The thought of-WPS Office

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Fright seeped through Juliet's heart thinking of getting shot by the goon, her fright felt so real as the

goon was now near, the sound of his footsteps was louder than before. She wished she could run or
swerve into the bushes, her foot was aching badly she felt too feeble to walk. Jansen already fled, he
was already at a full distance from the goon and found himself in a really strange spot in the forest
where there were gigantic trees, and the field so bright as there were no canopy of trees obstructing the

"Juliet.'' He quickly paused walking as he heard no sound of her anylonger, he turned looking back
hoping to spot her nearby and he panicked when he didn't. He suddenly heard a blast of gunshot
echoed far across the field and his heart stopped for a moment wondering if Juliet has been shot and
surge of rage rose in him, he balled his fists gritting his teeth, " I will not spare you should Juliet be in

Jansen's heart was racing so fast in anxiousness as he dashed back to the field to get her hoping to find
her safe and sound and when he reached there, he found her laying on the floor helplessly and a stream
of blood flowing from her forehead. His eyes grew wide as plates, his brows furrowed very visibly and he
looked up at the goon who was pointing his gun down at her.

Jansen panicked also listening to her breathing so high as if she was dying, he knelt besides her and he
held her hand in sadness, tears were rolling down his eyes, "do you feel okay?" He was sobbing in his
heart his voice came out shaky.

"I..., I..., " Juliet was struggling to mumble a few words to him but she was too weak to speak.

It was 9:42 in the cold night, Mia was standing outside at the terrace of her mansion in her night dress.
The subtle wind was cuddling her wrapping her like a scarf she felt a bit cold, and there was a reflection
of sadness in her eyes like tears would fall down any moment soon however, they rolled down her
cheeks like a waterfall as her mind was reflecting on Jansen. She missed his warm body smell like olives,
his comfy affectionate cuddles and his kisses on her tender lips and when she looked down at her hand
she was griefstricken looking at her glowing wedding.

Staring at her wedding ring, images of Jansen and her standing in front of the Altar in church reciting
their wedding vows to each other and Jansen fixing the wedding ring on her hand flashed through her
mind. She could hear his deep masculine voice in her mind, it's so loud and clear, his promises to 'love
her for better or worse' , 'in sickness and in health' , 'till death drew them part'.

In a fit of rage, she yanked her wedding ring off her finger and hurled it at the floor and she screamed at
the top of her lungs, "damn you Jansen! Damn you!" She suddenly felt wearied screaming, and she cried
on her arm, "why'd you leave me? Why...?"

She suddenly felt a warm sensation around her waist as if someone was embracing her. His arms felt
really solid and warm Mia's lips curled into a bright smile thinking Jansen has returned to her and was
behind her.
"Jansen?" She turned quickly to look at him, and her eyes drooped in disappointment to see it was not
really him but Mark.


"How are you?" He was wearing a huge brown coat, and a pair of black pants.

"Why are you here?"

"To say my goodbyes."

"Goodbyes?" She arched a brow.

"Yea, I'm leaving for Switzerland next tomorrorow and I didn't wanna leave without seeing you for the
last time."

"You''re going away?" She seemed stunned and anxious at the same time.

"Yea. I've stayed in New York for six years, I have to move on with my life, pursue my dreams and settle
down someday."

Mia was flustered when he mentioned 'settle down' and her heart was racing in anxiousness, and her
eyes were swelling with a pool of tears as several thoughts was racing through her mind of him planning
to get married.

"Well, I'm gonna miss you Mark."

He sighed feeling quite irritated, "don't..Don't say that. Do not deceive me, I know you feel so free and
happy that I'm leaving, that I'm out of your life cause you wanna be with Jansen. I bet you're not gonna
miss me or even think of me cause you'll be with your ex-husband." He tried to fight back the tears rising
in his eyes but he couldn't as sadness drowns him on the inside reminiscing of Jansen and Mia kissing
each other with so much affection.

"Mark..., please.., '' she was hoping to plead to him not to leave, but he didn't care to listen. He quickly
pulled his hand away from hers when she held him.

"I gotta go. Kiss Bella for me." He tried to avoid looking into her eyes, they were so bright and beautiful
compelling him to pull her into his arms and kiss her nonstop. A thousand and one kisses would not be
enough for staying away from her for a very long time. Tears flowed from his eyes in streams walking
away from her, he wished to cuddle her like always, but he witheld the feeling. He was staring back at
her feeling an urge to hold her in his arms one last time but he looked away from her and dashed to his

Mia shivered in sadness watching him driving out of the mansion, she couldn't suppress the tears
streaming from her eyes.
The clock was striking 11:48pm, Mia strode out of her bedroom in her pajamas and crocs slippers to
brew herself a mug of coffee and she heard a sharp cracking noise miles away, it echoed from Bella's
bedroom, Mia hurried over there, wondering what the noise was about, and she pushed the door open
and ran in.

Mia stood aghast spotting Bella standing in the middle of the room and blood oozing from her hands in
streams and she ran towards her, "Bella, what happened?"

"I don't know mum..." she cried. And Mia noticed some shards of broken glass lying across the floor, and
besides it, was Bella's photograph of her and her Dad, Jansen looking utterly wrecked. A moment ago,
Bella was tossing on her bed in restlessness thinking of Jansen, she was whimpering in her sleep and
tears was soaking her face wishing Jansen would wrap his arms around her embracing her, and she
cuddled her pillow tightly to feel a bit of warmth.

And when she stood from her bed, she grabbed her favorite photograph of her and Jansen sitting on her
table, and when she held it in her hands she was staring at his huge brown eyes, and his jet-black hair
and the glowing smile on his face. "Dad..., " she cuddled it tightly in her arms, and when she tried to lay
back on her bed, the photograph slipped off her hands landing on the floor and it shattered Bella
panicked, "Dad...!"

She quickly tried to pick the photograph off the floor before it cracks completely and the sharp blades of
the glass slit her palms instantly and blood immediately poured out dripping on the floor. The pang in
her flesh was excruciating Bella's hands were shaking a lot.

End of flashback!

Mia noticed how disconsolate Bella seemed, and she gently made her sit on a chair while she nursed her
palms. Mia was turning away from Bella to put the First Aid Box back in its place, and Bella grabbed her
arm pulling her back. "Mum"

"What's up dear?"

"When is Dad gonna come back to us? Since you guys got divorced, he hasn't returned home to see us,
or to be with us. He won't even pick my calls. Tell me, am I ever gonna be with my Dad again? Or will he
only belong to Aunt Juliet? What about us Mum? Don't we matter too? We were his first family before
Aunt Juliet, I wish you guys had not seperated. Why did you sign the divorce papers? You have given him
the chance to stay away from us, " Bella spoke with a cracking voice, "all I have is Jay my boyfriend but I
want my Dad too."

"Pull yourself together, " Mia placed her thumbs on her wet cheeks kneading them, "yea we were his
first, but sometimes, we get to loose what we have even though they belonged to us first. Accept that
your Dad is gone, and he's not coming back to us."

"No..., " she yelled in anger amidst tears, "we were always so happy as a family he can't forget us."

"But that's the truth." Mia tried to fight back the tears in her eyes.

"Nooo....he's coming back. He's gonna come back to us!" Bella stood up from the chair and ran towards
the doors, Mia felt anxious staring at her and she screamed her name calling her back, however Mia
exited the room and was still trotting feeling her chest about to burst from sadness as Mia's words was
echoing in her mind, "Accept that your Dad is gone, and he's not coming back to us."

Bella did not notice Nanny Macy walking towards her direction and she bumped into her, Nanny Macy
staggered a bit and she looked at Bella standing in front of her and when she looked at her eyes, she
observed they were swollen and red with tears, and she stroke her cheek, "dear what's wrong?"

"It's mum!" She howled.

Mia stepped out of the bedroom to go after Bella and she paused by the living room catching a glimpse
of her.

"What's the matter?" Macy raised her brow in curiousness.

"Mum said Dad is not coming back to us, and we won't get to be together anymore but that's not true
right Nanny?, " she grasped her arm and in anxiousness she grasped her arm even more tightly, "Dad is
coming back, he is gonna come back."

Mia was gesturing to Nanny Macy to console her, and comfort her. Nanny Macy quickly understood her
hand signals, and she nodded sharply to Bella, "yes yes your Dad will come back home."

Bella's face suddenly burst into a smile, "yes he will be back for me, " she pulled Macy into a hug, "he
will not forget me."

"Yes darling." Macy patted her hair lovingly.

It was an extremely bright morning the subsequent day, Mia hunched in the dining room gulping a
simmering cup of brown coffee, and on the table were trays of baked loafs of bread, and sandwiches.
Her cup of coffee was almost finished, and she was almost downing the last drink when a voice suddenly
echoed behind her, it was the house maid, "you have a guest Madam Mia."

"Guest?" Mia was a bit confused, "what guest?"

And she stepped out of her seat, and walked towards the sitting room. Her brows deeply furrowed and
her eyes grew wide as plates staring at Juliet. "What the hell!"

"How dare you step into my home? Have you come to see how I am doing with Jansen gone? You've
come to mock me that I have lose and you have won as if it's not hurtful enough that you get to have my
husband you wanna make fun of me? Get out right now!, " she clamped her fists firmly at her sides and
she grit her teeth, "get lost!"

"Listen to me, " Juliet spoke with tears welling in her eyes. Her face seemed extremely pale, her lips
completely dry and her eyes puffy from crying a lot, "Mia let's talk it's something very import...., " Mia
immediately cut her off, "there is nothing I wish to talk about with a snake like you. I know you hate me,
and you desperately want my husband, but couldn't you consider how Bella would feel hurt by your
actions? You used to be a Mum, couldn't you feel something? Anything? Pity, or guilt, for my daughter?
All you were thinking about was yourself that's cause you're a shameless tramp. Home wrecker!"

"I..., I'm deeply sorry sister."

"Don't you call me sister okay? Just leave my house!"

"I cannot leave yet, you have to know what has happened to Jansen."

"Jansen..., " Mia was starting to get flustered, "what is it about Jansen?" Mia was staring into Juliet's
eyes and she sensed a lot of sorrow through them which got her more paranoid, she walked over to her
and grasped her arms shaking her very firmly, "say something, what happened to Jansen?"

"He is dead."
Mia gasped feeling awestruck, and her heart was drumming so fast she weakly dropped to the sofa
behind her, and tears were trickling down her cheeks. "No, no, " she was shaking her head dramatically,
"this can't be, it can't be..., it can't be." Mia was shivering by the intense shock Juliet noticed how
extremely restless she was acting and she served her a glass of water to feel a bit calm. Mia flung the
glass of water in a fit of rage and when she stood up to her feet, she hurled Juliet a hard slap across her
jowl Juliet cringed startled by the sharp pain, her flesh was burning red in pain and was getting swollen.
And a pool of tears escaped her eyes.

"This is your fault! It's your fault why Jansen is no more!" Mia screamed at her at the top of her lungs
her voice echoed very loudly Bella listened to her screams and she stepped out of her bedroom in
curiousness to know what was going on. She walked through a plight of stairs heading downstairs.

Mia shoved Juliet harshly and with a lot of force she staggered and nearly fell down.

"You just have to ruin not just my life, but my home too? If you had stayed away from my husband he'll
still be alive and still be with us. I wish we were never sisters cause I can't share the same blood as the
woman who ruined my whole world."

"I'm sorry sister. I know Jansen is dead, and I wish so badly that it was me who got shot instead and not
him or that I was able to protect him from that goon who was after us. I feel so bad, so guilty. I also do
not want Jansen to die, even I am hurting. It hurts a lot." Juliet spoke with a cracking voice.

"You have no right to grieve over Jansen, only his family does. You better not try to mourn him, or to say
goodbye to him, you already had your chance the moment you snatched him from us. I don't want you
anywhere near him, not even at his funeral!"

"Di..d di..d I hear that right mum?" Bella looked so froze in shock. Mia was stunned and anxious that
Bella has listened to their conversation, and she turned facing her and she felt a prick of sorrow in her
chest seeing Bella's face soaked in a pool of tears. "Sweetie." She called softly.

"Is my Dad dead?"

Mia was hesitating to speak, Bella's heart raced incessantly thinking Jansen's death is actually true, and
she passed out dropping to he floor. Mia's heart seized startled, and petrified she dashed to Bella and
she raised her slightly off the floor placing her head in her arm and staring down at her weak pale face.
She kept tapping her, and shaking her arms but she remained motionless on the floor and Juliet walked
towards them, and she laid her hand on Bella's face to feel her body temperature anxious she could also
be running a fever and Mia threw her hand off her, "take your hand off her!" She screamed and scowled
at her, "this is your fault. First Jansen and now my daughter? I'm sick and fed up of your revenge. Please
forgive me for all my wrongs to you in the past and stop hurting me. I don't wanna lose Bella too."

"Crying won't solve anything Mia. Let's quickly bring the child to a hospital."

It was 8:42 pm, the night was extremely frosty and blustery Mia was shivering unrelaxed standing
outside at the back of the hospital as the wind was nuzzling her and wrapping her like a scarf.
Mia was cogitating while she stepped out of Bella's ward feeling so forlorn seeing her weak body laying
in her hospital bed. She was walking in the vast hall and her mind was reflecting a lot of memories of
her, Bella and Jansen with a lot of tears streaming down her face, and the thought of their happy family
being shattered hit her like a stab of pain in her chest, she staggered a bit while walking feeling suddenly
feverish and so weakened by her thoughts and she sobbed in her arms, " family isn't over. I still
want my family together. Jansen why you leave me?"

Her cheeks turned extremely red with sorrow, and her mind kept reflecting several memories of her,
Jansen and Bella together as a happy family. Her mind kept hovering around Jansen, their sweet and
happy moments as a couple, his awesome body, his caresses to her and their wedding night together,
she got lost in her thoughts she unconsciously strode outside the hospital. She did not realize she was
outside the hospital until a sharp sound of a bottle cracking on the floor echoed in the air jolting her out
her thoughts.

"Where am I?" She seemed quite stunned noticing herself in an unfamiliar place, "how did I get here?"
She seemed quite puzzled.

However, Mia seemed not too bothered, she bowed her head in sorrow as her mind kept replaying
memories of her and Jansen as a couple. The wind was getting whirler, it blew against Mia shaking her
hair heavily the bun of her hair quickly got loose and strands of her hair strew across her face. With her
dark silky locks covering her face, she looked like a horrible mess.

Mia suddenly felt a comforting touch on her shoulder, and she lifted her head up in curiousness
wondering who was holding her and when she looked over her shoulder, her eyes widened stunned at
the tall handsome well-built man behind her, and his eyes glowed in anxiousness while he looked at her.


Mark stroke her wet apple cheeks with his thumb, "how are you Mia?" He spoke with a deep bass-like

Mia wanted to feel a bit of comfort, and was hoping she would feel consoled in his arms, she threw
herself at him hugging him very tightly like pillow and she shed tears in streams on his neck.

Mia slowly edged away from Mark, but she was standing so close to him Mark saw her face closely, he
noticed her sombre eyes which were puffy and red from crying a lot. Tears were still rolling down her
face thinking about Jansen, she wished it was him standing in front of her, and when she held Mark's
hands, they felt so solid and gentle like Jansen's.

"I miss him so much."

Mark was struck with grief by her words, and he felt a slight pain in his chest he struggled to fight back
the tears building in his eyes, "I'm in front of you Mia, yet you still miss Jansen? You're still thinking
about him? I thought you'd be happy to see me, that you miss me, but you still love your ex husband so
much even if he's no more."
"Fuck!" He rolled his eyes in rage.

Mia was nervous staring at his face contorting, and she grabbed his cheek lovingly, "wait, I do miss you
Mark and I'm happy you are here, " and she hugged him snuggling him like a pillow, "but, why are you
back? Weren't you travelling? You said goodbye." She arched a brow.

"I couldn't board the trip anymore when I learnt what happened. I was worried about you, your health. I
freaked out the last time when you met with an awful accident that almost took your life, I couldn't
afford staying away from you knowing you are not alright. I know how traumatized you are and even if
you do not love me as much as you love him, " tears escaped his eyes, "I am here to console you while
you are mourning him. I won't ever leave your side Mia cause I love you so much."

"You did not have to give up your trip for me, I do not want to be a burden on you that you have to look
after, or feel obligated to. I don't want you to feel unhappy because of me I know you really wanted to
travel out of the country to make new beautiful memories, and because of me, you are still stranded

Mark placed his hand on her cheek affectionately, "no Mia you are not a burden on me."

"That's what you say now, but someday you will get tired looking after me you will even despise me
cause you missed out on your life. Jansen always felt fed up looking after me, he thought he could
handle his responsibility to me as my husband but when I always got weak and constantly dizzy because
of my illness, he got tired of me, loving me, being with me. I was a handful to be with for a wife he
couldn't put up with me anymore even you would get tired of me someday, of looking after me because
I'm always a burden on anyone who takes care of me. So it's best that you leave me, and go live your life
somewhere else cause I won't be able to bear the pain if you ditch me and despise me tired looking after
me. I don't want you to hate me too cause I'm always a handful, I keep having big problems the people
around me can't bear." Mia spoke with a weak and cracking voice amidst tears.

Mark shook his head sharply, "no Mia I promise I won't ever get tired looking after you. You are my life
and my life is nowhere not in Italy, Paris or Switzerland but here with you."

"It's hard for me to believe because I saw how Jansen got tired being besides me since I was always a
handful to him."

"I am not Jansen, I won't stop loving you, neither will I leave you."

"You say that now but later, you'll get tired of me."

Mark laid his hands on her shoulders, and he spoke to her firmly, "nothing's gonna make me leave you
and I give you my word."

There was something like a sparkle, a glow in his eyes while Mia stared into them, and she felt a spark in
her heart of love, she felt the sincerity in his words, and wanted to be all over him at this moment, she
laid her hand on his cheek, and she leaned in and lowered her face to his placing her lips on his kissing
him affectionately. His lips felt so firm and sensual and he was draping his arms around her crushing her
to his chest mounting kisses on her long neck.

Sophia Sanchez saw the news of Jansen's death on her TV screen, his death was on the News Headlines.
Sophia eyes glimmered with excitement watching Jansen's corpse displayed on the screen however,
tears streamed down her eyes feeling a prick of pain in her chest as her mind was reflecting images of
Jansen ditching her after making out with her in a room, and when she broke out of her thoughts, she
clenched her fists in rage and gritted her teeth, "it's done. Now you'll get to pay for all your sins Jansen
cause no one plays with my heart, and dumps me and gets away with it. Damn you! " she hurled the
glass of wine in her hand at the wall, and it smacked at the wall shattering to pieces echoing a
screeching noise.

Bella woke up from her unconscious state, and her mind was hazy and unclear for a few seconds, and
when she raised herself to a sitting position, she noticed that she was in a hospital room. "Mom..., " She
softly called but she heard no response, and when she looked around, she saw she was all alone in her
room and the memories of her hearing Juliet and Mia's conversation came flooding in, she can hear
Mia's voice loud in her head saying to her, "Jansen is dead."

"Papa.., " she howled, her cheeks were turning red and pale in sorrow. She was weeping for several
minutes inconsolable her eyes were starting to get puffy and extremely red she felt her strength
draining out of her the more she kept sobbing she felt like she was going to pass out. Just a hug, or an
embrace from Jansen would make her feel okay, but she felt a comforting touch on her shoulder
instead, and her heart raced in excitement, "Dad..., " She let out a chuckle and quickly looked up to look
at him but, it was a woman, a woman donned in a white nurse's uniform and her eyes drooped feeling

"You're awake now. I came to check on you, I'm your nurse. How do you feel?" She spoke to her with a
calm voice, and was stroking her chin Bella spoke to her with a cracking voice amidst tears, "my Dad.. my
dad is gone, he is gone."

"Ohhh really." She spoke wearing a mischievous smile across her face while patting Bella's hair. The
woman in the nurse's uniform was Sophia Sanchez. A few hours ago, Sophia drove to the hospital and
she snuck into the nurses' closet and changed her dress into a nurse's uniform. She discovered Jansen's
family while watching the news of Jansen's death on her TV screen and she thought of paying Bella and
Mia a visit.

"Don't be so sad okay?" Sophia grasped a plate of fresh fruits on the table and sat the plate on Bella's
legs. Sophia also placed a knife on her plate, and handed the knife to Bella, "take it."

Bella looked up at Sophia as she grasps the knife from her, "why are you giving me this nurse?"

"For your fruits. Slice them all and have some bites alright?"

"But I'm not hungry!" She snapped and flung the bowl of fruits at the floor in a fit of rage, "what I want
is my dad. I always waited for him to come home to us, to me and my mum, and even when they got
divorced, I did not stop hoping he'll come back. But now, it hurts so bad that I won't ever get to see him
or be with him not even a glance of him."

"I know how heart breaking it feels being left behind by the person who you love so much or who you
thought loves you wholeheartedly, so it's best that we end it all cause such pain is not so easy to move
on from."

"What do you mean by end it all?" Bella arched a brow.

"If I were you, I will kill myself cause there's no point still living when you can't ever be with the person
who you love so much. In this case, death is the only solution to such pain cause we won't ever be able
to recover from such pain."

"Get some rest dear." Sophia pecked her cheek, and she stepped out of the room. While she stood
outside Bella's room, she wore a mischievous smile staring at Bella through the glass doors looking so
perplexed, "I will send everyone you love Jansen to hell, and they will burn with you. No one is gonna
escape my wrath." She gritted her teeth and she walked away.



Sophia's words was echoing in Bella's mind, and she suddenly heard a gravely voice in her head telling
her to kill herself. There is nothing left for her anymore, a life without her father, is pointless. She

"What is the quickest way to die?"

Her mind was racing through a number of methods of commiting suicide, "poison?" , "Electrocution?"
Or, "drowning"

And she noticed the knife in the bowl of fruits she threw away, and she stepped out of bed eager to lay
her hand on it. While she approaches it, she was shaking in sorrow as a lot of memories of her and
Jansen as father and daughter came flooding through her mind.

"Daddy..., " She howled and wearily dropped to her knees besides the knife. Her hand was shivering as
she reached out to it, and when her hand grasped it, she pointed the knife towards her hesitating
murdering herself. The poor girl was hopeless, and helpless against her thoughts, and Sophia's words
echoing in her mind.

"Maybe she was right, " Bella thought, "it's best to end to all, to put an end to the suffering." And she
brought the knife closer to her tummy, and she did not hesitate anymore, she quickly plunged the knife
into her body and she jerked as a throbbing pain suddenly grips her. Afterwards, a pool of blood started
streaming from her tummy dripping on the floor.

The knife was still clutched in her trembling hand, the pain of her decision etched in her pale, contorted
face. Her once vibrant clothes are now drenched in crimson, as the life slowly drains from her body. Her
eyes, once bright and full of hope, are now glassy and distant, staring blankly into the void.

While Bella wearily lays on the floor, bitter tears rolled out of her eyes in streams thinking of Mia, and
the trauma she would be in once she learns about her demise. "I'm sorry mum." She mumbled too weak
to speak properly.

Her eyes suddenly shut completely, her hands no longer moving as if life was no more in her. Her skin
turned pallid, her lips tinged with blue.

The knife glistened with her blood, and a pool of crimson spreaded beneath her.

Several minutes after, Mia and Mark approached Bella's ward, and Mia screamed in horror and extreme
shock catching a glimpse of Bella on the floor bathed in blood, and a knife planted in her tummy.

"Bella...!", Her hands were fidgeting at her sides unsteadily, and she ran to her, "Bella my daughter.."
she shook her trying to awake her but Bella was still motionless and her body was looking so cold and
stiff as if she was already a corpse.

Mia panicked and she screamed louder her voice called the attention of the few nurses passing by, and
even the patients at the other wards. Everyone was utterly confused and wondering what the screams is
all about.

When the nurses stepped into Bella's ward, they were stunned and immediately panicked when they
saw her.

"Oh my goodness!"

Bella was immediately rushed into the Intensive Care Unit and a bunch of nurses and doctors were
attending to her. Her condition was very critical, the doctors and nurses had been attending to her for
six hours.

Mia was so restless, and distraught she wouldn't stop pacing in the hall, and her eyes were getting very
sore, red and puffy with tears. Mark placed his comforting hands on her shoulders consoling her
lovingly, and she howled to him, "I won't be able to bear it if my daughter doesn't make it. I spent my
life raising her, looking after her, I can't afford to lose my baby."
"Why is all these bad things happening to me Mark? First, it was Jansen, and now, Bella? Could heaven
just take my life instead than torturing my soul? Why me? Why?"

"It's gonna be alright babe, " he pulled her into his arms patting her on her back lovingly, "just pull
yourself together."

The doors of the I.C.U suddenly opened, and a doctor in a white dress stepped out screaming, "where is
the patient's mother?"

Mia was swamped in her thoughts she did not hear him, and Mark screamed in her ear, "Mia!" His voice
ripped her away from her thoughts, she turned and looked at the Doctor in front of them and she
walked to him, "Doc, Doc, how's my daughter?"

He heaved a deep sigh, and the sad look on his face was giving her the impression Bella is in grave
danger, it made Mia feel frightened even more, she snapped, "just speak! Is my daughter okay?"

"The kid is not yet out of danger."

Mia felt her chest about to explode she wearily leaned towards the wall, and Mark held her making her
stand still. "Calm down." He whispered in her ear.

"Her stab wound is really severe..., " He continued, "to crown it all, she lost a lot of blood she may not
survive much longer. She will require an immediate blood donation to recover and the blood bank is not
available to give donations. We are out of blood."

"Take my blood, " Mia stretched her hand out to him, "I am her mother, I'm a perfect match! We share
the same blood type. Take as much pints of my blood as much as you want if it means you'll save my

"Have you been feeding well the past few days? Are you healthy? You seem so weak and pale to me."

"It does not matter!" She screamed.

"Actually, " Mark interrupts, "she has been mourning her husband's death, she hasn't have the time to
eat or rest or take proper care of her body."

"But Bella is my child, " she snapped at them, her face red with fury, "I should be doing all I can to save
her life, to make her better. My life does not counts."

"Okay, okay, if you insist, let's go to the lab and withdraw few pints of your blood."

Mia, Mark and the doctor were leaving the hall approaching the lab when Juliet suddenly approached
Mia. She arrived the hospital a while ago, and has been walking around searching for Mia. Her face has
been so pale, and she was almost traumatized thinking of Bella.

"What the heck?" Mia furrowed her brows at her, and her hands were clenching into a fist, "what are
you doing here?"
"Sister I learnt about what has happened and even though you do not want to see me, I am here to see
her to make sure she is okay."

"Well we don't want you here. How dare you show your face here?" And she hurled a tight slap across
her cheeks, Juliet cringed of the immense pain. Her skin was suddenly bleeding, Mia's fingernails were
very sharp they slit her face while she slapped her.

"Calm down, " Mark held her hand away from Juliet, "that's too harsh."

"Too harsh? My life is a total mess because of her. I hate that we are sisters and that we even share the
same blood. She has taken everything from me, and now, she wants to take my life."

"No Sister.., " Juliet cried weakly, "I am only worried about you and Bella. That's all."

"That's all?" Mia suddenly grasped her arms squeezing them so tightly so she winces in pain and Juliet
moaned, "you're hurting me sister."

"This is incomparable to the agonizing pain you have brought on me. It's because of you my daughter is
in a critical state battling for her life. If Jansen did not die, she won't have tried to end her life too. You
are poison, I wish you died instead of Jansen. Life would be a lot easier, " she roared in Juliet's face, "I
hate you with all of me." She gnashed her jaw tightly and shoved her to the floor.

Juliet landed harshly on the floor smacking her hips and she let out a loud groan. Mia was still seething
in rage, she walked over to a blonde lady walking by holding a cup of chocolate brown coffee and she
snatched the cup from her and ran back to Juliet hurling the cup of coffee at her.

There were several people at the hall, a few people gasped baffled staring at the coffee splashing on
Juliet, even Mark's eyes bulged in amazement at Mia. The coffee was all over Juliet, on her hair, face,
dress and shoes. She looked like a garbage dump Juliet clearly heard some distinct mocking laughters
across the hall and when she looked up, she saw a bunch of people staring at her wearing a disgusted
look as if she were poop Juliet bent her head low in shame and tears were flowing down her face in

Mia smirked at her, "filthy! You scum!" She rolled her eyes at her, and before she walked past her, she
kicked her with the heel of her shoe Juliet flipped laying on her face on the floor. With her face on the
floor, she inhaled the dirts of many shoes that have walked through the floor and she scrunched her
nose in disgust.

Juliet looked at Mia through the corner of her eye as she sashays out of the hall with Mark, and the
doctor and she gritted her teeth seething in anger, "you will pay for this sister, mark my words."

Mia was so demoralized and was walking slowly through the hall seeming so lost and distraught thinking
of the doctor's words to her after examining her at the lab, "we won't be able to save your daughter's
"But, why?" Her voice cracked, and tears escaped her eyes in streams soaking her face.

"You are so malnourished, it will be risky drawing pints of blood from you. Also, I found traces of malaria
in your blood stream which makes you unfit to donate blood."

"But, I do not care if I live, just take my blood!" She insisted, "I do not mind dying in the process of saving
my child's life. She is all I have left, I cannot lose her. If you are scared I won't make it, don't be cause I
have already been dead long ago when my husband cheated on me with my sister. If that's not the
worst betrayal, I don't know what else is. Just take my blood Doctor."

"As doctors, it is our duty to save lifes not endanger lifes. Extracting pints of blood from you will be the
same as endangering your life and I wouldn't want to lose my medical license." He spoke firmly and Mia
was outraged, she grabbed the collar of his coat in frustration, and sorrow, "help me doctor, let me save
my child's life I beg you. Take my blood.'

"Why can't you understand?" He frowned at her in anger, "you can't save your child's life since your
blood is infected. We wouldn't want your daughter to get sick too. I need a good donor, not you! What
about your child's dad? Where is he? Why isn't he in the hospital trying to save your daughter's life? He
would be a good match for her. Bring him here."

"What can I say? He can't come. We were never so important to him, and now, we can't even depend on
him. He always showed up for his Mistress whenever she needed him even till the point of dying for her
even though, I was his legal wife and we have a family together."

"Is he dead?" He arched a brow.

"It's because of his death my daughter has tried to commit suicide. Please let me save my child's life."

Although she continued pleading to him and how pathetic she was, he stubbornly refused and sent her
out of the lab. Mia was left with no other option but to go to Juliet since however, she also shares the
same blood group with Bella.

Juliet was still in the hospital. She had been in the wash room scrubbing off the coffee stains on her
dress, and also washing her hair which was so sticky and rumpled.

Mia was hurriedly approaching the washroom looking so desperate to meet with Juliet, and while she
walked, the doctor's words was echoing in her mind after their last discussion, "you have twelve hours
to find a good donor for your daughter cause she may die within those hours if blood is not transfused
into her."

Mia shoved the doors of the washroom immediately she arrived there, and she ran in so fast looking all
around the large hall for Juliet. There was a range of several doors on her left, Mia looked at each one of
the closed doors wondering which section Juliet is in.

Few minutes after, Juliet stepped out and while marching towards the exit, she felt utterly stunned
catching a glimpse of Mia. Mia hurriedly approached her, "Juliet."
"What do you want?" Juliet furrowed her brows at her, and folded her arms across her chest, "have you
come to spill another cup of coffee at me? Or maybe this time, pour milkshake at me because to you, I
have always been a filth for being a mistress so you do not regard me as anything or anyone."

"Forgive me sister."

Juliet's eyes widened in stupefaction, "what! You're apologizing to me? You're even calling me sister. I
thought you hated me, and want nothing to do with me."

"Yes, yes I hate you. And I also don't want anything to do with you for ruining my home. Actually, I am
here for the sake of my daughter and I know you can understand and feel my pain since you used to be
a mother too."

"Just go straight to the point."

"Sis, Bella is in critical danger, " she looked so frantic and her voice was shaky, "I need you to donate
your blood to her since you are so healthy, and if you don't save her life, it will be end of my life."

"Bella is dying?" Juliet panicked, and her heart was racing so fast in anxiousness, "oh no." She shook her
head in sadness.

"I want you to save her life. I feel so ashamed of myself. When my daughter needs me the most, I can't
even be there for her. Everything I did for her, and all my sacrifices for her since she was born till now
will become so meaningless if she dies. I can't afford losing my baby."

Juliet felt awful seeing Mia so distressed and she placed her comforting hand on her shoulder consoling
her, "I'm sorry. Everything will be fine."

"You will help me right?" Mia looked intently in her eyes waiting for a reply from her, and Juliet looked
away from her. She was almost walking away, and Mia quickly grasped her hand and she turned facing

"Where are you going?"

"I wished you showed mercy on my little daughter back then, " tears welled up in her eyes, "you did not
have a heart or a conscience. Are you even a mother? What mother endangers the life of another
woman's child? Did you have to use my poor baby to make me pay for my sins? My baby is dead,
nothing can bring her back."

"I'm sorry, I wasn't in a good frame of my mind. I regret my actions."

"Still my daughter died, and now you want me to save your own daughter's life?" Juliet snapped.

"Please have mercy on Bella. The poor girl never had the chance to have a peaceful and happy life
because you deprived her of having a perfect family. Give her a chance to live and live a happy life."

"Okay, I will donate my blood to Bella as much pints of blood she may need."
Mia's lips curled into a wide smile, "thank you so much."


"But what?" She arched a brow in curiousness.

"You will have to beg me kneeling in front of me, and kissing my feet."

Mia's face instantly turned red in fury, "what nonsense! I won't do such thing. You are the filthy one, a
slutty mistress! Why will I be the one bowing to you when you are so sinful?"

"The disgrace you are going to feel is nothing comparable to the humiliation you gave me earlier. You
threw at me a cup of coffee, slapped me in the presence of many and if you really want me to help save
your daughter's life, you will do anything I want on my own terms." Juliet said firmly.

UpMia's face was contorting in rage thinking of Juliet's demeaning request, she wanted to snap at her to
get lost, and walk away but she was so calm.

She heard the doctor's voice in her head, your daughter has barely 12 hours to live, and if we do not get a
donor in less than ten hours, she is not going to live.she became so agitated.

Mia broke out of her thoughts and she was shaking in a lot of sorrow. My child…my baby…she cried
pathetically, her eyes were puffy and red.

I'll do it.

Okay then, I'm waiting.Juliet smirked scornfully.

Mia felt a stab of pain in her chest subjecting herself to such humiliation, however, she really wanted this
to all be over.

Mia slowly knelt on the floor, and she glimpsed at Juliet's feet in front of her. She bowed her head down,
lowering her face to Juliet's feet, and was almost kissing them. Juliet quickly pulled her feet away and
Mia looked up at her feeling quite surprised, what's the matter? Why are you stepping back? Do you want
me to crawl towards you to kiss your feet?Mia sneered at her with an air of disgust.

Don't worry sis, just get up.

Hmmm?Mia was baffled by her words, I should get up?


Mia slowly rose off the floor, what are you doing? Didn't you want me to beg you? Kiss your feet? You
badly want to humiliate me right?.

I never did.

Even though you hurt me, I am not a monster like you Mia. You let your emotions over rule you, you act
so reckless ignoring what is right anymore.

Well, I have all rights to hurt you. You were my husband's mistress!Mia screamed at the top of her voice.

We are still sisters, and I love Bella like my own daughter, why will I need a reason to help her? With the
few moments I got to live in your home with Jansen, I was so happy I felt like a mum once again when I
looked after Bella. And so, it is my wish that I save her life.

Let me make this clear to you, Mia said firmly squeezing her arm very tightly so she winces in pain, you
are only saving my daughter's life, that does not make you her mum. I still remain her mum. I gave life
first to my child, so you better not dare try to snatch her away from me like you did Jansen.

Ouchhhh Mia, let go.Juliet pulled her hand off her, and she patted her arm which turned quite sore.

you better back off.Mia gritted her teeth at her.

I am not taking Bella away from you, I just want to feel like a mum again and looking after her, fills me
with so much happiness.

You better shut up!Mia roared at her, I won't even let you get close to my daughter do you understand?

P-please Mia.., Juliet was pleading, and Mia cut her off, just enough. Let's go to the doctor right now.
Moreover, it's your fault my daughter is in a critical condition so you better save her life.

I did all I could to protect Jansen that night!Juliet howled, her lips trembled in sorrow and tears escaped
her eyes.

Well, if he only stayed with me, and he did not go after you, he wouldn't have gotten himself in danger.

So you are blaming me cause Jansen went after me? It's not my fault he couldn't love you, and wanted to
be with me.

Mia's eyes were starting to well with tears listening to her words. Her words cut her so deep, and the truth
hit her like a wave Jansen truly never did loved her.

I asked him to stay away from him, I pushed him away yet he kept coming to me so if he's dead, it's not
my fault.

Rage flooded through Mia's veins, she clenched her fists and she snapped, you bitch!

Move!Juliet brushed her arm as she walks away. Mia turned and looked at her seething in anger wishing
to strangle her or yank her hair off her head as her words were echoing in her mind, it's not my fault he
couldn't love you…

You bitch!

A few days after Bella's operation, it was Jansen's funeral. Many of Jansen's business colleagues, and
distant relatives turned up at his funeral. Everyone was clad in black, and their faces appeared so grim,
Mia was weeping close to his coffin, and there was a lot of sorrow in her eyes as if he just died yesterday.

Mark saw how weary and forlorn she appeared, and he felt so awful watching her he approached her and
placed his comforting hands on her shoulder, it's okay, come get some rest.

She threw his hands off her shoulders, I don't wanna. I can't feel anything anymore don't you understand?
I feel nothing, all I feel is pain now. Only pain. Can you erase the pain? Right now I need someone to
erase my pain, not tell me to get some rest.

At least have a drink of water so you won't fall sick crying so much.He handed to her a bottle of water,
and she gulped a few sips and caressed his jaw, thank you Mark.

Mia spotted Juliet arriving from afar, she was also clad in a black dress. Mia's face immediately contorted
in anger, and she gnashed her jaw staring at her, Bitch.

Juliet's black heels glistened walking through the mossy ground in the graveyard as well as her caramel
skin as rays of the sun poured on her. She was also wearing black shades, and a black hat. Her lips were
coated with a shade of black lipstick and her gown was so sinewed to her body making her appear very

Jansen's casket was dropped into the ground. His grave was dug twelve feet deep, Juliet wanted to see
him for a last time before he gets buried.

Jansenshe was approaching his coffin, and Mia immediately stood in front of her blocking her, what do
you want here?

I came to pay my last respects to the dead.

Well, you have no business being here because I was his legal wife, and you…what were you, his
mistress.Mia screamed at the top of her lungs almost everyone in the hall gasped and all eyes fell on
Juliet, their minds wondering if she is a mistress.

So, that lady is a slut?a voice murmured in the crowd.

What a shameless thing.Another voice added.

Get away from here!

Mia, you can't send me away.

Why wouldn't I? Only family are supposed to be in this family, and last I checked, you are not family.
What are you to my husband?

Everyone looked at Juliet in anticipation for an answer. Juliet noticed all eyes fixated at her, and she was
getting tensed scared of a humiliation. Stop it..she pleaded.

Go on, tell these people what are you to my husband. After all, you did not feel any shame being my
husband's mistress, why are you embarrassed to acknowledge who you are?
Staring at everyone's eyes on her, Juliet's face burned in utter embarrassment. Their gaze was so intense,
it felt like two daggers was piercing into her chest. She noticed them grimacing at her, and twisting their
faces in disgust as if she were a filthy trash Juliet couldn't fight back the tears in her eyes.

Go on speak!

Stop this. I just want to see him, to be with Jansen for just a short while. Can't I ask this little favor from
you after saving your daughter's life?Juliet pleaded and tears ran down her jowls in streams.

No!Mia roared, get out!She shoved her away, and Juliet instantly, and helplessly fell at the ground.

Juliet's dress was moist with the mud in the ground, she groaned in irritation and she felt so
uncomfortable by everyone's gaze at her, she stood off the ground and walked away.

It was getting quite dark, and the weather so cold, and windy most of the guests had left.

Mia stood besides Jansens grave staring down at it, and tears were soaking her face. The wind wrapped
her like a scarf, Mark observed her shivering and he approached her.

feeling cold?

He took his coat off his body, and placed it on her gently.

want coffee?

I don't feel anything at this moment, I don't care to eat, or drink. I am just waiting for the pain to go away
so I can feel alright again but I guess, I never will. I still can't bear the thought that Jansen is no more.

aren't you being so selfish right now?

what are you talking about?she arched a brow looking puzzled.

you wanna have Jansen all to yourself without considering Juliet. You were able to mourn him, spend
time with him until the last moment, but you could not give Juliet an equal opportunity even though she
helped saved Bellas life.

that slut has no right to be with Jansen or spend time with him.

but she put her life at stake for Bella. Couldn't you even show her a little consideration? Or have you
become so cold, and insensitive? A heartless person. That woman did a lot for you, couldn't you let your
anger go for just a little while? You were being so selfish. Heck, you even humiliated her.he snapped.

Tears immediately rose in Mias eyes threatening to obscure her vision. She was deeply hurt by Marks
words, she felt a lump in her throat.

The wind was becoming so whirl, it blew hard against her body the scarf on her hair flew off and strands
of her jet-black hair plastered across her face.

how can you call me selfish? Insensitive? That woman isn't worthy of anything, she shouldn't have a
chance or a moment with my late ex-husband!she snarled at him, she ruined my whole life, how can you
scold me because of her?

it's because you are turning into a totally different person consumed by too much anger I am not
recognizing the person I fell in love with anymore. That Mia who was loving, and kind, who isn't this
cold and merciless Mia standing in front of me. Have you taken a look at yourself in the mirror? You look
so weak, sullen, and stressed Im worried about your health. And what Im scared of the most, is you
changing into a cold, bitter person, and having a heart of stone.

but I love you Mark.., her voice was cracking horribly, and that's all that should matter right? Don't be
scared of me, it's the pain inside of me that has turned me this way please be patient with me.

What I saw today was so scary for me, I didn't know who you were anymore. I saw so much anger in you
while you looked at Juliet. Such hate like you could kill or hurt someone Im scared someday you'll be
pointing a gun to Juliets head and turn in to a criminal. I do not want you to act reckless like you did in
the past.

don't be mad at me. I'm just under a lot of stress, I can't control myself from acting wild or nasty when I
come face to face with that slut.

there.., that anger. Enough!he gritted his teeth at her, if you won't stop letting your emotions get the better
of you, it's best we quit this relationship.

Mia gasped flabbergasted by his words, and she was shaking in anguish.

It was suddenly starting to rain. The sky has been over cast with dark, heavy clouds.

Mia and Mark were standing outside the hall, their clothes were getting soaked by the rain. Mia felt her
chest about to explode with pain thinking of Marks words. Heavy streams of the rain blended in with the
tears in her face.

Mark.., please don't say that, she grasped his hand affectionately, don't leave me please.she sniffed.

all I want is for us to be a happy couple, but how can we if you keep so much hate, and bitterness in your
heart? I am scared that you might do something wrong by your anger, and it might affect our relationship.
I don't wanna lose you, or wait till we drift apart. So let's just end this before we hurt each other.

no…., she pleaded with a weak voice, you promised me you won't leave me Mark, you promised.she tried
to fight back the tears in her eyes.

since you won't listen to me, or care about my feelings, whats the point of this relationship?

no Mark..please don't leave me, she grabbed him in her arms snuggling him, don't.., I love you Mark.

you love me or you love your anger more? I can't deal with this feud between you and your sister
anymore. I can't cope, tears rose in his eyes, I never thought I will be saying goodbye to you, but you
brought us to this point.

He pulled her away from him, good bye.

She tried to hold his hand but he edged away from her. She stared at him sorrowfully as he departs the
graveyard, and she howled, Mark… Mark! I love you, Mark please come back to me.she wearily dropped
to the floor in her knees, and cried till she got so exhausted.

At 9:08 in the cold night, Mia drove towards the city hospital in her black dress, and walked towards
Bellas ward so she could feel a bit of comfort and warmth in her arms.

However, while she stepped into her room and stared at her lying motionless, and listless in her bed, she
felt coldness in her chest anxious of Bellas condition. Ever since her successful operation, she had been in
a coma. When Mia spoke with Bellas doctor, he said to her, your daughter's injury was intense, it's hard to
tell when she's gonna wake up. It may take a year, seventy weeks… or worse, a lifetime.

Bella darling, she held her hand and was stroking her cheek tenderly. Her hand was trembling in sadness,
wake up baby. Wake up for mummy. Mummy is so tired, and lonely and you're only one whom I have
left. Wake up so we can spend time together okay?

At 10:08 later that night, Mia was feeling so restless thinking of Mark she dialled him up. He crouched in
a classy bar, Sunrise bar downing a glass of liquor. He heard his phone ringing noisily in his jacket, and
he threw it away soon as he saw it's Mia calling.

why aren't you picking up?Bob, his friend seated with him looked at him with a frown, that's your


so? Pick her calls dude, she still likes you.

no!Mark snapped and stamped his glass cup heavily on his table, she won't ever learn. Right now, she is
so consumed by anger. I want her to live a normal life, free of hate and bitterness. How is she going to
change her attitude if I keep overlooking her?he sighed.

Juliet was having a weird, and strange feeling Jansen is alive. She woke up in her bed in a cold morning
perceiving his usual body smell all over her, also, she found a strand of his hair on her pillow.

Last night, at 11:08, Juliet arrived at Sunrise bar, and she crouched in the middle of the bar room
downing a tumbler of whiskey. She had been feeling downcast, and forlorn thinking of Jansen all day she
wanted to feel a bit of comfort, and she thought of getting herself drunk.

Juliet almost froze when she stared at Jansen's strand of hair. "How did this get on my bed?"

Her heart was starting to race so fast in anxiousness and she thought out loud, "could Jansen have been
in my room last night?" She shook her head sharply, "no! That's not possible."

Her hands were trembling paranoid that the strand of hair actually belongs to him. It was Viking gold,
and Jansen's color of hair was viking gold as well. All she remembered was, her in the bar room with a
young man wearing a black hoodie, and a pair of black pants sitting besides her. Juliet struggled so hard
trying to recall his face, but the young man's face appeared very blurry in her mind.
Juliet was completely drunk when the young man came over to her table, her mind was so dazed, she
did not clearly glimpse his face.

Juliet closed her eyes tightly struggling to recollect what happened afterwards while he sat with her, and
an image of her staggering while walking away from her table flashed through her mind. She was so
weak, and dizzy, she walked clumsily trying to approach the exit of the bar and she suddenly collapsed
on the floor.

Her mind suddenly became so blank, she couldn't recollect anything else anymore and she got
frustrated, "what happened to me after then?" She screamed so loud as if the walls, and furnitures
could listen.

"What if this hair does not really belongs to Jansen?, What if it's someone else's?" She looked at the
strands of hair one more time, and she immediately felt they were actually his. She had always touched,
seen, and played with locks of Jansen's hair a couple of times she couldn't suppress the thought, the hair
is truly his.

A piece of fast music started playing in the room through a radio, and Juliet felt the music sounded so
familiar. She was hearing the beats of the music in her mind while she was in the bar, and a string of
memories of her and the young man started flashing through her mind.

She saw an image of herself being carried into the guests' bedroom by the young man from the bar
room, and still hearing the beats of the music in her mind, more images of her, and him unfolds in her

He laid her gently in the bed, and more images of him and her kept flashing through her mind but
seemed quite foggy. Juliet scratched her hair in restlessness wondering what the next scene was, and
the music from the radio became very louder evoking more memories of him.

She saw an image of him hovering over her in the bed, and her draping her arms around his neck as he
presses his mouth on hers. Next, she saw him slowly pulling her blouse off her chest and leaving her in
her brassiere. What she found interesting the most, was when she saw an image of him sniffing her bra
before pulling them off, and she broke out of her thoughts shaking feeling so fidgety as she remembers
Jansen always taking a sniff of her bra whenever they had sex.

"What if it was him?"

She shook her head dramatically, "no, no. This can't be, it can't be Jansen who was in bed with me last

She started pacing around the bedroom, and she saw a figure of a young man watching her through her
windows and standing at a corner outside the guest house wearing similar black hoodie, and pair of
black pants as the young man of last night. Juliet quickly ran close to the window to peek at him closely
to affirm if he was Jansen.

Her windows are extremely large and could easily pass for a door, it allows you to easily have a good
view to watch anyone, or any activity outside. Also, you can easily spot anything, and anyone inside the
room standing outside.
The young man had been staring intently into Juliet's bedroom for almost a while, and soon as he
noticed Juliet looking at him and trying to glimpse his face under the hood of his jacket, he fled off.

"Jansen?" Juliet thought out loud. She was able to capture a glimpse of his face before he vanished, and
an image of his face replayed in her mind. The young man's set of mariner-blue eyes, and his oaken jaw,
flashed through her mind. Juliet howled in utter shock, thinking his eyes looked exactly similar to that of
Jansen's. Jansen's jaw was also oaken.

"Could Jansen's ghost be haunting me? Or am I starting to have hallucinations because I am still
depressed about his death?" She was shaking in despair, and an idea floated into her mind, and she
snapped her fingers sharply, "I got it! There is only one way to end all of this mystery."

Juliet wanted to ascertain all of her suspicions of Jansen being alive, she drove in her SUV to the
cemmentary bringing along with her, a couple of spades, and hoes.

It was starting to rain. A steady drizzle of rain was plummeting from the heavy dark clouds in the sky
drenching the whole floors of the cemmetery. The winds was blowing heavily nonstop as if a tornado
storm was about to occur.

Juliet's clothes were getting soggy including her hair as the rain was crashing down on her fragile body.
Although she felt so cold, and uncomfortable standing under the cruelsome rain, she did not want to
leave the cemmetery that night.

She clenched her spade, and stood on top Jansen's grave. She shoved the spade deep into the grave,
and was digging out all of the mud. The mud was extremely much, her arms and her waist were starting
to ache and tremble in immense pain, she got so weary and faint.

After a couple of hours of digging, almost all of the mud were poured out of the grave, and Juliet finally
glimpsed Jansen's coffin. She couldn't hesitate opening it. She flung the spade away, and she came close
to the casket. She pulled the casket open, she shivered feeling dumbstruck that the casket is totally

"Where..., Where is he?" She shivered feeling fidgety. She was grabbing a bright lamp and she shone the
lamp all around the casket inspecting it but, Jansen's corpse could not be found.

"What!" She almost froze as images of the young man in the black hoodie who she caught staring at her
through her window, and the young man who brought her to a room last night flitted through her mind.
She gasped sensing, he was Jansen all along.

She suddenly heard a sound from quite a far distance, and she quickly turned wondering what it was,
and she caught of glimpse of the young man donned in a black hoodie, and pair of black pants. The
young man fretted noticing her eyes staring at him, and he quickly dashed through the bushes and trees.

"Hey!" Juliet howled, "stop!"

He was running so fast not willing to pause. Juliet took to her heels going after him.
Kneel before me, beg me, kiss my feet before I give out my blood. This shame you are in now is
incomparable to the humiliation you gave me in the presence of many people you even spat at me,
called me filthy, do you remember that Sis?

The girl's hand twitches weakly, the life draining from her grasp.

A droplet of blood rolls down the knife's blade, a twisted reflection of the life that once flowed within

Her chest rises and falls, each breath a battle against the inevitable.

The floor glistens with her blood, the stain spreading outward like a stain on her soul.

The scene is chilling and alarming. A young girl, once lively and full of promise, now lying on the floor in
a pool of her own blood. The knife that caused the fatal wound still clutched in her trembling hand, the
pain of her decision etched in her pale, contorted face.

Her once vibrant clothes are now drenched in crimson, as the life slowly drains from her body. Her eyes,
once bright and full of hope, are now glassy and distant, staring blankly into the void.

ribe it

The girl's skin is pale and clammy, her lips a ghostly shade of blue. A single, deep gash in her abdomen
weeps blood, staining her clothes and the floor beneath her.

The knife lies discarded, a jagged line of red marring its once pristine blade.

A crimson pool spreads outwards, a macabre halo around her prone form

More come on

The blade gleams with a cruel edge, its work done.

Her breath is ragged, each gasp a fading echo.

Blood stains the floor, a gruesome reminder of her pain.

A quiet death, a young life gone

Pi may make mistakes, please don't rely on its

The girl lies motionless, blood seeping from the wound. Her skin is pallid, lips tinged with blue.

The knife glistens, her grip weak. A pool of crimson spreads beneath her.

A gurgle. A shudder. Silence.

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