Strike, Anklet of Translocation
Silently +9, Search +6, Spellcraft +6 Feats Daring Outlaw, Dodge, Iron Will, Mobility, Spring
Poison (Ex) Injury, Fortitude DC 13, initial damage 1d4 Dex, Attack, Weapon Finesse
secondary damage 2d4 Dex. The save is Constitution-based Skills Balance +19, Bluff +14, Diplomacy +10, Escape Artist +17,
and includes a +2 racial bonus. Intimidate +3, Jump +16, Search +10, Sense Motive +13,
Spell-like abilities: At will – detect good, detect magic, and Tumble +19
invisibility (self only); 1/day – cause fear (as the spell, except Possessions combat gear plus noble’s outfit, cloak of resistance +2,
that its area is a 30-foot radius from the quasit, save DC 11). anklet of translocation, gloves of dexterity +2
CL 6th. The save DCs are Charisma based. Description The overweight man wears light armor over his
Once per week a quasit can use commune to ask six richly appointed clothing. His steel-gray eyes exude extreme
questions. The ability otherwise works as the spell (CL 12th). confidence and he wields his rapier with an obviously
practiced hand.
Alternate form (Su): A quasit can assume other forms at will as Power-Up Suite: [heroes’ feast from “Mad” Moran]
a standard action. A true seeing spell or ability reveals the Immune poison, fear
creature’s natural form. A creature using alternate form Will +8
reverts to its natural form when killed, but separated body Melee +1 spell storing rapier +16/+11 (1d6+4 18-20/x2) or dagger
parts retain their shape. A creature cannot use alternate form +16/+11 (1d4+3 19-20/x2)
to take the form of a creature with a template. If the new Ranged mw dagger (thrown) +16 (1d4+1 19-20/x2)
form has the aquatic subtype, the creature gains that subtype
as well. The creature loses the natural weapons, natural (VAMPIRE ABILITIES LISTED ONLY UNDER THE
armor and movement modes of its original form, as well as STATS FOR SOUCELLO)
any extraordinary special attacks of its original form not
derived from class levels (such as the barbarian’s rage class SOUCELLO, CONSORT OF CASSITER CR 11
feature). Vampire, Female Human Mnk9
Any individual quasit can assume only one or two forms CE Medium Undead (Augmented Humanoid)
no larger than Medium. Common forms include bat, Init +9; Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Listen +13, Spot +13
monstrous centipede, toad, and wolf. A quasit in alternate Languages Common, Infernal
form loses its poison attack. Mynydrzzt uses this ability to AC 27, touch 20, flat-footed 22, Dodge, Mobility, Deflect Arrows
change into a raven, appearing as a more mundane familiar (+5 Dex, +1 armor, +1 deflection, +3 Wisdom, +1 Class, +6
for Juniphel. In combat he will often take on a hardier form. natural)
Description A tiny humanoid-shaped creature with spiky hp 88 (9 HD); fast healing 5; DR 10/silver and magic
horns and bat winds hovers nearby. Its hands and feet are long Immune undead immunities
and slender, with long, claw-tipped digits. Warts or pustules Resist cold 10, electricity 10
cover its greenish skin Fort +7, Ref +14, Will +10 (+12 against spells and effects from
Sources Monster Manual (Page 46) the school of enchantment)
Power-Up Suite: [false life (1 hour left)] Weakness vampire weaknesses
hp 66 (2 HD); fast healing 2; DR 5/cold iron or good Speed 60 ft; Spider climb, Spring Attack, slow fall 40 ft.
Melee unarmed strike +13 (1d8+6 bludgeoning plus energy
drain) or unarmed strike +12/+12 (1d8+6 bludgeoning plus
energy drain) with flurry of blows
Male human Rog4/Sws6
Ranged +1 light crossbow +12 (1d8+1 19-20/x2)
CE Medium humanoid (human)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Init +5; Senses, Listen +5, Spot +5
Base Atk +6; Grp +16
Languages Common, Abyssal, Ancient Suel
Atk Options Blood Drain, Children of the Night, Combat
AC 20, touch 15, flat-footed 20 Reflexes, Create Spawn, Dominate, Energy Drain, Improved
(+5 Dex, +5 armor), Dodge, Mobility, Dodge Bonus +1 Trip
hp 78 (10 HD) Special Actions Alternate Form, Gaseous Form, +4 Turn
Fort +10, Ref +14, Will +7 Resistance
Speed 30 ft.; Spring Attack Combat Gear bracers of armor +1, ring of protection +1, light
Melee +1 spell storing rapier +15/+10 (1d6+4 18-20/x2) or dagger crossbow +1, cloak of resistance +1, potion of resist energy (fire) 30,
+15/+10 (1d4+3 19-20/x2) potion of protection from good, potion of blur, potion of protection
Ranged mw dagger (thrown) +15 (1d4+1 19-20/x2) from energy (fire), potion of greater mage armor, potion of greater
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. mage armor x3, 20 bolts
Base Atk +9; Grp +10Atk Options Sneak Attack +5d6 Abilities Str 22, Dex 20, Con -, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 15
Combat Gear +1 spell storing rapier, mwk dagger, mwk dagger, SQ Improved Evasion, Still Mind, Wholeness of Body
+1 mithral shirt Feats Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Deflect Arrows, Dodge,
Abilities Str 12, Dex 20, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 12 Improved Energy Drain, Improved Grapple, Improved

BIS7-08 Under a Platinum Sky Page 47

Initiative, Improved Toughness, Improved Trip, Lightning points in combat, it automatically assumes gaseous form and
Reflexes, Mobility, Spring Attack, Weapon Focus (Unarmed attempts to escape. It must reach its coffin home within 2
Strike) hours or be utterly destroyed. (It can travel up to nine miles
Skills Bluff +10, Diplomacy +16, Escape Artist +17, Hide +22, in 2 hours.) Any additional damage dealt to a vampire in
Jump +22, Move Silently +22, Search +9, Sense Motive +23, gaseous form has no effect. Once at rest in its coffin, a
Tumble +19 vampire is helpless. It regains 1 hit point after 1 hour, then is
Possessions combat gear plus Noble’s Outfit, signet ring, 283 no longer helpless and resumes healing at the rate of 5 hit
gp worth of jewelry, papers in Lord Fertuine’s hand points per round.
Blood Drain (Ex) A vampire can suck blood from a living Gaseous Form (Su) As a standard action, a vampire can assume
victim with its fangs by making a successful grapple check. If gaseous form at will as the spell (caster level 5th), but it can
it pins the foe, it drains blood, dealing 1d4 points of remain gaseous indefinitely and has a fly speed of 20 feet
Constitution drain each round the pin is maintained. On with perfect maneuverability.
each successful attack, the vampire gains 5 temporary hit Spider Climb (Su) A vampire can climb sheer surfaces as
points. though with a spider climb spell.
Children of the Night (Su) Vampires command the lesser Skills Vampires have a +8 racial bonus on Bluff, Hide, Listen,
creatures of the world and once per day can call forth 1d6+1 Move Silently, Search, Sense Motive, and Spot Checks.
rat swarms, 1d4+1 bat swarms, or a pack of 3d6 wolves as a Description The stunning woman standing before you is
standard action. These creatures arrive in 2d6 rounds and dressed in a diaphanous umber gown and an ornate golden
serve the vampire for up to 1 hour. mask. She has fine, straight beige hair and light-colored skin.
Dominate (Su) A vampire can crush an opponent’s will just by Sources DMG (Page 252)
looking onto his or her eyes. This is similar to a gaze attack, Power-Up Suite:
except that the vampire must use a standard action, and AC 32, touch 20, flat-footed 27, Dodge, Mobility, Deflect Arrows
those merely looking at it are not affected. Anyone the (+5 Dex, +6 greater mage armor, +1 deflection, +3 Wisdom,
vampire targets must succeed on a Will save (DC 16) or fall +1 Class, +6 natural)
instantly under the vampire’s influence as though by a
dominate person spell (caster level 12th). The ability has a
range of 30 feet. COTESSE, CONSORT OF CASSITER CR 11
Create Spawn (Su) A humanoid or monstrous humanoid slain Vampire, Female Human Mnk1/Ftr8
by a vampire’s energy drain rises as a vampire spawn (see CE Medium Undead (Augmented Humanoid)
Vampire Spawn entry, page 253) 1d4 days after burial. Init +9; Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Listen +10, Spot +10
If the vampire instead drains the victim’s Constitution to 0 Languages Common, Infernal, Sylvan
or lower, the victim retirns as a spawn if it had 4 or less HD AC 27, touch 16, flat-footed 22, Dodge, Spinning Halberd,
and as a vampire if it had 5 or more HD. In either case, the Combat Expertise
new vampire or spawn is under the command of the vampire (+5 Dex, +5 armor, +1 deflection, +6 natural)
that created it and remains enslaved until its master’s hp 88 (9 HD); fast healing 5; DR 10/silver and magic
destruction. At any given time a campire may have an Immune undead immunities
enslaved spawn totaling no more than twice its own Hit Resist cold 10, electricity 10
Dice; any spawn it creates that would exceed this limit are Fort +8, Ref +12, Will +7
created as free-willed vampires or vampire spawn. A vampire Weakness vampire weaknesses
that is enslaved may create and enslave spawn of its own, so a Speed 30 ft; Spider climb
master vampire can control a number of lesser vampires in Melee +1 magebane halberd +18 (1d10+13 piercing or slashing
this fashion. A vampire may voluntarily free an enslaved 19-20/x3) or +1 magebane halberd +18/+13 (1d10+13 piercing
spawn in order to enslave a new spawn, but once freed, a or slashing 19-20/x3) and +13 (1d6+6 bludgeoning 19-20/x3)
vampire or vampire spawn cannot be enslaved again. or unarmed strike +15 (1d6+7 bludgeoning plus energy
Energy Drain (Su) Living creatures hit by a vampire’s slam drain)
attack (or any other natural weapon the vampire might Melee +1 magebane halberd +20 (1d10+15+2d6 piercing or
possess) gain two negative levels. For each negative level slashing 19-20/x3) or +1 magebane halberd +20/+15
bestowed, the vampire gains 5 temporary hit points. A (1d10+15+2d6 piercing or slashing 19-20/x3) and +15
vampire can use its energy drain ability once per round. (1d6+8+2d6 bludgeoning 19-20/x3) [against creatures that
Alternate Form (Su) A vampire can assume the shape of a bat, are capable of casting arcane spells]
dire bat, wolf, or dire wolf as a standard action. While in its Ranged masterwork light crossbow +14 (1d8 19-20/x2)
alternate form, the vampire loses its natural slam attack and Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
dominate ability, but it gains the natural weapons and Base Atk +8; Grp +19
extraordinary special attacks of its new form. It can remain Atk Options Blood Drain, Children of the Night, Combat
in that form until it assumes another or until the next Reflexes, Create Spawn, Dominate, Energy Drain, Power
sunrise. Attack
Fast Healing (Ex) A vampire heals 5 points of damage each Special Actions Alternate Form, Gaseous Form, +4 Turn
round so long as it has at least 1 hit point. If reduced to 0 hit Resistance

BIS7-08 Under a Platinum Sky Page 48

Combat Gear +1 magebane halberd, +1 chain shirt, ring of protection
+1, masterwork light crossbow, potion of resist energy (fire) 30,
potion of protection from good, 20 bolts
Abilities Str 24, Dex 20, Con -, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 14
Feats Alertness, Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Dodge,
Greater Weapon Focus (Halberd), Improved Critical
(Halberd), Improved Grapple, Improved Initiative,
Improved Toughness, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Power
Attack, Spinning Halberd, Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon
Focus (Halberd), Weapon Specialization (Halberd)
Skills Bluff +15, Diplomacy +10, Handle Animal +4, Hide +14,
Intimidate +8, Jump +12, Knowledge (local – Sheldomar
Valley MR) +4, Knowledge (nobility and royalty) +4, Move
Silently +14, Ride +10, Search +10, Sense Motive +12,
Tumble +11
Possessions combat gear plus Courtier’s Outfit, 153 gp in coin
Blood Drain (Ex) As Soucello.
Children of the Night (Su) As Soucello.
Dominate (Su) As Soucello.
Create Spawn (Su) As Soucello.
Energy Drain (Su) As Soucello.
Alternate Form (Su) As Soucello.
Fast Healing (Ex) As Soucello.
Gaseous Form (Su) As Soucello.
Spider Climb (Su) As Soucello.
Skills As Soucello.
Description The supple woman is much stronger than she
looks. She wears a well-polished suit of armor and carries a
baroque halberd in her hands. Her hair is blonde and curled and
her skin in light.
Sources DMG (Page 252)

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1 square = 5 feet

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The Plane of Shadow is a dimly lit dimension that is both coterminous to and coexistent with the Material Plane. It
overlaps the Material Plane much as the Ethereal Plane does, so a planar traveler can use the Plane of Shadow to cover
great distances quickly.
The Plane of Shadow is also coterminous to other planes. With the right spell, a character can use the Plane of Shadow
to visit other realities.
The Plane of Shadow is a world of black and white; color itself has been bleached from the environment. It is otherwise
appears similar to the Material Plane.
Despite the lack of light sources, various plants, animals, and humanoids call the Plane of Shadow home.
The Plane of Shadow is magically morphic, and parts continually flow onto other planes. As a result, creating a precise
map of the plane is next to impossible, despite the presence of landmarks.
The Plane of Shadow has the following traits.
• Magically morphic. Certain spells modify the base material of the Plane of Shadow. The utility and power of these
spells within the Plane of Shadow make them particularly useful for explorers and natives alike.
• Mildly neutral-aligned.
• Enhanced magic. Spells with the shadow descriptor are enhanced on the Plane of Shadow. Such spells are cast as
though they were prepared with the Maximize Spell feat, though they don’t require the higher spell slots.
• Furthermore, specific spells become more powerful on the Plane of Shadow. Shadow conjuration and shadow
evocation spells are 30% as powerful as the conjurations and evocations they mimic (as opposed to 20%). Greater
shadow conjuration and greater shadow evocation are 70% as powerful (not 60%), and a shades spell conjures at 90%
of the power of the original (not 80%).
• Impeded magic. Spells that use or generate light or fire may fizzle when cast on the Plane of Shadow. A spellcaster
attempting a spell with the light or fire descriptor must succeed on a Spellcraft check (DC 20 + the level of the
spell). Spells that produce light are less effective in general, because all light sources have their ranges halved on
the Plane of Shadow.
Despite the dark nature of the Plane of Shadow, spells that produce, use, or manipulate darkness are unaffected by the

BIS7-08 Under a Platinum Sky Page 53

Black Lore of Moil [Metamagic] (Complete Arcane, page 75)
Your study of the sinister knowledge and spellcasting techniques of the long-dead Nightlords of Moil makes your
necromancy spells especially potent.
Prerequisite: Spell Focus (necromancy), CL 7th.
Benefit: Any necromancy spell you cast can instead as a Moilian spell, dealing an 1d6 points of damage +1d6 per
two two spell levels (+1d6 for 1st-level spells, +2d6 for 2nd- or 3rd-level spells, and so on). If the spell normally allows a
saving throw, the target takes half the negative energy damage on a successful save, regardless of the outcome of the
save on the spell’s normal effect.
In addition to its normal spell components, a Moilian spell requires the creation and expenditure of a Moilian runebone
– a small human bone (often a finger bone) scribed with carefully prepared arcane markings. Only a character trained in
the Black Lore of Moil knows the secrets of creating a runebone, which takes 1 hour to craft and requires special inks
and powders costing 25 gp per die of negative energy damage to be generated. For example, a runebone capable of
adding 3d6 points of negative energy damage to a spell costs 75 gp to craft.
While the maximum negative energy damage dealt by a Moilian spell is based on the spell’s level, the actual damage is
limited by the runebone. For example, if a sorcerer casts finger of death (a 7th-level spell, so normally +4d6) with a 75-gp
(3d6) runebone, the spell deals only 3d6 points of additional negative energy damage.

Daring Outlaw [General] (Complete Scoundrel, page 76)

You combine grace and stealth to deadly effect.
Prerequisites: Grace +1, sneak attack +2d6
Benefit: Your rogue and swashbuckler levels stack for the purpose of determining your competence bonus on
Reflex saves from the grace class feature and the swashbuckler’s dodge bonus to AC. For example, a 7th-level rogue/4th-
level swashbuckler has a grace +2 and gains a +2 dodge bonus to AC, as if she were an 11th-level swashbuckler.
Your rogue and swashbuckler levels also stack for the purpose of determining your sneak attack bonus damage. For
example, a 7th-level rogue/4th-level swashbuckler would deal an extra 6d6 points of damage with her sneak attack, as if
she were an 11th-level rogue.

Domain Focus [General] (Complete Divine, page 80)

You have mastered the subtle intricacies of the divine power you’ve devoted yourself to.
Prerequisite: Access to relevant domain.
Benefit: You can cast spells associated with one of your domains at +1 caster level. This benefit also applies to
caster level checks to overcome a target’s spell resistance as well as other variables such as spell duration. If you cast a
spell from one of your nondomain spell slots, this feat does not help you, even if the spell also happens to appear on
your domain list.
Special: You can take Domain Focus multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time you take the feat, it applies
to a new domain to which you have access.

Domain Spontaneity [General] (Complete Divine, page 80)

You are so familiar with one of your domains that you can convert other prepared spells into spells from that domain.

BIS7-08 Under a Platinum Sky Page 54

Prerequisite: Ability to turn or rebuke undead.
Benefit: Each time you take this feat, choose a domain that you have access to. You may now convert prepared
divine spells into any spell from that domain. You expend a spell of equal or higher level, as well as expending one of
you daily turn undead attempts. This works just as good clerics spontaneously case prepared spells as cure spells.
Special: You can take this feat multiple times. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a new domain.

Divine Ward [Divine] (Player’s Handbook II, page 88)

You create a channel of divine energy between yourself and a willing ally. This link allows you to cast your spells upon
him from greater than normal range.
Prerequisite: Ability to turn or rebuke undead.
Benefit: Once every 24 hours, you can spend 10 minutes creating a magical ward between you and one willing
target. For the rest of the 24-hour period, you can increase the range of a touch spell to short range (25 feet + 5 feet per
two caster levels) if you target the warded creature, and only the warded creature. When you cast a spell in this manner,
you must expend a turn or rebuke undead attempt.
You can create a ward between you and more than one target, so long as you expend the necessary time and turning
attempts. You must expend a turn or rebuke undead attempt to create each ward beyond the first.

Improved Energy Drain [Monstrous] (Libris Mortis, page 27)

You draw extra power from your energy-drained victims.
Prerequisites: Cha 15, energy drain supernatural ability
Benefit: Whenever you bestow a negative level upon a creature, you gain a +1 bonus on skill checks, ability checks,
attack rolls, and saving throws for 1 hour.

Improved Skirmish (Complete Scoundrel, page 78)

Prerequisite: Skirmish +2d6/+1 AC
Benefit: If you move at least 20 feet away from where you were at the start of your turn, your skirmish damage
increases by 2d6 and your competence bonus to AC from skirmish improves by 2.
Normal: A scout’s bonus damage and AC bonus apply if she moves at least 10 feet away from where she was at the
start of her turn (see skirmish class feature).
Special: A scout can select Improved Skirmish as one of her scout bonus feats (Complete Adventurer 13).

Improved Toughness [General] (Libris Mortis, page 27)

Prerequisites: Base Fortitude save bonus +2
Benefit: You gain a number of hit points equal to your current Hit Dice. Each time you gain a Hit Die (such as by
gaining a level), you gain 1 additional hit point. If you lose a Hit Dice (such as by losing a level), you lose 1 hit point

Spinning Halberd [Weapon Style] (Complete Warrior, page 114)

You have mastered the style of fighting with a halberd, and can use all parts of the weapon – blade, spike, hook, or butt –
to strike devastating blows.
Prerequisites: Combat Reflexes, Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus (halberd)

BIS7-08 Under a Platinum Sky Page 55

Benefit: When you make a full attack with your halberd, you gain a +1 dodge bonus to your Armor Class as well as
an additional attack with the weapon at a –5 penalty. This attack deals bludgeoning damage equal to 1d6 + 1/2 your
Strength modifier.

Tomb-Tainted Soul [General] (Libris Mortis, page 31)

Your soul is tainted by the foul touch of undeath.
Prerequisites: Nongood alignment.
Benefit: You are healed by negative energy and harmed by positive energy and harmed by positive energy as if you
were an undead creature. This feat gives no other penalties or benefits of the undead type.

Anklet of Translocation (Magic Item Compendium, page 71)
An anklet of translocation allows you to make short dimensional hops. When it is activated, you can instantly teleport
(with no chance of error) up to 10 feet. The new space must be within line of sight and line of effect. You can’t use the
anklet to move into a space occupied by another creature, nor can you teleport into a solid object.; if you attempt to do
so, the anklet’s activation is wasted. You can bring along objects weighing up to your maximum load, but you can’t bring
another creature with you. An anklet of translocation functions two times per day.
Moderate conjuration; CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, dimension door; Price 1,400 gp; Weight –

Magebane Weapon Enhancement (Complete Arcane, page 143)

Weapons crafted with the magebane property are rightly feared by all arcane spellcasters. Against any creature with
arcane spells currently prepared or spell slots available to cast arcane spells without preparation, or against creatures
with the ability to use arcane spell-like abilities, a magebane weapon’s effective enhancement level is 2 better than
normal (so that a +1 longsword becomes a +3 longsword when wielded against arcane spellcasters) and deals an extra 2d6
points of damage. Magebane bows, crossbows, and slings bestow this ability upon their ammunition.
Moderate conjuration; CL 8th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, dispel magic, Price +1 bonus.

Ruby Skull of Wee Jas (Complete Champion, page 134)

This stylized symbol carved from ruby resembles a skull stretched and twisted by magic. Its empty eye sockets stare unceasingly at the
When used as a focus for Death domain or necromancy spells, a ruby skull of Wee Jas increases your effective
caster level by 1. In addition, when used to rebuke of commancd (not turn or destroy) undead, it grants a +1 bonus on
your turning damage rolls.
Price 350 gp.

Bestow Wound (Heroes of Horror, page 127)
Level: Dread necromancer 1, sorcerer/wizard 1, Spite 1
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Target: Living creature touched
Duration: Instantaneous

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Saving Throw: Fortitude negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
If wounded, you can cast this spell and touch a living creature. The target takes damage equal to your wounds at the rate
of 1 point of damage per your CL, or the amount needed to bring you up to your maximum hit points, whichever is less.
At the same time, you heal that much damage, as if a cure spell had been cast on you.
Material Component: A small eye agate worth at least 10 gp.

Blood to Water (Spell Compendium, page 33)

Necromancy [Water]
Level: Cleric 7
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Effect: Up to five living creatures, no two of which are more than 30 ft. apart
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Fortitude half
Spell Resistance: Yes
You forcefully spit, ending your spellcasting. From where you spat arise a sea-green orb of energy for each creature you intend as a
subject of the spell. The orbs fly to their designated targets and turn blood red as they impact.
You transmute the subjects’ blood into pure water, dealing 2d6 points of Constitution damage. A successful
Fortitude save halves the Constitution damage.
The spell has no effect on living creatures with the fire or water subtype.

Castigate (Spell Compendium, page 44)

Evocation [Sonic]
Level: Cleric 4, paladin 4, Purification 4
Components: V
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: 10 ft.
Area: 10-ft.-radius burst centered on you
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Fortitude half
Spell Resistance: Yes
Shouting your deity’s teachings, you rebuke your foes with the magic of your sacred words.
This spell has no effect on creatures that cannot hear. All creatures whose alignment differs from yours on both the
law-choas and the good-evil axes take 1d4 points of damage per caster level (maximum 10d4). All creatures whose
alignment differs from yours on one component take half damage, and this spell does not deal damage to those who
share you alignment.
For example, a lawful good cleric who casts this spell deals full damage to any creature that is not lawful and not
good, half damage to any creature that is lawful or good (but not both), and no damage to lawful good creatures.
A Fortitude saving throw reduces damage by half.

Close Wounds (Spell Compendium, page 48)

Conjuration (Healing)
Level: Clr 2
Components: V
Casting Time: 1 immediate action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)

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Target: One creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
This spell cures 1d4 points of damage +1 point per caster level (maximum +5). If you cast this spell immediately after the
subject takes damage, it effectively prevents the damage. It would keep alive someone who had just dropped to -10 hit
points, for example, leaving the character at negative hit points, but stable. Used against an undead creature, close
wounds deals damage instead of curing the creature (which takes half damage if it makes a Will saving throw).

Death Throes (Spell Compendium, page 60-61)

Necromancy [Force]
Level: Cleric 5, sorcerer/wizard 5
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 1 hour/level or until you are killed
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
As the killing blow falls, you smile with grim satisfaction even as the light of life fades, knowing that your enemy will soon be joining
you in the afterlife.
If you are killed, your body is instantaneously destroyed in an explosion that deals 1d8 points of damage per caster
level to everyone in a 30-foot-radius burst.
This explosion destroys your body, preventing any form of raising or resurrection that requires part of the corpse. A
wish, miracle, or true resurrection spell can restore life.

Deific Vengeance (Spell Compendium, page 62)

Necromancy [Force]
Level: Cleric 2, Purification 2
Components: V, S, DF
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target: One creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will half
Spell Resistance: Yes
You call out to your deity, declaring your foe’s crimes and asking you deity to punish him.
This spell deals 1d6 points of damage per two caster level (maximum 5d6), or 1d6 points per caster level (maximum
10d6) if the target is undead.

Delay Death (Spell Compendium, page 63)

Level: Clr 4
Components: V, S, DF
Casting Time: 1 immediate action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target: One creature
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)

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The subject of this powerful spell is unable to die from hit point damage. While under the protection of this spell, the
normal limit of -9 hit points before a character dies is extended without limit. A condition or spell that destroys enough
of the subject’s body so as to not allow raise dead to work, such as a disintegrate effect, still kills the creature, as does
death brought about by ability score damage, level drain, or a death effect. The spell does not prevent the subject from
entering the dying state by dropping to -1 hit points. It merely prevents death as a result of hit point loss. If the subject
has fewer that -9 hit points when the spell’s duration expires, it dies instantly.

Desiccate (Sandstorm, page 114)

Level: Cleric 2, druid 2, sorcerer/wizard 2, Thirst 2
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target: One living creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Fortitude partial
Spell Resistance: Yes
You evaporate moisture from the body of a living creature, dealing it 1d6 points of desiccation damage per two CLs
(maximum 5d6) and making it dehydrated (see appendix four). A successful fortitude save results in half damage and
negates the dehydration. A plant or elemental of the water subtype takes 1d8 points of damage per CL (maximum 10d8).
An elemental of the earth subtype takes only 1d4 points of damage per two CLs (maximum 5d4).
Material Component: A pinch of dust.

Fire in the Blood (Heroes of Horror, page 129)

Level: Cleric 5, Spite 5
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 1 minute/level
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
This unsettling spell enables you to make a deadly weapon out of your own arteries and veins. Once the spell is cast,
your blood takes on a mystical potency that makes it more corrosive than the strongest acid to anyone who draws it
from you. From then on, until the spell’s duration has elapsed, anyone who deals slashing or piercing melee damage on
you is sprayed with your blood in retribution. The blood deals a cumulative of 1d6 points of damage per attack upon
your attacker, with no save or spell resistance applicable, up to a maximum of 5d6. Thus, the first time a foe hits you
with a slashing or piercing weapon, he instantly takes 1d6 points of damage from the sanguinary backlash. The second
time that same foe strikes you, he takes 2d6 points of damage. As soon as any single foe has taken 5d6 points of damage
in a single spray from your corrosive blood, the spell ends.
Opponents striking you with magical attacks that do not manifest in a slashing or piercing manner, or those
striking you with only bludgeoning weapons, do not trigger the retributive blood spray.
The arc and direction of the blood is magical in nature, and the spray does not splatter adjacent squares or parties,
no matter how close together they might be. Each spray strikes only the one responsible for the wound.
Material Component: A drop of your own blood.

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Iron Bones (Spell Compendium, page 125)
Level: Cleric 5, sorcerer//wizard 5
A brief flash engulfs your undead ally, and through its flesh you can see its skeleton. The skeleton glows a dusky red for a moment.
This spell functions like stone bones (below), except that the subject creatures skeleton changes to iron. The gains a
+6 natural armor bonus to AC.

Oath of Blood (Heroes of Horror, page 131)

Level: Cleric 5, sorcerer//wizard 5
Components: V, S, M, DF
Casting Time: 1 minute
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target: One living creature
Duration: See below
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes
Oath of blood functions only when cast on a creature that has recently been subject to a gaes or similar spell. It extends
the reach of gaes beyond death. If the individual subject to the gaes dies before completing the task, oath of blood
animates him as an undead creature in order that he might continue his quest. The nature of the undead creature is
determined by the CL of this spell, as per create undead (see page 215 of the Player’s Handbook). Once the task is
complete or the original gaes (or similar spell) expires, the magic animating the subject ends and he returns to death.
Material Component: Grave dirt mixed with powdered onyx worth at least 40 gp per HD of the target.

Recitation (Spell Compendium, page 170)

Conjuration (Creation)
Level: Cleric 4, Purification 3
Components: V, S, DF
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: 60 ft.
Target: All allies within a 60-ft.-radius burst centered on you
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
By reciting a sacred passage or declaration, you invoke your deity’s blessing upon yourself and your allies.
The spell affects all allies within the spell’s area at the moment you cast it. Your allies gain a +2 luck bonus to Ac, on
attack rolls, and on saving throws, or a +3 luck bonus if they worship the same deity as you.
Divine Focus: In addition to your holy symbol, this spell requires a sacred text as a divine focus.

Righteous Wrath of the Faithful (Spell Compendium, page 177)

Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting]
Level: Cleric 5, Purification 7
Components: V, S, DF
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: 30 ft.
Target: Allies within a 30-ft.-radius burst centered on you
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: None

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Spell Resistance: Yes
When you cast this spell, you fire your allies and companions with a divine madness of fury, greatly enhanding their combat ability.
Allies gain one additional melee attack each round, at their highest attack bonus, when making a full attack. (This
additional attack is not cumulative with other effects that grant extra attacks, such as a haste spell.) They also gain a +3
morale bonus morale bonus on melee attack rolls and damage rolls. (This bonus on melee attack rolls does stack with
the bonus provided by haste.)

Spiritwall (Spell Compendium, page 203)

Necromancy [Fear, Mind-Affecting]
Level: Sorcerer/wizard 5
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Effect: Swirling wall whose area is up to one 10-ft. square/level, or a sphere or hemisphere with a radius of up to 1
Duration: 1 minute/level (D)
Saving Throw: None; see text
Spell Resistance: No
With a deep groan, as from being subjected to eternal pain, you unleash this spell. An immobile, swirling mass of green-white energy
forms resembling tortured spirit forms nearby. The mass continues the low groaning you uttered while casting the spell.
One side of the wall, selected by you, emits a low groaning sound that causes creatures within 60 feet of that side to
make a Will save or become frightened and flee for 1d4 rounds. Any living creature that merely touches the wall takes
1d10 points of damage as its life force is disrupted. A living creature passing through the wall takes 1d10 points of
damage, as above, and must make a Fortitude save or gain one negative level.
The barrier is semimaterial and opaque, providing cover and concealment against physical attacks, and it blocks
line of effect for magical effects (including spells, spell-like abilities, and supernatural abilities).
Material Component: A clear cut gemstone.

Stone Bones (Spell Compendium, page 208)

Level: Cleric 2, sorcerer/wizard 2
Components: V, S, F
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: Corporeal undead creature touched
Duration: 10 minutes/level
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
A brief flash engulfs your ally, and through his flesh you can see his skeleton. The skeleton glows a foggy gray for a moment, thickening
with eldritch power, then all is as it was before.
You cause the skeleton of the target corporeal undead to become thicker and as strong as stone. This gives the
subject a +3 enhancement bonus to its existing natural armor.
Arcane Focus: A miniature skull carved of granite.

Summon Undead I (Heroes of Horror, page 132)

Conjuration (Summoning) [Evil]
Level: Blackguard 1, cleric 1, dread necromancer 1, sorcerer/wizard 1
Components: V, S, F/DF

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Casting Time: 1 round
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Effect: One summoned creature
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
This spell functions like summon monster I (see page 285 of the Player’s Handbook), except that you summon an undead
Summon undead I conjures one of the creatures from the 1st-level list in the Summon Undead table below. You
choose which creature to summon, and you can change the choice each time you cast the spell. Summoned undead do
not count toward the total Hit Dice of the undead that you can control with animate dead, plague of undead, or other
command undead abilities. No undead creature you summon can have more Hit Dice than your CL +1.
Focus: A tiny bag, a small candle (not lit), and a carved bone from any humanoid.
Note: The description of the summon undead spells presented here supersede earlier published descriptions.

Summon Undead II (Heroes of Horror, page 132)

Conjuration (Summoning) [Evil]
Level: Blackguard 2, cleric 2, dread necromancer 2, sorcerer/wizard 2
Effect: One or more summoned creatures, no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart
This spell functions like summon undead I, except you can summon one undead from the 2nd-level list or two undead
of the same kind from the 1st-level list.
Summon Undead
1st Level
Human warrior
Kobold zombie

2nd Level
Owlbear skeleton
Bugbear zombie

3rd Level
Troll skeleton
Ogre zombie

4th Level
Wyvern zombie

5th Level
Vampire Spawn

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Summon Undead III (Heroes of Horror, page 132)
Conjuration (Summoning) [Evil]
Level: Blackguard 3, cleric 3, dread necromancer 3, sorcerer/wizard 3
Effect: One or more summoned creatures, no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart
This spell functions like summon undead I, except you can summon one undead from the 3rd-level list or two undead
of the same kind from the 2nd-level list, or four undead of the same kind from the 1st-level list.

Summon Undead IV (Heroes of Horror, page 133)

Conjuration (Summoning) [Evil]
Level: Blackguard 4, cleric 4, dread necromancer 4, sorcerer/wizard 4
Effect: One or more summoned creatures, no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart
This spell functions like summon undead I, except you can summon one undead from the 4th-level list or two undead
of the same kind from the 3rd-level list, or four undead of the same kind from a lower-level list.

Summon Undead V (Heroes of Horror, page 133)

Conjuration (Summoning) [Evil]
Level: Cleric 5, dread necromancer 5, sorcerer/wizard 5
Effect: One or more summoned creatures, no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart
This spell functions like summon undead I, except you can summon one undead from the 5th-level list or two undead
of the same kind from the 4th-level list, or four undead of the same kind from a lower-level list.

Unholy Storm (Spell Compendium, page 227)

Conjuration (Creation) [Evil, Water]
Level: Blackguard 3, cleric 3
Components: V, S, M, DF
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Area: Cylinder (20-ft. radius, 20 ft. high)
Duration: 1 round/level (D)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
You call upon the forces of evil, and a heavy rain begins to fall in the area you indicate, its raindrops foul and steaming.
A driving rain falls around you. It falls in a fixed area once created. This storm reduces hearing and visibility,
resulting in a –4 penalty on Listen, Spot, and Search checks. It also applies a –4 penalty on ranged attacks made into, out
of, or through the storm. Finallt, it automatically extinguishes any unprotected flames and has a 50% chance to
extinguish protected flames (such as those of lanterns).
The rain damages good creatures, dealing 2d6 points of damage per round (good outsiders take double damage).
Material Component: A flask of unholy water (25 gp).

Visage of the Deity, Lesser (Spell Compendium, page 231)

Transmutation [Evil or Good]
Level: Blackguard 4, cleric 3, Mysticism 3, paladin 4
Components: V, S, DF
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 1 round/level

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As you end your prayer, you can feel the hand of your deity upon you. Your appearance reflects her divine power, and her touch rants
you resistance from some of the damage of this world.
You gain a +4 enhancement bonus to Charisma. You also gain resistance to acid 10, cold 10, and electricity 10 if you
are good, or resistance to cold 10 and fire 10 if you are evil.

Wither (Sandstorm, page 128)

Level: Sorcerer/wizard 4
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Target: One living creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Fortitude partial
Spell Resistance: Yes
The spell drains moisture from the body of a living creature. The target takes 1d6 points of dessication damage per CL
(maximum 10d6) and is dehydrated (see below). A character that makes a successful saving throw takes half damage and
is not dehydrated. A plant or elemental of the water subtype instead takes 1d8 points of dessication damage per CL
(maximum 15d8).
Material Component: A pinch of powdered bone.

BIS7-08 Under a Platinum Sky Page 64

If you run this event in December of 2007 or January of 2008, please e-mail the results from this sheet to a member of
the Bissel Triad by February 1st, 2008, or have the Senior DM of your event do so.

1. Did the PCs bring E’yfa to Encounter 4? Yes No

2. Did the PCs capture or kill Lord Fertuine? Yes No

3. Did it seem as if any PCs would take Alia Besselar as a cohort? Yes No

Notes: (Add anything that happened that might be considered out of the ordinary – Strange
occurrences, results that may not fit the above, etc):

BIS7-08 Under a Platinum Sky Page 65

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